View Full Version : I'm looking for a module similar to Tomb of Horrors

2015-02-11, 09:49 PM
So I was just trying to think up some kind of side quest to use around level 14 to 16. My first thought was Tomb of Horrors because it fits the game and it would be easy enough to bump up some of the challenges for a higher level party. But my players have all played that dungeon multiple times, they could all just walk through without much challenge, since most of the traps bewilder the players as much as the characters. They would probably still enjoy it, but only for nostalgia, I want to actually challenge them (and throw in some red herrings for other, unrelated plot lines).

So I was wondering if anyone here could recommend another, similar dungeon crawl?

I don't care who published it, as long as it's 3rd ed D&D for a party in the neighborhood of 15th level, although it's easy enough to level up the traps and monsters if it's lower level. It doesn't have to be just like ToH, but something in that ballpark. Specifically an apparently empty dungeon with no monsters except maybe a few constructs or mindless undead, but lots of devious traps.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

2015-02-11, 10:08 PM
Have you seen Monte Cook's "Labyrinth of Madness?" It's an AD&D module that is FULL of traps, and has very few actual encounters. I was midway through converting it to 3.5 when my party told me they weren't interested in playing it anymore. It's not terribly difficult to transition to 3.5, although a straight conversion gets you a dungeon around level 8-12. So you'd need to do more work than I did.

2015-02-11, 10:28 PM
The Lost Tomb of Kruk-Ma-Kali (http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Tomb-Kruk-Ma-Kali-Kingdoms-Kalamar/dp/1889182621) (KenzerCo., 3rd party, 3.0) is somewhat similar. Lower level than you are looking for though, 8-14. As I recall there is a good amount of lead-up and exploration before the tomb itself. The tomb is a fairly short dungeon crawl much like ToH. I'll see if I can dig my copy out and give more info.

IIRC, Necromancer Games released a rather expansive high level dungeon crawl. I think it's a very monster populated dungeon though. I'll try and look through my books and find that too.

Link to product page (http://www.kenzerco.com/product_info.php?products_id=284)

Link to ENworld reviews (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?118215-The-Lost-Tomb-of-Kruk-Ma-Kali)

2015-02-11, 10:31 PM
My first thought was to say "Tomb of Horrors" when I read the thread title.

My actual input however, is just to say that it sounds like a good time to whip out Elder Evils. Start by running an all too familiar adventure, then make idle comments about the signs of the coming of your chosen Elder Evil. At what is usually a pivotal point in that adventure have the strong signs start showing up, forcing them to abandon their current quest to deal with the Elder Evil. As a bit of advice, never leave EE sitting out when you're using it, write your notes down beforehand, it serves better to take them by surprise. And don't be afraid to switch up the Elder Evil in question, book diving players can easily be led astray by simply changing a sign (metagamers might throw books at you if they're the type to not like to be duped).

2015-02-11, 10:40 PM
I was in error about the NG product. It's actually Sword & Sorcery Studios Rappan Athuk: The Dungeon of Graves (http://www.amazon.com/Rappan-Athuk-Dungeon-Graves-The-Sorcery/dp/1588461564). It's 3.0 3rd party published by White Wolf Games.

2015-02-12, 10:47 AM
Thanks for the help!

I like the idea about the elder evils, but I don't have that book. I'll have to take a look.

2015-02-12, 10:52 AM
Thanks for the help!

I like the idea about the elder evils, but I don't have that book. I'll have to take a look.

Sorry, I haven't had a chance to check the copies of the books I mentioned. Stupid, crappy RL getting in the way of fun

I should get a chance later this evening after work. One thing I do recall from TLToKMK is that there is an aquatic tarrasque. IIRC, the PC's aren't likely to encounter it. Good luck with your search nonetheless.

2015-02-12, 12:12 PM
Mud Sorcerer's Tomb from old Dungeon Magazine is very Tomb of Horror-ish. and is of a higher lvl ( not sure on lvl spread )

2015-02-12, 12:24 PM
If you don't mind doing conversions, Arduin Grimoire and some of the other early AD&D alternative publishers has some stuff that was similar to Tomb of Horrors.