View Full Version : The Witch Queen's Gambit [IC]

2015-02-12, 10:06 PM
The imperator is a hard-weathered man. Eyes and hair, his colors are those of iron and steel. He might have been handsome once or might not have, but now duty has worn it away and replaced it with a mask of stubborn dignity. You've seen his visage before, of course, but never this close. The imperator doesn't make many public appearances anymore, no longer needing to garner public support, so the meeting he's arranged with each of you is a particular honor.

The meeting takes place in what could be called his throne room. It's characteristic of his taste, more of a military commander's battle-room than the seat of power for all of the empire, with only a few concessions to indulgence. Maps and charts with the elegant lines of the empire's best cartographers are plastered on the walls, and the throne itself is a comfortable wooden chair with cushions lining its back. A battered sword hangs above it, though given the imperator's position as a commander, it seems unlikely to have gained as much wear as it has.

As you are ushered into the room, the imperator's aides fade discreetly back into the passageways preceding the chamber, locking the door. The imperator smiles, then. "Thank each of you for agreeing to meet with me. I don't wish to keep you in the dark any longer than necessary, but before I begin, I would like you to know that this room is proof against magical penetration. You may say what you wish without fear of anyone else hearing the words, which is also why I intend to be fully open with you.

"It is only natural to begin at the beginning, and that would be twenty years ago. Twenty years ago, I was an ambitious young upstart. Only the heir to a minor fief, I already thought I could change the world. That I could fix everything wrong with it, and I do mean everything.

"I was selfish." He pauses for a moment. "It didn't seem like it to me then; I thought someone like me was what Arvasa needed. I thought nothing would- nothing could- ever change, if I didn't make it. It was my passion. I needed this belief as much as I needed to breathe, and it was as intrinsic to me.

"So- and this is the most candid I've been with anyone in twenty years- I agreed to play a fame. I don't know if they sought me out, or saw their opportunity in my hubris, or if they offer the same chance to everyone who has the same kind of desire that I did. I didn't know the rules, and I still don't. I don't know if I'm the only one, or if there are a thousand others who've made the same pact.

"So the game was played, and I gambled everything. I can't tell you how close I came to losing it, either. Playing chess in the dark with my hands tied behind my back, I'm still not sure how I won. But when the sun came up the next morning, I had what I asked for. But you can't go back on a deal like this one, and although I now realized my foolishness, it was too late to change my course.

"So I campaigned. I won't tell you the stories they have in the history books, but you know the result. It all worked out for me. Sometimes in byzantine ways, bizarre quirks of fate that delivered what I needed to my lap. Other times it was more direct. Do you know I have not a single scar from any battle that year?

"No, the scars I carried were different. I'd won these twenty years of peace, but you can never walk away from a game like the one I played still entirely unscathed.

"I'd begun to think that I was the first, though. That I was just clever enough, that I could leave my legacy behind, a glorious monument to what man could achieve, though there would always be that taunting shadow behind me reminding me that nothing I did was truly my own. And I'd begun to think that that was enough.

"Two days ago, they came back. First time I'd seen them since that sunrise. They demanded a rematch.

"But this would be a different game. Very different. I'd get to set up the board, and I'd get to choose the pieces, but I wouldn't get to play." He smiles ruefully. "The game will begin with my death, on the night of the full moon. One week away.

"They'll have their game, and it's beyond us to stop them from playing it. Our only hope is to win, to use their rules against them.

"I don't know what they'll do if we lose. Perhaps they'll take back my winnings, return things to the chaos of twenty years ago. Perhaps they're playing double or nothing, and they'll make things worse than they've ever been. Perhaps they'll overturn the board and put something entirely new in its place. It's impossible to guess at their motivations, but it'll be best if we never find out what they would do.

"So. I've spent twenty years setting up my board. All I have left is to pick my pieces. I can't choose anyone prominent in the government, as the game may take up to a year to play, and if things there start to break down more it will only make things easier on their side. I can't choose anyone too notable or the civilians will start to worry, and that's the last thing we need. So I had to pick discreetly, and not knowing the kind of game they'll be playing, I had to choose as varied a skillset as possible."

He crosses the room to stand directly in front of you. "The guardian. The merchant. The knight. The urchin. Some of you were more difficult to track down than others, but I see the same potential in you that I'd like to think I once had. I offer you the ability to represent Arvasa. You may, of course, turn me down. I will swear you to silence, and would ask your permission to have some spells laid on you to ensure your silence. Should you agree, I can provide you with as much information as I have, but I promise you it will never be enough, against these opponents. Either way, I need to know your choice." He states it bluntly.

2015-02-13, 07:59 AM
"Your Majesty," Thelbin said as he rose from a formal bow, "If we are to do this, to defeat these dark powers at their own game with unknown rules, the most important weapon we can have is knowledge. From what you have said, they do not reveal much of their nature; still, there may be some forgotten tome hidden in one of the more exclusive libraries. In fact, there are many resources we will need which cannot necessarily be predicted; we will need some form of authority if we are to deal with the crisis at hand, and not just to persuade zealous librarians."

Thelbin visibly stopped himself from saying more. He was not blind to the opportunity for personal advancement, but he would not state his ambitions outright; not until any discussion of rewards, at least.

2015-02-13, 08:26 AM
While the imperator is speaking, Altei has been discretely glancing at the others in the room. The guardian and the urchin are complete strangers, though the knight seems somewhat familiar. She'll devote more time to that later.

The knight is answering first. Good. More time to collect her thoughts. When he finishes, she finally makes eye contact with the imperator. "So, essentially, you're asking us to play this game, with these...dark and menacing powers? Since you'll ostensibly be dead? That is quite the request."

She laces her fingers together. "How will we know we haven't just cut the rest of our lives down to twenty years--or less? And what exactly am I agreeing to? What is this game?" Then she sighs. "Of course, we'll find out once we agree, right? Makes things somewhat difficult."

I applaud your vagueness, good sir, but it's not very helpful to me...

2015-02-13, 04:11 PM
Nalya scratches her head. Something wasn't right. Something was very much not right. Just another halfling in Cinza, and now here she was, in a magic-proof room in Coronal, listen to only the blammin' imperator ramble about games and mortality.

But then, she wasn't just another halfling, was she? Because she knew. She knew who was really behind the slick public face of the law. She knew the fey ruled Arvasa, with their beauty and their games and -

Oh, hell!

It was a trap! The fey were on to her - and now they were making her play games, just like they'd made her play those horrible games back when she was a kid. But then, what were the other three for - were they also captives in the trap? Did they also know about the fey, about the trap?

Nalya stiffens and glances around at the three others. It was hard to get a read: they didn't look that frightened, but then fear can be so easy to hide...

What to do? Bolt? But then she probably wouldn't make it out the building or even the room, and she couldn't be sure the other three would follow suit. Better to hang on, play the game on her own terms.

"Why should we trust you, and how do you know you can trust us? There's four of us, one of you, and nobody's getting in or out. If we wanted to, we could theoretically beat the information out of you. For all you know, we might all be lunatics."

2015-02-14, 03:52 AM
Thelbin shifts uneasily, and shoots an angry look at Nalya. Still, he has learned well enough when he needs to hold his tongue. Better to bide his time, work out the dynamics of the room rather than risk giving too much offense to a potential ally.

2015-02-14, 07:46 AM
"Your Majesty," Thelbin said as he rose from a formal bow, "If we are to do this, to defeat these dark powers at their own game with unknown rules, the most important weapon we can have is knowledge. From what you have said, they do not reveal much of their nature; still, there may be some forgotten tome hidden in one of the more exclusive libraries. In fact, there are many resources we will need which cannot necessarily be predicted; we will need some form of authority if we are to deal with the crisis at hand, and not just to persuade zealous librarians."

"Of course," the imperator says. "Of course, I cannot promise that whatever authority I provide to you will continue after my own death. The provisions I have made are intended to place my authority in the hands of a temporary council convened of my immediate subordinates in order to prevent any one strong leader from immediate control, but that's no more of a guarantee that they will consider anything I did without notifying them valid. Still, I can provide you with enough to ensure you are not disturbed in your preparations."

"So, essentially, you're asking us to play this game, with these...dark and menacing powers? Since you'll ostensibly be dead? That is quite the request."

She laces her fingers together. "How will we know we haven't just cut the rest of our lives down to twenty years--or less? And what exactly am I agreeing to? What is this game?" Then she sighs. "Of course, we'll find out once we agree, right? Makes things somewhat difficult."

The imperator sighs, sitting down heavily on the throne. "I will tell you what else I can, if you will agree to swear an oath of secrecy should you choose to deny my offer. What I know is limited to the way my game was played and what I think you can expect to see from them. Which is, I think they will try to engender chaos. To do it directly is not their mien, but I suspect that they would begin with trying to undo everything I have achieved."

"Why should we trust you, and how do you know you can trust us? There's four of us, one of you, and nobody's getting in or out. If we wanted to, we could theoretically beat the information out of you. For all you know, we might all be lunatics."

"I told you, I needed to choose as varied a skillset as possible. When searching for those that tend to be less than upstanding, tax-paying citizens, one must take some risks. Besides, you have to have a touch of insanity in order to face the insane on their own grounds. Whether you're violent..." The imperator shrugs. "You're unarmed, unless you hid a weapon very well, and I am blessed."

2015-02-14, 08:25 AM
The guardian stands by the wall, silently absorbing this information. He opens his eyes, their catlike slits zooming in on him. "We don't have a choice in the matter," he states. His voice and manner of speaking are slow and deliberate. It is clear he is very unused to the Common tongue. "With you dead, these lands will surely fall back into chaos of their own volition. Anyone attempting to stir up even more trouble must be dealt with accordingly. If we have a week, we need to prepare the terrain. Tell us where this game will take place, and we will go live in that area and grow accustomed to its terrain so that we may play clearly and without any nasty surprises."

2015-02-14, 11:53 AM
The guardian stands by the wall, silently absorbing this information. He opens his eyes, their catlike slits zooming in on him. "We don't have a choice in the matter," he states. His voice and manner of speaking are slow and deliberate. It is clear he is very unused to the Common tongue. "With you dead, these lands will surely fall back into chaos of their own volition. Anyone attempting to stir up even more trouble must be dealt with accordingly. If we have a week, we need to prepare the terrain. Tell us where this game will take place, and we will go live in that area and grow accustomed to its terrain so that we may play clearly and without any nasty surprises."

"The playing field, battleground- however you choose to think of it- is not confined. I am almost certain that it will begin here, however. They will eat at the empire from the inside out. It may do you better to familiarize yourself with your opponents, though I cannot provide much on that front either. Before I can elaborate, though, I need either an agreement or an oath of silence from each of you."

2015-02-14, 12:23 PM
The lycanthrope looks up, his expression grim. "I thought I made myself clear when I said 'we don't have a choice.' You will have my assistance with this cause, Your Majesty."

2015-02-14, 03:41 PM
"The playing field, battleground- however you choose to think of it- is not confined. I am almost certain that it will begin here, however. They will eat at the empire from the inside out. It may do you better to familiarize yourself with your opponents, though I cannot provide much on that front either. Before I can elaborate, though, I need either an agreement or an oath of silence from each of you."

Auva glances at the guardian. "Us"? Really?

She turns her attention back to the imperator. "Well then. As much as I dislike it, the 'guardian' has a point. Unbridled chaos is not very conducive to business." Each word is slow and deliberate. "I...will help as much as I feel is necessary."

2015-02-14, 09:18 PM
Thelbin scoffed. "Such reluctance to serve the Imperator. Does loyalty to Arvasa mean nothing to you?"

Thelbin shifted back a little. No doubt he would have to offer an apology sooner or later. He turned his gaze back to the Imperator, and spoke again without offering a chance for a rejoinder.

"Nonetheless, Sire, it is customary to offer a reward for a task of such great risk and magnitude. Perhaps that will prove persuasive where the needs of the Empire are not."

2015-02-15, 04:02 PM
"Nonetheless, Sire, it is customary to offer a reward for a task of such great risk and magnitude. Perhaps that will prove persuasive where the needs of the Empire are not."

Altei coughs. Politely, if that's even possible. "Oh, but sir, as you just so dutifully pointed out, what about loyalty? Isn't loyalty to Arvasa its own reward?" She nods at the imperator. "Apologies for interrupting, sire."

Not that a reward wouldn't be nice. Hard to give rewards when you're dead, though.

2015-02-17, 10:55 PM
"I would have hoped that ensuring the continued existence of yourself and that which you care about would be enough for you," the imperator says with a cough. "I can provide additional incentive, of course, but that again would be problematic after my death. If you take coin or goods from the imperial coffers and I do not explain the reason to my lieutenants, they may assume you are thieves or outlaws, and try to reclaim it by force. If you're willing to accept that consequence, I can provide you with whatever you think is fair. You can't take it with you, after all."

2015-02-17, 11:25 PM
The beastman bares his fangs at the king's words. "Enough games. We have sworn to allegiance. Now give us the information we need to defeat these creatures and protect our people!" he demands angrily.

2015-02-18, 12:25 AM
Thelbin turned to face Liam.

"You are getting a little ahead of yourself, warrior. But you do bring up a salient point - now is the time for oaths to be sworn."

Thelbin took in a deep breath, and facing the Imperator he began to speak in a formal tone.

"I, Thelbin Westerway, Knight of no Lord, son of Baron Verrard Westerway, do solemnly swear that I shall do all in my power to deal with the threat we have discussed, and furthermore, I swear I shall not reveal any part of its nature save to those who already know of it. I swear it on my name and on my sword. Er..."

Thelbin realized only too late that he was swearing on a sword he did not have. No matter, he would just have to find a swordsmith once this meeting was done.

2015-02-18, 01:31 AM
Idiots! Nalya's companions were trapped here with her and all they could do was blindly agree to help the Imperium. It was like they didn't even know about the secret. And now they were beginning to swear themselves into allegiance to the imperator?

Play it cool, Nalya, play it cool, she thinks. Maybe they're bluffing. She'd play along too. She had no choice.

"All right, I'm in. I swear by my mother's name to play and, as far as I am able, to win your game for the good of the people of Arvasa." she solemnly states, hand raised in the air. Why not, after all? It was ambiguous wording, and since she knew no mother, it wasn't actually tied to anything.

"Now, about those coffers. I'd quite like some of the imperial loot, lieutenants' wrath or not." Her life was in danger, but free things are, after all, free things.

2015-02-18, 01:24 PM
"Certainly," the imperator says, standing from his seat and striding over to a desk pushed up against the wall, from which he withdraws a sheet of parchment and an ostentatious quill pen. "As long as these others would not mind. Most of my personal funds are tied up in investments, but I should have enough to provide adequate recompense. What would you feel is a just sum, or would you prefer another method of payment?"

2015-02-18, 05:17 PM
The guardian snarls. "A waste of time. I just hope that your greed does not spell disaster for the rest of us," he mutters, waiting impatiently for the transaction to end so the action could begin.

2015-02-21, 03:29 AM
Nalya has to consciously prevent herself from opening her eyes wide in surprise. It had to be a trick - why else would the imperator be offering her an unbounded sum of cash. Fool's gold. That'd be just like the fey.

Still, if it was actual gold he was actually offering (which would also make sense, given the fey's tendencies to stroke before the slap and pamper before the punch), she wasn't going to refuse.

"Er... ten - ten thousand gold pieces? In jewels, of course, so we don't have to break our backs carrying the stuff."

2015-02-21, 07:26 AM
Thelbin shook his head at the halfling's transparent greed for such a transient reward as mere money. Land and title would make for a much more stable existence.

"For my part, I ask this. The Duke of Mantena is struggling with crop blights and financial trouble. The realm should be more stable if the crown were to aid him to the tune of a few thousand. And if he were to know that I had persuaded you to send aid, I could perhaps leverage that favor into a fiefdom in his service. I suppose it would draw too much attention if you were to tell him directly, but if you provided me with a letter of introduction -- not to be used until the threat is ended -- then that would be an excellent reward."

2015-02-21, 12:19 PM
"I'm afraid ten thousand in jewels is beyond my liquid assets at the moment," the imperator says. "It's possible that I could provide something approaching the sum in gold or silver, but exchanging vast amounts of coin for jewels is likely to bring undue attention. I could provide perhaps two thousand in jewels, or a writ to allow you to withdraw a certain value of items from our vaults. As a group, of course."

He turns to Thelbin. "A noble request indeed. The Duke's situation is unfortunate, and I would be more than happy to increase the financial aid the crown is providing to Mantena. The next shipment is supposed to go out in a matter of days, and it should not present a problem to expand our generosity before then. I shall write a letter to the Duke specifically, along with the general one to specify the power I've vested in you."

2015-02-22, 04:42 AM
Thelbin bowed.

"You are indeed generous, Sire."

2015-02-22, 06:12 PM
Altei has been watching as the others negotiate. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I--and the others--have agreed to help. Will you tell us more about what we're getting ourselves into? Then we can haggle over rewards."

She shrugs. "That's not to say I wouldn't mind being compensated for risking my life, battling against dark forces, etcetera, but I'd like to learn a little more first."

2015-02-23, 09:53 PM
"I wish I had more to tell you," the imperator sighs. "I can describe to you what happened for me, but I don't know how much use that would be. Mine was a lucid dream- we built towering landscapes and crushed them in our fists, raised mountain ranges and typhoons, strung chains of towns and cities through the wilderness like glittering lights as they bent every branch against me. It was a test of creativity, mental fortitude, and spontaneity. Yours will presumably take place in this more physical realm, but the virtues that will guide you will likely be the same. I suspect their short-term goal will be to spread chaos. At least, that is how it looks to us- to them, I think, they are simply shifting things into a pattern too alien for us to comprehend. Long-term, I can't guess, but I think what they seek in toying with us like this is mere amusement. According to all the legends, ennui is the ultimate foe of all immortals. They constrain their own power, place shackles on their wrists, to make it more interesting, and if you can follow the rules they set to the end, they will cede the victory to you. Is that at least somewhat more enlightening?"

2015-02-23, 10:04 PM
The guardian nods. "So all we have to do is keep the peace and order in the lands, and then we can crush them. Sounds easy enough."

2015-02-24, 01:54 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on.

'Toying with us'?

"Imperator... who is 'they'?" Nalya asks tentatively, all monetary concerns banished from her mind for the time being.

2015-02-24, 08:15 PM
"Well, that's a question for the scholars, madam," the imperator says. "I understand they've worn many faces. Nature-spirits, residents of whatever lay beyond the breaches, sometimes even posing as gods. Regardless of their guise, there are certain aspects that are recognizable. They are mercurial, unearthly, entirely detached from our morals... in a word, fey."

2015-02-26, 08:11 AM
"Well, that's a question for the scholars, madam," the imperator says. "I understand they've worn many faces. Nature-spirits, residents of whatever lay beyond the breaches, sometimes even posing as gods. Regardless of their guise, there are certain aspects that are recognizable. They are mercurial, unearthly, entirely detached from our morals... in a word, fey."

Oh lovely.

"So you're asking us to outwit...or entertain the fey?" Altei raises an eyebrow. "The fey? Alien tricksters? Of course that'll be marvelously easy."

She shrugs helplessly. "Is there anywhere we could get more information? Prepare ourselves more?"

2015-02-26, 08:38 AM
The shapeshifter seizes up at the word. "The fey? The former protectors of nature who lost themselves to chaos? Those creatures are dangerous and unpredictable."

2015-02-26, 09:04 AM
Thelbin cleared his throat.

"All I know are myths and legends, but little of their behaviour can be understood from that. Oh, and a dead language known as Sylvan, attributed to them - although it could just as easily be from some other lost race, or from a ship from the distant South in some age gone by. I have managed to learn this language, mostly for the few arcane texts written in it; as far as I can remember, none held any clues as to the mindset behind them, being pure spellwork."

Thelbin turned to Altei.

"You are, er... you run some kind of magic shop, don't you? Perhaps you have heard of some illegible text which might hold something other than magic. I'd wager you have better contacts to find such things than I do."

2015-02-26, 03:46 PM
"Former protectors of nature?" The imperator considers the words for a moment. "Yes, that's one possibility. I suspect their true origin is something rather stranger, however. I employ a mathematician as one of my advisors, and he has ideas about constructs that could exist in four dimensions, where only part of them could ever be evident to us at once. My theory is that these beings- you call them the fey, although I had a different name for them- are like that, the higher-order representation of one of our kind just as a square is the higher-order representation of a line. I think that they can choose which of their facets are evident in our reality, and perceive things in a way that is entirely incomprehensible to us. Perhaps that's why they seem so detached from our systems of ethics. They would seem simplistic, a product of the humanity from which they are so far removed." He shakes off the thought. "But that kind of conjecture is hardly of use to you. More concretely, I can tell you about who I expect will be your opponents."

"From what I can tell, there's the Queen and her three lieutenants. I don't know their names, only how they represented themselves in this dream-war we had. The Queen I almost never saw. I thought of her like the queen from chess- not to be risked lightly, but devastating when she moves. I wondered if, in continuance with the metaphor, there might be a King somewhere, but if there was I saw no sign of him. Then there was one who gave herself a golden form. She was the most straightforward of the three as far as I could tell, reveling in battle and triumph. Her sister clothed herself in silver, and she was more deceptive. Her creations were those of shadow and starlight. The last general wore a glass body, and she was rather more of an enigma to me. She seemed to be spending more of her time testing the rules of the dream, less focused on the conflict itself. I don't know if your war will be so similar, but when I was informed that the game would be played again, I saw each of those four again."

2015-02-27, 02:40 AM

A chill runs up Nalya's spine as she hears the word. She'd been right, just in the wrong way. Her friends were surprised to learn about the nature of her opponents, and so they couldn't have been in the know. The fey, therefore hadn't congregated them all here to wipe them out or play games with them, and the imperator actually was being sincere.

Still... it never hurt to be skeptical, and if there was one thing Nalya knew herself to be, it was 'skeptical'. Not for her the delusions and foolish jumping-to-conclusions of normal folk.

"So... you summoned us here just because of a dream? Have you had any contact with these beings inside the confines of reality?" she asks, eyebrow cocked.

2015-02-27, 09:13 AM
"The dream was merely the playing field. They came to me before and after, and again two days ago," the imperator says. "When they offered me the chance to gamble, when they granted my desire, and when they informed me of my impending death. I am near certain all three of those visits were in physical form, though I cannot promise their appearance would be the same twice."

2015-02-27, 09:17 AM
The lycanthrope frowns as he absorbs all the information. "It sounds like the real danger here are the Queen's lieutenants, then. They're the ones that will most likely do the dirty work, and assuming they're less powerful than her, we would have an easier time dealing with them than her. What can you tell us about these three fey?"

2015-02-28, 10:04 AM
"You are, er... you run some kind of magic shop, don't you? Perhaps you have heard of some illegible text which might hold something other than magic. I'd wager you have better contacts to find such things than I do."

The merchant looks quizzically at the knight. "I hate to break this to you, but magic shops are almost exactly like any other type of shop. That is, I carry what people will buy, and I keep track of what people will buy. Most people are not interested in vaguely useful and illegible texts. If they were...well, then I wouldn't have any such text anymore, would I?" Altei pauses for a few moments, still eyeing the knight. "I have a feeling our contacts might have some overlap, too."

"It sounds like the real danger here are the Queen's lieutenants, then. They're the ones that will most likely do the dirty work, and assuming they're less powerful than her, we would have an easier time dealing with them than her. What can you tell us about these three fey?"

"Well, from what he said earlier, they seem to favor different tactics. Gold-body seems to be more directly confrontational, silver-body is smoke and mirrors, and glass-body is..." She shrugs. "Who knows. Rule-bending, but since we don't know the rules...lucky us, we'll probably find out."

2015-02-28, 10:33 AM
The guardian glances at the merchant with slight annoyance. "Thank you for repeating what I've already heard, but I was asking that question with the hopes of gaining additional information. The knights' weapons, for one, would be most helpful. How do they move? How large are they?"

2015-02-28, 07:38 PM
"Thank you for repeating what I've already heard, but I was asking that question with the hopes of gaining additional information. The knights' weapons, for one, would be most helpful. How do they move? How large are they?"

Altei adjusts the cuff of her sleeve, a nonchalant expression on her face. "Oh, you're very welcome. I just figured that if you felt the need to ask again, you might've missed that."

2015-02-28, 11:39 PM
Thelbin attempted to disrupt the escalating tension in the room. It would not do for this crucial meeting to descend into bickering and argument.

"We seem to be reaching the limits of available information here. While we may find more information later, this line of discussion is no longer useful."

The knight took a deep breath, before attempting to redirect the conversation.

"Now we must focus on two things: Firstly, what strategy shall we begin with when faced with each of these enemies? For example, could we lure the gold creature into a trap, as dishonourable as that may be, given her straightforward approach? Secondly, what contingencies can we prepare for when things inevitably go badly? Escape routes, reinforcements, that kind of thing."

2015-03-01, 12:00 AM
"Weapons? Movements? Sizes?" The imperator studies Liam for a moment. "I have no idea. I've seen the gold knight fight with a number of weapons, but I would guess she favors the foil. The silver knight, I think, prefers words but keeps stilettos in her sleeves in case. And I've never seen the glass knight armed." He considers the other questions. "I don't know about either of the others. Neither, I think, would limit them."

2015-03-01, 11:40 PM
The guardian takes careful note of everything that the king says, but makes no further comment.

2015-03-03, 02:35 AM
"Yeah? Great. Now let's talk gold. I want two thousand gold pieces in jewels, and a note allowing us to withdraw weapons or armor worth ten thousand gold pieces in total."

Nalya crosses her arms, then as an afterthought adds "At least."

2015-03-04, 07:30 AM
Thelbin sighed, and held his peace. At least the merchant had been cut off and had stopped baiting the strangely bestial warrior. A shame he could not remember her name - it might have deflated the tension more effectively. Of course, he could also have misread them both; they differed too much from his usual acquaintances to tell. Perhaps it was all in good humour... but Thelbin wasn't about to let his guard down, just in case.

2015-03-05, 05:16 PM
The imperator considers Nalya's request for a few moments. "That is acceptable, I suppose, with the understanding that it is to be shared among your group- or at least used to supply yourself with resources to the benefit of all. It's a slightly exorbitant sum, but given the chance that large parts of the empire will fall into economic collapse anyway, it's hardly taking away from anything more long-term. However, I doubt I can provide anything larger without drawing immediate suspicion, so if three thousand to be kept for yourself fails to appease your avarice, then your wage may have to be paid in stranger currencies."

2015-03-05, 07:42 PM
"That is acceptable, I suppose, with the understanding that it is to be shared among your group- or at least used to supply yourself with resources to the benefit of all. It's a slightly exorbitant sum, but given the chance that large parts of the empire will fall into economic collapse anyway, it's hardly taking away from anything more long-term. However, I doubt I can provide anything larger without drawing immediate suspicion, so if three thousand to be kept for yourself fails to appease your avarice, then your wage may have to be paid in stranger currencies."

Altei looks up from her sleeve. "Not speaking for the others here, but regarding the suspicion: you'll be dead in a week. I assume this is a rather clandestine deal. I also assume we will try to be as discreet as possible, but we can't keep everything under covers if we're playing a game with the empire. People may just see us as flaunting imperial power, and right after the Imperator's death. Can you assure our safety from the more mundane side of this world? I'd rather not have to deal with both fey and sniping nobles."

After a pause, she laces her fingers together. "Barring that, I believe I am done with questions, unless there is any other information you could possibly give us. Again, I speak only for myself."

And this isn't even going into what happens if we and some of the empire survives...

2015-03-05, 07:44 PM
Liam looks annoyed at the transaction. "What need have I of currency of a doomed empire? This is pointless. We should be resting so that we can prepare for what comes next. We don't even know where this fight will take place, so the best thing to do would be to research our foes, and perhaps seek a blessing from a local priest."

2015-03-05, 09:40 PM
"If I authorize the transaction, I won't be questioned about its purpose for at least a week, after which time, naturally, I will be beyond questioning. The vault keepers are not intimately aware of every expense, so someone withdrawing large sums is unlikely to garner more than perhaps a raised eyebrow. If business continued as normal, the pieces would be put together soon enough, but I expect that they will have more important things to do than double-check the account books. If you would prefer not to risk being caught with Imperial gold, I can provide a sum from my personal funds, which are unregulated but rather smaller. Naturally, I can provide no specific protection that I'm certain will last beyond my death." The imperator's expression twists, and he lowers his head to his hands. When he raises it a moment later, his visage is as stoic as ever. "I apologize. I have been making every effort to discuss the subject neutrally, but it is something that rouses certain emotions. If you have no other questions, I can write the note of recommendation, the letter to the Duke, and the writ of withdrawal, and we can meet again in six days."

2015-03-07, 03:43 AM
"Indeed, Sire. Few can face their impending demise with such courage. Now, I believe we all have a great deal of work to do in preparation for what is to come."

2015-03-07, 08:58 AM
The imperator gives a formal nod. "A great compliment coming from you, I am sure." He moves across the room to the desk pushed to one side and takes out a few pieces of parchment. A few minutes later, he returns with three scrolls bound with a wax seal. He sets them down one at a time. "The note stating that you act on my behalf, the letter to the Duke, and the writ of property, all signed and marked with my personal sigil. If there are no more questions... I hope I will have the pleasure of your acquaintance again."

2015-03-08, 02:43 PM
Liam steps forward and takes one scroll into his possession. He bows politely to the king.

2015-03-08, 06:28 PM
Altei nods but lets the others claim the scrolls. "As I said, I am done with questions, thank you."

2015-03-09, 05:57 AM
Thelbin steps forward to take his letter of introduction. He bows to the Imperator.

"By your leave, Your Majesty?"

At his nod, Thelbin turns to leave.

2015-03-10, 07:57 PM
"Of course," the imperator says. "Thank you for being open-minded. It will be your greatest asset." He returns the bows, and strides across the room to the doors, which he unlocks. "You are free to go. As I said, the details of this conversation will not be found outside this room, unless you choose to make them so. I will see you in six days."

Outside, servants direct the four back to the main gate, where a well-dressed young woman is waiting. "The imperator has instructed that you be provided transport to wherever you wish in the city, and has granted permission to use one of the more modest carriages, so as not to attract undue attention. We have everything ready, we simply need to know where you wish to go. As long as it's within the city limits, we can get you there- and get you in, if it should be necessary."

2015-03-10, 08:34 PM
Liam declines use of the carriage and heads outside, stretching his arms as he looks up to the sky and breathes the air in. Being inside for so long is discomforting to someone bound to the earth. He cracks his knuckles and glances back at the others. "I don't believe we were ever properly introduced. I'm Liam Corsai, and I'm a skinwalker. A man who attunes himself to nature and adopts the form of other creatures of the wild."

2015-03-11, 05:30 AM
"Liam Corsai?"

Thelbin looks to the skinwalker; the carriage woman can wait a moment longer.

"I'll remember that. As you must have heard, I am Thelbin Westerway, a free knight. I also possess some talent with magic."

2015-03-11, 10:11 AM
Altei nods at the woman, but otherwise doesn't pay her much attention. "A skinwalker? Should be interesting to see." When the knight introduces himself, she looks over him again, running through her memory.

That was it. Thelbin Westerway.

"As for myself, I'm nothing quite as interesting. Altei, shop-keeper, not quite at your service, but willing enough to work. I specialize in manipulating the fabric of time and occasionally space and/or reality. In other words, magic."

"So, now that we have the city at our disposal, where do you think we should go?" She's not sure whether or not the servants have been informed. Best to stay vague. Then she turns the young woman. "I'm not very familiar with the capital. Are there any libraries or places of learning we could head to?"

2015-03-11, 10:31 AM
Thelbin turns to listen to Altei's words. Altei - he'd better not forget that name again, if he is to work with her for a while. She has the right idea about where to start, but clearly isn't used to the idea of delegation. He interrupts just before the carriage woman can begin to respond.

"Better yet, we should find a well-respected scholar in the field. It would take a lifetime to scour the libraries of the city for what we need - so it is better to ask someone who has already spent that lifetime, and can tell us where to find the right books."

2015-03-13, 04:39 PM
The shapeshifter nods at the two companions as they introduce themselves.

"A scholar? I suppose that makes sense," he acknowledges quietly. "Well then, I will gladly accompany the three of you to meet this scholar and learn more about our enemies."

2015-03-14, 04:57 PM
Nalya watches the others silently. Better to know where they stood before socially sticking her neck out. She'd already done enough of that around the Imperator.

"Right. You go do that. I'll go right to the source. The streets have have ears, you know." she says, then turns to the carriage driver. "There's a tavern in the Steel Quarter called the Merry Gargoyle. Take me there, please."

Hope you don't mind me exercising a little bit of creative input on your world by inventing a tavern. Otherwise, I can edit this post.

2015-03-14, 08:14 PM
"Of course, madam," the driver bows. "I do believe I know the place. Mandrake Street, is it not? They do serve a fine port. Will these other ladies and gentlemen be attending you, or shall I call for another carriage? Of course, if you had rather walk, it is no slight to the imperator, but it is quite a ways to most places, unless you're seeking a university. We have those in spades."

2015-03-15, 12:00 PM
Liam's keen ears pick up the carriage driver's words and he turns to the others. "Did you hear that? This place has multiple universities. Should be no problem to find a scholar of fey somewhere around here. Let's start looking."

2015-03-16, 03:56 PM
The carriage-driver raises an eyebrow. "I've never known anyone to actually seek out one of our distinguished bastions of learning, but if you've a penchant for getting your ear talked out I'll be happy to oblige you. Or take you there, if you prefer."

2015-03-17, 06:05 AM
"Well, actually, the knowledge we're looking for is considered... essentially, fairy tales. Fictional. We have information which contradicts that position, but we would be laughed out of any respectable institution for even suggesting it. We need to find scholars who are a bit more... unconventional, who are not afraid to step outside the established truth. Perhaps the Universities are not the place to start looking, but I am at a loss for where else to look. Are there any drinking establishments frequented by students, or perhaps librarians?"

2015-03-17, 07:19 AM
"Better yet, we should find a well-respected scholar in the field. It would take a lifetime to scour the libraries of the city for what we need - so it is better to ask someone who has already spent that lifetime, and can tell us where to find the right books."

Altei smiles brightly, but mentally rolls her eyes. Yes, and where are scholars normally found? Last I checked, there were also people called "librarians."

She does grudgingly agree with the knight's second suggestion. "A drinking establishment near a university does sound somewhat more...approachable, if not as productive, depending on whether a drunk student is clearer than a lucid savant. But who knows. They'll ask less questions, certainly, and there'll always be some other locals around." She glances at the halfling. "Ms Nalya's tavern could be a last resort for the rest of us, though all of us going there might be inadvisable."

2015-03-17, 08:47 AM
Liam frowns and thinks about the possibilities for a moment. "I say we go to a library then. We'll find a student there that we can talk to and ask about the subject. And if we can't, we can at least check out the books."

2015-03-18, 11:40 PM
By this point Thelbin was clearly eager to see the dispute resolved. He seized on the latest answer with relief.

"A library it is then. The Aldebranche academy library may be the best place to start - we are already in the Marble Quarter, and as an Imperially funded establishment, the Imperator's authority will open doors even more easily than elsewhere. We may be received more graciously, with fewer barbs for our apparent delusions."

2015-03-19, 04:18 PM
"Of course, sir," the driver says. "It's just by the library; should take hardly a minute. And you, miss... Nalya, was it? Will you be coming to the library with the rest of your party, or should I call another to take you to the Merry Gargoyle?"

2015-03-20, 03:53 AM
Nalya nods absent-mindedly. "Yeah. I'd like my own." she says, not looking at the driver. "You're all meeting me at the Gargoyle at sundown. We'll touch base then. Okay?"

2015-03-20, 07:51 AM
Liam nods. "The Merry Gargoyle at sundown. I'll be there," he agrees.

2015-03-21, 07:37 AM
"Agreed. We will need to be well-organised to make best use of the next week. Regular meetings should prove conducive."

Thelbin turns to the caravan driver.

"Before we go, could you arrange for a courier to take this note to my servants at the Blue Wheel Lodge?"

He procures a scrap of parchment and a black quill from his belt.

I will not be returning today. See to your usual duties, and get my lizard a pigeon - a treat since I cannot attend to him.

2015-03-22, 01:38 PM
The Aldebranche

"Of course." The carriage-driver puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles. A few moments later, a woman dressed in similar clothes, the garb of an imperial servant, steps around the corner. "I'm taking these gentlefolk to the Aldebranche library," the driver says. "The halfling lady here needs a ride to the Merry Gargoyle, on Mandrake Street, and a courier to deliver this note to the servants of Master Westerway at the Blue Wheel Lodge." He hops down from his perch in the carriage, opening the door with a sweeping bow and handing the letter to the other woman as the passengers climb in. He returns to his seat and takes up the reins with an "And we're off!"

The journey is brief as the carriage makes its way through the glazed-cobblestone streets of the Marble Quarter. The ornate arch of the Aldebranche rises before the carriage and it passes through, wheeling past lush gardens filled with improbable greenery- northern pines standing next to exotic fruit trees, flowers of colors unseen in nature, topiary sculpted into shapes so real they seem they might come to life. One might even think they'd have shifted as the carriage passed, though that could be a trick of the light. "Sustained by magic," the driver notes. "The professors try to outdo each other." In a few moments, the pink-veined marble of the university buildings breaks the vegetation, and the landcape transitions into a maze of buildings festooned with pillars and arches, letters and illustrations carved into the marble and sculptures with a worn look that seems unlikely, given how recently the university was founded. The library is one of the largest, a tower longing for the sky. Rather than any of the elaborate friezes of the other buildings, its surface is entirely etched with bands of words- poems, stories, messages to no one. "This is it, sirs and madam," the driver says, stopping the carriage. "Would you like for me to wait for you here, or shall you find your own way?"

The Merry Gargoyle

"Just a moment, madam," the female driver says, as soon as the carriage has taken off, clattering through the streets. She rounds the corner and a minute later pulls up in the seat of another carriage, also unmarked. "I'll take you to your destination and then deliver Master Westerway's letter," she says, and as soon as Nalya is seated the carriage starts to move. The gilt-edged manor houses and administrative buildings slowly change to exorbitant stores with windows filled with jewels and silk, wares worth years of a laborer's pay. Once the carriage crosses a bridge over the river, the boutiques change to less affected establishments, marketing to those who couldn't afford a small city in the south. The Merry Gargoyle is near the docks, a tavern listing slightly to the left, as if slouching- fed up from so many years of bar brawls and back-room dealings. The carriage stops to let Nalya off, and then the driver takes up the reins again, turning around and taking a circuitous route back through the Marble Quarter to avoid the Sprawl.

2015-03-23, 07:57 AM
Thelbin steps out of the carriage, and takes a few deep breaths. Though he barely appeared to notice the wonders on the way in, he now seems almost lost as he runs his finger along the words carved on one of the arches. On the paths not taken lie many sorrows.

He pulls himself out of his daze and focuses on the task at hand.

"Wait for us here. Our task is crucial and we cannot afford to lose time on our way out."

The knight walks forward without another word, and without looking back.

2015-03-23, 08:15 AM
Liam's eyes are glued to the exotic trees as they drive. "These people think they can recreate nature with magic? Heh! ...Though they seem to have done a good job of it..."

The skinwalker hops out of the carriage when they arrive, turning to thank the driver politely before he examines the wall, searching for any sign of a poem or story that might be relevant to their current situation.

2015-03-23, 04:44 PM
As Thelbin walks up to the doors, a group of students dressed in ink-stained scholar's robes spill out of the entrance, talking and laughing. One stops and glances curiously at the new arrivals. "Are you new here?" he inquires, gaze falling on Liam, who has only found a few lines of a cryptic poem referring to a starlit hunt and a veiled queen.

2015-03-23, 06:41 PM
"Are you new here?"

What, you've never seen us before?

Altei turns her attention from the carved wall to the student. "In a manner of speaking, yes. We're actually researching a certain topic, and we'd heard this was one of the better libraries. Would you be able to direct us to a librarian or the like?" She pauses to look over the others behind him.

"Ah, well then, would you happen to know of any section of writings devoted to other planes, or beings from them?"

Diplomacy: [roll0] + [roll1] inspiration

2015-03-23, 07:42 PM
"I thought so," the student nods, opening one of the doors. "Not many who've been here for long stop to read the tower anymore. We get jaded, I suppose. Here, you can just ask at the front desk. I hope you find what you're looking for." He waves and jogs off after the group he left.

The immediate impression of the library is, like most of the Aldebranche, that of a haughty grandeur. The walls are lined with bookshelves spiraling up to the very pinnacle of the tower, walkways branching back and forth, suspended in the air by cables reaching up to the ceiling. Miniature walkways are laid out on top of the shelves, tiny automata moving purposefully through them. Mechanical wonders made of iron and silver, ranging from the simple and functional to the ornate forms of fantastical beasts, they carry books and scrolls to and fro. A few flap through the air on metal wings that shouldn't be able to carry them, swooping down and dropping their burdens into the maze of desks and chairs that takes up much of the ground-floor space. Above, the ceiling is a massive skylight, letting in sunlight as if it was noon rather than mid-afternoon. At the center of it all, a woman sits at a mahogany desk with fingers steepled, small horns curling back from her dark hair. She blinks lazily, showing eyes with horizontal pupils like those of a goat's. "May I help you?" she asks.

2015-03-24, 01:26 AM
Thelbin's eyes are drawn to the bookshelves far more than the wondrous creations which attend them. He walks quietly toward the front desk.

So much for my reputation...

Thelbin meets the woman's strange eyes.

"Under Imperial authority, we must uncover anything we can regarding the fey. I'm afraid I cannot disclose our reasons for investigating them despite their apparent nonexistence."

2015-03-24, 01:34 AM
Liam removes a small notepad from his belongings and copies the lines of the poem down before heading into the library. When the librarian asks if they can help, he quickly intervenes. "So sorry to trouble you, ma'am. I'm eager to learn more about the seelie and the unseelie, but it's purely for research and leisure purposes. Nothing sinister at play here. Could you perhaps point us to the right section?" he asks, hoping to offset his companion's serious nature.

2015-03-24, 03:45 PM
The librarian displays no sign that this is a request out of the ordinary, gesturing up towards the shelves. "Works by discredited authors are up by the top, so most papers taking the topic seriously will be there. Reference volumes are down here, and works pertaining to popular mythology are elsewhere, closer to the fiction section. It depends on what you're looking for. I don't suppose you would know of a specific title or source? That would be the best way to find something of use."

2015-03-24, 08:49 PM
"So sorry to trouble you, ma'am. I'm eager to learn more about the seelie and the unseelie, but it's purely for research and leisure purposes. Nothing sinister at play here. Could you perhaps point us to the right section?"

Altei inwardly cringes. Seriously, 'nothing sinister at play here?'

On the bright side, we're obviously not sinister now. Or competent.

Luckily, the librarian doesn't bat an eye at their requests.

"Works by discredited authors are up by the top, so most papers taking the topic seriously will be there. Reference volumes are down here, and works pertaining to popular mythology are elsewhere, closer to the fiction section. It depends on what you're looking for. I don't suppose you would know of a specific title or source? That would be the best way to find something of use."

"Actually, we were supposing you would know. Could you possibly advise us?" The merchant runs her eyes over the towering shelves. "If not...I suppose we should probably start looking."


As the group wanders into the aisles (or otherwise leaves the librarian behind), she addresses the knight. "Just something that might be useful. We seem to have differing ideas regarding "confidential." She shrugs. "Of course, it may not turn out to be important, but I prefer to simply ask for information and not give any reason why. If they ask, then you can bring out the explanations--or excuses. No need to go around saying outright we can't tell why, or if we're acting on anyone's behalf."

2015-03-24, 09:17 PM
"Well, it's hard to say without knowing the purpose of your inquiry," the librarian muses. "I would point someone looking for a good story in a very different direction than someone writing a research paper about the history of tribal legends. I suppose, if you are that reticent to let me in on your purpose, it would be best to pick from a variety of sources. Perhaps you could find a table and I'll have a few of our more informative works brought to you? You can always ask me if you find it insufficient, or strike out on your own."

Assuming the group accepts the librarian's offer, a few minutes later, several brass gargoyles circle down and deposit a small stack of books and rolled-up papers on the table, entitled Journal of Professor Ramtha Seianthi, Faerie Tales and Other Fancies, Brasewick's Guide to Primitive Mythologies, The Call to Hunt, and Patterns in Early Burial Practices. The first appears to be a water-stained personal journal, the second a work of compiled fiction concerning the supernatural, the third a dry encyclopedia that almost takes up a table by itself, the fourth a slim volume taken from the 'discredited author' section, and the fifth a sheaf of papers.

2015-03-24, 10:38 PM
"Thank you. If there is anything to be found, these will be a good place to start. Oh, would there be any texts discussing the hypothesized connection between the Sylvan language and the Fey?"


As the group wanders into the aisles (or otherwise leaves the librarian behind), she addresses the knight. "Just something that might be useful. We seem to have differing ideas regarding "confidential." She shrugs. "Of course, it may not turn out to be important, but I prefer to simply ask for information and not give any reason why. If they ask, then you can bring out the explanations--or excuses. No need to go around saying outright we can't tell why, or if we're acting on anyone's behalf."

"I suppose you have a point. Secrecy is not something I have had much occasion to practice. At least there cannot be a better place to make such a mistake than here - there must be hundreds of strange requests each week. In any case..."

Thelbin pauses and shakes his head.

"It is not sufficient to hold my tongue. People would question the presence of an apparent bodyguard in a place like this. But I can try at least to not speak first."

2015-03-25, 02:09 PM
Liam picks up The Call to Hunt and opens it up, reading the first few pages curiously.

2015-03-25, 02:47 PM
"It is not sufficient to hold my tongue. People would question the presence of an apparent bodyguard in a place like this. But I can try at least to not speak first."

Altei raises an eyebrow. "A bodyguard? Obviously you're guarding someone. Overzealous merchant rivals and all that. Pretty much whoever you're with who doesn't look particularly...well, probably not the hunter. If anyone asks questions, you can still say you're hired." She runs a hand over the spine of one of the books. "And speak first all you want. Just remember that ideally they should be the ones giving information."

She waits to see if Thelbin has anything else to say, then looks through the papers on burial practices before leafing through the professor's journal.

'Patterns in Early Burial Practices'? Hopefully the fey don't have too much to do with undead.

2015-03-27, 03:55 AM
Nalya grins and stretches her short legs. "Home sweet home." she murmurs, looking at the docks and at the general filth. The Marble Quarter was cramping, oppressing, repressing, like exquisite finery just a size too small. But here was peace and here was danger; danger all the more pronounced because of her aloneness inside her own body. The spirits were missing, and their absence felt uncomfortable.

She hunts down a quiet location. There were quiet places here, too, and all she needed was ten minutes alone. Once she finds one, possibly inside an abandoned house or in a back alley, she squats down and traces a circle in chalk on the ground, then draws a complex abstract representation of her spirit, the Lady Jarah's existence - the struggles of the storyteller Jomel in his efforts to create a perfect character and the quintessential woman, his insight, the creation of Lady Jarah, the suitors lining at Jomel's doorstep to woo his character, Jomel's final trial and execution... and finally, Lady Jarah's transcendance from fiction to spirit; from ephemerality to ephemerality.

The halfling pauses, admires her own work, then puts a small mirror in the middle of the circle. Gazing into it, she raises her arms into the air, and, in a low tone, chants "Lady Jarah... Lady Jarah... I call thee... Lady Jarah... Lady Jarah..."

Okay. In case you somehow haven't already figured it out, I'm going to bind Lady Jarah (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/pact-magic/spirits/lady-jarah).

2015-03-27, 10:01 PM
The Aldebranche Library

To Liam, The Call to Hunt yields the following:

"The presence of these unusual artifacts at so many of these sites leads to a quite startling conclusion: since these were unearthed in locales untouched since well before the first recorded incidence of a breach, either civilizations of the past had access to some kind of magic long before we thought it possible, or there exists a form of extraplanar incursion that is not reliant on the existence of a breach- and, if the latter is true, the travelers are not friendly."

"It is interesting to note that the cause of death is not always the same: often the prey is killed with arrow or spear, but sometimes they appear to have been driven into a trap or pursued until they drop from exhaustion. It is interesting to note that this latter tactic is similar to those practiced by early man. Sometimes there is no visible cause of death; these incidents are an enigma."

"Stories passed on orally through a half-dozen generations tell of a mythical hunt led by three hunters: one with the head of a hound, one with the head of a hawk, and one wearing the guise of a mouser. As one might expect, the legends say that the first two worked together closely, but the last, as with all cats, was considerably more solitary. There is one myth concerning a clash between the two groups, in fact. According to it, the result tore the fabric of the cosmos apart, resulting in the creation of the breaches."

"No king goes hunting without cohorts, and the same, of course, is true here. Having cross-referenced the mythologies of several cultures across Arvasa, we can see that there is a common theme of three hunters, but even so, each would still have a force behind them. You will not ever see a lone hound on the trail of game, and a falconer does not breed only one hawk. Hounds hunt with hounds and hawks hunt with hawks, however, and it is theorized that the hunters are incapable of mustering forces that differ significantly from their own abilities- or it is possible that any contingent they bring with them is merely an extension of their own will, and their primary vessel, the king, to extend our metaphor, is weakened by an equivalent amount."

Looking through Brasewick's Guide, Thelbin finds the following:

"No one has yet provided proof of the existence of the creatures known most commonly as faeries or fey, but if we take every plausible story as truth, a number of patterns emerge in reference to their magical or extraordinary talents. Befuddling the mind and bewildering the senses would seem to be the standard avenue of their talents, but some accounts suggest that they are in fact incapable of anything else. Though this belief- that even when they evoke apparently real effects, it is all merely shades and bedevilment- seems extreme, their apparent distaste for most conjuration, evocation, transmutation, and necromancy even when such would be apparently advantageous to them leads to some interesting theories."

Checking the journal afterwards, the following passages stand out:

"She came to me on the third night and whispered secrets to me as I slept, filling my dreams with stars and far-away planets. She revealed to me the truth of the vast cosmos, the words that make up all things. I saw as she saw, for a brief and glorious instant, and it was the same as seeing everything. But this knowledge was quicksilver, and as I awoke the only thing I retained was a tremendous feeling of loss."

"They have each made plays for my allegiance, now. I suspect that I always knew that this was what it would come down to: a pathetic mortal, how could I be anything more important than a way for them to get back at each other, find some petty revenge? Or perhaps it is all part of a larger scheme, and they work together at the same time that they seek to draw me away from the others. Knowing that the thing that motivates me above all else is knowledge, they have made their respective offers: from the avatar of the sun, knowledge of struggle and triumph, the secrets of victory, enough to make me a king or a god. From the avatar of the moon, knowledge of the mind and the spirit, to allow me to truly understand myself before I seek any more fundamental truths. From the avatar of the stars and the spaces between, knowledge of the farthest reaches of space and time, from the creation of the universe to its slow death billions of years from now. But I fear that accepting any of their offers will have a cost I'm not willing to pay."

To Altei, Patterns in Early Burial Practices makes the following known:

"The inscriptions in grave-markers show characteristic signs of worship. There is one particular image which shows up a surprising number of times, particularly in tombs known to have been for important figures, usually rulers but sometimes influential advisors or skilled craftsmen. It is of an elongated figure, reaching out a hand. The gesture has been interpreted a number of different ways- asking for something, making an offer, shaking hands to seal some kind of agreement. Regardless of the meaning, the significance is clear, as very similar images have appeared on grave-markings or in paintings of disparate cultures known to have had no contact with each other prior to the development of the Arvasan empire."

"Recently, a mausoleum or shuthi built several centuries ago for an influential king in the area that is now Svalthas was excavated. Unusually for the time, the king was not entombed with any personal possessions or servants, and his remains themselves were enclosed in a simple stone sarcophagus. Rather, the walls of his tomb were inscribed with a poem written in the Zichu language, translated by linguist Prof. Vilia Latethe:

There are birds that fly on wings of silken ice, promise the sky and the stars, yet keep it for themselves. We are ash, smearing whatever we touch, and they will keep us far from beauty even as they smile and beckon us towards it. It is a strange game, a dance of thousands of veils, and with patience you may lift the last and find that the disguise was the reality. The night with bright eyes is encroaching always, but recall this as you drown: we make our own fates, and there is no virtue in omens.


The image that forms in the mirror is hazy at first, lines and angles thin enough to be hairline cracks in the glass, thickening and shading in with color, until the visage of an elegant woman with prominent cheekbones and arched eyebrows is visible, the archetype of classic beauty. She sighs theatrically, tucking a curl of hair behind an ear with one pale hand. "Ah, the ragamuffin,” she sneers. "I suppose I should not be surprised that your physical inadequacy drives you to seek out a change of face once more. Looking to ensnare a suitor, are we? Perhaps a little perfume to hide the miasma of the streets, or silk and jewels to catch his eye? No? Ah well. It is very lonely out here in the null, and most of my fellow spirits hardly know anything about the latest fashions at all. I shall grant you my boons, binder Krol, if you wish them."

2015-03-27, 10:11 PM
Liam reads the book and frowns as he closes it, trying to make sense of everything. "Three hunters...a hawk, a hound, and a cat. One solitary, the others fighting in groups similar to their own...these hunters sound quite dangerous. However, if they mimic the animals they embody, perhaps that will lend some level of predictability to their actions. What did you guys find?"

2015-03-28, 12:37 AM
Thelbin glances around, making sure no one is eavesdropping.

"We will be facing illusions and enchantments. Our minds must be steeled and our cunning honed to see through their tricks, and we should not expect such magics to work effectively against the fey. On the other hand, as far as can be known from old tales, they have no access to the magics which shape the world in truth - only in our heads. I did uncover something else - a connection between the Sun and martial conquest, the Moon and knowledge of the mind, the Stars and knowledge of time. The implications are clear with regard to the Gold, Silver and Glass lieutenants of whom the Imperator spoke - though I can say little new from it. Perhaps the animals of which you speak are similarly connected, but I cannot see it."

2015-03-29, 03:55 AM
"I want information, thanks." says Nalya, tight-lipped. "Not perfume. Look, Jarah, I'll let you in for a day. Give me your powers for twenty-four hours, and I'll let you traipse around with me in my physically-inadequate, miasmic-smelling body for that time period. How's that sound?"

When she feels the spirit bound into her, Nalya glances at her reflection. Like Lady Jarah, she was now a lie, her flesh a mutable, phantasmic mockery of its true self. She was the ideal of perfection and nothing more. But that was all right: beauty was power, and in this neighborhood, to be walking defenseless was suicide.

As she stands up and puts the mirror back into her bag, the chalk-drawn circle is blown away, as if by a non-existent wind. She doesn't watch it go: she has things to do. Like find the mad street-scholar of fey, for starters.

Okay. So I'm a female humanoid, so I get +3 on the check (+2 because of the totem sign thingy, x1.5 because that also, conveniently, qualifies me as a Favored Ally). I'm not going for any Aspects, so just the 19 DC, and if I roll a 24 I also get the Capstone Empowerment.
So, 1d20+3(binder level/2)+6(cha)+3(circlet of persuasion)+3(bonus)=[roll0]
Slick. So that's a good pact, Nalya can fascinate creatures of higher HD than her, and she isn't constrained by Jarah's influence.

2015-03-29, 09:07 PM
It doesn't take long for Nalya to find the wandering scholar; today he has set up his groaning wagon in front of a street-alchemist's shop in the Ash Quarter, peddling visions of apocalypse to the bemused customers looking for some euphemistically-called "herbal remedies". He brightens at Nalya's approach, turning a weathered face to her footsteps. "Welcome, my child!" he calls. "I have seen it in the stars! A day is soon to come, when the godlings will come once more from the oceans and skies, and havoc will reign across the land! The fools at the academy may have thought me mad, but you, child... you know the truth of which I speak. You will listen." His breath carries the whiff of strong liquor.

2015-03-29, 11:40 PM
Nalya smiles with mingled amusement, distaste, and pleasure at seeing this eccentric street-prophet. "Greetings, wise master." she says, in mostly-feigned reverence. "There are strange things afoot. The imperator, and now I, play a sort of chess game with the fey. There are three that I must face, all under the lead of an enigmatic Queen. In my dream, one was gold and belligerent; another silver and deceptive; another glass and inquisitive."

She pauses, her smile vanishing. "What do you make of this?"

2015-03-30, 08:23 AM
make sense of everything. "Three hunters...a hawk, a hound, and a cat. One solitary, the others fighting in groups similar to their own...these hunters sound quite dangerous. However, if they mimic the animals they embody, perhaps that will lend some level of predictability to their actions. What did you guys find?"

Altei thumbs through a few more pages. "Hm, nothing perhaps so practical as you two, but still interesting. Apparently this isn't the first such deal they've offered. Quite a few rulers and influential people seem to have also met them, though. Maybe we can look into those, if there are even any records. Also one of those lovely cryptic poems, referencing figures that make offers but never truly give them. The last few lines are the most interesting, though." She pauses, and resumes in a different tone.

"'It is a strange game, a dance of thousands of veils, and with patience you may lift the last and find that the disguise was the reality. The night with bright eyes is encroaching always, but recall this as you drown: we make our own fates, and there is no virtue in omens'"

Back in her normal method of speech, she continues. "Of course, since this pretty much just tells us they're very tricky, what you--" she nods at Thelbin "--just brought up about their magic is probably much more useful."

2015-03-30, 01:04 PM
Nalya smiles with mingled amusement, distaste, and pleasure at seeing this eccentric street-prophet. "Greetings, wise master." she says, in mostly-feigned reverence. "There are strange things afoot. The imperator, and now I, play a sort of chess game with the fey. There are three that I must face, all under the lead of an enigmatic Queen. In my dream, one was gold and belligerent; another silver and deceptive; another glass and inquisitive."

She pauses, her smile vanishing. "What do you make of this?"

The scholar gasps and takes a couple staggering steps back. "You have seen them! So it is true after all. You will bring this devastation upon our heads. You are dealing with godlings, coming in threes as they always do, and when they call in their debt it'll be us who suffer, as we always do. I can give you no help, if you have accepted one of their so-called bargains, but if there is still time..." He turns to the wagon and begins tearing waterlogged books off the shelves, sending papers fluttering through the air and into the gutter. "What do you need? Are you to make war on them?"

2015-03-30, 01:25 PM
Liam frowns. "'No virtue in omens'...'we make our own fates'...Hm. So this isn't the first time such a deal was made. Does it have any information about the previous recipient of the deal? Maybe we could go talk to them."

2015-03-31, 02:38 AM
Nalya, slightly alarmed, grabs the preacher's arm. "Bargains? What bargains? I don't believe I have? I seek to make war on them, yes - I and some friends. But we know nothing about our foe, and therefore I come to you for information." she says rapidly.

2015-03-31, 08:00 AM
"'No virtue in omens'...'we make our own fates'...Hm. So this isn't the first time such a deal was made. Does it have any information about the previous recipient of the deal? Maybe we could go talk to them."

"Well, sure, if you have any way of talking with the dead. From what's been found on tomb-walls there have been several ancient, dead, rulers who might've had some sort of connection or deal. We could try researching them, but given the length of time and what we've seen of the secrecy of these deals I don't have much hopes. We can always try, though."

She waits to see if anyone has anything else to say, then heads over to the librarian's desk with the book in hand. "Excuse me, would you happen to have any more information regarding this king or kingdom?" Here she points out the page mentioning the shuthi.

2015-03-31, 10:12 PM
The Aldebranche Library

The librarian squints at the passage. "I'm sure we do," she says. "But that was a rather long time ago, and that area has seen the rise and fall of many dynasties. It might be better to seek out the specific study the author cites." She turns to the back of the volume, and stabs one finger at footnote number 68. "Statlane's work, I see. I believe we have his expedition notes on file, which would likely be considerably more comprehensive, if perhaps difficult to navigate. Would you like me to fetch them for you?" Without waiting for an answer, she makes a notation on her desk, and a silver hummingbird delivers the burden a few moments later.

I'd ask for another Knowledge (history or nobility) check please, in order to separate the wheat from the chaff, as it were. Instead, you can choose to ask for a different volume, which will provide information without a check but be less in-depth.
Streets of the Ash Quarter

The prophet blinks, turns bleary eyes back to Nalya. "If you play games with them for your life, if you have embarked on a campaign against them- with their blessing, or what passes for it, than you are as much dealing with them as the mortals who dare to challenge them to a game of chess in exchange for whatever dreams they can conjure out of their foolish heads. I will not reject you, Nalya, she who listens, but if you are enemies to the godlings, helping you now may not be in the best interests of continuing to have a healthy and relatively sane existence. Here, take this." He thrusts an ink-stained, handwritten pamphlet bearing the image of overlapping triangles at Nalya. "It explains some things to look out for. If there's nothing else, Nalya, it sounds like the fresh air of somewhere that is very far from here might do me good." He smiles wryly, but the alarm in his movements as he removes the wedges from beneath the wheels of his "traveling library" is real.

2015-04-03, 03:00 PM
Nalya stands in front of the cart and grabs it, preventing escape. "You're going to have to tell me more. I need answers, not pamphlets. What exactly am I facing?" she asks, rather forcefully.

2015-04-04, 09:01 PM
The Aldebranche Library

From what Altei can tell from the archaeologist's records, the king was the last of the Aekis dynasty, a short-lived series of rulers in Kalamitos, a fortified city in the Svalthan mountains. His reign seems to have been a time of prosperity for his subjects and fear for their enemies. However, mere days after the king's death, those same enemies stormed the walls of the city and razed it to the ground. Even today, some claim that the city's name stands for a terrible blow or disaster, though most linguists agree that this is likely fancy and that both words were descended from an earlier root.

The Streets of the Ash Quarter

The preacher stalks up to Nalya and snatches back his pamphlet, muttering, "Well then, I'll give them to people who will appreciate their revelations." He straightens up, seeming suddenly sober, and glares at her. "I already told you that helping you could be dangerous. I don't have answers, much as I'd like to and much as you might need them. Anyone who claims that they do, when it comes to this subject, is a liar. I've never found any record that is constant, consistent- truth lurks beyond our grasp, its beckoning just enough to drive us to the edges of sanity. I will tell you this: beware things that come in threes. Every record we have of the godlings' appearance, they are numbered three. They wear different faces, different names, sometimes they have more of their ilk behind them, but the pattern is always the same. Sometimes I wonder if the fact that our own state religion is a trirumvirate harkens ill tidings in itself, but I have never dared make any accusation. If there is some connection- and understand the enormity of that if- you should be wary of attacks from that front. More advice? Understand that the letter of an agreement is sacroscanct to them, but the spirit could not be less so- and they will try to keep the letter from you, if the details are vague. If you talk of them openly, you will soon end up like me. And as soon as you raise a hand against them, you have already lost. Is that enough for you?" The street-scholar backpedals a few steps, taking up the handles of the book cart once more and slamming it along the cobbles.

2015-04-05, 07:54 PM
Altei nods at the librarian and accepts the book. "Thank you, this is fine."

She slowly walks back to the others, paging through the book as she does so. "Remember that king? Well, apparently his realm was one of prosperity and peace. Then he suddenly died, and it all was destroyed. Within a few days." She sighs. "This is going to be fun."

2015-04-06, 05:04 AM
Thelbin quickly looks around for eavesdroppers.

"Well, that fits with what the Imperator told us. We have known from the beginning that the fate of the Empire might depend on our actions next week. As for fun..."

Thelbin sighed.

"This line of investigation has been helpful, but I don't think we'll find much more without spending more time than we can afford. I suppose it is time for us to head to our dinner meeting, where we should plan our next move."

2015-04-06, 07:48 AM
Liam nods solemnly. "I agree. It would seem these riders are far more powerful than I first thought. We will need to stick together as a group if we hope to have a chance against any of them."

2015-04-07, 02:11 AM
"Well, it's a start." Nalya nods. This man clearly wouldn't tell her anything more, even if he already knew anything more himself. "Don't get yourself killed." she says, as way of a goodbye, and walks away.

Urma. Maybe she'd know something. She knew the streets better than Nalya - Urma had connections, and if she couldn't tell Nalya about the threat, nobody could.

Urma's one of the NPCs in my Backstory and Contact/Friends, by the way.

2015-04-07, 07:06 AM
"This line of investigation has been helpful, but I don't think we'll find much more without spending more time than we can afford. I suppose it is time for us to head to our dinner meeting, where we should plan our next move."

Altei also nods. "Agreed. Let's see if that carriage is still waiting, shall we?"

2015-04-07, 04:41 PM
Marble Quarter

The carriage-driver is waiting outside the library. "To the Merry Gargoyle, then? Hope you found what you were looking for." He is quieter during the second leg of the journey, navigating out of the gilded maze of the Aldebranche and over the river, keeping a crossbow next to his seat as the carriage rumbles into the tangle of alleyways that make up the Ash Quarter, populated with soot-faced urchins, paint-faced streetwalkers, and fat-fingered bosses. He pulls up in front of the Merry Gargoyle, a listing building near the docks, and hops off the seat. "Here you are. I'd better not stay too long in this carriage, but would you like for me to pick you up at a predetermined time?"

Ash Quarter

Urma greets Nalya with what appears to be genuine pleasure when Nalya finds her in one of her usual haunts, in the middle of peddling her usual assortment of herbs and powders to some fresh-faced youths. "Intruders?" she asks, after the deal is finished. "Can't say I've heard anything, no. Sounds like you were right after all, though, eh? Listen, I'll call in some favors and let you know if there's anything out of the ordinary." Probably lying through her teeth, but maybe not; it's hard to tell with Urma. "Keep me updated, though. Sounds like it might be a good idea to relocate. I hear Cinza is nice this time of year."

2015-04-09, 07:36 AM
Altei carefully steps down from the carriage, taking in the sights and sounds before turning to the driver. "Wait a little. Let's see if our acquaintance is here first, and if so I'd like to go somewhere else to think. If not, then, perhaps in an hour? Half?" She raises an eyebrow at the others.

When the matter is settled, she takes a final look around the street before pushing forward into the tavern. Hopefully the halfling hadn't been looking in overly obscure places.

Perception, looking for Nalya: [roll0]

2015-04-09, 08:30 AM
Liam nods in agreement with Altei and starts to search for Naya as well.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-04-09, 03:02 PM
Nalya glances away at a particularly featureless bit of wall. "Yeah. But I can't quit, you know? I've spent my entire life looking for the fey. And now they're almost in my grasp." She shudders. "Almost in my grasp" suddenly sounded so immediate. She'd never thought she'd ever find those beautiful, terrifying creatures, and now that the possibility was very real, she was beginning to get cold feet.

The halfling shakes herself free of this thought. "Yeah, you let me know, yeah? I'm counting on you."

With a nod and a sort of wave, she turns around and walks back to the Merry Gargoyle. She'd no one else to turn to at this stage, so she might as well.

2015-04-09, 05:42 PM
Nalya steps into the Merry Gargoyle to find a group that somehow manages to stick out more than Nalya, despite being what most people would consider normal-sized, with a shaggy forest-dweller awkwardly chatting up the scarred bartender, a well-dressed woman who, judging by her smirk, seems to be the only happy person in the joint, and a chainmail-wearing knight examining a nearly empty glass of brandy.

2015-04-09, 05:52 PM
Nalya, with a sigh, climbs up onto one of the barstools beside the group and orders a glass of ale. "What ho, friends? Any news?"

2015-04-10, 05:44 AM
Thelbin catches the bartender's eye and waves for another glass of brandy before turning to the halfling.

"We found some information, though not as much as I would like. I'm not sure that this is the place to go into more detail - anyone could be listening in. Was your day similarly... productive?"

2015-04-10, 11:02 AM
Liam frowns as he looks away from the bartender to see Nalya approaching. "Never forget the wounds of your wars. They keep you strong, and they keep you alive," he says to the man, before turning to the final member of his party.

"I have discovered something that may be beneficial to us. It would seem that these knights we must fight hunt alone, or in packs similar to their own, but never with each other. This may make our conquest of them individually far simpler than if they were to join forces. At the very least, we need not worry about a full frontal assault by three armies acting as one."

2015-04-10, 08:55 PM
"What ho, friends? Any news?"

Altei is about to reply when Thelbin speaks. See? Perfectly fine with speaking first. It's all fine.

"We found some information, though not as much as I would like. I'm not sure that this is the place to go into more detail - anyone could be listening in. Was your day similarly... productive?"

"I have discovered something that may be beneficial to us. It would seem that these knights we must fight hunt alone, or in packs similar to their own, but never with each other. This may make our conquest of them individually far simpler than if they were to join forces. At the very least, we need not worry about a full frontal assault by three armies acting as one."
Then the hunter speaks up, and Altei mentally face-palms. Outwardly she smiles and nods at the halfling.

Didn't he just say...nevermind

"Our ride should be back soon, if you'd want to wait until then."

2015-04-11, 03:37 AM
"Yeah. Sort of." Nalya says, and then downs half the pint in one go. "The fey always come in threes, they hold the spirit of an agreement over the letter - no, hang on, that's not right, it's the letter over the spirit - and they're very dangerous. Yadda yadda. There might be more, but I don't know yet. These things take time. But we don't have time, it would seem. So do we have someplace to look first?"

2015-04-13, 09:01 AM
"Yeah. Sort of.""The fey always come in threes, they hold the spirit of an agreement over the letter - no, hang on, that's not right, it's the letter over the spirit - and they're very dangerous. Yadda yadda. There might be more, but I don't know yet. These things take time. But we don't have time, it would seem. So do we have someplace to look first?"

Altei shrugs. "Unfortunately, not really, unless one of you has any ideas. And only thing I really have to add to that would be that it's happened before, and that there doesn't seem to a be a lot of time between 'second deal' and 'vast destruction.'"

2015-04-14, 12:05 PM
Liam frowns. "Well if time is of the essence, perhaps we should be thinking about suitable weapons to combat this threat. Did any of you discover any sort of weaknesses that we might exploit or any magic they might be vulnerable to?"

2015-04-16, 11:11 PM
Thelbin sighed. Clearly some people had even less talent for secrecy. Nonetheless, he could not make things worse by speaking, if only in nonspecific terms.

"Given their magical tendencies - illusions and enchantments - we should prepare suitable countermeasures. Scrolls may provide us with any protections we cannot cast ourselves, and are not overly expensive for matters of life and death. Simple flour may also be used to find invisible opponents, and is explosive if dispersed in the air; spreading it sufficiently for either purpose is not particularly easy, but it can be done. For actual vulnerabilities... most things will die with enough steel and magic."

2015-04-19, 04:19 AM
Nalya sighs. "Right. So what we do now, is we go to bed, get our loot in the morning, then try to figure out where to start. We'll look for kidnappings, deals of any type gone sour, criminal offenders. Supernatural events. And I'm going to question the inquisitor some more. I'm going to question him long and hard."

Then she finishes her drink and hops off the barstool. "Do we have a carriage or do we have to walk home?"

2015-04-19, 07:17 AM
Liam raises an eyebrow. "Where exactly are you planning to stay? We're in an inn right now, why not just rent rooms here?"

2015-04-20, 08:40 AM
"Right. So what we do now, is we go to bed, get our loot in the morning, then try to figure out where to start. We'll look for kidnappings, deals of any type gone sour, criminal offenders. Supernatural events. And I'm going to question the inquisitor some more. I'm going to question him long and hard."

"Do we have a carriage or do we have to walk home?"

Altei nods. "Seems to be the best we can do, given the circumstances. The carriage should be here within the hour, if you'd want to wait outside."

"Where exactly are you planning to stay? We're in an inn right now, why not just rent rooms here?"

"Well, sure." The merchant glances around the very seedy-looking establishment. "I mean, the walls have ears, and we could easily gather quite a lot of information, but that goes both ways. I'd like to ask the carriage-driver first if we've had, ah, a residence prepared for us."

2015-04-20, 09:08 PM
It's only about ten minutes until the dark carriage pulls up in front of the tavern once more, but the driver shakes his head in response to Altei's question. "No, the imperator doesn't want to take you away from your work, and he's quite busy himself at the moment. If you don't have a place to stay, however, quarters could be arranged. I can take you to the Blue Wheel Lodge, if you like, as that's where your companion sent his missive. Would you prefer that ride now, or shall I return again? Oh- one other thing. The imperator told me that you may require an escort to the imperial vaults at some point during the next few days. Would you like for me or one of my colleagues to meet you for that purpose, or shall you find your own way there?"

2015-04-21, 09:27 PM
Nalya nods. "Quarters won't be necessary for me. But a carriage to the vaults would be excellent, it could meet us here an hour after sun-up."

2015-04-22, 03:55 AM
Thelbin stands, leaving a few heavy coins on the bar.

"I will return here tomorrow morning, but I would sooner walk than ride right now. Our preparations must continue efficiently - I will not be late."

The knight is just a little unsteady at first, but soon moves more smoothly and with purpose.

2015-04-22, 06:55 AM
"As you wish," the driver nods. "If there is no one else who would prefer a ride to walking through the Ash, then I shall return here on the morrow."

2015-04-22, 08:04 AM
Liam sighs and steps forward. "I might as well come along. Better to make sure that if we're being watched, we at least have some muscle to protect the rest of you." He climbs into the carriage.

2015-04-22, 05:31 PM
"Of course, sir," the driver says, picking up the reins. "And where will you be residing tonight?"

2015-04-23, 07:14 AM
"Quarters won't be necessary for me. But a carriage to the vaults would be excellent, it could meet us here an hour after sun-up."

"I will return here tomorrow morning, but I would sooner walk than ride right now. Our preparations must continue efficiently - I will not be late."

Altei shrugs. "Isn't riding more efficient than walking? Though I suppose if you're planning on staying somewhere near, it's less overt." She glances at the halfling. "No quarters for you? Staying here--" she taps the ground lightly with her foot "--or have other plans? At any rate if either of you is going to find a place here, I might as well stay, or walk, as well."

2015-04-23, 09:55 AM
Altei shrugs. "Isn't riding more efficient than walking? Though I suppose if you're planning on staying somewhere near, it's less overt." She glances at the halfling. "No quarters for you? Staying here--" she taps the ground lightly with her foot "--or have other plans? At any rate if either of you is going to find a place here, I might as well stay, or walk, as well."

"I did not mean to connect the two points. It would be inefficient to be late tomorrow, that is all. Now that I think of it, there is a connection - I have spent too long sitting and must have proper exercise to sleep properly. Without that..."

Thelbin trails off, realizing that his next words would serve no purpose.

"Anyway, I believe the Blue Wheel had some empty rooms last night, so it might tonight as well. But lodgings can't be too hard to find around here either."

2015-04-23, 06:54 PM
"Just the gentleman here, then?" the driver asks, indicating Liam. "It makes no difference to me, but I'd prefer to be off before the ruffians here have stolen all four wheels off the carriage and graffitied the back. No offense," he adds hastily, as a burly passerby scowls.

2015-04-24, 07:38 AM
Liam nods. "The Blue Wheel sounds like a harmless enough spot. We'll go there for the night, rest, think, and regroup."

2015-04-24, 12:37 PM
Nalya shrugs, and clambers onto the carriage. "To the Blue Wheel." she says.

2015-04-24, 10:48 PM
The Blue Wheel Lodge is a well-furnished inn, although its rustic affectation and somewhat uninspired decor (lots of cobalt, cerulean, and teal) make it less than popular with the more haughty neighbors. Due to this, the innkeeper seems delighted to have more guests and offers a thoroughly reasonable price, and privacy is guaranteed. The carriage-driver drops the group off with a wave and a reminder to meet him at the front of the lodge two hours after sunrise.

The morning arrives with the mysterious crow of a cockerel, though the bird in question is nowhere to be found- presumably magically recorded, though certainly a great length to go to to remain in-theme. The driver is waiting outside the inn as promised by the time the group exits through the swinging door. The journey is a short one, as the profligates and moneyed debauchees of the Glass and Marble Quarters are still sleeping off their excesses, and the carriage pulls up in front of the imperial vault, surprisingly modest in stature. "The majority is underground," explains the driver, as he steps down to talk with a gatekeeper for a few moments. "They need to see your writ from the imperator, but are happy to accommodate you," he says, as he returns. "They want to know, though, are you looking to visit the item vaults or currency vaults first? They're separated."

If there's no conversation to be made in more private quarters or other actions from the party, I'll skip ahead to the vaults.

2015-04-26, 10:25 PM
Liam looks to the others. "Anything that the gold could purchase for us is likely less relevant than the items in question, I'd say. We should look at the item vaults first."

2015-04-27, 12:08 AM
Nalya gets up as the first rays of the sun peep through the window. She still feels Lady Jarah's influence within her, her power. It wouldn't wane at least until noon, Nalya knew that. But she needed to contact someone else. Lord Foxglove. It'd been a while since she'd needed him.

She sits down on the ground and pulls out her little bag. Carefully, with chalk she draws out of the bag, she draws a circle on the ground and a complex diagram depicting the life of Lord Foxglove the Fourth, inveterate duelist and charmer. She places a small bowl full of fruits in the middle of the circle, and chants Lord Foxglove's name, four times. A silver dragon appears in mist before her, opposite the bowl. A smooth, low voice speaks to her: "Nalya, Nalya. I'm so pleased to see you after all this time. Where have you been?"

"I've been with others. Are you hungry?"

The dragon smiles.

Five minutes later, the bowl is empty, the dragon gone, and the chalk blown away to the astral planes. Nalya grins, stretches, and stands up. "Those berries were delicious." she says, to the walls and to the two spirits inside of her. "Now, off to find some fey."

At the vaults, she shrugs. "The order doesn't matter. We're getting both, right?"

I'll go back in time a little and bind Lord Foxglove IV (http://alharadnd.wikidot.com/lord-foxglove-iv), if that's all right.

Binding check: [roll0]

Success, and I get the capstone empowerment!

2015-04-27, 01:36 AM
Thelbin seems almost uncharacteristically cheerful in the light of the new morning. Certainly less dour than usual, anyway.

"I am eager to see the item vaults. Those are the tools for... well, it should be interesting. I wonder whether they have a unique indexing method, or follow more standard systems?"

2015-04-27, 11:37 AM
"I am eager to see the item vaults. Those are the tools for... well, it should be interesting. I wonder whether they have a unique indexing method, or follow more standard systems?"

Altei glances out the carriage at the gatekeeper. "I suppose that would be affected by whether the vaults are holdovers from a previous time, but I'd still like to know whatever way. Cataloging items can be rather frustrating. Anyway, agreed, items first. Whoever has the writ, now would be a good time...?"

2015-04-28, 09:28 PM
After double-checking the writ, a guard leads the group down a flight of stairs into a long hall filled with glass cases like a museum, their contents ranging from the mundane to the wondrous to the absurd, though all meticulously organized and neatly labeled. "The worths are kept in a register in the office upstairs," the guard says, lighting an alchemical lantern. "I can get it for you, if you have questions."

Any item worth less than a thousand gp you can find automatically, for more than that I'll have to roll randomly.

2015-04-30, 06:56 PM
Altei, after wandering around the hall for some time, returns to the group with several scrolls in hand. "This'll be all for me." She raises an eyebrow at the others. "Do the rest of you need some more time?"

2015-05-01, 09:57 PM
Thelbin spent quite some time admiring the exquisitely high quality arms and armour in storage, but eventually returned with only a handful of scrolls himself.

"My apologies for the delay. These scrolls will be useful for seeing through hostile magics - helpful for our purpose. Hopefully we will be able to return if some specific item is needed in future."

2015-05-05, 10:10 AM
Liam looks around, picking up a few scrolls and some other items that catch his eye and pocket them. "These armors and weapons all look strange. So this is what humans use to fight each other. Heh. We have no need of this kind of gear in the wilds. Our only enemy is nature itself."

2015-05-15, 05:37 AM
Nalya peruses the items aimlessly - she'd wanted the funds quite a lot, but now that she had them, she wasn't even sure what she wanted to buy. So she picks up an assortment of magical knicknacks: one or the other of them was sure to be useful. Probably.

"Right." she says, returning with her new posessions in hand. "Now let's get some jewels, and then we're off."

2015-05-15, 10:01 PM
The guard checks each of the items presented to him off, briefly searches each person- "A formality, but you know how it is," he says apologetically- and takes the group back up the stairs and into a separate vault. This one is filled with disappointingly mundane chests and cases, most filled with coin but others with more valuable items that lack the magical potential to be placed in the other vault- small statuettes, inlaid mirrors, and the like. The guard directs the group to a glass case filled with carefully arranged gemstones, cut surfaces reflecting the alchemical light, and then retreats for a moment as someone upstairs calls. When he returns, he looks slightly nauseous. "I'm afraid there's been a bit of an, er, situation at the palace," he says. "The imperator has commanded that you be summoned immediately. Either choose quickly or return later, but we have to go."

2015-05-16, 01:46 AM
Thelbin eyes the gemstones with little interest. Hearing the guard's words, he turns to the rest of the group.

"There will be time to return later. If the Imperator wants us immediately, we go now."

2015-05-16, 01:47 AM
Liam frowns. "A situation? That doesn't sound good. Let's hurry."

2015-05-16, 10:48 PM
The guard hustles the group back up the stairs and into a waiting carriage, not even bothering to double-check that they haven't hidden anything away. The driver this time is different, a nervous-looking young woman, and the carriage lacks any subtlety belonging to the first one- the imperial crest is emblazoned on both sides. Pedestrians and other carriages are quick to get out of its way as the horses canter down the street, and the driver doesn't speak, but crouches over the reins in silence. At the castle, the imperator greets the group just within the door. "This way," he says.

"My apologies for the urgency," he says, once everyone is safely cloistered within the warded room. "I hope you were not in the middle of anything too delicate. But there's a problem, and it's political. It was most likely happening yesterday as we spoke, but the word didn't arrive until today, and even that is fragmented. Why, I don't like to think. What seems to have happened is that a new leader has taken over the revolutionary force in Coruja and issued us an ultimatum. From what I can piece together, there's already been bloodshed. Ignoring for a moment the possibility that our, ah, mutual enemies are cheating, this is very bad timing. Normally, I would go to the city myself to restore peace, but dying while I'm there could turn an already trying situation into outright warfare. I'd send my lieutenants, but I fear that they would not be able to maintain a hold on it throughout the turmoil. My sense is that sending you four, possibly with military reinforcements, is the best option at present. Nevertheless, if you feel that you would be more effective elsewhere, I am amenable. Opinions?"

2015-05-16, 11:38 PM
Thelbin considers the matter briefly.

"If this is the first strike by the enemy, then we need to be there. If not... well, perhaps we can turn the situation to our advantage. Hiring the most heavily-armed Corujans as mercenaries would reduce tensions there, and would also allow us an auxiliary force not dependent on the Empire's military structure. Of course, that would require rather a silver tongue to accomplish - not something I am known for."

2015-05-17, 09:22 AM
Liam chuckles and cracks his knuckles. "If it's a fight they want, I'm happy to oblige them. We're already outfitted, I say we run all over that battlefield and give our enemies something to fear."

2015-05-17, 12:23 PM
"Very well," the imperator says. "I need to focus my attention on ensuring that my affairs here and elsewhere are sufficiently stable to not collapse with my death, so if I do send you you will have to be self-reliant. As I mentioned yesterday, the imperial coffers will be subject to much scrutiny, but the situation in Coruja may be different. If you can establish yourself as figures of import, our embassy has the funds to hire mercenaries. I can get you on a ship down the river either this evening or tomorrow morning, whichever you prefer. That is, assuming the other two members of your party are amenable."

2015-05-17, 02:49 PM
War, politics. All just a silly game of conkers for some silly men on thrones to play. The outcome was irrelevant: the streets always lived on, regardless. What did it matter whose head wore the crown?

And yet... there was a political aspect to this game, as much as Nalya hated to admit it. The only question was, which front should she be playing the game on: the alleys or the battlefield?

"An ultimatum - you said something about an ultimatum. What is it?" she asks, looking up at the imperator with arms crossed.

2015-05-17, 06:05 PM
The imperator glances down at Nalya. "The leader's demand is for us to withdraw all military presence, relinquish our embassy, and recognize their status as a sovereign nation. That last would entail allowing them to provide asylum to enemies of the state, as well as requiring us to go through channels that they designate in order to have any influence over their affairs. Imports and exports would be strictly regulated, and there's a possibility that they would expel any wishing to maintain the status of an imperial resident. Nothing particularly radical for a would-be revolution, but they don't seem to be making much of an effort to moderate their demands. Either they're prepared for open warfare, they have some other aim in provoking us, or they know something we don't."

2015-05-17, 11:08 PM
"Indeed Sire, it is unlikely that they would act like this without some hidden advantage. Something strikes me about those demands: I cannot imagine the wealthier Corujan merchants approving of this secession. They stand to lose a great deal with access to Imperial markets restricted. Perhaps we should look to them for support in calming the hot-tempered peasantry and the throne-seeking higher nobles."

2015-05-22, 11:29 PM
"I leave you as self-sovereign agents. Do as you best see fit." the imperator says, before turning back to Nalya. "Mistress Krol, do you find my request objectionable?" he asks mildly, glancing at her crossed arms. "If you would prefer not to travel, I have no objection if none is voiced by your companions. Communication could most likely be arranged. I do understand that this was not part of the original agreement, and am willing to make arrangements."

2015-06-03, 03:44 AM
Nalya shrugs and uncrosses her arms. "No, I'll go." she says flatly. "You did say this was all a big game for the Queen. Maybe she's playing on a larger chessboard than we'd guessed. Let's get a ship for tomorrow morning. Now I'd like to go get my funds like I was going to a few minutes ago, please."

2015-06-03, 07:21 PM
"Tomorrow morning it is," the imperator says, putting his hands together without any trace of annoyance at Nalya's belligerence. "I will supply the ship's captain with all necessary papers and provisions. The carriage will come at the same time tomorrow." He extends a hand to shake with each person in turn. "I suspect that this will be the last time we will have the fortune to meet. May the Three watch over you and lend you strength in this noble endeavor. May you fare better than I did."

The visit back to the treasury is brief, the guards solemn-faced in the face of the presumed threat. They move quickly, unsealing the cases and presenting each person with stones labeled with a worth of five hundred in gold. When the last velvet bag has been weighted, the imperator's elite are ushered out with little ceremony, into the blue cobbles of the Marble Quarter.

If there's nothing else you wish to accomplish, just post generally how you intend to spend the rest of the day and I'll let you know if anything eventful happens.