View Full Version : demon lord campaign

2015-02-03, 01:10 PM
Having not touched much upon the demon lords in my campaign, i want the next one to focus prominently on them. throughout our campaigns several Faerun heroes have been eliminated or sent to other realms so maybe the demon lords see this as their chance to attack the prime material plane (actually eliminster was sent to hell by an epic spell).

Which would be more interesting to play, as a chosen of the demon lord or as chosen of god tasked to oppose them?
OR could i make a party of both sent to find an object that can either open the abyss or keep it sealed, without the players knowing which side the other players have chosen. in game represented as gods and demon lords both have started making a large number of chosen, so no one can be trusted?

2015-02-03, 02:16 PM
I've always thought it silly for a demon to try and invade the material plane. It's always struck me as a universally bad idea. There's no way that they would be able to get away with it, what with all the good deities and creatures around. Now on the other hand, many demon princes are as cunning as they are evil. Perhaps they might orchestrate wars, with the battlefields being converted into giant soul siphons to drag all those who die straight into their domain. They have, over hundreds of years, gotten their follwers into high places, you can't trust anybody. The campaign could start off as a war campaign, with the players being sole survivors of a horrific battle. They come back alive, only to find out that they've been declared dead (as they were supposed to die), and when the puppetmaster and his minions find out they're still alive, they need to go into hiding, slowly trying to root out the evil in their nation before the whole country crumbles into ashes, and all the souls are damned to hell.

Something like that always seemed way more fitting. Probably more suited to a devil honestly, but there's no reason a demon lord can't have lawful minions who would pull it off for him.

I dunno, maybe just me, but invading the material always just screamed lawfulchaotic stupid to me.

edit: 3am typing bleh :smalltongue:

2015-02-03, 02:53 PM
You know i have to agree, i never really understood it either. It was just an example and not one i actually am using. I am working on something else as their main goal.
Oh btw love your idea and am tweeking it somewhat to work within my greater idea.
Also most demons don't plan that big but Grazz'zt seems to fit well with that idea.

2015-02-03, 05:16 PM
thinking of actually having some ancient being, from before this universe (prob comparable to a greater god) reappearing but greatly weakened. Several human cults start to worship it, which the demons and devils infiltrate trying to turn the worshippers into their own, while maybe trying to learn what the being is.
The gods will be watching the thing in fear/confusion with their own plans regarding it.

This way we have the player's able to use god chosen characters, demon chosen, devils chosen, basically any powerful outsider interested in it, and possible just interested in it for their own gain.
Could end several ways, but almost always against a powerful outsider.

2015-02-04, 07:44 AM
thinking of actually having some ancient being, from before this universe (prob comparable to a greater god) reappearing but greatly weakened. Several human cults start to worship it, which the demons and devils infiltrate trying to turn the worshippers into their own, while maybe trying to learn what the being is.
The gods will be watching the thing in fear/confusion with their own plans regarding it.

This way we have the player's able to use god chosen characters, demon chosen, devils chosen, basically any powerful outsider interested in it, and possible just interested in it for their own gain.
Could end several ways, but almost always against a powerful outsider.

I am Cthulhu, and I approve this f'thagn.

2015-02-04, 01:44 PM
I am Cthulhu, and I approve this f'thagn.

ya was something like that, a being so old and poweful all fear it but don't understand it.