View Full Version : Awesome Party Names

2015-02-04, 08:22 AM
I was reading an old issue of Dragon Magazine the other day and I came across (I think it was) #278's articles on dwarves. One described a sort of party name, that was given before combat and kept if they succeed.

So I need names for a party, hopefully not too derivative, but I'm fresh out of ideas. So any help would be useful.

2015-02-04, 08:28 AM
Parties actually give themselves names?

2015-02-04, 08:31 AM
Parties actually give themselves names?

Maybe I should clarify. A dwarf is sending them on a quest (Well, rather, three missions) and it's traditional (so sayeth the dragon) for dwarves to have a sort of group name. For example, if three warriors call themselves the Blood-Band (because they're metal, that's why) then succeed in combat, they're known as [Insert Name Here] of the Blood-Band.

So I'm looking for a name that goes well like that.

Kol Korran
2015-02-04, 09:39 AM
Any specific party members? Composition? Past deeds and history? Special world interactions? What quest are they going on? And so on?

Or are you just brainstorming for cool names? If so, any preferences as to theme, style and so on?

2015-02-04, 09:43 AM
Our group became attached to my cubic psicrystal companion that goes by the name of 'Cube' and is henceforth known as the 'Cube Crusaders'.

Think of what unites the partys' members. What are their shared interests? What keeps them together? Then think about how serious or light-hearted they are to set the overall tone of the name.

2015-02-04, 09:47 AM
What about... hmmmm *glances at fast food counter* the order.... *looks around frantically outside* the order of.... *spots shiny twig* The Order of the Stick?:smalltongue:

Nah, that's a silly name. Why not let the party come up with the name themselves? Unless you're part of the party. You can't go wrong with "so-and-so's Raiders/Warriors/Brigade/Battalion/Roughriders/etc."

2015-02-04, 02:01 PM
Our group actually gives our parties names. Last party was 'Team Diamond' after we had to compete in a tournament and needed an entry name and the word popped up in the lyrics of the song on the radio.
Current party there's a little more disagreement. I call the party 'the Pocket Protectors' because the universe we're in is called pocket and we're, well... I think the GM likes to think of us more as 'the Guardians of Pocket' since the macguffin we're building is called the Guardian.

So it really comes down to A) what is your party doing? and B) how can you make that sound funny/dramatic as appropriate?

2015-02-04, 05:53 PM
My personal favorite is "The Rude Knaves", kind of a play on daft punk.