View Full Version : Animalistic personality traits/behaviors

2015-02-08, 01:57 PM
I'm currently playing a Totemic Warrior Barbarian. The way I'm role playing him is that as his totemic connection to animals increases, his human personality is slowly giving way to his cold-blooded animalistic side.

What I'm looking for are personality traits and behaviors that a character like this might evince in roleplay. A few that I've come up with.

-Food dominance (do not disturb him when eating and NEVER EVER try to take his food)
-Pack leadership issues (obviously playing a lot of the dominance stuff lightly so as to not make things difficult for the other players)
-Inappropriate scratching/cleaning of self
-Heightened aggressiveness around strangers

I'm looking for more suggestions.

2015-02-08, 02:03 PM
Well, wolves, eagles and bears (IIRC) don't show the same behaviour, so I'd ask which animal(s) he is going to grow closer to?

2015-02-08, 02:08 PM
I'm picking a different one from each (Spirit=Bear, Aspect=Eagle, Attunement=Wolf)

But in general, I'm looking for all types of animal like behavior. This is for roleplaying fun exclusively.

2015-02-08, 02:12 PM
Shortsightedness, as in being more focused more on the here and now. As far as I know (feel free to correct me) humans are the only animals known for planning into the future, or planning at all.

Physically his teeth could grow longer and pointer, his eyes more wild looking, his body hair could increase, his would use his nose more often then his eyes and so forth.

2015-02-08, 02:15 PM
He wouldn't always have to be aggressive or domineering. If he felt protective of someone he might make sure they eat before he does himself. If someone else was a strong leader, he could try to stay close to that person when there's danger.

He could decide he needs to mark his territory by scratching bark off trees - I'll leave other options unmentioned.

He could react angrily to being stared at.

He could react with caution to fire.

He could lash unexpectedly out at insects, doves in town, the mayor's fish in the garden pond, etc.

He could take to smelling other peoples' hair or armpits.

2015-02-08, 02:25 PM
Getting the wolf one could make him more caring toward the party, seeing them as his pack.

2015-02-08, 02:41 PM
He wouldn't always have to be aggressive or domineering. If he felt protective of someone he might make sure they eat before he does himself. If someone else was a strong leader, he could try to stay close to that person when there's danger.

Getting the wolf one could make him more caring toward the party, seeing them as his pack.

I think any RP which is pro party is an excellent idea. It reinforces the group and provides actions your party members can positively react to RP wise.

I also think it'd just be pretty dern cool and hilarious for the animalistic barbarian to step up to anyone harassing a party member and just scream right into their face.

Otherwise you could take to employing a few physical tics when RPing your character. Sniff the air when he would, try to perk up your ears, scratch your neck/behind your ears vigorously, shoot your head up noticeably and sharply turn your head to look all over the place when you hear an odd noise, quirk your head to the side when confused, bare your teeth in combat. That kinda stuff. The little visual tics can really help convey a character theme like this.