View Full Version : The Ruby and Rose Saga

2015-02-09, 05:59 PM
Almorel is a beautiful plains city. The city is a mix of white and brown stone buildings and wooden buildings of all colors. Very few buildings have second or more stories. Stables and barns are attached to most buildings. The city is very open air, with lots of open spaces. Greenery can be found everywhere. There are several parks, plazas, even fields within the city. The city is kept quite clean. As the city is on the western edge of the Lake of Mists, the city is full of water. Aqueducts, canals, fountains and waterfalls fill the city. The city is walled, but it is a simple wooden wall with a couple towers.

On a northern hill of the city is the Summit of Beauty, the temple complex to Sune.

The city, and temple where Akasha grew up and was trained. Starting the game the day after your training is done. With life awaiting...

Did you already want to be a knight, or have that as a goal?

2015-02-09, 09:37 PM
Akasha yawned as she walked out of the temple grounds stretching her arms upwards. Akasha appeared to be young human woman dressed in in silverly mithral chain shirt and strong tanned leather covering her legs and arms for additional protection; especially from the cold winds of the north east. Akasha's red hair drapped over the front of her shoulder tied into one long pony tail. Akasha's emerald green eyes scanned the town area after she had finished yawning. Akasha slowly walked outside of the temple's ground as tapped the hilts of both her bladeds with a slight bored look on her face.

I would imagine being a Ruby Rose would simple as it only requires vision of the goddess on temple ground after spending up all night, so I believe she would be part of the order especially if she has Paladin powers.

2015-02-09, 11:41 PM
Almorel is a fairly peaceful place as most of the inhabitants are good and live by various codes and traditions that promote a good community. But, Almorel is also a trade center. Nearly every day travelers, traders and wanderers come into the city. And the visitors can often cause trouble and worse.

You would know:
Iris Steadwater Human Female. High Priestess of the Summit of Beauty
Usataka Wirth Human female. A fellow paladin of Sune, in your ''class'' as she graduated at just about the same time. She is not overly friendly towards Akasha, but they have spent a lot of time together.
Rashidi Ajit Avninder Human male. Noble. Cleric of Sune. Dislikes most common born. Teacher of faith, philosophy and combat.
Nilvora Nomanalion Human Female. Cleric of Sune. Relic seeker. She has gone on many adventures and gotten many relics, magic items and such for the church. She always has time to tell her stories to everyone.
Korun Atrejis Human Male cleric, just graduated. Mean to others.
Immoen Khon Human Female Oracle of Sune, just graduated. Extremely nice and likes everyone.

If you'd like to add anyone Akasha knows, just let me know...feel free to pick 5-10 people

Korun Atrejis moves from a temple side door and follows you. "Hail, Akasha! Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval sent me to find you. He wishes to speak to you in his office. As soon as it is convenient for you." He says quickly, with a nod, and turns to walk away.

2015-02-10, 10:02 PM
Akasha blinked for a moment and returned nod from Korun, and begins to massage her forehead trying to picture. 'Why is he being so nice to me? Normally he's such an jerk wait who is Arturo Sandoval again' thought Akasha.

Knowledge local: 1d20+5 if Akasha succeeds she will head straight to his office

2015-02-11, 03:33 AM

Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval is a cleric of Sune at the Summit of beauty. You have heard his name before, but don't know anything about him.

There is a building on the temple grounds with small offices for clerics and others. The building has plenty of signs and name place and arrows, so it should not be hard to find his office.

Korun Atrejis does not look back as he walks out of sight around a corner.

If you can it helps to give speech color and " ". And thoughts in italics.

2015-02-11, 08:40 PM
Oh that's right he's in one of those side offices thought Akasha as she slowly turned around and began to back to the temple grounds. wait why couldn't they tell me this before I left the temple ground thought Akasha as she made her way back to the temple grounds with a slight frustration on her face.

Once Akasha reached Arturo's office door, Akasha takes a moment to collect herself and think of the first words that would come out of her mouth or what demeanor she should be showing to the cleric. Akasha than knocks on the door "Akasha is here, I was told to come to your office may I come in?" asked Akasha as she knocked on the door.

Duke of URRL
2015-02-12, 05:50 PM
"Do come in " says a voice inside the office.

Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval is a middle aged human male, who is still quite attractive(of course). He has light brown hair, with only a touch of gray, that is nicely kept in a pony tail down his back. He is tall and skinny and quite fit. He has soft brown eyes and a clean shaven face. He wears light silk robes and sandals. A gold heart shaped amulet hangs around his chest.

The office is simple, a wooden desk, several chairs, one book shelf, one scroll shelf, one cabinet,
one wooden chest and a glass mirror. It looks quite clean.
"Yes, come in sit down" He waits for you to sit, then continues "So I was giving some thought to your future. Have you yourself given your future any thought? Your a fine warrior, skilled in many arts and have the faith of Sune....there is little more you can be taught here. You came to us as a seed, but have grown into quite a beautiful flower. But what will you do with your life? Have you given this any thought?" He gives a soft wave in your direction.

2015-02-16, 10:28 PM
Akasha quickly entered the office and quickly took an eye around her surroundings and quickly developed a confused look on her face. For someone who is a cleric of Sune, it seems so simple. Where are the work of art even if it's just items he has made himself thought Akasha as she sat down in one of the chairs.

“Well I was hoping to do some exploring, maybe find some lost artifact in some ruins.” Akasha blurted not sure how her words would come across, and in doing so Akasha developed slightly embarrassed posture.

Duke of URRL
2015-02-17, 02:18 AM
Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval "Ah, so you have the spirit of wanderlust in you? It's not a bad thing. I had it myself, in my youth. And find an artifact? Interesting.

I might very well be able and willing to help you with both. I'm a Seeker. I find what is lost and return it to the temple. And I have heard your name a time or two around the temple. And I think this might be right up your pew. What do you think?" he says with a smile.

2015-02-18, 12:40 AM
Akasha blinked for a moment wondering if Arturo was being serious. “Well of course, what you need me to do, slay a dragon? Bring back The Shining Heart?”asked Akasha in a somewhat joking and sarcastic manner, as if she was expecting a typical mundane fetch job done by couriers but in such a way that she mostly in jest.

“Sorry I just find it hard I would be trusted to retrieve an artifact” Akasha continued in a more serious manner.

Duke of URRL
2015-02-18, 01:48 AM
Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval "Well, maybe relic is a better word for some, maybe even just magic item. After all dozens of clerics, all spellcasters really, make items every year. A lot of them are common, but some are not. The temple, all the temples in the whole religion, have a couple spellcasters that do little more then make items. And any individual spellcaster can make items too.

And why would not the church trust you, after all Sune does. You are a conduit for her holy power and a member of the ruby rose order.

Take, The Amulet of Rauzel. It has a couple minor powers, and the unique power of rapturous touch. It's creator and owner are long dead, and the amulet is now owned by the temple. Now, just last night the amulet was loaned out for the night to a young priest. And it was lost. It's not exactly clear if it was stolen, traded or just dropped by accident. It will take some more investigating.

Now for you, I was thinking a bit more out there. We have a young arcane devotee here. She is a diviner and is trained to find and hunt things down. But that is the limit of her skill set. She will need someone else with her, to take care of the more physical stuff, not to mention fight. I think the two of you would make a good team. What do you think?"

2015-02-19, 02:08 AM
Akasha slowly nodded along as Arturo explained the situation about the lost magical item. “Well hopefully it's just misplaced and not stolen” said Akasha as she slowly stood up and began to crack her knuckles. “Though just incase it was actually stolen I should really get going” Akasha added.

Akasha than paused for moment, “Where can I find this Arcanist so we can meet up right away” Akasha added

Duke of URRL
2015-02-19, 11:36 PM
Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval "Zelandra Dorwine, can be found over at the guest hall. Room seven. I talked to her yesterday. She seemed to like the idea, but did want to meet you first before she decides fully. You should go talk to her.

And did you mean to get going to find the The Amulet of Rauzel? I did not mean that for you....that was just an example. A good one, that just happened. The temple has already assigned someone to look into it. Though I'll admit he would not be my choice. And I'm a bit worried this might have been an inside job. I don't want to accuse a fellow worshiper of Sune of anything. But that is part of this job. Suspect everyone. And it's not like it would be the first time in the history of the world that a follow of Sune turned out to be a bad apple...rotten at the core.

But....if you wanted too, you know it might be a good thing. Have two investigations. Especially you, as your a bit...how should I say....outside the social circles and politics."
He says scratching his chin.

2015-02-20, 09:35 PM
“Oh I see, sorry I mistook that initial lost item as the job you wanted me to do.” replied Akasha before pausing for moment on thinking how to reply to the next portion of Arturo's statement.

“Well you don't have to beat around the bush, tell me what is it you request of me” Akasha added as she cracked her knuckles once more.

Duke of URRL
2015-02-21, 09:25 PM
Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval "Well, I did not have much planned other then asking you what you wanted and mentioning you and Zelandra might make a good team. To be honest, I really don't think much ahead. I more like to just throw myself into things, and see what will happen.

If you are interested, feel free to try and find the Amulet of Rauzel.

And, it's nothing really so formal like a job. I'm not here to give you orders and missions. It's more that me, and the rest of the faith, are here to support you.

And if you want to track down and find the Jacinth of Inestimable Beauty, for your fist find, then by all means do so.

The choice is yours."

2015-02-24, 12:10 AM
"I see well, I'll go ask her she needs help than if you didn't have anything in mind" said Akasha before pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts some more.

"Well if there is nothing else am I dismissed" asked Akasha.

Akasha will go to Zelandra and knock on her door if she is dimissed

Duke of URRL
2015-02-24, 04:45 PM
Heartwarder Arturo Sandoval "No need to be so formal. We are more carefree around here. After all beauty, much like a flower, is best grown naturally. You can go. I'll be here if you have any questions."

The guest hall is a small building located on the edge of the temple grounds. It's divided up into small living spaces, each with it's own door. It's no problem finding door number seven.

The door to the room opens even as you approach it........

...to reveal the simple room with a table, desk, bed and such.

"Please do come in" says a voice from inside.

Zelandra Dorwine is a human female dressed in light blue robes and red slippers. He skin is quite fair and pale. Her dark hair is quite long, but kept up in a long pony tail. Her eyes are a dark brown. She has no visible weapons.

She stands near the table, where two place settings have been set. A small kettle of hot tea steams, floating an inch above the table. A small assortment of crackers has also been laid out.

Zelandra Dorwine "Please sit down. Would you like some tea? It's mint leaf. Well, it's good to finally meet you. My name is Zelandra Dorwine. I've heard a little about you, and I'd guess you'd heard a little bit about me?''

2015-02-26, 11:20 PM
Akasha quickly enters the room once she heard that she was allowed in and promptly closed the door behind her. “Why yes on both accounts” said Akasha as she took a seat. As Akasha sat down she slightly leaned forward while at the same time crossed her legs to make herself a little bit at home.

“I hear there was a missing arti... er I mean relic that the church tasked you in locating. I would be willing to aid you in search” said Akasha as jumped straight to the point of her visit. Akasha tone shown a bit of cockiness aura around her or perhaps it also the similar eagerness of a raw recruit looking for battle typical in plays. Nevertheless Akasha than paused and awaited for either Zelandra's reply or to accept the tea.

Duke of URRL
2015-02-28, 02:07 AM
Zelandra Dorwine waves her hand and the tea pot pours two cups of tea. "I'm glad to hear that. Others have pointed out to me that I do need help. I can't do it all by my self. And it seems we might be a good match.

Words do have meaning. An artifact is just a powerful magic item. A relic is a magic item that can only be used by someone that shares the faith of the item. In this case I have almost tracked down, it's an artifact. The Nightingale of Ottorino. It's a beautiful artifact with lots of enchantment powers. As near as I can track from here, it's somewhere in the Sunrise Mountains, south east of here. And someone used it, just two weeks ago. That is what got me on the trail. And I can't go into the mountains alone. That is where I need help."

She sits in the chair at the table, and leans back.

2015-03-01, 10:17 PM
Nods as she listens to Zelandra speak and her eyes raised an eyebrow once they mentioned the sunrise mountains. “I see, while I believe I can handle myself in the mountains I would probably get us lost. So we probably going to need to guide” said Akasha before taking a small sip of tea.

“Well uless you can find your way around in the area. Well I believe we may also need some climbing gear and other survival gear” Akasha continued and returned to sipping her tea.

Duke of URRL
2015-03-01, 11:07 PM
Zelandra Dorwine "Well, with my magic I can never be lost. But I don't know all that much about nature and the local lore. What I know of the wild comes from books about the wild, not living in the wild. And I don't know much about gear.

I'd rather not have a guide though. I don't like letting it be too widely known we seek an item of power. There are two many who will try and steal it. The best way to stop that is to keep it quiet.

I do have some gold, if you feel we must buy some gear. I really have no idea what we might need. I like to travel light. what do you think we need?" she says as she sits up straight and looks at you wide eyed.

2015-03-03, 05:37 AM
“I see, well we may need some climbing gear to include rope and pitons. Along with any gear and supplies in case we have to spend some time in the location. So I recommend perhaps climbing kit and rations, water skins and some tough cold weather clothing.” Akasha continued before pausing to sip some the tea.

“Well than there is also the fact we need to know where in the mountains we have to be, as the Sunrise Mountains are a large area.” Akasha added as she set her tea down.

Duke of URRL
2015-03-03, 07:30 PM
Zelandra Dorwine "My magic can provide those things for me. I all ready have an everfull water skin, for example. And a rope of climbing. And I have spells like levitate.

I don't have an exact location. If only it was that easy. I can't divine the item I want is right by the second rock on the left. It does not work that way. I might be able to narrow the area down a bit as we get closer. But it will still take a lot of mundane work to find the item. I kinda hope we might find someone who knows about it, or has at least seen it. As the item was just used, that does somewhat say that someone might have it in their possession. And, hopefully they will use it again. And lead us right to them."

The temple store can sell any mundane item, plus potions at half the listed cost. If you wish to buy anything.

2015-03-05, 05:07 PM
“I see, that's is unfortunate news. I was really hoping it was narrowed down, instead we have to believe the person would become careless once more” said Akasha as she began to scratch her chin as she pondered what to do next.

“Well perhaps we should plan for an extended stay in the mountains.” Akasha continued as she thought out loud.

Can I get Knowledge local for any towns, trading or rest spots in the mountains. Or should I just roll for it?

Duke of URRL
2015-03-06, 01:10 AM
Zelandra Dorwine "Divination is not so exact. At least over such a distance. As we get closer though, I hope to find someone who has seen it, and that should narrow it down a lot."


The city of Almorel is right above the ''Y'' in Yaimmunahar. The Sunrise Mountains are due west from there.

The Sunrise mountains are quite high, and full of ruins. And lots of humanoids like gnolls, kobolds and giants. There are also lots of hidden dwarven and gnome settlements. Sonofarla, in the southern Sunrise mountains is a gnome kingdom.

There are some scattered, unmarked, small, human villages.

2015-03-11, 02:52 PM
"I see, and this is why I'm not a divination expect" Akasha remarked in a somewhat annoyed tone, as she was annoyed with how divination worked and not with messenger. "So should head off as soon as possible than, in case the thief would move on from the mountains and or use the relic once more?" Akasha continued.

Duke of URRL
2015-03-15, 09:24 PM
Zelandra Dorwine "Yes, speed and time are important. I'm ready as soon as you are. I live on the move and don't really stay in any place for long anyway.

We can leave at first light in the morning. "

2015-03-16, 11:17 PM
Akasha quickly nods as she rose from her chair. "I guess I see you in the morning, I was thinking by the afternoon so we wouldn't loose the item if the person was about to move on" Akasha said once she had fully rose from her chair.

Duke of URRL
2015-03-17, 12:27 AM
Zelandra Dorwine "As near as I can tell, the item has not moved in at least a couple days. That could be good or bad, it's hard to say. But I think it's safe to say it's not on the move right now. That could change at any time. If it was moving or even more so being used, it would be a lot easier to track down. Though it will depend who has it. After all it really could be anywhere from in the trophy room of the thief to a dragon hoard." she says with a slight shrug.

2015-03-18, 03:26 AM
"Well that's good to hear that it hasn't been moved. Though I'm surprised they would stay still to allow themselves to be to tracked" Aksasha replied. "Well anyway I guess I'll see you tomorrow" said Akasha after pausing for a moment and nodding before she left.

Duke of URRL
2015-03-21, 12:49 AM
Zelandra Dorwine gives a nod.

The night passes quickly.....

Zelandra Dorwine is waiting, ready to go, just after dawn. She is dressed in light furs, with a long cloak and thick high boots. She has a long wooden staff with a crystal at the top.

Did you want to buy anything before leaving the city?

2015-03-23, 08:51 PM
Just looking for climbing kit in case we have to climb.

Duke of URRL
2015-03-25, 03:14 PM
Zelandra Dorwine leads the way out of the city. She stays on the main dirt road and heads south. Within the first few miles of the city there is plenty of activity and people around. Farms and ranches fill large parts of land, though most of the land is wild and untamed. Several people are seen hunting or gathering wild plants. The road itself has a couple people on it as well.

After a couple of miles, the road leads into the wild. Tall wild field grass grows all around. No farms and no people....just endless nature.

2015-03-26, 07:16 PM
As Akasha left the front gates the smile on her face seemed to stretch from ear to ear, along with her arms stretched up into the air. "Ah it's good to be outside of the city of the gates. "Ah it's good to be outside the city walls for once" Akasha said in a joyful tone to voice. Akasha than cracked her knuckles than looked over towards Zelandra and nodding to signal for her to lead the way.

Hmmm wait did we get Horses?

2015-04-03, 08:04 PM
((bump are we going to cancel?))