View Full Version : Pathfinder: Apprentices of the Craft (IC)

2015-02-02, 06:26 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?396227-Pathfinder-Apprentices-of-the-Craft-(OOC)&p=18753147)

Bright sunlight streams through the clear blue sky, illuminating the Citadel of Londus and the wide public square before it. It's almost noon, and a crowd has gathered, babbling with many conversations as the people wait for the commencement of the ceremony which will mark the beginning of new careers for the two dozen or so approved applicants. Many of the people in the crowd are the family or friends of the soon-to-be apprentices, excited to see their loved ones accepted into the Artisan's Guild. Others are gawkers and gossips with nothing better to do than watch public spectacles. Still others are scribes and heralds, eager to get the latest news about the guilds so that they can be the first to pass on word of the ceremony's proceedings.

A section of the square has been roped off, and members of the city watch guard the edges, allowing only those with acceptance letters past them. Beyond the ropes is a cluster of young applicants. Some of them look nervous and self-conscious, while others boast loudly of what they plan to achieve. In ten minutes, the bells will sound and the ceremony will commence. Until then, there is nothing to do but wait.

2015-02-02, 08:16 PM

Fenzen waits among the others. It has been waiting for so long for Fenzen. Others had family or friends to speak with, but Fenzen had no one and now more waiting.

2015-02-02, 08:36 PM
Erlerion clutches at the stick he always kept in his large work pocket. His eyes scan the crowds for the men who killed his uncle.

2015-02-02, 10:31 PM
Nicole stares off towards the belltower, idly fiddling with her stuffed apron pockets. She arrived an hour earlier than she had planned and now she was paying the price for her nervous impatience. It's alright Nicole, calm down, your leg's not hurting that bad. You've got like ten minutes left, tops. You can stand for just a little longer.

2015-02-02, 11:21 PM
Robert probably stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd. Not that he seemed to mind too much. Coming from the north he dressed differently, stood differently, talked differently, at least most likely. It wasn't how he was dressed that he minded though. It wasn't even the attention he most likely drew with Patty, Emi, Felix, and the chickens clustered around him, trained (Presumably, hope I'm not crossing any lines here) to follow and stay. He had marched for days to come here on the old man's say so. Leagues away from anything and anyone he ever knew other than his few "test projects" he had brought with him.

He still hadn't figured out how to breed the Chickencow of course. Maybe if he can find a good Bard who knew how to play the hell out of a Bass Lute...

Such idle thoughts kept passing through his mind. He was tired, sore, and hated just standing around. On the farm he always had to move, things to be done, or prepared to be done, or just good ideas in general like going out to chop some extra firewood or preventative maintenance on a fence. The standing around he never was good at. He kept fidgeting, spending some time fussing over Patty or reaching down to scratch Felix, absently passing the time.

Daylight was burning, what was the hold up? Do guild farmers down here have it so easy that they can afford to just burn time? Maybe that Automagical Irrigation and Harvesting Machina finally was a reality down here? He remembered some weird tall tale about someone trying to build a legion of golems for that.

... gee how much longer...

2015-02-03, 07:08 AM
Caliara was very much in the nervous group. Having spent most of her life in small, fairly insular communities, the large number of people was somewhat intimidating. She was glad that she wasn't the only one who looked worried.

2015-02-03, 01:50 PM
“Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me!” To the perceptive of the group, they would soon become aware of movement in the crowd. Or more specifically, someone making their way through the crowd towards the roped off area. Not to long after, a tall lanky lad emerged from the crowd... with what looked like some sort of firearm strapped to his back, through most likely didn’t know what it was exactly. Especially with how battered it was.

Through the letter he offered to the guards wasn’t as battered as he spoke again. “Sorry I’m late! Got some idiots thinking they could mess with me on the way here, and shooting one of them in the leg simply made them mad, so I had to take the long way around to evade them, but I’m here now.” Well, Arcantos knew they weren’t just messing with him... bastard don’t have many friends and a lot of enemies...

2015-02-03, 04:46 PM
Head snapping toward the ruckus, Nicole raises an eyebrow at the newcomer. How in the world did he get in a fight just on the walk up here? Poor guy. She spends a moment wondering if saying something is worth the effort, and ends up shrugging to herself and going with the flow. She talks as she limps toward him. "You can relax, you're not late just yet. Still got a few minutes before the ceremony starts. What happened?"

2015-02-03, 04:49 PM
The members of the town watch give Arcantos a suspicious look. One of them is about to question him about his apparent confession to a violent crime when suddenly the bell in the tower begins to ring loudly. A line of guild members files out of the building, each taking up a position across a wide break in the stairs leading down to the citadel which serves as a sort of raised stage overlooking the square. Judging by the way they are dressed, it appears that they are arranged in order, with the most distinguished and important craft masters toward the center.

Three of these figures are very striking. One is a tall, beautiful half-elf in blue robes. She has a golden circlet on her head, with large blue gemstones set in it. Her long blonde hair falls nearly to her waist, and it has a natural wave to it that accentuates her natural beauty. She smiles easily, and looks the candidates over with a look of almost girlish excitement.

The next is a burly dwarf in sturdy, well-polished armor. His flaming red hair and full beard are streaked with gray, and his face is scarred. He has a huge axe and a gleaming shield strapped to his back, with a symbol painted on it that looks like a family crest or a craftsman's trademark. While he does not look like the sort of person you'd want to cross, he also doesn't carry himself in a threatening or aggressive manner.

The third is a tall, blonde elf in brilliantly shining armor, with a massive longbow slung across his chest. He looks noble and dignified, and there's a green leaf emblazoned on his breastplate. A brilliant green cape flutters from his shoulders, and he has the air of someone born to nobility and chivalry.

There are other interesting figures in the line near them - a tall female orc with a peg leg and a hook instead of a left hand, a craggy-faced male goblin with a somewhat unnerving smile, a short human woman in a leather jerkin wearing thick leather gloves, a dark gray catfolk in a simple robe with a fiery orange stripe on her forehead, and an aging gnome in a straw hat.

Once the line has formed, a richly-dressed, rather portly man emerges. His clothes glint with brightly-colored jewels and he wears a feathered turban on his head. His mustache is long and waxed to stick out horizontally, and he has a short goatee on his chin, also waxed and combed to a find point. A red and gold cape billows behind him as he walks down the stairs. He stops right at the edge of the raised platform, just before the steps resume to continue down to the square, spreads his hands wide, and booms out in a powerful baritone, "Welcome! Welcome all! On behalf of the Artisan's Guild, I wish to congratulate all of those whose applications were accepted. This is a high honor, for today you will join the ranks of an elite group of craftsmen."

"Behind me stand the men and women who will be teaching you their skills. Each of them is a master of their craft, and if you study hard and learn well, you may some day stand on these very stairs to accept apprentices of your own. Today, you begin your journey to greatness, and I wish you all well!"

The crowd behind the apprentices begins to clap and cheer, some of them shouting the names of their loved ones. Many of the other apprentices clap as well, nodding to those around them in recognition of their accomplishment.

I need rolls from you. Any of Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nobility), or Profession (Merchant) will work.

2015-02-03, 05:34 PM
Robert is too busy to be clapping at the speech, instead focusing his attentions on literally herding cats... well mostly chickens, making sure they didn't run off at all the noise. The cat could handle himself, the goat and the cow just don't give a damned, loud noises don't typically startle them until you're talking fire from the sky levels. He did spare a few glances at the stage and pondered who was going to be his teacher.

Mostly that pondering took the form of "... not the gobbo, not the gobbo, not the gobbo, not the gobbo..."

2015-02-03, 05:37 PM
Erlerion almost drew his stick when the wayward gunman arrived, but managed to restrain himself.

He looked over the lineup, a bit starstruck, but his eyes quickly returned to the crowd. Couldn't afford to slip up now. Once he was a full apprentice, he would be able to relax. Not before.

2015-02-03, 06:19 PM
"Oh wow..." Nicole's jaw drops. Their armor is beautiful. Suddenly her work in the past, with an unregistered craftsman seems just... Shameful. Even with just a glance she can tell that the amount of detail that went into the elf's breastplate is way out of her league, and she doesn't even want to think about the dwarf's axe.

Swallowing her amazement, she does her best to look like she belongs here.

2015-02-03, 08:03 PM

Fenzen watched the group approach and hear the speech with not a lot of reaction. Too much shiny armor and fancy clothes, except for the orc and the goblin. His eyes focus of the elf with the bow and he frowns. This is gonna be ... fun.

2015-02-03, 09:13 PM
A bemused look passes between the gnome in the straw hat and the woman in the leather jerkin as they watch Robert trying to control his small herd of farmyard animals.

When the applause dies down, the richly-dressed man continues with his speech. "Before we get into today's proceedings, allow me to introduce myself. I am Nerius Zal Thados, head of the Junai Artisan's Guild, Chairman of the Londus Artisan's Guild branch, and Master Tailor. In short, I'm your boss's boss's boss. As such, I have the pleasure of officially inducting new apprentices here in Londus into the Artisan's Guild. I would like to remind you that the guild upholds a long tradition of boasting the highest quality crafted products, and that you will be expected to maintain this standard of quality while here. To join a guild is a great honor and a great responsibility. I trust that you will all bear that responsibility well."

There's another round of applause, this time more subdued, and Nerius raises his hands to quiet the audience.

"Now, it is time to begin the ceremony. Pip! Bring the pins down here, please!" At this, a page boy comes bouncing down the stairs, a small wooden chest in his arms. "Now, I shall begin by introducing the craft masters one at a time. Once I have finished with the introduction, I will call out the names of the apprentice or apprentices that will be serving under them. When I call your name, please come up here to say your oath and receive a pin. This will mark you as an apprentice in the Artisan's Guild, as well as indicate in which of the guilds you are an apprentice. It is to be your badge of office, so take good care of it!"

With that, the ceremony commences. Nerius introduces the craft masters on the outside first, and as suspected, their credentials become more and more illustrious as he moves inward. One by one, the other candidates are called up and sworn in as apprentices. Once their badge is pinned to their clothes, they go to stand back in the line beside their craft masters.

At last, only six of you are left, though seven craft masters still do not have apprentices beside them.

"And now, there is something of a special circumstance. One of our apprentices has caught the eye of two craft masters, and they have agreed to train him jointly. Let me introduce you to them, and then we shall meet this most... uh... interesting lad."

He pauses, looking worriedly at Robert and the small menagerie he has brought with him before continuing. "Now, allow me to present Fargus Plowmoore, Master of Agriculture and Horticulture." The gnome steps forward. He is a little pudgy, with rosy cheeks and a little stubble on his face. His clothes are simple and utilitarian, though clean and presentable. "Fargus has been a Master in the Agriculture Guild for 12 yearsand has studied plowing methods, seed storage and preparation, and fertilizers. He has recently begun research into the use of potions and alchemical agents on crops."

"Next, let me introduce Faith Redgrass, Master Animal Trainer." The short, leather-clad woman steps forward beside the gnome. She has straight, medium-length hair held back in a simple ponytail, and slightly odd, slanted brown eyes. She's slim, but athletic-looking, and her movements indicate that she's a very physical person. "Faith has recently achieved the rank of Grand Master in the Beast Guild, and is regarded as the premier expert authority on the care of the rare Gem Tortoise. She has been a full member of her guild for only 9 years, but has demonstrated exceptional skill in the care and training of animals. She has trained animals for work and entertainment, and boasts such illustrious clients as Sheik Asaki Momed, Governor Podric Marvey, and the Anturi Family Circus."

Nerius Zal Thados pauses briefly, swallows, a little nervously, and then continues. "Robert Jones, you have been accepted to serve as apprentice to both these exceptional craft masters. Please come forward."

2015-02-03, 10:45 PM
Robert had been sure he had been picked. Mostly sure. His old boss wouldn't have sent him down here if there wasn't a lock on it. Though he had to admit he was getting nervous when he was under the eyes of such illustrious figures, and the number of applicants was approaching single digits. He was rooted to the spot, one arm around the neck of his cow, the other on a bit of rope that served as the leash for his goat, the chickens presumably calmed in the time it'd have taken to get this point of the ceremony.

He felt a little flutter in his stomach and quaking in his knees from nervous energy when the Gnome's title was called out. That was his field. Well, one of them. The second, the female he had guessed might be his teacher being announced and he was sure that he was picked at this point. A wide grin broke out on his face, his head sagged down and his knees collapsed under him, held upright only by his grip on Patty as the nervous energy just flushed through his system leaving him with only the simple elation of success. He gave Patty a little pat on the neck as he got his feet back under him and started forward. He was nervously straightening out his clothing, very conscious that he was being called up under the eyes of some big time heroes who probably didn't remember him. It was just a simple artisan's outfit, humble clothing, a basic cap, nothing really worth all that celebration. He turned and gestured for his animals to come over and stop near where he was so he could keep an eye on the potential troublemakers.

Turning back around he gave a bow to the Boss of the Bosses, and then one each to the gnome and Faith.

2015-02-04, 03:29 AM
Caliara had a look of awe on her face as she watched the craft masters approach. Her gaze was particularly focused on the half-elf woman as she muttered to herself in a watery tongue that seemed rather strange coming from her mouth. "She wouldn't pick me. But she's the only jeweller. Maybe she would. I don't know!"She snapped out of her reverie just in time to clap with everyone else as the boy with all the animals made his way up to recieve his badge.

2015-02-04, 08:28 AM
The head of the Artisan's Guild leads Robert through the oath.

"On this day, I join the Agriculture and Beast Guilds. I swear to strive for perfection in all that I do, and to uphold the honor and dignity of the guilds, my craft masters, and my profession. I swear to serve my craft masters faithfully until my apprenticeship is complete. I make this oath in the sight of the gods and those gathered here."

Once Robert has finished repeating the words of the oath, Nerius hands Faith a copper pin. It bears the symbol of the Artisan's Guild - which contains a coin, a compass, and a hammer. Below it, from little hooks, hang the symbol of the Beast's Guild, a wolf's head facing one way, and a horse's head facing the other, crossed at the neck, and the symbol of the Farmer's Guild, a plow in front of a sheaf of wheat.

Both craft masters smile warmly and shake Robert's hand. Then they lead him back to their place in the line as the crowd applauds, though their enthusiasm seems to have died down. None of them knows this new apprentice, nor are either guilds particularly glamorous in their eyes.

Once Robert has taken his place in the line, Nerius continues with his introductions.

"Next, I would like to introduce Skith Raggletag, Grand Master alchchemist and potioneer." The goblin steps forward, his pointed teeth showing as he smiles, rather like a wolf staring at a flock of sheep. "Skith has been a Grand Master for 2 years, and is a specialist in Alchemist's Fire, explosives, and fireworks."

Skith rubs his hands together.

"Skith has chosen Arcantos for his apprentice. Arcantos, please step forward!"

2015-02-04, 01:17 PM
Erlerion begins to squeeze the unlit torch in his pocket. He hadn't really expected the alchemist to choose him, but it was one of the two possibilities gone. He knew that there was an extra master before them, but his uncle had always forbid him from coming to Guild functions. Maybe that was normal, maybe they didn't always choose everyone. No, calm down, stop panicking, the men won't find you.

2015-02-05, 07:30 AM
Arcantos was rather glad that the bell starting ringing loudly, as he hadn’t been liking the looks the crowd had been given him. The distraction allowed him to quietly easily slip into the roped off section with the others, and simply watch as the ceremony continued. The human quickly noting the three at the front, as well as the quality of their work.

If he was honest, the ‘boss's boss's boss’ didn’t impress him. Yes, the fat man showed his crafting ability with the clothes he wore... but honestly? Compared to the other three figures, who were all prominent crafters in their own right, and wore signs of it proudly for all to see. He just didn’t seem to be as good, and he wasn’t as well known by sure.

Arcantos watched with a little surprise when one of the apprentices was actually chosen to be an apprentice for two different masters, which Arcantos wasn’t sure happened before... through he wouldn’t really know either, and it seemed to be no issue with the guild. Of course, afterwards, he was called up to meet his own master, a goblin.

“This oughta be fun.” Arcantos remarked to himself with a small smile, as he made his way up to greet his master. A goblin and a master of explosives? Goblins were one of the species that knew and mastered firearms, so perhaps he could help him with that alongside his alchemy. As it was, Arcantos had no one cheering for him as he stepped out and presented himself to the two with a formal, if small, bow.

2015-02-05, 09:06 AM
Nerius leads Arcantos through his vows, which are virtually identical to the ones Robert said. Then, just as Skith is about to shake his hand, he withdraws his outstretched hand, reaches under his cloak, turns, and hurls a glass flask with all his might.

The flask breaks on the low roof of one of the buildings lining the square, producing a cloud of yellow gas. The cloud disperses to reveal three teenagers, coughing and retching, holding eggs in their hands. The lieutenant of the watch orders three of his men to arrest the young hooligans, and the boys are soon led away in manacles. Before Nerius has fully recovered from the surprise, Skith smiles and pins the copper badge onto Arcantos, then leads him back to their place in the line.

As they pass the robed catfolk, she shoots the goblin a look. "You brought Goblin Gas?" she asks, somewhat bemused.

"What? I like to be prepared!" Skith replies in his high-pitched, gravelly voice. The catfolk rolls her eyes.

"Eh-hem... Well, uh, thank you for that, Grand Master Raggletag..." Nerius bumbles, thrown off his stride by the unexpected turn of events. Skith replies with a cocky, yet lazy salute, and the head of the Crafter's Guild resumes the ceremony. "Now that that... disruption... has been taken care of, allow me to introduce our next Craft Master, Faith Redgrass. Faith is a Grand Master of the Glassworker's Guild, and has recently achieved the same rank in the Alchemist's Guild. Perhaps her most well-known work is the alchemically-lit crystal chandalier which now hangs in the ballroom of the Citadel. She is an expert at incorporating alchemy into her glasswork for both aesthetic and functional purposes."

"Faith has chosen to take on an apprentice who shows similar interests to her own, and he will be joining both the Glassworker's and Alchemist's Guilds under her tutelage. Erlerion, please come forward!"

2015-02-05, 09:29 AM
The catfolk steps forward, an annoyed look on her face. "I think the excitement has confused Master Nerius. I'm Krystal Firefury, Grand Master Alchemist and Glassworker!"

2015-02-05, 10:28 AM
Erlerion, relieved to hear his name chosen at last, almost trips over his own feat as he rushes forward. He doesn't even care about the mix up with the names, but makes a beeline towards Master Firefury.
Thank you ma'am. Thank you.

2015-02-05, 01:42 PM
"Oh, yes, thank you, Krystal, I do apologize!" Nerius says, his voice a little strained with embarrassment. Seeing that the animal trainer is glaring at him, he continues, "And apologies to Faith, as well."

Nerius seems far more subdued as he goes about the next portion of the ceremony, leading Erlerion through the vows. Krystal smiles warmly at her new apprentice, clearly pleased with what she sees in him.

Once the vows are completed and Krystal and Erlerion return to their places in line, Nerius continues. "And now, I am pleased to announce that our next craft master is the illustrious Grand Master Jeweler Eilea Stormwood." The blue-clad half-elf steps forward, a genuine smile on her face. "Though famous for other reasons, she is notable for her great talent in the creation of any magic items and is the inventor of the Ambassador's Circlet. This is an especially momentous occasion, for this will be the first time she takes an apprentice. And that very lucky apprentice is to be Caliara Pearlfinder! Congratulations, Miss Pearlfinder, and please come forward to meet your new craft master." Eilea blushes a little at the praise, obviously uncomfortable at the implied higher status she is being given above the other craft masters.

2015-02-05, 06:04 PM
It took a fair few moments for Nerius's words to sink into Caliara. I actually made it! They actually accepted me! Not only had she been accepted, but she had been accepted by, from the sounds of it, one of the most illustrious of the group. And not only that, but she was going to be Stormwood's first apprentice!

After a moment she realised that she was meant to be moving and hurried forwards to the stage, stumbling a little as she went, and blushing as furiously as Stormwood herself was.

2015-02-06, 07:57 AM
Eilea watches Caliara as she approaches, and she seems pleased with her new apprentice. Nerius leads Caliara through her oaths, and then Eilea, with a gesture of her hand, raises the pin from the box and causes it to float over to Caliara, pinning it to her without ever once touching the metal.

The crowd does clap this time, more for Eilea than for Caliara. In a way, they've experienced history, so it's exciting to them. The half-elf leads the undine back to their place in line, and Nerius hesitates, stiffening a little as he seems to gather his courage for the next proclamation.

"Em... Our next craft master is.." he pauses, his eyes shifting in the direction of the elf and the dwarf, and there's an obvious tension between them. It's not hard to guess the implication that comes with being the last craft master introduced, and Nerius seems hesitant to make that choice. "Well, seeing as how there are only two craft masters and two apprentices remaining, why don't we do both at the same time?" Nerius pulls out a handkerchief and mops his forehead. "First, I'll introduce Sir Enlil Whipleaf, Knight of the Holy Flame and Grand Master Bowyer." The elf in the shining armor steps forward. "Sir Enlil is among the top bowyers in all the world. His most notable creations are the bows Dragon's Kiss, Retribution, and Angelic Inferno, and the crossbow Runestinger.

"Next, a craftsman of unquestionable talent, allow me to introduce Dorin Thunderforge, Grand Master Smith." The dwarf steps forward as well. "Dorin is at the apex of his craft and there are few who rival him in his field. Perhaps his most famous works are the sword Red Talon, the Hammer Skybreaker, the axe Furyborn, and the Armor of the Undying Aegis.

"Sir Enlil has chosen a young man named Fenzen Tairmal for his apprentice, and Dorin has selected Nicole Cortsen. Fenzen, Nicole, please step forward to meet your new craft masters!" The tension lessens a little, and Nerius mops his brow one more time. The crowd begins to cheer and clap, once again for more these craft masters than for their apprentices. These are their heroes, the stuff of legend, and every crowd loves a legend.

2015-02-06, 09:14 AM

Fenzen steps forward and bows awkwardly like a child who was told he must bow and neither liked the idea or knew how to, but was too annoyed to ask. "Thanks ... I look forward to ... learning more at my craft."

2015-02-06, 10:45 AM
Nicole chuckles a little to herself at Nerius's hesitation, and again when he decides to name both craftmasters at once. As she's walking up to meet Dorin, though, it hits her. This man is so incredibly good at his job that the head of the Artisan's Guild didn't want to slight him. I am so screwed.

When she reaches the top of the stairs, her eyes are wide, and she swallows before giving him the deepest bow she can muster.

2015-02-06, 11:47 AM
Dorin smiles easily at Nicole, while Enlil remains impassive, though he doesn't seem disapproving. Once again, Nerius leads the two new apprentices through their oaths, and the craft masters and their apprentices return to their places in the line.

"I congratulate all our new apprentices. Welcome to the Artisan's Guild. May you all learn well, and may your work bring honor and prosperity to our fair nation!"

The crowd applauds as Nerius turns and walks up the stairs. The craft masters and their apprentices file up behind them, following the head of the Artisan's Guild into the Citadel. As soon as they're out of sight of the crowd, everyone seems to relax and disperse a little.

"Well done, everyone! Be sure to file all the appropriate paperwork by sundown!" Nerius says before bustling off to his office in one of the higher chambers of the Citadel.

"Jeez, I thought he'd never shut up!" Faith groans, finding a bench and flopping down on it.

"But you were in the circus!" Fargus counters. "I thought you'd be used to ceremonies by now."

"Yeah, but I never had to stand still for so long listening to some windbag prattle on and on for hours," the woman gripes.

"It was only half an hour," the gnome points out.

Faith rolls her eyes, then turns to Robert. "Anyway, nice to meet you! I'm Faith, in case you don't remember. I'll be teaching you everything there is to know about animal training!" She holds out her hand with a friendly smile.

Fargus scurries to offer his hand as well. "Yes, yes! And I'm Fargus Plowmore, but you can just call me Plow. I'm looking forward to working with you!"

Elsewhere, Eilea begins an animated conversation with Caliara - in Aquan. "I'm so pleased to meet you! I've been excited about this for weeks! I've never taught anyone before, but I promise I'll do my best! I hope Nerius's speech about me didn't give you the wrong impression. I'd really like it if we can be friends, okay?"

Krystal looks Erlerion up and down with a critical eye. "Flametouched, eh? We'll have to be careful about that." She begins walking and gestures for the Ifrit to follow her. "Let's go down and see the lab and the furnaces. Your application looked good, but there's only so much you can learn from a piece of paper. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself on the way?"

A look passes between Dorin and Enlil, and for a second, it looks like they might be about to fight. Then they both break out into wide smiles, though Enlil's is much more reserved. "I wonder how long it'll be before Nerius figures out we're friends?" the dwarf chuckles.

"Some day he'll finally acknowledge my superior skill and announce me last," the elf replies, only half serious.

"Are you kidding?" Dorin shoots back. "The only reason ye're on the same level as me is that fancy 'Sir' in front of yer name. Plus, a politician like him can't afford tae insult such a big, important family like yers."

"Well, unlike you, I don't have the time to loll around arguing. I've got an apprentice to teach. Until then..." Enlil inclines his head slightly. Dorin replies with a mocking bow, his arms stretching wide behind him as he clumsily mimics the courtly gesture. Then, with a hearty laugh from the dwarf, they part ways.

"Do'na heed him," Dorin explains to Nicole as they walk together. Even with her limp, she has an easy time keeping up with the short-legged dwarf. "Anyway, the name's Dorin Thunderforge, in case ya missed it. Almost everything they say aboot me's true, 'cept of course the parts that aren't!" he laughs at his own joke. "And you're the one Festos tol' me aboot, right? A shame about him. He was a good dwarf. Not a very good smith, but a good dwarf nonetheless."

Once out of earshot of the dwarf, Enlil looks at his new apprentice. "I see you carry a bow, yourself. That's good. Every bowyer should know how to shoot."

Skith looks up at Arcantos, sizing him up as they make their way toward a flight of downward stairs. "So, I take it those idiots with the eggs were friends of yours?"

2015-02-06, 12:03 PM
Erlerion quickly falls in behind her. He chuckles nervously when she mentions his unusual condition.
My uncle said the same thing when he started training me.
He thinks back when she asks about him.
Well, dad was some wandering adventurer, and mom died giving birth. Uncle Natilon raised me. Taught me everything he knew. It was wonderful. Some of the magic in my blood was very useful for handling the hot glass. Things were going well until last week.
At this point his voice cracks a little and he stops talking, turning his head away from his new master

2015-02-06, 12:09 PM
Krystal turns her head to one side in a very catlike gesture of curiosity, though her face also shows concern. "What happened?"

2015-02-06, 12:38 PM
The words come out jerkily.
He died. That's...that's why I came to join the Guild.

Bluff: [roll0]
Not entirely a lie, but half truths still fall under Bluff.

2015-02-06, 12:40 PM
Caliara is mildly surprised by the half-elf talking to her in her own tongue; not so much that she could speak it - wizards tended to know strange languages - but that she had known to speak it. As far as she could remember she had never told the guilds what she was. Maybe Ardan had told them. Or maybe Eilea had just recognised the signs that marked her as an undine, even without the blue skin. Wizards were very smart, after all.

She suddenly realised that the half-elf had actually asked her a question and stammered back a reply. "Oh, er, I'm sure you'll be a brilliant teacher, um, miss Stormwood." And then she realised that she had no idea how to address the guildmaster and tried to cover the awkwardness. "And I'd like to be friends!

2015-02-06, 12:49 PM

Once out of earshot of the dwarf, Enlil looks at his new apprentice. "I see you carry a bow, yourself. That's good. Every bowyer should know how to shoot."

Fenzen nods and smiles slightly. "I learned them together. I taught myself to make bows, so I would have a bow to shoot with."

2015-02-06, 12:57 PM
A look of fear crosses Nicole's face. She actually starts speaking in a mixture of Terran and Dwarven, the slow gravelly languages becoming almost unrecognizable in her anxious haste. "A... A shame? You mean that he remained unregistered, right? Not that anything's happened to him? I ate dinner with him just a couple of nights ago and if I wasn't there for him in a time of need I just... I don't know what I would do if he died so soon after my father did, you know?" She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself despite the fright.

2015-02-06, 01:08 PM
The words come out jerkily.
He died. That's...that's why I came to join the Guild.

Bluff: [roll0]
Not entirely a lie, but half truths still fall under Bluff.
Krystal raises an eyebrow, then nods in understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that." There was nothing more to say, really, and so she says nothing as she leads Erlerion down a spiral staircase to the next level, then out of the citadel into a wide underground street. She moves with calm grace, and seems totally comfortable with the silence.

After awhile, the catfolk speaks again. "I noticed you seemed a little disappointed when you heard you weren't going to be Skith's apprentice. Do you know him?"

Caliara is mildly surprised by the half-elf talking to her in her own tongue; not so much that she could speak it - wizards tended to know strange languages - but that she had known to speak it. As far as she could remember she had never told the guilds what she was. Maybe Ardan had told them. Or maybe Eilea had just recognised the signs that marked her as an undine, even without the blue skin. Wizards were very smart, after all.

She suddenly realised that the half-elf had actually asked her a question and stammered back a reply. "Oh, er, I'm sure you'll be a brilliant teacher, um, miss Stormwood." And then she realised that she had no idea how to address the guildmaster and tried to cover the awkwardness. "And I'd like to be friends!

Eilea smiles again. She does that a lot, it seems."There's no need to be so awkward around me. I promise I don't bite. You can just call me Eilea."

She switches back to Common. "Would you like to see my workshop?"


Fenzen nods and smiles slightly. "I learned them together. I taught myself to make bows, so I would have a bow to shoot with."

Enlil nods approvingly, then holds out his hand. "May I?" His gesture is clear. He wants to examine your bow.

2015-02-06, 01:12 PM
Enlil nods approvingly, then holds out his hand. "May I?" His gesture is clear. He wants to examine your bow.

Fenzen hands over his bow without hesitation.

2015-02-06, 01:25 PM
A look of fear crosses Nicole's face. She actually starts speaking in a mixture of Terran and Dwarven, the slow gravelly languages becoming almost unrecognizable in her anxious haste. "A... A shame? You mean that he remained unregistered, right? Not that anything's happened to him? I ate dinner with him just a couple of nights ago and if I wasn't there for him in a time of need I just... I don't know what I would do if he died so soon after my father did, you know?" She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself despite the fright.

"Nay, nay. I'm sorry! He's fine, least as far as I know!" The dwarf scrambles to reassure her. I just haven't seen him in ages! I was more thinking about how he had a hard time of things back when I knew him. He tried so hard, and he loved the forge, but he couldn't make the guild. It was mostly politics, and I was just an apprentice meself, at the time, so there was nothin' I could do for him. His dwarven is far better than his common, though still a little rough and rude.

Fenzen hands over his bow without hesitation.

Enlil examines the lines and curves, tests the draw weight, and feels the balance before handing the weapon back. "Is this your first attempt?"

2015-02-06, 01:29 PM
Erlerion shakes his head.
When they said he was an alchemist, I was scared that he was the only one, and that the Guild had changed its mind about accepting me.

2015-02-06, 01:37 PM
Hearing this, Nicole lets out a second deep breath and opens her eyes. She looks at Dorin and smiles. "Oh, thank goodness. Okay, then yes he is fine. His main problem now is an empty guest room in his home. You had me scared stiff as stone for a moment there!"
She laughs at herself, letting the dwarf know that she's okay now, and starts to get to her real questions.
"How did you two meet? He never mentioned that he actually knew the mighty and masterful Dorin Thunderforge himself."

"Also, he told you about me?"

2015-02-06, 03:39 PM
Erlerion shakes his head.
When they said he was an alchemist, I was scared that he was the only one, and that the Guild had changed its mind about accepting me.
Krystal nods. "Well, I do admit that Ragletag is a better alchemist than I am. Still, he wouldn't be half as good as he is without the special glass I make for him."

Hearing this, Nicole lets out a second deep breath and opens her eyes. She looks at Dorin and smiles. "Oh, thank goodness. Okay, then yes he is fine. His main problem now is an empty guest room in his home. You had me scared stiff as stone for a moment there!"
She laughs at herself, letting the dwarf know that she's okay now, and starts to get to her real questions.
"How did you two meet? He never mentioned that he actually knew the mighty and masterful Dorin Thunderforge himself."

"Also, he told you about me?"

"Well, we never knew each other very well. I was in my third year as an apprentice when he applied. Unfortunately, the head of the Smiths' Guild at the time had a notion that ancestry should be a factor for entrance, and Festos just didn't have the name to pass his standards. As a foundling myself, his case stuck out in my mind, and I was worried I wouldn't pass my assessments. Fortunately, I had talent and training, and was already an apprentice, so it didn't become a big problem for me. Still, I always felt bad for him."

2015-02-06, 04:10 PM
Erlerion laughs at that.
I can understand why. My uncle always said that was why he worked with both glass and alchemy: You have the most trust in tools you make yourself.
A moment of silence passes
Did you know him?

2015-02-06, 04:11 PM

Enlil examines the lines and curves, tests the draw weight, and feels the balance before handing the weapon back. "Is this your first attempt?"

"Not my first attempt. My first attempt didn't really work at all. I have been cobbling bows together since I was a child. I grew up as a peasant and had no training or proper tools. I rarely had good materials either."

2015-02-06, 04:30 PM
"Well, we never knew each other very well. I was in my third year as an apprentice when he applied. Unfortunately, the head of the Smiths' Guild at the time had a notion that ancestry should be a factor for entrance, and Festos just didn't have the name to pass his standards. As a foundling myself, his case stuck out in my mind, and I was worried I wouldn't pass my assessments. Fortunately, I had talent and training, and was already an apprentice, so it didn't become a big problem for me. Still, I always felt bad for him."

"Oh. Okay, cool. He actually never told me he'd applied to the guild. He didn't tell me much at all, actually. We both tried to focus more on the present than the past. But he knew you well enough to tell you about me? Was this before I applied?"

2015-02-06, 04:38 PM
Robert had lead his animals into the citadel along with the other Masters and Apprentices. It was after all, lesson 1 of Animal Care, don't leave them unattended in strange circumstances, that's when bad juju happened, you lost animals, etc. Maybe others thought it was weird that he was bringing a veritable, but small, menagerie around with him, but he acted like it was natural enough, coaxing along the animals, giving them little pats to reward them for their good behavior.

When Faith plopped down he stopped, and with an open and honest smile first wiped his hand on his pants, then shook the hands of Faith and Mr. Plow, "Robert Jones from Agra... well I suppose you know it, having picked me and all, but just seems proper to introduce myself," he was rambling a bit nervously. He was fidgeting back and forth, not quite certain how this all was supposed to move along. While he had a "master" in terms of his old man back in Agra, well... it was different. They knew each other for years and it was almost a parental relationship in a way. This was entirely undiscovered territory for him.

"I..." he trailed off, losing his train of thought as he tried to figure out just how to approach this, he shook his head a little, "I don't even know where to start," he admitted, this was all quite big for him. "I got a lot of big ideas, I can only hope that with time I'll learn enough to make them happen."

"But you're my Masters right, just... what am I expected to do? I mean, back in Agra it was simple. I learned by doing. Took care of the place, groomed and tended animals, ploughed fields, sow seeds, water, tend, harvest, chase off a few Gobbo Raiders... my teacher was pretty vague about the whole Apprentice Thing. Just that I'd learn a lot and needed to do it."

2015-02-06, 11:02 PM
"Oh. Okay, cool. He actually never told me he'd applied to the guild. He didn't tell me much at all, actually. We both tried to focus more on the present than the past. But he knew you well enough to tell you about me? Was this before I applied?"
Dorin leads Nicole along the same main highway that Krystal and Erlerion are on, though they're moving more slowly and are a good way behind them. "He sent a letter to the Smith's Guild recommending you. I recognized the name."

Erlerion laughs at that.
I can understand why. My uncle always said that was why he worked with both glass and alchemy: You have the most trust in tools you make yourself.
A moment of silence passes
Did you know him?

Krystal shrugs. "We were never close. Still, he was right. Glass is often overlooked in alchemy, but it's very important. I'm sure you know this already."

The catfolk turns a corner and leads the young Ifrit into a building, carved right out of the living rock, as many of Londus' underground structures are. She unlocks the front door, then lights a lamp set on a nearby table as she enters, and the light reveals a small storefront filled with bottles, vials, and jars of almost every size and description. Some of them are filled with alchemical compounds. On one shelf, there's a glittering collection of beautiful glass figurines.

"This is the main shop where we keep things stocked. Sometimes I work the counter, but I've got a few employees that mostly take care of this side of things," she explains, leading Erlerion to a heavy door leading to a back room. This room is lit by the dim glow of an underfed furnace. She touches her hand to an engraved metal panel and suddenly a large crystal hanging from the ceiling lights up, fully illuminating the room. "And this is the glassworking workshop." It's a well-stocked place, with bags of sand piled neatly in one corner, an array of tools lined up neatly along a workbench, and a few half-finished projects lining a metal table. Sitting on the workbench is a sturdy cloth sack emblazoned with the insignia of the Glassworker's Guild. "This is for you, a gift from the guild." Krystal says, picking the bag up and holding it out to Erlerion.


"Not my first attempt. My first attempt didn't really work at all. I have been cobbling bows together since I was a child. I grew up as a peasant and had no training or proper tools. I rarely had good materials either."

Enlil nods. "Well, we'll have to see what you can do now that you do have access to the proper tools and equipment." He hands you his own bow for inspection. It is a beautiful weapon, as well as a functional one. Very light, its draw weight seems perfect for your strength. Despite its size, it's nicely balanced, and doesn't seem unwieldy or cumbersome. Though functional, it is also decorated with green-painted engravings of vines that wrap around the entirety of the weapon.

Robert had lead his animals into the citadel along with the other Masters and Apprentices. It was after all, lesson 1 of Animal Care, don't leave them unattended in strange circumstances, that's when bad juju happened, you lost animals, etc. Maybe others thought it was weird that he was bringing a veritable, but small, menagerie around with him, but he acted like it was natural enough, coaxing along the animals, giving them little pats to reward them for their good behavior.

When Faith plopped down he stopped, and with an open and honest smile first wiped his hand on his pants, then shook the hands of Faith and Mr. Plow, "Robert Jones from Agra... well I suppose you know it, having picked me and all, but just seems proper to introduce myself," he was rambling a bit nervously. He was fidgeting back and forth, not quite certain how this all was supposed to move along. While he had a "master" in terms of his old man back in Agra, well... it was different. They knew each other for years and it was almost a parental relationship in a way. This was entirely undiscovered territory for him.

"I..." he trailed off, losing his train of thought as he tried to figure out just how to approach this, he shook his head a little, "I don't even know where to start," he admitted, this was all quite big for him. "I got a lot of big ideas, I can only hope that with time I'll learn enough to make them happen."

"But you're my Masters right, just... what am I expected to do? I mean, back in Agra it was simple. I learned by doing. Took care of the place, groomed and tended animals, ploughed fields, sow seeds, water, tend, harvest, chase off a few Gobbo Raiders... my teacher was pretty vague about the whole Apprentice Thing. Just that I'd learn a lot and needed to do it."

Plow chuckles. "Much the same as before, youngster, only we'll be teaching you the tricks of the trade. There's a lot more to farming than just sowing and reaping, and an ounce of know-how is work a ton of hard work."

Faith rolls her eyes. "That's not to imply, of course, that he won't work you like a slave anyway. Also, if I were you, I'd avoid ever letting Skith hear you calling his people 'gobbos.' Or any goblin in this city for that matter."

Plow continues. "At any rate, we're your masters, so you'll have to obey us when we tell you to do stuff. Trust me, it's for your own good. We've been doing this a lot longer than you have. I can teach you how to breed new plant hybrids and how to maximize your yields and all sorts of other things most country bumpkins would never even think of."

"Yes, and when you're not being bored out of your mind with plants and dirt, you'll be learning how to turn this lot," Faith indicates Robert's assortment of animals, "From an undisciplined rabble into gentlebeasts fit to dine with nobles." She goes to check the square. "Looks like the crowd has pretty much cleared off. Let's go for a walk!"

2015-02-06, 11:14 PM
Erlerion simple stares at the quality equipment, amazed. When he is handed the bag, he looks around for a clear surface that no one seems to be using. Assuming he can find one, he quickly begins checking through the supplies in the bag, setting them down on the surface after confirming its purpose.
Fantastic! I've never had anything of such quality to work with!

2015-02-07, 01:01 AM
"I see. Well, thank you for accepting me. It's an honor to have the chance to work under you, Grand Master."

Nicole smiles at him and inclines her head respectfully, not wanting to bow and slow them down even more.

2015-02-07, 06:41 AM
Caliara breathed a poorly-hidden sigh of relief at the half-elf's words. "Yes, please!" she replied, obviously excited. "So, um, what will this be like?" she asked, after a moment. "When I was learning with Ardan, I mostly just watched him work. Apart from when I went diving for coral and things."

2015-02-07, 09:44 AM

Enlil nods. "Well, we'll have to see what you can do now that you do have access to the proper tools and equipment." He hands you his own bow for inspection. It is a beautiful weapon, as well as a functional one. Very light, its draw weight seems perfect for your strength. Despite its size, it's nicely balanced, and doesn't seem unwieldy or cumbersome. Though functional, it is also decorated with green-painted engravings of vines that wrap around the entirety of the weapon.

Fenzen nod as he takes the bow and tries it's pull and balance. He smiles, "A beautiful weapon in every sense."

2015-02-07, 10:56 AM
Arcantos was a little surprised and hurt when Skith denied him a handshake... through the hurt vanished when Skith masterfully revealed some hooligans who had been intending to disrupt the ceremony. Arcantos had to smirk, impressed by his perception and his preparedness. ’You’re gonna be a fun master, I just know it.’ Arcantos thought to himself as he took his place amongst the others, watching as the last few took their apprentices.

When the ceremonies were over, and Skith asked him if he knews about the three teenagers, Arcantos shrugged, saying honestly. “Never seen them in my life.” No need to share that as a bastard he had quite a few enemies who loved making his life difficult, though he was never in danger of actually being killed because of it. So far at least... either way, Arcantos had an important question to ask. "You know much about Firearms?"

2015-02-07, 10:59 AM
Erlerion simple stares at the quality equipment, amazed. When he is handed the bag, he looks around for a clear surface that no one seems to be using. Assuming he can find one, he quickly begins checking through the supplies in the bag, setting them down on the surface after confirming its purpose.
Fantastic! I've never had anything of such quality to work with!

The bag contains a complete set of fine tools, and Krystal smiles at Erlerion's excitement. "Take good care of them, and they'll last you many years." There's an empty workbench in one corner, and the catfolk gestures to it. "That will be your workspace while you're in here. You can arrange your tools however you like, but save that for later. I'd like to show you the lab next.

"I see. Well, thank you for accepting me. It's an honor to have the chance to work under you, Grand Master."

Nicole smiles at him and inclines her head respectfully, not wanting to bow and slow them down even more.
Dorin smiles and pats Nicole on the back.

Before long, the road opens out into a wide circle. The street in this section is made of broad flagstones of different colors, and if you look at the whole pattern, you see that the stones form the emblem of the Smith's Guild. A a number of shops line the edge of the circle, all of them hanging banners or placards that indicate some sort of metalwork, and from every shop can be heard the ring of metal on metal. There seem to be a disproportionate number of dwarves in this area, moving from one building to the next, either buying merchandise or carrying raw materials. Several of these dwarves are pulling carts of ore or coal.

Dorin leads Nicole to one of the shops, marked with his sigil - an anvil made of cloud with a lightning bolt shooting through it. It's brightly lit, and there seem to be a number of people already working there. He throws the door open dramatically, and as he does so, she can feel a rush of warm air escape.

Inside, there are an assortment of anvils and furnaces, with workbenches lining the walls, and other things necessary for a proper smithy, such as barrels for quenching. There are two other smiths already working there - a gnome and a halfling. They look up when the door opens, and then greet the dwarf.

"Hey, boss!" says the gnome, a slim, active-looking male with tall, spiky hair as red as an apple.

The halfling, a cute, childlike female with short brunette hair, simply nods, concentrating on finishing up what she's working on.

"Fen, Mari, I'd like ye tae meet Nicole," Dorin announces jovially. "She's me newest apprentice."

The gnome looks down at his work, then scowls and quenches it in a bucket of water. Then he scuttles across the floor toward Nicole, offering his hand. "Pleased to meet you! I'm Fen!"

"Fen's in his third year of apprenticeship," Dorin explains. "Mari, on the other hand, is in her fourth, so don't mind her if she's not too friendly. She's working hard tae get ready for this fall's fair."

Mari nods again, still maintaining her focus on the task before her.

Caliara breathed a poorly-hidden sigh of relief at the half-elf's words. "Yes, please!" she replied, obviously excited. "So, um, what will this be like?" she asked, after a moment. "When I was learning with Ardan, I mostly just watched him work. Apart from when I went diving for coral and things."

Eilea leads Caliara down a flight of broad stairs, then out into the underworld of Londus.

"Oh, so you're a diver? I hear there's coral and oysters growing on the sea wall out in the harbor. Perhaps you can go diving out there sometime. Just, uh... make sure you talk to Yara out at the shipyard before you do it. As for what your apprenticeship will be like, you'll definitely be doing more than watching with me. You'll have to learn by doing. What can you make right now?"


Fenzen nod as he takes the bow and tries it's pull and balance. He smiles, "A beautiful weapon in every sense."

"The secret to making a bow like this is practice and dedication to the craft - the same sort of practice and dedication it took to learn to make your own bow." Enlil nods approvingly, then takes back his bow and begins to walk more quickly, leading Fenzen out a side door to the Citadel and down a winding alley. A pair of watchmen on patrol stand aside as the two of you pass, deferring to the knight's rank.

2015-02-07, 11:10 AM
Erlerion sets down the bag.
A proper lab? Really? Already? I thought I'd have to work up to that!
Kid in a candy shop, anyone?

2015-02-07, 11:12 AM
Arcantos was a little surprised and hurt when Skith denied him a handshake... through the hurt vanished when Skith masterfully revealed some hooligans who had been intending to disrupt the ceremony. Arcantos had to smirk, impressed by his perception and his preparedness. ’You’re gonna be a fun master, I just know it.’ Arcantos thought to himself as he took his place amongst the others, watching as the last few took their apprentices.

When the ceremonies were over, and Skith asked him if he knews about the three teenagers, Arcantos shrugged, saying honestly. “Never seen them in my life.” No need to share that as a bastard he had quite a few enemies who loved making his life difficult, though he was never in danger of actually being killed because of it. So far at least... either way, Arcantos had an important question to ask. "You know much about Firearms?"

"Not much," the goblin admits, though his eyes shift a little as he says it, "but I can teach you to make powder for 'em."

After a pause, Skith starts a little. "Oh, guess I still owe you a handshake! Skith Raggletag's the name!" He holds out his hand with a wide grin that still somehow looks sinister.

2015-02-07, 11:16 AM
"Um, mostly just bracelets and that sort of thing. Ardan didn't like decorating weapons or armour or anything like that. But he showed me quite a bit about gemcutting."

Despite her eagerness, Caliara couldn't help but wonder what had caused her new master to pause when she'd mentioned this 'Yara.' Maybe she was worried about Caliara getting hit by a boat while she was underwater? Although the harbour would probably be more than deep enough for her to hide underwater if a boat came along.

Sense Motive: [roll0]. Eh, that's not bad. I should probably put some points in it at some point, though.

2015-02-07, 11:30 AM
Erlerion sets down the bag.
A proper lab? Really? Already? I thought I'd have to work up to that!
Kid in a candy shop, anyone?

"Well, it's not yours. You'll just be borrowing mine until you can afford your own lab. Still, you'll have to be careful. There's a lot of volatile compounds in there, and the equipment is expensive." Krystal leads the young apprentice to a door, which opens into a small antechamber with a second door just across from it. "This is mostly a safety feature. It helps to keep the heat out of the lab, and if something goes wrong in the lab, the glass workshop is safe. Always make sure both doors are closed."

She leads Erlerion through the second door and into a large, well-lit alchemy lab. The walls are lined with shelves of ingredients and tools, and there's a large table in the middle with a pair of stools beside it. There are a number of custom-made glass apparatuses lining one whole shelf. Some seem obvious as tools for distilling or separating liquids, while the purpose of the others is hard to discern.

"This is my alchemy lab. Please try to not blow it up."

2015-02-07, 11:39 AM
The young ifrit almost seems taken aback.
Of course I won't! I am very careful when I'm working.
He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small stoppered vial full of black liquid.
I made this myself.
He holds the flask of Alchemist's Fire out to her.

Technically pregame crafting wasn't allowed, but since I couldn't manage Alch Fire on take 10, having made 1 for 2 failures (the cost basis) sounds fair.

2015-02-07, 11:52 AM
As Dorin walks her through the cul-de-sac, Nicole tries to pay extra attention to the signs and the rest of her surroundings, so as not to get lost later. And when the doors to the workshop open, she has to spend a moment marvelling at the set up. The sheer number of workbenches in the room indicated that Thunderforge could have many apprentices and employees working here at once, and he chose her!
She gets snapped out of her reverie by Fen scuttling over. She takes his outstretched hand. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you too, Fen. And you as well Mari."

2015-02-07, 12:54 PM

"The secret to making a bow like this is practice and dedication to the craft - the same sort of practice and dedication it took to learn to make your own bow." Enlil nods approvingly, then takes back his bow and begins to walk more quickly, leading Fenzen out a side door to the Citadel and down a winding alley. A pair of watchmen on patrol stand aside as the two of you pass, deferring to the knight's rank.

Fenzen nods at Enlil's comments and then follows him easily enough, used to moving fast on the hunt.

2015-02-07, 04:46 PM
"Um, mostly just bracelets and that sort of thing. Ardan didn't like decorating weapons or armour or anything like that. But he showed me quite a bit about gemcutting."

Despite her eagerness, Caliara couldn't help but wonder what had caused her new master to pause when she'd mentioned this 'Yara.' Maybe she was worried about Caliara getting hit by a boat while she was underwater? Although the harbour would probably be more than deep enough for her to hide underwater if a boat came along.

Sense Motive: [roll0]. Eh, that's not bad. I should probably put some points in it at some point, though.

Eilea seems concerned for Caliara's safety when diving, though it's hard to know exactly why.

Eilea leads Caliara through the streets, chattering the whole way. "I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun together. I can't wait to see what you can do with gems. How about metals? Have you ever worked with gold or silver?"

The young ifrit almost seems taken aback.
Of course I won't! I am very careful when I'm working.
He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small stoppered vial full of black liquid.
I made this myself.
He holds the flask of Alchemist's Fire out to her.

Technically pregame crafting wasn't allowed, but since I couldn't manage Alch Fire on take 10, having made 1 for 2 failures (the cost basis) sounds fair.
That's fine. I figure that if you have it in your inventory and you have the ability to craft it, you probably did. My ban on pre-game crafting was merely for reducing item costs.

Krystal takes the vial and holds it up to the light. She nods. "Well done. It takes a good deal of control to safely make Alchemist's fire. Still, be careful with it. As I'm sure you know, fire has a tendency to get out of control. Lots of alchemists have burns from this stuff."

She returns the vial to Erlerion and leads him back out of the lab. "You're probably wondering about where you'll sleep." She leads you through the glass workshop to another door. "These are my living quarters, such as they are," she says, opening the door to reveal a small living area. There's a small kitchen and a large, open area with an oval-shaped rug in the middle. On top of the rug is a low table with a pair of flat cushions positioned on either side. "Please leave your shoes just inside the door here," she indicates a mat where she puts her own boots. Then she slips on a pair of soft-looking slippers.

"You should probably find some slippers later today. These stone floors can get a little cold," Krystal advises, then realizes she's speaking to someone who almost literally has fire flowing through his blood, and amends her statement. "That is, if your feet even get cold."

As Dorin walks her through the cul-de-sac, Nicole tries to pay extra attention to the signs and the rest of her surroundings, so as not to get lost later. And when the doors to the workshop open, she has to spend a moment marvelling at the set up. The sheer number of workbenches in the room indicated that Thunderforge could have many apprentices and employees working here at once, and he chose her!
She gets snapped out of her reverie by Fen scuttling over. She takes his outstretched hand. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you too, Fen. And you as well Mari."
Fen shakes Nicole's hand energetically, pumping it harder and faster than is normally polite. Despite being so spindly, he's surprisingly strong.

Mari nods quietly, then returns her attention to her work. It seems she's working on something intricate involving a small chisel, which she's applying to a curved piece of metal - perhaps a spaulder.


Fenzen nods at Enlil's comments and then follows him easily enough, used to moving fast on the hunt.

Enlil leads Fenzen through the underground streets of Londus until they reach what resembles a tower carved out of the side of a large cavern. Fenzen leads the way inside, and up a long flight of elaborately-carved spiral wooden stairs. The staircase opens up near the top of the tower to reveal a beautiful showroom lined with bows, arrows, and quivers. There are marble statues of elves scattered throughout the room, many of them in poses that suggest they are hunting. The entire gallery is paneled with polished wood, and a warm fire blazes in one corner. Large bay windows look out over the harbor on one side, and over a large portion of Londus on the other. Potted plants and saplings make the place look lush and natural. It's easy to forget that you're underground.

A beautiful female elf with black, plaited hair and ice blue eyes smiles at Enil and Fenzen from behind a polished countertop. "Oh, Enlil! Is this your new apprentice?" She asks, giving Fenzen a motherly smile.

"Yes Leana, this is Fenzen," Enlil replies with a somewhat grave smile. "Fenzen, this is my wife, Leana. She runs the business side of things here."

2015-02-07, 04:57 PM
Caliara mostly just followed along, letting Eliea's seemingly endless conversation wash over her, doing her best to remember everything and not really succeeding. "I haven't worked with metal at all, no. Ardan didn't really use metal much. His niche was in driftwood and that sort of thing." She decided not to mention that Ardan probably wouldn't have been able to afford the metals. From the high quality of everything around here, she imagined that not being able to afford small amounts of metal was probably close to unthinkable.

2015-02-07, 05:20 PM
Erlerion stows the vial and follows his master.
My uncle certainly did. He was furious when he found out I'd been making it on my own time.
When she instruct him to remove his shoes, he nods, does so, and grins at her comment.
Not really necessary, but hard stone leads to sore feat pretty quickly, in any case.
He looks around.
Nice little place. Homey, I think is the word.

2015-02-07, 05:44 PM

Enlil leads Fenzen through the underground streets of Londus until they reach what resembles a tower carved out of the side of a large cavern. Fenzen leads the way inside, and up a long flight of elaborately-carved spiral wooden stairs. The staircase opens up near the top of the tower to reveal a beautiful showroom lined with bows, arrows, and quivers. There are marble statues of elves scattered throughout the room, many of them in poses that suggest they are hunting. The entire gallery is paneled with polished wood, and a warm fire blazes in one corner. Large bay windows look out over the harbor on one side, and over a large portion of Londus on the other. Potted plants and saplings make the place look lush and natural. It's easy to forget that you're underground.

A beautiful female elf with black, plaited hair and ice blue eyes smiles at Enil and Fenzen from behind a polished countertop. "Oh, Enlil! Is this your new apprentice?" She asks, giving Fenzen a motherly smile.

"Yes Leana, this is Fenzen," Enlil replies with a somewhat grave smile. "Fenzen, this is my wife, Leana. She runs the business side of things here."

Fenzen smiles when he sees Leana. It fades only slightly when he hears she is Enlil's wife. "I am pleased to meet you." He smile broadens again.

2015-02-07, 05:58 PM
Torn between wanting to watch Mari work and wanting to see what else Dorin has to show her, Nicole bites her tongue for a moment before deciding not to do anything to distract the halfling during such an important project. She turns towards the dwarf and bows her head. "Sir, I don't want to get in the way of your other apprentices' work if I'm not doing any of my own. Your workshop is..." She looks at it again, with the smoke in the air and the glow from the furnaces and the benches and anvils sprawling across it. "It's incredible."

2015-02-08, 02:44 AM
Caliara mostly just followed along, letting Eliea's seemingly endless conversation wash over her, doing her best to remember everything and not really succeeding. "I haven't worked with metal at all, no. Ardan didn't really use metal much. His niche was in driftwood and that sort of thing." She decided not to mention that Ardan probably wouldn't have been able to afford the metals. From the high quality of everything around here, she imagined that not being able to afford small amounts of metal was probably close to unthinkable.
Eilea smiles warmly. "That's fine. I'll just have to teach you. I didn't know how to do it, either, when I was just starting out."

She leads Caliara to a building with white marble fronting. Three banners hang down from a high arch over the front door. The banner to the left shows a gold ring with a blue stone set in the top. The banner to the right has a pointed hat, a wand, and a book on a field of stars and moons. The center banner has a wand aligned vertically across the middle, bisecting a tree. One half of the tree is leafy and beautiful, with green grass and a clear blue sky behind it. The other half of the tree has a storm cloud instead of a crown, and rain and lightning descend from the branches to strike dark blue grass against the background of grayish-purple sky.

The ring of smith's hammers can be heard from only a block or two away, and there's a large tower with a green banner advertising a bowyer's shop visible over the roofs of the other shops and houses.

"Well, here we are!" the half-elf announces, speaking a word to unlock the door, then leading Caliara inside.

The interior of the building is well-lit from sunlight streaming in through an open balcony, as well as a silver fountain that captures the attention immediately upon entry. Instead of water, the fountain seems to produce pure light in many brilliant colors. They swirl and spark, moving in beautiful arcs above the silver basin and around the tower-like structure in the center. The showroom is filled with glittering jewelry pieces. There are rings, bracelets, armbands, headbands, necklaces, brooches, earrings, and even a collection of small figurines made of precious metals. Elaborately cut gems of the highest quality glint and glitter from all over the gallery, which is decorated with banners and garlands of blue and gold - apparently Eilea's favorite colors.

Erlerion stows the vial and follows his master.
My uncle certainly did. He was furious when he found out I'd been making it on my own time.
When she instruct him to remove his shoes, he nods, does so, and grins at her comment.
Not really necessary, but hard stone leads to sore feat pretty quickly, in any case.
He looks around.
Nice little place. Homey, I think is the word.
Krystal nods. "I prefer to live simply. Too much luxury can dull the conscience."

She shows Erlerion to a small room adjoining the living space. "This will be your room," she explains. It's simple and sparsely furnished, with a small, neatly-made bed and a dresser.


Fenzen smiles when he sees Leana. It fades only slightly when he hears she is Enlil's wife. "I am pleased to meet you." He smile broadens again.
Enlil leads you behind the counter to another spiral staircase. "The workshop is up here," he explains as he climbs. The next floor is similar to the last, though much simpler. The floors and walls are not varnished, and piles of wood shavings and sawdust litter the floor in places. Where the floor below had windows, this floor has balconies with fine wooden railings.There are a number of partially-finished bows and crossbows scattered on workbenches throughout the room - some locked in vices, others stacked together neatly. There are also a few bows that look either complete or nearly complete standing in a bin together, and a rack of crossbows that are in a similar condition. There are huge bins of arrow shafts, and smaller ones with arrowheads. There's a small furnace in one corner, currently dark and cold.

"This is where you'll be spending the majority of your time," Enlil states, walking over to a satchel with the emblem of the Bowyer's Guild on it. "And these are the tools you'll be using. Complete your apprenticeship, and they're yours to keep."

Torn between wanting to watch Mari work and wanting to see what else Dorin has to show her, Nicole bites her tongue for a moment before deciding not to do anything to distract the halfling during such an important project. She turns towards the dwarf and bows her head. "Sir, I don't want to get in the way of your other apprentices' work if I'm not doing any of my own. Your workshop is..." She looks at it again, with the smoke in the air and the glow from the furnaces and the benches and anvils sprawling across it. "It's incredible."

Dorin smiles, seemingly amused at her awe. "It's alright. Ye'll have tae get used ta this place, and there's often a lot of distractions around the forge ye'll have tae learn how tae work with. B'lieve it or not, me workshop's not complete yet. Sometimes I have tae rent some o' the guild's equipment fer special projects." He gives Fen a stern look. "Alright, that's enough lollygagging. Get back tae work! I want ta see some progress on that halberd by the end o' the day!"

Fen scurries back to the anvil he'd been working at earlier, pulls the piece of steel he'd been working on out of the quench with a pair of long tongs, and puts it onto the hot coals, where it begins to steam.

Dorin leads Nicole over to a workbench. " This'll be yer workbench," he explains, picking up a leather case with the Smiths' Guild insignia embossed on the outside in gold leaf. "And here are the tools ye'll be using." Inside the case is a fine set of tools designed for armor crafting. Needles of various shapes, several different kinds of hammer, several shapes of plier, shears, and other tools are all neatly arranged, held in place by leather straps fastened to the inside of the case. "Ye'll probably have tae borrow some tools from me from time tae time, and o'course ye can use any of me anvils when ye need 'em."

2015-02-08, 09:34 AM
Catching the shift in the goblin's eyes, Arcantos wondered if it meant he did know about them... but didn't want to share the knowledge, which was common for goblins and gnomes. Outwardly, he showed nothing and took the offered hand to shake, saying. "Arcantos, as I'm sure you already know. I look forwards to learning much from you."

2015-02-08, 10:06 AM
Catching the shift in the goblin's eyes, Arcantos wondered if it meant he did know about them... but didn't want to share the knowledge, which was common for goblins and gnomes. Outwardly, he showed nothing and took the offered hand to shake, saying. "Arcantos, as I'm sure you already know. I look forwards to learning much from you."

As soon as the handshake is finished, Skith waves for Arcantos to follow him. "Well, let's get going. Daylight's wasting!" He leads Arcantos down two flights of stairs, then out a small doorway into a winding back alley. This part of town is a bit poorer and less well-lit than the main underground thoroughfares, and once the two figures get some distance from the Citadel, the people they pass begin to look rougher, surlier, and altogether less trustworthy. Skith seems totally comfortable in this environment, not showing any signs of caution or nervousness.

The street slopes gradually downward until it opens into a wide, high gallery. The street widens, and the lighting improves. Skith leads his apprentice along the outside of this gallery, until he reaches a narrow, winding upward ramp. It's a bit steep, and the walk becomes more of a hike as Skith continues upward.

At last, he breaks the silence. "So, you actually know how that boomstick works?" he asks, gesturing to Arcantos' battered firearm.

2015-02-08, 12:18 PM
Erlerion walks over, and sets his bag down on the dresser. Then he reaches into his work pocket, draws out a large stick with one end wrapped in cloth and sets it down next to the bag. As he lets it go, a sigh of relief moves his entire body, and, for the first time, he seems to be fully relaxed.

2015-02-08, 02:22 PM
Erlerion walks over, and sets his bag down on the dresser. Then he reaches into his work pocket, draws out a large stick with one end wrapped in cloth and sets it down next to the bag. As he lets it go, a sigh of relief moves his entire body, and, for the first time, he seems to be fully relaxed.

Krystal turns and heads back toward the workshop area. "You're free to do as you like for the rest of the day. Breakfast is at dawn. If you're hungry before then, there's a tavern just south of the Smith's Circle that's reasonably priced. It's called the Arm and Hammer." She turns to leave, then turns back, remembering something. "Oh, and be careful about the ale. The proprietor is a dwarf." With that, she puts on her boots and leaves the small apartment, closing the door carefully behind herself.

2015-02-08, 02:46 PM
Erlerion flops down onto the bed.
Well, I should be safe here. I doubt those men would go through a grandmaster craftsman's room just to get to me.
He just lies there for a while, considering what he could do with his newfound free time.

2015-02-08, 02:58 PM
Nicole rifles through the case, making sure every tool has a place and is easy to find. When she finishes, she sets it down at the edge of the workbench closest to the wall. "Thank you, sir. Do you think it's safe to keep it with me, or is it likely to get stolen if I take it out of the workshop?" She also removes her own hammer from her apron pocket, and sets it beside the case. In comparison to her new tools, it's very old and battered, and seeing the juxtaposition makes her think about how she's essentially at the beginning of a new life. "When do I start?"

2015-02-08, 03:56 PM
Nicole rifles through the case, making sure every tool has a place and is easy to find. When she finishes, she sets it down at the edge of the workbench closest to the wall. "Thank you, sir. Do you think it's safe to keep it with me, or is it likely to get stolen if I take it out of the workshop?" She also removes her own hammer from her apron pocket, and sets it beside the case. In comparison to her new tools, it's very old and battered, and seeing the juxtaposition makes her think about how she's essentially at the beginning of a new life. "When do I start?"

Dorin beams at Nicole's enthusiasm, and chuckles a little when she asks about the toolkit. "Depends on where ye take it! Round here, ye shouldn'e have any problems. Take it tae Skinner's Alley, though, and ye'd be lucky tae come back with so much as yer clothes. Ye probably won't need tae take it oot o' the workshop much, though."

"Ye start tomorrow," the dwarf answers in response to her second question. "And once I show ye where ye'll be stayin', ye've the rest o' the day t'yerself."

Dorin turns to the other two apprentices. "Have ye had lunch yet?" he asks.

Predictably, Fen is the one who answers. "I ate something while you were out. Mari hasn't had anything since breakfast, though."

The dwarf nods, then turns back to Nicole. "Mari should be at a good place tae take a break soon. Once she's ready, she can take ye tae the Arm and Hammer for some food."

Mari looks up from her work, clearly unhappy with what Dorin just suggested, and Dorin replies with a stern look. Mari rolls her eyes, then gets back to the task at hand.

"Anyway," the dwarf says, waving Nicole toward a door at the back of the workshop, "Come with me, and I'll show ye where ye'll be sleeping."

He leads her down a flight of stairs into a warm, cozy apartment. It seems surprisingly humble for someone of Dorin's reputation, but it's furnished comfortably, with stuffed armchairs and a stone fireplace. Dorin shows Nicole to one of the rooms, which is also simply yet comfortably furnished, with a soft bed, an armoir, a chest, a small bedside table, and even a mirror.

"This'll be your room. Mari still lives here in the room next door, but Fen found 'imself another place tae stay a few months ago."

Suddenly, there's a commotion from one of the other rooms, and a silver-haired dwarf woman in thick spectacles emerges, coughing and covered in soot. "Oh, Dorin, is this the new girl?" she asks excitedly, bustling over and circling Nicole, peering at her curiously from different angles.

"Aye. This is Nicole Cortsen. Nicole, this is me wife, Umber." Dorin watches in mild amusement as Umber studies the oread.

"Most remarkable, most remarkable!" Umber exlaims. "You know, I've heard of your kind, but I've never gotten the chance to meet one in person before!"

2015-02-08, 07:02 PM
Caliara just stands in astonishment, looking around in awe at the beautiful gallery she finds herself in. Although she opens and closes her mouth a couple of times, she can find no words to describe her astonishment. She starts to wish that she had better-looking clothes than what she was currently wearing.

2015-02-08, 07:05 PM
Enlil leads you behind the counter to another spiral staircase. "The workshop is up here," he explains as he climbs. The next floor is similar to the last, though much simpler. The floors and walls are not varnished, and piles of wood shavings and sawdust litter the floor in places. Where the floor below had windows, this floor has balconies with fine wooden railings.There are a number of partially-finished bows and crossbows scattered on workbenches throughout the room - some locked in vices, others stacked together neatly. There are also a few bows that look either complete or nearly complete standing in a bin together, and a rack of crossbows that are in a similar condition. There are huge bins of arrow shafts, and smaller ones with arrowheads. There's a small furnace in one corner, currently dark and cold.

"This is where you'll be spending the majority of your time," Enlil states, walking over to a satchel with the emblem of the Bowyer's Guild on it. "And these are the tools you'll be using. Complete your apprenticeship, and they're yours to keep."


Fenzen looks around at the room in a dazed wonder. He never had such space, furnishing or tools. He nods in silence. It was all hitting him now. Everything, the good and the bad. While this was wonderful and beyond anything he had dreamed of, how would he live away from the wilds?

2015-02-08, 07:40 PM
Caliara just stands in astonishment, looking around in awe at the beautiful gallery she finds herself in. Although she opens and closes her mouth a couple of times, she can find no words to describe her astonishment. She starts to wish that she had better-looking clothes than what she was currently wearing.
Eilea smiles and leads her new apprentice in behind the counter, speaking another magic word to allow passage. "Hmmm... I suppose I'll have to find another way to lock my doors now that you're here. I'm used to running the shop on my own, so I usually just use magic. I'll have to set up a password or something, I guess." She opens the door, which leads into a small antechamber with two additional doors. "I guess I'll show you the workshop first," she says, opening the door to the right and leading Caliara through it.

Inside is a simple, yet perfectly clean and tidy workshop. There are two tables, a large set of shelves filled with boxes of various sizes, and drawers, each neatly labeled to indicate its contents. In one corner, there's a small furnace and jeweler's anvil. A rack of tools lines the wall nearest the tables, and each table has a small vice attached to it. "Well, here we are! This is my workshop. I put in a new work table for you, since I won't be working alone anymore."


Fenzen looks around at the room in a dazed wonder. He never had such space, furnishing or tools. He nods in silence. It was all hitting him now. Everything, the good and the bad. While this was wonderful and beyond anything he had dreamed of, how would he live away from the wilds?

Enlil leads Fenzen over to one table, where there's a strangely-shaped leather container emblazoned with the symbol of the Bowyer's Guild. "A gift for you from the guild," Enlil says, indicating the container. "If you complete your training, you may keep it." The thing is held together with a simple buckle, and when this is undone,it unrolls into a long strip, with loops set in it to hold a complete set of high-quality bowyer's tools.

2015-02-09, 02:07 AM
Nicole chuckles and gives Umber a huge smile. "Really? I'm surprised. We don't show up all that often, but Londus is a big enough city that you'd think you'd find more than normal here. I'm very pleased to meet you." Nicole undoes the tie on her leather apron as she talks and tosses it onto her bed, claiming the room and making sure it feels like her own the next time she comes in. She then offers her hand to Dorin's wife to shake in a more formal greeting.

2015-02-09, 03:35 AM
Caliara mostly just continues to stare at everything that she's seeing, although she regains enough of her senses to stammer out "This...this is amazing!" Compared to Ardan's poky room, where his writing desk doubled as his workbench and the only materials he had were scavenged from the beaches, Caliara is still having difficulty fully processing the fact that she would be working here.

2015-02-09, 08:40 AM
Arcantos followed eagerly and calmly. He had no worries when Skith lead him into the less-reputable location in town, guessing that explosives and dangerous experimentation wasn’t exactly looked upon nicely in some of the more reputable places in the town. Sides, it not like he wasn’t used to being around such people due to his... interesting childhood.

When the goblin turned around and asked if he knew how his musket worked, Arcantos hesitated, before answering truthly. “I understand the basics of how it works yes, and I can make a paper cartridge to help reload it swiftly. However, I don’t know how to actually make a musket or a pistol yet. Through I do hope to learn how to.”

2015-02-09, 10:29 AM
Nicole chuckles and gives Umber a huge smile. "Really? I'm surprised. We don't show up all that often, but Londus is a big enough city that you'd think you'd find more than normal here. I'm very pleased to meet you." Nicole undoes the tie on her leather apron as she talks and tosses it onto her bed, claiming the room and making sure it feels like her own the next time she comes in. She then offers her hand to Dorin's wife to shake in a more formal greeting.
Umber looks at Nicole's hand, then takes it in her own and begins to study it, turning it over to examine her rocky skin and muttering about how remarkable it is.

Dorin rolls his eyes. "I think she meant fer you tae shake her hand."

Umber looks startled, her thick glasses magnifying her expressive eyes and exaggerating her expressions. "Oh my! Yes! Of course! I do apologize!" She pumps the oread's hand overenthusiastically.

Dorin chuckles. "Umber doesn'e get oot much."

"Oh yes! Too true! Too busy to go outside. Much too much to do!" Umber replies.

Caliara mostly just continues to stare at everything that she's seeing, although she regains enough of her senses to stammer out "This...this is amazing!" Compared to Ardan's poky room, where his writing desk doubled as his workbench and the only materials he had were scavenged from the beaches, Caliara is still having difficulty fully processing the fact that she would be working here.
Eilea smiles. "It's taken me a long time to accumulate all this stuff, and I was largely self-taught, so I ended up making lots of mistakes early on." She blushes a little, always a bit embarrassed when people seem too awed by the things she has. She allows Caliara to look around and see all the things she has. There are rough gems and cut gems, polished stones, spools of wire, feathers, shark teeth, beads of glass, clay, wood, and stone, earring hooks, jump rings, and dozens of other assorted items, each neatly stored in a box or drawer.

"You wanna go see your room?" She asks after a few minutes, gesturing toward the door.

Arcantos followed eagerly and calmly. He had no worries when Skith lead him into the less-reputable location in town, guessing that explosives and dangerous experimentation wasn’t exactly looked upon nicely in some of the more reputable places in the town. Sides, it not like he wasn’t used to being around such people due to his... interesting childhood.

When the goblin turned around and asked if he knew how his musket worked, Arcantos hesitated, before answering truthly. “I understand the basics of how it works yes, and I can make a paper cartridge to help reload it swiftly. However, I don’t know how to actually make a musket or a pistol yet. Through I do hope to learn how to.”

"Interestin'," Skith comments, then looks away as though deep in thought. You finally arrive at your destination, a small, but elaborately decorative storefront carved from the living rock. The goblin opens the door and leads you inside. The place looks a little bizarre. The room is filled with statues of scantily-clad female goblins, all of which are rigged to produce gouts of flame from time to time - from their hands, mouths, eyes, ears, noses, and other places. Perhaps the most unique is the one where a jet of flame periodically shoots from the generous bosom of a particularly... goblinesque... goblin. A counter fronts one whole wall of the establishment, and behind the counter are rows of shelves filled with all manner of alchemical products. A scruffy teenage boy stands behind the counter.

"Hey Rafe, how have things been?" Skith asks as he makes his way through the crowd of flaming statues.

"Slow today, sir. There's only been two customers since you left," the boy replies in a slow, deliberate tone. He doesn't sound very bright.

"They buy anything interesting?" Skith asks, not even looking at his assistant as he goes behind the counter.

"Nothing much, sir. A few tindertwigs and some healing potions."

"Pah! Boring! I really should put out some flyers advertising for adventurers. They always need something fun."

2015-02-09, 06:07 PM
Caliara seems a little relieved to have the opportunity to leave; she is starting to feel like she would never reach this level of workmanship, no matter how hard she tried. "Erm, yes, please," she replied, still somewhat tongue-tied as she continues to look around, following Eilea.

2015-02-09, 06:59 PM

Enlil leads Fenzen over to one table, where there's a strangely-shaped leather container emblazoned with the symbol of the Bowyer's Guild. "A gift for you from the guild," Enlil says, indicating the container. "If you complete your training, you may keep it." The thing is held together with a simple buckle, and when this is undone,it unrolls into a long strip, with loops set in it to hold a complete set of high-quality bowyer's tools.

Fenzen examines the tools, clearly engrossed and then around the room at the materials. "I would like to start" he says simply. I would like to practice by making a compound bow, if that is okay"

2015-02-09, 07:08 PM
Nicole doesn't seem to mind the excessive examination, although she is a little off-put by Umber's enthusiasm. Hearing her talk about how much there is to do, she responds with "Well, I'm sure I'll be in the same boat soon enough. Lots of work in my future, starting tomorrow!" She half has a mind to turn to Dorin and say something about how he surrounds himself with very powerful handshakers, but decides against it.

2015-02-09, 11:14 PM
Kelsi seems a little relieved to have the opportunity to leave; she is starting to feel like she would never reach this level of workmanship, no matter how hard she tried. "Erm, yes, please," she replied, still somewhat tongue-tied as she continues to look around, following Eilea.
The half-elf leads the undine back out of the workshop and through the other door. The room she leads you into looks like a small library. There are shelves stuffed with books and scrolls lining nearly every free wall space. In the middle of the room is a large, comfortable-looking chair. There is no visible fireplace, but there are some large windows with blue curtains. There's a small, but well-stocked kitchen area in one corner, and a few doors lead off to other rooms of the house.

"Hope you like books..." Eilea says with a nervous giggle. Then she leads her apprentice over to one of the other rooms and shows you inside. The room is furnished simply, but very well. There's a bed with a fine blue bedspread, a beautiful wooden dresser, and a nightstand that looks like it was made by the same craftsman. Another door across the room suggests a closet, and of course there's yet another shelf, filled with books.


Fenzen examines the tools, clearly engrossed and then around the room at the materials. "I would like to start" he says simply. I would like to practice by making a compound bow, if that is okay"
"There's no need to begin so soon. It is the custom of the guilds to allow new apprentices the afternoon after their choosing to become used to their surroundings," Enlil says, though you can see a look of approval on his stern features. "However, you may use the workshop if you wish to work on your own projects in your free time. When you wish to retire, your bedroom is up the stairs - third door on the right.

Nicole doesn't seem to mind the excessive examination, although she is a little off-put by Umber's enthusiasm. Hearing her talk about how much there is to do, she responds with "Well, I'm sure I'll be in the same boat soon enough. Lots of work in my future, starting tomorrow!" She half has a mind to turn to Dorin and say something about how he surrounds himself with very powerful handshakers, but decides against it.

"Aye. We'll make a fine smith of ye!" Dorin says, slapping Nicole heartily on the back.

"Oh yes, oh yes!" Umber says, nodding enthusiastically. "He certainly will keep you busy! As for me, I am never bored!" The silver-haired dwarf turns to go, then stops and turns to her husband. "Oh, Dorin, dear, could you stop by Krystal's shop today and see if she has my order ready? I need those batteries for my new project!"

Dorin hesitates, "Er, well, actually, I was hoping tae get some work done meself today, what with the ceremony taking up so much o' me time...."

2015-02-10, 12:56 AM
"Well, sir, if you have work to do, either of you could just point me in the direction of Krystal's shop and I could get the batteries instead." Nicole shrugs and sticks her hands in her pockets. "It would also mean that Mari wouldn't have to stop in her work to take me to the Arm and Hammer."

2015-02-10, 06:25 AM
Caliara is not much of a reader, although she doesn't want to say that in front of her master, given that Eilea apparently is very much a reader. She is once again distracted from worrying about giving a disappointing response when she sees her room. "Wow..." she says. "Who made all these? Then she realises that it might have been rude to ask something like that, given that she didn't have anything to do with carpentry. Not that she can very well un-say it.

2015-02-10, 10:56 AM
Erlerion sighs. He would have to wait until tomorrow to make some more fire. Keeping the mixture stable was always the problem. He could mix up a small explosive that was even more potent in a blink, but the mixture was so volatile it would explode almost immediately. He pulls a few ingredients from his kit, and begins mixing a small draught he had been taking recently to help himself sleep.

Mixing a Polypurpose Panacea (Sleep).

Perception: [roll0]

2015-02-10, 12:56 PM
"Well, sir, if you have work to do, either of you could just point me in the direction of Krystal's shop and I could get the batteries instead." Nicole shrugs and sticks her hands in her pockets. "It would also mean that Mari wouldn't have to stop in her work to take me to the Arm and Hammer."
Dorin considers this for a moment. "Well, if ye're sure ye want tae, ye can do tha'." There was nothing to prohibit a new apprentice from volunteering to run an errand, after all. He finds a pen and paper, then sketches out a rough map, marking street names and important landmarks, including the Arm and Hammer, in case you need to find it later. Once that's done he explains the directions, just to make sure they're clear.

Once that's done, Umber flips the map over and scribbles a list of items. "Krystal should already know what I ordered, but in case she doesn't, or if she only has part of the order ready, this may help, oh yes." The note is simple, but cryptic.

Pumped Orbs
Alchemical Batteries
31 A Oil

"Don't forget to tell her I sent you, and that you're Dorin's apprentice!" Umber calls out as she returns to the room she came from.

Caliara is not much of a reader, although she doesn't want to say that in front of her master, given that Eilea apparently is very much a reader. She is once again distracted from worrying about giving a disappointing response when she sees her room. "Wow..." she says. "Who made all these? Then she realises that it might have been rude to ask something like that, given that she didn't have anything to do with carpentry. Not that she can very well un-say it.
"Who made... all the books?" Eilea asks, unsure exactly what Caliara is asking about.

2015-02-10, 01:17 PM
Caliara giggles a little before realising that that was probably even more rude. "Um, no, the dresser and things."

2015-02-10, 03:04 PM
Nicole takes the map and folds it up, putting it in her pocket. She makes sure she has her backpack, her coat, and her mace, then says goodbye to Dorin and Umber and starts on her way.

2015-02-11, 06:43 AM
Arcantos had to smirk to himself and the rather... interesting store-front. It was a little shocking at first, but he managed to recover and was simply amused by Skith’s creations... it was indeed very much to the goblins tastes. But the human had to wonder how he managed to get the regular gouts of flames and if they ran out... “How do the flames work?” Arcantos asked turning back to the goblin, quickly adding. “I wouldn’t mind having a look at the device you made before its placed into a statue.”

2015-02-11, 09:23 AM
Caliara giggles a little before realising that that was probably even more rude. "Um, no, the dresser and things."
"Oh!" Eilea giggles "Silly me! Well, the dresser and the nightstand were actually a gift from my mother when I completed my apprenticeship and got my first place of my own. I don't know who exactly made them... probably some craftsman in Talos. I don't use them in my room anymore because, well, I've bought some of my own furniture over the years... Not that these aren't good! It's just..." She trails off awkwardly.

If you've got Knowledge (local), roll it.

Nicole takes the map and folds it up, putting it in her pocket. She makes sure she has her backpack, her coat, and her mace, then says goodbye to Dorin and Umber and starts on her way.

The streets of Londus are lit by a series of large domes set in the cavern ceiling that produce magically simulated daylight and are enchanted to change brightness based on the time of day. Nicole is familiar with this, and can tell that it's now mid-afternoon. The Smith's Circle rings with the sound of hammers, and a number of friendly dwarves greet her as she passes, recognizing her apprentice's pin.

The Arm and Hammer seems like a nice place from the outside. Nicole can hear music playing from inside, and the outside is well-tended. Krystal's shop is not much further on, and when Nicole reaches it, she finds an alchemically lit sign indicating that the shop is open. However, there doesn't seem to be anyone at the counter. There is a small bell, however, that she can safely assume would summon someone to assist her.

Arcantos had to smirk to himself and the rather... interesting store-front. It was a little shocking at first, but he managed to recover and was simply amused by Skith’s creations... it was indeed very much to the goblins tastes. But the human had to wonder how he managed to get the regular gouts of flames and if they ran out... “How do the flames work?” Arcantos asked turning back to the goblin, quickly adding. “I wouldn’t mind having a look at the device you made before its placed into a statue.”
Skith smiles at the boy's curiosity. "Not a clue how they work. I just mix up the formula and refill 'em when they're running low!"

"Well, actually, sir, you always have me refill them..." Rafe interjects.

"Shut up, Rafe," the goblin orders dismissively. "Anyway, there's a goblin trader who brings stuff like this over every so often. I got 'em off him."

Skith leads Arcantos into the back room, which is a sprawling alchemy lab. The middle of the room has tables littered with alchemical equipment and tools, and the walls are lined with shelves of books, scrolls, and ingredients, all jumbled together without any recognizable order. There are rolling ladders attached to the shelves, presumably to aid the short goblin in reaching the higher shelves. The place gives the impression of disorderly order.

"Well, here's the lab!" Skith announces without stopping, moving over to a shelf, climbing the nearby ladder, and sending himself flying across on the rollers to the other side. He then removes a leather case from one of the shelves. "Here, come take this, will ya?" the goblin says, shaking the case and holding it out. Arcantos can see the symbol of the Alchemist's Guild embossed on the outside of the case.

2015-02-11, 12:40 PM
Caliara waits politely for a few moments before it becomes obvious that Eilea has said she all is going to say on the subject. "Um, well, either way they're very nice!" she says, trying to gloss over what seems to be a sore subject. She looks around for somewhere to deposit her stuff, eventually leaning her bow and quiver against the dresser. "Are there any more formal things that I'll have to do before I'm officially an apprentice or was that ceremony everything?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Bleh. I need to put some points in that.

2015-02-11, 01:24 PM
Nicole walks up to the counter and takes a deep breath. The sound of the bell still makes her wince. They always sound so demanding, ugh. She pulls the list out of her pocket and unfolds it.

2015-02-11, 01:28 PM
Erlerion hears the bell as he is mixing the sleep draught, and decides to go and see what is going on. He stands and heads for the main room, slipping his shoes back on.
Yes? Can I help you?

2015-02-11, 01:43 PM
"Yeah, hi, uh. I'm Master Thunderforge's new apprentice and his wife sent me to pick up this order for a project she's working on. She said that Grand Master Krystal would probably have it ready." She passes Erlerion the list. "Oh, you're one of the new apprentices too, aren't you? Congratulations!"

2015-02-11, 02:26 PM
Erlerion takes a moment to recognize the oread.
Oh, right! Nicole, wasn't it? Yes, I'm Erlerion. I don't think Grandmaster Krystal is here, but I should be able to find the things if you need the help.
He takes the list and scans it.
Siphons and batteries are obvious...Pumped orbs and A Oil...
He begins looking around for the first two items, hopefully bundled with the rest as he wracks his brain for possibilities.

So, I came up with anointing oil for A Oil, and 31 being a number of flasks. Is this something that Erlerion would know or not? If it's a check, let me know in the OoC and I will roll.

2015-02-11, 03:31 PM
"Well she said that Grandmaster Krystal might only have part of it ready, and it may very well be labeled 'Umber'. She also might have set it off to the side somewhere where it'd be hard to find, so don't worry too much about finding it." Nicole shrugs and sticks her hands on her hips. "I can wait until she comes back, if you're alright with that."

I was actually thinking that 31 A might be referring to the grade of oil needed. With the difference between 31 A and, like, 31 B or whatever being the same as the difference between 10W40 and 10W30 IRL.

2015-02-11, 04:00 PM
Caliara waits politely for a few moments before it becomes obvious that Eilea has said she all is going to say on the subject. "Um, well, either way they're very nice!" she says, trying to gloss over what seems to be a sore subject. She looks around for somewhere to deposit her stuff, eventually leaning her bow and quiver against the dresser. "Are there any more formal things that I'll have to do before I'm officially an apprentice or was that ceremony everything?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Bleh. I need to put some points in that.

Eilea seems to be embarrassed because she's worried you might think she didn't like the gift from her mother.

"Well, I've got a little paperwork to finish up and send off, but that's it. You've got the rest of the day free, but check in your closet before you go anywhere," the half-elf replies with a smile.

Before she can say anything else, a musical chime echoes through the whole place. "Oh! I didn't lock the door! That must be someone checking to see if we're open!" With that, she hurries away back toward the gallery.

Erlerion takes a moment to recognize the oread.
Oh, right! Nicole, wasn't it? Yes, I'm Erlerion. I don't think Grandmaster Krystal is here, but I should be able to find the things if you need the help.
He takes the list and scans it.
Siphons and batteries are obvious...Pumped orbs and A Oil...
He begins looking around for the first two items, hopefully bundled with the rest as he wracks his brain for possibilities.

So, I came up with anointing oil for A Oil, and 31 being a number of flasks. Is this something that Erlerion would know or not? If it's a check, let me know in the OoC and I will roll.

"Well she said that Grandmaster Krystal might only have part of it ready, and it may very well be labeled 'Umber'. She also might have set it off to the side somewhere where it'd be hard to find, so don't worry too much about finding it." Nicole shrugs and sticks her hands on her hips. "I can wait until she comes back, if you're alright with that."

I was actually thinking that 31 A might be referring to the grade of oil needed. With the difference between 31 A and, like, 31 B or whatever being the same as the difference between 10W40 and 10W30 IRL.

Kintua is correct. 31A is an oil grade. I don't have any specific system worked out for the numbers, really, since I actually don't know that much about oil and the like.
If you want more information on it, an Alchemy check would tell you all you need to know.

At that moment, Krystal emerges from the back. "Hi, sorry I... Oh, Erlerion! Thank you for helping with the counter!" The catfolk smiles, then turns to Nicole. "You're Dorin's new apprentice, aren't you? Does he need something, or are you here on your own?"

2015-02-11, 04:06 PM
Nicole laughs at how surprised Krystal is to see Erlerion at the counter, then smiles when it's clear she's been recognized. "Actually I'm here for Umber. She sent me to pick up an order she'd placed for some batteries and other things."

2015-02-11, 04:12 PM
"Ohhhh..." Krystal replies. "Well, I haven't quite finished all of Umber's order. I have some of it, though. It's in the back. I'll go get it." With that, she whisks out of the room, leaving the two apprentices alone again.

Oh, I forgot to mention, alchemical batteries are not something most people know about. They're not flashy, so they don't get a lot of attention, and they're not ubiquitous like batteries in our world are.

2015-02-11, 04:14 PM
Erlerion decides to try for some causal conversation.
So, are you new to Junai?

2015-02-11, 04:23 PM
"O...kay," Caliara manages before Eilea disappears out of the door. Check in the closet? she wondered to herself. Taking off her cloak to drape it on the bed in the temporary absence of anywhere else to put it, she made her way over to the closet, taking a moment to admire the woodwork before opening it. She might not have been a carpenter but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate another's craft.

2015-02-11, 04:32 PM
"O...kay," Caliara manages before Eilea disappears out of the door. Check in the closet? she wondered to herself. Taking off her cloak to drape it on the bed in the temporary absence of anywhere else to put it, she made her way over to the closet, taking a moment to admire the woodwork before opening it. She might not have been a carpenter but that didn't mean she couldn't appreciate another's craft.

Inside the closet you find a wooden box with the symbol of the Jeweler's Guild on the lid. It's actually a rather complicated box, with little drawers and fold-out shelves. Inside, you find an exquisite set of jeweler's tools. Inside, you find a note explaining that this is a gift from the Jeweler's Guild, and that it is yours to keep once your apprenticeship is complete.

Beside the toolkit, you find a package wrapped in bright paper with a tag indicating it's from Eilea. Inside the package, you find two rather plain-looking tubes of cloth, and a note, which reads, "Put these on your arms and think of something you'd like to wear."

These are Sleeves of Many Garments. When you put them on, they change your clothes into any mundane outfit. Roleplay this however you want.

2015-02-11, 05:21 PM
Nicole watches Krystal leave the room, the turns to Erlerion "Nope! Well, actually, I've lived in Londus my whole life, so you could say I'm new to the rest of Junai. Where are you from?"

2015-02-11, 05:50 PM
Actually, I'm a local too. My uncle raised me. Taught me everything he knew about alchemy and glasswork.
The young fireblood still seems pretty excited from the events of the day.

2015-02-11, 06:29 PM
"Oh, really? Did you hear about the murder last week? I've only heard a little bit about it, but supposedly some *******s didn't want to pay for something and just went off! Nasty business. I hope they rot." Nicole takes note of his excitement and tries to change the subject to something more lighthearted. "Your uncle must be pretty proud of your joining the Guild. It's quite an accomplishment."

2015-02-11, 06:31 PM
Erlerion's face drops when she mentions the murder
Yes...I did hear about it.
He smiles weakly.
I doubt it. He hated the Guild.

2015-02-11, 06:47 PM
Nicole raises an eyebrow when Erlerion's smile fades, and her face changes into an expression of concern when she hears the past tense on "hated". She decides not to dig too deep, at least not until she knew him better. "Well, I'm sure he's proud of you regardless. He did teach you everything you know, after all." Her stomach grumbles. "I'm going to the Arm and Hammer after bringing Umber her stuff. Do you want to come with?"

2015-02-11, 06:53 PM
The boy brightens up a bit.
Sure. I haven't had a proper meal today, come to think of it.

2015-02-11, 06:56 PM
Krystal returns carrying a crate. "Alright, here's what I've got finished of Umber's order so far. I only managed to get two of the batteries done, but everything else is in here."

Krystal raises an eyebrow. "Oh, by the way, do you have any idea of what Umber's working on? She's been giving me custom orders like this for weeks, but I have no clue what she's using it all for!"

2015-02-11, 07:04 PM
"Not a clue. I don't even know what a battery's for yet! I'm sure we'll find out soon enough though." She takes the crate off of Krystal's hands and moves everything that doesn't look breakable into her backpack to distribute the weight more evenly. "Do you mind if I steal your apprentice for a bit, ma'am? Turns out neither of us has eaten yet."

2015-02-11, 07:17 PM
"Not a clue. I don't even know what a battery's for yet! I'm sure we'll find out soon enough though." She takes the crate off of Krystal's hands and moves everything that doesn't look breakable into her backpack to distribute the weight more evenly. "Do you mind if I steal your apprentice for a bit, ma'am? Turns out neither of us has eaten yet."

"I don't mind one bit. He's free to do as he pleases for the rest of the day, and I suggested the Arm and Hammer earlier. It's a tavern not too far from here." Krystal replies with a smile. Then she gives Erlerion a stern look. "Seriously, though, be careful about the ale. If I have to deal with a hung-over apprentice tomorrow, I'll have you scrubbing floors for a week straight."

2015-02-11, 08:23 PM
"Alright then!" Nicole closes her backpack and stands, picking up the crate. She looks at Erlerion. "Is there anything you need to grab before we go?"

2015-02-11, 08:39 PM
"There's no need to begin so soon. It is the custom of the guilds to allow new apprentices the afternoon after their choosing to become used to their surroundings," Enlil says, though you can see a look of approval on his stern features. "However, you may use the workshop if you wish to work on your own projects in your free time. When you wish to retire, your bedroom is up the stairs - third door on the right.

Fenzen nods and looks up the stairs and then back to the materials and tools. He selects some materials and begins prepratory work to make himself an improved bow.

A masterwork composite bow +2 STR.

2015-02-11, 08:55 PM
Erlerion nods.
Of course I'll be responsible.
He shakes his head in response to Nicole's question.
Nope. Ready to go.

2015-02-11, 09:05 PM
Fenzen nods and looks up the stairs and then back to the materials and tools. He selects some materials and begins prepratory work to make himself an improved bow.

A masterwork composite bow +2 STR.

"I assume you'll be paying for those," Enlil says meaningfully.

A Composite Longbow is a Complex item, meaning it has a base time interval of 1 week. A +2 STR Longbow costs 300 gp, so the material cost is 100 gp.

2015-02-11, 09:46 PM
Nicole thanks Krystal and starts walking towards the door. When she reaches it, there's a small spectacle with her trying to turn the knob, balance on her good leg, carry the crate, and push it open with her bad leg all at the same time. As silly as she looks, the door opens and she starts tracing the route back to Dorin's shop.

2015-02-11, 09:54 PM
Actually, the spectacle is averted. Erlerion, intelligent and polite young man that he is, positions himself to open the door for the woman carrying the crate of fragile glass.
Do you want me to carry that for you?

2015-02-11, 10:30 PM
Nicole laughs at the offer, unused to having doors held open for her and to people offering to carry things. "No, I can handle it myself. But if you insist, I won't stop you." She winks at him and then spends a moment trying to get her bearings before she starts walking.

2015-02-11, 11:47 PM
Erlerion takes the crate.
Lead the way. I don't really know where we're going.

2015-02-12, 06:01 AM
Caliara spends some time examining all the various drawers and compartments of the box before looking at the small tubes in some bemusement. Think of something you want to wear? She put them on and jumped in surprise when her clothes turned into a long blue dress of a similar style to Eilea's. With a somewhat embarrassed glance around, not that there was anyone to see, she pulled off one of the sleeves before closing her eyes to concentrate and slipping it back over her wrist.

It took another two or three attempts before she actually manages to get them to do what she wants - the perils of a wandering mind. But eventually she is clad in clothes that look similar to what she had already been wearing, only better-tailored and without the various holes and patches that mar her real clothes.

She starts to wonder who might have come to visit; what sort of customers the jewellery store might have gotten. At the same time, she doesn't really want to interrupt anything, so she instead settles for peering out of the door.

2015-02-12, 11:39 AM
Caliara spends some time examining all the various drawers and compartments of the box before looking at the small tubes in some bemusement. Think of something you want to wear? She put them on and jumped in surprise when her clothes turned into a long blue dress of a similar style to Eilea's. With a somewhat embarrassed glance around, not that there was anyone to see, she pulled off one of the sleeves before closing her eyes to concentrate and slipping it back over her wrist.

It took another two or three attempts before she actually manages to get them to do what she wants - the perils of a wandering mind. But eventually she is clad in clothes that look similar to what she had already been wearing, only better-tailored and without the various holes and patches that mar her real clothes.

She starts to wonder who might have come to visit; what sort of customers the jewellery store might have gotten. At the same time, she doesn't really want to interrupt anything, so she instead settles for peering out of the door.

As you approach the main gallery, you hear Eilea shriek. It's hard to tell if the sound is a good one or a bad one, though.

2015-02-12, 04:06 PM
Arcantos frowned slightly when Skith stated that he had no idea exactly how they worked, but decided to shrug and move on. It was an idle curiosity really, not something he was too interested in and likely wouldn’t be able to get much use of it himself in all honesty. So Arcantos put it out of his mind as he followed the goblin into the back.

And it was something Arcantos took a quick liking to. It showed that Skith was a very dedicated worker, spending no time on organization and neatness, instead putting stuff wherever they could go. Plus, it showed that Skith was well-prepared and studied from the sheer number of books, scrolls and ingrediants he had. When the goblin launched himself down a shelf, Arcantos was quick to follow, and took the case offered to him.

“Are these to be my tools?” Arcantos asked curiously looking down at the leather-case he now held in his hands. The human knowing that an apprentice was giving a new set of tools by his master upon becoming a member of the guild.

2015-02-12, 05:46 PM
Erlerion takes the crate.
Lead the way. I don't really know where we're going.

"Lead the... You've got the map on the other side of the list there!" Regardless, she sets off in the direction she came, heading towards Dorin's workshop.

2015-02-12, 05:48 PM
Erlerion looks blank, then sees the other side of the list.
I did not notice that.
Then he realizes he's being left behind, and redoubles his speed to keep up.

2015-02-12, 06:02 PM
Caliara jumps at the cry and moves further out of her room so as to be able to see what is going on.

2015-02-12, 06:22 PM
Arcantos frowned slightly when Skith stated that he had no idea exactly how they worked, but decided to shrug and move on. It was an idle curiosity really, not something he was too interested in and likely wouldn’t be able to get much use of it himself in all honesty. So Arcantos put it out of his mind as he followed the goblin into the back.

And it was something Arcantos took a quick liking to. It showed that Skith was a very dedicated worker, spending no time on organization and neatness, instead putting stuff wherever they could go. Plus, it showed that Skith was well-prepared and studied from the sheer number of books, scrolls and ingrediants he had. When the goblin launched himself down a shelf, Arcantos was quick to follow, and took the case offered to him.

“Are these to be my tools?” Arcantos asked curiously looking down at the leather-case he now held in his hands. The human knowing that an apprentice was giving a new set of tools by his master upon becoming a member of the guild.
Skith smiles and nods. "Smart one, aren't ya? That's good. Stupid apprentices ain't worth nothin'." He climbs down the ladder. "Well, I guess that's about it for now." The goblin rummages in his pockets. "Here's a key to the house. It's just up the hill, got statues outside of it."

With that, he turns and starts to pick through a crate, muttering to himself.

Caliara jumps at the cry and moves further out of her room so as to be able to see what is going on.

Out in the gallery, Caliara can see Eilea hugging a tall female elf with brown hair. They're both beaming. "Really? When?!" Eilea asks ecstatically.

"In two months, if we can arrange everything by then," the elf replies. Then she notices Caliara. "Oh, who's this?" she asks with a kind, but somewhat confused smile.

2015-02-14, 12:41 AM
As Nicole and Erlerion reach an intersection, a small figure rushes past, nearly bumping into them. Nicole only just manages to step aside at the last second. Two members of the city watch are in hot pursuit.

"Stop him! Thief!" they yell as they get closer.

2015-02-14, 01:40 AM

Realizing that there's no way she can move fast enough to catch up with the thief, much less stop them physically, Nicole allows herself a split-second of panic before attempting to conjure some water to fall onto them, figuring that suddenly being soaked might surprise them enough to make them slow down.

She starts after them, hoping to at least keep them in her sights, if nothing else.

Casting Create Water above and in front of the little one (so they might run into it). Only 2 gallons.

2015-02-14, 05:59 AM
Caliara looks somewhat embarrassed. "Um, I'm Caliara Pearlfinder. I'm Eilea's new apprentice." It is only after she's said that that she realises that she's probably supposed to refer to Eilea more formally in public. Not that there's anything she can do about it now.

2015-02-14, 10:29 AM
"I assume you'll be paying for those," Enlil says meaningfully.

A Composite Longbow is a Complex item, meaning it has a base time interval of 1 week. A +2 STR Longbow costs 300 gp, so the material cost is 100 gp.


Fenzen looks up at the elf with a somewhat blank look. His village was a very different place that the world at large. It was more a commune in many ways.
He pauses and put the materials back. "I have little in the way of money."

2015-02-14, 10:33 AM
Erlerion, weighed down by the crate of stuff, decides he is better off staying out of the way of the running people.

2015-02-14, 01:21 PM
Arcantos took the key offered to him, though he was a little surprised when the goblin said that was all for now. With how he wandered off and had given him a key however, Arcantos decided not to ask him anything. Not wanting to change Skith’s mind about his intelligence. Instead, he left the store and head up the hill, looking for the house that was mentioned.

2015-02-14, 06:37 PM

Realizing that there's no way she can move fast enough to catch up with the thief, much less stop him physically, Nicole allows herself a split-second of panic before attempting to conjure some water to fall onto him, figuring that suddenly being soaked might surprise him enough to make him slow down.

She starts after him, hoping to at least keep him in her sights, if nothing else.

Casting Create Water above and in front of the little guy (so he might run into it). Only 2 gallons.

Erlerion, weighed down by the crate of stuff, decides he is better off staying out of the way of the running people.

The water splashes down on the running figure, but it doesn't slow them down at all. As the watchmen reach Erlerion, they're panting and breathing hard.

"I think we need to lay off the halfling pastries for a few weeks..." one of them comments, coming to a stop and resting his hands on his knees.

His partner slows to a stop beside him, shaking his head in disgust. "Filthy pickpockets!"

Caliara looks somewhat embarrassed. "Um, I'm Caliara Pearlfinder. I'm Eilea's new apprentice." It is only after she's said that that she realises that she's probably supposed to refer to Eilea more formally in public. Not that there's anything she can do about it now.
Neither of the elves reacts to Caliara's breach of protocol. Either they don't mind or they didn't notice. "Oh, that's right! I'd forgotten that was today! I guess Enlil must have a new apprentice, too!" the elf says.

Eilea waves for her apprentice to come join them, then turns excitedly back to the newcomer. "Speaking of your brother, have you told him yet?"

"Not yet! He's my next stop! We want all the bridesmaids to have matching bows!"


Fenzen looks up at the elf with a somewhat blank look. His village was a very different place that the world at large. It was more a commune in many ways.
He pauses and put the materials back. "I have little in the way of money."

Enlil nods. "If you would like to earn some, I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Starting tomorrow, you'll be working six hours a day for me. If you wish to work longer, I'll pay you a fair wage for the rest of the time. Is that agreeable?"

Crunch-wise, this means that you get to make two profession checks per week. The first basically goes toward your apprenticeship tab. I'll explain the specific rules for that a little later. The second one is for your personal wealth. Take whatever you'd normally earn in a week and divide it by 4.

2015-02-14, 07:13 PM
Enlil nods. "If you would like to earn some, I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Starting tomorrow, you'll be working six hours a day for me. If you wish to work longer, I'll pay you a fair wage for the rest of the time. Is that agreeable?"


Fenzen nods. "Of course."

2015-02-14, 07:23 PM
Plow chuckles. "Much the same as before, youngster, only we'll be teaching you the tricks of the trade. There's a lot more to farming than just sowing and reaping, and an ounce of know-how is work a ton of hard work."

Faith rolls her eyes. "That's not to imply, of course, that he won't work you like a slave anyway. Also, if I were you, I'd avoid ever letting Skith hear you calling his people 'gobbos.' Or any goblin in this city for that matter."

Plow continues. "At any rate, we're your masters, so you'll have to obey us when we tell you to do stuff. Trust me, it's for your own good. We've been doing this a lot longer than you have. I can teach you how to breed new plant hybrids and how to maximize your yields and all sorts of other things most country bumpkins would never even think of."

"Yes, and when you're not being bored out of your mind with plants and dirt, you'll be learning how to turn this lot," Faith indicates Robert's assortment of animals, "From an undisciplined rabble into gentlebeasts fit to dine with nobles." She goes to check the square. "Looks like the crowd has pretty much cleared off. Let's go for a walk!"

Robert nodded along as his new masters have laid out things for them. With Faith's mention of animals he does say, "You know... I had a strange idea of my own a few months ago, maybe you can help me out with it between lessons?" ever the hopeful kid, he says it as if he half expects her to tell him nonsense, never mind, later you whelp, but it still had that tone of faith wild child like hope that this wise master might provide the lynchpin to his pipe dreams.

Regardless he rounded up his animals, getting them ready for travel and herding them along with a clicking noise from his tongue. "Yeah, I suppose, life in the city and all that. I take it that I won't normally have problems with... members of that race... constantly looting and burning my fields around here?" it was after all, a justified dislike, not just random slights.

"Oh... and what's the soil like here? I remember my old teacher telling me that the dirt around there was special. Something about ash and dragons and such. Provided a richness that wouldn't be found anywhere. I mean I've never been around here, or dealt with dirt elsewhere. Does make a good difference I hear... Oh and how long is the growing season? And what's the weather normally like? And what fodder grows well down here? Am I going to have a plot of land to work?" he started motoring along, really quite excited as he followed his teachers. Complete child like enthusiasm at the whole new world of options and he didn't know where to start or stop his mind churning.

2015-02-14, 08:07 PM
Robert nodded along as his new masters have laid out things for them. With Faith's mention of animals he does say, "You know... I had a strange idea of my own a few months ago, maybe you can help me out with it between lessons?" ever the hopeful kid, he says it as if he half expects her to tell him nonsense, never mind, later you whelp, but it still had that tone of faith wild child like hope that this wise master might provide the lynchpin to his pipe dreams.

Regardless he rounded up his animals, getting them ready for travel and herding them along with a clicking noise from his tongue. "Yeah, I suppose, life in the city and all that. I take it that I won't normally have problems with... members of that race... constantly looting and burning my fields around here?" it was after all, a justified dislike, not just random slights.

"Oh... and what's the soil like here? I remember my old teacher telling me that the dirt around there was special. Something about ash and dragons and such. Provided a richness that wouldn't be found anywhere. I mean I've never been around here, or dealt with dirt elsewhere. Does make a good difference I hear... Oh and how long is the growing season? And what's the weather normally like? And what fodder grows well down here? Am I going to have a plot of land to work?" he started motoring along, really quite excited as he followed his teachers. Complete child like enthusiasm at the whole new world of options and he didn't know where to start or stop his mind churning.

Plow laughs heartily at Robert's enthusiasm. "Aye, ye'll have a plot of your own." The gnome is happy to talk shop as the three make their way through the streets, explaining about the soil, the weather, and the growing seasons.

Faith sighs and follows along, smiling in bemusement. Whenever she can get a word in edgewise, she explains that if goblins are ever a problem around here, it's on the seas, but for the most part, they're just ordinary citizens or visiting merchants. She definitely has a way with animals, managing to keep Robert's small, motley herd under control and out of the way as they navigate the streets.

At last, the group reaches the gates of Londus, and Robert is led a little way to the east along the walls. The first building they reach is quite large. Adjacent to the building is a long fence of wooden rails, sectioning off several large areas of pasture. A herd of cattle grazes near the fence on one side, and a few horses come over to watch what's going on. The place is noisy, indicating the presence of chickens, pigs, and some other animals. The smell of the animals is also hard to miss.

"This is the barn for what I like to call the domestics," Faith explains, gesturing for Robert to follow her as she heads for the entrance. "These are the animals that are easiest to work with, but, apart from the horses, are also generally unintelligent and don't take well to advanced training," she explains. "We mostly raise them to be eaten or as work animals. Even the horses here aren't of the best stock."

Inside, there are pens and stalls and troughs, and a room full of tack, horseshoes, branding irons, blankets, and other tools of the trade. Faith gives Robert the full tour, taking him past pens of turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, goats, pigs, cattle, donkeys, and horses. There are several assistants working, most of them in the process of cleaning stalls and pens. You see a few apprentices among them, and even a few journeymen, easily identified by their silver pins. "This is a big operation," Faith explains, "So I have to hire a lot of help."

2015-02-14, 08:19 PM
"Oh don't I know," Robert said as he followed along, "I swear that some of those people think that bacon just magically appears in their larder with a wave of the hand and a flash of the coin..." he laughed a bit at that, Farmer's woes and jokes about city folk who never had seen a live head of cattle much less had to butcher and rend one down.

"I take it there's cold store near here? Smokehouse? Tannery? Must get a lot of traffic with the other guilds I suppose. Anything I need to watch out for with them? Just to be careful of course. He made an effort to try to remember where everything was, tools, gear, pens, noting only last what the various apprentices and Journeymen were doing so he'd have an idea of the typical duties being undertaken around here.

"You said Domestics though? You got exotics too? Something weird? I dunno.. dragon hatchery? Hippogriffs? Owlbear Aerie?" this seemed to light up his eyes as it did relate after all to his pet project.

2015-02-14, 09:05 PM
"Oh don't I know," Robert said as he followed along, "I swear that some of those people think that bacon just magically appears in their larder with a wave of the hand and a flash of the coin..." he laughed a bit at that, Farmer's woes and jokes about city folk who never had seen a live head of cattle much less had to butcher and rend one down.

"I take it there's cold store near here? Smokehouse? Tannery? Must get a lot of traffic with the other guilds I suppose. Anything I need to watch out for with them? Just to be careful of course. He made an effort to try to remember where everything was, tools, gear, pens, noting only last what the various apprentices and Journeymen were doing so he'd have an idea of the typical duties being undertaken around here.

"You said Domestics though? You got exotics too? Something weird? I dunno.. dragon hatchery? Hippogriffs? Owlbear Aerie?" this seemed to light up his eyes as it did relate after all to his pet project.

Faith nods. "There's a few butcheries just inside the gates, and they make sure almost nothing goes to waste. Even the bones get used for carvings and the like. You shouldn't have any trouble with them, though. Unless you're in competition with a business around here, they generally treat you well, plus the fact that you're a guild apprentice will offer you some protection." She pauses, "Well, except that they'll all try to fleece you if they can. Speaking of fleece, we're going to start shearing the sheep tomorrow."

"As to the exotics, that's our next destination," Faith explains, chuckling as she says, "And no, it's nothing quite as exotic as all that. You'd have to be out of your mind to keep an eyrie of dragons... or owlbears for that matter! You'll see when we get there."

She leads Robert out of the barn and the journey continues. After only about half a mile, Faith stops at a smaller building with a smaller pasture attached. Before you can go inside, you hear a trumpeting sound and a huge gray elephant emerges from behind the building.

2015-02-14, 09:26 PM
"Holy Harvest Goddess!" Robert exclaimed seeing the Elephant, "I'd heard about those, the Oilyfonts... never seen one... never figured they were so... so... fat and tall!" Childlike indeed, he just never saw one up in the mountains though far from their usual stomping grounds. His eye quickly scanned over it, trying to figure out what use it'd be. If that was muscle rather than fat it could be a useful beast of burden, that was sure. A pack beast perhaps. He had no idea what it tasted like, it could also be a herd animal. The hide looked tough, could have some industrial applications, the tusks were similarly marked in his mind.

"What other stuff you got in there?" Robert pondered aloud as he went up on his toes and stretched to peek out and spy some other random animal.

Makes sense to me he'd know it, if not seen it, he has the Knowledge Skill for Animals.

2015-02-14, 09:51 PM
"Holy Harvest Goddess!" Robert exclaimed seeing the Elephant, "I'd heard about those, the Oilyfonts... never seen one... never figured they were so... so... fat and tall!" Childlike indeed, he just never saw one up in the mountains though far from their usual stomping grounds. His eye quickly scanned over it, trying to figure out what use it'd be. If that was muscle rather than fat it could be a useful beast of burden, that was sure. A pack beast perhaps. He had no idea what it tasted like, it could also be a herd animal. The hide looked tough, could have some industrial applications, the tusks were similarly marked in his mind.

"What other stuff you got in there?" Robert pondered aloud as he went up on his toes and stretched to peek out and spy some other random animal.

Makes sense to me he'd know it, if not seen it, he has the Knowledge Skill for Animals.

Oh, yeah, I guess I should have had you roll, but that's fine. I imagine it's the sort of thing nearly everyone's heard of.

With a huge smile, Faith walks over to the massive creature. "Robert, meet Ruffles! She weighs about 3 tons, and we've been friends for a long time!"

With that, she raises her arms, and the elephant's long trunk wraps around her waist, and the animal trainer is lifted into the air.

2015-02-14, 10:11 PM
He took a step backwards when Faith was just hoisted into the air like a potato. He relaxed a little though seeing that she seemed to have things under control. Note to self: The trunk can pick up people like nothing. If you piss it off, avoid the trunk lest he throw you halfway across the pasture.

He spoke softly, saying, "Hello Ruffles... my name is Robert," he approached slowly and openly, moving only when he caught the animal's eye, and saw that it was apparently okay with his presence. He had to try to make a decent impression with the Master after all. He made some soft sounds, mimicking what he had heard from the Elephant, mixed with humming a few bars that he knew helped calm most animals, just something about the universal power of music. He looked towards Faith for a moment, seeing if she was going to wave him off before he approached the Elephant, trying to give it a nice little comforting pat on one of those huge legs.

Well, lets see how the Dice Fare with me and a Wild Empathy check to influence its attitude. Because gotta make impressions. :smallwink: At the very least show I got some ambition if nothing else.

Wild Empathy: [roll0]

2015-02-14, 10:14 PM
Erlerion stays quiet. The guard would only bring trouble if they found out he had seen the men who killed his uncle, and he didn't trust his ability to lie enough to talk to them so soon.

2015-02-14, 10:22 PM
Nicole realizes she has no idea where she's headed and stops chasing the thief before she finds herself lost. She limps back over to Erlerion and the guards, swearing under her breath the whole way back.

2015-02-14, 11:18 PM
He took a step backwards when Faith was just hoisted into the air like a potato. He relaxed a little though seeing that she seemed to have things under control. Note to self: The trunk can pick up people like nothing. If you piss it off, avoid the trunk lest he throw you halfway across the pasture.

He spoke softly, saying, "Hello Ruffles... my name is Robert," he approached slowly and openly, moving only when he caught the animal's eye, and saw that it was apparently okay with his presence. He had to try to make a decent impression with the Master after all. He made some soft sounds, mimicking what he had heard from the Elephant, mixed with humming a few bars that he knew helped calm most animals, just something about the universal power of music. He looked towards Faith for a moment, seeing if she was going to wave him off before he approached the Elephant, trying to give it a nice little comforting pat on one of those huge legs.

Well, lets see how the Dice Fare with me and a Wild Empathy check to influence its attitude. Because gotta make impressions. :smallwink: At the very least show I got some ambition if nothing else.

Wild Empathy: [roll0]

Ruffles seems a little nervous and backs up a step, out of reach of Robert's hand. Faith pats the pachyderm's huge head and speaks a gentle word to sooth her. Then, with a command, the elephant gently deposits Faith on the ground inside the fence. Faith climbs through and gives you a grin. "She's a little shy about letting strangers touch her," Faith explains kindly. "I'm sure you'll get to like each other soon enough." She leads her new apprentice to the entrance of the second building. "Oh, leave your animals outside. The sorts of things I keep in here might think they look tasty." Inside, you find a veritable menagerie of creatures. There's an aviary to one side filled with all sorts of bright-colored exotic birds, all chirping and calling to each other. Large enclosures hold big cats, wolves, and bears. There are a few glass cases that hold snakes - one of which is alarmingly big - and some smaller cages that hold ferrets, ermines, and even a porcupine. On the second floor, there's a cage with several small monkeys in it and another with a pair of rather odd, honey-colored creatures that look like an odd cross between a bear, a weasel, and a monkey.


If you want to roll Knowledge (Nature) to identify any of the creatures with more specificity than I've given.

2015-02-14, 11:36 PM
Arcantos took the key offered to him, though he was a little surprised when the goblin said that was all for now. With how he wandered off and had given him a key however, Arcantos decided not to ask him anything. Not wanting to change Skith’s mind about his intelligence. Instead, he left the store and head up the hill, looking for the house that was mentioned.

Arcantos has no trouble finding the house indicated. The statues outside the house match those inside the shop, breathing flames from their open mouths from time to time in unison.

Just as he reaches the front gate, a small figure turns a nearby corner and comes running down the street.


Fenzen nods. "Of course."

The elf picks a nearly-finished bow from the bin and sits down at his workbench. "If you want to start now, perhaps you could go downstairs and learn how to mind the shop." He produces some sandpaper and begins to put the finishing touches on the bow, sanding away the rough edges until the wood is as soft and smooth as a feather.

Erlerion stays quiet. The guard would only bring trouble if they found out he had seen the men who killed his uncle, and he didn't trust his ability to lie enough to talk to them so soon.

Nicole realizes she has no idea where she's headed and stops chasing the thief before she finds herself lost. She limps back over to Erlerion and the guards, swearing under her breath the whole way back.

The panting watchmen groan as the small figure disappears around a corner. "Well, boss, looks like he got away again!" one of them comments to the other, who nods.

"Thanks for trying to help us," the senior watchman says to Nicole. "We've been after that little scamp for over a week now. Little blighter's just too quick for us!"

2015-02-15, 12:23 AM
"It's no trouble. You'll probably catch him if you find someone to ask for help with two good legs." She smiles at the guards, then turns to Erlerion. "I'm curious about where the short one went though, and it would be good for us to get to know this part of town a little better. I'm gonna go down the street, look, and then come right back so we don't get lost. Sound good?"

She's already turned away from him and started moving before she finishes speaking. "Also, how're your arms feeling?"

2015-02-15, 12:34 AM
Erlerion shrugs, waiting for her to return.
Could be worse.

phone post, can't add color from here. Will edit in the morning.

2015-02-15, 07:04 AM
Caliara comes over as requested, although she feels a little out of place with not knowing what's going on. Apparently someone is getting married, and apparently this newcomer is the sister of Enlil Whipleaf. She doesn't really want to interrupt the elf and half-elf, who are obviously very excited with...whatever their new information is.

2015-02-15, 07:28 AM
"It's no trouble. You'll probably catch him if you find someone to ask for help with two good legs." She smiles at the guards, then turns to Erlerion. "I'm curious about where the short one went though, and it would be good for us to get to know this part of town a little better. I'm gonna go down the street, look, and then come right back so we don't get lost. Sound good?"

She's already turned away from him and started moving before she finishes speaking. "Also, how're your arms feeling?"

Erlerion shrugs, waiting for her to return.
"Could be worse."

phone post, can't add color from here. Will edit in the morning.

"Don't follow 'im too far, missy. That street'll take you straight to Skinner's Alley. Probably where 'e's headed." With that, the watchmen, regaining their breath a little, begin to wander back the way they came, eyes peeled for more trouble.

Caliara comes over as requested, although she feels a little out of place with not knowing what's going on. Apparently someone is getting married, and apparently this newcomer is the sister of Enlil Whipleaf. She doesn't really want to interrupt the elf and half-elf, who are obviously very excited with...whatever their new information is.

Eilea smiles. "Caliara, this is Lady Miralia Whipleaf. Do you remember Sir Enlil from the ceremony? He's her brother."

2015-02-15, 09:29 AM
Arcantos spotted the running figure and his eyes narrowed, slinging his musket from his back as he studied the small target, trying to figure out why he was running. Arcantos found that most of the time, people ran to get away from something, and in a place like this... running was especially suspicious.


2015-02-15, 10:10 AM
The elf picks a nearly-finished bow from the bin and sits down at his workbench. "If you want to start now, perhaps you could go downstairs and learn how to mind the shop." He produces some sandpaper and begins to put the finishing touches on the bow, sanding away the rough edges until the wood is as soft and smooth as a feather.


Fenzen thinks for a moment. What would he do in his room? He has lived a life of being busy and toil, not to mention he has no friends here. "Sure, I can do that." Minding a shop seemed easy enough and he could examine the wares and make more money to do what he wanted.
With that he headed down to the shop.

2015-02-15, 10:33 AM
"Help me mister!" the figure shouts as he approaches, his voice that of a small child. As he gets closer, Arcantos sees that it's a small half-elf boy with curly blonde hair. "They're gonna get me!"

2015-02-16, 07:50 AM
"... huh..." Robert said as he studied the animals. The Birds seemed more likely to have been bred for pets, at least as near as he could figure. No idea how tasty they were. Unlikely to be used for hunting from the look of it. Messenger Birds were often much more common birds, in part so they didn't stand out like a beacon in the sky for anyone who might want to snack on them or shoot the Messenger.

It suggested to him that this place was more about catering to the Rich than utility. The former pens were mostly animals he recognized after all with clear uses. Sheep, cows, horses, creatures of work or meant to be rendered into food or materials. This one was... different. He was kind of surprised to see a Wolf, but figured it was probably due to a particular request by a powerful figure who wanted more feral and viscous guard beasts than a mere domesticated dog. Seemed foolish to him, but then again it wasn't something outside the realm of possibility.

Monkeys, Hedgehogs, and other creatures often used as pets and familiars by spellcasters, again it fit. Less of an "exotics" place so much as he was coming to think of it and more a "Service" place, this one in particular more about fashion and appearance than utility. He stopped in front of the enclosure with the strange arboreal creature, unfamiliar to him right away, but he could have swore he heard something about things like it before...

2015-02-16, 08:11 AM
"Who is going to get you? And why are they coming for you?" Arcantos asked as the boy approached, not willing to just put his gun away because the lad was young. He was young once, and he knew all too well just how vicious and cunning youth's could be. So Arcantos made sure to study him carefully.


2015-02-16, 02:13 PM

Fenzen thinks for a moment. What would he do in his room? He has lived a life of being busy and toil, not to mention he has no friends here. "Sure, I can do that." Minding a shop seemed easy enough and he could examine the wares and make more money to do what he wanted.
With that he headed down to the shop.
Leana greets Fenzen as he comes down the stairs. "What do you think of the shop?"

"... huh..." Robert said as he studied the animals. The Birds seemed more likely to have been bred for pets, at least as near as he could figure. No idea how tasty they were. Unlikely to be used for hunting from the look of it. Messenger Birds were often much more common birds, in part so they didn't stand out like a beacon in the sky for anyone who might want to snack on them or shoot the Messenger.

It suggested to him that this place was more about catering to the Rich than utility. The former pens were mostly animals he recognized after all with clear uses. Sheep, cows, horses, creatures of work or meant to be rendered into food or materials. This one was... different. He was kind of surprised to see a Wolf, but figured it was probably due to a particular request by a powerful figure who wanted more feral and viscous guard beasts than a mere domesticated dog. Seemed foolish to him, but then again it wasn't something outside the realm of possibility.

Monkeys, Hedgehogs, and other creatures often used as pets and familiars by spellcasters, again it fit. Less of an "exotics" place so much as he was coming to think of it and more a "Service" place, this one in particular more about fashion and appearance than utility. He stopped in front of the enclosure with the strange arboreal creature, unfamiliar to him right away, but he could have swore he heard something about things like it before...

Faith doesn't seem to notice your disapproval. Instead, she goes over to the cage holding the honey-colored creature and opens the cage. "Now, while the domestics have a lot of practical value as food or work animals, the creatures here are highly intelligent and well-suited for advanced training." She reaches her hand into the cage and the creature climbs onto her arm. "Ever seen one of these before?" she asks.

"Who is going to get you? And why are they coming for you?" Arcantos asked as the boy approached, not willing to just put his gun away because the lad was young. He was young once, and he knew all too well just how vicious and cunning youth's could be. So Arcantos made sure to study him carefully.

The boy seems a little shifty, like he's not telling the whole truth. "I don't know! Bad people! There was a rock lady and some guys with sticks! You gotta protect me, mister!"

2015-02-17, 07:30 AM
"Oh, um, it's very nice to meet you, Lady Whipleaf," Caliara said, as politely as she could in the hope of excusing the fact that she had no idea how to properly greet someone who was apparently noble.

2015-02-17, 11:34 AM
Maleon sighs, hoping that his companion will be careful. He has no interest in any place called "Skinner's Alley".

2015-02-17, 11:53 AM
The boy seems a little shifty, like he's not telling the whole truth. "I don't know! Bad people! There was a rock lady and some guys with sticks! You gotta protect me, mister!"

"A rock lady?" Arcantos said, not exactly sure how to go about this matter, but decided to ensure he had all cards in his hand. "Can you tell me a little more about this rock lady?" Arcantos trying to stall for time in order to find out more of what was really going on.

2015-02-17, 10:02 PM
"Oh, um, it's very nice to meet you, Lady Whipleaf," Caliara said, as politely as she could in the hope of excusing the fact that she had no idea how to properly greet someone who was apparently noble.
Lady Whipleaf smiles, and Eilea goes on. "She just told me that she's going to be getting married soon, which is what all the excitement was all about."

The half-elf turns to the elf and asks, "I assume you didn't just come here to tell me the news. I imagine a noble wedding will require quite a bit of glitter!"

Lady Whipleaf nods. "Yes, there are several jewelry pieces we'll be needing. Wedding rings, for a start, but I also wanted to look at other pieces for the wedding party, too."

As the ladies begin to move toward the jewelry cases, Eilea nods to Caliara, encouraging her apprentice to join them.

Maleon sighs, hoping that his companion will be careful. He has no interest in any place called "Skinner's Alley".

"A rock lady?" Arcantos said, not exactly sure how to go about this matter, but decided to ensure he had all cards in his hand. "Can you tell me a little more about this rock lady?" Arcantos trying to stall for time in order to find out more of what was really going on.

Just then, Nicole appears around the corner at the end of the street. The boy's eyes go wide with fear, and he runs up to Arcantos, cowering behind him and grabbing the fabric of his pants for comfort as he peers around his legs.

Gimme a perception check.

2015-02-17, 10:54 PM
Leana greets Fenzen as he comes down the stairs. "What do you think of the shop?"


Fenzen blinks and admires her beauty and then looks around the shop. "It is amazing. I am not really used to much of anything like this. I grew up in a small farming village and then in the wilds."

2015-02-18, 06:43 AM
Caliara follows along, although she starts to somewhat tune out Eilea and Lady Whipleaf as she starts looking at all the jewellery, wondering if she would ever become skilled enough to even come close to Eilea's skill. She does her best to pay attention but, especially when she sees some of the more ornate pieces, does start to try to fathom out how the components were so seamlessly joined together. Maybe it was magic.

2015-02-18, 07:37 AM

Fenzen blinks and admires her beauty and then looks around the shop. "It is amazing. I am not really used to much of anything like this. I grew up in a small farming village and then in the wilds."

Leana sighs. "Yes, I, too, sometimes miss the forest retreat where I was raised. Enlil and I have done our best to make this place like home, but this place certainly bears the mark of the dwarves who built it."

She walks over to the window overlooking the bay and sighs. "At least we get to see real sunlight." Down below, ships are entering and leaving the harbor, and white gulls often soar past the clear panes, riding the upward air currents that form along the cliff face. Her tall, slim body is somewhat silhouetted against the bright sunlight streaming through the window.

Caliara follows along, although she starts to somewhat tune out Eilea and Lady Whipleaf as she starts looking at all the jewellery, wondering if she would ever become skilled enough to even come close to Eilea's skill. She does her best to pay attention but, especially when she sees some of the more ornate pieces, does start to try to fathom out how the components were so seamlessly joined together. Maybe it was magic.

The conversation between the two women continues over what the lady would like for the wedding. Suddenly, a single comment breaks in on the apprentice's consciousness. "Do you think you would be able to make something like that, Caliara?"

2015-02-19, 03:38 AM
"Um, er..." Caliara stammered, trying desperately to pretend that she'd been paying attention while trying to figure out what exactly it was Eilea was talking about.

Perception?: [roll0] (couldn't think of anything more appropriate)
Bluff: [roll1]

2015-02-19, 12:50 PM
Just then, Nicole appears around the corner at the end of the street. The boy's eyes go wide with fear, and he runs up to Arcantos, cowering behind him and grabbing the fabric of his pants for comfort as he peers around his legs.

Arcantos' eyes narrows at the sight of Nicole coming round the same corner in which the boy had a while go. The human put a hand on the boy's back, as it comforting him... but he slipped his thumb behind the collar, meaning he would be able to quickly grasp the boy if he needed to. He also made sure to check that he wasn't trying to pick-pocket him or anything.


2015-02-19, 04:05 PM
"Um, er..." Caliara stammered, trying desperately to pretend that she'd been paying attention while trying to figure out what exactly it was Eilea was talking about.

Perception?: [roll0] (couldn't think of anything more appropriate)
Bluff: [roll1]
Caliara notices that Eilea and Lady Whipleaf have stopped in front of a section of ornate hair accessories. It's hard to know exactly what they were specifically talking about though. Eilea raises an eyebrow. "Well?" she asks, somewhat impatiently.

Arcantos' eyes narrows at the sight of Nicole coming round the same corner in which the boy had a while go. The human put a hand on the boy's back, as it comforting him... but he slipped his thumb behind the collar, meaning he would be able to quickly grasp the boy if he needed to. He also made sure to check that he wasn't trying to pick-pocket him or anything.

"That's the rock lady..." the boy whispers, quaking a little. "Don't let her get me! Please!"

2015-02-19, 04:57 PM
As Nicole rounds the corner, she sees the kid hiding behind Arcantos. She stops and holds her hand up in Erlerion's direction, trying to signal for him to hold on, she'll be right back.

She approaches Arcantos and the boy slowly, hands in her pockets, looking for all the world like she just wants to talk. Which is true. She doesn't actually address Arcantos when she talks, instead kneeling to look the kid in the eye. "What were the watchmen chasing you for?"

Diplomacy to convince him I'm not a threat, I guess: [roll0]

2015-02-20, 07:04 AM
Leana sighs. "Yes, I, too, sometimes miss the forest retreat where I was raised. Enlil and I have done our best to make this place like home, but this place certainly bears the mark of the dwarves who built it."

She walks over to the window overlooking the bay and sighs. "At least we get to see real sunlight." Down below, ships are entering and leaving the harbor, and white gulls often soar past the clear panes, riding the upward air currents that form along the cliff face. Her tall, slim body is somewhat silhouetted against the bright sunlight streaming through the window.


"It is beautiful. I was not complaining, just speaking my mind. How can I help?"

2015-02-20, 02:48 PM
"Erm..." Caliara continued to stammer before regaining her composure. Most of that seems reasonable enough, with all the tools and everything that are here. And Eilea wouldn't ask if I could make something she knew was well outside what I could do. Unless it's a test. It might be a test. Her hesitation and uncertainty probably bled into her tone as she settled for an answer that would hopefully suffice. "I...think so?" She made a mental note to not get distracted by shiny things in future.

2015-02-20, 04:09 PM
As Nicole rounds the corner, she sees the kid hiding behind Arcantos. She stops and holds her hand up in Erlerion's direction, trying to signal for him to hold on, she'll be right back.

She approaches Arcantos and the boy slowly, hands in her pockets, looking for all the world like she just wants to talk. Which is true. She doesn't actually address Arcantos when she talks, instead kneeling to look the kid in the eye. "What were the watchmen chasing you for?"

Diplomacy to convince him I'm not a threat, I guess: [roll0]

As Nicole gets closer, the child tries to step back. "No! Stay away!"
If you decide to grab him, go ahead and roll a grapple check.


"It is beautiful. I was not complaining, just speaking my mind. How can I help?"

Leana explains the layout of the shop and where to find things. The bows are organized by their power and quality, and the ammunition is arranged in a similar fashion. She shows Fenzen the lockbox and explains the pricing chart. "If you need help, just call for Enlil or me, and we'll come help you." Then she leaves to go prepare dinner for everyone.

2015-02-21, 12:41 PM
"Not so fast." Arcantos said, using his prior preparation in order to get a firm hold on the boy's collar. Confident that despite his lower-than-average strength he would still be able to keep a grip on the boy. "Your staying here until you answer the ladies' questions."


2015-02-21, 01:07 PM
"Erm..." Caliara continued to stammer before regaining her composure. Most of that seems reasonable enough, with all the tools and everything that are here. And Eilea wouldn't ask if I could make something she knew was well outside what I could do. Unless it's a test. It might be a test. Her hesitation and uncertainty probably bled into her tone as she settled for an answer that would hopefully suffice. "I...think so?" She made a mental note to not get distracted by shiny things in future.
Eilea gives her apprentice a skeptical look, but decides not to say anything further about it in the presence of a customer. "We'll have to see what she comes up with. I'm sure I can help her along if she needs."

Lady Whipleaf nods graciously. "Well, I believe that should be all for now. I'll have to speak with Lothiel before I make any final decisions. I'll send you a final list by tomorrow, but I did want to see you and tell you in person!" She then turns to Caliara, "And I wish you good luck with your apprenticeship. I'm sure there's much Eilea can teach you." With that, Eilea gives a graceful curtsy, and the Lady Whipleaf takes her leave.

Once Eilea is sure the elf is not going to return, she turns to the apprentice, an eyebrow raised. "You have no idea what I was asking about, do you?"

"Not so fast." Arcantos said, using his prior preparation in order to get a firm hold on the boy's collar. Confident that despite his lower-than-average strength he would still be able to keep a grip on the boy. "Your staying here until you answer the ladies' questions."


The boy easily escapes Arcantos' grip, taking a few steps back to get a little distance. "No! You just wanna hurt me, too, don't you?!"

The kid is 15 feet from Arcantos, probably a little farther from Nicole.

2015-02-21, 03:15 PM
Leana explains the layout of the shop and where to find things. The bows are organized by their power and quality, and the ammunition is arranged in a similar fashion. She shows Fenzen the lockbox and explains the pricing chart. "If you need help, just call for Enlil or me, and we'll come help you." Then she leaves to go prepare dinner for everyone.

Fenzen slowly moves around the shop, examining all the items and the craftmanship, learning where everything is and as much as he can about their construction.

2015-02-21, 03:46 PM
"Um, no," Caliara admits, head lowered. "Sorry, I started looking at everything and I...sorry," she finishes, somewhat lamely.

2015-02-21, 04:09 PM
"No! We don't want to hurt you at all. I understand that crime is often a necessary path one needs to turn to when one doesn't have enough resources at times. I just want to make sure you're alright." She slowly puts her backpack on the ground and takes a seat. "I just want to know what the guards were chasing you for, and if there's a way we can make it so you don't have to do it anymore."

Diplomacy again? I don't know if that even applies here but you can just ignore the roll if it doesn't. [roll0]

2015-02-21, 05:18 PM
Fenzen slowly moves around the shop, examining all the items and the craftmanship, learning where everything is and as much as he can about their construction.
There's a variety of bows. Some are very ornate, decorated with symbols or intricate patterns in precious metals or brilliant dyes, while others are quite utilitarian in their design, without much flash, but still clearly well-constructed and powerful. It's likely that some of them have magical abilities, as well.

After a few minutes, you hear a bell ring, indicating that the door downstairs has opened, then the sounds of someone coming up the stairs. Then a beautiful brown-haired elf appears at the top of the stairs, smiling. "Oh, hello. Is my brother here?"

DC 15 perception or a trained Kn(Nobility) check.

"Um, no," Caliara admits, head lowered. "Sorry, I started looking at everything and I...sorry," she finishes, somewhat lamely.
Eilea nods. "In the future, if you need me to repeat or clarify something, just ask. It's better to admit that you don't know something than to pretend you do know it. Yes, it would be better to have paid attention the first time, and you need to work on that, but I need to be able to rely on you, and that means I need you to be honest with me, alright?" Her tone is serious, but not unkind.

"No! We don't want to hurt you at all. I understand that crime is often a necessary path one needs to turn to when one doesn't have enough resources at times. I just want to make sure you're alright." She slowly puts her backpack on the ground and takes a seat. "I just want to know what the guards were chasing you for, and if there's a way we can make it so you don't have to do it anymore."

Diplomacy again? I don't know if that even applies here but you can just ignore the roll if it doesn't. [roll0]

Diplomacy is definitely appropriate in this situation, though I am definitely adding modifiers to your rolls depending on what you've said. Some things will make him more receptive to you, while others might cause him to lose trust in you.

The half elf's sparkling blue eyes go wide. "You mean you don't wanna beat me up cause I stole some rich lady's money?"

2015-02-21, 06:55 PM
Nicole smiles at the kid. "Some rich lady? No, I don't think so. If you had stolen from a poor person, maybe, but not a rich lady." She winces inwardly a little bit, but tries to ignore the mistake in her words. She SHOULD be telling him that stealing in general is wrong regardless, but she can't help but think about how that would end the conversation. Progress is better than full honesty right now, Nicole. You might be able to convince him to be a good little boy later.

"However, I do want to know how much you stole and what you need it for. It would be weird for someone who looks poor to pull out a bag entirely full of gold coins when they go to buy some food, so that can't be it. You should never steal what you don't need, and you should always strive to get to a position where you don't need to steal anything at all. If not because stealing is bad, then because it's illegal. If those men ever catch you, they won't be as nice about these things as I am."

2015-02-22, 04:14 AM
"Once, at the Circus," Robert replied, having seen a Kinkaju amid the traveling show, along with a few other oddities from across the world. "I know a little about them. I imagine they're popular as pets, very cute and their dietary desires is well suited to those who like to spoil their animals, of course." It wasn't that he had much experience with them, just a few quick lessons with the Old Man when they saw the creatures and having seen them handled a bit.

2015-02-22, 06:18 AM
"Okay," Caliara says in a very small voice. "I didn't want to interrupt or anything." She pauses for a moment. "Er, which of those were you talking about?" she adds, gesturing to the ornaments.

2015-02-22, 08:55 AM
There's a variety of bows. Some are very ornate, decorated with symbols or intricate patterns in precious metals or brilliant dyes, while others are quite utilitarian in their design, without much flash, but still clearly well-constructed and powerful. It's likely that some of them have magical abilities, as well.

After a few minutes, you hear a bell ring, indicating that the door downstairs has opened, then the sounds of someone coming up the stairs. Then a beautiful brown-haired elf appears at the top of the stairs, smiling. "Oh, hello. Is my brother here?"


Fenzen smiles at the new guest.
"Hello, I am Fenzen, Enlil's new apprentice. It seems he is surrounded by beautiful women."

2015-02-22, 12:39 PM
Nicole smiles at the kid. "Some rich lady? No, I don't think so. If you had stolen from a poor person, maybe, but not a rich lady." She winces inwardly a little bit, but tries to ignore the mistake in her words. She SHOULD be telling him that stealing in general is wrong regardless, but she can't help but think about how that would end the conversation. Progress is better than full honesty right now, Nicole. You might be able to convince him to be a good little boy later.

"However, I do want to know how much you stole and what you need it for. It would be weird for someone who looks poor to pull out a bag entirely full of gold coins when they go to buy some food, so that can't be it. You should never steal what you don't need, and you should always strive to get to a position where you don't need to steal anything at all. If not because stealing is bad, then because it's illegal. If those men ever catch you, they won't be as nice about these things as I am."

The boy noticeably relaxes, dropping the scared little kid act and flashing a lopsided grin. "Heh, you're a lot cooler than I expected! Alright, I'll level with you. I was born on the streets. I've got no family, few friends, and no one's really allowed to hire me because I'm too young, so I gotta steal to get by."

"Once, at the Circus," Robert replied, having seen a Kinkaju amid the traveling show, along with a few other oddities from across the world. "I know a little about them. I imagine they're popular as pets, very cute and their dietary desires is well suited to those who like to spoil their animals, of course." It wasn't that he had much experience with them, just a few quick lessons with the Old Man when they saw the creatures and having seen them handled a bit.
Faith's eyebrows go up at the mention of the circus. "Interesting. You're right, they do make good pets, though generally only the rich can afford to feed them in the winter."

She speaks a word of command, and the animal drops to the ground and performs three quick backflips. Faith is quick to praise the kinkajou, then pulls a strawberry from a pouch on her belt and hands it to the obedient creature. "They're also very athletic, which is probably why the circus had one."

"Okay," Caliara says in a very small voice. "I didn't want to interrupt or anything." She pauses for a moment. "Er, which of those were you talking about?" she adds, gesturing to the ornaments.

Eilea's smile returns and, confident the lesson has been learned, returns to the glass case and points at a pair of long, straight, ornately-decorated hair pins. "I was asking if you thought you could make something like these. They're a traditional elven design, and as I'm sure you're aware, it's customary for a bride to wear something made by an apprentice on her wedding day, for good luck. Lady Miralia likes this style of hairpin, and I thought it seemed like something you might be able to make."


Fenzen smiles at the new guest.
"Hello, I am Fenzen, Enlil's new apprentice. It seems he is surrounded by beautiful women."

The elf woman smiles. "Hello Fenzen, I am Lady Miralia Whipleaf. Enlil is my brother. Is he here?" She has the poise and dignity of a noblewoman, and her clothing indicates that she is wealthy.

2015-02-22, 02:14 PM
Curious, Nicole switches up her speech patterns to imitate his, dropping the sisterly concern act to match his dropping the scared little kid act. "Yeah, I figured as much. I just couldn't make sense of why you was so scared, y'know?" She grabs her bag and stands up, carefully swinging it onto her back so as not to break anything inside.

"I've got a delivery to make right now, but I'm heading to the Arm & Hammer to grab some grub. You should either come with or meet me there so we can talk about this some more, yeah?"

Nicole turns to Arcantos next. "Were you at the ceremony earlier? Skith's new apprentice? Sorry I didn't introduce myself before, I'm Nicole."

2015-02-22, 04:37 PM
"Probably something thieves would want as well," he remarked. Not condemning, just figuring that an agile, tiny creature that could be highly trained and was very nimble might make for some filcher's good little partner. At least, it made sense to him.

He smiled a little as he watched the critter go to town on the Strawberry, and found himself absently wondering just how many odd little knick knacks and treats that Faith must carry on her at any given moment. Did they make storage containers with magical cold and freshness in mind? He kind of doubted it, but it seemed like a good idea. Imagine if people could just carry around fresh food all year long in some magical pouch without needing the more powerful magics to create food out of nothing compared to just storing it. And fresh food was better for a person than dried, salted, and preserved hard tack rations, same for animals as well.

He made a mental note about that idea for later. That's how he came up with a lot of his ideas after all.

2015-02-22, 04:41 PM
Erlerion, his arms starting to get tired, calls after his companion
Nicole? What's taking so long?

2015-02-23, 07:25 AM
Arcantos... was a little left in the dust when Nicole managed to easily talk the kid down. Not only get him to calm down, but to open up and explain himself. Though Arcantos had to raise an eyebrow when Nicole said she didn’t mind him stealing from a rich lady... or well tried. Both eyebrows went up instead of one. Difficult look, the arched eyebrow... “You didn’t steal anything from me when you huddled up behind me, did you?” Arcantos questioned the kid, though there was a smile on his face, non-threatening at all. When Nicole turned to him and introduced herself, Arcantos nodded. “Yeah, the goblin is my teacher. I’m Arcantos, master firearm maker in the making. Nice to meet you.”

2015-02-23, 10:38 PM
"Probably something thieves would want as well," he remarked. Not condemning, just figuring that an agile, tiny creature that could be highly trained and was very nimble might make for some filcher's good little partner. At least, it made sense to him.

He smiled a little as he watched the critter go to town on the Strawberry, and found himself absently wondering just how many odd little knick knacks and treats that Faith must carry on her at any given moment. Did they make storage containers with magical cold and freshness in mind? He kind of doubted it, but it seemed like a good idea. Imagine if people could just carry around fresh food all year long in some magical pouch without needing the more powerful magics to create food out of nothing compared to just storing it. And fresh food was better for a person than dried, salted, and preserved hard tack rations, same for animals as well.

He made a mental note about that idea for later. That's how he came up with a lot of his ideas after all.
Faith chuckles. "I imagine a creature like this would be a good companion for a smart theif." She shoots Robert a dangerous look. "But if I ever catch you using an animal for shady purposes, I'll tie you up and leave you in one of the enclosures." As soon as the kinkajou finishes the sweet red fruit, Faith reaches down and clicks her tongue. The honey-colored animal climbs onto her arm. "You wanna hold him?" she asks.

Curious, Nicole switches up her speech patterns to imitate his, dropping the sisterly concern act to match his dropping the scared little kid act. "Yeah, I figured as much. I just couldn't make sense of why you was so scared, y'know?" She grabs her bag and stands up, carefully swinging it onto her back so as not to break anything inside.

"I've got a delivery to make right now, but I'm heading to the Arm & Hammer to grab some grub. You should either come with or meet me there so we can talk about this some more, yeah?"

Nicole turns to Arcantos next. "Were you at the ceremony earlier? Skith's new apprentice? Sorry I didn't introduce myself before, I'm Nicole."

Erlerion, his arms starting to get tired, calls after his companion
Nicole? What's taking so long?

Arcantos... was a little left in the dust when Nicole managed to easily talk the kid down. Not only get him to calm down, but to open up and explain himself. Though Arcantos had to raise an eyebrow when Nicole said she didn’t mind him stealing from a rich lady... or well tried. Both eyebrows went up instead of one. Difficult look, the arched eyebrow... “You didn’t steal anything from me when you huddled up behind me, did you?” Arcantos questioned the kid, though there was a smile on his face, non-threatening at all. When Nicole turned to him and introduced herself, Arcantos nodded. “Yeah, the goblin is my teacher. I’m Arcantos, master firearm maker in the making. Nice to meet you.”

The kid looks at his shoes and kicks a rock. "Maaaaybe..." Then, with a grin, he produces Arcantos' purse seemingly from nowhere, holding it out on the flat of his palm. "The name's Roux, and I'll meet you just about anywhere you like, so long as there's no constables and you're buying." With a flick of his wrist, the purse flies through the air toward Arcantos, describing a gentle arc.

Nicole hears a vague shout that could be Erlerion, though from this distance, it's hard to tell exactly.

2015-02-23, 11:07 PM
Robert just blinked at her as she leveled an ultimatum and said dully as if it never really occurred to him, "Why would I?" Just hadn't really occurred to him to do such things himself. He had bigger plans after all like the Chickencow, not to mention a day of Ranching was hard enough labor you didn't really have time to run around a city in a gaudy costume with some random name like "Zookeeper", using animals to commit crimes.

With Faith's bidding he held out his arm, so that the critter could run across to him if it wished, not really pushing or grabbing for it, just giving it the option if it felt like it. After all, you don't just grab strange animals unless you felt like getting clawed, bitten, or something else.

2015-02-23, 11:41 PM
The elf woman smiles. "Hello Fenzen, I am Lady Miralia Whipleaf. Enlil is my brother. Is he here?" She has the poise and dignity of a noblewoman, and her clothing indicates that she is wealthy.


Fenzen dips his head in a weak bow. "He is upstairs."

2015-02-24, 06:51 AM
Arcantos let out a little smile when the kid produced his purse, not surprised in all honestly and snatched it out of the air. Quickly putting it back into place on his belt. When Roux said he was okay no matter where, as long as they brought and there was no cops, he rolled his eyes before turning to Nicole. “I need to go and drop some stuff at the house. Can you tell me how to get to this Arm & Hammer place?”

2015-02-26, 11:03 PM

Fenzen dips his head in a weak bow. "He is upstairs."

The lady smiles, then waits expectantly, looking at Fenzen as though he is supposed to do something.

Arcantos let out a little smile when the kid produced his purse, not surprised in all honestly and snatched it out of the air. Quickly putting it back into place on his belt. When Roux said he was okay no matter where, as long as they brought and there was no cops, he rolled his eyes before turning to Nicole. “I need to go and drop some stuff at the house. Can you tell me how to get to this Arm & Hammer place?”

"Oh, I know that place. Right at the end of this street, then take a left toward the Smith's Circle. It'll be on your left!" the small half-elf gestures as he explains the directions.

With that, Roux grins and dashes away down the street. "See you guys later!"

2015-02-26, 11:32 PM
"Poor kid. Oh well. You can follow his directions whenever you're ready. I've got an errand to run before getting food too, but it'd be great to see you down there!"

Nicole turns around and starts making the walk back to Erlerion, calling down the way as she goes. "I'm on my way back, no worries. Anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

2015-02-26, 11:52 PM
Erlerion shakes his head.
Nah. Unless you count some ants running around.

2015-02-27, 08:41 AM
The lady smiles, then waits expectantly, looking at Fenzen as though he is supposed to do something.


Fenzen looks confused. "Should ... I get him for you?" as he starts moving slowly to the stairs.

2015-02-27, 10:29 AM

Fenzen looks confused. "Should ... I get him for you?" as he starts moving slowly to the stairs.

The lady raises her eyebrows, then nods slightly, as though she expected the apprentice to have figured this out by now.

2015-02-27, 10:43 AM
The lady raises her eyebrows, then nods slightly, as though she expected the apprentice to have figured this out by now.


"I am sorry, I am not used to..." He gestures around himself, "yet. I am not used to this society and I have just begun today." He heads up to fetch Enlil.

2015-03-02, 05:12 AM
"I think I should be able to do something like that," Caliara said, with a little more confidence this time. "When is the wedding?"

2015-03-02, 11:42 AM
Arcantos was grateful for the instructions, and glanced down the path, pretty sure he would be able to memorize instructions as simple as that. Though he didn’t entire share Nicole’s pity for the boy. He was handling himself rather well. Arc gave his fellow apprentice a nod as she went to return to her duties, himself heading to into the house. Using the given key in order to enter it, curious to see what it would be like, and what his bedroom would be like as well.

2015-03-02, 03:29 PM
Robert just blinked at her as she leveled an ultimatum and said dully as if it never really occurred to him, "Why would I?" Just hadn't really occurred to him to do such things himself. He had bigger plans after all like the Chickencow, not to mention a day of Ranching was hard enough labor you didn't really have time to run around a city in a gaudy costume with some random name like "Zookeeper", using animals to commit crimes.

With Faith's bidding he held out his arm, so that the critter could run across to him if it wished, not really pushing or grabbing for it, just giving it the option if it felt like it. After all, you don't just grab strange animals unless you felt like getting clawed, bitten, or something else.

Faith smiles at the boy's reply. Seems he's an honest kid.
Since I don't have a roll from you yet, but this is a rather minor thing, I'm just going to tell you it's DC 10.The creature climbs up Roberts arm and onto his shoulder. Its grip is firm, but not painful, belying a surprising strength for such a small animal. The kinkajou sniffs at Roberts face curiously.
The kinkajou is hesitant to cross to Robert. It seems it will need some more encouragement. If only Robert had something sweet to offer it, perhaps it might respond more readily. If you can get some fruit or candy or honey or something like that, you can try again with a circumstance bonus.
You can roll in the OOC thread or at the top of your next post, then respond accordingly.


"I am sorry, I am not used to..." He gestures around himself, "yet. I am not used to this society and I have just begun today." He heads up to fetch Enlil.

Enlil is still working. By now, he's applying a rich red stain to the bow he has been crafting with a small brush. Seeing Fenzen, he puts down the brush. "Yes? Do you need something, Fenzen?" he asks, his tone neutral.

"I think I should be able to do something like that," Caliara said, with a little more confidence this time. "When is the wedding?"

"Well, Miralia... er, I mean, Lady Miralia," Eilea corrected herself a little awkwardly, as though just remembering that she needed to set a good example for her apprentice, "said they wanted to have the wedding in two months. I don't know the exact date yet, but it's not a lot of time. I hope they can make it all work in time."

Arcantos was grateful for the instructions, and glanced down the path, pretty sure he would be able to memorize instructions as simple as that. Though he didn’t entire share Nicole’s pity for the boy. He was handling himself rather well. Arc gave his fellow apprentice a nod as she went to return to her duties, himself heading to into the house. Using the given key in order to enter it, curious to see what it would be like, and what his bedroom would be like as well.

Skith's house was dark inside, but there was a lamp near the door. When lit, it revealed a somewhat disorderly place - similar to the workshop, actually. The main room was rather large and roomy, with clutter in just about every corner. In the back was a small kitchen, with dirty dishes in the wash basin. A fireplace stood in one corner, and there were two chairs set up to face it. The place was decorated with portraits of scandalously clad goblin women. Amongst the clutter were a surprising number of books and pamphlets, many of them pertaining to alchemy, and many of the rest pertaining to Skith's apparent fascination with the females of his kind. The overall effect was that this was the sort of place that had been inhabited by a bachelor for a long time.

A few other rooms opened off the main one - a cupboard in the kitchen that was in bad need of having the old food removed, a surprisingly clean-smelling privy, and two bedrooms. It was not hard to guess which was which. Skith's room looked very lived-in and was decorated with posters even more scandalous than the ones in the main room. The other room was mostly bare, with just a small cot and an empty bin for storing belongings.

2015-03-02, 05:30 PM
Oh. Shame. Well I caught the kid, whose name is Roux, and also met another new apprentice, who will be eating with us later. She snatches the box up from Erlerion's tired arms and cheerily limps in the direction of the Smith's circle.

She chatters while she walks, explaining a little more about who the apprentice was, and what the deal with Roux is to pass the time. When they arrive at Dorin's, she waits at the door instead of trying to do a circus act to open it.

2015-03-02, 09:30 PM
Enlil is still working. By now, he's applying a rich red stain to the bow he has been crafting with a small brush. Seeing Fenzen, he puts down the brush. "Yes? Do you need something, Fenzen?" he asks, his tone neutral.


Fenzen nods. "Your sister, Lady Miralia Whipleaf, is here to see you."

2015-03-02, 10:04 PM
Erlerion chuckles as she takes the containers, and keeps up the small talk on the way to the shop. He knocks on the door.

At the moment, I am completely blanking if this is a Dorin's home or shop. If it's the shop, then he'll open the door for Nicole. If it's a home, he'll wait for permission to come in

2015-03-04, 03:53 PM
“Typical.” Arcantos said, not that surprised by the state of his house as he carefully made his way through the mess, dropping his pack and musket on his bed. Skith’s bedroom was not touched or even looked at once recognized, and most of the stuff on the floor was left as well. But whilst Arcantos was a bastard, he had been raised around nobility and thus felt that every place should have at least some standard of living... and wasn’t afraid to help himself.

First was quickly removing the old food from the house, Arcantos not wanting the smell to carry on, and knew that bad food tended to attract all types of creepy crawlers that made the house even worse. Next up, the human set to cleaning the dishes, a much more easy and less digusting job. Finally, Arcantos sorted through the books and pamphlets. The ones about goblins were thrown aside, the ones about alchemy were stored much more neatly.

Satisfied he had cleaned the place up without robbing it of its intendity, Arcantos left the house and locked it behind him, leaving his musket behind. Seeing no reason to carry such an obvious weapon as he headed down the lane, turning left towards Smith's Circle, seeking out the tavern he was meeting Nicole, the Arm & Hammer.

2015-03-06, 09:25 AM
Oh. Shame. Well I caught the kid, whose name is Roux, and also met another new apprentice, who will be eating with us later. She snatches the box up from Erlerion's tired arms and cheerily limps in the direction of the Smith's circle.

She chatters while she walks, explaining a little more about who the apprentice was, and what the deal with Roux is to pass the time. When they arrive at Dorin's, she waits at the door instead of trying to do a circus act to open it.

Erlerion chuckles as she takes the containers, and keeps up the small talk on the way to the shop. He knocks on the door.

At the moment, I am completely blanking if this is a Dorin's home or shop. If it's the shop, then he'll open the door for Nicole. If it's a home, he'll wait for permission to come in

As Nicole and Erlerion enter Dorin's smithy, they find it much as when Nicole had left it. Mari and Fen are still at work. However, Dorin is also at one of the anvils, his hammer ringing as he shapes a piece of hot metal. As he works, he chides his senior apprentice.

"Mari! I told ye tae take a break and go eat something! I appreciate the dedication but a smith canna' be any good if they're dead of starvation! By Thorin! Yer bodie's a forge, and yer refusin' tae add any fuel tae the fire!"

Mari looks up briefly, then back down. "I'm fine."

Exasperated, Dorin turns to see the two apprentices. "Ah, Nicole, ye're back! Umber's still downstairs. I'm sure she'll be happy tae see ye've got her stuff."

Seeing Erlerion and assuming him to be a customer, he smiles. "Welcome! Anything I can do tae be of service?"


Fenzen nods. "Your sister, Lady Miralia Whipleaf, is here to see you."

Enlil looks up, a little surprised. "Miralia is here?" He looks thoughtful. "I shall have to go down and see her." Carefully setting the bow down so that the stain will not be ruined, he stands up, then wipes his hands with a rag before heading downstairs.

He smiles upon seeing his sister. "Ah, Miralia! Good to see you, as always."

She smiles in return. "Hello Enlil."

"So, what brings you here today? I assume this is more than a mere social call. Normally you would have sent word."

"Yes, unfortunately I did not have time to inform you that I was coming. My decision to see you was very last-minute. The news I bring is rather sudden." Her tones were rather courtly, matching Fenzen's stoic demeanor.

Enlil looks concerned. "Is something wrong?"

Miralia smiles and blushes a little. "No! No, nothing like that. In fact, just the opposite. The news is so good that I had to come and tell you immediately." She pauses, then announces, with great gravity. "I am to be wed! Lothiel has asked for my hand, and I accepted!"

Enlil seems rather surprised by the news, and possibly not quite pleased. "Really? And you think Lothiel will make a good husband?"

Miralia's smile fades a little. "Well, yes. I would not have agreed to marry him if I did not!"

Enlil's face softens, and he smiles. "Then this is wonderful news!"

2015-03-06, 02:31 PM
Nicole heads straight in, marching directly for the door at the back of the room. "Yup! No problem." When she hears Dorin ask if he can help Erlerion, she laughs. "Sir, this is Grand Master Krystal's new apprentice. He helped me carry all of this stuff back here. Speaking of, Erlerion," she indicates with a nod the workbench where she had left her crafting supplies before "Would you mind grabbing my hammer and kit there? I didn't have a chance to put them up properly earlier and my hands are a bit full."

Whether he does or not, she starts thumping her way down the steps, carefully so as not to drop anything, and calls for Umber's attention.

2015-03-06, 04:29 PM
He grabs the tools before following the stone woman down the stairs.

2015-03-06, 08:15 PM
Enlil looks up, a little surprised. "Miralia is here?" He looks thoughtful. "I shall have to go down and see her." Carefully setting the bow down so that the stain will not be ruined, he stands up, then wipes his hands with a rag before heading downstairs.

He smiles upon seeing his sister. "Ah, Miralia! Good to see you, as always."

She smiles in return. "Hello Enlil."

"So, what brings you here today? I assume this is more than a mere social call. Normally you would have sent word."

"Yes, unfortunately I did not have time to inform you that I was coming. My decision to see you was very last-minute. The news I bring is rather sudden." Her tones were rather courtly, matching Fenzen's stoic demeanor.

Enlil looks concerned. "Is something wrong?"

Miralia smiles and blushes a little. "No! No, nothing like that. In fact, just the opposite. The news is so good that I had to come and tell you immediately." She pauses, then announces, with great gravity. "I am to be wed! Lothiel has asked for my hand, and I accepted!"

Enlil seems rather surprised by the news, and possibly not quite pleased. "Really? And you think Lothiel will make a good husband?"

Miralia's smile fades a little. "Well, yes. I would not have agreed to marry him if I did not!"

Enlil's face softens, and he smiles. "Then this is wonderful news!"


Fenzen follows Enlil down the stairs and upon hearing the news says, "Congratulations my lady."

2015-03-09, 11:40 AM
Nicole heads straight in, marching directly for the door at the back of the room. "Yup! No problem." When she hears Dorin ask if he can help Erlerion, she laughs. "Sir, this is Grand Master Krystal's new apprentice. He helped me carry all of this stuff back here. Speaking of, Erlerion," she indicates with a nod the workbench where she had left her crafting supplies before "Would you mind grabbing my hammer and kit there? I didn't have a chance to put them up properly earlier and my hands are a bit full."

Whether he does or not, she starts thumping her way down the steps, carefully so as not to drop anything, and calls for Umber's attention.

He grabs the tools before following the stone woman down the stairs.

"Oh, right, saw ye at the ceremony! Well, thank ye fer helpin' Nicole!" Dorin smiled, then returned to chiding Mari about her eating habits.

Umber is nowhere to be seen downstairs, though a loud banging and clanking from the room from which she first emerged indicates where she probably is. The door is closed, but not locked.


Fenzen follows Enlil down the stairs and upon hearing the news says, "Congratulations my lady."

Lady Miralia smiles. "Thank you."

"When do you intend to hold the ceremony?" Enlil asked.

"In about two months' time, though we have not yet settled on an exact date," Miralia explains. "We shall send a formal invitation with all the details once it is decided. I simply wanted to tell you in person."

"Well, I am quite pleased, my sister."

Miralia pauses, blushing a little. "Well, there is one more thing I wanted to discuss with you. We do want to have a traditional ceremony..."

Enlil smiled. "And you need ceremonial bows for the bridesmaids. Who better to make them than your brother?"

"Well, yes. We will pay for them, of course. I would not ask for them as a wedding present."

Enlil nods. "Of course. Fenzen and I will begin on them straightaway."

2015-03-12, 07:54 AM
Realizing that Umber likely couldn't hear her calling out, she sets her crate down next to the door and carefully pushes it open. "Umber? I have that alchemical stuff you wanted."

2015-03-12, 08:51 AM
"Erm, right," said Caliara, a little awkwardly, trying to work out how long it would likely take to make something of that nature. "Was there...anything you wanted me to do?" She was still rather unsure how this whole apprenticeship thing worked.

2015-03-12, 06:50 PM
Lady Miralia smiles. "Thank you."

"When do you intend to hold the ceremony?" Enlil asked.

"In about two months' time, though we have not yet settled on an exact date," Miralia explains. "We shall send a formal invitation with all the details once it is decided. I simply wanted to tell you in person."

"Well, I am quite pleased, my sister."

Miralia pauses, blushing a little. "Well, there is one more thing I wanted to discuss with you. We do want to have a traditional ceremony..."

Enlil smiled. "And you need ceremonial bows for the bridesmaids. Who better to make them than your brother?"

"Well, yes. We will pay for them, of course. I would not ask for them as a wedding present."

Enlil nods. "Of course. Fenzen and I will begin on them straightaway."


Fenzen nods and smiles. "I would be honored to help."

2015-05-13, 10:42 AM
“Typical.” Arcantos said, not that surprised by the state of his house as he carefully made his way through the mess, dropping his pack and musket on his bed. Skith’s bedroom was not touched or even looked at once recognized, and most of the stuff on the floor was left as well. But whilst Arcantos was a bastard, he had been raised around nobility and thus felt that every place should have at least some standard of living... and wasn’t afraid to help himself.

First was quickly removing the old food from the house, Arcantos not wanting the smell to carry on, and knew that bad food tended to attract all types of creepy crawlers that made the house even worse. Next up, the human set to cleaning the dishes, a much more easy and less digusting job. Finally, Arcantos sorted through the books and pamphlets. The ones about goblins were thrown aside, the ones about alchemy were stored much more neatly.

Satisfied he had cleaned the place up without robbing it of its intendity, Arcantos left the house and locked it behind him, leaving his musket behind. Seeing no reason to carry such an obvious weapon as he headed down the lane, turning left towards Smith's Circle, seeking out the tavern he was meeting Nicole, the Arm & Hammer.

The tavern wasn't hard to miss. It was a large building on the corner of two major thoroughfares, and it seemed to be working quite a roaring trade, judging by the sound of the voices inside.

The taproom was large, with many round wooden tables sprawled across the floor, and a stage to one side where a troupe of musicians were playing a lighthearted tune. There were still a few empty tables, but most of them were filled. The majority of the patrons were dwarves, though there was a good mix of other races, as well. The others didn't appear to be here yet, though, as none of the faces in the crowd were particularly familiar.

Realizing that Umber likely couldn't hear her calling out, she sets her crate down next to the door and carefully pushes it open. "Umber? I have that alchemical stuff you wanted."

Inside the room, Nicole and Erlerion see a clutterd workshop, with tools, gears, mechanical components, and other items strewn across the floor. It's a strange contrast to the otherwise neatness of the dwarven abode. However, the most eye-catching thing in Umber's workshop is a large.... Well, it's a large something.

The thing in the middle of the room looks like some kind of strange, enormous mechanism, with gears and belts and flywheels and a birds-nest of wires and tubes, and a pair of large bellows sticking out from either side. It reaches nearly to the ceiling, and though nothing is currently moving, it seems to loom somewhat ominously.

From behind the machine there comes a small crash, a soft "Oof!" and then sounds of feet as Umber emerges, a magnifying glass hovering in front of one bespectacled eye, apparently clipped there.

"Ooh!" she exclaims, bustling forward, her eyes bright. "Oh yes! Thank you! Did you get everything?"

"Erm, right," said Caliara, a little awkwardly, trying to work out how long it would likely take to make something of that nature. "Was there...anything you wanted me to do?" She was still rather unsure how this whole apprenticeship thing worked.

From what Caliara could tell, it would probably take about 2 days to make a hairpin of average quality. To decorate it and make it exceptionally beautiful would take probably one more day. Since there would be two, probably six days total to make a pair of hairpins worthy of a noble wedding. If she wanted to add jewels, it would take additional time.

Eilea smiled, her bubbly nature returning a bit now. "No, today you're free to do as you wish. I wouldn't have called you in here if it hadn't been very important for you to meet Lady Miralia. Tomorrow, however, we'll be starting early, and I'll have things for you to do then." The half-elf rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I don't know about you, but I could use a drink. I know a great place not far from here. Wanna come with me?"

2015-05-14, 11:30 AM
The fact he was the first to arrive honestly didn’t surprise Arcantos too much, and he decided the best bet would be to simply take a seat at one of the empty tables and wait for everyone else to turn up. Waiting wasn’t too bad, especially as the chances of people turning up was actually pretty high this time around. Unlike some previous experiences a few years ago... he wasn't as gullible anymore.

2015-05-14, 11:53 AM
"Um, okay," said Caliara. She hadn't been to many taverns before and wasn't really sure what they were like; she wasn't sure the inn she'd spent the past few years in really qualified since it had been a lot more like a house than any kind of tavern. "What's it like?"

2015-05-14, 12:17 PM
"Almost everything. Only two of the batteries were finished, but everything else is in there." Nicole kneels down to open her pack and place the items she had stowed in there back inside the crate. She nods towards the machine. "I don't recognize anything else about that thing, but I recognize the bellows. Is it some kind of forge?"

2015-05-14, 08:14 PM
Erlerion slowly walks around the device, looking at it from multiple angles, trying to figure out what it is.

2015-05-15, 07:04 AM

Fenzen nods and smiles. "I would be honored to help."
Enlil nods approvingly at his apprentice's eagerness to help.

"Was there anything else you needed, Miralia? Would you like to stay for dinner? I'm sure Leana would be happy to set another place for you."

"Thank you, Enlil, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. Lothiel and I already have plans for the evening, so I can't stay long."

"I understand. It was good to see you again. You and Lothiel should join us for dinner sometime soon. It seems there is rarely time for us to talk anymore." Enlil nodded, dipping his head in a slight bow of farewell.

Miralia replied in kind with a shallow curtsy. "I shall speak with Lothiel about arranging it." She turns to Fenzen. "And it was nice to meet you, as well. I hope you learn much from my brother."

The fact he was the first to arrive honestly didn’t surprise Arcantos too much, and he decided the best bet would be to simply take a seat at one of the empty tables and wait for everyone else to turn up. Waiting wasn’t too bad, especially as the chances of people turning up was actually pretty high this time around. Unlike some previous experiences a few years ago... he wasn't as gullible anymore.

Once he had found a seat, a green-haired gnome girl arrived, smiling at him. "What'll ya have?"

"Um, okay," said Caliara. She hadn't been to many taverns before and wasn't really sure what they were like; she wasn't sure the inn she'd spent the past few years in really qualified since it had been a lot more like a house than any kind of tavern. "What's it like?"
Eileia paused, contemplating how to answer. "Well, it's usually a pretty lively place. It's a favorite of the dwarves, though there's usually a pretty good mix. They usually have entertainers, their food's pretty good, and they've got some of the best drinks in the city."

"Almost everything. Only two of the batteries were finished, but everything else is in there." Nicole kneels down to open her pack and place the items she had stowed in there back inside the crate. She nods towards the machine. "I don't recognize anything else about that thing, but I recognize the bellows. Is it some kind of forge?"

Erlerion slowly walks around the device, looking at it from multiple angles, trying to figure out what it is.

Umber adjusts her thick glasses, smiling enthusiastically. "Oh my, oh my! Very perceptive! Very perceptive! Indeed, I have been trying to devise a more efficient forge model! My hope is to automate the smelting process to increase production output. Once it is finished, this machine will be able to automatically produce bars of metal from just the raw materials. Yes indeed!"

She rummages through the box. "A shame not all the batteries are finished, but this will be a great help. A great help! I'm almost finished, you see, and I'm hoping to have it ready for the Great Fair this autumn."

She looks at the two apprentices. "Oh, but please, don't tell anyone of this. It needs to remain secret until the fair, or else someone else might try to copy the idea. It would be most disastrous. Most disastrous indeed!"

2015-05-18, 05:48 AM
Erlerion nods, still looking all over the machine.
This is fascinating! How long did it take you to get this far?

2015-05-18, 07:04 AM
Caliara wasn't too sure how she felt about it being 'lively,' but she supposed her master probably knew how taverns and things worked better than she did. "It sounds...nice. Which way is it?" she asked.

2015-05-18, 08:41 AM
“I’ll just have some water for now please, I’ll make a proper order when my friends have arrived.” Arcantos informed the gnome with a small smile, hoping his lack of order wasn’t taken as an insult... especially as he had explained why he only asked for water. It felt rude to the others if he ordered without waiting on anymore... manners was very important for the bastard.

2015-05-18, 09:24 AM

Fenzen nods. "Nice to meet you as well."

2015-05-20, 04:08 AM
"Oh, my lips are sealed. It's incredible!" Nicole starts limping around the device, trying to get a better idea of how it functions. "How much will it be able to produce compared to someone working a more standard forge?"

2015-05-21, 11:07 AM
Erlerion nods, still looking all over the machine.
This is fascinating! How long did it take you to get this far?

"Oh, my lips are sealed. It's incredible!" Nicole starts limping around the device, trying to get a better idea of how it functions. "How much will it be able to produce compared to someone working a more standard forge?"

Umber beams with pride. "Oh, I've been working on this for a long time. A long time! I began the main assembly about a year ago, but I have been developing the various components for much longer, oh yes! I am not sure about the actual output yet. Not sure at all! Once I have it fully constructed and working, I will be able to measure its speed and efficiency. Yes, yes, once it is finished, we shall see. I estimate it should be a bit slower than the average smith, and a great master like Dorin would have no trouble outpacing it, should he wish to turn his talents to the most mundane of refining jobs. However, running the machine should require almost no training, and could be done by nearly anyone, oh yes! And it would not get tired! No no! It will run all day and night without stopping, freeing the skilled laborers to tasks worthy of their abilities!"

She seems giddy with excitement. She's practically shaking, and shifting her weight from one foot to the other as though barely able to contain herself. "However, I must return to work right away! With these components, I can complete the main assemblies and get everything ready for when those batteries are finished. Yes yes!"

Caliara wasn't too sure how she felt about it being 'lively,' but she supposed her master probably knew how taverns and things worked better than she did. "It sounds...nice. Which way is it?" she asked.

"Oh, it's not too far. Just at the edge of the Smith's Circle. I'll take you!" With that, she smiles and begins to head for the door.

“I’ll just have some water for now please, I’ll make a proper order when my friends have arrived.” Arcantos informed the gnome with a small smile, hoping his lack of order wasn’t taken as an insult... especially as he had explained why he only asked for water. It felt rude to the others if he ordered without waiting on anymore... manners was very important for the bastard.

The gnome girl smiles and nods. "Sure thing! Just let me know when you're ready!" She moves away, her hips swaying a little. It's pretty obvious why she was chosen for the job, as a number of the patrons give her admiring looks as she passes by.


Fenzen nods. "Nice to meet you as well."
Her farewells said, the noblewoman leaves. Enlil turns to his apprentice. "Well, Fenzen, you were eager to start work on a composite bow. This seems like a good chance for you to try your hand. Though ceremonial, these bows need to be fully functional and high-quality. I'll work out the details for the decorative aspects with my sister later, but if you wish to begin working, you may. You are still free to do as you choose, however, and are not obligated to begin immediately."

2015-05-21, 04:46 PM
Erlerion, The Incendiary Artisan

Erlerion nods.
We'll let you get back to work. It was a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
He turns back towards the door to leave

2015-05-23, 07:32 AM
Being a male, Arcantos’ eyes did drop down a bit when the gnome girl walked away, but he turned away soon enough. Shaking his head with a small grin to himself. She was a pretty girl, Arcantos would admit that... but well, she was a gnome, and a little... small for Arcantos to really be interested in. Reminded him to much of a young girl for it to not be very strange.

2015-05-24, 01:18 AM
"Oh, of course. We'll get out of your hair. Ready to head to the Arm and Hammer, Erlerion?" Nicole makes sure to shut the door behind her as she leaves, just the way she found it.

2015-05-24, 04:23 PM
Erlerion, The Incendiary Artisan

Erlerion nods.
We'll let you get back to work. It was a pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
He turns back towards the door to leave

"Oh, of course. We'll get out of your hair. Ready to head to the Arm and Hammer, Erlerion?" Nicole makes sure to shut the door behind her as she leaves, just the way she found it.

As Nicole and Erlerion make their way up the stairs and back into the main shop, they can hear Dorin speaking. "This reminds me of the time I once played cards with Cayden Cailean and Nivi Rhombodazzle. I..."

"We know, you've told us that story a dozen times," Mari interrupted, rolling her eyes.

"Well, I'll tell it to ye again if ye don't go get somethin' tae eat!"

This finally seemed to motivate the halfling and, with a long sigh and another roll of her eyes, she began to pack up her tools. Looking to the two younger apprentices, Mari said, "Don't wait for me. I don't really like the Arm and Hammer. Too noisy for me. I'll find somewhere else to eat."

Dorin gave a look of defeat. "Yer a fine smith, Mari. I don't know how I failed ye so much as yer master."

Mari did smile, just a little, at what seemed to be a private joke.

Once out in the street, Nicole and Erlerion had an easy time of things, and soon found themselves approaching the Arm and Hammer. Less than a block away, however, they couldn't help but notice an odd group of people loitering along one side of the street. They were remarkable for their especially rough, simple, undyed clothing and their shaved heads. They might be beggars or monks, but they definitely seem to be gathering for some reason. Still, they didn't look terribly friendly, and turned their backs away from the two apprentices as they passed.

Erlerion noticed a glint of steel, hidden amongst the clothing of the bystanders. It seems these people are armed, but don't want others to know, as they are trying to conceal their weapons.

At almost the same time, Caliara and Eilea approached the tavern from a cross street. Recognizing the new apprentices from earlier in the day, Eilea gives them a friendly wave and a smile.

Being a male, Arcantos’ eyes did drop down a bit when the gnome girl walked away, but he turned away soon enough. Shaking his head with a small grin to himself. She was a pretty girl, Arcantos would admit that... but well, she was a gnome, and a little... small for Arcantos to really be interested in. Reminded him to much of a young girl for it to not be very strange.

Through the main front windows, Arcantos can see the blonde Half-Elf and her Undine apprentice. The half-elf waves, and then Caliara and Erlerion also become visible on the other side of the windows.

2015-05-24, 04:30 PM
Erlerion, the Incendiary Artisan

Seeing the men with their weapons, Erlerion picks up his pace a little bit, aiming to angle Nicole between himself and the group. He may be in the guild now, but who knows if that would stop the men who were after him? They might be worried he'd talk, and want to finish him off all the faster now.

2015-05-24, 09:14 PM
Her farewells said, the noblewoman leaves. Enlil turns to his apprentice. "Well, Fenzen, you were eager to start work on a composite bow. This seems like a good chance for you to try your hand. Though ceremonial, these bows need to be fully functional and high-quality. I'll work out the details for the decorative aspects with my sister later, but if you wish to begin working, you may. You are still free to do as you choose, however, and are not obligated to begin immediately."


Fenzen nods. "I am ready to start anytime you wish."

2015-05-25, 09:48 AM
Through the main front windows, Arcantos can see the blonde Half-Elf and her Undine apprentice. The half-elf waves, and then Caliara and Erlerion also become visible on the other side of the windows.

“Ah good, I’m not going to be waiting long.” Arcantos thinks to himself with a smile, sitting back and keeping an eye on everyone though the windows, waiting for them to come through the door. No point in having them wait around trying to look for him when he could just wave them over after all. Arcantos not knowing of the crowd outside.... and his musket was in his room.

2015-05-25, 03:10 PM
Nicole doesn't notice that the group of people are armed, but she does notice Erlerion's sudden nervousness. She does her best to stand up straight while still keeping pace with him to better hide him from whatever it is that's startled him.

She waves back at Eilea when she sees her, returning the friendly smile before pulling open the tavern door.

2015-05-25, 11:29 PM
Erlerion, the Incendiary Artisan

Seeing the men with their weapons, Erlerion picks up his pace a little bit, aiming to angle Nicole between himself and the group. He may be in the guild now, but who knows if that would stop the men who were after him? They might be worried he'd talk, and want to finish him off all the faster now.

“Ah good, I’m not going to be waiting long.” Arcantos thinks to himself with a smile, sitting back and keeping an eye on everyone though the windows, waiting for them to come through the door. No point in having them wait around trying to look for him when he could just wave them over after all. Arcantos not knowing of the crowd outside.... and his musket was in his room.

Nicole doesn't notice that the group of people are armed, but she does notice Erlerion's sudden nervousness. She does her best to stand up straight while still keeping pace with him to better hide him from whatever it is that's startled him.

She waves back at Eilea when she sees her, returning the friendly smile before pulling open the tavern door.

The group of unusual people seems to ignore the passers-by. Eilea gives them a suspicious look, but doesn't mention them. She follows Nicole and Erlerion into the tavern, thanking Nicole for opening the door and almost dragging Caliara behind her.

Seeing Arcantos sitting at an empty table, she comments, "Seems this place is a popular place for new apprentices." Then her gaze falls on a woman sitting at the bar, and her eyes light up. "You know what, I'll catch up with you all later. I need to go talk to someone." With that, the blue-robed half-elf makes her way across the taproom and sits down beside the other woman, striking up a lively conversation.


Fenzen nods. "I am ready to start anytime you wish."

Enlil nods back. "As I said, it's up to you." With that, the Paladin returns to his workshop to resume his work.

As soon as Fenzen moves, he steps on something. (DC 15 Reflex Save)
Fenzen feels the object beneath his foot and is able to react in time. He finds an earring made of an elaborate pattern of golden wires. It's safe to guess the lady dropped it while she was here.
Fenzen steps down and feels something deform under his foot as he puts his weight down. Beneath it, he finds the crumpled remains of an golden earring made of interwoven golden wires. Though now warped and bent, the quality of the craftsmanship is still obvious. It's safe to assume the lady must have dropped it.

2015-05-26, 07:48 AM
An astute observation that got a nod and a smile from Arcantos, though he was a little surprised when Eilea decided to go and strike up conversation with someone else... though he just shrugged mentally and waved the over apprentices over, saying. “Come on, don’t be shy take a seat. Plenty of room for all of us here.” Sides, he was a little hungry...

2015-05-28, 06:18 AM
Erlerion Filantian, the Incendiary Artisan

Erlerion slides into a chair, taking a few deep breathes to calm himself. He shoots a glances at the door before returning his attention to Arcantos.
So, did we miss anything interesting?

2015-05-29, 11:10 PM

Fenzen immediately tries t shift his weight off whatever he stepped on.

Reflex roll [roll0]

2015-05-29, 11:12 PM

Carefull Fenzen picks up the earring and checks it then takes it to Enlil. He shows him the earring. "I think your sister dropped this."

2015-05-29, 11:44 PM

Carefull Fenzen picks up the earring and checks it then takes it to Enlil. He shows him the earring. "I think your sister dropped this."

Enlil nods, pleased at Fenzen's honesty in bringing this to his attention. "Yes, that looks like hers. Perhaps if you hurry you'll be able to return it to her."

Still waiting on the others at the tavern, so I'll respond to Erlerion and Arcantos once I get replies from the others.

2015-05-30, 03:25 AM
Caliara sat down rather awkwardly in the chair at first, not particularly relaxing, but answered Erlerion. "Well, there seems to be a wedding happening in a month of so," she said, before looking a little startled. "Oh...I hope I wasn't meant to keep that secret."

2015-05-30, 07:22 AM

Enlil nods, pleased at Fenzen's honesty in bringing this to his attention. "Yes, that looks like hers. Perhaps if you hurry you'll be able to return it to her."

Fenzen nods and heads out the door at a trot after Miralia, earring in hand.

2015-05-30, 10:43 AM
“A wedding? Neat.” Arcantos said smiling enthusiastically. Marriages were always fun times, not only was it a celebration, but it was a unison of two people and the romantic inside of Arcantos always wished the two the best of luck with their new life and new relationship. Still, that was in a month or so, and Arcantos decided to say. “A little happened something myself, but I think I’ll wait for Nicole to arrive, she knows the whole story anyway.”

2015-05-31, 10:13 PM
Nicole thumps down in a chair across the table right on cue. "You mean the little half-elf who managed to pick your pocket? That certainly was a little something." She takes her coat off and slings it over the back of her chair as she settles into her spot.

2015-06-01, 01:07 AM
An astute observation that got a nod and a smile from Arcantos, though he was a little surprised when Eilea decided to go and strike up conversation with someone else... though he just shrugged mentally and waved the over apprentices over, saying. “Come on, don’t be shy take a seat. Plenty of room for all of us here.” Sides, he was a little hungry...

Erlerion Filantian, the Incendiary Artisan

Erlerion slides into a chair, taking a few deep breathes to calm himself. He shoots a glances at the door before returning his attention to Arcantos.
So, did we miss anything interesting?

Caliara sat down rather awkwardly in the chair at first, not particularly relaxing, but answered Erlerion. "Well, there seems to be a wedding happening in a month of so," she said, before looking a little startled. "Oh...I hope I wasn't meant to keep that secret."

“A wedding? Neat.” Arcantos said smiling enthusiastically. Marriages were always fun times, not only was it a celebration, but it was a unison of two people and the romantic inside of Arcantos always wished the two the best of luck with their new life and new relationship. Still, that was in a month or so, and Arcantos decided to say. “A little happened something myself, but I think I’ll wait for Nicole to arrive, she knows the whole story anyway.”

Nicole thumps down in a chair across the table right on cue. "You mean the little half-elf who managed to pick your pocket? That certainly was a little something." She takes her coat off and slings it over the back of her chair as she settles into her spot.

As if on cue, Roux appears, emerging from the crowd with a big smile. "Hey, I'm not that little!"

Over at the bar, Eilea has a glass in her hand and seems to already be well-lubricated socially.


Fenzen nods and heads out the door at a trot after Miralia, earring in hand.

Fenzen can see the tall elf just rounding a corner a couple of blocks away. Chasing after her, he's finally able to catch up with her just outside a lively tavern with a signboard depicting an arm holding a hammer hanging over the entrance. A group of suspicious-looking people are standing to one side of the street.

2015-06-02, 06:18 AM
“You mean the little kid that I knew had pick-pocketed me when he came running and huddled next to me in order use me as a shield from you?” Arcantos corrected, a small smirk on his face when Roux turned up, complaining about not being little... and Arcantos was swift to tease him by pretending he wasn’t around and stressing how little he was.

2015-06-02, 06:20 AM
Erlerion, the Incendiary Artisan

The ifrit sighs.
"So this is the little thief you abandoned me to chase after? Really Nicole, am I that bad of company?"
His tone is injured but a hand raised to his mouth conceals a smile.

2015-06-02, 09:27 AM
"Eh, the watch comes running, you try to help so they don't think you're aiding and abetting or something. I make a point of doing what little I can." Nicole visibly relaxes as, now she has some downtime, she starts stretching and massaging her leg under the table.

2015-06-10, 05:48 AM
Erlerion, the Incendiary Artisan

Erlerion looks around, hoping someone will come and take their order soon. He hadn't realized it before, but he is starving.

2015-06-10, 08:16 PM

Fenzen can see the tall elf just rounding a corner a couple of blocks away. Chasing after her, he's finally able to catch up with her just outside a lively tavern with a signboard depicting an arm holding a hammer hanging over the entrance. A group of suspicious-looking people are standing to one side of the street.

"Hello M'lady. Let me escort you home."

2015-06-11, 07:04 AM
“You mean the little kid that I knew had pick-pocketed me when he came running and huddled next to me in order use me as a shield from you?” Arcantos corrected, a small smirk on his face when Roux turned up, complaining about not being little... and Arcantos was swift to tease him by pretending he wasn’t around and stressing how little he was.

The small half-elf moves unobtrusively toward Arcantos, then kicks him in the shin - not hard enough to leave any lasting damage, but it still hurts.

Erlerion, the Incendiary Artisan

The ifrit sighs.
"So this is the little thief you abandoned me to chase after? Really Nicole, am I that bad of company?"
His tone is injured but a hand raised to his mouth conceals a smile.

"Eh, the watch comes running, you try to help so they don't think you're aiding and abetting or something. I make a point of doing what little I can." Nicole visibly relaxes as, now she has some downtime, she starts stretching and massaging her leg under the table.

Erlerion, the Incendiary Artisan

Erlerion looks around, hoping someone will come and take their order soon. He hadn't realized it before, but he is starving.

Seeing that a group has formed around Arcantos' table, the gnome waitress reappears, a bright smile on her face. "Everybody here now? What can I get'cha?"

"Hello M'lady. Let me escort you home."

Lady Miralia jumps a little, startled at Fenzen's sudden appearance. She hadn't noticed him approaching. "Oh, um... thank you, but I'll be fine on my own," she replies, seeming a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing.

Some of the people with the shaved heads begin to look toward the two. It could be natural curiosity, or it could be something more sinister.

2015-06-11, 11:29 AM
“Anyway, as everyone’s here, I believe it's time to make a order no?” Arcantos said with a smile, noticing that Erlerion was looking around for a waiter... or at least that’s what the bastard guessed was happening. Its why Arcantos also looked around, trying to catch the eye of a waitress, maybe the gnome? “And after with ordered, we can go into a bit more detail bout what’s all been happening... and thoughts on our mentors to.”


2015-06-11, 08:29 PM
Lady Miralia jumps a little, startled at Fenzen's sudden appearance. She hadn't noticed him approaching. "Oh, um... thank you, but I'll be fine on my own," she replies, seeming a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing.

Some of the people with the shaved heads begin to look toward the two. It could be natural curiosity, or it could be something more sinister.


Fenzen nods towards the two who are approaching and whispers "Friends? Shall we?" He offers his arm.