View Full Version : Feat/spell suggestions for party support bardlock?

2015-02-17, 01:28 PM
Hey all. I've written before a bit about the HotDQ group I am in, mostly about the drama involving another (now former) player. I also whined a few weeks ago about the concentration mechanism and how it made my life difficult in my chosen role as a party support bard. :)

I am now a Warlock 3 / Bard 4, having just hit 7th level. My DM was a nice guy and gave me a way to blunt the impact of the concentration limitations so I can do my job better. This also includes a way of making it easier to hold concentration when taking damage. I am mostly focused on buffing, debuffing, skills, scouting, being a secondary healer, etc. I play very much a "contingency" game, reserving many of my abilities in case they are needed or teammates run out of their own weapons (real or metaphorical). This means I often hang back a lot and don't use things before a long rest because they weren't needed, but I consider that part of my job.

Having hit Bard 4 I need to pick a feat. The main one that strikes my fancy is Magic Initiate, which may seem odd for a bard, but there is a lot of synergy here I think if I choose from the cleric list. Guidance is just a plain awesome cantrip for any number of uses. Spare the Dying is an obvious fit for my role, and I can have my warlock familiar deliver it if necessary. And Sanctuary once per rest is a nice bonus, especially since it is non-concentration.

I also like Lucky, of course, because everyone does. It seems handy but.. I dunno.. somehow generic, just because it suits every character.

I don't know what others I should consider. (I don't need War Caster because of the above-mentioned special thing my DM created.) I have a 20 Cha (yeah yeah) and a decent Con (16) so I don't need to increase ability scores. I rarely take damage and of course have healing if I need it.

I also get another cantrip (I currently have EB, Blade Ward, Vicious Mockery, and one I forget because I must not use it much.) I like Message but I have 30-foot telepathy from my warlock levels so this would just be for extra range -- which would be good for sure, but it seems somehow like it would make the warlock ability redundant. :)

Finally, I am only 2 levels away from my first 2 magical secrets and there are SO many spells to choose from that I am doing my research now. What do people like to take for these, given the sort of role I've described? (Though I must say the idea of taking Fireball is hard to resist! :) )


2015-02-17, 02:23 PM
Oh you went Pact of Chain...

IF you had went Tome Lock, you could have taken Book of Ancient Secrets and between the 2, you pretty much get very similar treats (the level 1 spells are Rituals only however...) as Magic Initiate, without burning a feat...

Alert - Never be surprised (while conscious), and +5 Init (get those buffs up before combat starts, in the round combat starts by going first)

Inspiring Leader - give ALL party members temp HP (great with your CHA) = Character Level + 5(Cha mod) = 12 per short rest at your current level

Observant - +5 passive perception???

If it was me, as a support role priority, I'd go with Inspiring Leader...

2015-02-17, 03:21 PM
+2 charisma would be my pick if I'm honest.

Do you have spell sniper yet? If not you could take that. Not sure if you can swap cantrips around as a warlock but maybe you could take eldritch blast as the zappy cantrip the feat gives you and swap the version of it you already have for something else - though obviously that would have to be from the warlock spell list.

2015-02-18, 07:47 AM
Thanks for the suggestions.

I am already at 20 Cha.

I don't take spell sniper mostly because my DM doesn't play religiously with cover rules; as long as we have approximate line of sight we can shoot. I don't need another blasting cantrip and 120' is plenty of range.

I am chain pact, the familiar has been immensely helpful. We already have two full casters in the party who can cast rituals so that seemed redundant.