View Full Version : Psionic BBEG help

2015-02-10, 07:08 PM
Ok for my unholy scion phrenic BBEG i am unsure which psionic class to choose to best use mind based powers, psion or erudite?
Oh an idea came to me, I plan on her gaining some dream based templates later on (dream creature, PF, seems interesting), would a shadowcraft mage refluffed to psionic be a better choice, that way it retains the fluff of merging dreams and reality together?

At higher levels i was thinking of some psionic that would be partial between dreams and material planes thanks to all the minds merged into her form (unholy scion, phrenic, memelith) who was defeated and cast into the plane of dreams years ago.
I was thinking the dream creature, dream eating creature, or nightmare creature might work sorta (all pathfinder templates), although dreamshadow (3.5 i think) also looking like it fits.
So i guess the template i use will be based on which psionic class better fits the idea of a mind bending BBEG.

2015-02-10, 09:06 PM
Ok for my unholy scion phrenic BBEG i am unsure which psionic class to choose to best use mind based powers, psion or erudite?
Oh an idea came to me, I plan on her gaining some dream based templates later on (dream creature, PF, seems interesting), would a shadowcraft mage refluffed to psionic be a better choice, that way it retains the fluff of merging dreams and reality together?

At higher levels i was thinking of some psionic that would be partial between dreams and material planes thanks to all the minds merged into her form (unholy scion, phrenic, memelith) who was defeated and cast into the plane of dreams years ago.
I was thinking the dream creature, dream eating creature, or nightmare creature might work sorta (all pathfinder templates), although dreamshadow (3.5 i think) also looking like it fits.
So i guess the template i use will be based on which psionic class better fits the idea of a mind bending BBEG.

What do you actually want it to do? Erudite and psion are the same class, but the erudite is more wizardy to the psion's sorcerer. Both have the same powers, along with the wilder, though psions have disciplines (but none of these are really nightmarish, inherently.)

2015-02-10, 10:08 PM
well see that is the thing, i am not that experienced with psionics and what they can or cannot do. Also as of now, i am a little uncertain as what i want it to do exactly...

I want her to be able to use a variety of mind abilities, but am uncertain if psionics or magic. Her fluff could go either way, as a unholy scion that was attracted to a phrenic unborn child. After her first defeat, where she ended up massacring her entire village except her mother she gained the memelith template. I was thinking the spirits combined with the demon might drive her unstable as more fluff. After that she was sent to the plane of dreams by a portal. Thinking the psionically unstable lady hosting spirits and a demon, might be a cool dream character.

For spells: mindrape, mindblank, things like that, as well as charm and anything else that can control or manipulate targets, sleep, any spell based of manipulating dreams,
For psionics: i like share pain (and its variants), mind trap, mind thurst, etc

I thought about going into that class that advances both, but thinking that might be over kill. Although for what i am using her for it might actually fit....i will sit on that idea some more. Also, is there any raw way to get your psicrystal into a sentinet creature, like were it can end up with a template or class?

Doctor Awkward
2015-02-10, 10:17 PM
There's a 5 level psionic prestige class in Races of Eberron called Quori Nightmare.

It's a 4/5 class that requires you to be a Kalashtar or an Inspired (related to some fluff regarding them having two souls, but being the DM you can simply ignore that if you want to).

At level 1, you get a bad touch that you can augment with power points that deals damage, frightens the target, and heals you for the damage dealt, depending on how many points you spend.

At level 2, you surround yourself with the stuff of their worst fears, granting you bonus to intimidate checks, deflection bonus to your AC, and can be augmented to give yourself concealment. Unfortunately it requires you to expend your focus, and keep it that way, for the duration.

At level 3, your bad touch automatically inflicts the nightmare spell whenever you successfully deal damage with it. Of course it allows a will save to negate.
You also get another bonus when you augment, in that its sends nightmares for a number of consecutive nights equal to your level in the PrC.
...Of course one successful save the first night stops the whole thing...

At level 4, you get Phantasmal Killer once per day...woo...
But you can also augment it... to get it twice per day.

And finally at level 5, you get a Will save or die once per day. If they save they still take 5d6 damage.

If for some reason you are still intrigued, every single ability this class gets is a mind-affecting fear effect, so anyone who is capable of casting Remove Fear, Heroe's Feast, or Mind Blank has blanket immunity to the entire class.

Your best bet for a "mind-bending" type of character is a straight Telepath-focused Psion that picks up Psionic Dispel to get rid of enemy buffs and focuses on things like Empathic Hostile Transfer, Psionic Dominate, and Death Urge

2015-02-10, 10:21 PM
Actually that isn't a bad idea, also that seems to be alot weaker then the mind mage, which is actually good since my players are not that best putting it nicely.

For this characters story (which was crafted by the meetings with the players), i think the host feats work and fit well.
Would Dread from ultimate psionics (or psionics unleashed idr) work better?