View Full Version : Mines of Phandelver [IC] Group 1

2015-02-02, 02:43 PM
The horses were stinky. Plain and simple. But Gundren was paying you for a job that seemed easy enough.

"Escort tha supply wagon ta Phandalin. I'll meet ya there." His thick dwarven accent still rings in your ear as the group gathers. Gundren had many friends, and you think yourself lucky to be called one...most days.

Gundren was clearly excited and more than little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found "something big," and that he'd pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen's provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He left just last night, or at least according to what you were told. He had left a note telling you to meet here and that he had hired a few more "friends" to help along with the journey. Truth is, the town had more reputation for danger than the High Road. As you look about the wagon, you can see how Neverwinter has gotten its reputation as being a city of all walks life of life.

2015-02-02, 04:00 PM
Groggor eyes the group warily, taking them in. He stands only a little shorter than your average orc, though is stockier in the body to make up for it. He wears a simple, burlap traveling cloak over a shirt of chainmail, a leather backpack slung across one shoulder. In his right hand, he carries a chipped and worn worn warhammer. In his left, a spear in a ragged strap.

The Tiefling and the Drow catch his eye first. Many orcish nighmares and stories involved Tieflings and their demonic kin enslaving his kind. Groggor tried to smile at Arianna, but it came out as more of a grimace and a growl. At the Drow, he merely nodded. He had never seen a creature like Kt'Azz, and wasn't sure how far he should trust it.

He turned his gaze to the Human next. Humans he didn't mind so much. Theye weren't that different from Orcs, really. Loud, overbearing, of often similarly barbaric. Even in the more civilized examples he had met, there lingered a love for tearing down their kin. He doubted Biff would be much different, but he could at least manage a proper smile for the Human.

Agnar, he examined last. Groggor had no personal hate for the mountain dwellers, they kept to themselves and away from his tribe. But for some reason, dwarves always seemed to hate him, their benefactor being a notable exception. He wondered how this dwarf would feel. He was obviously of a warrior's stock, and Groggor could respect that. He met the Dwarf's eyes briefly, then addressed the group as a whole.

"I'm Groggor, of Ilneval."

2015-02-02, 04:57 PM
"Greetings, half-kin." Kt'azz manage to strangle out of his own throat. "I pray you don't smell as much as these others."

2015-02-02, 05:31 PM
Adrianna rolls her eyes at Kt'azz's words. "And people call me rude." She shakes her head before turning to Greggor. "Hey there, the name's Arianna. Don't forget it."
Having said this she looks away and starts ignoring him, idly playing around with illusions, seemingly portraying a common tale featuring a knight and a dragon.

2015-02-02, 05:39 PM
Agnar was one of the first to arrive at the cart. Still nursing a hangover, he figured he just wanted to get out of this blasted place. He wore his rucksack over one shoulder, no clothing save a burgundy tartan kilt. His head freshly shaven save a mohawk and his beard extending down to his belt braided and groomed in typical dwarven fashion. Two throwing axes sit on his belt and his greataxe is slung on his back on a strap. He is helping the workers prepare the carriage, doing some heavy lifting to try and fight through the skull-splitting headache, as the other escorts arrive.

First was the elf, but not like any elf he had seen. This one's skin was black as night. So this was what them dark-elves was. He had never met one before, but he'd met elves. Every one of them was all hoighty-toighty, and judging by how he carried himself, this one was no different.

Then the devil-kin. He'd worked with a few, they were fairly common as mercenaries. He didn't think he'd have to worry about that one.

Then there was the human. He'd met great human warriors, but this one didn't look like one. The boy looked like he would be completely useless as an armed escort should it come to combat. But Rockseeker was a practical man, it seemed, and if he thought the boy could be useful, then he had a reason.

Last to arrive was the half-orc. These folks were as common in mercenary companies as drunks in a tavern. It took him awhile to get over his initial prejudices towards them, he later took a liking to them. At least this one will have my back.

Agnar tossed the sack of supplies and walked up to the half-orc holding out his arm for an arm-shake, saying loudly, "Hay, friend! I be Agnar son Bjorn clan Stone-Axe."

Then the elf speaks, confirming his earlier suspicions. He turns to him and retorts,Ooh, well ya dinnae smell hoora good either, ya minger.

Then the tiefling speaks up and begins to make illusions, to which Agnar looks on in a mix of fascination and nerves. "Whit manner o' witchery is 'at, lass?"

2015-02-02, 05:53 PM
Arianna chuckles at Agnar's reaction. "Nothing much, just some crude illusions to pass the time. Not my strongest area, but I've a trick or two still."

2015-02-02, 05:57 PM
Agnar watched with fascination as the knight slew the dragon. "Oh." He went to touch the scene, trying to flick the dragon, only to recoil as his finger went clean through its head.
After a minute, curiosity got the better of his hangover. "So what is yer "Strongest Area"?"

2015-02-02, 06:06 PM
"Probably not something you'd understand, drunk." Kt'azz pinched his nose after gagging from the smell. "You are incredibly malodorous. It's making it somehow both harder and easier to remember why I tend to dislike you surfacers."

Still keeping one hand pinching the bridge of his nose, Kt'azz brushed some of the dirt off of his red garb.

2015-02-02, 06:07 PM
Arianna absentmindedly mutters a few nonsensical words that sound like Infernal and and a glowing red orb, barely an inch in diameter forms at the end of her right forefinger. "Magically speaking? I'm a little more talented at destruction."
Having said this, she lazily lifts her hand, pointing towards the ground near Kt'azz, and quick as a flash the orb shoots away from her to impact the soil, showering his lower left leg with hot dirt and leaving a sizeable gouge in the ground.

2015-02-02, 06:17 PM
Agnar watched the smoke rise from the ground at the elf's feet surprised and then decided he liked this one.
"Destruction's good wit' me."

He also made up his mind about the elf. Dark elves were DEFININTELY worse than other elves.

With that, Agnar grabs a crate of supplies and hefts it up into the cart. Heavy lifting keeps him from thinking too hard, and with his headache, thinking too hard was risky.

2015-02-02, 06:20 PM
Arianna returns to her previous diversion with the illusions. In a 'shocking' twist a powerful wizard appears as soon as the dragon lies dead, and with a few ominous gestures, returns it to some semblance of life, it's eyes glowing a sinister green as it attacks the weary knight with a new fervour.

2015-02-02, 06:22 PM
Groggor never much cared for the wielders of the arcane, and though he was growing more and more wary of the Tiefling, he kept it to himself, watching her illusions, then shaking his head. He slings the spear over his shoulder and takes the Dwarf's hand with a grunt, pleasantly surprised with Agnar's friendliness, before moving over to the cart to examine their load for the road.

2015-02-02, 06:34 PM
"Was that supposed to be an attempt at intimidation?" Kt'azz answered with confusion. "I'm sure that could pass in human circles, but open gestures like that is petty much a bright Illusory Script saying 'I'm either very dumb or very strong'."

There was a light pause as he stepped around the Tiefling.

"Granted, that wasn't bad at all. You might be fun, demon-kin." He bowed slightly sarcastically as he spoke. "It will be my, as you would say, pleasure, to wok alongside me. I mean, you, alongside me, or something like that. Common is a pain to learn. Anyways, my name is Kt'azz Dendul."

2015-02-02, 06:42 PM
"Intimidation, that? If I wanted to I'd give more than a half-assed effort like that. You don't seem the type to scare easily. I wish I could say the same for some of Gundren's previous hires. Arianna Baines."

2015-02-02, 07:03 PM
"Well, to be fair, it was a cantrip, so it was a smart way to show off without doing anything detrimental." Kt'azz smiled for the first time since the others had arrived. "I just realized how much fun it could be when everyone's not trying to kill you at every single opportunity."

2015-02-02, 07:09 PM
Arianna smiles back. "It certainly has its moments. But you'll be getting a fair bit of hostility anyway. Far too many idiots will attack you because of what idiots say about your kind. I get the same."

2015-02-02, 07:16 PM
"Well, some aren't necessarily wrong..." Kt'azz turned his head.

2015-02-02, 07:21 PM
Arianna shrugs and turns back to her illusion, completing with the reanimated dragon biting the knight in half and the wizard appearing to laugh maniacally. Continuing from there the story seems to take more and more peculiar turns as she waits.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-03, 08:09 AM
Biff emitted a snort so loud to wake him up. He took quite a while to focus again on what was happening next to him... supply wagon... noisy, chatty people... Ugh! The mission, right!! Falling asleep in the first five minutes wasn't a good beginning, was it?
Meh, the night before was a tough one. He was called out in a drinking contest he could not refuse. A matter of honor.
He stood up, slowly, calmly, stretching like a cat, and having each bone crick in the process.
"Uh... will you guys stop bickering? it disturbed my sl...my trance."
Biff sratched his beard and threw away something he found in it, which he hoped not to be too alive.
"Name's Biff, by the way."

2015-02-03, 08:26 AM
Arianna turns to look at Biff. "Trance, right." She looks at Biff slightly disdainfully. "Just how stupid do you think we are?"

Chas Kramer
2015-02-03, 11:14 AM
"Just how stupid do you think we are?" In a sudden flashback, Biff recalled one of his father's favourites lines, as he did his best to make his family ashamed of him...The bitter taste of bile shook away the last remainings of his drunk drowsinnes...

...Four people, two of them able to wield magic. Maybe he could dominate one into holding the other and...

Biff surprised himself thinking of a fight. A fight he couln't afford, couldn't win, and had no reason whatsoever. All his constant running away had made him too edgy, indeed.
Besides, the girl was right.

"My deepest apologies, my lady, my lords" he replied to everyone, with the most charming, elegant voice he could master " They say that beauty and intelligence never travel together. I should never have doubted your wits."
He hated when people were right.

2015-02-03, 11:33 AM
After hearing the human's retort, Kt'azz lightly bit part of his index finger as he leaned back slightly.

"Was that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?" He smirked as he eyed Arianna before shifting his gaze back to the human. "Now, so that I can better understand what layman I'll be working with, what is your name, beardy?"

2015-02-03, 12:35 PM
Groggor takes a mental inventory of his companions as they argue, assessing their capabilities and roles. A natural habit as a warpriest. He mumbles to himself in Orcish as he goes over the list.

Arianna, while not altogether to Groggor's taste, was likely as powerful as she claimed, if the stories of the capabilities of Tieflings were even half true. Kt'Azz was still a mystery in a his abilities. He was armored lightly, maybe he would be a forward scout. Groggor was beginning to like him, the was he antagonized the Tiefling. As for Agnar, it was obvious where he would be. In the front, knocking heads. And Biff, the Human who has already lost track of what he was doing once today. It was quite a group.

"How long and we move?" Groggor asks, checking to make sure that the horse(s) looked strong and able. His knowledge of geography was more or less non-existent, and he had not idea how far they would need to go.

2015-02-03, 01:09 PM
Agnar finished hefting the supplies into the cart, and looked back around. Thankfully the majority of his headache had subsided, though the sound of that elf's snobby voice was guaranteed to give him another. Biff was awake. Still couldn't figure out what in blazes he was hired for. Agnar turns to Groggor.
Ah'm sure done. Aboot nae reason bide 'ere any longer. Ah got a sure thirst fer the road.

2015-02-03, 02:02 PM
Groggor nods to his Dwarven companion, then turns to the group as a whole. He wasn't that bright, but he had seen enough battle to know that fighters went in front, and non-fighters went in the back.

"We move! Kitazz, if you scout, you be in front. Warn of attacks and bad things on road. Agnar, you protect left side of cart, I protect right side. Biff, if you drive cart, you be there. Tiefling." He pauses to growl. "You safest in back, watch behind us."

2015-02-03, 02:10 PM
Arianna looks up from her illusion, a grin on her face.
"Whatever. So long as we finally move. Playing with illusions loses its appeal."
Having said this, she picks up her backpack and loaded crossbow, keeping her quiver visible and her daggers poorly concealed. "Let's go."

2015-02-03, 03:06 PM
Though he hated taking orders, it was hard to avoid the half-orc's logic. Agnar had had worse commanders.
"Aye." He makes sure that his axes are within easy reach

2015-02-03, 03:31 PM
"No need to state the obvious." said Kt'azz as he moved into position and placed his hand above his eyes in order to darken his vision.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-04, 03:07 AM
Biff didn't enjoy that much being in the back. Strange, for one with his ... skillset, but he has always been fighting his battles front and center. Either a reminiscence of his blood, or simply irresponsibility and lack of wisdom. Probably both.
However, the orc had a point. Biff had already been surprised doing his job... less than perfectly. There was no need to question the obvious.
He secured his crossbow, winked at Arianna, adding a smile that could mean anything, and took place next to her.

2015-02-04, 04:04 AM
Arianna ignores or perhaps simply misses Biff's wink, not giving it any notice regardless.

She nods to the crossbow in his hands. "So, can you actually use that thing?"

Chas Kramer
2015-02-04, 09:39 AM
Uh... sure. This pointy thing here goes inside the other man.
Biff indicaed the bolt, and hoped that his incompetent statement was convincing enough.
There would be other chances to show off his talents. The team needed to earn his trust first.

2015-02-04, 09:41 AM
Arianna shakes her head and chuckles. "Well, that's got me convinced. How are you in other areas?"

Chas Kramer
2015-02-04, 09:59 AM
"A little inquisitive, aren't we" Biff thought, but didn't say.
Since when he'd abandoned his real name, he had been accurately avoiding other people's curiosity. However, the tiefling couldn't be an element of his past chasing him, for sure. She looked too... well... uncommon, for his family to trust.
She was probably trying to understand if the rest of the group would cut her throat in the sleep, or, worse, reveal themselves as complete morons when trouble shows up.
He could understand that.
"My area of expertise is the quite the same as yours, Arianna Baines. Similar, at least. I just pay a different price for my power. "

2015-02-04, 10:47 AM
"So you're another mage then?" Kt'azz yelled as he overhead the conversation behind him. "What are you best at, human? Necromancy? Abjuration?"

2015-02-04, 10:55 AM
Groggor, in spite of himself, was curious about the specifics of the Human's skillset as well, hoping he wasn't stuck traveling with two wielders of the arcane. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but he doubted they were entirely stable.

He raised an inquisitive brow at Biff, though an inquisitive brow from an orc, unfortunately, looks much the same as a snarl does.

2015-02-04, 11:28 AM
Arianna raises an eyebrow at Biff, curious as to the answer to Kt'azz's question, but leaving her own question as to the nature of his 'price' unasked.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-05, 02:15 AM
I barely trouble myself about such accademic subtleties, uh...drow. If I've learned anything about Magic, is that it evades any attempt to control, categorize and predict it. It just... flows, like everything else. See, many who understand Magic illude themselves to tame it by applying labels... I just... BLEND in.

Was it Biff's impression, or the eyebrows of the others were giving no sign of lowering... ?

2015-02-05, 03:08 AM
Eyebrow still raised, Arianna frowns slightly at Biff's evasion. "While the academics is boring, you must be better at some things, right?"

Chas Kramer
2015-02-05, 05:50 AM
Biff chuckled; he couldn't believe this was happening. "HA! Well, I am fairly good at avoiding nosy questions, usually. Although I am obviously in trouble, this time. " His expression turned into a sidelong smile. "Let's just say, I am good at dealing with people, and people's emotions and sensations; I know how they flow, and I may be able to nudge them, in one way or another. "

2015-02-05, 07:30 AM
"So, your an Enchanter then?" replied Kt'azz as he cracked his neck. "I'll let you know when we're in a situation that's not actively trying to kill us as most situations do."

2015-02-05, 02:14 PM
Groggor shuddered and turned his gaze away from Biff. There wasn't anything he has ever encountered that had stuck him with fear, but enchantment magic about did the trick. Fireballs and lightning, he could tough out. But having his brothers turned against him, or worse, his mind turned against itself... Groggor shuddered again and pulled his cloak more tightly around himself, hoping the others had not noticed.

Biff was someone to be nice to.

"How far we go? My know of places is not good." Groggor asks, hoping to change the topic.

2015-02-05, 03:19 PM
"Hopefully far enough for someone to teach you how to speak properly." Kt'azz answered, forgetting he was talking to a Half-Orc.

2015-02-05, 04:25 PM
OOC: Accidentally edited and deleted my post, browsing on my phone. Basically, insulted the Drow and asked what he was. Sorry for the hole in time I caused! :(

2015-02-05, 04:34 PM
Agnar kicks up dirt with his bare feet, obviously bored. "How 'boot we stop comparin' mystic c*ck sizes and let's awa', dammit, afore ah f*ckin' fall asleep!

2015-02-05, 04:56 PM
"Quiet, slave!" Kt'azz shouted in Undercommon before returning to Common to speak with Groggor. "What does it look like? I'm a Drow. Fun fact: We're disliked for a very good reason."

2015-02-05, 05:06 PM
Agnar snorts at Kt'azz's comment about his race, "A very good reason: there elves!"

2015-02-05, 05:52 PM
"While other elves tend to be worthless pieces of garbage, that's not exactly why." Kt'azz sighed as he looked at Agnar.

2015-02-05, 06:27 PM
Groggor didn't really understand what a Drow meant, confusion marking his face. But he understood elf. The most proud and spiteful of all races. While he'd never come to blows with an elf, they had plenty to say about the Orc who lived outside of town.

"Elves. Azorag koragas-kha...*" he muttered to himself.

*(arrogant tree-worshippers)

2015-02-05, 06:53 PM
Arianna glares at the men surrounding her. "Are we done with the stupid racial prejudice and using languages nobody knows just to annoy? Or are we going to go even more idiotic by turning this into a literal c*ck measuring contest? We've been hired to do a job, we can bicker when we don't have to work together."

2015-02-05, 07:11 PM
As much as Groggor hated to admit it, the Tiefling was right. They had a job to do, and he would have to work alongside Dwarves and Drow alike to get it done. He grunts something that may have been affirmation, and says no more.

2015-02-05, 09:47 PM
"While measuring isn't really my thing, I can guarantee that mine is bigger than yours." Kt'azz joked towards Arianna.

2015-02-05, 11:21 PM
With the pleasantries dispersed, the group finds themselves packed and ready for the road. It doesn't take but a quick flick of the wrist to get ol' Pepper, the large clydesdale attached to the front of the cart, to shake of an apparent mid-morning snooze and lurch forward, send those on board jolting just slightly. The road parts of travelers at the sight of Pepper coming along the cobblestone. She easily towers of the tallest of men as you pass by, which helps divert some of the attention away from the races that seem to always attract the lingering stares. It only takes a few minutes to find your way through the crowded streets of the Merchant District of Neverwinter. With the open road before her, you can feel Pepper's step increase as her own memory had taken over.

Her pace would eventually slow, though as the morning wore on and the sun crept into the sky. A few stops here and there for normal "routines" were customary. Even Pepper enjoyed the down time as she cleverly found a tall patch of grass to chew on while everyone stretched or concluded their business. Soon, you find yourselves at dusk with no worse for ware. The road had been remarkably quiet, sans the few travelers that had crossed paths -appropriately- with you here and there. None of them seemed to want to make small talk, let alone eye contact with this motley crew. You've found a good spot for camp for the night; not too near the road to be seen or bothered, not too far away that you've gotten lost of the path, no large ominous caves, or dreaded woods.

Great roleplaying above! Thanks for the patience with the issues IRL. Should be good to go.

IC day Recap:

-traveled 10 hours; roughly 6 hours to go
-according to Gundrens map, you are to turn on to Triboar Trail that will take you the remainder of the way to Phandalin
-XP Earned: 125 great roleplaying
-Without any encounters (despite my best efforts) this makes for any easy first day. I do need a watch list of those wanting to stay up and for what shift along with appropriate checks and as an added bonus I'll let you all roll with an advantage (roll 2 separate d20s and take the higher)e:

Intelligence (to know that you are to be standing watch and not being distracted)
Constitution (to not fall asleep)
Wisdom (to know what you're looking for on watch)

2015-02-05, 11:26 PM
Somehow got really lucky with these rolls, but here:

Intelligence: 16 (16+0)
Constitution: 18 (16+2)
Wisdom: 18 (16+2)

2015-02-05, 11:52 PM
Groggor slips off his pack and spear, and rests them upright against a tree (if there are any) and breaks out his bedroll, watching the others with a careful eye. He still didn't trust them, but he was alive another day, and that was worth something.

After setting up his own little corner of camp, he approaches the fire, popping open a can of rations and breaking out his mess kit. "We make good time today." He says as his dinner cooks, trying his best to make small talk. "I will watch first tonight. Spells work worse if awake in middle night."

For when they are needed.

[roll0] <---Nat 20 woot!



2015-02-06, 12:37 AM
Agnar dropped his pack on the ground next to him and begins to tear into the remains of his daily trail rations. He simply lays on the ground, wrapping a blanket over him but not sleeping on top of the bedroll. He gruffly states,

"Ah'll take a middle watch. Wake me then."

[roll2] <--um, what? My lowest roll is my highest stat.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-06, 05:58 AM
Biff joined the others in eating, and tried his best to have a conversation with the others, notwithstanding mutual mistrust.
"If you agree, I will take the LAST watch. I need a few hour's sleep, as you might have noticed. I wouldn't like to fall asleep when other people are depending on me"

Biff silently congratulated with himself for this uncommon an wondrous burst of responsibility

Chas Kramer
2015-02-06, 06:01 AM



2015-02-06, 06:58 AM
"I can take first watch. After all, I don't need to sleep."

2015-02-06, 10:37 AM
"What creatures not need sleep?" Groggor asks, doubt working its way across his face. These Drow were strange creatures indeed.

"You take first watch with me then, already said I take. If you want. Two watch better than one watch." Honestly, Groggor still didn't trust the Dark elf, and openly eyes him with suspicion. Even if Kt'azz took the watch from him, would remain awake for the first two hours.

2015-02-06, 10:51 AM
Arianna speaks up at least. "I can take much any watch, truth be told. Unlike most wielders of magic, I find such a long period of uninterrupted rest to be unneeded."

2015-02-06, 12:43 PM
"Elves." replied Kt'azz as he cast Dancing Lights.

2015-02-06, 05:03 PM
Groggor grunts, but says nothing. He'd already been outspoken towards Elves and their tendencies once today, and figured it was best not to dwell. He watched the lights dance around for a few minutes in silence, then went back to his supplies.

Grabbing his spear out of it's sling, he sets his empty ration tin on a nearby stump and backs up for some practice throws to let off steam. His aim was off on most throws, but it did take the stress off.

Tiny Object, guessing AC 14?
This is just because I enjoy dice rolling. :)

At 20ft
[roll0] <--Miss.
[roll1] <--Miss, hits the stump.
[roll2] <--Solid Hit.

At 50ft (Disadvantage)
[roll4] <--Far Miss

[roll6] <--Far Miss

2015-02-07, 07:42 PM
Arianna wanders over and idly takes a shot at the target, before wandering off, not even bothering to check if she hits, nonetheless hitting far more accurately than any of Groggor's throws from a far greater distance.


2015-02-08, 12:08 AM
The group settles in for the night off the beaten trail. Luckily, there was a small spring that plenty of room in its babbling to allow water containers to be filled. Camp almost felt comfortable by the time night had set in and fire was to a good level to keep everyone warm on this chilly night. The watches go without worry, even though Agnar truly forgot what he was watching for at one point in the night and found himself looking at his reflection in his own blade. Soon the sun peaked its way into the eastern sky as day broke once more.

The group gathered their belongings and packed after a short breakfast. Pepper was obviously NOT a morning type but manages to pull it together as wagon is hooked up and the packs are assembled once more. She huffs only once as the cart lurches forward again and the group heads back to the road. Eventually, you find the Triboar trail that splits from the High Road. Guiding Pepper along the change in path is so easy, you start to think you are born to drive a wagon.

You've been on the Triboar Trail for about half of the day. As you come around a bend, you spot two dead horses sprawled about fifty feet ahead of you, blocking the path. Each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side.

I need Wisdom (perception) check from everyone please

2015-02-08, 09:16 AM
Groggor calls for a halt as he spots the horses. He'd been in one too many ambushes as a war-priest not to see the danger here. "Hold. Not safe." he says, peering into the brush, looking for any signs of movement.

"Kit Azz, see things?"

2015-02-08, 09:21 AM
"The bloody sunlight doesn't help." Kt'azz answered.

2015-02-09, 10:50 AM

As you look at the scene before you, the word trap screams in your mind. The slanted sides, the blockade of dead horses. Your hand instinctively grips the handle of your weapon as you look closer to the sides of the roads. There, moving loudly, you can see the recognizable pointy ears of a goblin shifting in a crouched position. it turns its head and makes eye contact with you directly with both anger and fear.


You can see the trap laid out poorly in front of you. Only goblins are stupid enough to even try something so pathetically. Your eyes move to the sides of the road and there, poking its head out from the thick brush you can see a goblin moving in a crouched position. It turns its head and looks at the group with and you can see it trying to gauge the group.

Everyone else

Its clearly not normal for the scene to be laid out before you. You can tell the trap was poorly designed, but who laid it is not so clear. As you look upon the scene, you can each sense Groggor and Agnar stirring, and that familiar knot of anticipation grows quickly in your stomache.

Agnar and Groggor have an action to take before we move forward. What they do will set the tone for what comes next. READ: partial surprise round

2015-02-09, 12:19 PM
"Ambush!" Agnar grabs one of his handaxes and throws it at the goblin in the bush.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Hopeful: intimidate check [roll2]

Hand on his greataxe, Agnar yells to his possible foes, Aight, we know yer out there, come out slowly an' throw yer weapons on the ground, an' we wullnae ha' ta bash in yer 'eads
He internally hoped they wouldn't take his advice.

2015-02-09, 12:55 PM
Groggor wastes no time. Taking a step forwards, he casts Sacred Flame at the goblin in the bush. (If he is still alive, else the closest visible.)

"This cart is under the protection of the God Ilnevar! Surrender, or die!" Groggor yells in his native tongue.

Current HP: 11
AC: 16
Spell Save DC = 13

Sacred Flame
Cast time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
1d8 radiant damage on DEX failed save.
No benefit from cover.

Damage roll.

Intimidation Roll

2015-02-10, 11:21 AM
Agnar movs quickly, dropping the goblin that failed to hide well enough. The goblin shrieks as the great axe slashes hard against his chest.

Groggor's chant brings forth a bright flame that engulfs the goblin causing it to scream in pain as it falls to the ground dead.

Two more goblines come from the deeper woods screaming obscenities in goblin and drawing bows notched with black feathered arrows like the ones littering the dead horses. Their arrows fly forth, missing wide of the mark.

Round 1

Goblin 2
Kt' Azz
Goblin 1


http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz7/cdcross/Grp1Rnd0.png (http://s808.photobucket.com/user/cdcross/media/Grp1Rnd0.png.html)
Black squares = dead horse
Red circles = goblins
outlines red circles = dead goblins
light tan squares = elevated terrain
grey squares = wagon
green squares = forest
characters = colored circles according to speech

2015-02-10, 11:50 AM
Not wasting any time, Agnar rushes the closest goblin, pulling the axe off his back letting out an inarticulate warcry.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-10, 11:57 AM
Unspeaking, Arianna backs away from the closest goblin, hastily throwing a blast of eldritch energy that goes wide by far as she does so.


2015-02-10, 01:05 PM
Groggor hefts his Warhammer in both hands. "Gorrah Gorrah!!" he yells, a traditional Orcish warcry, before making his attack. Rushing up to Goblin #2(or #1 if #2 is dead), he goes for an overhand swing, the kind you might use chopping wood. Or tenderizing meat. If the Goblin somehow survives, or he can murder another, Groggor will go for a second swing fueled with divine fury.

Current HP: 11
Current AC: 16

10ft to E8 to swing at Goblin #2.
(Or 20ft to D7 to swing at Goblin #1)

Attack(Warhammer, 2H)
To Hit:[roll0]

And if Goblin I'm attacking is still alive, or if I kill #2 and can move to get to #1.

Bonus Action (Warpriest)
Attack(Warhammer, 2H)
To Hit:[roll2]

If it's too much info on a page, or if I'm trying to do much in one round, let me know. I often err on the side of over informing and over doing...

Chas Kramer
2015-02-11, 02:26 AM
Sweet, Biff's companions had just blown up every possibility to solve this problem with subtlety (and the approrpiate magic to back it up). Point is: he wasn't even mad. As a matter of fact, he always apreciated a good display of "first act then think" mentality.

Well, if the other meat shields were so eager to smash things, front and center, he saw no reason not to yield them this privilege.
Biff took one step back, jumped of the cart and managed to use it as a cover, as he prepared to shoot a bolt from his crossbow. Instinctively, without exactly knowing why, he moved his hand away from the trigger and pointed it at the goblin instead, trancing for a split second. The goblin immediately seemed closer...

Move to F-12, look for cover.
Then, cast True Strike (cantrip) at goblin #1.

I don't know if the Wild Magic effects are triggered. In that case, warn me.

2015-02-12, 11:42 PM
Agnar bursts forward and lets the axe come down hard against the goblin, but the creature is barely able to dodge the attack. Fear sets in quickl yas he look sat you eye to eye, Agnar. Its teeth chatter just slightly in its head as it scowls back at you.

In an instant, the scowl is erased as the blast of energy zips over its head and lands in the embankment just beyond it. It head turns back to see the scorched earth and then gives a cry in goblin that is more of a yell of dirty vowels than a coherent thought.

Its yell is immediately stiffened by Groggor as his mighty warhammer meeting the jaw of the goblin. It twists unnaturally with a not so quiet snap of bone and the goblin falls dead on the ground. Seeing the opportunity at hand, Groggor takes another big step in stride and brings his hammer down on the next goblin's head, sending another sickening crunch of bone echoing in the small glen area.

Looking about, you can see all the goblin bodies lie dead around as the battle comes to an end almost as quickly as it began.

Even without the drow's move, you guys are able to take the assault committee. Good work!
XP earned: 60 each

Just let me know what you want to do next. If you are unsure of any rolls you need to make, just ask :smallsmile:

Chas Kramer
2015-02-13, 04:05 AM
"Whoa!!" Biff blinked his eyes, as the target he was about do pierce was almost litteraly pinned into the ground by Groggor . "Oh, well...that works too..."

Still a little bit shocked by that display of strength, he started looking around, hoping that no other goblin would jump out of nowhere and stomp on their faces.


I rolled 7 on wisdom check. I had to edit the post, which will probably erase my previous roll. Trust me on this :-D

2015-02-13, 10:27 AM
"Well that was uneventful... Didn't even get to do anything." Kt'azz remarked as he tried to take a look at his surroundings.


2015-02-13, 04:02 PM
Groggor rears his head back and roars, arms outstretched and tensed in victory. This goes on for about ten seconds, then he returns to reality. "For Ilnevar! My battlelust is satisfied!" He says in his native tongue, holding his hammer high, then makes his way back down to the road. He is positively beaming, a rather unpleasant expression for an Orc.

He gathers the goblin corpses together and sets them with the horses, checking to make sure each one was indeed dead. "Search bodies for gold. Then burn goblins and horses." He makes his way around to the other side of the road, and begins looking around for either the bodies of the riders, or a path they might have been dragged away one.

He looks back to the goblins. "Keep my share of looting." He says. He was in a really good mood.

Perception Check!

Or not. Rolling in the OOC board. Got a 7. Ewww.

2015-02-13, 05:34 PM
Agnar pulls the hand axe out of the goblin in the bush, wiping the blade on the grass. He looks around at where the goblins were hiding. They could use some learning about stealth, but for ambushing it was a perfect place. He tried to commit it to memory for if he were skint agin.

Agnar starts searching through the goblins' clothing looking for anything valuable.


2015-02-13, 06:32 PM
Arianna swiftly recovers from her somewhat frantic retreat, and joyously turns to searching the goblins, casting a quick glance around as she does so.


2015-02-14, 10:09 PM
The search of the area revels no further goblins lurking about. The group moves to gathering the bodies an searching through belongings as best possible. While there is nothing on them, short of fundamental weapons that are barely worth the metal they are cast on, you do find a leather map case a few yards off the trail. Looking over it finds no contents, the more important part is the insignia of the Rockseeker clan (Gundren's own) emblazoned on the top. Further searching of the horses, you find another emblazoned seal on the saddle bags of one of the horses.

Kt' azz

As he group moves the bodies and begins searching the immediate area, you are the first to find a trail not so well hidden, meaning: hidden by goblins, off the main road a few yards. The trail runs back to the north from which you came, but you can easily make out the foot prints of goblins and several in number, that have passed through here recently.

2015-02-14, 10:29 PM
"Hey, surfacers." Kt'azz shouted at the others as he pointed out the other trail. "Having to rely on the one who's practically blind in sunlight is sort of pathetic."

2015-02-14, 10:43 PM
"Well, 'scuse me, tall, dark, and snooty!" says the dwarf, "P'raps next time if Ah wern't skint, Ah'd look fer trails afore checkin' fer spare change!

2015-02-15, 08:21 AM
Groggor shrugged, still smiling. He didn't know what 'surfacers' or 'pathetic' meant in common, and as such didn't much care. He glances over the Goblin trail, trying to see how far it goes. He jerked his arm slightly, visibly fighting the urge to destroy more Goblins.

"We have job done first. The take trail to Goblins." He says, more to reassure himself than anything else. "We'll burn bodies. Clear road."

2015-02-15, 10:40 AM
Arianna points out the mapcase. "Looks like we're not the first to be attacked, this thing has the Rockseeker insignia on it, boss might've been attacked too."

2015-02-15, 11:25 AM
"Maybe it was a caravan he sent earlier, and we're the replacement." Kt'azz answered as he sat down on one of the dead goblins.

2015-02-16, 10:00 AM
Groggor grunts while lighting one of his torches. "Goblins take dwarf? Not maybe true. Boss a good fighter.." But he did seem uneasy at the thought. He holds the torch high, staring down the path, his face fixed in thought. It looked like it hurt.

"Maybe crush a little bit goblin when bodies burn. Then finish job. Need finish job."

2015-02-16, 10:21 AM

Looking down the trail only confirms to you that this is a hunting trail of goblins; something you have seen at least a dozen times in your journeys. You can see the well worn path has been used recently and by several goblins at once.

2015-02-16, 05:22 PM
Groggor keeps eyeing the path, taking a few steps forward, like an animal that's unsure of what to do. "We could take cart with us to smash Goblins. Protect it with us, then take to town." He looks back to the cart, taking another step down the Goblin path. "It be safe with us. What group think?"

Like watching a dog pining for a treat. Maybe his 'battle-lust' wasn't satisfied.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-17, 02:15 AM
As the heat of the battle cooleed off, Biff started thinking more rationally. He could almost hear Gurden's angry words, yelling at him for NOT having escorted the cart as requested. He could even hear the words "I'm na payin' ye", which was even worse.

He honestly doubted that pursuing that goblins ragmuffins would have significantly increased his income...
He was about to state this, as he looked the orc in the eyes. Suddendly, his argument seemed a little less valid then he thought. He then cast his gaze upon the others... he wasn't sure on what they would choose to do, but for sure, he wouldn't want to be left alone guarding the cart.

"Well, if the cart is safe with us... Besides, who knows how many ambushes we will face again. If they learned the lesson, the next ones may be more difficoult to repel. We will have to sleep with an eye open, or deal with the threat in another way..."

"Great" Biff thought "that argument will convince Gurden to NOT brake my arms, for sure"

2015-02-18, 12:34 PM
Taking Pepper by the reigns, Agnar leads the horse and wagon to the trail the leads back to the northeast with Kt' azz ahead of the group. Moving along the trail is not easy, nor terribly difficult, but definitely noisy as the wagon bounces along on the untraveled (for a wagon) path.

Kt'Azz (successful perception roll)
Despite the ruckus of the wagon behind you, the pathway is easy to focus on in the sunlight. The overgrowth helps, but nothing will feel as good as dark, secluded cave. About ten minutes into the hike along the trail, you catch a glimpse of something ahead that, at first glance, looked a regular snake passing along. As you come closer, it realize its not moving, and the more you study it, the more you realize that it is in fact a snare trap. You pause for a moment to investigate it from a safe distance to see how far up the tree it is attached to. Thinking it safe to avoid, a quick slash of a dagger takes care of the trap, rendering it useless and safe to travel through. Moving forward, the group presses on with the horse and wagon in tow bumping along the rear of the group.

Kt'Azz(unsuccessful perception roll)
Another few minutes of travel on the trail and you realize that you are pacing a few feet in front of the group. You take pause for a moment to let Biff to catch up and turn to move forward once again. Instead of finding solid ground when you take the step, you find an area of breaking twigs as your footing gives way. The rest of the pit trap gives way, and you find yourself falling forward into the pit head first!

Thankfully, your training and instincts kick in quickly (successful Dexterity roll), and you let gravity take hold to use to your advantage. Your feet quickly come over your head and back again to land on the floor of the pit trap with a light *thud* as dust wafts out from the impact. Looking about, you find the pit trap empty, save a few worms milling about in the turned soil. Looking back out, the walls are inclined enough that the scaling the 10 foot wall will be a piece of cake. You take a few quick steps and are able to bound along the corner of the wall to the top without breaking a sweat.

Back on solid ground, the group can evaluate the pit trap at a safe distance. It is 6 feet wide, and 10 feet deep down to the floor where Kt'Azz landed. It doesn't take the sharpest gnome to figure out that the wagon will not be able to move across the hole, nor around it along the thicket. It seems another plan needs to be constructed for traveling the path.

2015-02-18, 01:56 PM
"Good spot." Groggor says to Kt'Azz as the Drow disarms the first trap. He didn't care much for Kt'Azz's attitude, but Groggor could not argue his usefulness as a scout. Even when the Drow fell into the pit trap, Groggor stepped up with half-concerned "Hurt?"

He eyes the pit trap, frustration growing on his face. He paces back and forth, trying to work it out in his brain. After a few minutes, all he can come up with is "We're stuck.."

2015-02-18, 02:29 PM
"Do any of you... mages have any way to reliably produce large amounts of fire?" Kt'azz asked as he looked back in the pit before looking at Arianna.

2015-02-18, 06:37 PM
Arianna looks slightly abashed. "I'm afraid not, fire isn't something I've gotten around to learning yet."

Chas Kramer
2015-02-19, 02:10 AM
"Not my area of expertise...although, I see enough vegetation around here, suitable for producing a 'large amount of fire'. Reliably, no less. May I ask why? Oh...and good reflexes, by the way!"

Biff then looked around. "I see enough wood around here. What do you think...could we build a... uhm... an emergency bridge of some sort over the pit? It may take a while, but if we work together, it could be done."

2015-02-19, 08:21 AM
"I have torch." Groggor offers halfheartedly. This pit had sapped all his joy, and was beginning to make him angry.

To see if Groggor can come up with a decent plan. Also, sorry for lack of color, having to post from my phone. I'll fix it next I'm at my laptop.


Wait, this is a hole... And how do you get rid of a hole? You fill it in, of course. But for that, you need something to dig with. Where would one get those. Maybe the cart? "We dig dirt back into hole. Cart might have shovel." He walks over to the cart, checking over their supplies and opening any crates that wouldn't need forced open.

2015-02-19, 08:58 AM

The idea of just leaving the wagon here is not a terrible one. Covering the path entrance would shield it from the road; tying Pepper to an area with enough grass is available; and gear could be covered with foliage to hide it carefully in the woods. Effectively, anything that should know about the this path is coming from in front off you for all you know.

The cart will have mining supplies on it: shovels, picks, axes, etc. These items could be helpful in filling in the 10'x 6' x10' hole. Though, it will take the rest of the day to accomplish the task.

EDIT: ninja'd

2015-02-19, 10:07 AM
"Well no." Kt'azz sighed as he looked into the surrounding brush. "My idea was more along the lines of burning the thicket down and going around."

2015-02-19, 08:20 PM
Groggor pulls a handful of shovels out of the cart and begins handing them out to any who would take them. "We start fire, dig out big stuff?" He sets to work digging out the larger shrubs, single-mindedly determined to keep the cart safe.

OOC: Don't know if I need any rolls, Tape can make them for me if I do, if he doesn't mind. :)

2015-02-20, 10:28 PM
Moving cautiously, you are able to clear the pit trap with a lot of digging and a few curses. Getting Pepper and the wagon around the trap and back to the trail has taken nearly an hour, but the wagon will stay safe with you.

Forging ahead, you find yourselves nearing the end of the trail and coming upon a clearing a few feet ahead of you. You can see from here that the clearing leads to small stream that trails from the mouth of a cave in the distance. Across the stream, you can see another lining of thicker brush and undergrowth.A narrow dry path leads into the cave on the right-hand side of the stream. You can tell that the wagon will easily make it across the small stream.

Pausing to let you roleplay out any bits and to get an idea of how you want to move forward

Chas Kramer
2015-02-21, 04:18 AM
Ten Gold says the cave is the hideout of those ambushers we met before...cliché, but sensible! In case this is true: what will we do now? Do we go in, and kindly explain to the people inside the costs and benefits of assoulting harmless travellers?

Biff recalled that he wasn't at a formal dinner with the local nobility anymore, and quickly dropped his verbosity and translated for the orc.

...I mean, go in and bash them heads? If we do, we should leave the cart somewhere, or it will be impossible to surprise them.

2015-02-21, 06:25 AM
Arianna snorts in a rather unladylike manner. "No bet, it's practically a given. I'm up for... headbashing." At this her hands start to glow ominously. "Shall we?"

2015-02-21, 08:27 AM
The dwarf hefts his axe off his shoulder. Aye, let's do this.

2015-02-21, 12:40 PM
"I'd prefer mutilating them in front of their families, crushing their spirit before crushing their skulls, but that's just me." Kt'azz grabbed his quarterstaff as he peered inside the cave. "Who's going to hold the torch?"

2015-02-21, 02:42 PM
Groggor could barely contain his excitement as the cave came into sight. Hearing the words of his allies only excites him for the fervor of battle. "Ilnevar will see blood this day." He growls with anticipation, hefting his warhammer. It was still stained with the blood of his previous foes.

"We will hide cart and horse, then attack." The Human was right, it would ruin thier apprpach and be too dangerous to take in. He begins unloading supplies, covering then with brush, still keeping a hand on his weapon. "You hold torch. I see in dark." He adds to Kt'Azz.

2015-02-21, 02:51 PM
"Dinnae ya hear 'im earlier? He lives undergound. Can prolly see better'n we can. Give the human the torch.
Agnar seemed similarly agitated as he rushed to hide pieces of cargo. His hands were itching for his axe.

2015-02-21, 03:26 PM
"Actually, how about sending miss horns and I in as scouts while you, smelly, and mister-not-a-wizard hide the cart?" Kt'azz requested as he casted Dancling Lights. "We both can see in dim light, and this can provide it."

2015-02-21, 05:55 PM
Arianna frowns slightly at the nickname. "Miss Horns? Well... I've had worse nicknames. Still, I agree, assuming you can put one foot in front of the other without letting everybody know about it anyway."

2015-02-21, 08:46 PM
Having stowed away the wagon and the tied Pepper suitably, the group splits for the moment. Kt'Azz and Arianna move quickly along the taller grass of the ridge of the clearing. You both get the sense of someone else in the clearing with you, but can not make it out entirely. Suddenly, and simultaneously, you spot the warty, green skinned back of a goblin shifting its weight ahead of you. On the east side of the stream flowing from the cave mouth, a small area in the briar thickets has been hollowed out to form a lookout post or blind. Wooden planks flatten out the briars and provide room for guards to lie hidden and watch the area-including, what you can now tell is, a pair of goblins lurking there right now!

OOC: note: they have not spotted you as of yet.

2015-02-21, 10:24 PM
Kt'azz turned towards Arianna and air-wrote "Alert?" to ask her.

2015-02-22, 02:21 AM
Arianna nods once in response, before waiting for any further communication.

2015-02-22, 11:25 AM
"How?" He wiggled his fingers to mimick the shape of the word.

2015-02-22, 04:00 PM
Arianna mouths back "I go back. You stay. Warn."

2015-02-22, 04:06 PM
Kt'azz nodded as he looked for any more goblins.

(I assume we're not in direct daylight because we're in the brush)


2015-02-22, 07:08 PM
Arianna sneaks back to the rest of the group cautiously, wary of the goblins that she now knows for sure are present. Trying to stay out of their line of sight and minimize noise, she slowly makes her way.


2015-02-22, 07:14 PM
So far, both Arianna and Kt'Azz have been able to stay silent and not draw any attention from the goblins nestled in the make shift blind.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-23, 02:18 AM
Biff was helping the others hide the cart, with bushes and foilage, trying not to make too much noise and remaining downwind, when Arianna came back:
" ... sentinels you say? how many did you spot?

2015-02-23, 11:47 AM
"That's right. Only spotted the pair, but there could be more I didn't see. They didn't spot us though, we're too good for that.". She smirks. "So... thoughts?"

2015-02-23, 03:19 PM
Groggor wasn't that smart with math, but he could handle number less than ten. "There's two of them, five of us. We have more." He smiles a big, toothy smile. "We attack, we win."

2015-02-23, 05:34 PM
Arianna grins. "I'm up for that. Just remember: two is how many we know are there, there could be more."

Chas Kramer
2015-02-24, 03:44 AM
And, as much as I like yout style, master orc, consider that they may give the alarm. I'd go for a silent kill.

How about mr. Snobbish, down there, actually started doing something useful? I think Arianna and he could be the ones with the lightest foot...although now that I think of it, he probably won't resist the urge to tell the goblins that they stink.
Anyway, Arianna... I suggest you to go and we watch your back

It was unclear if by "We" Biff meant he and his companions, or he and his crossbow.

2015-02-24, 06:39 AM
Arianna nods. "Sure, I can work with that. Two goblins are hardly problematic anyway, easy enough for us to deal with."
Having said this, Arianna sneaks back over to her prior location to meet up with Kt'azz.


On route, Arianna breaks a branch underfoot with an almost thundering crack and, slightly embarassed, she swears under her breath. Following this, she swiftly casts Thaumaturgy to create a similar sound 30 feet away in one direction, and tries to sneak off in another.
If I'm allowed to roll for this instead of being automatically spotted, see http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?396265-Mines-of-Phandelver-OoC-Group-1&p=18868706#post18868706 for a laugh at my hilarious stealth failures.

2015-02-24, 08:29 AM
Groggor snorts. He had been following some 30 feet behind and trying to keep low to the ground. His chainmail chinked together uncomfortably loud, but it seemed he was faring no worse than Arianna. He takes a glance about the area while she covers her mistake, watching and listening for more goblins.

Stealth Check
(At disadvantage due to armor)

Perception Check:
(To see or hear any other Goblins)

Intellegence Check:
(For fun, to see if he recognizes the Thaumaturgy sound as fake. :P)

"Good idea, have to remember that one." He whispers in his native tongue, noting another potential use for Thaumaturgy.

2015-02-24, 09:13 AM
Agnar follows behind the half -orc, hoping desperately for more goblins so the sneaks don't get all the fun.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception

2015-02-24, 09:29 AM
Somehow...the not so sneaky sneakertens manage to not alert the two goblins who have given up on any form of "looking out" to be done on their watch. The goblins seem so enthralled with their game of bones that a tarrasque could sneak up on them with no warning....apparently.

4 natural 1's rolled. They apparently never heard the stick breaking...either of them....

2015-02-25, 11:00 PM
Groggor remains crouched as the party gets into position, watching for any sign they had been noticed. They could probably surprise them, take them out in one volley. "Me and Tiefling kill left. Kitazz, Agnar, Biff kill right?" He whispers, motioning at the Goblins.

Chas Kramer
2015-02-26, 02:07 AM
As a silent answer, Biff smirked and ponted his crossbow at the goblin on the right, concentrating on the target.

Cast True Strike cantrip (no verbal component), aim at the goblin on the right

2015-02-26, 03:26 AM
Likewise, Arianna smirks and gestures towards the goblin on the left, muttering a word in Abyssal as she does so, before muttering a few more, a glowing red orb appearing once more at her fingertips.

She casts Hex on her goblin, and follows it up with a readied eldritch blast awaiting either notice or one of her allies launching an attack.

2015-02-26, 10:24 PM
Groggor sizes up the Goblin's makeshift squat, trying to figure out a way to get them out of cover. (If they're not in cover, then ignore this part and only do the attack.)

Summoning up all his brainpower, he remembers Arianna's use of Thaumaturgy only moments ago, and decides to try some deception of his own. He mutters the words for the spell under his breath, and creates the cry of a wounded goblin a few fee outside their makeshift camp. As they crawl out, or even if they don't, he attacks with his companions, rising to his feet and casting Sacred flame on the Goblin to the left.

Current HP: 11
AC: 16
Spell Save DC = 13

Sacred Flame
Cast time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft
1d8 radiant damage on DEX failed save.
No benefit from cover.

Damage roll.

2015-02-27, 01:10 AM
Even as Groggor starts incanting his attack, Arianna releases her own, timing it so that her assault will strike as Groggor completes his own spell.

To hit: [roll0]
Base damage: [roll1]
Hex bonus damage: [roll2]
Forgot to factor in advantage, result is a 17 with the other roll.

2015-03-03, 11:43 PM
Kt'azz yelled with a loud voice crack as he rushed the nearest goblin and swung at it with his quarterstaff before making a follow-up with his fist.

Quarterstaff Attack (Disadvantage)

Unarmed Strike Attack (Disadvantage)

Quarterstaff Damage

Unarmed Strike Damage

2015-03-04, 11:43 PM
Almost simultaneously, Biff and Kt'Azz strike out first on the goblins. Biff's bolt lands true with the help of a little quick magic, nailing the goblin hard in the shoulder spinning it around where it sat in the blind. Kt'Azz clears the make shift blind, startling the other goblin that cries out in surprise as a flurry of blows is whizzing by its head.

Seeing the failed attack, Arianna conjures forth the dark ball of magic that nails the goblin as it reaches for its sword to defend itself from Kt'Azz. The magic lands true, engulfing the creature in dark, purple energy. The goblin seizes suddenly and slumps to the ground from the dark magic crackling over its body.

The goblin with the bolt protruding from its shoulder moves to stand and attack Kt'Azz, but the sound of thunder cracks quickly near it and a large ball of flame descends from the tree line above crashing hard on the goblin. The flames immediately engulf the goblin and it drops to the ground screaming in pain only for a few seconds before lying still as the flames die away leaving it smoldering and lifeless.

With the two goblins taken down quickly. The group is left with an almost eerie silence in the clear except for the stream moving along its path from the mouth of the cave to the north.

Chas Kramer
2015-03-05, 02:26 AM
A little less silent than he hoped, but quick enough. His companions were no masters of subtlety. To think of it, he wasn,'t either (in battle, at least). So, not bad, overall.

Biff quickly realoaded his crossbow, as he was paying attention to the other sounds nearby, to see if their stunt had detected attention...


2015-03-05, 06:54 AM
Trying to focus on the area sounds, Biff is really drawn to the babbling stream that is trickling out of the cave. You can see that the cave trails off further in, but the darkness cuts visibility to a minimum, though you can hear the stream further back away from eye sight. The rest of the area around the cave mouth and the clearing area is calm and mostly quiet.

2015-03-05, 07:28 AM
Kt'azz paid no heed to the sound of the stream as he crouched to inspect the bodies, looking for any particular identification or useful items.

Perception (Sight, disadvantage):


2015-03-05, 09:11 AM
Groggor grunts in satisfaction when the crispy Goblin hits the ground. "Praise to Ilnevar." He whispers, looking about for signs of more Goblins, that might have heard their companions fall. He listens quietly for a moment, grinning at the thought of more combat.


2015-03-05, 10:06 AM
Arianna smirks as her spell strikes true, granting the goblin a quick, but agonizing death. "And that," she mutters, "is how it's done."
Done with her self-appreciation for the moment, she cautiously glances around for signs of any further trouble.

2015-03-05, 06:54 PM

Looking over the goblins returns no meaningful booty as it were. They barely have 6 copper pieces between, truth be told. The rags they wore as "clpthing" would barely be sufficient to wipe your nose with, let alone the smell of them. The weapons could be sold if you wanted to haul them with you. They were crude, but they could be used.

Groggor/Arianna (similar results)

The area you stand is clear of unwanted creatures currently. The group was able to put these two goblins down quickly and quietly, albeit the approach was not so masterful. The only notable area is the cave entrance that holds several goblin footprints in the soft mud around the stream that stand out like sore thumb. You can even make out larger, heavier footprints and the easily recognizable markings of some sort of dog prints.

2015-03-06, 08:57 AM
Seeing the coast was clear, Groggor stands, still grinning from ear to ugly ear. "The battle is won." He mutters to himself in Orcish, before making a beeline for the cave, motioning those behind to follow.

"Find any good things?" He asks Kt'Azz as he passes by, watching the Drow sort through the bodies. "We need you scout more. You are good scouting." He stops at the entrance of the cave, peering inside and seeing if he can make out the first few yards.

Darkvision: 60ft

(To see if he can guess by the tracks and number of guards how many Goblins might be inside)

Chas Kramer
2015-03-06, 09:40 AM
As the orc casts his gaze inside the cave, Biff readies his lantern, still not lighting it. He wouldn't like to give away their cover, once inside the cave....but he wouldn't be able to see in complete darkness.
Master Kt'azz, the honor is yours... " he states, adding just a pinch of fake servily and nodding at the cave entrance

2015-03-06, 02:59 PM
"I wouldn't mind, seeing as how I'm the only one who's not practically blind." Kt'azz sneered as he walked towards the cave to peer inside.

Perception: [roll0]

(If possible, I'd also like to check how steep the descent further into the cave is, if any at all)

2015-03-06, 11:57 PM
Those with Dark vision

Looking in, you can make out the shape of the cave ahead. The stream runs through the middle of a large (roughly 15ft wide) path. To the right, about 20 feet in, you can see a landing area that has set of hand made steps that lead up and out of sight around the corner. Further back, the path bends to the right and out of sight, but you can see another pathway to the left that looks steep, and potentially dangerous to try and traverse.

2015-03-08, 10:07 AM
Groggor tilts his head, trying to see better into the first room, though has no luck with it. He stoops down to pock up a large rock, about the size of his head, and his tiny brain begins attempting to perceive a plan.


Intelligence, to see of Groggor can think of a plan on his own. :p

Sometimes plans just don't come to you. The spark of an idea gone, he drops the rock and motions Kt'Azz to lead the way.

2015-03-08, 12:42 PM
"Wait..." Kt'azz held his hand up as he looked at Groggor with glee. "How much brush do you think we could gather quickly?"

2015-03-08, 01:59 PM
Groggor holds up his hammer, a sad look on his face. "Not much quickly. Nothing to chop with. Can only pull from ground." He pauses for a moment, peering into the cave again. "Don't think we need quickly. Nobody know we are here."

2015-03-08, 02:16 PM
"The goblins' weapons could double as tools..." Kt'azz thought aloud.

2015-03-09, 07:18 AM
Groggor picked up on of the Goblin's shortswords. It felt like a children's toy, the hilt all but completely swallowed by his hand. Still, it was sharp. "What you plan?"

2015-03-12, 02:01 PM
(Sorry, for some reason, the check wasn't green)

"A little Drow trick that may or may not involve lots of fire..." Kt'azz smiled as he looked around for any dead or dry plants. "We could use smoke to either suffocate or otherwise cripple the greenskins, or it will flush them out."

Chas Kramer
2015-03-13, 04:19 AM
"Meh... it works with bees..." Biff shrugged.
"I would have preferred to know what we would have to face (and how many), BEFORE disturbing the hive... I don't know if you've noticed the footprints, but the gobbos may have some bigger buddies and/or some four-legged pet friends supporting them... But if pyric games is what you're into... I say: go ahead "

2015-03-13, 06:25 AM
"If you think it'll work I'm up for it. If nothing else we'll be warm while we wait."
Arianna starts looking around for dry brush and dead leaves, before calling back "How much are we gonna need?

2015-03-13, 09:09 AM
"As much as we can gather." Kt'azz rolled his eyes while staying sharp. "Also be on the lookout for anything we could use as a fan."

Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-15, 07:53 AM
It takes only a few minutes to gather enough twigs and limbs to get a good fire started at the mouth of the cave. With a little brush to get the fire started, Kt'Azz is able to get the kindling licked with flames easily. Groggor is able to remove a good piece of wood the make shift goblin blind that looks to be a good fit for the task of fan. Using the wood, Groggor is able to both ignite the fire more and send waves of smoke billowing into the cave.


As you watch into the cave, you can see a shadow moving ahead toward the turn in the far distance. Your plan is working, though not at the pace you had originally thought. As the shadow becomes more clear, you can tell that it belongs to a goblin.

2015-03-15, 10:57 AM
Kt'azz motioned towards the others by holding one finger up and then using his hands to make pretend goblin ears on his head. To Groggor, he waved his arms up and down to show him to keep fanning. To Biff and Arianna, he pointed towards the very edge of the cave, hoping for them to hide just around the corner as he hid around the opposite end of the entrance.

Chas Kramer
2015-03-16, 03:05 AM
...as if I needed someone to tell me to hide... we are gathering golins from all the seven hells with this clever trick Biff thought. The grip on his crossbow tightened

2015-03-16, 08:54 AM
The goblin rounds the far corner as the group slips into position. The beady eyes of the goblin scan the area and eyes Groggor fanning the flames of the fire. It takes a visible moment for the goblin to realize what its seeing giving you just a quick moment to react to the appearance of the goblin

Surprise action available if you'd like it. The goblin is 30 feet from the entrance of the cave where the rest of the group is; 10 feet from Kt'Azz,

2015-03-16, 09:28 AM
Kt'azz swiftly runs out to the goblin, swinging his quarterstaff at the midget before running back to cover.

Attack rolls:
Quarterstaff: [roll0]
Unarmed: [roll1]

Damage rolls:
Quarterstaff [roll2]
Unarmed [roll3]

2015-03-17, 05:27 AM
With the speed only akin to the elves, the dark skinned Kt'Azz is a flurry of blows to the goblin that never sees the assault coming. The two wallops to the creatures head leave it stunned in place for just a second before slumping to the floor of the cave. Its head lands with a splash in the water, but the attack seems otherwise silent.

As the cave returns to relative silence, you can hear the sound of stirring coming from the top of the landing area where Kt'Azz is positioned. The sound is soft at first, then stirs more and more. Then a very distinguishable sound echos the entrance of the cave. The sound of a furred animal shaking off sleep; but worse comes soon after. Several more shakes with accompanied jangling of chains and finally the most dreadful: a yawn of jaws and the snap of what sounds like large jaws.

2015-03-22, 05:52 PM
Kt'azz turned to his allies and gave a wide-eyed stare as he creeped slowly away from the cave entrance.

2015-03-24, 05:15 PM
Arianna swears under her breath on hearing these noises, quickly moving further away from the mouth of the cave and readying another blast in her hands, ready to hurl it at anything that comes out.

Chas Kramer
2015-03-25, 04:00 AM
Biff did nothing but roll his eyes and sigh loud, ready to pierce whatever was coming out of that cave

2015-04-02, 10:02 AM
Moving into the cave, the group stays on guard as everyone catches up to Kt'azz at the short landing on the right. Above you, a set of natural stairs that lead to a landing above where it seems the sounds were coming from. Ahead, along the stream bed, you can hear another sound of a waterfall splashing against rocks and more water deeper into the cave.

Above the stream, you can make out a bridge of natural rock that starts from your right, out of sight, and leads to the left to another landing 12 feet above your stance. You can make out a rough incline that looks like it would meet with the bridge along a path that would take some time to traverse.

Suddenly, you catch two beady eyes in the dark reflect the light coming in and you can make out the outline of a goblin moving towards the bridge. You can tell it can not see you as of yet, giving a chance to move away or an opportunity to surprise it.