View Full Version : Pathfinder [Golarion] Sarkoris culture

Kol Korran
2015-02-04, 08:09 AM
Hi there. My campaign takes place inside the Worldwound, were once there was the land of Sarkoris. I plan on putting in a Sarkoris ruin, but I can find very little info on the web about them. I was wondering if any of you could share mroe information on the following issues:
1) Magic: I understand that the main religions are the green faith, which is druidism, and Pulura, lady of the stars? As I understand, arcane magic was frowned upon, with arcane casters locked in towers? Can anyone expand on that? Why? (Does it has something to do with the thinness of reality there?) any mroe details about thsi custom? Just towers, or other places too?

2) What exactly are the "god callers"? I understand they are summoners of some sorts... anything more than that? I understand they regard their eidolons as "little gods"?

3) What was the level of technology/ advancement/ infrastructure in Sarkori before the Worldwound? The impression I get is that they were fairly primitive and tribal, but then Iz is mentioned as a center from metal working and productivity (If I'm not mistaking things). With foundries and such. Anyone care to expand on this"?

4) Any other interesting tidbits of their culture would also be welcomed. I'd like to make this ruin echo history of the old Sarkoris if possible.

Thanks in advance,

2015-03-05, 02:12 AM
Sarkoris is portrayed in the Sourcebook Lost Kingdoms (http://paizo.com/products/btpy8sa5?Pathfinder-Campaign-Setting-Lost-Kingdoms). I had no time to read the Sarkori-chapter but hope to find time at this weekend.

Kol Korran
2015-03-05, 11:57 AM
Sarkoris is portrayed in the Sourcebook Lost Kingdoms (http://paizo.com/products/btpy8sa5?Pathfinder-Campaign-Setting-Lost-Kingdoms). I had no time to read the Sarkori-chapter but hope to find time at this weekend.

Hmmm... I don't think I'll spend that money for that alone. Perhaps if we play more in Golarion after this, the book looks interesting. Thanks though! If you have any intriguing insights, please let me know.