View Full Version : Hunting For a Gold Mine: Sailing for Tivold

Erik Vale
2015-02-02, 11:44 PM
The von Manstein family is quite an old, renowned family. And if this trip doesn't work out, that will become past tense... But, such worries are for tomorrow when you leave with the tides.

Instead, toady's a day to celebrate you last day on land and say goodbye to any loved ones left behind, much like many of those sailing with you will, be it out of fear of where you're going, or merely because they have the coin in the form of sign on bonus. One tavern home to celebrants is Gozreh Safely [The sign, a boat on calm water with full sails] currently claims Borris Vivant as one of it's patrons, and has asked for Tamara to make an appearance, with her fellow backers or without, he claims not to care. His messenger said he'd be at one of the side tables, and being the huge man he is, that you wouldn't miss him.

And sure enough, he was at one of the side tables, a halfling next to him, an orc across from him, the two currently arm wrestling, with a great number of mugs about.

For those of you who aren't at the bar, please describe what your character's doing with their last moments on dry land for the foreseeable future.

Also, for those of you who'd like to party, consider anything you'd need to pay for [within reason...] to be covered by the funds for the expedition.

2015-02-03, 10:30 PM
Adun Ulhar

Sage and pirate, the bald young man known as Adun is the first to arrive to at Gozreh Safely. Its a relatively new habit he's picked up, trying to arrive early and look a place over to make sure that none of his former crew or their extended associates might be among the crowd. This city is by far more dangerous than most he has visited in recent weeks with it being on the ocean. Though he wears an ample cloak, the hood is down and several oddities make him more than identifiable. Heavy magic hangs around him that concentrates about his head, hands, and feet in translucent constructs that resonate with the surrounding energy of living beings. Crystalline arcs grow from the skin of his bald head to form an intricate web that glows ever so softly. Over his supple gloves lay a gauntlet formed of swirling snow contained by an invisible force with a single star shining through the snow from a band around one finger. Shadows of black and azure cling to his feet and after a closer look it seems his feet do not even touch the floor at all.

He walks in quietly and moves to a table where he can watch the entrance as well as keep an occasional eye on this Borris fella, though his knowledge of the man is mostly imbued through the means of the strange crystalline halo bound to his skull. At the thought a flood of information pulses through the halo into his skull, momentarily clouding his vision as he focuses past the surge of knowledge from the veil pushed past its normal limitations. He shudders and blinks to find a barmaid standing before him. He slides her a silver coin, "Mead, my dear. I will take no food, but may have another drink later."

2015-02-04, 09:46 AM
As revelers got juiced, danced badly and hit on the barmaids in a scene of bedlam and mayhem, the lady of the hour was pacing back and forth inside a private room behind the stage. Hands behind her back, the slender, elegant elf paced back and forth as she shoved the festive noises of the main area out of her mind.

"Oh, I do wish you would stop worrying, madam, I think you're making too much of a deal about this Boris fellow," a weathered, distinguished looking man by the door stated. An older human, his grey hair was neatly trimmed and his clothes were there tasteful and clean-cut affair of a household servant.

"I'm not 'worrying' about him, Humphrey," the elf stated, her lyrical voice telling of an educated upbringing, "I simply wish that he would stop being alive."

"Though I agree that his company is not worthy of you, by this time tomorrow there'll be leagues between yourself and Mr Boris so the topic shall be further from your mind."

Pausing in her movements, Tamara von Manstein drew her right hand to her face where she gently stroked her jaw in thought. "He's going to be spying you know. One of the crew, most certainly."

"And this operative will surely report the truth on your success."

"I don't want the truth!" Tamara exclaimed, "I want something I can tell Boris!"

Humphrey smiled, "And you will - once you're in a better position to do so. It's not always wise to fight the current, as you once told me."

Tamara snorted lightly as a smirk crept across her lips, "How long ago?"

"When I was 10."

This time she let out a short, sharp laugh, "That far back? My I am getting on in years."

"Now, you do have an appearance to make at some point or another tonight."

Tamara rolled her eyes and sighed, "Yes...you'll probably be spending tomorrow trying to remove the sweated scent of ale out of my clothing."

"How very generous of you, madam."

"Right, well, let's get this over with. Hopefully those other applicants are here. Ugh, what a first impression...meeting my foremen while surrounded by inebriated proles in a den of inequity."

With that, Tamara departed the room with Humphrey in tow, her long, quick strides taking her into the main hall.

2015-02-04, 11:28 AM
Aerlya arrives early. After visually locating Borris, she finds a seat at the bar from which she can see him and waits for the others to arrive. Her outward manner is casual, maybe a little drunk, though it takes for more alcohol than she actually drinks to affect her nowadays. This trip should be interesting...but the arrangements could still break down at the last minute.

2015-02-04, 11:41 AM
Bludfyr Blackscale

The huge, blackscaled figure strode into the tavern, unblinking yellow eyes sweeping across the room. Huge and cloaked, he walked with the attitude of a man used to others moving out of his way. Where his scales could be seen, they seemed to absorb the light hungrily, almost shrouding him in an aura of darkness. Those eyes, however, shone from his dark face with an eerie passion.

As his gaze reached the corner, he recognized the man known as Boris sitting to the side, surrounded by bodyguards and information brokers. Turning, he saw two of the members of von Manstein's inner circle, sipping from glasses of something. The Lady had not arrived just yet, but her directions had been clear - arrive early enough to gauge the feel of the room, and be prepared to deal with any unpleasantness that might occur.

Moving to a table with good visibility of the room, he sat and waited for the serving wench to walk by. "Ssssstout, meat and cheesssssse." Handing her two gold, he leaned back to wait for his food and drink, his shifting gaze constantly moving back and forth across the room.

2015-02-04, 11:14 PM
Mostly unnoticed due to the slab of cloak and ominous presence, a much smaller figure wanders in after him. Clad in the simple garb of a traveler, an umbrella and small barrel at his back. The simple white mask that adorns his face frames a smile, but the uncovered eyes show a pair of stone eyes.

Striding with confidence, he places the barrel next to the table by Borris and climbs on top if it. "Evening, it looks like I've only missed some of the festivities of the night so far." and looks around the room. "Lively bunch you have around here."

Erik Vale
2015-02-05, 11:25 PM
The orc turns and looks very suprised as he spots Ishi, followed by looking pained as his arm hits the table with a crack. Then Borris bellows out a laugh.
"Thanks. Gob, get us drinks... Now if you're here where's.... Hey! Von! Get over here!" Borris raises an arm and waves towards Tamara.
Borris then turns on Ishi, smiling a drunk smile.
"You know, ever since I found out what you were, I've been wandering why you're backing the expedition, or more how? Are you bound to the boat?"

The various serving maids look rather harried, and some more than a little wet, they do little more than nod before leaving to fill orders, each moving rather quickly and dodging the fumbling hands of quite a few patrons. Suddenly a group begins drunkenly singing.

"Beer beer beer tiddly..." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzYof5GjhQ8)

2015-02-06, 09:23 PM
"Not exactly, but spreading civilization does fulfill several of my interests at once. I see this undertaking as a bit of a challenge. I understand I am unique in my circumstances, but others may benefit more by my assistance that even I can calculate.

Ishi turns to the orc, "You shouldn't let you surroundings distract you from your task, that may have just been a competition, but a real battle could have had much graver consequences."

Erik Vale
2015-02-07, 09:23 PM
The Orc grunts as he turns away, Borris laughing.

"At least I know you're friendly and leaving, otherwise I might need to replace him as my door guard."

2015-02-08, 01:48 AM
Adun does not join in with the conversation with Borris, but does spare them a glance when he shouts. He turns his gaze back to his drink as he awaits the business of the evening to conclude while surreptitiously keeping tabs on the various notable individuals in the room. He also lends a small part of his focus on the singing drunkards, idly wondering if they are truly drunk or merely making a ruckus to cover any conversations to be had.

2015-02-10, 04:54 AM
When Tamara walked into the main bar area her nostrils immediately twitched as they were assaulted by the odoriferous tang of beer, vomit and sweaty sailors.

Witnessing the arrival of the the elf of the hour, several of the impressed and, undoubtedly, inebriated crew threw up arms and shouts drunken stupor. Though in their tanked state they'd probably be entertained by a house-cat, the arrival of their "boss" permitted a particular joyous ruckus.

"Yes, yes, hello! How do you do." Tamara offered, giving a short wave as she tried moving through the walls of swaying bodies. A tall, well-dressed and lithe figure, Tamara stood out among the crowd as she finally drifted to to nucleus of the crowd - Boris' table.

"Ah, Boris," Tamara exclaimed, having pulled herself from the ocean of bodies, "I see you're giving us all your usually subtle and tasteful affairs?" she asked, a clearly playful tone to her lyrical voice.

Erik Vale
2015-02-10, 11:18 PM
Borris smiles.
"I like to preserve my subtle, ration it. That way it surprises people not only how subtle I am, but that I can."

He motions towards the now vacated chair.
"But, I got good news. You know with you near the reefs of Cazeday you've had some trouble getting people who know their way around seige engines and some extra guard. Well I managed to get you some help there, and there's an Orc who'll be coming back in a moment they answer two. He's a nice simple man, really likes simple, very agreeable where it comes to following orders. I also got you something special."

He nudges the halfing besides him
"This is Orris, you might know him as Blackflag though. I managed to get him and some other water breathers for watching your ships underside. They're pricey, but I managed to find em. Means that any Merfolk will think twice of putting a hole in the bottom."

Orris is a giannt of a man, who with magic can breath and swim beneath the ocean like a fish, and comes with a savage cunning. When his ship was being chased, he jumped overboard, sunk the chasing ship from below, and swum back.

The same, but a halfling and a powerful mage. He's also got his own flag which he demands is flown alongside the ship, being a hollow ship with a hole in the bottom, and waves just reaching the mast.

Orris is actually a Halfling Undine [You know, like those Halfling Tieflings, short but just as bad.] who lived a long life as a cabin boy. One day when his ship was chased by pirates, he talked to the captain and got permission to go overboard to try and sink the other ship from below since it was gaining, and were it to sink, the captain would wait to pick him up.

Having done so, he baulked at piracy and eventually bounced around seeking a measure of protection while still doing what he loves, and now spends his land time with Borris. It's said that he's also sprung for a pair of gloves that allow him to shape wood like wet clay, allowing him to essentially rend a large hole through the boats bottom in barely more than a second...

Perception DC 10/Knowledge Local DC 10: The halfling shows signs of being an Undine at a second look, his ears being flared more and his skin's olive colouration having a little more green to it than usual... But Undines are normally humans, with how they get around.

2015-02-11, 08:42 AM
Aerlya considers the scene for a long minute before she stands up and strolls over to Borris' table. "Hello." She nods to Borris and the strange apparently water-breathing halfling. "Is everyone else who will be coming with us here now?"

2015-02-11, 09:05 AM
Bludfyr Blackscale

Eating slowly, the scaled figure watched from the side, eyes still moving from Tamara, Boris, the drunkards and the door. When you're paid to keep an eye out for trouble, that's what you do. Besides, there was little chance von Manstein needed his skills at the negotiating table.

Even from here, he did note the strange Halfling with gills ... and watched the perturbed orc for any signs of violence as well.

Just watching ... suppose he'll take 10 on Perception (total 25).

2015-02-11, 12:33 PM
Tamara placed herself down in the vacant chair and folded one knee over the other out of habitual propriety.

Mention of hobbits burrowing through the hulls of ship rose a single, slender eyebrow, but overall the elf played her emotional cards rather close to her chest. Normally more forthcoming with her nature, Tamara chose an obscure front when interacting with figures such as Boris - men she wouldn't trust as far as she could spit.

Tamara's caution was validated when a newcomer, Aerlya as she identified herself, approached the table and first addressed Boris rather than herself. It was hardly her fault, of course, but perhaps the elf had erred in allowing the crime boss to be even here this evening, in what was essentially an allowance for him to act as if he was running this venture instead of merely funding parts of it.

"Not yet," Tamara answered Aerlya's question before Bors could, "But I do not believe I have met you," she continued, putting forward an slender hand, palm-downwards, for Aerlya to take in greeting.

2015-02-11, 12:35 PM
"No? My mistake. I'm Aerlya Rinys, and you're the one who's leading this expedition."

The strength in Aerlya's hand is negligible, but she seems perfectly confident.

2015-02-11, 10:11 PM
"Well, this should be a great endeavor, knowing that we have other folks almost as colorful as I'd imagined" and looks the recent additions to the table over, "I'm sorry ladies, I'm being rude, I go by Ishi." and give a bow," and from the looks of it, another tool in the toolbox of magic accompanying this voyage."

2015-02-11, 10:25 PM
Literally cannot fail any of those skill checks. Perception is +18, and today Local is +22 (ranks+a Veil)

While attempting to be a subtle presence in the background, Adun recognizes the halfling and nearly drowns himself while trying to take a drink from his mead. A flaring pain burns across his face as memories of the acid splashing across his face to remove his pirate tattoo come violently to life once again. He's heard of the damnable half-pint and even picked over the remains of a sunken ship left behind by his particular talents. Given the mess he's made of himself and the fact that several patrons have no doubt heartily enjoyed his embarrassment, he decides he might as well face it head on. He gets up and tries to straighten himself up a touch before gliding over towards the table, "Ms. von Manstein, a pleasure. Adun Ulhar, jack of all trades, master of scholarly pursuits and carpentry. Mind not the face, a past life washed away. I now belong only to the stars and the seas. And your crew of course, unless the burns sour the proposition."

2015-02-16, 04:17 AM
"Ms Rinys, Mr Ishi and Mr Ulhar - a pleasure, all."

Tamara responded to each in kind by offering her hand while sizing them up. For the most part this was her first impression - it had been Humphrey that had been their first liason, not her. So far he had not erred in his assignment and had managed to gather a stout looking group. Tamara hoped so, at least, she'd be relying on this handful more than she would the crew...this was a group that she had hired and whom answered to her. Boris' meddling was not involved - they were outside of his influence.

"We all have our scars," she offered with a polite smile to Ulhar.

With that the elf took a glass of the wine available to her and downed half the glass. "Come, all of you, sit - you all know that there is every possibility that none of us will return from this expedition? After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained."

2015-02-16, 10:38 AM
"Our chosen career is not a safe one." Aerlya smiles coolly. "And call me Aerlya, please."

Erik Vale
2015-02-17, 12:18 AM
"No, adventuring hardly is. I believe that's why sign on bonus's tend to be big. But yes, let's drink and be merry."

The night goes fairly peacefully, all things considered... No broken windows or chairs, just plenty of people getting drunk as people swap stories and prepare for a long voyage.

In the morning, everyone manages to make their way to the docks, the new Von Manstein Galley, "Salvation", it was named by a shipbuilding company going out of business, and with it's success it stayed afloat, something sailors find rather comforting given the voyage, planned to last two and a half weeks with passage skirting the reefs

Roll Call, make a post as to your boarding and we can set this thing sailing..

2015-02-17, 01:46 AM
Adun Ulhar arrives earlier than most, having slept only a few winks more than absolutely necessary for his ring-bolstered vigor. He loiters around the docks in a manner that he hopes is not suspicious, but his lack of skill in subtlety and the veils arrayed about his body make it rather difficult to not stick out like a sore thumb. He does his best to keep an eye on others hanging about, which is a great deal easier for him than trying to slink in the shadows. Once the majority of the sailors return from their night on the town Adun takes the opportunity to board with them with the intent of both lending a hand where needed and to study the craftmanship of the craft.

2015-02-17, 04:25 PM
Bludfyr Blackscale

The bloodrager relaxed slightly as he watched his employer and new companions drink and celebrate. He drank a couple himself, but his task was to keep his eyes open, so he restrained from partaking too much. He stayed until all of his new shipmates had been ushered to rooms or the ship, and were able to get to their beds without molestation ... at least not unless they wanted it ...

The next morning found him out on the pier, watching as many of the sailors returned from the previous night's exploits, among them the one known as Ulhar. Bludfyr could have met them on the ship, but he had simply dropped his possessions off the night before and found a place to sleep out in the open - those small cabins bothered him. Now that his companions were beginning to arrive, he decided to join them and make himself useful.

On board, he made every effort to ensure the crew felt comfortable with him; he was a strange creature and often intimidating to others, but he wanted to prove himself worthy of trust and respect. He prefered to leave fear as a last resort ... or for his adversaries.

Okay, on-board and I just realized I, too, forgot to spend a much needed skill point - may I place one in Profession: Sailor? Also, I seem to have forgotten my second trait, and if possible I'd like to take Storm Pilot.

Other than that, I'm present and ready to go!

2015-02-17, 09:28 PM
Ishi wanders onto the boat, his smaller size being readily apparent as the ship looks way to big for him. After a brief disappearance into the hold, he comes back to the deck and starts walking back and forth with a bit of twine, measuring everything within reach. a few of the crew almost trip over him, but that doesn't seem to stop his methodical assessment of the ship.

2015-02-17, 09:55 PM
Aerlya strolls onto the ship and looks around, curiously but in a way that evinces no particular knowledge of ships.

2015-02-19, 01:50 AM
"Madam I do wish you would drink this tonic," Humphrey asserted as he held out a glass of water whose contents fizzled with a white, dissolving cloud within.

Groaning softly, holding a cool rag to her forehead, Tamara grunted and shook her hand dismissively, "No...liquid drugs got me into this mess..." before she stood up. Immediately the elf felt every little chop and churn of the waves beneath the still boat, her nerves jolting with electricity and the contents of her innards threatening to heave up to her throat.

"Alright, alright I'll take it!" she gave in. Reaching out and receiving the glass from a satisfied looking manservant, the elf guzzled the tonic down and immediately regretted her decision; her lips curled up into a snarl and her face scrunched into an unhappy scowl "Gah! What in green Galorians blood is this...?"

"You'll thank me in an hour, Madam."

The elf grumbled and muttered as she gathered her belongings before composing herself and heading outside.

Upon leaving the cabin Tamara did not take long to locate the others she had hired for this trip - they were hardly salty old sea dogs. "Ah, fellows!" she said, blinking several times as the harsh sun prickled across her green eyes, "How did you all pull up this morning?" she asked. Standing at the helm of the ship and looking down at the deck, Tamara rested an elbow on the railing and peered out to the sea, "The captain says we should be encountering relatively soft waters - so hopefully you all ate lightly this morning!"

2015-02-19, 12:42 PM
Bludfyr Blackscale

The bloodrager paused in his work, give Tamara a fanged smile before replying, "Right as rain, Missss Tamara, and well fed. Howsssss your head?" He grinned before returning to help the sailors. It was obvious this wasn't his first time on a ship, even if he weren't a grizzled seadog.

2015-02-19, 04:31 PM
Aerlya's experience with ships is less certain than Bludfyr's, but her smile shows no doubt. "I'll be just fine," she assures her employer.

2015-02-25, 08:58 PM
After wandering around a bit he swings down from the rigging, landing near the helm. "I don't think the contents of our stomachs would affect the weather that much, well, if I had a stomach. and walks over to the edge to look through the railing, "For as long as you kind have had to learn about sailing, I though you would have adapted better? O well."

Erik Vale
2015-02-27, 04:36 AM
"Eh! Watch it kid!" A sailor shouts as he almost trips over the Kami, a kick going out reflexively but with no intent to hit.

Suddenly a call comes from the ships fore-
"Everyone aboaaaard! Someone let the swimmers know they can go below any time now!"
There were only a couple still waiting by the Gangplank, quickly picking up the pace and pulling the board in, over the side there's a splash as a Gillman dives overboard near one of the ropes going over the decking.

One of the ship hands makes his way to Tamara.
"Eh. Boss, captain says it's a good time to go below, said he was told you got sea-sick. We've got some ginger set aside for those who's sea legs aren't quite so sure."
The boy was grinning like it was a joke, smile almost reaching his elven ears.
"Anyway, also said he wanted to let you and yours know he'd be running a couple of hands of poker, if you wanted to loose any money to him.

The sail unfurls, and down below rowers start beating the water in time to the drum below, it itself being a slow and steady rhythm as you head out with the tides.

2015-03-01, 07:37 AM
As the ship was pulling away, Tamara made an effort to mingle with Bludfyr, Amerya, Ishi and Adun. Naturally she attempted to put on a stoic front in order to minimise the influence of both alcohol and the choppy waves, but elves were not exactly known for an iron constitution.

"I see everyone received a visit from the Inebriation Fairies last night?" she asks with a slight hint of humor as she had to reach out and steady her hand against a railing off to her side. Blinking, she turns to the youthful sailor that addressed her and rose a slender, dark eyebrow in response to his 'invitations'.

"Ginger you say..." the elf mutters, clearly tempted.

"Well, who are we to resist such a lavish proposition?" she stated clearly. Turning to look at the assembled group, "Yup, I think we've made our presence up here known for quite long enough! Let us go and see how the captain intends to deliver us to lands both distant and humid."

With that, she turned and, moving slowly in order for the others to come along, strolled towards the door that would take them below deck.

2015-03-01, 09:00 PM
Aerlya stays with her employer as Tamara moves toward the captain's cabin. She doesn't comment on Tamara's assumption that all of them got equally drunk the previous night, though she quietly reflects that starting a sea voyage with a hangover is one experience she doesn't regret never having.

2015-03-03, 01:18 AM
Ishi chuckles at the kick and after Tamara starts heading down into the vessel, he falls inline with the rest of the big folk, "This should be an entertaining journey if the ginger runs out. The gillmen are a nice touch to round out the crew. Very insightful" and out of habit, pulls out some twine he starts knotting into a web like structure.

2015-03-03, 01:50 AM
With the crew not really needing much of a hand from Adun, who only barely avoids getting in the way on more than once occasion, he spends the majority of the time simply studying the craftsmanship of the vessel and idly twirling a strange tool between his fingers, a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. Once the contingent starts to make their way below decks Adun can't help but harrumph at Ishi's comment, "Rather makes the a carpenter feel useless, I'd say. Why nail two boards together when you can just fuse it with magic? Pah."

2015-03-05, 12:28 AM
Ishi chuckles at Adun, "I would assume it's because most magic using types think themselves grander that a lowly carpenter and wouldn't be caught dead doing something useful like that." and with a few motions over the twine he has been playing with, he forms a crude basket made from hemp rope. "While this is indeed more of a parlor trick for me, you will find that the common folk of most people still appreciate when those with the means to help others do so. Magic is just another tool, but requires effort that some cannot bring to bear."

2015-03-05, 09:57 PM
"Well we can't be everywhere," Tamara spoke up in response to the topic of magic-users stealing everyones job.

"If the skilled pofessionals have moved on and we're not around to help conjure things out of thin air - what would people do?"

Her tone carried an impish, playful hint of sarcasm to it as if the idea of her enjoying some type of ivory tower high above the plebes was more of an amusing fantasy rather than a genuine desire.

2015-03-10, 09:54 AM
Bludfyr Blackscale

The draconic rager finished up his work, then followed the others down below. He was not one for poker, but if Tamara thought they would find out what was going on, he was all for that.

Of course, he hated going below, but that's why he was being paid for ...

Sorry if y'all were waiting on me ... Blud isn't here for the poker, but if the Captain's going to talk about our trip, then good news!