View Full Version : Dm help

True believer
2015-02-03, 05:29 PM
Hello people !!!!

My friends wanted to play for once an epic campaign so i decided to make it happen. First of all i would like to say that i am not fond of the epic campaigns due to several reasons but especially for the reason that above the 20th level , rules don't apply that match due to the power of the characters. either way i made a story that goes well ( interesting battles, epic worth of RP, a lot of investigations) but a am beginning to think that it will be difficult to keep it interesting ( the epic wizard is a nightmare) !!!

So i decided to twist my story to the limits. So far the players are trying to stop the rebirth of a hyper-evil creature ( not sure yet which it will be) and prevent the end of the world.

I am considering to destroy the world either way and then give them the quest to prevent this total catastrophe through time traveling :P !!! i will introduce them the Magister ( that survived the end of the world ) and then he will tell them that the past still exists in the form of some independent, totally secret and difficult to detect planes and that these forms of the past are connected to the future. So he will send them to prevent this catastrophe in some of that planes. Considering that any actions that they will make in the past are totally affecting the future the campaign will be very interesting and equally epic as their powers !!!!

So is it a good idea ????
Any thoughts ???? advises ??? Suggestions ??

Karl Aegis
2015-02-03, 05:56 PM
You should probably have more than one world-destroyer-thing on more than one world because at epic levels "the destruction of the planet" is just a minor hiccup in the grand scale of things. They can just go somewhere else if the world gets eaten or whatever.

2015-02-03, 06:05 PM
You should probably have more than one world-destroyer-thing on more than one world because at epic levels "the destruction of the planet" is just a minor hiccup in the grand scale of things. They can just go somewhere else if the world gets eaten or whatever.

I agree, depending on how epic you mean. Level 22? Save the world is still cool. Level 32? Bbeg needs to threaten the prime material plane. Level 52? The entire cosmology.

True believer
2015-02-03, 06:13 PM
my players are 21 levels, a wizard a cleric and a crusader !! By killing almost everyone in the world and all of their families i consider that they will want to avenge them and do their best efforts to prevent it and not to simply go and "live" somewhere else

Either way you made a valid point that i need to think about. Thank you :D

2015-02-03, 06:30 PM
Sounds great. Time Travel, World Eating Abomination, Several Do-Overs. Hell sounds like a comic plot.