View Full Version : Saldora, the Ringed World - IC

2015-02-17, 05:59 PM
Saldora is a ringed, largely aquatic world, with a few large continents and many chains of islands dotting the surface. Binding the souls of the dead, the Shadow King created Golems of Stone, Flame, Ice, and Wind to combat the Demons. Twenty years ago the Golem army combined with resistance cells within the Demon's armies and rebel Saldorans drove out the Demons. Old racial domains have been laid to waste, and many races were decimated. Slowly, civilization has established itself, forming the four nations on the largest known continent.

It's been 20 years since the last demon army was exorcised, and Sa-lem, the Shadow King, rules Saldora with an iron, if apathetic, fist. As long as his tributes are delivered and his borders respected, he largely leaves the four nations alone. D'argh is full of walking skeletons and animated golems, the first and last sight of the demonic army was here. Some say the rift was never fully closed, and that Sa-lem allows demons through the rift.

Now, your continent is recovering from the Invasion, spreading back out, rediscovering lost cities, rebuilding their seats of power, and learning how to use the devices that Demons left. Traces of the Invasion can still be felt, and many things are still out of place. There is tremendous unrest, but for the first time in a long time, the citizens of your world have hope for a future that is free of war.

That will not be the case.

This is the start of your story.

Have fun!

2015-02-17, 08:44 PM
Loron, a vast forest nation, is full of all manner of great beasts. After the Invasion, the empty lands quickly grew back, the wilderness surging back with gusto of almost unnatural speed. Fearing the leaps and bounds of advancement that brought the Demons to Saldora, many fled to the woods, looking for a simpler life. Gathering into tribes, they migrate after game, living a life of hunting and gathering. Several tribes have grown in dominance, and compete in the Great Hunt. Any hunter worthy could kill a creature twice his size, but to capture one alive, and transport it, that requires skill. The constant new growth alone makes tracking difficult as it is. Each year the mightiest hunters gather great beasts for tribute to the Shadow King.

But something is off this year. A plague has swept through Loron, killing flora and fauna. New growth replaces the dead, but sickly it grows back. Hostile, even. Many tribesmen have grown sick, and the normal herds have grown thin. The Great Hunt is at risk, and if enough monsters can not be found, then it is the people of Loron that will have to be sent to Sa-lem as tribute.

Cuper and Thaum's friends, a married couple having settled down in Loron, have sent a message asking for help. Their child is ill, and they beseech you to come and try your best to heal their son. Other children have fallen ill, and they fear that something is poisoning their new homeland. Coming to their aide, you have brought your ally Hazm-del into the woods. You have travelled for some time. Rivers, one of the few unchanging landmarks in Loron, were your set meeting point. You have followed what you believe to be the correct river downstream for several days, and you are starting to wonder if this is the right river. As you finish breaking down your camp, you hear hustling from all directions.

Something. Is. Coming.

A pair of alchemists, you have tracked what you believe to be an alchemically induced plague through the woods. You've taken samples, and while you feel confident that you've indentified a few of the primary components. How it is combined, and how it's being dispersed is still a complete mystery. Fresher samples should yield better results. You've been cutting farther and farther southwest, and indications are that you are reaching the front of a plague source. The constant growth of new forrest has made this mission difficult for you, paths disappearing behind you. Your most recent sampling has shown promise. If you can just get ahead of the plague. Perhaps you can find the source.

You've. Almost. Got. It.

With money in your purse, and a mission in your heart, you have headed east into Loron, with your new allies slipping between space at you side. It's an unusual partnership, but you are an unusual man. You've slayed horrifically mutated beasts, and dodged a number of assaults yourself. Someone else is out there, in the woods. You've been playing cat and mouse with them. And you've been the mouse for far too long. Finally the dogs seem to have caught a trail of something, and through the dark woods your chase. You've run through the night, and signs show you are closing on your prey.

Now. It's. Over.

2015-02-18, 06:33 AM
Green maze around, shining slivers of sky above, living earth below, the twin wonders that are what she has learned to call friend nearby. At the center of all is Thaum, flesh over fire, shedding soft light to keep the dying embers company. Hands in warm ashes, her warmth shifts and weaves a soundless song, inviting the little embers' heat into herself, so they do not go out alone. Become one and grow together, no matter how small the fire that joins her is. Thaum feels her fire where it always is, strong, everburning. So many little flames and embers dance in its heat and among its tongues and in its glow. Thaum had to confine the campfire with stones so its hunger wouldn't consume the green and them with it. It is strange to have restraint, yet being of fire. Madness surrounds her, a chaos of stimulation. But she has found fascinating things among the maelstrom she has been cast into when she found that she had a body and mind. Emotions, sights, sounds, insights. The green around her pushing from the earth with great anger and defiance that seems all too familiar, but something has been poisoning their drive and that of the little flame of Thaum's friends (among others). If nothing is done, they will all flicker and be snuffed out, leaving a cold, still place. Thaum's flesh shivers at the thought.

Shivering. Another strange new thing that shouldn't be with fire within.

Thaum rises, liquid fire hair falling on dark, flawless shoulders, glowing orbs called eyes rising from the ashes that harbored the embers, gazing upon the green, then upon her friends. Cuper. Hazm-del. The smile comes effortlessly, without thought. Many good things she discovered with them, many bad things as well. But it is good to be able to share her warmth with them. It makes her... happy. Content. Words to describe still foreign, if pleasant echoes within the mind. There is also Want, one of the first emotions she felt, one of those she understands best. Mortals are similar. They always want, but often for different reasons. Sometimes, simply because they want. And often because they don't want others to have it. Thaum wants more of what is called life. She looks down onto her hands, sees and feels ash clinging to them. Fire flashes from within, blurring the line between inside and outside. Another good feeling. Ashes are flung off her skin, leaving it flawless once more. Thaum doesn't wear much--staying warm is rarely an issue for her--just cloth around the breasts and hips, leather around the feet, all for the barely defined spectre of modesty that must be respected in public and is quickly discarded when people feel like, it seems. If it rains, she adds a coat. Not that she fears being snuffed out, but it is still uncomfortable to be drenched from head to toe, water lurking at the borders of her body. She learned that people value cleanliness, associating the inverse with disease (among the more sensible) or lack of class (among the less reasonable).

Sensations penetrate the morning reverie hard enough to require a reaction. Rustling. Often meaning danger when so high in number. Standing upright, Thaum is taller than both her friends, her hands raised in front of her as if she could part the winds and the waters, the air around them distorted from their heat. She is preternaturally still. Mortals find this unnerving, she learned. It doesn't matter. She soon won't be if there is actual danger. Danger soon to be consumed by her fire.

2015-02-18, 01:49 PM
Weariness dragged on him, but it did not show. Beneath his hood, his expression was as it always was. Calm, a little detached, devoid of many indications that most people would use to figure his mood. The man moved swiftly, his hands empty, but his form ready to leap into action at any moment. The pack seemed to think the target was close. The 'hunter' was now his prey.

'Our prey.' He reminded himself silently. He had less and less need to remind himself that he was not alone, awaking every morning to the safe and watchful gaze of the alpha of the pack. But sometimes he still had too. Especially when they weren't hunting. While hunting, fighting, he moved with them almost instinctively. But on the road he fell into familiar silence, often having to push himself out of it. He was not alone now. They had saved his life more then once, the pack, and now they were making it possible to track the one that had been hunting them.

His steps were silent and his form seemed to waver between the dogs. His cloak billowed behind him. And at his finger tips, shadows danced. Gabriel was finally ready to end this. In a matter of moments they would be on the source of their trouble within this forest.

2015-02-18, 03:59 PM
Adberttok adjusted several knobs on his suit and tapped a vial before it finally kicked on, helping speed up his reaction a touch in case the jungle encroached too much on the pair. Stance reactivated he looked about at the jungle they now found themselves in and pulled out a small glass vial half-full with what appeared to be a red powder. He popped the vial into his launcher and checked the sight to make sure it lined up fine through the foliage and at any creatures that may be infected with a sample or otherwise wish harm on the duo. Finally ready he returned to the beaten path, glad for his smaller stature as he could hide in the foliage.

He said to his companion "What are your plans when we find the source? I would be lying if I were to say that I wouldn't object to a lesser form for my slugs. Something that will linger upon the target but not spread like this strange concoction."

2015-02-18, 11:09 PM

Balashi, the roughly human-shaped hunk of orange-red crystal, watched as Adberttok made adjustments to his machinery through his glowing white eyes. He'd seen the goblin do it a hundred times before, but watching for the suits current settings could be important in case of trouble. Balashi didn't expect anything out of the ordinary, but one could never be certain. When Adberttok mentioned the plague, Balashi reached into the pouch at his belt where he had a few of the samples already in small vials. "I intend to study it, of course," he said; his voice was low with an odd buzzing quality. He looked over the leaf that he'd taken from a dying plant for signs of changes. "There are more questions than answers at present. I'm hoping to devise a battery of tests that can be performed to answer a few of them. This plague has proven unique in a number of ways, so I won't know for certain which test will yield the best results. It is a puzzle worthy of study."

Seeing that Adberttok has finished making his adjustments, Balashi starts moving again towards the location they suspect might be a source of the plague. As he walks he describes a half-dozen or so tests that could be useful in determining various aspects of the alchemical infection.

2015-02-18, 11:12 PM
Sensations penetrate the morning reverie hard enough to require a reaction. Rustling. Often meaning danger when so high in number. Standing upright, Thaum is taller than both her friends, her hands raised in front of her as if she could part the winds and the waters, the air around them distorted from their heat. She is preternaturally still.

Cuper glances up from the tent half-rolled in his hands. "Something wrong? -- oh, now I hear it too." He stands without a hint of grace, favoring one leg as if distrusting the other, levering his weight up with a translucent slate-hued crutch that exists only for the moment Cuper is using it. He walks to a tree branch and retrieves a laden belt, quickly cinching it into place over the metal-lace armor the locals call 'chainmail'. A blade and a twisted black baton settle against his hips. "If that sound's source is hostile ... well, we can't hide our camp now, but we can at least be harder to hit. A cloud of that ash might serve. I've used that tactic before." He stops speaking and stares hard downward; a moment later, an odd three-lobed shovel is in his hands, translucent grey like the crutch of a few seconds ago. He jabs the shovel into the embers of the campfire, waits and watches.

If something obviously or probably hostile approaches, Cuper will use a held action to fling coals and ash into the air to create a cloud of light obscurement.

2015-02-19, 12:49 AM
Hazm-del did not have the same senses as his friends, Cuper and Thaum. It was something that when he learned about it, at first he was saddened—how well could one protect their friends if one couldn't even sense danger before it arrived—but by now he didn't care at all. They were both strong, as companions and as warriors. He barely noticed Cuper's words until he saw him join Thaum at the dying embers. The genasi glanced around at the woods around him and slowly his ears picked up on the rustling.

Slowly, Hazm-del stood to his feet and slid his broadsword from its sheath, keeping another hand on the pommel of his short sword. "Whatever's there will have a poor time if it thinks to catch us off guard," he said. He strained his eyes to look past the trees and shrubbery to try and spy what was making the noises. Hazm-del's yellow eyes narrowed as he joined his companions, back to them and prepared to strike if evil should come as he freed his short sword from its sheath.

Perception roll to see whatever is in the bushes.
Hazm-del readies Dual Strike to attack whatever he can perceive as an enemy: Strength vs AC, target one creature.
Broadsword, attack and damage.
Short sword, attack and damage.

2015-02-19, 01:51 AM
The lead dog, the smallest, practically slithered through the undergrowth, dodging thickets and brambles at breakneck speed. His nose dipped to the ground for an instant, confirming the trail, before it pointed the way ahead once more. He hurtled headfirst into a tree, thick around as a stone well, and appeared on the other side with a bwoomp. Following just behind was a much larger, more severe looking wolf-dog. A mane of white fur adorned his neck and shoulders, and he used it to crash through the foliage that the leader narrowly avoided. Instead of checking for the scent, he let his tongue hang out to lap the moist air through gleaming white teeth. Neither made any sound or gave any call, save for what they could not avoid, and any spare cry was snuffed out by a nip at the heels from the regal wolf at the rear.

There had been a sense of desperation only a few hours ago. The trio had been uneasy - flighty even. The lead pair constantly would break off and circle excitedly, clearly aware of the impending danger. But now - now they were driven by resolute purpose. The Shadow-Without-A-Man shifted into and out of being among them, lending his will, his purpose, and his cause to them. With great anticipation at soon making the kill, they pressed on. The scent grew stronger and stronger, and the prey drew nearer and nearer.

2015-02-23, 10:12 PM
All - Loron riverbed

Fanned out, rustling comes from all directions. Just as the leaves burst open, Cuper throws up a cloud of ash. The haze hangs in the air for several moments, as a large elk like creature moves into the clearing. Or, something akin to an elk. Most elks don't have four sets of antlers, nor the unusual bony growths over their knees and flanks.

This, however, is only part of the trouble. A lion is hounding the mutated elk, pushing it forwards. Both creatures appear distorted, neither natural. That, however, doesn't prevent their natures from revealing themselves. Everything has to eat, and it seems this lion is hungry. But by the looks of the cuts on the lion's flanks, it seems the elk isn't going down easy.

And were that not enough, a trio of the lion's cubs are following. Not as powerful as the lion it would seem, but in numbers there are strengths.

You spy something blurry jet past you. Your blades flash, through air. A shadow, from a bird, must be. Nothing could get by you. And yet, there is something wet on your broadsword.

As you discuss the various tests you plan to run, and the various cures to the components you have identified, you hear a commotion a dozen yards to the south. It sounds like several large animals are on the move, and quickly. This may be the break you've been looking for. The animals you've come across have been too weak to move much. You're close to the source of the plague.

Your foe is just before you. A shadow blurs just past the leaves before you. Footsteps are audible, if less common than they should be. It's quick, but you're quicker. Just a few more steps, and you'll have your culprit at last. You burst into a clearing, seeing a riverbank before you. There are three figures on the other side of the bank, a cloud of soot hangs around them. To the south, a pack of lions chase a heavily mutated elk. Clearly, they are more twisted creatures your shadow has made.

it won't all be combat, but it makes for a fun start. Surprise round!

Dimers, Jacklepie, Ridai, please place yourself on the sand

Arillius, Indori, please place yourself on the southwest bank, somewhere in the A through G columns.

Dariathalon, Gunhaven, since you guys weren't running, you'll be joining in next round. You'll join on the northeast bank, between rows 2 and 6.

2015-02-24, 04:24 AM
(Since the sheet says that Thaum is among those who go first, I'll just go ahead and start the blasting)

Ash goes flying and fire starts burning. Thaum sees animals, twisted. Among them, cubs. Little flames, turned foul as the rest. Thus, they need to go, as they'll only devour and snuff out.

Thaum's body flashes, fire emerging from her flesh as naturally as skin covers her form. She knows her fire is dangerous in the forest, if she lets it burn normally. Thus, she makes it burn hotter, so that it straight up burns to ash instantly. Another flash, fire turning blue, hissing and roaring. Thaum thrusts her arm forward (not that she needs to, but it is one of those strange things her body does when she sends her fire), a shining bead of harsh light rushing along the river. The next instant, the bead erupts in an chaotic, booming explosion of blue fire, shaking the green ceiling above, seeking not to sear, but to char to ash and crush the lion and the cubs, embers and steam getting flung about.

Ignition with Elemental Escalation aimed at R16 (Elemental Escalation adding the lion's square to the burst)
(following checks do not include CA due to being surprised)
[roll0] vs. Lion 1's Fort
[roll1] vs. Cub 1's Fort
[roll2] vs. Cub 2's Fort
Hit: [roll3] 24 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18868513&postcount=98) fire damage (+6 vs the lion if hit, due to activating Hellfire Heart against it). Enemy takes a -4 penalty to attacks vs Thaum until her EoNT (an additional -2 from Hellfire Heart for the lion) due to Imperious Majesty. If the enemy attacks Thaum before her SoNT, they take 4 fire damage (see note about damage below) due to White Lotus Riposte.
Effect: A zone of fire is left behind in the burst of the attack, lasting until Thaum's SoNT. Each creature entering the zone or ending its turn in it take 4 fire damage (I didn't include bonuses like Hellfire Heart, incendiary dagger etc. because I am not sure if they apply to a zone or an effect of an attack. Increase as necessary)

2015-02-24, 10:47 PM
Embers from the campfire rain down around Cuper and his companions, tickling their heat-resistant shoulders. Ashes billow in the heavy air and begin a slow drift down. The shovel glints in the sunlight for a moment as it falls from Cuper's hands, but it vanishes soundlessly before hitting the ground. The warrior fumbles at his belt with his now-empty hands, drawing the blade as he comments, "Ahh, good, this threat doesn't include archers. Well thrown, Thaum."

Just drawing my sword. Kinda important for next round. If you feel generous, Tegu, I'd like that rod in hand too.

2015-02-25, 01:34 AM
Hazm-del felt his blades bite into seemingly nothing but air, but he felt something dripping from his sword. He spares it a glance, to see if it is blood of something else easily identifiable, before the fighter steps forward and brandishes his blades, shouting to his friends, "I'll hold them if they come!"

2015-02-25, 10:45 PM
Bwoomp. Bwoomp. The two lead dogs flashed through the underbrush, appearing at the bank of the stream that separated them from the quarry. The third sauntered forward from the rear, observing the action ahead with gleaming eyes through the waving bushes. Fire, smoke, and wafting ash reflected in her knowing gaze. All manner of creature inhabited the area, it seemed, from Fire-Shaped-Like-A-Man to Hunted-Elk-Infected. How would the Shadow-Without-A-Man pursue this venture? She glanced back at him as he approached, then turned back toward the scene unfolding across the river. She stared at the elk with a tilted head, as if it was familiar in some respect. An innocent creature, mangled and hunted by a dark force. The lion caught her notice, too, the hunter gloomily reflecting the the fate of its prey. A once majestic beast of the forest, twisted and burning, roaring in pain.

We take a move action. The lead dogs teleport past the underbrush to the side of the river at I13 and J14. The alpha moves up to H14 and makes a monster knowledge check on the elk. I presume that this would be a Nature check, which I'll make in the OOC thread since I forgot about it before posting here.

2015-02-27, 02:20 AM
At first Gabriel was ready to remain beside the female, the leader of the dog pack. But as he observed what was happening the ashen skinned man moved forward. He did not move with his legs though. In a single, silent instant the shadow of the dog beside him seemed to wash over and consume in. In the next, the shadow of one of Gamma spat him out. His teleportation was not quite as amazing as the dogs, as he needed another to help, but if anything it made the pack dynamic all the more appealing to him and seemed to make him feel even more connected to them in battle.

Now on the bank, he ignored the obvious. The battle before him was merely a symptom for the disease he sought out. His hands reached into his coat and small stars appeared on his fingers as he readied himself. Gabe looked passed the befouled creatures and searched for the one causing it all. In another time, that might have been enough for him, but since meeting the creatures by his side Gabriel had gained a tiny bit of the empathy he lost with the change. He'd note what he saw, but then he'd refocus on the plagued creatures.

The sickened prey. The deformed hunter. They had been following the results of such for days as their trail and it never seemed to end well for such creatures. Whether or not they were in physical pain, they needed to be put down for their own good. The Shadow-Without-A-Man briefly glanced toward the pack to see if they agreed or not, if they were ready to leap into the frey.

Sorry for the delay. Had to spend all week looking hard for a new job but I managed to get one! So now I can focus on just kicking back and having fun on my days off. XD

[roll0] Gabriel started in the G column and used his move action to shadow-port next to Gamma. From there he's looking for signs one of the one they're hunting, but otherwise he's just getting ready to end the gruesome sight before them and looking to the pack to see if they are interested in doing the same.

2015-02-28, 10:14 AM
All - Loron riverbed

Flames erupting, purifying a pair of cubs, more chaos appears on the southern bank. Another four antlered elk, followed by a second pride of twisted lions. These, however, burst into view and pause for a moment, almost as if sizing up those before them.

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel <-------
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6

You notice something in the eyes of the elks and lions. They are distorted, The elk's wide with fear, and the lions chasing their prey. However, instead of running from the fear, they laws for a moment, they are attentions turning towards the various humanoids assembled. Something has gotten their attention, with more force than their base nature.

You've lost track of your prey, but he couldn't have gone far. You can sense that he is somewhere nearby. Just as the second cluster of animals appear, you feel a shiver down your spine. A subtle wave of energy, not too dissimilar to the type you wield, washes over the clearing. The perverted creatures seem to respond, turning from their animal instincts to peering at the humanoids on each bank.

2015-02-28, 11:48 AM
Thaum sees more arrivals, but they aren't hostile yet, so they don't matter. Then there are even more new arrivals, which are twisted animals. They matter. Walking along the shore with a calm step, the blue flames to her left flickering, going out and returning peacefully to her, Thaum turns her attention to the bigger pack of lions and with a swipe of her arm sends a bead of light towards them, which explodes in red-hued fire, just as it now burns on and in her own body.
Move from K10 to N13

Standard Ignition on M19, burst 1
[roll0] vs Lion 2's Fort
[roll1] vs Cub 4's Fort
[roll2] vs Cub 5's Fort
[roll3] vs Cub 6's Fort
Hit: [roll4] fire damage. Imperious Majesty: The target takes -4 attack vs Thaum until her EoNT. White Lotus Riposte: If the target tries to attack Thaum before her SoNT, it takes 4 fire damage.
Effect: The burst is on fire until Thaum's SoNT2. Creatures entering the zone or ending their turn inside take 4 fire damage.

2015-02-28, 11:54 AM
One of the cubs is obliberated--a good, sad thing--and the lion is seared. Thaum's fire flares up again, roaring and all-consuming, a violent stream of fire sent right across the river (accompanied by hissing steam) at the lion.
Free Rebounding dagger, due to having missed cubs with Ignition. RBA (which is Elemental Bolt) at Lion 2.
[roll0] vs Lion 2's Reflex
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage.

2015-02-28, 01:07 PM
Hazm-del spies the other lion and its cubs down the stream, but ignores them as he can still see the first lion on the other side of the tree. Dashing around it, low-hanging branches pushed out of the way in his assault, he twirls and his broadsword flashing, seeking to strike the lion a blow.

Hazm-del takes a move action to get to Q14, and attacks the Lion at R14 with Spinning Sweep using his broadsword.
Targets one creature, Strength vs AC. If he hits, the creature is knocked prone.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-02-28, 10:21 PM
Gabriel had the stars in hand, but still he waited a moment to throw them. His mind was currently feeling what he had only feintly percieved before. He uttered a pair of words, the first he had spoken in days, and it should be all he needed to say to the pack around him to let him know his intentions. They knew full well what he thought, after all, of... "Demon magic."

He reached out toward largest of the creatures and felt his power reach out with him. It had a visible affect, but one that few would notice while the creature burned. It's shadow seemed to change. In some area's it grew darker while in others it grew brighter, seemingly ignoring the way the fire should cast the light. His hand blurred then toward the creature and his star flew with a precise and calculated throw.

Gabriel will use his Assassins Shroud on the big one, then he'll let loose with a Sly Flourish using one of his shuriken. Rogue ability, so it will be getting sneak attack damage this round.

Sly Flourish vs Lion 2's AC
Damage [roll]1d8+9+2d6

2015-02-28, 10:22 PM
The throwing star, with Gabriel's skilled hand and the shroud revealing the creatures weak points, lands right on target, causing a powerful wound. As it does so, a moment later a similar wound to the first appears just down and to the right of the first, with no hint of what had caused the damage. The single star slays the creature, causing it too succumb to it's many wounds, inflicted by both the firey woman and the shadowy man.

Sorry, still not used to this forums roller.

Damage Redux [roll0] + [roll1] = 20

2015-03-02, 11:45 PM
All - Loron riverbed

Flame and steel flying, many of the mutated creatures fall to the ground. Those that do not though, move with aggression towards those that have injured them. Putting their antlers forwards, the bone covered elk charge, continuing their stampede with greater vigor. Even sickly and warped, their sheer mass is hard to resist. The lion Hazm-del struck bears a large gash across it's leg. Rising, it lashes out with it's good leg, it's oversized claws serrated, trying to take the warrior down. Further rustling can be heard all around, it would appear that not everything in this forest has arrived at the riverbed just yet.

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2 <-------
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6

Lion 1
Move: Stand
Standard: Savage Claws on Hazm-del
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: [roll1] damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Elk 1
Standard: Charge Q12-P12-O12
Goring Rush on Thaum
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: 8 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square (M13).

Elk 2
Standard: Charge L16-L15
Goring Rush on Gabriel
Attack: [roll3] vs AC
Hit: 8 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. (L13)

2015-03-03, 12:12 AM
Adberttok took a quick look around before he whispered "If we aren't quick then I fear our samples may be tainted further. I will take up a position in the tree and attempt to aid these fellow hunters. We can compare notes once the fire settles.” With that he moved forward and picked through the heavy brush to avoid the thorns present before finally climbing up into the tree and propping himself up in the branches above. With a slight tweak of his suit's mechanics and an aim down his scope he shot at the Elk with a blunt bolt in an attempt to knock it down.
Let's see if I get this right:
Move: Move to P7 and attempt to Climb the tree. [roll0] Athletics yes?
Minor: In case needed, shift to Aspect of the Dancing Serpent
Standard:Clever Shot at Elk
Attack vs AC: [roll1] ½ level + Dex Mod of 5 + 2 for Combat Advantage from Hidden Sniper and Proficiency in Hand Crossbow + 1 for Expertise, Talent, and Aspect.
Damage: [roll2] Dex Mod of 5 + 1 for Focus and Aspect.
If hit then also knocked prone.
In case it's needed Stealth to remain hidden: [roll3]

2015-03-03, 01:30 AM

Balashi's buzzing voice responds. "Agreed. We will put these beasts down as quickly as possible. We must have these samples if we are to learn anything more of this plague."

He moves through the thorny bushes quickly, but taking care not to let them scratch at his crystalline flesh. He draws his blade and charges at one of the adult lions. He leads with the blade making a swing it's flank. His blade leaves a small jagged tear in lion's flesh. "I am Balashi. I will help," he says to the genasi who has already engaged the sickened beast.

Minor: draw longsword
Move: to Q9
Standard: charge to Q13 (treating dark green as difficult terrain on both move and charge actions to avoid the damage)
[roll0]. A hit does [roll1].

Readying Channeling Shield as an immediate interrupt if an enemy hits anyone on team PC. It reduces the damage by 8 and gives me a damage bonus on the triggering enemy on my next attack before the end of my next turn.

2015-03-04, 03:12 AM
The keen eyes of the third dog focused on the lion across the river, sensing some new purpose in its actions as it coordinated with prey and pride alike. Before she could act, however, Gabriel was moving to attack, and he brought down one of the plagued felines with ease. The hulking and twisted form of another elk appeared from around the massive tree the group stood in the shadow of, though, and tore into the shade with its antlers, sending him careening backward into the water. The pack sprang into action instantly, the largest of the dogs taking the vanguard position and leaping with snapping jaws on the elk's back.

Standard: Command Beta to charge Elk 2 at L15 (he'll end up at K14 and make the following attack).
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Which is a miss.

Move action: Alpha will move south to H18. Gamma will teleport using Beta's aura to L14.
The brash action betrayed him, though, as he bounced harmlessly off of the elk's strange bony protrusions. They had never hunted something quite like this before. He landed in the soft grass with a yelp, bearing menacing fangs. Bwoomp. Another dog splashed into the ankle-deep water next to him, also growling, forming a living barrier between the elk and Gabriel. Meanwhile, the third slipped surreptitiously around the other side of the tree, slinking through the underbrush, expecting to come up on the flanks of the prey. But instead she came upon the sight of two more lions, weird like the others, and likewise engulfed in flames.

2015-03-04, 12:29 PM
All - Loron riverbed

Startled by the flames, the sickly cubs take longer to respond. The survivors dart out of the flames, seeking targets to attack. Less power, but still dangerous in numbers. As they progress, their tiny roars less intimidating than they could be, a final rustling of leaves shows a third prong of the lion pride chasing an elk to ground.

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2. Lion 3, Elk 3
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6, Cub 7, Cub 8, Cub 9 <-------

Cub 3
Standard: Charge S16-R16-Q15
Rapid Bite on Hazm-del
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 4
Standard: Charge K18-J18-I18
Rapid Bite on Gamma
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 5
Move: to M17
Standard: Charge N16-O15-P14
Rapid Bite on Hazm-del
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Third prong moves in. Good guys, go!

2015-03-04, 02:59 PM
Hazm-del sees the arrival of several new creatures—a strange man that carries light (or no light) in a way that made him seem unnatural; a couple gold-furred dogs; but most of all was the man who was made out of red stone. It was the strangest person Hazm-del had ever seen. Moving crystal! It was a sight the genasi would not forget for a long time; although, considering that he, himself, was made from fire, it wasn't that surprising to find another being made from an aspect of nature.

Having spent only a quick moment to glance about, Hazm-del's attention was quickly turned to the two cubs and lion that joined his side. Ignoring the battering of one of the cubs, he dared to face the lion. "Move if you do not want to be burned!" he shouted above the roaring to the man made of crystal.

Hazm-del spends a minor action to use Blazing Corona. He activates an aura 1 that lasts until the end of his next turn. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 3 fire damage.

He also spends a standard action to use Dual Strike against the lion to his right (at R14, I'm guessing Lion 1). Strength vs AC, two attacks.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Short sword:
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Hazm-del marks Lion 1; the mark lasts until the end of his next turn. While it's marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that does not include Hazm-del as a target. If Lion 1 shifts or makes an attack that does not include him as a target, Hazm-del makes a melee basic attack against Lion 1 as an immediate interrupt.
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2015-03-04, 03:29 PM
As she perceives a commotion to her left, Thaum steps back and turns fluidly just as Hazm-del's aura of flame erupts into being. Her body dances in rhythm with his flame and she lets her own fire join in as well, bursting from her being and arcing towards the lion. Light and colors and shadows break into a wild celebration, moving along with them in perfect synchronization. They all bear witness to the destruction of the twisted animals, weaving sadness and joy into one to accompany them and their passage.
Move shift to N12

Standard Elemental Bolt vs the remaining lion
[roll0] vs Reflex (includes -2 penalty due to the elk granting cover)
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage. WLR.

2015-03-04, 05:33 PM
The warrior in metal-lace strides out of the falling ash and moves up with Thaum, getting a little closer in than the gorgeous living flame to better apply his blade. A feeling of success, for lack of a more precise term, washes over all those nearby who are helping to extinguish the twisted animals, coinciding with Cuper's approach. Keeping his blade pointed at the smaller beast beside him with half his attention, Cuper swings his other arm in a grand gesture to point at the largest lion visible. A translucent grey spear leaps from the tip of the twisted rod in that hand ...

Move action: walk from K9 to L10, M11, N12, O13.
Minor action: mantle of misfortune, automatically affecting Elk2, Elk3, Cub3, the cub at T17, and Lion3 for -2 attack. Not a fear effect.
Standard action: mind shadows against Lion3, provoking an opportunity attack from Cub3. [roll0] vs Will; a hit deals [roll1] psychic damage and prevents the lion from seeing my allies who aren't within 2 squares of it. Right now, that means it can't see anybody but me if I hit!

... but fades out of existence before reaching the creature's head.

If I become bloodied, all enemies within 5 squares grant combat advantage until the start of my next turn. No action.

2015-03-05, 01:40 PM
Cub 4 - Loron riverbed

Seeing an opportunity to strike, one small cub attempts to bite the injured leg of his nearby foe.

[roll0] vs AC for 6 damage.

2015-03-06, 02:47 PM
Gabriel didn't waste time. His eyes had been on the other massive threat, the hunters, but the elk was currently attacking the pack. It was an easy choice, especially when they formed a wall to protect him. He reached out toward the creatures shadow and changed it once more. Another star flashed out of his hand and flew right over the pack in front of him, seeking to end the threat. To give the pack more chances to maneuver, the shade then stepped into the shadow of the nearest dog, deciding to appear alongside the woman of fire ten feet away.

Standard - Sly Flourish vs Elk 2
Attack [roll0] vs AC
Sneak Attack [roll2]

Move- Shadow Step to M12

2015-03-06, 11:57 PM
All - Loron riverbed

With uncanny coordination, possibly caused by the sudden burst of flame, the most recent arrivals to the riverbed charge. The former elk, not happy having a pair of attack dogs before it, hammer down with it's large hooves.

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2, Lion 3, Elk 3<-------
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6, Cub 7, Cub 8, Cub 9

Elk 2
Standard: Hoof Stomp on Gamma
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: 8 damage.

Elk 3
Standard: Charge Q11-P10
Goring Rush on Adberttok
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: 8 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. (Q8)

Lion 3
Move: T12
Standard: Charge S12-R12
Savage Claws on Balashi
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: [roll3] damage, and the target is knocked prone.

2015-03-09, 11:09 PM
Cuper glances through the heat shimmer that hangs between Thaum and Hazm-del, undulating like the dance Thaum began. With a sly smile and a slight furrow of concentration, he reaches into the shimmering space and pulls into existence a physical cloak of flame. The fire wraps around his shoulders as he walks in a broadening spiral, curving away from and then back toward the crystal man. Cuper ignores the twisted little lions, trusting the horrendous heat and brightness of the flame cape to keep them at bay. He ends his spiral walk with a lunge toward the elk.

Minor action: warlock's wrath. Until the end of Cuper's turn 3, I have +4 to all defenses, and anything that attacks me takes 2 fire damage thereafter, hit or miss.
Move action: walk from O13 to O14, P15, Q14 (through Hazm-del), R13 (slowly so I don't take damage).
This provokes OAs from the cubs at P14 and Q15. But they're at -2 to attack from the mantle of misfortune, I'm at +4 defense from warlock's wrath, and they'll automatically die from fire damage after making the attempt, so I'm going to guess they won't take a swing. If they do and they both hit, that's juuuuuust enough damage to trigger ardent outrage, imposing combat advantage on all remaining enemies except the cub at I18.
Standard action: energizing strike unaugmented on Elk3. [roll0] vs AC; a hit deals [roll1] damage and grants 5 temp hit points to Balashi, since he's about to get flamed when he starts his turn.

The point of the blade jounces gracelessly off an unexpected bone plate. Cuper grins wryly at the crystalline creature, commenting in the Saldoran common tongue, "Not quite the grand gesture I was hoping for."

2015-03-10, 01:20 AM

"Gesture?" Balashi asks just before the heat from Hazm-del washes over him. The flames lick at his crystalline structure leaving slight discolorations in the minerals. They don't appear to have caused too much harm, until suddenly Balashi shatters exploding to hundreds of tiny shards. It is easy to see how one might think that the crystal was shattered by the heat until the shards fly as one swarm to a location just a few feet away and re-form into the same humanoid form.

Balashi sets feet firmly on the ground and raises the sword above his head. With a quick flick of his wrist the blade makes a circular arc above him and a wave of force washes over the elk and lion next to him.

Finally he points his blade at one of the cubs, placing an aegis on it that will interpose between the cub and anyone else it chooses to attack.

Move: Shard Swarm teleporting to S12 and gaining CA against the adjacent elk.

Standard: Sword of Sigils

Hit does[roll2] and marks them until the end of my next turn. If they violate the mark, they take 4 force and Balashi can use an immediate interrupt to reduce the damage they deal by 3.
Balashi also gets 1 temp from this because of his theme.

Minor: Aegis of Shielding on the lion. If he violates the mark, Balashi can use an immediate interrupt to reduce his damage by 8.
(Edit: Changed target of the Aegis because sword of sigils missed.)

2015-03-10, 10:51 AM
The dogs' growling turned to barking as they retreated away from the demented elk. Bwoomp bwoomp. The smaller one, the one that had been kicked, vanished backward several yards until he was wading in the middle of the river. The larger jumped to the other side of the elk, trying to pin it down against the tree. On the other side of the massive tree, the third dog lashed out at the lion cub that threatened her, but her claws could barely find purchase in the lithe feline's neck, much less cause any serious damage.

Alpha attacks the Cub with Savage Rend.
Attack: [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1] and the target is slid one square. But not on a miss!

Move action: Command Beta and Gamma to move. Beta will teleport through Gamma's aura to M15, and Beta will teleport 1 square to L13.

2015-03-13, 01:34 AM
Adberttok cursed in Goblin as he retreated to the bushes in a low crouch. Once a few ticks away and hidden by the overgrown bramble he loosed a bolt at his attacker, his gun aimed at the legs to slow down the beast. After his ammunition left his weapon he grinned and took a step back to further confound his enemy. He let out a sigh of disappointment as his bolt missed but was still thankful for the additional coverage to protect him against future attacks.
Move: Step to R8, Stealth with Camoflague [roll0]

Standard: Clever Shot at Elk3
Attack vs AC: [roll1] Same modifiers as last time!
Damage: [roll2]Same modifiers as last time!
If hit then also knocked prone.

Free: Shift to S8 thanks to Stance, Stealth with Camoflague [roll3]

2015-03-13, 06:49 PM
All - Loron riverbed

Two cubs going up in flames, those that remain scatter, attacking the nearest target they can see that is not covered in fire. Water a good protection from fire normally, two of the cubs leap into the water before running up to one of the large dogs..

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2, Lion 3, Elk 3
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6, Cub 7, Cub 8, Cub 9 <-------

Cub 5
Standard: Rapid Bite on Alpha
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 7
Move: T12, carefully...
Standard: Rapid Bite on Balashi
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 8
Move: to T16-S16-R16-Q16
Standard: Charge P16-O15-N15
Rapid Bite on Beta
Attack: [roll2] vs AC (flanking, charge)
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 9
Move: to S17-R17-Q17
Standard: Charge P17-O17-N16
Rapid Bite on Beta
Attack: [roll3] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 6
Move: to M17
Standard: Charge N16-O15-P14
Rapid Bite on Hazm-del
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Up Next: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel

2015-03-14, 08:33 AM
Swept up in her reverie, another stream of fire curves out from her very being, aimed at the lion. Light, flame and Thaum are ever dancing, even as the green and the sickened animals fear them.

Standard Elemental Bolt at Lion 3
[roll0] vs Ref
Hit: [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage. WLR.

Striker doing Striker work.
And the lion is brought into the passionate dance, even as it roars in fury and agony, fire battering and searing in blissful joy.

2015-03-14, 02:54 PM
As the aura of flames flickering around Hazm-del disappeared, he slips past the strange man who's entire appearance is infused with the essence of darkness and next to the crystal man. "Apologies for the flames," he offhandedly said to the strange humanoid before roaring and striking at the lion and cub in front of him.

Moves to S13. Uses Cleave with his broadsword against the Lion at T13. Strength vs AC.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Hazm-del hits, the Cub at T12 takes damage equal to his Strength modifier (3).
OOC. Don't know how to get rid of the yellow outline on the map.

2015-03-14, 11:50 PM
Gabriel sees the larger portion of the assembled folk attacking the twisted lion. So he turns his attention to those attacking the pack instead. While not a dog himself, he felt apart of the pack in his own strange way, and did not suffer attacks on his allies. He reaches out his hand as if to throw another star but none fly from his sleeve. No, he had missed with his last shot, better to try different tactics.

Assassin's Shroud on Elk
Standard- Executioner’s Noose vs Elk
Attack [roll0] vs Fort
Damage [roll1]

2015-03-14, 11:54 PM
For a moment nothing happened. And then nothing continued to happen. Gabriel dug into his pocket and threw another shuriken, his expression seemingly unconcerned with the lack of effect from his actions. Silently, however, he was annoyed, bordering on angry. The creature, with whatever dark magic that was fueling it, had resisted his own powers.

Spending my action point for another attack cause all these misses are annoying
Standard- Sly Flourish
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack [roll2]

2015-03-17, 12:16 PM
All - Loron riverbed

The small archer disappearing into the brush, the enraged elk looks around the tree, before turning south and charging at another shadowy man. The second elk rears back, having more hunters nearby than it would prefer. The final lion swipes at the crystalline man, trying to make an opening.

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2, Lion 3, Elk 3 <-------
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6, Cub 7, Cub 8, Cub 9

Elk 2
Standard: Hoof Stomp on Gamma
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: 8 damage.

Elk 3
Move: O10-N9
Standard: Charge N10-M11
Goring Rush on Gabriel
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: 8 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. (M13)

Lion 3
Standard: Savage Claws on Balashi
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Hit: [roll3] damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Up Next: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha

2015-03-17, 01:42 PM
"Gesture?" Balashi asks just before the heat from Hazm-del washes over him.

"I'll explain shortly," Cuper replies in the same wry tone as before. Trusting Hazm-del to handle the twisted lion, he turns back toward the melee in the river. He spies a flickering shade of a man get struck by a mutated beast, knocking him into the water. Though clarity is uncertain with Thaum's bright flame so close by, Cuper thinks he sees the shadow's own inner fire sputter for a moment. He shouts a word from an unfamiliar tongue toward the shadow as he strides to the river, empowering the shadow's heart with some sort of astral magic or science. Then he pays full attention to the young lions he approaches, the edge of his thin blade sweeping out in a gesture like that he used when creating his diminishing cloak of flames.

Minor action: ardent surge on Gabriel, healing an extra [roll0] hp and granting +1 to attack rolls until end of Cuper's 4th turn.
Move action: walk from R13 to Q14, P15, O15, flanking Cub8.
Standard action: demoralizing strike augmented to 2 power points. [roll1] vs Cub8's AC; a hit KOs and a miss does nothing. [roll2] vs Cub9's AC; a hit KOs and a miss does nothing.
If either strike connects, I'll use hidden lore as a free action to become invisible until end of Cuper's 4th turn.

A hint of dark satisfaction crosses Cuper's face as his blade opens deep wounds on both cubs, but as he continues the sweep full circle, the cloak of fire becomes a shimmer that hides his smile along with the rest of his image. It's clear enough approximately where he stands in the water, but targeting him will be no easy task.

The first time anyone other than Alpha or Adberttok takes damage, I'll reduce it to half with sympathetic agony, and that person and Cuper will both get +2 power bonus to defenses until the end of Cuper's 4th turn.

2015-03-17, 11:44 PM

Balashi sweeps his longsword in an arc that leaves a wake of force that speeds off toward the lion and cub nearest him. But just as Balashi had nimbly avoided the lion's swipe. The lion's both dodge out of the way of Balashi's counter attack.

Standard: Swordburst.
A hit does [roll2]

2015-03-18, 12:05 AM
Adberttok crawled through the branches before he popped up and let loose two bolts that whizzed past his comrade and another apparent ally toward the lions. His shots fired he slinked back into the brush and awaited a new opportunity.
Move: Move to R11, Stealth with Camoflague [roll0]

Standard: Rapid Shot at Lion
Attack vs AC: [roll1] No stance bonus, -2 for Rapid Shot
Damage: [roll2] No stance bonus

Rapid Shot at Lion Cub
Attack vs AC: [roll3] No stance bonus, -2 for Rapid Shot
Damage: [roll4] No stance bonus

Free: Shift to R10 thanks to Stance, Stealth with Camoflague [roll5]

2015-03-19, 04:33 PM
The largest of the dogs suffered a crushing blow from stomping hooves across the front of his skull, sending him teleporting in a howling craze. Bwoomp. He reappeared behind the elk, shaking his entire body to ward off the disorientation. The other nearby canine turned away from the first elk and faced another that had approached from the rear and assaulted the Shadow-Without-A-Man. With a howl, he bolted, splashing through the river and circling the newcomer. As he approached the creature's flank, he started to bark and bite and snap and howl at it, distracting it for Gabriel's vengeful strike.

The third dog still dealt with the nuisance of one of the adolescent lions, which snarling lashed out repeatedly with razor-sharp claws. Still her snapping jaws could find no purchase around the ferocious beast.

Standard: Alpha attacks Cub 5 (at I18) with Savage Rend: [roll0] against Reflex
Damage: [roll1]

Move: Command Beta and Gamma to move.
Beta will teleport in his own aura from M15 to L16.
Gamma will move along the following path from L13: M13-N13-O12-O11-N10.

2015-03-22, 07:33 PM
All - Loron riverbed

The remaining cubs double down on their assault, continuing to bite at those directly before them.

Players Group 1: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel
Enemy Group 1: Lion 1, Elk 1, Lion 2, Elk 2, Lion 3, Elk 3
Players Group 2: Balashi, Cuper, Adberttok, Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Enemy Group 2: Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub 3, Cub 4, Cub 5, Cub 6, Cub 7, Cub 8, Cub 9 <-------

Cub 5
Standard: Rapid Bite on Alpha
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Cub 7
Standard: Rapid Bite on Balashi
Attack: [roll1] vs AC
Hit: 6 damage.

Up Next: Hazm-del, Thaum, Gabriel

2015-03-22, 10:39 PM
Glancing behind him, Hazm-del noted that most of the creatures that had been alive were now dead and done. Turning forward, he grunted with slight effort and slashed forward at the lion and cub.

Hazm-del uses Cleave on the Lion at T13. Strength vs AC.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If he hits and deals damage, the Cub at T12 takes damage equal to my Strength modifier (3).

He also marks the Lion at T13. If the lion moves or attacks a target that is not Hazm-del, Hazm-del gets a basic melee attack as an immediate interrupt.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2015-03-23, 04:34 AM
Even caught up as she is, Thaum hears whines that add a new sadness to the rhythm, one she would like to end. Turning and ever dancing, her fire flares, flows, surges along her sweeping arm, fire arcing around shadow. Delicate maneuvers, the warm caress that could instead be the incinerating blast, if the right feeling, the right motions weren't there. As is, though, steam hisses upwards, faint dancing shades accompanying shadow. Following its natural path, fire races towards the elk, so busy stomping and rushing and creating sadness for the smaller animal in front of it. For a short moment, Thaum remains free of fire, apart from her shining hair and eyes, open, inviting sadness so she can burn it into joy.

Standard Elemental Bolt at Elk 2 in front of Beta (provoking an OA from Elk 3 and letting it hit her. When it hits her, it dies from the free action Infernal Wrath in a suddenly flashfire)
Miss (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18999869&postcount=184)

Move N13 -> M15
Charred wood explodes from the large tree above the elk, which now sees Thaum step into the river, water steaming up around her. She moves directly towards it, no fire burning on her yet, but she is cornering it and she is promising a swift death if it doesn't do something about her.

(Hoping to goad it into attacking her on its turn, in which case she will let it hit her and it will die before it can do damage due to the interrupt Dragonflame Mantle, activated on hit.)

2015-03-26, 03:43 AM
(Assuming that Thaum's plan worked as intended, so she took 8 damage. Only narrating Thaum's portion, so feel free to fill in the rest, you guys)

Even as her fire misses the far elk, the closer one, driven by a disease-clouded mind, focuses on the suddenly near-fireless woman, giving the wounded canine a breather. The larger animal lowers its head to ram and skewer Thaum and she allows it to an extend. The curious sensation of pain, one closely associated with fire by most, and a quite terrible kind, too. It hardly matters, as the bruises and scrapes will heal, just a part of the rhythm of the world. Thaum embraces the elk's head and fire flashes. The elk does not feel anything, turned to embers and ashes in the blink of an eye, becoming one with nature again, free of pain. Shining eyes watch the thousand little motes dance on the wind in ways most appreciated by the heart, and Thaum knows it is a good thing, sadness and joy mixing in a smile to herself and the world.

Water hisses and boils against her skin as she steps through the river, past shadow without banishing it, letting it join in the funeral festivities. The other elk turns from the hound between and inside worlds to face her, eyes wide with fear and anger and the rush of it all. Never stopping, Thaum walks ashore straight at it, the elk hesitating for a moment, before it rushes at the woman. Perhaps one might like to think it regained a bit of its regal nature, putting itself out of the misery that was cast upon it.

It charges, Thaum's fire flares, and it, too, joins the leaves and embers on the wind. She looks to the wounded canine, sees the fight still left in its eyes, and smiles once more, before walking back through the river, joining her friends in putting the felines to rest. Thaum has learned of death, having brought it herself and having seen it fall upon her friends in several ways. It felt sad, but the notion of reducing what she learned to be a funeral down to their death and the grief it caused always struck Thaum as odd, as it left so many things out that would make it joyously bittersweet.

Once violence has ceased and Thaum's dance comes to its natural conclusion, she savors the feeling as it lingers for a short moment, then sees it off for the time being. Shining eyes see her friends safe (a sensation called satisfaction), then wander to the others present who joined the proceedings. Diverse as the green and the living and the stars and sky above, the fire-in-flesh smiles like a rising sun, the glow of her molten flame hair framing a face that has warmed as many as it has burned.

"Welcome, thanks and praise to you all. I am eager to see our path towards what troubles the green and the people." Thaum's voice is rich and strong and touched by the otherworldly, seeping through the flesh and warming from within.

2015-03-27, 12:40 AM
"An especially fine dance today, Thaum," Cuper murmurs as she approaches the knot of gathered fighters, standing over alien-seeming beasts. "Though no more complex than the dance that brought together this marvel-filled melee. Man-of-crystals. I see you have use of the common words -- no golem are you! My name is Cuper, and my friends are called Hazm-del and Thaum." He gestures to the two in turn.

"We came seeking two friends from a few years ago, who we believe settled near a river here. Though we might have lost exactly which river -- there are few signs of civilization near. May I ask, what brings you to this backwood at such an odd moment?"

2015-03-27, 10:42 AM
The two dogs surrounding the elks ceased their barking as the creatures were consumed by flame. The ashen corpses collapsed on the banks of the river, setting the canines to sniffing and pawing at them, then snuffling and sneezing from the smoldering smell. The third dog, the female, emerged from the tangled brush behind the nearby tree. Her tongue was hanging out, and she was panting. Blood stained her jowls and ran down the front of her chest and forelegs. The others approached her, one of them giving the Fire-Shaped-Like-a-Man a wide berth. The group reassembled, they began to lick at her face and shoulders, both trying to get a taste of the blood and cleanse the claw marks that marred her fine coat. She returned the favor, giving the smaller of her companions a few long licks across a series of punctures. After a few moments, though, she batted them away with a paw and gave them each a huff. They shied away and turned to the larger group.

The two males looked expectantly at the Shadow-Without-a-Man with their ears perked up and tails wagging, while the third, the bloodied one, scanned the assembled humanoids warily.

If you guys will give me a post or two to make it make sense, I'll use Herb Lore. It'll give everyone +2 to their healing surge value during the short rest.

2015-03-30, 11:11 AM
As the last foe fell, Adberttok double checked his equipment and gathered up what bolts he could for future conflicts. Finally he adjusted several knobs and returned some pep to his step so that he would hopefully be prepared in case the disease became worse. Satisfied with his preparations he stepped out of the thorny bush and looked around at first the fellow fighters then the diseased animals. He pulled out a vial as he spoke and shook it vigorously until it returned to a pale blue color and pulled out a pinch of chemicals from various pouches, tossing them into the vial. With each ingredient the liquid changed colors until he seemed to settle on one that was a light pink color.
His words were quiet overall as he looked at the elk, knowing full well what he was already doing with the vial. "Greetings. I am Adberttok, the one that shot the bolts from the bushes. Balashi and I were searching for the start of all this, so if you'll excuse me..." On the off chance that the disease was magical in nature (or even less likely that it's based on dungeoneering) he attempted to gather what information he could from the still fresh carcasses.
So Knowledge Arcana check? Maybe Dungoneering or Perception (in which case -1)?

2015-03-30, 11:23 AM
Watching the newest arrival and the alchemical prowess (apparently) on display, Thaum's unblinking shining eyes turn to Adberttok.

"Are you able to cure what ails?" she asks, standing unnervingly still apart from her moving mouth, interest momentarily disrupting not-quite-habits she had to learn.

2015-03-31, 12:59 AM
Balashi - Shardmind Swordmage/Artificer

Balashi cracks as a hundred or more shards of himself fall out of his chest. His body reforms itself around the hole and soon it is not even evident that there had once been a hole. The shards that had fallen toward the ground knit themselves into a smaller humanoid form near Balashi's feet. It quickly runs around behind Balashi's legs, behaving like a child nervous around so many strangers. "Go Ruaba. Help Adberttok gather samples from all of the animals," he says handing the tiny man a few empty vials. The shardling scampers off and begins gathering samples from each of the corpses, which he then delivers to Adberttok.

Balashi then steps toward Cuper. "Yes. My friend has spoken the truth. I am Balashi, and the little shardling is my offspring, Ruaba. Adberttok has spoken the truth about our reason for being here. If you have friends living near here, you should have concern for their well-being. According to the research we have done so far this area seems to be either a source of the plague or at least an area of extreme virulence. They may already be infected. If we can get these samples back to a place with proper equipment, we might be able to create an antidote or vaccine."

He turns to the flame called Thaum. "I know a little about how the fleshly bodies work. I am no miracle worker, but I am able to create infusions that can speed the bodies natural processes. I have one now," he says holding up a small glass bottle. "If you need it, I can create another, but I will require assistance in the making. I can attempt to ascertain a diagnosis if you have fear that you were infected. What do you need?"

Balashi will spend 2 surges to get back to full, this does not include any bonuses anyone else might grant.

Balashi's infusion will heal a surge +2, but if you accept it he will request your help in the process of making another (the infusion itself is surgeless healing, but creating another requires a surge). The surge does not have to be from the one who gained benefit, but unless someone is getting into surge trouble it seems like a good course of action.

2015-03-31, 01:47 AM
Thaum shakes her head, cascading light dancing around her features before she becomes still as a statue once more. "We are as we should be, but the little one" She almost said flame, which leads to confusion most of the time. "of our friends is not. That is where our path leads."

2015-04-02, 09:41 AM
Adberttok grinned and said "Yes and no. We need better facilities than the forest but it is possible... Maybe a subject to test it on. A subject like one of these cubs if we find them again." His mind begins to form a basic plan as he opened up his alchemical case and carefully put the vials in a seperate rubberized section to help protect them while they were in transit.

2015-04-05, 04:45 PM
Gabriel - Loron riverbed

"There were a group of traders, just south of here. If we follow the river, it should bend back towards their encampment. Perhaps you'll find what you're looking for there." says the cloaked man to no one in particular, his shadow swirling beneath him.

2015-04-06, 03:08 AM
"Then that is our path." Without further ado, Thaum begins to head into said direction.

2015-04-06, 09:29 AM
As the group began to move, they came across a grove of small plants. The three dogs were sitting in the grove, apparently having slipped away during the conversation. Each of them was tearing at some kind of tuberous vegetable, the top of which resembled the small plants. The female looked up and spotted Gabriel, then left her root behind. She grasped one of the plants by the stem with her jaws and pulled it free from the earth. The root came free cleanly, and its pink skin gleamed with moisture. With a huff, she dropped it on the ground at his feet and nudged it toward him with her nose. When he hesitated to pick it up, she gave him a bark before returning to her own.

There's your Herb Lore, folks. +2 to your healing surge value for this short rest.

2015-04-06, 06:42 PM
Cuper nods his thanks to the shadowy stranger and hurries to grab his pack before Thaum gets out of sight. His limp is more pronounced, but he makes decent speed. "Balashi, Adberttok, care to come with us? Our friends' home should be close, and they'll have a more tidy place to work with alchemicals than the raw jungle. Good food, too -- er, if you eat food?" he adds, squinting at Balashi's crystalline form. "Plus, Hettact forfend, if there's something wrong with them we would dearly love the aid of a competent alchemist."

The female looked up and spotted Gabriel, then left her root behind. She grasped one of the plants by the stem with her jaws and pulled it free from the earth. The root came free cleanly, and its pink skin gleamed with moisture. With a huff, she dropped it on the ground at his feet and nudged it toward him with her nose. When he hesitated to pick it up, she gave him a bark before returning to her own.

Cuper is clearly surprised to see the shadow-man follow them into the jungle. "I didn't even realize you were there! Your feet are a whisper. So you're coming with us, hunter? May I ask your name?"

2015-04-07, 10:33 AM
With a smile and a nod, Adberttok followed along with the rest as he casually inserted the vial into the tube that he used to launch the bolts and twisted a few knobs so it was ready in case he needed to help his newest assistant's cauterize the plague. He graciously accepted the herbs and mixed them with his own knowledge of artifice, specialized as it may have been, before hooking up the vial to his suit and depressed the plunger on it. He felt his wounds knit together. Finally he made it a point to adjust his stance once more to the Lynx so he wouldn't be surprised.
Used a Healing Surge to get back my HPs

2015-04-07, 03:00 PM
Gabriel - Loron riverbed

"Gabriel." the man responds. It seems that's all he will say for now.

All - Thros trade post

After walking for most of the morning, sweeping around yet another bend in the river, some of the motley crew sees their first sign of civilization in weeks. Simple tents, a single guard tower, and a single longhouse make up the entirety of the settlement. Clearly not a place to live, but a place for the nomads to come and trade with outsiders for goods and services. Several trees around the settlement are discolored and appear to sag. Nearby primal healers try to coax life back into the sick trees, but to no appearant success.

Several pack laden traders can been seen loitering around the longhouse, each wearing colors and styles that can be recognized as belonging to the other three nations. A few young adults and children can be seen playing between the tents, though one at the end seems to be avoided for some reason. A group of older men and women are gathered around a firepit, discussing matters of apparent importance.

From the guard tower, a single goblin can be seen for a look out. Her back is to you, as she is currently watching to the south.

2015-04-07, 04:40 PM
Thaum shows no sign of fatigue, steps going ever forward towards her goal, but each one just a tiny little bit different. She is naturally close to Cuper and Hazm-del, but the newcomers are just as welcome to join in. Curiosity expresses itself from time to time in a look, in an inclinination of the head, a flicker of light. The strong inborn instinct of the blink dogs speaks to her, both in examination and simply walking alongside. Simplicity. Thaum is acutely aware of how her light refracts on the exterior of crystal-like Balashi. The shadow seems content with avoidance, and Thaum does not spend more thoughts on it, as it is the normal way of light.

At where the trade happens, Thaum takes in all the skyfire touches. She walks, but stops. Memories of her friends almost getting shot at emerge. A greeting to the guard is a part of the local awkward, often stumbling dance seemingly everywhere.

"Hello," her voice swiftly carries up the tower. That should initiate the clumsy proceedings.

2015-04-07, 05:25 PM
As the group trekked through the jungle, the dogs wove their way among and amidst the gathered travelers. The female, for her part, never strayed far from Gabriel, but the others made it their business to be in everyone else's business. One of them, the larger, took particular interest at following closely on the heels of the Fire-Shaped-Like-a-Man. He would fall behind momentarily, sniffing the being's footprints as though surprised that it did not char the underbrush, then rush to catch up again. The smaller of the males moved all throughout the group, sniffing the heels or hands of individuals seemingly at random and occasionally departing from the crowd entirely to scout out some interesting feature up ahead.

He was the first to catch sight, or rather scent, of the settlement. When the rest laid eyes on it, he was sitting in place, staring straight ahead at it. The other two dogs approached and sat next to him. The other male had his nose in the air, as if he was smelling for anything interesting in the tent village. The female kept her head low and scanned the area visually.

Perception check for anything interesting or potentially dangerous: [roll0]

2015-04-07, 09:31 PM
Cuper is satisfied mostly walking in silence through the jungle's humid morning heat, the air slightly sickly with an unfamiliar foulness from diseased plants nearby. He does ask a few questions of Adberttok and Balashi as they navigate the growth together, though, and shares the heart of his own history. Cuper's fierce pride in his turned-around life is clear in each of the few words.

The man also watches the dogs who seem to be travelling with them. When the walkers stop to rest and eat shortly before coming across the outpost, Cuper shows an understanding of pack politics by offering a ration of dried meat to the female alpha, rather than to all three.

As the watchtower comes into view, Cuper has his armaments at his sides and a drum in his hands, muffled by a soft grey pillow he seemed to conjure just by wanting it to be. His fingers stop their rolling and tapping as Thaum's voice calls out to the sentry.

2015-04-07, 10:58 PM
Adberttok for his part listened to the history with interest and shared bits about himself, how the suit of armor and bolt thrower were tweaked by him and his over the years. How he learned alchemy from his cousin, how his family was large like most 'Tinker' Goblins, and how he did what he could to help collect the samples since he and Balashi started traveling together. He did complain once or twice about the range of his weapon but was equally thankful for the brush they found themselves in.

He smiled at the choice in guard and stepped beside Thaum, enjoying the company of interesting characters in this world they found themselves in, and called out in Goblin (odd as his dialect may have been, yet still derived from the base language) to the guard "A pleasure to see another goblin! What city are you from, comrade?"

2015-04-08, 02:05 PM
All - Thros trade post

Quickly scampering to the northern side of the tower, the goblin guard peers down from her perch through a spyglass. It drops around her neck as she quickly draws a loaded crossbow. "Stay where you are. You friendly?"

From within the settlement, children are ushered into the longhouse as adults rise from their fire. The traders in their colorful garb spin around, clearly not aware of protocols in place in case of danger. The healers have moved into a defensive formation, ready to aide those nearby.

Clearly, this encampment is on edge.

2015-04-08, 03:52 PM
"Yes." is the short answer. Thaum remembers to blink at times and not be entirely still.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-04-08, 05:21 PM
Not a great time to admit I don't know, Cuper thinks while smiling gently up at the tower. The sun beyond it makes him squint. Elaborating on Thaum's brief response, he adds, "Looking to resupply and perhaps trade some information. The healers among us may be close to understanding the cause of all the local illnesses, and a chance to talk with people who live in this area would be most appreciated." He keeps his hands in view as a show of respect for the authority behind the crossbow, but his steady voice betrays no fear.

Just a Diplomacy roll to Aid Another. [roll0] vs DC 11. EDIT: So that's +2 to her check, if you'll allow the retroactive aid.

2015-04-09, 12:54 AM

During the hike to the encampment, Balashi walks along near Cuper. He sets a very regular pace. In contrast, Ruaba bounces around at his heels. At times the tiny shardling skips several paces ahead of them, then hurries back to Balashi when he realizes how far ahead he's gotten. Other times he falls behind as he pauses to examine a plant or insect, then rushes to catch up.

Balashi listens to Cuper's story in silence, absorbing it. When asked about his own, Balashi shares a tale about gaining sentience on a mountainside, eventually finding his way down into a mine where he worked for a time. After leaving the mine he made his way to a technical college and most recently a sense of wanderlust has lead him to explore the world. He speaks with a droning buzz of a voice.

When they reach the outpost, Balashi stands near the back letting the others speak for the group at first. When Cuper brings up the illness, Balashi adds, "We have samples fresh from what we believe to be primary sources. If you have a proper alchemical lab, I believe we have a chance at making real breakthroughs."

2015-04-09, 12:45 PM
All - Thros trade post

From out of the longhouse an elderly figure appears, shoulders hunched, probably not by the elaborate beaded necklace, the half-orc leans on his cane as he walks. A gentle hand calms the panicking traders as the chieftain moves past them. "Be at peace Gresel. If they meant us harm, they wouldn't have called out to say Hi, now would they?

Crossbow swaying between unusual collection gathered at the northern edge of the encampment, the goblin shouts down, "I still don't trust them Olic, they could be what's brought this plague down on us!" "If truth they speak, a remedy they may have. Keep your watch, I will see to these outlanders."

From the doorway of the longhouse you can see several children's heads peaking out. The adults hover near their fire, spears and bows held but not ready to use, cautious. Olic beckons you to come down into the settlement.

2015-04-09, 02:45 PM
Without hesitation and with no fire than that of her eyes and hair, Thaum walks forward. She can see fear flickering, fleeting. She is used to that reaction. That which burns fears the flame. A natural thing. Getting used to eyes examining her with lust took a moment more, but in time, she understood that lust was part of life. Another natural thing. She remembers to breathe and move, for the sake of her friends. Like a soft dance of fire does Thaum's hair move as she lowers her head for a moment, as thanks for the half-orc. A good thing to have learned. No reason to burn any of these people.

2015-04-10, 11:32 AM
The largest of the dogs, one of the males, looked over as Thaum and the others began walking forward. He immediately stood to follow, but was stopped by a huff from the female. He looked back at her with pricked ears. After a moment, she stood as well and followed him, with the other male bringing up the rear.

2015-04-12, 02:54 PM

Sensing there still could be problems with the villagers, Balashi paused for a moment to kneel down. <Ruaba, come to me.> He sends the command mentally. The tiny crystal man hurried over to Balashi and as he got within about a foot of him, Ruaba shattered into a cloud of shards. Momentum carried the cloud forward and the shards showered Balashi where they were quickly absorbed into his own form.

Balashi stood up as if this were entirely common place and stepped forward, following only a few paces behind Thaum and the dogs. His arms were held slightly open, to show that he was making no movements for his sword or crossbow.

2015-04-13, 05:39 AM
Adberttok for his part remained hidden from view as the group approached. He stepped out of the brush, his stealth more a byproduct of being short in a jungle. He kept his hands in plain view and added in an attempt to be helpful or ease the fellow goblin "I have my traveling kit. It just lacks the additional transfer methods and powerful equipment you get with more permanent ones. Certainly nothing like my cousin's back home in Ronell."

2015-04-13, 07:03 PM
Cuper's calm smile lends social encouragement to Adberttok and Balashi as they pass him entering the encampment. The outlander human follows his companions, new and old, in to talk with the leaders, but doesn't move to the front himself. I'll stay back and let the experts talk about what they know. "Thank you for allowing us in, Olic. I'm Cuper; these are my longtime companions Hazm-del and Thaum, and the knowledgeable ones are Balashi and Adberttok." He gestures to each in turn.

Remember, y'all get +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate just from being around me. :smallsmile:

2015-04-16, 07:36 PM
All - Thros trade post

Watching the group with scrutiny, the peaceful behavior seems to mollify her. Lower her crossbow, she shouts down "I'm keeping my eye on you." before returning to her post.

Olic nods to those that come forwards, "It is a pleasure to meet you Cuper, Hazm-del, Thaum, and others. If you are looking a research station young one, I'm afraid you won't find that here. We don't rely on machines the way they do in Roneel. Nature provides for us.

Though that's why this plague is so worrisome. Something is turning our land against us.

But here, do talk with Vastros. He's been trading with us for some time, and always has such useful concoctions. Vastros, come here, would you?" He beckons one of the skittish men over. Dressed in yellow baggy clothes with red sashes, the turban on his head holds a small set feathers. His pack contains several empty pouches, and is a bit empty looking, like it wasn't properly packed when it was grabbed. It would not be hard to determine this eladrin was from Vorb, though he doesn't appear to be any sort of high wizard. Like Gresel, he's not entirely convinced of your sincerity.

"Ye-yes, how can I help Olic? My work station is still set up, do they need, eh, healing, or something?"

2015-04-17, 02:38 AM
Thaum looks at the skittish man and gently shakes her head. "Not for us," she says, radiating warmth through body, voice and presence. She smoothly turns to Adberttok, guiding Vastros' eye and attention first onto herself, then to the goblin.

Charisma check [roll0]

Just playing around. Part for sheer presence, part for giggles.

2015-04-17, 03:48 AM
With a smile, Adberttok carefully held up a sample they had gathered and said "I would like to use your station, yes. I am hoping to devise something to fight this affliction. Any are free to watch, you get used to others in the workplace when your workplace is a family of five's hole in the wall. I just would request some care while we work." He remained at ease among the fearful populace, hoping he sounded sincere enough with his offer for aid.

2015-04-21, 02:16 PM
All - Thros trade post

The nervous Eladrin users you all into the longhouse, the entrance held open by Olic's cane. "Ye-yes, you're welcome to use my station. Just please, be careful. Many of the solutions can be volitile if mixed improperly." Vastros offers a chair for Adberttok, before glancing at Thaum. Giggling nervously, he fidgets, trying to avoid eye contact.

Inside the longhouse, it is not hard to see a number of other trading booths. Some are trappers, trading furs. Others are woodsmiths and weavers. A small forge has been assembled, though currently there is no fire there. Some jewels and polished stone are near what appears to be a pottery booth. Pots appear to be the most visited booth so far.

2015-04-21, 03:41 PM
Thaum enters, not minding the looks she will draw. Curious about the process and the means involved in finding a cure, she decides to stay close, watching the essences swirl and mingle. At times, she chimes in, pointing out a development going unnoticed, suggesting what her intuition tells her, knowing the nature of heat and flame by heart. She also glances at Vastros, fixing him with her gaze, though making it a softer stare. "Do I make you nervous?" she asks. A line stories often ascribe to seductresses, yet for Thaum it is simply a question. It is, however, interesting how people react to this particular question.

(Using the Arcana check of 22 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19144975&postcount=221) to assist with the proceedings)

2015-04-21, 04:54 PM
As the group was ushered into the longhouse, the younglings that had been playing were carefully slipped back out, avoiding the newcomers as best they could. Two of the dogs, the males, sat down in front of them. One tilted his head to the side, as though studying them. The other let his tongue hang out, panting and apparently waiting for them to do something. When none did, he hopped up and stooped over on his front legs, and his tail wagged wildly in the air. Evidently it was playtime.

Meanwhile, the female slipped into the longhouse, gathering remarkably few stares due to her proximity to Thaum and Gabriel. She found herself a corner to sit in as the more technically minded members of the group assumed control of Vastros' workstation. As the work began, the dog busied herself with observing the goings-on inside the longhouse, though much of the normal activity was disrupted by their presence. The smells of smoke, sawdust, and hides filled the space. Suddenly though, as work progressed, a new scent filled her nostrils. Something...vile, not to noticed by normal senses. She was on her feet in an instant, and she surged forward into the group. Her ears were held back, and she growled ferociously at the collected vials and substances. Was it a key mistake, something missed? Or had something gone wrong? Whatever it was, her reaction caused the researchers to rethink their approach, ultimately for their collective good.

Nature check. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19145160&postcount=222)

2015-04-21, 04:56 PM
Adberttok was clearly out of his element as he managed to barely get the station set up. He frowned as his hands began to shake a bit too much for such a delicate procedure and he casually got up from the chair before offering the station to Balashi in hopes that the crystalline being would be better in a more formal setting.

2015-04-22, 12:23 AM
Balashi nods to Adberttok as the goblin steps aside. He takes the sample from Adberttok, then starts to familiarize himself with Vastros' set up. "Thank you for the use of your station, Vastros. Your assistance may help us end this plague, if everything goes as planned," he says without looking up from the tools.

Once Balashi sets to work, he moves with quick but very precise motions, as if he has worked with such tools often before. In contrast to Adberttok's shaky movements, Balashi's were smooth and self-assured. He takes the advice of any that wish to offer it, but only rarely responds. His mind seems to be completely focused on the task, and now that he had set to work, social niceties were being put aside until it was concluded.

These include only my skill mods. If you'd rather treat the other people's rolls as assists instead of separate rolls, apply bonuses or penalties from their checks as applicable.


2015-04-23, 08:41 AM
Cuper enters the longhouse with interest for the process used, but as expected, finds it too erudite to follow himself. I don't have a notion what alchemy can tell them, or how, though I trust them to know. People's emotions and interactions, on the other hand, are more his area of expertise ... and he finds the alpha dog's behavior very intriguing, very person-like, more driven by an intelligent mind than he had reason to expect. She seems different from her packmates.

Shaking his head in astonishment at the wonders this world holds at every turn, he leaves the longhouse and goes to talk with Olic and any traders and refugees who care to trade news. "Ho, Olic, the learned ones are hard at work, leaving my empty head useless. My ears hear nothing in the bubble and hiss of alchemy; perhaps you can do me the kindness of filling them with words instead? I have some news to trade, in turn."

Streetwise check to hear the latest. [roll0]

2015-05-02, 07:28 PM
Balashi, Adberttok, Thaum, and the Pack - Thros longhouse

"please, please be careful. Keep your paws down. No no no no no oh. Oh that's brilliant. Eh, I mean, horrible, but brilliant, how it was combined. Taking a fungus that can be carried by pollinators, and altering it so that it infects anything that consumes the plant matter. To infuse it with enough energy to maintain its infection against the digestive systems of some many animals, that, that takes skill. I can't think of many that have that skill. None that would risk their reputation with this, certainly. It's a shame the pure sample was so damaged by the examination, you couldn't develop a cure. But this should be enough of a patch to allow the traditional healers a fighting chance. Olic will be grateful.

Odd though, the lifespan of this is very short. Some one has to be spreading it, actively."

Cuper - Thros trade post

Olic walks amongst his people, sharing kind words and honest reassurances. He seems to have faith in the new comers, both their intent to aid the Loron people and their ability to actually make a difference. His people are grateful, if not as quite sure. The traders stay huddled together, as if separating themselves would make a difference. Watching the people's movements while the academics work on the plague, Cuper notices that one of the Loron tents is also being separated, if less obviously. Glances are the most that tent gets, and those are a scant few. General murmurs express condolences, and how unfortunate it all is.

2015-05-02, 08:16 PM
Thaum assists as she can, in her own way, but as the conclusion arrives, she drifts away, back to the outside, to feel the sun on her skin. Almost incidentally, she strengthens hearths as she goes, one of the more immediate ways of spreading warmth. Outside, Thaum has no real aim, simply walking among the people and tents, wherever she might take herself, sometimes humming a melody with her rich voice as she goes, wind blowing through her shining hair and stoking its light.

2015-05-03, 07:15 PM
Cuper's circuit brings him back to the longhouse just as the chemists are about to announce their discovery. Several people stand near the doorway outside, though they're fearful enough of Loron's mysterious illness that they do not crowd up close. The gist is clear -- some sort of good news -- but details are yet to come. Cuper strides in and calls, "What news, friends?"

2015-05-05, 12:25 AM

As soon as their experiments are concluded, Balashi says, "This is dangerous news. It sounds like there is only one way to handle this situation, take out the agent spreading the fungus. Until that happens, even if we find the cure there will still be more infected. Tell us more about those that you think are capable of doing this. I assume you know more about the local practitioners than any of us do. That could be a start toward rooting out the source of the problem."

2015-05-07, 06:35 PM
All - Thros trade post

This someone flustered, Vastros starts to wipe several vials down, cleaning and returning things to their proper places. "This level of alchemy is beyond the skill of these locals. It requires a great deal of refinement, and high levels of education, well, it's not the highest priority around, here. It's, difficult, at times, dealing with them. Why, just last week, I had to stop one of them from unleashing a bottled inferno in their pit. It's frustrating, to say the least."

At the sound of Thaum's humming, a head pops out from the fartherest most tent. Raven black hair twirls around, trying to locate the sound. There is rustling inside the tent, before a female gnome comes bursting out, chasing after Thaum. "Thaum, can that be you? On, and Culper, you made it. Galfix and Salissa will be so pleased to see you. Is Hazm with you?" Eager eyes look up at you, eyes that have shred many tears in the last few months, it seems. In her simple canvas dress, Tresala is pleased to see you.

2015-05-08, 01:46 AM
Thaum hears a melody, turns and finds an old friend. A radiant smile, followed by dropping to her knees and embracing Tresala in the middle of the camp, sharing warmth with a kiss on the forehead.

"It is us. We are all here."

(Is Tresala one of couple who asked them to help their little one?)

2015-05-08, 02:03 AM
Hazm-del smiles down at the female gnome and puts his warm hands on her shoulders, squeezing them briefly, and smiles down at her, his flickering hair growing in intensity for a second. "It is good to see a familiar face in this encampement, Tresala. I am anxious for any news you bring."

2015-05-08, 03:31 PM
Adberttok took a less obvious stance, feeling that it was his fault the sample got so ruined. He'd have to take a more secondary role in the future. At least he knew what to look for during their breaks which should help them find the source a little easier. On the off chance such spores were present right now he checked the general area real quick to see how long it's been since they were exposed last.
Gonna use Wilderness Tracker since I think maybe I can? Figured it's more to confirm I can do it without really expecting fresh fungi. Perception check [roll0]

2015-05-11, 12:30 PM
Cuper embraces Tresala a long time, a tear or two on his cheek. It looks a little awkward, with her little more than half his height, but they seem comfortable with the difference. "So good to see you again."

The warrior switches to the language of Giants, one he knows he shares with the gnome woman; even with a normal accent, the sound of the language is rough and guttural. "Tresala ... you must be starved for contact. I see people avoiding your home. Will we be shunned after we enter? If so, I must speak with Olic before I spend time with your mate and child. My new travel companions may be doing something very important, and I wish not to sabotage that work."

2015-05-19, 07:30 PM
All - Thros trade post

Returning the hug enthusiastically fro the larger man and smiling with large eyes of relieve and joy. "It is so, so good to see you three once again. I'm afraid I can't give you much news, Galfix and I have been busy taking care of Salissa. It started slowly, but it's gotten worse and worse. We had hoped the shamen would be able to help, but they are doing all they can just to keep the forest alive.

The others, they fear the disease. It strikes at random it seems, but once it's there, it's spreads, infecting those are close to the sick. They are good people Cuper, just scared for their own families. Olic has made it clear we aren't to be run out, but in times like these, people's fears rule them easily. Don't be mad at them, they do not intend to harm us.

But, you say your new companions have news? What have you discovered? Do you have a cure?" Pulling away, she looks up with ancitipation, hope in her tear filled eyes.

Adberttok looks around, frustrated with his perceived shortcomings. His skilled eye picks up signs of comings and goings. Given the easy access to food in this site, he would expect more vermin and scavengers to be around. Even above, the sky is suspiciously clear of birds. It looks like a hunting party has gone and come back in the last day, headed further down the river.

While you don't notice any fresh fungi, aside from the sickly plants the healers are attending to, but you do notice something unusual about the foot prints near the longhouse. A single set head towards the back, where you find the faintest of impressions, before the first tracks return to the longhouse. The suspicious prints don't appear to belong to the locals, but you're not certain whose they are.

2015-05-19, 09:58 PM
Cuper turns and scans the watching faces for Adberttok's technological armor or Balashi's crystalline structure. Seeing the tinker looking intensely at the ground, he calls, "What news? Have you discovered any path to more knowledge of this problem?" He quickly reminds himself of the formal meeting protocols of Tresala's birth people, ready to perform introductions should Adberttok walk closer to share what was learned in the longhouse.

2015-05-20, 01:06 AM
"Something that will help. I do not know if it will fully cure, but it will fuel the little flame until we have the means to burn away that what weakens," Thaum explains to Tresala and Cuper, before noticing Adberttok being quite distracted, drawing her interest.

2015-05-20, 08:04 AM
Adberttok motions for those interested in what he noticed to follow him as he idly walked alongside the tracks. Before the scene could be rendered useless he also turned his alchemical fire back into their simple base compounds before gathering the means to make some plaster. With said hastily concocted material he made a mold of the footprint before seeing if he could possibly open the indentation to see what's inside.

Thievery check? [roll0]

2015-05-20, 12:36 PM
All - Thros trade post

Vastros watches Adberttok make a plaster mixture. "I will start making more samples of what you've made. I believe that I can recreate your formula." The Eladrin shuffles behind the Goblin, nervously pacing in the loosely packed dirt.

Outside, Tresala guides anyone that will follow back to her tent. "That is wonderful news. Anything to help little Sali." Eyes follow anyone that goes with her, some in confusion, some with fear, and a few that look almost hopeful.

You successful make plaster, and make a solid impression. Creative use of a skill. It's not great earth for making an impression, but it looks like a slipper, pointed and upward turned toes.

2015-05-20, 01:01 PM
Thaum follows into the tent to see the little one.

2015-05-20, 07:14 PM

Balashi's follows the crowd that is lead into the tent. It might help to examine someone who is currently under the effects of this fungus.

2015-05-23, 01:57 PM
Cuper walks toward his friends' home, his hand on short Tresala's shoulder and a smile on his face in anticipation of the reunion.

2015-05-24, 09:55 PM
Cuper, Thaum, Hazm-del, Balashi - last tent in the row

Opening the flap to her tent, Tresala bids you enter. It is not large, but there is just space enough for you to fit inside. On the floor in the center lays a small girl, Salissa, clearly suffering fro this plague. Discolored patches run along her bare arms and legs, her limbs gaunt, with her dry hair crackling and patchy. Leaning over her, carefully applying a damp cloth along the tiny body, trying to appease the fever racked body. He himself is not looking as he once did. Galfix was never a robust Gnome, but his color is also palid, orange hair unkempt and slick with sweat. "Gal, look who has come!" "My friends, it is good to see you again. I am sorry the conditions are not kinder, but this is what is."

Adberttok - Thros Longhouse

Vastros begins quickly mixing components, combining greater quantities than before. "This, this will just take a moment. Just a little bit more of this."

Why yes, Vastros is wearing pointy slippers.

2015-05-25, 01:07 AM
Adberttok grimaced at the fact he had pointed slippers. He wasn't the best at persuading people but didn't have the time to be subtle. He made sure his bolt launcher was ready and said quietly to Vastros "I need to see your slipper."

2015-05-25, 04:13 AM
Thaum shakes her head with a smile, needing no words saying sorry, kneeling beside the little girl. She so wishes the plague would come to be embodied like herself, so she could burn it to cinders. But her anger has no place in here, and it remains away from the family, only warmth for them. "It is wonderful to see you again, regardless of circumstance."

2015-05-25, 11:42 AM

Balashi moves from the back of the group up to where the child lays. This requires some shuffling around in the tight quarters. "I have been studying this disease alchemically for a time now. I have recently gathered some more information on its likely sources. I also know some about the workings of your fleshy shroudings. May I examine your female offspring? I cannot promise I can help, but it is possible I can do something to ease her suffering or learn more that could eventually lead toward a cure. Even if not, you have my word that I will cause her no more harm."

2015-05-25, 12:17 PM
Hazm-del hid his grimace at the sight of Salissa's body. "She does not deserve this," he whispers. He raised his voice to speak to the other gnome. "How long does the plague incubate for? And what are the symptoms? And..." He looks down at Salissa, and his gaze turns saddened. "How long can one last in this state?"

2015-05-25, 10:06 PM
Cuper moves to embrace Galfix. "Nothing to apologize for, old friend. You say truly, it is what it is. Here, give friend Balashi the fever-cloth and take a step back from the emotional fire." Placing his larger body where it can mostly obscure Galfix's view of his dying daughter, Cuper bends down to take her hand and speak softly to her. "Can you hear me, Little Cashew? If you open your eyes, you'll find some friends you haven't seen in a while ..."

2015-05-26, 03:21 PM
Cuper, Thaum, Hazm-del, Balashi - last tent in the row

Galfix sidesteps, allowing Balashi and Cuper access to his daughter's prone form. His love is clear, but so is his exhaustion. "If you can help, then do what you can." Tresala tries to answer Hazm-del's questions, but it is clear that she is no healer. "She first showed signs of the plague shortly before I wrote you. She'd always been a fit young thing, so when her cough lasted for weeks, I thought it odd. This sickness, it's cruel. Each step lasts for exactly 10 tens. How, I know not. But it means you know exactly when you'll get worse, and what's coming. First coughing, loss of energy, fever, rashes, bones go fragile..." Tresala breaks into tears, having held them back for so long. As if saying thiese things out loud have made them truly real for her.

Stepping in where his wife cannot finish, Galfax looks Hazm-del and simply says. "Nine days."

Adberttok - Thros Longhouse

Vastros doesn't even turn to respond, continuing to mix solutions. "Um, I'm, I'm s-sorry. W-what do you w-want?"

2015-05-26, 04:23 PM
Adberttok slowly repeated "I need to see your slipper. I know about the indentation." He waited patiently to see if he would comply or if he had to continue this delay.

2015-05-26, 04:56 PM
Gently, Thaum pulls Tresala against her, not needing to stand up, one hand slowly caressing the back of her head. "It has steps because it is man-made. With the medicine we created, more time will be had to find a true cure and consume the evil that made it necessary." The living fire's radiance remains even. Steadiness is what she fills her mind with at this moment, wishing to consume none present.

2015-05-27, 12:54 AM
Adberttok looked at the eladrin and cleared his throat. He pressed the end of his bolt launched into the small of the man's spine and said with some agitation "I don't have time for you to make a new poison. Either give the slipper or I'll take it."

2015-05-27, 02:07 PM
Hazm-del nods, his face almost a blank expression. He leans over Cuper's shoulder and whispers so the gnomes won't hear, "This plague hasn't given up much time. I wish I could help, but in this case I'm practically useless." He shook his head and sighed. "I doubt this thing is naturally. Incubation of each period is exactly ten days? Heh, sounds almost demonic to me."

2015-06-02, 06:50 PM
Cuper, Thaum, Hazm-del, Balashi - last tent in the row

Tresala manages to compose herself somewhat, turning to Hazm-del "She's never done anything to deserve this. Always done what is right, never hurt anybody. She's a good girl. A good girl." Galfax holds his wife against his shoulder, their tiny forms rocking in a familiar motion, before letting her go and helping her sit. Turning around, he starts to speak, "You mentioned something that could help my baby. Please, if you have any-"

He is cut off as Salissa's frail body begins to convulse, a milky froth foaming around her mouth. "NO! Not again! Not now!"

Adberttok - Thros Longhouse

Spinning around, the bolt launcher is knocked off-center. "Poison, you think this is poison? How could one as cluless as you create a salve for my plague!? No fool, this concoction is a bit more immediate in it's effect." He lashes out, kicking the goblin away. Sweeping his arm, he knocks several vials onto the ground, before he disappears, the mixture in his hand crashing onto the ground, a massive fireball erupting.

First, Salissa is seizing. It's not long left. If you are interesting in saving her, now is your chance.

Also, fireball.
Adberttok: [roll0] vs Reflex
Alpha: [roll1] vs Reflex
Beta: [roll2] vs Reflex
Gamma: [roll3] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll4] fire damage; on a miss, deal half damage.

On the up side, Adberttok was able to grab the slipper from Vastros when the Eladrin kicked him.

The last tent in the row is 20 squares from the Longhouse. I'm going to make the Longhouse map after dinner, but you have to decide, healing or fireball investigation?

I've sent Indori a message to see if he's still interested, can't blame him if not. I appreciate you lot hanging around through the slow part.

2015-06-02, 07:49 PM
Cuper leaps to cushion little Salissa's head with his hands. He shouts in a voice rich with magical passion, "Keep fighting, Salissa! We need you!" The girl's head and neck touching his fingers, Cuper's mind reaches out to hers, seeking every contact he can make, knowing that if anyone can convince her of the importance of staying in her body, it's him.

I'd like to use something like thought projection to get into Salissa's mind, sympathetic agony to take some of her burden of suffering onto myself, and/or ardent surge to offer her bodily healing. And as for the words, whether mental or aloud, here's a Diplomacy check -- [roll0].

2015-06-02, 09:46 PM
In a blur Adberttok aimed his Launcher and sent one right at the back of the eladrin's head in an attempt to immobilize the fleeing poisoner. As the bolt flew he shifted his stance and yelled out "The poisoner is Vastros!" in case anyone was unaware of this latest development.
Standard: Use Disruptive Shot for a chance to immobilize Vastros.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Minor: Shift from Lynx to Serpent

2015-06-03, 02:57 AM

Balashi pulls out the packet of powder that the group's efforts had made earlier. He wasn't sure if it would help, but at this point it didn't look like it could hurt. He takes a small vial from his belt, one of his healing infusions. He pops the cork and dumps in the powder. He replaces the cork and gives the vial a few firm shakes, mixing the powder in. He glances at it, seeing the particles suspended in the liquid. Balashi nods to himself and removes the cork again.

As Cuper offers his psionic form of healing, Balashi uses his own arcane method. He reaches down and opens the girls mouth. With a quick sweep of his crystalline finger, he clears the foam from her mouth and pours the contents of the vial into her mouth. He massages her throat trying to force the medicine down.

Administering both the medicine and a curative admixture (surge + 2 hp).
Also, if it applies, a [roll0].

2015-06-03, 10:41 AM
Combat Time

Player Group 1: Hazm-del, Balashi, Adberttok, Pack <----------
Enemy Group 1: Vastros
Player Group 2: Cuper, Thaum
Enemy Group 2: Plague

Balashi and Adberttok has gone. I've removed Gaberial from the tracker, so make sure everybody has the right info next to them.
If you want to attack the plague, use skill checks to see if you "hit," and any healing done is "damage." You can focus on killing the Plague, or healing Salissa. Be creative.

2015-06-03, 12:19 PM
Hazm-del knew he was going to be of no use with Salissa. He knew nothing about medicine or the arcane, only the little he gleamed from watching others, but when the explosion ripped through the air, he finally knew he could do something. "I'm going to assist in that problem," he said to his companions. "Take care of Salissa!" And off his went, drawing his swords as he dashed out of the tent to view the spectacle before him.

Okay, so since Hazm-del has average Wisdom and he ain't trained in Perception, I rule that he heard nothing of what Adberttok shouted, so he's going to make a Perception roll to try and figure out what the hell is going on through the flames and madness that erupted everywhere. Madness!!
Perception roll [roll0]
Also, his move action is moving a full 5 squares, cause he's a slow one.

2015-06-09, 05:00 PM
Thros Longhouse

Player Group 1: Hazm-del, Balashi, Adberttok
Enemy Group 1: Vastros <----------
Player Group 2: Cuper, Thaum
Enemy Group 2: Plague

Vastros draws an object from his cloak, before hurling it at the alchemist, and attempting to run away farther. His heavy pack, however, slows his pace.

Taking a second to lick her wounds, the pack gives chase to the eladrin, the smaller males growling loudly.

Minor: Draw Tethercord
Standard: Use Tethercord
Ranged 5/10; [roll0] vs. Reflex; the target cannot move more than 3 squares from the space it occupies when it is hit (save ends).
Move: to L3

Standard: Second Wind
Move: Everyone forward 6.

If you want to attack the plague, use skill checks to see if you "hit," and any healing done is "damage." You can focus on killing the Plague, or healing Salissa. Be creative.

2015-06-10, 05:41 AM
Seeing the little girl convulsing, it causes a single emotion, burning with the intensity of the sun: fury. Kneeling behind the girl's head, she places her fingers on her temples as her own flames flare up, burning not the physical, but the wicked thing inside the girl. It wants to snuff out the little flame. It is a blight upon the earth. It shall burn until nothing is left.

Intimidate check to burn the plague's metaphysical essence from the girl

2015-06-10, 10:00 PM
With the little gnome's fevered head in his cupped hands, Cuper watches his friend Thaum psychically flare and lash out at something he himself cannot see. He feels an outside pull on his heart, his mind, the fuel for his passions. Though he can't know with certainty that the pull comes from the girl instead of the voracious plague, he puts his trust once more in Thaum's vision and feeds his passion to whoever is asking for it. He pushes as much 'flavor' of pure life as he can into the burst of passion.

Salissa's body spasms in response -- hopefully because of the injection of lifeforce, rather than because the disease is abusing the borrowed energy to further shatter its victim.

2015-06-11, 10:05 PM
Last Tent in the Row

Player Group 1: Hazm-del, Balashi, Adberttok
Enemy Group 1: Vastros
Player Group 2: Cuper, Thaum
Enemy Group 2: Plague <----------

In the tent, the small gnome child pulses weakly. Her parents clutch each other, panic overwhelming them as Hazm-del runs from the tent. Watching, the three heroes manage to hold the plague at bay.

For now.

Plague: Too scared to attack. Well done Ridai. Now, you gotta try something else next time.

Jacklepie, if you want to continue just moving, you'll be in range next round. Checks may speed you up.

If you want to attack the plague, use skill checks to see if you "hit," and any healing done is "damage." You can focus on killing the Plague, or healing Salissa. Be creative.

2015-06-13, 03:36 AM
Thaum is growing more furious. She doesn't want to scare the plague, she wants to BURN it! The border of bodies frustrates Thaum, and thus she wants to move inside, fiery essence descending onto the battlefield of nerves, blood and lymphs, push with all her fury and burn, scorch, incinerate. Let the plague try to stop her, she will only burn it more in turn.

Screw this, I am using Intimidate again. And I am using Elemental Escalation with it. And if the plague wants to attack Thaum, let it come at her, she'll burn it some more Hellfire Heart, Infernal Wrath and Dragonflame Mantle. If it ignores her, she'll burn it some more. Thaum doesn't compromise, she batters through until she does what she seeks to do.


edit: Yeah, screw you too, dice roller.

2015-06-13, 02:04 PM
Adberttok looked at the lash binding him and responded with a bolt from his launcher, hoping to knock down his foe so that friends could help apprehend the culprit without him possibly dying to his bolts.
Standard: Use Clever Shot for a chance to knock Vastros prone
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Move: Move up to limit of Lash
Free: Save against Lash [roll2]

Free Action if passed: Shift a square further with Stance of Serpent.

2015-06-13, 10:36 PM
Pushing the muscles in his legs to their upmost limit, Hazm-del hurried across to the blazing tent, shouting out, "Why is there fire? And who's still breathing?" He drew his swords, trying to take in the full situation at once. His mind raced, unsure of just what he was witnessing—a fire in an otherwise peaceful settlement—and looked around for clues.

Move action: 5 squares towards the inferno. I have no idea how I fit on the map, so I'll mostly leave that up to our glorious DM.
I'd like to make an Athletics check to try and move faster than just my 5 squares, if I may. Maybe it'll be something like +1 square per 10 points or something like that, I dunno.
Hopefully the roll gods are smiling on me today and keep the electronic spirits producing the roll in good alignment. Cause that'd be awesome

2015-06-14, 02:20 AM

Balashi's torso unexpectedly shatters into a thousand tiny pieces, if not distracted enough by watching his chest explode people may notice his head and limbs continue to move as if nothing had happened. Only one crystalline chunk larger than a finger remains. It is a smaller, vaguely humanoid shape that jumps free from Balashi's chest cavity. As soon as the creature is free, Balashi's chest reforms, showing not a crack.

"Ruaba," Balashi speaks aloud so that others will know what he intends. "Go, contact Adberttok's mind and find out what is going on out there. Send word to me if it is important enough that I must leave this child." The shardling nods understanding and flies out of the tent propelling himself through the air using telekinesis to travel faster than his little legs would otherwise carry him.

Balashi sees this only out of the corner of his eye as he continues to work on the girl. He works quickly but methodically, trying every trick he can think of to try to help the girl pull through.

Minor: Switch Ruaba to active mode.
Move: Send Ruaba flying toward Adberttok (normal fly speed 5). I'm mostly wanting to use him as a go between communicator to help the party stay in contact in this split field situation using Ruaba's active benefit.

Telepathic Mimicry: A sitak can telepathically communicate with other creatures that share a language with you and that are within 10 squares of it. When it communicates, you hear everything it transmits and hear everything spoken to it. You can dictate its answers if you choose. You do not need line of effect or line of sight to the sitak to use this benefit. (Sitak is the mechanical name for this type of familiar, he's just flavored as a shardling.)
Standard: Use heal skill to try to help the child pull through. If this requires a surge, I'll gladly contribute it. [roll0]

2015-06-16, 02:59 PM
Last Tent in the Row

While a very unusual sight is seen as a hunk of the walking crystal floats away, the remaining portions work wonders, and the girl breathes easier, her skin feeling less clammy. But she is not out of the woods yet.

Thros Longhouse

His bolt hitting, the tinker goblin pulls free of his tether. The pack of dogs prepare to charge forwards, but Vastros throws another vial, covering them in thick frost, slowing them down. Feeling confident, he smirks, before seeing a charging Hazm-del gaining ground on him.

Vastros uses Alchemist's Frost on the pack.

Successful check get's Hazm-del onto the map, anywhere in the B-E column. Adberttok saved so he's free to move next turn.

2015-06-17, 02:39 AM

Balashi works with speed and efficiency, but the girl is not out of the woods yet. He places the side of his head to her chest to listen her raspy shallow breathing. "She must have an excess of fluids in her chest. Hold her, I'm going to try something extreme." Balashi holds his own hand in front of his face and concentrates as it cracked into a hundred shards. Then each one of those cracked in half and in half again until was little more than a powder of orange crystals floating at the end of his arm. He pulls open her mouth with his other hand and mentally forced the tiny crystals down her throat.

Salissa's eyes pop open, nearly bulging from her head, and she begins to try to thrash around as if she is choking. She is not aware of her actions, but in an unconscious panic, "Hold on for a moment," Balashi says. "Almost done." After a few seconds more he retracts the crystals from her chest and throat. Salissa immediately enters a coughing fit. "Turn her on her side, quickly. She will be able to get more up that way." Between gasps she coughs up large amounts of phlegm and some blood. When the coughing fit finally stops, she is out again, but her breathing seems much easier.

Tegu pm'd me to say to do something cool with the crit. Hopefully this qualifies.

As for the benefit you PM'd me about, Tegu, I think doubling the healing effect seems most beneficial. We're trying to heal her as quickly as possible.

2015-06-17, 04:11 AM
Thaum continues to be a healing fever for the little girl, relentlessly hunting all traces of the disease as her friends heal the little girl's body.

Intimidate? [roll0]

Damage? [roll1] + [roll2]

2015-06-17, 09:25 AM
Adberttok moved once free of the lash. He was thankful that he managed to delay the poisoner's escape, brief as it may be. While he hustled he loaded a new bolt and aimed it at the quickly surrounded Vastros. He yelled out "Surrender!" and prepared to launch another attack if the eldarin refused.
Move: Move to M9.
Standard: Use Clever Shot for a chance to slow Vastros until he saves
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Free Action: Shift to M8.

2015-06-17, 11:42 PM
As Salissa's racking cough retreats under Balashi's care and she stops spasming violently, Cuper looks up to the girl's parents, helplessly wringing their hands. "Galfix. Tresala. She can win this. She may need your heart to help! Give me all the love you can pour into her." The mental warrior touches his mind to those of the gnomes and is nearly overwhelmed by the torrent of feeling they send him as they quickly speak assurances and prayers aloud. He tries to sort out their fear and pass along only the profound love they feel for their little girl ... no small task, with the terrible degree of fear they feel.

That's an Insight roll to take in and filter the parents' emotions, to try to feed Salissa another surge on their behalf! Insight: [roll0] Wait, what the hell? How do I not have Insight trained? That's, like, my job. Oh well.

I'll also use my usual emotional healing technique (ardent surge to let Salissa use the other surge she's already been granted. And if the plague attacks her, I stand ready to detour some of that hurt onto myself with sympathetic agony.

2015-06-23, 10:54 AM
Last Tent in the Row

Salissa's drool is laced with blood, and again she coughs, her diminutive framed wracked with pain. Her color is better, but there are still dark splotches. The treatment seems to be working though, has her body begins to fight back against the plague that has gripped her. The foam largely wiped away, her parents can finally see her starting to pull through.

The infection fights back.
[roll0] vs Fort, [roll1]

2015-06-23, 11:31 AM
Seeing little Salissa fight back only encourages Thaum, who relentlessly lashes out at the plague.

Intimidate? [roll0]

Damage? [roll1] + [roll2]

2015-06-25, 10:34 PM
As the girl's recovery visibly dawns and her parents crowd close in wonder, Cuper drops his attempt at manipulation and simply -- loudly -- exults at this step toward victory. "YES!" he shouts, his voice and aura both carrying well beyond the bounds of the tent.

This elemental shout was what earned him a place in the army he served ... on another world, years ago. Combatants who heard it would fight beyond the limits of their own individual potential, Cuper's battlecry giving them the energy to exceed what they had known.

[roll0] Diplomacy to alter someone's stance without lying or threatening. If it works, I'll pass her a surge and trigger it, too.

Whether or not the roll succeeds, I want to use mantle of misfortune on the Plague -- which I'll update on the tracker! -- and as before I stand ready to soak some badness with sympathetic agony.

2015-06-26, 02:34 PM

Balashi continues to work over the girl, doing whatever he can come up with to help her pull through. He feels the heat that Thaum is putting through the girl, and does what he can to keep the girl cool while Thaum tries to force the fever to break.

Balashi pulls out his dagger, focusing his magic through it as he draws a quick ward in the air over her.

Another [roll0] to try to give her another surge.

Also, I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I will MARK the plague with my Aegis of Shielding. It will take a -2 to attack her and if it succeeds the damage will be reduced by 8.

2015-07-01, 09:48 PM
Last Tent in the Row

Salissa's body shakes slightly, and you see her open her eyes. They are glossy, but far better than better. She coughs, but the cough of someone after choking on a sip of water, not about to expire. Her veins are still throbbing, for the moment. But the aid of the trio seem to have done it's job, cutting off the infections chance to hurt the girl any further.

The infection makes a final attempt. Cuper and Balashi make this attack pretty inept.
[roll0] vs Fort, [roll1]

Miss again, so nothing triggers.

2015-07-01, 11:18 PM
Thaum isn't done yet, not until the plague is entirely removed from the girl's body.

Intimidate? [roll0]

Damage? [roll1] + [roll2]

2015-07-02, 12:12 AM

Balashi continues his fight, the girl seems to be doing better, so he changes strategies slightly. Salissa needs less help now, it is time to remove the infection from her system.

[roll0] Not sure how to determine damage.

Edit: Probably none on a roll like that.

2015-07-07, 10:40 PM
Cuper feels the difference his friend and the kind crystalline stranger are making, beating back the almost palpable presence of the struggling illness. It feels like a caged animal -- one that nearly destroyed its cage before the allies' arrival. Cuper smiles with cruelly and focuses his blood-pumping fury on that presence, willing its destruction in his mind's eye.

Intimidate or demoralizing strike, either way it's +10. [roll0] to attack, [roll1] damage, and with the 2-pp augment a hit will reduce the plague's defense by 5 next round. If I hit, I'll also trigger hellfire heart for another 5 fire damage.

Standing ready to interrupt a hit with sympathetic agony, as before.