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View Full Version : 3rd Party Feats for Pathfinder (Request for Review/Advise)

2015-02-14, 10:29 AM
My request is fairly simple... though perhaps a bit much given the number of feats. You see, I have been gathering 3rd party feats to be used in my campaign and I would like what I currently have to be reviewed by those here. What I am seeking is thoughts on usability of feats, accessibility of feats (whether or not they are too easy or too hard to acquire), whether or not there is concern of abusability, and overall balance.

You have an innate sense of balance, always landing on your feet. Others notice that you move with sylvan-like grace.
Prerequisites: 12+ ranks in Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: You may always take 20 on any Acrobatics check, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so. In addition, you may fall an additional 10 ft. before suffering damage.

You can make exceptionally precise and lethal sneak attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2 or higher, ability to sneak attack.
Benefit: Your bonus damage for sneak attacks increases by one die type. If your sneak attack damage is d4s, it now increases to d6s; d6sincrease to d8s, and so on.

You are strongly devoted to the cause of good. Your spirit is resistant to the effects of negative energy.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, good alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves to shrug off the permanent effects of gaining a negative level and to resist any spells that deal negative levels.

Divine grace and positive energy flow through you. You are extremely resistant to negative energy attacks and are so attuned to holy divine energies that beings who attempt to impart negative levels upon you suffer a positive energy backlash.
Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Stout Hearted, good alignment.
Benefit: You may immediately make a Fort save when an undead creature deals you a negative level. The DC of this save is the same as if you were avoiding the permanent effects of a negative level and you gain all bonuses (such as for the Stout Hearted feat) you would receive for such a save. If you succeed, you do not suffer the negative energy and your opponent immediate takes 2d6 points of damage from the backlash of positive energy.

You are surrounded by a holy aura, protecting you from harm.
Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Pure Hearted, Stout Hearted, must be good alignment.
Benefit: You are immune to ability drain, energy drain, and paralysis, from any undead source. In addition, you receive a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against attacks from undead.

You're blessed by the gods and given strength to smite evil. Those that would cause you harm are instead dealt a swift punishment.
Prerequisites: Wis 17+, Pure Hearted, Purity of the Faithful, Stout Hearted, good alignment.
Benefit: In addition to being immune to ability drain, energy drain, and paralysis from any undead source, when an undead opponent attempts to drain you of levels, he suffers 3d6 points of damage. Secondly, you gain a +4 deflection bonus to your Armor Class against attacks from undead creatures.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time, increase the damage dealt to opponents by +1d6 and the deflection bonus to AC by +2.

You have been blessed as a protector of life, guarding others and yourself against the ravages of the undead.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Wis 13+, Combat Reflexes, paladin level 1st+.
Benefit: If you are not flat-footed when an adjacent undead opponent's melee attack roll misses you or an adjacent ally by a margin equal to your base attack bonus times two, you may immediately take an attack of opportunity against that undead opponent.

You're as devout as any cleric or priest.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, must worship a deity.
Benefit: You may gain access to any feat that is normally only available to clerics, druids, or paladins, substituting your total character level for the required divine spellcaster level. You can only gain benefits from feats that directly affect your abilities. For instance, if you cannot cast spells, a feat that enhances spellcasting is useless to you, no matter how pious you are.

You can view the invisible world, just as well as the physical.
Prerequisite: Wis 13+.
Benefit: You may sense incorporeal spirits within 60 ft. of your position with a successful Perception check (DC 20). This ability works just as detect evil, detect magic or detect undead and requires a round of concentration to activate.

You have an uncanny sense for detecting invisible or non-corporeal creatures.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Alertness, The Sight.
Benefit: When a incorporeal or invisible creature comes within 30 ft. of you, the DM makes a secret Perception check (DC 25). If this check is successful, you sense the creature's presence. This does not require any concentration, however you do not know its location or nature. You simply feel that something or someone is watching you. Once it is determined that something is there, you may use The Sight feat to determine its location. In addition, whenever someone scries your location you may make a Perception check (DC 30) to notice them.

Your specialized spells last longer than normal.
Prerequisite: Wizard specialist 5th+ level.
Benefit: All of your 1st and 2nd level spells from your chosen specialist school have their duration doubled.

Your specialized spells last longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Wizard specialist level 9th+, Specialist.
Benefit: All of your 3rd and 4th level spells from your chosen specialist school have their duration doubled.

Your specialized spells last longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Wizard specialist level 13th+, Improved Specialist, Specialist.
Benefit: All of your 5th and 6th level spells from your chosen specialist school have their duration doubled.

You're a trained actor.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks. In addition Bluff, Disguise, and Perform are considered class skills. Bard is an additional favored class.
Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1stlevel.

You have attended some of the finest schools in the land, gaining knowledge and insight that few possess.
Prerequisites: Int 13+.
Benefit: You gain +8 additional skill points at character creation, and +2skill points every level thereafter. These points may only be put into class skills.
Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level. You begin play with 100 gp less than normal as a result of your schooling.

Once per night, you can read the night sky and see omens there. You have learned the secrets of the horoscope, the rotations of the planets and the zodiac.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank
Benefit: By spending an hour reading the stars, the astrologer can castdivination with a flat 75% chance of success, and which concerns events that may happen that same night. Obviously, the caster must be able to see the stars, so this feat ability is useless during daylight, underground, in a brightly lit city at night, or when indoors in a windowless building. This ability is usable once per night.

Your dreams sometimes echo the future.
Prerequisites: GM’s permission.
Benefit: Once per session after resting, your GM should inform you of a dream you have had that portends an event that may be in your future. Ideally, this dream could warn you of a possible danger or guide you to a good decision. The dream need not come true but should be a possible or likely moment in your future. These dreams could be symbolic, literal, or a combination of both.

You are more adept at battling against fey.
Prerequisite(s): 2nd-level druid, Survival 8 ranks
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to AC against all attacks made against you by fey, and you receive a +2 saving throw bonus against the spell-like abilities of fey. This bonus stacks with the druid class feature to resist nature's lure.

You have fey blood running in your veins.
Prerequisite(s): Cha 13, 1st-level druid
Benefit: When determining bonus spells by spell level and maximum spell level known, you may use your highest ability score in place of the appropriate one. In addition, the saving throw DC for all your spells is increased by 1.
Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level.

Your magic is rooted in illusion, but still potent to those without fey blood.
Prerequisite(s): Cha 15, 4th-level druid, Fey Blood
Benefit: Your magic draws upon the power of the fey. Fey magic, although rooted in illusionary glamer, is powerful and difficult to resist. All spells you cast are considered Illusion (Glamer) spells in addition to any other spell type. Non-fey creatures targeted by your spells make saving throws (if any) as willpower saves. Due to the strength of your Fey Blood, the saving throw DC of your spells is increase by 4. On a successful save, however, the effect is negated, no matter the terms of the spell. This bonus stacks with other DC spell increases.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain this feat, your spell DC increases by 2.

You bind your being to the magical essence of the woodlands, gaining aspects of fey creatures.
Prerequisite(s): 5th-level Druid, Survival 10 ranks, Fey Blood
Benefit: You are immune to magical compulsions that affect humanoids like charm person and dominate person.

Kill them all, and let the gods sort them out.
Prerequisite(s): Vendetta feat; Demanding Challenge class feature (cavalier 12th level)
Benefit: Expend all remaining uses of challenge for the day. All opponents within 20 feet who can see and hear you are affected by your challenge. At 18th level, this increases to 30 feet.

You have taken to the path of the scholar, learning the history and nature of your world but leaving behind more martial pursuits.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level cleric
Benefit: You gain an additional 2 skill points each level and count all Knowledge skills as class skills. In exchange for this increase in knowledge you start with no armour or shield proficiencies.
Normal: Clerics receive Light Armor Proficiency and Shield Proficiency as bonus feats at 1st-level.
Special: This feat can only be taken at 1st-level.

You are more schooled in the arts of magic than war and have given up time in the sparring yard for time communing with your god on the nature of magic.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level Cleric
Benefit: You gain an additional memorization slot for each spell level. In exchange for this increase in power you start with no armour or shield proficiencies and the only weapons you are proficient in are the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff. You are also proficient in your god's favoured weapon.
Normal: Clerics receive Light Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency and Simple Weapon Proficiency as bonus feats at 1st-level.

You have spent time training in the arts of war to become a formidable warrior of the faith; this skill in battle has however come at the expense of your magical ability.
Prerequisite(s): Domain class feature, 1st-level cleric
Benefit: Whenever you receive a new spell level you can choose to sacrifice your domain slot (losing the use of it permanently for that level)and take a combat feat instead. You must still meet the requirements for these feats as normal. This feat does not affect your domain powers.

Your order favors the art of killing with stealth and you have received training in their deadly ways.
Prerequisite(s): Domain class feature
Benefit: You gain the sneak attack class feature as if you were a rogue of equal to your current level. In exchange for your specialized training you permanently lose the ability to cast any domain spells and no longer have a domain spell slot for each spell level. You retain your other domain powers as normal.
Special: This feat can only be taken at 1st-level.

As you perform you are able to talk to the people you're performing for, picking up valuable information in the process.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level bard
Benefit: When you perform in front of a crowd of any size, you can add half of your perform skill (rounded down) to your gather information skill and make a gather information check to learn anything useful that's been happening in the surrounding area.

Your performances inspire awe and amazement, even from the hard to please. When you come into town, people line up and empty their purses to see your incredible performances.
Prerequisite(s): 6th-level bard
Benefit: Whenever you are making a performance check to determine the quality of performance that you deliver in a show, you may add +5 to that check.

When using your bardic performance, you have a longevity that most bards envy you for. By the time most are exhausted from their performances, you're still going as strongly as you were when you first started.
Prerequisite(s): 6th-level bard
Benefit: For every level of bard you gain after you take this feat, instead of being able to use your bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per level, you are able to use it for 3 additional rounds per level. Additional rounds of bardic performance cannot be gained retroactively.

Your Bardic Performance is so powerful that it can affect those that have gone to the grave.
Prerequisite(s): 6th-level Bard
Benefit: Your Fascinate, Suggestion, Dirge of Doom, and Frightening Tune, Bardic Performance abilities can affect undead.

You know more spells than most other bards.
Prerequisite: 1st level bard.
Benefit: You know two extra spells per bard level than what is listed in the spells known table for the bard. For example, with this feat a 1stlevel bard would have six 0-level spells and four 1st level spells, and a 3rd level bard would have eight 0-level spells and six 1stlevel spells..

You are good at using your sexual charms.
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: You gain +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks with creatures who you are sexually compatible with. You also gain a +2 bonus to the DC of your charm spells.
Special: If you act with hostility toward or bluntly reject the advances of a creature you have used this feat with, their attitude toward you automatically declines by one step and you may not use seduction with them again until it has improved. Sexual compatibility is determined by apparent race and sex of the seducer with respect to the normal sexual preferences of the target.

Even without arcane power, you can summon minor creatures to aid you.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single celestial or fiendish animal whose CR is no more than ½ to aid you. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1 hour or when it is slain, whichever comes first. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability.

Studying magic theory has taught you a ritual which allows you to summon a minor creature from beyond the mortal realm to aid your cause.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks, Minor Summoning
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single creature of the outsider type whose CR is 3 or less. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1hour or when it is slain, whichever comes first. To complete the ritual, you must expend 50 gp in material components and must also sacrifice some of your own blood, which causes you to suffer 1d6points of bleed damage for at least 1d4+2 rounds. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability

Having made a study of summoning creatures, you are able to call more powerful servants.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 10 ranks, Adept Summoning, Minor Summoning
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single creature of the outsider type whose CR is 6 or less. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1 hour or when it is slain, whichever comes first. To complete the ritual, you must expend 500 gp in material components and must also sacrifice some of your own blood, which causes you to suffer 3d6 points of bleed damage for 1d4+2 rounds. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability

Having made a complete study of summoning creatures, you are able to call extremely powerful servants.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 15ranks, Adept Summoning, Journeyman Summoning, Minor Summoning
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single creature of the outsider type whose CR is 9 or less. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1d4hours or when it is slain, whichever comes first. To complete the ritual, you must expend 1000 gp in material components and must also sacrifice some of your own blood, which causes you to suffer 5d6 points of bleed damage for 1d4+2 rounds. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability.

You have studied with the learned ponies of modern civilization and have taken these studies to heart.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 11.
Benefit: All Knowledge skills are class skills for you. Choose two skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or a Knowledge skill); you get a +1 bonus to checks for those two skills.
Special: You can only take this feat as a 1st-level character.

You are focused in an unusual area of study for a member of your profession.
Prerequisite: Int 13, character level 4th
Benefit: Choose any two non-class skills. These skills are considered class skill for you and you gain a +1 insight bonus on all checks made with these skills.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a new set of skills.

Your study of conjuration has made your spells harder to counter and dispel.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus(conjuration)
Benefit: Others treat the Spellcraft DC to identify conjuration spells you cast as 2 higher than it actually is. Additionally, anyone attempting to dispel a conjuration spell you cast with dispel magic or a similar effect suffers a -2 penalty on their caster level check.

You can pour additional arcane energy into your conjuration spells in order to vastly improve the duration.
Prerequisites: Extend Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Novice Conjurer, 5th level
Benefit: Whenever you cast a conjuration spell that has been affected by the Extend Spell feat, you may choose to spend twice as long casting the spell in order to extend the spell's duration to 5 times the normal duration, rather than twice the normal duration.

Years of practice and dedication to otherworldly study has given you insight into summoning more powerful creatures.
Prerequisites: Extend Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Novice Conjurer, Expert Conjurer, 10th level
Benefit: Creatures you summon with conjuration (summoning) and conjuration (calling) spells always have maximum hit points, as if they had rolled the highest possible result for all their Hit Dice.

You are adept at taking quick notes, and can save space in spellbooks.
Benefit: When scribing spells into a spellbook, you may treat each spell as one level lower for determining page counts. Other spellcasters who do not also have the Efficient Study feat suffer a –5 penalty on their Spellcraft checks made to understand your spellbook.
Special: This feat may be taken as a bonus feat by wizards any time they qualify to take a bonus feat.

You can communicate as easily with animals as you can with other men, sometimes even more easily.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 1 rank, character level first only
Benefit: You are permanently under the effects of a speak with animal spell and can always attempt verbal communication with any animal. Your close connection to animal-kind provides you with a +2insight bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in either skill, the bonus provided by this feat is +4 for that skill.
Drawback: You occasionally slip into animal speech when excited or angry, and suffer a -2 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against other races.

You're a natural healer, with an instinctive grasp of your patient's needs.
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Sense Motive and Heal checks. If you have 10 ranks in either skill, the bonus increases to +4 with that skill.

You are a skilled performer, an entertainer who has no trouble finding an appreciative audience.
Prerequisite: Perform (any two) 1 rank
Benefit: You receive a +4 competence bonus on any two perform skills of choice. In addition, while performing, you may make an additional DC 15 Perform check. If successful, all those in the audience receive a+1 morale bonus on WILL saves for a 1d4 hours after the performance ends. This is a non magical, mind influencing effect.

You babble endlessly during combat, a stream of consciousness sequence of rants, taunts, observations, bad jokes, backhanded tactical advice and profanity. Sometimes, you get lucky enough that your nervous chatter distracts or annoys your adversary.
Prerequisite: Jester Extraordinaire
Benefit: Once per round, you can designate a single enemy to be the butt of your jokes and insults. The enemy must have an INT score of at least 3, must be within 30 ft of you, and must be able to hear and understand your words. This enemy becomes enraged by your words, and for the duration of the battle, that adversary suffers a –2 morale penalty if he attacks anyone other than you, or takes noncombat actions not related to attacking or harming you in some way. This condition lasts a number of rounds equal to your CHA modifier. This is a nonmagical, language dependent mind influencing effect.

You are an incredibly promising, but insufferably arrogant young warrior.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1, fighter level 1, CHA 15+
Benefit: You may ignore the base attack bonus requirement when acquiring combat feats. You must meet all other requirement of the feat to select it.
Drawback: Your iconoclastic fighting style tends to irritate other, more traditional warriors. You suffer a -2 penalty on CHA based skill checks against any character with at least one Fighter or Warrior (NPC class) level.

You can draw and strike in one fluid motion.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, BAB +3
Benefit: You may draw a weapon as an immediate action, allowing you to take attacks of opportunity. So long as you have an available melee weapon to draw and a free hand(s) you may treat squares in your available weapon's reach as threatened. Once per round, if you draw a melee weapon you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to the next attack roll made during the same turn using that weapon.
You can quickly retrieve items from your inventory.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, BAB +1
Benefit: You can retrieve any hand held item from your inventory as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

You can turn while running or charging.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Run
Benefit: When charging, you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You must move at least 10 ft after the direction change. You can't use this feat if your base speed is reduced due to armor or encumbrance.
Normal: Without this feat, you must charge in a straight line.

You have a strong code of conduct and stick to it against any contrary judgment.
Prerequisite(s): Lawful alignment, Wis 13+.
Benefit: You are immune to any magic or effect that would change your alignment from lawful to neutral or chaotic. If a mind-affecting power would force you to act against your alignment, you gain an additional saving throw with a +4 bonus. Also, you enjoy a +1 competence bonus to all saving throws against spells with the chaotic descriptor and against the special abilities of creatures with the chaotic descriptor. If you are ever about to willingly commit an unlawful act, the Games Master may warn you of the consequences and you must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + character's level) to continue with that course of action.

Your intentions remain pure even when confronted with the most evil temptations.
Prerequisite(s): Good alignment, Wis 13
Benefit: You are immune to any magic or effect that would change your alignment from good to neutral or evil. If a mind-affecting power would force you to act against your alignment, you gain an additional saving throw with a +4 bonus. Also, you enjoy a +1 competence bonus to all saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor and against the special abilities of creatures with the evil descriptor. If you are about to willingly commit a non-good act, the Games Master may warn you of the consequences and you must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 +character's level) to continue with that course of action.

Your aura is powerful even for one of the faithful, and is a beacon of faith to all who cross your path.
Prerequisite(s): Aura class feature
Benefit: For the purposes of detect spell and spell-like effects double your level when determining the strength of your aura. In addition a creature using a detect spell or spell-like effect on you must make a Will save against a Difficulty Class of 10 + your Charisma bonus or become Dazed of 1 round. Creatures with Hit Dice equal to or higher than yours are not affected by this ability.
Finally, when using the Intimidate skill on those of with an alignment directly opposed to your own (i.e. chaotic evil if you are lawful good) add a +2 moral bonus on your roll and when using the Diplomacy skill on those of the same alignment as you, add a +2 moral bonus to your rolls.

You are a divine warrior for your faith, favored in combat by your god and destined to lead the righteous into battle.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level Cleric, 1st-level Paladin.
Benefit: You count both cleric and paladin as favored classes as long as you are both a cleric and paladin of the same god.
Normal: Character scan only choose a single favored class.

You have a reputation among the faithful as a staunch protector of the church and blessed guardian of the faith.
Prerequisite(s): 7th-level Cleric, Leadership.
Benefit: Whenever your personal cohort or dedicated followers of your god are within 30ft of you, and can hear your voice, they gain a +1 moral bonus on attack rolls and saves versus fear effects. At 12th-level, and then every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 20th-level.
In addition to this effect you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma based skills when dealing with followers of your god.

Your mount is stronger than normal.
Prerequisite(s): Divine Bound (Mount)
Benefit: Your special mount grated by divine bound has higher scores than a normal mount for a character of your level. Add one extra hit dice, +2 natural armor class, +1 Strength adjustment and +1 Intelligence to the mount's scores.

Through talent or training, you have a natural bond with horses.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all Ride checks, so long as your mount is pony, light horse, light war horse, heavy horse or heavy war horse.

You are able to urge horses and ponies to their best performance, to calm them when they are agitated, and allow them to accept you as a rider.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Handle Animal
Benefit: You receive a +5 bonus to Handle Animal and Ride checks concerning horses, ponies, mules and donkeys. In addition, an animal of these types that you are riding receives a +5 bonus to all Acrobatics checks.

Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon. You are especially adept to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisite(s): Mounted Combat, Ride skill, 6th-level Fighter or Paladin.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all weapon attack rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +1 bonus to its attack rolls while you are riding it.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat applies to a different type of creature.

Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon, with which you have learned the Mount Specialization feat. You are specially trained to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisite(s): Mounted Combat, Mount Specialization, Ride skill, fighter or paladin level 12th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all weapon damage rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +2 bonus to its damage rolls while you are riding it.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat applies to a different type of creature with which you have learned the Mount Specialization feat.

2015-02-14, 11:09 AM
This will take a while to go all the way through, but the power levels range from pointless wastes (Ambidexterity is the default in PF, and the TWF feats are identical to the basic versions) to ludicrously overpowered (Visionary line) to self-broken and poorly edited (Defender of the faith).

Some gems are in there, but it will take digging.

2015-02-14, 11:26 AM
Really, the Visionary line is "ludicrously overpowered"? But it only gives a single 'at will' spell between levels 1 through 3, you're having a feat taken up by a single low level spell. This is especially surprising since Divination is often considered the weakest school out of the bunch. :smallconfused:

So in Pathfinder there are no penalties to using your off-hand in combat? If so... I'm not sure I agree with that, given how such seems to be a more unrealistic change. I didn't realize the TWF feats were the same I can remove them.

On any feats that need editing I am willing to do such myself with guidance, I admit it already took editing given how it didn't copy perfectly from the books and fiedx skill requirements given how skills had changed. That and most of these were 3.0 to 3.5 feats.

2015-02-14, 11:43 AM
Just looking at the first few (and the Visionary line since it's been brought up), I'm guessing you're new to Pathfinder, since several of the first few are either obsoleted by existing core feats (Ambidexterity is functionally the same as Double Slice, Improved Two Weapon Fighting and Weapon Specialization are worse than core feats of the same name, etc) or rely on 3.5 assumptions that are no longer true in Pathfinder (Death Angel does nothing, as undead aren't immune to critical hits or sneak attacks in Pathfinder, for instance). And Visionary IS broken, as you can have at-will 3rd-level casting at character level 3rd, when everyone else is getting 1-2 2nd level spells per day at best.

Also, Fighter isn't a category of feats in Pathfinder. (Combat is though.)

2015-02-14, 11:51 AM
I can make edits, removing feats that are obsolete in Pathfinder

Any recommendations for editing/fixing the Visionary line of feats so that they can be kept but not be overpowered?

2015-02-14, 11:59 AM
I can make edits, removing feats that are obsolete in Pathfinder

Any recommendations for editing/fixing the Visionary line of feats so that they can be kept but not overpowered?

Scrap them.

Honestly a lot of these are unnecessary in Pathfinder. How familiar are you with the system? At its core its very similar to 3.5, but the nuances actually make some pretty huge differences. Especially since Pathfinder has been out long enough to release a significant number of books, and the 3rd party material that's already out there is comparable in size to that of 3.5's you'll find that most of these are really unnecessary.

The best way to handle homebrewing feats (because these aren't 3rd party, they're homebrew, unless they come from some book I'm unaware of) is to wait until someone needs/wants a feat that does something that an existing feat or ability can't replicate. Then you come up with a feat to do it.

2015-02-14, 12:09 PM
Most of them come from the AEG Feats book, none are homebrew, and I'm sorry but there are a lot of feats here I want to see added that I know for a fact Pathfinder does not cover.

The Stout Hearted line of feats, the True of Purpose and Pure of Heart are good to have especially for Paladins, the Priest line of feats that allow customizing Clerics, the Specialist line of feats, Organized Inventory, Draw Strike, Animal Speaker, the Fey Blood line of feats, Jester Extraordinaire and Gibbering Annoyance, Scholar, University, Seduction, Grave Performance, the Performer feats are all good feats at least for flavor and I want to see them adapted for Pathfinder.

Now one problem we may be having is the fact that those feats that are AEG are 3.0 edition, so are not updated to Pathfinder.

2015-02-14, 01:39 PM
On the Visionary sequence: True Strike is a first level Divination. +20 to hit at will is... rather a lot.

Glib gives +2 bonuses where Fast Talker gives +3s, so consistency suffers.

Specialized Focus gives twice the bonus of Greater Spell Focus, for the same cost and restrictions.

Fey Blood is a must have: +1 to all save DCs is the equivalent of eight Spell Focus feats. And you get extra benefits on top. Not replacing your main stat for DCs means you still care about your main stat, but any abuse you can come up with to boost yourself makes for madness. Contemplate something that significantly boosts your size for a huge Strength bonus, or Magic Jar into a Colossal beast, or whatever.

Fey Magic is seriously broken: +4 to DCs is rather huge, but having all saves be Will based and counting the number fo creatures that are immune to illusions, it's either going to be a must have or an utter distaster, and neither option makes for a fun game.

Scythe Master and Weapon Mastery are largely pointless. +1 to hit for the former and +1 to damage for the latter (absent special weapons that give you around +2) are generally viewed as inferior uses of Feats. Also, Weapon Mastery is poorly written. What happens when it's used by someone who is Large size, and has more than one damage die? What happens when they shrink, changing the number and size of the damage dice?

2015-02-14, 05:29 PM
Visionary line of feats: Removed
Glib and Smooth Talker: Removed
Specialized Focus: Removed
Scythe Mastery and Weapon Mastery: Removed

Fey Blood and Fey Magic I feel are not much of an issue, though I am willing to consider editing. The whole 'Save or Suck' as some call it I feel actually balances it out, much the like Beguiler class. When effective, it is very effective and when it is not effective it is really not effective at all. Also I rule that size wont change anything, that size changes make no difference to Fey Blood

The Stout Hearted line, the alternate Priest feats, the Specialist line of feats and the others... what of them? We are narrowing down the feats 'worth' keeping but right now I have been getting noes for feats but not any yeses.

Edit: What feats are not from AEG Feats are from the UndeFEATable: The Collected Feats Sourcebook... this counts the Fey Blood line of feats, mostly. Here is a link to the Paizo store: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8jr8?Undefeatable-The-Collected-Feats-Sourcebook

Also updated Original Post and removed a number of feats.

2015-02-15, 05:59 AM
At a quick glance:

Amazing Agility - probably pointless, since there are so few instances where you'd have time to take 20 anyway.

Improved Sneak Attack - small damage increase, probably okay.

Stout Hearted - requirements don't make any particular sense, the effect looks okay.

Pure Hearted - I still don't get the Wis requirement, it seems to only be there to block fighters and other melee dudes from picking these. The effect doesn't look broken.

Purity of the Faithful - huh, that's a lot of immunities and bonuses, but then three feats into fighting undead it should be.

Purity of the Righteous - meh. Shouldn't be broken, though the feat line is rather poorly designed since it's ridiculously good in undead-heavy campaign, and mostly useless if you don't fight undead.

Defender of the Faith - annoying requirements, overly fiddly effects. It won't break the game, but I'd advice against trap options like this.

Faith - pure feat tax at best with unforeseeable synergies. Rather consider whether a given feat needs to be class-specific in the first place (there's a reason most of them aren't).

The Sight - poorly written. Could houserule it to functionality, I guess.

Sixth Sense - looks okay.

Specialist, Imp. Specialist, Expert Specialist - no, wizards don't need loads of free metamagic.

Actor - meh, look into traits instead.

University - that's seriously a lot of skill points, especially with the quadruple at first level (3.5 vestiges ahoy!). Reduced starting gold is a terrible balance mechanism, but I guess it's to enforce the "wizards only" wibe. I can't recommend this.

Astrology - should probably be level-gated.

Prophetic Dreamer - shouldn't be a feat.

Child of the Wilderness - meh.

Fey Blood - only cast buffs and no-save spells, base casting on Constitution. No. (Also the stat isn't required to "know" spells, but to cast them. Poor show.)

Fey Magic - I guess they thought it necessary to keep the saving throw DCs up.

Dream Child - meh.

Crusade - looks okay.

Scholar/Mystic/Battle/Shadow Priest - should be archetypes. Also look into warpriest (the class).

Sociable Performer - looks okay, though Gather Information is part of Diplomacy in PF. Requiring bard class is pointless.

Amazing performer - sucks. Don't import trap feats.

Enduring Performer - okay, though makes Extra Performance a trap beyond lowest levels. Should be retroactive (unless you want to punish bards for not taking it at level 7). Should just require bardic performance instead of class.

Grave Performance - actually pretty cool.

Bard's Gift - the text and the example conflict. If you go by text, two extra spells known per bard level makes this feat a must have. f you go by the example, two extra spells known per spell level is still pretty damn good for a single feat.

Seduction - if you want to spend time judging whether a given NPC or monster is "sexually compatible" with the PC, well, do so and grant the appropriate circumstance bonuses from circumstances.

Minor/Adept/Journeyman/Meister Summoning - waste of feats (except when you pull out something that breaks the game).

Scholar - oh hey, it's Education from 3.5. Okay feat, but do look into traits.

Eccentric Specialist - doesn't do anything Extra Traits couldn't, so pointless. Note that a skill being a class skill is not as important as in 3.5.

Light Sleeper - what's this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/religion-traits/light-sleeper)? The trait is meh, as a feat it just sucks.

Novice Conjurer - sucks.

Expert Conjurer - too strong.

Master Conjurer - just use Augment Summoning, less variance between summoning fey vs. dragons etc.

Efficient Study - looks okay, by which I mean I might make an exception to my stance on trap feats when it comes to wizards.

Animal Speaker - looks okay.

Compassionate - no better or worse than the other +2/+2 skill feats.

Jester Extraordinaire - +4 to two skills and +1 to all will saves (for everyone). Kinda strong.

Gibbering Annoyance - no action listed, otherwise okay (if weak).

Warrior Prodigy - looks like a potential balance nightmare plus introduces rules oddities (get Imp. TWF on level 1). Also treats class as an in-game construct which is annoying.

Draw Strike - borderline trap.

Organized Inventory - looks okay.

Fleet of Foot - looks okay. I miss 3.5's skill tricks too.

Aura of Courage - paladins are unlikely to meet the Wis requirement, even if they cared about the range extension to one of their lesser auras. Poorly written.

True of Purpose/Pure of Heart - was doing so well then suddenly code.

Blazing Aura - looks okay (though paladins might not qualify by RAW).

Defender of Faith - hasn't gotten any better from being listed twice.

Holy Knight - kinda weak.

Paragon of Faith - looks okay (Leadership isn't, though). Class restriction is weird.

Improved Paladin Mount - kinda weak and riddled with spelling errors.

Mounted Combat - not actually a 3rd party feat.

Equestrianism - what's wrong with Skill Focus?

Horse Whisperer - looks okay.

Mount Specialization/Greater Mount Specialization - sucks, but does so in line with Weapon Focus/Specialization.

2015-02-15, 07:20 AM
So I actually took the time to comment on every feat you posted. Have fun:

You have an innate sense of balance, always landing on your feet. Others notice that you move with sylvan-like grace.
Prerequisites: 12+ ranks in Acrobatics skill.
Benefit: You may always take 20 on any Acrobatics check, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so. In addition, you may fall an additional 10 ft. before suffering damage.

An effective average +10 to your skillchecks. That's big for a feat. At that level - probably balanced, though.

You can make exceptionally precise and lethal sneak attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +2 or higher, ability to sneak attack.
Benefit: Your bonus damage for sneak attacks increases by one die type. If your sneak attack damage is d4s, it now increases to d6s; d6sincrease to d8s, and so on.

Meh. It's okay. Average +1dmg/sneak attack die. Worse than Craven, which was decent.

You are strongly devoted to the cause of good. Your spirit is resistant to the effects of negative energy.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, good alignment.
Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves to shrug off the permanent effects of gaining a negative level and to resist any spells that deal negative levels.

A meh feat. I'd allow it, but discourage from taking it. Too specific for me, if you can swing a Death Ward which is a complete immunity.

Divine grace and positive energy flow through you. You are extremely resistant to negative energy attacks and are so attuned to holy divine energies that beings who attempt to impart negative levels upon you suffer a positive energy backlash.
Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Stout Hearted, good alignment.
Benefit: You may immediately make a Fort save when an undead creature deals you a negative level. The DC of this save is the same as if you were avoiding the permanent effects of a negative level and you gain all bonuses (such as for the Stout Hearted feat) you would receive for such a save. If you succeed, you do not suffer the negative energy and your opponent immediate takes 2d6 points of damage from the backlash of positive energy.

As above.

You are surrounded by a holy aura, protecting you from harm.
Prerequisites: Wis 15+, Pure Hearted, Stout Hearted, must be good alignment.
Benefit: You are immune to ability drain, energy drain, and paralysis, from any undead source. In addition, you receive a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 circumstance bonus to all saving throws against attacks from undead.

Well, three feats for a Death Ward effect. But you get an additional +2 AC. Meh.

You're blessed by the gods and given strength to smite evil. Those that would cause you harm are instead dealt a swift punishment.
Prerequisites: Wis 17+, Pure Hearted, Purity of the Faithful, Stout Hearted, good alignment.
Benefit: In addition to being immune to ability drain, energy drain, and paralysis from any undead source, when an undead opponent attempts to drain you of levels, he suffers 3d6 points of damage. Secondly, you gain a +4 deflection bonus to your Armor Class against attacks from undead creatures.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time, increase the damage dealt to opponents by +1d6 and the deflection bonus to AC by +2.

You know, I'd rather just take Cleric levels at this point.

You have been blessed as a protector of life, guarding others and yourself against the ravages of the undead.
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Wis 13+, Combat Reflexes, paladin level 1st+.
Benefit: If you are not flat-footed when an adjacent undead opponent's melee attack roll misses you or an adjacent ally by a margin equal to your base attack bonus times two, you may immediately take an attack of opportunity against that undead opponent.


You're as devout as any cleric or priest.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, must worship a deity.
Benefit: You may gain access to any feat that is normally only available to clerics, druids, or paladins, substituting your total character level for the required divine spellcaster level. You can only gain benefits from feats that directly affect your abilities. For instance, if you cannot cast spells, a feat that enhances spellcasting is useless to you, no matter how pious you are.

Eeeh. Most of them apply to class-specific abilities. It's probably worse than actually dipping into the class in question.

You can view the invisible world, just as well as the physical.
Prerequisite: Wis 13+.
Benefit: You may sense incorporeal spirits within 60 ft. of your position with a successful Perception check (DC 20). This ability works just as detect evil, detect magic or detect undead and requires a round of concentration to activate.

That's nice. I like it. DC20 is doable without problems with Wis14, 5 ranks and Take 10, so at 5th level you can Detect X at will.

You have an uncanny sense for detecting invisible or non-corporeal creatures.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Alertness, The Sight.
Benefit: When a incorporeal or invisible creature comes within 30 ft. of you, the DM makes a secret Perception check (DC 25). If this check is successful, you sense the creature's presence. This does not require any concentration, however you do not know its location or nature. You simply feel that something or someone is watching you. Once it is determined that something is there, you may use The Sight feat to determine its location. In addition, whenever someone scries your location you may make a Perception check (DC 30) to notice them.

A bit meh, but I guess it pays off in a low-magic group.

Your specialized spells last longer than normal.
Prerequisite: Wizard specialist 5th+ level.
Benefit: All of your 1st and 2nd level spells from your chosen specialist school have their duration doubled.

Your specialized spells last longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Wizard specialist level 9th+, Specialist.
Benefit: All of your 3rd and 4th level spells from your chosen specialist school have their duration doubled.

Your specialized spells last longer than normal.
Prerequisites: Wizard specialist level 13th+, Improved Specialist, Specialist.
Benefit: All of your 5th and 6th level spells from your chosen specialist school have their duration doubled.

Soo, the Specialist line. Auto-extend? And it can be further extended... Well, it may be good for a gish. Abjurant Champion had it for Abjurations and it didn't break anything... To much.

You're a trained actor.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff checks. In addition Bluff, Disguise, and Perform are considered class skills. Bard is an additional favored class.
Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1stlevel.

A weak feat overall. If you have Bard as an additional favored class, you'll probably take it, making the class skill part redundant. The other way round applies as well. So a feat for a +2 to Bluff and additional favored class. Meh.

You have attended some of the finest schools in the land, gaining knowledge and insight that few possess.
Prerequisites: Int 13+.
Benefit: You gain +8 additional skill points at character creation, and +2skill points every level thereafter. These points may only be put into class skills.
Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level. You begin play with 100 gp less than normal as a result of your schooling.

A naked sage! Would be good if it didn't need the 13+ int.
As it is... You'd probably have enough skillpoints anyway.
First: You need to have a class with more than 8 class skills. And probably 2+int skillpoints/level. Soo... A Bladebound Magus or an Alchemist could benefit from this. Maybe. Maybe not. Strange feat. At the same time powerful, but unavailable to the ones that need it the most.

Once per night, you can read the night sky and see omens there. You have learned the secrets of the horoscope, the rotations of the planets and the zodiac.
Prerequisites: Int 13+, Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank
Benefit: By spending an hour reading the stars, the astrologer can castdivination with a flat 75% chance of success, and which concerns events that may happen that same night. Obviously, the caster must be able to see the stars, so this feat ability is useless during daylight, underground, in a brightly lit city at night, or when indoors in a windowless building. This ability is usable once per night.

A free spell for a feat? For a noncaster? Okay. I'll take it. Seems like an NPC-centered feat, though.

Your dreams sometimes echo the future.
Prerequisites: GM’s permission.
Benefit: Once per session after resting, your GM should inform you of a dream you have had that portends an event that may be in your future. Ideally, this dream could warn you of a possible danger or guide you to a good decision. The dream need not come true but should be a possible or likely moment in your future. These dreams could be symbolic, literal, or a combination of both.

I don't have to say that this is DM-specific as hell, right? :smallbiggrin:

You are more adept at battling against fey.
Prerequisite(s): 2nd-level druid, Survival 8 ranks
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to AC against all attacks made against you by fey, and you receive a +2 saving throw bonus against the spell-like abilities of fey. This bonus stacks with the druid class feature to resist nature's lure.

[B]So very campaign specific. I wouldn't take it.

You have fey blood running in your veins.
Prerequisite(s): Cha 13, 1st-level druid
Benefit: When determining bonus spells by spell level and maximum spell level known, you may use your highest ability score in place of the appropriate one. In addition, the saving throw DC for all your spells is increased by 1.
Special: This feat can only be chosen at 1st level.

What. YES. YES. STRENGTH-DRUID HERE I COME. Or strength-cleric. Or Wizard. It doesn't specify what class spellcasting it affects, so it affects all classes. Druid1/Magus19 with Dexterity casting? Not overpowered, but strong.
What I mean, it's probably too strong. Probably. Apply with caution. maybe change to "charisma instead of Wisdom for all spellcasting-related druid things"

Your magic is rooted in illusion, but still potent to those without fey blood.
Prerequisite(s): Cha 15, 4th-level druid, Fey Blood
Benefit: Your magic draws upon the power of the fey. Fey magic, although rooted in illusionary glamer, is powerful and difficult to resist. All spells you cast are considered Illusion (Glamer) spells in addition to any other spell type. Non-fey creatures targeted by your spells make saving throws (if any) as willpower saves. Due to the strength of your Fey Blood, the saving throw DC of your spells is increase by 4. On a successful save, however, the effect is negated, no matter the terms of the spell. This bonus stacks with other DC spell increases.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you gain this feat, your spell DC increases by 2.

This is rather overpowered. A flat +5 to spell DC. And it's now Will save. Mundanes have a low will save. Yeah, mundane can't have nice things.

You bind your being to the magical essence of the woodlands, gaining aspects of fey creatures.
Prerequisite(s): 5th-level Druid, Survival 10 ranks, Fey Blood
Benefit: You are immune to magical compulsions that affect humanoids like charm person and dominate person.

3.5 had Otherwordly which didn't have the feat tax prerequisite. An okay feat.

Kill them all, and let the gods sort them out.
Prerequisite(s): Vendetta feat; Demanding Challenge class feature (cavalier 12th level)
Benefit: Expend all remaining uses of challenge for the day. All opponents within 20 feet who can see and hear you are affected by your challenge. At 18th level, this increases to 30 feet.

You have taken to the path of the scholar, learning the history and nature of your world but leaving behind more martial pursuits.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level cleric
Benefit: You gain an additional 2 skill points each level and count all Knowledge skills as class skills. In exchange for this increase in knowledge you start with no armour or shield proficiencies.
Normal: Clerics receive Light Armor Proficiency and Shield Proficiency as bonus feats at 1st-level.
Special: This feat can only be taken at 1st-level.

Cloistered Cleric - the feat. Not overpowered in any way.

You are more schooled in the arts of magic than war and have given up time in the sparring yard for time communing with your god on the nature of magic.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level Cleric
Benefit: You gain an additional memorization slot for each spell level. In exchange for this increase in power you start with no armour or shield proficiencies and the only weapons you are proficient in are the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff. You are also proficient in your god's favoured weapon.
Normal: Clerics receive Light Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency and Simple Weapon Proficiency as bonus feats at 1st-level.

Overriden with a dip in a Fighteresque class. Decent.

You have spent time training in the arts of war to become a formidable warrior of the faith; this skill in battle has however come at the expense of your magical ability.
Prerequisite(s): Domain class feature, 1st-level cleric
Benefit: Whenever you receive a new spell level you can choose to sacrifice your domain slot (losing the use of it permanently for that level)and take a combat feat instead. You must still meet the requirements for these feats as normal. This feat does not affect your domain powers.

Would say it's balanced, but this + the above feat means for the cost of two feats you gain nine. So, a net gain of 7 feats. Guess what. Broken.

Your order favors the art of killing with stealth and you have received training in their deadly ways.
Prerequisite(s): Domain class feature
Benefit: You gain the sneak attack class feature as if you were a rogue of equal to your current level. In exchange for your specialized training you permanently lose the ability to cast any domain spells and no longer have a domain spell slot for each spell level. You retain your other domain powers as normal.
Special: This feat can only be taken at 1st-level.

Soo, a Vivisectionist archetype-like feat for the Cleric. It's more balanced than the above feat - it obviates the Rogue completely, but then again - what doesn't?

As you perform you are able to talk to the people you're performing for, picking up valuable information in the process.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level bard
Benefit: When you perform in front of a crowd of any size, you can add half of your perform skill (rounded down) to your gather information skill and make a gather information check to learn anything useful that's been happening in the surrounding area.

Fun. Balanced. Gather Information is something of a plot device anyway.

Your performances inspire awe and amazement, even from the hard to please. When you come into town, people line up and empty their purses to see your incredible performances.
Prerequisite(s): 6th-level bard
Benefit: Whenever you are making a performance check to determine the quality of performance that you deliver in a show, you may add +5 to that check.

I'd probably pick Skill Focus over this.

When using your bardic performance, you have a longevity that most bards envy you for. By the time most are exhausted from their performances, you're still going as strongly as you were when you first started.
Prerequisite(s): 6th-level bard
Benefit: For every level of bard you gain after you take this feat, instead of being able to use your bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per level, you are able to use it for 3 additional rounds per level. Additional rounds of bardic performance cannot be gained retroactively.

Yes please. This is nice if your party has more than 3 encounters/day or if the battles are more prolonged than usual. Balanced enough, I guess, since it helps the whole party. Remember, 3.5 bard had Performance effectively at-will.

Your Bardic Performance is so powerful that it can affect those that have gone to the grave.
Prerequisite(s): 6th-level Bard
Benefit: Your Fascinate, Suggestion, Dirge of Doom, and Frightening Tune, Bardic Performance abilities can affect undead.

Decent. Again - campaign-specific, but useful.

You know more spells than most other bards.
Prerequisite: 1st level bard.
Benefit: You know two extra spells per bard level than what is listed in the spells known table for the bard. For example, with this feat a 1stlevel bard would have six 0-level spells and four 1st level spells, and a 3rd level bard would have eight 0-level spells and six 1stlevel spells.

Can I say it's broken? It's broken. But I'd probably allow it anyway. I like bards.

You are good at using your sexual charms.
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: You gain +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks with creatures who you are sexually compatible with. You also gain a +2 bonus to the DC of your charm spells.
Special: If you act with hostility toward or bluntly reject the advances of a creature you have used this feat with, their attitude toward you automatically declines by one step and you may not use seduction with them again until it has improved. Sexual compatibility is determined by apparent race and sex of the seducer with respect to the normal sexual preferences of the target.

Oh come ooon. The crunch is okay, though. May be worth it. Or not, depending on how you interpret "sexual compatibility".

Even without arcane power, you can summon minor creatures to aid you.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 1 rank
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single celestial or fiendish animal whose CR is no more than ½ to aid you. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1 hour or when it is slain, whichever comes first. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability.

Weak. But situationally useful.

Studying magic theory has taught you a ritual which allows you to summon a minor creature from beyond the mortal realm to aid your cause.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks, Minor Summoning
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single creature of the outsider type whose CR is 3 or less. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1hour or when it is slain, whichever comes first. To complete the ritual, you must expend 50 gp in material components and must also sacrifice some of your own blood, which causes you to suffer 1d6points of bleed damage for at least 1d4+2 rounds. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability

Not so weak. And probably useful enough.

Having made a study of summoning creatures, you are able to call more powerful servants.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 10 ranks, Adept Summoning, Minor Summoning
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single creature of the outsider type whose CR is 6 or less. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1 hour or when it is slain, whichever comes first. To complete the ritual, you must expend 500 gp in material components and must also sacrifice some of your own blood, which causes you to suffer 3d6 points of bleed damage for 1d4+2 rounds. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability

Having made a complete study of summoning creatures, you are able to call extremely powerful servants.
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 15ranks, Adept Summoning, Journeyman Summoning, Minor Summoning
Benefit: By performing an hour-long ritual, you can summon a single creature of the outsider type whose CR is 9 or less. This creature obeys your commands to the best of its ability. The creature returns to its home plane after 1d4hours or when it is slain, whichever comes first. To complete the ritual, you must expend 1000 gp in material components and must also sacrifice some of your own blood, which causes you to suffer 5d6 points of bleed damage for 1d4+2 rounds. You may never summon more than one creature a day with this ability.

Those two above are dependent on what you allow the creatures to do. REmember, summoned outsiders are really good at solving problems with their SLAs.

You have studied with the learned ponies of modern civilization and have taken these studies to heart.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 11.
Benefit: All Knowledge skills are class skills for you. Choose two skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or a Knowledge skill); you get a +1 bonus to checks for those two skills.
Special: You can only take this feat as a 1st-level character.

Someone really likes scholar-type characters. Balanced.

You are focused in an unusual area of study for a member of your profession.
Prerequisite: Int 13, character level 4th
Benefit: Choose any two non-class skills. These skills are considered class skill for you and you gain a +1 insight bonus on all checks made with these skills.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat, it applies to a new set of skills.

As above.

You have trained yourself to sleep lightly, to better defend against nighttime threats.
Benefit: You suffer only a -5 penalty to Perception checks made while you are sleeping. At 10thlevel, the penalty is reduced still further, to a mere -2.
Normal: Characters who are asleep suffer a -10 penalty to Perception checks.

Yeah, well, a Ring of Sustenance is cheaper than a feat. Could be useful if you, well, don't have a teammate to keep watch while you sleep for these two hours.

Your study of conjuration has made your spells harder to counter and dispel.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus(conjuration)
Benefit: Others treat the Spellcraft DC to identify conjuration spells you cast as 2 higher than it actually is. Additionally, anyone attempting to dispel a conjuration spell you cast with dispel magic or a similar effect suffers a -2 penalty on their caster level check.

You can pour additional arcane energy into your conjuration spells in order to vastly improve the duration.
Prerequisites: Extend Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Novice Conjurer, 5th level
Benefit: Whenever you cast a conjuration spell that has been affected by the Extend Spell feat, you may choose to spend twice as long casting the spell in order to extend the spell's duration to 5 times the normal duration, rather than twice the normal duration.

Years of practice and dedication to otherworldly study has given you insight into summoning more powerful creatures.
Prerequisites: Extend Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Novice Conjurer, Expert Conjurer, 10th level
Benefit: Creatures you summon with conjuration (summoning) and conjuration (calling) spells always have maximum hit points, as if they had rolled the highest possible result for all their Hit Dice.

This feat chain is okay for a dedicated summoning spellcaster. Not so great for anyone else. Doesn't work with the Summoner class, funnily enough.

You are adept at taking quick notes, and can save space in spellbooks.
Benefit: When scribing spells into a spellbook, you may treat each spell as one level lower for determining page counts. Other spellcasters who do not also have the Efficient Study feat suffer a –5 penalty on their Spellcraft checks made to understand your spellbook.
Special: This feat may be taken as a bonus feat by wizards any time they qualify to take a bonus feat.

Uhh... Nobody keeps track of this, right? Useless, so allow it if you're a fan of Ivory Tower design.

You can communicate as easily with animals as you can with other men, sometimes even more easily.
Prerequisite: Handle Animal 1 rank, character level first only
Benefit: You are permanently under the effects of a speak with animal spell and can always attempt verbal communication with any animal. Your close connection to animal-kind provides you with a +2insight bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in either skill, the bonus provided by this feat is +4 for that skill.
Drawback: You occasionally slip into animal speech when excited or angry, and suffer a -2 penalty on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made against other races.

I'M A DISNEY PRINCESS! YAY! Allow it. It's okay. Mostly because it's so funny to actually envision the character.

You're a natural healer, with an instinctive grasp of your patient's needs.
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Sense Motive and Heal checks. If you have 10 ranks in either skill, the bonus increases to +4 with that skill.

A skill-focus level of usefulness. Okay.

You are a skilled performer, an entertainer who has no trouble finding an appreciative audience.
Prerequisite: Perform (any two) 1 rank
Benefit: You receive a +4 competence bonus on any two perform skills of choice. In addition, while performing, you may make an additional DC 15 Perform check. If successful, all those in the audience receive a+1 morale bonus on WILL saves for a 1d4 hours after the performance ends. This is a non magical, mind influencing effect.

Better than a skill focus. Decent.

You babble endlessly during combat, a stream of consciousness sequence of rants, taunts, observations, bad jokes, backhanded tactical advice and profanity. Sometimes, you get lucky enough that your nervous chatter distracts or annoys your adversary.
Prerequisite: Jester Extraordinaire
Benefit: Once per round, you can designate a single enemy to be the butt of your jokes and insults. The enemy must have an INT score of at least 3, must be within 30 ft of you, and must be able to hear and understand your words. This enemy becomes enraged by your words, and for the duration of the battle, that adversary suffers a –2 morale penalty if he attacks anyone other than you, or takes noncombat actions not related to attacking or harming you in some way. This condition lasts a number of rounds equal to your CHA modifier. This is a nonmagical, language dependent mind influencing effect.

A no-save, no-action debuff. Non-scaling Armiger's Mark (warder ability), basically. I'd take it on a Warder, actually, because it stacks.
Allow it.

You are an incredibly promising, but insufferably arrogant young warrior.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1, fighter level 1, CHA 15+
Benefit: You may ignore the base attack bonus requirement when acquiring combat feats. You must meet all other requirement of the feat to select it.
Drawback: Your iconoclastic fighting style tends to irritate other, more traditional warriors. You suffer a -2 penalty on CHA based skill checks against any character with at least one Fighter or Warrior (NPC class) level.

Well. It's okay.
You need a Fighter level anyway. Why the Charisma requirement? Why the fighter level or BAB requirement? They're effectively redundant. And the penalty... What if they never saw me fight? This feat suffers from so many questionable design choices.
Warpriest has a class ability that does the same and does it a bit more... Elegantly.

You can draw and strike in one fluid motion.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, BAB +3
Benefit: You may draw a weapon as an immediate action, allowing you to take attacks of opportunity. So long as you have an available melee weapon to draw and a free hand(s) you may treat squares in your available weapon's reach as threatened. Once per round, if you draw a melee weapon you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to the next attack roll made during the same turn using that weapon.

Yeah, that'd be good for a iaijutsu-focus character in a 3.P environment. Pure Pathfinder? It's okay, actually more on the weak side, for the +2 bonus.
You can quickly retrieve items from your inventory.
Prerequisite: Quick Draw, BAB +1
Benefit: You can retrieve any hand held item from your inventory as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

I'd take it if I used wands. Allowable.

You can turn while running or charging.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Run
Benefit: When charging, you can make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less. You must move at least 10 ft after the direction change. You can't use this feat if your base speed is reduced due to armor or encumbrance.
Normal: Without this feat, you must charge in a straight line.


You are shrouded in an aura of strength, giving your allies the will to fight on.
Prerequisite(s): Wis15, Cha 13, 5th-level paladin
Benefit: You provide a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects to all allies within 30 ft. If you are a paladin, this range extends to 60 ft.

Didn't the Paladin get it anyway? What... IS the purpose of this feat? Why does it need 15 wisdom? Why does it have the "If you're a paladin" clause, if it requires 5 levels in Paladin? hell, the Paladin gets it 2 levels sooner.
This feat is broken in the same way 3.5 Truenamer is. It simply doesn't work.

You have a strong code of conduct and stick to it against any contrary judgment.
Prerequisite(s): Lawful alignment, Wis 13+.
Benefit: You are immune to any magic or effect that would change your alignment from lawful to neutral or chaotic. If a mind-affecting power would force you to act against your alignment, you gain an additional saving throw with a +4 bonus. Also, you enjoy a +1 competence bonus to all saving throws against spells with the chaotic descriptor and against the special abilities of creatures with the chaotic descriptor. If you are ever about to willingly commit an unlawful act, the Games Master may warn you of the consequences and you must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + character's level) to continue with that course of action.

YES. And no. This is great if the gamemaster (so, you) forces the paladin to make strange decisions. But well, you don't fall (as a paladin) for an unlawful act.
So... Purely roleplaying, this feat is.

Your intentions remain pure even when confronted with the most evil temptations.
Prerequisite(s): Good alignment, Wis 13
Benefit: You are immune to any magic or effect that would change your alignment from good to neutral or evil. If a mind-affecting power would force you to act against your alignment, you gain an additional saving throw with a +4 bonus. Also, you enjoy a +1 competence bonus to all saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor and against the special abilities of creatures with the evil descriptor. If you are about to willingly commit a non-good act, the Games Master may warn you of the consequences and you must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 +character's level) to continue with that course of action.

YES AND YES. I'D TAKE IT ON A PALADIN AND BE INVINCIBLE TO THE SHENANIGANS. No, really. I'd really do it. This and above are decent.

Your aura is powerful even for one of the faithful, and is a beacon of faith to all who cross your path.
Prerequisite(s): Aura class feature
Benefit: For the purposes of detect spell and spell-like effects double your level when determining the strength of your aura. In addition a creature using a detect spell or spell-like effect on you must make a Will save against a Difficulty Class of 10 + your Charisma bonus or become Dazed of 1 round. Creatures with Hit Dice equal to or higher than yours are not affected by this ability.
Finally, when using the Intimidate skill on those of with an alignment directly opposed to your own (i.e. chaotic evil if you are lawful good) add a +2 moral bonus on your roll and when using the Diplomacy skill on those of the same alignment as you, add a +2 moral bonus to your rolls.

Ooh. Weaponizing an aura? NPC-specific feat, IMO. I'd take it on an Antipaladin BBEG.

You are a divine warrior for your faith, favored in combat by your god and destined to lead the righteous into battle.
Prerequisite(s): 1st-level Cleric, 1st-level Paladin.
Benefit: You count both cleric and paladin as favored classes as long as you are both a cleric and paladin of the same god.
Normal: Character scan only choose a single favored class.

You know, this may be the weakest multiclass feat I've ever seen. I'd allow it, since if someone was crazy enough to multiclass Paladin and Cleric, they need all help they can get.

You have a reputation among the faithful as a staunch protector of the church and blessed guardian of the faith.
Prerequisite(s): 7th-level Cleric, Leadership.
Benefit: Whenever your personal cohort or dedicated followers of your god are within 30ft of you, and can hear your voice, they gain a +1 moral bonus on attack rolls and saves versus fear effects. At 12th-level, and then every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 20th-level.
In addition to this effect you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma based skills when dealing with followers of your god.

Well, this needs Leadership. Leadership is an instant ban. So this feat is unavailable anyway.

Your mount is stronger than normal.
Prerequisite(s): Divine Bound (Mount)
Benefit: Your special mount grated by divine bound has higher scores than a normal mount for a character of your level. Add one extra hit dice, +2 natural armor class, +1 Strength adjustment and +1 Intelligence to the mount's scores.

If you're a mounted paladin in a low-powered campaign, you probably want it. Decent if there are no other options

You are adept at guiding your mount through combat.
Prerequisite: Ride 1 rank.
Benefit: Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as an immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.

You know, that's a Core feat. Staple. Balanced.

Through talent or training, you have a natural bond with horses.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all Ride checks, so long as your mount is pony, light horse, light war horse, heavy horse or heavy war horse.

Skill Focus 2.0. Useful. I'd rather take the Disney Princess one though.

You are able to urge horses and ponies to their best performance, to calm them when they are agitated, and allow them to accept you as a rider.
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Handle Animal
Benefit: You receive a +5 bonus to Handle Animal and Ride checks concerning horses, ponies, mules and donkeys. In addition, an animal of these types that you are riding receives a +5 bonus to all Acrobatics checks.

So now I'm Mulan? I'm okay with that.

Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon. You are especially adept to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisite(s): Mounted Combat, Ride skill, 6th-level Fighter or Paladin.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all weapon attack rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +1 bonus to its attack rolls while you are riding it.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat applies to a different type of creature.

A weaker Weapon Focus. But for a two. And it stacks with the aforementioned, so... Decent. Maybe. Weapon Focus is weak as hell, you know.

Choose one type of mount, such as heavy warhorse or griffon, with which you have learned the Mount Specialization feat. You are specially trained to fight from the back of such a creature.
Prerequisite(s): Mounted Combat, Mount Specialization, Ride skill, fighter or paladin level 12th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all weapon damage rolls while mounted on the type of creature chosen. Your mount also gains a +2 bonus to its damage rolls while you are riding it.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat applies to a different type of creature with which you have learned the Mount Specialization feat.

Oh come on, now it's Weapon Specialization: Horse? As above. Fine enough to take, not overpowered in the slightest.

Also take a look at this:

2015-02-15, 02:30 PM
Okay, I have answered both Greenish and Xerlith. I will admit, Xerlith had me laugh a few times though both members offered decent thoughts.
Amazing Agility - Seems to be a pass, though there is disagreement on its usefulness.
Improved Sneak Attack - Seems to pass, though both feel the feat is weak.
Stout Hearted - Seems to pass, though complain of Wis requirement and limitation...should it be removed?
Pure Hearted – Same as above?
Purity of the Faithful – Seems to be considered a meh feat, despite giving Immunities, though it passes.
Purity of the Righteous – The whole line seems to not be a problem mechanically, but also doesn't impress. I could see this being used for more faithful classes that take on being undead slayers or defenders against undead such as Paladin, Clerics, Slayers, and even Rangers perhaps.
Defender of the Faith - Hmm, this feat seems to not be very well understood, and could use a bit of rewording though I understand it... I think. Essentially if you're not caught flat footed by an undead and they miss attacking you or an ally in combat by an amount equal to the Paladin's BAB times two an additional AoO can be made. I admit, perhaps a bit overly complicated though I feel still potentially worth keeping.
Faith - Well class specific feats I feel can be appropriate, especially when they increase the effectiveness of class features and having access to such feats though you're not of the class useful though I can seethe point both of you are making.
The Sight - So one feels it cannot be used as written, while the other likes it and seems to understand the feat... huh, interesting. Still I think I will go with Xerlith on this one, unless Greenish wants to explain the problem they have with the feat?
Sixth Sense - Seems to pass, though one considers it meh.
Specialist, Imp. Specialist, Expert Specialist - One says no while the other says sure though it seems with some concern. I want to pass the feats, though if it helps with concerns of balance we can add to the requirements
Actor - Seems to not be considered worth it, one suggesting looking into traits while the other feels it is pointless since they feel one would just go into Bard anyway. Myself I consider the feat there for those classes that don't have the skills in question... such as wizard.
University - I feel it is a useful feat, especially for non - wizards or non - bard, though there is concern of other classes qualifying. Requirements can be fiddled with but I would like it if we could keep the feat.

Astrology - Greenish, what do you mean by level - gated? Since I had to toss the other Seer related feats I admit I would very much like to keep this feat, as I wanted choices for non - oracle seers or even oracle seers. Any suggestions for improvement?
Prophetic Dreamer - As a DM I would approve a player taking this feat for their character.
Child of the Wilderness - Seems to be a miss, since I like fey related feats and plan on making use of fey. I will remove it
Fey Blood - We can change it to Charisma only, instead of Wisdom if it helps with the balance. Also, since Pathfinder has the annoying preference of discouraging multiclassing I say why not allow a feat that may encourage mutliclassing?
Fey Magic - Hmm, still seems to be concern with this feat... any suggestions on balancing this a bit more?
Dream Child - Seems to pass but not considered the best of feats it sadly
Crusade - This feat was skipped by Xerlith, though it doesn't seem to be a problem feat.
Scholar/Mystic/Battle/Shadow Priest - I rule these feats cannot stack, and that only one of the feats can be chosen. If the wording needs to be edited to reflect this, so be it. Personally I also feel these are to small of changes to be turned into archetypes and I argue a feat altering a class can be fine for smaller things. Myself, it actually lends itself well to the fact priests of different deities will not be practically the same. A Cleric of a god of assassins would be the same as a Cleric of a god of war mechanically and in play style. As too one of a god of knowledge or magic, there should be more options for allowing different play styles of clerics, as the Specialty Priests of AD&D.
Amazing Performer - I am going with Xerlith on this one, sorry but such a feat has its uses even if but for flavor.
Enduring Performer - Seems to pass, though there is concern with one of the two who is looking through all of these.
Grave Performance - Passes, and may I offer that this actually allows a bard to be more useful when fighting undead... which as a DM I will be having the party face.
Bard's Gift - Pass, though I have noted Xerlith saying it is broken but given how Bards are not a powerhouse and more support I feel it is fair game in allowing.
Seduction - Probably go with male to female and female to male unless I have a bisexual or homosexual player. Also for this I would probably have NPCs go with 'straight' attraction. I do feel this could be an interesting feat to allow. Minor/Adept/Journeyman/Meister Summoning - I want to allow, but I can understand where the two of you are coming from on saying the feats can be useless unless a player brings in something broken.
Scholar - Yay, it passes :)
Eccentric Specialist - Seems not to be considered as useful but seems to pass Light Sleeper - I will see about removing it, since it is a trait.
Novice, Expert, Master Conjurer - Personally I think I will allow them, since they are useful for a non - summoner conjurer such as wizard or sorcerer.
Efficient Study - I will remove
Animal Speaker - Laughs, I love your humor Xerlith and it's not like speaking with animals is overpowered... especially when compared to other options. I admit though I was not thinking of Disney princesses when I grabbed this feat but because I am frustrated by the options provided by Pathfinder itself. If I want to have a character talk with animals I want it to be all animals but just badgers, for squirrels, or dogs. Admit I was actually thinking of Fluttershy when it come to this feat.
Compassionate - Good to see, I should have expected this feat not to be a problem
Jester Extraordinaire and Gibbering Annoyance - They pass it seems, what action should I offer for the second feat?
Warrior Prodigy - Personally, I grabbed the feat because I liked that the feat introduced a roleplaying penalty, and if a player takes the feat I would require them to play the 'arrogant' fighter that makes it so some NPCs are unfriendly to them. It should be noted a higher charisma helps overcome this penalty though I could see about editing the requirements
Draw Strike - I think it is a good feat at least for flavor, especially for a Kensai (Magus) or other builds that focus on using a single blade...any why to improve it if the feat is a bit weak?
Organized Inventory - passes
Fleet of Foot - passes
Aura of Courage - Hmm, I will remove it
True of Purpose/Pure of Heart - I like the paladin code. Also, Xerlith, since when could a paladin not fall from committing an unlawful act? Their code requires them to be both lawful and good, so it is reasonable that one can fall from either side... that is at least how I would rule it.
Maybe Pathfinder has changed that rule but if they have I disagree with it. I feel both of these feats can help a player make sure their paladin doesn't fall and allows them toasty much safe since the DM is required to say whether or not the action they are taking could break their paladin code.
Blazing Aura - Xerlith how should I change the wording so it is allowed for paladins?
Defender of Faith - I will remove the repeat
Holy Knight - Any way of boosting the feat a bit? I would like to encourage what some would call a crazy mulitclass.
Paragon of Faith - I allow Leadership in my campaigns so I feel the feat is useful. I feel it is stupid banning such an iconic feat, especially since it played such an important role in AD&D.
Improved Paladin Mount - Seems the feat passes, I will look into fixing spelling errors.
Mounted Combat - I will remove the feat then, since it is a core feat.
Equestrianism - Nothing is wrong with Skill Focus, that and it gives I higher bonus I believe.
Horse Whisperer - Seems the feat passes, funny bit of humor Xerlith... I think I like your comments the most.
Mount Specialization/Greater Mount Specialization - lol, Xerlith please you make it sound so silly though I am glad you feel it is fine.

2015-02-15, 04:59 PM
I shall attempt to justify myself (and occasionally Xerlith).

Amazing Agility - Seems to be a pass, though there is disagreement on its usefulness.I'm not sure how one even takes 20 on checks that do not actually have action listed. I mean, for avoiding AoO, you could just move at 1/20th of your normal speed, but how do you take 20 times more time to jump high? If you treat it as take 10 (which is mechanically quite different, despite the feat's writer's apparent ignorance) with +10 it could work, though it seems quite powerful. Just letting the character to take 10 and the reduced falling damage isn't really worth a 12th level+ feat, though. I'd actually make a Skill Mastery feat for letting people take 10 on select skills (possibly excluding UMD).

Stout Hearted - Seems to pass,though complain of Wis requirement and limitation... should it be removed?Does it serve any actual purpose? I should say not.

Pure Hearted -Same as above?
Purity of the Faithful -Seems tobe considered a meh feat, despite giving Immunities, though itpasses.
Purity of the Righteous -Thewhole line seems to not be a problem mechanically, but also doesn'timpress. I could see this being used for more faithful classes thattake on being undead slayers or defenders against undead such as Paladin, Clerics, Slayers, and even Rangers perhaps.Being really impressive against one enemy type (a common one, granted) creates a problem for both players looking to feat up and the DM planning his campaign. It's not an insurmountable problem, but neither is it really a necessary one.

Defender of the Faith - Hmm,this feat seems to not be very well understood, and could use a bitof rewording though I understand it... I think. Essentially if youare not caught flat footed by an undead and they miss attacking youor an ally in combat by an amount equal to the Paladin's BAB timestwo an additional AoO can be made. I admit, perhaps a bit overlycomplicated though I feel still potentially worth keeping.We do understand how it works. It sucks.

Count the requirements for its use:

You have to be paladin (why?).
You have to have 13+ Wis (though Wis is basically a dump stat for paladin).
You have to have 13+ Dex and Combat Reflexes (despite paladins usually preferring heavy armour, and thus not wanting more than at most 12 Dex).
You have to take it.
You can't be flat-footed (despite Combat Reflexes, the prerequisite, allowing you to make AoO when flat-footed).
Your ally has to be adjacent to you (no protecting ranged characters, no flanking).
Your enemy has to be adjacent to you.
Your enemy has to be an undead.
Your enemy has to attack your ally.
Your enemy has to miss by a specific number.

Count what it does:

You get to make one attack.

Faith - Well class specificfeats I feel can be appropriate, especially when they increase theeffectiveness of class features and having access to such featsthough you're not of the class useful though I can see the point bothof you are making.If it relates to a class feature, it should require said class feature, not levels in specific class, since archetypes can give or take class features.

The Sight - So one feels it cannot be used as written, while the other likes it and seems tounderstand the feat... huh, interesting. Still I think I will go with Xerlith on this one, unless Greenish wants to explain the problem they have with the feat?"Incorporeal spirits" is not defined, so what does the feat actually detect? How, exactly, does the feat work like the mentioned Detect spells, despite requiring Perception check and one round of concentration? Does it start on your next turn after spending a full action (which the "casting time" of 1 round seems to imply)? Do you have to maintain concentration to use it? If you need to maintain concentration, does the first round spent concentrating count towards things you detect? How long can you maintain the effect (whether you need to concentrate or not)? Is the effect a cone-shaped emanation despite the feat just saying you detect the spirits within 60 ft. of you? Did the writer of the feat even bother looking up the spells referenced? Am I starting to sound like Curmudgeon complaining about the factotum?

It just raises many questions.

Specialist, Imp. Specialist, ExpertSpecialist - One says no while the other says sure though itseems with some concern. I want to pass the feats, though if it helpswith concerns of balance we can add to the requirementsThis boils down to a single question: do you feel wizards are so weak they need a unique way of making their favourite spells last for days?

Actor - Seems to not beconsidered worth it, one suggesting looking into traits while theother feels it is pointless since they feel one would just go intoBard anyway. Myself I consider the feat there for those classes thatdon't have the skills in question... such as wizard.Did you, in fact, look at traits? They're a great way to give your PC new class skills you feel would fit them. The bonus favoured class is honestly pointless.

University - I feel it is auseful feat, especially for non-wizards or non-bard, though there isconcern of other classes qualifying. Requirements can be fiddled withbut I would like it if we could keep the feat.It's useful, yes. If you believe Paizo, 1 skill rank is worth 1 HP (as evidenced by the favoured class bonuses), and the feat that grants HP (Toughness) only gives you 1 point per HD (you may want this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/open-minded)). If you feel that to be inaccurate (and keep in mind skill points are both less abundant, and go way farther, in PF) then by all means allow a feat that grants two ranks per level, but do not require enough Int to cast a fireball, and certainly don't penalize starting gold (which just makes wizards with their free spellbook giggle, while fighters have make do with poor weapons and no armour, and monks have to start with a debt). Of course, nix the quadruple skill points at first level thing.

Astrology - Greenish, what doyou mean by level-gated? Since I had to toss the other Seer relatedfeats I admit I would very much like to keep this feat, as I wantedchoices for non-oracle seers or even oracle seers. Any suggestionsfor improvement?I meant that it looks fairly powerful for a feat you can take at 1st level. On second look, I'm not sure that's actually a problem, given how vague PF Divination is.

Prophetic Dreamer - As a DM I would approve a player taking this feat for their character.My point is, something like that shouldn't cost a feat. It's basically a shortcut for the DM to further the story and create plot hooks. Hash it out with the player, don't make it cost a feat.

Scholar/Mystic/Battle/Shadow Priest- I rule these feats cannot stack, and that only one of the feats canbe chosen. If the wording needs to be edited to reflect this, so beit. Personally I also feel these are to small of changes to be turnedinto archetypes and I argue a feat altering a class can be fine forsmaller things. Myself, it actually lends itself well to the factpriests of different deities will not be practically the same. ACleric of a god of assassins would be the same as a Cleric of a godof war mechanically and in play style. As too one of a god ofknowledge or magic, there should be more options for allowingdifferent play styles of clerics, as the Specialty Priests of AD&D.There already are options for representing different styles of cleric. They're called archetypes (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes). It just seems clumsy to shoehorn feats into the same design space.

Amazing Performer - I am goingwith Xerlith on this one, sorry but such a feat has its uses even ifbut for flavor.It's basically Skill Focus: Perform but worse. Either way, you're better at specific performance, so I don't see how it adds much flavour to anything.

Bard's Gift - Pass, though Ihave noted Xerlith saying it is broken but given how Bards are not apowerhouse and more support I feel it is fair game in allowing.But bards are powerful, stronger than fighters or barbarians or monks or rogues or cavaliers or gunslingers, and that feat is just absurd. Also poorly written since the example contradicts the text.

Seduction - Probably go withmale to female and female to male unless I have a bisexual or homosexual player. Also for this I would probably have NPCs go with'straight' attraction. I do feel this could be an interesting feat toallow.Not sure you read what I wrote but whatever.

Warrior Prodigy - Personally, I grabbed the feat because I liked that the feat introduced a roleplaying penalty, and if a player takes the feat I would require them to play the 'arrogant' fighter that makes it so some NPCs are unfriendly to them. It should be noted a higher charisma helps overcome this penalty though I could see about editing the requirementsWell, it's your game, if you want to treat classes as in-game constructs feel free.

Draw Strike - I think it is agood feat at least for flavor, especially for a Kensai (Magus) orother builds that focus on using a single blade... any why to improveit if the feat is a bit weak?The +2 to attack is nice, but only rarely applies unless you import gnome quickrazors or use throwing weapons a lot (in which cases it's still pretty meh). Being able to threaten with a sheathed weapon only matters if you're using a reach weapon (which creates an odd visual).

True of Purpose/Pure of Heart -I like the paladin code. Also, Xerlith, since when could a paladinnot fall from committing an unlawful act?Paladin who willfully commits an evil act falls, but there's no mention of paladin falling for any unlawful act. They can fall if their alignment changes, true, but a single unlawful act is unlikely to do that. Also having to make a Will save to do something you want to do is stupid.

Blazing Aura - Xerlith how should I change the wording so it is allowed for paladins?Make it require Aura (like clerics or warpriests) or Aura of Good (like paladins) or Aura of Evil (like antipaladins).

Holy Knight - Any way of boosting the feat a bit? I would like to encourage what some would call a crazy multiclass.Take a page from Swift Hunter or Daring Outlaw and let the levels in one progress a class feature in another (like Lay on Hands with Mercies for cleric levels, or the Domain granted powers for paladin levels).

Equestrianism - Nothing is wrong with Skill Focus, that and it gives I higher bonus I believe.Skill Focus grants you +3 until you have 10+ ranks, then +6. It also makes this feat seem pointless.

Also there seems to be something wrong with your spacebar, you may want to look into it.

2015-02-15, 06:13 PM
Sighs, no it is not a problem with my spacebar but a glitch with the posting. Perhaps it is a new problem or an old, but when I click the button that allows me move form Bold to [B ]Bold[/B ]. Not sure what to call it but when I press the button many spaces seems to disappear... making such things and bolding and italicizing more trouble then it is arguably worth. It took me at least 30 minutes to fix all the spaces and make sure they were not there.

I will reply to the rest a bit later.

2015-02-15, 07:22 PM
Here are the list of feats that I would object to at the table, if a player brought them before me.

Purity of the righteous: its kinda of redundant, that's why I would say No.

Defender of the faith: It gets substantially worse as you level up. , so No.

Specialist, Improve Specialist, and Expert Specialist: Yeah free extended spells is basically insane. and caster NEVER need anything to make them more powerful... ever. So No.

Mystic Priest: Yeah casters don't need a boost in power, So No.

Bard's Gift: id just knock it down to 1 bonus spell.

Minor Summoning, Adept Summoning, Journeyman Summoning, and Meister Summoning; Yeah this is beyond broken. we all know how AWESOME Gate it, and that is literally what this feat is.. FOR ANYBODY

Warrior Prodigy: I would NOT make it be based off of Cha as that make NO SENSE AT ALL.

Equestianism: As is its bad, I would just change it to any mount of selected type, like a weapon focus for different mounts.

2015-02-16, 05:10 AM
My request is fairly simple... though perhaps a bit much given the number of feats. You see, I have been gathering 3rd party feats to be used in my campaign and I would like what I currently have to be reviewed by those here. What I am seeking is thoughts on usability of feats, accessibility of feats (whether or not they are too easy or too hard to acquire), whether or not there is concern of abusability, and overall balance.

Hoo, well, this'll take awhile. Full disclosure: Not as well-versed in Pathfinder as I'd like, so this is primarily of the perspective of someone familiar with 3.5 and that has been reading up a bit on PF but hasn't played more than a few games.

And your post was so long that replying to it in full has put me over the character limit. Fun.

AMAZING AGILITY [GENERAL] - Well, this is fairly straightforward, you can only take it at level 13, which means you're in high level play. Mostly this means that a character focused on tumbling will like this, and will always win against foes they could tumble around but that pose a challenge to their ability to do so reliably, which will definitely help out tumbling focused characters, though I don't think it's quite enough versus the opponents that make tumbling at high level problematic or even impossible.

Falling an additional 10 feet before taking fall damage is basically irrelevant.

I'd say it comes online about the right level and gives a fair benefit for high level play, but I'm not sure it's actually all that worthwhile given the other fundamental problems with tumbling.

Edit: No, I was assuming treating one's roll as a 20, not taking 20. Taking 20 is useless for the main uses of acrobatics, especially in those situations where one wasn't already able to take a 20, unless it's sped up to the point where it doesn't take any additional time to take 20.

IMPROVED SNEAK ATTACK [GENERAL] - This is basically a less reliable, half-strength, less-multiclass-friendly version of Craven which doesn't get multiplied on critical hits. Should be fine. You might raise the requirements so it's a 5th level feat instead of a 3rd level feat if you want, though, but I don't think it's necessary.

STOUT HEARTED [GENERAL] - I'm not familiar with any effects that give negative levels but that allow a save to resist them. It's a nice bonus when you need it, but it's also very niche, since at levels where Deathward isn't an option, one shouldn't be running into that many level-draining effects and if one is running into that many level-draining effects, one is probably a wight by now from dying in combat via negative levels.

Now, if it was a feat of around 5th or 7th level that let one make a save to avoid getting negative levels in the first place if one is caught offguard or one's deathward is dispelled? That'd be pretty nifty.

Seeing the next feat though, this looks like a garbage feat tax to begin a feat chain. Never liked those.

PURE HEARTED [GENERAL] - This is more what I'm talking about. The backlash is ultimately not that necessary but it is a nice little rider effect to discourage trying to spam negative levels, especially if it's per attempted negative level.

I'd say it's... probably fair to have 2 feats to get this ability, Wisdom 15+ might be a little bit high for requirements, especially given how Paladins have been put to be more on Charisma in PF.

PURITY OF THE FAITHFUL [GENERAL] -The immunity is a bit more niche than I'd like, but it is nice. An immunity to energy drain period and then an immunity to ability drain and paralysis from any undead source or possibly also including necromancy spells and effects would've been preferable.

The deflection bonus is... OK but mimics a first level spell and just means one can hold off on a ring of protection until one is ready for the +3 ring.

OTOH, a Human Cleric could just take this at 3rd level. I'd give it requirement of 7th level +/- 2 levels if you were to make it nicer or condense the feat chain into fewer feats.

PURITY OF THE RIGHTEOUS [GENERAL] - Just not worth it in comparison to the feat preceding it in the feat chain. Just make the earlier feats scale a bit with character level/HD instead.

DEFENDER OF THE FAITH [GENERAL] -Dex requirement, Wis requirement, Combat Reflexes(further skewing towards Dex), and Paladin level requirements all together make for a red flag that there's something off here.

Too limited, and, what's worse, it leaves reach weapon users out in the cold, which is just one more facet of anti-synergism in this collection of anti-synergies.

Just not worth it in general. I'd axe the Paladin prereq, the bit about being not being flat-footed, and the requirement that undead foes be adjacent at the very least. I'd also say it's probably OK to get rid of that margin business and just have it be an AoO whenever an undead creature misses within your reach. Even then it wouldn't be great.

FAITH [GENERAL] - Seems kinda worthless on the surface. Adding on a divine version of Magical Training to being able to qualify as if one had levels in Cleric, Druid, or Paladin, so that one had a small selection of orisons(0th level spells) would make it sometimes worthwhile, though, I believe.

THE SIGHT [GENERAL] - Niche, not that interesting, probably not worth it unless the campaign is very focused on incorporeal undead that are hiding in the walls. If you could sense them while they're ethereal, that'd be a bit more unique and interesting.

And also if it actually penetrated solid matter properly rather than getting stopped by it like detect evil/magic/undead, that'd be nice too. As it stands, I can't see anyone taking this.

SIXTH SENSE [GENERAL] - Still pretty eh, but actually sometimes useful, since it lets you pinpoint invisible creatures within 30 feet.

SPECIALIST [GENERAL] - Auto-extend on low-level spells of one's specialist school is pretty useful for some conjurers and transmuters, less so for other specialists. Although If you could find a Necromancy-specialist wizard, they might enjoy having an auto-extend on their Command Undead spells... if they like huge hordes of undead which are disruptive to actually have in play aside from having them as downtime/logistical minions, which the standard 1 day per CL on Command Undead should have covered anyway.

Nice, comes online about the right level, but extending spells isn't going to be that abusable, especially since one already can easily do that for low level spells in a variety of ways between actually paying the cost and using metamagic rods of extend. Downside is that one doesn't actually know the Extend Spell metamagic by taking this.

I suppose there's some potential fun times of how this would interact with Extend Spell, whether it'd be a true doubling for quadruple duration or just the trebling that normally happens in the rules as I recall them.

Can't really think of anything offhand that's broken by doubling or that would become broken by going from doubling to tripling or doubling to quadrupling, though.

IMPROVED SPECIALIST [GENERAL] - Seems about the right level, though the feat might be delayed until 11th if there's any doubts.

EXPERT SPECIALIST [GENERAL] - High level and 2 prereqs are probably about the right cost. Might delay it till 15th level, though. OTOH, you might combine the last two feats and have it be spells from one's specialist school that are 3 spell levels lower than the maximum spell level one can cast as a specialist wizard.

ACTOR [BACKGROUND] - A fairly good feat for giving a fair (and untyped!) bonus to a useful skill and giving 3 skills as class skills that can be useful as prereqs. The additional favored class is basically meaningless though, IIRC, but there might be some few very niche cases where it's handy.

Its clearest analogue is the Apprentice feat from 3.5's Dungeon Master's Guide 2 which gives a +2 competence bonus on a skill, 2 skills as class skills for all classes, and 2 skill points to invest into the both of them immediately. I'd say it's competitive with that since the bonus is untyped and it gives 3 class skills instead of 2.

UNIVERSITY [BACKGROUND] - So one can start with a negative gold piece count? :smallamused: Dat debt.

I'd nix the starting wealth penalty. Going from Fighter skill points to Barbarian skill points or from Ranger skill points to Rogue skill points is nice, though, but not quite to the level of needing to make a character start out with nothing more than the clothes off their back and a quarterstaff or club in many cases.

Also, unless you want to have several skills which can have one rank invested in them but that aren't kept up with, you'll want to lower the number of skill points granted at character creation, seeing as how Pathfinder doesn't multiply skill points at 1st level.

ASTROLOGY (GENERAL SP) - 1/day SLA. a 1/day *nerfed* SLA, since Divination is supposed to be able to look a week ahead and instead this only works on stuff limited to the same night one is casting it. Divination spells are most useful when used in advance, so this is a pretty hefty nerf.

It's only really useful for having the ability to cast a 4th level divine spell for (cheesing) prerequisites, which is pretty niche, I believe.

PROPHETIC DREAMER - Should not be a feat. If the GM is going to do this, the GM should just do it rather than require a feat tax for the privilege of... whatever this is. :smallyuk:

CHILD OF THE WILDERNESS - You need to adjust the ranks in Survival to be 5 instead of 8 because of the change in skill ranks in Pathfinder from 3.5. Otherwise... Not that useful to a 5th level Druid or 5th level character with 2 levels or more in Druid.

Unless there's an awful lot of Fey in the campaign, of course.

FEY BLOOD - Strange, but, hey, it lets you be a Muscle Wizard, so that's always fun, and, even better, it changes based upon what your highest ability score is.

Weird it's not linked to Charisma, though, given that it says Fey right on the tin.

FEY MAGIC - So you can now no longer target other saves, that's bad. On the other hand, you can pump up the DC on your spells if you really want to, which is good, but that eats up a lot of feats, which is bad. But you're a Druid if you're doing this, so... that's not really great since there's not a lot of synergy for becoming a master of illusions as a Druid. An actual Illusionist with that Faith feat earlier might like this since they're casting Illusion spells *anyway* so this is just a free +4 to the DCs of their spells.

A bit rough for those spells with partial effects on successful saves, though, so it's actually at odds with shadow conjuration/evocation types, I think.

DREAM CHILD - Change the skill ranks to 5 ranks in Survival. It is pretty useful to be immune to magical compulsions. I can't remember the full extent of all of them offhand, but maybe 7th level is more appropriate to flat-out immunity to them, maybe. It is one of the easier immunities to get from spells, though I can't remember offhand when the various protections start coming up, though Mindblank is the most famous one, and that's an 8th level spell, but it does a fair bit more than that.

And protection from evil nixes dominate effects, for a while at least, as a 1st level spell.


Not sure, sorry.

CRUSADE - Probably not that great to nova and dump out all of one's challenge class feature in one encounter, but, it'd probably be useful enough in Kingmaker or something where there's usually just one fight a day or every few days anyway.

SCHOLAR PRIEST - This is (3.5's) Cloistered Cleric lite, and I think an archetype already exists that covers this in PF. :smallconfused:

Also, it's strange that it thinks that Clerics normally only have proficiency with light armor and shields. :smallconfused:

Seems unnecessary and undesirable to boot.

MYSTIC PRIEST - OKish to get more spells per day, but the sort of thing that should be an archetype, not a feat in Pathfinder.

And in 3.5 it should be an ACF or substitution level.

BATTLE PRIEST - Spend a feat to get more feats? Probably should just be an archetype.

SHADOW PRIEST - Also probably should be an archetype that makes a roguish cleric, or at least fills in some of the gaps since I don't believe there's a domain like 3.5's Kobold domain in PF. Could give up one of the domains or just require one of them to be Trickery in exchange for the other core rogueish skill of disable device, since I believe Clerics should have perception already, and trapfinding.

SOCIABLE PERFORMER - OK, but a bit too niche/weak/the player paying for a way for the DM to feed them plothooks for a feat. Seems more of a trait or skill trick sort of thing if it were more general. Or just something that one could/should be able to do as part of the base skill system.


A circumstantial +5 to the check, largely for the purpose of getting money during downtime, or advancing the plot in rare instances where the quality of one's performances is relevant.

Probably not worth a feat, generally, but it's certainly not gonna break the game.

ENDURING PERFORMER - Just let 'em gain additional rounds of bardic performance retroactively. :smalltongue: Otherwise, perfectly fine. Hell, could reduce the level prereq to character level 3.

GRAVE PERFORMANCE - A toned down version of Requiem from 3.5, IIRC. Should be fine. Hell, it should be fine if it lets all of one's bardic performances affect undead. Probably should lower the prerequisite level to 5th because of how PF does feats. Could just reduce the level to 3rd or take away the level prereq in its entirety.

BARD’S GIFT - I could see potentially taking this. Like Collegiate Wizard, but for Bards. Can't recall how it ultimately stacks up with the favored class bonus for bards that gives them extra spells known, but this gives extra spells known of a bard's highest spell level, so that's always fun.

SEDUCTION - A bit too BoEF for my tastes and a bit fiddly, but the +2 DC is always nice and Diplomancers would also like it, since anyone playing a Diplomancer should be able to avoid the special clause anyway. Or fix it if they do run afoul of it. With the powers of Diplomancy.

MINOR SUMMONING - Well, this gets you the trap monkey for up to an hour... or until it does its job and gets smooshed by a trap. Takes an hour which is probably too long. The lack of scaling is also pretty bleh, but it should be fine even at 1st level as a 1/day very minor SLA analogue.

ADEPT SUMMONING - 5th level minimum, half strength version of lesser planar binding but without the usual costs so it's much cheaper. Seems fine for its level. The 1 hour casting time and 1 hour duration are a bit onerous, though.

JOURNEYMAN SUMMONING - Lesser Planar Binding for cheap, but at the level one can take this feat (level 11) normal uses of Lesser Planar Binding shouldn't really be an issue in terms of their monetary cost.

MEISTER SUMMONING - The duration starts to improve here, it's a 3/4 strength version of Planar Binding/Ally, but cheaper. Since Planar Binding takes 10 minutes, making this into a half-hour ritual probably wouldn't be the end of the world, but, then, I guess there's not that much difference between a half hour ritual and an hour long one.

Pretty weak in comparison with 8th level spells though.

SCHOLAR - Ponies? :smalltongue:

Getting all knowledge skills as class skills is generally nice, and an untyped +1 on two different skills from a pretty good selection is always nice.

ECCENTRIC SPECIALIST - This should be fine at 3rd level and is an interesting spin on it. I'd say let them have 1 rank in each to boot, though, possibly some number like character level - X, especially when the feat is taken more than once.

NOVICE CONJURER - It's a 10%, I suppose. I might change this so that it could count as Spell Focus(Conjuration) for prerequisites that aren't counting towards Greater Spell Focus(Conjuration), though, since it's a benefit that doesn't really need a prereq feat.

EXPERT CONJURER - Could be potentially useful to get 5x the duration. Would be fun if Extend Spell worked on Planar binding to get 5x the length of service for the same cost.

MASTER CONJURER - Not too bad, though the other feats required make it a bit less stellar. Definitely shouldn't be a problem, though, at 11th level and higher.

EFFICIENT STUDY - All this does is save pages. Useless. Even the scribing costs have been reduced enough in PF that it's not really worth taking a feat. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Adding-Spells-to-a-Wizard-s-Spellbo)

And if another wizard has your spellbook, a -5 to their spellcraft to understand and master your spellbook isn't going to help matters.

ANIMAL SPEAKER (BIRTHRIGHT) - Potentially quite nice for the right druid or ranger type. Though a bit strange it doesn't talk about Wild Empathy vs. Diplomacy or give a bonus to either against Animals.

COMPASSIONATE (GENERAL) - A basic +2 to 2 skills feat. Should be perfectly fine and in line with PF.

JESTER EXTRAORDINAIRE (GENERAL) - Lets Bards get +4 competence bonuses on 4 skills using Versatile Performer, but not much else beyond that. A +1 morale bonus on will saves as part of something that doesn't even use up rounds of bardic performance is nice, though should be overshadowed at times. A fair feat, I'd say.

GIBBERING ANNOYANCE (GENERAL) - A nice riff on the theme of Antagonize that doesn't require burning actions to use, which is good. This would be even better without a bard feat prerequisite, though the charisma dependence would still kill it for many would-be tanks.

WARRIOR PRODIGY (COMBAT) - A bit annoying to have to start as a 1st level Fighter as a Charisma focused character to get the ability to ignore BAB as a prerequisite for 3/4 BAB characters that want to get combat feats on time or full BAB classes that want to get certain feats early.

Don't allow if you change BAB requirements to level requirements to any real extent, though.

Seems potentially fine on the surface, though there are some feats which are limited from use by their BAB requirement, though since mundane fighting types generally can't have nice things, it's unlikely that they'd be too gnarly.

DRAW STRIKE (COMBAT) - No Gnomish Quickrazors in Pathfinder, and the once per round limitation keeps that from being an issue even if there were. So, really, this is just that one still threatens squares in very, very niche situations and that one can get a +2 bonus once per round on an attack roll. Not that great.

ORGANIZED INVENTORY - OK, but not that great. Shouldn't break the game. Probably would be fine even getting rolled into Quick Draw.

FLEET OF FOOT - Turn while charging if you're wearing light armor and not weighed down? Yeah, that's not getting broken. Dex 15 and Run aren't even necessary as prereqs. Sorta strange that Medium and Heavy armor users can't use the feat, though, seeing as how they're the ones that typically charge.

TRUE OF PURPOSE - So an automatic phylactery of faithfulness for staying Lawful and one becomes immune to the helm of opposite alignment. Not bad for a 1st level feat. The +1 for saves is just minor gravy on top of that, although the helm of opposite alignment is kinda rare and niche and, well, one would have to put the helm on or basically be defeated enough that one might as well have been killed by one's foes.

PURE OF HEART - See above. Probably more useful, since all Fiends have the [Evil] subtype, and a +1 against everything fiends can dish out is always nice.

BLAZING AURA - Pretty eh. Though I suppose it does punish people for using Detect Magic to find your invisible character if that still works in PF.

HOLY KNIGHT - Kinda pointless, honestly. Now if it was Oracle and Paladin, well, Oradins might find the feat nice, but they'll probably be better served spending the feat elsewhere and only taking favored class bonuses for the class they take the most levels in.

PARAGON OF THE FAITH - Well, it scales, so that's good, but you're probably giving them that sort of morale bonus just from lower level spell slots during encounters. Covers the niche cases where one isn't buffed up though, I guess.

Not that great, prereqs aren't too onerous, though. Still don't see much appeal in taking it.

IMPROVED PALADIN MOUNT - An extra HD could be useful. Since PF doesn't seem to scale Paladins' Mounts' Intelligence scores anymore, though, that's just going to set the creature's Int at 7 instead of 6, so that might be upgraded to a +2 to Int so that the thing is at 8 Int instead of 6 Int forever.

All in all seems fine, not spectacular.

EQUESTRIANISM - Eh. +4 to a feat that means you're not going to ride dogs or wolves or anything all that nifty. Not all that useful all in all from what I can recall of what you can do with Ride checks.

HORSE WHISPERER - Well that just makes Equestrianism redundant. You'll probably want to reduce this to 3 ranks in Handle Animal, though. Or roll them together and just make the one feat scale a bit.

MOUNT SPECIALIZATION - Shouldn't this be Mount Focus, since Weapon Focus gives the bonus to attack and Weapon Specialization gives the bonus to damage? :smallamused:

Doesn't make sense to limit it to only Fighters or Paladins, either, so I'd suggest axing that and just requiring 5th level.

Also, "Ride skill" is a weird prereq that doesn't make sense.

Fairly lackluster, but, hey, +1 to hit for both mount and rider, so there's that.

GREATER MOUNT SPECIALIZATION - Ah, there we go. Definitely doesn't give enough to justify the 12th level character requirement, and you'd want to drop that to 11 or raise it to 13, I think.

Ride skill is still a weird prereq.

2015-02-16, 11:06 AM
About "The Sight" - I assumed it just grants you "Detect undead/magic/whatever" at will and judged it as such - if it's ONLY for spotting incorporeals, then this feat couldn't be worse. :smallannoyed:

I would address the rest of the feat commentaries, but I think Greenish has all the biggest points I wanted to make covered already.

2015-02-16, 03:00 PM
You may be interested by some of the Giant's feats involving Fey Druids (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=10546562&postcount=11l), though. :smallwink: But in a PF environment even his Fey Blood feat would probably be better as a minor archetype that eats up a language and requires being a humanoid.

I just realized I forgot to say that you should just go ahead and combine Educated and University background so that no character is completely unable to spend those extra skill points because if they didn't have all Knowledge Skills as class skills before, they do now. And/or remove the class skills only requirement for those extra skill points.

Also, Eccentric Specialist will probably only come up for those who want to focus on UMD without being a UMD focused and/or Diplomancy without being a Diplomancy focused archetype.