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2015-05-27, 12:12 AM
So then, why don't you feel it is worth keeping?

What is it that makes you feel that it's not able to stand on its own?

Almost every time i take it out it ends with me thinking i should have brought one of my other frames that can can handle this type of thing much better, tried it with a duration focused set up and still not as fun as any other frame.
Im sure there are people on here who have a frame they just dont mesh with, i thought Oberon would be a interesting one to play when i first got it but once i had it to 30 i was of a greatly different opinion of it, Chroma's the same but worse looking. The best thing about Oberon is the little bits of extra cash you get from selling the parts.

Spartan Laser.

Singular yes, 5 of them is a Ion Cannon

2015-05-27, 06:25 AM
I hate to admit it, but I'm hitting a wall. My only remaining mastery-rank fodder is in clan research, which means I need to rebuild my forma collection (I used it on building a solo clan) along with farming invasions for all the Fieldrons and the like.

Then, since I've been collecting, but not building, prime blueprints, it'll be time for more Orokin Cell farming than I care to imagine. No, the farmapalooza this weekend didn't help as much as I hoped; we're talking 10-15 cells per item for the entire prime catalog. Between that and future forma it's more than I have, for sure.

I just got my last missing warframe, Kubrow breed and sentinel (barring Wyrm Prime, because Prime), so aside from slightly different weapons I'm not in for a lot of variety in gameplay going forward. Then again, it'll let me match weapon to frame (like pairing Volt with short-ranged continuous fire guns) to squeeze that last bit of juice out of them without worrying about losing frame affinity in the process.

I suppose it's time to start selling all my excess corrupted mods and spend the ill-gotten platinum on cosmetics.

I've begun doing silly runs after finishing all weapons (and of course, Formaing everything 'cause that's gonna take another 500 Forma or so). "Man and Skana" (Skana-only T4S space ninja-style; applies to the whole squad of course, preferably with appropriate frames), "White Death" (Vectis-only Cerberus), Michael Bayplay (Thunderbolt Attica Mirage, preferably somewhere where enemies can take a few hits for maximum explosions), Crusader Trinity (Trinity with metallic colours & Silva and Aegis, cleansing Infestation), various stealth-runs with absolutely-not-stealthy frames, runs where I only allow my companion to kill enemies, et cetera. Certainly more amusing than leveling stuff. Though of course, nothing is stopping you from leveling stuff while doing silly runs :smalltongue:

2015-05-27, 06:40 AM
Yeah, Fenrys and I usually start doing RP build runs. My current allotment of RP Builds
Garret Storm (Volt Prime, Paris Prime, Dex Furis [will be Sancti Castanas when I get them], Dex Dakra)
Kelfi (Nyx Prime, Glaxion, Atomos, Lecta, all modded for Radiation/Cold [Viral if we're doing something that requires effort])
Lako Shadowhand (Loki Prime, Dark Dagger) still looking for fitting weapons here
Anglor Earthscar (Rhino Prime, Prisma Gorgon, Brakk, Jat Kittag)
Keledrath Ebrelon (Excalibur, Dread, Telos Akbolto, Tonbo [no stance so I get the spear thrust])
Torch (Ember Prime, Ignis, Hikou Prime, Bo [will be Prime])

2015-05-27, 09:50 AM
I'm liking my Nyx. Maybe I should look into acquiring her Prime version... I also need to try some other frames, see if I like any of them better. Hell, I haven't even taken my Excalibur out of its box since it got reworked months ago; I should give him a whirl and decide whether or not to keep him.

I'm also trying to decide if it's worth building a Glaive when I already have a Kestrel. And I built a Latron, but I've never equipped it because I was leveling my Strun, and right when it hit 30 I got a Straith (which is WAY more fun than the standard Strun ever was)...

2015-05-27, 10:43 AM
Excal is being lined up for another reworking sometime over the next few months.

Build it, level it and find out.
Ive taken to calling the Strun Wraith the Dudwraith (never used the strun and have not actual intention of doing so) and now that its 30 im likley to never use it again and the only reason its still in my inventory is due to it being a Wraith.

I was out taking my Kronen for a spin and questioning my reasons for keep the Boltace, its got to be one of the worst looking melee weapons in the line up, they'll stay till i get the last handle i need for Fang Prime and then they get tossed

2015-05-27, 11:03 AM
The Strun is kind of a dud; only reason I kept it as long as I did was for leveling it up for mastery/achievements. The Strun Wraith is a huge improvement; unranked it was hitting harder than my level 30 fully-modded standard, plus the larger clip and halved reload time, and then the double mod capacity...

2015-05-27, 11:12 AM
Yeah, the straith hits harder than the boar prime, when you get the thing modded.

2015-05-27, 11:38 AM
Yeah, the straith hits harder than the boar prime, when you get the thing modded.

How? I haven't found a build that quite hits that hard; Boar Prime hits for 46k Burst, 22k Sustained (http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Boar_prime/t_30_00332220_166-1-5-167-7-3-170-2-5-175-3-5-178-4-5-186-0-5-190-6-5-482-5-10_186-9-166-7-170-6-175-6-178-8-482-7-190-5-167-9/en/2-0-30/) (or 40k Burst, 21k Sustained (http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Boar_prime/t_30_00332220_167-7-3-168-0-5-170-2-5-175-3-5-178-4-5-190-1-5-480-6-10-482-5-10_168-9-190-9-170-6-175-6-178-8-482-7-480-7-167-9/en/2-0-30/) with better ammo efficiency), while Strun Wraith hits for 32k Burst, 17k Sustained (http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Strun_wraith/t_30_22220320_167-6-3-170-4-5-171-7-5-175-5-5-178-0-5-186-2-5-190-3-5-482-1-10_178-8-482-7-186-5-190-5-170-11-175-6-167-5-171-11/en/2-0-33/). That said, compared to most weapons in the game, Strun Wraith performs more than admirably and it also has the absurdly high status chance of Boar Prime so status builds on Strun Wraith are excellent as well. It also has less spread than Boar Prime which can be quite nice though I'd hate to use either without punchthrough (and practically speaking, I do prefer the status build for either).

2015-05-27, 03:04 PM
Fascinating stats you got there. Mind giving me a build for the Kohm?
Regardless of how much DPS it does though, I think we can all agree it has like the worst ammo economy and accuracy in the game.

Anyways, last night I finally managed to get 4 Syndicates to their max Rank: New Loka, Perrin Sequence, Arbiters of Hexis, and Cephladon Suda. All at the same time. It was painfully hard to balance everything out, but now I can have access to their entire stocks at my leasuire.

I know it's ineffiencent, but as a result, only 3 Warframes have their augments out of my reach (without asking for someone else's help though)

Now I'm begining a collection of Augment mods.
Anyone care to help me. I'm buying the Ember, Saryn, and Mesa mods since I can't get them myself for 10 plat each if you'd be willing to sell to me. PC only I am afraid.

2015-05-27, 03:26 PM
Fascinating stats you got there. Mind giving me a build for the Kohm?

This (http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Kohm/t_30_30032222_167-7-3-171-1-5-175-0-5-178-5-5-179-2-5-184-3-5-186-6-5-482-4-10_175-6-171-11-179-11-184-5-482-7-178-8-186-5-167-5/en/2-0-63/) seems to be what I'm running currently. If I were running something superserious, I'd cut off Mutation for an Element and use Ammo Restores but for normal play, that's a bit painful. Unfortunately, I think Shotgun Spazz is kinda necessary due to the wind-up.

Regardless of how much DPS it does though, I think we can all agree it has like the worst ammo economy and accuracy in the game.

Kohm accuracy is actually surprisingly good. The ammo economy, yeah, shotgun pickups give 10 ammo each and it shoots 10 ammo at once... It's the only weapon where I actually use Ammo Mutation. It has built-in punchthrough so I don't bother with Seeking Force either.

2015-05-27, 03:52 PM
Yeah, the Straith is pretty lousy compared to my Kohm or Phage. It's better than the Boar Prime, thanks to it's better spread.

2015-05-27, 04:26 PM
Warframe builder can't accurately measure shotgun DPs. The problem is that it assume you hit every pellet. The Break, for example, does like 80k sustained, iirc.

2015-05-27, 05:11 PM
Well, the average number of pellets hitting is simply a function of range of engagement; not a constant so it's pretty hard to account for in terms of damage discussion. Playstyle, map, mission and such considerations affect the likely amount of pellets hitting. That said, Boar P does certainly have more spread than Strun W, which is a disadvantage against single targets but it's actually pretty nice with the status build (mine (http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Boar_prime/t_30_22230302_167-6-3-178-1-5-182-3-5-190-2-5-191-4-3-264-7-3-357-5-3-482-0-10_482-7-178-8-190-5-182-8-191-7-357-9-167-9-264-4/en/2-0-30/), for instance) - Boar P has an insanely high chance of proccing on each shell and the spread allows you to efficiently hit on a large number of enemies in any type of an enemy horde you typically encounter in endless missions with ease. Even with the DPS builds, up close Boar P will of course win out while Strun W will have an advantage over a medium distance where Boar P's spread will meaningfully reduce the damage; but given the scope of damage difference between the two (about 25% more damage on Boar P), Boar P will keep up even when it's hitting significantly less than Strun W.

Overall, while I enjoy both I do believe Boar Prime is a superior weapon.

Warframe builder can't accurately measure shotgun DPs. The problem is that it assume you hit every pellet. The Break, for example, does like 80k sustained, iirc.

There's rarely something wrong with the measurement itself. Kohm and Quanta are cases where some issues exist, but that's rare enough, and it tends to be obvious enough, in both cases caused by the funky mechanics of the weapon. Rather, one has to keep in mind what's being measured. While you don't land every pellet, you still get a nice estimate of the maximum DPS you can get while diving in and blasting someone in the face with the builder and then you'll have to account for the distance-based damage reduction and misses when you fire from further away. It's essentially the maximum, rather than the average.

Regarding Brakk, its sustained DPS on Builder would probably be around 32k if you don't run Seeker (28k if you do (http://warframe-builder.com/Secondary_Weapons/Builder/Brakk/t_30_22033032_193-1-5-196-5-5-204-0-10-205-2-3-206-7-5-209-3-5-215-4-5-487-6-10_204-7-193-6-205-9-209-6-215-8-196-9-487-8-206-6/en/3-0-4/25316/0)) - burst could probably reach 80k but as always, in a game where you generally have infinite hordes of enemies to deal with in difficult missions, that only matters so much.

2015-05-27, 05:17 PM
Or you can have the best of both worlds and take Viscious Spread. Straith has the same status chance, but I like it better because it's not a strange revolver cannon sort of thing that makes my head hurt.

How does the Kohm's status work with the spooled shots? It has a 25% status. I should test it out sometime.

2015-05-27, 05:39 PM
Or you can have the best of both worlds and take Viscious Spread. Straith has the same status chance, but I like it better because it's not a strange revolver cannon sort of thing that makes my head hurt.

Heh, I quite like the look. Kinda reminiscent of a tommy gun. That said I do use Vicious Spread on Boar P as well. I've noticed that with 3 status mods, you basically proc with every shell so all that matters is hitting enemies once.

How does the Kohm's status work with the spooled shots? It has a 25% status. I should test it out sometime.

According to the Wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Status_Effect), the formula for multishot weapons (including shotguns) is Status Chance = 1 − ( 1 − Chance per Pellet)Number of Pellets - that leaves Chance per Pellet = 1 - Number of PelletsRoot(1 - Status Chance) so essentially, for 100% status chance, the chance per pellet is also 100%. However, I don't know the exact pellet count of Kohm so doing any math there would require some testing (the wiki is being a bit useless in this regard).

2015-05-27, 06:19 PM
According to the Wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Status_Effect), the formula for multishot weapons (including shotguns) is Status Chance = 1 − ( 1 − Chance per Pellet)Number of Pellets - that leaves Chance per Pellet = 1 - Number of PelletsRoot(1 - Status Chance) so essentially, for 100% status chance, the chance per pellet is also 100%. However, I don't know the exact pellet count of Kohm so doing any math there would require some testing (the wiki is being a bit useless in this regard).

Kohm is 1,2,4,8, 10, I think. That's the problem; the Kohm doesn't have a set pellet rate so I don't know if the fire rate works like the shotgun or rifle. :smalltongue:

2015-05-28, 03:41 AM
Playing a T3S: Got the Volt Chassis at 40 minutes. It's going good, so I suggest we stick it out to 60. At ~43 minutes, our Nekros DC'd. That sucked, but we were okay for the moment, so we kept going. At ~46 minutes, I crashed. Lost it all. :smallsigh:

At least the other two extracted with all the rewards. I'm glad it wasn't a complete waste of time for everyone. Still sucks, though.

2015-05-28, 03:45 AM
Playing a T3S: Got the Volt Chassis at 40 minutes. It's going good, so I suggest we stick it out to 60. At ~43 minutes, our Nekros DC'd. That sucked, but we were okay for the moment, so we kept going. At ~46 minutes, I crashed. Lost it all. :smallsigh:

At least the other two extracted with all the rewards. I'm glad it wasn't a complete waste of time for everyone. Still sucks, though.

Send a ticket with a screenshot from friend & the time of the game and you'll get the Chassis eventually. It's happened to me a few times, support tickets have always been accepted thus far.

2015-05-28, 04:03 AM
It really blows when that happens ~ lost so much stuff over time due to that happening.

Never been a stickler for scanning things, mostly had the scanner on to find hidden rooms and stuck mobs. Then i got enough Rep for the Simulcarm Key and found that i had 2 things fully scanned so ive been a bit of a trip recently scanning things and finally built a Helios ~ now i have a heap of entries finished and found a whole lot of things are scan-able that i never much thought about (like the Breakable Glass on ships or the Console that you use in MDs)

Mobius Twist
2015-05-28, 12:17 PM
I've been doing the scanning thing too. The thing that annoys me is that while Limbo is in the Rift, the Helios doesn't seem to do scans. This makes "safe scanning" much harder to do. Given how poorly sentinels react to Bombards I think I'm going to do a Frost with an enlarged snow globe for my high-challenge scanning.

2015-05-28, 12:27 PM
Advice. Using the synthesis scanner counts as codex entry scans.

If you want to do some manual scannin to speed things up, take the widget that makes the synthesis scanner have infinite scans. Gp crazy in any mission and you'll have both rep and scanning data. You will need normal codex scanners thiugh if you plan to use a helios.

2015-05-29, 12:31 PM
Okay, I was kind of lukewarm to the torid, but I used it with my mirage, and the extra coverage from the mirrors and the damage from the eclipse make it better.

Also, I'm using a total eclipse build now. It's too gosu. I lose a bit of damage personally, but the bonus to my friends is worth it. In Tower Defense, the range with Stretch is about the radius of the little defense area. :3

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-05-29, 01:17 PM
Okay, I was kind of lukewarm to the torid, but I used it with my mirage, and the extra coverage from the mirrors and the damage from the eclipse make it better.

Also, I'm using a total eclipse build now. It's too gosu. I lose a bit of damage personally, but the bonus to my friends is worth it. In Tower Defense, the range with Stretch is about the radius of the little defense area. :3

Probably my biggest problem with Mirage is that she has two really amazing augments and not enough space for both of them. I'm a big fan of running maximum power strength on her with a bit of duration. If DE ever releases another + duration corrupted mod, I would use that over Narrowminded. As it stands, it's hard using Narrowminded without hurting TE.

2015-05-29, 02:06 PM
Probably my biggest problem with Mirage is that she has two really amazing augments and not enough space for both of them. I'm a big fan of running maximum power strength on her with a bit of duration. If DE ever releases another + duration corrupted mod, I would use that over Narrowminded. As it stands, it's hard using Narrowminded without hurting TE.

Yeah, it can be messy. It's like the nekros where we are complaining about too much good stuff teheheh.

My team friendly build is this:

Blind Rage (not well ranked, +50, -30 ish right now)
Stretch (Range improvement for Prism and Total Eclipse)
Primed Continuity (Not done, only 40% D:)
Constitution (Knockdown resist and +28% duration)
Vitality (HP, I'm lazy)
Redirection (Shields, I'm lazy)
Hall of Malevolence (More damage from clones. It improves it to 45% from 30%. Actually, intensify would make it 36% while buffing eclipse to 360%... )
Total Eclipse (I love this mod, close range team buff. I think it buffs my sentinel, too. Not sure)

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-05-29, 02:54 PM
Yeah, it can be messy. It's like the nekros where we are complaining about too much good stuff teheheh.

Ain't that the truth! I barely manage to fit both Soul Survivor and Despoil on my T4S Nekros build, but that's at the cost of not having any extra power efficiency mods. Even with the Justice effect from my marelok, I run low on HP. Luckily, most long term survival missions I do have a trinity on hand.

My team friendly build is this:

Blind Rage (not well ranked, +50, -30 ish right now)
Stretch (Range improvement for Prism and Total Eclipse)
Primed Continuity (Not done, only 40% D:)
Constitution (Knockdown resist and +28% duration)
Vitality (HP, I'm lazy)
Redirection (Shields, I'm lazy)
Hall of Malevolence (More damage from clones. It improves it to 45% from 30%. Actually, intensify would make it 36% while buffing eclipse to 360%... )
Total Eclipse (I love this mod, close range team buff. I think it buffs my sentinel, too. Not sure)

That's not a terrible set-up, honestly. I would only have one of the two augments at a time, depending.

My preferred set-up goes something like:

Max Blind Rage
Max Transient Fortitude
Near max Narrowminded
~+45% Primed Continuity
Hall of Malevolence or Total Eclipse
Primed Flow or Streamline, depending.

I wish I could fit in Rage and Quick Thinking, but that means removing Intensify and Transient Fortitude. If I do do that set-up, I'd use Primed Flow over Streamline. If I just ditch Transient Fortitude, I would instead take both Primed Flow and Streamline. Hopefully, DE adds some augment mod slots soon so I can fit more stuff on there. Admittedly, my build can't really abuse Prism, but the two skills I do use on her get used almost constantly.

2015-05-29, 03:07 PM
Probably my biggest problem with Mirage is that she has two really amazing augments and not enough space for both of them. I'm a big fan of running maximum power strength on her with a bit of duration. If DE ever releases another + duration corrupted mod, I would use that over Narrowminded. As it stands, it's hard using Narrowminded without hurting TE.

I don't bother with Hall of Malevolence. It's nice but not that nice; the clones aren't my primary source of DPS anyways and while it adds a bit, it's fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. My default build on her:
Quick Thinking
Primed Flow
Primed Continuity
Blind Rage
Transient Fortitude
Total Eclipse

Of course, if I'm soloing or primarily on the ride for Prism Blinds, I have to change the build: Prism damage/farm build means I add Overextended & Natural Talent, which I also use for Prism Blind build (there's also the more dedicated blind build which eschews Power Strength for Efficiency but I just simply like Power Strength Eclipse/Hall of Mirrors too much and Fleeting is kinda weak on her anyways since she relies on duration to reduce her overall power costs), and in a mode where I don't need Total Eclipse, I use Natural Talent over it (for more Prism functionality).

Currently I'm struggling with Natural Talent vs. Intensify; I do like her max PS but on the other hand, Natural Talent is so good for Prism and quite helpful for keeping Eclipse/Hall of Mirrors up at all times as well. This is the kind of a generalist build where all her skills are awesome: Stretch is for Prism damage, Prism Blind & to make Total Eclipse is big enough to cover the whole team reliably without having to huddle together in a clump. That's why I can't stomach Narrow Minded either; I find 30 secs is enough duration on buffs to maintain them and I hate losing Blind range.

I do love playing her though. Mirage is my most played frame and I'll take every chance I get to take her out for a spin. I think she's just the best design in the game.

2015-05-29, 03:19 PM
Void trader is up, Pluto relay, non-cosmetic goods are Shell Shock (shotgun elec/status) and Prisma Skana (which can use the loka skana mod, for reference)

2015-05-29, 03:22 PM
Void trader is up, Pluto relay, non-cosmetic goods are Shell Shock (shotgun elec/status) and Prisma Skana (which can use the loka skana mod, for reference)

With Pressure Point/Bright Purity/Fury/Berserker/Organ Shatter/Primed Reach/2 Element, Prisma Skana actually outDPSs Skana Prime with Pressure Point/Bright Purity/Fury/Berserker/Primed Reach/3 Element. I'm quite happy to have a second reasonable sword (it's not Dakra Prime nor will it replace mine but I'm gonna be taking this one out for "Man and Skana"-runs).

2015-05-29, 05:01 PM
Baro Ki Teer has a couple of ugly spurs, a Rip-off Fast Hands, and a rip-off cosmetic item for rip-off kurbow, I think. I feel pretty gypped. I wan primed point blank. :l

I don't bother with Hall of Malevolence. It's nice but not that nice; the clones aren't my primary source of DPS anyways and while it adds a bit, it's fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. My default build on her:
Yeah, this has been bothering me. It's good for torid, but I think I would be better of over all with

Of course, if I'm soloing or primarily on the ride for Prism Blinds, I have to change the build: Prism damage/farm build means I add Overextended & Natural Talent, which I also use for Prism Blind build (there's also the more dedicated blind build which eschews Power Strength for Efficiency but I just simply like Power Strength Eclipse/Hall of Mirrors too much and Fleeting is kinda weak on her anyways since she relies on duration to reduce her overall power costs), and in a mode where I don't need Total Eclipse, I use Natural Talent over it (for more Prism functionality).

Currently I'm struggling with Natural Talent vs. Intensify; I do like her max PS but on the other hand, Natural Talent is so good for Prism and quite helpful for keeping Eclipse/Hall of Mirrors up at all times as well. This is the kind of a generalist build where all her skills are awesome: Stretch is for Prism damage, Prism Blind & to make Total Eclipse is big enough to cover the whole team reliably without having to huddle together in a clump. That's why I can't stomach Narrow Minded either; I find 30 secs is enough duration on buffs to maintain them and I hate losing Blind range.
Neat. I don't like losing duration with her, because I use blind range which means it takes more energy to recast her abilities. I like doing generalist builds, because I don't like to spam the same thing over and over again. Using blind rage greatly increases the cost of the using prism, though. A bit of a shame.

Her power costs are actually lower than most, AFAICT. 25 for eclipse and Hall of Mirrors.

I do love playing her though. Mirage is my most played frame and I'll take every chance I get to take her out for a spin. I think she's just the best design in the game.
Ugh, no. I like playing her, but Sleight of Hand is on her ability list. Definitely not the best designed frame.

2015-05-29, 05:16 PM
Baro Ki Teer has a couple of ugly spurs, a Rip-off Fast Hands, and a rip-off cosmetic item for rip-off kurbow, I think. I feel pretty gypped. I wan primed point blank. :l
Yeah, this has been bothering me. It's good for torid, but I think I would be better of over all with

Neat. I don't like losing duration with her, because I use blind range which means it takes more energy to recast her abilities. I like doing generalist builds, because I don't like to spam the same thing over and over again. Using blind rage greatly increases the cost of the using prism, though. A bit of a shame.

Her power costs are actually lower than most, AFAICT. 25 for eclipse and Hall of Mirrors.

Ye, that's what I was referring to actually: thanks to her low native power cost, it's eminently doable to deal with her Blind Rage power costs. Due to the way efficiency works, it's not very powerful if it doesn't get down to the ~50% cost region too, so I don't bother on her - Blind Rage just makes it meh and it's definitely awesome on her. It's not a problem for Prism either; Blinds can detonate immediately and damage Prisms last long enough that it's not really a terrible power investment with Primed Flow anyways. Duration is, of course, higher than average thanks to Primed Continuity having a far higher upside than the penalty on Transient; never found that a problem. I do usually use an energy-granting secondary on her though.

Ugh, no. I like playing her, but Sleight of Hand is on her ability list. Definitely not the best designed frame.

What's that? My Mirage has 3 abilities, not sure what you're talking about :smalltongue: Actually, one thing I really love about her design is the fact that she has reasonable power costs and reasonable power economy even without mods; one of the very few frames that can boast that. Limbo would be the other one (and Trinity has infinite energy right out of the can so there's always that - but that's the very opposite of good design).

2015-05-29, 05:42 PM
When I was hoping for a Prisma melee, this isn't what I had in mind.
I was actually hoping for that Prisma Orthos from the datamine. Gotta love the polearms :D

2015-05-29, 05:55 PM
Ye, that's what I was referring to actually: thanks to her low native power cost, it's eminently doable to deal with her Blind Rage power costs. Due to the way efficiency works, it's not very powerful if it doesn't get down to the ~50% cost region too, so I don't bother on her - Blind Rage just makes it meh and it's definitely awesome on her. It's not a problem for Prism either; Blinds can detonate immediately and damage Prisms last long enough that it's not really a terrible power investment with Primed Flow anyways. Duration is, of course, higher than average thanks to Primed Continuity having a far higher upside than the penalty on Transient; never found that a problem. I do usually use an energy-granting secondary on her though. But paying 80+ energy on a Prism is almost as much as a regular ulti!!! I want everything extremely cheap! D:

2015-05-29, 06:09 PM
But paying 80+ energy on a Prism is almost as much as a regular ulti!!! I want everything extremely cheap! D:

But since you aren't spamming it as much as regular ulties due to its cast time and effect, you don't end up having to pay very massive amounts for it anyways :smalltongue: I find Rakta Ballistica/Synoid Gammacor procs combined with Primed Flow are more than enough to sustain occasional Prism castings combined with 1 and 3 (one of the beauties of Mirage's design too is that while her ult is awesome, she doesn't want to nor need to spam it like most "Press 4 to win"-frames).

2015-05-29, 06:16 PM
My problem is that I greatly prefer the varelok when I'm using an explosive primary. It's a better rounded weapon than the Rakta (awful firing mechnism) or Sgammacor (probably my favorite but limited ammo and range). I really should be using them more often, though.

IIRC, flow doesn't affect the energy recory anymore. Mostly because DE hates you but also because energy costs don't scale.

Mobius Twist
2015-05-29, 06:19 PM
Speaking of Blight-proccing weapons:

What's the better overall weapon: Mire or Dark Dagger? Mire has Crimson Dervish, but is otherwise relatively sluggish with a poor coptering ability. The Dark Dagger allows for 3-dual element combos, is innate radiation, and is a better copter, but it's a single dagger so it's stances and movesets are nothing to write home about.


2015-05-29, 06:24 PM
It's hard to argue with Dervish.

Personally, I hardly bother with syndicate melee. The proc is mostly worthless unless you have the weapon out exclusively.

2015-05-29, 08:15 PM
Did anyone else catch the devstream?

As it turns out, Excal is not losing High Jump. No, instead, it got merged into Slash Dash and the whole thing can be directy by melee. Awesome.

Also, laser sword beams are a thing Excal can do with his ultimate, there is confirmation of a cat/reptile/bird counter part to the dog/llama kubrows that come with their own retainer unit (inspired by crazy cat lady tropes except... Grineer as horrifying), Valkyr is getting a unique skin on par with the Proto and Nemisis, and some missions will apparently feature both archwing and normal combat in the same scenario if it's underwater (Jump into water, you get archwings, jump out, you switch to normal combat, as Rebecca demonstrated when accidentally using Slash Dash and to scale a wall and falling into a grineer "Sharktank")

This last devstream was overlaoded with cat stuffs as well.

And on Parkour 2.0. well, let's just say that it allows you to use enemies as movement boosting platforms, ontop of having combat utility.

2015-05-29, 08:20 PM
Well I've added everyone, hopefully I can get a game in with some of you.
Stuff I'm looking to do:
Clear Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Sedna, and Europa.
Farm some Void.
Archwing grinding (ugh it's so bad)

I don't suppose anyone could give me some tips on melee comboing like a boss?

2015-05-29, 09:18 PM
Well I've added everyone, hopefully I can get a game in with some of you.
Stuff I'm looking to do:
Clear Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Sedna, and Europa.
Farm some Void.
Archwing grinding (ugh it's so bad)

I don't suppose anyone could give me some tips on melee comboing like a boss?

As much as I'd like to provide real advice here, the best tip is "If you even bother, pick a combo and stick to it." Drawn melee is a bit disappointingly low-damage, even with powerful stuff like the Cleaving Whirlwind Scindo Prime. Guns are far more viable. But, if you're desperate to hit things with increasingly sharp sticks, figure out the one combo with the best multipliers (eg. Broken Bull on the Cleaving Whirlwind stance) and keep doing that until the sun goes cold.

2015-05-30, 12:46 AM
It's been a while since I've played (Just before or after the flying stuff came out) but I used to solo the thing that drops Nekros parts with a Phage. Darn fine weapon. That and a Rhino was easy mode no matter what mission. good times. Can't wait to get my desktop fixed.

2015-05-30, 03:00 AM
IIRC, flow doesn't affect the energy recory anymore. Mostly because DE hates you but also because energy costs don't scale.

It does not. It does, however, create a storage which allows you to go nova much more easily provided your overall energy consumption is in the positives.

2015-05-30, 03:40 AM
Chroma's End is in sight, Ash finishes in a Day and needs a slot.

Whats the best Place to do DS to get a Life Strike mod

2015-05-30, 06:25 AM
Just got back into this a few weeks ago after not having played in forever. Right now I'm building an Atomos to pair with my Torid. Any advice on modding it?

Also, in-game name is Veebeebee on the PC if anyone wants to add me.

2015-05-30, 07:18 AM
Just got back into this a few weeks ago after not having played in forever. Right now I'm building an Atomos to pair with my Torid. Any advice on modding it?

It only has a 15 meter range. Take ruinous extension. I also heard that that mod increases the range of the chaining effect.

2015-05-30, 09:30 AM
It only has a 15 meter range. Take ruinous extension. I also heard that that mod increases the range of the chaining effect.

Just got back into this a few weeks ago after not having played in forever. Right now I'm building an Atomos to pair with my Torid. Any advice on modding it?

Also, in-game name is Veebeebee on the PC if anyone wants to add me.

Snowbluff is correct, Ruinous Extension increases the range of the chaining beam which is absolutely crucial for its usability. That's the big selling point; Ruinous Extension plus Atomos = a monster of a gun, hitting through nullifier shields, walls and everything. The rest is the usual Secondary-fare: Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, 4 element (with Ice Storm & Primed Heated Charge, status to taste). That gives you about 14.5k DPS (Amprex without status mods at 8 damaging mods hits 15k). 5-6 Forma is enough to fit all mods maxed; 6 for Seeker-builds, 5 without (or if you want to leave the D with the assumption that you'll always use Deep Freeze).

2015-05-30, 10:23 AM
I'm surprised no one is commenting on the devstream.

The star chart plan everyone has been dreading has been more or less been axed (whether or not it was axed as a result of backlash or it was given as an example of an axed plan when it was already revealed is another matter entirely)

2015-05-30, 10:39 AM
The Excal rework looks good, don't like the Cats, I'll pass Judgement of the Valkyr skin when i see it finished, some of the potential mods look interesting.

2015-05-30, 09:46 PM
As much as I'd like to provide real advice here, the best tip is "If you even bother, pick a combo and stick to it." Drawn melee is a bit disappointingly low-damage, even with powerful stuff like the Cleaving Whirlwind Scindo Prime. Guns are far more viable. But, if you're desperate to hit things with increasingly sharp sticks, figure out the one combo with the best multipliers (eg. Broken Bull on the Cleaving Whirlwind stance) and keep doing that until the sun goes cold.

Eh, sometimes I like to just melee my way through a mission.

2015-05-30, 11:29 PM
Eh, sometimes I like to just melee my way through a mission.

As do I - melee combat is very fun in this game, and I love the stances, especially my Malicious Raptor stance. I just wish the melee combat was somewhat more endgame viable.

2015-05-30, 11:44 PM
You know what I want to do? I want to make this popular gif a warframe gif with Mesa firing her regulator pistols. I was doing a defense mission with Sjlver, and we just let the regulators do all of the work, so I thought of this while sitting around while hearing *pow pow papow*.
It'd be doubly funny because it'll be a warframe reference and it'll look like someone who have lost control of their firearms. :smalltongue:

Snowbluff is correct

Of course I am. :smalltongue: :smallwink:

2015-05-31, 08:13 AM
Well the Prova is as bad as i expected, the Gammacor is depressingly lackluster, the Kohm now that thing is a hoot. Its great but rather Ammo hungry and Ash is a lot of Fun. Which makes me kinda worry for Ash Prime ~ Ash is smooth sleek lines and Priming tends to lump gold Bling on things like mad.

2015-05-31, 11:29 AM
Well the Prova is as bad as i expected, the Gammacor is depressingly lackluster, the Kohm now that thing is a hoot. Its great but rather Ammo hungry and Ash is a lot of Fun. Which makes me kinda worry for Ash Prime ~ Ash is smooth sleek lines and Priming tends to lump gold Bling on things like mad.

Prova: Yes. Bad.
Gammacor: Get the Synoid, much better.
Kohm: Not as good as it used to be, but it's mechanics were causing people to crash, so I understand. Still miss my confetti cannon.

As for Ash and the Prime bling, Nova's gold (and Soma's and Vasto's) could be recolored. Not sure about Volt, since I don't have it yet. Maybe Ash's bling will be recolorable, too.

2015-05-31, 11:47 AM
Volt Prime's can be. It's why it works for Dark Garret (and the Paris Prime doesn't)

2015-05-31, 12:20 PM
In general the new prime items can be completely recolored including the gold bits. Soma prime is a particularly noteworthy case since the whole thing is solid gold and can be changed to every other color.

I'm actually slightly disappointed by this as I like the bling even if it's not mine. But I will concede that this change means more colorful designs.

2015-05-31, 12:23 PM
All new primes and all weapons will be able to have the metallic parts recolored. They changed the way the coloring system works in order to allow that.

2015-05-31, 10:17 PM
Prova: Yes. Bad.
Gammacor: Get the Synoid, much better.
Kohm: Not as good as it used to be, but it's mechanics were causing people to crash, so I understand. Still miss my confetti cannon.

As for Ash and the Prime bling, Nova's gold (and Soma's and Vasto's) could be recolored. Not sure about Volt, since I don't have it yet. Maybe Ash's bling will be recolorable, too.

I can get the Syndicate one but im not in a rush to do so. I'm more interested in working toward the Telos AkBolto. Maxing out Suda just happened while i was stuck on the need for a Loki Prime helm.
Recloured Bling is still bling on a smooth frame

I'm actually slightly disappointed by this as I like the bling even if it's not mine. But I will concede that this change means more colorful designs.

I don't like Bling so its a good change ~ didnt come fast enough for Paris Prime tho (i have issues with the rest of its design aswell ~ they had a great asthetic for the basic version of it and then that all went out the window for the prime)

While i dont have any of the parts i was hesitant to get Nyx Prime due to the Bling but now i have the Nemesis Skin that's no longer a worry, Rhino Prime i largely cover it up with the Rubedo Skin, Mag and Frost thankfully don't have much in Excess aside from Mags Helm which i use the Regular one for because Damm the Prime one is hideous

2015-05-31, 11:42 PM
^While I don't particularly like the look of Mag's Coil Helmet, the Arcane Coil gives extra power range for a negligible shield reduction. But yes, Mag Prime's default helmet is hideous.

On the subject of Mag, today I got to teach a noob (MR5) some of the finer points of Mag use. Specifically, how actually useful Shield Polarize is. He didn't use it once in a 40 minute T3S (not camping). He apparently thought it wasn't very useful until a talked to him after the match was over. It's in-game description doesn't do it justice, since I felt the same way about it when I was a noob. It wasn't until well after I got Mag Prime that I realized how awesome Polarize is and Mag was my starter!

In other news: Still haven't gotten that damn Volt Prime Chassis:smallannoyed:

2015-06-01, 03:24 AM
Did a Hijack Alert last night and one of the other 2 people commented that they never had thought to bring a Mag for the Shield Restore part of Polarize.

2015-06-01, 03:34 AM
So how do you best use Shield Polarize?

2015-06-01, 03:44 AM
So how do you best use Shield Polarize?

As you'd expect; you have groups of enemies (in Defense, you generally want to wait for the whole group to spawn; just a second or two after the initial spawn) and press 2. Everything explodes, and if you have Corrosive Projections, this can go very far in T4 Anything thanks to the Corrupted Corpus enemies & shield drones. Basically, the mechanics of the power mean you want to maximize Power Strength (it's effective twice on Shield Polarize) and then Range. Max range works for all but the longest runs and even there, Mirage's Total Eclipse and Banshee's Sonar are excellent tools to ensure you always have enough damage (shielding ratio (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Enemy_Level_Scaling#Shielding_Ratio) never drops under 50% so enemies die to their own shields trivially regardless of level; it's killing heavier enemies with lighter enemies' shields that takes multipliers).

The key parts about the ability:
- Every enemy's shields detonate outwards dealing a multiplier of their shield count in damage. This means even a lowly Corrupted Crewman's shields can be multiplied enough to kill a nearby Corrupted Heavy Gunner.
- The damage falls off the further it gets from the ground zero. Practically this means that looser formations and enemies on the edges might survive though the sheer range and the scope of damage the ability usually does makes this a non-issue.
- Power Range affects both, the area of the explosion and the area in which enemies are detonated. This is why you of course want as much of it as possible - Coil Arcane Helmet is amazing for this.
- Power Strength affects both, the amount of shields polarized and the polarization damage multiplier. You should definitely carry hefty Power Strength stores if you want for Shield Polarize to shine.

Shield Polarize also heals all allied shields, including extractors, which has utility in Excavation farm runs and in general, places where teammates might be taking constant damage. It's convenient that vs. Grineer/Infested, the offensive portion of the skill does nothing so reshielding doesn't disturb e.g. Hydroid farming whatsoever vs. those factions.

2015-06-01, 09:39 AM
I just reached MR5 over the weekend, so I guess I'm another ultranoob. My current project is leveling dual Skana and Vasto to 30, then farming up a couple argon crystals to convert them into a Redeemer. Oh, and releveling my Nyx, since I just formaed her. I went down a couple times last night because I keep forgetting that I don't get absorb back until she gets to level 10. In the meantime, I'm on the lookout for opportunities to collect auras and stance mods; the only aura I have is the holster speed one.

On a side note, I'm finding that Nyx has a much easier time against Corpus than Excalibur ever did. A lot of that may be that I'm getting better (and have much better weapons now than I did then), but I kind of suspect that the ability to mind control shield ospreys contributes a bit as well.

Mobius Twist
2015-06-01, 11:19 AM
MR5 is not an ultranoob unless you rushed to get there. There are so many awesome weapons available to try that it's not worth it to grind quickly to any semblance of a cap just to feel yourself plateau. I was comfortably MR4 for a few months after getting the Hek and playing with forma to get it just the way I liked it. I still learned the game even if I wasn't leveling new stuff, and there was a ton of other things to do besides.

The two mods that changed my experience with the game early on were Flow (extra energy capacity) and Streamline (up to 30% improved efficiency). All of a sudden the game wasn't just about your gun and a whole new field of play opened up for my Loki. Energy Siphon is also a nice one to aim for. Abilities in general and force multipliers.

My weapon-leveling approach was much the same as yours - level the component weapons for mastery, fuse them into the next weapon, keep leveling. I tried to purposely seek out the "worse" weapons first, so as to give myself an impression of progress and improvement. Some of the MK-1 weapons were a slog (the bow, specifically) while others were a revelation (I hadn't played with fist/sparring weapons until the Ankyros). They served the purpose they were meant to, I think; opening me up to new play-styles.

2015-06-01, 11:50 AM
I had been sitting on most of the Ankyros Prime parts for so long then i made and used the regular ones. They sold for Ducats shortly thereafter. The Kogake on the other hand were great and I'm currently building the Obex atm to try them out.

I had a Crazy run in Apollodorus tonight ~ we had a Vauban with a thing for Bounce. 35mins before we had to pop an air pod and by then they started being tough enough to survive the Bounce Gauntlets and get through the doors in numbers.

2015-06-02, 06:22 PM
Because there's no such thing as too many frames, i'm starting my 4th frame type building now. After Mag, Rhino(/prime) and ember, I think I am finally ready for...THE MASTER RACE. Loki time (in 72 hours)! In the meantime, gotta keep leveling up other stuff.

Other recent lessons: I am leveling low level stuff through a mix of pubbing alerts/nightmare modes (just missing Fortitude and Hammer Shot it looks like, woo), and running apollodorus. And I finally understand. There's something really satisfying about scanning across a room with a Soma and watching people just fall down. There's also something satisfying about huckin' Despair between some chump's eyes. And hot diggity dagnabbit is tipedo quick. like, yeesh. (I also tried out Scindo while tippytoe was building. Exact opposite, yeesh that thing moves at the speed of slug.)

2015-06-02, 06:27 PM
Heh. I actually run Spoiler Strike on my Jat Kittag because I like the way it feels heavier when you slow it down.

2015-06-02, 06:48 PM
You'll want to practice headshots with your Soma. Corrupted Bombards don't go down easily to body shots. Crit weapons do even more bonus damage with headshots.

Loki is one of my favorite for solo play.

Heh. I actually run Spoiler Strike on my Jat Kittag because I like the way it feels heavier when you slow it down.
IMO, Spoiled Strike is too much of a DPS gain not to take.

Also, you guys killed someone in the Guardians game. Time for you to decide what to do with your prisoner.

2015-06-02, 07:03 PM
And hot diggity dagnabbit is tipedo quick. like, yeesh. (I also tried out Scindo while tippytoe was building. Exact opposite, yeesh that thing moves at the speed of slug.)

Tipedo is my all time favorite melee weapon. I've used it ever since it came out (except when leveling other things). It's actually my listed favorite weapon on my profile now, I've used it so much. Over 32,000 kills with it, I think. 12,000. Don't know where 32 came from.

Gonna agree on Spoiled Strike being too much gain to not be worth it. Double base damage for only 20% speed loss? No contest.

Edit: Heh, my Carrier has gained over 100,000,000xp. I uh... use it a lot.

2015-06-02, 07:54 PM
IIRC, it's not double damage. It's additive to Pressure Point, making it a 50% bonus, and account for 33% of your final damage.

2015-06-02, 08:01 PM
IMO, Spoiled Strike is too much of a DPS gain not to take.

I run Spoiled Strike very rarely. The only exception are when it's stylistic - that is, when I'm trying to make a one-hit katana out of Dragon Nikana or nuclear hammer out of Kitty - or when modding for Valkyr's Hysteria, which ignores attack speed. Otherwise, losing the attack speed means Berserker stacks slower (I use Berserker on all weapons; if you're fighting melee, it gets stacked anyways even with a 5% crit and that's good enough) and your coptering is worse, not to mention it takes much longer to charge up your combo meter and the overall DPS numbers are actually still generally lower than with just an elemental mod in that slot due to attack speed being an overall damage multiplier as well (and Spoiled Strike only stacks additively with Pressure Point so the real DPS numbers are much lower than one would think). Attack speed also makes certain pause comboes much more efficient to pull off and overall, improves comboes where the good strikes are towards the end. Overall, I'd say attack speed is generally much more important in melee than the raw damage.

Granted, it's possible for it to be worth it even DPS-wise with sufficient attack speed steroids out of frames (Warcry + Speed would probably do it) and it does essentially improve channeling efficiency since you get the same amount of damage out of a smaller number of attacks (great with Life Strike though I generally sustain just fine with LS even running no Spoiled Strike) so it's still a situational call. Indeed, I think Spoiled Strike is a good example of how mods should be designed in this game; a stylistic choice that's viable but rarely a must-include (when the drawback does nothing, such as with Valkyr's Hysteria).

2015-06-02, 08:05 PM
Coptering is for plebs. Learn to fold space time like the Loki Master Race or Nova Pimp. :smalltongue:
but seriously its a useful tool if you want to get around fast

2015-06-02, 09:27 PM
Coptering is for plebs. Learn to fold space time like the Loki Master Race or Nova Pimp. :smalltongue:
but seriously its a useful tool if you want to get around fast

I never did get the hang of coptering. Makes me feel bad when I'm running my rhino, but oh well.

2015-06-02, 09:30 PM
I never did get the hang of coptering. Makes me feel bad when I'm running my rhino, but oh well.

I had to remap my controller (crouch is R3 now) to do it better. I can't imagine trying it with a keyboard. :s

2015-06-02, 09:48 PM
I need a new controller. My last room mates cat gnawed through the cord on mine.

2015-06-02, 09:50 PM
I need a new controller. My last room mates cat gnawed through the cord on mine.

I bet she looked adorable while doing it.

I love cats. I had to to give up the one I was taking care of before I moved to an apartment. D':

2015-06-02, 10:30 PM
Who needs coptering when every second or third forward flip on a jump sends you hurtling across the map (most often when you least want it to)

2015-06-02, 10:47 PM
So apparently we're getting "an exciting Tenno Reinforcement" soon. My inventory is ready - I've worked through the stuff from the latest update and I need a new toy to level. Only stuff I'm missing that's still available to me is the Sicarus Prime and Ankyros Prime, and the parts for those aren't exactly being fair about the eternal game of hide and seek I have to play with them. The Sicarus Receiver in particular seems to be fond of Lex Prime Barrel decoys.

2015-06-02, 10:58 PM
I bet she looked adorable while doing it.

I love cats. I had to to give up the one I was taking care of before I moved to an apartment. D':

He tried to take a bite out of my leg shortly before, and looked more like a badger with mange than a cat. His sister OTH was an adorable one eyed lap cat that still thought she was a kitten. She liked my ferrets too, so I may have been biased towards her.

2015-06-02, 11:43 PM
Who needs coptering when every second or third forward flip on a jump sends you hurtling across the map (most often when you least want it to)

He tried to take a bite out of my leg shortly before, and looked more like a badger with mange than a cat. His sister OTH was an adorable one eyed lap cat that still thought she was a kitten. She liked my ferrets too, so I may have been biased towards her.


My cat was a jerk to everyone but me. I could even pick her up or pet her belly. If anyone else tried she would claw them. D':

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-03, 12:00 AM
I had to remap my controller (crouch is R3 now) to do it better. I can't imagine trying it with a keyboard. :s

It's super easy, actually. Just hold the down the direction you want to move in (WASD), look with your mouse, and then hit "e" to go VROOOM! Also, there's a reason the tipedo is often called the "torpedo" in the community. I know someone made a video comparing the the tipedo to the amphis, scoliac, and dual zoren. Tipedo and scoliac were either rated 4/5 or 5/5 in coptering and vertical reach (Tipedo had better vertical, scoliac better copter).

2015-06-03, 12:09 AM
E for a melee button? I need my pointer for going right. :l

I mean for the sliding part. The melee was fine, but using the default crouching button means your right thumb leaving the right stick.

2015-06-03, 12:32 AM
As far as keyboard goes, I just rest finger between e and d. Makes it easy to rock it back and forth for either one, or just push down between for both. Assuming that's what you were talking about, Frostbluff. As far as crouching, that's something I did have to remap on keyboard. shoved it on LAlt, so i can do the same finger-rocking between that and space for quick-n-easy TURBOJUMPS.

But yeah. I like my torpedo, both from mobility and just a whacking things to death perspective. For something that was mostly unmodded, it was doing pretty well. I was surprised at the mobility tho, given how dual zorens didn't seem to actually give a ton compared to prior weapons (namely those dex drakas. side note, those things are my self-proof that yes, a potato is going to make a notable difference in damage. Pulling those out just tends to make things die for me. It's satisfying.)

Also, in the process of finishing leveling ember. Again, kinda a giddy feeling, hitting 3 and watching everything around me explode. Horde of infeste....I mean ashes. Survivors? Hit them with a stick!

2015-06-03, 05:42 AM
Personally, I just bound melee to one of my mouse's side buttons.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-03, 10:42 AM
To be fair on the reminding keys issue, I do have rather large hands, so even Warframe's terrible choice of using left-Ctrl for crouch is a nonissue for me. The only thing I've rebound thus far has been one of my mouse buttons to quick use the top item in my gear tab (at 12 o'clock).

My current exercise in game has been doing either Draco runs or Pluto spy missions to level up my gear. With the exception of the Cronus, the archwing melee, and a few prime weapons, I'm almost done leveling all of the melee gear to 30. After that, I'll likely switch over to Archwing stuff to get the damned tellerium I need for the Ripkas or to secondaries. Hopefully DE doesn't realize any more frankenstein weapons. I'm still mad about all the work I have to go through to get the akjargararararara.:smallsigh:

2015-06-03, 12:06 PM
I quite dig the Nightmare version of the raid, at least in theory. I like the changes, makes it feel more active and more involved and more individual-based. Now if only there was actually any point in killing or fighting any opponents instead of the boring, effective mass CC, we'd have something worth playing as a genuine play experience.

2015-06-03, 12:08 PM
I select powers with mouse scroll wheel and activate selected power with one of the side buttons. It's nice. As for crouching, I use the default toggle crouch ('V'). Sure it means I have to hit it twice, but it's right above where my thumb rests on the space bar so it's really easy to hit it.

Astral Avenger
2015-06-03, 12:32 PM
Been running mag p a lot since I got greedy pull and shield transference, any thoughts on if its worth going past 200% power strength on her? I can shield polarize nuke things all the way to 40m in t2survival (team wanted to leave at that point, not me, we hadn't even activated a life support yet XD). I think I did that run with +211% power strength (max intensify, rank 8 blind rage).

2015-06-03, 01:44 PM
Been running mag p a lot since I got greedy pull and shield transference, any thoughts on if its worth going past 200% power strength on her? I can shield polarize nuke things all the way to 40m in t2survival (team wanted to leave at that point, not me, we hadn't even activated a life support yet XD). I think I did that run with +211% power strength (max intensify, rank 8 blind rage).

Well if you really want to play as a Greedy Mag, I'd advise NOT using Blind Rage. If you're doing a resource farming run, you shouldn't be killing things (the Pilfering Hydroid is), so more damage is bad. If you're doing a long survival, you might need the energy efficiency more.

My 2 current Mag builds:

General Play:
Transient Fortitude (Rank 8) (not 10 because I haven't bothered investing the resources yet)
Fleeting Expertise
Streamline (Rank 2) (Since there's a hard cap at 75% efficiency, Rank 5 is unnecessary)
Greedy Pull
Shield Transference

Duration: 17% (would be 12% with a rank 10 Transient)
Efficiency: 175%
Range: 170% (145% if don't have the Arcane Coil Helmet)
Strength: 175% (would be 185% with a rank 10 Transient)

With the exclusion of Bullet Attractor, this is the most well rounded build I've found for all of her powers. Bullet Attractor is only worth using on a few specific bosses, anyway, so it's loss is not a problem. While you could make her stronger than this, increasing either range or strength further will hurt other parameters.

Full on Greedy Mag:
Fleeting Expertise
Greedy Pull
Shield Transference

Duration: 39%
Efficiency: 175%
Range: 260% (235% without Arcane Coil)
Strength: 39%

The proper Greedy Mag's only role is pulling items. You max out range and efficiency and nothing else matters. This is intentionally tanking strength so as to avoid killing things in farming runs with a Pilfering Hydroid. If you don't have a Pilfering Hydroid in the group, Vigor and Streamline can be dropped for Intensify and Transient Fortitude with minimal loss of other parameters.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

2015-06-03, 02:14 PM
I strongly suggest running full range on Mag at all times. Since Crush is kinda mediocre, you don't really need to build for it; it mostly exists for emergency CC anyways. Since aside from Bullet Attractor Mag has no need for Duration, she's in the unique position of being able to nuke Duration entirely to no ill effect. Her best skills are Shield Polarize and Pull so I mostly build around those - to that end, Efficiency isn't a real problem since those skills are extremely cheap to start with and if you run Greedy Pull, you'll have access to all energy restores dropped trivially anyways. Currently I mostly use:

Arcane Coil Helmet

Blind Rage (10/10)
Transient Fortitude (10/10)
Overextended (5/5)
Primed Flow
Fleeting Expertise (5/5)
Greedy Pull

That leaves you at 260% Range, 194% Strength. This is enough to hit enemies for 97% of their shields and 485% multiplier; generally sufficient for most content. Intensify would bring you up to 100% shields and 560% multiplier but of course, space is an issue. While Overextended does cut down the nuke explosion, increasing the nuke radius massively (it increases both, the area where enemies are affected and the radius of their shield detonation; in optimal case scenario you can hit targets over 101.4m away with the edge of a shield detonation) and decreasing the diminishing returns is very convenient. This is for content where you're protected, of course. Otherwise, Redirection over Streamline, Primed Flow or Greedy Pull.

And of course, full-on nuke build would cut one of the mentioned mods for Intensify. Finally, Shield Transference is nice for when you need to be the defensive frame. You don't really need Redirection with it though using that is viable too; vs. shielded enemies, Shield Transference and constant Shield Polarize use generally makes you nearly invulnerable. Finally, the third build I'd use is a build without Blind Rage as alluded to earlier, when you go resource farming. As Krade stated already, you don't want power strength there, not very much of it anyways. Greedy Pull does rely on power strength so don't go too far into negatives; generally Transient Fortitude or so is sufficient to offset the Overextended penalty.

Astral Avenger
2015-06-03, 09:31 PM
I suppose I should throw my builds out here for people to see if we're trying to improve them.

Corrosive Projection
Blind rage (8) (+81% strength, -45% efficiency)
Fleeting Expertise
Natural Talent
Greedy Pull
Shield transference

Ends up with 39% duration, 145% efficiency, 170% range, 211% strength (with Arcane Coil helm).
This means Pull is 13.75 energy and shield polarize is 27.5. Both have range of 42.5m and S.P. has blast radius of 23.8. I'm thinking of swapping natural talent for a rank 2 overextend once I max my blind rage.
Corrosive Projection
Greedy Pull
Shield polarize
Fleeting Expertise
Streamline (2)
Transient Fortitude (9)

Ends up with 14% duration, 175% efficiency, 260% range and 119% strength.
Pull is 6.25 energy, SP is 12.5. Range of 65m and blast range of 36.4m. Transient will get maxed eventually.
It's been my experience so far that with greedy pull and some power efficiency, I don't really need a flow. My nuke build may see natural talent swapped out for primed flow if i start getting annoyed with the parasitic infested and energy leech grineer in void, but I like the faster cast time enough to not have flow on yet.

@Krade, most of my farming runs are for syndicate rep or O-cells these days, so it doesn't matter if I kill steal from the mesa on draco. I will deffinitely keep that in mind for any resource farming I end up doing. In that 40m t2s I mentioned, I was our primary kill-frame. The greedy just made collecting stuff easy.

@Eldariel, that looks like a nice build for my play style, I will definitely be trying it out. I didn't know power strength affected greedy pull, just checked the wiki, good thing I've been running with lots of strength.

2015-06-03, 11:18 PM
The proper Greedy Mag's only role is pulling items

Sounds so Utterly Boring. Here you are a whole Warframe with Weapons and Abilities but all you are needed for is to be a Glorified Carrier with Extended Range.

2015-06-03, 11:22 PM
Hey, for the record, the following statements are wrongbadfun:

Pilfering Hydroid is best hydroid.
Greedy Pull Mage is the Mag.
Nekros' best ability is desecrate.

These are all for playing Warfarm. In order to accomplish anything or to to have more fun with the game, avoid these playstyles like the plague they are. :l

2015-06-04, 12:33 AM
I actually considering Pilfering Hydroid to be okay. If for no other reason that the ability doesn't force you to be a spam bot.

You're free to do whatever you want.

2015-06-04, 04:10 AM
Sounds so Utterly Boring. Here you are a whole Warframe with Weapons and Abilities but all you are needed for is to be a Glorified Carrier with Extended Range.

Yeah, it is boring but the no-Power Str build is hyperspecialized for resource farming. Do that for one of those 2x weekends with Boosters and you're set for life. Farming is boring in general but if you're efficient about it, it'll never form even 1% of your Warframe experience (well, resource- and credit farming anyways; farming for prime parts and archwing pieces is a different matter but doesn't benefit of specific boring builds as such).

Hey, for the record, the following statements are wrongbadfun:

Pilfering Hydroid is best hydroid.
Greedy Pull Mage is the Mag.
Nekros' best ability is desecrate.

These are all for playing Warfarm. In order to accomplish anything or to to have more fun with the game, avoid these playstyles like the plague they are. :l

That's a generalization IMHO. In all 3 cases, the build that works for farming can easily be used outside it too. Greedy Pull doesn't necessitate focusing on it and indeed, outside resource farming where Hydroid has to do the killing, there's little reason not to build a normal Mag that just has Greedy Pull. The build I showed, for instance, Greedy Pulls just fine but it's principally a Shield Polarize Mag that just happens to have Greedy Pull for getting those elusive energy orbs on the move.

Same with Nekros's Desecrate, less talked part about the ability is all the health orbs it spawns which enables using Equilibrium for energy regen (particularly in conjunction with Despoil) and keeping a constant field of healing - good for builds that trigger stuff by hitting themselves too and just extra sustain in the middle of fights. I remember this one melee Nekros run with Dakra Primes and Desecrate (two of us); it's so impossible to die vs. Infested with all the orbs plus constant energy regen plus Lifestrike.

Also, Hydroid's farm build is actually a pretty good generalist Hydroid anyways, since it has nice Undertow and very efficient, controllable Tentacle Swarm. Toss in Curative Undertow and the same build serves quite well for any gameplay where Hydroid might be desirable (sacrifices 1 and 2 but c'est la vie; 1 is a pity, 2 is kinda whatever anyways).

2015-06-04, 01:09 PM
Random thing I just noticed on the Devstream 53 Overview (cropped image ahoy):
Is that an unreleased Prime Weapon? That looks an awful lot like the Vectis?
I suddenly regret putting a Catalyst in my Vectis just under a week ago.

2015-06-04, 01:13 PM
Isn't that Excalibur? Then you have your answer right there. It's the energy skana used for Excal abilities.

That's a generalization IMHO. In all 3 cases, the build that works for farming can easily be used outside it too. Greedy Pull doesn't necessitate focusing on it and indeed, outside resource farming where Hydroid has to do the killing, there's little reason not to build a normal Mag that just has Greedy Pull. The build I showed, for instance, Greedy Pulls just fine but it's principally a Shield Polarize Mag that just happens to have Greedy Pull for getting those elusive energy orbs on the move.

Same with Nekros's Desecrate, less talked part about the ability is all the health orbs it spawns which enables using Equilibrium for energy regen (particularly in conjunction with Despoil) and keeping a constant field of healing - good for builds that trigger stuff by hitting themselves too and just extra sustain in the middle of fights. I remember this one melee Nekros run with Dakra Primes and Desecrate (two of us); it's so impossible to die vs. Infested with all the orbs plus constant energy regen plus Lifestrike.

Also, Hydroid's farm build is actually a pretty good generalist Hydroid anyways, since it has nice Undertow and very efficient, controllable Tentacle Swarm. Toss in Curative Undertow and the same build serves quite well for any gameplay where Hydroid might be desirable (sacrifices 1 and 2 but c'est la vie; 1 is a pity, 2 is kinda whatever anyways).
Nothing wrong with generalizations. Pilfering and Greedy munch mod slots.

2015-06-04, 01:14 PM
Datamining has confirmed long ago that next up is Vectis Prime, Carrier Prime and Ash Prime. Ash Prime is officially confirmed too, of course. I'm really, really looking forward to Vectis Prime; if it has 45% base crit chance, I don't really care about anything else - I'm already a huge Vectis-fan, but not having reliable crits makes it really flakey about killing really big things.

2015-06-04, 01:25 PM
Oh snap! Sjlver loves that that frame and rifle!

2015-06-04, 01:26 PM
Isn't that Excalibur? Then you have your answer right there. It's the energy skana used for Excal abilities.
The thing I circled on his back, not the sword :/
I knew what the sword was, I've been following his rework for ages. I'm very much looking forward to putting my Excal Prime to use again, haven't used him much since closed beta.

Datamining has confirmed long ago that next up is Vectis Prime, Carrier Prime and Ash Prime. Ash Prime is officially confirmed too, of course. I'm really, really looking forward to Vectis Prime; if it has 45% base crit chance, I don't really care about anything else - I'm already a huge Vectis-fan, but not having reliable crits makes it really flakey about killing really big things.
This should be fun, I've been looking forward to Ash Prime for ages. Let's see how they handle my main 'frame, eh? :D
Also, Carrier Prime oh god

EDIT: Oh, and where is the datamined info posted? I only knew of one place where I could see the datamined info, and it got shut down :( Last datamined Prime weapon I knew of was Kogake Prime, and that never even happened.

2015-06-04, 01:45 PM
New patch dropped on PS4. Good Bye lame, Desecration Nekros. Hello invincible zombie swarm. >:D

Also, Atomos to use as my secondary on Mirage. :3

The thing I circled on his back, not the sword :/
I knew what the sword was, I've been following his rework for ages. I'm very much looking forward to putting my Excal Prime to use again, haven't used him much since closed beta.

I wasn't going to say it, but that's the Vectis Prime. Because apparently we spoiler new primes.

2015-06-04, 02:09 PM
Nothing wrong with generalizations. Pilfering and Greedy munch mod slots.

I don't think generalizations that lump the bad with the good serve much purpose besides creating a skewed image of the observed object. Sure, they munch mod slots but as long as you get the essential stats, that isn't a biggie and those abilities are useful outside farming too (sure, that's the only place where they're obligatory).

EDIT: Oh, and where is the datamined info posted? I only knew of one place where I could see the datamined info, and it got shut down :( Last datamined Prime weapon I knew of was Kogake Prime, and that never even happened.

It was just something I read from some link on Reddit at some point, I don't know of any place where they're systematically posted.

2015-06-04, 02:20 PM
I don't think generalizations that lump the bad with the good serve much purpose besides creating a skewed image of the observed object. Sure, they munch mod slots but as long as you get the essential stats, that isn't a biggie and those abilities are useful outside farming too (sure, that's the only place where they're obligatory).

Reread my original statement. Generalizations, with the added bonus of being the thing you are complaining about. It's the incorrect assumption that the only values these frames are their least functional abilities. Even desecration, the far best of the 3, is the second worst nekros power, and only wins over soul punch because soul punch is useless without a mod. Strictly speaking, my statement iis accurate. Those builds are overvalued in a terrible generalization perpetuated by the unimaginative.

Farming isn't really an issue, and it's not the objective. Looking at the crap ton of weapon levels you need in this game, it's better just to make farming a secondary objective, in order to place yourself where those items will drop while you're doing something else.

2015-06-04, 04:39 PM
Reread my original statement. Generalizations, with the added bonus of being the thing you are complaining about. It's the incorrect assumption that the only values these frames are their least functional abilities. Even desecration, the far best of the 3, is the second worst nekros power, and only wins over soul punch because soul punch is useless without a mod. Strictly speaking, my statement iis accurate. Those builds are overvalued in a terrible generalization perpetuated by the unimaginative.

Sure, the extreme statement might be untrue but so is the opposite; they have their place in normal play in addition to farming and there's no reason to relegate Pilfering Hydroid, Greedy Mag or Desecrate Nekros solely to farm runs. Ability power depends on builds after all, and varies on use. Desecrate is a workhorse with constant utility in form of extra health orbs and energy while Terrify is essentially a panic button. I'd definitely say Desecrate is better of the two, even though its utility falters in late endless missions. Shadows can be great if built for (if plagued by the poor companion AI) and certainly Shield of Shadows stacks with Desecrate perfectly but while they're good for tanking, I'd say they're only really amazing when supplemented by a steady stream of health orbs and healing.

I don't think there's any doubt that Hydroid's second-best or best skill is Tentacle Swarm. It's either that or Undertow; Tempest Barrage is comparatively subpar area control and Tidal Surge is mostly whatever as a mobility skill that doesn't really get you to places due to being stuck on ground. Undertow with Curative Undertow can be useful for teamplay and Undertow is useful for dodging stuff/avoiding procs/trapping enemies (though that's mostly useful for cheesing spawn mechanics so **** that). Either way, getting extra utility from Tentacle Swarm is just gravy; enemy drops aren't useless even if you aren't farming (again, good chunks of energy can be acquired with Pilfering Swarm).

Mag only had one standout skill before Greedy Pull; Crush, Bullet Attractor and Pull are all kinda whatever. Now she has a second convenient, if not worldshattering one. I welcome this addition to her repertoire, even if it only means you can collect energy more efficiently while blowing the world up.

Farming isn't really an issue, and it's not the objective. Looking at the crap ton of weapon levels you need in this game, it's better just to make farming a secondary objective, in order to place yourself where those items will drop while you're doing something else.

My experience disagrees; in order to build enough Formas to properly forma all equipment in the game, build dojo, etc. I've had to do a ton of farming until I took the weekend off with proper farm setups to stack myself on everything. Normal play doesn't provide enough resources for higher intensity playing. Now whether building dojo, formaing weapons or crafting anything, I never need to go waste time running Salad for Neurals or ODA for OCells or Neurodes or Uranus for Plastids or whatever. There are thousands of approaches to this game but to a completionist, having all farming done for years over a weekend is a huge boon and makes the game way more enjoyable.

Whether you focus on getting through MRs and forma weapons quickly or by the scenic route is of course playstyle dependent, but rushing the nonsense outta the way for the boons it provides and then playing around with your toys seems to work for plenty of people.

2015-06-04, 04:56 PM
Sure, the extreme statement might be untrue but so is the opposite; they have their place in normal play in addition to farming and there's no reason to relegate Pilfering Hydroid, Greedy Mag or Desecrate Nekros solely to farm runs. If you've brought the wrong equipment for the mission, it's your bad. You hardly benefit from having that on your build unless you're farming. That mod slot could be spent improving another skill.

For Nekros, it's the difference between "hey guys here's some health I guess *yawn*" and "BAHAHHAHA FREE REVIVES" or "Zombie Apocalypse!" But everyone would rather have the boring frame as a crutch for farming. Thanks for for that.

My experience disagrees; in order to build enough Formas to properly forma all equipment in the game, build dojo, etc. I've had to do a ton of farming until I took the weekend off with proper farm setups to stack myself on everything. Normal play doesn't provide enough resources for higher intensity playing. Now whether building dojo, formaing weapons or crafting anything, I never need to go waste time running Salad for Neurals or ODA for OCells or Neurodes or Uranus for Plastids or whatever. There are thousands of approaches to this game but to a completionist, having all farming done for years over a weekend is a huge boon and makes the game way more enjoyable.

Whether you focus on getting through MRs and forma weapons quickly or by the scenic route is of course playstyle dependent, but rushing the nonsense outta the way for the boons it provides and then playing around with your toys seems to work for plenty of people.
Assuming I agree, past 1 weekend, you've got a worthless build. For the playing the game part, this sick paradigm is a detriment. So we tell DE what we know, and have them stop producing this nonsense and improve drop rates. Blizzard wised up and did this for D3.

And the hardest part about farming forma is those damn blueprints, which are rewarded on mission completion. WHERE IS YOUR SQUID GOD NOW? :smalltongue:

2015-06-04, 05:09 PM
I disagree on forma blueprints being hard to get. I'm backlogged by like 20 blueprints. Mostly because I was busy during the double drop weekend.

2015-06-04, 05:15 PM
If you've brought the wrong equipment for the mission, it's your bad. You hardly benefit from having that on your build unless you're farming. That mod slot could be spent improving another skill.

That's just wrong. Those are still useful; unless you're actually running Trinity, energy and health is rarely a bad thing. The improvements in others beyond core mods is marginal at best.

2015-06-04, 05:45 PM
I disagree on forma blueprints being hard to get. I'm backlogged by like 20 blueprints. Mostly because I was busy during the double drop weekend.


Forma BPs are easier than Neurodes and Neural Sensors? I ran 20 waves for a dark sector defense without desecrating, and I got 3 neural sensors.

Teach me your ways. D:

2015-06-04, 06:09 PM

Forma BPs are easier than Neurodes and Neural Sensors? I ran 20 waves for a dark sector defense without desecrating, and I got 3 neural sensors.

Later on in the game it's quite usual to be running void Sabos, Defenses, Survivals, Inters & co. en masse anyways, or at least that's how most 500+ hour players I know have been going about it; I've never had trouble generating Forma BPs even though I use more than one daily mostly thanks to the hurrying function (while running series of short T4Ds it's easy to go through 5-10 Formas just formaing weapons, not to mention building clantech and dojo rooms).

2015-06-04, 06:10 PM
Yeah, I should be running more defense missions. I don't like to do it without a party, but a lot of the guys I have in my clan are new. I ran 10 captures today, but didn't get one BP until I started on my other keys. D:

2015-06-04, 06:14 PM
Well, you PS4 Players are probably going to be a little ticked off when you see the 6.7 patch. There's an operation which while fascinating in its construction involves (REDACTED)

Read if you dare

We see perhaps the most annoying capture targets on Earth.
Phase 1: freeze
Phase 2: hasted + freeze
Phase 3: Nullifie + Hasted + Freeze

Did I mention this was all melee only?

Also, there's a new boss that is basically a level 75 super Phorid at the end with like 95% DR and weak points that are only opened during specific points Thankfully it's not melee only at this point. but yeah, a 4 step operation with a boss battle at the end.

2015-06-04, 06:42 PM
Do you at least get something good?

2015-06-04, 06:45 PM
50,000 credits for phase 1.
25 Rare 5 Fusion cores. for phase 2
Catalyst BP for phase 3.
Stratos emblem upgrade for phase 4.

Of course, these this... item that the boss drops that has to be figured out using his remains. Not sure what it does yet and no one is sure either. People think it's some sort of mass infested homing beacon.

2015-06-04, 07:00 PM
50,000 credits for phase 1.
25 Rare 5 Fusion cores. for phase 2
Catalyst BP for phase 3.
Stratos emblem upgrade for phase 4.

Of course, these this... item that the boss drops that has to be figured out using his remains. Not sure what it does yet and no one is sure either. People think it's some sort of mass infested homing beacon.

Not mine, but here's a screenshot from someone from whom it dropped: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/534021245375982446/542E39C84161D9CD8598BF13BCC23AC5E7ECBA07/

Basically an Infested lure.

2015-06-04, 07:16 PM
Meh, I hate it when they don't at least pony up a good weapon.

In anticipatos of getting my Quanta Vandal from Bursaville, does the status chance apply to the explosions?

2015-06-04, 07:22 PM
It's a tactical alert.

As for weapon, well, there's a new scythe this patch that's Clan tech.

Still no idea what the pod does. I just started construction

2015-06-04, 07:59 PM
Just looked up the pod out of curiosity, and apparently people have already gotten the opportunity to test it. It's a deployable item that causes Infested units to attack it. Might be useful during the next raid, it keeps aggro off of us Tenno and that's always a plus when we're talking level 70-80 enemies.

2015-06-04, 10:09 PM
I disagree on forma blueprints being hard to get. I'm backlogged by like 20 blueprints. Mostly because I was busy during the double drop weekend.

Nothing is more disappointing than getting a Forma Blueprint out of a Rotation C drop ~ that Band is already over stuffed with items and having the BP in there is stupid. Particularly when its in the other Bands of the same tower drop table.

2015-06-05, 11:45 AM
Sjlver's Trinity has been super helpful with the bursa.

2015-06-05, 12:10 PM
Whelp, got through the first two stages. I need to either unlock Eris or get taxied to (and likely carried through) the third (unlocking it is of course a goal, just don't know if I'll have time to do that before the event ends).

The melee-only requirement is BS; I kind of sidestep it by equipping my Kestrel. I don't have a stance for it yet, but at least I have limited ranged ability. I don't see why I can't also equip my Kunai and Cernos since the quest specifically calls out gunfire as the problem (other than laziness on the part of the programmers).

2015-06-05, 12:24 PM
Whelp, got through the first two stages. I need to either unlock Eris or get taxied to (and likely carried through) the third (unlocking it is of course a goal, just don't know if I'll have time to do that before the event ends).

The melee-only requirement is BS; I kind of sidestep it by equipping my Kestrel. I don't have a stance for it yet, but at least I have limited ranged ability. I don't see why I can't also equip my Kunai and Cernos since the quest specifically calls out gunfire as the problem (other than laziness on the part of the programmers).

Just get it via beelining straight to the bosses. Other people will be doing the same thing you are right now.

Let me be frank, this event is only a challenge due to the melee only restraint and the level 75 boss at the end

also, Kestrel will provide no help against the Phase 3 Nullifiers since the dome is impenetrable from everything except infintie punchthrough

2015-06-05, 12:58 PM
The melee-only requirement is BS; I kind of sidestep it by equipping my Kestrel. I don't have a stance for it yet, but at least I have limited ranged ability. I don't see why I can't also equip my Kunai and Cernos since the quest specifically calls out gunfire as the problem (other than laziness on the part of the programmers).

In regards to this being Melee only, its a cake walk compared to some of the other Melee only ones that have been.

The last 3 were a bit annoying in the sense that they were Frost Eximus and the distance gap they could pull while you were chilled ~ they still went down to my Jet Kitty in the end.

The Jugger was interesting, the first try was bust as my friend's game crashed and i lagged out with the host transfer and went down. so i forfeited and we went back and got it then did it again and decided that we really could not be bothered to get the pod BP and the rest of its parts. Briefly had a Kubrow as large as it was with the bug.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-05, 04:36 PM
A note on the event: for the boss fight with the juggernaut, you can use guns. I recommend a torid because of the damage cap per shot and the weapon's dot.

2015-06-05, 08:07 PM
So I got myself dirt poor. Like, I had 96 credits to my name. I blame finally making these potato/forma BPs I had, plus making loki (which finished today :D). So I take my fresh, rank 0 loki out for a test drive in the 50k credit spy alert going on atm. Not bad, group does pretty well. I take care of one of the vaults. Die on the way to extraction, but burn a revive because meh, why not. And...no reward? And the alert is no longer available, so it thinks its complete? Dammit, I need those credits! Support, can has my earned reward please?

2015-06-06, 01:33 AM
There's a Dark Sector Excavation on Earth that gives around 13k credits for 3 minutes of work if you really need money.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-06, 08:37 AM
There's a Dark Sector Excavation on Earth that gives around 13k credits for 3 minutes of work if you really need money.

The other popular one is the Ceres Dark Sector defense, Semini, I think it is. Gives either 20k or 25k for about the same amount of time.

2015-06-06, 09:03 AM
The other popular one is the Ceres Dark Sector defense, Semini, I think it is. Gives either 20k or 25k for about the same amount of time.

Sechura, Pluto and Seimeni, Ceres are used. I'd rather use Sechura since the moving platform on Seimeni wastes a ton of time. Neptune and Eris ones are also reasonable.

Astral Avenger
2015-06-06, 09:35 AM
So, Just got limbo yesterday, any thoughts on how to play it? It hasn't seemed like all that much fun to me, but I got it from 0 to 30 in two runs of T1D, so I haven't played with it fully modded. (I do have a reactor on it)

On a semi-related note, failed the MR-15 test for the first time yesterday, will be trying it again today. Anyone know frames that make that one easier or more do-able in general?

2015-06-06, 09:49 AM
I would probably recommend Boobin, Hydroid, or Nova.
Boobin can put down teslas at points he has captured to help hold them
Hydroid can use Tentacle Swarm to lock down a point he isn't at.
Nova can use wormhole to jump quickly from one point to another, and Molecular Prime to slow enemies down.

2015-06-06, 10:06 AM
I'd just recommend Loki with Irradiating Disarm. Works for everything. Enemies fighting each others aren't enemies capping and Decoy adds further distraction. Indeed, I think Loki is the best solo frame in the game and well-suited for basically any content now with Irradiating Disarm in particular.

EDIT: Though that's the Interception one? I did that with Mirage + Torid, discoball has huge range. It felt reasonable enough.

2015-06-06, 11:11 AM
Vauban+Large Energy Pads = All the Tesla on all the locations.

I was using a similar strategy to get Nova parts yesterday. Run in shoot the Raptor and the duck into a side passageway and drop a ton of Tesla outside one of the doors and mop up anything that came in till it was not shooting rockets at me and then rip great chunks off it with my AntiCorpus Vaykor Setup.

2015-06-06, 11:41 AM
Finished False Profit. I was expecting much worse.

2015-06-06, 11:55 AM
So, Just got limbo yesterday, any thoughts on how to play it? It hasn't seemed like all that much fun to me, but I got it from 0 to 30 in two runs of T1D, so I haven't played with it fully modded. (I do have a reactor on it)

Limbo is a shenanigans and energy-restore frame with surprising potential in defense missions:

Banish - Use this to remove and isolate major threats like Bombards from play, giving your squad a temporary breather. With proper coordination, you can also use this on your teammates to give them massive energy restoration, and give them a safe zone to use certain abilities that hit both sides of the rift (Mesa's Peacemakers, for example).
Rift Walk - This is your panic button - upon cast, you can't be hit by any enemy outside of the Rift. This makes you a surprisingly effective tank, draw aggro and keep focus away from your teammates. Just don't get caught in the middle when it runs out - that hurts, bad. In addition, you get your own energy restoration when inside the Rift - this applies to your 4 as well. Limbo is excellent at keeping himself topped off.
Rift Surge - This combos with your 1 and 2 together, or your 4 alone - it provides a damage multiplier of 200% while you're in the rift. Bring a sniper rifle/bow/Opticor and isolate heavy targets to overkill in the region of unnecessary, or use it with your 4 and an Amprex or other crowd-clearer to exterminate crowds with EXTREME prejudice.
Cataclysm - Puts a large bubble of map in the rift, along with everything in it. Mod for Range, and it works well at clearing crowds with the initial damage of entering the Rift+the heavy multipliers of Rift Surge. Mod AGAINST Range and it's even better than Frost at defending a point - anything outside it can't shoot in, so drop a small bubble over the cryopod and watch as enemies fruitlessly attempt to shoot in.

Duration is your most important stat on Limbo, as it keeps your abilities going. As for your least important stat, that's Efficiency, surprisingly enough. Limbo's abilities are good enough at keeping him topped off on energy - keep a Flow on him and he'll never run out, even if your Cataclysm costs 155 energy to use. You can rank Strength and Range based on the situation. Strength makes Rift Torrent stronger, but has little other effect on his abilities unless you're really interested in the damage caused by entering the Rift. Meanwhile, Range makes Cataclysm cover a wider area - or a smaller one if you need it.

Remember, Tenno, Limbo is nowhere, yet everywhere. Use this to your advantage.

Finished False Profit. I was expecting much worse.

dem bursas tho

2015-06-06, 12:13 PM
Limbo is a shenanigans and energy-restore frame with surprising potential in defense missions:

Banish - Use this to remove and isolate major threats like Bombards from play, giving your squad a temporary breather. With proper coordination, you can also use this on your teammates to give them massive energy restoration, and give them a safe zone to use certain abilities that hit both sides of the rift (Mesa's Peacemakers, for example).
Rift Walk - This is your panic button - upon cast, you can't be hit by any enemy outside of the Rift. This makes you a surprisingly effective tank, draw aggro and keep focus away from your teammates. Just don't get caught in the middle when it runs out - that hurts, bad. In addition, you get your own energy restoration when inside the Rift - this applies to your 4 as well. Limbo is excellent at keeping himself topped off.
Rift Surge - This combos with your 1 and 2 together, or your 4 alone - it provides a damage multiplier of 200% while you're in the rift. Bring a sniper rifle/bow/Opticor and isolate heavy targets to overkill in the region of unnecessary, or use it with your 4 and an Amprex or other crowd-clearer to exterminate crowds with EXTREME prejudice.
Cataclysm - Puts a large bubble of map in the rift, along with everything in it. Mod for Range, and it works well at clearing crowds with the initial damage of entering the Rift+the heavy multipliers of Rift Surge. Mod AGAINST Range and it's even better than Frost at defending a point - anything outside it can't shoot in, so drop a small bubble over the cryopod and watch as enemies fruitlessly attempt to shoot in.

Duration is your most important stat on Limbo, as it keeps your abilities going. As for your least important stat, that's Efficiency, surprisingly enough. Limbo's abilities are good enough at keeping him topped off on energy - keep a Flow on him and he'll never run out, even if your Cataclysm costs 155 energy to use. You can rank Strength and Range based on the situation. Strength makes Rift Torrent stronger, but has little other effect on his abilities unless you're really interested in the damage caused by entering the Rift. Meanwhile, Range makes Cataclysm cover a wider area - or a smaller one if you need it.

Remember, Tenno, Limbo is nowhere, yet everywhere. Use this to your advantage.

dem bursas tho

To further add to this, Limbo is the BEST frame to take when running any sort of Spy missions. (why this is good? Because extremely valuable Fire and Ice event mods are in the rewar tables and those are pretty good. Just as well as the random 50,000 credit transport ships as well as any Spy mission syndicates send you out in).

The stratagy for Limbo in spy missions can be boiled down to simply riftwalk through everything, destroy cameras with Banish, Cataclysm any mobs that get in the way. Basically, you can solo the missions and ignore any security with Riftwalk on only needing to drop it when you need to access security panels you can't hack while in the Rift

2015-06-06, 12:43 PM
... That doesn't sound very different from how I do it with Loki. Not that I can get through laser barriers while cloaked, but I don't need to drop it to access panels.

2015-06-06, 12:45 PM
One more thing I forgot about Limbo, though it has nothing to do with his gameplay: get the Magrite helmet. Bowler hat is best hat.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-06, 02:24 PM
One more thing I forgot about Limbo, though it has nothing to do with his gameplay: get the Magrite helmet. Bowler hat is best hat.

This a thousand times. It could have nothing stats and I would still use it.

2015-06-06, 09:47 PM
Well that was hectic. Alert on Ceres for Vauban Chassis. Okay, let's do this. Survival. About 2 minutes in, New Loka decides they really want to hate me. Don't even get time to warn team who it is. So for 6-7 of our 10 minute mission, we're scrambling to pick each other up, get things dead, and generally just trying to not die, all while life support falls and we get no drops, nor time to hit up any cans. Praise RNGesus for Frost managing to just barely revive all three of us.

(btw, those death squads have the absolute best timing. Also, plus side, that plus a bunch of t1/2 captures got me more money. WOO MONEY.)

2015-06-06, 11:10 PM
Well that was hectic. Alert on Ceres for Vauban Chassis. Okay, let's do this. Survival. About 2 minutes in, New Loka decides they really want to hate me. Don't even get time to warn team who it is. So for 6-7 of our 10 minute mission, we're scrambling to pick each other up, get things dead, and generally just trying to not die, all while life support falls and we get no drops, nor time to hit up any cans. Praise RNGesus for Frost managing to just barely revive all three of us.

(btw, those death squads have the absolute best timing. Also, plus side, that plus a bunch of t1/2 captures got me more money. WOO MONEY.)

That's the main reason I keep New Loka as not hating me. All the other hit squads are chumps in comparison (though they can be straining under poor circumstances and timing).

Tried doing the Juggernaut, thinking it won't be THAT hard. Nope. Did not do well. Had kind of a noobie lobby (an MR 5 and 6), which I'm sure didn't help. Is it affected by Corrosive Projection? Probably not, I'd guess. That would make it too easy.

2015-06-07, 12:46 AM
Cataclysm - Puts a large bubble of map in the rift, along with everything in it

Most often cast where its not needed and an inconvenience to anyone who is not the Limbo.

2015-06-07, 01:03 AM
Most often cast where its not needed and an inconvenience to anyone who is not the Limbo.

Disappointingly, yes. I wish more people actually knew how to play the guy effectively/were inclined to do so - he's a fantastic asset when his players know who and what needs to be on the Rift plane. Sadly, though, logic goes out the window for a good portion of the community when they notice trolling potential.

2015-06-07, 05:26 AM
That's the main reason I keep New Loka as not hating me. All the other hit squads are chumps in comparison (though they can be straining under poor circumstances and timing).

Tried doing the Juggernaut, thinking it won't be THAT hard. Nope. Did not do well. Had kind of a noobie lobby (an MR 5 and 6), which I'm sure didn't help. Is it affected by Corrosive Projection? Probably not, I'd guess. That would make it too easy.

The Armor-portion, sure, but the invulnerability parts will go nowhere. I find it soloable enough, so I recommend that if you don't want to deal with a superhigh level version. Also, its health type is surprisingly Infested, not Fossilized or Sinew so Gas is the best thing after Corrosive (which works vs. its Ferrite Armor).

2015-06-07, 09:45 AM
Jugger's actually pretty easy to cheese, surprisingly. Break out the Corrosive Torid/Hall of Mirrors Mirage combo and watch him melt away, or just bring Mesa and Peacemaker him to death. He has his disappointingly expoitable weaknesses (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeaksauceWeakness), and I recommend exploiting them as disappointingly as possible if you want to see a Pherliac Pod crafting anytime soon. I know people who are on their 30th run of the Juggernaut and still don't have the BP, or even all of the pieces.

2015-06-07, 10:33 PM
Limbo has a lot of potential and has a place on a well organized team for a multitude of activities. Also: TOP HAT!!!

I am a single Loki P System away from finally getting that horned devil in my clutches. Getting a good team for T4D is... rough.

2015-06-07, 10:40 PM
Loki Prime is one of my favorites. I used a Rad Loki P for the Bursas. It's the Gosu Frame.

Carrier Prime? More like Mistake Prime. 0/10

Most often cast where its not needed and an inconvenience to anyone who is not the Limbo.

This. Limbo should only ever be played in a team with a strategy in mind. It's too much of a pain otherwise.

2015-06-08, 12:13 AM
This. Limbo should only ever be played in a team with a strategy in mind. It's too much of a pain otherwise.

Slight alteration - stay away from using Cataclysm unless you're in a team with a strategy in mind. Rift Walk on its own makes him a valuable squadmate by making him a dodge-tank and fantastic aggro draw. There is nothing better at keeping the enemy's attention than a very loud Rift Walking Limbo standing right in front of them. And this speaks nothing of the sniper-123 ability combo that allows him to pick off priority targets effortlessly.

2015-06-08, 12:15 AM
So was taking advice and running some the earth DSExcavation for some more money (gotta get steel meridian maxed out). About to finish my extractor, and wouldn'tcha know it, the lights (of the entire planet?) flicker. sonnovadang, is this stalker? Am I gonna die, me and my still-leveling loki and just-forma'd-again hek (mm mm hek <3). Wait, this is new. Why is Lotus telling me to extract, what's with the...oh, hey, first time with G3! I wonder how bad I'mma die? As it turns out, though, cloak + smacking them in the face with tippytoe = three dead assassins, and me one Natural Talent richer. Now I just need to meet Zanuka. And, of course, continue to get more money. Farm all the money!

2015-06-08, 09:14 AM
And this speaks nothing of the sniper-123 ability combo that allows him to pick off priority targets effortlessly.

Yes, except in the time it takes to cast those spells, someone else could have shot or been trying to shoot the target.

2015-06-08, 11:49 AM
Yes, except in the time it takes to cast those spells, someone else could have shot or been trying to shoot the target.

True enough. I suppose the sniper combo loses a bit of its punch when you take your squadmates into account, though I generally use it on back-row heavies. The idea being that by the time my squadmates get there, the heavies are already gone, making everyone's lives a bit easier. Plus, the dodge-tank shenanigans still help a lot - it's still pretty hard for the enemy to ignore the guy faking punches in front of them, even when he can't be shot.

2015-06-08, 12:46 PM
Sweet, Transmuted Power Throw x4 into Decisive Judgement. I have all 4 Nikana Stances now. :3

Making Mag Prime. What's a good build for it. (no greedy pull)

True enough. I suppose the sniper combo loses a bit of its punch when you take your squadmates into account, though I generally use it on back-row heavies. The idea being that by the time my squadmates get there, the heavies are already gone, making everyone's lives a bit easier. Plus, the dodge-tank shenanigans still help a lot - it's still pretty hard for the enemy to ignore the guy faking punches in front of them, even when he can't be shot.

At worst you can stand directly in the way of enemies, so even if they aim at your squad they won't hit anything. :smalltongue:

2015-06-08, 01:29 PM
All the Power Strength you can fit in to make Polarize do more drain and restore more.

2015-06-08, 03:37 PM
Sweet, Transmuted Power Throw x4 into Decisive Judgement. I have all 4 Nikana Stances now. :3

Making Mag Prime. What's a good build for it. (no greedy pull)

I'm going to have to second power strength there, along with a decent amount of range. Dump duration.

2015-06-08, 05:11 PM
Sweet, Transmuted Power Throw x4 into Decisive Judgement. I have all 4 Nikana Stances now. :3

Making Mag Prime. What's a good build for it. (no greedy pull)

Redirection/Blind Rage/Transient Fortitude/Intensify/Stretch/Overextended/Fleeting Expertise/Streamline/Primed Flow - cut one (Streamline is an easy one, though if you have Limbo or Frost or such, you can cut Redirection - Primed Flow is also an option, but annoyingly small energy pool). It's a trivial matter of replacing a second mod for Shield Transference/Greedy if that's the way you wanna go.

Astral Avenger
2015-06-08, 08:29 PM
Sweet, Transmuted Power Throw x4 into Decisive Judgement. I have all 4 Nikana Stances now. :3

Making Mag Prime. What's a good build for it. (no greedy pull)

At worst you can stand directly in the way of enemies, so even if they aim at your squad they won't hit anything. :smalltongue:

Corpus/void/grineer hijack:
Aura of choice
Fleeting Expertise, Streamline, Intensify, Transient fortitude
Stretch, Overextend, Blind Rage, Shield Transference (or primed flow)

grineer (not hijack)/infested:
get a nyx

2015-06-09, 02:17 AM
Just had another remainder that a High MR doesn't mean a competent player....

Joined a Capture, found it had just been finished by the time i loaded in and headed to Extract. Got there and had the stalker announce he was coming to get me, the MR18 dithered about outside extraction till the door locked and then went down and died while i was tearing the Stalker apart. And all i got was my 6th Dread BP

2015-06-09, 10:07 AM
Man I wish my laptop could handle warframe. No idea when I'll be able to get my desktop fixed. :smallsigh:

2015-06-09, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the tips about mag. 3 days to go. :p

2015-06-09, 07:04 PM
Transmute has been very kind to me - thanks to some very lucky transmutes, I now have Four Riders and High Noon. As of now, the only stances I'm missing are Vermillion Storm and Stalking Fan, and I can't get Vermillion Storm until they either release Manic Bombards to the masses or give us a Tactical Alert for the stance. Anyone here know good places to hunt Sniper Crewmen?

2015-06-09, 07:13 PM
Oh, nice.

And I finished collecting frost. It took all of my plat and then some. I should have farmed it more when it was out.

2015-06-09, 07:14 PM
Transmute has been very kind to me - thanks to some very lucky transmutes, I now have Four Riders and High Noon. As of now, the only stances I'm missing are Vermillion Storm and Stalking Fan, and I can't get Vermillion Storm until they either release Manic Bombards to the masses or give us a Tactical Alert for the stance. Anyone here know good places to hunt Sniper Crewmen?

I think I've gotten all the Stalking Fans I've ever seen while farming Neurals. Their base level is 15 according to the Wiki so some 15+ Corpus Survival with Pilfering Hydroid + Nekros is probably the way to go if you're precision-farming just for it. It does mean you'll have to deal with Nullifiers either way, of course.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-10, 05:22 PM
With the exception of the Skana Prime, the archwing weapons, the ripkas, ankyros and bo primes, I've finished leveling every single melee weapon. Getting the Bo Prime handle will be a true pain in the butt. Same goes for the tellerium on the ripkas. At least I can grind the last of my ankyros prime parts while hunting down soma prime parts. The farming never stops.

2015-06-10, 05:28 PM
I don't envy you. :smalltongue:

Ripkas are pretty cool!

Pros of Ripkas:

1) Concealed, on your wrists.
2) They don't clip the many pieces of gear on your back.
3) They make saw noises.
4) Ground finisher is the one where you punch the guy in the face over and over... WITH SAW!
5) Good with Berserker.

1) They are actually probably just worse than the cleavers you make them out of. :smalltongue:

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-10, 05:51 PM
I don't envy you. :smalltongue:

Ripkas are pretty cool!

Pros of Ripkas:

1) Concealed, on your wrists.
2) They don't clip the many pieces of gear on your back.
3) They make saw noises.
4) Ground finisher is the one where you punch the guy in the face over and over... WITH SAW!
5) Good with Berserker.

1) They are actually probably just worse than the cleavers you make them out of. :smalltongue:

In the dual cleavers' defense, they do have a decent syndicate mod. I've been tempted to just out and out buy the tellerium with plat, but I've been told that it's a rotation A or B drop on the intercept missions, so I may as well just grind some low level Earth runs to get the necessary parts for the weapons. That being said, I'm still not terribly found of archwing missions, but that is likely because I'm still waiting on the same tellerium for the itzal.:smallsigh:

2015-06-10, 05:55 PM
In the dual cleavers' defense, they do have a decent syndicate mod. I've been tempted to just out and out buy the tellerium with plat, but I've been told that it's a rotation A or B drop on the intercept missions, so I may as well just grind some low level Earth runs to get the necessary parts for the weapons. That being said, I'm still not terribly found of archwing missions, but that is likely because I'm still waiting on the same tellerium for the itzal.:smallsigh:

That's what I meant. The cleaver has a syndicate mod for a hefty damage bonus and better crit stats.

Also, Tellurium is BS loaded onto BS that is Archwing. At least Argon Crystals are obtained when you're doing other, infinitely more valuable things than Archwing, like farming primes, and you get to use the gear you've already leveled and modded. :l

2015-06-10, 06:22 PM
I really don't get DE. They've now made 3 stances for claws two of which are superrare and one merely rare, but they still haven't made any decent claws... It's like Nikana; two weapon types with the fewest representatives are tied for the most stances. At least Dragon Nikana is a decent weapon but seriously.

And Tellurium is supereasy to get if you go farm any Archwing pieces or level Archwings. Just bring Itzal, go to Caelus - Uranus, play 4 waves and press Cosmic Crush few times and you'll have 20. Do that without Itzal and you'll probably run into few too. I guess it's more of the "Archwing"-barrier but I've at least found Caelus quite enjoyable - albeit that's the only Archwing mission I really bother to play.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-10, 07:19 PM
See, that's the issue: I need tellerium to get the itzal to get the tellerium.

Astral Avenger
2015-06-10, 07:56 PM
Finally found a good way to pull off the MR 15 test, tried and failed with nova and vauban, said screw it, grabbed my excal with the old draco build and captured two points and spammed radial javelin like there was no tomorrow. Capped a couple of the SOBs with a soma in between the javelins too. final result, me: 100%, enemy 35%. XD

See, that's the issue: I need tellerium to get the itzal to get the tellerium.

Yep, same. Finally got the stock gun and sword for archwing to 30, think my odonta is about 19-20 right now.
Have the Itzal BP but none of the parts, have the Odonta prime bp, but none of the parts...

2015-06-10, 08:34 PM
I'd think it would be easier to just sell some stuff and buy the 2 Tellurium needed (i bought one of the ones needed when i built those wretched things) than suffer through trying to find it in an actual mission. I have ni idea when or where i picked the first bit up tho. Since then i have picked up another bit from an Alert (a Defense on Europa of all places).

Ive played with Nova's a lot over time so i know how they roll (picked up an awful lot of them as well...) but never really thought about playing one ~ Man im having fun with it, just have to remember its a bit of a glass cannon at times.

2015-06-10, 08:50 PM
Keledrath, could you add me to the PC list on the first page? In-game name of Veebeebee.

2015-06-10, 09:17 PM
I just did the trial for the first time. I had a good squad. The only hiccup was the Vay Hek fight; the 2 frosts were enough to cover the console, but I moved from buttons to that and it worked out.

I got arcane awakening, but I want avenger. :smalltongue:

Yep, same. Finally got the stock gun and sword for archwing to 30, think my odonta is about 19-20 right now.
Have the Itzal BP but none of the parts, have the Odonta prime bp, but none of the parts...

Yeah, I'm there, too. I only have 1 tellurium, and I don't even know where I got it.

2015-06-10, 11:18 PM
I'm not getting the problem with the Tellurium. By the time I farmed all the weapon and Archwing parts, I'd collected more than enough to build everything that takes it. I think I'm sitting on about 30 now. If you're interested in getting all the weapons, just take your time on the Exterminate and Sabotage missions and make sure you pick everything up. Doing that got me enough Tellurium to research AND build Itzal and Ripkas before I finished getting all the Exterminate and Sabotage part drops. I think the thing that makes it difficult to collect is the average players tendency to just kill the enemies and rush to the next part (or if you're doing Sabotage, just running through as fast as you can). Once I slowed down and made sure to collect everything that dropped, it didn't take very long to get more than enough.

With the exception of the Skana Prime, the archwing weapons, the ripkas, ankyros and bo primes, I've finished leveling every single melee weapon. Getting the Bo Prime handle will be a true pain in the butt. Same goes for the tellerium on the ripkas. At least I can grind the last of my ankyros prime parts while hunting down soma prime parts. The farming never stops.

Getting the Bo Prime Handle shouldn't be a problem. If I catch you on, I'll take you on some T4E runs. I have 80-some key for it.

2015-06-11, 08:13 AM
I think the thing that makes it difficult to collect is the average players tendency to just kill the enemies and rush to the next part (or if you're doing Sabotage, just running through as fast as you can). Once I slowed down and made sure to collect everything that dropped, it didn't take very long to get more than enough.

This is part of the reason I like to solo; I can take my time and loot the whole place. I've never seen anyone else clear the whole map (or even attempt to run through a mission stealthily).

Astral Avenger
2015-06-11, 04:39 PM
This is part of the reason I like to solo; I can take my time and loot the whole place. I've never seen anyone else clear the whole map (or even attempt to run through a mission stealthily).

I often run missions stealthy, but normally only for capture/spy/rescue or if someone in my squad says "Hey guys, lets do a stealth run." Don't normally clear the whole map, just rely on my carrier to grab stuff normally.

2015-06-11, 05:35 PM
Anybody tried Entropy Spike Bolttica yet? I'm thinking of making that my next project considering I have something of a dearth of secondaries to forma anyways and the numbers look promising, though it does require a macro to use properly (Akbronco Prime, Acrid and Tysis would be the other options).

2015-06-11, 05:39 PM
Entropy Spike is awful. Get the Telos Akbolto (or is it Boltica in Finland) instead.

2015-06-11, 05:46 PM
Entropy Spike is awful. Get the Telos Akbolto (or is it Boltica in Finland) instead.

Ah, yeah, I'm aware it's not amazing; I'm mostly thinking if it's awesome. I'm referencing the hilarious Thunderbolt Attica-build with the name (Bolttica is a portmanteau of Bolto + Attica) and I can only imagine even more multishot and higher rate of fire could only mean even more explosions. I do have all the good secondaries done already; that's part the problem. Unless I find something more interesting, I'll probably just forma Kohmak, Akbronco Prime, Nukor (its 4x crit goes great with Arcane Avenger), Tysis or Acrid but none of those really interest me that much. So far I've forma'd Akjagara, Aksomati, Angstrum, Atomos, Brakk, Furis, Hikou Prime, Mara Detron, Rakta Ballistica, Sancti Castanas, Secura Dual Cestra, Stug, Synoid Gammanuke, Telos Akbolto, Vaykor Marelok (and Marelok but I sold that one when I got Vaykor Marelok).

2015-06-12, 04:30 PM
Well I'm in weekend mode and am sitting on a decent supply of T1D keys. Anybody feel like leveling some stuff?

2015-06-12, 07:24 PM
I'm down for that, I've got a decent chunk of T1D and T1S keys myself. And in case anyone here didn't know about it, there's a promo code for a free 3 day credit/affinity booster, "TwoGrakata".

(Man that credit booster part is helping me out today. Gotta rank up them syndicates!)

Astral Avenger
2015-06-12, 09:18 PM
So with the void trader on pluto for the next days, i need to do some quick and dirty credit farming, any mission recommendations?

@v: ah, thanks, somehow I missed/forgot about those couple posts.

2015-06-13, 01:48 AM
So with the void trader on pluto for the next days, i need to do some quick and dirty credit farming, any mission recommendations?

As mentioned about a page earlier to me when I asked that, doing real quick runs of the dark sec excavation on earth is something like 12k cred/3 minutes. doubled if you use that code above

2015-06-13, 12:29 PM
So with the void trader on pluto for the next days, i need to do some quick and dirty credit farming, any mission recommendations?

I recommend Void Captures or Pluto/Ceres/Eris Dark Sector 5 min/wave (T3-4 ~25k each) runs. ODA (~17k each selling the Nekros part) and 5 min Void Survival with Master Thief (T3-4 ~40k with a good group) are also okay.

The Law of Retribution is the best (150k-200k with free doubling if you find the booster, ~30 mins with an average solid team) but takes a good team and its biggest advantage is giving credit boosters in rare caches so if you already have a booster, much of that is mitigated

2015-06-14, 03:02 PM
Dual Skana and Vasto are both level 30, so it's time to farm a couple argon crystals to build my Redeemer. I have 5 T1Es (which I'm confident I can solo, with the added benefits of non-infinite enemies, stealth play, and the ability to fully explore the maps), but I assume the higher tiers will have better drop rates and I'm less sure of myself at that level. Currently playing with a Gorgon, Dex Furis, and Kestrel - I'm liking the Kestrel in particular, so I'm curious about trying out a Glaive.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-14, 03:22 PM
Dual Skana and Vasto are both level 30, so it's time to farm a couple argon crystals to build my Redeemer. I have 5 T1Es (which I'm confident I can solo, with the added benefits of non-infinite enemies, stealth play, and the ability to fully explore the maps), but I assume the higher tiers will have better drop rates and I'm less sure of myself at that level. Currently playing with a Gorgon, Dex Furis, and Kestrel - I'm liking the Kestrel in particular, so I'm curious about trying out a Glaive.

For argon, you're probably better off on doing low level endless missions - T1 defense or survival for argon. The recruitment tab typically has someone looking or hosting "quick" runs for easy XP runs. Sometimes people do them for argon runs, too, but I'm less sure on that. The problem you may encounter is finding a group not looking for specialized greedy mags, mesas, frosts, and nekroses.

Astral Avenger
2015-06-14, 07:30 PM
For argon, you're probably better off on doing low level endless missions - T1 defense or survival for argon. The recruitment tab typically has someone looking or hosting "quick" runs for easy XP runs. Sometimes people do them for argon runs, too, but I'm less sure on that. The problem you may encounter is finding a group not looking for specialized greedy mags, mesas, frosts, and nekroses.

I concur, T1D is probably one of the best places for argon.

You do have to watch out for really bad groups though, rant explaining why:This morning I was leveling my Banshee in a T1D with a group of a Mag p, Oberon and Valkyr. The mag and Oberon were both level 30 and had one level 30 weapon each. the Valkyr was level 1 at the start and their best weapon was a level 11 corpus gun (flux rifle maybe?). I started as a level 22 banshee with a boltor p and orthos p, both fully built. Wave 9 we're getting swamped, I'm doing what I can, but nether the mag or Oberon are helping with CC at all (Oberon was probably out of energy, he was doing a good job right before then). Wave 10, similar thing happens, but at the end of the wave everyone clicks the continue button. One second before the timer expires, the Oberon switches to leave. I end up burning through 4 ancient specters and 3 charger specters, 3 revives and 6 large energy restores trying to keep the pod alive to wave 15. We make it to 15 by the skin of our teeth and when the extraction thingy pops up we all hit leave. The post game results showed that the mag had used a grand total of 2 abilities the entire game :smallfurious:. The Valkyr did well for being such a low level to start, but i think the final number was I did 69% of the damage and about the same amount of the kills. At least my banshee hit 30 from the post mission xp.

2015-06-15, 04:53 AM
I strongly recommend Survival over Defense. It's impossible to fail, has lots of containers, which have above average chance of rare resources, and there are no breaks in enemy waves. Also, T1S has some useful rewards, T1D not so much.

T4 would have Corrupted Vor who has 50% Argon, 50% OCell chance so if it's an option, I'd try T4S/I instead. Pilfering Hydroid and Nekros of course speed up the process tremendously (PHydroid works best in low tier missions of course, particularly with protective Ancient Healers now in the Void).

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-15, 12:27 PM
Despite the benefits of survival missions, I find that Nekros can be a rather steep investment for newbies due to the straight cost of his BP and some of the finer assortment of mods people like me use. That being said, finding a Nekros isn't too terribly hard for most missions, but it could be a possible road block.

In other news, I finally got enough Tellerium to finish those damned Ripkas. Got lucky with an alert last night where it showed up as a reward for an excavation mission of all things. Still need another 7 to finish up the Itzal research. Anyone with a surplus on PC wanna jump clans for ~30 minutes to solve that dilemma? :smallbiggrin:

Astral Avenger
2015-06-15, 01:18 PM
Despite the benefits of survival missions, I find that Nekros can be a rather steep investment for newbies due to the straight cost of his BP and some of the finer assortment of mods people like me use. That being said, finding a Nekros isn't too terribly hard for most missions, but it could be a possible road block.

In other news, I finally got enough Tellerium to finish those damned Ripkas. Got lucky with an alert last night where it showed up as a reward for an excavation mission of all things. Still need another 7 to finish up the Itzal research. Anyone with a surplus on PC wanna jump clans for ~30 minutes to solve that dilemma? :smallbiggrin:

I don't have a surplus and I'm not going to hop clans, but if you're willing to hop clans, my clan Tri-Force has all the research done. I can send you an invite when I get home from work in about 2 1/2 hours.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-15, 03:39 PM
I don't have a surplus and I'm not going to hop clans, but if you're willing to hop clans, my clan Tri-Force has all the research done. I can send you an invite when I get home from work in about 2 1/2 hours.

While tempting, I am basically the only warlord of my clan left. I suppose I could promote Thiyr, but he would also need the research done. I do still need to finish leveling up my Odanata Prime and basically all of the archwing weapons, so it's not like I'm just waiting on the Itzal.

2015-06-15, 03:52 PM
Despite the benefits of survival missions, I find that Nekros can be a rather steep investment for newbies due to the straight cost of his BP and some of the finer assortment of mods people like me use. That being said, finding a Nekros isn't too terribly hard for most missions, but it could be a possible road block.

While always beneficial for any farm run, you don't need Nekros for Survivals anymore. Ever since the life support change, it's been trivially possible to solo 60 minutes of any Survival life support -wise (it can be challenging mechanically, but you won't run out of life support if you kill enemies at an average pace and take pods).

2015-06-15, 04:48 PM
Just unlocked Trinity and Vauban. Played a little bit of Trinity and it's a little weird getting used to not having clearing power like I have with most of my frames so far (Oberon, Volt, Mag) or an easy escape button (Limbo). Also trying to figure out which things are most important for her, mod-wise.

2015-06-15, 05:04 PM
Just unlocked Trinity and Vauban. Played a little bit of Trinity and it's a little weird getting used to not having clearing power like I have with most of my frames so far (Oberon, Volt, Mag) or an easy escape button (Limbo). Also trying to figure out which things are most important for her, mod-wise.

Trinity is fun in the sense that she needs nothing from mods. Indeed, she's perfectly fine right out of the box. Now, things you can do on her:
- Trinity's greatest gift is constantly casting her 2 for infinite energy on everybody; Natural Talent is an absolute must on her (for her 3 and 4 too).
- You want at least Intensify. This way your Blessing can heal for full which also means you can grant the 99% DR for the duration given sufficiently low teammate.
- Quick Thinking (and [Primed] Flow) is a great way to enable maximal Blessing usage. Doubly so since she has a built-in means of restoring her energy so she'll always be supertanky with it.
- The team utility build wants maximum range. It's good for Link but most importantly you want it for Energy Vampire. Especially if you also add Vampire Leech, you only ever really need to press 2 on her.
- Immortal build can add Vitality, and possibly even Rage on top of Quick Thinking and Flow. You can build more Duration to ensure the 99% Blessing and Link don't need that much recasting. Note that this means Energy Vampire replenishes energy superslow unless the enemies it's cast on are killed swiftly.
- The Plain Energy Vampire build wants Fleeting Expertise and Transient Fortitude to minimize its duration. This means you can just cast it on enemies without bothering to try and kill them allowing you to just grant a constant stream of energy/shields to the whole team. This build obviously wants massive amounts of Power Strength too; luckily Trinity doesn't really need Efficiency so Blind Rage is quite trivial and Transient Fortitude you need for the Duration Reduction anyways.
- You can always use self-damage weapons like explosive Glaive (calibrated for your health + shields), Angstrum, Castanas or whatever to drop yourself to Quick Thinking HP and then cast Blessing to ensure the maximal damage reduction. This is useful in a long duration Blessing build.
- You can mix'n'match the long duration + Energy Vampire builds if you make sure you can kill the Energy Vampire targets. This is my own favorite as it gives you the full Trinity functionality in one build. This involves basically Natural Talent, lots of Power Strength, Stretch + Overextended and Duration to negate any penalties alongside the Quick Thinking/Flow base shell.
- If you cast Well of Life to increase enemy health, you can cast (high Power Strength) Energy Vampire to kill basically anything. Energy Vampire does percent health damage and Well of Life increases enemy health. If Well of Life expires while Energy Vampire is in effect, the last few ticks will annihilate any plain target (provided their other defenses like Armor and Invulnerability are negated).

2015-06-15, 09:31 PM
While tempting, I am basically the only warlord of my clan left. I suppose I could promote Thiyr, but he would also need the research done. I do still need to finish leveling up my Odanata Prime and basically all of the archwing weapons, so it's not like I'm just waiting on the Itzal.

You could both jump ship:smallamused:

2015-06-15, 09:44 PM
Just unlocked Trinity and Vauban. Played a little bit of Trinity and it's a little weird getting used to not having clearing power like I have with most of my frames so far (Oberon, Volt, Mag) or an easy escape button (Limbo). Also trying to figure out which things are most important for her, mod-wise.

I treat Vauban like the hard CC machine he is, Range, Duration, and efficiency. Use his mod for Bastille to get a huge radius of NOPE to any enemies that come within it.

2015-06-15, 09:56 PM
After picking up Mag Prime (who has ha gorgeous body, by the way. That alloy plating and those superconducting coils are very fetching), I got Frost Prime and the Hek.

OMG the Hek is so beefy. That noise it makes when you fire it is awesome. The spread is really tight, too.

2015-06-17, 08:44 PM
So Excal 2.0 got released, along with a bunch of new skins for Excal and every version of him. Also, Protoskin has been released.

Exalted Blade, the new 4 was rather lack luster for the first few minutes, then DE allowed its damage to scale directly with your melee weapons. It's so much better now.

This allows the thing to use Lifestrike and Channeling Mods.

2015-06-19, 10:15 AM
King 2.0 feels kinda cool. Finally a use for the Pendy helm and 3 Forma I had on him, though I'll have to work out what I want precisely out of the build. I still don't like both Slash Dash and Exalted Blade using their own base damage instead of basing it on your weapon but everything else is a huge, huge improvement. Radial Javelin still feels kinda out-of-place but aside from that, I'd say this Excal is actually a rather cohesive design. Now if they could do that for almost all the other frames...

2015-06-19, 11:51 AM
Exalted Blade, the new 4 was rather lack luster for the first few minutes, then DE allowed its damage to scale directly with your melee weapons. It's so much better now.

I still don't like both Slash Dash and Exalted Blade using their own base damage instead of basing it on your weapon...
So... DE started by giving Exalted Blade its own base damage, patched it to scale with weapons, and then patched it back to a base damage? Am I reading these two statements correctly?

2015-06-19, 12:03 PM
So... DE started by giving Exalted Blade its own base damage, patched it to scale with weapons, and then patched it back to a base damage? Am I reading these two statements correctly?

I haven't used it, but I don't think so. The wording of the patch makes it sound like all of the mods on your equipped melee weapon apply to Exalted Blade.

2015-06-19, 06:49 PM
I haven't used it, but I don't think so. The wording of the patch makes it sound like all of the mods on your equipped melee weapon apply to Exalted Blade.

This is correct, it basically adds the mods on your melee weapon to Excal's ethereal sword for the purposes of Exalted Blade. Pretty much any mod works, so Skana variants/Jaw Sword/Dual Cleavers are pretty much the best weapons to use on him because they have additional base damage mods to work with.

2015-06-19, 06:49 PM
So... DE started by giving Exalted Blade its own base damage, patched it to scale with weapons, and then patched it back to a base damage? Am I reading these two statements correctly?

- Slash Dash and Exalted Blade had their own damage, mods didn't really help.

- Slash Dash and Exalted Blade have their own damage, mods do help though.

I wish:
- Slash Dash and Exalted Blade used weapon damage as a base/multiplier/whatever still also utilizing mods. I think it's plain asinine that an ability that's literally just slicing all enemies in an area with a sword (or a melee weapon) doesn't use the weapon's stats at all.

2015-06-20, 11:41 AM
- Slash Dash and Exalted Blade had their own damage, mods didn't really help.

- Slash Dash and Exalted Blade have their own damage, mods do help though.

I wish:
- Slash Dash and Exalted Blade used weapon damage as a base/multiplier/whatever still also utilizing mods. I think it's plain asinine that an ability that's literally just slicing all enemies in an area with a sword (or a melee weapon) doesn't use the weapon's stats at all.

The Exalted Blade weapon has better stats than any melee weapon in the game right now. It deals 250 damage per hit and per beam, evenly split between the base damage types, all at the swing rate of a Skana (so reasonably fast, all things considered). Plus, it has a 15%/x2.0 crit rate, so crit builds maintain effectiveness on it. It really doesn't need the weapon's stats - disregarding bonuses from stances, the drawn blade is better than any other melee weapon you could use.

Personally, I think this is the perfect approach :D
Now if only they would do this with Hysteria as well, I might start breaking out my Valkyr again.

2015-06-20, 12:02 PM
The Exalted Blade weapon has better stats than any melee weapon in the game right now. It deals 250 damage per hit and per beam, evenly split between the base damage types, all at the swing rate of a Skana (so reasonably fast, all things considered). Plus, it has a 15%/x2.0 crit rate, so crit builds maintain effectiveness on it. It really doesn't need the weapon's stats - disregarding bonuses from stances, the drawn blade is better than any other melee weapon you could use.

IMHO using the base weapon stats with a multiplier (a bit like the base of Hysteria) would be excellent. It would allow people to customize the frame with their melee weapon, actually use their melee weapon in a melee weapon-themed frame (I have the same complaint about Mesa, btw; why is the gunslinger not using the guns I equip her with? No frame in the game does), and it would mean you are no longer stuck with just the weapons that have weapon specific +100% damage mod. The ability could just be fluffed as empowering/energizing the weapon with the frame's powers just as well and then you'd have an energy whatever-you're-wielding. That way both Slash Dash and Exalted Blade would feel more natural IMHO, and I feel the game could benefit of some weapon-frame integration for frames where it makes sense. Right now it basically doesn't exist aside from not carrying a melee weapon on Mesa (which is not really an option yet due to lacking coptering if you do).

That would enhance how those frame powers scale (though the current mod system already does that) but also make it feel more customizable and natural - why carry a melee in the first place if you can whip out an energy blade at a moment's thought? I'd rather the melee you carry be the melee you use. Hysteria could of course remain the way it is - the way I understand it, it's mostly just Valkyr ripping things up with her bare hands. I wouldn't mind better mod scaling there too though. But I find it kinda ironic that Valkyr's claws derive their base damage off the melee weapon and yet neither Peacekeeper or Exalted Blade do that with their respective base weapons even though both would be much more natural for it than Hysteria.

Add to that a small rework to Radial Javelin - have it fire copies of your weapon, perhaps with different weapons in the barrage having slightly different features (procs or whatever). That'd feel like a customizable barrage of blades. Right now it's just another AOE damage ability where the fact that you're firing swords is really just cosmetic.

2015-06-20, 12:33 PM
IMHO using the base weapon stats with a multiplier (a bit like the base of Hysteria) would be excellent. It would allow people to customize the frame with their melee weapon, actually use their melee weapon in a melee weapon-themed frame (I have the same complaint about Mesa, btw; why is the gunslinger not using the guns I equip her with? No frame in the game does), and it would mean you are no longer stuck with just the weapons that have weapon specific +100% damage mod. The ability could just be fluffed as empowering/energizing the weapon with the frame's powers just as well and then you'd have an energy whatever-you're-wielding. That way both Slash Dash and Exalted Blade would feel more natural IMHO, and I feel the game could benefit of some weapon-frame integration for frames where it makes sense. Right now it basically doesn't exist aside from not carrying a melee weapon on Mesa (which is not really an option yet due to lacking coptering if you do).

That would enhance how those frame powers scale (though the current mod system already does that) but also make it feel more customizable and natural - why carry a melee in the first place if you can whip out an energy blade at a moment's thought? I'd rather the melee you carry be the melee you use. Hysteria could of course remain the way it is - the way I understand it, it's mostly just Valkyr ripping things up with her bare hands. I wouldn't mind better mod scaling there too though. But I find it kinda ironic that Valkyr's claws derive their base damage off the melee weapon and yet neither Peacekeeper or Exalted Blade do that with their respective base weapons even though both would be much more natural for it than Hysteria.

Add to that a small rework to Radial Javelin - have it fire copies of your weapon, perhaps with different weapons in the barrage having slightly different features (procs or whatever). That'd feel like a customizable barrage of blades. Right now it's just another AOE damage ability where the fact that you're firing swords is really just cosmetic.

Totally agree with you on Mesa. I was personally hoping for a ranged equivalent to Hysteria when she launched. Give us some drawn guns and enhanced mobility, that would be a lot more fun than "stand in one place and hold LMB". Swords are kinda Excal's thing, though - he's named after the legendary blade of King Arthur, why give him anything else? Always found it odd that of all frames, Excal was the one taking visual cues from darkSector's Hayden - he's the frame least suited to use the Glaive, but they push it so much with the visuals it hurts.

Also, he did use his melee weapon for everything at one point. It was kickass when you did stuff with the Galatine, but mildly less awesome and more amusing/stupid looking when you didn't bring a melee into the mission and left ethereal Bratons everywhere with Radial Javelin. Probably makes more sense to just give him an ethereal Skana/Skana Prime.

2015-06-20, 06:30 PM
Yeah, SwordExcal does sorta make sense but then again, he does have Radial Javelin already; I envision him more as a "King Arthur"-frame than "sword frame" in spite of the name. King Arthur did have the Rhongomiant after all. Either way, I'd like equipped melee to be there at least if it's a sword and then use placeholder Skana (Primes) if we have a situation where the wielded weapon doesn't exist or isn't applicable.

2015-06-20, 07:22 PM
I have further motivation for liking it, but this mostly applies to me personally; since I am only a lowly Hunter-level Founder, this gives me my only opportunity to (technically) use the Skana Prime :D

2015-06-21, 10:38 PM
Actually used Excal and Exalted Blade a bit on an infestation on Europa. With a full complement of mods (Pressure Point, Buzz Kill, Spoiled Strike, Jagged Edge and the four elements), it easily sliced up level 30ish infested. It's possible to get better, like with one of the syndicate melee weapons (Skana, Dual Cleavers, Jaw Sword and maybe Mire at a stretch), but it's definitely a late game viable ability. Also, doing a spin attack with it basically casts Radial Blind (though at a much reduced range).

So all in all, definitely worth trading in Super Jump (or whatever it was called, I never even used it once).

2015-06-22, 05:41 AM
New Excal is best frame. Keledrath frame is now good

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-22, 03:56 PM
Actually used Excal and Exalted Blade a bit on an infestation on Europa. With a full complement of mods (Pressure Point, Buzz Kill, Spoiled Strike, Jagged Edge and the four elements), it easily sliced up level 30ish infested. It's possible to get better, like with one of the syndicate melee weapons (Skana, Dual Cleavers, Jaw Sword and maybe Mire at a stretch), but it's definitely a late game viable ability. Also, doing a spin attack with it basically casts Radial Blind (though at a much reduced range).

So all in all, definitely worth trading in Super Jump (or whatever it was called, I never even used it once).

I'm not sure if it factored in the proficiency bonus, but due to its high base damage, Scindo Prime is very strong for Exalted Blade builds. It even manages to beat out Dual Cleavers as "duh best" option.

I will miss Super Jump, though, as we now have one less frame that can turn invisible if only briefly.

2015-06-22, 04:52 PM
Base damage on your weapon doesn't affect Exalted Blades. It's your mods. You could be using Scindo Prime, or you could be using the Skana. In fact,the Skana comes out ahead because of Syndicate mod.

Exalted Blade has its own base damage, attack speed, crit numbers, and stance. Currently, I think the Dual Cleavers are the top fodder for it. You combine syndicate mod with crit mods and berserker.

2015-06-22, 11:45 PM
Base damage on your weapon doesn't affect Exalted Blades. It's your mods. You could be using Scindo Prime, or you could be using the Skana. In fact,the Skana comes out ahead because of Syndicate mod.

Exalted Blade has its own base damage, attack speed, crit numbers, and stance. Currently, I think the Dual Cleavers are the top fodder for it. You combine syndicate mod with crit mods and berserker.

Tied with Prisma Skana, I think - both are crit weapons. I suppose it depends on whether you want Justice or Purity radial procs, as those activate on Exalted Blade. Radial Corrosive sounds pretty handy, personally, so I'll probably be using the Prisma Skana with it mostly.

That is, when I have Bright Purity. Need to get around to ranking with New Loka and Perrin Sequence for that.

2015-06-23, 08:00 AM
Wait, so does that mean the Exalted Blade has good Crit?

The Red Veil melee syndicate weapon is the Mire, right? It'll give less damage (100% Toxin versus 100% damage from Cleavers), but the proc is more energy.

2015-06-23, 09:05 AM
15%/x2. My understanding is that is the low end for crit viability, but that in combination with berserker, it beats out pure damage builds.

You really don't need more energy regen. I'm running a high efficiency build, and I can run 40 minutes of survival without putting away the exalted blade.

2015-06-23, 09:07 AM
15%/x2. My understanding is that is the low end for crit viability, but that in combination with berserker, it beats out pure damage builds. Yeah, if the speed is decent, 15% is fine.

You really don't need more energy regen. I'm running a high efficiency build, and I can run 40 minutes of survival without putting away the exalted blade.

Jees, it takes like no energy. It makes me wish that Chroma's Effigy was cheaper to use. :l

2015-06-23, 09:09 AM
Wait, it doesn't get procs? I heard that it did.

2015-06-23, 09:11 AM
Wait, it doesn't get procs? I heard that it did.

Apparently it was patched to do that now.

I'm more interested in Chroma. We all should be mad that Chroma's effigy takes so much energy.

2015-06-23, 10:25 AM
We all should be mad that Chroma's effigy takes so much energy.

we should be mad that it was a interesting concept wrapped in a lumpy shell that really isn't all that useful. Of the the people who i play with any regularity who still have the frame it sure as heck doesn't come out to play at all. There is always a better frame for the task at hand or if no role is needed to be filled then another frame is more fun to play for them. Im glad i got rid of it, Im also sad i put a Potato in it (but the 2 for 1 sale made that less of a waste)

Started dabbling into Sniper Rifles (i want to try the Vectis a lot but i look at the 4 neuordes needed and falter... much like the Hind and its 6) with the Lanka ~ its not too shabby once you get Vile Acceleration onto it (-15% damage is nothing once you get some damage mods onto it) Trouble ive been fining that often things are in your face before you can get more than a couple of shots off and its unwieldy out of zoom.

2015-06-23, 11:06 AM
Heh. My group's core three for anything story related is me on Excal (now that exalted blade is a thing, Keledrath can live), fenrys on ash/volt prime (fenrys frame), and our buddy kiyoshi on chroma.

Makes for interesting runs sometimes.

As far as snipers, I'm of two minds. I love the vectis, and the upcoming prime excites me. But they're making it a 2-shot gun. Half of the point of the vectis is abusing charged/primed chamber since you get it every shot.

2015-06-23, 11:11 AM
As far as snipers, I'm of two minds. I love the vectis, and the upcoming prime excites me. But they're making it a 2-shot gun. Half of the point of the vectis is abusing charged/primed chamber since you get it every shot.

You can manually recharge it after each shot. That's going to be a bit vexing though.

2015-06-23, 11:14 AM
I know you CAN, but it was really nice that it just did it for you. IMO, a well designed sniper rifle only needs the one shot, after all.

My plot was to pray for a new corrupted mod that cut magazine size. Maybe for reload speed, which would be funny.

2015-06-23, 11:45 AM
I know you CAN, but it was really nice that it just did it for you. IMO, a well designed sniper rifle only needs the one shot, after all.

My plot was to pray for a new corrupted mod that cut magazine size. Maybe for reload speed, which would be funny.

What I really wish for is a -Magazine +Crit mod; if Vectis were able to get 100% crit chance, it'd be awesome. But as it stands, a Sniper that doesn't reliably do its real damage has huge issues when it comes to later play; 62.5% of the time on a headshot you do about 8.8* more damage. So, the non-crits are going to be essentially duds when working with enemies that have from 2-16 times Vectis's single shot damage in EHP.

This is precisely the reason I mod Opticor for pure damage rather than crit too - the crit numbers are impressive, sure, but they're not reliable and what I really want out of the weapon is reliable one-shots, and the elemental build gets close. Bows are the only "big hit" weapons that currently utilize crits reasonably thanks to their 100% crit chance - otherwise all the awesome crit weapons are rapid fire weapons with low individual damage, where the expected value is multiple shots per target anyways and thus the variance doesn't reallymatter (Soma, Amprex, Synapse, Prime Laser Rifle, Sybaris, Torid, Latron, etc.).

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-23, 03:54 PM
What I really wish for is a -Magazine +Crit mod; if Vectis were able to get 100% crit chance, it'd be awesome. But as it stands, a Sniper that doesn't reliably do its real damage has huge issues when it comes to later play; 62.5% of the time on a headshot you do about 8.8* more damage. So, the non-crits are going to be essentially duds when working with enemies that have from 2-16 times Vectis's single shot damage in EHP.

If DE is dumb enough on how they code a -Magazine +whatever mod, you could end up with a 0 bullet magazine weapon. I know for a fact that a minimum duration, low level Nova can hit 1 until the cows come home and never have any orbs appear. With something like the Vectis or Tonkor, I worry you would run into a weapon that literally can't be used.

2015-06-23, 04:17 PM
Yeah, 2 shot vectis is made of fail. Sjlver and I were joking about something like that would happen, because it would ruin the weapon.

If anyone still runs under the delusion that DE is in touch with their community, show them that.

we should be mad that it was a interesting concept wrapped in a lumpy shell that really isn't all that useful. Of the the people who i play with any regularity who still have the frame it sure as heck doesn't come out to play at all. There is always a better frame for the task at hand or if no role is needed to be filled then another frame is more fun to play for them. Im glad i got rid of it, Im also sad i put a Potato in it (but the 2 for 1 sale made that less of a waste)
Well, it's my tankiest frame right now. I feel indestructible, just not trinity indestructible. I would love a buff, though.

2015-06-23, 06:01 PM
If DE is dumb enough on how they code a -Magazine +whatever mod, you could end up with a 0 bullet magazine weapon. I know for a fact that a minimum duration, low level Nova can hit 1 until the cows come home and never have any orbs appear. With something like the Vectis or Tonkor, I worry you would run into a weapon that literally can't be used.

I'm thinking maximum cutdown would be -50% on the mag, so the Vectis Prime and Tonkor get one bullet/grenade and the only one that (debatably) needs a coded exception would be the ordinary Vectis. At which point you just hardcode a minimum magazine of 1, and set it so that the mod either can't be equipped or doesn't cut the mag if it would drop lower than that.

Or just set it so that it rounds the magazine size up on decimals, regardless of the subtraction. 50% of 1 is .5, round that back up to one and the mod essentially has no effect on the Vectis's magazine size. Then the Vectis Prime and Tonkor get cut to 1 as per usual. That's probably easier than the hardcode and has pretty much the same effect, that would work fine.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-24, 08:36 AM
I'm thinking maximum cutdown would be -50% on the mag, so the Vectis Prime and Tonkor get one bullet/grenade and the only one that (debatably) needs a coded exception would be the ordinary Vectis. At which point you just hardcode a minimum magazine of 1, and set it so that the mod either can't be equipped or doesn't cut the mag if it would drop lower than that.

Or just set it so that it rounds the magazine size up on decimals, regardless of the subtraction. 50% of 1 is .5, round that back up to one and the mod essentially has no effect on the Vectis's magazine size. Then the Vectis Prime and Tonkor get cut to 1 as per usual. That's probably easier than the hardcode and has pretty much the same effect, that would work fine.

The other option would be to limit that mod to a subset of rifles. I know the +magazine -reload speed corrupted mod is assault rifles only, so I could see DE restricting it to non-sniper rifles. It would cut out "abuse" like this where it's essentially free damage. Not that Primed Chamber/Charged Chamber aren't already free damage anyhow for the Vectis, but still.

In other news, I'm already out of neurodes. Stupid Grineer primaries need anywhere from 2 to 6 of the suckers. I'll be upset if DE releases any more frankenstein weapons that require a grakata, hind, or karak anytime soon.

2015-06-24, 11:30 AM
In news only tangentially related to the matter above: The worst Prime Access in the history of the game is shutting down in about a week. (https://warframe.com/news/last-chance-volt-prime-access) If you haven't gotten the Accessories Pack (only part that was worth it, Edo Prime is great), now is your last chance. Looks like we'll be finding out soon enough how the Vectis Prime handles, I'll be buying into Ash Prime practically immediately.

EDIT: Also U16.10 on Thursday, no hints as to what's in it though.

Mobius Twist
2015-06-24, 12:52 PM
I realized I like certain frames that do two things:
1. Help the team in some substantial way.
2. Limit my options in some other way to focus gameplay.

Trinity: Heals/provides energy. Doesn't need to keep up with the team in either kills or physical presence in order to provide most of its return on value.
Frost: Provides incredible stationary defense. Doesn't need to range, pursue kills, or deviate much from its protection target.
Loki: Distracts/Disarms. Doesn't need to stick to the rest of the team in order to be assured of survival (invisibility) or effectiveness (since disarm lasts forever).

Maybe it's a narrow view of these frames, but limiting options helps focus my team-assist gameplay and mastery of a subset of available skills makes me feel better than a random scattering of kills and no tangible contribution.

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-24, 10:17 PM
I realized I like certain frames that do two things:
1. Help the team in some substantial way.
2. Limit my options in some other way to focus gameplay.

Trinity: Heals/provides energy. Doesn't need to keep up with the team in either kills or physical presence in order to provide most of its return on value.
Frost: Provides incredible stationary defense. Doesn't need to range, pursue kills, or deviate much from its protection target.
Loki: Distracts/Disarms. Doesn't need to stick to the rest of the team in order to be assured of survival (invisibility) or effectiveness (since disarm lasts forever).

Maybe it's a narrow view of these frames, but limiting options helps focus my team-assist gameplay and mastery of a subset of available skills makes me feel better than a random scattering of kills and no tangible contribution.

Sadly, there aren't too many focused warframes like that. Some of the augments can get you supporting abilities (e.g., the various elemental 1 augments, Mirage's Total Eclipse, Trinity's EV augment, etc.), but that has some barrier to entry. Mesa and Chroma also apply, but both of their quests are a pain in the butt to do.

Mobius Twist
2015-06-25, 09:21 AM
I've already crossed that threshold - all the non-prime frames are sitting at 30 in my stable and I'm at highest rep with Steel Meridian and Red Veil, with Suda and Arbiters climbing up there. Most everything else I can either trade for or buy outright.

At this point what's left is leveling weapons and archwing gear (ugh, the grind on that) and optimizing my playstyle to include the things I actually enjoy as breaks. Hence, this bit of self-analysis.


As a different train of thought: What weapons took you by surprise? As in, you expected to hate them, but tried them out and were pleasantly impressed.

For me, it's the Castanas (Don't have access to the Sancti version from New Loka yet). 2-item magazine? Thrown weapons? Self-harm? All things I don't especially enjoy. But the control is incredible, the damage can be written about in glowing terms (at least as far as the star map and pre-T3 void goes), and the explosive radius is just right to avoid killing myself but catch everyone else in the lightning storm. Also, electric damage is a top-end thing of awesome because of how well it combos.

2015-06-25, 10:15 AM
As a different train of thought: What weapons took you by surprise? As in, you expected to hate them, but tried them out and were pleasantly impressed.

The assorted sniper rifles, in particular the Vectis. I've never really liked sniping in most games, but I find popping Grineer heads off from a half a mile away is oddly enjoyable.

...Maybe it's the fact that it always cracks me up when I shoot one from far enough away and no one responds to his death.

2015-06-25, 02:04 PM
As a different train of thought: What weapons took you by surprise? As in, you expected to hate them, but tried them out and were pleasantly impressed.

Let's see. Didn't expect to hate them but weapons that were positive surprises for me:

- Torid: I really didn't think much of it but I found a launcher with the only real lingering effect in the game and no friendly fire. Oh, and it does ridiculous damage too. I promptly made it my new main primary.

- Quanta: I didn't expect much of it but boy was I wrong. The laser range is 50 meters. 50 meters! Amprex is like 18m for comparison. And it has perfect accuracy even with Heavy Caliber, it's hitscan, it has infinite ammo more or less and it can reach very respectable DPS. But then the weapon has the other mode too! Cubes have the highest DPS in the game if you self-detonate them and it's another launcher that has no friendly fire. Even better, they're not only explosives (that actually benefit of Heavy Caliber to avoid self-detonation with Split Chamber) but it also acts as a mine layer! This weapon is just so ridiculously versatile with all its modes being fairly strong for what they do that I don't even know what to say.

- Sancti Castanas: Much like you, I didn't expect much of them but the remote detonation and sticking-to-things aspects really give them another lease on life.

- Penta: It does have friendly fire but it's still controllable. I didn't expect much of it but boy are explosives good in this game; tons of headshots, crits, etc. in huge areas in a game mostly about enemy hordes. Penta was the first one I built after Angstrum and as such, it was the first time I got to really enjoy all that (Angstrum is such a cool weapon but it's quite dangerous to oneself that I initially relegated it to ODD duty). People complain about the ammo nerfs, I still rarely run out. I feel that mostly influenced its ODD use.

2015-06-25, 04:07 PM
Kohm. At first I thought "Oh boy another shotgun to level and throw away". Then I used it. I actually got to play with it pre-nerf, when it fired projectiles and had no damage fall-off. Unfortunately, the reason it got the ol' nerf-bat wasn't even that it was too good. Turns out the Confetti Cannon had a tendency to cause people to crash. It's still a great shotgun. It's hitscan and has damage fall-off, now, but it still does a ton of damage and has innate 1m punch-through (and as an added bonus, much better ammo efficiency than before). I just miss the old version.

2015-06-25, 04:11 PM
Kohm is so good, yeah. I mean, just wow. You just need to point in in the general direction of ANYTHING and it'll wreck face. So much DPS and rounds everywhere.

2015-06-25, 04:12 PM
Opticor. I got an uber (soma p) early on, and everyone was pretty much saying I didn't need another, but opticor is best sniper. I have 4 forma on mine.

Kohm. At first I thought "Oh boy another shotgun to level and throw away". Then I used it. I actually got to play with it pre-nerf, when it fired projectiles and had no damage fall-off. Unfortunately, the reason it got the ol' nerf-bat wasn't even that it was too good. Turns out the Confetti Cannon had a tendency to cause people to crash. It's still a great shotgun. It's hitscan and has damage fall-off, now, but it still does a ton of damage and has innate 1m punch-through (and as an added bonus, much better ammo efficiency than before). I just miss the old version.

This. I like kohm way better than phage.

2015-06-25, 04:27 PM
Speaking of shotguns, I always wrote Boar Prime off as a hopeless ammo hog but a friend of mine introduced me to its wonders with a great status build and surprisingly impressive damage even with it. Nowadays I have 4 shotguns I use with some regularity in Kohm, Boar Prime, Hek & "shotgun" Phage. Strun Wraith is still waiting the last few formas (its turn comes after I finish Sybaris).

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-26, 08:06 PM
For the longest time, I hated shotguns in this game. Then the Strun Wraith happened. It was perfection. Then the Phage came along in all its tentacle-y laser light show glory.

For rifles, I used to hate automatics, but the soma changed my mind.

2015-06-28, 12:12 AM
Well, it's my tankiest frame right now. I feel indestructible, just not trinity indestructible. I would love a buff, though.
Well each to their own, each i time i took it it out it felt swishy as hek and i lamented each time for not bring a frame better suited to the task at hand.

The Kohm was ok but even with a Max Ammo muntation it was hard to keep it topped up sometimes and i wasn't that interested in it to make it all fit better as opposed to cramming forma after forma into my Ogris or Opticor

2015-06-30, 06:35 AM
So now with Primed Pistol Gambit, Aksomati with Seeker go over 20k DPS. Hornet/Barrel/Lethal/PPistol Gambit/Tracker Cracker/PHeated Charge/Element/Seeker lands at 20139 sustained DPS by my math. Still not quite as good as Soma Prime but already significantly over Boltor Prime with Shred - with their reasonable ammo efficiency, I feel it's finally feasible to state that there's now a good basic automatic secondary (tho of course, they're restricted to fire-type elements while maintaining those numbers so mostly Radiation vs. generic stuff and Blast vs. Infested; dropping Target Cracker for second element to fit Viral/Fire or so drops it to 17k DPS).

Thrice Dead Cat
2015-06-30, 07:46 AM
I'm still a little annoyed that Primed Pistol Gambit isn't also 20% per rank, but at least it's now better than the 15% before the hotfix. I wasn't a fan of the aksomati, but Primed Pistol Gambit may get me to switch to a crit- based Vaykor Marelok build.

2015-06-30, 08:06 AM
I'm still a little annoyed that Primed Pistol Gambit isn't also 20% per rank, but at least it's now better than the 15% before the hotfix. I wasn't a fan of the aksomati, but Primed Pistol Gambit may get me to switch to a crit- based Vaykor Marelok build.

It works but unfortunately it runs into the same problem as Aksomati; hard to fit Primed Heated Charge and good elemental comboes with only two elements. Essentially you trade elemental multipliers for raw damage with the crit build on both (or give up Primed Heated Charge but that's quite the dip in terms of raw damage). Or you can always play without Seeker, I suppose. The 1.5 base multiplier on Vaykor Marelok makes it somewhat less efficient though.

2015-06-30, 08:44 AM
It works but unfortunately it runs into the same problem as Aksomati; hard to fit Primed Heated Charge and good elemental comboes with only two elements. Essentially you trade elemental multipliers for raw damage with the crit build on both (or give up Primed Heated Charge but that's quite the dip in terms of raw damage). Eh... it depends.The Varelok has so much impact you can probably avoid getting cold damage versus shields.

Or you can always play without Seeker, I suppose. The 1.5 base multiplier on Vaykor Marelok makes it somewhat less efficient though.


Lex Prime users should be really happy. It's a crit happy gun already, mostly held back by bad critical mods on pistols. With headshots, it can be pretty good.

2015-06-30, 08:54 AM
Eh... it depends.The Varelok has so much impact you can probably avoid getting cold damage versus shields.

That's irrelevant. With Seeker and two crit mods, you have two slots; if one of those is Primed Heated Charge, you're restricted to Heat, Radiation, Blast and Gas for your combinations. Gas only has any uses as a proc element - the damage type is horrid, with bonuses only vs. superweak enemies that die anyways (and LaJuggs). Radiation is good vs. heavy Grineer and Corrupted Bombards but in Corrosive Projection runs, that's wasted. The proc is again good but Varelok oneshots enemies so easily particularly on headshots that modding it for proc is frankly a waste in most content - there are much better status weapons simply on account of their rate of fire (Varelok Status build is like Dread and Vectis Status builds - impressive numbers but little practicality outside few edge cases). Finally, Blast is good vs. Fossilized Infested which means it's good in long Infested runs but that's about it. Again, mostly a proc weapon.

That basically leaves you with flat Heat as your best long run option but being forced to run an IPS mod or Scorch leaves you a bit behind dual elements on damage anyways, and 25% bonus from Heat is nothing compared to Viral's 75% bonus vs. Cloned Flesh and 50% vs. Flesh. Generally with Aksomati I just run Radiation and if I go endless, I'll just use a different weapon but it's really a shame. Viral/Heat Varelok is a very good option though and I doubt the crit build is sufficiently better in endless specifically due to the multipliers and Primed Heated Charge.

In general, I wouldn't bother getting any bonuses vs. shields; aside from bosses, enemy shields are so weak that weapons with no bonuses cut through them like a knife through hot butter even vs. level 100+ enemies. Compared to Heavy Grineer and Infested units, the Void Corpus enemies (and starchart Corpus enemies for that matter) are so weak that anything you can use against the Heavies even without Armor is gonna annihilate the Corpus.

Lex Prime users should be really happy. It's a crit happy gun already, mostly held back by bad critical mods on pistols. With headshots, it can be pretty good.

Well, it also has the problem of just having poor damage in general. Even if you gave it Rifle Crit mods and accounted for headshot crits, it would still lose out to Varelok's damage by a significant margin. I counted that if it had 100% crit chance with the mod, it would be competitive assuming you only ever shot headshots but as it stands, that's just a pipe dream. Even PPG only gives it 57%, barely over half of what it would need. Though of course, it's more than sufficient for anything non-endless.

2015-06-30, 10:00 AM
That's irrelevant. With Seeker and two crit mods, you have two slots; if one of those is Primed Heated Charge, you're restricted to Heat, Radiation, Blast and Gas for your combinations. Gas only has any uses as a proc element - the damage type is horrid, with bonuses only vs. superweak enemies that die anyways (and LaJuggs). Radiation is good vs. heavy Grineer and Corrupted Bombards but in Corrosive Projection runs, that's wasted. The proc is again good but Varelok oneshots enemies so easily particularly on headshots that modding it for proc is frankly a waste in most content - there are much better status weapons simply on account of their rate of fire (Varelok Status build is like Dread and Vectis Status builds - impressive numbers but little practicality outside few edge cases). Finally, Blast is good vs. Fossilized Infested which means it's good in long Infested runs but that's about it. Again, mostly a proc weapon.

That basically leaves you with flat Heat as your best long run option but being forced to run an IPS mod or Scorch leaves you a bit behind dual elements on damage anyways, and 25% bonus from Heat is nothing compared to Viral's 75% bonus vs. Cloned Flesh and 50% vs. Flesh. Generally with Aksomati I just run Radiation and if I go endless, I'll just use a different weapon but it's really a shame. Viral/Heat Varelok is a very good option though and I doubt the crit build is sufficiently better in endless specifically due to the multipliers and Primed Heated Charge.

In general, I wouldn't bother getting any bonuses vs. shields; aside from bosses, enemy shields are so weak that weapons with no bonuses cut through them like a knife through hot butter even vs. level 100+ enemies. Compared to Heavy Grineer and Infested units, the Void Corpus enemies (and starchart Corpus enemies for that matter) are so weak that anything you can use against the Heavies even without Armor is gonna annihilate the Corpus. Yeah, I was going to say Heat for unarmored (or with x4 corrosive projection) or radiation otherwise. Out of the heavy grineer, the alloyed armored ones are the most troublesome.

Well, it also has the problem of just having poor damage in general. Even if you gave it Rifle Crit mods and accounted for headshot crits, it would still lose out to Varelok's damage by a significant margin. I counted that if it had 100% crit chance with the mod, it would be competitive assuming you only ever shot headshots but as it stands, that's just a pipe dream. Even PPG only gives it 57%, barely over half of what it would need. Though of course, it's more than sufficient for anything non-endless. Well, you have to remember that pistols hit 3 times with the multishot. 57% may not be very good when comparing rifles, but you will probably land at least one crit. Not to mention you can pick up Avenger to improved your crit percentage, which is a huge boon to crit builds.

It's not great, but if your good with headshots, the better accuracy makes it better over range. Still, I'd stick to my Status Varelok.

Speaking of, I picked up Jolt, and with some rejiggering I can finally start doing Rad Viral with Prime Heated Charge on, or do 100+ status. I can't wait for Baro to toss me and my PS4 folk the rifle elect/status mod. My Burston would love it. :p

2015-06-30, 11:38 AM
Well, they're removing Mag Prime, Boar Prime and Dakra Prime. We get one week to farm them up. If anyone would like to try and collect them, I offer my keys (I really do have a lot, though some more than others). I'm not really sure what my work schedule is like this week, but I'll try to help anyone that wants.

2015-06-30, 12:40 PM
Well, they're removing Mag Prime, Boar Prime and Dakra Prime. We get one week to farm them up. If anyone would like to try and collect them, I offer my keys (I really do have a lot, though some more than others). I'm not really sure what my work schedule is like this week, but I'll try to help anyone that wants.

Funnily enough, I actually collected a whole Dakra set today. I was going to sell it, but I think I'll hold onto for the price jump.

2015-06-30, 02:33 PM
Everyone gets a damm American flag shaped colour picker shoved down their throats whether you want it or not. Seriously that kind of thing needs to be in the shop for 1 credit, its now an un-asked for bit of obnoxiousness in the middle of some of my most used packs.

2015-06-30, 02:37 PM
Everyone gets a damm American flag shaped colour picker shoved down their throats whether you want it or not. Seriously that kind of thing needs to be in the shop for 1 credit, its now an un-asked for bit of obnoxiousness in the middle of some of my most used packs.

Isn't the Australia flag the same colors? :smalltongue:

At least you aren't having an actual issue. I can't use the Paris skin to make Paris Prime look good. :smallfrown:

2015-06-30, 05:16 PM
Isn't the Australia flag the same colors? :smalltongue:

At least you aren't having an actual issue. I can't use the Paris skin to make Paris Prime look good. :smallfrown:

39 / 26 of the Same colours in Red and white in a Flag pattern i care very little about that i didn't ask for or want smack in the middle of my most used packs (i'd not care for the Aussie flag to be forced down anyone else throats unwillingly either, if you want it then pay 1cred for it)

Nothing can make the Paris Prime look good. Not like its an actual problem, its a skin made for the Normal (id guess the Mk-1 aswell) Weapon

We were in a Tower Survival tonight and for once we had our clans resident Founder along with his Excalibur Prime and it lead to the discussion of the terrible life of a Corrupted ~ Boss Brain compels you go go forth and purge these irritants from its holdings but you end up Blind, Covered in Antimatter and compelled to attack your allies and then you explode from a unseen melee weapon to the face

2015-07-01, 04:58 PM
So I've already managed to farm up 2 full sets of Mag Prime. Wasn't really difficult, considering how many damn keys I have. Now the question is do I want to bother farming up the Dakra and Boar...

2015-07-01, 11:36 PM
So I've already managed to farm up 2 full sets of Mag Prime. Wasn't really difficult, considering how many damn keys I have. Now the question is do I want to bother farming up the Dakra and Boar...

Man, kinda wish I had looked here earlier, been trying to farm it up myself. Thankfully I still have time and am pretty close to getting at least one of each of them. Still, if you're up for running more shoot me a message tomorrow, same name as here. I'm willing to toss whatever keys of mine I have left as well, if needed.

2015-07-02, 08:19 AM
Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a Mag, and the consensus seems to be that the PBoar is better than the Straith... I think I'll have some time tonight, but my weekend is going to be busy.

2015-07-02, 08:38 AM
Eh, I'm not really a fan of either.

Speaking of, I have 2 full Dakra sets ready for sale. These things were expensive on PS4 before they were being vaulted. :smallamused:

2015-07-02, 10:15 AM
Took 4 runs to get the final bit i needed for it, the Barrel.

Apparently its good in Conclave.