View Full Version : Pathfinder [Mythic] Full Power Ridiculous Mini-Campaign

2015-02-07, 04:49 AM
My group's gonna be doing 2-3 sessions of a fully, ridiculously powered game, as a sort of going-away celebration for one of our members. I'm really excited, it should be hilarious no matter how it goes. But what I mean by full power is, we're starting as level 20 characters with 10 mythic ranks, 25 point buy, full WBL, the works; apparently we'll be getting even more as the game progresses. So I've spent the last hour or so (now turned into 2 hours) trying to build my character for this, and I just want to solicit advice, both on the build itself and on, well, what to expect from this kind of game, if you've played it before. We've only played around with the first couple ranks of Mythic, and it seems like the game will change severely here. Here's what I have:

Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1 / Monk (Maneuver Master) 4 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 5 / Duelist 10 // Mythic Champion 10
N Medium Aasimar (Garuda-blooded, Scion of Humanity)
Init +31 ; Senses Perception +31, Perfect Darkvision 60, Mindsight 30
AC 59, touch 47, flat-footed 36 (+8 armor, +17 dex, +4 natural armor, +5 deflection, +9 monk, +6 dodge)
HD 16d10 + 4d8 + 140 Con + 50 Mythic (average 300.5 hp)
Fort +23, Ref +36, Will +21 (+5 vs. mind affecting, Mind Blanked)
Immune Fire, disease, poison; Resist cold 10, acid 10, electricity 5
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Freedom of Movement, Enhanced Mobility (+8 AC vs. AoO), Crane Style + Elaborate Defense (-1 atk/+7 AC when fighting defensively, +9 vs. one opponent), Parry (Duelist), Opportune Parry/Riposte (Swashbuckler), Dodging Panache, Monk AC Bonus, Maneuver Defense (enemy attempting CM for which you have the Improved feat provokes AoO, even if they normally wouldn't), Canny Defense (Int to dodge AC), Grace (+2 Ref)
Mythic Defensive Abilities Mythic Deflect Arrows (6/rd, MP/imm. action to deflect ray), Mirror Dodge (imm. action, upon being hit with a melee or ranged attack, 1 mp to teleport up to 30 ft, leaving illusion behind to take the hit)
Spd 40 ft/x4, Fly 60 ft (average)
Melee Ralm (Legendary Weapon, see below), +5 Adamantine Fortuitous Ki Focus Harvesting Dueling Dueling Rapier, +45/+45/+40/+35, 1d6+25 (15-20/x3), +10 precision
Melee Ralm (Flurry of Maneuvers, Dirty Trick), +56 (CM)/+56 (CM)/+45/+40/+35
Attack Options Combat Reflexes (21/rd), Flurry of Maneuvers -2, Quick Dirty Trick Master, Precise Strike +10, Ki Pool 11 (swift action Extra Attack or Reliable Maneuver), Riposte (Duelist), Acrobatic Charge, No Retreat (withdrawing provokes AoO), Crippling Critical (on crit confirm, add one of: 1d4 Str dmg, 1d4 Dex dmg, 2d6 bleed dmg [last until healed], reduce target speed by 10, -4 saves, or -4 AC [last 1 minute]), Crane Riposte, Stunning Fist (8/day, DC 28, stunned or exhausted)
Mythic Attack Options Fleet Warrior (move before or after full attack), Ever Ready (make AoOs with +10 atk/dmg, even when flat-footed), Precision (all iterative attacks made at +5), , Shatter Spells (1 mythic power, melee touch attack to hit target with targeted Greater Dispel at CL 20, target takes 1 dmg/spell level dispelled), Mythic Arcane Strike (swift action +5 dmg for one minute, 1 mythic power to also add +4 worth of weapon enhancement/special abilities)
Pit-Touched Bloodline (effective Sorcerer level 22)

Corrupting Touch (Sp): 4/day inflict shaken condition on enemy as touch attack, lasts 11 rds
Tough as Hell (Ex): +6 inherent bonus to Con
On Dark Wings (Su): sprout wings as standard, 60 ft fly speed, dismiss as free action but why bother dismissing?
Power of the Pit (Su): immunity to fire and poison, resist acid and cold 10, perfect darkvision 60
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20)

1/day: see invisibility, shield or sanctuary, barkskin or remove paralysis, protection from energy or remove curse, spell immunity or freedom of movement, spell resistance or plane shift, antimagic field or greater dispel magic, deflection or refuge, mind blank, prismatic sphere or freedom
Str 7, Dex 44, Con 25, Int 20, Wis 26, Cha 13
BAB +19, CMB +21 (+40 with finesse weapon), CMD +67 (+4 Dirty Trick, +2 Trip, +6 CMD vs. Disarm, +4 CMD vs. Sunder)
Special Abilities Ki Pool 11 (+1 from favored class), Panache 6, Fast Movement 10, Weapon Training (light blades +1, +3 with gloves), Maneuver Mastery +2, Improved Reaction (Init +4)
Mythic Abilities Mythic Power 23, Divine Source (grants spells from [sub]domains of Defense and Freedom, gains 1/day use as SLAs), Legendary Item x3, Vanishing Trick (free swift action invisibility for one round, 1 mythic power to instead cast greater invisibility at CL 20)
Traits Bred for War (+1 CMB/+1 Intimidate), Sound of Mind (+2 saves vs. Mind-Affecting)
Feats Weapon Finesse (Rapier), Weapon Focus (Rapier), Fencing Grace, Imp. Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Imp. Dirty Trick, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Imp. Trip, Eldritch Heritage (Pit-Touched), Dodge, Arcane Strike, Combat Expertise, Mobility, Greater Dirty Trick, Imp. Critical (Rapier), Quick Dirty Trick, Dirty Trick Master, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Crane Riposte, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows
Mythic Feats Dual Path (Trickster), Mythic Eldritch Heritage, Mythic Improved Critical (Rapier), Mythic Arcane Strike, Mythic Deflect Arrows
Skills Acrobatics +42 (+51 jump), Appraise +9, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +20, Fly +32, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, religion, nature, local, history) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +28, Linguistics +28, Perception +31, Perform (oratory) +6, Sense Motive +31, Stealth +40, Survival +12, Swim +2
Languages Common +22 others
Magic Items Manual of Dex +4 (Used), Tome of Wis +4 (Used), Belt of Physical Might +6 (Dex/Con), Headband of Mental Prowess +6 (Int/Wis), Amulet of Natural Armor +4/Periapt of Health (+1.5 cost), Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Bracers of Armor +8, Gloves of Dueling, Robe of Arcane Heritage, Cloak of Resistance +5, Circlet of Mindsight
Mythic Items Ralm (legendary rapier), Death Warden's Bandolier (multiple abilities but important one is 3/day mass Death Ward, spend 1 mythic power to make it last for 24 hours), Seven-League Boots (boots of speed and striding and springing in one, plus spend 1 mythic power as a move action to teleport up to 21 miles, must have line of effect)

Ralm has both the Dueling special ability on the SRD and the Dueling special ability from the PFS field guide, which adds double the weapon's enhancement bonus on combat maneuvers that use the weapon.

Legendary Power 8/day

Upgradeable (half cost to upgrade weapon without requiring item creation feats)
powerful x3 (+6 legendary power)
Rejuvenating (spend power to heal 10 hp per tier)
Foe-Biting (spend power to double damage on successful hit)
Eternal Bond (weapon insurance)
Unstoppable Strike (expend power to target touch AC, expend more power to ignore deflection bonuses)
Undetectable (makes you, well, undetectable "by any method" while invisible)
Everlasting (makes you immortal while you are carrying it, removes need to eat, drink, or breathe and protects against extreme heat or cold)

Whew. Anyway, even if you didn't read all that, if you have some experience with these high mythic games I'd love to hear about it. What should be watched out for? Any fun stories to tell?

2015-02-07, 06:40 AM
Always fun to play ridiculously OP one shot o/

As for your character : I'm afraid you might feel behind for your damage output. Getting somehow a 13 str and pumping out power attack would be a great asset.
You might want to up your touch a bit too. You got 59 AC, wich means you would prolly fail to hit yourself a lot of the times...And you should expect opponent to be stronger & harder to hit than you are.

Otherwise, I like the character concept !

2015-02-07, 10:43 AM
Thanks, yeah, I'm excited about it. My first D&D game was actually similar, in that it was an epic campaign where you could play as monsters; I really enjoy both making the OP characters, then going into battle and finding out everything else is just as OP.

I compared him to the MR 10 Red Dragon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/mythic/mythic-monsters/mythic-dragon-red), and his damage/AC actually seemed pretty good compared to that, even before taking into account that in a normal combat vs. other mythic creatures, he'll be using Arcane Strike to at least add 2 different Bane effects (one for creature type, one for mythic creatures) and upping his damage by at least 4+4d6, or that he makes AoOs at +10 damage every time and he's built around making others provoke AoOs. He'll also be critting a quarter of the time for x3 damage. Yeah, he has trouble hitting his own AC (especially when he's fighting defensively :smallbiggrin:), but the MR 10 Red Dragon has even more trouble, which suggests to me that many others will as well, and even if they do hit he can parry/riposte in multiple ways.

Hah, I really didn't want to dump Strength but he needed a 13 Cha for his Eldritch Heritage! Anyway, losing out on Mythic Power Attack does hurt, but he makes his damage back with crits, AoOs and Precise Strike, I think, plus his sword's Foe-Biting if necessary.