View Full Version : Low level Bard Feat/ASI

2015-02-05, 10:41 AM
So I'm playing a half-elf bard, and I'm trying to decide what I want to do with my ASI. We're doing LMoP, so I'm unlikely to make it past level 5. This is likely the only ASI I'll get.

I'm at lvl 2 now, and I'm probably going to take Valor bard at 3. The party is a dwarf-barbarian, a half-orc rogue and a human wizard, though there are a number of alternates in this campaign (had a monk and a fighter, and there's people who want to play moon druid and life cleric waiting in the wings.)

Stats are: 8, 16, 12, 12, 12, 16

So, options are:
Increase DEX: Slightly more AC (if in light armor), accuracy, damage, skills, initiative. Great all round.
Increase CHA: Better spellcasting and skills. Though I don't think social skills are in high demand in LMoP.
Increase CON: A bit more HP.
Or take a feat.

Feats I'm looking at:
Crossbow expert: This is a solid feat but less appealing to me since I probably won't get my extra attack at 6, and as a bard I've plenty of things to do with my bonus action.
Defensive Duelist: I don't have much use for my reaction, but this is probably better at higher levels when my proficiency is higher.
Dual Wielder: Dual rapiers and +1 AC. Still uses my bonus action. I could instead add to DEX, and carry a shield and a rapier for good effect.
Healer: Might need more healing if the cleric or druid never join. But I can already heal with magics. Maybe I could convince someone else to take this feat.
Lucky: All round useful, but strikes me as boring.
Medium Armor Master: Immediately hit max AC using half-plate and remain stealthy. Though it's only 2 AC more than what I get by adding to DEX and wearing studded leather. Plus I don't have the gold yet for half-plate.
Sharpshooter: Could be nice to increase my damage. Still, I'm a bard, maybe damage isn't what I should be focusing on.
Spellsniper: Could snag Eldritch Blast, but I'm already set up to use a bow or rapier for at-will damage. Perhaps if I decide on Lore Bard this would be much more attractive.
Tough: Would help with my HP. A whole 8 to 10 for the level range I'm in. Boring.
War Caster: This would be quite useful if I decide to hang out in melee with a shield and rapier instead of hanging back with a bow. If the party alternates show up it'll be crowded at the front, so not so good in that case.

2015-02-05, 11:21 AM
So I'm playing a half-elf bard, and I'm trying to decide what I want to do with my ASI. We're doing LMoP, so I'm unlikely to make it past level 5. This is likely the only ASI I'll get.

I'm at lvl 2 now, and I'm probably going to take Valor bard at 3. The party is a dwarf-barbarian, a half-orc rogue and a human wizard, though there are a number of alternates in this campaign (had a monk and a fighter, and there's people who want to play moon druid and life cleric waiting in the wings.)

Stats are: 8, 16, 12, 12, 12, 16

So, options are:
Increase DEX: Slightly more AC (if in light armor), accuracy, damage, skills, initiative. Great all round.
Increase CHA: Better spellcasting and skills. Though I don't think social skills are in high demand in LMoP.
Increase CON: A bit more HP.
Or take a feat.

Feats I'm looking at:
Crossbow expert: This is a solid feat but less appealing to me since I probably won't get my extra attack at 6, and as a bard I've plenty of things to do with my bonus action.
Defensive Duelist: I don't have much use for my reaction, but this is probably better at higher levels when my proficiency is higher.
Dual Wielder: Dual rapiers and +1 AC. Still uses my bonus action. I could instead add to DEX, and carry a shield and a rapier for good effect.
Healer: Might need more healing if the cleric or druid never join. But I can already heal with magics. Maybe I could convince someone else to take this feat.
Lucky: All round useful, but strikes me as boring.
Medium Armor Master: Immediately hit max AC using half-plate and remain stealthy. Though it's only 2 AC more than what I get by adding to DEX and wearing studded leather. Plus I don't have the gold yet for half-plate.
Sharpshooter: Could be nice to increase my damage. Still, I'm a bard, maybe damage isn't what I should be focusing on.
Spellsniper: Could snag Eldritch Blast, but I'm already set up to use a bow or rapier for at-will damage. Perhaps if I decide on Lore Bard this would be much more attractive.
Tough: Would help with my HP. A whole 8 to 10 for the level range I'm in. Boring.
War Caster: This would be quite useful if I decide to hang out in melee with a shield and rapier instead of hanging back with a bow. If the party alternates show up it'll be crowded at the front, so not so good in that case.

I'd grab War caster personally. Use Heroism as your default buff to provide free healing (temp HP) to somebody every round. I agree if you go lore bard you should prolly grab spell sniper and EB.

Healer or Inspiring Leader (not on your list) would be a good pick up, but may be unnecessary if the cleric and druid end up joining. Also I think everybody should be contributing as much damage as they are able in order to drop the enemey faster, so I wouldn't entirely rule out damage dealing options.

2015-02-06, 07:48 AM
I've seen a bard having great fun at low levels with sentinel and a whip. Lucky is not that bad, i'd only advise it if you roll for skills often otherwise it would only work for not getting hit which indeed sucks.
Alert could also be helpfull if other players don't show up. It loses it's effectiveness in larger pasties cause it's more likely someone would roll high, even higher than you.
Personally, i'd pick something that would add versatility and this would bee the ritual caster feat. The wizard may already have this role covered but who would say no to a familiar?
Inspiring leader is good and pretty underestimated (personally tested) but it adds nothing to your playstyle, even the party forgets about it. It helps though especially if you fight a lot and have short rests inbetween.
I'd second defensive dualist, even at low levels it still helps.
Personally i'd choose sentinel as it adds more battlefiend control and makes your reaction worthy. In a campaign set to end in low levels it's important to have a character that can make use of all 3 actions (action, bonus and reaction).

2015-02-12, 03:57 PM
I'd grab War caster personally. Use Heroism as your default buff to provide free healing (temp HP) to somebody every round. I agree if you go lore bard you should prolly grab spell sniper and EB.

Is it just me, or is War Caster kind of necessary on a bard? Aren't almost all of the instruments two handed, thus forcing you to stand around and either cast OR shoot a bow/swing a rapier?

2015-02-13, 11:45 AM
Is it just me, or is War Caster kind of necessary on a bard? Aren't almost all of the instruments two handed, thus forcing you to stand around and either cast OR shoot a bow/swing a rapier?

Bards don't have to use an instrument to cast spells, they can just use it instead of a component pouch, it is a requirement for valor bards that want to use a shield though, same for any caster other than clerics/pallies (holy symbols just have to be visible, not held in your hand)

2015-02-13, 12:05 PM
Bards don't have to use an instrument to cast spells, they can just use it instead of a component pouch, it is a requirement for valor bards that want to use a shield though, same for any caster other than clerics/pallies (holy symbols just have to be visible, not held in your hand)

So if I wanted to play a valor bard using a long bow, could I (assuming I don't make an attack that turn with said bow) use my other hand not holding the bow to cast the spell using the component pouch? I don't want to force myself to take variant human just so I don't have to drop by bow and grab my lute every time I want to cast a spell...

2015-02-13, 03:29 PM
The horn, depending on type, can be used one-handed. I keep a horn on a string around my neck. The component pouch works so long as you have a free hand. I would think that most if not all DMs would let you use the hand which is loading the bow, and therefore is able to reach for your quiver, to grab spell components instead.
Using a crossbow with a shoulder strap allows you to "drop" it without losing it.
A valor bard with a shield and rapier can use their free action to sheath the sword before casting, then pull it out again next turn to attack. You lose out on opportunity attacks doing this however.

2015-02-14, 01:37 AM
The horn, depending on type, can be used one-handed. I keep a horn on a string around my neck. The component pouch works so long as you have a free hand. I would think that most if not all DMs would let you use the hand which is loading the bow, and therefore is able to reach for your quiver, to grab spell components instead.
Using a crossbow with a shoulder strap allows you to "drop" it without losing it.
A valor bard with a shield and rapier can use their free action to sheath the sword before casting, then pull it out again next turn to attack. You lose out on opportunity attacks doing this however.

You lose out on decent OP attacks. You could still use an unarmed strike on an enemy as far as I can tell. It would be pretty weak though.