View Full Version : Snowfall: Equestria - A Snow Day in the Winterland [IC]

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2015-02-04, 06:22 PM
Out of character (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395562-Snowfall-Equestria-Discord-s-Dandruff-Days-AW-OOC)


Blood Succor: Within Windbreak, harm may healed by drinking the blood of another pony. One point healed per 1-harm inflicted on another pony.

Sacrifice to the Land: On the farms or in the wilds, you can make an offering to the land. This offering can be blood (harm), barter, or both. Roll +offering. On a 10+ hold 3. On a 7-9 hold 1. Spend your hold 1-for-1 to
- bring (mis)fortune on somepony's day.
- find your way to something lost or hidden.
- ask the land for advice, as per Insight.
- go unnoticed within the farms or wilds.

Bugged: At the start of every session, roll+nr of sessions since getting this move, beginning at +0 and capping out at +3. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9 hold 1. At any time, certain NPCs may spend this hold to either ask you a question from the Read a Person list, or learn a secret from you.

Charger: 1 sessions, hold 0

The Four Sexy Horse Gods of the Post-Apocalypse
AmishPirate as Eclipse (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18760184&postcount=98) the Touchstone
Anarion as Snow Eyes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18747957&postcount=86) the Battlebabe
Elanorin as Jade Sun (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18748352&postcount=87) aka Angel the Angel
Thanqol as Charger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20516149&postcount=869) the Skinner and the Faceless Pony Smiler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20516157&postcount=870)


The snow has been falling for untold centuries, not once letting up even for an hour if the stories are believed. Some days it is only a light dusting, other days it is a solid wall of howling snow. Equestria is buried under unimaginable depths of snow and ice, and perhaps if you go down deep enough it's all turned to solid crystal by now. What a sight that must be. The dim orb of the sun is gone behind an eternal layer of clouds, yet the moon inexplicably shines through.

Yet ponies are hardy little things. Those who yet survive have carved out a life through hard work, ingenuity, and pure stubborn determination. Some live in caves, natural or carved deep into the miles of ice and snow. Others find refuge in strange crystal towers growing from the snow, surviving within the warm - yet slowly shrinking - auras of these mystical structures. Some say they even become - with time - like the crystal that sustains them.

And of course, a few groups of hardy and stubborn equines have stuck to the old snow forts and ice castles, constantly clearing away the snow building up around them like massive mountains of white ringing their communities. The proudest of these is Windbreak, a testament to sheer equine tenacity.

Somewhere in all this, we have you four. You wake up to a new day - which some might say is a good start, all considered - so tell me a little about your morning and your hopes and plans for the day.

2015-02-04, 07:30 PM
Snow Eyes yawned and blinked, clearing away the ice crystals that had formed on her eyelashes. Even indoors, it was cold enough that when a pony went to sleep, a light layer of frost would settle upon her. A lot of foals would wake up crying because they couldn't open their eyes after lying too long in the wrong position. They learned eventually.

She rose, slipping off the warm Pony WarsŪ pajamas she had found in a ruined city buried under the snow a few months ago. They were a relic of older times, when ponies had leisure to lose themselves in fantasy, but the fabric, once she had thawed it out of the ice, was warm and comfortable. Also, she liked the spaceship design, but she wasn't telling anyone that.

After that, she heated some water with her horn and washed herself off (an indulgence, but only a minor one for a unicorn), then slipped on her armor and went over to the window. The little tower where she was staying in Windbreak was in the city's outer ring, the coldest part of the city closest to the ice walls. She had specifically asked for the highest room because it let her see over the walls and into the snow wastes outside the city. Most ponies didn't even want to look over those walls because the view of the cold snow seemed to stretch on into infinity. Snow Eyes, though, tried to start every day with a gaze into that wasteland, to remind herself what the world really was.

She squinted. There was a sled team coming in. It was too early for the regular deliveries, they traveled in broad daylight, never at night. And this team was coming in fast. Way too fast. Well, she knew a chase when she saw one, even if she didn't know who they were or what was chasing them. She snatched her weapons where they were standing on the wall and flung them over her shoulders, then jumped out the window and slid down the sloped sides of the little tower. What? It was faster than the stairs!

2015-02-05, 02:33 AM
Jade Sun was never a morning pony despite the fact that the rest of the Sun family was up at dawn without fail. All around Windbreak ponies were rising to another wintery day but there was as yet no sign of life in the Angel's place. In all fairness, there rarely was at this unholy time of day. It was barely even light out for goodness sake!

It wasn't a very impressive place, a small split-level carved-out home set in to the deep walls. Although she would have much preferred to live as close to the slightly warmer centre of Windbreak as possible, she had conceded that a place set in to the walls was convenient for those emergencies from outside the town. Not to mention it reduced the distance in which you had to carry the heavy weight of a pony she couldn't save.

Her infirmary was at the back sheltered deep in the wall and slightly raised by a few steps, at the front were a few small rooms for living at ground level. Again, not her choice, but earth ponies could kick up such a bloody stink about carrying stuff up high stairs. As usual some of the above always found its way below. Especially when she ended up focused on something late in to the night. Last night was one of those nights and the much-hooved copy of Unicorn Anatomy: Anticipating the Fallouts of Magic in Resetting Skeletal Structure was lying in exactly the kind of careless heap she did not approve of. She'd fallen asleep while reading it and at some point during the night her sleepy shuffles deeper and deeper under her covers had thumped it on to the floor.

The only evidence of her being in the bed at all was the big lump under the thick covers; not a hoof or even the tip of a tail stuck out. Underneath she was curled up in to a tight pony ball huddling the hot water bottle like a terrified filly would a teddy.

There was some kind of commotion outside. The lump under the covers breathed a deep sigh.

2015-02-05, 04:04 AM
Desire made ponies predictable.

Charger noted as the time on her assistant's clock flicked over to 08:01. One, two - she opened the door and went inside. She walked right through the empty house, ignoring the glittering walls and exotic paintings. She picked up the gun that was lying on the top of the pile of clothes and emptied it, ejecting the clip and the round in the chamber. Then she walked into the bathroom where hot steam and off-key singing were emanating from.

Sockball liked hot baths. As a unicorn he had a way to get them reliably. Why, then, shouldn't he indulge his want? Why couldn't he have a hot bath at the exact same time every single morning without fail? No reason, really, other than it'd make him predictable and create a window of a full hour where the grumpy old bastard was unarmed and defenceless. And, conveniently, his wife knew better than to bother him and was already walking down to the shop to get her morning coffee -

Charger pulled open the shower curtain on the poor old pony who almost had a heart attack right there.

"Good morning," said Charger brightly. She leaned on the edge of the bath, very visibly folding her zap socks on the side of the tub. There was a brief, ominous crackle of electricity between them. She smiled, letting him know she was in control. "Be calm. I want to talk."

Go Aggro: 7

2015-02-05, 10:36 AM
Eclipse was a difficult pony to pin down.

"Hey pal, where do you think you're going in such a hurry?"

Every morning, she woke up in another pony's bed. Don't give me that look; you know what I mean. Pilgrims and long-term housing didn't mix. She relied on the ever-present kindness of strangers to have a roof over her head.

"What, too good to talk to the likes of us now?"

She took her meals alone, whenever she sat down to eat. Most mornings she was gone before the family woke up, and whatever dishes they left out for her were picked clean before noon.

"That's a lot of wood you got there. How'd somepony like you afford all that?"

That was about as regular as her schedule got. Sometimes she planned demonstrations, sermons, lessons meant for the public eye. But you can never plan for snowstorms, wendingo strikes, or the odd band of roving toughs with a bee in their collective bonnet. She followed the need, and sometimes the need followed her.

"Donated, extorted, same thing where I stand. It's highway robbery. You know what we do to thieves around here?"

She didn't necessarily go looking for fights. No, that was doing her work a massive disservice. Far more accurate to say that the chances of her being anywhere was directly proportional to the chances of a fight breaking out.

"Why don't you come with us, and we can have a nice, long chat about your little friends. What do you say?"

So when Eclipse stepped out onto the street where one of her volunteers - loaded up with lumber for the afternoon's demonstration - was being harassed by an odd band of roving toughs, said band had no excuse for the childish squeals of surprise. Really, they should have expected her.

The covered mare strode towards them, unfurling her wings and flicking them nonchalantly. Sharp, sparkling blades of ice grew from the tips. She stopped ten paces away, staring at each of them beneath her hood, and her voice rang out.

"Who's going to help her carry that load to the town square?"

It was not a question.

[Rolling Towering Presence on these punks: [roll0]]

2015-02-05, 05:23 PM
She squinted. There was a sled team coming in. It was too early for the regular deliveries, they traveled in broad daylight, never at night. And this team was coming in fast. Way too fast. Well, she knew a chase when she saw one, even if she didn't know who they were or what was chasing them. She snatched her weapons where they were standing on the wall and flung them over her shoulders, then jumped out the window and slid down the sloped sides of the little tower. What? It was faster than the stairs!

The air this morning was crisp and the sky almost calm, for now, but down on the ground - or up on the wall as it were - the wind was sweeping the land, sending fresh-fallen snow swirling back into the air like a bank of fog. Looking straight into the wind was like being hosed in the face with tiny ice daggers. It made for a tricky time seeing.

There were three sleds coming, and they were indeed coming in too fast. There was no sign of them slowing down or changing course. If they didn't do so soon, they'd fly right over the edge of the wall and crash straight down into the town far below. The ponies on the sleds didn't look very responsive, they might not even be conscious.

She hadn't spotted any pursuers yet, but in this weather they could be closer than one expected. What did she do?

The only evidence of her being in the bed at all was the big lump under the thick covers; not a hoof or even the tip of a tail stuck out. Underneath she was curled up in to a tight pony ball huddling the hot water bottle like a terrified filly would a teddy.

There was some kind of commotion outside. The lump under the covers breathed a deep sigh.

Somepony was yelling about "Fire", or so it sounded. A somewhat unusual thing to be yelling about in all this snow and ice. Something was a little off, something that was bugging her, quite aside from the yelling about fire. What did she do?

Charger pulled open the shower curtain on the poor old pony who almost had a heart attack right there.

"Good morning," said Charger brightly. She leaned on the edge of the bath, very visibly folding her zap socks on the side of the tub. There was a brief, ominous crackle of electricity between them. She smiled, letting him know she was in control. "Be calm. I want to talk."

Go Aggro: 7

Sockball had many things. A peculiar taste in 'art', for one. Why, some of it looked almost like an especially disorganized postmare's office after being stormed by a flock of wild Eschers. Not a bad expression of chaos, but sadly lacking in vision. No doubt this 'art' was meant to look smart and sophisticated, qualities that - sadly - nopony had ever associated with old Sockball.

And he had a temper, along with a strange sort of bravado ... when among his fellow old grouches, that is, or while waving his gun about. Actual balls though ...

Who would have guessed that this grumpy old stallion screamed like a little filly when caught without his pants on. It's remarkably difficult to keep your pride when you just squealed like that in front of somepony, so Sockball swallowed it and nodded his understanding without taking his eyes off you. You got his attention, alright.

The covered mare strode towards them, unfurling her wings and flicking them nonchalantly. Sharp, sparkling blades of ice grew from the tips. She stopped ten paces away, staring at each of them beneath her hood, and her voice rang out.

"Who's going to help her carry that load to the town square?"

It was not a question.

[Rolling Towering Presence on these punks: [roll0]]

The Winterland can be such a cruel place to ponies. A life of unending cold, work, and loss can break a soul. Sometimes they stare a little too deep into that swirling maelstrom of snow, and that doesn't help. Sometimes, something just snaps inside a pony.

The ponies froze on the spot and, as usual, there was that momentary look debating their chances and various options. Bearclaw, the apparent leader of this odd little gang, relaxed his stance with a snort and looked at the ponies around him. Small swirls of snow drifted among them and seemed to rise on the air, swirling back up into the sky. There wasn't going to be a fight over this ...

Until, that is, somepony snapped and totally lost it.

"No ... No wood and fires, no sun, no burning stars!" A wispy little thing of skin and bones, Bell Bottom's eyes twitched and twisted her face into a manic snarl as she ranted like a madpony. "She'll burn us all! Fire, burning, everypony burning!" she screamed, and all of a sudden her guns were aimed at Eclipse and she was one twitch away from pulling that trigger. And ... there went the rest of the gang, reaching for theirs as well.

One match, that's all it takes to turn a puddle into a wildfire. One little mad butterfly flapping a wing near the flames. What do you do, and what was happening to the poor volunteer in all of this?

2015-02-05, 06:44 PM
The air this morning was crisp and the sky almost calm, for now, but down on the ground - or up on the wall as it were - the wind was sweeping the land, sending fresh-fallen snow swirling back into the air like a bank of fog. Looking straight into the wind was like being hosed in the face with tiny ice daggers. It made for a tricky time seeing.

There were three sleds coming, and they were indeed coming in too fast. There was no sign of them slowing down or changing course. If they didn't do so soon, they'd fly right over the edge of the wall and crash straight down into the town far below. The ponies on the sleds didn't look very responsive, they might not even be conscious.

She hadn't spotted any pursuers yet, but in this weather they could be closer than one expected. What did she do?

There was never enough time for these sorts of things. Never. Just once, Snow Eyes wanted somepony to arrive with advance warning so they could just build a gently sloped barricade that would stop the sleds without anypony getting hurt or any property damage. Fat chance of that ever happening.

She was already on the ground, galloping as fast as her hooves would carry her. She didn't bother with the gate either, just gave the guard a passing nod and leaped right over it.


Let's talk vaguely accurate geology for a moment. If ground level is equal to the top of the walls and a whole city is, effectively, below ground compared to the surrounding land, it's not a great way to keep out water and snow. Water likes to fill in holes and heavy snow does the same. There are only a few reasons to set a city down like that. One major reason is because you've got a spot on top of a natural heat source and it's warmer when you build down. Natural heat source means lava and it means hot springs.

An underground network of hot patches would be a key component for a town holding out against a years-long encroaching blizzard. Snow wouldn't stick and the cold from the runoff would head elsewhere or evaporate. This kind of effect would be available outside the walls as well as inside, and would be one of the only reasonable ways to set up a consistent exit for a town like that without it being constantly buried by snowfall.


All of which is to say, as soon as Snow Eyes was out the gate, she pulled her gem blaster out of her pack, loaded it with the hardest diamond ammunition she had, and blew a huge hole into the ground near the exit. That was met with a blast of hot steam from the underground spring meeting the cold air, and she immediately used her magic to direct that at the snow near the edge of the wall. She wasn't going to miraculously clear out the entire snowfall, but that wasn't the point. The point was that she'd create a trough, and that would mean the sleds would slide down into the walls and stop instead of flying off the edge to their deaths. That was a good start at least. Even if all the ponies were dead, she could at least save the dogs and the goods.

She shook her head at that morbid thought, flecks of water flying off her blue on blue mane, and blinked a couple times, trying to bring back her focus. Now that the steam effect was starting, she'd have to get up there and stop whatever had set these sledders to panicking in the first place.

She started climbing the wall immediately, and within a moment, she was to the top, standing at the edge of the vast snowy wastes and looking at the sleds coming in.

2015-02-05, 09:14 PM
Sockball had many things. A peculiar taste in 'art', for one. Why, some of it looked almost like an especially disorganized postmare's office after being stormed by a flock of wild Eschers. Not a bad expression of chaos, but sadly lacking in vision. No doubt this 'art' was meant to look smart and sophisticated, qualities that - sadly - nopony had ever associated with old Sockball.

And he had a temper, along with a strange sort of bravado ... when among his fellow old grouches, that is, or while waving his gun about. Actual balls though ...

Who would have guessed that this grumpy old stallion screamed like a little filly when caught without his pants on. It's remarkably difficult to keep your pride when you just squealed like that in front of somepony, so Sockball swallowed it and nodded his understanding without taking his eyes off you. You got his attention, alright.

Charger smiled, vocalising a faint sound under her breath. "So I was thinking we could just talk," she said casually. "How are things? What's up with you? Any big plans to look forwards to?"

She was totally relaxed, breathing deep of the steam, but seemed to move and sway with each motion he made, like a mirror.

Read a person: 10 What does he wish I'd do?

2015-02-06, 04:15 AM
Somepony was yelling about "Fire", or so it sounded. A somewhat unusual thing to be yelling about in all this snow and ice. Something was a little off, something that was bugging her, quite aside from the yelling about fire. What did she do?

Fire? An ear perked up under the covers. That was not something you heard everyday. Now, while her curiosity was peaked it was aided by the fact that it was long since the water bottle was hot, it was barely even lukewarm anymore, and that made staying in bed out of the question.

Jade Sun threw off her several layers of covers in one big impressive swoop and glared at the empty room. She could hear sounds from the infirmary, Crystalshy much have started early. The young pony was keen, but sadly she was not the sharpest tool in the box. Snow Kicker was brighter but also less conscientious. But you had to work with what you had. There wasn't exactly a queue out the door of ponies wanting to learn this increasingly morbid trade.

While the cold water bottle annoyed her, the early hour irked her, the shouting concerned her, none of it explained that creeping discomfort under her fur and she was tempted to Look.

She took a step towards the door to head outside but then stopped herself as she thought of Granny. Always look.

Whatever was going on out in the snow would have to wait. Jade Sun closed her eyes and shut out the shouting from outside and with a deep breath focused. This was rarely a pleasant experience but it was her duty as a Sun.

[I'm opening my brain to the psychic maelstrom using my Sixth Sense: 2d6+2=7]

2015-02-06, 09:59 AM
The Winterland can be such a cruel place to ponies. A life of unending cold, work, and loss can break a soul. Sometimes they stare a little too deep into that swirling maelstrom of snow, and that doesn't help. Sometimes, something just snaps inside a pony.

The ponies froze on the spot and, as usual, there was that momentary look debating their chances and various options. Bearclaw, the apparent leader of this odd little gang, relaxed his stance with a snort and looked at the ponies around him. Small swirls of snow drifted among them and seemed to rise on the air, swirling back up into the sky. There wasn't going to be a fight over this ...

Until, that is, somepony snapped and totally lost it.

"No ... No wood and fires, no sun, no burning stars!" A wispy little thing of skin and bones, Bell Bottom's eyes twitched and twisted her face into a manic snarl as she ranted like a madpony. "She'll burn us all! Fire, burning, everypony burning!" she screamed, and all of a sudden her guns were aimed at Eclipse and she was one twitch away from pulling that trigger. And ... there went the rest of the gang, reaching for theirs as well.

One match, that's all it takes to turn a puddle into a wildfire. One little mad butterfly flapping a wing near the flames. What do you do, and what was happening to the poor volunteer in all of this?

The poor volunteer was many things; strong, burdened, capable, afraid. But chief among these, she was not Eclipse. So the moment that the gang of toughs took their attention off of her and onto her boss, she fled as fast as her legs could carry her.

Eclipse narrowed her eyes, honing in on the mad Bell Bottom...

[Rolling Indomitable: 8]

...and vanished in a puff of powder. Wind gusted past the gang, and she was upon them before they could draw. Her wings enveloped Bell Bottom, pressing ice cold blades into her neck. "Stand down or be cut down!" she barked.

One match can spark a wildfire. But one swift stomp can still snuff it out.

[Spending a hold to close the distance before they can react. Rolling to Go Aggro: [roll0]]

2015-02-06, 02:37 PM
All of which is to say, as soon as Snow Eyes was out the gate, she pulled her gem blaster out of her pack, loaded it with the hardest diamond ammunition she had, and blew a huge hole into the ground near the exit. That was met with a blast of hot steam from the underground spring meeting the cold air, and she immediately used her magic to direct that at the snow near the edge of the wall. She wasn't going to miraculously clear out the entire snowfall, but that wasn't the point. The point was that she'd create a trough, and that would mean the sleds would slide down into the walls and stop instead of flying off the edge to their deaths. That was a good start at least. Even if all the ponies were dead, she could at least save the dogs and the goods.

She shook her head at that morbid thought, flecks of water flying off her blue on blue mane, and blinked a couple times, trying to bring back her focus. Now that the steam effect was starting, she'd have to get up there and stop whatever had set these sledders to panicking in the first place.

She started climbing the wall immediately, and within a moment, she was to the top, standing at the edge of the vast snowy wastes and looking at the sleds coming in.

Blasting holes and shaping the powerful and unpredictable forces of steam to your will, controlling and directing the wild heat to make a safe landing for the sleds, sounds you're you Seizing this thing by Force. Ooh, I do so love when things blow up.

The shot blasted clean through snow and ice. There was a moment as the echo of the shot rang in the open landscape, then a loud crack as ice broke and steam filled the cold air. Another crack and the ground burst open, sending steam and ice flying in every direction. It was a terrible mess, but it should stop the sleds one way or the other ...

Fleeing the wreckage of ice and snow to seek higher ground away from the cloud of steam and mist, you heard a shot and saw a group of ponies closing in on the sleds from three directions at once. A quick count revealed five pursuers: two pegasi and two on hoof coming in from the sides, more or less, and a fifth on hoof following the wake of the sleds. They couldn't have failed to notice you too, in fact one of the fliers had changed course and was moving towards you. She seemed to be signaling you to stay out of it. Mercenaries, then.

Charger smiled, vocalising a faint sound under her breath. "So I was thinking we could just talk," she said casually. "How are things? What's up with you? Any big plans to look forwards to?"

She was totally relaxed, breathing deep of the steam, but seemed to move and sway with each motion he made, like a mirror.

Read a person: 10 What does he wish I'd do?

Oh yes, there was the obvious, of course. Not frying him in his bathtub, I should think. Maybe refrain from telling everypony how he'd squealed like a little piggy, ponies can be persnickety about their reputations.

But what he really wanted was for you to leave him and his family well alone, that he might never have to be reminded of your troublesome existence. See, compared to the world outside, Windbreak was a haven of order and safety, and it was being kept that way by a lot of ponies who understood and valued order, tradition and hard, honest work. It wasn't perfect - Hah! - but to this old grump it was far better than anywhere else. Sockball liked it that way because disorder frightened him, oh yes. Look at his art and you'd see its disorder trying to force itself into orderly, sophisticated patterns, losing all its real color. It made the old fool feel more comfortable, thinking a chaotic and messy world could be made rational and safe. There wasn't room in his neat, orderly world for loose elements, troublemakers and crazy mares like you. If they couldn't be brought into the fold, then he would settle for living in blissful ignorance of them.

Old Sockball looked quite wary at you. "Yes, I am doing just fine," he said with some care of his words. "My schedule doesn't change much, Miss Charger. You must already know it," he concluded. Did you? Was anything interesting coming up that you knew of?

She took a step towards the door to head outside but then stopped herself as she thought of Granny. Always look.

Whatever was going on out in the snow would have to wait. Jade Sun closed her eyes and shut out the shouting from outside and with a deep breath focused. This was rarely a pleasant experience but it was her duty as a Sun.

opening my brain to the psychic maelstrom[/B] using my Sixth Sense: 2d6+2=7]

Snow was falling on your face, dripping, drip drip drip, melting and burning as it touched.

The moon was full, a big round face of crystal in the sky. It looked at you through the swirling snow, a face pale and frightened. It had good reason to be. The sun was looming behind it, a great open maw of fire and flame. The sun opened up and swallowed the crystal moon, barfing up voluminous rivers of thick liquid fire. A rancid smell of acid assaulted your nose. Snow was bleeding from the open wounds in the sky where stars had been plucked out and stolen by thieving tongues of flame.

The scent of acid persisted after opening your eyes.

The poor volunteer was many things; strong, burdened, capable, afraid. But chief among these, she was not Eclipse. So the moment that the gang of toughs took their attention off of her and onto her boss, she fled as fast as her legs could carry her.

Eclipse narrowed her eyes, honing in on the mad Bell Bottom...

[Rolling Indomitable: 8]

...and vanished in a puff of powder. Wind gusted past the gang, and she was upon them before they could draw. Her wings enveloped Bell Bottom, pressing ice cold blades into her neck. "Stand down or be [I]cut down!" she barked.

One match can spark a wildfire. But one swift stomp can still snuff it out.

[Spending a hold to close the distance before they can react. Rolling to Go Aggro: [roll0]]

Bell Bottom screamed and bucked madly, foaming at the mouth as she took hold of your head with her telekinetic force, trying to twist it around. The next moment Bell Bottom was gurgling up a great deal of blood and loosing her grip on both her guns. They clattered to the hard-packed ground at her sides, one of them firing down the street. A random pony jumped out of the way with a bleat of surprise at the passing bullet. The magical grip around your head lost its strength as Bell Bottom gurgled and spat up blood while bucking ineffectually at you, and not for much longer.

Everypony else were pointing their weapons at you, in case you decided to go for them next, though none of them looked like they were about to make a move. No doubt they just felt safer pointing their guns, in case.

[2-harm on Bell Bottom]

2015-02-06, 06:09 PM
Snow was falling on your face, dripping, drip drip drip, melting and burning as it touched.

The moon was full, a big round face of crystal in the sky. It looked at you through the swirling snow, a face pale and frightened. It had good reason to be. The sun was looming behind it, a great open maw of fire and flame. The sun opened up and swallowed the crystal moon, barfing up voluminous rivers of thick liquid fire. A rancid smell of acid assaulted your nose. Snow was bleeding from the open wounds in the sky where stars had been plucked out and stolen by thieving tongues of flame.

The scent of acid persisted after opening your eyes.

And rarely did it make much sense. Jade shook her head to clear her mind of the disturbing smells, feelings and vision. The smell and sensation of acid in association with a devouring sun struck a chord with her and she glanced at the mark on her flank. Her scowl deepened, it had been a long time since anything had bothered her this much. It felt... personal, on a level she was extremely uncomfortable with.

She felt the urge to research, but didn't know what book to pick up. She felt the need to perform tests but on what? With a snarl of frustration she threw a cloak over herself and burst out through the front door to vent her now unusually severe morning mood. The door slammed shut behind her so hard the notice tacked on to it that read 'Infirmary hours: noon till midnight. Any injury/illness sustained at other times are at your own risk.' fluttered in the snowy air.

"Could you keep it down out here?! Some ponies are trying to sleep!" she barked when she came out on to the street.

2015-02-06, 07:16 PM
Old Sockball looked quite wary at you. "Yes, I am doing just fine," he said with some care of his words. "My schedule doesn't change much, Miss Charger. You must already know it," he concluded. Did you? Was anything interesting coming up that you knew of?

Hmm-hmm hm, hmmm-hm~

She hummed a little bit to herself, seeming to think. The humming had a strange echo that lingered in the air.

She'd heard that the old folks were thinking about setting up a sheriff. That was the cause for this visit - if those grumps were talking about giving somepony the authority to go inflict their will upon the world so they didn't have to think about it she needed to be aware. That'd be the worst, all their stuffiness in the body of some violent young pony. She looked at him, letting the assumptions roll.

1 hold: What do you intend to do (about the sheriff)?

"I'm doing all right," said Charger idly, mind elsewhere. "Tell me about the town? What's happening? Who's coming and going? You know, make small talk, all right?"

2015-02-06, 11:43 PM
Bell Bottom screamed and bucked madly, foaming at the mouth as she took hold of your head with her telekinetic force, trying to twist it around. The next moment Bell Bottom was gurgling up a great deal of blood and loosing her grip on both her guns. They clattered to the hard-packed ground at her sides, one of them firing down the street. A random pony jumped out of the way with a bleat of surprise at the passing bullet. The magical grip around your head lost its strength as Bell Bottom gurgled and spat up blood while bucking ineffectually at you, and not for much longer.

Everypony else were pointing their weapons at you, in case you decided to go for them next, though none of them looked like they were about to make a move. No doubt they just felt safer pointing their guns, in case.

[2-harm on Bell Bottom]

Eclipse flicked the blood from her wings, dotting the white snow with hot red spots. She twisted about - heedless of the guns - until she spied Bearclaw. He gripped his weapon stiffly, like he was pushing against a door to keep the monsters out. "Shoot then, if you want to be shooting yourselves," she challenged.

Only now did the thugs realize her assault had carried her straight into the middle of their group. A risky maneuver, but one that almost guaranteed further casualties should they open fire.

"I'm taking her to Angel's," she continued, giving the twitching Bell Bottom a light nudge. "Anyone fires, and she'll have company."

2015-02-07, 05:43 PM
Blasting holes and shaping the powerful and unpredictable forces of steam to your will, controlling and directing the wild heat to make a safe landing for the sleds, sounds you're you Seizing this thing by Force. Ooh, I do so love when things blow up.

The shot blasted clean through snow and ice. There was a moment as the echo of the shot rang in the open landscape, then a loud crack as ice broke and steam filled the cold air. Another crack and the ground burst open, sending steam and ice flying in every direction. It was a terrible mess, but it should stop the sleds one way or the other ...

Fleeing the wreckage of ice and snow to seek higher ground away from the cloud of steam and mist, you heard a shot and saw a group of ponies closing in on the sleds from three directions at once. A quick count revealed five pursuers: two pegasi and two on hoof coming in from the sides, more or less, and a fifth on hoof following the wake of the sleds. They couldn't have failed to notice you too, in fact one of the fliers had changed course and was moving towards you. She seemed to be signaling you to stay out of it. Mercenaries, then.

Mercenaries. Unfortunately for them, staying out of it was the one thing Snow Eyes never did. She noticed the one flyer heading towards her. Polite that one, letting her know what was up. Snow Eyes choked up for a moment. Why was it always the nice ones that were destined to die? That little pegasus up there wasn't going to last the day, maybe not even the battle. Snow Eyes wondered if she'd even be the one to do it.

Doing her best to put that out of her mind, she tried to take in the situation as quickly as possible and figure out what she needed to do.

[reading a sitch: [roll0]]

2015-02-09, 04:01 PM
And rarely did it make much sense. Jade shook her head to clear her mind of the disturbing smells, feelings and vision. The smell and sensation of acid in association with a devouring sun struck a chord with her and she glanced at the mark on her flank. Her scowl deepened, it had been a long time since anything had bothered her this much. It felt... personal, on a level she was extremely uncomfortable with.

She felt the urge to research, but didn't know what book to pick up. She felt the need to perform tests but on what? With a snarl of frustration she threw a cloak over herself and burst out through the front door to vent her now unusually severe morning mood. The door slammed shut behind her so hard the notice tacked on to it that read 'Infirmary hours: noon till midnight. Any injury/illness sustained at other times are at your own risk.' fluttered in the snowy air.

"Could you keep it down out here?! Some ponies are trying to sleep!" she barked when she came out on to the street.

There was some commotion and a bunch of ponies hurriedly looking for other places to be. And then there was Eclipse with a frothing, bleeding mare who looked like she needed a good shot of horse tranquilizer to calm down before she could be safely operated on.


Hmm-hmm hm, hmmm-hm~

She hummed a little bit to herself, seeming to think. The humming had a strange echo that lingered in the air.

She'd heard that the old folks were thinking about setting up a sheriff. That was the cause for this visit - if those grumps were talking about giving somepony the authority to go inflict their will upon the world so they didn't have to think about it she needed to be aware. That'd be the worst, all their stuffiness in the body of some violent young pony. She looked at him, letting the assumptions roll.

1 hold: What do you intend to do (about the sheriff)?

"I'm doing all right," said Charger idly, mind elsewhere. "Tell me about the town? What's happening? Who's coming and going? You know, make small talk, all right?"

Sockball obligingly began flapping his tongue ... slowly, but he did it. "Gumtooth, the old manager of the Sugar Road, passed away and left his business to Sweet Cane, his daughter. There's word she barely waited until his body was cold before making deals with some out-of-towner who's been bugging Gumtooth for years. It's a bad sign, is what it is. Folks can say all they want about the sugar running low, but you can't just get quality sugar out here. Gumtooth knew his sugar, and if he didn't like this outsider, it was for good reasons.

"They say he didn't die naturally either. It can't surprise anypony with that conniving little witch of his. How a fine, upstanding stallion such as Gumtooth could father a creature like Sweet Cane I will never understand. He never should have trusted that wife of his either. We could all have told him that. I still have a bet with Mosey By that Sweet Cane was illegitimate.

"But you wouldn't understand all that, you with your exotic fruits and loose ways. No, salt and sugar, that's what we need more of. Thankfully this town still has quality folk left. Why, just the other day I was there to celebrate the safe arrival of the salt caravan. Wouldn't have got here if not for Miss Spurs, who came in with the caravan. I could tell right there that she was a solid young mare, one who will go far in this world."

That would be the one. Sockball was clearly impressed by this Spurs pony, and if he was, then the others no doubt were too. They would try making her into a hero of the town, present her as just the pony Windbreak needed. If they could impress the right ponies and shake the right hooves, Windbreak might just have itself a sheriff before long. Assuming the poor pony lived to accept the title. Sheriff was a dangerous job, after all.

Was this the first she heard of Spurs?

"She's got a dog," Sockball was still blabbering. "A fine, loyal creature with paws as big as a bear's and a heart just about the same size too. Not too many of those around now. I don't think I've seen one like hers since I was a young colt. It's all sled dogs now, small and fast. Did you ever have a dog as a filly, Miss Charger? Perhaps that's what you needed instead of that cold ball of steel always poking around behind you. As I always said, a child should know a dog, or they won't grow up straight. A dog does a pony good."

Eclipse flicked the blood from her wings, dotting the white snow with hot red spots. She twisted about - heedless of the guns - until she spied Bearclaw. He gripped his weapon stiffly, like he was pushing against a door to keep the monsters out. "Shoot then, if you want to be shooting yourselves," she challenged.

Only now did the thugs realize her assault had carried her straight into the middle of their group. A risky maneuver, but one that almost guaranteed further casualties should they open fire.

"I'm taking her to Angel's," she continued, giving the twitching Bell Bottom a light nudge. "Anyone fires, and she'll have company."

Bell Bottom was still furiously frothing and spewing like a broken pressure cooker full of blood and baking powder. Seriously, what had gotten into that pony?

Bearclaw leaned on his salvaged flamethrower and watched from a distance. Everypony else made themselves scarce real quick; no pony liked being on the bad side of the pony who stitched them back up when they got hurt.

Mercenaries. Unfortunately for them, staying out of it was the one thing Snow Eyes never did. She noticed the one flyer heading towards her. Polite that one, letting her know what was up. Snow Eyes choked up for a moment. Why was it always the nice ones that were destined to die? That little pegasus up there wasn't going to last the day, maybe not even the battle. Snow Eyes wondered if she'd even be the one to do it.

Doing her best to put that out of her mind, she tried to take in the situation as quickly as possible and figure out what she needed to do.

[reading a sitch: [roll0]]

There was a shot, and ... oh no, poor Honeybee! She was too busy waving at you to see the shot before it hit her clean through the back of the neck. Didn't I always tell you ponies to be mean? You know that only the nice ponies die young, and still you won't listen. Well, this was it for poor Honeybee. The little pegasus fell out of the sky and hit the ground, leaving a soft red rain to fall over her for a few seconds.

Of course, you didn't catch where the shot came from, and neither did the mercenaries it seemed: they looked up and saw only you, standing there on the hill, and made the obvious connection. The three nearest ponies turned and opened fire at you.

Time to think is up. What do?

2015-02-09, 05:50 PM
There was a shot, and ... oh no, poor Honeybee! She was too busy waving at you to see the shot before it hit her clean through the back of the neck. Didn't I always tell you ponies to be mean? You know that only the nice ponies die young, and still you won't listen. Well, this was it for poor Honeybee. The little pegasus fell out of the sky and hit the ground, leaving a soft red rain to fall over her for a few seconds.

Of course, you didn't catch where the shot came from, and neither did the mercenaries it seemed: they looked up and saw only you, standing there on the hill, and made the obvious connection. The three nearest ponies turned and opened fire at you.

Time to think is up. What do?

And there it was. Snow Eyes had never been wrong when she felt that sadness welling up in her heart. Usually it took a little longer though. She wasn't even sure where she remembered the named from. Maybe they'd met in some other town? Occasionally, Snow Eyes had worked with mercenaries.

Right, thinking time was over wasn't it? Suddenly everypony had their guns on her and that wasn't okay. Fortunately, there was a reason Snow Eyes had her armor painted white. Before they could get a shot off, she slammed a hoof into the ground, amplified by her horn magic, to create a shower of white powder through the air in front of her. And with that, she was running, avoiding the shots as she ducked behind a snowdrift and pulled out her magic amplifier over her horn. She knew they'd lose her in the flurry, and the instant she saw them turn in confusion, she snapped off a shot at the closest target.

[I intend to go aggro, but I'm assuming you'll require an acting under fire roll first, so I'll wait.]

2015-02-09, 06:05 PM
That would be the one. Sockball was clearly impressed by this Spurs pony, and if he was, then the others no doubt were too. They would try making her into a hero of the town, present her as just the pony Windbreak needed. If they could impress the right ponies and shake the right hooves, Windbreak might just have itself a sheriff before long. Assuming the poor pony lived to accept the title. Sheriff was a dangerous job, after all.

"Aaah, aaah ah~ Aaah ah~"

The humming had now escalated into singing. Slight and quiet, swaying back and forth. A red glow was beginning to emerge from her heart and from her eyes and reflecting off a thousand bubbles. Slight and keening and hypnotic like the crash of waves against the rocks.

"She's got a dog," Sockball was still blabbering. "A fine, loyal creature with paws as big as a bear's and a heart just about the same size too. Not too many of those around now. I don't think I've seen one like hers since I was a young colt. It's all sled dogs now, small and fast. Did you ever have a dog as a filly, Miss Charger? Perhaps that's what you needed instead of that cold ball of steel always poking around behind you. As I always said, a child should know a dog, or they won't grow up straight. A dog does a pony good."

"I'd like a dog," said Charger, eyes a brilliant crimson. The music was echoing against the walls, wrapping around the heart. "Would you be my dog? Look after me? Let me know when there's danger?"

[Hypnotic: 8+2 10. Hold 3.]

Was this the first she heard of Spurs?

Of course not. She suspected that her legend was exaggerated but that didn't hurt none. A good hearted pony who just wanted to bring justice and do the right thing...

She looked forwards to meeting her.

2015-02-09, 10:37 PM
Bell Bottom was still furiously frothing and spewing like a broken pressure cooker full of blood and baking powder. Seriously, what had gotten into that pony?

Bearclaw leaned on his salvaged flamethrower and watched from a distance. Everypony else made themselves scarce real quick; no pony liked being on the bad side of the pony who stitched them back up when they got hurt.

Offhoof, she'd have to guess it was a cold snap.

Now, nopony knows what smart aleck first coined the term, but boy did the joke stick. Spending all day and night in the snow, rarely knowing real, lasting warmth, never getting a good look at the sky, it could do funny things to a pony's head. If one isn't careful, the mind itself starts to chill. It hardens up, bits and pieces falling off, until it becomes so brittle that it simply...shatters. Breaks into a thousand pieces. And thus, a cold snap.

Only, this didn't feel right. A cold snap made a pony unhinged, true, but this was more feral than any snap she'd seen. Not to mention that Bell Bottom coped with a gashed-open throat better than most.

Eclipse hauled the twitching mare onto her back, straining to support the weight on her wings. She marched over to the furious Angel, easy as you please. "This mare needs an expert's care. Can you salvage her?" she asked directly.

2015-02-10, 01:58 AM
Offhoof, she'd have to guess it was a cold snap.

Now, nopony knows what smart aleck first coined the term, but boy did the joke stick. Spending all day and night in the snow, rarely knowing real, lasting warmth, never getting a good look at the sky, it could do funny things to a pony's head. If one isn't careful, the mind itself starts to chill. It hardens up, bits and pieces falling off, until it becomes so brittle that it simply...shatters. Breaks into a thousand pieces. And thus, a cold snap.

Only, this didn't feel right. A cold snap made a pony unhinged, true, but this was more feral than any snap she'd seen. Not to mention that Bell Bottom coped with a gashed-open throat better than most.

Eclipse hauled the twitching mare onto her back, straining to support the weight on her wings. She marched over to the furious Angel, easy as you please. "This mare needs an expert's care. Can you salvage her?" she asked directly.

"Eclipse." Jade Sun said, in the tone of 'we meet again'. She met Eclipse's green eyes with a grumpy and slightly bleary glare before her eyes went to the bleeding sack of pony on Eclipse's back.

"You could both do with some expert care, in my professional opinion." She stepped over to Eclipse's side to take a slightly closer look at Bell Bottom and didn't hide her fascination with what the hay was wrong with her, aside from the gaping wound of course, that was pretty much part of the course and by far the less interesting ailment here. Sadly the more urgent.

"Sure, bring her in," she concluded, "who's paying? You?" Jade the pragmatic Angel. "I'm not a damn charity." Jade considered herself enough of a do-gooder for accepting this pony in to her care at all at this hour in the morning. She opened the door to let Eclipse inside.

2015-02-10, 05:03 AM
And there it was. Snow Eyes had never been wrong when she felt that sadness welling up in her heart. Usually it took a little longer though. She wasn't even sure where she remembered the named from. Maybe they'd met in some other town? Occasionally, Snow Eyes had worked with mercenaries.

Sometimes it was hard to know. Sometimes it seemed like names and memories were like flakes of snow, falling on one's head from the sky and melting into one's brain. Perhaps they were, indeed. The snow absorbed emotions, occasionally, why not memories?

Right, thinking time was over wasn't it? Suddenly everypony had their guns on her and that wasn't okay. Fortunately, there was a reason Snow Eyes had her armor painted white. Before they could get a shot off, she slammed a hoof into the ground, amplified by her horn magic, to create a shower of white powder through the air in front of her. And with that, she was running, avoiding the shots as she ducked behind a snowdrift and pulled out her magic amplifier over her horn. She knew they'd lose her in the flurry, and the instant she saw them turn in confusion, she snapped off a shot at the closest target.

Indeed. Roll and ... action!

"Aaah, aaah ah~ Aaah ah~"

The humming had now escalated into singing. Slight and quiet, swaying back and forth. A red glow was beginning to emerge from her heart and from her eyes and reflecting off a thousand bubbles. Slight and keening and hypnotic like the crash of waves against the rocks.

"I'd like a dog," said Charger, eyes a brilliant crimson. The music was echoing against the walls, wrapping around the heart. "Would you be my dog? Look after me? Let me know when there's danger?"

[Hypnotic: 8+2 10. Hold 3.]

Sockball stared at the hypnotizing light and swayed to the song. "You do need someone to watch over you and keep you safe, Miss Charger," he muttered, entranced and bleary-eyed. His words were drawn out and far off, as if they were really some old thought he had entertained. "Yes. Safe ..." He swayed a little. "I mean ... woof. Woof," he said ... and then he licked her, right on the face like a big dog. Some ponies were just terribly suggestible.

Offhoof, she'd have to guess it was a cold snap.

Now, nopony knows what smart aleck first coined the term, but boy did the joke stick. Spending all day and night in the snow, rarely knowing real, lasting warmth, never getting a good look at the sky, it could do funny things to a pony's head. If one isn't careful, the mind itself starts to chill. It hardens up, bits and pieces falling off, until it becomes so brittle that it simply...shatters. Breaks into a thousand pieces. And thus, a cold snap.

Only, this didn't feel right. A cold snap made a pony unhinged, true, but this was more [I]feral than any snap she'd seen. Not to mention that Bell Bottom coped with a gashed-open throat better than most.

Eclipse hauled the twitching mare onto her back, straining to support the weight on her wings. She marched over to the furious Angel, easy as you please. "This mare needs an expert's care. Can you salvage her?" she asked directly.

The snow can get in a pony's head and mess it up pretty bad, but you're thinking this is something more. Interesting.

"Eclipse." Jade Sun said, in the tone of 'we meet again'. She met Eclipse's green eyes with a grumpy and slightly bleary glare before her eyes went to the bleeding sack of pony on Eclipse's back.

"You could both do with some expert care, in my professional opinion." She stepped over to Eclipse's side to take a slightly closer look at Bell Bottom and didn't hide her fascination with what the hay was wrong with her, aside from the gaping wound of course, that was pretty much part of the course and by far the less interesting ailment here. Sadly the more urgent.

"Sure, bring her in," she concluded, "who's paying? You?" Jade the pragmatic Angel. "I'm not a damn charity." Jade considered herself enough of a do-gooder for accepting this pony in to her care at all at this hour in the morning. She opened the door to let Eclipse inside.

You open the door and there's Crystalshy, looking a pretty mess today. "Miss Angel, Miss Angel," she blabbers and falls on her stomach with her hooves over her head. "There's a dead pony in the storage room and she says she's got a bomb and she made me let her in and she won't leave again! Please, please, please don't be mad at me!"

2015-02-10, 05:16 AM
Sockball stared at the hypnotizing light and swayed to the song. "You do need someone to watch over you and keep you safe, Miss Charger," he muttered, entranced and bleary-eyed. His words were drawn out and far off, as if they were really some old thought he had entertained. "Yes. Safe ..." He swayed a little. "I mean ... woof. Woof," he said ... and then he licked her, right on the face like a big dog. Some ponies were just terribly suggestible.

Charger giggled and wiped her face off. "Calm down. Go about your business. Be a friend. Come and see me whenever you hear something interesting," she scratched him behind the ear with a hoof. "Good boy."

2015-02-10, 07:46 AM
Charger giggled and wiped her face off. "Calm down. Go about your business. Be a friend. Come and see me whenever you hear something interesting," she scratched him behind the ear with a hoof. "Good boy."

*Click* *Click*

The sound of the bathroom door closing and locking behind you.

*CLOP CLOP clop clop clop clop clop*

The sound of hooves running down the hall.

Well, isn't that just lovely. Seems you forgot somepony in your plan, and now you have to wonder how much she heard before locking you in. Why don't you tell me a little about Sockball's daughter? You and her ...?

2015-02-10, 08:04 AM
Oh that little minx.

"Your bathroom door locks from the outside?" said Charger to Sockball in a profoundly sceptical voice. I mean there was poor security and then there was that.

Sockball's daughter, High Pride. A rival if anything. Strong, independent, kind of cute but also expected to be treated like a princess and Charger did not have the time. Evidently Pride wanted her to make the time.

"And locking me in?" said Charger, walking over to the door. What was she getting at?

Charger closed her eyes and took a frustrated breath. There were too many possibilities, too many ways that this could go, and she needed to clear her head.

[Read a Sitch: 7 What is my best way in/out/past to catch up with High Pride?]

2015-02-10, 09:43 AM
The snow can get in a pony's head and mess it up pretty bad, but you're thinking this is something more. Interesting.

Something or somepony. There are plenty of ways to foul up a pony's body and mind; Charger unknowingly just provided an excellent example of the latter. And let's not forget the hundred and one horrors lurking in the Winterlands. Who knows what this pony got herself into?

"Eclipse." Jade Sun said, in the tone of 'we meet again'. She met Eclipse's green eyes with a grumpy and slightly bleary glare before her eyes went to the bleeding sack of pony on Eclipse's back.

"You could both do with some expert care, in my professional opinion." She stepped over to Eclipse's side to take a slightly closer look at Bell Bottom and didn't hide her fascination with what the hay was wrong with her, aside from the gaping wound of course, that was pretty much part of the course and by far the less interesting ailment here. Sadly the more urgent.

"Sure, bring her in," she concluded, "who's paying? You?" Jade the pragmatic Angel. "I'm not a damn charity." Jade considered herself enough of a do-gooder for accepting this pony in to her care at all at this hour in the morning. She opened the door to let Eclipse inside.

Here's a question for you; would Jade Sun really pass on the chance to examine this specimen if Eclipse didn't have the money? Here she is, with a fascinating subject practically dropped on her doorstep, and she's worried about getting paid for it? A worker is entitled to their wages, but most would consider the opportunity payment enough.

Anyhow, back to our little ponies...

"The payment will come," Eclipse replied with clear disapproval. She hauled Bell Bottom inside, laying her on the first available bed. "I don't need any care myself. Except for maybe some more of that stuff that gets the bloodstains out." Wouldn't do to show up to a lesson caked in another pony's blood. Or to show up anywhere, really. She idly perused the shelves of chemicals where Jade usually kept the jars of Bloodihyde whatever-it-was.

You open the door and there's Crystalshy, looking a pretty mess today. "Miss Angel, Miss Angel," she blabbers and falls on her stomach with her hooves over her head. "There's a dead pony in the storage room and she says she's got a bomb and she made me let her in and she won't leave again! Please, please, please don't be mad at me!"

Eclipse glanced over at Jade knowingly, all but vocalizing the I told you so. "I could take care of that for you," she offered.

2015-02-10, 11:16 AM
[Let's roll some bones [roll0] and if that works then [roll1]]

Edit: Deadly, you've got some sort of tough choice to offer me before I blow somepony's head off.

2015-02-10, 04:04 PM
Here's a question for you; would Jade Sun really pass on the chance to examine this specimen if Eclipse didn't have the money? Here she is, with a fascinating subject practically dropped on her doorstep, and she's worried about getting paid for it? A worker is entitled to their wages, but most would consider the opportunity payment enough.

In this instance, if pushed, yeah she would probably still take the case on, she wants to have a good look at what's gotten in to Bell Bottom (besides Eclipse's blades). Doesn't mean a pony won't try to get paid for it too though.

Anyhow, back to our little ponies...

"The payment will come," Eclipse replied with clear disapproval. She hauled Bell Bottom inside, laying her on the first available bed. "I don't need any care myself. Except for maybe some more of that stuff that gets the bloodstains out." Wouldn't do to show up to a lesson caked in another pony's blood. Or to show up anywhere, really. She idly perused the shelves of chemicals where Jade usually kept the jars of Bloodihyde whatever-it-was.

"Excellent." Jade Sun replied. She noticed Eclipse was unimpressed with her attitude but she didn't have time to remark, and that was probably just as well...

You open the door and there's Crystalshy, looking a pretty mess today. "Miss Angel, Miss Angel," she blabbers and falls on her stomach with her hooves over her head. "There's a dead pony in the storage room and she says she's got a bomb and she made me let her in and she won't leave again! Please, please, please don't be mad at me!"

Jade Sun's jaw dropped. "A what?! In my infirmary?! Who dares?!" In an instant Jade's heart was racing and she instinctively started towards the store room only to immediately hesitate, when Eclipse spoke she turn back towards her.

Eclipse glanced over at Jade knowingly, all but vocalizing the I told you so. "I could take care of that for you," she offered.

Jade Sun was unable to hide her chagrin at the look Eclipse gave her. Not even Jade could look past the fact that Eclipse was exactly the pony she needed right now. As much as she would have liked to handle all this herself, not needing nopony, she was smart enough to know how that was likely to end if what the blabbering Crystalshy was saying was true. Jade Sun swallowed her pride, it looked like it had a bitter taste.

"Please. Favour for a favour? I'll deal with Bell Bottom. No charge." She cleared her throat, still trying to hold her head high but visibly hoping Eclipse would accept.

2015-02-10, 04:49 PM
In this instance, if pushed, yeah she would probably still take the case on, she wants to have a good look at what's gotten in to Bell Bottom (besides Eclipse's blades). Doesn't mean a pony won't try to get paid for it too though.

Interesting answer!

Jade Sun's jaw dropped. "A what?! In my infirmary?! Who dares?!" In an instant Jade's heart was racing and she instinctively started towards the store room only to immediately hesitate, when Eclipse spoke she turn back towards her.

Jade Sun was unable to hide her chagrin at the look Eclipse gave her. Not even Jade could look past the fact that Eclipse was exactly the pony she needed right now. As much as she would have liked to handle all this herself, not needing nopony, she was smart enough to know how that was likely to end if what the blabbering Crystalshy was saying was true. Jade Sun swallowed her pride, it looked like it had a bitter taste.

"Please. Favour for a favour? I'll deal with Bell Bottom. No charge." She cleared her throat, still trying to hold her head high but visibly hoping Eclipse would accept.

Eclipse nodded curtly. In a precious mercy for the Angel, she didn't deign to gloat.

"Slow down," she told Crystalshy, her voice like a splash of cold water to the face. "Show me to the storeroom, tell me what you know, and I'll handle everything from there." The ruby on her ice caster gleamed.

2015-02-11, 06:08 AM
Oh that little minx.

"Your bathroom door locks from the outside?" said Charger to Sockball in a profoundly sceptical voice. I mean there was poor security and then there was that.

Sockball's daughter, High Pride. A rival if anything. Strong, independent, kind of cute but also expected to be treated like a princess and Charger did not have the time. Evidently Pride wanted her to make the time.

"And locking me in?" said Charger, walking over to the door. What was she getting at?

Charger closed her eyes and took a frustrated breath. There were too many possibilities, too many ways that this could go, and she needed to clear her head.

[Read a Sitch: 7 What is my best way in/out/past to catch up with High Pride?]

"We keep a set of keys in a drawer," Sockball muttered. That's the thing with locks and doors, their purpose depends on the eyes that see, and what a young whippersnapper like you considers insecure, he considers good sense. You see, Sockball is an elderly stallion living with his wife, and this is his bathroom, not a panic room. His concern is not whether he can lock himself in or keep others out, it's whether his wife can get in if he should suddenly fall ill in the bath. Which is probably why he doesn't even lock the door in the first place and keeps the keys in a drawer where they probably haven't seen use for years.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, the way out. There are two, three if you count the plumbing, but most ponies aren't as small and slender as I. Actually ... four. You could try breaking through the door, but if she's half smart she's closed every door in her way. Getting through all that would take time and make a mess, which is perhaps what she hopes: that you'll be stuck here long enough to be caught in the act, make a lot of noise, and/or or leave a big mess.

Or you could just crawl out the bathroom window. Quick and easy, though it's a bit small and there's a good chance you'll be seen by a bunch of ponies. Leaving the house by way of a window tends to draw suspicion, but you have a decent chance of cutting her off that way.

You could break through the door and find a more secluded window. There's one in the bedroom right across the hall, if you recall. That one opens to an alley where you aren't as likely to be seen.

You'll have to move fast whatever you do.

Something or somepony. There are plenty of ways to foul up a pony's body and mind; Charger unknowingly just provided an excellent example of the latter. And let's not forget the hundred and one horrors lurking in the Winterlands. Who knows what this pony got herself into?

Excellent points.

[Let's roll some bones [roll0] and if that works then [roll1]]

Edit: Deadly, you've got some sort of tough choice to offer me before I blow somepony's head off.

The three sleds had hit the wreckage of ice and snow and tumbled over, ponies and blankets strewn about in the snow. None of them were moving, and they presented a nice opportunity, if you took it. You could make a dash right over the wreckage of the sleds, risking a few shots at them - but they might already be dead - but using the tumbled sleds as additional cover for yourself. You'd get up close to your targets quick and clean that way.

Otherwise you'd have to go around and risk yourself some harm out in the open.

Eclipse nodded curtly. In a precious mercy for the Angel, she didn't deign to gloat.

"Slow down," she told Crystalshy, her voice like a splash of cold water to the face. "Show me to the storeroom, tell me what you know, and I'll handle everything from there." The ruby on her ice caster gleamed.

Crystalshy composed herself enough to lead the way. "S-she grabbed me on my way here and threatened to blow us both up if I didn't let her into the store room. Now she's just ... sitting there, like it's her living room or something. I didn't know what else to do."

The door of the store room had a convenient little glass window in it. Through it you could see the intruder ... the clearly deceased remains of an old mare with a blinking device strapped around her body. She looked half decayed and nearly frozen blue, but that didn't seem to bother her none. Some ponies just don't get the hint that they're dead.

She was calmly knitting socks in there.

Jade Sun's jaw dropped. "A what?! In my infirmary?! Who dares?!"

Oh, that's a good question! Who is this crazy zombie pony in your store room? Anypony you know, or has the world gone nuts?

2015-02-11, 06:44 AM
"We keep a set of keys in a drawer," Sockball muttered. That's the thing with locks and doors, their purpose depends on the eyes that see, and what a young whippersnapper like you considers insecure, he considers good sense. You see, Sockball is an elderly stallion living with his wife, and this is his bathroom, not a panic room. His concern is not whether he can lock himself in or keep others out, it's whether his wife can get in if he should suddenly fall ill in the bath. Which is probably why he doesn't even lock the door in the first place and keeps the keys in a drawer where they probably haven't seen use for years.

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, the way out. There are two, three if you count the plumbing, but most ponies aren't as small and slender as I. Actually ... four. You could try breaking through the door, but if she's half smart she's closed every door in her way. Getting through all that would take time and make a mess, which is perhaps what she hopes: that you'll be stuck here long enough to be caught in the act, make a lot of noise, and/or or leave a big mess.

Or you could just crawl out the bathroom window. Quick and easy, though it's a bit small and there's a good chance you'll be seen by a bunch of ponies. Leaving the house by way of a window tends to draw suspicion, but you have a decent chance of cutting her off that way.

You could break through the door and find a more secluded window. There's one in the bedroom right across the hall, if you recall. That one opens to an alley where you aren't as likely to be seen.

You'll have to move fast whatever you do.

Charger glared darkly at the door for a moment. She was not happy with any of those answers. She wasn't going to bash this door down like some intemperate brute and then flee through the window like a common criminal. She glanced at the roof - do better, serpent.

Her eyes flashed crimson as she pulled herself to her full height. She took a breath and started to sing again, pressing her face against the door and letting her voice echo through the entire house. Low and seductive, up and down, as irresistible as the tide. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me, my little pony, come and see~

Artful and Gracious: 13. High Pride must come and meet me. Holding 2.

2015-02-11, 09:35 AM
Crystalshy composed herself enough to lead the way. "S-she grabbed me on my way here and threatened to blow us both up if I didn't let her into the store room. Now she's just ... sitting there, like it's her living room or something. I didn't know what else to do."

The door of the store room had a convenient little glass window in it. Through it you could see the intruder ... the clearly deceased remains of an old mare with a blinking device strapped around her body. She looked half decayed and nearly frozen blue, but that didn't seem to bother her none. Some ponies just don't get the hint that they're dead.

She was calmly knitting socks in there.

Huh. When Crystalshy had first burst in babbling, Eclipse had thought she was just hysterical, but...no, yeah, that's a dead pony in the storeroom with a bomb. Didn't get much more clear than that.

"Thank you for your help." She studied the calm, elderly zombie through the window. "Now get out of here; keep your head down until one of us comes for you." Once Crystalshy was clear, she took a steeling breath, and opened the storeroom door. "Morning. Room for one more in here?" she asked casually, taking a single step inside.

[Rolling to Read a Person: [roll0]]

2015-02-11, 12:16 PM
Snow Eyes raced forward, lowering her legs and pulling into a slide to land herself directly behind one of the sleds, then immediately turned and took her shot at the nearest mercenary. A cool blue aura surrounded her horn, but there was no sound as the magical bolt charged up. Snow Eyes had practiced this trick, and she could focus magic from her horn into a charged blast without any of the usual magical thrumming sound. As soon as it was ready, she popped over the sled and unleashed it on the closest mercenary. A perfect shot, he never knew what hit him. [that's using my 10 from go aggro before. I'm shooting him with my 3 harm silenced weapon.]

2015-02-11, 07:45 PM
Oh, that's a good question! Who is this crazy zombie pony in your store room? Anypony you know, or has the world gone nuts?

Oh if it isn't that creepy-flank undertaker Hushabye then it's somepony under her orders. That mare is bat-nut crazy and we haven't seen eye to eye since she went and broke in here and put Twisty Tail in a coffin when she was unconscious. I'd have a guard at my door if I could afford it so she wouldn't show up staring through my windows with those twisted beady eyes of hers whenever somepony comes in looking in bad shape. It's distracting. She hates it when I get somepony back on their hooves and I guess she finally snapped and decided to do away with my infirmary alltogether. This, of course, means war. Nopony threatens my lab!

She wasn't dead last I saw her though, but who knows what she gets up to in that creepy place with all those coffins and corpses...

Anyway, I have a pony to save if you excuse me for a second.

Huh. When Crystalshy had first burst in babbling, Eclipse had thought she was just hysterical, but...no, yeah, that's a dead pony in the storeroom with a bomb. Didn't get much more clear than that.

"Thank you for your help." She studied the calm, elderly zombie through the window. "Now get out of here; keep your head down until one of us comes for you." Once Crystalshy was clear, she took a steeling breath, and opened the storeroom door. "Morning. Room for one more in here?" she asked casually, taking a single step inside.

When Eclipse and Crystalshy left to go back to the storeroom, Angel immediately went to work on the bloody Bell Bottom. She assembled the cleaning spirits, gauzes and sutures but first of all she was suspicious enough of what else was wrong with Bell to narcostab her before she started to try to stop the bleeding with deft hooves and large amounts of gauze. Eclipse's blades sure had done their work on the mare and it would at the very least take a good few stitches to get this pony patched up.

[Spending 1 Stock of my Angel kit in trying to stabilise Bell Bottom: 9]

2015-02-14, 06:48 AM
Charger glared darkly at the door for a moment. She was not happy with any of those answers. She wasn't going to bash this door down like some intemperate brute and then flee through the window like a common criminal. She glanced at the roof - do better, serpent.

Her eyes flashed crimson as she pulled herself to her full height. She took a breath and started to sing again, pressing her face against the door and letting her voice echo through the entire house. Low and seductive, up and down, as irresistible as the tide. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me, my little pony, come and see~

Artful and Gracious: 13. High Pride must come and meet me. Holding 2.

Ah, yes ... Well, good thinking.

Now, there was a bit of a pause before you heard her soft hoof-steps again. Another pause as they stopped on the other side of the door. "I hope you're not thinking I'll let you out, just 'cause I came back," she said through the door.

Huh. When Crystalshy had first burst in babbling, Eclipse had thought she was just hysterical, but...no, yeah, that's a dead pony in the storeroom with a bomb. Didn't get much more clear than that.

"Thank you for your help." She studied the calm, elderly zombie through the window. "Now get out of here; keep your head down until one of us comes for you." Once Crystalshy was clear, she took a steeling breath, and opened the storeroom door. "Morning. Room for one more in here?" she asked casually, taking a single step inside.

[Rolling to Read a Person: [roll0]]

"'Course, deary," the zombie croaked. Her knitting needles tapped as she spoke.

"Now, before ya ask," she said and gave a warning tap at her glowing horn with a knitting needle, then pointed at the identical glow pressing down the trigger of the bomb. "Ah can keep pressin' this thing fer years without tirin' - perk o' bein' dead 'n all - so don't none y'all worry. But if fer some reason or other mah magic should stop ... Ah'm sure y'all get the picture."

And then she was all back to grandmotherly smiles. "Now, what can Ah do ya fer?"

Snow Eyes raced forward, lowering her legs and pulling into a slide to land herself directly behind one of the sleds, then immediately turned and took her shot at the nearest mercenary. A cool blue aura surrounded her horn, but there was no sound as the magical bolt charged up. Snow Eyes had practiced this trick, and she could focus magic from her horn into a charged blast without any of the usual magical thrumming sound. As soon as it was ready, she popped over the sled and unleashed it on the closest mercenary. A perfect shot, he never knew what hit him. [that's using my 10 from go aggro before. I'm shooting him with my 3 harm silenced weapon.]

Cream of Crops went down in a spray of frozen blood. Two down, three to go.

"I'll get you for that, you piece of manure!" Ribcage shouted and opened fire in your direction, quickly backed up from above by Flycatcher. Bullets flew over your head, struck the ground around you, or rattled against the steel of the sleds. Thankfully you had good cover, and none of them hit you.

"You idiots! Stop shooting the sleds!" Curb, the last mercenary to catch up, shouted from her hidey-hole of ice where she had taken cover. "Get the hell down!"

They both dove for cover. Looked like it was down to trench warfare here. What now?

Oh if it isn't that creepy-flank undertaker Hushabye then it's somepony under her orders. That mare is bat-nut crazy and we haven't seen eye to eye since she went and broke in here and put Twisty Tail in a coffin when she was unconscious. I'd have a guard at my door if I could afford it so she wouldn't show up staring through my windows with those twisted beady eyes of hers whenever somepony comes in looking in bad shape. It's distracting. She hates it when I get somepony back on their hooves and I guess she finally snapped and decided to do away with my infirmary alltogether. This, of course, means war. Nopony threatens my lab!

She wasn't dead last I saw her though, but who knows what she gets up to in that creepy place with all those coffins and corpses...

Oh, her ... yes, of course. Delightful.

When Eclipse and Crystalshy left to go back to the storeroom, Angel immediately went to work on the bloody Bell Bottom. She assembled the cleaning spirits, gauzes and sutures but first of all she was suspicious enough of what else was wrong with Bell to narcostab her before she started to try to stop the bleeding with deft hooves and large amounts of gauze. Eclipse's blades sure had done their work on the mare and it would at the very least take a good few stitches to get this pony patched up.

[Spending 1 Stock of my Angel kit in trying to stabilise Bell Bottom: 9]

Even doped up on chillstabs, Bell Bottom kept twitching and kicking like a chicken without its head. At least she had stopped spewing blood and curses, and there didn't seem to be anypony home behind her eyes, but that didn't stop her body from living its own troublesome life.

Keeping her steady while operating was going to be a pain, and unless she could be made to stop kicking around she'd have to be restrained and under close observation for a day or two to prevent her from tearing the stitches.

[You're acting under fire]

2015-02-14, 08:35 AM
Ah, yes ... Well, good thinking.

Now, there was a bit of a pause before you heard her soft hoof-steps again. Another pause as they stopped on the other side of the door. "I hope you're not thinking I'll let you out, just 'cause I came back," she said through the door.

"I'm not thinking that," said Charger with a smile in her voice. "I'm thinking something entirely different."

She leaned up against the door and almost purred her words. "Would you like to know what I'm thinking?"

[1 hold: High Pride loves me]

2015-02-14, 08:46 AM
"'Course, deary," the zombie croaked. Her knitting needles tapped as she spoke.

"Now, before ya ask," she said and gave a warning tap at her glowing horn with a knitting needle, then pointed at the identical glow pressing down the trigger of the bomb. "Ah can keep pressin' this thing fer years without tirin' - perk o' bein' dead 'n all - so don't none y'all worry. But if fer some reason or other mah magic should stop ... Ah'm sure y'all get the picture."

And then she was all back to grandmotherly smiles. "Now, what can Ah do ya fer?"

A dead-pony's switch. Literally. Somepony was feeling creative this morning.

"There's a few things you could help clear up," she said, stepping into the room proper. She didn't dare sit down. "You're impressively active for being deceased, somepony's lent you a bomb by the looks of it, and you've forcibly chosen a doctor's storeroom for your teatime knitting."

She brushed some red snow from her coat. "Let's start with the last one; what brings you here today?"

[1 hold: What does the elderly zombie intend to do?]

2015-02-14, 11:30 AM
Cream of Crops went down in a spray of frozen blood. Two down, three to go.

"I'll get you for that, you piece of manure!" Ribcage shouted and opened fire in your direction, quickly backed up from above by Flycatcher. Bullets flew over your head, struck the ground around you, or rattled against the steel of the sleds. Thankfully you had good cover, and none of them hit you.

"You idiots! Stop shooting the sleds!" Curb, the last mercenary to catch up, shouted from her hidey-hole of ice where she had taken cover. "Get the hell down!"

They both dove for cover. Looked like it was down to trench warfare here. What now?

Snow Eyes gave a big smile. She had reached the sleds and the mercenaries had been kind enough to dig into their positions for her. What did she do now? Easy, she decided to see if they could keep up.

She had started a whole set of steam vents going off. That gave her a slope. And the sleds were mostly intact, dog teams and all. That meant all she needed was a catalyst. Fortunately, what she had was a pony in heavy armor. She gave the sleds a push and a shout of "mush doggies!" Then turned to the mercenaries, jumped up and shouted "come and get me boys!" Before jumping up and diving into the ground ahead of the sleds. As the resultant avalanche of half melted snow and ice sent herself and the sleds flying along the walls, she laughed, grabbed onto a sled with one hoof, and reloaded her guns with the other and her mouth.

2015-02-15, 03:02 AM
Even doped up on chillstabs, Bell Bottom kept twitching and kicking like a chicken without its head. At least she had stopped spewing blood and curses, and there didn't seem to be anypony home behind her eyes, but that didn't stop her body from living its own troublesome life.

Keeping her steady while operating was going to be a pain, and unless she could be made to stop kicking around she'd have to be restrained and under close observation for a day or two to prevent her from tearing the stitches.

[You're acting under fire]

While Angel was used to seeing a lot of things that would have most ponies fainting, this was new, and disturbing even for her. This twitching wasn't just creepy, it was making her job that much harder.

"Oh for crying out- Crystalshy! Get in here and help me hold her down!"

[Acting under fire: 9]

Also I'd like to get to the bottom of what else is wrong with Bell Bottom, aside from her blade wounds.]

2015-02-16, 04:14 AM
"I'm not thinking that," said Charger with a smile in her voice. "I'm thinking something entirely different."

She leaned up against the door and almost purred her words. "Would you like to know what I'm thinking?"

[1 hold: High Pride loves me]

D'aww, isn't that nice.

She went silent at that, but then she spoke again, now closer to the door. "Will you tell me?" You could almost hear her heart fluttering in her chest. Pony was crazy for you, whether she wanted to admit it or not. But of course, you knew that ...

A dead-pony's switch. Literally. Somepony was feeling creative this morning.

"There's a few things you could help clear up," she said, stepping into the room proper. She didn't dare sit down. "You're impressively active for being deceased, somepony's lent you a bomb by the looks of it, and you've forcibly chosen a doctor's storeroom for your teatime knitting."

She brushed some red snow from her coat. "Let's start with the last one; what brings you here today?"

[1 hold: What does the elderly zombie intend to do?]

"Why, thank ya, dearie," the zombie croaked at the compliment. Or what she took to be a compliment, at least. "Well, this is an infermary, ain't it? Ah thought to mahself, what better place fer one such as me to settle down? It's nice and cold, but it ain't windy. Keeps mah old bones fresh, it does, and mah mane from tanglin'. And Ah thought, ya must have the occasional pony what didn't make it and be needin' disposin'. They wouldn't be missin' their brains, now would they?

"So Ah said to mahself, I said, this would be a fine place fer me to live. 'Sides, maybe that grump of a doctor could find me a cure fer this here affliction, an' then Ah could go home."

Clearly she didn't count on that ever happening. Curing the Dead would be an achievement, to say the least. No, what she seemed to be doing was make a pest of herself. A dead and rotting pony sitting in the storage room, unmovable. Weeks, months, years ... she could sit here forever, doing nothing, and she plainly intended to. It would no doubt drive Angel insane, and that was the plan.

Snow Eyes gave a big smile. She had reached the sleds and the mercenaries had been kind enough to dig into their positions for her. What did she do now? Easy, she decided to see if they could keep up.

She had started a whole set of steam vents going off. That gave her a slope. And the sleds were mostly intact, dog teams and all. That meant all she needed was a catalyst. Fortunately, what she had was a pony in heavy armor. She gave the sleds a push and a shout of "mush doggies!" Then turned to the mercenaries, jumped up and shouted "come and get me boys!" Before jumping up and diving into the ground ahead of the sleds. As the resultant avalanche of half melted snow and ice sent herself and the sleds flying along the walls, she laughed, grabbed onto a sled with one hoof, and reloaded her guns with the other and her mouth.

Some of the dogs had been hit, and the others were in a frenzy, tearing at their lines and each other. It wasn't hard to cut the lines of the dead ones and get the others to move once the sled was righted back up ... the hard part would be to make them run in the right direction when they were panicking like this, but maybe Snow Eyes didn't worry too much about the "where", as long as it was "forward".

Tell me, are there any ponies left on the sled with you, or did they all fall off earlier?

While Angel was used to seeing a lot of things that would have most ponies fainting, this was new, and disturbing even for her. This twitching wasn't just creepy, it was making her job that much harder.

"Oh for crying out- Crystalshy! Get in here and help me hold her down!"

[Acting under fire: 9]

Also I'd like to get to the bottom of what else is wrong with Bell Bottom, aside from her blade wounds.]

Crystalshy was there in an instant. After having just let a crazy zombie pony with a bomb into the storage room, the poor pony was eager to prove herself a good and dependable helper. She grabbed Bell Bottom's hooves, trying to hold her still for you.

Operating wasn't easy, and the stitching wasn't pretty - this was gonna leave an ugly scar - but with Crystalshy's help, it progressed slowly. She'd need a blood transfusion, but really, that was to be expected.

What wasn't expected was the length of thin, silver wire suddenly sticking out of the wound. That definitely wasn't supposed to be there. Ponies had a lot of things, but thin metal wires weren't among them. You could try removing it - which may prove a bigger operation - or just stick it back in and continue stitching.

2015-02-16, 04:44 AM
Some of the dogs had been hit, and the others were in a frenzy, tearing at their lines and each other. It wasn't hard to cut the lines of the dead ones and get the others to move once the sled was righted back up ... the hard part would be to make them run in the right direction when they were panicking like this, but maybe Snow Eyes didn't worry too much about the "where", as long as it was "forward".

Anywhere was good. Not off the cliff into the city (though the initial snow melt meant they were probably below wall level unless they picked up enough speed to go over it via an uphill). More perpendicular to the walls, circling away from the mercenaries and around. At least, to the extent this sort of thing could be controlled.

Tell me, are there any ponies left on the sled with you, or did they all fall off earlier?

Pretty sure there were a couple still on the sleds, and if there were any nearby that weren't obvious corpses, Snow Eyes did her best to throw them on the sleds as she was getting them going.

2015-02-16, 09:55 AM
"Why, thank ya, dearie," the zombie croaked at the compliment. Or what she took to be a compliment, at least. "Well, this is an infermary, ain't it? Ah thought to mahself, what better place fer one such as me to settle down? It's nice and cold, but it ain't windy. Keeps mah old bones fresh, it does, and mah mane from tanglin'. And Ah thought, ya must have the occasional pony what didn't make it and be needin' disposin'. They wouldn't be missin' their brains, now would they?

"So Ah said to mahself, I said, this would be a fine place fer me to live. 'Sides, maybe that grump of a doctor could find me a cure fer this here affliction, an' then Ah could go home."

Clearly she didn't count on that ever happening. Curing the Dead would be an achievement, to say the least. No, what she seemed to be doing was make a pest of herself. A dead and rotting pony sitting in the storage room, unmovable. Weeks, months, years ... she could sit here forever, doing nothing, and she plainly intended to. It would no doubt drive Angel insane, and that was the plan.

Zombies for psychological warfare.

Did Eclipse mention how much she hated it when ponies got creative? Because this was the sort of nonsense that happened when ponies got creative.

"So, how do you know this 'grump of a doctor'?" she asked, eyes flitting over the bomb.

[1 hold: Is she telling the truth regarding the bomb's trigger mechanism?]

2015-02-16, 05:22 PM
D'aww, isn't that nice.

She went silent at that, but then she spoke again, now closer to the door. "Will you tell me?" You could almost hear her heart fluttering in her chest. Pony was crazy for you, whether she wanted to admit it or not. But of course, you knew that ...

"I was thinking," whispered Charger, "that you might like a bath."

[Last hold: High Pride must have my services]

2015-02-16, 08:52 PM
"I was thinking," whispered Charger, "that you might like a bath."

[Last hold: High Pride must have my services]

If you'll excuse the interruption, I've got a question; what services does Charger advertise? And what services does she offer?

2015-02-17, 04:58 AM
Crystalshy was there in an instant. After having just let a crazy zombie pony with a bomb into the storage room, the poor pony was eager to prove herself a good and dependable helper. She grabbed Bell Bottom's hooves, trying to hold her still for you.

Operating wasn't easy, and the stitching wasn't pretty - this was gonna leave an ugly scar - but with Crystalshy's help, it progressed slowly. She'd need a blood transfusion, but really, that was to be expected.

What wasn't expected was the length of thin, silver wire suddenly sticking out of the wound. That definitely wasn't supposed to be there. Ponies had a lot of things, but thin metal wires weren't among them. You could try removing it - which may prove a bigger operation - or just stick it back in and continue stitching.

Angel said nothing but this silver wire caught her attention so much she momentarily forgot about the bomb in her store room. She paused for a moment as she considered her options, her instinct told her this wire had no place in Bell unless it had been placed there by herself for medical reasons and she was fairly sure she'd have remembered such a procedure. She wondered just how much there was of this metal in poor Bell Bottom. One way or another it would have to come out.

"Hold on tight." She muttered to Crystalshy without looking up.

She tried a gentle tug on the wire to see if it would come out without a fight. If not, she'd go ahead and go in deeper to get it out.

2015-02-17, 06:04 AM
Anywhere was good. Not off the cliff into the city (though the initial snow melt meant they were probably below wall level unless they picked up enough speed to go over it via an uphill). More perpendicular to the walls, circling away from the mercenaries and around. At least, to the extent this sort of thing could be controlled.

The dogs' instinct was to get away from anything that looked or smelled like a threat. That included the mercenaries, and also the ponies who were now watching from the wall. The result was a curved line along and ultimately way from both.

Pretty sure there were a couple still on the sleds, and if there were any nearby that weren't obvious corpses, Snow Eyes did her best to throw them on the sleds as she was getting them going.

There were a few, wrapped up in coccoons of thick woolen blankets. Some were faintly trembling and their breaths were shallow clouds of mist in the cold, though none of them gave any response to being pushed around. One had been hit in the shoulder, but it didn't look fatal. Still, these ponies don't look so good to me.

Meanwhile, Flycatcher, the last little peggy of the mercenaries, was disappearing into some of the low-hanging clouds above. It was a great position for a sniper. The other two mercenaries hadn't moved from their position back there, from what you could tell.

Zombies for psychological warfare.

Did Eclipse mention how much she hated it when ponies got creative? Because this was the sort of nonsense that happened when ponies got creative.

"So, how do you know this 'grump of a doctor'?" she asked, eyes flitting over the bomb.

[1 hold: Is she telling the truth regarding the bomb's trigger mechanism?]

"Doesn't everypony?" the elderly zombie smiled a rotten smile. "She's the pony what made me dead, to 'put me out of mah misery'. She an' that ungrateful git of a son of mine. Well, he sold everything and moved away he did, but Ah thought I would let mah killer know Ah made it after all. No thanks to her."

The bomb and its mechanism were legit. She - or whoever had given it to her - probably figured that Angel, while not specifically an explosives expert, would be sharp enough to spot even a good fake, and that wouldn't do.

If you'll excuse the interruption, I've got a question; what services does Charger advertise? And what services does she offer?

Oh yes, good question. Let's hold a moment and hear your sale's speech.

Angel said nothing but this silver wire caught her attention so much she momentarily forgot about the bomb in her store room. She paused for a moment as she considered her options, her instinct told her this wire had no place in Bell unless it had been placed there by herself for medical reasons and she was fairly sure she'd have remembered such a procedure. She wondered just how much there was of this metal in poor Bell Bottom. One way or another it would have to come out.

"Hold on tight." She muttered to Crystalshy without looking up.

She tried a gentle tug on the wire to see if it would come out without a fight. If not, she'd go ahead and go in deeper to get it out.

Bell Bottom twitched and twisted around on the table as you tugged on the wire. Crystalshy did her best to hold her down, but the wire wasn't coming out so easily. Following it deeper in, it quickly became apparent that it had to be running all the way from somewhere in the body, up through the neck, to the head. And it wasn't alone in there. Digging around, you found two more, both of which had been cut when she was wounded. And that was only in the wounds Eclipse had given her. There could be others, twisting through her body like tiny veins of metal.

They all had to come from somewhere. And if this didn't have something or everything to do with her frothing and kicking ... well, you'd be the queen of rabbits.

2015-02-17, 07:30 AM
If you'll excuse the interruption, I've got a question; what services does Charger advertise? And what services does she offer?

She doesn't advertise or offer anything. She's not some two-dime hooker, reliant on others, transactional. No, her rules are very clear: She does what she wants, with who she wants, when she wants.

For those who she does want to be with, she makes those moments special, though it seems even then that it's because she wants it that way. Sometimes she gives massages, beauty treatment, exotic foods not seen since the snow started falling, intimate companionship. Her temptations are numerous and no one else can match them; other ponies might have hot water, but only Charger knows how to run a spa.

The key, though, is that Charger has a f*cking stranglehold on true beauty - warmth and companionship and joy. And, if you're lucky, and pretty, and brave, she might choose to share it with you for a while. As the line goes, 'Anything beautiful left in this ugly ass world, skinners hold it. Will they share it with you? What do you offer them?'

2015-02-17, 09:33 AM
She doesn't advertise or offer anything. She's not some two-dime hooker, reliant on others, transactional. No, her rules are very clear: She does what she wants, with who she wants, when she wants.

For those who she does want to be with, she makes those moments special, though it seems even then that it's because she wants it that way. Sometimes she gives massages, beauty treatment, exotic foods not seen since the snow started falling, intimate companionship. Her temptations are numerous and no one else can match them; other ponies might have hot water, but only Charger knows how to run a spa.

The key, though, is that Charger has a f*cking stranglehold on true beauty - warmth and companionship and joy. And, if you're lucky, and pretty, and brave, she might choose to share it with you for a while. As the line goes, 'Anything beautiful left in this ugly ass world, skinners hold it. Will they share it with you? What do you offer them?'

I see no mention of your more mechanically-minded services in there, which is answer enough in my book. Everypony knows what it is you really do, but they can't afford to get rid of you for what they sometimes ask you to do.

Carry on, no more questions for now.

"Doesn't everypony?" the elderly zombie smiled a rotten smile. "She's the pony what made me dead, to 'put me out of mah misery'. She an' that ungrateful git of a son of mine. Well, he sold everything and moved away he did, but Ah thought I would let mah killer know Ah made it after all. No thanks to her."

The bomb and its mechanism were legit. She - or whoever had given it to her - probably figured that Angel, while not specifically an explosives expert, would be sharp enough to spot even a good fake, and that wouldn't do.

"And whoever helped you 'make it' also gave lend of that little wonder," she motioned towards the bomb. "It's a wonder you didn't settle down at their place; they seem friend enough to me."

2015-02-17, 11:20 AM
You know the worst thing about being a sniper? Trying to line up a shot when somepony better and faster than you already knew your position. Snow Eyes was tired of death though. She leveled her own weapon, now reloaded, at the exact spot where the Pegasus would need to peak out of the clouds and spoke loudly and clearly, her voice echoing above the din of flying sleds and crashing snow.

"Little merc, whatever you're being paid, you can't spend it if you're dead. Take your buddies and clear out now, and tell your boss that ambushing sled teams isn't a good use of her cash. She can come talk to Snow Eyes herself if she disagrees. Otherwise, I blow your brains out."

[Go Aggro [roll0]]

2015-02-17, 05:44 PM
Bell Bottom twitched and twisted around on the table as you tugged on the wire. Crystalshy did her best to hold her down, but the wire wasn't coming out so easily. Following it deeper in, it quickly became apparent that it had to be running all the way from somewhere in the body, up through the neck, to the head. And it wasn't alone in there. Digging around, you found two more, both of which had been cut when she was wounded. And that was only in the wounds Eclipse had given her. There could be others, twisting through her body like tiny veins of metal.

They all had to come from somewhere. And if this didn't have something or everything to do with her frothing and kicking ... well, you'd be the queen of rabbits.

Images of little pony puppets on strings came to mind.

Angel froze in her movements when she realised the sheer extent of this... 'infection'. Her rational side argued how impossible all this was while her more pragmatic side was less inclined to question what was clearly straight in front of her. No matter what, though, this was unsettling and strange. She felt the need for a different perspective.

Jade Sun carefully put down the scalpel and the suture pack. She placed her hooves on the side of the cot, supporting herself where she stood on her hind hooves, and closed her eyes.

[Opening my brain using sixth sense: Why is Bell Bottom laced with metal?: 8]

2015-02-18, 05:50 PM
"I was thinking," whispered Charger, "that you might like a bath."

[Last hold: High Pride must have my services]

Oh, she would like that. She would like that so very much.

But she wasn't born yesterday either.

She leaned up against the door and purred, "You've got a place in mind, sweet Charger? Surely not in my old pa's bathroom. Can you imagine anywhere with worse atmosphere?"

"And whoever helped you 'make it' also gave lend of that little wonder," she motioned towards the bomb. "It's a wonder you didn't settle down at their place; they seem friend enough to me."

The zombie smiled a rotten smile. "And what would Ah do there? Assumin' of course that I didn't make it all on mah own, without anypony's help. Safe among friends is not where you get things done, or do ya disagree?"

You know the worst thing about being a sniper? Trying to line up a shot when somepony better and faster than you already knew your position. Snow Eyes was tired of death though. She leveled her own weapon, now reloaded, at the exact spot where the Pegasus would need to peak out of the clouds and spoke loudly and clearly, her voice echoing above the din of flying sleds and crashing snow.

"Little merc, whatever you're being paid, you can't spend it if you're dead. Take your buddies and clear out now, and tell your boss that ambushing sled teams isn't a good use of her cash. She can come talk to Snow Eyes herself if she disagrees. Otherwise, I blow your brains out."

[Go Aggro [roll0]]

The pegasus poked her rifle through a cloud and saw you pointing in her general direction already. Surprised that you had somehow divined her location, she didn't stick around to listen or heed your warning, instead disappearing swiftly back behind the cloud cover. Your shot tore through the clouds a little off from where she had been, and you heard a distant grunt as it struck some part of her, but with all that gray fluff it was difficult to land a good hit.

And then she had vanished completely in the dense cloud cover once more. While you had seen her when she flew up there and probably got lucky pinning her down the first time, she could have moved to just about anywhere in that gray sky now. From the ground it wasn't easy to tell where she might be. While the shot had hit her, you didn't think it too likely that she was dead or slowly bleeding out on some cloud up there. So unless she had turned tail and flown off without a word, she could be preparing to line up another shot even now.

She chose to suck it up. Clouds give cover for 1-armor, and all the mercenaries wear 1-armor except for their leader (Curb) who wears 2-armor. I shall endeavor to be better at showing my math in the future, and also (as always) better at establishing the details of a scene. That's something I continue to struggle with.

3-harm minus a total of 2-armor: 1 harm total

Images of little pony puppets on strings came to mind.

Angel froze in her movements when she realised the sheer extent of this... 'infection'. Her rational side argued how impossible all this was while her more pragmatic side was less inclined to question what was clearly straight in front of her. No matter what, though, this was unsettling and strange. She felt the need for a different perspective.

Jade Sun carefully put down the scalpel and the suture pack. She placed her hooves on the side of the cot, supporting herself where she stood on her hind hooves, and closed her eyes.

[Opening my brain using sixth sense: Why is Bell Bottom laced with metal?: 8]

Strange and unsettling.

Creepy. Crawling, perhaps, yes?

You could have sworn something just crawled up your spine on swift little legs - way too many legs - and disappeared into your mane. It was in there, hiding in your hairs, tickling and moving all over your head. Things were crawling under you skin, prickling your nerves ...

Nerves, the body's web of electrical impulses, and at its center, fat and bloated ... the puppet master behind your ears.

Tell me, how do you feel about itty bitty spiders?

2015-02-18, 06:14 PM
The pegasus poked her rifle through a cloud and saw you pointing in her general direction already. Surprised that you had somehow divined her location, she didn't stick around to listen or heed your warning, instead disappearing swiftly back behind the cloud cover. Your shot tore through the clouds a little off from where she had been, and you heard a distant grunt as it struck some part of her, but with all that gray fluff it was difficult to land a good hit.

And then she had vanished completely in the dense cloud cover once more. While you had seen her when she flew up there and probably got lucky pinning her down the first time, she could have moved to just about anywhere in that gray sky now. From the ground it wasn't easy to tell where she might be. While the shot had hit her, you didn't think it too likely that she was dead or slowly bleeding out on some cloud up there. So unless she had turned tail and flown off without a word, she could be preparing to line up another shot even now.

She chose to suck it up. Clouds give cover for 1-armor, and all the mercenaries wear 1-armor except for their leader (Curb) who wears 2-armor. I shall endeavor to be better at showing my math in the future, and also (as always) better at establishing the details of a scene. That's something I continue to struggle with.

3-harm minus a total of 2-armor: 1 harm total

Hmm, pity she was so far out. Still, there wasn't much else to do right now. "Mush doggies mush" as she got the sleds going as fast as possible. She needed to get around the city and away from the flatlands. The terrain got more rugged on the other side, and that would give her a chance to either get into the city under cover or go to ground somewhere and take the remaining mercs by surprise.

Honestly, she was surprised that they even pushed this far. She'd killed 2 and wounded a third out of 5 mercs. Usually, ponies that fought for money wanted to live to spend that money. Snow Eyes grinned broadly. Their employer obviously had a lot of interest in this matter. She'd just have to take one alive.

2015-02-18, 07:18 PM
Oh, she would like that. She would like that so very much.

But she wasn't born yesterday either.

She leaned up against the door and purred, "You've got a place in mind, sweet Charger? Surely not in my old pa's bathroom. Can you imagine anywhere with worse atmosphere?"

"Wherever you want," said Charger. "Surprise me."

2015-02-18, 11:36 PM
The zombie smiled a rotten smile. "And what would Ah do there? Assumin' of course that I didn't make it all on mah own, without anypony's help. Safe among friends is not where you get things done, or do ya disagree?"

"...no, can't say that I disagree," Eclipse admitted with a short sigh. She'd heard enough. "Ma'am, you know you're going to have to answer for what you've done. You knew that when you strapped on a bomb, no plan of yours was going to survive." She stood ready, but made no motion to draw either of her weapons. Not yet.

[Final hold: How can I get her to give me the bomb peacefully?]

2015-02-19, 04:53 AM
Strange and unsettling.

Creepy. Crawling, perhaps, yes?

You could have sworn something just crawled up your spine on swift little legs - way too many legs - and disappeared into your mane. It was in there, hiding in your hairs, tickling and moving all over your head. Things were crawling under you skin, prickling your nerves ...

Nerves, the body's web of electrical impulses, and at its center, fat and bloated ... the puppet master behind your ears.

Tell me, how do you feel about itty bitty spiders?

Spiders? Oh they have their place in the world like most creatures. I don't have a phobia but I wouldn't keep one as a pet either. Then again, I wouldn't keep a pet of any kind, to be honest. I have enough on my hooves. So, nothing against spiders. Itty bitty or otherwise. But... that's normal spiders. Your run-of-the-mill hairy skinny little things with intricate webs that look pretty in the morning dew. Not creepy whatevers that spin metal webs inside ponies. Those... no, I do not like those.


Angel's eyes shot open to a huge wide-eyed alarmed stare. The next second she threw herself away from the cot and started aimlessly dashing around the room on hind hooves while furiously rummaging through her mane.

"Get it out. Get it out! Getitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitout!"

She threw herself on the floor, rolling around and rubbing her mane against the floor. Got up, bucked, rummaged through her mane again and shook her head and mane as fiercely as she could.

"Get it off me! Don't just stand there Crystalshy! Get this f*cking spider off me!"

2015-02-23, 04:10 AM
Hmm, pity she was so far out. Still, there wasn't much else to do right now. "Mush doggies mush" as she got the sleds going as fast as possible. She needed to get around the city and away from the flatlands. The terrain got more rugged on the other side, and that would give her a chance to either get into the city under cover or go to ground somewhere and take the remaining mercs by surprise.

Honestly, she was surprised that they even pushed this far. She'd killed 2 and wounded a third out of 5 mercs. Usually, ponies that fought for money wanted to live to spend that money. Snow Eyes grinned broadly. Their employer obviously had a lot of interest in this matter. She'd just have to take one alive.

You weren't shot at, so either the mercs weren't following, or the pegasus was only watching - for now - from afar. There were still two sleds and however many ponies you had left back there with the two mercs. You could enter the city at another gate, or turn around somewhere, with or without the sled. Going through the city would take longer, give them more time, maybe even let them get away with what they'd got. But it would allow you to unload your passengers somewhere safe, perhaps with Angel.

The choice is yours. What do you do?

"Wherever you want," said Charger. "Surprise me."

High Pride was silent for a moment, but when she spoke she sounded smug. "As you wish. Meet me at the Stone Oak in the Gardens tomorrow, and I'll show you a little place. I'll know when you're there.

"I'll give the key to your little pet robot, once I'm out of here."

Oh yes, where did you leave your pet?

"...no, can't say that I disagree," Eclipse admitted with a short sigh. She'd heard enough. "Ma'am, you know you're going to have to answer for what you've done. You knew that when you strapped on a bomb, no plan of yours was going to survive." She stood ready, but made no motion to draw either of her weapons. Not yet.

[Final hold: How can I get her to give me the bomb peacefully?]

"Ah see mah plan workin' just fine," the old zombie said, unimpressed. "Either Ah get away wit' it and sit here until Ah feel like Ah've had enough revenge on Miss Angel. Or Ah blow up her place an' have mah revenge all the sooner. Ah can't lose."

She didn't seem like she was bluffing, but perhaps there was somepony she wanted to get at more than Angel. She had mentioned her son, but he had moved away, perhaps beyond her reach, and she had gone for the "next best thing" by targeting Angel. Perhaps she had given up hope that she could find her son and get back at him, and this was why she didn't mind blowing herself up.

But if she had hope of getting her hooves on her son instead, maybe she would reconsider the whole blowing herself up. Even a zombie won't survive being blown to pieces, and why waste her one chance on the "next best thing" if she can have the thing she really wants, yes?

Angel's eyes shot open to a huge wide-eyed alarmed stare. The next second she threw herself away from the cot and started aimlessly dashing around the room on hind hooves while furiously rummaging through her mane.

"Get it out. Get it out! Getitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitout!"

She threw herself on the floor, rolling around and rubbing her mane against the floor. Got up, bucked, rummaged through her mane again and shook her head and mane as fiercely as she could.

"Get it off me! Don't just stand there Crystalshy! Get this f*cking spider off me!"

Crystalshy tried her best, poor thing, but it wasn't easy to help a pony who was jumping around and shaking her mane like that. "Um, Angel, I don't see any spider," she said after a few moments of dancing around, trying to get a look.

2015-02-23, 05:43 AM
High Pride was silent for a moment, but when she spoke she sounded smug. "As you wish. Meet me at the Stone Oak in the Gardens tomorrow, and I'll show you a little place. I'll know when you're there.

"I'll give the key to your little pet robot, once I'm out of here."

Oh yes, where did you leave your pet?

"Fine. Are you going to make me buck this door down or what?" said Charger reproachfully.

And why shouldn't High Pride let her out now? She was giving her everything she asked for. She was clearly in control here.

[Seduce/Manipulate: 9. I think I am acting on the advice of my much earlier read a sitch, though, with regards to bucking down the door and making a big commotion which should push this to a 10. Up to you!]

2015-02-23, 06:37 AM
"Fine. Are you going to make me buck this door down or what?" said Charger reproachfully.

And why shouldn't High Pride let her out now? She was giving her everything she asked for. She was clearly in control here.

[Seduce/Manipulate: 9. I think I am acting on the advice of my much earlier read a sitch, though, with regards to bucking down the door and making a big commotion which should push this to a 10. Up to you!]

She was just going to let you wait a minute or two until your robot got here with the key. To give herself time to leave, and maybe a little bit for her own amusement. High Pride evidently liked to be in control, and to watch you stew.

"Mare, you are impatient! You must really want to see me again. I'll open the door now, since you can't wait even two minutes, so long as you don't try anything and don't follow me," she relented.

2015-02-23, 07:05 AM
She was just going to let you wait a minute or two until your robot got here with the key. To give herself time to leave, and maybe a little bit for her own amusement. High Pride evidently liked to be in control, and to watch you stew.

"Mare, you are impatient! You must really want to see me again. I'll open the door now, since you can't wait even two minutes, so long as you don't try anything and don't follow me," she relented.

Charger opened the door.

As the door swung open, she reached for her scarf.

She slowly pulled it away from her throat, smiling as she stepped forwards.

The curve of her neck, revealed by inches, was fascinating. The softest shade of brown, somewhere between gold and chocolate, that ached with the faint scent of waffles sugar-crisped on a morning when the sun was more than a memory.

She was smiling as the scarf came off, pink and patchwork, like a home-made ribbon.

She was smiling as her hoof wrapped around High Pride's neck.

She was smiling as the dial on her wrist started to whine.


In a single, sudden flash electricity pulsed through High Pride's body, electrocuting her instantly into unconsciousness.

Charger caught her before she hit the floor. She lifted her up - unicorns were always so delicate - and lay her over her own back. She straightened up, carrying the unconscious mare.

She glanced backwards, once, darkly. She pulled her scarf back into place.

And she started carrying High Pride away, heading home.

2015-02-23, 08:12 AM
"Ah see mah plan workin' just fine," the old zombie said, unimpressed. "Either Ah get away wit' it and sit here until Ah feel like Ah've had enough revenge on Miss Angel. Or Ah blow up her place an' have mah revenge all the sooner. Ah can't lose."

She didn't seem like she was bluffing, but perhaps there was somepony she wanted to get at more than Angel. She had mentioned her son, but he had moved away, perhaps beyond her reach, and she had gone for the "next best thing" by targeting Angel. Perhaps she had given up hope that she could find her son and get back at him, and this was why she didn't mind blowing herself up.

But if she had hope of getting her hooves on her son instead, maybe she would reconsider the whole blowing herself up. Even a zombie won't survive being blown to pieces, and why waste her one chance on the "next best thing" if she can have the thing she really wants, yes?

Eclipse breathed out a billowing cloud of vapor. The temperature plummeted.

"Ma'am...you've already lost."

Ice crunched beneath her hooves, blossoming out as she stepped forward.

"You threatened innocent lives. You threaten even more with this stunt. And now you're trapped. In here. With me."

She snapped her wings, and the ice-blades cracked into existence.

"You've lost your revenge; this is your last chance for justice. Listen well, answer truly."

She towered over the zombie, filling her vision totally.

"What is your son's name? What does he look like? What, exactly, did he take from you?"

[Rolling Towering Presence, acting on Read a Person: [roll0]]

2015-02-23, 08:52 AM
Crystalshy tried her best, poor thing, but it wasn't easy to help a pony who was jumping around and shaking her mane like that. "Um, Angel, I don't see any spider," she said after a few moments of dancing around, trying to get a look.

Angel eventually stopped, coming to stand in the middle of the infirmary, hooves wide, panting and with a positively wild look on her face. She turned slowly and looked at Bell with both fascination and trepidation.

"Shame she isn't dead." She muttered to herself, "an autopsy would have been quicker." She returned to Bell Bottom's side, "and easier."

She took a moment to think this through carefully. She was loathed to let a pony die under her care and there really was no telling Bell would survive a surgery as extensive as she suspected this required.

"But we're going to have to try." She decided with a firm nod. "'Shy, prep for surgery. I'll get the blood packs. And where the hell is Snow Kicker?!" This metal was coming out of Bell Bottom one way or the other and it was coming out now.

2015-02-23, 11:18 AM
Uh-uh, I'm not making a choice there. Here's how this is going down. Those other sleds and ponies, they all got moved, I set off an avalanche in that whole area, so the mercs can't just pick them up and leave. So my current set is clear, yeah? Cool. I set a course for my current sled to fly right up to the gates on the far side of the wall and I shout real loud to the guards thst it's coming in and these ponies need help. Nod to the dogs for their loyal service, and then leap off the sled and turn around.

I sneak back, the return trip is a pony all in white walking over the snow, even the little Pegasus in the clouds loses track of me when I slip around some snow drifts and change my angle if approach. Just white on white. Then I get there, the mercs on the ground don't even see me, and I line up my gem blaster to take them both out.

We cool?

2015-02-24, 06:27 PM
Charger caught her before she hit the floor. She lifted her up - unicorns were always so delicate - and lay her over her own back. She straightened up, carrying the unconscious mare.

She glanced backwards, once, darkly. She pulled her scarf back into place.

And she started carrying High Pride away, heading home.

Straight home, through the open streets, with an electrocuted unicorn on your back? Or do you take a different road?

Eclipse breathed out a billowing cloud of vapor. The temperature plummeted.

"Ma'am...you've already lost."

Ice crunched beneath her hooves, blossoming out as she stepped forward.

"You threatened innocent lives. You threaten even more with this stunt. And now you're trapped. In here. With me."

She snapped her wings, and the ice-blades cracked into existence.

"You've lost your revenge; this is your last chance for justice. Listen well, answer truly."

She towered over the zombie, filling her vision totally.

"What is your son's name? What does he look like? What, exactly, did he take from you?"

[Rolling Towering Presence, acting on Read a Person: [roll0]]

"Ye're daft. Ah ain't trapped, and Ah ain't losin' any revenge by blowin' the both of us up moment ya try anythin'." Yet she did hesitate at the mention of her son and justice. "What he take from me? Ah told ya, he took me life and left me in the grave!"

She lay aside her knitting, and her voice took on a tone of melancholy. "Moss Spring, mah boy. Always loved the gardens. Worked some real wonders there too, until he up and left for greener pastures. He was always a tall boy, green coat like the kinda moss ya ain't seen since the snow first fell. Not many green-hooves have real green hooves like mah boy. Had a Cutie Mark of a mossy stone with a red and yellow flower."

Angel eventually stopped, coming to stand in the middle of the infirmary, hooves wide, panting and with a positively wild look on her face. She turned slowly and looked at Bell with both fascination and trepidation.

"Shame she isn't dead." She muttered to herself, "an autopsy would have been quicker." She returned to Bell Bottom's side, "and easier."

She took a moment to think this through carefully. She was loathed to let a pony die under her care and there really was no telling Bell would survive a surgery as extensive as she suspected this required.

"But we're going to have to try." She decided with a firm nod. "'Shy, prep for surgery. I'll get the blood packs. And where the hell is Snow Kicker?!" This metal was coming out of Bell Bottom one way or the other and it was coming out now.

Well, where would Snow Kicker be this time of day? Is her absence unusual, or just be cause she - too - likes to sleep in?

Sounds like you're determined to get to the bottom of this. Since you're not doing an autopsy and can't just cut her into tiny pieces as you like, you're going to need a way to scan her entire body and map out all the metal hidden in there, or it's going to take you forever and end up being a crap job.

Uh-uh, I'm not making a choice there. Here's how this is going down. Those other sleds and ponies, they all got moved, I set off an avalanche in that whole area, so the mercs can't just pick them up and leave. So my current set is clear, yeah? Cool. I set a course for my current sled to fly right up to the gates on the far side of the wall and I shout real loud to the guards thst it's coming in and these ponies need help. Nod to the dogs for their loyal service, and then leap off the sled and turn around.

I sneak back, the return trip is a pony all in white walking over the snow, even the little Pegasus in the clouds loses track of me when I slip around some snow drifts and change my angle if approach. Just white on white. Then I get there, the mercs on the ground don't even see me, and I line up my gem blaster to take them both out.

We cool?

Anyway, acting under fire: [roll0]

The bastards hadn't been idle while you were racing in a circle around the city. Their leader, clad in old steel armor, had been peppering the area with mines and caltrops, while the other merc had raced ahead after the two sleds and had just caught up with them by the time you got back.

Thankfully, you easily evaded the traps laid out for you, and had no doubt escaped the notice of the sniper above as well, for the moment. The two mercs on the ground were a fair distance apart. Who do you take out first? Not going to make a big difference, just consider me a curious old snake.

2015-02-24, 06:42 PM
Thankfully, you easily evaded the traps laid out for you, and had no doubt escaped the notice of the sniper above as well, for the moment. The two mercs on the ground were a fair distance apart. Who do you take out first? Not going to make a big difference, just consider me a curious old snake.

How far apart are we talking here? My gem blaster is an area weapon, so if I can catch them both in a blast, that's plan A. If not, I'll go for the one that looks like he's in charge.

2015-02-24, 06:43 PM
Straight home, through the open streets, with an electrocuted unicorn on your back? Or do you take a different road?

Absolutely. I pull her hood forward over her face so it's not obvious who it is but otherwise I just go home without so much as a suspicious look. No shame, no caution, just pure confidence.

2015-02-24, 09:22 PM
"Ye're daft. Ah ain't trapped, and Ah ain't losin' any revenge by blowin' the both of us up moment ya try anythin'." Yet she did hesitate at the mention of her son and justice. "What he take from me? Ah told ya, he took me life and left me in the grave!"

She lay aside her knitting, and her voice took on a tone of melancholy. "Moss Spring, mah boy. Always loved the gardens. Worked some real wonders there too, until he up and left for greener pastures. He was always a tall boy, green coat like the kinda moss ya ain't seen since the snow first fell. Not many green-hooves have real green hooves like mah boy. Had a Cutie Mark of a mossy stone with a red and yellow flower."

"Do you have any other family? Friends? Neighbors? Anything you didn't get a chance to tell them?" she continued unflinchingly.

2015-02-25, 05:26 AM
Well, where would Snow Kicker be this time of day? Is her absence unusual, or just be cause she - too - likes to sleep in?

Sounds like you're determined to get to the bottom of this. Since you're not doing an autopsy and can't just cut her into tiny pieces as you like, you're going to need a way to scan her entire body and map out all the metal hidden in there, or it's going to take you forever and end up being a crap job.

Sadly, no, it's not that unusual. She's never been as conscientious as Crystalshy and frequently comes trotting in here bold as brass, delicious-smelling coffee in hoof, at some shameful point during the morning. It was cause for much irritation to Angel and the root of many arguments, but fact remained she was no better with mornings than Snow Kicker herself, and the young pony did tend to stay on late when emergency called for it. Even Angel's hypocrisy only went so far so despite never ending sarcastic remarks and outright arguments, the thought of firing Snow Kicker hadn't even occurred to her. Besides, Snow Kicker was a bright little pony and was often of great help... when she finally showed up.


"On second thought..." She said, holding up a hoof to stop Crystalshy in her tracks.

She weighed the situation again. Bell would not come out of this pretty if she just carved her way through to get it all out. If the impression she had seen was anything to go by, she would end up cutting her to pieces. She would probably end up not only scarred for life but quite possibly disabled too. If she survived at all. She really did need to get this stuff out and analyse it but going in blind was not the rational thing to do.

"No. Let's finish patching her up for now, and give her some blood." She dropped a blood pack in Crystalshy's hoof. "We're going to need to plan this surgery a bit more carefully before we go in. Right now she needs time to fully stabilise."

She returned to finish up her work on patching up Bell Bottom's wounds as she thought everything over. She decided to pay Scrapper a visit when she was done, that pony had all kinds of strange stuff, perhaps there was something there that could help.

2015-02-25, 06:03 PM
How far apart are we talking here? My gem blaster is an area weapon, so if I can catch them both in a blast, that's plan A. If not, I'll go for the one that looks like he's in charge.

They're too far apart to get them both in the same blast. Which is good, no? Because one of them is standing right next to the two sleds. Not the apparent leader, of course. All that armor is a bit heavy, and she's being cautious, watching her back and her flanks as she retreats towards the two sleds.

For all the good it does her.

She up and vanishes in a blossoming explosion of metal and bone fragments, copious amounts of snow and ice, and a rain of blood. The city shakes from the reverberating boom of your weapon.

The other merc, by the two sleds, spins around at the explosion, wide-eyed and sees his boss blown to a fine paste. He promptly throws down his weapon - and himself - in surrender.

Still no sign of the pegasus.

What do you do?

[4-harm +1 merciless -2 armor = 3 harm. Pony is dead.]

Absolutely. I pull her hood forward over her face so it's not obvious who it is but otherwise I just go home without so much as a suspicious look. No shame, no caution, just pure confidence.

Naturally. Everypony knows what a guilty pony looks like, and it's nothing like this. If anypony paid any attention at all, most probably assumed she was drunk off her hooves and needed a good friend to carry her home. Not an uncommon sight in this Winterland, where a little sip of the cider is what keeps a lot of ponies going.

So you get home. What next?

"Do you have any other family? Friends? Neighbors? Anything you didn't get a chance to tell them?" she continued unflinchingly.

"Mauve Mittens, she was a friend. Don't rightly have anythin' to say to her. Deaf as a door that one. Nope, Ah'm good. Ya think Ah'd blow mahself up without takin' care o' business first? Whatcha take me for?"

"On second thought..." She said, holding up a hoof to stop Crystalshy in her tracks.

She weighed the situation again. Bell would not come out of this pretty if she just carved her way through to get it all out. If the impression she had seen was anything to go by, she would end up cutting her to pieces. She would probably end up not only scarred for life but quite possibly disabled too. If she survived at all. She really did need to get this stuff out and analyse it but going in blind was not the rational thing to do.

"No. Let's finish patching her up for now, and give her some blood." She dropped a blood pack in Crystalshy's hoof. "We're going to need to plan this surgery a bit more carefully before we go in. Right now she needs time to fully stabilise."

She returned to finish up her work on patching up Bell Bottom's wounds as she thought everything over. She decided to pay Scrapper a visit when she was done, that pony had all kinds of strange stuff, perhaps there was something there that could help.

Bell Bottom was still twitching and kicking, but Crystalshy was there again to hold her still for you. Near the end of the stitching, Snow Kicker showed up with a bag of fresh bread and coffee. "Can you believe I got this for free? Stallion who gave it to me said 'Thanks for taking care of Bell.'

"Also, there's a sled full of ponies outside. I told the guards we'd take care of them. Whole bunch looks to be in a coma from sugar shock, and one got shot in the shoulder but will live. I hope you haven't used up all the insulin since yesterday, because they say more may be coming."

When it rains it pours.

2015-02-25, 06:28 PM
Naturally. Everypony knows what a guilty pony looks like, and it's nothing like this. If anypony paid any attention at all, most probably assumed she was drunk off her hooves and needed a good friend to carry her home. Not an uncommon sight in this Winterland, where a little sip of the cider is what keeps a lot of ponies going.

So you get home. What next?

When High Pride woke up she was hanging upside-down from the ceiling, tied tight in rope and with a metal limiter on her horn.

The room she was in was nice; Charger had done up the farm basement tastefully. There were a number of ferns surrounding something that bordered between a bath and a pool. There were sliding paper panels, comfortable furniture, and soft lighting from strange square-shaped paper lamps. It had the totally relaxed atmosphere of a private spa.

Charger was sitting by the pool, glancing to and from her reflection as she carefully brushed her coat. Not with vanity, more like with the intense concentration of somepony who knew exactly what result she wanted to get out of this process.

2015-02-25, 06:28 PM
"Oh, finally a sensible one. You're the egg head of the group, aren't'cha?" I keep my weapon pointed at the fellow and I talk to him, nice and casual, cool as the ice around us. "Now, here's what's happening. Your pal up in the clouds is hurt, but not dead. So you and she are gonna leave here now, go back to whoever hired you, and tell them that if they've got a problem with sled trains into Windbreak, they can bring it up with Snow Eyes. If you don't, I blow your brains out and then shoot your little pegasus when she gets hungry and has to break cloud cover."

[Going aggro. [roll0]

2015-02-25, 11:36 PM
"Mauve Mittens, she was a friend. Don't rightly have anythin' to say to her. Deaf as a door that one. Nope, Ah'm good. Ya think Ah'd blow mahself up without takin' care o' business first? Whatcha take me for?"

"I don't know; why don't you tell me?" Eclipse asked, leaning in closer as if she could somehow taste the lies on her rotten breath. "What's your name? And what's the name of the pony who raised you?"

2015-02-26, 04:57 AM
Bell Bottom was still twitching and kicking, but Crystalshy was there again to hold her still for you. Near the end of the stitching, Snow Kicker showed up with a bag of fresh bread and coffee. "Can you believe I got this for free? Stallion who gave it to me said 'Thanks for taking care of Bell.'

"Also, there's a sled full of ponies outside. I told the guards we'd take care of them. Whole bunch looks to be in a coma from sugar shock, and one got shot in the shoulder but will live. I hope you haven't used up all the insulin since yesterday, because they say more may be coming."

When it rains it pours.

Angel didn't look up from her work when she heard Snow Kicker arrive but the usual mental debate still played out in her mind on whether she had the energy to kick off.

The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread seem to be kryptonite against Angel's surly mood however and she felt her annoyance at Snow Kicker's late arrival melt away with a single deep sniff. Her stomach rumbled emphatically.

"Better eat it before that stallion changes his mind." Jade Sun muttered as she tied off the last stitch and put the needle and other equipment she'd been using away.

"Bell Bottom is far from out of the woods. We have something new on our hooves, and it's unlike anything I've seen before. It's like some kind of metallic parasite with tentacles extending throughout her body. I've stabilised her for now but we need to get it out and it won't be easy."

She turned around and eyed the food with obvious greed, then she snapped out of her hunger-daze and looked outside at the pile of unconscious ponies and her good mood was gone as quickly as it came.

"What in the frozen hell?! Sugar shock? What the f*ck is going on?!" At this rate she'd be cleaned out without so much as a chillstab to her name by lunchtime! She let out a furious snort, tossed her head and stomped her hoof. She was going to have words about this. But first she needed to get some kind of control of this snowforsaken mess. She opened the door and looked once more at the pile of ponies.

"We're gonna need a bigger infirmary." She remarked. "Crystalshy, when you're done tying Bell down securely, get whatever blanket, towel or whatever together, these ponies are pretty frosty. Also, get the damn insulin. Snow Kicker, hide that food somewhere secure and help me get these bloody ponies inside." She kicked a rock against the front door to keep it open, with unnecessary ferocity. "Right, triage."

With that she got going, picking whatever pony was closest first and then assessing their condition one by one as they were brought inside the increasingly cramped infirmary. The infirmary soon ran out of space and ponies spilled in to her living rooms much to Angel's ever-growing annoyance. She positively seethed when they had to put a couple of them in her own bed.

So, who were these ponies, and what was wrong with them?

2015-02-26, 06:24 AM
When High Pride woke up she was hanging upside-down from the ceiling, tied tight in rope and with a metal limiter on her horn.

The room she was in was nice; Charger had done up the farm basement tastefully. There were a number of ferns surrounding something that bordered between a bath and a pool. There were sliding paper panels, comfortable furniture, and soft lighting from strange square-shaped paper lamps. It had the totally relaxed atmosphere of a private spa.

Charger was sitting by the pool, glancing to and from her reflection as she carefully brushed her coat. Not with vanity, more like with the intense concentration of somepony who knew exactly what result she wanted to get out of this process.

High Pride woke slowly, then jerked violently as her body remembered the shock. A moment later she came down a bit, and her mind began to catch up. She struggled for a time against her bonds, then finally went limp with a prolonged sigh. She just hung there, despondent.

"Oh, finally a sensible one. You're the egg head of the group, aren't'cha?" I keep my weapon pointed at the fellow and I talk to him, nice and casual, cool as the ice around us. "Now, here's what's happening. Your pal up in the clouds is hurt, but not dead. So you and she are gonna leave here now, go back to whoever hired you, and tell them that if they've got a problem with sled trains into Windbreak, they can bring it up with Snow Eyes. If you don't, I blow your brains out and then shoot your little pegasus when she gets hungry and has to break cloud cover."

[Going aggro. [roll0]

The merc nodded his head frantically and scrambled away, then turned and ran like hell. Whether he was going to do as you told, or just get as far away as possible and drink himself into a stupor ... well, who knows? But run he did.

"I don't know; why don't you tell me?" Eclipse asked, leaning in closer as if she could somehow taste the lies on her rotten breath. "What's your name? And what's the name of the pony who raised you?"

"Honey Mead, if ya must know it. And Ah didn't get her name, or see her face. You know how these necromares dress 'emselves up," the old zombie croaked, glaring back at you. "And do take a step back, ma'am," her magic flickered threateningly. "Don't want any accidents."

"Better eat it before that stallion changes his mind." Jade Sun muttered as she tied off the last stitch and put the needle and other equipment she'd been using away.

"Bell Bottom is far from out of the woods. We have something new on our hooves, and it's unlike anything I've seen before. It's like some kind of metallic parasite with tentacles extending throughout her body. I've stabilised her for now but we need to get it out and it won't be easy."

Snow Kicker eyed the still-twitching Bell Bottom. "Sounds nasty," she said and studied the freshly stitched wound.

"We're gonna need a bigger infirmary." She remarked. "Crystalshy, when you're done tying Bell down securely, get whatever blanket, towel or whatever together, these ponies are pretty frosty. Also, get the damn insulin. Snow Kicker, hide that food somewhere secure and help me get these bloody ponies inside." She kicked a rock against the front door to keep it open, with unnecessary ferocity. "Right, triage."

With that she got going, picking whatever pony was closest first and then assessing their condition one by one as they were brought inside the increasingly cramped infirmary. The infirmary soon ran out of space and ponies spilled in to her living rooms much to Angel's ever-growing annoyance. She positively seethed when they had to put a couple of them in her own bed.

So, who were these ponies, and what was wrong with them?

Crystalshy and Snow Kicker jumped into action, carrying out your orders without a peep.

All the ponies were adults, mares and stallions. They seemed healthy enough in general, if pretty poor and messed up from their rough journey. Not likely that they would be paying you in anything but gratitude, at least. Snow Kicker's assessment had been correct. One had been shot in the shoulder, and all of them had scrapes and bruises. All of them were also unconscious, or very nearly so, their bodies in shock from exceptionally high levels of blood sugar.

Fortunately this was all fairly routine. You might run low on insulin, but once they were all safely in from the cold, there wasn't anything here your two assistants couldn't handle on their own, if you so wished.

2015-02-26, 09:37 AM
"Honey Mead, if ya must know it. And Ah didn't get her name, or see her face. You know how these necromares dress 'emselves up," the old zombie croaked, glaring back at you. "And do take a step back, ma'am," her magic flickered threateningly. "Don't want any accidents."

"As you wish, ma'am..." Eclipse murmured, nodding slowly.

Her hooves shot out, grabbing hold of the bomb. She jumped into a corkscrew, jerking Honey Mead off her flank and taking her along for the ride.


With one powerful flap, her wings carved through skull, straps, and flesh. Corpse fell away from bomb, and she kicked away from corpse. Whatever was left of Honey Mead slammed hard onto the frozen ground. Eclipse landed on her hooves, bomb tucked safely against her body.

Not once had her hoof left the trigger.

[I'm Seizing By Force: (3, 4) + 3 = 10. Choosing to take definite hold, inflict terrible harm, and impress/dismay/frighten the enemy.]

2015-02-26, 11:27 AM
Sigh. At least that was done. 3 dead mercs, one fled, one injured. Snow Eyes combed the area, loading up the bodies of the sled team onto the remaining sleds. She gathered the thre merc bodies too and went with the tried and true classic of looting the bodies. If she were lucky, they'd have something like an employment contract, and if not, well armor and weapons weren't cheap and now she had three ponies worth to pay her way for a while.

When everything was loaded up, she tied the sleds together and made the slog into town all the way to Jade Sun's place. What had been one sled worth of ponies was now a whole sled team, with a mix or corpses and anything that happened to be clinging to life.

2015-02-26, 10:28 PM
High Pride woke slowly, then jerked violently as her body remembered the shock. A moment later she came down a bit, and her mind began to catch up. She struggled for a time against her bonds, then finally went limp with a prolonged sigh. She just hung there, despondent.

Charger finished brushing. She painstakingly tied a set of red and blue ribbons into her mane. Then, with a sideways glance at High Pride she got up and made to leave. She could probably use some time to think about how silly she'd been.

2015-02-27, 03:26 AM
Snow Kicker eyed the still-twitching Bell Bottom. "Sounds nasty," she said and studied the freshly stitched wound.

Crystalshy and Snow Kicker jumped into action, carrying out your orders without a peep.

All the ponies were adults, mares and stallions. They seemed healthy enough in general, if pretty poor and messed up from their rough journey. Not likely that they would be paying you in anything but gratitude, at least. Snow Kicker's assessment had been correct. One had been shot in the shoulder, and all of them had scrapes and bruises. All of them were also unconscious, or very nearly so, their bodies in shock from exceptionally high levels of blood sugar.

Fortunately this was all fairly routine. You might run low on insulin, but once they were all safely in from the cold, there wasn't anything here your two assistants couldn't handle on their own, if you so wished.

"...so make sure you finecomb the coat of the whole shoulder, in fact, comb the back as well, I've seen those wounds before and shots like that has a tendency to cause stress-fractures to the surface soft tissue so it's important to give the surrounding area a close inspection." Angel instructed as she washed off some blood from her hooves.

"Don't forget to test the scapulohumeral joint to ensure the damage hasn't destabilised it. Hairline fractures of the scapula can extend all the way up to the withers, a pressure test should tell you either way." Angel wrapped a thick scarf around her neck and threw her coat over herself. "And Crystalshy, when the rest of them start coming to, take their names and details down, do a basic cognitive test and then send them on their way if they check out. I don't want any more ponies littering this place than absolutely necessary."

She opened the front door, but turned around and kept talking as she reversed out. "Oh and don't go in the store room, there's a bomb and a dead pony. Eclipse is on it."

She backed out the door, "Oh and get Bell's stitches dressed!" she shouted before closing the front door with a slam and turning around to cross the street intent on heading to the nearest gate.

2015-02-28, 06:18 PM
The snow is falling thick again. Heavy white fluff filling the air. Except, you swear some of it is red as blood, just a few flakes in a million. And they're falling up.

A horn is sounding from the wall, long and eerie. All around Windbreak, ponies look up, their ears perked at the signal. Some, who know their role and know their call, begin a brisk trot towards the fort. Three long blasts; a minor fracture, then.

You've seen it before. Every once in a while, the wall begins to crack under the pressure, or something else needs fixing. Whatever it is, he ponies here know what to do when the horn sounds. They have been doing it for ages.

The rest of the city soon return to their normal activities, safe in the knowledge that others have this well in hoof. The echo of the horn slowly fades.

Not once had her hoof left the trigger.

[I'm Seizing By Force: (3, 4) + 3 = 10. Choosing to take definite hold, inflict terrible harm, and impress/dismay/frighten the enemy.]

It was over so quickly, Honey Mead had no time to react at all. But she, or whoever had rigged her up, had been both exceptionally nasty and clever. While it would have been infinitely worse if Eclipse had failed to clamp down on the trigger in time, the bomb only now revealed its true face.

Eclipse had just cut down a rotten corpse, an animated body in an advanced stage of decay, absolutely riddled with disease and parasites. The bomb might have blown up the storeroom, maybe killed a pony or two if they were nearby. That would be bad enough, but worse yet it would have also tainted the entire infirmary with rot and disease. Thankfully it was spared that, and at worst Angel's two assistants would have to clean out and disinfect the storage room.

Somepony, however, had filled the zombie's veins with what could only be described as liquid, necromantic vileness. As she was cut down, black ichor and bile poured forth from her wounds, spattering both Eclipse and the floor. It burned where it touched, like an unnatural frost, and the cold seemed to creep under the skin and into the very bones.

[1-harm, ap.

Roll+Harm please]

Sigh. At least that was done. 3 dead mercs, one fled, one injured. Snow Eyes combed the area, loading up the bodies of the sled team onto the remaining sleds. She gathered the thre merc bodies too and went with the tried and true classic of looting the bodies. If she were lucky, they'd have something like an employment contract, and if not, well armor and weapons weren't cheap and now she had three ponies worth to pay her way for a while.

Well, one of them, the leader, had been blown to a fine mess. Might be she had something on her, but not much of it could be said to have survived. There were some scattered pieces of paper lying around. Perhaps you could glean something from that if you sat down and tried to piece them together again.

The little pegasus, who had been shot by someone else while waving politely at you, had a little locket around her neck. Inside was a picture of herself and the other pegasus. They looked so happy together, smiling and waving at the camera. There was the corner of some kind of neon green crystal structure visible in the background of the picture.

The third dead pony had a small, antique snuffbox containing a few colorful stamps and pills of dubious nature.

[+1 barter worth of assorted weaponry and armor]

When everything was loaded up, she tied the sleds together and made the slog into town all the way to Jade Sun's place. What had been one sled worth of ponies was now a whole sled team, with a mix or corpses and anything that happened to be clinging to life.

A pair of guards at the gate waved you through. "Better hurry through, we're about to close the gates while they work on the wall," they said. All routine and professionalism. The rest of Windbreak may be one short step away from anarchy, depending on who you ask, but the wall and its guards are well trained and organized.

A third guard came trotting up to the gate as you passed through with the two sleds. He gave you a quick bow. "Ma'am," he said politely. "I'm to tell you that the Fort's infirmary is offering to take in the refugees. Do you need any assistance?"

Charger finished brushing. She painstakingly tied a set of red and blue ribbons into her mane. Then, with a sideways glance at High Pride she got up and made to leave. She could probably use some time to think about how silly she'd been.

The snow was falling thick, turning the air white and powdery. The streets all looked the same, blurry white and maze-like. Ponies were walking past you, huddled up in heavy clothes with their eyes on the ground. Then there was a house you didn't remember being there, and shortly after a small, squat ice tower which definitely didn't match up with your mental map.

How quaint.

A gate was coming up ahead, like a hazy passage in the snowy air. A guard was talking to the air and a pair of sleds piled high with bodies. No, wait, not the air, there was a pony clad all in white. Might as well be empty air, really.

And there was Angel, coming out from behind a different house and headed for the gate like a miniature snowstorm of her own.

She backed out the door, "Oh and get Bell's stitches dressed!" she shouted before closing the front door with a slam and turning around to cross the street intent on heading to the nearest gate.

Crystalshy and Snow Kicker both nodded and went to work.

The streets were white. White and twisty, and no matter how straight you walked, it seemed like you did nothing but walk in circles and loops and twisty twirlies for something close to ten minutes. You knew the way to the nearest gate; it was right next to your infirmary, or close enough. It shouldn't take anywhere near ten minutes to get there.

By the time you finally saw the gate up ahead, and the pair of sleds piled high with more unconscious ponies, you were thoroughly twirly.

2015-02-28, 08:22 PM
Well, one of them, the leader, had been blown to a fine mess. Might be she had something on her, but not much of it could be said to have survived. There were some scattered pieces of paper lying around. Perhaps you could glean something from that if you sat down and tried to piece them together again.

The little pegasus, who had been shot by someone else while waving politely at you, had a little locket around her neck. Inside was a picture of herself and the other pegasus. They looked so happy together, smiling and waving at the camera. There was the corner of some kind of neon green crystal structure visible in the background of the picture.

The third dead pony had a small, antique snuffbox containing a few colorful stamps and pills of dubious nature.

[+1 barter worth of assorted weaponry and armor]

A pair of guards at the gate waved you through. "Better hurry through, we're about to close the gates while they work on the wall," they said. All routine and professionalism. The rest of Windbreak may be one short step away from anarchy, depending on who you ask, but the wall and its guards are well trained and organized.

A third guard came trotting up to the gate as you passed through with the two sleds. He gave you a quick bow. "Ma'am," he said politely. "I'm to tell you that the Fort's infirmary is offering to take in the refugees. Do you need any assistance?"

"Thank you kindly," I say. That's where Jade is now, right? No, I'm confusing myself, that's they're talking about the big infirmary, for battle wounded or whatever, not Jade's little place. Here she comes though. I almost feel a little bad for her, I know how much she hates work. I also know she never turns it down when it comes to saving pony lives. I'll have to do her a favor later, maybe.

So, we get a couple burly guards that don't need to be anywhere else helping me out, and with that, we roll up to the infirmary itself with the sleds loaded with injured, maybe dead ponies. How many ponies was that, anyway? I'm thinking at least a two are for sure alive, but I really don't have a good sense of the count up to this point. Also, what was on the sleds, anyway? Don't think I bothered checking up to this point, but now I'm curious. So I snoop a bit, see what I'm actually looking at once we've stopped.

When we're done and I have a second, I give a half-mouth lopsided grin to Jade. "I sure hope you weren't too busy. I brought work."

2015-03-01, 01:27 AM
It was over so quickly, Honey Mead had no time to react at all. But she, or whoever had rigged her up, had been both exceptionally nasty and clever. While it would have been infinitely worse if Eclipse had failed to clamp down on the trigger in time, the bomb only now revealed its true face.

Eclipse had just cut down a rotten corpse, an animated body in an advanced stage of decay, absolutely riddled with disease and parasites. The bomb might have blown up the storeroom, maybe killed a pony or two if they were nearby. That would be bad enough, but worse yet it would have also tainted the entire infirmary with rot and disease. Thankfully it was spared that, and at worst Angel's two assistants would have to clean out and disinfect the storage room.

Somepony, however, had filled the zombie's veins with what could only be described as liquid, necromantic vileness. As she was cut down, black ichor and bile poured forth from her wounds, spattering both Eclipse and the floor. It burned where it touched, like an unnatural frost, and the cold seemed to creep under the skin and into the very bones.

[1-harm, ap.

Roll+Harm please]




Black, burning wrongness splashed on her wings and burned through her coats to get at her legs. Eclipse whinnied and grit her teeth, clamping the bomb and its precious trigger safely against her body. Rags, bags, the floor itself, she jumped at anything that could scrape the vile liquid from her skin.

[Rolling Harm: [roll0]]

2015-03-01, 08:36 AM
"Thank you kindly," I say. That's where Jade is now, right? No, I'm confusing myself, that's they're talking about the big infirmary, for battle wounded or whatever, not Jade's little place. Here she comes though. I almost feel a little bad for her, I know how much she hates work. I also know she never turns it down when it comes to saving pony lives. I'll have to do her a favor later, maybe.

So, we get a couple burly guards that don't need to be anywhere else helping me out, and with that, we roll up to the infirmary itself with the sleds loaded with injured, maybe dead ponies. How many ponies was that, anyway? I'm thinking at least a two are for sure alive, but I really don't have a good sense of the count up to this point. Also, what was on the sleds, anyway? Don't think I bothered checking up to this point, but now I'm curious. So I snoop a bit, see what I'm actually looking at once we've stopped.

She spotted another two sleds piled with unconscious ponies and paused in her tracks for a moment. What the- She continued on with stomping hooves and every intent to vent her anger at whoever was in charge of those sleds, until she got closer and saw Snow Eyes.


No ranting or shouting came from Angel when she joined the sled team, she simply helped out with dragging them to the fort infirmary (which in itself improved her mood somewhat). Once there, Angel didn't waste time to roll up her sleeves to get started.

When we're done and I have a second, I give a half-mouth lopsided grin to Jade. "I sure hope you weren't too busy. I brought work."

"You could say it's been a busy morning, yes. One gunshot wound, one slashed up pony courtesy of Eclipse, one undead pony hellbent on blowing up my infirmary which currently is packed to the rafters with ponies unconscious with sugar shock. And now this lot." Angel replied without looking up, her eyes were on one of the many ponies as she checked for life signs. None. "Dead." She declared bluntly over her shoulder to the guard with a wave to remove the body before looking up to face Snow Eyes. "Do you know what the hell's happened here? I'm starting to feel like some damn frontline nurse."

2015-03-01, 01:25 PM
I faced down the mercs no problem, but in front of Jade I blush (stupid white coat making it so obvious). "Well, there were some mercenaries attacking the sled team and I may have been just a tad overzealous in taking them down." I pull out the letter shards I had gathered up. "I think this is all that's left of his contract."

2015-03-01, 05:34 PM
I faced down the mercs no problem, but in front of Jade I blush (stupid white coat making it so obvious). "Well, there were some mercenaries attacking the sled team and I may have been just a tad overzealous in taking them down." I pull out the letter shards I had gathered up. "I think this is all that's left of his contract."

Jade Sun's eyes widened and her mouth even dropped open slightly before she caught herself and quickly shut it loudly. She eyed the pile of ponies with disbelief. Snow Eyes did all this?! Sure she knew the mare to be brave, fast and pretty skilled with a gun, hell she was a genuine superpony according to many of the young colts and fillies playing in the streets, but this?!

She wasn't sure what to make of all this yet and diverted her attention to the bits of paper.

"Do you intend to try to read it?" Jade Sun asked as she stepped closer to look at the scraps of paper. "Perhaps it holds information on who hired them. I wouldn't mind knowing myself." She peered at the scraps with an accusing glare before taking a step back. She waited until the guards shifting ponies were momentarily out of sight before saying softly; "Snow Eyes, did you really have to knock them all out?"

2015-03-01, 06:11 PM
Jade Sun's eyes widened and her mouth even dropped open slightly before she caught herself and quickly shut it loudly. She eyed the pile of ponies with disbelief. Snow Eyes did all this?! Sure she knew the mare to be brave, fast and pretty skilled with a gun, hell she was a genuine superpony according to many of the young colts and fillies playing in the streets, but this?!

She wasn't sure what to make of all this yet and diverted her attention to the bits of paper.

"Do you intend to try to read it?" Jade Sun asked as she stepped closer to look at the scraps of paper. "Perhaps it holds information on who hired them. I wouldn't mind knowing myself." She peered at the scraps with an accusing glare before taking a step back. She waited until the guards shifting ponies were momentarily out of sight before saying softly; "Snow Eyes, did you really have to knock them all out?"

"I thought you might be able to help. You're always pretty sharp and you've got space to work on patching it together. You know, if you don't mind." Oh yeah, compliment her by giving her extra work. That's really smart, Snow Eyes. Genius, really. Then when I'm in the middle of beating myself up and hoping she hasn't seen my entire face turn red, she asks about my work out there. "I, well, there were only a few mercs, I don't know what got most of the ponies on the sleds. And I let one guy okay and a second one go with just an injury. She'll...um, probably be fine. I think. Maybe."

2015-03-02, 01:22 AM
"So, are you two going to make out or what?" said Charger, coming up from behind Snow Eyes and Jade Sun.

She was wearing a dangerous little smile that seemed more concealing than her scarf and coat. Red ribbons added a touch of bloody innocence to her mane. She wasn't looking around, taking in the scenery - her whole attention was on the two ponies, and that was always a daunting experience.

2015-03-02, 02:22 AM
"So, are you two going to make out or what?" said Charger, coming up from behind Snow Eyes and Jade Sun.

She was wearing a dangerous little smile that seemed more concealing than her scarf and coat. Red ribbons added a touch of bloody innocence to her mane. She wasn't looking around, taking in the scenery - her whole attention was on the two ponies, and that was always a daunting experience.

Ever seen a pony jump 10 feet in the air and then realize she has no idea how to stick the landing? Because that's just about what Snow Eyes looked like when Charger came up behind her with that one-liner. She was relieved when she saw it was Charger though. "Hey, Charge. Good to see you. We've got some challenges with getting supplies to the town now. I went and shot up a team of 5 mercenaries. Maybe a little too much shooting." I run a a hoof through my hair and point to the shreds of paper that might once have been a contract. "So, what have you been up to this morning? You're looking dangerous today."

2015-03-02, 04:24 AM
"I thought you might be able to help. You're always pretty sharp and you've got space to work on patching it together. You know, if you don't mind." Oh yeah, compliment her by giving her extra work. That's really smart, Snow Eyes. Genius, really. Then when I'm in the middle of beating myself up and hoping she hasn't seen my entire face turn red, she asks about my work out there. "I, well, there were only a few mercs, I don't know what got most of the ponies on the sleds. And I let one guy okay and a second one go with just an injury. She'll...um, probably be fine. I think. Maybe."

Jade Sun really had no idea what to make of Snow Eyes' huge blush. At first it was easy enough to ignore but it was becoming so obvious by the moment that it was getting increasingly difficult not to stare. She had just opened her mouth to say something when she heard a voice from behind her that she knew well.

"So, are you two going to make out or what?" said Charger, coming up from behind Snow Eyes and Jade Sun.

She was wearing a dangerous little smile that seemed more concealing than her scarf and coat. Red ribbons added a touch of bloody innocence to her mane. She wasn't looking around, taking in the scenery - her whole attention was on the two ponies, and that was always a daunting experience.

Ever seen a pony jump 10 feet in the air and then realize she has no idea how to stick the landing? Because that's just about what Snow Eyes looked like when Charger came up behind her with that one-liner. She was relieved when she saw it was Charger though. "Hey, Charge. Good to see you. We've got some challenges with getting supplies to the town now. I went and shot up a team of 5 mercenaries. Maybe a little too much shooting." I run a a hoof through my hair and point to the shreds of paper that might once have been a contract. "So, what have you been up to this morning? You're looking dangerous today."

Jade Sun had been surprised but she turned around in a slightly more calm way than Snow Eyes. Her face instantly softened to one of her rare smiles as she saw Charger approach. Oh, she'd tied her mane up. It must have taken her ages to do that. Jade had tried to copy it once and the result had not been fit for showing in public.

At first Jade said nothing, the way the light made Charger's mane glow like gold was utterly distracting but she was vaguely aware of some babbling going on in Snow Eyes' direction. Jade could brush her mane for hours and still not get that glow. Then again, green just didn't lend itself to glowing that way, no matter what.

"Good morning," she eventually said, clearing her throat to get her mind back under control. "Don't be silly, Charger." She shook her head, still smiling but a little bothered by the comment, wondering if it was just a joke or not.

2015-03-02, 04:34 AM
Ever seen a pony jump 10 feet in the air and then realize she has no idea how to stick the landing? Because that's just about what Snow Eyes looked like when Charger came up behind her with that one-liner. She was relieved when she saw it was Charger though. "Hey, Charge. Good to see you. We've got some challenges with getting supplies to the town now. I went and shot up a team of 5 mercenaries. Maybe a little too much shooting." I run a a hoof through my hair and point to the shreds of paper that might once have been a contract. "So, what have you been up to this morning? You're looking dangerous today."

"I'm investigating who killed my mercenaries," said Charger ominously, raising her zap sock.

Then she smirked and ruffled Snow Eyes' mane. "Good job, Snowy. I'm glad you're keeping the town safe."

At first Jade said nothing, the way the light made Charger's mane glow like gold was utterly distracting but she was vaguely aware of some babbling going on in Snow Eyes' direction. Jade could brush her mane for hours and still not get that glow. Then again, green just didn't lend itself to glowing that way, no matter what.

"Good morning," she eventually said, clearing her throat to get her mind back under control. "Don't be silly, Charger." She shook her head, still smiling but a little bothered by the comment, wondering if it was just a joke or not.

"You're right," said Charger, voice thick with amusement. "How ridiculous. Have you had breakfast yet?"

2015-03-02, 04:52 AM
"I'm investigating who killed my mercenaries," said Charger ominously, raising her zap sock.

Then she smirked and ruffled Snow Eyes' mane. "Good job, Snowy. I'm glad you're keeping the town safe."

"Wow, you had me for, oh, maybe a tenth of a second there. You're improving your game face." I straighten my mane out as Charger keeps talking. I wish she wouldn't do that in public.

"You're right," said Charger, voice thick with amusement. "How ridiculous. Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Heh, yeah...ridiculous. ...If the ponies here are okay, then sure, let's get some breakfast. I circled the whole town and I'm starving. My treat today, at least for whatever they've got that passes for food around here. It's probably just more ice cream and snow flowers. God am I sick of snow flowers."

2015-03-02, 05:36 AM
There were about two dozen ponies, all together with the mercenaries. Aside from said mercenaries, a few others hadn't made it either. They were either dead before even coming here, or the rough arrival had done them in. The guards dutifully carried their bodies away. The rest were all the same: unconscious, or nearly so, from sugar shock. Some had wounds and scratches, but nothing difficult to treat.

With so many ponies, there hadn't been much room left on the sleds. There were some blankets and a rifle - which appeared to have been fired recently - but that was about it.

Oh yes, and the papers. Puzzles, puzzles. There were some words, but good luck getting them all together in one piece. Standard legal fare anyway, you bet. There were the remains of a rough chickenscrawl, which was probably meant to be a signature, and an official-looking stamp, or half of one, looking like a green turnip, or ... you know, maybe it was a sugar beet. Could be either.

The stamp had a few fragmentary words that could be made out. You think it probably came from the Smaragdine Spire, a crystal settlement to the south-west.




Black, burning wrongness splashed on her wings and burned through her coats to get at her legs. Eclipse whinnied and grit her teeth, clamping the bomb and its precious trigger safely against her body. Rags, bags, the floor itself, she jumped at anything that could scrape the vile liquid from her skin.

[Rolling Harm: [roll0]]

You found some old bags, empty, probably saved to be filled again. The vile stuff soaked the fabric like hungry, oozing blood, devouring it even, and you couldn't shake the feeling that it was ... observing you, with malevolent will.

Mercifully, you got the worst of it off, leaving only a few burns. The floor less lucky. The stuff was quickly seeping into the ground, some of it disappearing. That was bad, you had no doubt. And you still had the bomb in your hooves. If you let go, it would surely explode.

2015-03-02, 09:40 AM
You found some old bags, empty, probably saved to be filled again. The vile stuff soaked the fabric like hungry, oozing blood, devouring it even, and you couldn't shake the feeling that it was ... observing you, with malevolent will.

Mercifully, you got the worst of it off, leaving only a few burns. The floor less lucky. The stuff was quickly seeping into the ground, some of it disappearing. That was bad, you had no doubt. And you still had the bomb in your hooves. If you let go, it would surely explode.

Oh, the bomb was the easy part. And any day that thought crossed her mind was a real doozy. What's the one thing guaranteed to be in even the most poorly-stocked medical storeroom? Bandages. Adhesive, wraps, gauze, plasters, you name it. And Jade's storeroom was packed with the stuff. In no time at all, she'd fastened a tight bandage around the bomb's trigger, keeping it firmly and safely pressed.

That just left the....blackness gobbling up the floor. Eclipse didn't know what it was, but she knew she couldn't leave it to its own devices. So when she felt the stuff was somehow staring at her, she planted her burned hooves on the ground and stared right back into the darkness. Defying its foul will, and demanding to know how it could be beaten.

[Rolling to Open My Brain: [roll0]]

2015-03-02, 05:30 PM
Then she smirked and ruffled Snow Eyes' mane. "Good job, Snowy. I'm glad you're keeping the town safe."

"You're right," said Charger, voice thick with amusement. "How ridiculous. Have you had breakfast yet?"


"No." Jade replied hopefully, her smile brightening markedly at the prospect of breakfast together. Her stomach rumbled again.

"Heh, yeah...ridiculous. ...If the ponies here are okay, then sure, let's get some breakfast. I circled the whole town and I'm starving. My treat today, at least for whatever they've got that passes for food around here. It's probably just more ice cream and snow flowers. God am I sick of snow flowers."

Snow Eyes puzzled Jade and she just knew she'd be mulling all this over later in far more detail than it likely warranted. But the offer of breakfast quickly demanded her attention.

There were about two dozen ponies, all together with the mercenaries. Aside from said mercenaries, a few others hadn't made it either. They were either dead before even coming here, or the rough arrival had done them in. The guards dutifully carried their bodies away. The rest were all the same: unconscious, or nearly so, from sugar shock. Some had wounds and scratches, but nothing difficult to treat.

Angel looked at the unconscious ponies, knowing her place was here. She was torn between her fast-dwindling sense of duty, and her desire for food and good company which was further seasoned by a not insignificant sprinkling of insecurity. To hell with it, she'd done enough on an empty stomach for one morning.

"These guards seem to have this all under control." She waved a dismissive hoof at the sleds of ponies. "There is nothing here they can't handle. I'll just tell them to grab my assistants if they need a hoof." And so she did.

Once on their way Jade Sun walked along next to Charger and gave her a gentle shoulder nudge. "So how are you?"

2015-03-02, 07:11 PM
"I'm catching some not so subtle hints that you are sick of snow flowers," said Charger. As one of the only ponies in town with access to higher quality produce she was aware of the subtext. "Never say I never did nothing for you."

With a flourish, she produced an apple - crisp, red, shining and sugary. A rarity and a delicacy in these times. "You two have to share it, so play nice," she said, smiling again.

She'd deflected the question Jade had asked her, but she often did.

2015-03-02, 07:20 PM
"I'm catching some not so subtle hints that you are sick of snow flowers," said Charger. As one of the only ponies in town with access to higher quality produce she was aware of the subtext. "Never say I never did nothing for you."

With a flourish, she produced an apple - crisp, red, shining and sugary. A rarity and a delicacy in these times. "You two have to share it, so play nice," she said, smiling again.

She'd deflected the question Jade had asked her, but she often did.

Snow Eyes took the apple in hoof before Charger could dismiss the illusion. She expertly slit it in half and handed half to Jade Sun carefully before biting into her own half. She closed her eyes in pleasure at the sweet sugary crunch and the taste of apple juice splashing onto her tongue. "Now see," she said when she had swallowed and exalted in licking the last bits off her lips, "this is why you're cool, Charge. You've always got something up that big sleeve of yours. So, anything you need help with today? I've suddenly found myself with some time on my hooves."

2015-03-03, 02:57 AM
"I'm catching some not so subtle hints that you are sick of snow flowers," said Charger. As one of the only ponies in town with access to higher quality produce she was aware of the subtext. "Never say I never did nothing for you."

With a flourish, she produced an apple - crisp, red, shining and sugary. A rarity and a delicacy in these times. "You two have to share it, so play nice," she said, smiling again.

She'd deflected the question Jade had asked her, but she often did.

Snow Eyes took the apple in hoof before Charger could dismiss the illusion. She expertly slit it in half and handed half to Jade Sun carefully before biting into her own half. She closed her eyes in pleasure at the sweet sugary crunch and the taste of apple juice splashing onto her tongue. "Now see," she said when she had swallowed and exalted in licking the last bits off her lips, "this is why you're cool, Charge. You've always got something up that big sleeve of yours. So, anything you need help with today? I've suddenly found myself with some time on my hooves."

Deflection noticed. Jade Sun looked at the half apple in her hoof, she could almost taste it already and her mouth watered. Instead of eating it she used it as a convenient place to divert her eyes for now as her mind turned over and Snow Eyes seemed to need some privacy in her moment with her apple.

"Thank you, Charger, this is amazing." She said without looking up from what she just knew would be a delicious apple. "But what about you; aren't you hungry?" She really hoped not, this apple looked so good.

2015-03-03, 05:22 AM
Oh, the bomb was the easy part. And any day that thought crossed her mind was a real doozy. What's the one thing guaranteed to be in even the most poorly-stocked medical storeroom? Bandages. Adhesive, wraps, gauze, plasters, you name it. And Jade's storeroom was packed with the stuff. In no time at all, she'd fastened a tight bandage around the bomb's trigger, keeping it firmly and safely pressed.

That just left the....blackness gobbling up the floor. Eclipse didn't know what it was, but she knew she couldn't leave it to its own devices. So when she felt the stuff was somehow staring at her, she planted her burned hooves on the ground and stared right back into the darkness. Defying its foul will, and demanding to know how it could be beaten.

[Rolling to Open My Brain: [roll0]]

I have a little question for you, while you're staring into that stream of vile blackness, if you don't mind. What does it feel like, to open yourself and your mind to this sort of thing? Is it different from your first experience in the maelstrom, or is this your first experience?

"These guards seem to have this all under control." She waved a dismissive hoof at the sleds of ponies. "There is nothing here they can't handle. I'll just tell them to grab my assistants if they need a hoof." And so she did.

Indeed they did. They might not be Angel, but they knew how to handle simple wounds and administer shots. They could handle this.

2015-03-03, 06:23 AM
Snow Eyes took the apple in hoof before Charger could dismiss the illusion. She expertly slit it in half and handed half to Jade Sun carefully before biting into her own half. She closed her eyes in pleasure at the sweet sugary crunch and the taste of apple juice splashing onto her tongue. "Now see," she said when she had swallowed and exalted in licking the last bits off her lips, "this is why you're cool, Charge. You've always got something up that big sleeve of yours. So, anything you need help with today? I've suddenly found myself with some time on my hooves."

"Would you like to do some farm work?" said Charger. "There's all kinds of back-breaking labour that needs to happen."

Deflection noticed. Jade Sun looked at the half apple in her hoof, she could almost taste it already and her mouth watered. Instead of eating it she used it as a convenient place to divert her eyes for now as her mind turned over and Snow Eyes seemed to need some privacy in her moment with her apple.

"Thank you, Charger, this is amazing." She said without looking up from what she just knew would be a delicious apple. "But what about you; aren't you hungry?" She really hoped not, this apple looked so good.

"I can have apples literally whenever I want," said Charger. "One of the few perks of aforementioned back-breaking labour."

2015-03-03, 11:21 AM
"Would you like to do some farm work?" said Charger. "There's all kinds of back-breaking labour that needs to happen."

"I can have apples literally whenever I want," said Charger. "One of the few perks of aforementioned back-breaking labour."

"I can. I'm surprised that's the favor you'd ask though. You must not need anyone killed or maimed today." I'm joking of course. All lighthearted. [read a pony: [roll0]]

2015-03-03, 01:41 PM
I have a little question for you, while you're staring into that stream of vile blackness, if you don't mind. What does it feel like, to open yourself and your mind to this sort of thing? Is it different from your first experience in the maelstrom, or is this your first experience?


I am not of the maelstrom, though it remembers me all too well. In another time and place I stumbled blindly through it, tossed and blown about the smallest breeze. That's a tale for another time, but it yearns for those days of old. Always it prowls like a roaring beast, searching for some part of me to devour anew.

I will not let it. I don't belong to it anymore, and it does not belong to me. To open myself to it is to stand upon a tiny, glowing firmament and behold its forces arrayed against me. How it crows over me, as if surprised to see me again. As if it hasn't watched my every step. As if its will wasn't bent upon my heart at this very moment. But I will not yield. I hold them back at blade's length and listen to them jabber their madness until some twisted thought reveals too much in its zeal. Or did it mean to squeal all along? Makes no difference to me, I suppose. Either I will falter, or it will falter, and that's the honest truth of it.

But by the sun, it's a stinging kick in the rear to see all that wrong of the world, and the only light there is your own.

2015-03-03, 03:00 PM
"I can have apples literally whenever I want," said Charger. "One of the few perks of aforementioned back-breaking labour."

A point well made and Jade was not inclined to question the gift of this apple any further. She shoved the whole half in her mouth all at once and chewed it happily, cheeks bulging with delicious apple pulp and juice. Her eyes sparkled with delight, she hadn't realised just how hungry she really was until now. She chewed it slowly and savoured it for as long as she could before it was all gone.

"I can. I'm surprised that's the favor you'd ask though. You must not need anyone killed or maimed today." I'm joking of course. All lighthearted. [read a pony: [roll0]]

Jade Sun was just swallowing the last bit of apple when she suddenly started to cough. Whether Snow Eyes was joking or not, Angel wasn't about to let that comment fly.

"No more unconscious or bloodied ponies will come through my door today." She said sternly when she'd caught her breath, with the stomp of a hoof for emphasis.

"I don't mind the odd pony you send my way, Snow Eyes, because it's you, but I still have to go back and kick out your sled rabble before they loot more than just my insulin and I'm not even close to finished dealing with Eclipse's 'killing and maiming' from this morning," Angel said with a determined frown and nod. "Medical supplies don't grow on trees, y'know," she said, poking a hoof at the white mare.

2015-03-03, 03:24 PM
A point well made and Jade was not inclined to question the gift of this apple any further. She shoved the whole half in her mouth all at once and chewed it happily, cheeks bulging with delicious apple pulp and juice. Her eyes sparkled with delight, she hadn't realised just how hungry she really was until now. She chewed it slowly and savoured it for as long as she could before it was all gone.

Jade Sun was just swallowing the last bit of apple when she suddenly started to cough. Whether Snow Eyes was joking or not, Angel wasn't about to let that comment fly.

"No more unconscious or bloodied ponies will come through my door today." She said sternly when she'd caught her breath, with the stomp of a hoof for emphasis.

"I don't mind the odd pony you send my way, Snow Eyes, because it's you, but I still have to go back and kick out your sled rabble before they loot more than just my insulin and I'm not even close to finished dealing with Eclipse's 'killing and maiming' from this morning," Angel said with a determined frown and nod. "Medical supplies don't grow on trees, y'know," she said, poking a hoof at the white mare.

"Well, how should I know that!" I didn't mean to sound so defensive. Blush again and try to correct. Sigh. "Well, I mean, the only trees I've seen are apple trees, those frozen white things you sometimes see in the waste, and the weird stone ones with the sparkly gems on them that pop up once in a while and then die really fast. There might be medicine trees out there somewhere. Maybe.

Oh and you probably don't have to worry too much about the sled team. Most of them were delivering here, none of the mercs I fought on those sleds are...um...alive. Wait, that didn't, that didn't come out quite how I meant. I mean, the two got away and the rest are ponies that were supposed to be delivering here. That's all..."

2015-03-04, 05:06 AM

I am not of the maelstrom, though it remembers me all too well. In another time and place I stumbled blindly through it, tossed and blown about the smallest breeze. That's a tale for another time, but it yearns for those days of old. Always it prowls like a roaring beast, searching for some part of me to devour anew.

I will not let it. I don't belong to it anymore, and it does not belong to me. To open myself to it is to stand upon a tiny, glowing firmament and behold its forces arrayed against me. How it crows over me, as if surprised to see me again. As if it hasn't watched my every step. As if its will wasn't bent upon my heart at this very moment. But I will not yield. I hold them back at blade's length and listen to them jabber their madness until some twisted thought reveals too much in its zeal. Or did it mean to squeal all along? Makes no difference to me, I suppose. Either I will falter, or it will falter, and that's the honest truth of it.

But by the sun, it's a stinging kick in the rear to see all that wrong of the world, and the only light there is your own.

You're standing on your firmament, floating slowly, slowly down a river of black filth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ObyXSmTNkI). Its surface is smooth and black like obsidian tar, winding ever downwards, deeper into the black earth, and you can't tell if the firmament is drifting unsteadily upon the blackness or the whole world is being pulled along with the stream around you like a tapestry caught in the flow.

Disoriented by the motion, slow and winding as it is, you feel sick to your stomach.

All along the broken, rocky shores of the black river, the shades of twisted figures walk into the river to bathe and drown in its slick pollution. They dive their heads and emerge slowly, smeared in oily black spume, like nightmare birds struggling in seas of tar and pollution. They're dancing in the vile river, gaunt and all twisted limbs, their motions stunted and slow as the blackness pulls them down. All along the ever-winding shore they're beckoning you, calling you to join them in their opulent filth and twisted revels.

"I can. I'm surprised that's the favor you'd ask though. You must not need anyone killed or maimed today." I'm joking of course. All lighthearted. [read a pony: [roll0]]

Oh my. So intent are you on looking at Charger that you don't even notice the little filly artfully slipping something from your coat before disappearing down an alley with her prize. The little scamp got off with something; it may or may not be of huge material worth, but it is at least of some personal value to you.

Charger catches a glimpse as the filly disappears into the shadows of the alley, and what was taken reveals something to her about Snow Eyes. Charger, what did the filly run off with, and do you tell Snow Eyes, or ...?

2015-03-04, 05:34 AM
Oh my. So intent are you on looking at Charger that you don't even notice the little filly artfully slipping something from your coat before disappearing down an alley with her prize. The little scamp got off with something; it may or may not be of huge material worth, but it is at least of some personal value to you.

Charger catches a glimpse as the filly disappears into the shadows of the alley, and what was taken reveals something to her about Snow Eyes. Charger, what did the filly run off with, and do you tell Snow Eyes, or ...?

Of course Charger doesn't say anything. Start some hoof chase against a small kid? Snow Eyes has already committed, like, a quintuple homicide this morning. She needs A) rest and B) not another homicide.

So she excuses herself from the dorky lovebirds, gives Jade a possessive hug and a kiss on the neck, and wanders around the building at a leisurely rate to find her way across to the kid.

Also, I don't know what she stole. Snow Eyes, what did she steal?

2015-03-04, 07:31 AM
You're standing on your firmament, floating slowly, slowly down a river of black filth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ObyXSmTNkI). Its surface is smooth and black like obsidian tar, winding ever downwards, deeper into the black earth, and you can't tell if the firmament is drifting unsteadily upon the blackness or the whole world is being pulled along with the stream around you like a tapestry caught in the flow.

Disoriented by the motion, slow and winding as it is, you feel sick to your stomach.

All along the broken, rocky shores of the black river, the shades of twisted figures walk into the river to bathe and drown in its slick pollution. They dive their heads and emerge slowly, smeared in oily black spume, like nightmare birds struggling in seas of tar and pollution. They're dancing in the vile river, gaunt and all twisted limbs, their motions stunted and slow as the blackness pulls them down. All along the ever-winding shore they're beckoning you, calling you to join them in their opulent filth and twisted revels.

The nausea only grows.

Are these real ponies? Were they real ponies, so long ago? Or are these just twisted refractions through something far worse? They don't answer, of course. One question per customer, as it were, and no complementary pauses to catch your breath. The soulless tar is lapping at the edges of her solid ground, and she must buffet it back with well-timed almost-cuts; even the thought of touching the stuff sets her wings to burning. As for the figures on the shore, they go ignored. Perhaps her defiance will drive them to reveal something new, perhaps she's most comfortable leaving them a worrying mystery.

Either way, she presses on.

2015-03-04, 10:37 AM
"Well, how should I know that!" I didn't mean to sound so defensive. Blush again and try to correct. Sigh. "Well, I mean, the only trees I've seen are apple trees, those frozen white things you sometimes see in the waste, and the weird stone ones with the sparkly gems on them that pop up once in a while and then die really fast. There might be medicine trees out there somewhere. Maybe.

Oh and you probably don't have to worry too much about the sled team. Most of them were delivering here, none of the mercs I fought on those sleds are...um...alive. Wait, that didn't, that didn't come out quite how I meant. I mean, the two got away and the rest are ponies that were supposed to be delivering here. That's all..."

Angel blinked once, slowly.

"Did you get hit on your head by one of those mercs, Snow Eyes? Medicine doesn't come from bloody trees." She gestured with a hoof and unwittingly nearly clocked a passing little filly between the eyes. "Well- actually- yes- alright, some of it comes from trees, and these really tall flowers which- oh..."

So she excuses herself from the dorky lovebirds, gives Jade a possessive hug and a kiss on the neck, and wanders around the building at a leisurely rate to find her way across to the kid.

The hug utterly derailed Angel's train of thought and the kiss on the neck forced one of her own blushes to surface. She nuzzled Charger's mane a little, knowing it would fill her head with thoughts of caramel and sunshine, and it did.

"...bye." She watched Charger go with an unsubtle stare until her head had twisted to the point that her neck ached and she turned back to Snow Eyes.

"-but my point was medical supplies are not for free. Powder Snow is a pushover but he still has a business to run." She pulled a face of distaste. "And I don't have time to spend endless hours foraging and distilling. Not with as many homicidal ponies around as there are in Windbreak," she said, with a significant look at Snow Eyes. "Also, just because a pony is dead doesn't mean they can't cause trouble, as I've just found out..." she said, with a grumble.

[Rolling to Read A Pony: 5]

2015-03-04, 11:26 AM
Of course Charger doesn't say anything. Start some hoof chase against a small kid? Snow Eyes has already committed, like, a quintuple homicide this morning. She needs A) rest and B) not another homicide.

So she excuses herself from the dorky lovebirds, gives Jade a possessive hug and a kiss on the neck, and wanders around the building at a leisurely rate to find her way across to the kid.

Also, I don't know what she stole. Snow Eyes, what did she steal?

Okay, this is cheesy as hell, but, whatever, I've got a locket with a picture of my parents, my Dad High Tide, and my Mom Moon's Eyes. I wear it tucked in under my armor. It's shaped like a heart with a gold chain. None of you have ever seen my parents or know anything about them, so money guess is that this is 100% of my memories of them. Stupid filly must have caught the gold chain and swiped it.

[gonna wait on replying to Angel until we see her read failure.]

2015-03-04, 05:38 PM
Of course Charger doesn't say anything. Start some hoof chase against a small kid? Snow Eyes has already committed, like, a quintuple homicide this morning. She needs A) rest and B) not another homicide.

So she excuses herself from the dorky lovebirds, gives Jade a possessive hug and a kiss on the neck, and wanders around the building at a leisurely rate to find her way across to the kid.

You find the filly sitting on the steps outside one of the crammed houses along the alley, licking away at a big chunk of rock candy with a freckled grin behind her bright blue eyes. Her little hooves kick idly at the steps, but her eyes follow you down the alley.

The nausea only grows.

Are these real ponies? Were they real ponies, so long ago? Or are these just twisted refractions through something far worse? They don't answer, of course. One question per customer, as it were, and no complementary pauses to catch your breath. The soulless tar is lapping at the edges of her solid ground, and she must buffet it back with well-timed almost-cuts; even the thought of touching the stuff sets her wings to burning. As for the figures on the shore, they go ignored. Perhaps her defiance will drive them to reveal something new, perhaps she's most comfortable leaving them a worrying mystery.

Either way, she presses on.

Blood runs down your wings, soaking feathers and seeping into the blades of ice, coloring them a deep red like savage cut rubies. The blackness seethes and froths with each drop, and the twisted shapes wave their struggling limbs at you, hungry for you.

You buffet and slash at them, but the grace of your ruby blades no longer seems to keep them at bay. The vile darkness seeps into the blades, and they grow hard and black as obsidian, red streaks of blood pulsing deep within, smothered by the black. The black river wants it, seeks it, but you've got two wing-fulls of red, and there's a whole river of black.

You can no longer tell if the river is winding downwards or upwards.

"-but my point was medical supplies are not for free. Powder Snow is a pushover but he still has a business to run." She pulled a face of distaste. "And I don't have time to spend endless hours foraging and distilling. Not with as many homicidal ponies around as there are in Windbreak," she said, with a significant look at Snow Eyes. "Also, just because a pony is dead doesn't mean they can't cause trouble, as I've just found out..." she said, with a grumble.

[Rolling to Read A Pony: 5]

You look at Snow Eyes, and then your eyes drift behind her at the pony hiding in the shadows, rifle aimed squarely at the back of your friend's head. You have a split second to possibly push Snow Eyes out of the way, knowing that you may get hit instead. Do you?

2015-03-04, 05:44 PM
You find the filly sitting on the steps outside one of the crammed houses along the alley, licking away at a big chunk of rock candy with a freckled grin behind her bright blue eyes. Her little hooves kick idly at the steps, but her eyes follow you down the alley.

"Nice lift," said Charger, not approaching close enough to startle. Body language; relaxed, too comfortable to give chase. "What'd you get?"

2015-03-04, 06:00 PM
"Nice lift," said Charger, not approaching close enough to startle. Body language; relaxed, too comfortable to give chase. "What'd you get?"

"Some gold neck thingy," she said and popped the whole candy in her mouth, then popped it back out. "How much d'you think I can get for it?"

2015-03-04, 06:04 PM
"Some gold neck thingy," she said and popped the whole candy in her mouth, then popped it back out. "How much d'you think I can get for it?"

"Depends. Does it do magic? Does it have gemstones?" asked Charger, sitting down. "Is it real gold?"

2015-03-04, 06:18 PM
"Depends. Does it do magic? Does it have gemstones?" asked Charger, sitting down. "Is it real gold?"

"Didn't look close," said the filly, a pegasus, so probably not too knowledgeable about magic. But then, you never knew. Her coat was an almost neon-bright azure with a white mane. Her cutie mark looked like some kind of wavy cone of air and clouds. "Looked like something a pony might value, is all."

2015-03-04, 06:38 PM
"Didn't look close," said the filly, a pegasus, so probably not too knowledgeable about magic. But then, you never knew. Her coat was an almost neon-bright azure with a white mane. Her cutie mark looked like some kind of wavy cone of air and clouds. "Looked like something a pony might value, is all."

"Then look now. Put it on, wave it around, see if it does anything cool," said Charger. "After all, there's a difference between something ponies value and something one pony values, right?"

2015-03-05, 04:12 AM
You look at Snow Eyes, and then your eyes drift behind her at the pony hiding in the shadows, rifle aimed squarely at the back of your friend's head. You have a split second to possibly push Snow Eyes out of the way, knowing that you may get hit instead. Do you?

Yes. There aren't many ponies I would do this for but yes, I throw myself at Snow Eyes in a rough tackle to try to get her out of the way of the shot.

2015-03-05, 06:47 AM
"Then look now. Put it on, wave it around, see if it does anything cool," said Charger. "After all, there's a difference between something ponies value and something one pony values, right?"

The girl shrugged and chewed a bit at her candy. "I don't have it anymore."

Yes. There aren't many ponies I would do this for but yes, I throw myself at Snow Eyes in a rough tackle to try to get her out of the way of the shot.

You heard the deep booming of the gun just as you shoved Snow Eyes out of the way. You felt the shot like the snap of a whip in your head and a burning streak along your flank before your body went limp. [3 harm - 1 armor, 2 harm total, plus 1 s-harm: any action you perform is Under Fire]

Snow Eyes, you neither saw nor heard a thing - no shot or shooter - but as Angel shoved you to the ground you felt an eerie cold touch for just a second, as if Death had just brushed you with a bony hoof. Or had it been somepony else? Something was off.

2015-03-05, 06:58 AM
The girl shrugged and chewed a bit at her candy. "I don't have it anymore."

Charger gave her a long, slow look. "Then go and get it, silly," she said, quietly but firmly.

Manipulate: 2d6+3 (brushied): 10

2015-03-05, 10:58 AM
What the hay? They were in the middle of town. And Angel was bleeding. "No, you idiot!" I'm shouting as Angel is on top of me. I meant it too because why the hell would the doctor ever take a bullet for me?! Though a small part of me was oddly thrilled, and I had an instant of very distinct heart flutter. Then I immediately replaced it with paying attention. I'm feeling death here and I want to know his shape.

I open my brain to see what's here: [roll0]
[also, are we entering battle where I need to roll visions of death?]

2015-03-05, 04:26 PM
Charger gave her a long, slow look. "Then go and get it, silly," she said, quietly but firmly.

Manipulate: 2d6+3 (brushied): 10

The filly glanced at a clock tower in the distance. "I could try," she said, like she knew full well she couldn't make it in time but didn't mind making a show of trying. "If you'll pay more than the mare who hired us, that is. Or I can tell you what she looked like, for just a little jingle ..." She held out a hoof and wriggled it with a grin. "And where we were meeting her. I'll tell you that too, 'cause you're pretty," she added to sweeten the deal.

What the hay? They were in the middle of town. And Angel was bleeding. "No, you idiot!" I'm shouting as Angel is on top of me. I meant it too because why the hell would the doctor ever take a bullet for me?! Though a small part of me was oddly thrilled, and I had an instant of very distinct heart flutter. Then I immediately replaced it with paying attention. I'm feeling death here and I want to know his shape.

I open my brain to see what's here: [roll0]
[also, are we entering battle where I need to roll visions of death?]

Oh my no, there's no battle here. Not ... now.

You look up, and for an instant you see a pony, and Death is there with her. You can't see her face through the haze of time, but you know that pony is - was? - meant to die in that moment, like you've known so many ponies who would die ... only, in that very instant an angel appears from the haze and takes the shot.

And then it's gone, the vision, the angel, and Death as well, and you're back to lying beneath your bleeding friend.

Tell me, what did the angel look like when she appeared, and what did Death look like in that moment?

2015-03-05, 04:48 PM
The filly glanced at a clock tower in the distance. "I could try," she said, like she knew full well she couldn't make it in time but didn't mind making a show of trying. "If you'll pay more than the mare who hired us, that is. Or I can tell you what she looked like, for just a little jingle ..." She held out a hoof and wriggled it with a grin. "And where we were meeting her. I'll tell you that too, 'cause you're pretty," she added to sweeten the deal.

It was impossible for a casual observer to notice, but now there was a faint coldness behind Charger's eyes - the same coldness that had been there when she'd been talking to High Pride in the bathroom from before.

"I've got nothing on me," said Charger. "Come with me down to the farm and I'll fix you up there."

With a swish of her tail she turned and started walking.

2015-03-05, 05:18 PM
"I'm not an idiot, or blind," the filly said. She didn't get up. "Look, she didn't pay me to be silent. I'll tell you what you want to know, but can you blame a girl for trying to earn an extra coin or two?"

2015-03-05, 05:37 PM
"I'm not an idiot, or blind," the filly said. She didn't get up. "Look, she didn't pay me to be silent. I'll tell you what you want to know, but can you blame a girl for trying to earn an extra coin or two?"

Charger turned around with another swish, and walked back towards the filly. This time there was hostile intent, colder than the snow around her.

"I don't care about what you know," she said. "I don't care that you took the damn necklace. I care that you tried to bargain with me."

As she came, she undid the knot on her cream white overcoat, letting it fall to the snow. Underneath was a vest of burnt umber, buttoned with orange-gold, wrapped through with wires.

"And if we are going to bargain then I can mention that I heard that gunshot as clear as day and I am not an idiot or blind either. Which means that my friends just got hurt and you are directly responsible. If we are going to bargain," she said, looming over the filly, faint sparks of electricity running along her hooves, "then I have a claim on you equal to the hurt on them."

"Or," she said, bending down a little, "you can come to my farm. I'll serve you a meal and you can eat your fill. We can talk about whatever we want and you can leave whenever you're ready. We can be ponies to each other, not threats operating at hoof's length."

2015-03-05, 05:44 PM
Tell me, what did the angel look like when she appeared,

The angel looked like Angel. Jade Sun right there before me, her form pure, even in the swirling blizzard haze of the psychic maelstrom. Her blood is the cleanest red I've ever seen, redder than the apple I just ate. Ask me a hard question sometime...

and what did Death look like in that moment?

Oh, you did. I can't put a face on death. It's hard. It's not a pony I know, not me, not Jade, not Charger or even Eclipse. Nor is it some kiddie thing that would be easy to laugh off, like a big skull face with a scythe cutie mark. That'd be too easy. Honestly, I think death looked old. Thin and pale, like she'd lost a lot of blood. Her hair was white and wispy, hanging over her face so that her eyes seemed to glow a sickly yellow out of the darkness. Her body was hunched and shapeless, like she had a cloak on, only the fabric wasn't quite visible, lost in the shadow of the blizzard. Just those yellow eyes, staring out at me, boring into me. Nothing but yellow eyes.

2015-03-05, 06:27 PM
Charger turned around with another swish, and walked back towards the filly. This time there was hostile intent, colder than the snow around her.

"I don't care about what you know," she said. "I don't care that you took the damn necklace. I care that you tried to bargain with me."

As she came, she undid the knot on her cream white overcoat, letting it fall to the snow. Underneath was a vest of burnt umber, buttoned with orange-gold, wrapped through with wires.

"And if we are going to bargain then I can mention that I heard that gunshot as clear as day and I am not an idiot or blind either. Which means that my friends just got hurt and you are directly responsible. If we are going to bargain," she said, looming over the filly, faint sparks of electricity running along her hooves, "then I have a claim on you equal to the hurt on them."

"Or," she said, bending down a little, "you can come to my farm. I'll serve you a meal and you can eat your fill. We can talk about whatever we want and you can leave whenever you're ready. We can be ponies to each other, not threats operating at hoof's length."

"What gunshot? W-what the hay are you talking about?" The filly drew back from you, frozen in fear and wide-eyed. You were scaring the living hay out of this kid, that was clear as day. "You're crazy, lady! I only stole a stupid necklace, I swear!"

2015-03-05, 06:35 PM
"What gunshot? W-what the hay are you talking about?" The filly drew back from you, frozen in fear and wide-eyed. You were scaring the living hay out of this kid, that was clear as day. "You're crazy, lady! I only stole a stupid necklace, I swear!"

Charger put a hoof around the filly's shoulders and frog marched her around the corner of the alley. She'd see what happened from a good distance.

Charger concealed her own surprise that the victim was Jade and not Snow Eyes.

"I know you didn't mean for this to happen," she said softly. "But it did."

2015-03-05, 06:52 PM
You heard the deep booming of the gun just as you shoved Snow Eyes out of the way. You felt the shot like the snap of a whip in your head and a burning streak along your flank before your body went limp. [3 harm - 1 armor, 2 harm total, plus 1 s-harm: any action you perform is Under Fire]

It hurt every bit as much as she thought it would, and more. Jade Sun was not the kind of pony who could take bullets with dashing grace, instead she crashed down on to Snow Eyes with no attempt at hiding her pain.

What the hay? They were in the middle of town. And Angel was bleeding. "No, you idiot!" I'm shouting as Angel is on top of me. I meant it too because why the hell would the doctor ever take a bullet for me?!

Jade Sun did not feel inclined to argue this point. She was every bit the idiot Snow Eyes accused her of and she knew it. Had she not just ranted at her how no bloodied pony would come through her door again today? And then she goes and does this. Jade Sun took herself very seriously and therefore the irony of the situation was nearly as painful to her as the bleeding wound.

At first she did not try to move. She was in a lot of pain and the bullet had pierced her pride as well as her flank. She just lay sprawled over Snow Eyes, wings spread wide and face down in the snow. Well done, Jade, you f*cking idiot.

She soon stirred, however; it occurred to her that Charger might have heard the shot and turned back, and Jade was suddenly extremely conscious of the comment she had made earlier and the fact that she was now lying in a heap with Snow Eyes. With a face wrinkled by winces, she tried to get up from on top of Snow Eyes and back on her hooves despite the pain.

[Suffer harm: 2d6+2=7
Acting under fire: 2d6+1=6]

2015-03-05, 07:54 PM
"Seriously, are you trying to kill yourself? Stay still!" I'm standing, back on my hooves, and while I'm still trying to clear my head of that vision, I'm also putting myself right up against Jade to support her. Dumb idiot filly isn't going to collapse on her own hooves while I'm around. I'm actually intent enough on keeping her from goddamn well killing herself that I'm not even blushing as I press my body right up against hers.

[roll to assist on acting under fire [roll0]

2015-03-06, 06:09 AM
Charger put a hoof around the filly's shoulders and frog marched her around the corner of the alley. She'd see what happened from a good distance.

Charger concealed her own surprise that the victim was Jade and not Snow Eyes.

"I know you didn't mean for this to happen," she said softly. "But it did."

The filly was stiff as a board as she was marched around the corner, and by the time you got there, she was actually crying. "I didn't do any of that," she pleaded. "I just took her necklace. I'm sorry!"

She soon stirred, however; it occurred to her that Charger might have heard the shot and turned back, and Jade was suddenly extremely conscious of the comment she had made earlier and the fact that she was now lying in a heap with Snow Eyes. With a face wrinkled by winces, she tried to get up from on top of Snow Eyes and back on her hooves despite the pain.

[Suffer harm: 2d6+2=7
Acting under fire: 2d6+1=6]

[roll to assist on acting under fire [roll0]

With the support from a friend, walking straight was just about something you could manage. Now, the question is, where do you go?

2015-03-06, 06:13 AM
The filly was stiff as a board as she was marched around the corner, and by the time you got there, she was actually crying. "I didn't do any of that," she pleaded. "I just took her necklace. I'm sorry!"

Charger turned her around, gently now. "I know," she said. "I'm not mad. Come on, it's not safe here."

2015-03-06, 06:46 AM
With the support from a friend, walking straight was just about something you could manage. Now, the question is, where do you go?

Angel steered her hobbled steps straight towards home, everything else would have to wait for now. She needed to see if the world could perhaps stop spinning, or at least slow down before she dealt with Scrapper.

She just needed to get these wounds dressed, perhaps have Kicker check they were clean, then sit down and just... close her eyes for a little bit. She was going to have that bread, yes. And some coffee. All would be fine. But damn it hurt.

Even though her pride demanded she made it home on her own four hooves, she was just about lucid enough to realise that was not going to happen and allowed herself to lean heavily on Snow Eyes as they walked, but she said nothing for now.

2015-03-06, 04:20 PM
Snow eyes spent most of the walk with her eyes darting around. She had a lot of things to draw her attention. She kept looking at Jade, making sure that she was giving Jade proper support and there was no danger of a fall. She glanced through the snowy streets, the dark alleys with their overhanging icicles, the frozen roofs. Her eyes were peeled for any sign of the mystery shooter or for death stalking their moves. And then she kept having to glance at herself and make sure that her heart wasn't pounding out of her chest. She'd never been this close to Jade for so long. She hoped Jade couldn't tell how nervous she was.

2015-03-08, 06:20 PM
Blood runs down your wings, soaking feathers and seeping into the blades of ice, coloring them a deep red like savage cut rubies. The blackness seethes and froths with each drop, and the twisted shapes wave their struggling limbs at you, hungry for you.

You buffet and slash at them, but the grace of your ruby blades no longer seems to keep them at bay. The vile darkness seeps into the blades, and they grow hard and black as obsidian, red streaks of blood pulsing deep within, smothered by the black. The black river wants it, seeks it, but you've got two wing-fulls of red, and there's a whole river of black.

You can no longer tell if the river is winding downwards or upwards.

So. The river hungers for blood, yet not even a hundred of her could hope to quench its gluttony. Eclipse struck the hardened blades on the ground, shattering them completely. Fighting through the pain and the pull, she flapped and flapped until her bit of land rose free of the grasping slime and she blinked back into the storeroom.

If she could not satisfy the river - and why on this earth would she ever want to? - then she would starve it. And deal with this bomb to boot.

First, she cut into the ground around the black ichor, excising out a whole chunk of snow. It hadn't been very long; the slime couldn't have gotten very deep. Next, she stuffed one of the bags she hadn't ruined with the slab of tainted snow. She piled in a little more loose snow, making an icy sandwich to stall the ooze's advance. Hauling bag and bomb over her back, she hurried outside, shouting to Crystalshy not to enter the storeroom until she got back. We'll call all that Phase One.

Phase Two involved a quick flight up, over, and away from the walls. Once she was far enough away from the walls, she'd drop the sack into the snowdrifts below. With the fall, it should bury itself pretty deep. As if that wasn't enough, she'd place her bomb on top of the bag. A short flight up, a clean shot from her ice caster, and *KABOOM*. The bag gets blasted into the bowels of the earth, buried beneath a small mountain of snow. No matter how long that goop can hold out, it'll never find any life down there. Ever. In the end, it'll either shrivel up into nothing or freeze harmlessly.

Now, that's a lot of stuff to do, but the only thing Eclipse is racing is the nastiness in her bag. If it eats through the snow and burlap, she's going to have a painful flight. But how well does the rest of it work out?

2015-03-09, 05:51 PM
On your way back, you saw Eclipse leave the infirmary in a rush, high-tailing it for the the hills with a bag full of snow. That looked fun.

The infirmary was no fun, though. Ponies looking stabil. Bell Bottom tied down securely. Assistants cleaning the place up nice. Gag!

What are you going to do?

Charger turned her around, gently now. "I know," she said. "I'm not mad. Come on, it's not safe here."

"W-where are we going?"

So. The river hungers for blood, yet not even a hundred of her could hope to quench its gluttony. Eclipse struck the hardened blades on the ground, shattering them completely. Fighting through the pain and the pull, she flapped and flapped until her bit of land rose free of the grasping slime and she blinked back into the storeroom.

If she could not satisfy the river - and why on this earth would she ever want to? - then she would starve it. And deal with this bomb to boot.

First, she cut into the ground around the black ichor, excising out a whole chunk of snow. It hadn't been very long; the slime couldn't have gotten very deep. Next, she stuffed one of the bags she hadn't ruined with the slab of tainted snow. She piled in a little more loose snow, making an icy sandwich to stall the ooze's advance. Hauling bag and bomb over her back, she hurried outside, shouting to Crystalshy not to enter the storeroom until she got back. We'll call all that Phase One.

Phase Two involved a quick flight up, over, and away from the walls. Once she was far enough away from the walls, she'd drop the sack into the snowdrifts below. With the fall, it should bury itself pretty deep. As if that wasn't enough, she'd place her bomb on top of the bag. A short flight up, a clean shot from her ice caster, and *KABOOM*. The bag gets blasted into the bowels of the earth, buried beneath a small mountain of snow. No matter how long that goop can hold out, it'll never find any life down there. Ever. In the end, it'll either shrivel up into nothing or freeze harmlessly.

Now, that's a lot of stuff to do, but the only thing Eclipse is racing is the nastiness in her bag. If it eats through the snow and burlap, she's going to have a painful flight. But how well does the rest of it work out?


And the deed was done. Hopefully that would take care of the problem.

Looked like the gates were closed while they fixed the wall, or whatever they were doing, but as a pegasus you barely even noticed. Sometimes, those wings came in real ... handy.

So what's next on your plan?

2015-03-09, 06:03 PM
On your way back, you saw Eclipse leave the infirmary in a rush, high-tailing it for the the hills with a bag full of snow. That looked fun.

The infirmary was no fun, though. Ponies looking stabil. Bell Bottom tied down securely. Assistants cleaning the place up nice. Gag!

What are you going to do?

"Hey! Hey! All of you, get in here. Angel needs help, right now! Move it!"

Then in a softer tone of voice, Snow Eyes turned to look at Jade. "Okay, Jade, we're almost there, just a little further, filly. Where do I put you?"

2015-03-09, 06:49 PM
"W-where are we going?"

There was an explosion in the distance. Charger glanced in its direction briefly. "Home," she said.

The Oanic Gardens were a beautiful place. The old metal sign on the ancient iron fence had rusted off two of its letters but the disrepair was deceiving; the interior was as beautiful as anything you'd see. Once it had been a huge, sprawling park where all the most exotic plants of the old world were grown and cultivated together, and it kept its dignity even though the winter.

A network of sun-lamps and local enchantments provided ideal growing conditions for a vast variety of plants from all over the planet and gave the gardens an unusually warm feeling. Groundskeeping robots trundled across the landscape, tending to the plants, encrusted with litchen and nested in by birds. Despite their efforts the gardens had grown wild, and many sections were extremely dangerous. The most valuable and exotic spices and fruits were within these depths, and only the most gentle or brave ponies could recover them. Many local plants - like the ubiquitous snow flower - were escapees from the gardens.

The central area, where Charger and her family lived, was beautifully cultivated. The farmhouse was the old visitors centre, a modern construction of glass wrapped around in vines that were stained red-gold with a forever autumn. Around it were fields of wheat, corn, barley and sunflowers growing in a riot of variety. Here and there were speckled small gardens of other fruits, flowers and vegetables. There was no monoculture here; there was a little bit of everything. Here and there streams ran, never more than slightly frosting at the edges.

At places in the gardens were old statues, stone figures on plinths, surrounded by glowing overgrowth. Overall the impression was one of managed chaos; it was a lovely place, though some found it unsettling.

2015-03-09, 11:02 PM

And the deed was done. Hopefully that would take care of the problem.

Looked like the gates were closed while they fixed the wall, or whatever they were doing, but as a pegasus you barely even noticed. Sometimes, those wings came in real ... handy.

So what's next on your plan?

Later, at around noon, Eclipse had organized a big workshop for the ponies of Windbreak, though some were more likely to call it a sermon. Her volunteers had been busy collecting wood, nails, and other woodworking supplies. When the time came, she'd give a little speech, show them how to do some basic craftsmanship, then supervise their work on a much smaller sample project. Crowds for the warmth, play for the hooves, and hope for the heart; these sorts of things always had a good turnout. Word on the street was Miss Spurs might even be in attendance. Wouldn't that be a fine to-do?

But before any of that started, she was going to take a rest.

Arcing over the mighty walls, the pale pegasus gently spiraled down until she drifted into a little hole in the wall. Literally. Dozens, if not hundreds of ponies had carved out homes in the thick walls of Windbreak. Those who couldn't afford a piece of the earth dug out a living where at least they'd be safe from the winds. The past few days, she'd been staying with one such family who were gracious enough to offer her a room with a window. Amid featureless walls, she touched down gingerly. Her legs and wings throbbed from the sudden flight; she'd have to fix those holes in her coat soon. She wrapped herself up in her blanket, pulled over the little tray of scraps the family had saved up for her, and ate a quiet meal. Slowly, the aches in her bones faded away, as she filled her mind with the sound of her chewing. The beat of her heart. The hum of the winds. The distant glow of the sun.


At peace.

2015-03-10, 05:28 AM
On your way back, you saw Eclipse leave the infirmary in a rush, high-tailing it for the the hills with a bag full of snow. That looked fun.

Jade Sun looked up at the sky with satisfaction as she saw Eclipse take off.

"A pony of her word," she commented.

The infirmary was no fun, though. Ponies looking stabil. Bell Bottom tied down securely. Assistants cleaning the place up nice. Gag!

What are you going to do?

Oh the humiliation, being escorted in like some patient. She was hurt and embarrassed and to make matters worse her place was still heaving with damn ponies. Ponies in the infirmary, ponies on the floor, ponies in her bed...

"Hey! Hey! All of you, get in here. Angel needs help, right now! Move it!"

"I'm fine I just need to sit do-ah!" Jade's attempt at standing on her own had quickly resulted in her having to clamber on to Snow Eyes again. She closed her eyes and tried to put aside the worst of her embarrassment.

Then in a softer tone of voice, Snow Eyes turned to look at Jade. "Okay, Jade, we're almost there, just a little further, filly. Where do I put you?"

She glanced at Snow Eyes and nodded in the direction of some comfortable cushions lying on the floor where she could sit - one of the few spots in here that wasn't occupied by a pony.

It was like a damn obstacle course in there negotiating a path between hooves and tails. Indignant anger was rising in the Angel and she quickly erupted;

"That's it, every stable pony - get out!" She gave them a dark glare. "Unless you're dying or unconscious, LEAVE!" she roared.

"Crystalshy, give me a hoof cleaning and dressing this. Snow Kicker, could you ask that stallion you spoke to earlier this morning to come over, but first, some hot coffee for two. And the bread." She looked up at Snow Eyes "Assuming you could do with some? It's freshly baked," she offered without a smile.

Once patched up Angel was intending to not move from her infirmary if she could help it. She'd had enough of being shot and escorted around like a nonagenarian, and the room would have to stop spinning before she'd feel inclined to show her face outside. That didn't mean her plans had to stop however, she would just have to call in some favours.

2015-03-10, 11:31 AM
"Yeah, that'd be great." We sit down, amid all the frantic ponies. I can't believe Jade is playing this down so much. "So, Jade, do you make a habit of pushing ponies in heavier armor than you out of the way of gun shots?" I smile and laugh, just joking, but then turn a little somber, "and what did you see, anyway?"

2015-03-10, 01:03 PM
"Yeah, that'd be great." We sit down, amid all the frantic ponies. I can't believe Jade is playing this down so much. "So, Jade, do you make a habit of pushing ponies in heavier armor than you out of the way of gun shots?" I smile and laugh, just joking, but then turn a little somber, "and what did you see, anyway?"

Jade Sun looked up at Snow Eyes in mild but pleasant surprise at hearing her real name used by a pony other than Charger. Most ponies didn't bother.

"Hmph." She tried to hide a small blush by dabbing at the wound on her head without any real purpose other than deflecting attention. "No," she muttered, "can't say I do." She didn't join in the laughing.

"I didn't see a lot." Jade was clearly much more comfortable with this subject. "It was just a split second's glance and then I was somewhat distracted by my overwhelming desire to scream like a filly." She laughed a little at herself and shook her head only to instantly regret it, turning a slightly darker shade of green at the sudden motion of her head.

"Some pony with a gun aimed at your head. Dark colour I think, or dressed dark, or maybe it was just the shadows. The gun was big though, as in, really big. Long. With all sorts of weird stuff on the... y'know, the bit at the front," said Angel the weapons expert.

2015-03-10, 01:28 PM
Jade Sun looked up at Snow Eyes in mild but pleasant surprise at hearing her real name used by a pony other than Charger. Most ponies didn't bother.

"Hmph." She tried to hide a small blush by dabbing at the wound on her head without any real purpose other than deflecting attention. "No," she muttered, "can't say I do." She didn't join in the laughing.

"I didn't see a lot." Jade was clearly much more comfortable with this subject. "It was just a split second's glance and then I was somewhat distracted by my overwhelming desire to scream like a filly." She laughed a little at herself and shook her head only to instantly regret it, turning a slightly darker shade of green at the sudden motion of her head.

"Some pony with a gun aimed at your head. Dark colour I think, or dressed dark, or maybe it was just the shadows. The gun was big though, as in, really big. Long. With all sorts of weird stuff on the... y'know, the bit at the front," said Angel the weapons expert.

"Mm customized barrel, huh?" Snow Eyes, actually the closest thing this town had to a weapons expert, was already thinking. "Maybe something for balance, then, to keep the long barrel steady. That would give time for an aimed shot with high accuracy. Good range too. I wonder why it was even close enough for you to notice. But, if that's true, you may actually have saved my life..." Snow Eyes stopped short, then, blushing furiously and trying to be cautious of Jade's wound, she leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then pulled back immediately. "Um, my way of saying thanks."

2015-03-11, 04:23 AM
"Mm customized barrel, huh?" Snow Eyes, actually the closest thing this town had to a weapons expert, was already thinking. "Maybe something for balance, then, to keep the long barrel steady. That would give time for an aimed shot with high accuracy. Good range too. I wonder why it was even close enough for you to notice. But, if that's true, you may actually have saved my life..." Snow Eyes stopped short, then, blushing furiously and trying to be cautious of Jade's wound, she leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then pulled back immediately. "Um, my way of saying thanks."

Oh, she's a kisser. Angel noted, shifting a little uncomfortably. Despite years of being the only competent healer in town she still didn't know quite how best to handle these intimate displays of gratitude. They did happen on occasion; ponies thinking her some kind of hero for healing them or their loved ones, and getting overly affectionate in desperate need to show their gratitude.

She felt as if every pony in the room was staring at them and she failed to fight back a blush.

"That's, uh, that's alright... Just, you know, doing my job." She said, clearing her throat. It was her usual go-to answer. "I mean, obviously it's not my job, job. I'm not following you around just to take gunshots for you. I mean, of course I would- I mean, I did- but it's not... I mean you're welcome but... well..." she scraped a hoof on the floor a little uncomfortably. Funny, she never usually had a problem with this, "...I guess I was hoping for a bit more."

2015-03-11, 12:45 PM
Snow Eyes was not ready for that. She wanted more too, but you didn't just say that! It took away all Snow Eyes' plausible deniability! She shifted uncomfortably. Everypony was staring at them. She should kiss Jade again. She was going to. That was what she had decided. She'd kiss Jade again. All she had to do was lean over, this time a little more passionately and that would clear everything up. Then one of the orderlies came over and stepped between them. Ice stomper or kicker or something? Snow Eyes didn't remember his name. But he was moving Jade to go treat her wounds.

"I..." God say something you idiot! Before she's gone. "I'll come visit you."

Lamest parting one liner in all of history. Snow Eyes was pretty sure Discord was personally laughing at her.

As Jade was carried away, Snow Eyes got up to go see Charger. There was a pony who knew what she was doing. She'd know how to not be pathetic. Also, Snow Eyes really wanted to shoot something.

2015-03-11, 06:23 PM
Snow Eyes was not ready for that. She wanted more too, but you didn't just say that! It took away all Snow Eyes' plausible deniability! She shifted uncomfortably. Everypony was staring at them. She should kiss Jade again. She was going to. That was what she had decided. She'd kiss Jade again. All she had to do was lean over, this time a little more passionately and that would clear everything up. Then one of the orderlies came over and stepped between them. Ice stomper or kicker or something? Snow Eyes didn't remember his name. But he was moving Jade to go treat her wounds.

"I..." God say something you idiot! Before she's gone. "I'll come visit you."

Lamest parting one liner in all of history. Snow Eyes was pretty sure Discord was personally laughing at her.

As Jade was carried away, Snow Eyes got up to go see Charger. There was a pony who knew what she was doing. She'd know how to not be pathetic. Also, Snow Eyes really wanted to shoot something.

"Wh-what?" Jade Sun looked up over Crystalshy's shoulder as she was escorted in to her infirmary, utter disappointment plain on her face. She had assumed Snow Eyes was coming with her to continue their conversation so she could tell her her big plan - they hadn't even had their coffee yet! But now she could just watch her leave.

When Jade Sun heard the front door open and close she dropped her head back on the infirmary table she was lying on with a loud thud.

"What does a pony have to do to get f*cking paid around here?!" she snapped. "I mean I took a damn bullet, you'd think she could at least offer me a favour. But what did I get? A kiss." Jade was ranting at Crystalshy, and not for the first time.

"Is a kiss going to fix Bell Bottom? Or restock my insulin? Or help me figure out what that parasite is? No. If my luck holds however it just might land me in a heap of trouble though. Aw hell." She hid her face in her hooves. So much for trying the 'being Nice' approach.

She let her spinning mind wander freely as she lay on her own treatment table. She hadn't realised quite how uncomfortable it was until now. She'd had enough of dumped victims of violence at her door for her to save or carry in her guilty conscience as if it was all her fault. She was in so much pain, from trying to do the right thing saving the hero of Windbreak. She couldn't fathom how any pony could ever wish her dead. How badly would a pony's mind have to break for them ever to consider her a pony who ought to die? And why are assassin ponies able to just roam the streets?!

Angel reached for her favourite research diary and leafed through it while her wounds were seen to. She was going to do something about all this. Just... just as soon as this room stopped spinning. But it seemed she was on her own.

2015-03-11, 07:24 PM
Snow Eyes wound her way through the streets of Windbreak. In her own fluster, she'd totally forgotten if she was even the right pony to be paying Jade, much less anything about coffee or plans. She just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Instead, though she was going to ask Charger for help.

She made her way over to the Oanic gardens and took a deep breath as she went in. She needed to be calm, and this place had a serene effect on every pony that entered. That was good. She sighed. Did she even have a chance with Jade? A pony like her, no good for anything but running around and shooting a gun.

She looked peaceful but glum when she got through the entranceway of the compound to the central section where Charger lived. She hoped her friend wasn't doing anything else right now. She raised her hoof and gave a pull at the set of crystal chimes in front of the farmhouse that was used to announce the presence of guests.

2015-03-11, 08:02 PM
Charger didn't say anything to the kid. Not because she was sulking or angry; if anything, she seemed totally calm and at home. She sat her down at the table and served her a plate of rich, thick black bread, crunchy with seeds and with the character of crumbling earth. Over the top was scraped a layer of butter and a dusting of icing sugar, and there were two small plates of jam, blueberry and orange, for dipping. It was a beautiful meal.

It was almost dreamlike, the way Charger moved around the kitchen, humming softly to herself. The music said mother, said home, said peace. It was a genuine moment of peace and gentleness. She didn't ask for anything, didn't demand, didn't threaten. She was just beautiful.

[Hypnotic: 12+2 14. Holding 3]

Snow Eyes wound her way through the streets of Windbreak. In her own fluster, she'd totally forgotten if she was even the right pony to be paying Jade, much less anything about coffee or plans. She just wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Instead, though she was going to ask Charger for help.

She made her way over to the Oanic gardens and took a deep breath as she went in. She needed to be calm, and this place had a serene effect on every pony that entered. That was good. She sighed. Did she even have a chance with Jade? A pony like her, no good for anything but running around and shooting a gun.

She looked peaceful but glum when she got through the entranceway of the compound to the central section where Charger lived. She hoped her friend wasn't doing anything else right now. She raised her hoof and gave a pull at the set of crystal chimes in front of the farmhouse that was used to announce the presence of guests.

Charger opened the door, silver eyes shining in the early morning sunlight. That thoughtful smile crept back to her features. "Hello, Snow Eyes. I was hoping you'd come by,"

She turned around, stepped inside, and gave herself a brief, devilish smile before saying, "I was thinking I'd take Jade out for a picnic and I'd love your help getting the jam ready. Oh, and there are a few other chores around the farm I could use your help with."

2015-03-12, 04:30 AM
Charger opened the door, silver eyes shining in the early morning sunlight. That thoughtful smile crept back to her features. "Hello, Snow Eyes. I was hoping you'd come by,"

She turned around, stepped inside, and gave herself a brief, devilish smile before saying, "I was thinking I'd take Jade out for a picnic and I'd love your help getting the jam ready. Oh, and there are a few other chores around the farm I could use your help with."

Snow Eyes snorted when Charger answered the door with that ready answer. "You psychic now, Charge? I was coming here to ask about Jade. She got shot though, I dunno if she'll be up for a picnic for a little while." Vague distant look at that one. Snow Eyes' whole morning has a surreal air to it, especially in this haven in the midst of the blizzards. Like it's impossible that she could be here now after killing 3 ponies and having her own life saved by Jade Sun in the blink of an eye. She shook her head. "How do you even hold this place together, Charge? It's like we're not even on the same planet in here."

2015-03-12, 07:32 AM
Snow Eyes snorted when Charger answered the door with that ready answer. "You psychic now, Charge? I was coming here to ask about Jade. She got shot though, I dunno if she'll be up for a picnic for a little while." Vague distant look at that one. Snow Eyes' whole morning has a surreal air to it, especially in this haven in the midst of the blizzards. Like it's impossible that she could be here now after killing 3 ponies and having her own life saved by Jade Sun in the blink of an eye. She shook her head. "How do you even hold this place together, Charge? It's like we're not even on the same planet in here."

"Diligence and industry," said Charger, "and hard, hard work."

She sat down on the stairs, lying across them and letting her tail hang down the side. "Talk," she commanded with catlike imperiousness.

2015-03-12, 12:53 PM
"Talk," she commanded with catlike imperiousness.

Snow Eyes just gushed at this point. She trusted Charger, they'd had some long talks before, and this was a moment where she poured out her feelings.

"So, I know you were joking before when you saw Jade and me and asked if we were, um, together or something, but I actually really like her. And then she took a bullet for me, but I didn't see who shot it. I had this weird vision right after, like Death, capital D, had come down only she was this weird old crone pony with yellow eyes. And...and then Jade came down like an angel, I mean she goes by Angel, but this was like in the vision like a real angel that looked exactly like Jade. Then it kind of faded away. But either way Jade actually took a real bullet for me from a sniper that only Jade even saw."

*pause for breath and dramatic effect*

"So then Jade could barely walk, so I carried her back to the infirmary, but it was super crowded so we just kind of sat down at the entrance. I called for help and we were talking. I was making jokes trying to keep her in good spirits, like I didn't really think I was in danger until she described the gun, custom long-barreled sniper, high caliber, with some kind of attachment to steady the barrel for better aim set up right at my head. And when I realized that she really saved my life and wasn't just stupid I kissed her, but then I freaked out because I'm seriously the lamest person on the planet at everything other than shooting ponies and said it was just for saying thanks. Then she said that she wanted more and I was like 'holy cow!' but then one of her orderlies came and took her away and I didn't know what to say, so I said I'd visit and ran out of the place without doing anything. I didn't even check how she was or on the other ponies getting treatment."

Snow Eyes smacked herself on the head with a hoof, "I'm an idiot! She'd invited me to stay for food and I was gonna give her the stuff I salvaged this morning to pay her, but I got so freaked that I ran out without doing anything. She probably thinks I'm totally worthless now.

What do I do, Charge?"

2015-03-12, 04:48 PM
This could potentially become complicated. Charger took a moment to think about it.

Read a Person: 3

2015-03-13, 05:07 PM
At places in the gardens were old statues, stone figures on plinths, surrounded by glowing overgrowth. Overall the impression was one of managed chaos; it was a lovely place, though some found it unsettling.

Managed chaos ... You ponies crack me up.

Unsettled, like a mouse following the nice putty tat through Cat Town at night, not knowing whether it should take a chance and make a run for it; whether this was its moment or if the cat was just waiting for her to try it.

The filly looked like that.

Later, at around noon, Eclipse had organized a big workshop for the ponies of Windbreak, though some were more likely to call it a sermon. Her volunteers had been busy collecting wood, nails, and other woodworking supplies. When the time came, she'd give a little speech, show them how to do some basic craftsmanship, then supervise their work on a much smaller sample project. Crowds for the warmth, play for the hooves, and hope for the heart; these sorts of things always had a good turnout. Word on the street was Miss Spurs might even be in attendance. Wouldn't that be a fine to-do?

We shall get to that ... or shall we?

But before any of that started, she was going to take a rest.

Arcing over the mighty walls, the pale pegasus gently spiraled down until she drifted into a little hole in the wall. Literally. Dozens, if not hundreds of ponies had carved out homes in the thick walls of Windbreak. Those who couldn't afford a piece of the earth dug out a living where at least they'd be safe from the winds. The past few days, she'd been staying with one such family who were gracious enough to offer her a room with a window. Amid featureless walls, she touched down gingerly. Her legs and wings throbbed from the sudden flight; she'd have to fix those holes in her coat soon. She wrapped herself up in her blanket, pulled over the little tray of scraps the family had saved up for her, and ate a quiet meal. Slowly, the aches in her bones faded away, as she filled her mind with the sound of her chewing. The beat of her heart. The hum of the winds. The distant glow of the sun.


At peace.

To sleep, perchance to dream ...

Tell me, what is a peaceful dream to you? And wouldn't you leave all this behind and live that dream if you could? So much better than this, hmm?

"That's it, every stable pony - get out!" She gave them a dark glare. "Unless you're dying or unconscious, LEAVE!" she roared.

"Crystalshy, give me a hoof cleaning and dressing this. Snow Kicker, could you ask that stallion you spoke to earlier this morning to come over, but first, some hot coffee for two. And the bread." She looked up at Snow Eyes "Assuming you could do with some? It's freshly baked," she offered without a smile.

How rude. There was much grumbling and groaning from ponies leaving, but leave they mostly did.

Snow Kicker brought you the bread and coffee, or the half of it that was left, then hurried out before you could start yelling some more. It was good bread and coffee, especially when one considered some of the other 'food' you could get out there. It might even be half-fresh flour and actual sugar, though real butter was less certain.

"I..." God say something you idiot! Before she's gone. "I'll come visit you."

Lamest parting one liner in all of history. Snow Eyes was pretty sure Discord was personally laughing at her.

Me? Noooo, never. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnppoYbPj50)


But I would watch your friends, my friend. Who knows what they do behind your back. Can't you just feel them laughing at you?

"What does a pony have to do to get f*cking paid around here?!" she snapped. "I mean I took a damn bullet, you'd think she could at least offer me a favour. But what did I get? A kiss." Jade was ranting at Crystalshy, and not for the first time.

"Is a kiss going to fix Bell Bottom? Or restock my insulin? Or help me figure out what that parasite is? No. If my luck holds however it just might land me in a heap of trouble though. Aw hell." She hid her face in her hooves. So much for trying the 'being Nice' approach.


Angel reached for her favourite research diary and leafed through it while her wounds were seen to. She was going to do something about all this. Just... just as soon as this room stopped spinning. But it seemed she was on her own.

Crystalshy looked like she wouldn't mind a kiss or two if the right pony came along and offered it to her, but she wisely kept her romantic fantasies and opinions to herself and merely nodded and mhmm'ed all through her work.

It was about twenty minutes later when Snow Kicker returned with a rough-looking stallion named Bearclaw in tow. He left his flamethrower by the door and looked around as he entered, perhaps wondering about Bell Bottom.

Charger didn't say anything to the kid. Not because she was sulking or angry; if anything, she seemed totally calm and at home. She sat her down at the table and served her a plate of rich, thick black bread, crunchy with seeds and with the character of crumbling earth. Over the top was scraped a layer of butter and a dusting of icing sugar, and there were two small plates of jam, blueberry and orange, for dipping. It was a beautiful meal.

It was almost dreamlike, the way Charger moved around the kitchen, humming softly to herself. The music said mother, said home, said peace. It was a genuine moment of peace and gentleness. She didn't ask for anything, didn't demand, didn't threaten. She was just beautiful.

[Hypnotic: 12+2 14. Holding 3]

Beautiful, elegant, stately like the cat. Your swaying and dancing and cooking may have done little if anything to assuage the filly's white-faced terror, but transfixed ... yes, that she surely was. This mouse would dance to every tune the cat played.

This could potentially become complicated. Charger took a moment to think about it.

Read a Person: 3

Snow Eyes, the questions are yours. Why, it's almost like a magic lamp! *poof*

2015-03-13, 05:51 PM
Snow Eyes, the questions are yours. Why, it's almost like a magic lamp! *poof*

Oh, 3 whole questions, is that right? Let's have at it then.

What are you really feeling?
What do you want me to do?
How could I get you to help me win Jade's heart?

2015-03-13, 07:26 PM
Oh, 3 whole questions, is that right? Let's have at it then.

What are you really feeling?
What do you want me to do?
How could I get you to help me win Jade's heart?

Charger is feeling guarded, tense, in a way that she is trying hard not to show. To her this is suddenly an extremely tricky and dangerous situation where she could lose one or two ponies she cares about and she feels like she has to manage it right.

What she wants you to do is, best case, realise the crush is temporary and illusionary and give up on it without making things weird. And, after that, keep being Charger's dorky friend.

How you could get her to do it is, hmm. She has an interest in Jade herself, you can see that clearly. Now she'd probably back off if you put your friendship as the stakes but she'd hate you for it. If it was anypony else she'd be proposing a threesome but she wants to figure out if you'd go for that before suggesting it out loud. Anything other that is very risky.

2015-03-13, 09:25 PM
To sleep, perchance to dream ...

Tell me, what is a peaceful dream to you? And wouldn't you leave all this behind and live that dream if you could? So much better than this, hmm?

Peaceful? What, do I look stressed to you? I don't really feel it. I might be a little bit singed, but that's different.

If it's dreams you're after, I've got a few good ones. There's one I've had where I'm just...falling. And not the bad sort of falling either. It's one where I've just let go of the earth, and it's rushing beneath me like one of those rivers they had back in the Fall. I'm drifting along, curving gently with the slightest twitch of my wings, going faster and faster, it's like I don't even have to think anymore. It doesn't even hurt when I hit something; city, mountain, pony, it's all the same. We meet, for the briefest of moments, then they explode in a pinata of colors and lights and I'm off without slowing down at all. When it's over, I'm trailing the biggest rainbow you ever saw over not only Equestria, but the entire world, and no, I wasn't eating the stale snow flowers before bedtime. It's beautiful.

Then there's this other one I've been having. Hit me a few times right after I came to Windbreak. I'm sitting at the counter of this bar, and it's just packed. There's so many ponies I can't hardly tell where one ends and another begins. It's all laughter and cheers, pressing in around me. But I'm not talking with them. Shoot, I'm not even looking at them. No, what's got my attention is an ice cream sundae the size of my head, sitting in front of me in a shiny, bronze bowl. It's got all the fixings; steaming hot caramel, crumbled up bits of sweetbread, rainbow sprinkles, strips of black licorice, freshly sliced fruit, whipped cream, and a mountain of ice cream. Every bite is heaven. So many textures and flavors, so much new in every taste, I could eat it forever and still find something new and amazing. It makes my chest crackle just thinking about it.

But the most peaceful dream of all? Is when I only have one a night.

And wouldn't you leave all this behind and live that dream if you could? So much better than this, hmm?

Listen; I'm going to save you a lot of time, and tell you that isn't going to work. The thing about all those dreams is that they don't care what season it is. It could be Winter, Spring, Summer, maybe even some other season lost to time. At the end of the day, Spring's coming whether you like it or not. Makes no difference to my dreams.

As for leaving? Well, you see those guards wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up on top of the walls? If they look out onto the wastes and see a pack of Windingos, they're going to raise the alarm. And if anypony's dumb enough to go out for an evening stroll, they're going to get shattered to bits and it's going to be on their own heads. But supposing those guards don't raise the alarm. Suppose they sit on their flanks and play patty-cake because they figured it would all turn out alright without them. Anypony what dies then, their blood's on the guards' hooves now. They saw the disaster coming, they could've warned everypony it was coming, but they chose to keep it all to themselves. Jerks.

So don't ask if I'd leave all this behind for some wild dream. Ask what could make me selfish enough to leave.

2015-03-14, 04:53 AM
How rude. There was much grumbling and groaning from ponies leaving, but leave they mostly did.

Snow Kicker brought you the bread and coffee, or the half of it that was left, then hurried out before you could start yelling some more. It was good bread and coffee, especially when one considered some of the other 'food' you could get out there. It might even be half-fresh flour and actual sugar, though real butter was less certain.

Crystalshy looked like she wouldn't mind a kiss or two if the right pony came along and offered it to her, but she wisely kept her romantic fantasies and opinions to herself and merely nodded and mhmm'ed all through her work.

Angel eyed the pages scribbled full of her own writing without really reading them.

"I could really have done with Snow Eyes' help. I wasn't sure how to pull it all off on my own but when she escorted me home I realised I had this amazing opportunity. I mean Snow Eyes, with her help I could achieve anything. I bet there's even a way of getting that thing out alive. I'd be reluctant to try it without Snow Eyes though. It's a big risk. But could you imagine what we could learn from it if we got it out alive?" Angel's question was, as was often the case, rhetorical, and she soon continued on.

"Not that she seems in any way inclined to help me though. She was out that door faster than anything. Although... perhaps Eclipse would be willing... to be honest, she did me a huge favour this morning. I really didn't think her that kind of pony. She's just always so... violent. I mean look at poor Bell Bottom. And me. Snow Eyes isn't exactly a saint either though, just look at her work this morning. There's too many victims of violent ponies around. Too much violence, period." Jade rambled on.

Her eyes fell on a single word scribbled in her own writing on one of the pages in her project diary in her hooves.

Serotonin. She lay back down on the treatment table and thought. Her mind made the link to the prefrontal cortex, then on to mood disorders, and then the associations cascaded in her mind, falling in place like tiny pieces of a giant puzzle. The word had sparked something in her mind, a notion, leading to an idea, leading to the slow formulation of a plan. It felt like prodding a tiny domino setting a suddenly obvious chain of thoughts in motion.

She slapped a hoof on her face barely noticing that she'd slightly touched her head wound. It seemed so obvious now, how could this have evaded her before? It was going to require a fair bit of work, but... she might just be able to find a cure for violence, or at least violent behaviour. Was it not a mental illness like so many others after all? She looked thoughtfully at the little bit of blood on her hoof from where she had touched her wound. This couldn't be anything but a purely good thing. A public service. No more butchered ponies at her doorstep, no more ponies getting shot. Somepony had to clean up this town.

It was about twenty minutes later when Snow Kicker returned with a rough-looking stallion named Bearclaw in tow. He left his flamethrower by the door and looked around as he entered, perhaps wondering about Bell Bottom.

Angel woke up from her thoughts with a start and sat up on the table. She hadn't even noticed when Crystalshy had finished.

"Oh, yes. Hello." Angel had to snap back to the here and now. "My assistant told me you inquired after Bell Bottom earlier. Do you know her well?" she asked, remaining sitting on the treatment table. She gestured across the infirmary to where Bell was lying at the other end, still tied down and blissed out. "I have managed to stabilise her but in doing so I have found some other problems which will need a rather extensive intervention," she explained. "Tell me, have you noticed her acting... strange lately?"

[What's the cost for developing a cure for violence?]

2015-03-14, 09:15 AM
Peaceful? What, do I look stressed to you? I don't really feel it. I might be a little bit singed, but that's different.


So don't ask if I'd leave all this behind for some wild dream. Ask what could make me selfish enough to leave.

And what if spring only comes once you leave? Ah, never mind me and my silly questions. I see you're set in your way.

I shan't keep you any longer. Oh look, it's much later than you planned. Better wake up and hurry out there.

Angel woke up from her thoughts with a start and sat up on the table. She hadn't even noticed when Crystalshy had finished.

"Oh, yes. Hello." Angel had to snap back to the here and now. "My assistant told me you inquired after Bell Bottom earlier. Do you know her well?" she asked, remaining sitting on the treatment table. She gestured across the infirmary to where Bell was lying at the other end, still tied down and blissed out. "I have managed to stabilise her but in doing so I have found some other problems which will need a rather extensive intervention," she explained. "Tell me, have you noticed her acting... strange lately?"

"We're cousins," he replied and looked at Bell Bottom across the room. He scratched his muzzle. "She's been twitchy lately, quick to flip out. Tell you the truth, she'd been all quiet ever since her parents died last year. I figured this was just ... delayed reaction, you know? Like, she'd been depressed and now she needed to blow some steam to get over it. I thought it would be good for her to get out ...

"She totally snapped out there. I couldn't even recognize her like that."

[What's the cost for developing a cure for violence?]

Oh yes, there used to be HEAPS of magical research into mind altering spells. Love spells, memory spells, reformation spells ... You wouldn't believe how quick unicorns were to mess around with the minds and personalities of their friends and family.

Or perhaps you would, wouldn't you.

But the thing about magic, you see, is that it tends to wear off. Often within days, but in some cases up to a thousand years (known as Clover's Upper Limit Theorem in the field of Transmutation Theory).

Unfortunately, ponies never did much non-magical research of this particular nature. Earth ponies and pegasi never had the same desire or need to mess with the minds of their friends, I suppose. If you want non-magical research into the brain, you may have to do most of it yourself, or look to the zebras who were also big into mind-altering effects (wink wink). Getting their research will be difficult and risky. It may require you to leave home and seek them out, which would take time and no doubt involve danger, but the reward could be immense. Or you could pay someone a ton to hunt it down for you, but you never know with these mercenary types, right?

Doing the research yourself will require research subjects. Lots of brains, in other words. You need to study the brains of both violent and less violently inclined individuals in order to pick out what sets them apart. You can learn much from living volunteers, but actually doing this will require cutting up some brains as well, and you may not want to do that on living ponies.

Dead ponies are plentiful and often well preserved in this cold. Violent ponies tend to live short lives, and few ponies will care if you chop up the brains of violent goons after they're dead. Nice ponies might be harder to get, because others actually care about them even after they're gone.

But at least you happen to know a well-connected undertaker ... Hushabye could absolutely provide you with what you need for this research project. She's got a bit of a monopoly on this sort of thing, in fact.

2015-03-14, 10:44 AM
Charger is feeling guarded, tense, in a way that she is trying hard not to show. To her this is suddenly an extremely tricky and dangerous situation where she could lose one or two ponies she cares about and she feels like she has to manage it right.

What she wants you to do is, best case, realise the crush is temporary and illusionary and give up on it without making things weird. And, after that, keep being Charger's dorky friend.

How you could get her to do it is, hmm. She has an interest in Jade herself, you can see that clearly. Now she'd probably back off if you put your friendship as the stakes but she'd hate you for it. If it was anypony else she'd be proposing a threesome but she wants to figure out if you'd go for that before suggesting it out loud. Anything other that is very risky.

Snow Eyes blinked as they sat on the steps in the beautiful estate. Then she smiled, smirked really. "Charge! Oh my Celestia, you're kidding me. Charge are you jealous? Of me in romance?"

Snow Eyes' laugh was long and deep, echoing through the orchard. Then she realized how much of a jerk she was probably being making fun of the one time she really got insight into her friend. It was just so funny though. Snow Eyes brushed a tear from her eye and gave Charger a long steady look. "Okay, Charge, baby, relax. We're friends first, okay? I dunno how you want to play this thing, but we're not screwing up our friendship for this, I promise you that. So, now we both know how we feel. What should we do? It's too bad there aren't two of her."

2015-03-14, 11:55 AM
"We're cousins," he replied and looked at Bell Bottom across the room. He scratched his muzzle. "She's been twitchy lately, quick to flip out. Tell you the truth, she'd been all quiet ever since her parents died last year. I figured this was just ... delayed reaction, you know? Like, she'd been depressed and now she needed to blow some steam to get over it. I thought it would be good for her to get out ...

"She totally snapped out there. I couldn't even recognize her like that."

"Do you know what else was going on in her life around the time when her behaviour started changing? Any new ponies she was associating with? Any trips outside of town?" Angel eyed the stallion head to toe before making a quick decision.

"Does she have any other family or are you her closest relation? My reason for asking is this; Bell Bottom needs major surgery and I am reluctant to perform it without two things; one," she gingerly lowered herself from the table but held on to it for support, "consent. And two, some assistance in acquiring the equipment needed. Now, I am willing to waive any cost for the general supplies I will need, but I do need help with getting hold of this one diagnostic tool without which I cannot attempt this surgery without great risk to her quality of life, or even the success of the whole procedure. Is this something you would be willing to help me with?"

2015-03-14, 12:22 PM
And what if spring only comes once you leave? Ah, never mind me and my silly questions. I see you're set in your way.

I shan't keep you any longer. Oh look, it's much later than you planned. Better wake up and hurry out there.

...aw, ponyfeathers. That stuff must've burnt harder than I thought.

Hold onto that question; I might have some answers later. For now, Eclipse shifted her coats to best hide the burns and took off towards the town square. Ideally, she would've liked to stop by Angel's one more time, give them the all-clear and see about getting something to cover up her wounds, but there wasn't time for that. She couldn't leave her volunteers to handle the crowd alone; Angel would have to wait a little while longer.

Feeling her wings ache, she pushed on for the town square. Double time.

2015-03-14, 11:25 PM
Snow Eyes blinked as they sat on the steps in the beautiful estate. Then she smiled, smirked really. "Charge! Oh my Celestia, you're kidding me. Charge are you jealous? Of me in romance?"

Snow Eyes' laugh was long and deep, echoing through the orchard. Then she realized how much of a jerk she was probably being making fun of the one time she really got insight into her friend. It was just so funny though. Snow Eyes brushed a tear from her eye and gave Charger a long steady look. "Okay, Charge, baby, relax. We're friends first, okay? I dunno how you want to play this thing, but we're not screwing up our friendship for this, I promise you that. So, now we both know how we feel. What should we do? It's too bad there aren't two of her."

"Not jealous so much," said Charger, "as that I woke up in her bed this morning and didn't want to put my hoof through your heart."

She relaxed a lot when she saw Snow Eyes wasn't freaking out, though. The serenity put her back into that difficult-to-read position.

"It seems like your options are get over it, convince her to clone herself, or join the winning team," she concluded.

2015-03-15, 08:20 AM
"Do you know what else was going on in her life around the time when her behaviour started changing? Any new ponies she was associating with? Any trips outside of town?" Angel eyed the stallion head to toe before making a quick decision.

"She had this secluded spot up in the mountains where she used to go to get away from everything," he said after a moment's thought. "Other than that, no, she didn't get out much."

"Does she have any other family or are you her closest relation? My reason for asking is this; Bell Bottom needs major surgery and I am reluctant to perform it without two things; one," she gingerly lowered herself from the table but held on to it for support, "consent. And two, some assistance in acquiring the equipment needed. Now, I am willing to waive any cost for the general supplies I will need, but I do need help with getting hold of this one diagnostic tool without which I cannot attempt this surgery without great risk to her quality of life, or even the success of the whole procedure. Is this something you would be willing to help me with?"

"Major surgery?" Bearclaw looked from his unconscious cousin to Angel. "We've got some relatives here and there, but I'm the closest. What do you need? If it's something I can get, then yeah, I'll get it."

...aw, ponyfeathers. That stuff must've burnt harder than I thought.

Hold onto that question; I might have some answers later. For now, Eclipse shifted her coats to best hide the burns and took off towards the town square. Ideally, she would've liked to stop by Angel's one more time, give them the all-clear and see about getting something to cover up her wounds, but there wasn't time for that. She couldn't leave her volunteers to handle the crowd alone; Angel would have to wait a little while longer.

Feeling her wings ache, she pushed on for the town square. Double time.

This was just terrible. A disaster! You were so late, and the weather was getting pretty awful, you didn't imagine anypony would still be around when you got there. They would have waited a while for you, your volunteers might have done their best, but they could only wait so long ...

Yet there they all were, coming up ahead. A whole crowd standing around together in the snow-blown square, working together on a wooden lean-to set up against the wind and weather. Overseeing it all was ... a big furry wolfhound standing in the middle of the crowd, panting like a big warm mountain of softness and loyalty.

Ponies actually seemed to be enjoying themselves here, and if anypony had given up and left when you didn't show, it wasn't apparent. How unexpected.

2015-03-15, 12:40 PM
"Not jealous so much," said Charger, "as that I woke up in her bed this morning and didn't want to put my hoof through your heart."

She relaxed a lot when she saw Snow Eyes wasn't freaking out, though. The serenity put her back into that difficult-to-read position.

"It seems like your options are get over it, convince her to clone herself, or join the winning team," she concluded.

Snow Eyes still looked like somebody had kicked her in the solar plexus at the start of that, but tried her best to hold herself together. Pause, deep breath, look Charger right in the eyes. "Okay, okay let me go over those. Get over it happens when Jade, and only Jade, says it's not happening. We'll put the cloning on the side as a maybe. Too high odds that it turns evil, y'know? And I dunno what the hay you mean by joining the winning team, Charge, but keep talking."

2015-03-15, 02:15 PM
This was just terrible. A disaster! You were so late, and the weather was getting pretty awful, you didn't imagine anypony would still be around when you got there. They would have waited a while for you, your volunteers might have done their best, but they could only wait so long ...

Yet there they all were, coming up ahead. A whole crowd standing around together in the snow-blown square, working together on a wooden lean-to set up against the wind and weather. Overseeing it all was ... a big furry wolfhound standing in the middle of the crowd, panting like a big warm mountain of softness and loyalty.

Ponies actually seemed to be enjoying themselves here, and if anypony had given up and left when you didn't show, it wasn't apparent. How unexpected.

First relief, then joy flooded her heart. She'd recognize that furry face anywhere. If the dog was here, then its master couldn't be far away, and she had a sneaking suspicion where she'd find her; smack dab in the middle of the action.

Angling down, Eclipse glided over the crowd, but eschewed her grand entrance and flew straight for the lean-to. They needed to get that thing upright and stable before they could secure it, but the townsponies were struggling with the final push. That is, until she suddenly planted herself beneath the central crossbeam and lent her considerable wingpower to the effort.

2015-03-15, 03:12 PM
"She had this secluded spot up in the mountains where she used to go to get away from everything," he said after a moment's thought. "Other than that, no, she didn't get out much."

"Major surgery?" Bearclaw looked from his unconscious cousin to Angel. "We've got some relatives here and there, but I'm the closest. What do you need? If it's something I can get, then yeah, I'll get it."

"Excellent." Angel said with a serious nod. "When treating Bell Bottom I found evidence of an extensive parasite infection. I believe it has the ability to alter her behaviour in some way but without the chance to study it in more detail I can't be certain," Angel explained.

"To be able to remove it I need to be able to see the exact extent of its hold on her. I fear it may be entwined with her nervous system as something is causing her to move quite violently even when she is completely unconscious. This is why she is restrained at the moment. This parasite's tentacles look very dense, almost metallic, so any equipment able to take x-ray images would be ideal. But I can work with anything that allows me to see inside her without having to open her up at random. Perhaps an ultrasound scanner or, at a push, a highly sensitive metallic detector of some form might do it."

"My initial thought was to visit Scrapper - she is so fond of strange machinery that she might have something or at least know how to make one. But I really don't care where or how you get it. I would like to keep it once this is done, however. I am far from convinced that this is a solitary case and I will need it for future patients."

"Now, Bell Bottom will be unconscious either way for the next 24 hours or so, so if at all possible I would like to do this within that window. I do not know how strong this thing is or what it will do once she comes around. I can try to keep her restrained here for a while until everything is ready beyond that window, but not indefinitely," she warned. "Do we have an understanding?" she asked, giving Bearclaw a very serious look.

2015-03-15, 05:01 PM
Snow Eyes still looked like somebody had kicked her in the solar plexus at the start of that, but tried her best to hold herself together. Pause, deep breath, look Charger right in the eyes. "Okay, okay let me go over those. Get over it happens when Jade, and only Jade, says it's not happening. We'll put the cloning on the side as a maybe. Too high odds that it turns evil, y'know? And I dunno what the hay you mean by joining the winning team, Charge, but keep talking."

"A relationship," said Charger, "with multiple partners."

She stood up, eyes deathly serious. Already on the stairs above Snow Eyes, she rose high above her. "And let me be clear," she said, wrapping a hoof around Snow Eyes' neck and holding her firmly, "this would not be a partnership of equals. You would become mine. My herd, my rules. You could be with Jade within that structure."

A crackle of electricity ran through the glove, along the back of Snow Eyes' neck. "Don't say it if you don't mean it," Charger whispered.

Seduce: 13. XP if you do, acting under fire if you don't.

2015-03-15, 10:05 PM
"Mm" Charger's hoof was warm and the hair running along her leg was soft. Snow Eyes buried her face in it for a moment and shuddered as the electricity ran through her. It felt so good and Snow Eyes snuggled it slightly. She knew, a part of her, that Charger had probably manipulated this whole thing from the instant they started their conversation. But as she gave that arm wrapping around her a soft kiss, she didn't really care. "You got it, Charge. I'm in."

2015-03-15, 11:09 PM
"Mm" Charger's hoof was warm and the hair running along her leg was soft. Snow Eyes buried her face in it for a moment and shuddered as the electricity ran through her. It felt so good and Snow Eyes snuggled it slightly. She knew, a part of her, that Charger had probably manipulated this whole thing from the instant they started their conversation. But as she gave that arm wrapping around her a soft kiss, she didn't really care. "You got it, Charge. I'm in."

Charger slid her hoof around to Snow Eyes' neck and firmly pushed her back. "You want to be in," she corrected. "I don't know if I want you yet."

She flicked her mane and came down the stairs, rubbing by Snow Eyes like a cat, "I think you might be able to impress me though," she said with a smile, and opened the door. "I want to cook you dinner. Find the ingredients for me."

2015-03-16, 01:02 AM
Snow Eyes sighed as Charger pushed her away. Then blinked at the dinner command. "Um, you got a recipe or something?"

2015-03-16, 01:32 AM
Snow Eyes sighed as Charger pushed her away. Then blinked at the dinner command. "Um, you got a recipe or something?"

"I'll cook whatever you find," said Charger. "Be bold."

2015-03-16, 12:38 PM
That meant Snow Eyes was running an errand for Charger. The most delicious food was probably right there, but Snow Eyes didn't think that was what Charger meant. She could go yeti hunting, but that took a while and she'd already had her morning exercise. She decided instead to head to Eclipse's gathering in town. She figured she might just stumble onto something there. And Charger did say she'd cook anything.

2015-03-16, 04:42 PM
That meant Snow Eyes was running an errand for Charger. The most delicious food was probably right there, but Snow Eyes didn't think that was what Charger meant. She could go yeti hunting, but that took a while and she'd already had her morning exercise. She decided instead to head to Eclipse's gathering in town. She figured she might just stumble onto something there. And Charger did say she'd cook anything.

Just because you'd probably know, the forest had all kinds of wonderful secrets and plenty of terrible dangers as well. Even Charger hesitates to go in there.

2015-03-16, 05:05 PM
First relief, then joy flooded her heart. She'd recognize that furry face anywhere. If the dog was here, then its master couldn't be far away, and she had a sneaking suspicion where she'd find her; smack dab in the middle of the action.

Angling down, Eclipse glided over the crowd, but eschewed her grand entrance and flew straight for the lean-to. They needed to get that thing upright and stable before they could secure it, but the townsponies were struggling with the final push. That is, until she suddenly planted herself beneath the central crossbeam and lent her considerable wingpower to the effort.

The lean-to groaned and creaked in protest as it rose up against the wind and snow. And then it was standing, and there it stood, providing a sudden relief from the worst of the weather. Well, here at least.

Cheers went up too. Ponies were well pleased with themselves, and with you, it seemed.

"Good work, everypony! Right on time, Miss Eclipse. It's good to see you." And there she was, doffing her hat at you, a tiny mare with sickly greenish-cream coat (not unlike the color your face would assume should you consume some of the 'dairy' products sold around here), blackish-green mane (reminiscent of some fetid black swamp before time), and acidic, tangerine eyes (a delightful little citrus fruit, now exceedingly rare.) All dressed up neat and proper-like, like some fancy cowpony. Lawpony. Lowpony, haha, get it? Because she's so little ...

Fine, be like that. I can laugh for you just fine.

Not a hint of sarcasm in her voice either as she said that, like she never for a moment doubted that you'd be there, and that whatever time you chose to appear would be the right one. Ugh, this pony makes me sick already.

"Excellent." Angel said with a serious nod. "When treating Bell Bottom I found evidence of an extensive parasite infection. I believe it has the ability to alter her behaviour in some way but without the chance to study it in more detail I can't be certain," Angel explained.

"To be able to remove it I need to be able to see the exact extent of its hold on her. I fear it may be entwined with her nervous system as something is causing her to move quite violently even when she is completely unconscious. This is why she is restrained at the moment. This parasite's tentacles look very dense, almost metallic, so any equipment able to take x-ray images would be ideal. But I can work with anything that allows me to see inside her without having to open her up at random. Perhaps an ultrasound scanner or, at a push, a highly sensitive metallic detector of some form might do it."

"My initial thought was to visit Scrapper - she is so fond of strange machinery that she might have something or at least know how to make one. But I really don't care where or how you get it. I would like to keep it once this is done, however. I am far from convinced that this is a solitary case and I will need it for future patients."

"Now, Bell Bottom will be unconscious either way for the next 24 hours or so, so if at all possible I would like to do this within that window. I do not know how strong this thing is or what it will do once she comes around. I can try to keep her restrained here for a while until everything is ready beyond that window, but not indefinitely," she warned. "Do we have an understanding?" she asked, giving Bearclaw a very serious look.

Bearclaw's eyes glazed over at some of those words, but when he registered that you were done he took a moment to process the whole thing and gave a nod. "Yeah. I know Scrapper. I'll talk to her and get what you need," he said and gave Bell Bottem a last glance of concern.

2015-03-16, 06:34 PM
Snow Eyes showed up at the gathering and quite nearly gagged at the display of affection. What the hay did ponies even see in this faker? She took up a position at the edge of the crowd and waiting for Eclipse to start speaking. She wanted to know where this was going.

2015-03-17, 06:24 AM
Bearclaw's eyes glazed over at some of those words, but when he registered that you were done he took a moment to process the whole thing and gave a nod. "Yeah. I know Scrapper. I'll talk to her and get what you need," he said and gave Bell Bottem a last glance of concern.

Angel visibly perked up at this. "Excellent."

Without further ado she escorted him to the door. "You had better get going. Time's of the essence." She walked him to the door, held it open and all but shoved him out.

She noticed a few ponies passing by, stragglers to Eclipse's big event, she assumed. Now seemed as good an opportunity as any to go find her, at least she knew where she was. It wasn't as if she could do much more here until she had the equipment anyway.

"I'll be at Eclipse's demonstration should I be needed," she said over her shoulder at Crystalshy. "Keep an eye on Bell Bottom, she needs constant supervision."

With that she took one step out the door and then stopped herself. The pain at her side made her think twice. She looked inside at the big wardrobe by the bed where she knew she had her armour lying in a heap at the very bottom. She loathed that thing but it seemed like a good time to dust it off. She went back inside, put it on and then headed straight for the demonstration.

This was an Eclipse event after all.

2015-03-17, 07:06 AM
After Snow Eyes left and the kid was seen to - Charger made sure she was out of trouble somewhere - she went back down to her basement to see High Pride. She came in quietly, seeing if anything had changed.

2015-03-17, 12:34 PM
The lean-to groaned and creaked in protest as it rose up against the wind and snow. And then it was standing, and there it stood, providing a sudden relief from the worst of the weather. Well, here at least.

Cheers went up too. Ponies were well pleased with themselves, and with you, it seemed.

"Good work, everypony! Right on time, Miss Eclipse. It's good to see you." And there she was, doffing her hat at you, a tiny mare with sickly greenish-cream coat (not unlike the color your face would assume should you consume some of the 'dairy' products sold around here), blackish-green mane (reminiscent of some fetid black swamp before time), and acidic, tangerine eyes (a delightful little citrus fruit, now exceedingly rare.) All dressed up neat and proper-like, like some fancy cowpony. Lawpony. Lowpony, haha, get it? Because she's so little ...

Fine, be like that. I can laugh for you just fine.

Not a hint of sarcasm in her voice either as she said that, like she never for a moment doubted that you'd be there, and that whatever time you chose to appear would be the right one. Ugh, this pony makes me sick already.

"And you as well, Spurs," Eclipse greeted her warmly as she raised a hoof in celebration with the rest of the townsfolk. Maybe it was the crowds, maybe it was the lean-to, maybe it was some little spark of friendship, but somehow the cold didn't bite so bad anymore. "Thanks for the cover. Tell the big fella I'll rub his belly if he doesn't pounce on me until after the lesson's over." She looked over to the mountain of a dog with a little smile. As much as she wanted to stay and chat, she had ponies to teach.

Bidding Spurs a quick good-bye, Eclipse flew up above the crowd; one advantage of wings meant you had a stage wherever you went. "Ponies of Windbreak!" she announced in a clear, commanding voice. "Thank you for coming, and for your hard work and ingenuity. You've done well. If there are any little ones, make room for them in the lean-to. I speak to the young and old alike." From her high vantage point, she scanned her audience as they got settled in. For one, troublemakers. After the little spat of violence this morning, the voice of caution warned that there might be others about. For two...

...actually, there might not even be a two. Snow Eyes, Angel, why don't you tell me if you've been spotted? Where are you in the crowd? Are you trying to stay hidden? Do you care that you're being seen at such an event?

2015-03-17, 12:41 PM
I'm on the outside of the crowd. We'll say the left side. No particular reason. I'm not hiding. If I'm enough distraction to arrest Eclipse mid speech just by hanging around, then I am grinning like the most smug goddamn cat you have ever seen.

2015-03-17, 01:05 PM
For two...

...actually, there might not even be a two. Snow Eyes, Angel, why don't you tell me if you've been spotted? Where are you in the crowd? Are you trying to stay hidden? Do you care that you're being seen at such an event?

I'm just arriving so I'm on the very edge of the crowd, at the back. I'm not in the slightest bit concerned with being seen here by anypony. In fact, I'm hoping you will spot me but I'm not about to make a spectacle of myself. If we make eye contact I will give you a nod to let you know I'd like a word or two when you're done.

No hurry.

2015-03-17, 05:15 PM
After Snow Eyes left and the kid was seen to - Charger made sure she was out of trouble somewhere - she went back down to her basement to see High Pride. She came in quietly, seeing if anything had changed.

High Pride was still hanging in there. Literally.

She was singing quietly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upt8_tPYIl0) to herself and hadn't noticed you yet. She wasn't a bad singer at all, but admittedly it sounded a bit slurred ... probably because she had been hanging like that for a while. A little too much blood flowing to the head.

Either that or she had somehow found a way to get a few stiff drinks while you were gone.

2015-03-17, 05:44 PM
High Pride was still hanging in there. Literally.

She was singing quietly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upt8_tPYIl0) to herself and hadn't noticed you yet. She wasn't a bad singer at all, but admittedly it sounded a bit slurred ... probably because she had been hanging like that for a while. A little too much blood flowing to the head.

Either that or she had somehow found a way to get a few stiff drinks while you were gone.

Charger flipped a lever and the ropes released, dumping High Pride unceremoniously into the warm water of the spa.

Charger took her coat off, stretched her neck, and slipped in after her. She sat by the side of the spa, water coming up to her neck. Her expression wasn't seductive, it was exhasperated. "What a day!" she said.

2015-03-17, 06:06 PM
Alright then.

Angel, you do manage to get the message across in that strange, wordless conversation of two ponies locking eyes across a crowd. Eclipse lingers on your face for just the slightest of moments, before sweeping off again.

Snow Eyes, you don't get so lucky. In fact, you're not even sure if Eclipse noticed you're here. She looked your way, you're sure of it, but she's been looking over the whole crowd. You'll have to look a little closer if you want anything else.

As for the rest of the audience, nothing registers as a threat. Nopony's interested in getting their throats sliced open trying to silence her; word of the morning's fight traveled fast. No, today it's just townsfolk, looking to hear some long-forgotten words of hope.


"Day follows night. Night follows day. That's how it is now, that's how it was in the Fall, and that's how it was since time began. The nights might grow long, the days might grow short, but never has their been a day without its night." She spoke, and it was like the walls themselves had a voice. Rooted. Unyielding. Powerful. "So who can tell me why this Winter's any different? Who's going to rise up, and tell us the other seasons are beaten? Nopony, that's who." She dropped altitude, slowly hovering across the crowd and looking each of them dead in the eye. "We've been out in the cold so long, we think all our days must be cold. But I tell you, this Winter had its Fall, and it will have its Spring!"

"Yes, Spring will come, Windbreak! Are you ready for it?!" she demanded, briefly pausing for their response.

2015-03-18, 05:37 AM
This sounded like it might take a while, so Jade Sun decided to sit down. She still felt weary and drained.

She watched Eclipse high in the sky with calm golden brown eyes and noted how she seemed so unaffected by having just had to deal with a bomb and a dead pony. Then again, this was perhaps just an average day for Eclipse. Jade told herself that this was a good example of why turning to Eclipse was the right decision.

2015-03-18, 12:10 PM
Snow Eyes yawned. She hadn't heard anything new and she'd had to get up early to go save a sled team today. She'd really prefer a nap to either this speech or doing Charger's errand. Sigh, it didn't look like anything interesting was going to happen here. Just a bunch of Eclipse's mad ramblings on impressionable ponies. She turned to leave.

2015-03-18, 03:26 PM
Charger flipped a lever and the ropes released, dumping High Pride unceremoniously into the warm water of the spa.

Charger took her coat off, stretched her neck, and slipped in after her. She sat by the side of the spa, water coming up to her neck. Her expression wasn't seductive, it was exhasperated. "What a day!" she said.

High Pride gave a yelp as she fell and sputtered for a moment when she came back up. After a moment for her brain to catch up, she brushed back her wet mane and sat down, coughing a few times. She looked around the room, then at you. "Would you like to talk about it?" she ventured.

"Day follows night. Night follows day. That's how it is now, that's how it was in the Fall, and that's how it was since time began. The nights might grow long, the days might grow short, but never has their been a day without its night." She spoke, and it was like the walls themselves had a voice. Rooted. Unyielding. Powerful. "So who can tell me why this Winter's any different? Who's going to rise up, and tell us the other seasons are beaten? Nopony, that's who." She dropped altitude, slowly hovering across the crowd and looking each of them dead in the eye. "We've been out in the cold so long, we think all our days must be cold. But I tell you, this Winter had its Fall, and it will have its Spring!"

"Yes, Spring will come, Windbreak! Are you ready for it?!" she demanded, briefly pausing for their response.

There was a general cheer from the crowd around you, and above it a hearty WOOF! It was a comfortable cheer, the cheer of ponies who were pretty safe and didn't expect much but were happy enough to receive the occasional uplifting speech to break the monotony of life. Especially if it came with a bit of light getting-together in the streets.

Snow Eyes yawned. She hadn't heard anything new and she'd had to get up early to go save a sled team today. She'd really prefer a nap to either this speech or doing Charger's errand. Sigh, it didn't look like anything interesting was going to happen here. Just a bunch of Eclipse's mad ramblings on impressionable ponies. She turned to leave.

"Oh, I had a daughter just like 'er," an ancient gray stallion said beside you, totally uninvited. His long, white beard trailed the ground - as did his head, almost - and his eyes were half-blind. "Talked to anypony what would stop and listen about the spring that'd come one day," he went on, turning his head slowly to look more or less at your left shoulder. "Even I was young back in those days."

2015-03-18, 06:16 PM
"Oh, I had a daughter just like 'er," an ancient gray stallion said beside you, totally uninvited. His long, white beard trailed the ground - as did his head, almost - and his eyes were half-blind. "Talked to anypony what would stop and listen about the spring that'd come one day," he went on, turning his head slowly to look more or less at your left shoulder. "Even I was young back in those days."

"Is that so?" Snow Eyes stopped for the old pony. Age deserved a level of respect, even in this world where everypony had to fight just to get her own share. "Talked, you said? Is she still around? And did she find her spring?"

2015-03-18, 06:46 PM
High Pride gave a yelp as she fell and sputtered for a moment when she came back up. After a moment for her brain to catch up, she brushed back her wet mane and sat down, coughing a few times. She looked around the room, then at you. "Would you like to talk about it?" she ventured.

"Just once," Charger seethed, "I'd like to meet somepony who didn't -"

She caught herself, closed her eyes, took a breath through her nose that didn't so much calm her as focused her.

"Do you know why I left you hanging upside-down for the last four hours?" she asked, with more the tone of a rhetorical question that would be used to springboard into a monologue than actually expecting High Pride to know the answer.

2015-03-19, 04:44 AM
"Is that so?" Snow Eyes stopped for the old pony. Age deserved a level of respect, even in this world where everypony had to fight just to get her own share. "Talked, you said? Is she still around? And did she find her spring?"

"One day she wandered off," the old pony said, "into the gardens, and didn't come back. That was ... twenty years ago? Twenty five? I know she's dead, 'cause only death would keep 'er away without at least sayin' goodbye. May be that she found her spring beyond, in the lands of the dead." He looked around slowly. "But it's still winter here, I dare say. Spring may come, aye, but what will it matter to us if it takes another hundred years? Or a thousand?"

He sighed into the cold wind. "Ah, I'm too old for grand hopes about the future. I just came here to catch a glimpse of my daughter again."

"Just once," Charger seethed, "I'd like to meet somepony who didn't -"

She caught herself, closed her eyes, took a breath through her nose that didn't so much calm her as focused her.

"Do you know why I left you hanging upside-down for the last four hours?" she asked, with more the tone of a rhetorical question that would be used to springboard into a monologue than actually expecting High Pride to know the answer.

High Pride rubbed her legs in the warm water, trying to get a little life back into them. "Why?" she asked, encouraging you to go on.

2015-03-19, 10:07 AM
Jade Sun's eyes became distant as her mind drifted. She wondered what Charger was up to. She didn't like to admit it but she missed her and hoped she would come by tonight. Of course she could always go visit her at the farm, and she was tempted to, but she knew she wouldn't. She'd never been there and she wasn't about to go there uninvited without a very good reason. Not that Charger had ever told her to stay away, but something she couldn't quite put her hoof on still made her disinclined to go.

She breathed a deep sigh and scraped a hoof absentmindedly on the ground and resorted to ponywatching as she waited. There were more ponies here than she thought there'd be. Eclipse must be quite popular. This surprised Angel.

2015-03-19, 11:31 AM
"I wish you the best old-timer, but I've an errand to run."

Snow Eyes was gone. Eclipse hadn't said anything of any note and she didn't have the patience to stay. It probably wasn't even notable, but then again maybe Eclipse noted it every time a pony turned her back to Eclipse.

Snow Eyes headed to the forest after that. Charger, this is your setup, right? I know the place is overgrown, with trick paths that lead to nowhere and Timberwolves prowling the depths. How'd it get set up like that? Is there a piece of the Everfree in there? Some magical heart to it?

2015-03-19, 01:17 PM
There was a general cheer from the crowd around you, and above it a hearty WOOF! It was a comfortable cheer, the cheer of ponies who were pretty safe and didn't expect much but were happy enough to receive the occasional uplifting speech to break the monotony of life. Especially if it came with a bit of light getting-together in the streets.

Their comfortable currency would do them no good. Come, and listen! Trade away the old and worthless for the new and prosperous!

"Everypony's ready for Spring! We don't want anymore cold, miserable nights, but warm, happy days. Comfortable days, until we forget this rotten Winter ever happened. Yes, everypony's ready for Spring, but is anypony prepared for Spring?"

"Look around us!" Eclipse flew over them in a wide, sweeping arc. "We make our homes out of snow. We pull food out of the frost. We put walls up against the wind. We raise dogs to carry our goods away and bring back riches. We work, we travel, we eat, we sleep, we scrape together a life just like our fathers did. Back in the Fall, did they do any different? Weren't they making plans and making profits and eating and drinking up until the skies opened up? Winter took the lot of them like a thief in the night, so what about Spring? The thaw won't sit back and wait for us to figure out what seeds we ought to plant, or how to put a roof over our heads. What then?"

A note of dire urgency rang in her voice. "Ponies! I can't tell you when the Spring will come, but as sure as the wings on my back it's coming. If you want it so badly, then prepare for it! Listen up, and I'll teach you what I know. Today, I can show you how to fit boards together so strong, that a team of draft horses couldn't pull them apart. I know of crops and their seasons, the wild berries and the healing herbs, and all manner of creatures who live out there. Did you know that when it gets hot, you need to make clothes that'll cool you off? Dig into the old knowledge! Don't use your old books for fuel, defrost 'em and read 'em. Learn something useful, and teach your family, your friends, your neighbors, your enemies if you have to. Keep the old ways alive, no matter what. Work, as if Spring were coming tomorrow. Don't trundle through your lives, heads down in the snow. Or else Spring'll find a generation even worse than the Fall. Ponies who're frozen to the core, who hate their neighbors, who steal, who kill, who pick up big guns and big names and fancy themselves big."

Did Snow Eyes' nose itch just then?

"Don't be like those ponies; keep working for Spring, and it'll keep you warm always. Ponies of Windbreak, are you ready, to prepare for Spring?"

2015-03-19, 02:18 PM
Did Snow Eyes' nose itch just then?

Sorry, but she's all gone. Off in the forest actually going to pick those berries instead of listening to somepony talk about them. Maybe next time you can do something to catch her attention.

2015-03-19, 03:00 PM
My, she certainly was full of fiery conviction.

Angel watched the crowd, seeing their reactions to Eclipse's words with the detached curiosity of an outside onlooker. There was nothing that had been said that she took issue with. She was quite focused on the coming of spring herself even if she was much less concerned with preaching about it and was more focused on actually bringing it about. Perhaps Eclipse wasn't a complete lost cause after all.

The fact that Angel did not speak up in answer to Eclipse's question to the crowd was not because she disagreed, she just didn't think it was really aimed at her. She was just here because she wanted to speak to Eclipse.

2015-03-19, 04:39 PM
She breathed a deep sigh and scraped a hoof absentmindedly on the ground and resorted to ponywatching as she waited. There were more ponies here than she thought there'd be. Eclipse must be quite popular. This surprised Angel.

Oh yes, a great deal of ponies had come to listen to Eclipse today. Despite her being late, even.

You even thought you caught a glimpse of Snow Eyes, talking to an old stallion. But when next you looked that way they were both gone. Not unusual for Snow Eyes, perhaps, but that old pony had looked like he would need a good half hour to cross the street ... on a good day.

Ah, he probably just disappeared in the crowd. It was all too easy losing track of faces in this weather, and with so many ponies.

"I wish you the best old-timer, but I've an errand to run."

The stallion went back to watching in melancholy. A moment later he too was gone.

"Don't be like those ponies; keep working for Spring, and it'll keep you warm always. Ponies of Windbreak, are you ready, to prepare for Spring?"

It was always difficult to tell whether ponies actually got it, or just thought they did, but the ponies of Windbreak were nothing if not ponies of tradition and hard work. If anypony could understand your message, it was surely here in Windbreak. The number of ponies who actually showed up to listen to you, and sounded their approval, was proof of that. Elsewhere the response might well have been different.

"Ahyoo, Mizz Eclipz", an eenie teenie little voice greeted in your ear. A few seconds later, an eenie teenie white and frost-blue face dangled down from your mane right in front of your eyes. "My name iz Refreeze. I reprezentz the Keep and Holdz of Windbreak. Canz we zpeak?" the eenie teenie freezie asked.

2015-03-19, 05:00 PM
High Pride rubbed her legs in the warm water, trying to get a little life back into them. "Why?" she asked, encouraging you to go on.

"That's a good question!" said Charger, seeming to change tack again. "Why don't you speculate? What would motivate me to do something so seemingly pointless?

Snow Eyes headed to the forest after that. Charger, this is your setup, right? I know the place is overgrown, with trick paths that lead to nowhere and Timberwolves prowling the depths. How'd it get set up like that? Is there a piece of the Everfree in there? Some magical heart to it?

It's the Equestrian National Botanic Gardens. It is literally a collection of every strange and magical plant that the ponies of the old world could get their hooves on, and set up for display purposes. When it started snowing ponies stopped coming in to tend it and then suddenly it was a free-for-all. The most dangerous plants in Equestria threw down in a no-holds-barred evolutionary tournament. "A multicultural Everfree forest" is probably the best way to describe it.

As far as mystical centres go, there is a statue of Discord in a hidden clearing filled with different types of flowers. I like to go there and think.

2015-03-19, 05:39 PM
As far as mystical centres go, there is a statue of Discord in a hidden clearing filled with different types of flowers. I like to go there and think.

Sounds perfect. Just the place for Snow Eyes to start. She's not much for knowing about plants and botanical stuff, really, but she's looking for something special. It's not just a meal, you know, this is about bringing ponies together, and maybe experiencing something unique. Something only Snow Eyes has the nerve and the steel to even bring to the table.

So she went to the statue, she sat down, and she meditated. She let her brain flow out and find what she was looking for, so it could guide her body there.

[open your brain: [roll0]

2015-03-19, 06:41 PM
"That's a good question!" said Charger, seeming to change tack again. "Why don't you speculate? What would motivate me to do something so seemingly pointless?

High Pride looked at you a long time. There wasn't any anger in it, or resentment, or lust. She looked tired and, if anything, disappointed. "Because you and father have more in common than either of you will ever admit," she said. "When I saw you this morning, in my father's bathroom, I thought to have a little fun on your behalf.

"Why do you think I did that?" she fired back.

As far as mystical centres go, there is a statue of Discord in a hidden clearing filled with different types of flowers. I like to go there and think.

And never has the world seen such unbridled beauty!

Ah, what a wonder!

Sounds perfect. Just the place for Snow Eyes to start. She's not much for knowing about plants and botanical stuff, really, but she's looking for something special. It's not just a meal, you know, this is about bringing ponies together, and maybe experiencing something unique. Something only Snow Eyes has the nerve and the steel to even bring to the table.

So she went to the statue, she sat down, and she meditated. She let her brain flow out and find what she was looking for, so it could guide her body there.

[open your brain: [roll0]

*beep* *boop* *beep* Repeating emergency call sequence *whiiirr*

*beep* all *boop* systems *whiiirr* *ssss*

Hel*bzzt*! Assist*beep* required! I be*whiirr* there is something *beep* with me!

Send imm*bzzt* a*hzz* to coordinat*bzzt**beep* *wa* *wa* twent*wzzt*our deg*beep* fifty *zzz*ee south or *bzzt* *beep* call *krzz*.

*beep* Repeating *beep* *boop* *whiirr* emergency call sequence *beeeeep*


2015-03-19, 06:51 PM
High Pride looked at you a long time. There wasn't any anger in it, or resentment, or lust. She looked tired and, if anything, disappointed. "Because you and father have more in common than either of you will ever admit," she said. "When I saw you this morning, in my father's bathroom, I thought to have a little fun on your behalf.

"Why do you think I did that?" she fired back.

"Because you do not appreciate door hinges," said Charger. Something about High Pride's answer seemed to please her, though, and the tension passed and she lay back into the water.

2015-03-19, 07:42 PM
*beep* *boop* *beep* Repeating emergency call sequence *whiiirr*

*beep* all *boop* systems *whiiirr* *ssss*

Hel*bzzt*! Assist*beep* required! I be*whiirr* there is something *beep* with me!

Send imm*bzzt* a*hzz* to coordinat*bzzt**beep* *wa* *wa* twent*wzzt*our deg*beep* fifty *zzz*ee south or *bzzt* *beep* call *krzz*.

*beep* Repeating *beep* *boop* *whiirr* emergency call sequence *beeeeep*


Well, it wasn't delicious strawberry rhubarb pie, but it sounded interesting. Looked like it was coming from the south and Snow Eyes knew enough talk to get the general degrees. Twenty four seemed most likely from that static. So off, she went into the forest towards...whatever she would find.

What did she find?

2015-03-19, 10:35 PM
Sorry, but she's all gone. Off in the forest actually going to pick those berries instead of listening to somepony talk about them. Maybe next time you can do something to catch her attention.

A pity for all.

It was always difficult to tell whether ponies actually got it, or just thought they did, but the ponies of Windbreak were nothing if not ponies of tradition and hard work. If anypony could understand your message, it was surely here in Windbreak. The number of ponies who actually showed up to listen to you, and sounded their approval, was proof of that. Elsewhere the response might well have been different.

Elsewhere, there are smoldering ruins where once there were towns, their names buried in tombs of ice along with their former inhabitants.

Eclipse was glad to be in Windbreak.

Anyhow, as the applause died down she directed her volunteers to start organizing ponies into groups for the hooves-on portion of the lesson. But with a crowd this size, such a task was going to take a little while. Which left Eclipse with some time alone to handle a few personal matters.

"Ahyoo, Mizz Eclipz", an eenie teenie little voice greeted in your ear. A few seconds later, an eenie teenie white and frost-blue face dangled down from your mane right in front of your eyes. "My name iz Refreeze. I reprezentz the Keep and Holdz of Windbreak. Canz we zpeak?" the eenie teenie freezie asked.

"Of course, but in a moment." She replied respectfully. "I've already promised to speak with somepony, and I must keep my word. You may ride within my coats, if you wish." Her many layers and wrappings offered plenty of safe havens from the wind on the long - for a freezie - flight to the ground.

2015-03-20, 08:57 AM
"Because you do not appreciate door hinges," said Charger. Something about High Pride's answer seemed to please her, though, and the tension passed and she lay back into the water.

"A little unhinged is good," High Pride said. She drifted back in the water until her back brushed against the edge, then sat down and watched the room.

Well, it wasn't delicious strawberry rhubarb pie, but it sounded interesting. Looked like it was coming from the south and Snow Eyes knew enough talk to get the general degrees. Twenty four seemed most likely from that static. So off, she went into the forest towards...whatever she would find.

What did she find?

Swamp and marshes. Deep, decaying and crawling with alien life.

Seemed like the signal and coordinates - such as they were - lead deep into the heart of the former botanical garden, where rivers of snow and ice ran down the mountain. Tell me, how did it feel going from the icy winterland of the city to this wild, green place? How familiar are you in such unusual terrain?

Elsewhere, there are smoldering ruins where once there were towns, their names buried in tombs of ice along with their former inhabitants.

Oh, there were places out there, clinging to life. Caves and forts and crystal spires, who knows what else. Some were doing quite well, at least that's what they say. Most of them had long ago forsaken the old ways, unlike here. Some had taken up strange new ways.

Anyhow, as the applause died down she directed her volunteers to start organizing ponies into groups for the hooves-on portion of the lesson. But with a crowd this size, such a task was going to take a little while. Which left Eclipse with some time alone to handle a few personal matters.

Spurs and her dog wandered among the groups, taking over where you couldn't be. She seemed to have her hooves screwed on well, and had things well in hoof.

"Of course, but in a moment." She replied respectfully. "I've already promised to speak with somepony, and I must keep my word. You may ride within my coats, if you wish." Her many layers and wrappings offered plenty of safe havens from the wind on the long - for a freezie - flight to the ground.

The freezie nodded and crept back atop your head, riding along on top of your hood.

2015-03-20, 11:10 AM
Oh, there were places out there, clinging to life. Caves and forts and crystal spires, who knows what else. Some were doing quite well, at least that's what they say. Most of them had long ago forsaken the old ways, unlike here. Some had taken up strange new ways.

Tough nuts to crack, those. Not easy for one pony.

Spurs and her dog wandered among the groups, taking over where you couldn't be. She seemed to have her hooves screwed on well, and had things well in hoof.

Wasn't that always the way? Eclipse and Spurs, meeting up in the middle of something, despite all their wanderings. That was how they first met; nearly blasting each other away smack dab in the center of a thieves' hideout. Spurs had led a posse through the front, Eclipse had been waiting to ambush the back, and between the two of them they mopped the place clean. They stared each other down, surrounded by the wreckage, and then they were laughing it off and chatting it up like they'd planned the whole thing.

Good times, good times.

The freezie nodded and crept back atop your head, riding along on top of your hood.

Eclipse glided down to Angel, mindful of her little passenger. "Storeroom hasn't gone wrong again, has it?" she asked with genuine concern.

2015-03-20, 11:36 AM
The thing about Snow Eyes, at least when it comes to physical danger, is that she's as calm as anypony out there. This wasn't the first time that she had been to the forest, but it was probably the deepest. Charger didn't have frequent guests and the place was invitation only. This might well have been the deepest anypony had gone in ages, in fact. The place was wild and Charger had mentioned that she never went this deep. No guarantee of getting back, y'know?

Snow Eyes, for the moment, was relishing the swamp. The thick air, the huge palm fronds and the constant reeds growing everywhere were a welcome departure from the frozen tundra. She wondered how this place could maintain such a distinct climate.

She was annoyed by the sweat dripping from her mane, but it was a small price to get actual variety in her surroundings. None of these plants jumped out as dinner though, and she wanted to find the signal source that had reached out to her, so she carefully pushed aside the reeds and kept going.

2015-03-20, 12:59 PM
Eclipse glided down to Angel, mindful of her little passenger. "Storeroom hasn't gone wrong again, has it?" she asked with genuine concern.

Angel was still sat on the ground at the edge of the crowd. She looked up as a shadow passed over her and she watched as Eclipse descended to meet her.

"No, the infirmary is back to normal." She replied seriously. "And in the interest of keeping it that way I wanted to speak to you about tying up some loose ends. I'm going to visit the mare responsible. Your company would be welcome. Interested?" Straight to the point.

2015-03-20, 01:32 PM
Angel was still sat on the ground at the edge of the crowd. She looked up as a shadow passed over her and she watched as Eclipse descended to meet her.

"No, the infirmary is back to normal." She replied seriously. "And in the interest of keeping it that way I wanted to speak to you about tying up some loose ends. I'm going to visit the mare responsible. Your company would be welcome. Interested?" Straight to the point.

Eclipse's leg twinged, and she gingerly re-covered her burns. "Absolutely. I've some questions I'd like to ask her myself." Straight to the point as well. She loomed over the sitting Angel, watching her from within her cocoon of hoods and coats.

[Rolling to Read a Person on Angel: [roll0]]

2015-03-20, 05:14 PM
"A little unhinged is good," High Pride said. She drifted back in the water until her back brushed against the edge, then sat down and watched the room.

"Did you know," said Charger, "that back in the day they used to have cities with hundreds of thousands, even millions of ponies? There were ponies with nothing better to do but sit around writing books, or designing dresses, or cooking food. They'd just sit around all day, every day, doing that one thing, and creating stuff faster than any one pony could absorb it. And there were so many of them around if you didn't like one you could just never see them again without even trying."

She looked wistful for a moment. Then she yawned and stood up and started drying herself off.

2015-03-20, 05:28 PM
The thing about Snow Eyes, at least when it comes to physical danger, is that she's as calm as anypony out there. This wasn't the first time that she had been to the forest, but it was probably the deepest. Charger didn't have frequent guests and the place was invitation only. This might well have been the deepest anypony had gone in ages, in fact. The place was wild and Charger had mentioned that she never went this deep. No guarantee of getting back, y'know?

Snow Eyes, for the moment, was relishing the swamp. The thick air, the huge palm fronds and the constant reeds growing everywhere were a welcome departure from the frozen tundra. She wondered how this place could maintain such a distinct climate.

She was annoyed by the sweat dripping from her mane, but it was a small price to get actual variety in her surroundings. None of these plants jumped out as dinner though, and she wanted to find the signal source that had reached out to her, so she carefully pushed aside the reeds and kept going.

I know, right? I have no idea why you ponies don't come this far into the garden more often. Such a lovely little paradise. Endless swarms of blood-sucking little plagues, impenetrable walls of tangled vines with thorns like razor blades, poison leaves and acid pools and bottomless pits of putrid water and ill fumes; the deeper you went, the more difficult and costly each step became. One slight misstep, and who knows what could happen.

But just look at this wondrous chaos and confusion of life! Bring the whole family for the experience of a lifetime. The fillies and colts would love it!

Up ahead you could see the ancient, ruined roof of a huge greenhouse. The signal came from that direction, possibly somewhere within the greenhouse itself. Unfortunately the way forward went through a seemingly solid wall of thorns and poisonous-looking red flowers. Everywhere you turned, there were thorns and poisonous promises.

What do you do?

Eclipse's leg twinged, and she gingerly re-covered her burns. "Absolutely. I've some questions I'd like to ask her myself." Straight to the point as well. She loomed over the sitting Angel, watching her from within her cocoon of hoods and coats.

[Rolling to Read a Person on Angel: [roll0]]

You two have been straight-to-the-point for quite long enough. Time to meander around in mutual confusion.

The next three questions: If you ask Angel something, you are unable to ask it straight, but meander around the point instead. If she asks you something, you misunderstand her.

"Did you know," said Charger, "that back in the day they used to have cities with hundreds of thousands, even millions of ponies? There were ponies with nothing better to do but sit around writing books, or designing dresses, or cooking food. They'd just sit around all day, every day, doing that one thing, and creating stuff faster than any one pony could absorb it. And there were so many of them around if you didn't like one you could just never see them again without even trying."

She looked wistful for a moment. Then she yawned and stood up and started drying herself off.

"I think it would be dull." High Pride watched you, one leg resting on the edge of the pool. "Is that your dream?"

2015-03-20, 05:33 PM
I know, right? I have no idea why you ponies don't come this far into the garden more often. Such a lovely little paradise. Endless swarms of blood-sucking little plagues, impenetrable walls of tangled vines with thorns like razor blades, poison leaves and acid pools and bottomless pits of putrid water and ill fumes; the deeper you went, the more difficult and costly each step became. One slight misstep, and who knows what could happen.

But just look at this wondrous chaos and confusion of life! Bring the whole family for the experience of a lifetime. The fillies and colts would love it!

Up ahead you could see the ancient, ruined roof of a huge greenhouse. The signal came from that direction, possibly somewhere within the greenhouse itself. Unfortunately the way forward went through a seemingly solid wall of thorns and poisonous-looking red flowers. Everywhere you turned, there were thorns and poisonous promises.

What do you do?

That looked fun. Especially after all the confusion this morning, Snow Eyes wanted nothing more than a brisk workout. That meant climb a nearby strand of hanging fronds as a base to vault up onto the wall of thorns. Snow Eyes appreciated her armor at this point, it had gloves too so she could grip without worrying too much about getting stabbed. Then it was using the thorns and briars as a handhold to get to the top of the wall. Once she was there, she simply leapt over it onto the nearest tree, working her way through the forest canopy until she reached the greenhouse entrance.

[acted under fire and rolled a 10]

2015-03-21, 03:45 AM
Eclipse's leg twinged, and she gingerly re-covered her burns. "Absolutely. I've some questions I'd like to ask her myself." Straight to the point as well. She loomed over the sitting Angel, watching her from within her cocoon of hoods and coats.

[Rolling to Read a Person on Angel: [roll0]]

"Excellent." Angel gave an approving nod and even a slight smile. "When will you be free to go?"

[Rolling to Read a Pony: 2d6+2=14 What does Eclipse intend to do?]

2015-03-21, 03:56 AM
"I think it would be dull." High Pride watched you, one leg resting on the edge of the pool. "Is that your dream?"

"Oh no. Nothing like that is ever going to happen ever again," said Charger. "I just want to not be bored for ten goddamn minutes."

She stretched out her neck. "I'm going out. If you decide to stick around make yourself useful harvesting the grapes. Don't steal my shampoo."

2015-03-21, 08:14 AM
"Excellent." Angel gave an approving nod and even a slight smile. "When will you be free to go?"

Eclipse shied back, surprised and a little irritated. "Hold your horses, I still have a woodworking lesson to teach. And you're not the only pony I have to see either." She snorted. "This afternoon, after lunch. I'll come by your infirmary when I'm ready."

[Rolling to Read a Pony: 2d6+2=14 What does Eclipse intend to do?]

Eclipse intends to find out how this mare is making zombies and the nature of her materials and process. What she does next will depend heavily on the answers she finds and how repentant this mare is. It could range anywhere from making her destroy her more dangerous materials and swearing never to delve into this stuff again, to simply killing her and destroying her operations personally. Either way she wants this mare stopped. For good.

2015-03-21, 08:41 AM
Eclipse shied back, surprised and a little irritated. "Hold your horses, I still have a woodworking lesson to teach. And you're not the only pony I have to see either." She snorted. "This afternoon, after lunch. I'll come by your infirmary when I'm ready."

"Uh..." Angel blinked at Eclipse's reaction but decided not to comment. Her reply had given her the information she wanted however, and she was not a pony to care too much of how things were said, so she just offered another nod. "Good."

She was still in a very good mood, things were finally seeming to go her way after an absolutely rubbish morning, and as such she felt unusually charitable; "What happened earlier anyway? Do you need me to have a look at you?" Angel asked, looking Eclipse over head to hoof but the layers of clothing revealed little. "No charge, of course," she added with another slight smile.

[What does Eclipse wish I'd do?]

2015-03-21, 09:36 AM
"Uh..." Angel blinked at Eclipse's reaction but decided not to comment. Her reply had given her the information she wanted however, and she was not a pony to care too much of how things were said, so she just offered another nod. "Good."

She was still in a very good mood, things were finally seeming to go her way after an absolutely rubbish morning, and as such she felt unusually charitable; "What happened earlier anyway? Do you need me to have a look at you?" Angel asked, looking Eclipse over head to hoof but the layers of clothing revealed little. "No charge, of course," she added with another slight smile.

"Breakfast happened. Lost track of time." Eclipse replied curtly, revealing as little as her coats. "I don't think your fancy meds can fix that, Angel."

Her feathers ruffled and straightened and ruffled all over again. "Now in the Fall, they had strange little magical devices that you could wear on your forearm. Told you the time of day no matter where you were. It ran on gems too, so they could still run today if you had one. Now I haven't found one of these things in all my travels yet, but I could go ruin-diving all over again for one, and permafrost it to my leg. Is that what you'd like?" Her voice was flat, dry, and loaded with implication.

[What does Eclipse wish I'd do?]

She's getting tired of being your errand-filly, your problem-fixer, and now your dumb muscle. She wishes Angel would come to her for more than just business and berating.

2015-03-21, 10:44 AM
"Breakfast happened. Lost track of time." Eclipse replied curtly, revealing as little as her coats. "I don't think your fancy meds can fix that, Angel."

Her feathers ruffled and straightened and ruffled all over again. "Now in the Fall, they had strange little magical devices that you could wear on your forearm. Told you the time of day no matter where you were. It ran on gems too, so they could still run today if you had one. Now I haven't found one of these things in all my travels yet, but I could go ruin-diving all over again for one, and permafrost it to my leg. Is that what you'd like?" Her voice was flat, dry, and loaded with implication.

Enough was enough. Angel's smile faded and she stood up from where she'd been sitting.

"What the hell? Do you have any f*cking injuries you want me to see to or not?" Angel snapped.

2015-03-21, 11:08 AM
Enough was enough. Angel's smile faded and she stood up from where she'd been sitting.

"What the hell? Do you have any f*cking injuries you want me to see to or not?" Angel snapped.

"Stop. Shouting." Eclipse commanded, and Angel was speaking to the walls. She'd stood up, but what was a pony next to their dizzying heights? "This is not the place for it. Go home, wait for me, and we'll settle this later. Got it?" she growled.

[Rolling Towering Presence: [roll0]]

2015-03-21, 11:55 AM
"Stop. Shouting." Eclipse commanded, and Angel was speaking to the walls. She'd stood up, but what was a pony next to their dizzying heights? "This is not the place for it. Go home, wait for me, and we'll settle this later. Got it?" she growled.

[Rolling Towering Presence: [roll0]]

Angel stiffened when Eclipse suddenly snapped. Her scowl melted away to an expression of tense apprehension. There was something seriously wrong here and Angel suspected she knew what; Eclipse had a metal parasite infection just like Bell Bottom. It made perfect sense, both violent and both displaying irrational behaviour and extremely hostile moods.

She had next to no knowledge of these things, what they could do, how far they'd go if pushed and she wasn't about to endanger the huge crowd of ponies by challenging Eclipse, or whatever was in charge of her, any further.

Angel raised a hoof in a motion of surrender and slowly backed away.

"Alright. You... you come and see me when you're ready and... we'll... get this sorted out."

Bearclaw better f*cking hurry.

[How can I get Eclipse to apologise? Please ignore, I'm not spending my last hold.]

2015-03-21, 12:19 PM
Angel stiffened when Eclipse suddenly snapped. Her scowl melted away to an expression of tense apprehension. There was something seriously wrong here and Angel suspected she knew what; Eclipse had a metal parasite infection just like Bell Bottom. It made perfect sense, both violent and both displaying irrational behaviour and extremely hostile moods.

She had next to no knowledge of these things, what they could do, how far they'd go if pushed and she wasn't about to endanger the huge crowd of ponies by challenging Eclipse, or whatever was in charge of her, any further.

Angel raised a hoof in a motion of surrender and slowly backed away.

"Alright. You... you come and see me when you're ready and... we'll... get this sorted out."

Bearclaw better f*cking hurry.

[How can I get Eclipse to apologise? Please ignore, I'm not spending my last hold.]

Eclipse nodded once, satisfied, and the chill left the air. Pony faced pony once again.

She waited patiently for Angel to make her exit, watching her every step in stoic silence.

2015-03-21, 04:38 PM
That looked fun. Especially after all the confusion this morning, Snow Eyes wanted nothing more than a brisk workout. That meant climb a nearby strand of hanging fronds as a base to vault up onto the wall of thorns. Snow Eyes appreciated her armor at this point, it had gloves too so she could grip without worrying too much about getting stabbed. Then it was using the thorns and briars as a handhold to get to the top of the wall. Once she was there, she simply leapt over it onto the nearest tree, working her way through the forest canopy until she reached the greenhouse entrance.

[acted under fire and rolled a 10]

It was quite likely that you were one of the few ponies to whom this was even possible, much less something they willingly decided to do. Swinging yourself up above the wall of thorns and flowers, dancing light as a feather and quick as the wind across the hedge, you left a huge cloud of pollen in your wake.

You landed on the other side, gracefully hitting the ground as the cloud of pollen passed right over your head and continued on. Easy peasy, one two threesy.

The broken, overgrown greenhouse towered before you in the swamp, many of its windows long since shattered and entrances rusted or grown over. The cold wind from the winterland outside whispered through the broken frames and tugged at leaves and vines, creating eerie notes that flitted through the shadows. If anypony but you could actually reach this place, it would surely have a reputation for being haunted, possibly by the ghost of some mad biologist.

The signal had ceased, but inside the entry hall a tiny green dot of light was flickering irregularly on and off.

"Oh no. Nothing like that is ever going to happen ever again," said Charger. "I just want to not be bored for ten goddamn minutes."

She stretched out her neck. "I'm going out. If you decide to stick around make yourself useful harvesting the grapes. Don't steal my shampoo."

High Pride watched you close the door but didn't say a word.

Angel stiffened when Eclipse suddenly snapped. Her scowl melted away to an expression of tense apprehension. There was something seriously wrong here and Angel suspected she knew what; Eclipse had a metal parasite infection just like Bell Bottom. It made perfect sense, both violent and both displaying irrational behaviour and extremely hostile moods.

She had next to no knowledge of these things, what they could do, how far they'd go if pushed and she wasn't about to endanger the huge crowd of ponies by challenging Eclipse, or whatever was in charge of her, any further.

Angel raised a hoof in a motion of surrender and slowly backed away.

"Alright. You... you come and see me when you're ready and... we'll... get this sorted out."

Bearclaw better f*cking hurry.

Bearclaw wasn't there when you returned, but Scrapper was, in that old hoofball uniform of hers. She had been wearing that thing for ages. She was chatting with Snow Kicker over coffee when you got there.

Eclipse nodded once, satisfied, and the chill left the air. Pony faced pony once again.

She waited patiently for Angel to make her exit, watching her every step in stoic silence.

Your little freezie passenger poked her head down from your hood and glanced at the departing Angel. "I do hope I am not dizturbing, Mizz Eclipze."

2015-03-22, 12:53 AM
Charger went out to find where the kid was up to. She had some other things to do but she wanted to check the unsecured pickpocket running around her farm.

2015-03-22, 01:55 AM
Eclipse nodded once, satisfied, and the chill left the air. Pony faced pony once again.

She waited patiently for Angel to make her exit, watching her every step in stoic silence.

Angel slowly backed away, extremely reluctant to turn her back on Eclipse. Once she turned a corner she finally turned and galloped at full speed back to her infirmary.

Bearclaw wasn't there when you returned, but Scrapper was, in that old hoofball uniform of hers. She had been wearing that thing for ages. She was chatting with Snow Kicker over coffee when you got there.

Angel came bursting through the door and slammed it shut behind her and standing up on her hind legs to hold it shut with her back pressed to it as she caught her breath.

She looked around and spotted the ponies giving her looks and she stood back down on four hooves.

"Scrapper. Just the pony I wanted to see. Are you up to speed? Do you have what we need? It's suddenly a hell of a lot more urgent than I thought." She cast a nervous look over her shoulder at the door.

2015-03-22, 04:08 AM
Charger went out to find where the kid was up to. She had some other things to do but she wanted to check the unsecured pickpocket running around her farm.

The little pegasus was balancing on one of the fences down the road, walking atop the narrow posts while gazing at a piece of paper held between the tips of her wings. She seemed to have been on her way to leave, but hadn't quite gotten to it yet. When she saw someone coming, she quickly folded her wings along her side, hiding the slip of paper in her feathers. For a moment she looked guiltily at the ground, then she seemed to change her mind and held the piece of paper out to you, all the while avoiding your gaze.

Angel came bursting through the door and slammed it shut behind her and standing up on her hind legs to hold it shut with her back pressed to it as she caught her breath.

She looked around and spotted the ponies giving her looks and she stood back down on four hooves.

"Scrapper. Just the pony I wanted to see. Are you up to speed? Do you have what we need? It's suddenly a hell of a lot more urgent than I thought." She cast a nervous look over her shoulder at the door.

"Hello to you too, Angel." Scrapper turned around on her chair and leaned back against the table. "I have what you need. It needs a good buck in the side once in a while, but it's solid."

She looked at the door you were blocking. "That urgent is it? Don't worry, you can owe me one, then." She smiled. You both knew that was a risky proposition. There was no telling what she'd ask in return later, but it did save time not having to negotiate now. "We can set it up immediately, if you like."

How well did you trust this Scrapper? Did you know her to be fair in her deals?

2015-03-22, 04:27 AM
The little pegasus was balancing on one of the fences down the road, walking atop the narrow posts while gazing at a piece of paper held between the tips of her wings. She seemed to have been on her way to leave, but hadn't quite gotten to it yet. When she saw someone coming, she quickly folded her wings along her side, hiding the slip of paper in her feathers. For a moment she looked guiltily at the ground, then she seemed to change her mind and held the piece of paper out to you, all the while avoiding your gaze.

Charger took the paper and glanced at it. "You got parents?" Charger asked as she read.

2015-03-22, 04:43 AM
Charger took the paper and glanced at it. "You got parents?" Charger asked as she read.

The filly shook her head and scraped the post she was balancing on with the tip of a hoof.

The paper was of that really fancy sort that was supposed to be impossible to copy or forge. It was a ticket to some sort of exclusive and low-key event at the fort. A masquerade.

2015-03-22, 04:48 AM
The filly shook her head and scraped the post she was balancing on with the tip of a hoof.

The paper was of that really fancy sort that was supposed to be impossible to copy or forge. It was a ticket to some sort of exclusive and low-key event at the fort. A masquerade.

"Want to stay here?" said Charger, accepting the gift and tucking it behind her ear.

2015-03-22, 04:58 AM
"Hello to you too, Angel." Scrapper turned around on her chair and leaned back against the table. "I have what you need. It needs a good buck in the side once in a while, but it's solid."

She looked at the door you were blocking. "That urgent is it? Don't worry, you can owe me one, then." She smiled. You both knew that was a risky proposition. There was no telling what she'd ask in return later, but it did save time not having to negotiate now. "We can set it up immediately, if you like."

How well did you trust this Scrapper? Did you know her to be fair in her deals?

I have a lot of respect for Scrapper, she is a fellow specialist and as such I give her the respect I would expect for myself. While I have no clue about what she's talking about some of the time, I recognise intelligence and expert knowledge when I see it. I don't know her very well but she has been agreeable whenever I have had reason to speak to her.

She clearly has her own agenda but frankly, I'd think less of her if she didn't. To date I can't say that her deals with me have been anything but fair and that she is open to negotiations. Normally I am loathed to have an unspecified 'I owe you' over my head and would argue this at great length, but today I don't have time and she commands enough of my respect and good opinion for me to say...


"Deal. You're a lifesaver. In every meaning of the word. Here. Let's have it over here." Angel headed over to the treatment table and made some room. "So, tell me, what does it do, exactly?"

2015-03-22, 06:55 AM
"Want to stay here?" said Charger, accepting the gift and tucking it behind her ear.

"I s-stay with some friends," the filly said. You still seemed to terrify the girl for some reason.

I have a lot of respect for Scrapper, she is a fellow specialist and as such I give her the respect I would expect for myself. While I have no clue about what she's talking about some of the time, I recognise intelligence and expert knowledge when I see it. I don't know her very well but she has been agreeable whenever I have had reason to speak to her.

She clearly has her own agenda but frankly, I'd think less of her if she didn't. To date I can't say that her deals with me have been anything but fair and that she is open to negotiations. Normally I am loathed to have an unspecified 'I owe you' over my head and would argue this at great length, but today I don't have time and she commands enough of my respect and good opinion for me to say...


"Deal. You're a lifesaver. In every meaning of the word. Here. Let's have it over here." Angel headed over to the treatment table and made some room. "So, tell me, what does it do, exactly?"

Snow Kicker followed Scrapper as she went to bring in the heavy machine, a blocky overhead scanner with a tall, adjustable stand so that it could fit above an operating table. Scrapper, with the aid of Snow Kicker, quickly got it set up where you directed.

"This is a pre-winter, full-body Crystal Ray Imager with state-of-the-art crystal matrix and adjustable head," Scrapper said proudly as she adjusted the machine, fussing over it like a mother over her child. "It's a little old, as you can imagine, and has seen better days. I'm afraid I had to dig it out of a bit of a ruin where it was going to waste. But ponies back then knew how to make things to last.

"It'll give you a clear view of anything of bone density or higher, and as you can see -" she moved the head back and forth and up and down over the table "- it can be focused on specific areas one at a time, so you can get real close and detailed." She patted the machine and turned to you with a smile. "Sound good?"

2015-03-22, 07:23 AM
Your little freezie passenger poked her head down from your hood and glanced at the departing Angel. "I do hope I am not dizturbing, Mizz Eclipze."

As soon as Angel was out of sight, Eclipse breathed out a sigh. Though whether it was relief or regret was hard to say. "No, you're fine. Just some personal business." She frowned. "I'm...sorry you had to see all that."

One more deep breath, and she was once again calm and level. "Now, Refreeze, how can I help you?"

2015-03-22, 07:58 AM
Snow Kicker followed Scrapper as she went to bring in the heavy machine, a blocky overhead scanner with a tall, adjustable stand so that it could fit above an operating table. Scrapper, with the aid of Snow Kicker, quickly got it set up where you directed.

"This is a pre-winter, full-body Crystal Ray Imager with state-of-the-art crystal matrix and adjustable head," Scrapper said proudly as she adjusted the machine, fussing over it like a mother over her child. "It's a little old, as you can imagine, and has seen better days. I'm afraid I had to dig it out of a bit of a ruin where it was going to waste. But ponies back then knew how to make things to last.

"It'll give you a clear view of anything of bone density or higher, and as you can see -" she moved the head back and forth and up and down over the table "- it can be focused on specific areas one at a time, so you can get real close and detailed." She patted the machine and turned to you with a smile. "Sound good?"

When the ponies brought the big machine inside Angel was at first stunned to see it. Her eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open. It was just the awesomest thing ever. She'd quickly snapped to however, fussing as well over them and the machine by moving things out of the way for them and for it, rearranging her infirmary to allow its new crown jewel proper space.

She watched intently as Scrapper demonstrated it, with nods and oh's and mhm's aplenty feeling a little as if it was her birthday. Sure, there was a serious and urgent need for the device but any addition to her infirmary of this kind was still a huge occasion for Angel and at one point she had to bite her hoof to keep a squeak of excitement from coming out.

"Better than good. Scrapper... a CRI... it's- it's... amazing. I could kiss you!"

2015-03-22, 12:16 PM
Snow Eyes went inside the greenhouse. She was wearing a smirk as she did it because there was just nothing like a good workout to improve her mood. Being in a place like this made her feel just like Daring Do when she snuck into the mad scientist's laboratory in book 7, Daring Do and the Haunted Island. Those stories were, of course, one of the few things to survive the apocalypse. Daring Do was timeless.

So, in she went, to take a closer look at the greenhouse interior.

2015-03-22, 04:43 PM
"I s-stay with some friends," the filly said. You still seemed to terrify the girl for some reason.

"Your choice," said Charger. "But there's space in the loft, or if you just need work then you can help with the berry harvest." She paused for a moment, then gave the filly an out of the conversation if she wanted it: "What's your cutie mark?"

2015-03-22, 05:58 PM
As soon as Angel was out of sight, Eclipse breathed out a sigh. Though whether it was relief or regret was hard to say. "No, you're fine. Just some personal business." She frowned. "I'm...sorry you had to see all that."

One more deep breath, and she was once again calm and level. "Now, Refreeze, how can I help you?"

The freezie drifted down in front of you, now that you weren't moving around. "Windbreak waz founded on tradition, az you well know," she began. "We have alwayz strived to preserve and keep alive the old wayz. Yet for all our efforts, thingz do get lost in the crackz sometimez. My job includez oversight of the archivez, and in that work it haz surfaced that we used to have a public program of education and study. In light of thiz discovery, we are considering a restart of thiz program.

"We are aware of your commitment to the education of the public, and so it zeemed you were the perfect mare for the task of revitalizing this once successful program."

When the ponies brought the big machine inside Angel was at first stunned to see it. Her eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open. It was just the awesomest thing ever. She'd quickly snapped to however, fussing as well over them and the machine by moving things out of the way for them and for it, rearranging her infirmary to allow its new crown jewel proper space.

She watched intently as Scrapper demonstrated it, with nods and oh's and mhm's aplenty feeling a little as if it was her birthday. Sure, there was a serious and urgent need for the device but any addition to her infirmary of this kind was still a huge occasion for Angel and at one point she had to bite her hoof to keep a squeak of excitement from coming out.

"Better than good. Scrapper... a CRI... it's- it's... amazing. I could kiss you!"

"Careful now, somepony might get jealous," Scrapper smirked. "But you're welcome. It's not every day I come across a gem like this, but I know you'll make good use of it."

Snow Eyes went inside the greenhouse. She was wearing a smirk as she did it because there was just nothing like a good workout to improve her mood. Being in a place like this made her feel just like Daring Do when she snuck into the mad scientist's laboratory in book 7, Daring Do and the Haunted Island. Those stories were, of course, one of the few things to survive the apocalypse. Daring Do was timeless.

So, in she went, to take a closer look at the greenhouse interior.

Light filtered through the broken panes and tangled plants above, falling in scattered rays throughout the circular entrance hall. A giant tree, so overgrown that its trunk might be more plants than wood, dominated the center of the room, its branches poking through the roof high above.

From within that dense mass of plants fighting to strangle each other and the tree, a single fading *beep* *boop* was heard. Through the leaves and mosses and lichens, you could just barely spy something else ...


You're thinking it, I can see it in your eyes, my friend: such a marvel of technology, wouldn't that just make the perfect kitchen aid? Wink wink nudge nudge.

"Your choice," said Charger. "But there's space in the loft, or if you just need work then you can help with the berry harvest." She paused for a moment, then gave the filly an out of the conversation if she wanted it: "What's your cutie mark?"

The filly glanced at her rear end. "It's, um, a slipstream, like my name. I guess because I'm really good at following ponies and slipping away with their best stuff. Like, from hidden pockets, or the things they really value," she said, a hint of pride. "Any pickpocket can swipe their coins."

2015-03-22, 06:16 PM
The filly glanced at her rear end. "It's, um, a slipstream, like my name. I guess because I'm really good at following ponies and slipping away with their best stuff. Like, from hidden pockets, or the things they really value," she said, a hint of pride. "Any pickpocket can swipe their coins."

"That's really cool," said Charger. "You see that big robot over there?" she pointed at a big trundling machine that was half-tractor, half robot pony. It was painted in greens and covered in twigs. litchen and moss. "His name's Stomper. He has a bird nest hidden in one of his vents, he thinks he's their grandpa. Bet you a bit you can't find it and get one of the eggs."

2015-03-22, 08:19 PM
The freezie drifted down in front of you, now that you weren't moving around. "Windbreak waz founded on tradition, az you well know," she began. "We have alwayz strived to preserve and keep alive the old wayz. Yet for all our efforts, thingz do get lost in the crackz sometimez. My job includez oversight of the archivez, and in that work it haz surfaced that we used to have a public program of education and study. In light of thiz discovery, we are considering a restart of thiz program.

"We are aware of your commitment to the education of the public, and so it zeemed you were the perfect mare for the task of revitalizing this once successful program."

Eclipse nodded slowly, mulling over the words like a particularly fresh bite of fruit. "Good program. Good idea. Only problem is I'm not the mare to lead it. I can't say how long I'll be staying in Windbreak, only that one day I'll be moving on. Doesn't do anypony any good if the whole thing falls apart when I'm gone."

"That said," she held up a hoof before Refreeze could speak. "It doesn't mean I can't find you somepony who could lead it. Even train them if I have to. I'll gladly head up the effort to get this program off the ground, just so long as nopony expects me to be running the final product."

"And what was that about archives? I didn't know Windbreak had archives." She asked with marked interest.

2015-03-23, 02:38 AM
You're thinking it, I can see it in your eyes, my friend: such a marvel of technology, wouldn't that just make the perfect kitchen aid? Wink wink nudge nudge.

Of course I'm thinking it. A pony robot. How do I turn it on?!

2015-03-23, 04:31 AM
"Careful now, somepony might get jealous," Scrapper smirked. "But you're welcome. It's not every day I come across a gem like this, but I know you'll make good use of it."

"Oh. Yes- I- it was really just meant as a figure of speech," Angel back-pedalled. "Charger is the only pony I kiss," she blushed.

"Oh I will make very good use of it. I have a patient here already waiting and another has an appointment this afternoon. I have a strong suspicion there may be more ponies in need of it too. And not to mention all the other conditions it can help with like setting bone fractures or dislocations or even just a simple sub- am I boring you?"

2015-03-24, 04:58 AM
"That's really cool," said Charger. "You see that big robot over there?" she pointed at a big trundling machine that was half-tractor, half robot pony. It was painted in greens and covered in twigs. litchen and moss. "His name's Stomper. He has a bird nest hidden in one of his vents, he thinks he's their grandpa. Bet you a bit you can't find it and get one of the eggs."

Slipstream watched the trundling robot casually, in a manner that didn't suggest anything more than a passing notice. Her gaze drifted on to other things, then she bid you farewell and wandered off, as if to explore the farm and the fields on her own, like a child her age well might. She spent some time studying a beetle on a rock, wandered among the trees, and gazed at the sky and a few pegasi passing overhead. At one point she took a break on a fence, eating an apple while watching the robot work, her little hooves swinging back and forth lazily.

Just a filly on her own, belonging, a feature of the landscape.

Eclipse nodded slowly, mulling over the words like a particularly fresh bite of fruit. "Good program. Good idea. Only problem is I'm not the mare to lead it. I can't say how long I'll be staying in Windbreak, only that one day I'll be moving on. Doesn't do anypony any good if the whole thing falls apart when I'm gone."

"That said," she held up a hoof before Refreeze could speak. "It doesn't mean I can't find you somepony who could lead it. Even train them if I have to. I'll gladly head up the effort to get this program off the ground, just so long as nopony expects me to be running the final product."

Refreeze nodded, well satisfied. "Wize to have a succezzor before you need one, yez."

"And what was that about archives? I didn't know Windbreak had archives." She asked with marked interest.

"Oh yez, the freezie said and looked around. "Though it is technically a private archive of the city'z rulerz, dating back to itz foundation. It haz never been opened to the public."

Of course I'm thinking it. A pony robot. How do I turn it on?!

Well, for one, it could use a shot of magic juice, or perhaps a new battery entirely if you could find one. It also appears to be damaged, but it no doubt has its own diagnostic functions that could help you figure out what's broken exactly, if it had power to run them. It may be possible to give it a charge with your magic focuser, though it's not a permanent solution.

"Oh. Yes- I- it was really just meant as a figure of speech," Angel back-pedalled. "Charger is the only pony I kiss," she blushed.

"Oh I will make very good use of it. I have a patient here already waiting and another has an appointment this afternoon. I have a strong suspicion there may be more ponies in need of it too. And not to mention all the other conditions it can help with like setting bone fractures or dislocations or even just a simple sub- am I boring you?"

Scrapper blinked. "No no, not at all," she said and smiled. "But it sounds like you have a lot to do. If everything is alright, I'll leave you to it, and we can talk later?"

2015-03-24, 07:39 AM
Slipstream watched the trundling robot casually, in a manner that didn't suggest anything more than a passing notice. Her gaze drifted on to other things, then she bid you farewell and wandered off, as if to explore the farm and the fields on her own, like a child her age well might. She spent some time studying a beetle on a rock, wandered among the trees, and gazed at the sky and a few pegasi passing overhead. At one point she took a break on a fence, eating an apple while watching the robot work, her little hooves swinging back and forth lazily.

Just a filly on her own, belonging, a feature of the landscape.

She seemed to have this in hoof. Charger went to see Jade Sun at the infirmary; she'd ducked out earlier and still had some things she needed to talk about.

2015-03-24, 08:35 AM
Refreeze nodded, well satisfied. "Wize to have a succezzor before you need one, yez."

"Oh yez, the freezie said and looked around. "Though it is technically a private archive of the city'z rulerz, dating back to itz foundation. It haz never been opened to the public."

A private archive, dating back to Fall's end. Locked away and preserved from the public and the cold. Stacks upon stacks of fresh tomes, filled to bursting with all manner of old knowledge, and not a single page was frozen or smudged or burnt or missing-

"And, as a part of this program," Eclipse continued, her heart thundering out her chest. "I'd be allowed inside?"

2015-03-24, 10:24 AM
This all seemed very convenient. Snow Eyes studied the bot carefully, and the lab room too. She wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for, but she'd know it when she saw it.

Read a sitch: [roll0]
Asking: what's my enemy's true position?

2015-03-24, 10:39 AM
Scrapper blinked. "No no, not at all," she said and smiled. "But it sounds like you have a lot to do. If everything is alright, I'll leave you to it, and we can talk later?"

"Yes, yes I do," Angel said, a little more seriously. "I don't know how long this will take me, however. Come over tomorrow? Or shall I come see you? It might be very late."

Angel was already starting to tweak the machine for use and motioning for Crystalshy and Snow Kicker to bring the unconscious Bell Bottom over.

2015-03-24, 04:22 PM
A private archive, dating back to Fall's end. Locked away and preserved from the public and the cold. Stacks upon stacks of fresh tomes, filled to bursting with all manner of old knowledge, and not a single page was frozen or smudged or burnt or missing-

"And, as a part of this program," Eclipse continued, her heart thundering out her chest. "I'd be allowed inside?"

"We'll be sure to make arrangementz for you," the freezie said. "It iz our hope that some of thiz knowledge can be copied, to be kept in a public archive."

This all seemed very convenient. Snow Eyes studied the bot carefully, and the lab room too. She wasn't sure exactly what she was looking for, but she'd know it when she saw it.

Read a sitch: [roll0]
Asking: what's my enemy's true position?

The entire botanical chaos was closing in around you, shutting you in here. The garden didn't want you to leave, and it hoped it could force you deeper into this place, from which there would be no way out but through it. Plants were patient, they could wait forever for you to die of starvation in here.

But that wasn't the true enemy, not to a damn action hero like you anyway.

The real problem was that this had once been a center of research into rare and magical organisms, and things were still locked away in here ... by a security system wired up to this little, innocent-looking robot. She was not only keeping that entire system going on her last drops, she was also clearly defect.

This meant a number of things.

There was no telling what she would do if given fresh power, especially broken as she was. She could flip the entire security system into full-on "Exterminate All Intruders" mode, or perhaps tell it to self-destruct and nuke everything in order to neutralize some perceived (or actual, given the state of the garden) breach. This little robot looked harmless, but it was a very deceiving look. Snow Eyes had a nose for heavy weaponry, and this little filly was packing some serious heat. Enough to give just about anything pause.

But letting her run completely dry was potentially catastrophic too. It would mean the complete shut-down of all security systems in this place. Who knew what ancient and terrible research had so far been held back only by that system still running (the most critical systems at least).

"Yes, yes I do," Angel said, a little more seriously. "I don't know how long this will take me, however. Come over tomorrow? Or shall I come see you? It might be very late."

Angel was already starting to tweak the machine for use and motioning for Crystalshy and Snow Kicker to bring the unconscious Bell Bottom over.

"I will try to come by to see how it fares when I have the time. And if not, you're always welcome to drop by yourself," Scrapper said and turned to leave with a wave.

Snow Kicker and Crystalshy struggled trying to get Bell Bottom up on the table and strapped down. "We should invest in straitjackets," Snow Kicker commented as he rubbed a sore jaw from one of Bell Bottom's kicks.

2015-03-24, 06:14 PM
"I will try to come by to see how it fares when I have the time. And if not, you're always welcome to drop by yourself," Scrapper said and turned to leave with a wave.

Snow Kicker and Crystalshy struggled trying to get Bell Bottom up on the table and strapped down. "We should invest in straitjackets," Snow Kicker commented as he rubbed a sore jaw from one of Bell Bottom's kicks.

"Great!" Angel shouted over her shoulder before the door shut behind Scrapper.

"Not a bad idea, if this is going to become a routine procedure." Angel agreed as she helped strap Bell Bottom down nice and tight. "Now, I hope neither of you have any plans tonight."

She fussed over the machine a little more before turning it on to give Bell a full-body scan, not even noticing herself that she was holding her breath.

2015-03-24, 06:18 PM
"Great!" Angel shouted over her shoulder before the door shut behind Scrapper.

"Not a bad idea, if this is going to become a routine procedure." Angel agreed as she helped strap Bell Bottom down nice and tight. "Now, I hope neither of you have any plans tonight."

She fussed over the machine a little more before turning it on to give Bell a full-body scan, not even noticing herself that she was holding her breath.

"If you're busy I can come back tomorrow," said Charger in reply as she came in through the door. "But I do need two minutes of your time."

2015-03-24, 06:53 PM
"If you're busy I can come back tomorrow," said Charger in reply as she came in through the door. "But I do need two minutes of your time."

Angel was so utterly focused she hadn't heard Charger knock. Then again she was the one who didn't have to. Angel looked up with a start and a fiercely focused frown only to immediately melt to a smile with eyes that sparkled.

"Charger," she said softly and backed away from the treatment table. "You two, ensure the CRI is correctly calibrated and set up, I'll be right back."

She headed over to Charger and motioned for her to join her in the bedroom, for privacy only of course.

"Sorry about that," she motioned back at the scene by the treatment table, "big mystery infection and I just got an amazing piece of equipment to study it." Angel didn't hide her excitement over this.

"I didn't realise I was going to see you before tonight," Jade smiled, "happy to be wrong." She sneaked a little sniff of Charger's mane.

2015-03-24, 07:04 PM
Angel was so utterly focused she hadn't heard Charger knock. Then again she was the one who didn't have to. Angel looked up with a start and a fiercely focused frown only to immediately melt to a smile with eyes that sparkled.

"Charger," she said softly and backed away from the treatment table. "You two, ensure the CRI is correctly calibrated and set up, I'll be right back."

She headed over to Charger and motioned for her to join her in the bedroom, for privacy only of course.

"Sorry about that," she motioned back at the scene by the treatment table, "big mystery infection and I just got an amazing piece of equipment to study it." Angel didn't hide her excitement over this.

"I didn't realise I was going to see you before tonight," Jade smiled, "happy to be wrong." She sneaked a little sniff of Charger's mane.

Charger returned the nuzzle. "My morning has become complicated," she said. "The outcome is that Snow Eyes may be hitting on you in the near future. What you do with that is up to you and will not change anything between us."

She quickly changed the topic, apparently not wanting to dwell on that particular point. "More interestingly, I have found myself in possession of a ticket to a mysterious masquerade ball that may have been property of the pony who put that bullet in you earlier today," she let her hoof gently touch the edge of Jade's bandages. Her eyes were hard for a moment, then she smiled. "I intend to go. I was hoping you could help me with a disguise - something I've been thinking about for a while."

2015-03-24, 07:18 PM
The entire botanical chaos was closing in around you, shutting you in here. The garden didn't want you to leave, and it hoped it could force you deeper into this place, from which there would be no way out but through it. Plants were patient, they could wait forever for you to die of starvation in here.

But that wasn't the true enemy, not to a damn action hero like you anyway.

The real problem was that this had once been a center of research into rare and magical organisms, and things were still locked away in here ... by a security system wired up to this little, innocent-looking robot. She was not only keeping that entire system going on her last drops, she was also clearly defect.

This meant a number of things.

There was no telling what she would do if given fresh power, especially broken as she was. She could flip the entire security system into full-on "Exterminate All Intruders" mode, or perhaps tell it to self-destruct and nuke everything in order to neutralize some perceived (or actual, given the state of the garden) breach. This little robot looked harmless, but it was a very deceiving look. Snow Eyes had a nose for heavy weaponry, and this little filly was packing some serious heat. Enough to give just about anything pause.

But letting her run completely dry was potentially catastrophic too. It would mean the complete shut-down of all security systems in this place. Who knew what ancient and terrible research had so far been held back only by that system still running (the most critical systems at least).

Snow Eyes gave that little security bot a glare, and then a broad grin spread over her face. This was going to be glorious. "Wakey, wakey sleepy head. We need to talk." And with that she pulled her magic focuser and launched a blast straight into the bot. She reloaded immediately and kept her other gun handy too: there was the magic blast and then there was the physical, "blow this thing into 1000 tiny pieces" effect still in reserve.

2015-03-24, 08:50 PM
"We'll be sure to make arrangementz for you," the freezie said. "It iz our hope that some of thiz knowledge can be copied, to be kept in a public archive."

A grin spread out over Eclipse's face, growing until it was nearly leaping off her cheeks and devouring the poor Freezie. "Good. Looking forward to it." she simply said. By the princesses, if every lesson was as productive as this one, she'd have Windbreak set within the week. Huge turnouts, no troublemakers - during the lesson, anyway - stalwart allies, and now an entire archive dropped into her lap. Might as well go for it while the going was good.

"There's one other thing you could help me with," she added, tugging her joy back down to earth. "So far I've been living off of these good ponies' kindness. I'll accept their generosity happily, but only if it's necessary. If Windbreak had a spare room for me, it would take the burden off of these hardworking folks. I don't need much; enough room to lay out my bedroll, and the odd bit of scraps for food. A window'd be a nice bonus. Think you can arrange that?"

2015-03-25, 02:27 AM
Charger returned the nuzzle. "My morning has become complicated," she said. "The outcome is that Snow Eyes may be hitting on you in the near future. What you do with that is up to you and will not change anything between us."

She quickly changed the topic, apparently not wanting to dwell on that particular point. "More interestingly, I have found myself in possession of a ticket to a mysterious masquerade ball that may have been property of the pony who put that bullet in you earlier today," she let her hoof gently touch the edge of Jade's bandages. Her eyes were hard for a moment, then she smiled. "I intend to go. I was hoping you could help me with a disguise - something I've been thinking about for a while."

Jade Sun closed the bedroom door behind them quietly and then gave Charger a confused look which quickly turned in to one of compassion.

"Hey... no no," she reassured softly and gave Charger's mane a soft stroke with her hoof, it was soft as silk. "You got this all wrong you silly filly. Charger, there is nothing going on between me and Snow Eyes. If this is about earlier then I assure you it was not what it looked like, I'd just been shot and I fell. She helped me home because I could barely walk. I know it may have looked... strange, but there was nothing, trust me, you're the only pony I have eyes for. I know I used to have this thing about Snow Eyes but what pony doesn't at one point or another? But I. Don't. Cheat," Jade Sun said emphatically, looking Charger straight in the eyes.

"As for this ball of yours, I'll help any way I can but I stitch ponies, not gowns. I can assure you you don't want to be seen in public in one of my creations," she tried, to lighten the mood and hoped for a smile.

2015-03-25, 02:36 AM
Jade Sun closed the bedroom door behind them quietly and then gave Charger a confused look which quickly turned in to one of compassion.

"Hey... no no," she reassured softly and gave Charger's mane a soft stroke with her hoof, it was soft as silk. "You got this all wrong you silly filly. Charger, there is nothing going on between me and Snow Eyes. If this is about earlier then I assure you it was not what it looked like, I'd just been shot and I fell. She helped me home because I could barely walk. I know it may have looked... strange, but there was nothing, trust me, you're the only pony I have eyes for. I know I used to have this thing about Snow Eyes but what pony doesn't at one point or another? But I. Don't. Cheat," Jade Sun said emphatically, looking Charger straight in the eyes.

"As for this ball of yours, I'll help any way I can but I stitch ponies, not gowns. I can assure you you don't want to be seen in public in one of my creations," she tried, to lighten the mood and hoped for a smile.

"I know there's nothing going on," said Charger. Her voice held conviction, but she still seemed to weigh the words in her head before she said them. "Snow Eyes wants there to be. I am serious when I say that is up to you."

"Anyway," said Charger, brushing it aside. "I was actually considering going as a stallion. I've been wondering what that might be like, and it would be a hell of an entrance. Could you make that happen?"

2015-03-25, 02:55 AM
"I know there's nothing going on," said Charger. Her voice held conviction, but she still seemed to weigh the words in her head before she said them. "Snow Eyes wants there to be. I am serious when I say that is up to you."

"Anyway," said Charger, brushing it aside. "I was actually considering going as a stallion. I've been wondering what that might be like, and it would be a hell of an entrance. Could you make that happen?"

The look on Jade's face was one of complete bewildered confusion. Too many crazy words being said in much too great a jumble.

"Look, I'm really relieved you believe me about Snow Eyes and I'm not one to question your ability to read ponies because you always seem to have much better idea of what goes on in their heads than I could ever hope to, but regardless of what Snow Eyes wants, I'm yours, Charger. Not in my wildest f*cking dreams would I ever even contemplate asking you to... to... share me." She struggled to even say it and when she did it was with obvious distaste.

"And are you asking me for... a sex change?" Angel paused as she tried to get her thoughts to catch up. "Look, Charger, I know I put up a fair bit of a fuss over this whole you-and-me thing - I never thought I could feel this way for another mare, but I do. I'm crazy about you, I know it took me a while to reconcile with that but I have, and I want you just as you are. Besides those things aren't exactly something you just do for an evening."

Jade Sun's mind was spinning, she had never thought Charger could feel insecure. While it concerned her it was also very flattering, and reassuring that she truly cared.

2015-03-25, 04:02 AM
"I do not have a problem with myself," said Charger firmly. "I am bored and curious and wanted to see how the other side lives for a while, and I heard stories about potions and spells that can enable that kind of thing. You seemed like the pony to ask."

2015-03-25, 04:14 AM
"I do not have a problem with myself," said Charger firmly. "I am bored and curious and wanted to see how the other side lives for a while, and I heard stories about potions and spells that can enable that kind of thing. You seemed like the pony to ask."

"Ooooh magic," Angel said, finally emerging from her confusion. "Hmmm." She bit her hoof thoughtfully. "Yes, you're not wrong. Such things do exist, or at least they did."

She tried not to care that this didn't seem to be about her.

"Thing is, I'm no unicorn and magic's not exactly my forte. But that's not to say it can't be done, but I don't have anything mixed and ready for you to spike your coffee with tonight."

"When is this ball anyway?"

[Cost for developing a gender-swapping potion/drug, Deadly?]

2015-03-25, 04:22 AM
"Ooooh magic," Angel said, finally emerging from her confusion. "Hmmm." She bit her hoof thoughtfully. "Yes, you're not wrong. Such things do exist, or at least they did."

She tried not to care that this didn't seem to be about her.

"Thing is, I'm no unicorn and magic's not exactly my forte. But that's not to say it can't be done, but I don't have anything mixed and ready for you to spike your coffee with tonight."

"When is this ball anyway?"

[Cost for developing a gender-swapping potion/drug, Deadly?]

"Nice to know that your first thought was to take a knife to my privates," said Charger, letting herself drawl the words out just a bit. "I'll cover your costs, of course. And don't even think about charging me the friend rate, I've got a harvest coming in and you do more than enough charity work."

2015-03-25, 04:42 PM
"Great!" Angel shouted over her shoulder before the door shut behind Scrapper.

"Not a bad idea, if this is going to become a routine procedure." Angel agreed as she helped strap Bell Bottom down nice and tight. "Now, I hope neither of you have any plans tonight."

She fussed over the machine a little more before turning it on to give Bell a full-body scan, not even noticing herself that she was holding her breath.

Angel was so utterly focused she hadn't heard Charger knock. Then again she was the one who didn't have to. Angel looked up with a start and a fiercely focused frown only to immediately melt to a smile with eyes that sparkled.

"Charger," she said softly and backed away from the treatment table. "You two, ensure the CRI is correctly calibrated and set up, I'll be right back."

Crystalshy and Snow Kicker went to work. The machine whirred to life, Bell Bottom struggled in her bonds, and everything was looking well ... when Charger interrupted.

Your two assistants nodded and went to work calibrating the machine and checking the images while you went to talk to Charger.

Snow Eyes gave that little security bot a glare, and then a broad grin spread over her face. This was going to be glorious. "Wakey, wakey sleepy head. We need to talk." And with that she pulled her magic focuser and launched a blast straight into the bot. She reloaded immediately and kept her other gun handy too: there was the magic blast and then there was the physical, "blow this thing into 1000 tiny pieces" effect still in reserve.

The Magic Focuser was excellent at short, concentrated bursts of energy, not the sustained, concentrated flow necessary for proper charging. But it did the job for now. The robot lit up and jolted to life. Its big green eyes fluttered open, and its little ears flicked back and forth.

*beep* *brrr* "..." *kzzt* "... core operational" *beep* "... system failure. Unknown entity detected ..." *brr* Its eyes zoomed in on you, blinking erratically. "Unicorn, mare at one yard: White coat, purple mane, blue eyes, cutie mark ..." It turned its head "... gems?" It whirred and twitched a few moments. *beep* *boop* *beep* "I love my sister, Rarity!" it proclaimed and lurched to its hooves, reaching out to grab you in a tight, sisterly hug of unconditional love.

A grin spread out over Eclipse's face, growing until it was nearly leaping off her cheeks and devouring the poor Freezie. "Good. Looking forward to it." she simply said. By the princesses, if every lesson was as productive as this one, she'd have Windbreak set within the week. Huge turnouts, no troublemakers - during the lesson, anyway - stalwart allies, and now an entire archive dropped into her lap. Might as well go for it while the going was good.

"There's one other thing you could help me with," she added, tugging her joy back down to earth. "So far I've been living off of these good ponies' kindness. I'll accept their generosity happily, but only if it's necessary. If Windbreak had a spare room for me, it would take the burden off of these hardworking folks. I don't need much; enough room to lay out my bedroll, and the odd bit of scraps for food. A window'd be a nice bonus. Think you can arrange that?"

"I ... willz inquire about that," the freezie said, looking like this was the first time she had to think about arranging lodgings for somepony, or even herself.

"I do not have a problem with myself," said Charger firmly. "I am bored and curious and wanted to see how the other side lives for a while, and I heard stories about potions and spells that can enable that kind of thing. You seemed like the pony to ask."

[Cost for developing a gender-swapping potion/drug, Deadly?]

Surprisingly, this is one of those things where even the greatest pointy-heads have struggled. Oh, there are certainly stories you may have heard, but they all trace back to a little trick a certain purple librarian once pulled on a great and powerful trickster to trick the trickster into giving up an ancient trinket of untold magical power. I'm sad to say it was nothing but party tricks, but the truthful version of the tale didn't fare as well as the more colorful ones.

Now there are ... certain creatures, it is known, with this sort of ability. In fact, a certain type of poisonous salamander did live in this area before the winter, and there are ... tales, fables, rumors if you will, that its skin can be used for make a gender-swapping potion. Sadly, the cold didn't agree with the frogs and salamanders, and they're all thought to be extinct a long, long time ago. But if you could find one ... perhaps in some hidden grove or ancient lab deep within the 'garden' ... well, you could make a potion then. Or it might actually be poison.

Given enough time you're confident you could perfect the recipe and make it safe and reliable, but time isn't really an option if you want it before the masquerade.

But where's the fun in life without a little risk or magical poisoning, eh?

2015-03-25, 05:28 PM
"Nice to know that your first thought was to take a knife to my privates," said Charger, letting herself drawl the words out just a bit. "I'll cover your costs, of course. And don't even think about charging me the friend rate, I've got a harvest coming in and you do more than enough charity work."

"Uhm, heh heh..." Jade shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, it's ah- uh- occupational habit. I really don't deal with magic much so my mind is kind of set on- anyway- it doesn't matter."

She looked away at the mention of costs, the irony was once again sharp like a knife; the one pony she was really reluctant to ask for any kind of compensation being the only one offering it freely.

If only there were more ponies like Charger.

Angel gave her a long serious look as she gathered her thoughts to focus on the kind of drug Charger was after, her mind warred between the logistics of how to do it and the outrage of attempting it at all. "Charger, this would be highly experimental and outright dangerous. I wouldn't be able to guarantee what would happen when you took it. For something like this I need time to test it, to make it safe."