View Full Version : Pathfinder Quotes for a devout follower of Nethys?

2015-02-15, 06:08 PM
Helping a party member find quotes for his character. Running a character who is a very devout (read borderline zealot) follower of Nethys and who has memorized (through Autohypnosis I think) the entire Holy Text. He wants to be able to spout quotes from the Bible Holy Text of Nethys whenever the opportunity presents itself. Context doesn't matter much, in fact drawing from many different sources kind of reaffirms the idea of an insane god writing this book lol. Anything having to do with magic, power, or a combination of the two would probably be very fitting.

Any particular quotes you can think of? Any media that might be good to check out for this? Current things I'm looking in to are

Dragon Age (all)
the Abhorsen Trilogy
Harry Potter (idk, just full of magic, hoping to find something)
Slayers/Orphen anime/manga?
Buffy/Supernatural/that kinda stuff? IDK, never watched much of it...
Final Fantasy (thinking about it, some of Kefka's quotes might be fitting lol)

2015-02-15, 06:26 PM
I can't come up with any, though searching a site like BrainyQuote for magic-related sayings might bear fruit.

What I can do is provide you more detail on Nethys' holy book itself, i.e. The Book of Magic:

The official text of the church is The Book of Magic, a comprehensive guide for casting spells and channeling magic, as well as a treatise on the moral ramifications of its use and misuse. As might be expected from a Nethysian text, the book often comes down squarely on one side of certain issues, only to contradict itself a few paragraphs later. Most scholars consider it useless as an ethical guide, since these inconsistencies put forth a worldview fractured to the point of insanity-temples of Nethys tend to adopt whichever codicils are most convenient for their particular needs. The information within the book is detailed enough that someone with a proclivity for wizardry can often eventually come to understand the basics of a few cantrips by reading it from cover to cover, and more than one great wizard has started out by reading a stolen copy of this book and using it as the foundation for decades of study and innovation. Likewise, some latent sorcerers see their power blossom after sleeping (sometimes unknowingly) near a copy of the book.

So a good way for this character to sound Nethysian is to talk often about the wonders of magic, and also to frequently contradict himself when quoting from the book. If the other party members notice and call him out on it, even better.

2015-02-15, 06:49 PM
Thankyou, that'll help me understand what he's going for a bit more since I'm not well versed in Nethys personally.

And it just occurred to me that a certain purple haired androgynous elven wizard might have some good quotes too.

2015-02-15, 07:06 PM
"Power allowed my liege to ascend to godhood. Why should I not?"