View Full Version : DM Help Help with a puzzle pls

2015-02-04, 09:26 AM
My group is a group of full wizards who chose different specializations, for my first sessions, as their "graduation test" from this school of wizardry, they start on a magically protected platform must cross an 80 foot long courtyard to get the the other magically protected platform where their badges of recognition are, and then get back alive. (This school has the idea of "extreme risks and adversity breeds the greatest power" so they accept deadly challenges.)

My initial idea was to have giant fire ants (like, literal elemental fire), which could be distracted by fire, and were a bit single-minded (if something was there, they swarm atop of it until that thing is "dealt with"). I plan to make it explicit that these aren't things that could be fought (successfully), with any means. As such, I don't much care about the stats.

The things I do care about is allowing each of the wizards (a conjuror, a necromancer, an evoker, enchanter, illusionist, a diviner and...some guy who hasn't even made his character) a chance to make it across without it being too easy, and without it seeming like they can't personally do anything, but, at the same time, not make it seem like it's really easy. The conjuror and evoker are kinda straight forward, except that the conjuror focused in acid spells. I could see some kinda creative things he could do with that still, though.

I also planned on making these ants semi-blind, but instead see with their sense of smell (ie their antennae). I don't think the necromancer has raise dead yet, so creating a diversion like that is not quite possible. As well the diviner's spells, don't seem to reveal much information in the lower levels, though they have minor illusion.

I did allow the illusionist to choose the sense(s) that his illusions affect, but not others who picked up illusion spells (though illusion spells are incredibly versatile, regardless). Also, for a hive-mind type colony, would mind affecting effects be transmitted between them? I'm thinking of allowing that as well.

So, any suggestions?