View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF] Firing an alchemist fire from a sling

2015-02-13, 01:20 PM
Hello great intelligence of people.

I wandered the internet and my specific question got not answered like i hoped it would.
This problem is not yet happening so up to this point it is just a concept.
The question: can i fire an alchemist fire from a sling?
It's not really a pathfinder specific question but the group I'm in is playing PF so preferably answered towards pathfinder stuff.

For an easy example:
Halfling Fighter bought an alchemist fire (flask) and a sling.
Now he wants to fire the alchemist fire through the sling to hit the enemy.

Now comes my problem.
Can i actually load the alchemist fire on the sling and fire it without needing to take any sort of feat / discovery / anything?
on a side note: i did find a discovery from the alchemist but it did not included slings... Discovery: Explosive missile

After it's fired and hit i can think of what would happen though.
I am inclined to say you don't deal "weapon" damage for the flasks destroys on impact and thus becomes / remains a touch attack.
And then the fire from the flask happens.

My apologies if this was already answered, i might have overlooked it.

2015-02-13, 01:53 PM
The answer is probably "no".
There is aptly named flask thrower (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/flask-thrower), which can throw splash weapons using its own range increment. Note that flask thrower is exotic weapon in itself and otherwise functions as halfling sling staff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/sling-staff-halfling), which is also exotic weapon for non-halflings. There are no rules to use simple sling to throw splash weapons, so as written, going for exotic weapons is the only available option.
If you still want to use sling in that manner, the best answer, of course, is "ask your DM". If you yourself are DM in question and want to eyeball a houserule to allow it, note that, while above mentioned halfling sling staff has range increment of 80 feet, flask thrower version only provides increment of 20 feet; since simple sling's own increment is 50 feet, it is unlikely to provide any meaningful increase over alchemist's fire's own increment of 10 feet. As a personal opinion, I'd allow it to result in increment of 15 feet and -4 improvisation penalty - it is probably easier to not bother and just throw flask as it is, unless you really need that extra range.

2015-02-13, 02:21 PM
The answer is probably "no".
There is aptly named flask thrower (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/flask-thrower), which can throw splash weapons using its own range increment. Note that flask thrower is exotic weapon in itself and otherwise functions as halfling sling staff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/sling-staff-halfling), which is also exotic weapon for non-halflings. There are no rules to use simple sling to throw splash weapons, so as written, going for exotic weapons is the only available option.

I'd allow it to result in increment of 15 feet and -4 improvisation penalty - it is probably easier to not bother and just throw flask as it is, unless you really need that extra range.

So it could be done if he would obtain a Flask thrower weapon (taking a -4 penalty for non-profiency, or if the feat Exotic weapon prof is take, no penalty).
That would mean that house-ruling a 15ft and a -4 penalty would be redundant because there is a weapon which could it better in the first place. and true i think that taking a penalty to throw beyond the first increment would not be so much of a penalty to get the same result.
I am not the DM, but she does like strange and out of the box ideas.
Under restrictions of good RP, well founded arguments and a PF friendly finetuned mechanically way to execute the idea she'll consider allowing it.

With this in mind i'll talk to my DM and ask if an Alchemist could add his bomb ability to add Intelligence to damage.
Not paying for the daily alotment but with actuall potion (which i build myself)
And under the restriction of "i need that discovery to be able to fire that potion with my bomb power". I might have a chance.

The main problem my alchemist right now has is in any given combat I'm out of bombs pretty fast. so then i throw normal potions which i created beforehand but they are much weaker then the bombs themselves.

Thanks for that insight Segrain ^.^