View Full Version : optimizing while not optimising

2015-02-11, 10:33 PM
I'm currently in a more RP-oriented campain.

I'm playing a forest gnome who started as a rogue (probably going arcane trickster). RP-wise, I took a level of wizard as my second level. I have a custom background which is a mix of urchin and sage (grew up as urchin got mentorship by a wizard).

my stats (standard array) are currently

str 8
dex 16
con 13
int 16
wis 13
cha 10

I think I'll choose the class of my next level according to the events prior to the lvl-up. I'll eventually get a second lvl of wizard (divination). From there, I'm not sure if I'll go wizard or rogue 'till the end.

The other members of the party are a pacifist humain life cleric, a half-elf paladin (the 1st one oath) and a humain moon druid. We are currently lvl 2.

The question is, when I'll have access to an ASI, should I take +2 dex, +2 int, +1 con and wis or a feat (which one)?
I'm not looking to optimise at the max, but what should be my course of action?

If it is usefull to know, my cantrips are: minor illusion, message, prestidigitation and shocking grasp and my 1st lvl spells are: Alarm, comphend language, detect magic, find familiar, shield and sleep.

2015-02-11, 11:54 PM
As far as feats go, War Caster is usually pretty food for anyone who wants to play a 'gish' character. If you're going Rogue, Sneak Attack means you won't be using spells for AoO as often, but using your weapon hand for somatic components isn't too bad.

+1 to CON/WIS is also a good bet for your first ASI, as they're both odd right now. CON governs HP, which is good for everyone, and WIS affects Perception and Insight. The former is always useful, and the latter would be pretty relevant in a campaign with a lot of NPC interaction, and it sounds like this might be the case for you. They also both affect pretty common saves.