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View Full Version : Mechanic for throwing PC?

2015-02-12, 10:42 AM
Was it ever added? Dragons grabbing pc's and chuckin them into the air should be a thing right?

2015-02-12, 10:45 AM
The PC takes fall damage and if the dragon threw hard enough, PC takes damage equal to the strength mod. maybe.

2015-02-12, 10:49 AM
You mean as far as how far a given strength score lets you chuck an object of a given weight? I don't think we have rules for that.

You might want to make it an opposed grapple check, and chuck the person a distance based on the difference between the two scores. You could also treat the chuckee as an improvised thrown weapon, range 20. Really, it's the DM's call.

2015-02-12, 11:51 AM
Was it ever added? Dragons grabbing pc's and chuckin them into the air should be a thing right?

If you mean dropping PCs onto the ground: Grapple check, dragon flies into air while holding PC, then releases the grapple.

If you mean actually hurling PCs into the air: I'd call it as a normal grapple (i.e. Str(Athletics) vs Athletics/Acrobatics), followed by a second grapple check and a nonproficient attack roll (range 20/60, just like an improvised weapon) to see if you hit your target. If you fail the second grapple, the PC slips from your grasp and lands in a space next to you. If you miss, roll for scatter to see where the creature lands. The thrown creature takes normal falling damage as if it fell the distance between you and the target, adding your strength modifier to the damage taken.