View Full Version : Minis

2015-02-09, 05:33 PM
My group only have medium minis, so when we encounter anything larger, we have to find something in the room relative to the size category. Anyone know a place to get decent quality large to colossal minis?

2015-02-09, 05:35 PM
You'll probably have to go shopping on eBay for something specific if your local game store doesn't stock them. There's also the option of printing off some 2D pictures and sticking them to a coin to use as a token. I have a good collection of double-sided laminated large and bigger tokens that I've got good mileage from, and they're far less expensive than buying them individually (who's really going to spend good money for horse mount tokens anyhow?).

2015-02-09, 05:45 PM
Does painted or unpainted matter in this case?

For unpainted, Reaper's Bones line has a good selection of large and bigger minis at not-unreasonable prices. For painted, Wizkids' Pathfinder Battles line has a good selection of larges, but unless you find someone selling singles, they are in a random box with 3 mediums.

2015-02-09, 07:19 PM
Slightly off topic, but I can envision 3D printing becoming an increasingly popular way to get custom minis made as the cost decreases and the quality increases. I doubt this is feasible at the moment, even without going into the need for digital models to print, but as the availability increases I predict the popularity will too. Of course it will always be a niche market, but given the retail cost of bulk minis currently, the outlay for a decent printer would eventually pay for itself.

2015-02-09, 07:21 PM
I avoid using minis. Mostly for financial reasons. My players usually don't mind because I can be very descriptive, but still...