View Full Version : Pathfinder Way of the Fist Build (Need Advice)

2015-02-02, 07:21 PM
Now I wanted to build the ultimate user of Unarmed Strikes.

So I used a Kasatha as my race (bonuses to Dex and Wis and a +2 Dodge bonus are good) but this race has four arms, and gains 4 attacks because of it.

Now I was thinking of a build of Monk 2/Sacred Fist X//Brawler X

Now the reason for Monk 2 is because I want to take Master of Many Styles and pick up Pummeling Style and Charge, as well as using the Kata Master monk to gain Derring-Do and Opportune Parry and Riposte. I may also use the Amature Swashbuckler feat as a flaw to gain Dodge Panache as well.

The Blessings will be Healing and Knowledge Blessings, which seem to go pretty good for helping the party when I do cast a healing spell it increases by 50% using the healings first blessing and Knowledge rolls from a touch attack are judged as 15+Warpriest Level+Wis modifier even in fields I am not trained in to determine weaknesses.

I may use this to pick up Divine Protection to take the already good saves further.

But I am a bit Feat taxed. I need Multiweapon fighting, and unless I wanna pour feats into Weapon finesse and Deadly Agility (We treat Dreamscarred as core, because we all love psionics) to allow for Dex to damage with his fists or pour gold into an Agile Amulet of Mighty Fist.

Piranha Strike would be nice, as well as Combat Reflexes not to mention Agile Maneuvers.

So I have two flaws, and we are beginning play at level 5. So a total of 5 Feats. Which should I roll into first.

As far as stats are concerned I have insane stats in every ability score.

2015-02-02, 07:29 PM
but this race has four arms, and gains 4 attacks because of it.

No, sorry. You don't get extra attacks because you have more limbs. If each hand would have its own natural attack, maybe. But this is not the case.

2015-02-02, 07:34 PM
Taken from a thread where James Jacob answers questions. James Jacob is the Creative Director at Paizo

Hello again,

This might be out of your scope I don't know. But my question is about the Kasatha, I have a player who is absolutely in love with the idea of the race (He is building one named Tars Tarkas)

But I had to ask, Multi-Arms and Multiweapon fighting.
Am I to understand that because of Multi-Arms a Kasatha gets 4 attacks a turn? With Multiweapon fighting just reducing those to the -2/-2 of the TWF feat?

I saw another of your posts say something about this but I lost that post, I think it had to do with how Improved TWF works with that.

EDIT: In that vein my player doesnt mind the idea of using the RP build version. But upon finding the Stat block for the Kasatha (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/kasatha) he has said he would like to use that, better stats and all and the d8 is class dice so not a RHD.

So why is that?

First, letting a player play a four-armed race is VERY unbalanced unless you let all players do the same. And while if you let them all do this they'll be balanced with each other, they will do better overall in fights so you'll need to amp things up there as well. I don't recommend letting 4 armed PCs unless you're an experienced GM, ready to do some significant work adjusting game play experience, and open to the possibility of a campaign going off the rails due to power balance issues.

That all said...

The game is built assuming 2-armed PCs, and thus there's not a lot of support for a 4 armed race fighting with multiple weapons like there is for 2 armed characters fighting with 2 weapons.

And yes... a Kasatha can attack with 4 weapons in its hands. That's what makes them so powerful as a PC option. They're better serving in your game as monsters...or at most, NPC allies.

2015-02-02, 07:51 PM
he's still a bit unclear of whether u can without multiweapon fighting, it would be way too strong without, and i'd say you'd get some pretty steep off hand penalties

just a bit to make it interesting but not too much to make it bad for everyone else

2015-02-02, 07:53 PM
Same for offhand weapons without Two-Weapon fighting, it just reduces the penalties for all arms too.

so because its a light weapon, Multiweapon fighting would drop the negs to -2 for all four hits.