View Full Version : Index Reincarnation Wars : Well Of Souls

2015-02-05, 07:57 PM

People in this world are lucky not to find aliens, wizards, demons or the like. They might find them some time in the future, but for now, all they have near Science Fiction is cloning, and arguably some other "low-tech" devices in-line with Science Fiction, like printing out food. Interstellar travel is at least sixty years in the future, at least a few decades later, more than likely. But some strange things are happening. Anyone knows that the world is beginning to shell out disaster after disaster, the form of natural phenomenon, the threat of nuclear wars, poverty, an economy still in shambles, at least somewhat speaking, terrorism and other threats to civilization on Earth.

The worst, however, is the enigmatic enemy to all the universe and any universe, the Malignatis. Portals opening from the mysterious domain referred to as the "Nihil" Space. These portals are frightening aberrations of the universe, very alien and terrifying to creatures that we would see as beyond gods. Just as apes might look up on us Humans at the 21st century, these creatures that are manifestations of the very characteristics, both temporally and abstractly, of the universe, yet the Malignatis Portals is night impossible for them to understand. It's sheer alien nature to them is terrifying, and is as of yet impossible for them to understand.

Our heroes 30 men and women have been sent to the starship "Enterprise", yes, from Star Trek, only real, on missions not to explore strange new worlds, but to investigate the insanity inducing Portals, and to wait for further instructions to see if the Incarnae have the means to close them. Mister Goodeman, a powerful Incarnae of an unknown domain, has given us the Star Ship and let us loose into the universe with coordinates for the Enterprise to head towards. This Enterprise is outfitted with powerful technology beyond that of it's television series, pulled from various universes. Now, the Enterprise is not just a system or Quadrant spanning ship but a Galactic spanning space vessel capable of matching the Death Star of the Star Wars franchise.

On board this ship is the familiar star ship crew known as Picard, Data, Worf, Troi, Crusher, Geordi La Forge and Riker, as well as the enigmatic Mr. Howard Greene, an Incarnae who is sharing the ship with the capricious Q. . . against his wishes. They pretend to have good natured spats, but no one knows the dark nature of their conflict.