View Full Version : DM Help NPC Designs combat groups

2015-02-12, 03:56 AM
Hi all

I please need some thoughts for a gladiator/pit fight type game I am running. So any people that have some good character build ideas for a group of 10 NPCs, for level 5 to 8, please help.

The back-story is, the party is now in a city that is dedicated to Kord, god of strength.

Your status is determined by a number of trials that you need to complete.

This is the second trial, groups of up to 10 compete against each other.

I need some clever tactics for the NPCs, as they will be quite outclassed by the players that are level 12.

e.g. Two wizards, that use illusion to lure their competitors to one area. They then get hit with entangling and web. Meanwhile the archers that are invisible, hit them from range.

Karl Aegis
2015-02-12, 04:05 AM
Kord frowns upon the arcane arts. It has been suggested by some that his servants drag wizards out of their homes and kill them so they cannot become all-powerful. The NPC groups wouldn't have wizards at all.

2015-02-12, 04:25 AM
Kord frowns upon the arcane arts..

To be honest, I wasn't aware of this. While very interesting, I have reasons that I would prefer to not make this part of how the city will function.

Assume that there are factions that are purists in the city that wants to burn the wizards. However many of the leaders of the city that have clawed their way to the top, either due to magic or side-by-side with mages. So while non-magical fighter will have a higher status, people are not punished for almost any way that they gain power.

Think patron diety of the city rather than city of fanatical followers to Kord.

Qc Storm
2015-02-12, 04:52 AM
To be honest, I wasn't aware of this. While very interesting, I have reasons that I would prefer to not make this part of how the city will function.

Assume that there are factions that are purists in the city that wants to burn the wizards. However many of the leaders of the city that have clawed their way to the top, either due to magic or side-by-side with mages. So while non-magical fighter will have a higher status, people are not punished for almost any way that they gain power.

Think patron diety of the city rather than city of fanatical followers to Kord.

Consider having true warriors decked out in cool, ornate armor, while the wizards look famished and wear rags. Perhaps chained.

Since they're freaking WIZARDS they won't perform any worse, but it really shows what Kord thinks of arcane casters.

2015-02-12, 07:11 AM
I seriously doubt that Kord would condone his followers enslaving and mistreating spellcasters. He is a chaotic good deity. If anything at all, the church of the mighty arms of Kord would treat the wizards very well, because defeating them and overcoming their potent arcane might proves the favor of the god of brawlers upon the challengers.

2015-02-12, 07:12 AM
Thanks for the feedback so far, much appreciated.

However, now I need to find a way that the party won't simply smash the NPC fighters to bits the moment they come out of the gates. (NPC's are 10 @ Lvl 5-7; PCs are 6 @ Lvl 10-11) Oh and these PCs are powerful. Good party spread.

The arena will be very large, with a small copse of wood, some ruins, and a flat surface in the middle. So rangers and druids can play too.:smalltongue:

A bunch of fighters charging the PCs will be cut to ribbons in seconds. These fighters are very smart. The entire city is built on making money as mercenaries, bodyguards and assassins. Any suggestions for clever tactics, or interesting combinations of classes?

2015-02-12, 07:41 AM
Since Kord favor courage and physical might, have the wizards cast spells that frighten and immobilize their targets. Being able to resist the fear spells and the webs is praise-worthy. Let the wizards also cast enlarge person on the fighters on their side, so that those can then attempt to safely grapple their opponents with their greater reach. The +4 size bonus might even the odds between the NPC trial fighters and the player characters. Illusions to fool the player characters and mask the terrain to the NPCs' advantage are also good. Also, the wizards could boost the fighters with the heroics spell from the Spell Compendium, giving them the Improved Grapple feat, or Martial Study. Summoning additional monsters whose main purpose is to use the aid another action to support the fighters is also thematically good. Casting a baleful transposition will allow the NPCs to get a player character in an unfavorable position, allowing the rest of the fighters to pile on him, while the fighter who's now behind enemy lines attacks and tries to disable the player character spellcasters.

Planning and teamwork is regarded highly favorable by Kord.

2015-02-12, 11:07 AM
Grappling is mechanically fitting. Plus the size bonus would even the field. It's a perfect combo of strength and valor.

Illusionists combined with battle field controllers could be devastating.

2015-02-12, 11:41 AM
If the arena has some sand (practically a must), have one of the fighters be a ranged fighting specialist with a high Wisdom score and the Sand Dancer feat from Sandstorm (Zen Archery feat from Complete Warrior optional, but helpful to reduce MAD). Have that fighter use the Ability Focus feat to improve the DC of the Sand Dancer blinding attack. Now you have a ranged blinder. That ranged blinder can be augmented with an owl's wisdom. Although a blindness/deafness would be more devastating, it's a one-shot deal, whereas Sand Dancer gives more chances, and is also more fair and fun.

For varied combat tactics, I advise Dungeonscape page 94.

Generally, I advise that the NPCs are composed of:
- 1 arcane spellcaster (sorcerers are kinda good for this job) casting buff spells like enlarge person, the animal line of ability-enhancement spells (owl's wisdom, bull's strengt, and so on), invisibility, blur, heroics, mage armor, magic weapon, and so on (perhaps even haste)
- 1 arcane spellcaster (ideal for wizards) providing battlefield control in form of stinking clouds, illusions, slow, summoned monsters, ray if exhaustions, bands of steel, create trap (see Races of the Dragon) and other fitting spells.
- 1 bard specialized in inspiring courage with all available resources.
- 1 cleric as a safety net spellcaster who can also heal and dish out.
- 1 ranged blinder as written above.
- 1 dungeoncrasher super-specialized in bull rushing and pushing opponents around into traps, pits, walls, and spells, separating the opponents from each another.
- 2 strong people specialized in grappling.
- 2 damage dealers, like for example an ubercharger, or a sneak attacker.

2015-02-12, 01:55 PM
Awesome advise!

I hadn’t thought of grappling, that could throw a real spanner in the PC’s normal devastating frontal attacks. A group of fighters, perhaps one or two monks, with a cleric and wizard to boost the rest.

I will read up on the Sand Dancer, sounds epic. I am also reading the Dungeonscape book, I like the description of different roles.

I will work in the illusionists as suggested, perhaps with a group of rogues. Invisibility, misdirection and finally tumble, flank stab!

I was also thinking of having some healers with a tank or two and then I need something to deal high amounts of damage. I will work on that group.

Thanks again, any other suggestions are welcome, I should have enough for at least three groups of combatants, I am working towards at least 5 or 6.