View Full Version : Animal friend/companion and flaws for a solo character (advise, please).

2015-02-06, 07:01 AM
So I'm building a solo character, a Half-Orc Ranger/Barbarian/Warblade4. (Already took the Whirling Frenzy and Spirit Lion Totem ACF). What I'm thinking of now, is giving him an animal companion/friend. I don't care for getting another three Ranger levels, as I only took those for flavor anyway to get Racial Enemy and track (and it fits my guy's theme quite well). Now I read about the Wild Cohort Feat, which is on the list of options, but I was also thinking, could I use the Leadership feat (since I'm 6th level) to get a Worg companion? (Set aside whether or not the Worg's subtype allows one as a follower).

Also, I don't know even a tenth of the traits that go around, but I'm looking for a few good ones for a Solo character (save the animal) to get some bonus feats that might even allow a better animal friend.