View Full Version : Reversal flowing time trait

With a box
2015-02-09, 05:45 AM
On planes with this the flow of time is opposite direction of Material Plane's.
Ex: if I plane shift in it at 9:00 pm and stay in there for an hour and plane shift back to Material Plane, you will arrive at 8:00 pm, one hour before you plane shifted at first.
And I think It can be made by Geneisis if we allow to set its time trait.(is it?)

And what will happen if cast Gate portal between Material Plane and This one?

2015-02-09, 07:04 AM
You show up in the equivalent time on that plane. Two parallel but opposite rivers, that sort of thing.

Fouredged Sword
2015-02-09, 09:00 AM
Don't. Math literally can't handle this. You would see the other side of the gate, but it would be playing backwards. It would also react to things you have not seen yet. Math can't handle a single pass timeline like this. It can do a multipass system, but that requires causality to all move in the same direction.

2015-02-09, 09:11 AM
And I think It can be made by Geneisis if we allow to set its time trait.(is it?)

The time traits listed in MotP are Normal, Flowing (i.e. fast or slow), Timeless (static) and erratic (roll on table for fast, slow, or normal.) But they all move "forward," or don't move at all. I'm not aware of any kind of "reversal" trait, so you'd be on your own if you made one.

2015-02-09, 09:48 AM
What you are proposing is basically time travel (and one of the most unstable forms no less).
I strongly advise against opening this can of worms, unless you are playing in a campaign that doesn't really take itself seriously.

As soon as you get the ability to enter the plane and return BEFORE your actually left, paradoxa are unavoidable. And, even worse: if you can do this, so can others, which will pretty soon wreck the game with inconsistencies.

There is a reason, why there is no such thing as time travel in the rules and all official planes have time flow in the same direction (or not at all).

If you still decide to homebrew a plane like this, the easiest way to deal with Gate is to rule that you cannot see what happens on the other side. Then, if you enter the gate, you are simply transported to the current point in the timestream of the other plane.
However, this will soon become the least of your problems.

2015-02-09, 01:00 PM
How such a Gate would act depends on what reference frame Magic uses in your DM's mind. I can see a few possibilities:

1) The Gate lasts for precisely 1 moment before breaking into two unpaired portals(one traveling into the past and one into the future) for the remaining duration.

2) The Gate reflects around the casting time. If it is 5 rounds later on the material plane then it connects to 5 rounds earlier(by the material plane clock) on the other plane.

3) Only one of the Gates moves. This would make it impossible to enter the immobile gate (since it would only be there for a moment) but the other gate is open for the normal duration.


Thrice Dead Cat
2015-02-09, 07:24 PM
There is a reason, why there is no such thing as time travel in the rules and all official planes have time flow in the same direction (or not at all).

Teleport Through Time would like to have a word with you.

Fouredged Sword
2015-02-09, 07:47 PM
Teleport Through Time would like to have a word with you.

Yes, well that one is special. They wrapped it in so much DM fait to actually get the component that it basically is a DM tool to give the party a once off time travel to the past effect. You don't have the crazy issues of people jumping back over eachother trying to stop/cause X.

See the Red Alert games to understand how crazy that gets.