View Full Version : My lvl5 character.. BM Fighter with Hand Crossbow.. Check and reveal things i missed.

2015-02-11, 10:25 AM
So.. thats my char fleshed out..

LvL5 Human BM Fighter (Noble)

Str:12 Dex:18 Con:16 Int:10 Wis:13 Cha:13

Herbalism Kit

AC: 16 Init:3 Speed:30 Hp:49

Crossbow Expert

Trip Attack
Dissarming Attack
Maneuvering or Pushing Attack (haven't decided yet)

Hand Crosbow of Warning
Studded Leather
Explorer's Pack & Minor Backgroung Items/Trinkets
~ 600 gold

So.. What do you think? Any questions about the build? Anything to point out? Something i missed?

As always,
Thank you for your time :smallwink:

2015-02-11, 10:40 AM
I'd personally trade disarming attack for either menacing attack or precision attack. Menacing attack is a great effect as the frightened condition is pretty nasty, especially when inflicted at range. Precision strike can be used to offset the penalty from sharpshooter, thereby gaining extra damage as well. Disarming attack's main issue is that the weapon falls to the creature's feet and picking up an object can be done as a free object interaction 1/round that does not provoke opportunity attacks. This means that to make good use of the disarm, you or an ally have to move adjacent to the disarmed target and pick up the weapon before the disarmed creature's next turn. If you don't, it just picks up the weapon and continues unaffected.

Otherwise, everything looks good.

2015-02-11, 03:15 PM
Funny, I just finished making a level 4 BM Fighter wielding Heavy/Hand Crossbows. Everything looks good, but I would consider grabbing Precision Attack, especially if you're planning to make use of the -5/+10 "Power Attack" that Sharpshooter offers. Also, Disarming attack is only useful if you have an ally near your target to kick the weapon away. Not necessarily a bad thing, but something to take into account. Also, as mentioned earlier, Menacing Attack is great for ranged characters. Not a requirement by any means, but I would take it if you're trying to optimize.

2015-02-12, 02:32 AM
How are you getting 18 Dex and two feats at level 5?

2015-02-12, 02:33 AM
How are you getting 18 Dex and two feats at level 5?

I assume he rolled a 17, added 1 due to his race, got a bonus feat due to his race and chose the second feat at level 4.

2015-02-12, 08:37 AM
I assume he rolled a 17, added 1 due to his race, got a bonus feat due to his race and chose the second feat at level 4.


About disarming attack..

as you know, in many occasions a ranged character is forced to fight in close quarters..
so disarming an enemy is gonna be rather easy, i pick his weapon, and keep shooting him blank range or move away..
also.. with maneuvering attack i can have a team mate go and pick his weapon..

frightening maneuver (menancing its called?) is very nice.. but.. wisdom save??? as i see it, it wont land so often..
and in the very long run, there will be opponents with far better ressistances to it than trip or disarm..

and by the moment of the original creation idea, i had in mind a dude with such aim and experince on his hand Xbow that can disarm,trip etc..
frightening push my char a bit over his RP concept..

2015-02-12, 12:32 PM

frightening maneuver (menancing its called?) is very nice.. but.. wisdom save??? as i see it, it wont land so often..
and in the very long run, there will be opponents with far better ressistances to it than trip or disarm..

Just as clarification, when a maneuver says the target makes a wisdom save, only the target uses their wisdom modifier. The save DC is 8+your proficiency bonus+your strength or dexterity mod. As a ranged fighter, you would want to use your dexterity modifier to determine maneuver DCs. This means your level 5 character's maneuver DC would be 15. (8+3+4) The victim of your menacing attack would need to make a DC 15 wisdom save or become frightened.

Of course, if it doesn't fit your character concept, then by all means pass on it. But I think you would be able to land it quite often.