View Full Version : Building a NPC Inspired by Alucard from Manga/Anime Hellsing

2015-02-03, 07:02 PM
All Pathfinder and 3rd Party Resources are on the table when helping me build this NPC
Please help me do the best I can in bring such a badass vampire into Pathfinder.

First of there is the question of class and archetype. Now I will be focusing the NPC being a twin shooter gunslinger, though in my search for interesting archetypes through 3rd party sources I came upon this archetype for the Slayer which I feel could work very well as the foundation of the NPC.

Black Power Hood

I will then being using this templete, for making him not only a vampire but dread vampire

Dread Vampire

2015-02-03, 08:09 PM
All Pathfinder and 3rd Party Resources are on the table when helping me build this NPC
Please help me do the best I can in bring such a badass vampire into Pathfinder.

First of there is the question of class and archetype. Now I will be focusing the NPC being a twin shooter gunslinger, though in my search for interesting archetypes through 3rd party sources I came upon this archetype for the Slayer which I feel could work very well as the foundation of the NPC.

Black Power Hood

I will then being using this templete, for making him not only a vampire but dread vampire

Dread Vampire
Honestly... Looks good.
Can't really say anything could really make it better that I know of.
Dread vampire actually seems pretty cool. If you could somehow change that sunlight damage to bashing through a feat or something, Or eliminate it through some method, that would be sick (as alucard, and classically dracula takes 0 damage from sunlight, but instead looses the majority of his power [rationally about 70% for dracula])

Pretty decent port.
The only way you could make something more aligned is if you were able to gestalt. Urban Barbarian on the other side would be totally awesome.

Karl Aegis
2015-02-03, 09:26 PM
How do you survive ramming a battleship at faster than the speed of sound?

2015-02-03, 09:34 PM
Well there is the consideration of feats, and he would probably be high level. I would consider making use of Mythic rules but I believe if I did I would have to offer such to my players as well, so I may go with a high 18 or even 20 being more a figure in the background. It would be nice though, Mythic levels to show off some of his more magical abilities and shapeshifting.

On the scene mentioned, I have gotten far in the anime and the ship Alucard used in the manga to get to London I did have as much of an impact or presence. I would probably have that be put aside as I have yet to figure out a good way of having a different character create a sonic boom while in flight. Barbarian seems the best I can get potentially if you allow the feat Run stack with the rage ability Sprint.

Glorius Nippon
2015-02-03, 10:22 PM
Of all anime characters you could choose, Alucard is probably the hardest.

Shape shifting (into quite literally anything, as long as you've killed it)
Highly proficient with dual pistols (which need to be ridiculous caliber 1911 looking btw)
Also He also needs to be proficient with at least Breast Plate and a bastard sword(long sword maybe)? *his final showdown with Anderson

Now if you want to focus on making the *base Alucard, someone who's proficient with dual pistols and is a vampire. Don't forget the red trench coat, pimp hat, and sunglasses.

Maybe get your DM to let you use Nagant Revolvers (modern pathfinder firearm) and reflavor them?

2015-02-03, 10:55 PM
I am the DM and I admit that I understand full well it is impossible to cover everything involving Alucard without considering special magical artifacts. On the whole proficiency with bastard sword/long sword and heavy armour... I was actually considering him being able to change his class to a fighter with use of a ring or artifact. If I bring it in at all, as I am mostly focusing on his duel wield gun shooting slayer aspect.

Also I wonder if there is a Mythic Path that offers shapeshifting... hmm, or any other option. I admit, it has always frustrated how Paizo had worked so hard to discourage multiclassing as I would perhaps do a Black Power Hood/Bloodrager (offering rage abilities and magic) mixed.