View Full Version : Quick Opinions Needed

2015-02-17, 09:24 AM
Looking for ways of making maps that can be posted online without messing with our horrible scanner or facing up to my total lack of graphics software skills.


I'll be adding cities, names and things later.

2015-02-17, 09:34 AM
It doesn't look that bad.

2015-02-17, 09:37 AM
Depending upon how much scalability you want, AutoREALM is free and nicely zoom-in-able, and doesn't require you to be an Artist. The downsides are (1) in order to post its output online, you basically need to take screengrabs of the edit window, and (2) there's somewhat of a learning curve.

But to me, the fact that it comes with a ruler--so you can measure how long it takes to get from A to B coordinates, by miles or leagues or horse or whatever--make it indispensible.

2015-02-18, 12:44 AM
Ehhh, distance on a map can make remarkably little difference to how long it takes.

Anyway, any other bits of Australia I should be chopping off and moving around?:smallsmile:

2015-02-19, 03:05 AM

2015-02-19, 03:17 AM
A couple of those rivers' courses look very strange, suggesting either interesting geography or something that should be changed. Possibly both. I refer specifically to the river going west of Aral and the whole river system around Sabrina-Tamesis-Rhenus. The Aral river goes parallel to the coast for quite a distance, something very odd, while the other system 1) is extremely curvy in a curiously regular pattern from Tamesis to Rhenus, and 2) has a really, really strange confluence SW of Sabrina. There, it looks like a Y-confluence, except that it would have to flow in on the "bottom" leg and out on one of the other two.

2015-02-19, 03:44 AM
I know what you mean. I tried to follow the lines of the existing valleys with the rivers, but that section south of Tamesis left me nowhere to go. I might fill it in with a lake. There's not enough of those.

2015-02-19, 02:12 PM
That looks much better than most maps I could create for a game world.

2015-02-20, 11:21 PM

Added a lake south of Tamesis where the rivers merge, and changed Ellemanic blue to a lighter shade so it's harder to mistake for Independant black.

The river west of Aral stays--it fits the landforms (although that's hard to tell now, after image degradation), I had plans for it, and having rivers that parallel coastlines isn't nearly as uncommon in the real world as one might imagine. Most of the major rivers in my own province do so for a good deal of their length.

In the interests of clarity I'm not adding geographic names, so rivers, seas, mountain rages etc are going to have to have awfully generic and self-explanatory names like "the Middle Sea", "The Gulf of Aral", "Lake Onegra", "Rhenus Water", "The Western Shield" and the like.

That's going to be annoyingly ironic. Since the cities are already named after geographical features IRL.

Suggestions on anything?