View Full Version : Ways to make a guisarme a special monk weapon

2015-02-03, 10:08 AM
I want to make a character that uses the Decisive Strike ACF (PHB2, requires a special monk weapon) with a (reach) polearm. Unfortunately, while the Pole Fighter feat in DrC allows you to make a polearm a special monk weapon, it requires the flurry of blows class ability, which you trade out for the Decisive Strike ACF...

So, are there any ways to make a guisarme into a special monk weapon? An obscure weapon enchantment perhaps? I guess I could use the Unorthodow Flurry feat if I could find a way to make it a light weapon, but then I wouldn't be able to use Power Attack with it...

2015-02-03, 10:21 AM
IIRC, Serpent Strike from EbCS adds the longspear to the list, though requires weapon focus.

This should also allow use of Warblade's ability to change a weapon of one type to another as long as it requires Weapon Focus.

2015-02-03, 10:42 AM
An aptitude guisarme would work as well.

2015-02-03, 10:49 AM
IIRC, Serpent Strike from EbCS adds the longspear to the list, though requires weapon focus.
Also, flurry of blows, which I'm trading out for the ACF - hence my problem in the first place.

2015-02-03, 10:54 AM
Arguably, Shou Disciple grants you Flurry of Blows

2015-02-03, 10:56 AM
Hrm. Looking up some stuff, I think the only feats that allow it all require Flurry of Blows. Are you looking specifically for the reach, or for the polearm itself? In the former case, I recommend the Rope Dart/Meteor Hammer, from Dragon #319. It's a 15-foot-reach weapon, two-handed, with 1d4 damage and x2 crit. Most importantly, it's a special monk weapon (although you still need EWP to use it).

2015-02-04, 03:49 AM
Hrm. Looking up some stuff, I think the only feats that allow it all require Flurry of Blows. Are you looking specifically for the reach, or for the polearm itself? In the former case, I recommend the Rope Dart/Meteor Hammer, from Dragon #319. It's a 15-foot-reach weapon, two-handed, with 1d4 damage and x2 crit. Most importantly, it's a special monk weapon (although you still need EWP to use it).

Just checked as well - all the feats I found (Double Steel Strike, Serpent Strike, Whirling Steel Strike) all require flurry of blows.

Aptitude Weapon might be the best route.

Things that can grant Flurry of Blows:
Disciple of the Eye (RotD)
Brood Monkey (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20041126a)
Shou Disciple (Unapproachable East)

2015-02-04, 06:14 AM
Brood Monkey are only with simple weapons so thats a no-go for the intended purpose

2015-02-04, 06:44 AM
Brood Monkey are only with simple weapons so thats a no-go for the intended purpose

While true, the decisive strike calls out flurry of blows as a class feature. The argument would be that Brood Monkey does not gain it as a class feature. However, since it is an ability of the same name, personally, I would allow it.

2015-02-04, 07:51 AM
Maybe dip Disciple of the Eye (Races of the Dragon) to add Flurry back? Although I'm not sure how that works if you've already swapped it for Decisive Strike.

(It might be easier to just houserule it as "Decisive Strike counts as having Flurry".)

2015-02-04, 08:27 AM
Maybe dip Disciple of the Eye (Races of the Dragon) to add Flurry back? Although I'm not sure how that works if you've already swapped it for Decisive Strike.

(It might be easier to just houserule it as "Decisive Strike counts as having Flurry".)
Yeah; thanks all for the suggestions but it looks like the simplest route will be to try and get it houseruled. I'm thinking either changing the ACF or feat requirement, or creating a guisarme that qualifies as a monk weapon if you have EWP (as feat tax for balance).