View Full Version : Pathfinder Fighting a witch

2015-02-03, 09:11 AM
Hey Giants! I come to you in a bit of a pickle.

In the campaign, one of the players is playing a rat folk witch and we've had some character friction. I fear it's going to lead to a fight between us. The problem is that he's really powerful and built a fantastic character.

As much as I enjoy time with and respect the player, I want to be ready for this fight.

The two things I worry about this fight is two hexes and a spell:

Slumber (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes/common-hexes/hex-slumber-su)
Evil eye (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/hexes/common-hexes/hex-evil-eye-su)
Limp lash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/limp-lash)

Is there any counter-measures to these threats? (possibly a potion of protection from his alignment)
Anything I'm missing?

Note: I really enjoy playing with him and he's a good friend, I just want to be ready and hopefully not get into this fight to begin with.

2015-02-03, 09:20 AM
This game is really not designed for PvP and trying to engage in it will likely just lead to bruised egos/a damaged friendship and frustration. My suggestion is that both of you solve this out of game, preferably with the GM, and find some other way your characters would deal with whatever is causing the "friction."

As far as protecting yourself from witches in general, your best bet other than having a high will save is to have something (like a summon or companion) wake you up immediately after you fall asleep. You lose no actions that way and become immune to future slumber attempts for 24 hours.

Limp Lash meanwhile is rather easy to stop - just walk away.

2015-02-03, 10:01 AM
If he took Ratfolk Witch, then he's read a guide or two. Does he also have a dog he rides around so that he can move AND cackle?

The only way to deal with Slumber is to 1) Beat the save or 2) Get effected by it and wake up so you can be immune for 24 hours.

Evil Eye is difficult because it still works on a save and Cackle keeps it up as if you failed.

Grapple is a good way to take down a Witch. But, the hexes can still be used.

Mainly, you need a way to increase your saving throws to Mind Effects, Stay more than 30 feet away or grapple, use silence (so you at least prevent Cackle), at go after the Witch after all spells have been used.

Without knowing your class, it's hard to give any more specific advice. I had to PVP with my Witch in my last game. It was not fun for the people trying to fight me.

2015-02-03, 11:52 AM
What race/class are you? Witches have low hp, medium to low AC and if your friend spends his first rounds trying to slumber/evil eye you and cackle, he won't have time for Mage Armor+Shield or mirror image or any defensive spells in general. Take advantage of it and rush him in the fight. Pick a potion/oil of resistance for the +1 on the saves or cast it on yourself if you are a caster. Drink a potion of invisibility and catch her flat-footed if you are martial class or use your second range increment with your bow to be away from the 30ft radius she needs for the cackle on every round.

Last but not least, what is his offensive methods? Witches are not famous for being nukers and a ratfolk should have crappy attack rolls/damage rolls unless he is using a bow and has high dexterity in which case you get 3.5 damage per round (with a longbow) which isn't that much. Even if your friend manages to debuff the crap out of you, you can still just punch him to death xD

2015-02-03, 01:50 PM
Knowing your class would help, as "have high saves" and the companion trick already mentioned are the best general defenses. I also second the suggestion that you work out conflicts out of game as PVP in D&D generally doesn't work out well.

As a semi-serious suggestion if conflict resolution doesn't work, have you tried chucking the witch into a pond to see if he floats? By which I mean, get some role playing involved here. Spread a rumor that the player is an evil witch among the local population and throw yourselves a good old witch trial!

2015-02-03, 03:24 PM
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it yet, but in addition to having high saves, you need high initiative. In fact, high initiative might be more important than having high saves. If you can one shot the enemy witch, there'll be no need for you to even bother with making a save. Of course in order to do that, you need to make sure you go first.

Your goals are going to be 1) go first and 2) start with the witch in range of your most lethal attacks.

Ideally, being some kind of archer would make this much easier as bows have a range increment of 110 ft. which puts you well outside the range of most witch hexes. Really, if you want the best advice though, you'll need to give us your build.

2015-02-03, 03:40 PM
he won't have time for Mage Armor+Shield or mirror image or any defensive spells in general.

Mage Armor should already be up. I believe Witches do not get Shield or Mirror Image.

If he is playing a Witch "correctly", he already has improved initiative and possibly an initiative familiar. It's almost a given that you will not get a higher initiative. I suggest using your resources elsewhere and hoping you win the surprise round.

2015-02-03, 03:57 PM
If he is playing a Witch "correctly", he already has improved initiative and possibly an initiative familiar. It's almost a given that you will not get a higher initiative. I suggest using your resources elsewhere and hoping you win the surprise round.

Depending on what Class Ryulin18 is playing as, its a lot less difficult to get equivalent or higher initiative.

If said witch has Improved Initiative, a Greensting Scorpion familiar, the reactionary trait and a 14 in dex (a pretty reasonable spread if the witch player read the same guides I did) he'll have an initiative of +12. At 1st level, this is really only beatable with the same choices that the witch's player made, but at higher levels it becomes less of an issue.

If Ryulin18 has a similar build, he can reduce the difference by a minimum of 6 without getting into class specific requirements. A dex focused class will bring that gap down even further, while a few items like a Dusty Rose Prism (cracked) Ioun Stone will give some small bonuses. Haste will increase his initiative by 1 as well. Like I said, a lot of it depends on what level this is taking place at, and while he might not be able to beat said witch's Initiative modifier, just narrowing the gap can mean the difference between going first and not going at all.

2015-02-03, 08:52 PM
and while he might not be able to beat said witch's Initiative modifier, just narrowing the gap can mean the difference between going first and not going at all.

All true. But then we are looking at needing to win that roll. Which by our best calculations is less than roughly 50%. I still think ceding the initiative roll and increasing ability is worthy of consideration. For that matter, starting the surprise round ignores your initiative in the first place. “No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.”

2015-02-03, 10:12 PM
Depending on your circumstances, I'd suggest that waiting until he's asleep and slitting his throat might be the simplest option.

Glorius Nippon
2015-02-03, 10:29 PM
Shoot him with *somthing from a decent range. Make an anti magic field around you if you can afford it/ do it yourself.

Do literally anything that lets you:
A. Cancel out their spells
B. Stay out of their range
C. Kill them before they can do anything