View Full Version : Making Fate/Zero's Gilgamesh in a 3.5/Pathfinder game!

Ser Jonny Bean
2015-02-07, 08:35 PM
So I'm playing in a campaign where we're playing 80th level greater deities who are trapped in great monoliths and trying to figure a way to break out of said monoliths and kick some fellow god butt.

Personally I want to play F/Z's Gilgamesh (cause hey he'd make a great greater deity to roleplay as, and his broken ass abilities would be totally balanced by the fact that everything else is broken). For those of you who don't know, here's the gist of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrv6y_-v9Qg

Yep, a golden armoured arrogant douche who fires things from portals. The skeleton of my character will be a caster or psion, or maybe both, using some sort of gate spell or creation spell to manifest weapons of all types and hurl them with Telekinesis at my enemies who dare look upon me without my say. :P

Though, I am not entirely sure how I could go about it. 80 levels is a lot of wiggle room, and all of 3.5 AND pathfinder is open to us, so my options are many, as it should be for the King of Heroes.

However, I am truly having issues trying to pick out the best options (not necessarily the most optimal, but perhaps the simplest ones) to obtain a dimensional sniper. I know that 3.5 Complete Warrior's Master of the Unseen Hand will play a pinnacle role as it allows me to do all sorts of nifty stuff with telekinesis like full attacks and the such. My DM also ruled if I'm using the telekinetic weapon wielding with the Unseen Hand's abilities I can dual wield, throw weapons as normal, and stack that with rapid shot, meaning I can get off something close to 8 telekentically thrown weapons per round with the TWF tree, rapid shot, and Unseen Hand's ability to use my full caster level as BAB instead of what I normally get. I'm having issues on deciding to go straight psionic stuff, or straight arcane stuff. Mechanically speaking it be better to go with just one to maxamize TK's BAB since it's based off caster levels. Perhaps psion cause they're the psychic masters, but arcane has more diversity... There's just so much!

But that's only 5 out of 80 levels, and frankly I just can't decide, and all the reading is getting bloody annoying!

So, does anyone have any general ideas for classes? I don't need a level by level suggestion, just a general idea of what you would shoot for. Thanks for the input!

Karl Aegis
2015-02-07, 09:09 PM
From the video given, I would think he has no abilities from class whatsoever. All we see him doing is using a major artifact, use a simple balance check and use a simple jump check. Just make his weapons a major artifact, his armor a major artifact, his bracers a minor artifact and his boots a minor artifact. He really doesn't seem to have anything else.

If anything, he is an Aristocrat.

2015-02-07, 09:51 PM
I've seen the series on Netflix... it really only ends well for maybe two or three people.

For practical purposes, the guy does some form of mass fire magical effect (you're allowed to refluff things however you want provided it doesn't grant extra abilities), but mostly just summons nifty toys (fine wine, flying machine, et cetera) at whim.

If you go Psion, you've got the problem that Psionic Major/Minor Creation can't really be done in a reasonable timeframe.

He's really just got a few gimmics that he actually uses, so I'd be inclined to go Sorcerer + suitable PrC's. Shades (with % reality boosting) for making stuff on a whim - and at 80th, you've got enough available feats to make the spell an at-will Su if you want. If you really wanted to go nuts, it's well within the realm of possibility to get ... any full caster, and some of the partials... to have Miracle as an at-will spell-like, too (Cleric: Goes full Cleric, grabs Improved Spell Capacity until he's got 17th level spell slots, and then takes Innate Spell from Complete Arcane for Miracle; Wizard/Sorcerer: Goes full caster, makes sure to pick up Arcane Disciple(Luck), but otherwise does the same as the Cleric. Druid: Dips Contemplative somewhere in the mix for a domain - which is Luck - and does the same as the Cleric). Then use Supernatural Transformation (Savage Species) on the spell-like, and it's now Su.

Given that it's a Pathfinder base, though? Start by going full on True Dragon. Use Monsters as PCs (http://paizo.com/pathfinderrpg/prd/monsters/monstersAsPCs.html) to take a Great Wyrm (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/dragon.html#dragon) Brass dragon (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/monsters/dragon.html#metallic-dragon-brass) (CR 19, casts as a Sorcerer-19... minus class features, which includes bonus spells known, but oh well) and then pile full casting PrC's (or just lots of Sorcerer) on top of that. You'll have full casting, some very nice stat boosts (save for Dexterity, which would be at -2 from standard... oh well, I think you can manage), very nice base saves, et cetera. Then you do the Arcane Disciple to get the Luck domain spells that you want, make Miracle an at-will as above (plus a few others, such as an Intensified Time Stop for ten rounds of whatever, whenever, Celerity, and Foresight), then just proceed to duplicate all the effects you want. Grab Reserves of Strength (Dragonlance Campaign Setting) to bypass caster level limits (after pointing out that in both 3.5 and Pathfinder, spell-like abilities are treated like spells for all purposes except as noted - which does not include feat interactions), and go to town. There was one setting that made the human form of dragons a feat... don't quite remember which... but eh, that'd be a good one to look up.

Oh yes, and as your primary schtick is spell-like or Su? No messy ASF to worry about.

If you really, really want to go crazy:
Use Pathfinder's Monsters as PC's rules, grab a completely broken monster (Phaerimm, Lost Empires of Faerun), tack on Ghost, and make yourself free Simulacrums to posses. Limited Wish up Major Creation stuff. Use 3.5's Wish's magic item creation clause. All without spending XP or GP, because the Phaerimm are THAT BROKEN.

2015-02-07, 11:30 PM
The stuff that's suggested so far is nice, when I watched it it was the overwhelming nature of the weapons that really got me so if you don't want to do a lot of the stuff they suggested because it's hard to fluff or you don't care about optimization you could just go with what you have and either try to raise the number of weapons by at least 12-20 hopefully higher and make sure they are all really well enchanted or even artifacts, and/or get as many overly enchanted weapons that also have dancing as you can and try to raise the rounds they are active and get all the powers/spells that do the same. With 80 levels you can do as many casters/manifesters as you want with a lot of prc's. Maybe a maxed out crystal shards or similar you fluff the crystals as daggers or swords added on top that you use at will along with the actual weapons?

Ser Jonny Bean
2015-02-08, 01:53 AM
Thank you gentlemen for your input! I'll reference this all now and tool around exactly what I want. I greatly appreciate this guys! Thanks!

I've ultimately decided on Arcane casting then thanks to Jack_Smith, probably Wizard cause I like playing an obscenely powerful literal god of reality along with the five levels of Unseen Hand. As for race, I'm wanting to stick to at least a humanoid (and strictly humanoid, no shape changing shenanigans) races to fit Gilgamesh's thematic. Besides, even if it is 80th level godliness, Jack, that dragon trick just a little too much cheese for this. xD But thank you for the suggestion for getting all those At Wills!

Happy Godding.

Also, what is the Shades you speak of?

2015-02-08, 04:50 AM
Well, at 80th level, his Wealth By Level should be just about right - "ALL OF IT".

2015-02-08, 12:57 PM
Thank you gentlemen for your input! I'll reference this all now and tool around exactly what I want. I greatly appreciate this guys! Thanks!

I've ultimately decided on Arcane casting then thanks to Jack_Smith, probably Wizard cause I like playing an obscenely powerful literal god of reality along with the five levels of Unseen Hand. As for race, I'm wanting to stick to at least a humanoid (and strictly humanoid, no shape changing shenanigans) races to fit Gilgamesh's thematic. Besides, even if it is 80th level godliness, Jack, that dragon trick just a little too much cheese for this. xD But thank you for the suggestion for getting all those At Wills!

Happy Godding.

Also, what is the Shades you speak of?
A core spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shades.htm) that duplicates a lot of conjouration spells.

Ser Jonny Bean
2015-02-08, 04:38 PM
A core spell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/shades.htm) that duplicates a lot of conjouration spells.

Alright, thanks Jack, greatly appreciated!