View Full Version : Pathfinder New Character Concept, help needed :) Pathfinder character.

2015-02-03, 12:28 AM
Moved from general roleplay forum.

Name: Beleon
Race: Halfling
Class: Cleric
Deity: None
Goals: Overcome death, become the embodiment of death
Personality: Intention is to create a personable, likeable character of the affably evil variety. Charismatic, friendly, courteous, but also arrogant and selfish, highly ambitious, has a god complex.

As a child, Beleon was part of a traveling caravan with other halflings.... he watched as everyone he knew became a meal for an attacking horde of undead. He almost became an entree himself, when for reasons he never quite figured out, the undead backed off and spared his life... It left him with mixed feelings, which eventually lead to him wanting to master death. After years of contemplation and meditation, he obtained the ability to cast spells, as a cleric. He has no idea where he got the ability, nor why he can do it. He channels negative energy through a pendent his clan gave him, now charged with his own rage. Outwardly, he never really changed from the sweet boy he used to be, except for the fact that he now refers to himself as "One who would become Death". He believes that it is his responsibility to take or give life, as a "proper god of death". He worships no deity and believes that the gods abandoned him and his people; he abandoned the goddess his clan once worshipped.

Becoming undead himself is one of his goals...

Anyway, suggestions? Possibilities for alignments?

2015-02-03, 01:20 AM
For a proper god of death, I'd lean towards true neutral. For a Pratchett Death, Neutral Good.

The problem is, if you actually want to become undead, you've got to be evil. (Well, unless you get to be a level 20 Oracle of the Occult Mystery. Then, if you die, you come back as a ghost 2d4 days later)

2015-02-03, 01:34 AM
He mainly sees the undeath as a means to an end, justifying that reapers shouldn't be reaped. It's sort of a symptom of his arrogance, his idea that to master death he has to be above it. Basically, while he has the ambition, he just doesn't get what it means.

I had a feeling that he'd take an incredibly misguided and potentially tragic approach to fulfilling his ambition, aiming for balance but ending up evil, more like Myrkul or Nerull.

The concept as it exists now though could go either way, he may take a neutral path. Not sure.

2015-02-03, 02:01 AM
It sounds like you're looking to ascend rather than become undead. It fits better "The gods have abandoned me, thus I shall become a god!" But unless you're in a Mythic Campaign, you're probably not going to ascend.

There are a couple of different ways to become immortal at level 20, though not for clerics that I'm aware of.

2015-02-03, 02:10 AM
I'm more going for the principle of the concept; this guy is an arrogant mortal with a god complex and abilities that reinforce his beliefs. Whether or not he can actually do it remains to be seen; I had no intention of getting to that point unless offered, i just think the character might be fun to role play.

That's actually why I specifically chose a cleric aspiring to undeath. In actual terms, I've always played wizards as neutral or good, but the only clerics i've ever played have been evil. For me, clerics are a lot of fun to play as evil, so that's my mechanical intent. Hope this helps get more of a feel of what I'm going for. ^_^

You are, however, giving me loads of fun ideas... While a cleric of death might be more suited for an evil play style, if I wanted to play someone who more realistically has a chance of becoming a "proper god of death", i'd probably pick an oracle, I have the books for it. :)

The concept is actually just there to give me something to roleplay... Since the DM is new, I don't wanna foist all the mythic rules on him. I believe I may be co-dming the game.