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2015-02-03, 12:55 PM
It is a clear and warm day, spring has come and pushed back the coldness of winter. The sun is bright and shining upon the world, but where we are, there is no happiness, nor is there the rays of the sun. A once beautiful city burns beneath a rain of arrows and stones. Cries of anguish, and terror fills the air. From the heavens, fire rains down, as if to punish the city further more, and explode, taking many more lives with each impact. In one of these flames is you, Hecatomb Drakstin. Your birth into this world is violent and deadly. Around you lies bodies of so many people, some clutching to each other, others shielding those they love in vain. Your mind is hazy, all you can recall is your name and faith. You are hurt and in great pain, current health is at 5.

2015-02-03, 01:08 PM
Hecatomb tries to clear the fog from his mind, but it is of no use. he stands grabbing his side in pain and looks around. "this is a hell'va place to wake up too" he mutters to himself as he grabs what might be his or useful from where he awoke. He scans the area quick, looking for a safe place to gather his thought and figure out what to do next. He sees a small opening blown into the side of a building near to him, he hobbles over and enters, in hopes to get away from the rain of fire and arrows.

2015-02-03, 01:23 PM
Inside the room are more bodies, burnt just like those outside. It is a house you have entered. It is a small and humble home, mostly burnt from the fire. There are bodies huddled together in their last moments, sitting beneath a golden holy symbol that miraculously, is intact. There are 2 windows and a door to the left, leading to the outside, and a door in front of you.

2015-02-03, 01:29 PM
"seems like they had less luck then I. Some gods are too busy to help" He limps to the inner door hoping to maybe find something of use, he opens the door looking for a place to sit and tend to his wounds.


2015-02-03, 02:39 PM
The room is dimly lit, a kitchen. On the floor is A person, moving, half burnt, and dying.

2015-02-03, 03:00 PM
he walks close to the person. "This is no way to survive, may your suffering end and your spirit be watched over by the ruby lady as you pass." He sinks his sword into the person neck and lets them pass. He thinks about what he just said, not knowing why he said it, but it felt like instinct. He lights a torch and sets it in place, he then takes his armor off and tends to his wounds, wrapping his chest. As his hands press the bandages, they glow for a faint time and then stop, he feels better but doesn't know why yet. He puts his armor back on and begins to check the kitchen for anything that might be useful. then he prepares to leave the house.

[roll0] Cure Moderate Wounds

2015-02-03, 03:41 PM
In the kitchen you find some food, a water skin, bandages, and on the dead body you find a ring. There is an exit ahead of you, or you can return the other room.

2015-02-03, 03:57 PM
I will take what i find and put it in my pouch. then i will open the door to the exit. hoping to maybe find out whats going on here from someone not so dead.

2015-02-03, 04:20 PM
A fireball falls from the skies not too far from you, and from it rises a red robed mage. He turns and notices you, shouts in a language you do not understand, and points his glowing staff at you. Make a reflex save. (You are in a cluttered street, filled with rubble and the dead.)

2015-02-03, 04:45 PM

I try to dodge what the Mage casts at me.

2015-02-03, 05:16 PM
Weeds grow from the ground, entangling you to them. The weeds seem to spread out in a thirty foot radius, the mage steps forward, attempting to strike before you can react.

[roll0] (initiatives)

2015-02-03, 05:39 PM
I try to react and brace for the attack.

[roll0] initiative

2015-02-03, 06:00 PM
Fire explodes from the red mage's staff.

A fireball flies out at you, burning the weeds at your feet.

The flames of the weeds attempts to burn you along with them.


You are no longer entangled.

2015-02-03, 06:37 PM
"You made 2 mistakes mage. one was attacking me, and two"

He rushes the mage with great strength.

"Burning those vines"

[roll0] attack 6, +1 counterstrike, +2 charge, -2 power attack.
[roll1] 2d6+5, +4 power attack, +2d6+3 charging minotaur
[roll2] crit

2015-02-04, 09:06 AM
Your powerful blow strikes down the mage. In his weakened state he stood no chance against you.

In the distance you hear the heavy foot steps of soldiers getting closer to you.

2015-02-04, 09:43 AM
Your powerful blow strikes down the mage. In his weakened state he stood no chance against you.

In the distance you hear the heavy foot steps of soldiers getting closer to you.

I will grab what i can from the mage quickly and then run to cover, as so to hide and see what is coming. i will also try and mend my wounds once more.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] cure light wounds

2015-02-04, 10:04 AM
From the west end of the street, (you are on east end) a platoon of soldiers walks by. They are elven, dressed in silver gold armor. As they walk, they strike down anyone who is not yet dead on the streets.

The elves have not noticed you yet.

2015-02-04, 10:16 AM
"This is a rather fine mess i have woken up into"

Ill start to search the area in the shadow, looking for anyone that is still alive, that maybe i can find out what is happening and where i should go. also listening for sounds of battle, such as sword fighting.

Was the mage i killed elven also?

[roll0] Perception

2015-02-04, 10:31 AM
You hear sounds of battle coming from the western part of the city.

Grabbing what you can from the mage, who is not elven. (3 scrolls, 4 potions, 1 staff, and 1 shortsword), you run off into the western ally way and encounter a Half-Dragon teen running and turning south.

2015-02-04, 10:56 AM
"This is only getting more odd."

I will rush after the teen in hopes i can catch up and maybe talk, but being careful when i turn corners not to run into anything.

2015-02-04, 11:04 AM
As you turn the corner, you hear a metallic screech and metal slamming together.

You are in another ally way.

2015-02-04, 11:09 AM
I will look for where the sound came from, maybe a gate, in hopes to find the teen.

2015-02-04, 11:15 AM
There is a sewer gate connected to a brick wall.

You enter it and become suddenly surrounded by a group of half-humans carrying pitchforks, pickaxes, woodcutting axes, and shovels.

"He bears the mark of fire, he's an enemy!" says one of the persons.

2015-02-04, 11:22 AM
"What mark of fire is this? i am not those who would attack you. i fell from the sky and don't know where or who i am."

2015-02-04, 11:46 AM
"The enemies carry on their standards a fireball. Everyone knows that, do not attempt to delay your fate, murderer!"

2015-02-04, 11:51 AM
"Then you must be mistaken, my emblem is of fire and skull, i am a Judge of... the ruby lady. i am not killer. i was attacked by a mage in red also on my way here"

He drops the staff and short sword at his feet.

"These are from him, after he attacked me. i followed the teen here to try and find out whats going on."

he will then speak in draconic "i mean no harm"

2015-02-04, 12:07 PM
"You can speak our ancient language?! Are you not afraid of the hatred you will receive from the elves?"

"We have to go." Said another person. "The soldiers are coming, and I fear that boy is the last of the survivors."

"Please, Stranger, come with us, I fear you will find nothing but sorrow in this place."

2015-02-04, 12:45 PM
"i will join you"

he follows them

2015-02-04, 01:00 PM
The people lead you through twist and turns of the sewers, going ever deeper into the sewers; the sounds of battle never too far from you. No one dares to speak, in case the soldiers should hear and discover the group.
Finally, after hours of traveling, you arrive to a large room.
Its ceilings going higher than any castle you have ever seen before, filled with glowing mushrooms that gives light to the darkness, giving a sense of beauty and peace to the cave.
The battle, now seems like a distant nightmare.

Here you see a dock, and a few ships with people boarding them.
All of them appear to be half-dragons and half-beast.

The group you follow enter the last and smallest ship, and you too follow them on, and sail off into the darkness of the lake.

2015-02-04, 01:28 PM
"i am glad i am away from that place, but can someone tell me what happened, as i said, i do not remember anything. i barely remember who i am."

2015-02-04, 01:49 PM
"I see, stranger you have come here at a terrible time. The elves have attacked us. Over the centuries our two people have hated each other and battled countless times. One day an explosion appeared in the heavens and our Dragon Kings disappeared. When the elves heard the news, we knew we were doomed. The elves believe we are a blight upon the land, for believing our ancient dragon kings to be worshiped as gods, and we believed them to be heathens for dismissing our kings. It is all just worthless nonsense that causes the death of so many. My city, Karalis, has fallen so easily. I am Tern, and if I should be able to help you, you may ask freely of me."

2015-02-04, 02:11 PM
"Thank you Tern, i need help with something i will ask, i would give you my name but i do not remember it as of now. I know some of my skills and that i am a judge of the ruby lady, but i don't remember what that is. But i do know she protects the souls of the dead going to the after life. as for me speech, i do believe i am more then just human."

He takes his gauntlet off and shows Tern his reptilian spines.

"i don't believe i am of the same descent as you are, but i may be of something closer then the others. May i ask to where are we traveling too?"

2015-02-04, 02:31 PM
"We are heading to the greatest city of our kind. The White Tower of Kapral, the first dragon king, and our strongest king. He too have disappeared, but his Wyrm Riders are formidable foes. We hope they will support us. Stranger, if you want us to, we can leave you else where and provide you with a steed. There is no reason for us to drag you into this war. If the dragon and beast empire should fall, so be it."

2015-02-04, 02:49 PM
"My quest is not my own for the moment, until i regain my memories, i think it best to be with others. i will continue with you to your city. from there i do now know."

2015-02-04, 03:13 PM
The lake exits out into the Kendor river, a wide and powerful river.
Travel on the river is slow, but safe. Those few talented individuals have hidden away your presence.
During your travels you reclaim your name.
Due to your efforts to survive, you have gained great knowledge. (+600 exp)
You have also identified your items with your skills and the help of your traveling companions.
Your potions are "Cure Moderate Wounds" potions, scrolls of magic missles (3 bolts, Use magic device check 25), A Flaming Shortsword, and a staff of entangling (cast entangle 3/day, UMD check 20).

Start: Day One on Kendor River.

2015-02-04, 03:51 PM
I try to stay hidden as much as i can, and talk when Tern come back to me.

"what can i do to help until we arrive at your city?"

2015-02-04, 03:57 PM
Tern: "We cannot ask a stranger to fight for us. If you do want to help. you can help tend to the wounded. Many have been hurt trying to escape."

2015-02-04, 04:07 PM
"If you need a fighter i can fight, but until then i can help with patching up the wounded"

will cast 3 cure light wounds and 2 cure moderate wounds each day on wounded as they travel.

2015-02-04, 04:19 PM
Day 2: The serpent of the river.
Beneath you something large swims. Something ancient, awoken by the tear in the heavens. It is angry that it was awoken from its slumber, progress is impossible with the serpent blocking the way. The travelers are all too hurt and scared to take on something so closely resembling their dragon kings.

2015-02-04, 04:28 PM
"I fear you and your people will never make it to your city with this serpent in the way. i will do what i can to draw it off, you make sure the others know when to continue down the river. let me take one of the row boats."

2015-02-04, 04:59 PM
Tern gives you a rowboat, reluctantly, but he has his duty to safe guard these people to the White Tower. You row up to the serpent and stand before it.

Serpent: "Who are you to stand before me, Panlong. Speak, else I devour you."

2015-02-04, 05:50 PM
I bow my head to him.

"My humblest apologies Panlong, for I do not deserve to stand in your presence. I am Judge Hecatomb of the ruby lady. I am here to ask for passage threw this river for my friends. I know this may sound odd, why would such a great and powerful being such as yourself, who I know would be able to kill us all if you so desired, let us pass you. These people are of a great race and flee for their lives from a dishonorable attack on their city. I asure you if you let them by, that they will be able to aid you should a time ever occurs. I myself would also owe you aid at any time. My words are true oh great Panlong. For I too am of serpent descent."

I take of my gauntlets and show him my scaled spines.

2015-02-04, 06:31 PM
Panlong: "Weak blood for a weakling." He laughs. "We are nothing alike. What can a group of insignificant dust possibly do for me?"

2015-02-04, 09:04 PM
He nods at the insult.

"Yes I am sorry for trying to relate to you oh great Panlong. As of late the god kings of their race have gone missing, something happened to them, but the mortals are still here. If something of the we're to happen to you, we would have then numbers to figure out a way to stop it. I have no doubt someone as powerful as you would not need a mortals help, but if something is targeting being of your kind, we might be some assistance. Also I am sure there are petty things that we could do for you that a being of your stature would not be bother with yourself we could do for you."

2015-02-04, 09:10 PM
Panlong: So potential servants, that is agreeable, carry this with you, that way I can communicate with you, and you with me. Be warned, if you ignore my summons I will strike down all those around you as you watch.

(obtained ring of communications, able to whisper and receive whispers from Panlong)

2015-02-04, 09:30 PM
"Thank you oh great Panlong, I will will not ignore your calls, my word is my bond and I will answer your call."

I will row back to the ship and tell the others we may continue on our journey.

2015-02-05, 09:08 AM
Day 3: The Gentle River

Travel on the river continues with ease. The fear in the people subsiding, finally, smiles and happiness appear again on the people's faces again. For some, they can finally grieve for what they had lost. The injured are healed thanks to the constant effort of you and the rest of the refugees.

Make a spot check.

2015-02-05, 09:29 AM
[roll0] spot

2015-02-05, 09:53 AM
There is movement in the woods adjacent to the river.

2015-02-05, 10:05 AM
"Tern, there is movement in the woods, i can not make out what it is, but i think we should be on our guard."

2015-02-05, 10:20 AM
Tern nods, and orders all non combatants into the ship. What few soldiers and those able to fight pick up shields and brace themselves at the edge of the ship, archers lining up behind the shield men.
As the last person lines up, steel and wood flies out from the forest edges, striking the ship, muffled cries of terror comes from the ships' insides.
You are under attack.

2015-02-05, 10:27 AM
"we can not rick those below deck, move them to the other side of the ship. We must take the fight to them, archers fire, then we attack."

After the arches shoot a volley into the woods, i will lead those that fight off the ship into the woods. i will charge the first enemy i see.

2015-02-05, 10:39 AM
As the ship get closer, you notice a line of interconnected tower shields, rendering the crude bows your people have useless. There is no room to dock, unless you manage to break through their wall, and behind these advance a ballista, aimed directly at your ship.

2015-02-05, 10:54 AM
As the ship get closer, you notice a line of interconnected tower shields, rendering the crude bows your people have useless. There is no room to dock, unless you manage to break through their wall, and behind these advance a ballista, aimed directly at your ship.

"This dose not bowed well, we must break their lines, of destroy there batistas."

i reach into my pouch and take out my two potions of alchemist fire and one acid, and i throw them at the batistas.

[roll0] fire [roll1] Damage and burning
[roll2] fire [roll3] Damage and burning
[roll4] acid [roll5] Damage

2015-02-05, 11:03 AM
You miss, but due to the flames, you have delayed the ballista from getting into position, earning you much needed time for the ship to ram into the banks, though you may lose a ship, it is better than losing the entire convoy of refugees.

The ship crashes into the banks with a loud crack, the enemy soldiers and your own traveling companions fighting bravely.

Tern: "Come my brothers, let's show these elves the might of the dragonkinds!"

With a roar, the dragonkinds surge forward, opening a path into battle.

In the back row of the enemies, a mage glows and chants.

2015-02-05, 11:21 AM
I draw my sword and ready my attack, i charge the mage, hoping to stop its casting and save as many lives that i can.
"i will go after the mage, we can't afford any more damaged ships. RUBY LADY GUIDE ME."

[roll0] attack 6, +2 charge, -2 power attack.
[roll1] 2d6+4, +4 power attack, +2d6+3 charging minotaur
[roll2] crit

2015-02-05, 11:46 AM
You strike down the mage, but you are now surrounded by the enemies.

4 of them rushes you.

[roll0] Spear Strike
[roll1] damage

[roll2] Spear Strike
[roll3] damage

[roll4] Spear Strike+flanking
[roll5] damage

[roll6] Spear Strike+flanking
[roll7] damage

2015-02-05, 12:06 PM
Critical Confirm
soldier 4

2015-02-05, 12:09 PM
third critical confirm
soldier 4

2015-02-05, 12:18 PM
Using my steely resolve i am knocked down to 1 HP and have 5 on the stack, i use a withdraw action to run back to a safe area on the ship wear i collapse.

2015-02-05, 12:20 PM
You retreat back to the ship, heavily injured. Your allies are pushing the enemies back, their captain fallen have caused many to lose heart, and some to flee.

2015-02-05, 12:39 PM
You awaken in a cabin, you hear bells ringing and people going about.
Upon going topside of the ship, you notice you are in a city, with a large white tower in the distance. Wyverns fill the skies, patrolling the city from the skies.

You are safe now.

Tern: "Ah, you have awoken. That was very rash of you, charging into the enemies like that. Perhaps that was for the best though, your actions caused us to push the enemies back and achieve an impossible victory! How are you faring?"

2015-02-05, 12:54 PM
"I have felt better my friend, that is for sure, and i am glad i was able to help, the fate of your race is still more important then just my life. without arriving here, the others would not know anything is wrong until it would be too late."

He holds his chest again, seeming to be a recurring them since he awoke, as he looks into the sky.

"This is a amazing view."

2015-02-05, 01:07 PM
Tern: "Yes, this is our capital city, Kapral. So, stranger, Have any memories returned to you at all?"

2015-02-05, 02:21 PM
"Foggy still I'm afraid, i remember the my god and the others but i can't seem to remember anything about yours, i fear i may need more time on that, or i am a very long way from home. I do however feel that when i woke up i was not the only one that appeared in your city the way that i did. but that is hazy also."

he holds his head.

"maybe being in civilization will help."

2015-02-05, 02:31 PM
Tern: "So what are you going to do now?"
"War will soon come to this city, but not many can find it easily."

2015-02-05, 02:39 PM
"I do not know, maybe i should travel and see why i have been placed here. maybe someone in your city will have a clue. i could also try and find out what happened to your god kings."

2015-02-05, 02:44 PM
Tern: "Perhaps you can give the Royal Library a try, but only those invited are allowed in. I'm sure someone of your skills would gain access quite easily though."

2015-02-05, 02:53 PM
"Perhaps i should present myself to the ones that allow access. I do not know much about your city or culture though, i may need someone to help me around a bit."

2015-02-05, 03:15 PM
Tern calls for a person, Gylls, and from the crowd of people walking the docks comes a boy. He has silver scales and horns too big for his head.

Gylls will guide you to the library

2015-02-05, 03:28 PM
"Thank you Tern, i hope your people do not suffer any more."

He turns to the boy.

"Gylls is you name?, thank you for bringing me to the Library."

2015-02-05, 03:38 PM
Gylls: "What noble family are you from?"
"Only nobles can use magic, are you half blood like us, because only those with the dragon king blood can use magic."

2015-02-05, 03:53 PM
"I don't believe i am a noble, but i know i am a half-blood of some sort."

As he walks with the boy he shows him the spines on his arms.

"whether or not my blood gives me the ability to use magic i do not know, but i know the ruby lady looks after me and grants me power."

2015-02-05, 03:58 PM
Gylls: "Ruby Lady?" "Is she like our Ruby Dragon King"

2015-02-05, 04:06 PM
"That is posable, many different people have different gods. Just as you worship your god kings, other races worship gods as well. The ruby lady is a goddess of magic, love, and death. She watches over the spirits as the ascend, and protects the world from being using magic in a unlawful way. of course each god is different, such as yours may be also."

2015-02-05, 04:22 PM
Gylls: "Well here we are, good luck mister!"

Before you are 2 guards, mounted atop wyverns, both of them heavily armored, and carrying large lances. Behind them is an intricately designed door, golden and beautiful.
Behind those doors are the knowledge of thousands of years, kept safe by the long lived Dragon Kings.

2015-02-05, 04:33 PM
"Hello fine Soldiers, I am here to ask for entry into you sacred library.My name is Hecatomb, I am a traveling Judge and wish to help you find out what may have happened to your God kings. i have vast Knowledge of many religions and wish to help any way i can."

2015-02-05, 04:54 PM
Guard 1: Find the hunter's guild, they are heading out to the Lake of Flames. Help them out.

2015-02-05, 05:43 PM
"If that is where I am needed I will help."

He leaves looking for the hunter's guild, asking people ad he goes by.

2015-02-05, 08:29 PM
The Hunter's guild, a place where the toughest of people gather, many of these people are skilled and can tackle large enemies alone.
It is a clean and well maintained establishment, you will respect the building or pay the consequences.

The doors open into a grand room, filled with tables and people with maps out, exchanging information and reading books. At the end of the room are booths.

2015-02-05, 10:31 PM
i will talk to one of the guards.

"Hello, I was sent here by the guards of the library. They said you needed help here."

2015-02-06, 09:40 AM
Guard: "The trip to the Lake of Fire will be difficult and harsh, what business does a unblooded have with us, and what skills can you bring along?"

2015-02-06, 09:49 AM
"I am blooded, just not as you, that is clear. but i have much to offer and i am not afraid of harsh times. I helped the boats from Karalis arrive as safe as they did, i can also heal the wounded, and fight. I think i will be of some use."

2015-02-06, 09:52 AM
Guard: "Do you have anyone to verify your claim of helping the refugees?"

2015-02-06, 09:55 AM
"The only name i have from the refugees is Tern, he helped me escape the city, i intern risked my life for their safety."

2015-02-06, 10:09 AM
Guard: "Bring this Tern to us for confirmation and you shall join us, perhaps."

2015-02-06, 10:21 AM
"I should be able to do that."

I will return to the docks in hope of finding Tern, or finding the location where he is.

2015-02-06, 10:45 AM
You return to the docks and cannot find Tern.

However you manage to find Gylls who is swimming in the river.

2015-02-06, 10:57 AM
Hello Gylls, i wonder if you could help me again, i am looking for Tern, the one who asked you to help me before. would you be able to assist me with this. the guards at the hunters guild need proof of my help on the boats before i can help them, and maybe win favor with the guards from the library.

2015-02-06, 10:59 AM
Gylls: "Tern? He went to the White Tower."

2015-02-06, 11:01 AM
Should i have trouble finding him there? of could i do this alone? i do not want to bother anyone more then i have to.

2015-02-06, 11:26 AM
Gylls: "I'm sure Tern would love to see you! I'm coming along too, I love watching Tern train the Wyvern Knights!"

Gylls jumps out of the river and runs off, he is too excited and you have to work hard to keep up with him.
Upon arriving at the White Tower, you see the guards greet Gylls, he speaks with them and they in turn, looks at you.
Gylls continues to run off, beckoning you to hurry up.
Finally, Gylls stops after a deafening roar is heard, his eyes sparkles, and he shouts, "Wooooo, Tern, beat down that wyvern!"

You enter the room Gylls has entered and see that it is a large room, empty if not for the people standing around, it is a training ground, and there is Tern standing over a wyvern and its rider. Amazingly, Tern has won.

Tern: "Ah, Hecatomb, what brings you here, did you not yet gain entrance into the library?"

2015-02-06, 11:37 AM
"I'm afraid not Tern, the guards of the library told me to help the hunter's guild. I have no subjection to helping those who need it, so i agreed knowing the library will be there when i return. But when i got to the Hunter's guild, they asked for proof of me helping on the ship or i would not be aloud to help. That is why i am here, and i fear my legs will be stronger then the rest of me soon, the way Gylls runs."

he chuckles a bit as he catches his breath.

2015-02-06, 02:21 PM
Tern: "Haha, if you think he's fast on land, you should see him swim. Here take this, you should be allowed to join the expedition with this item, in fact, you can do plenty of things just by having that now."

(obtain signet ring)

"Is there anything else you might need my friend?"

2015-02-06, 02:35 PM
"Maybe when i return, you can teach me to ride one of those."

He laughs and nods.

"Thank you for this, i hope to see you again, you look like a very skilled fighter, i would like to learn from you some day."

After finishing the conversation, he sets out to find a magic item shop before he leaves, wanting to trade in his shortsword and staff for something more useful to him.

2015-02-06, 02:48 PM
You have reached the magic store with ease, mainly due to people noticing your signet ring.

Clerk: "Ah, welcome. What can I do for you today?"

2015-02-06, 03:04 PM
"I am in hopes of joining the Hunter's guild to the lake of fire, i would like to be a little better equipped. i don't have much but i do have some things that might be of value that i could sell or trade for wears."

He places the +1 flaming short sword, the entangling staff, and the 3 scrolls of magic missile.

"I'm afraid i am not skilled enough to use these, and i would like something a little more useful. Maybe a Enchantment to make my blade more keen edges, maybe some boots to augment my speed, a belt to augment my strength, or whatever you might suggest. i do not know what i can get for these, or what to expect at the lake of fire."

2015-02-06, 03:15 PM
Clerk: "I see from your ring you are a friend of Master Tern. Since you are a first time customer and a friend of Master Tern, I will accept your trade, and provide a bit of what you may need. Leave me your sword and I shall work on it, work on it should be completed by tomorrow."

Obtained: +10 movement speed boots. +2 strength belt. Everburning Torch. 10-charges cold strike gauntlets (Activate as free action. 1d6+2 cold damage---fire elementals are known to sometimes appear by the Lake of Flames)

2015-02-06, 03:22 PM
"Thank you, i will return tomorrow. I hope to do business with you again in the future."

I will head Back to the Hunter's guild and show them the signet.

"I believe this is the proof you where looking for."

2015-02-06, 03:35 PM
Guard: "The expedition is scheduled to leave within 3 days. Food and shelter will be provided for you along the way. You are assigned the position of Combat Medic. This is a no profit expedition, if you are in this for the money, this is your chance to leave now."

2015-02-06, 03:39 PM
"I will be ready tomorrow, and money is of no concern to me, i wish to help this city, and gain knowledge of what is going on in this world."

2015-02-06, 07:05 PM
Guard: "That's good then. Do you have a place so stay? If not there is plenty of rooms upstairs, it's the least we can do for a friend of Tern. Oh, if you've got the gold, you should find a steed of sorts, travel to the lake will be long and hard. "

2015-02-06, 07:25 PM
"Thank you, it's been a long day, I think I will take you up on the offer of a room upstairs. I do have a bit of coins left, tomorrow when I pick up my sword I will look for a mount. Although I am not too competent of a rider."

I will head to the room upstairs to sleep for the night, if nothing happens I will go to the magic shop to pick up my sword.

2015-02-07, 10:46 AM
You have obtained your sword, the clerk has enchanted it with the "keen" effect.

Clerk: "Do you have anything else you need help with?"

2015-02-07, 01:16 PM
"Thank you, and yes there is, I was told to get something to ride when I leave for the lake of flames. Maybe you can point me in the right direction to where I might aquire such a mount."

2015-02-09, 01:19 PM
Clerk: "Well, seeing as how you're a friend of Tern, you could go speak with him about mounts. Heck, if you're lucky he might even give you a wyvern! Haha, unlikely though, good luck friend, and come to the Magical Armament whenever you want."

2015-02-09, 01:24 PM
"Thank you, i will do that, and i will when i return."

I will head to the Tower training area where i met Tern yesterday.

2015-02-09, 01:30 PM
Guard: "Hello, you're that friend of Gylls right? You looking for that little rascal again?"

2015-02-09, 01:58 PM
"Actually i was looking for Tern, i need to speak with him, but it would be good to know where Gylls is also."

2015-02-09, 02:10 PM
Guard "Gylls can be found either messing around or messing around, haha. Tern is teaching the wyvern knights right now, you can go on in if you want, i'm sure Tern would be happy to see you."

2015-02-09, 02:16 PM
He chuckles a bit.

"Thank you, i have an idea where Gylls might be, as for Tern, i hoped i could see more of the wyvern knights in training."

Ill walk inside to the training area.

2015-02-09, 02:30 PM
As you enter the training ground, you'll find Tern, clad in dark blue plate mail, beautifully designed with intricate golden lines and a blue star.. He is standing among a group of younger men, all of them wearing beautiful armor.

2015-02-09, 02:50 PM
Ill approach the group from the side.

Hello Tern, i hope i am not interrupting your training, i have come to ask you about something. Also you are wearing some very decorative armor, is it a special occasion?

2015-02-09, 02:56 PM
Tern: "Hello Hecatomb, you're not interrupting anything, just an old man coming out of retirement. In concerns to the armor, I'm just surprised it still fits me after all these years haha."

2015-02-09, 03:12 PM
He laughs with Tern.

"I hope someday my armor will look as fancy as that."

Pounds his chest plate.
"It's not much to look at, but its strong. As for the reason I'm here, i am trying to find a mount i may acquire for my trip to the lake of flames. The hunter's guild has me positioned as combat medic, and i would like to make sure i live up to the name."

2015-02-09, 03:18 PM
Tern: "Hmm so you're here for my advice then, how skilled are you in riding, and what kind of specifics are you looking for?

2015-02-09, 03:25 PM
"Well given the name "lake of flames" i was thinking something that wouldn't mind the heat. As for my riding skills, not very good I'm afraid."

2015-02-09, 03:33 PM
Tern: "Hah I see. So I assume a vicious fire salamander is out of the question, unless you're feeling brave of course. Well if you're looking for a creature that's not too afraid of flame and is a gentle creature, we do have the scaled-horses. They're very much like horses, except they are very intelligent. We let squires and younger recruits ride these until they become more experienced in riding. You should know though, brave these creatures be, but they are not much for fighting."

2015-02-09, 03:39 PM
"If it can get me to and from the battle without killing me in between i think that would work."

He laughs.

"maybe the next time i need a mount ill be ready for that salamander."

2015-02-09, 03:57 PM
Tern will call for a young boy, a squire, he is wearing the same emblem as the one on Tern.

Tern: "This is J'sak, my squire, he'll take you to the stables to pick out a mount. Please treat the mount with courtesy, they are intelligent creatures. If you are in mortal danger, release the mount and it shall find its way home, and if you should come back from the expedition, return the mount to the stables please."

(J'sak is a young boy, although if you look at him from behind you wouldn't be able to tell. He is tall, his body is large and well built, the only thing giving him away is his youthful face. The golden scales that covers him makes him look even more powerful, and when you glance into his eyes, you can see the magic that flows in his body. This is a noble blood child.)

J'sak will bow to you and beckon for you to follow him. He will lead you to the stables where the scaled-horses are kept.

J'sak: "So, what did you do to earn the respect of Master Tern?" he ask you.

2015-02-09, 04:05 PM
Talking in Draconic "Two things, i negotiated with an ancient sea serpent to let the refugee ships pass, and i risked my life to save the ships from being destroyed from a elven attack. Being able to speak in the the god kings language may have helped also."

He stops for a second then continues to follow.

In common "I didn't know how important he was until we came here. dose he teach you also?"

2015-02-09, 04:14 PM
J'sak: "So, you can speak our ancient language. Usually the only outsiders that can speak that language are our friends. As for learning under Tern, I have not yet learned much. I have only just recently been assigned to him, but I have worked my hardest to be like Tern, and now I am to learn directly under him. I'm living the life every wyvern knight prospect wants! During the last Great War, Tern brought together the armies of the Dragon Kings and created the Wyvern Knights himself! For his accomplishments, the Dragon Kings blessed Tern with longevity. Everyone and everybody knows and dreams of the Great Hero Tern. He had disappeared for quite a long time and has only now just reappeared, perfect timing too, because what we need now is a hero."

2015-02-09, 04:32 PM
"I was at Karalis when it fell. I awoke there with no memories. I have gained some back but even without them i knew what was going on in that city was terrible. i was lucky to find Tern. we escaped the city together. if he is truly as great as you say, i would like to someday fight along side both of you. At the moment i feel that i need more training myself, but i will learn threw helping the city. How far are the stables?"

2015-02-10, 11:33 AM
J'sak: we are here.

The stables are Large, the different species put into different pens, each unique to the species. J'sak leads you to the scaled horses. Beautiful Creatures that look exactly like horses except for the scales that cover their bodies. The light in their eyes showing their intelligence.
These creatures look at you suspiciously, wary of the stranger that looks so different.

J'sak will speak to one of them, settling it down.

J'sak: This is Ruby, she will be your mount for a while. She is kind and gentle, mother of three, so if you treat her well, she will remain loyal.

2015-02-10, 11:47 AM
"Thank you J'sak. I will treat her with respect. Should i bring her to the Hunters guild now, or return to get her before i leave tomorrow? also i never got to ask you, you seem to me as a noble, are you one?"

2015-02-10, 12:15 PM
J'sak: "Yes, I am of noble blood, but that does not mean I got to where I am by using the influence of my family. I worked myself to the point of exhaustion every day just so that I may one day help my people. As for Ruby you may take her with you. The Hunter's Guild should have more than enough room for one scaled-horse. Take these too."

Obtained: military saddle, reigns, small bag of sugar cubes, brush, and hoof pick.

2015-02-10, 12:45 PM
"Thank you J'sak, and i have no doubt you did. it is more honorable to gain status by working hard then to let it be given. but some have no choice. i hope to see you again soon."

I will take ruby to the hunter's guild, i will see if she can understand me or talk on the way.

2015-02-10, 01:07 PM
Ruby can understand you, but she can only respond back in gestures or snorts. She responds better to draconic than to the common language.

You arrive to the Hunter's Guild without any trouble.

2015-02-10, 01:31 PM
In draconic. "Ruby, tomorrow we will be going out to a place called the lake of flames, i will take good care of you, and if you are in danger i will protect you. tonight you will sleep here so we can leave tomorrow."

I will bring Ruby to the Hunter's guild stables, if there is still some time left, i will try to go to the library, if not i will sleep for the night.

2015-02-10, 01:38 PM
It is a bit past midday only.

You head to the library, encountering no trouble along the way.

Guard: Hello, what business to you have here?

2015-02-10, 01:42 PM
"My name is Judge Hecatomb, I am here to ask for entrance into the library. i hope to learn more about this area and your god kings so that i may help find them. I am set to leave with the hunter's guild tomorrow and the information may help me."

2015-02-10, 01:54 PM
Guard: "Ah, so you're Hecatomb. You can come in. A few rules, no food or drinks allowed, stay outside the restricted area, and handle the books with care, some of them dates back thousands of years."

2015-02-10, 02:22 PM
"I will be respectful of the book, thank you."

When i enter i will see if there is anyone that could direct me to any books on the lake of flames, also the section that the religious books are about this world.

2015-02-10, 03:00 PM
Basic Knowledge of Lake of Fire obtained.
Lake of fire is a Hot Spring, creatures and monsters are drawn to the lake, making it difficult for humans to enter.
On occasions, fire elementals and water elementals will appear, these will fight each other on site.
Some creatures are natives to the spring, and are highly resistant to flame attacks. The hot spring water, when cooled and used, will remove fatigue and minor ability damage.

5 Major Religions.
Split into races of the land.

1. Dragonians worships the Dragon Kings
2. Elves worships the Creator
3. Humans worships the Pantheon
4. Giants worships the two beings who are one, Time and Space
5. Dwarves worships The Ascended, dwarves in stories who have become gods.

2015-02-10, 03:10 PM
I will look deeper into any of the book on the god kings, to see if there is any information on why they might have vanished such as a prophesy or a time when they might ascend.

Once i am finished, i will head to the marketplace to pick up 2 more water skins, then head to the hunter's guild to sleep.

2015-02-10, 03:18 PM
How many hours will be spent looking deeper into this information? 3 hours used to gain basic knowledge already, current time is apro. 4pm.

2015-02-10, 03:39 PM
i would use up 4 hours. working until 8 then heading to sleep.

2015-02-10, 03:49 PM
When the Dragon Kings leave, The Creator falls silent, The Pantheon Closed off from the material plane, and The Dwarven Heros fade, Time and Space will sleep, allowing the time to be convoluted and twisted. Fire will rain from the heavens, agents of the Chaos Lords, who will bring about the end of time.

2015-02-10, 04:04 PM
"It would seem it has started, but i have no way to tell if the other gods are gone too. Was i one of the agents of chaos? or maybe i might be the one to stop all this. my faith in law will lead me to the answers i seek. but i feel that this chaos is spreading. i must train hard so that i might help stop it."

I will leave for the Hunter's guild and rest for the night. thinking about what i found out.

2015-02-10, 07:01 PM
The third day has come. The day of the Expedition

2015-02-10, 08:22 PM
I will head to the hunter's guild mission desk and report for duty.

2015-02-11, 11:22 AM
Hunter's Guild Clerk: "Here are your supplies. Please use the rations and medicines accordingly, once you get to far, resupply will be impossible."

Obtained: 5 cure wounds potions (1d6+2), 3 cure poisons potions, 2 cure disease potions, 2 potions of 5 minute fire resistance (+5 fire resistance), 6 Healing Balms (+1 fast healing, 10 max, 1hp/minute) 1 man tent, sleeping bag, 1 hand axe, 2 daggers, Medic tools (+3 heal checks), 20 Bandages (+5 heal checks), 2 filled water skins, 3 Ice bomb grenades (1d6+4 damage, 20ft radius), composite longbow, 40 arrows, 20 frost arrows, and 2 frost coating for weapons (5 minute duration, weapons will deal 1d6 frost damage).

Expedition Captain: "Proceed to the main gate! We will leave shortly!"

As you move to the main gate, you finally see just how many were going on this expedition. There seems to be 40 mercenaries, 12 wearing the symbol of the blue moon, 8 moving beneath the symbol of the golden hydra. 16 mounted and heavily armored men with their emerald cape trailing behind them, and 4 very unique looking individuals.

The expedition is also followed by 60 soldiers, 10 of which are wyvern riders, the captains of the expedition.

*You are assigned under Gerald, a red-scaled Wyvern Rider. You are 1 of 2 combat medics assigned under Gerald.*

2015-02-11, 11:32 AM
As i wait for the expedition to begin ill be patting Ruby's neck, then ill lean over and ask the person next to me.

"This seems to be a lot of people for an expedition, are we expecting anything big?"

2015-02-11, 11:42 AM
Fellow Combat Medic: "The Lake is huge and large, there used be a an ancient civilization there, or so we believe from the underground ruins. Some call it a dungeon, each captain will lead their group into the 10 different entrances, and the mercenaries will proceed into the 4 other entrances. I assume the country is sending this many people to try and solve the question as to why the dragon kings have disappeared as quick as possible."

2015-02-11, 11:45 AM
"Lets hope some questions will be answered then. also would you happen to know if any of the other gods have gone missing?"

2015-02-11, 11:55 AM
Fellow Combat Medic: "This crazy human says he can no longer speak with the Pantheon, but he's just crazy, always rambling on and on about insane crap."

2015-02-11, 12:06 PM
"Ill have to figure that question out later then."

Ill stand ready, waiting for the expedition to start.

2015-02-11, 12:40 PM
You will arrive to the Lake of Fire with very little trouble, what ever monster that appeared were very quickly taken out by the four unique mercenaries who patrolled the perimeter of the expedition.

During your travels you get to meet the soldiers of your squad. There are 10 soldiers and 2 medics per captain.

The Fellow medic Godrig was a former priest of the Dragon Kings.
Lasig's family owns a farm outside the city. (spearman/magic)
Hel'kit's is daughter of a doctor. (swordsman/magic)
Bryonang the eldest son of a noble military group (sergeant, heavy elite soldier).
Thedrit is the son of a blacksmith. (swordsman)
Cvati is the daughter of a baker. (spearman)
Hormon orphan boy, enlisted soldier. (spearman)
Kelli orphan girl, enlisted soldier. (spearman)
Thrag orphan boy, former street rat, enlisted soldier (archer/scout)
Ja'eliz eldest son of noble family, (Lieutenant, heavy elite soldier)
Aidrik half giant/dragonian man, hunter (archer/magic)

Camp is made. You and 4 other soldiers (Ja'eliz, Hormon, Thrag, and Hel'kit) are to clear out the entrance your squad was assigned.

2015-02-11, 12:59 PM
"It looks like we have a sturdy group, shall we proceed?"

if the entrance is not too far away and the rest are going on foot, ill leave ruby at the camp. i will leave with the group to the entrance.

2015-02-11, 01:20 PM
The party moves on foot to the entry way your group is assign. Thrag moves first to scout the area. After a few minutes Thrag will return.

Thrag: "There are 4 fire elemental near the entrance, they appear to be resting."

Ja'Eliz: "Hecatomb, you are a fighter acknowledged by Tern, so I will trust you to take on one by yourself. I will attract the other two while Thrag, Hel'kit, and Hormon take out one and come support me afterwards. Upon my word, Thrag will fire upon the closest enemy, and you, Hecatomb will engage it. I will then move forward to intercept the following elementals as Thrag will lead the rest to flank them from behind. Any questions?"

2015-02-11, 01:47 PM
"Understood, i await the first elemental."

I will pour a vile of frost coating on my great sword and read a charge.

2015-02-11, 01:58 PM
Ja'Eliz will raise his hand and bring it down in a chopping movement, signaling Thrag to fire upon the closest elemental, causing it to charge towards the group. Ja'Eliz will move at a slight angle to intercept the elementals behind it, trusting in you to distract the one charging in so that he won't get flanked, and Thrag, Hormon, and Hel'kit will loop wide to strike the enemies from behind.

(roll your initiative)


2015-02-11, 02:04 PM
When i see the fire elemental coming i will charge it to intercept.

[roll0] Initiative

2015-02-11, 03:09 PM
When i see the elemental getting close to the group, ill charge it hoping to stop its advance.

[roll0] 6 attack +2 charge -2 power attack
[roll1] 2d6+7 damage +4 power attack +2d6+4 charging Minotaur + [roll2] frost damage
23-26 crit confirm [roll3]

2015-02-12, 09:21 AM
Your powerful blow strikes true, causing the elemental to glow dimmer.

Angered, it retaliates.

[roll0] punch 1
[roll1] bludgeoning and fire damage
[roll2] punch 2
[roll3] bludgeoning and fire damage
*make a reflex save, if hit*

2015-02-12, 09:37 AM
[roll0] reflex save

As i brush off the attacks from the elemental i try to dodge the incoming flames, then i attack again.

[roll1] attack +6 -1 power attack
[roll2] damage 2d6+7 +4 power attack
Crit on 22-25 [roll3] critical confirm

2015-02-12, 09:48 AM
As the elemental falls beneath you, you see Ja'Eliz and the others finish off the last elemental.

Ja'Eliz: "Good job Hecatomb, no one appears to be terribly hurt here, so head back to camp and report on what happened. Gerald may have you heal the returning injured if need be so you should hurry. We'll stay here and secure this position."

2015-02-12, 10:00 AM
"Very well, ill give our report."

Ill head back to the main camp to report our findings and secured position.

2015-02-12, 10:07 AM
Gerald: "Very good Hecatomb. You may rest, the returning groups faced no heavy injuries. I suggest you enjoy this rest, once we enter the ancient city, there won't be much time for rest."

2015-02-12, 10:15 AM
"Permission to rejoin my group, i do not need rest and i feel i would be better out in the field. my group no longer has anyone to heal."

2015-02-12, 10:25 AM
Gerald: "Very well. Since you are going, take Kelli along with you. Your party will advance into the dungeon first tomorrow as the forward scouts. Do be careful please."

2015-02-12, 10:52 AM
"Thank you, i will let them know, and i will take her with me."

I will return to the group with the new addition, rather happy their are two girls with us.

2015-02-12, 11:17 AM
As you walk back to the entry way, you'll encounter Thrag, as he jumps down from a tree.

Thrag: "Yo hecatomb, you're back. I see you've brought the beautiful Kelli with you. Don't let Hormon see you taking this stroll in the woods with her, haha!"

2015-02-12, 11:31 AM
"I am escorting her back to the entrance we hold, i am also returning in case something should happen to any of us we have the opportunity to heal our wounds. But it is good to have beautiful Females among the men."

2015-02-12, 11:50 AM
Thrag: "You don't have to tell me you like ladies to fit in Hect."

Kelli: "Please shut up you two, I'm right here and I am more than just a pretty woman. "

2015-02-12, 12:00 PM
"I am truly sorry, i did not mean to offend you, also i have no doubt about your combat skills. shall we proceed?"

2015-02-12, 01:01 PM
You arrive at the entry camp.
Kelli goes off to find Hormon, and Ja'eliz approaches you.

Ja'Eliz: "So you're back, what did Gerald say?"

2015-02-12, 01:09 PM
"Gerald said that we will be the first group to enter tomorrow morning. perhaps we should prepare."

2015-02-12, 01:17 PM
Thrag: "What we're going first?! That's a load of crap! How come we're going in first!?"

Ja'Eliz: "Settle down Thrag, you know Gerald won't tell us to do unreasonable things. If anything he just wants us to scout out the place for possible traps and enemies."

Thrag will continue to protest until a ball of light shines in front of Thrag's face, and a smiling Hel'kit walks by.

Hel'Kit: "Thrag, don't tell me you're afraid of a little fire?" she laughs.

Thrag: "Whatever."

Thrag wanders off to patrol the perimeter more.

Ja'Eliz: "Hecatomb, prepare whatever medicines you may need tomorrow then get some shut eye, tomorrow will be a long day."

2015-02-12, 01:45 PM
"I shall prepare for tomorrow, thank you."

on my way to the find a place to sleep i will ask Hel'kit something.

"I see your talented is combat and magic, have you ever trained under Tern?"

2015-02-12, 01:55 PM
Hel'Kit: "No I never did, but my master did train under Tern. He was also my father, sadly he passed away before my training was completed. Why do you ask this?"

2015-02-12, 02:30 PM
"I do not remember my past, and i would like to start training again, but i did not know is Tern was able to teach arcane or divine fighters. I think i would like to train under him, he seems very dedicated."

0- Create Water, Detect Magic, Message, Read Magic
1-Cold Fire, Divine Favor, Vigor, Lesser - Domain spell - Detect Secret Doors
2-Frost weapon, Bear's Strength - Domain spell - Detect Thoughts

2015-02-13, 04:10 PM
Hel'kit: "Tern first started out as a Warrior Priest of the Dragon Kings, and through that he learned much about the Dragon Kings. He made the Dragon Kings remember their ancient pact and united them to fight the darkness. For his bravery, the Dragon Kings let Tern be reborn, granting him a part of their arcane powers."

2015-02-13, 04:43 PM
"Every time i learn about Tern, it seems he becomes more and more important. I am glad i met him and had a chance to fight by his side. When i return to the city, i think i will ask to train with him. Are you turning in for the night?"

2015-02-18, 07:47 PM
Hel'kit: "No, I'm going to go to the lake, want to come with me?"

2015-02-19, 09:48 AM
"I shall join you, the view would be much appreciated."

2015-02-19, 10:50 AM
Hel'kit : "So you're a holy warrior, do you perhaps follow the rules of the monks, to be more specific, to refrain from bodily desires? "

2015-02-19, 11:29 AM
He laughs at the question.

"No i have no rules such as that, my duty is to uphold the law and to ensure the arcana of the world is not used unlawfully, The Ruby lady is sometimes even revered as a love goddess. i have my duties, but i can go about my life as long as i uphold them."

2015-02-19, 12:58 PM
Hel'Kit: "The Hotspring lake is here, and here you are with a 'lonely' woman, what do you want in life right now?"

2015-02-19, 01:20 PM
"well my duty right now is to ensure the safety and well being of my group, and if in fact you are a 'lonely' woman, i think i can fix that problem. As for what i want in my life right now, i think a beautiful woman would be the appropriate answer."

2015-02-19, 01:29 PM

You awaken, after a wonderful time with Hel'Kit.

2015-02-19, 01:35 PM
I will suite up and pray, and get ready for the day ahead of me.

2015-02-19, 01:40 PM
Thrag: "Hello Heca, fun night for you eh? I bet all of the lake heard you."

2015-02-19, 01:45 PM
"Then i guess whatever is in the cave knows we are here. But yes it was fun, and meaningful."

2015-02-19, 01:46 PM
Thrag: "I'm surprise she didn't eat you afterwards, she is known to be quite the man eater."

2015-02-19, 01:54 PM
He laughs at his comment.

"I'm a lot more durable then i look, and i don't mind the biting. but lets end this subject, we have a lot more to worry about then me surviving last night."

2015-02-19, 02:17 PM
Thrag: "Yes, let's try to survive today. You and I are to go in first, I go in to act like a stick to activate whatever traps there are, and you to pull me out and patch me up if I fail. So, are you ready for possibly the last day of your life?"

2015-02-19, 02:37 PM
"Every day is the last day of your life, until tomorrow. And yes i am ready."

Ill gather my gear and head in behind him.

2015-02-19, 02:57 PM
You enter the dungeon, There are stairs that descend down, spiraling into the darkness. The stairs end in a long corridor. There are two doors on each side of the corridor. The corrider is 20 feet wide and goes off into the darkness in the opposite end.

Thrag at the moment can detect no traps.

2015-02-19, 03:07 PM
Ill pull out a torch and lite it, in hopes we can see more.

"Everything looks clear so far?"

2015-02-19, 03:18 PM
Thrag: "Nothing as of yet, do you wanna check the rooms or check the end of the corridor first?"

2015-02-19, 03:40 PM
"Lets check the rooms, that way we don't have any surprises on the way back."

2015-02-23, 09:17 AM
Thrag will check the room on his right, he detects no traps. In the room are twenty or so crates and barrels all lined up against the walls or stacked onto each other.

2015-02-23, 09:24 AM
"Let's check these crates and barrels, there might be something useful inside, of maybe they are hiding something behind them. lets check the wall too."

[roll0] Search

2015-02-23, 10:15 AM
In the crates are dried herbs, mushrooms, roots, scales, and horns.

2015-02-23, 10:29 AM
Ill leave anything that is not needed in the crates so we can pick them up later.

"This room looks clear to me, lets clear the other room and then go down the hall, unless you found something?"

2015-02-23, 10:44 AM
Thrag finds nothing of note in this room.

The rooms are:

3: Empty Bedroom 4: Odd room marked with magical Writing
2: Storage (fine powders) 1: Storage (herbs, etc)

Roll search if you wish to look for items in other rooms.

2015-02-23, 10:58 AM
[roll0] search room 2
[roll1] search room 3
[roll2] search room 4 ill also cast detect and read magic.

2015-02-23, 11:10 AM
In the storage room with the fine powders, you and Thrag finds nothing that will be useful for you. The bedroom does appear to be better. In there you find a bright silver staff, and Thrag finds a pair of bracers with jewels designed as a sun embedded into it.

The Magic room appears to be some sort of summoning and teleporting rooms. Upon further investigation, you find a magic circle under the rug of the room.

Your memory kicks in, the magic circle and markings here are very similar to the event that sent you here.

2015-02-23, 11:19 AM
"This room, its filled with magic, and these markings on the ground, they are familiar to me. this is a transportation room. We must be careful here, if it is still active, we could have anything show up right on top of us. i suggest we some of the others as we venture in more."

2015-02-23, 11:22 AM
Thrag: "Transportation room huh? First we find a bedroom and now a transportation room, I always wanted to die to insane summoners."

2015-02-23, 11:57 AM
"Well i may or may not have come from something like this, so not everything is bad, but it is better to keep an eye on it, lets report it and move ahead."

2015-02-23, 12:16 PM
The room at the end of the hall is very spacious and large.

Crystals glow in the room, crystals very similar to those that lit up the cave you escaped from not too long ago.

Make a spot check.

2015-02-23, 12:18 PM
"I have a bad feeling about this."

[roll0] spot

2015-02-23, 12:26 PM
A figure appears from the shadows, yellow light glowing from its bone white skull. It looks at you, and you can feel its immense powers.

Thrag: "Oh, **** man, a lich? A freaking lich?!"

He runs to the exit, but with a wave of the lich's hand, the tunnel collapses, caving in upon itself.

2015-02-23, 12:55 PM
"Well then Lich, it would seem you want us to stay, may i ask why?"

Knowing this is a strong being in front of him, he tries to hold in his emotions, running wont do any good, so he holds his ground for the moment.

2015-02-23, 01:06 PM
Lich: "Do you not detain those who intrude upon your home and wake you up from your sleep? So I ask you, why are you here, tomb robbers perhaps?"

2015-02-23, 01:38 PM
"I would not destroy my own home detain someone, and surly a being of your power would have better ways to stop someone from running. As for why we are here, it i not to rob this place, as we thought it was vacant. We are here to clear and investigate a matter of faith."

A Drop of sweat drips down his cheek, as he speaks to the Lich.

2015-02-23, 01:53 PM
Lich: "I could always trap you and force you to speak the truth with magic, but I would prefer to not force things out of people, and the destruction there is easily fixed. On your matter of faith, I have had other visitors like that, all around, each one barred from entering, why some even try to force their way in now. I, however, let you two enter. The reason why is that you smell like the red robed mages I slaughtered a few days back."

2015-02-23, 02:07 PM
"The truth is the only thing you will get from me. As for the others trying to enter, they are all part of my mission, seeking the same thing, answers. As for the red robed mage you speak of, i may know why i "smell" that way, i arrived here the same way they did, threw some kind of magic, just as that of your portal room here. why or how i got to this world i still do not know, but i remember a room just like that. I have also killed a red robed mage, he appeared in a city threw a ball of fire. just as i think i did."

2015-02-23, 02:40 PM
Lich: "The room with the teleportation magic is not my doing, but of the red mages. I simply entered his mind to find out the cause and killed him. What answers could this place possibly have for your kind?"

2015-02-23, 02:51 PM
"A prophecy i read, of all the gods disappearing, and chaos coming from others worlds to destroy this one. It stated the beings of chaos will arrive in balls of flame, like i did. I'm afraid that this is a way for whoever sent me here to send more. I also think i was sent against my will, for i would not try to spread chaos. The answers i seek might also be the same they seek as well. What was inside his mind?"

2015-02-23, 03:11 PM
Lich: "In his mind, I found that they sought to obtain the essence of a dragon here, a powerful artifact of the Dragonians. With this artifact and one from each race, they will bring about their Chaos Beast to erase all of existence. Mostly though, I saw you. The one who would dare stand against them, the one who initiated their plans well before the ready stage, the one who refused to bend the knee. The magic circle is incomplete, you need not fear it."

"The prophecy of the Gods fading is an old one indeed. I heard it once from an oracle before I became timeless."

2015-02-23, 03:24 PM
"Then will you help me great Lich, i will make sure all who try to enter return from where we came. Also my i will return the items my fellow comrade has found. i have no qualms with you. i just wish to stop what the red robed have started."

2015-02-23, 03:29 PM
Lich: "You may keep what you found, those items are not mine, nor do I have any desire to hold treasures. Tell me, what brings an army to my home, what knowledge could they possibly find in this forgotten city?"

2015-02-23, 03:38 PM
"Their Gods where very important to them, the wanted to find out why they went missing no matter how much it took, this is the reason they are here. Why they chose this place might be the same reason the red robed man did also, the Dragonian artifact rests here. Are you its protector, of its collector?"

2015-02-23, 03:53 PM
Lich: "Long ago, during one of my sleeps, a man came in here carrying the Dragon Essence, he placed it at the heart of this city, hoping that no one may find it again. If the people here searches for the item, tell them it is no longer here. If they come here for the power that lies at the bottom, tell them they will have to go through me..."

2015-02-23, 04:09 PM
"If i go to them with empty claims and no proof then i fear they will not stop looking for the essence. If you truly are protecting it, then i will leave it here. Although if it would help destroy the chaos i would want to keep it close. as for the power you keep here. i do not with to obtain it. true power comes from sacrifice and honor, not from robbery."

2015-02-23, 04:25 PM
Lich: "The Essence is no longer here, it woke up and wandered off by itself. As for proof, I will allow 10 people to come into this city and search my libraries and home for what information they need. Do not delve into the power that I protect here, the warning is for all those who come here."

2015-02-23, 04:33 PM
"The Essence wandered off by itself?"

He shakes his head and continues.

"I will get the 10 to come down and to seek the information then came for, and i will tell them your warning. but i must ask you, may i look for the essence myself, after they leave, i will no touch anything else wail i am here. I must find it. If not for them but for me, so that it may help stop the oncoming chaos."

2015-02-24, 12:11 PM
Lich: "Very well, the essence is of no matter to me, if you so wish, I can send you to it's general vicinity."

2015-02-24, 12:24 PM
"Thank you, it would be most helpful, i will tell the commander what he seeks in no longer here and the offer you have given me. once they leave i will stay behind to track this essence. I know not why you help me Lich, but i am grateful for it."

2015-02-24, 12:40 PM
After informing your captain, he sends off other people to inform the other captains.

The news of the Essence is new to them. In your quest to look for the essence, the captain will let you choose one person among your group to bring along with you.

After you have chosen your companion, speak to the Lich and it will teleport you to the general vicinity of the Essence.

2015-02-24, 01:17 PM
"Hel'Kit would you accompany me? your combat and arcane skills might be helpful."

They Head back into the forgotten city to meet the Lich once again.

"I am ready, Lets hope it is reasonable."

is Thrag ok, or was he killed by the cave in?

Did the commander send in the 10 people to look up information?

2015-02-24, 01:49 PM
Hel'Kit agrees to go with you.

Thrag is shaken from the incident, but very much still alive.
Ten of the brightest among the soldiers enter the dead city and begin their research.

You approach the Lich and he starts chanting a spell, you and Hel'kit are engulfed in a bright light.

Your body feels like it's being pulled apart, but it is not unpleasant.

After the light fades, you find yourself on a white sand beach, ahead of you are mountains that reach high up into the clouds. To the west you see trees in the far distance, south a beautiful blue ship, and east you see endless sand.

2015-02-24, 01:57 PM
He rubs his eyes.

"I'm not sure where we are, but if this essences is truly alive, then it could be anywhere. We should look for some clues, the closest thing around us is that boat."

He looks confused but knows he must push on.

2015-02-24, 02:14 PM
Hel'Kit: "I think this is the shores of the Crystal Mountains, we've traveled a long way... How can one being hold such powers?"

As Hel'Kit looks in awe at the mountains, from the ship, 2 rowboats drop off, carrying 5 men each. from beneath their clothes you can see bright armor.
These men are coming towards you two.

2015-02-24, 02:27 PM
"A Lich is very powerful indeed. But it looks like we may have trouble. Do you recognize where those men might be from? If they are foe, we might want to take cover in the trees."

2015-02-24, 02:36 PM
Hel'kit will turn, and draw her sword.

Hel'kit: "Those are elves...."

The men on the rafts will draw their weapons in response to Hel'kit drawing her sword.

One, possibly a mage, will raise his jeweled spear into the air.

2015-02-24, 02:45 PM
"We can not take them this way, there are too many and we are out in the open. Run for the trees, maybe we can take them out one by one then."

He grabs her hand and starts to run for the trees.

2015-02-24, 03:01 PM
The trees are far, and before you even get close to them, you hear a thunderous noise coming from the men who have landed. Shadowy steeds appear from nowhere. The now mounted men are quickly gaining on you.

2015-02-24, 03:14 PM
"Keep running, I will hold them off."

He turns to them and draws his sword and readies himself to attack.

2015-02-24, 03:24 PM
Hel'kit: "I will not run like a scared little girl."

Hel'kit waves her hands, her sword now aflame.

The men are getting closer, only 240 feet away now.

2015-02-24, 03:37 PM
"Fine then, we will fight them, here, out in the open."

He Cast Divine Favor, Frost weapon on himself and Bear's Strength on her.

2015-02-24, 03:48 PM
The Elves will surround you

Jeweled Spear Elf: "Brave are we? If you lay down your arms and surrender, we will not kill you."

2015-02-24, 04:00 PM
"And why should we believe you?"

He holds his sword tight.

2015-02-24, 04:02 PM
Jeweled Elf: "There are ten of us and two of you. If I wished you dead, you'd be dead now. Besides, if I, Admiral Lagosh, comes to meet you personally, you should feel honored."

2015-02-24, 04:14 PM
"And why should we feel honored, are you not the elves that slaughtered one of the dragonian cities? killing anything that moved?"

2015-02-24, 04:25 PM
Lagosh: "Such naivety when it comes to war. Do not think perhaps the soldiers were angry too for losing their loved ones in the similar manner? You are either a really good spy, or an idiot. Now, will you surrender or should I break your limbs before taking you?"

2015-02-24, 04:31 PM
"It would seem we don't really have a choice."

He whispers, "we will get out of this, just follow me."

He places his sword down.

2015-02-24, 04:42 PM
Lagosh: "Good, now strip entirely please. My men will provide you with clothing afterwards."

2015-02-24, 07:12 PM
"I think that is taking things too far, there is a lady here."

2015-02-25, 11:27 AM
Lagosh: "Does it look like I care? A prisoner is a prisoner. Now, strip, or we will do it forcefully."

2015-02-25, 11:59 AM

He takes his armor off and then his boots, shirt, and pants. he stands in his under shorts.

2015-02-25, 12:26 PM
Hel'kit will do the same.

Your items are taken and be bound with manacles and chains. These manacles have magical writing on them, and you feel them drain your magical energies.

The Elves will brilliantly use magic and set up small buildings made of stone, and await the rest of their crew to disembark.

As the rest of the elves arrive, they total in 50.

Here, at this location, they set up a defensive camp.

Wooden and stone walls are made, and lined with watch towers.

You see this from the building you and Hel'kit are confined to. You are chained, your magic blocked, and dressed in only rags.

2015-02-25, 12:31 PM
whispering "This is a fine mess, we need to get out of here, but my magic is of no use. maybe we can get a guard to come in here and we can take his keys?"

He looks out the windows to try and study the movements of the elfs.

2015-02-25, 12:42 PM
The Elves outside are training, they appear to be very skilled.

The archers manage to shoot multiple arrows in quick succession, each striking true.

Blades hum in the air as they are swung, each swing moving quicker than any normal person can do.

These are the elite forces personally picked and trained by Lagosh.

Lagosh will enter the building and speak with you.

Lagosh: "So what are spies doing this far out? Perhaps your spell went awry and you came to close to me?"

2015-02-25, 12:50 PM
"We are no spies and no spell i used went awry, why dose it matter, anything we say you will misconstrued anyway."

2015-02-25, 12:56 PM
Lagosh: "So then let's start with the truth then. I'll begin. I am Admiral Lagosh. These soldier you see are the ones I have personally trained and tutored. We are here to hold this territory. The Dragonians will march on our allies east of here."

2015-02-25, 01:23 PM
"well then it seems you know more then i do. who exactly are these allies of yours?"