View Full Version : AVB - The Undersiders

2015-02-10, 07:56 PM
Team Undersiders and DM only, please!

Astari approaches the University. A large, wrought iron gate stands open in front of the campus, topped by a sign which reads "Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica" in elaborate lettering which appears to glow faintly. It seems as if there is a student organization fair going on at this very moment. A large sign points the way to the registration office.

2015-02-10, 08:53 PM
Astari approaches the University. A large, wrought iron gate stands open in front of the campus, topped by a sign which reads "Aldhaven Royal University of Scientific Esoterica" in elaborate lettering which appears to glow faintly. It seems as if there is a student organization fair going on at this very moment. A large sign points the way to the registration office.

Following the sign into the office, Astari makes sure that her clothing is all in place and not too shabby looking. She has to look presentable for this, after all. In her pack, she can hear faint psychic chuckles.

I wonder what kind of spell they used to make the letters glow like that.

No idea. Now come on, let's get ourselves a job.

Once inside, she asks the nearest student or faculty member where she can look for the open teaching position.

2015-02-10, 09:16 PM
Inside, the registration office consists of essentially nothing but a large entryway and three doors. One of the doors is closed with a "Do Not Disturb" sign. The second stands open, revealing a long hallway that goes deeper into the building, but a velvet rope has been hung across it to indicate entry is barred. The third door has a sign above it which reads "Enrollment". A potential student enters the office as another leaves carrying a stack of papers. A line of six other potential students stands nervously awaiting their turns outside of the office. Two of the people cast glances at you as you enter but you are otherwise ignored.

When you ask about a teaching position, the person you ask stares at you blankly for a minute before replying, "I have no idea. I'm just trying to enroll as a student."

2015-02-10, 09:24 PM
Inside, the registration office consists of essentially nothing but a large entryway and three doors. One of the doors is closed with a "Do Not Disturb" sign. The second stands open, revealing a long hallway that goes deeper into the building, but a velvet rope has been hung across it to indicate entry is barred. The third door has a sign above it which reads "Enrollment". A potential student enters the office as another leaves carrying a stack of papers. A line of six other potential students stands nervously awaiting their turns outside of the office. Two of the people cast glances at you as you enter but you are otherwise ignored.

When you ask about a teaching position, the person you ask stares at you blankly for a minute before replying, "I have no idea. I'm just trying to enroll as a student."

Astari sits and waits outside the third door for the students to come and go. It wouldn't do to disturb whoever is inside the first door, and moving past the velvet line probably won't be viewed too kindly by the students of the institution. She needs to make a good first impression.

With any luck, this won't take too long.

2015-02-10, 09:53 PM
New students enter the room and join the queue. I'm assuming you're joining the line to wait your turn. If not, ignore the following.

Your turn eventually arrives, and you enter the office. Inside, a stern looking elven woman sits at a desk, a slight frown on her lips as you walk through the door. She appears to be trying to appraise your abilities and whether or not you would make an adequate student. She waits for you to speak.

2015-02-10, 10:03 PM
New students enter the room and join the queue. I'm assuming you're joining the line to wait your turn. If not, ignore the following.

Your turn eventually arrives, and you enter the office. Inside, a stern looking elven woman sits at a desk, a slight frown on her lips as you walk through the door. She appears to be trying to appraise your abilities and whether or not you would make an adequate student. She waits for you to speak.

Stepping into the center of the room, Astari adopts a thoughtful expression. It's what the woman will want to see.

"I assume you're here to assess my abilities? I confess I assumed there would be some sort of panel or committee, not one individual." Pulling out Nightblood from her pack, she sets him down on the table in front of the elven woman.

"Please observe." She focuses her energy outward, feeling the temporal energies around the crystal and forming a minor flux. Nightblood disappears in a shimmer of silver energy.

"In about thirty seconds, he will reappear." She's seen mages work before, and very few of them are capable of temporal manipulation to the extent of her power.

Manifesting time hop on my psicrystal, who won't attempt a save. That's 5 PP. I kind of want to see how long it takes for the woman to figure out that I'm actually here to become a teacher. :smallbiggrin:

2015-02-10, 10:36 PM
The woman seems unfazed.

"What is it you hope to learn while you're here?"

2015-02-10, 10:52 PM
The woman seems unfazed.

"What is it you hope to learn while you're here?"

"Learn? I suppose that one learns from their students, but I'm actually here after a teaching post." Looking the woman up and down, Astari allows herself a smile. She waits until Nightblood has returned and picks him up. The construct gleams under the hall light.

"To be honest, psychoportation isn't my specialty. I excel in the field of metacreativity above all others: creating beings out of ectoplasm. I'm assuming there are psions enrolled at the university? I have at least a term's worth of material to cover on astral constructs alone."

2015-02-11, 12:34 AM
"Learn? I suppose that one learns from their students, but I'm actually here after a teaching post." Looking the woman up and down, Astari allows herself a smile. She waits until Nightblood has returned and picks him up. The construct gleams under the hall light.

"To be honest, psychoportation isn't my specialty. I excel in the field of metacreativity above all others: creating beings out of ectoplasm. I'm assuming there are psions enrolled at the university? I have at least a term's worth of material to cover on astral constructs alone."

"In general, faculty positions are by invitation only; however, we have no psionic courses at the moment. Perhaps the dean of the appropriate college would be willing to consider your application. Before I send you their way though, I must ask, are you a citizen?"

Regis thanks the bartender and makes his way out of the bar. When he leaves he looks around the plaza for Sendungen Imports. 'I hope that Islabera is in'. As he makes his way into the shop and to the front desk he asks "Is Islabera in? I heard she had a job and I wanted to learn some more about it before I consider taking it."

You enter the shop to find it stocked primarily with spices and fragrant woods, oils and extracts, and a number of curiously carved statuettes. An older man at the counter looks up at you over his reading glasses as you enter but says nothing. A large open book lies on the counter in front of him.

2015-02-11, 08:40 AM
"In general, faculty positions are by invitation only; however, we have no psionic courses at the moment. Perhaps the dean of the appropriate college would be willing to consider your application. Before I send you their way though, I must ask, are you a citizen?"

"Thank you." The psion nods to the elven woman. "I would very much like to speak to the dean."

"And I'm afraid not. I am a new arrival, but I would be more than willing to apply to become an Aldhaven citizen. To be honest with you, I've been traveling for a long time now, and I'm searching for a suitable place to put down roots. I believe that Aldhaven is the perfect place to do that. From the brief glimpses I've seen, it's a good home to this university, and I want to be a part of it."

Nice speech. Did you have that prepared, or just make it up on the fly?

Please stop - you know I hate it when you try to be witty.

2015-02-11, 11:08 AM
As Regis enters his senses are assaulted by the various exotic smells and as he spots a lily carving his lips curve up into a quick nostalgic smile. As he spots the elderly man he walks over and smiles at him. "Hello sir. Is Islabera in today? I wanted to inquire about the job shes offering."

2015-02-12, 05:10 PM
"Thank you." The psion nods to the elven woman. "I would very much like to speak to the dean."

"And I'm afraid not. I am a new arrival, but I would be more than willing to apply to become an Aldhaven citizen. To be honest with you, I've been traveling for a long time now, and I'm searching for a suitable place to put down roots. I believe that Aldhaven is the perfect place to do that. From the brief glimpses I've seen, it's a good home to this university, and I want to be a part of it."

Nice speech. Did you have that prepared, or just make it up on the fly?

Please stop - you know I hate it when you try to be witty."That's nice to hear; however, faculty positions are available only to landed citizens. It is, unfortunately, part of our charter and cannot be waived. The only exception is in the case of guest speakers who are accredited with another recognized university, but such positions last no longer than a week and are generally unpaid and, again, are usually by invitation only."

As Regis enters his senses are assaulted by the various exotic smells and as he spots a lily carving his lips curve up into a quick nostalgic smile. As he spots the elderly man he walks over and smiles at him. "Hello sir. Is Islabera in today? I wanted to inquire about the job shes offering."

The man looks even more bored when you speak to him than he did before.
"Ah, yes, the job posting. I'm afraid I know nothing about it. You'll need to speak with her personally. Shell be at the main office at Pier 2."

Ferra follows the directions given to her, leaving the plaza for the Fortress in the north. Finally, a chance to do some besides mindless destruction with these abilities. I'll have an hour to get back here and meet up with builder and the others.

Inform the others I maybe late, not telling how long joining the watch will take she says to Astari's crystal. Strange, so simple a design for a construct and yet so advanced in nature. with that thought she begins her journey towards the fortress and out of the plaza.
Heading north along Mastiff's Road, you reach a large gatehouse in the city's outer wall, known as Rivergate. It stands open. On the other side, you can see the great river rushing by with a stone causeway built into it just inches above water level, the river flowing through channels under and through the stone. The Fortress is built on a large island in the middle of the causeway.

Looking past the island, you can see another large gatehouse on the far shore. Just beyond that gatehouse is the Docks and outer slums of the city. Looking at it, a shudder sneaks its way down your back.

As you approach the massive gate of the Fortress, one of three guardsmen posted at the gate steps forward.

"Halt. What business have you here?"

2015-02-12, 05:12 PM
Hey, guys, just a note, but I'm expecting y'all to form a coherent party and actually move together as a group once you get all the introduction business out of the way. If you're going to be doing 5 different plots, then you're not actually a party and shouldn't have a single, combined thread... which will also cut down on the number of additional players I can realistically support.

2015-02-12, 05:33 PM
"That's nice to hear; however, faculty positions are available only to landed citizens. It is, unfortunately, part of our charter and cannot be waived. The only exception is in the case of guest speakers who are accredited with another recognized university, but such positions last no longer than a week and are generally unpaid and, again, are usually by invitation only."

"I'm very sorry to hear that. I very much do intend to become a citizen of Aldhaven, and will return once I've achieved that status. I apologize for wasting your time." Bowing her head in deference, the kalashtar heads for the door.

If I remember correctly, Vraskis mentioned dealing with citizen applications...

Heading back out into the hall and then even farther, into the quad, Astari takes one last look at the grand halls of the university. She will return. After making sure that Nightblood is safely stowed away once more, she heads back out towards the Plaza. There are other matters that need attending to.

Rest assured, we are absolutely going to party up and go on adventures, the five of us together. All of us just agreed from the start that we wanted to do that, but to get ourselves settled first.

2015-02-12, 07:05 PM
Regis gives the man a nod starts to leave. "Thanks. Have a nice day." As Regis exits the shop and looks around before attempting to make his way to the docks and Pier 2.

As he enters the square once again Regis looks around and walks up to a couple who were standing to the side. "Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt you but could you point me to the Pier 2's main office? I'm looking for an Islabera that works there."

I assumed heading down to the docks would be simple enough. If I needed to do something just let me know and I'll edit the post. Also I'm planning on heading back and finding the group after learning about the job so we can do it as a group.
Edit: Sorry my bad I changed it. Also god is it night? I don't want to go down there at all if its night :smalleek:

2015-02-12, 07:09 PM
Regis gives the man a nod starts to leave. "Thanks. Have a nice day." As Regis exits the shop and looks around before attempting to make his way to the docks and Pier 2.

After his walk through the city Regis enters the docks area and enters Pier 2's main office he looks around and walks up to the closest person and asks "Excuse me but do you know if Islabera is here? If so could you point me in the right direction?"

I assumed heading down to the docks would be simple enough. If I needed to do something just let me know and I'll edit the post. Also I'm planning on heading back and finding the group after learning about the job so we can do it as a group.
Yeah, you skipped WAY too much. There's still a half dozen ways you could die before you even find the place. Hell, you didn't even ask what time of day it is... :smallamused:
{See response to n0ble}
As you approach Dockside gate, you notice a dozen guardsmen standing watch, though all but two of them seem to watching those coming from the Docks rather than those going to them. As you approach, one of them stops you.

"Ho there, missy. Do you have some business this way?"

2015-02-14, 12:44 PM
"No need for violence my friends, I simply wish to join in the protection of this city." Ferra warmly intones, a genuine smile spreading across her face as she extends her hand to the guard, offering it for a handshake. Underneath her disguise, she feels her artificial muscles and servos tensing in anticipation of their answer.

2015-02-16, 02:24 AM
"No need for violence my friends, I simply wish to join in the protection of this city." Ferra warmly intones, a genuine smile spreading across her face as she extends her hand to the guard, offering it for a handshake. Underneath her disguise, she feels her artificial muscles and servos tensing in anticipation of their answer.

The man shakes his head.
"Sorry, but the City Watch only employes men. There was some effort to change that lately. It ended badly. Very badly."

2015-02-16, 10:30 AM
Once she arrives at the Plaza, Astari looks for the woman dressed in priest garb. That was the last disguise Vraskis was using. Once she's spotted him, she moves to within around 30 paces and tries to look busy doing something else while Nightblood opens a telepathic channel.

Hey, any luck? The university requires me to be a citizen, so I guess we'll need to coordinate on that front. I was also hoping you knew where the others went. I'm back earlier than expected, as you can probably tell. The psicrystal relays her words without delay.

I'm not sure where Kraken is or why he hasn't joined this thread yet, but I'm trying to get us on the same page now. At least with the two of us (potentially three if St.Just. is also posting), we'll be able to get more done.

2015-02-17, 01:30 AM
Regis gives the man a nod starts to leave. "Thanks. Have a nice day." As Regis exits the shop and looks around before attempting to make his way to the docks and Pier 2.

As he enters the square once again Regis looks around and walks up to a couple who were standing to the side. "Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt you but could you point me to the Pier 2's main office? I'm looking for an Islabera that works there."

I assumed heading down to the docks would be simple enough. If I needed to do something just let me know and I'll edit the post. Also I'm planning on heading back and finding the group after learning about the job so we can do it as a group.
Edit: Sorry my bad I changed it. Also god is it night? I don't want to go down there at all if its night :smalleek: "If you're looking for Port Authority, it's in the Docks. Don't know who you're looking for though, so I can't help you with that."

I'm not sure where Kraken is or why he hasn't joined this thread yet, but I'm trying to get us on the same page now. At least with the two of us (potentially three if St.Just. is also posting), we'll be able to get more done.I don't know what to tell you. I've contacted everyone on your allies list. If they aren't posting, I assume it's because they've decided not to post... I don't think I've missed anyone's posts.

2015-02-17, 11:49 AM
Regis, finding out some directions to the docks, starts to walk down through the town hoping to catch the women before she leaves there.

2015-02-18, 02:19 PM
Regis, finding out some directions to the docks, starts to walk down through the town hoping to catch the women before she leaves there.

As you approach Dockside gate, you notice a dozen guardsmen standing watch, though all but two of them seem to watching those coming from the Docks rather than those going to them. As you approach, one of them stops you.

"Ho there. Do you have some business this way?"Which brings you back to here.

2015-02-19, 03:55 PM
Regis stops before the guardsmen. "Well I was just heading down to the docks to the Pier 2 main office. I'm looking for a women called Islabera who works there."

2015-02-20, 06:01 PM
The man shakes his head.
"Sorry, but the City Watch only employes men. There was some effort to change that lately. It ended badly. Very badly."

"A shame, I was hoping to do my part for the city..." Well that was a disappointing start Ferra thinks to herself. Best to reconvene with the others and tell them of what's happened.

Wheeling smartly on her heel, Ferra makes her way back to the plaza. She starts idly wandering through the crowd, searching for Astari and any of the other members of her group.

Making a search check to try and find her if it is needed.
Also should probably note I'm in the form of Edwyn Freemantle, the 16 year old boy, just to clarify for future things.

2015-02-20, 06:03 PM
Regis stops before the guardsmen. "Well I was just heading down to the docks to the Pier 2 main office. I'm looking for a women called Islabera who works there."
The guard uses his hand to make note of your short stature as a halfling.

"No offense, kid, but are you sure you're up to this? The Docks are dangerous. But... if you want to take your life in your own hands, go right ahead. Just be sure you're back here before dusk. The gates close promptly at sunset. If you don't make it, well... at least I'm not on cleanup."

The guard steps aside and allows you to pass.

Making a search check to try and find her if it is needed.
Also should probably note I'm in the form of Edwyn Freemantle, the 16 year old boy, just to clarify for future things.

I honestly had no idea. I was going by your character sheet and missed seeing where you said you were disguised as a boy...

2015-02-21, 01:12 PM
Regis just lets the poke at hiss his height roll of his back, its nothing he hasn't heard before. "Thanks officers. I'll try and get back as soon as possible. I don't plan on spending to much time down here." Regis nods his head at them as he passes and hurries down through people trying to find the office.

I believe to blend into a crowd you make a hide check. I could be wrong if so just ignore this.
Also if needed a search check: [roll]1d20+3

2015-02-21, 01:21 PM
Search check for office if needed: [roll0]

2015-02-21, 08:14 PM
Regis just lets the poke at hiss his height roll of his back, its nothing he hasn't heard before. "Thanks officers. I'll try and get back as soon as possible. I don't plan on spending to much time down here." Regis nods his head at them as he passes and hurries down through people trying to find the office.

As you pass through Dockside Gate, you get a sense of stepping into another world. The Docks are quite different from the rest of the city, not just in appearance but in the very feel of the area. It's as if a spirit of malice lingers in the air.

The first few buildings around the gate look to be in good condition and share the same general building style as Old Town on the far side of the river, obviously government buildings of some kind. Farther out, the buildings quickly degenerate into ramshackle structures built in haste for the cheapest cost possible. Interspersed throughout are a few larger buildings of slightly better construction, apparently built as warehouses. To the north, you see rows upon rows of "houses" that are little more than dangerously leaning shacks, which you conclude is the area known commonly as The Slums. You know the piers of the Docks are to your left from here, though you can't actually see them from here due to the buildings.

The crowd thins out past the gate to the point that there's nothing to blend into. People travel in small groups of no more than 2 or 3, and even those are fairly far apart. At this point, you have to decide whether to stick to the wide main roads until you reach a road leading down to the the actual docks or try to scoot through the shadowy alleys to go straight there...

2015-02-23, 11:33 PM
As Regis enters the slums of the docks his smile fades and he looks on with sadness at the ramshackle houses and the air of neglect throughout, and as he passes the poor he shakes his head in sadness. As he looks at the shadowy ally he considers the path but decides to stick to the main road since he doesn't want to get lost in the back alleys, especially considering what he had heard about the docks. So he he sticks to the main road while keeping an eye out for any possible pickpockets or thugs. He picks up his pace as he walks the main road trying to get to the office as quickly as possible.

2015-02-25, 01:54 AM
A number of heavily armed hobgoblins with blue hands tattooed on their faces watch as Regis walks past. The leader nods to him curtly when eye contact is made, but they allow him to pass unmolested. It seems as if they are standing guard over the area and looking for troublemakers.

It takes you awhile to find the place, as there are no street signs or addresses. However, you do eventually find the building. Sendungen's Imports is a small wooden building built over the water on piers, standing about six feet above the water's surface. It appears to be nothing more than an old boathouse converted into a warehouse converted into an office. You only manage to find it because it is located directly next to Pier 2.

2015-02-25, 03:32 PM
Regis sighs in relief as he finally spots the warehouse, he picks up his pace to a light jog as he heads to and then enters the warehouse. As he enters he looks around for the women Islabera.

2015-02-25, 04:16 PM
Not finding Vraskis right away, Astari begins to search the plaza for any of the others. Eventually, she spots Ferra in disguise and approaches him. Not too close, about twenty feet away. Here in public, anyone can see them. The psion instructs Nightblood to open up a telepathic channel.

I'm afraid in order to join the university faculty, I need to become a citizen. We need to find Vraskis and Abeline. Any luck with the guard post?

I'm assuming I just found him, seeing as I know what he looks like. If you require a roll from me, just ask.

2015-02-25, 08:19 PM
Regis sighs in relief as he finally spots the warehouse, he picks up his pace to a light jog as he heads to and then enters the warehouse. As he enters he looks around for the women Islabera.The interior looks like little more than a warehouse with several rows of shelves stocked with various goods. It appears that the most common items are foreign spices and fine silks. A tall blonde woman with curly hair and a slender build looks up from the paperwork on her desk. She smiles at you broadly, and you notice that she is nearly perfect in appearance. Her clothing is immaculate, and every hair is perfectly in place. There are nobles you've seen who would look bad standing next to her. You suddenly feel rather shabby in comparison.

"Hi there! What can I help you with?"

A giggle. She really just punctuated that sentence with a giggle. You start to wonder just how much you're going to hate this woman.

Not finding Vraskis right away, Astari begins to search the plaza for any of the others. Eventually, she spots Ferra in disguise and approaches him. Not too close, about twenty feet away. Here in public, anyone can see them. The psion instructs Nightblood to open up a telepathic channel.

I'm afraid in order to join the university faculty, I need to become a citizen. We need to find Vraskis and Abeline. Any luck with the guard post?

I'm assuming I just found him, seeing as I know what he looks like. If you require a roll from me, just ask.
You indeed find your friend without difficulty.

2015-02-25, 11:38 PM
Regis blinks in astonishment at the women in front of him as she giggles and takes a second to take her in before responding to her. He plasters a large smile onto his face and as friendly as he can be asks "Hi. Yes could you please help me find a women called Islabera? I was told she was offering a job and I wanted to inquire on behalf of my group." Regis shifts a bit on his feet 'I hope this doesn't take to long. I don't want to learn what the guard meant by cleanup'.

2015-02-26, 01:53 AM
Her smile falls, replaced by a brief look of disgust just before she manages a neutral expression.

"Oh. Her. She's in the back office."

She motions behind her with a quick stab of her thumb over her shoulder then picks up an emery board and gives all of her focus to her nails.

You see a door into a back room, most likely the office she mentioned. There's literally nowhere else in the building it could be.

If you knock, a husky voice tells you to enter. Inside, you see a gruff looking dwarven woman in glistening blue plate mail of a dwarven design heavier than any you've seen. Behind her stands a male dwarf in more standard full plate with fiery red hair. His right cheek muscle just beneath his eye twitches periodically as he glares at you.

2015-02-26, 04:57 PM
As Regis sees the Dwarf women he decides to cut straight to the point "I'm here to inquire about the job you offer that is circling the city. I'm here on behalf of my group and I would like to hear about the job." The Halfling stands straight backed and head up looking seriously at the Dwarven women, trying not to be intimidated by the other warrior over her shoulder.

2015-02-26, 05:16 PM
"A group of halflings?"

2015-02-27, 01:43 AM
Regis says with a little smile "No definitely not a group of halflings, we are a group of varied abilities who I guarantee will be able to fulfill your needs."

2015-02-27, 10:30 AM
Not finding Vraskis right away, Astari begins to search the plaza for any of the others. Eventually, she spots Ferra in disguise and approaches him. Not too close, about twenty feet away. Here in public, anyone can see them. The psion instructs Nightblood to open up a telepathic channel.

I'm afraid in order to join the university faculty, I need to become a citizen. We need to find Vraskis and Abeline. Any luck with the guard post?

I'm assuming I just found him, seeing as I know what he looks like. If you require a roll from me, just ask.

"They allow only men to join. Not that they could tell right now mind you but I'm sure it would have come up at some point. I wonder what their stance on automaton would be. Something tells me Vraskis will find us if he wants to. Where did you last see the summoner?"

2015-02-28, 05:29 PM
"They allow only men to join. Not that they could tell right now mind you but I'm sure it would have come up at some point. I wonder what their stance on automaton would be. Something tells me Vraskis will find us if he wants to. Where did you last see the summoner?"

I don't know where anyone else has gone. Hold on, there seems to be some newcomers in the plaza. I may see if we can get any more allies. Follow me if you wish, Ferra. You've been an admirable companion thus far.

2015-02-28, 07:13 PM
Regis says with a little smile "No definitely not a group of halflings, we are a group of varied abilities who I guarantee will be able to fulfill your needs."

Islabera steeples her fingers in front of her lips.

"I see. Pray tell, what kinds of abilities does your group possess?"

2015-02-28, 09:05 PM
As Astari walks across the plaza, communicating to the strangers that look like promising contacts, she feels a tap on her shoulder. A decrepit-looking old man in tattered peasant's garb stands behind her. In a broken, quivering voice, he asks, "Can you please spare some change for a poor old man?"

And then he winks. Vraskis, Astari thinks, has a very strange sense of humor.

As she is quietly guided by the feeble beggar to the nearest side street, out of the way of the bulk of prying ears, Vraskis relates to her what he has discovered. He keeps a mindful eye on the teenage boy nearby, who he assumes to be the fire-breathing construct in disguise. You know, she could really stand to diversify her range of disguises.

Sorry about that, Rizban. I was down in Toronto for reading week, have been sick for the past 6 days, and am dealing with some personal issues. For Cultist, Noble, and Champion's sake, I'll try to keep things more regular.
I've also relayed the information you sent me to the the other members of the party, but I figured it would be a bit redundant to write it out again. If that's something you want me to do IC, I'm happy to edit my post to reflect that.

2015-03-01, 01:24 AM
Regis scratches the back of his neck as his faces screws up in thought. "Well I obviously can't tell you everything since they aren't just my secrets to give. So no specifics but we have five members, and while there is lots of overlap two of us are infiltration experts of various methods." Regis blinks invisible for a couple seconds to illustrate his point. "Then we have some summoners who use their cohorts for various methods, and an incendiary bruiser who can bog down the enemy." Regis smiles "More importantly we are a discrete professional group who will keep any delicate matters to ourselves and can be counted on for any type of mission." He rolls his shoulder nervously hoping that he had impressed this stoic dwarf women.

Regis uses on point of ki to become invisible for a round.

2015-03-03, 09:11 AM
Vraskis sees Astari walk closer to the Sad Flint after a man, taking her psicrystal out of her bag and sending him inside.

"Sorry about that. There's someone who expressed some interest in going after the spies." Keeping her voice down, the psion nods at the job board. She gives the 'old man' a silver coin - anyone looking will only see that.

So, what did you find out regarding your queries? Did Rizban PM you?

-Information about the various districts and their relative wealth and importance, including more dangerous areas
-What, from a legal standpoint, distinguishes citizens from travelers (papers, ID cards/equivalent carried items, citizen registry, etc) and how one would go about obtaining them
-How travelers would legitimately/illegitimately obtain work permits or visas
-How legitimate/illegitimate it would be to purchase information from various sources, and whether or not this would be seen as a punishable offense by the local authorities (this would be done in a "I am looking for a friend of mine, how would I best go about finding them" kind of way so not as to attract suspicion)

2015-03-03, 09:59 PM
Vraskis nods his head in thanks as he once more moves back into the crowd. In moments, the beggar is gone, replaced by another face - though Astari is sure that he is nearby, waiting for her to act.

Vraskis is going to wait for the Undersiders to do something else and spend his time familiarizing himself with the town square. Cultist, I'll just FB message you, it'll be faster than a post - thought I'd already told everyone.

2015-03-03, 11:03 PM
Noticing that Nightblood isn't replying to her, Astari moves towards the Sad Flint. She signals the changeling to stay with Ferra for the time being.

I... I can't feel him. She can't remember the last time that happened. Stepping over the threshold, the psion looks for any psychic trace of her closest companion. With any luck, he has already finished talking to the man. It's not worth it. Not worth his life. If anything has happened to him... the kalashtar even doesn't finish the thought.

2015-03-04, 10:00 AM
Noticing that Nightblood isn't replying to her, Astari moves towards the Sad Flint. She signals the changeling to stay with Ferra for the time being.

I... I can't feel him. She can't remember the last time that happened. Stepping over the threshold, the psion looks for any psychic trace of her closest companion. With any luck, he has already finished talking to the man. It's not worth it. Not worth his life. If anything has happened to him... the kalashtar even doesn't finish the thought.

Ferra observes the conversation between Astari and the beggar from afar, making her way from crowd to crowd but never letting the pair out of her sight. It takes her until the end of their conversation to realize it's probably Vraskis. He seems much more at home here than the rest of us. she thinks idly. As Ferra watches Astari move towards the Sad Flint, she follows behind her at at steady pace, before stopping as the Shaper gets to the threshold. The little boy approaches the Psion. "Mother, is there anything you need from the inn? i was just about to go and get my wallet."

2015-03-04, 09:38 PM
Sorry about that, Rizban. I was down in Toronto for reading week, have been sick for the past 6 days, and am dealing with some personal issues. For Cultist, Noble, and Champion's sake, I'll try to keep things more regular.
I've also relayed the information you sent me to the the other members of the party, but I figured it would be a bit redundant to write it out again. If that's something you want me to do IC, I'm happy to edit my post to reflect that.No worries. I totally understand.

Anyone know what happened to St.Just? Haven't seen him around at all...

Regis scratches the back of his neck as his faces screws up in thought. "Well I obviously can't tell you everything since they aren't just my secrets to give. So no specifics but we have five members, and while there is lots of overlap two of us are infiltration experts of various methods." Regis blinks invisible for a couple seconds to illustrate his point. "Then we have some summoners who use their cohorts for various methods, and an incendiary bruiser who can bog down the enemy." Regis smiles "More importantly we are a discrete professional group who will keep any delicate matters to ourselves and can be counted on for any type of mission." He rolls his shoulder nervously hoping that he had impressed this stoic dwarf women.

Regis uses on point of ki to become invisible for a round. Islabera nods and scratches the stubble on her chin. Yes, stubble. She is a dwarf after all.

"Very well. It seems you'll have to do, as we've had no others make it out here to apply for the job."

Noticing that Nightblood isn't replying to her, Astari moves towards the Sad Flint. She signals the changeling to stay with Ferra for the time being.

I... I can't feel him. She can't remember the last time that happened. Stepping over the threshold, the psion looks for any psychic trace of her closest companion. With any luck, he has already finished talking to the man. It's not worth it. Not worth his life. If anything has happened to him... the kalashtar even doesn't finish the thought.

The moment you step across the threshold, you regain contact with your psicrystal. It seems the Flint employs some type of telempathic interference between the interior and the outside world...

2015-03-05, 03:35 PM
Regis shrugs "Works out for me. Anyway what are the job specifics? All I heard is you want a stolen item recovered." Regis looks curiously at the dwarven women his curiosity getting the better of him.

2015-03-05, 04:21 PM
Astari breathes a sigh of relief as she regains contact with Nightblood. Upon hearing the man's offer, she shrugs internally. Smart precautions, but his tone was a bit too righteous for my tastes. There will be others. She makes a mental note for Vraskis to keep an eye out in the Plaza for any naive newcomers. They might need intermediaries in the near future. As the man and his followers pass her, Astari allows herself no reaction. She is just another face in the crowded inn, soon to be forgotten.

Once the coast is clear, she joins back up with Ferra and Vraskis. "Where did Regis go? We should probably check up on him."

2015-03-05, 09:11 PM
Regis shrugs "Works out for me. Anyway what are the job specifics? All I heard is you want a stolen item recovered." Regis looks curiously at the dwarven women his curiosity getting the better of him.She clears her throat before continuing.

"A short time ago, I had a shipment delivered here to the docks. The dock hands I hired to unload had been with me off and on for well over a year, and I had trusted them. Unfortunately, a few of them got it into their minds that the cargo was worth more than their pay and good names. A crate of rare artifacts from a recent archeological dig was stolen. All of the artifacts have since been recovered save one, a horn dedicated to an unknown deity of the seas. The horn has minor magical properties but, even in the wrong hands, isn't particularly dangerous. The majority of its value is historical, but I greatly desire its return to erase the taint on my honor for having lost it."

Astari breathes a sigh of relief as she regains contact with Nightblood. Upon hearing the man's offer, she shrugs internally. Smart precautions, but his tone was a bit too righteous for my tastes. There will be others. She makes a mental note for Vraskis to keep an eye out in the Plaza for any naive newcomers. They might need intermediaries in the near future. As the man and his followers pass her, Astari allows herself no reaction. She is just another face in the crowded inn, soon to be forgotten.

Once the coast is clear, she joins back up with Ferra and Vraskis. "Where did Regis go? We should probably check up on him."

The strange individual clamoring about clearing out the Docks is still in the Plaza. Though her focus is currently elsewhere, she might be interested in assisting should the idea be suggested to her.

2015-03-05, 10:23 PM
Regis nods along to her story and at the end "Well we will try to return the horn to you ma'am. I'll return to tell my group and we will start searching for it immediately. Would you like us to bring it back here or to your store in the plaza?"

After he gets an answer from the women Regis nods politely to the women and starts to head back to the streets leave the docks.

2015-03-05, 10:30 PM
"Bring it here."

You hurry back to the safer parts of the city and meet up with your allies.

2015-03-06, 02:38 PM
Upon Regis' return, Astari instructs Nightblood to tell the halfling to keep a reasonable distance from the rest. Of all her current companions, he alone is not in disguise, and they should not be seen in public together.

How did the job hunt go? Hopefully, you've got some better prospects than the lot of us. By the looks of things, we'll need some income before we can even try to buy a building and apply for citizenship.

Inwardly, the kalashtar begins to smile. At least they're back together now.

2015-03-06, 04:37 PM
Regis rolls his eyes at the rest of his groups paranoia. 'Yes I've found us a job. There is a dwarven women Islabera who wants us to find a historical artifact that was stolen from her, supposedly it has some minor magical properties as well but she wants it back for its important historical value. We should see if Vraskis can gather any information about the thief and then go get it back. We need to bring it to her office in the docks once we retrieve it as well. Also on a different note why so paranoid, people already saw us together earlier getting a drink.'

Though he thinks the paranoia is unnecessary the halfling sits on a stool a little ways away from the others and pretends not to know who they are.

2015-03-07, 08:00 AM
Astari has her psicrystal reply through the link: To be paranoid is to be cautious. Caution keeps people alive. Besides, people have already seen us together once, as you've said. Once is coincidence, but twice is association. It's an easy enough precaution to take for potential safety down the line. Ignoring the crazy lady talking about taking the docks - there will be time enough for that later - the psion addresses the halfling again.

So we have a job, then? I suppose we should get on with it? Regis is right, Vraskis will be able to get us some information. Turning to the old man, she bows her head slowly, as if to say 'let's see what you're really worth'.

2015-03-07, 01:55 PM
The old man, listening quietly to the group's de-facto leader, swiftly disappears into the crowd. He attempts to discover any further information about the trade of artifacts, stolen or smuggled; Islabera and her business; this particular horn; and this incident as a whole.

For simplicity's sake, I'll be taking 10 on each roll, giving me a consistent result of 23 on each. Each one takes (1d4+1)x10 minutes.

Roll 1: [roll0]
Roll 2: [roll1]
Roll 3: [roll2]
Roll 4: [roll3]

2015-03-07, 09:51 PM
The old man, listening quietly to the group's de-facto leader, swiftly disappears into the crowd. He attempts to discover any further information about the trade of artifacts, stolen or smuggled; Islabera and her business; this particular horn; and this incident as a whole.

For simplicity's sake, I'll be taking 10 on each roll, giving me a consistent result of 23 on each. Each one takes (1d4+1)x10 minutes.

Roll 1: [roll0]
Roll 2: [roll1]
Roll 3: [roll2]
Roll 4: [roll3]

Unfortunately, you are unable to uncover the inner workings of the black market by asking random people on the street. They either don't know or are unwilling to admit to knowing.

You learn that Sendungen Imports was owned and operated by a dwarf named Robern Sendungan for nearly 50 years. About four years ago, he hired his niece Islabera. She took over the business when he retired and moved back east to dwarven lands. Since then, the business has shifted its focus from importing exclusively dwarven goods to importing more exotic spices and strange objects from around the world. It's a fairly well known business, and Robern was well known and well liked among the merchants of the city.

Unfortunately, the general populace doesn't seem to know much about obscure historical artifacts from distant lands.

Other than the public job posting, which doesn't give any of the particulars, you don't encounter anyone in the local area who knows anything about it. Perhaps asking around somewhere else would uncover someone with more knowledge.

2015-03-08, 12:28 PM
Astari waits at the Sad Flint for Vraskis to return. The first hour consists of preparing mental exercises with her psicrystal, and the next examining all who come into or leave the bar. The kalashtar halfway listens to Nightblood rattle off the properties of the various minds that pass through his telepathic radius. She isn't surprised to note the high concentration of potent intellects. This is a large city, after all, and a competitive one at that.

Upon the changeling's return, she instructs the psicrystal to ask after his results. She also asks him whether or not he has been able to buy a room yet. She will be staying at the inn for the time being - at least until they can find a more permanent headquarters. But first, the job.

2015-03-12, 02:36 PM
Vraskis frowns as he steps back into the market square. Fruitless. Unfortunate. I'll have to try asking questions elsewhere. Squinting up at the sky, Vraskis tries to guess the time of day. If it's still early afternoon, or earlier, then it might be wise to take a trip down to the docks for more information. If not, well... the danger posed by the docks had been repeatedly stressed. It would be better to wait for tomorrow, and look for different kinds of information.

2015-03-13, 03:58 AM
Vraskis decides it's not wise to push things, even if it is mid afternoon. The sun will likely be setting in 2 or 3 hours at most. It sets rather early this time of year.

2015-03-13, 02:51 PM
Vraskis shrugs. No point in heading down just yet. I'll wait until tomorrow, when it's safe. In the meantime... I should scout out potential locations. After approaching Astari and securing the psicrystal, whcih still makes Vraskis vaguely uncomfortable, he sets off towards the South Market. Perhaps he can find an abandoned warehouse that could be converted to a hideout. At the very least, acquainting himself with one of the districts couldn't hurt.

I have no idea what kind of check I'd have to make. Gather information? Search?

2015-03-13, 02:54 PM
Vraskis shrugs. No point in heading down just yet. I'll wait until tomorrow, when it's safe. In the meantime... I should scout out potential locations. After approaching Astari and securing the psicrystal, whcih still makes Vraskis vaguely uncomfortable, he sets off towards the South Market. Perhaps he can find an abandoned warehouse that could be converted to a hideout. At the very least, acquainting himself with one of the districts couldn't hurt.

I have no idea what kind of check I'd have to make. Gather information? Search?

It depends on what you're actually doing. If you're asking around, GI. If you're actively going from building to building checking them out for suitability, Search would work. If you're just wandering aimlessly, roleplay + possibly a Spot check.

2015-03-13, 03:01 PM
Handing over Nightblood, Astari sets herself up in the Plaza to wait for the changeling's return.

* * * * *
Hey, so you're the funny one, right? Astari says you should be back before dark if you can, but no worries. I understand you're going to be the one looking for a base of operations? The voice echoes in the changeling's mind, as the psicrystal gets itself situated to the new darkness of Vraskis' clothes. It's similar enough to the set up it has with Astari anyhow.

It's so scratchy in here. Don't you have anything nicer to wear?

2015-03-13, 03:05 PM
Vraskis decides that it might not be a good idea to draw attention to his search, and will instead try to find a building until the sun is setting. If at that point he hasn't found anything, he will head back to the safety of the inn.

Yes. I'm looking for a warehouse of sorts. Someplace discrete where we can stay and lie low. Let me know if you see anything. And no. No I can't. I'm disguised as a commoner right now so as to not draw attention. You're not the only one who's uncomfortable here.

After a brief moment of thought, Vraskis continues. Let me know if you sense any minds nearby. And keep you eyes open. A brief pause. Figuratively.

Will use my Cunning knowledge feature to add +4 to my search check, coming to a total of +14. [roll0]

2015-03-13, 03:34 PM
South Market seems to be an incongruous and eclectic conglomeration of the poor and the extravagant. You pass the Farmer's Market, an open air collection of stalls where local farming communities bring in fresh produce to sell to the locals city dwellers. Only a short distance away, you pass by Cheddar Chet's Cheeseaporium, an obviously popular cheesemonger, with a throng of shoppers crowding agains the display windows to gaze at the new goudas just in from Auberg. As you continue to wander, you pass by Evi's Cerate, a swank ladies' clothing and accessories shop. Passing by, you overhear two ladies, obviously lesser nobility, gossiping over how a third party was seen wearing a hat that wasn't an Evi and how scandalous that was, at which they both pretend to be aghast while snickering darkly. Next door, in stark contrast to Evi's, is a squat, ugly building. A sloppy hand-written sign outside proclaims that the location's name is simply known as Hats. And that is indeed all they appear to sell.

Continuing into South South Market, you find that the buildings decline into older architecture and quickly constructed, cheap buildings. Nothing this far south seems to have had any real money or effort expending on it. It seems the poorer workers of the city live in this area. The only business of note is The Bound Boar, a dingy, small tavern with a few rooms for let above it. It seems that a few of the buildings in this area are abandoned, but without breaking into one, you can't be completely sure of that. You're fairly sure that this is the only area in the district where you could easily get away with just moving in somewhere rent free.

2015-03-13, 04:08 PM
As he walks, Vraskis takes note of the shops, especially Evi's. Could be useful for my disguises. I'll have to stop by sometime. He eventually arrives at several abandoned-looking buildings that seem suitable. Perfect.

Nightblood, we're going to walk around the perimeter of these buildings. Use your mindsight. If you feel any presences, let me know immediately, alright?

With that, Vraskis begins walking around the exterior of the decrepit-looking buildings.

2015-03-13, 04:12 PM
Upon 'looking' at the more run down buildings in the area (at least, as far as his telepathic organs will allow in a 40 ft radius), Nightblood gestures mentally to Vraskis. They have another option before returning to the Sad Flint.

As you know, I can detect the mere presence of minds at a distance. If you walk the perimeter of a few abandoned - but as the construct is interrupted by exactly that suggestion, it smiles inwardly. Great minds think alike, it seems.

Mindsight has a radius of 30 ft, and detects the presence of anything with an Int score, as well as their actual Int score and their type.

2015-03-13, 04:28 PM
In most of the buildings, he detects humanoids of fairly average intelligence, if tending towards the low end of that spectrum. In two of the buildings, however, he is able to detect nothing.

2015-03-13, 04:34 PM
Nightblood ignores the buildings with squatters. The less people involved, the better. It directs the changeling towards the two apparently uninhabited buildings. Again, it addresses him telepathically.

I'd say those two are our best bet. Astari suggests we head back in the morning with everyone and set up shop here. Do you have a way of marking them, or do you think you'll just remember?

2015-03-13, 04:51 PM
One of the buildings is directly across the street from The Bound Boar, but it has an entrance that does not face the street. The other is on a somewhat busier street, but there are no apparent businesses within the immediate vicinity. The only apparent door in this second building is the one that faces the street. Both are two story.

2015-03-13, 04:53 PM
Hmm... Let me see. Vraskis withdraws his vial of ink and makes a quick splash at the base of a corner of each seemingly abandoned warehouse. We'll come back tomorrow. Those shouldn't be noticeable unless someone's looking for them. And my memory should be good enough regardless.

With that, the changeling sets off for the inn, anxious to be back before the sun sets.

2015-03-13, 04:54 PM
You fail to return to the inn before sunset, having spent quite awhile looking around. However, the streets are fairly empty, and the few people you pass do not molest you. You make it back through town fairly quickly and completely safely.

2015-03-13, 05:01 PM
* * * * *
Upon Vraskis' return, Astari palms Nightblood once again. The psicrystals fits snugly into her backpack. She nods at her companion for a job well done. It's the best public congratulations she can offer. With one arm, she gestures towards the Sad Flint, as if to invite him - and the rest of the gathered group, the halfling and disguised warforged included - upstairs to talk privately in the room she's rented.

We can actually host this conversation elsewhere in the interest of time, feel free to skip us to the next day, Rizban.

2015-03-13, 05:06 PM
That's fine, just please post a transcript of anything you discuss IC off the forum here for my benefit. Otherwise, it doesn't count.You awake refreshed the next day.

2015-03-13, 08:05 PM
A summation of what was discussed: first, our group discussed the specifics of the import job (as written in your post to Regis). We talked about getting Vraskis to gather information in the Docks district (during the day, obviously) as our main investigatory tactic, followed up by all four of us together.

However, we also agreed that we wanted to clear out one of the two warehouses in the South Market District first. Most likely, it'll be the one close to the inn, as it has an entrance that doesn't face the street and we can use the inn as an emergency headquarters should the need arise. We're going in all four of us together as well, so you won't have to worry about us splitting up or anything.
After Astari rises, bathes and clothes herself, she heads downstairs to the common room of the Sad Flint to wait for the other members of her team. They've got a big day ahead of them, and it all starts here. All of her psychic energy renewed by rest, she can feel Nightblood's psychic presence weighing down her shoulder.

You're thinking something. Spit it out.

It's a shame about the noblewoman, but that changeling seems like an alright fellow. I like him.

Really? You didn't say anything about it last night.

No, I didn't. But he seems like an upright enough fellow, for someone whose job in this group seems to be espionage. I'd keep him around, if I were you. He's certainly done more work here than you.

Duly noted. I'll pass along your praise when I see him. Ignoring her psicrystal's jab, she asks for a glass of water and some breakfast to start her morning. She has her own rations, but what's the point of living in the big city if you can't get something a bit nicer to eat?

2015-03-13, 08:24 PM
Vraskis yawns as he stretches. I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up in someone else's body. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the stern-faced female cleric makes her way downstairs for breakfast. Adopting a haughty air, she eats her meal in dignified silence and departs the inn. Once she's in the town square, however, the cleric finds an alley and becomes a roguish figure clad in an explorer's garb. He waits for the others to emerge.

2015-03-13, 09:30 PM
Regis groggily wipes the sleep from his eyes as he wakes and heads downstairs after he finishes his morning rituals, which include but are not limited to washing, dressing, and rolling his neck until it produces multiple cracking sounds that wouldn't be out of place on someone getting their neck snapped.

As he gets downstairs he goes to a waitress and asks for some tea and then spotting Astari goes over and joins her. "So today will be a busy day won't it. The sooner we get this job done the sooner we can start making real inroads in this city."

2015-03-14, 08:50 AM
Astari smiles as Regis sits down with her. Vraskis is probably already gone, and Ferra is on her way down now, so she can take a minute to talk to the halfling.

"I forgot to thank you, for getting us that job earlier. You know why we're in the city, and you've already gone above and beyond for our group. And you're right: the sooner we get this job done, the better off we'll be." The warehouse first, though. It's a thought that's better left unsaid in public. Finishing her meal, the kalashtar pays the server 5 gold before starting to make her way outside. She indicates that when the halfling is done, he should follow.

Once outside, Astari heads for the agreed-upon alley to meet up with Vraskis. He's in his adventurer's clothes, fairly inconspicuous. It will serve them well. "Good morning. Anyone seen our youngest friend? I thought she would be here by now."

2015-03-15, 12:25 PM
Ferra moves forward, down the stairs and outside towards towards Astari. She is in Edwyn's form, "Hello mother, what news do you bring today? Are we going for a stroll?" What have you got to say today, little construct? she thinks, addressing Nightblood. Is there a job to do?

Ferra is flanking Astari as they tread into the alleyway where Vraskis is stationed Ah, the shape changer, he must have found something of worth in this place after all. "Mother, this place stinks, why can't we stroll somewhere nicer?" the boys voice is indolent, affecting a hurtful tone.

2015-03-15, 04:30 PM
The roguish fellow smiles and steps forward. "Fear not, young boy. I shall protect you." Turning to Astari, he grins even wider. "Shall I guide you, madam?" With that, the changeling skips around with a dramatic flourish and saunters lazily to the north.

Opening his mind to Nightblood, Vraskis thinks: We'll walk around for a bit. No sense leading anyone directly to our potential hideout. Please let the others know to follow and to not draw too much attention.

2015-03-15, 06:52 PM
Ignoring the other warrior in the plaza, Astari follows the changeling in disguise out of the city center and towards the South Market district. As Nightblood picks up on the telepathic communication of the others, Astari instructs him to reply in kind.

To Ferra: Vraskis and I found a few abandoned warehouses yesterday afternoon, we're looking for a place to set up shop before we get started on the import job. We're following him back now, discreetly.

To Vraskis: Of course, a reasonable precaution. Both Astari and I agree with you, we'll follow your lead. I don't really remember the way, being a crystal and all, but I did love our brief adventure together.

Once she is certain her lippy crystal companion is done speaking, Astari falls in line to follow Vraskis. Their base of operation awaits.

2015-03-15, 07:49 PM
As the sun shines brightly overhead and the early-morning air is still crisp, Vraskis leads the others to the more run-down area of the South Market. After making their way through the citizens of Aldhaven who had decided to shop in the midmorning hours, Vraskis leads the group to the warehouses he and Nightblood had scouted earlier. Bending down, Vraskis looks for the splashes of ink he had left on the seeming unoccupied warehouses the previous day.

2015-03-15, 08:16 PM
Regis hustles quickly to keep up with his longer legged friends "Guys you could have waited until I finished my tea." he sighs regretfully thinking about his shortened breakfast. As they get to the warehouse he looks up at the run down building 'Hmmm well it could be worse. Lets see if there are any other tenets however.' As they take a moment on the run down area outside the warehouse "Well I can go scout it out if you guys would like. If I run into trouble I can just turn invisible and make my escape and come get you all. Or do you guys have another idea?"

2015-03-17, 10:10 AM
"One moment," says Vraskis. "I'm just making sure these are the right warehouses. And Astari needs to scout the perimeter of the buildings again - just because they were abandoned yesterday doesn't mean they are now. Then you should be clear to go in."

Vraskis is making sure that the marks of ink are still there before proceeding. Have they been removed?

2015-03-18, 05:41 PM
You return easily to the warehouses you discovered the day before, only getting slightly turned around once on the smaller, winding streets in the area. You do indeed locate the marks you made the day before.

2015-03-18, 05:47 PM
Upon seeing Vraskis locate the same marks, Astari nods to the others and gets to work. "This warehouse first, and then the other one. I don't know about all of you, but I'd rather have a front door that didn't face the street." Walking around the perimeter coolly, she has Nightblood scan for intelligent life again. Once again, the changeling proves his worth as an ally. Hopefully together, they might be able to clear anything inside and set up within the day.

Walking the perimeter of the building, as stated. And we're doing the one close to the Bound Boar first, as it is the first choice in terms of living space.

2015-03-18, 05:58 PM
This time you detect four humanoid intelligences inside, all of average intellect.

2015-03-18, 06:04 PM
I'm assuming Astari knows where in the building these minds are situated?
After finishing her sweep, the psion returns to the others. "Looks like some people have moved in overnight. Four humanoids of average intelligence lie within." As she looks to the halfling and the disguised warforged, she allows herself a smile. "I think this is where the two of you get to shine. I can send an astral construct in with you as back-up as well, if you like. Unless all of you want to check out the other one?" It's certainly a good option, but she does like the location of this building better. A pub can net them some business, and potentially serve as a back-up headquarters.

Decisions, decisions...

2015-03-18, 06:24 PM
Vraskis speaks up. "Hold on. Check to see if any of the other four warehouses are deserted. I'd rather not fight unless we have to - I'm not built for combat," he says, a smirk on his face. "But if it's unavoidable..." he trails off, gesturing with the sleeve that hides the quickblade.

2015-03-18, 08:33 PM
The halfling stays silent as the other two bounce ideas and plans off each other, he had learned to trust these two with the planning since their plans had lead to success in the past. As they plan he turns to the disguised warforged "So are you ready? It seems like we're gonna have to watch each others back" Regis says with a smile at his large friend. He waits patiently for the signal to go from his compatriots.

2015-03-18, 09:57 PM
"We could check - but if there were signs of life in the other buildings, then either way we will be engaging them. I think we should head in now." It's not that she's impatient to set up their base... but sleeping in the Sad Flint won't really be all that acceptable, and they need to do this sometime. Besides, of all the buildings this one is the most fitting, and they should be able to handle four thugs.

Preparing for combat, the kalashtar wraps herself in a shroud of invisible, ectoplasmic armor. The plates lock over one another seamlessly, offering a field of preliminary defense against nearly all attacks. Besides, it's always the first in her defensive repertoire.

I'm spending 5 PP for a +6 manifestion of inertial armor this round.

2015-03-19, 09:44 AM
The halfling stays silent as the other two bounce ideas and plans off each other, he had learned to trust these two with the planning since their plans had lead to success in the past. As they plan he turns to the disguised warforged "So are you ready? It seems like we're gonna have to watch each others back" Regis says with a smile at his large friend. He waits patiently for the signal to go from his compatriots.

All pretences of childishness fall from the boys face at the mention of combat, a tight line replacing the previous smile "But of course Regis, I am built for battle after all" the youth says solemnly. Ferra utters a few words in accompaniment of her statement, as two wings burst out of her back. Edwyn's form grow's slightly in height to accompany their size. "I'll attack from above. Would you be willing to lend support in the form of another construct, Shaper? Perhaps something to breach through the front?". I'll need to assume a new form for a while after this. As the thought passes from her mind she reaches out to touch each member of the group touching their shoulders "You should be immune to my fire now."

Ferra will use the invocation Draconic flight, While still remaining in the form of Edwyn.
Also using endure elements on the party members.

2015-03-19, 10:20 AM
Astari nods at Ferra's request. "When you're ready to enter, I'll send the construct in right behind you. Take care not to do too much damage though, hm? We may end up living here, after all." Readying her second power (which is by far her favorite), Astari reaches into the Astral Plane and finds strands of latent matter, just waiting for her touch. She can already see the template in her mind, matter and form combined in an engine of destruction. Beneath her clothes, she can feel her embedded shard start to heat up. This will use some of her daily allotment, but that was to be expected. This one won't have wings, but it will be able to grab and lock down the enemies she wants. She favors power over endurance - it won't last long after they've taken this place regardless.

And it will be ready once Regis and Ferra storm the warehouse.

Readying a manifestation of astral construct for 5 PP (effectively 7 PP with 1/3 of my daily uses of the shard).

Scratch that.

2015-03-19, 11:22 AM
At Ferra's proclamation, the changeling winces. "Right. Subtle. Very subtle." Glancing around nervously, the changeling sighs. "I still think we'd be better of looking for, you know, somewhere unoccupied, but I guess I'm outvoted. Whatever those things are, they might be more than we can handle."

2015-03-19, 11:51 AM
The kalashtar follows the changeling's gaze. The entrance doesn't face the street, so they should have some privacy for this. "Well, if there were other people in the warehouses yesterday, it stands to reason they could be back. Either way, we would be moving into occupied territory. The only difference is, we're entering on our terms right now. We have the element of surprise." With that, Astari turns to the halfling. "I think you're up."

2015-03-19, 02:43 PM
Vraskis grins wryly. "Looks like I'm outvoted. Alright then. Regis, would you do the honours?" He gestures towards the warehouse. "You're the stealthiest of us, after all. No sense going in guns blazing if they're otherwise harmless - I personally don't want the guards descending."

2015-03-19, 03:13 PM
Regis gives an appreciative nod at Ferra for the immunity and then turns to Ashtari "Can you send Nightblood along with me to relay what i see back to you guys? Also could you make me some poison for my shurikens just in case?" The halfling then pulls out some shurikens and after Ashtari creates the poison he applies all the doses and then starts to quickly and quietly approach the warehouse, surveying the structure as he approaches it.

Regis moves towards the warehouse making a move silently check and also makes a search check to find other possible entrances such as windows, cracked boards, etc.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2015-03-19, 03:14 PM
"Of course Astari. Passion, though it has a place, can get one killed in battle. I am a war machine of logics." At the mention of the word 'logic' the air around Ferra get's substantially colder. Her breath becomes visible as a vapour amid the cold air. "Perhaps you should take the little construct with you Regis, as a way of signalling if theres trouble." she says with a somewhat caring smile at the halfling.

2015-03-19, 03:46 PM
Her companions are wise. After making sure that nobody is watching, she pulls out a mixing bowl from her handy haversack. The psion - putting aside the project of the construct for now - feels the auras of noxious substances from beneath the earth itself. Nightblood helps with the effort, his own mental skill a suitable aid for her efforts. When she's done, the bowl is filled with a darkly glimmering substance. She hands the bowl and her psicrystal to the halfling. "Here you are, Regis. Be careful - this is some of the good stuff."

I forgot that I can't actually ready full round actions (which is what it would take to manifest astral construct), so I'm spending 1 PP to manifest minor psionic creation instead. Crafting darklight brew (Craft DC is 28, with aid another my bonus is +18, so I'm taking 10), save DC 23, 2d6 Con and 1d6 Str initial and blindness as a secondary effect. It'll last for 6 hours, and the bowl has 16 doses.

2015-03-19, 03:51 PM
"Oh! Wait!" Vraskis rummages in his backpack for a few second before pulling out a small disk. "Here. This will prevent the door from making any noise. Figure it might make them suspicious if the door creaks open and there's no one there." Handing the silent portal disk over to the halfing, he grows serious for a moment. "Remember we're out here, alright? Just let us know if you need us and we're more than happy to come rushing in."

Slapping Regis on the back, his customary grin creeps back onto his face. "Now go bravely forth into almost certain death. We'll build a statue. A giant one. Made of gold and platinum and diamond." Frowning, he takes a dramatically contrived pause. "We should make it invisible, too. You know, to suit your particular talents. Ooh! And it can shoot poison at people who wander too close!" Chuckling, the changeling winks as the halfling rolls his eyes.

2015-03-19, 04:03 PM
After Vraskis stops his approach to the warehouse to give him the disk Regis shakes his head in mock horror at Vraskis's description and then heads towards the ware house

He was interrupted in his approach but as he heads over he will just use the same rolls again when he approaches.

2015-03-20, 01:07 PM
The door creaks open on rusty hinges in utter silence. Inside, you see only a darkened kitchen, a thick layer of dust on everything. There appears to be no one else in the room.

2015-03-20, 01:49 PM
Regis slowly enters the dusty room and taking a second to apply Vraskises disc to the door to stop it from making more noise when the others posssibly enter through it then quickly concentrating his ki and soon vanishes for a short while. Then he looks around for anything suspicious while also looking for any other possible entrances/exits to the outside or for other rooms that the inhabitants might be in, while doing this he is relaying everything to the crystal Nightblood.

As he enters he puts Krakens disc on the door which stops it from making sound then spends 2 Ki points to become invisible for three rounds with enduring ki. After he starts looking for any windows or other ways the rest could enter other then the door. Also for doors to other rooms where people may be. The crystal is relaying everything back to cultists character.

So spot for anything hiding or in the room: [roll0]
and listen to hear anything in the house: [roll1]

2015-03-20, 02:30 PM
Nightblood, hidden in the halfling's cloak, continues his telepathic scan of the area. If there are any invisible minds, he will find them and report it to the others.

Same scan, 30 ft radius of Regis' position. He will notify him if he spots anything with Mindsight.

2015-03-20, 02:36 PM
The room appears devoid of life, unlife, constructed semi-life, and any variations thereof. The only sign of activity in the room is a faint trail of disturbed dusty footprints leading from this door to the door going into the main part of the house, which stands half open. The only other door in this kitchen is located such that you believe it to lead into a pantry. The only windows are heavily barred. Another window does exist, this one on an interior wall, but this one is heavily shuttered. It is likely that this window functioned as a serving location at some point.

2015-03-20, 03:01 PM
Seeing the footprints Regis heads into the main room, wanting to find a place to hide when the invisibility ends. He enters the room and while he has a shuriken in his hand he quickly scans the room looking for people as well as a place to hide.

So two rounds of invisibility left and Regis is looking for both people and a hiding place for a halfling. I will premptivly roll a hide check if i can find one.

Hide: [roll0]

2015-03-20, 03:08 PM
The remainder of the ground floor is composed of one large, open room with occasional support beams going from floor to ceiling. A few overturned tables and broken chairs little the floor. It is otherwise empty. You spot a set of stairs behind you and on the right as you move into the room.

Nightblood senses the intelligences are on the second floor.

2015-03-20, 03:35 PM
As his invisibility fades Regis comunicates to Nightblood 'Nightblood can you please relay to your master that the first floor is clear and that there are people on the second floor. Also tell them I think that they should move into the kitchen room since the door is silent now and the inhabitents aren't close by. It'll let them join the possible fight sooner.'

After relaying his message Regis starts to move up the stairs behind him trying to be as stealthy as possible.

2015-03-20, 03:42 PM
Once Astari receives the message from the psicrystal, she turns to Vraskis and Ferra. "He's cleared the first floor, the minds are up on the second. He says we should move into the kitchen area, as its far enough away so we shouldn't make too much noise." She heads towards the open door, gesturing that they should follow. If combat is joined, she'll be ready with an astral construct to jump into the metaphorical ring. "Ferra, you should take point and follow Regis. I'll stick near you, so I can relay information from Nightblood. Vraskis, would you kindly take up rear guard for now? I can muffle our entry, help us remain undetected."

Readying a use of control sound for our entry. 3 PP, and it will give us a +4 circumstance bonus on Move Silently / Listen checks for up to 6 min.

2015-03-20, 04:00 PM
"Yes Astari. Though it may be better for Vraskis to wait here, he seems less predisposed to combat than either of us. Better, I think for him to cover the exits and kill anyone who might escape." Ferra notes sombrely, striding towards the door as quietly as she can. As she does she notes the silence that follows the doors opening, a feature of Vraskis' disk, I will see it returned to him. As she enters the bottom floor, Ferra steadily makes her way to the bottom of the stairs

Move silently check for approaching and moving about the location:[roll0]

2015-03-20, 05:49 PM
You stealthily enter the kitchen. The minds upstairs seem to be gathered in a circle and not moving from their spot.

Vraskis watches the door? If so, Vraskis remains outside, watching the alley.

2015-03-20, 07:41 PM
As the halfling reaches the top of the stairs he concentrates for a second and turns invisible again before quickly slipping into the room to investigate the inhabitants.

He uses another 2 points to turn invisible for 3 rounds.

2015-03-20, 07:48 PM
You see the smallish figures of the people detected by the psicrystal hunched over a pile of miscellaneous items you can't quite identify from this distance. They seem to be quietly arguing over how gets what. They have about the size and build of halflings, two males and a female. They do not seem to have noticed your entrance.

2015-03-20, 08:21 PM
Vraskis smiles. "I appreciate your concern, but I think I'm alright. I doubt I'd be able to handle them on my own if they escape, and Nightblood can keep track of their movements. I would also not appreciate getting ambushed in the alley." Vraskis frowns slightly. "I am, however, completely comfortable with staying at the back."

I'll make my move silently check, if Ferra hasn't already screwed this up :smallbiggrin:
I'll spend an inspiration point to move silently, as well as use one of my first-level spells from arcane focus to cast mage armor.
Move Silently: [roll0]

2015-03-20, 08:28 PM
Everyone moves inside rather silently, except for Ferra, who shouts out "I got a 4!" sneezes in all the dust.

Regis sees all three people look up in his direction with a start. "What was that?"


One of the boys draws a small kitchen knife from his belt and slinks a few steps toward the stairs while the other loads a slingshot. The girl backs up a few steps before stepping on a squeaky board. Both boys turn to look at her as the board squeaks, the girl trying to shrink in on herself under their withering gaze.

2015-03-20, 10:08 PM
Vraskis takes a moment to ponder the impossibility of a warforged sneezing before gesturing frantically for everyone else to hide. Thinking in the direction of Nightblood, the changeling wills it to send a message to the others: Be ready. If they're coming down here and they're not hostile, I'll deal with them. If not... I expect a huge funeral pyre. A gigantic one. I had better see it from wherever I am after I get repeatedly stabbed.

As Nightblood relays what Regis sees, Vraskis' blood turns to ice. Four. The crystal said four. Where's the fourth?

2015-03-20, 10:43 PM
Nightblood continues to scan the area for intelligences, as Astari winces inwardly at Ferra's unsubtle approach. Did she have to be so loud? The psion listens to Vraskis' telepathic message through her psicrystal, and she nods at the changeling. They don't want to pick a fight if they don't need to. She looks for somewhere to hide in the kitchen. Astari keeps her voice low to avoid detection.

"Nightblood can see that there are four intelligences, and there are three children next to Regis upstairs. Don't worry, he's invisible. I think we should try and talk to them, like you said."

Making some checks. Search for a hiding place, Hide, and Move Silently, all untrained.

Search: [roll0]

Hide: [roll1]

Move Silently: [roll2]

2015-03-20, 10:48 PM
Regis sees the children start at the nose and pinches his nose in frustration at the noise of his companions and failing to see the fourth individual he decides to retreat. He slowly makes his way to the stairs and tries to make his way down to his friends.

Move silently [roll0]

2015-03-20, 11:28 PM
Ferra looks around sheepishly at the other members of the party after sneezing. She relays an apology through Nightblood for every: Apologies, I was unaware I possessed that function until now. It will not happen again. I have no intention of burning anything today, Vraskis. My invocations may make you immune to my fire but not falling warehouses. An attempt at humour. More seriously, Ferra flatly states That goes doubly so if there are children present. One must learn to rise above the purpose of their creation in certain situations. I do not kill children she tells Nightblood for everyone to hear. Slowing them is another matter however. she thinks to herself, and the absence of the fourth mind is unsettling

Hide check untrained: [roll0]
Move Silently check untrained: [roll1]

2015-03-22, 03:33 PM
So, warforged don't sneeze per se, but they definitely have an autonomous function to purge irritating particulate from their sensory organs. It just so happens that one of the original engineers got the bright idea to make it sound like a sneeze. Yay for anthropomorphism.
Also, Ferra seems to really like the number 4.

Everyone is now back downstairs, presumably in the kitchen. The three upstairs don't seem to be following. According to Nightblood, two are waiting at the top of the stairs, apparently trying to stay out of sight of anyone ascending, while the third has moved just outside of its range on the far side of the building. The fourth mind is still mysteriously missing...

2015-03-22, 07:18 PM
Reporting Nightblood's findings to the others, Astari motions to stay as quiet as possible. "They probably already know that we're in here. But we can't find the fourth mind. The three of us should reveal ourselves now, try talking to them, and keep Regis in reserve in case we need him."

The psion instructs her psicrystal to ask Regis to maintain his cover for as long as he can. If this turns out to be a trap, then at least they will have another move to make.

So, do we still need to make Hide and Move Silently checks if they're not coming downstairs? Not that it will matter for long if we reveal ourselves.

2015-03-22, 08:50 PM
If you're still trying to be quiet and move upstairs unseen, then yes. If you're just going to reveal yourselves and don't care how much noise you make in the process, then no.

2015-03-25, 05:11 PM
Vraskis moves forward in front of the group. Not exactly how I expected this to go. If it's possible to slip past the staircase without passing in front of the people upstairs, he will attempt to do so, taking Nightblood with him. The crystal will be able to pinpoint exactly where the fourth mind is if it comes within 30 feet of it, and he very much doesn't want to get ambushed.

Rolling move silently, if applicable. [roll0]

2015-03-25, 05:21 PM
Vraskis moves across the room to the far side of the building, easily remaining out of sight due to the stairs having a sharp turn halfway up. Vraskis attempts to move silently and does not sneeze.

On the far side of the building, Nightblood does not notice any additional intelligences inside the building, though it does notice a few wandering past on the road outside.

2015-03-25, 05:42 PM
From the recesses of her mind, Astari asks the changeling through her psicrystal what he's planning on doing. If they're going to step out into the open now, they need to have a plan.

Any ideas?

2015-03-26, 02:26 AM
"To be honest, I've got nothing. Extradimensional space? Teleportation? Left through the back door? No idea where they could have gone. And the remaining ones... I don't know." The changeling frowns. "I feel like approaching them, but... it seems risky. I'm not exactly great with combat. Even with my quick reflexes and limited magical abilities." He pauses to think. "They know we're here. I may as well introduce myself." Vraskis begins to move back towards the stairs.

2015-03-26, 07:12 AM
Taking her cue from Vraskis - and waiting for Regis to move into position like she asked - Astari prepares herself for a potential confrontation. Tapping into her psionic reserve, she forges a life-link between her and Nightblood. If anything happens to either of them, the pain will be divided in half. Finally, Astari steps out of the shadows, and heads to the landing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello there! Sorry for startling you like this." She adopts an nonthreatening position. She's unarmed and apparently unarmored, which helps her case somewhat. But she won't be able to talk long. Playing nice really isn't her area.

2015-03-26, 09:03 AM
That is concerning, she thinks at the mention of the fourth mind and how it is absent. Banishing any trepidation from her mind, Ferra follows Astari, staying behind her, though clearly not hiding from the children. She strikes a warm smile as Astari introduces herself. While feigning happiness, Ferra stands so that the children are just within range of her breath. No telling if they actually are children. They could just as easily be like Vraskis. Best to be prepared. Ferra sighs inwardly at the thought of combat before introducing herself with a friendly wave. Edwyn's form is well suited to interacting with children, despite his wings.

2015-03-30, 01:57 PM
The moment Astari steps around the bend in the stairs and starts to speak, a rock sails at her head.
[roll0] - [roll1]

"Go away! This is our turf!" The apparent leader shouts down.

2015-03-30, 03:22 PM
Thankfully, her pre-arranged ward manages to stop the projectile, as it bounces harmlessly to the ground before her. The psion doesn't even blink. She doesn't have time for these children. Where is Vraskis? He shouldn't have left. She shouldn't have taken center stage here. Not that it's done any harm yet. Through her link, she commands the psicrystal to get the changeling back here to play the diplomat.

2015-03-30, 05:27 PM
Vraskis and Ferra follow behind Astari, and the two by the stairwell start to back away. It's obvious that the two are both children, the older boy appearing to be around 12 and the younger no more than 10. You see a girl of about 9 huddling against the back wall, feverishly muttering aloud the words of a small book that seems to be crudely drawn in some kind of colored chalk.

The older boy suddenly hears her, goes pale, and turns to look behind him, obviously afraid that he'll see what he knows is there. "Darry! Don't!" he shouts as he starts to run towards her.

2015-03-31, 02:15 PM
After hearing the child shout Regis rushes up the stairs to join the rest of the group. While there he hesitates as he reaches for his shurikens 'They're only kids I can't kill them.'. Regis thinks for a split second "Wait! Astari Get your construct to grab them and pin them down."

2015-03-31, 02:31 PM
The boy runs towards this 'Darry' girl, reaching for the book, but before he can reach her, something seems to leap from the pages of the book and tackle him. The grotesque beast is the size of a large dog and has the general shape of a hunting cat. Completely hairless, large spikes sprout in random places across its body. Opening its mouth to bite at the child, you see impossibly long, sharp teeth stretching from its slavering jaws. With a scream of terror, the boy is snatched up by the beast, which only grunts once.

Darry continues to read from the book, which still looks like nothing more than a crudely made child's coloring book. Her voice begins to echo and reverberate throughout the room, the words bouncing off of themselves in a jumble of horrific and seemingly meaningless syllables. Darry's eyes stare blankly at the pages, her body stiff and unresponsive to the world around her. Her jabbering mouth and the occasional turn of the page the only movement coming from her.


2015-03-31, 02:31 PM
Thinking quickly - and listening once again to the sound advice of her colleagues - Astari summons an astral construct at the speed of thought. It appears as a shimmering field of ectoplasm in a vaguely humanoid form, great arms moving to wrap themselves around the child at the top of the stairs. As it does so, the psion calls out for it to avoid doing any permanent damage to 'Darry'. She doesn't want the blood of these urchins on her hands if she can avoid it. Please, let this work.

Seeing the monster appear at the top of the stairs, Astari directs her newly formed construct to attack it instead of the child. Any concept of 'mercy' has gone out the window now, as she directs her ectoplasmic servant to dish out as much hurt as possible.

I'm using my favored construct option to manifest astral construct as a swift action at the top of the stairs. It has Improved Grab and Muscle (+4 Strength), so if it lands its slam attack, it can initiate a grapple as a free action that doesn't provoke AoOs. The result of the attack roll is 4 higher (so, an 18), now that I'm not going soft. Hopefully that hits. The damage and grapple rolls remain the same.

Slam: [roll0] for [roll1]

Grapple: [roll2]

Not sure if you wanted us to roll initiative for any of this, but here goes: [roll3]

2015-03-31, 02:34 PM
Yes, they are size Small.
Keep the post, but feel free to change your actions if you want.

I'll roll for anyone who doesn't roll initiative. For groups, I tend to use a fluid initiative system. I let everyone post their actions then adjudicate everything in initiative order. If someone doesn't post in a reasonable period of time (1-2 days, usually), then I figure they either delay or continue the actions they've stated they are already doing.

2015-03-31, 02:40 PM
Edited my last post, with the changes in store for the beast. Even if it beats the construct for grapple, hopefully that's 17 damage right there.

And yeah, fair enough. My construct acts on my turn, so I'm not too worried about initiative right now.

2015-03-31, 02:50 PM
And, just to clarify, the beast being "summoned" was a surprise round, but the beast acts on its summoners initiative, allowing it to also get a surprise round. Actual combat hasn't started yet, but...
Also, the monster is in about the center of the room, closer to Darry than to your group.

Astari would be about halfway up the second flight of stairs and the rest of you on the landing in the middle. I'll get a map posted just shortly tonight.

I'll allow for the construct to be summoned and act in the surprise round.

On a separate note, I treat surprise rounds a bit differently than RAW. Even if everyone is aware of everyone else, if there isn't actual combat or direct threat and intention for combat, someone can do something like pull a knife and throw it or some other "surprising" action to generate a surprise round. This this case, the kid threw the rock, but your group was actively trying to avoid combat. This gave the summoner/beast the chance to jump out unexpectedly.

Additionally, readied actions can potentially trigger in the surprise round. However, readied actions will resolve after the surprise actions rather than before the action that triggered them as would normally be the case.

In other words, Hans always shoots first.

Big Edit!
You don't have to post in the following order, but I will be resolving actions in this order:
25 - THE CREATURE (rolled an 18)
20 - Let'sGetKraken (rolled a 13)
19 - GameOfChampions
17 - 3SecondCultist
6 - n0ble
4 - The kids


2015-03-31, 02:54 PM
As the monster jumps out of the pages and eats the kid Regis steps back in shock "Ohh dear lord what is that thing!". After his brief shock passes Regis focuses for a second and turns invisible once again and suddenly shurikens start to fly towards the creature from of Regis' position.

Initiative: [roll0]

Regis Turns invisible as a swift action. He spends 1 point to become invisible for 2 rounds. He moves whichever moves him away from the monster and throws two poisoned shurikens at it. DC 23
To hit: First attack: [roll1] against ff AC
To Hit: Second Attack: [roll2] against ff AC
Damage: shuriken 1 deals = sudden strike damage [roll3] + con [roll4] + str [roll5] +1
Damage: shuriken 2 deals = sudden strike damage [roll6] + con [roll7] + str [roll8] +1

2015-03-31, 03:03 PM
I confess, I don't understand why my character is halfway up the stairs. She manifested astral construct from 40 ft away; it has a close range, but unless she didn't have line of sight up the stairs to see the girl and her book, she wasn't going to get any closer than she needed to. Didn't want to scare the kids away.

Also, is that boy dead? Your description made it sound like the beast ate him, but I wanted to make sure.

2015-03-31, 03:03 PM
Get down children! Ferra bellows. Edwyn's normally light and high voice takes on a distinctive metallic sounds, like the clanging of hammer on an anvil. As she says, Ferra exhales at the monster, her breath taking on a thin, wiry appearance as she coats the monster in strands of frost-like energy.

initiative: [roll0]

Moving so that i'm 30ft away from the beastie and using entangling exhalation in a 30ft line at the monster: [roll1] DC20 Reflex save for another half damage.

It is entangled for [roll2] rounds. At the start of each of my turns the thing will take 1d6 more damage, i can roll for it or if you'd like you can Rizban.

2015-03-31, 03:10 PM
I confess, I don't understand why my character is halfway up the stairs. She manifested astral construct from 40 ft away; it has a close range, but unless she didn't have line of sight up the stairs to see the girl and her book, she wasn't going to get any closer than she needed to. Didn't want to scare the kids away.

Also, is that boy dead? Your description made it sound like the beast ate him, but I wanted to make sure.
I thought she had approached when talking to them so they could see her clearly. But, yes, from the lower landing, you wouldn't be able to see the beast clearly. Attacking the beast without moving into the room, or at least the top of the stairs, gives it cover.

The beast did not eat him. It merely grabbed hold of him, i.e. grappling him with its mouth and yanking him off his feet. And when I said large dog, I meant Medium sized creature, like the massive riding dog.

2015-03-31, 03:29 PM
Vraskis, more than irritated at the unpleasant and unexpected turn of events, watches in horror as the creature leaps forward.

"Please! We don't want to hurt you. We were just looking for a place to lie low for a little while."

I swear, your significant other comes to visit for a few days and when you come back you've started an apocalypse. I can take 10 on diplomacy, and will absolutely do so, meaning that it's a diplomacy roll of 30 with another inspiration point being burned (think that's four left). That may not do anything, but it might calm them down. Also, would whatever trance she's in render her flat-footed? And am I within 30 feet of her? Because if I am, I am absolutely running over and Iajutsu focus-striking her into oblivion. If not, then I am absolutely ready-ing an action to run down the stairs as soon as that creature moves towards us.

2015-03-31, 03:49 PM
Sorry about this, but I forgot to make Knowledge rolls.

Knowledge (Psionics): [roll0] and the result for Arcana would be 10 lower, right?

Knowledge (History): [roll1]

Knowledge (Local): [roll2]

Knowledge (Planes): [roll3]

2015-03-31, 05:09 PM
After the initial strike, Astari directs her construct to continue attacking the horror. If they can kill this thing - and stop the girl - maybe they can try and salvage what's quickly becoming a disaster. I have an idea for that, actually. Reaching out through space towards the girl, Astari taps into the fabric of time itself to try and send the girl's body away from here. It's unlikely that in her state, she would have the willpower to resist the effect.

I didn't realize I had a whole other turn of actions to deal with as my construct acted in the surprise round. Some of this might change depending on the knowledge rolls, but most of it will probably stay the same.

Slam: [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

I'm also spending 5 PP for time hop on the girl, bringing me down to 35/56 PP for the day. DC 18 Will save negates, hopefully the kid doesn't have a high Will.

Depending on whether or not it succeeds, my character is going to move down the stairs and away from the fight.

2015-03-31, 09:19 PM
Posted the initiative order and starting map setup in post #138 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19042583&postcount=138).

The astral construct just barely manages to land a blow, causing some superficial damage to the creature, but he fails to grapple it, though it looked like a sure thing right until the creature squirmed free.

Ignoring the construct attacking it, the creature drags the fainting boy back towards Darry, who continues to read. The astral construct gets an AoO.
A glance at the book seems to indicate that she has about 6 pages left to read...

Vraskis tries to talk them into stopping the fight, to no avail.

Regis recognizes the creature as someone who fought "to the pain," the vomitous mass. He then disappears from sight. His shuriken strike true, but they barely leave behind a scratch, the poison seemingly ineffective.

Astari tries to recall something, anything that she knows about this creature. She, at best, identifies it as some kind of outsider, but it's such an obscure type of beast that it remains firmly outside the purview of her education.
Focusing her power on Darry, there's a flash of light, the sound of a gurgling drain, and the little girl has vanished! The creature drops the boy it holds as it lets out a howl of rage.
Astari's astral construct slams the creature again, despite its best attempts to avoid the blow.

Ferra stomps up the stairs and moves towards the beast, breathing flames. Unfortunately, Ferra also catches the boy and the astral construct in the blast. The unconscious boy fails his reflex save. Creature: [roll0]

The other boy starts to cry and runs for the far corner of the room.


2015-03-31, 09:23 PM
Forgot something.

Vraskis - [roll0]
Regis - [roll1]
Astari - [roll2]
Ferra - [roll3]

2015-03-31, 09:41 PM
Astari's construct lashes out at the outsider once as it tries to get away with the boy, and at her direction, follows the creature to try and hit it again. Ferra's flames have slowed it down, but that won't stop it from dealing as much damage as possible to this creature before it dies. The psion breathes a sigh of relief as the girl disappears. She sends a message to Nightblood - still in the possession of Vraskis - to transmit to the rest of the team.

By my calculations, the summoner should be out for at least another 30 seconds. That gives us the opportunity to get out of here, if we so choose. But I think we might be able to kill this thing, if we focus our fire. Should we leave?

Okay, so right now my actions for the turn are: direct my astral construct to attack (the second time, it's entangled due to Ferra's breath weapon), and hold my position. I don't have any direct damage attacks, so I'm readying a withdraw to get out of here.

Sorry, forgot the rolls the first time around, and I thought this would be neater than me clogging up the thread. :smallsmile:

Slam (AoO): [roll0] for [roll1]

Slam: [roll2] for [roll3]

2015-03-31, 09:49 PM
Regis frowns as he sees that the poison has no effect on the creature. 'Well poison doesn't seem to work on it but i'm game to try I guess if just to try and save the little ones. However if this beast shows no signs of going down we should leave and try and contact someone who can help.'

The still invisible Regis then throws another barrage of shurikens at the monster, hoping to whittle it down some more.

To hit: Shuriken 1 [roll0] Damage: sudden strike [roll1] +1
To Hit: Shuriken 2 [roll2] Damage: sudden strike [roll3] +1

I didn't bother rolling poison since it seems immune however it is still on the shurikens.

2015-04-01, 10:46 AM
Vraskis, seeing the perfect opportunity for mischief, will lunge towards Astari, who is defenseless and concentrating on her construct. As she is not expecting this, he will use his gnomish Quickrazor to mimic the style of a man he once studied with who fought with the speed and force of lightning and iaijutsu strike her.

Since he also has two instances of sneak attack, this attack will deal:

To-hit:, boosted with an inspiration point.
Iaijutsu:[roll1], boosted with an inspiration point for a total of +16
Damage:[roll]1d4+2d6-1 for strength damage.

Iaijutsu strike possible results: 15-19[roll2], 20-24[roll3], 25-29[roll4], 30-34[roll5], 35-39[roll6].

Edit: Shoot, messed up the damage roll. Would be an average of 8.5 damage, so we'll just go with that.

Happy April Fool's!

2015-04-01, 11:40 AM
Vraskis, against his better judgement, will charge very pointedly around the creature towards the space where the girl was - he's not fantastic at combat, but he'll do what he can to stop this situation from becoming even worse. Very conscious of how terrible a plan this is, he mutters an incantation under his breath and gestures towards the area where both the creature and the girl would be. As he does, the floor becomes slippery; the creature will have to make an effort to balance, and hopefully the girl will be caught off guard when she returns.

"I think we may as well play this out for now. I'd hate to let her summon more of these things."

Moving to the bottom space of the column ferra's in and casting grease on the 10-foot-square that catches both the creature and the space where the girl would be. DC's 15 for the reflex save, and it will last for three rounds. As a heads up, Rizban, if the creature attacks me, I'm probably using cunning defense to boost my AC to 21.

2015-04-01, 12:29 PM
Ferra unfurls her wings and takes flight into the air so that she is above the Astari's constructs. She unleashes a stream of cold energy from her mouth at the beast, aiming over the construct as she does. The energy, rather than ignite, seems cold, and is possessed of none of the thinness of Ferra's prior breath.

I agree with Vraskis, though if we can do nothing than it would be better to retreat I think.

Can i fly ten feet up? if i can't i'll just blast the monster and the astral construct.
Also for the record I'm using frost breath so as not to burn down the building we're in.
Breath Attack, 30ftline DC20 Reflex save for half : [roll0]
the damage from entangling exhalation: [roll1]

2015-04-01, 04:37 PM
The astral construct's AoO hits!

The creature's crushing jaws snap at the astral construct, obviously trying to destroy it rather than merely capture it.
[roll1] + [roll2] + Fort save

Vraskis brutally murders Astari moves the farthest he can move and still cast then casts grease.
Creature - [roll3] It's claws dig into the floor under the grease and prevent it from falling.

Only Regis's second shuriken hits, dealing it a small amount of damage... but it's just enough! With a shudder and a wheeze, the creature falls to the ground unconscious and bleeding.

Astari continues to hide, allowing her construct to fight for her.
The construct does an exceptional job of bludgeoning the unconscious beast to death.

Ferra cannot fly, as the ceiling is only 10 feet from the floor. Ferra can still choose to breathe frozen fire if she wants, striking both, but the creature has already died.

The conscious boy continues to cower corner of the room.


2015-04-01, 05:09 PM
Seeing the strange creature die, Astari exhales slightly. At least we can kill these things. Vraskis' spell continues over the area, and her astral construct continues to stand. She moves it towards the space that the girl disappeared, on the other side of Vraskis. This way, they'll be able to land at least a few strikes on the child when she does reappear. She ignores the child in the corner for now - they can comfort him when this is over.

"We should make a coordinated strike when she returns. Everyone, be ready."

Still 4 rounds left on my astral construct, and 5 rounds on time hop. If she succeeds on her DC 15 Wisdom check, which she can make every turn to come back, then I'm ordering a strike on her. The construct will be flanking the space with Vraskis.

Unless people have objections, you're welcome to skip ahead until time hop runs out or the girl succeeds on her Wisdom check.

2015-04-01, 06:53 PM
Regis blinks in surprise as his shuriken fells the mighty beast "Huh" he exclaims in bewilderment wondering if this was actually the end of the monster.

As he hears Astari call out a plan he moves towards the space until he is twenty feet away and readies some poisoned shurikens to throw. As much as he didn't want to hurt the child she was causing harm that could spread further then this warehouse and had to sadly be stopped.

Regis moves closer and prepares an attack on the girl when she appears.

2015-04-02, 09:48 AM
As the beast collapses, Ferra hears Astari call out. Not missing a beat, she vaguely nods in acknowledgement of the Psions orders, moving 30ft to the left. As she arrives, servos and artificial muscles tighten inside her chest, as more of the same cold energy bundles itself up inside her chassis. the temperature around her becomes colder. As loathe as I am to do this, you must be stopped child. Ferra waits in trepidation, anxious at the child's return.

Readying a 30ft line breath attack for when the child appears, using frost breath.

2015-04-02, 12:43 PM
If the grease is not dismissed to keep yourselves from falling over trying to flank the girl's space, the construct has to make a check when passing through it.

You all move to your chosen positions. The conscious boy runs for the stairs the moment Regis moves away, darts down them, and shoves past Astari on his way out.

6 second pass uneventfully.

As you stand ready for the girl's reappearance, a sudden sense of dread and evil nearly overwhelms your senses. The body of the creature next to you shudders and the light in the room seems to flicker as it heaves itself to its feet, joints popping and flesh groaning as an animating force wrenches it back into a semblance of life. What were once soulless white eyes are now bottomless pits of darkness. Acidic slaver drips from its mouth and flickers of black flame escape from between its teeth.

It provokes an AoO from the construct as it struggles to its feet over the course of its turn.


2015-04-03, 10:21 AM
Astari watches in horror as the monster gets back to its feet with a sickening series of noises. What is this thing? Immediately, she directs her construct to react and try to strike it down once more. And again, with another strike. They need to take the creature down, and make it stay down. She looks at Ferra, asking the warforged to do as much damage as she can to the thing. Regis' attacks might help as well, but she doesn't want Vraskis in the front line with an opponent that can apparently reanimate itself. Meanwhile, she keeps her eye on the spot where the child is set to appear. The resonance of the time field won't last much longer. She will return to that spot. This isn't over yet.

Taking out her crossbow, the psion heads up the stairs and takes aim at the empty patch of floor. Normally, she wouldn't like getting her hands dirty like this, but they'll need all of the offensive power they can spare.

By my calculations, my construct has taken 34 damage over the course of the battle (not counting the other three rounds from entangling exhalation that Noble has yet to roll). I also need to roll a Fort save for the monster's first attack, and a Reflex save to stay up for moving into the grease area.

Fortitude: [roll0]

Reflex: [roll1]

I'm not sure if my construct will still be alive at this point, but I'm going to roll the AoO and strike as if it were, to save some time. I'll edit my post if this information changes. Both attacks are against the creature, and all while my construct is entangled.

AoO: [roll2] for [roll3]

Slam: [roll4] for [roll5]

Is the newly-alive version of the creature still entangled from Ferra's blast?

2015-04-03, 03:40 PM
The resuscitated version is still entangled if the duration has not expired, yes; however, damage dealt prior to its resuscitation does not apply.

2015-04-03, 03:56 PM
Regis upon seeing the beast rise again starts to panic and despite the probable uselessness of the shurikens he quickly goes invisible and throws some more shurikens all the while waiting for the girl to appear again.

Regis goes invisible and throws two shurikens at the monster.
Shuriken 1: To hit [roll0] and damage [roll1] +1 and it is still poisoned if anything has changed.
Shuriken 2: To hit [roll2] and damage [roll3] +1

2015-04-03, 07:48 PM
Vraskis swears loudly. No way am I going anywhere near there. Testing his quickrazor nervously, he backs up a few steps towards the staircase.

If it's been less than three rounds, then the grease is still there, since I specifically cast it for if the girl came back early. Otherwise, it's gone. Vraskis will back up a little, however, as he has no desire to be nommed to death.

My next character's going to be a bit less useless in combat :smalltongue:

2015-04-03, 11:36 PM
20 - Let'sGetKraken (rolled a 13)
19 - GameOfChampions
17 - 3SecondCultist
6 - n0ble
4 - Unconscious kid
1 - Creature/Darry
Entangling breath damage
[roll0] - round where nothing happened
[roll1] - round when creature revived
[roll2] - this round

The construct's AoO hits as the creature tries to stand but its reanimated body seems tougher and harder to damage.

2015-04-03, 11:49 PM
A 4th level astral construct (I burned one of my uses of my embedded shard to spend 7 PP at 6th level) has 47 health. Even with the extra damage, it's only taken a total of 39, leaving it at a grand total of 8 hp this round, so it should be able to act.

If you like, I can delete this post and replace it with my actions for the turn. :smallsmile:

2015-04-04, 12:04 AM
Vraskis swears even louder. "You got another one of those up your sleeve, Astari?" he yells over his shoulder, keeping his eyes locked on the beast. "Because now would really be the time!"

Taking another half-step back, Vraskis thinks wistfully about the diabolist's magical abilities. I wish she'd agreed to come to Aldhaven. We could really have used more magical firepower. Looking nervously at the creature in front of them, he gulps nervously. Gods above, I just hope we survive the day.

I'll get Noble to post tomorrow morning, he's just been super busy the past day.

2015-04-04, 12:08 AM
To make things clear. The creature was dead for 1 round, which y'all spent getting into position. Then nothing happened for 1 round. Then a third round passed, and it revived at the end of that third round. You're now at the top of a 4th round since it died.

That was my bad for not being clear.

So far, this round, Vraskis has run away (I'm assuming a double move, since no other actions were mentioned), Regis has gone invisible and thrown shuriken, Astari has moved and readied her crossbow for when the child reappears while ordering her construct to attack. Ferra has not yet posted actions.

By that count, this sound be the last round for the construct, and the girl should reappear in about the middle of next round when Astari's turn starts. If that's not correct, let me know, and if you want to change actions because I wasn't clear enough, please go ahead and do so.

2015-04-04, 12:22 AM
Sorry, Vraskis is edging back nervously. Staying in range so that he could run forward and still stab the girl, in the column below Ferra. Hasn't moved more than five feet. Should have been clearer.

2015-04-04, 12:30 AM
As her construct finally dissipates back into the ectoplasmic form which sustained it, Astari moves to replace it. Gritting her teeth in concentration, she closes her eyes for the briefest of moments, and another such entity appears behind the creature, and out of the way of her allies. This time, the psion makes sure to keep it apart from the area where Vraskis conjured the grease, in case the changeling wishes to re-create it for when the child is due to return. Leveling her crossbow, Astari breathes in... and out. She tries really hard not to think about the fact that they're about to murder what is quite likely an innocent and terrified little girl.

In the meantime, she directs her new construct to strike at the creature with everything it's got. Maybe this time it will stay down.

So, a few things. First of all, I need to roll the readied attack roll that I forgot to include in my last post.

Crossbow: [roll0] for [roll1] piercing damage.

Furthermore, Astari is spending another 5 PP (putting her down at 30 for the rest of the day), and the second of her three embedded shards to create another 4th level astral construct as a swift action (same Menu abilities), which is going to be placed on the map directly above the creature and attack it.

Slam: [roll2] for [roll3]

2015-04-04, 12:33 AM
Added grid numbers to the map (http://mornproductions.com/aldhaven/AVB/TacticalMaps/Underside4.jpg). Let me know precisely where Vraskis moves and what actions he takes...

2015-04-04, 01:21 AM
Vraskis pulls his arm back in anticipation of the girl's return, reading a strike. Taking a deep breath, he focuses on his inner calm - the power to suddenly strike with incredible force and accuracy.

Attack rolls: [roll0]* (Cunning attack for an insp) for [roll1], plus the iajutsu roll: [roll2] (boosted with cunning insight)
Forgot to factor in flanking. Final roll to-hit is 12.

2015-04-04, 01:29 AM
If Vraskis hits, he deals an extra [roll0] sneak attack and [roll1] iaijutsu damage.

2015-04-04, 01:33 AM
Now that we've got everything worked out...
The astral construct hits with its AoO, but it finds the creature's hide tougher and harder to damage.

New Round
Vraskis, after extensive nervous pacing, readies an action to stab a nine year old little girl to death.

Regis poofs away again and hurls his shuriken. The first strikes for almost no damage, but the second clatters off of the creature's toughened hide.

As the astral construct rears back to strike again, the ectoplasm forming its body loses cohesion and dissipates.
Astari aims her crossbow and puts pressure on the trigger, ready to brutally murder the innocent little girl with Vraskis the moment she reappears.
As she aligns her sights, a new astral construct appears and slams the creature in the face with its fist.

Ferra takes a step forward and readies an action to breathe fire at the beast and girl the moment the girl appears.

The unconscious boy um... delays, I guess.

The revived beast turns to attack the new construct attacking it, black flames leaping from its mouth as it opens to bite.
[roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3] + Fort save

The girl reappears! Vraskis' blade slashes the little girl's throat as Astari's quarrel slams a fist sized hole through her chest, blood and entrails splattering the wall behind her. Ferra roasts what's left the corpse for [roll4] cold damage before it can even collapse to the floor. What's left of the mangled corpse falls over on top of the strange book she was reading.
Creature - [roll5]. The creature fails to avoid the rime blast but seems to resist some of the damage.
The unconscious boy is severely frost burned by the cone of cold but doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger of dying... if you don't count the vile beast standing over him.

End of Round


2015-04-04, 02:54 AM
As the body of the little girl - Darry, her name was Darry - hits the ground, Astari forces down a feeling of revulsion. What have they done? For all that the little girl was dangerous, she was just a kid. What would the soulknife say, if he could see her now? What about the elders? Her fingers are still clenched on the grains of her crossbow trigger, more tightly now then when she fired the fatal shot. Suddenly, she can feel the weapon slip from her fingers and clatter on the ground. There's no telling... no telling which of us did the killing. Over the blood-strewn room, the kalashtar locks eyes with Vraskis. For the briefest of moments, Astari's outer composure begins to crack. Her jaw tightens, and hot tears well up at the corners of her eyes. No matter who killed her, this is my outfit. I'm to blame here.

But she doesn't have time to regret. Not here, and not now. They still have things to do. Putting the mask back on, Astari orders her construct to continue attacking the monstrosity. It won't do to just leave this thing here, despite the fact that whatever was happening looks to be over. It's still not enough for her. She wants this dealt with, right now. Drawing a handful of sticky ectoplasm into existence, the psion hurls it at the creature. At the same time, she instructs Nightblood to open up a secure channel for the group.

A wise man once said of monsters such as these: 'if it bleeds, we can kill it'. Let's put that to the test one more time, shall we?

Actions for this turn are: the construct attacking the freak, and Astari spending 1 PP (putting her at an increasingly perilous 29 PP) for entangling ectoplasm. A successful ranged touch attack will render it entangled for 5 rounds. Neither Astari nor her construct are moving on the map.

Slam: [roll0] for [roll1]

Entangling Ectoplasm: [roll2]

2015-04-04, 09:47 AM
Agreed. At the very least we can lend meaning to the youth's death by killing this abomination. Ferra says, looking knowingly at Vraskis and Astari. Mechanisms within Ferra begin to clank and whir as she forms more of the cold energy. As she opens her mouth, Edwyn's eyes flash completely red for the briefest of moments before she exhales a line of frost at the beast. As it impacts, the strands try and freeze the monster. No time for regrets now. Let the rage flow. Use it. Avenge the girl. Die monster.Die.Die.Die Ferra thinks with increasing rage, the thought becoming more of mantra as she steps away from the beast, loosing herself to the combat and the building anger within.

Breathing frost breath in a line, right at the beast so it doesnt hit anything of anyone else but the beast for [roll0] DC20 reflex save for half

then stepping directly back to B4 on the grid

2015-04-04, 06:37 PM
It seems so surreal. Vraskis almost forgets the monstrosity in front of his as he watches the body of the girl fall to the ground. Oh gods. What have we done? He watches the blood drip from his blade, and flicks his wrist to sheath it almost automatically.

No. No, we didn't have a choice. She was summoning... something. We needed to stop it. He looks at the disfigured corpse on the ground. Dead by my blade. No. No justifying it. We killed a scared nine-year old girl. Vraskis' typical excitement and energy is gone. Ashen-faced, he backs away from the body. What used to be the girl. Gods above.

"I- I need a moment. You three can handle this thing better than I could." He backs away towards the staircase and turns, running out of the room. "Let me know if you need me."

Vraskis will be freaking out on the staircase, taking a double move to get there. Will spend his swift action to dry-heave.

2015-04-06, 10:40 AM
Regis looks away from the remains of the girl and pushes away all thoughts of her into another part of his mind separating it from his immediate thoughts. He takes a long deep breath to calm himself and then looks in frustration at the creature. "Guys my shurikens are becoming more and more useless. I'm going to go watch the street for guards or anyone else, I'll come warn you if i see something."

Regis then starts to run down stairs, his invisibility dissipating as he runs, heading for the kitchen so he can peek out the front door for anyone coming.

2015-04-06, 02:44 PM
New Round
Vraskis is freaking out and backs away towards the stairs.

Regis runs to the stairs as quick as he can, making it down to the landing.

Astari's glob of ectoplasm connects with the beast, sticking to it and causing it to struggle to keep from sticking to the ground, completely entangling it.
Her construct slams it viciously.

Ferra blows a frigid rime blast at the beast. [roll0]
But the beast dodges the majority of the blast.

The unconscious boy continues to lay helplessly on the ground.

The beast continues to attack the construct, tearing a large chunk from its abdomen. Thankfully, it's immune to critical damage.
[roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4] + Fort save

End of Round


2015-04-06, 03:24 PM
Grimly, Astari orders her construct to ramp up its offensive game. This fight needs to be over yesterday. There's little she can do beyond that. If need be, she will create another replacement, but with any luck that will not be necessary.

Under different circumstances, she might be inclined to step forward and try to heal her construct, but it would be risky getting that close to the horror. Besides, she doesn't want to get in Ferra's way. The warforged was designed for this kind of combat, and Astari trusts her to do her job effectively.

First things first, my construct is making a Fort save.

Fortitude: [roll0]

On my turn, my construct is going to use Power Attack (one of the menu options I've forgotten until now) to attack with a -3 penalty and gain +6 to damage (the construct slam is 2-handed). With any luck, the entangled should negate that penalty somewhat.

Slam: [roll1] for [roll2]

Edit: so close to a crit! That would have been wonderful. :smallfrown:

2015-04-06, 06:13 PM
-Die.Die.Die.Kill. For the child. Kill for the child the warforged chants inwardly. The anger within her increasing in proportion to the time spent chanting. As the thoughts almost overwhelm her mind, some brief spark of self preservation passes through what serves as Ferra's brain, urging her to step back from the monster, let it attack her instead of the other construct. Before stepping back however, she breaths once again at the creature, trying to bathe the abomination in rime. As she moves back, her gait is stiff, as if she is reluctant to get farther away from the creature.

Same breath as before, 30ft line frost breath [roll0]

Also stepping back one square to B3

2015-04-06, 11:56 PM
The construct gets a solid slam.

The creature fails to avoid the icy breath. Its joints seem to freeze up as it moves to bite.

Stiffening in place, the dark gleam in its eyes fades, the black flames flicker out, and the creature topples under its own weight to the floor, crumbling apart as it falls. The pieces of the break break into smaller and smaller parts as it crumbles, leaving only dust behind, though far, far less dust than there should have been for a creature of that size.

You stand victorious.

[roll2] + [roll3] + [roll4] + Fort save

Suddenly, from nowhere, a smartly dressed man is standing over the dead girl, a walking cane tucked under one arm and a fancy hat held lightly in his fingers. He gives as slow, quiet clap to your performance.

"Well done, gentlemen. Well done indeed. I must say, I am duly impressed. I thought surely at least one of you would succumb."

Astari hears the psicrystal warning her mind that the fourth mind it detected earlier has suddenly appeared again.

2015-04-07, 06:19 AM
If Astari is surprised at the sudden appearance of the strange man, she doesn't display it. Stepping forward, the psion extends her slender back and shoulders into a mock bow before addressing him.

"We are both female, but thanks are in order nonetheless." She tries her best to be flippant, but inwardly she's still reeling. Now that the immediate threat of the combat is over, she can hardly keep from staring at the dead girl's body, at her bloody quarrel on the wall. A terrible thought almost stops her in her tracks: he was watching. He knows.

What do we do? I've got Vraskis down here. Should we come back up?

For all that I think we need to get out of here, maybe ask him and Regis to come back up to the top of the stairs. Whoever this person is, he may be a threat. Or a potential ally, given enough persuasion. Either way, they will be useful. She doesn't tell Nightblood just how much more comfortable she would be with her allies around.

"Forgive me if I'm being blunt but... what is it you want from us?" Diplomacy is good - and will come in handy - but right now they need to know what has just happened.

2015-04-07, 10:00 AM
He waves his free hand dismissively at you.

"Don't be so petty."

With a roll of his eyes, he just sighs and responds somewhat derisively.

"I want nothing from you. I've simply come to retrieve what is mine."

He reaches down and snatches the little book Darry was reading, flicks it once to dislodge any gore, and is gone as suddenly as he appeared.

2015-04-07, 10:19 AM
As the man disappears, Astari loses her momentary composure. Nearly collapsing herself before Darry's body, she picks up her crossbow and stows it back over her shoulder. Eyes staring straight ahead, she begins to walk down the stairs towards her companions.

Once downstairs, she nods at Regis and Vraskis. "It's done. Someone came for the book. A nobleman, by the looks of him, he teleported in and out before I could do anything." She is quiet for a moment, unsure of what to say. In the warehouse, her construct is in the midst of disappearing back into nothingness. She doesn't want to clean up the carnage.

"I think we should burn this place to the ground before we leave."

So, did we get any experience from potentially stopping a city-wide apocalypse? :smallwink:

2015-04-07, 11:15 AM
As the monster dies the rage within Ferra begins to quickly ebb away, replaced by fear at just how far gone she was. Cant't let that happen again. I will not loose control.

As the man appears and then leaves, Ferra remains motionless but on edge, ready for him to try something. Upon his departing, the warforged relaxes slightly, following Astari down the stairs to where Vraskis and Regis are, but not before picking up the unconscious child next to the beast, slinging him over her shoulder. She mutters a few words on her way to the stairs, to protect the boy from her breath. Looking at all three compatriots Ferra allows the pent up guilt to take root in her mind. The death of a child... all for nothing...

When Astari mentions incinerating the place Ferra looks at her sombrely, in understanding. She holds herself responsible. "Understood." Ferra replies, despositing the boy on the stairs before turning and bathing the room they were just in in flames.

Using Endure Elements on the Boy
Breath 4d6 of fire damage into the room we were just in.

2015-04-07, 11:19 AM
Vraskis' hands are still shaking slightly, and his complexion is much darker than usual - most likely to hide how pale he really is. "As much as I agree, what about the boy? He's still in there. We can't just leave him, can we?"

The changeling feels nauseous; not only because of what he's done, but at the idea that someone pushed those children into doing this. We're in way over our head.

"Let's get the boy out and burn this place to the ground - I hope you can keep the fire from spreading, Ferra."

2015-04-07, 11:48 AM
Summoning a basic construct - nothing fancy, the most basic template she can manage - Astari commands it to pick up the boy on the stairs. I can't believe I forgot about him. Grabbing the unconscious form in its arms, she allows it to take the lead out of the building and follows directly behind. Escape is the highest priority right now.

Spending 1 PP for a 1st level astral construct to carry the boy outside, it lasts 6 rounds so I'll try to find a nearby alley.

2015-04-07, 07:51 PM
Regis takes the news of the nobleman appearing stoically. Things worked like that in the world everything was interconnected in ways that mere mortals could not understand, it made sense that this was not a random event but somehow connected to the ruling nobility.

Regis shakes his head to clear his head 'Now is not the time to focus on this.' He starts to follow the rest of the group out of the building and turns his head to pitch into the discussion "Should we really burn it down? That seems pretty dangerous and while it is full of things we would rather forget about" Regis pauses for a second overcome by the memory of the mangled body of the little girl. "We shouldn't burn down the warehouse especially since the city guard would probably not take that to kindly."

2015-04-07, 09:08 PM
"I don't think - " and then she thinks about it. Regis is completely right. It's a foolish risk to take just to get rid of the evidence of their misdeed. Of her misdeed. She's not thinking clearly here. Come on now, you're better than this. If nothing else, you owe it to these three, who are apparently reckless or stupid enough to follow your advice. She smiles and nods appreciatively at the halfling. If all else goes to Baator in a handbasket, at least she can rely on him to make the right call. If getting rid of evidence is their goal, there are less conspicuous and certainly less destructive ways of going about it.

"Give me a minute." Trudging back upstairs, the psion pulls out her handy haversack and opens the central, empty pocket. Eight cubic feet of extradimensional space yawn back at her. It's a grisly resting place for a child, but it will have to do until they can find her a proper grave. Stuffing the body into the space takes a few seconds, but she manages it with the help of her construct, if necessary.

She is more than ready to leave this place.

2015-04-07, 10:01 PM
Vraskis looks simultaneously horrified and morbidly amused. "You did not just do that. Gods, Astari, I don't even know what to say." Though the girl's death weighs heavily on his heart, Vraskis seems to be a little recovered. "Still doesn't keep people away from here, though, and I'd hate to have other people walk into what could be some sort of demonic ritual space." Pulling off his backpack, he starts rummaging through it.

"Sealing wax... Whetstone.... Parchment.... Gods above, how do I have five signet rings and not have chalk?" Giving up with an exasperated sigh, he slings the bag over his shoulder and stands up. "I'll come back tomorrow and write a warning. We should probably find somewhere that isn't here as a base of operations, though..."

2015-04-07, 10:57 PM
Ferra's flames flicker through the air, bounce of the floor and wall, but do only surface damage, leaving faint smudges.
The effect on your breath attack doesn't say it ignites flammable materials, so it doesn't do so. You'll need some other source to ignite the building.

2015-04-08, 07:53 AM
Seeing no reason to stay, Astari leaves the warehouse: the living child in hand, and the dead one in her haversack. The construct will deposit the unconscious boy in the alley outside, but will carry him no further before disappearing. People are bound to ask questions if they see her carrying a body around.

"I think we should head back to the Sad Flint for now. I have a new plan." Still somber, but with more determination than before, the psion begins to make her way back across the city, towards the Plaza.

No XP, then?

2015-04-08, 11:57 AM
Vraskis snorts. "Hope it's better than this one was. We'll have to put it on hold anyway; we have a job to do, after all, and I'd like a bit of gold in my pocket before I start begging and setting up a network of informants." With one last glance at the warehouse, he follows the others away from the building.

2015-04-08, 02:36 PM
Patience is a virtue. :smalltongue:
As you leave the warehouse, introspective about your actions, you each gain additional insight into yourselves and the world around you. 900xp each

2015-04-08, 03:44 PM
Well, now we know the exact XP value of stopping an apocalypse. Cool :smalltongue:

I'm mostly looking to buy chalk, an inexpensive compass, a whittling knife, and a crossbow and bolts. Thought I'd give Vraskis some sort of ranged capabilities.

As they walk back through the South Market, Vraskis peels off from the group. "I'm going to buy a few supplies and essentials while I'm here. I'll meet you all back at the inn," he calls over his shoulder as he melds into the bustling crowd.

2015-04-08, 03:54 PM
As they walk towards the Sad Flint, Astari has her psicrystal open up a telepathic link. The last thing they need is to be overheard right now.

Please, listen until I'm finished: I know that didn't go as planned. Nobody feels worse about what just happened than I do right now. That little girl? Her blood is on my hands. Until we can bury her properly, I will carry her with me wherever I go. Thankfully, it won't hinder my ability to access my supplies, as it is in a separate pouch. But she's in there. I don't plan on forgetting that anytime soon.

Thanks to Regis, we still have a job waiting for us, at Sendungen's Imports. But I also want to keep looking for the man that Ferra and I saw. Give me an hour at the Sad Flint, and I should have a rough sketch of his face. Vraskis, when we have some down time, would you mind assuming an inconspicuous form and asking around to find out who he is? He said the book was his, but it begs the question of what he's doing mixed up with such dark magic in the first place. This is more of a request than anything, and you're completely free to refuse.

Also, I think this is the point at which I turn to all of you for guidance. We came here because I had a vision - and I still do. I hope you all still share that. But as today is already showing me, I'm not as effective a leader as I had initially hoped. I value each of your ideas, so does anyone have a preference as to our next step?

Seeing Vraskis leave, the kalashtar nods in acceptance. They'll see him soon.

Also, making a skill roll before I forget. I'm trying to see if Astari would recognize the man in the warehouse.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2015-04-08, 04:29 PM
"Whoa, what? You didn't mention a man. I assumed you had the book. This... changes things." Though the changeling is long gone, he remains within Nightblood's telepathic radius. Vraskis, who is having a lovely conversation with a nearby fishmonger in the guide of a elven druid, takes a moment to think things through and gather his thoughts.

"Alright. Give me a description and I'll ask around. I'll find your dark and handsome suitor, never fear."

Vraskis frowns and asks Nightblood to open a direct line of communication to Astari. When he speaks, or thinks, rather, his tone is much more serious. "Astari... this could be dangerous. What happened there wasn't your fault. It wasn't our fault. We didn't attack them - they attacked us. It was a bad situation, that's all, and terrible luck."

There's a pause as Vraskis searches for the right words. "I just... don't want you to go into this because you feel responsible for what happened. This could get some of us killed, or worse, get *you* killed. This is serious stuff. Whoever is playing around with demons... the man who gave the book to those children, assuming it even was a man... I doubt he would take kindly to being investigated."

Vraskis mentally sighs.

"I'm smart. Just as smart as you. But not in the same way. I'm brilliant with people and great at thinking on the fly, but you... you're our tactician. You're our planner. You call the shots. You think long-term. We all know that, and we've all accepted that. So if this is what you thing is the right decision, then we'll follow you in it."

With that said, Vraskis turns his attention back to the market. "What? 42 copper pieces for that mangy old towel? Give me a break." The market swallows him up again as he continues to purchase supplies.

2015-04-08, 05:30 PM
Well, now we know the exact XP value of stopping an apocalypse. Cool :smalltongue:

I'm mostly looking to buy chalk, an inexpensive compass, a whittling knife, and a crossbow and bolts. Thought I'd give Vraskis some sort of ranged capabilities.

As they walk back through the South Market, Vraskis peels off from the group. "I'm going to buy a few supplies and essentials while I'm here. I'll meet you all back at the inn," he calls over his shoulder as he melds into the bustling crowd.

Vrakis easily finds the items he's seeking at standard prices.

2015-04-08, 05:45 PM
A pause, and then: Thank you for the vote of confidence, Vraskis. I'm sorry for being so self-pitying just now. I do feel awful about what happened, but we're being cautious. And I've been thinking... I think we can work this into our greater plan.

Given an hour and her private room at the Sad Flint, Astari tries to write down and/or sketch any and all details of the man they saw. She wonders if this requires an Intelligence check or not.

2015-04-08, 05:58 PM
It indeed does

2015-04-08, 06:13 PM
Racking her not inconsiderate brain in her room, Astari stares down at the blank piece of paper to try and remember the stranger's features so she can hand it over to the changeling.

Intelligence: [roll0]

Once she's finished, she takes the completed result downstairs and gives it to Vraskis. "Once you've rounded the streets once, we should get on with this job. I imagine our employer will be waiting for results."

2015-04-08, 07:52 PM
Vraskis, who has been keeping himself busy by posing in overly dramatic ways with his newly acquired crossbow, eagerly awaits Astari's drawing. Peering down at the sketch, Vraskis tries to identify the man himself.

I'm not going to have him roll gather info checks without knowing what the picture shows (what does it show, by the way?), but I am going to make a knowledge local check. [roll0] (boosted with an inspiration point)

2015-04-10, 06:53 PM
You have a decent drawing, but Vraskis is not able to identify it.

2015-04-11, 09:22 AM
Did my earlier Knowledge roll turn anything up? I got a 23 on my Local check. If not, I suppose we continue on with the either the job or have Vraskis ask around with Gather Information.

2015-04-11, 02:55 PM
It did not reveal anything.

2015-04-11, 02:59 PM
Still in the dark about the nature of the man for now, Astari is faced with a choice. They have been hired for a job, after all, and if they want to build up a good reputation, efficiency and competency must be a part of their name.

"Let's head to Sendugen Imports. Regis, you know where to go? Or should we wait the night and head out tomorrow?" If they have that kind of time, maybe it would be better for Vraskis to try and get some information from the locals...

She awaits the votes of the others.

2015-04-11, 03:17 PM
My mistake. It did reveal that he is human and revealed all the traits of the humanoid type and human race. :smallwink:

2015-04-12, 02:45 PM
Sorry, I was hoping for a physical description of the guy before I went looking around. What features does he have? To have done a sketch, he'd need hair colour, approximate height, eye colour, distinguishing features, etc...

2015-04-12, 06:05 PM

2015-04-12, 06:07 PM
For some reason, I find that to be terrifying.

So, any votes on what we should do, guys? How much time of day is left, Rizban?

2015-04-12, 10:42 PM
Vraskis, taking the form of a citizen of moderate repute, will head around to the nearby bars and streets. He'll ask around - ideally discreetly and, if necessary, quickened with a bit of silver.


Marathon-ing the first four leaked episodes of game of thrones, sorry. Vraskis will be making a boosted gather information check in the form or a nondescript human male of moderately high-class. Using his racial substitution, he'll be taking 10, giving him a result of 26. Will take [roll0]x10 minutes.

2015-04-13, 07:30 PM
An hour later, he has turned up no information about the man.

2015-04-15, 08:34 PM
As the Regis peers at the drawing he thinks to himself 'Hmmm well i haven't been injured in any way but my powers are waning.' As he rouses from his thoughts he responds to the others "Well I would rather take the night to rest so that i can regain my powers but if everyone else wants to I'm sure I can manage."

Sorry about the delay it's exam/paper time right now so my posting will prob be sporadic for the next week or so. Sorry again

2015-04-17, 11:44 PM
Being only early afternoon, there's still plenty of daylight if you wish to head down to the Docks.

2015-04-24, 10:49 PM
Astari needs a moment to think. She has used up more than half of her psionic reserve for the day, and she's afraid she won't be of much use. Likewise, she knows the extent of Regis' abilities, and isn't sure of the strength of his ki at the moment. Ferra will last the day, maybe she can accompany Vraskis? After all, she can disguise herself just as well as the changeling can. Astari brings a suggestion to her companions - no, her teammates.

"If you were willing Vraskis, you and Ferra can go and check out the Docks? We still have a job to do, after all. Whoever this man is, we can't seem to find him, so maybe more research is required. If you'd prefer, we can wait until tomorrow and all go together. I certainly wouldn't mind being on hand now that that book is loose in this city."

Sorry for the long absence, we've all been writing exams / finishing up the school year. I'll pester these guys into posting again.

2015-06-02, 04:31 PM
This is your official nudge to let you know I'm back from my wedding hiatus.