View Full Version : Ready Aim Fire XXXIV - Raiders Of A Dead World

Cyber Punk
2015-02-17, 07:27 PM

First of all, I'll say a big thank you to Silkenfist. If not for Silkenfist, the world may have never known the fun game that is RAF!

That being said, this is RAF Classic (not team-based), the original free-for-all game. The main rules are below:

The game is played in rounds. Each round lasts for 48 hours.

You have about 48 hours per round to PM your action to the narrator (in this case, me)!

During a round, each player sends a PM to the host/narrator of each game stating which action they want to take for that round. You have three actions to choose from:

Shoot the air -> Nothing happens (usually)*. If you get shot, it's curtains for you (i.e. you die).
Shoot <player> -> <player> dies if he didn't shoot himself.
Shoot self -> If no one tries to kill you, you die. If someone shoots you, however, that person would get killed instead of you and you live!

* = Or you shoot at whatever and miss (i.e. shoot the air) :P

At the end of each round, the host will announce what actions were taken by each player and narrate the results (by then, no PMs will be accepted for that round). Dead players will be removed from the game at that point, although they may still provide a bit of commentary.

The game ends when there is no more than one surviving player. The survivor, if any, wins.

Submission dates would be announced in the Narrator Posts.

If you miss a date, you automatically shoot the air. If you miss a date thrice in a row then it's assumed that you're no longer taking part.

Subsequent hosts may modify these rules as long as any changes are clearly stated at the start of the game. It's fine if you want rounds to last 72 hours instead of 48, for instance. Just let the players know beforehand.

Games so far:

Game number
Game title
number of contestants

The First
14 contestants

The godfather legacy
8 patrons

12 Pirates

Ghost Town
16 cowboys

Thawing Glaciers
17 caveman

The last flight of the Hermes
20 Hackers

Hideyoshis Messanger
27 shinobi

Boonta Eve Memorial
28 Rebels

Tainted Gold
32 treasure hunters

Year of fourty emperors
39 senators

Banquet Arcana
43 wizards

37 worms

Zombie Attack
39 Zombies

The Giant Playground
Almighty Salmon
37 kids
Zar Peter

Doctor, we have an emergancy
36 doctors

The Great American Cross Country Road Race
Fleeing Coward
30 drivers
Zar Peter

Playground Idol
26 singers
Zar Peter

Playground Festival
Fleeing Coward
18 celebrators
Zombie Pixe / Dallas Dakota

On the turtles back
32 Ankh-Morporkians
Uncle Festy

40 Flies

The War of the Roses
25 heirs of the Throne
Zar Peter

RAF and the holy Grail
24 knights of the Round Table
Zar Peter

23 Gods
Zar Peter

Survival of the Fittest
Inigo Montoya
30 animals
Zar Peter

Primary Colours
Uncle Festy
31 politicians
Zar Peter

Rome: Civil War
Uncle Festy
22 senators

The Shopping Mall
17 shoppers

Atreyu the Masked Llama
18 Things

Dungeon Crawlin' Fools
26 Fools

The Game
16 Games
Castaras/Zar Peter

Yukon Ho!
27 Prospectors
Zar Peter

Dwarf Fortress
Gnomish Wanderer
25 Dwarves
Zar Peter

15 Bros
Zar Peter

THEME: Wasteland 2 raiders. Everyone is part of a raider gang, but have to prove themselves to their respective gangs by being the last one standing. Two people being part of the same raider gang doesn't stop them from going at each others' throats; after all, this is a free-for-all.

In this case, you can roleplay what you want (a machine-gunner/melee guy/grenadier/heavy/etc) as a member of the following groups:

Children Of The New Citadel - Mad Cyborgs that worship a man who claims to want to turn everyone into cyborgs and form a new world. Those who resist are killed with extreme prejudice.

Wrecking Crew - An unusually effective raider gang with a fetish for junk technology and armed with all manner of explosives and cybernetic augmentations. Unfortunately, they're still idiots when it comes to tactics.

Leather Jerks - A well-armed raider group who pose as security contractors. They're jerks.

Red Skorpion Militia - Don't let the 'militia' in their name fool you, it just a means to hide their criminal nature.

Signups start now and ends on 23rd of February, 2015.

-Feel free to comment on the game or roleplay a bit, as long as you don't derail the thread. In my opinion, it makes the game a bit more fun when people don't just PM their actions, but also what could happen to their victims.
-Also, I'll use [a version of] your handle as your player name, to make it clearer to everyone who is who during the narration.

Auto-Notify List: (Quite old, but these people will be PM'd once a new thread/game is up).

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
Flaming Eagle
Diva de




Tanar Aerdoth

Wrecking Crew


Leather Jerks


Zar Peter

Legato Endless

Wrecking Crew

Leather Jerks


Lord Fullbladder
Wrecking Crew

Leather Jerks

Wrecking Crew

Fleeing Coward

2015-02-17, 09:59 PM
I'm in, as any gang.

2015-02-17, 10:17 PM
I'm in as a random gang.

2015-02-17, 10:48 PM
Signing up for the Wrecking Crew!

2015-02-18, 12:25 AM
This looks like fun!
I'll play as a Child of the New Citadel.

2015-02-18, 12:56 AM
This should be XXXIV. Last one, which you didn't add to the list, was XXXIII.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-18, 02:04 AM
Ah, I wasn't aware there was already a 33rd version. Link, please?

@goto124 Conversion successful! :smalltongue:

2015-02-18, 02:19 AM
Looks fun. Count me in as a Leather Jerk I guess.

2015-02-18, 03:12 AM
Duck linked it in his post.

First, take a look at this one. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?347843-Ready-Aim-Fire-XXXIII-Broforce&highlight=ready+aim+fire) That means yours will be number XXXIV. If it has multiple games in one thread, it will be XXXIV-(Whatever you go through). If you create the thread, I suggest you be the first host. Also, continue to update the thread name so people know when a new game starts and what page it starts on.

2015-02-18, 09:15 AM
I'll be in as part of the Red Scorpion Militia.
I'm totally part of the military. What do you think I'm doing with this gun?

You added XXXIII to the list of finished games, but this one is still labeled XXXIII also.

Zar Peter
2015-02-18, 09:29 AM
Hurray! I can play one again.

Sign me up as Red Scorpion Militia. The guys seemed nice there and I got something to eat after straying for weeks through the desert.

The weapons were shiny, too.

Legato Endless
2015-02-18, 02:23 PM
Can't leave New Citadel without a participant.

2015-02-18, 03:01 PM
It has the most at the moment.

Legato Endless
2015-02-18, 03:16 PM
Serves me right for skimming.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2015-02-18, 08:18 PM
Hey, the ol' autonotify list. Nice. I'm in, of course.


As a Martian.

A green martian, Burroughs-style, with four arms, and all the savagery of the world men named after the god of war.


Or maybe a madman who simply THINKS he's a four-armed man of Mars, if that doesn't work. Who knows? He certainly doesn't.

So, Independent, either way, I s'pose.

So bring it, you filthy primates!

2015-02-19, 12:21 AM

My favorite goblin-based player has re-appeared! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee

I was going to say not in, but on further consideration, in. Just so I get to fill my bladder one more time.

I will be a part of whichever gang ends up with the least amount of persons, or, random.

2015-02-19, 03:02 PM
This one, I will join.

Don't really care as part of which group.

2015-02-19, 04:01 PM
I'm in as Red Scorpion, if I may.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2015-02-19, 09:23 PM
Ah, my dear Meester Pizza Guy. Sorry, man. I haven't had a lot of time, or extra brainpower, this winter.

But I will always be here. For Ready Aim Fire. To win at losing.

Legato Endless
2015-02-19, 10:07 PM
Ah, my dear Meester Pizza Guy. Sorry, man. I haven't had a lot of time, or extra brainpower, this winter.

But I will always be here. For Ready Aim Fire. To win at losing.

Fullbladder, are you...a Centauri Goblin? If so, my compliments.

2015-02-19, 10:58 PM
Centaur goblins? I hear they're hung like orcs...es.

2015-02-19, 11:41 PM
Centaur goblins? I hear they're hung like orcs...es.

lol, no, he means this:

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2015-02-19, 11:59 PM
Heh heh, I accidentally made the hair a little bit too small.

But don't worry that Peej didn't recognize it. After all, pizza guys have such little bitty eyes, unlike the Centauri, oh yes. We have great, big eyes and great, big ships and great, big... Ahem. I believe we are getting off topic. This Fullbladder is based on Ambassador Londo Mollari, the Centauri representative aboard the station Babylon 5, all alone in the night. Unpleasant things and interesting times happen around him.

And my word they'd certainly not be hung like orcs.

2015-02-20, 12:49 AM
Say "hung like orcses" out loud until you understand... ;)

Cyber Punk
2015-02-20, 12:56 AM
Name changed. I was afraid of link change, but apparently everyone remains subbed to this thread!


Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2015-02-20, 01:37 PM
'Kay, I'll change my independent to the Wrecking Crew, then. Just so long as I get to play.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-20, 05:28 PM
Okay, so far:
Most members (4) - RSM (Red Skorpion)
Least members (2) - Leather Jerks

2015-02-20, 07:01 PM
I guess I can join such a low maintance game.

I'll be a Leather Jerk, to balance out the fraction numbers.

2015-02-20, 11:07 PM
Awww... leathery jerks are the worst kind.

Well, there are probably worse ones, but I don't wanna know.

2015-02-21, 08:32 AM
Come back to murder the previous survivor eh? I guess I'l try to put up a fight. And die in the first round.

The Wrecking Crew sounds like a entertaining group, might as well go out with a blast.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-21, 11:10 AM
@ATPG Even worse than rubbery jerks?

2015-02-21, 06:48 PM
Is there a particular date this is going to start?

2015-02-21, 07:06 PM
According to the OP, on the 23rd.

2015-02-21, 09:17 PM
Wow I'm blind, thanks.

Fleeing Coward
2015-02-22, 12:49 AM
I'm in, random group.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-23, 04:55 AM
Arizona Wasteland:

Ever since the bombs fell, Arizona hasn't been the same. Things went to hell, and got worse fast. Years later, shreds of civilization have begun to rise. There are traders, law enforcement officials, settlements filled with people, and of course, the Desert Rangers who are the pride of the Wasteland.
Every good place has its bad side, unfortunately enough. These are the various raider groups that can claim the life and belongings of an unwary traveller. Each group has its way of doing things, from their weapon of choice to their recruiting methods. Each group also seem to hate anyone who isn't a part of their group.

A few select raiders from the various gangs of the wasteland have all come to the same area. Their reasons: to scout out the place and report back their findings to their leader. If any other raider group shows up, they are weapons free. Not a one is to be left standing. As a greater incentive, the one who returns alive would be rewarded handsomely. Of course, everyone wanted to go, so straws had to be drawn to decide who the lucky one(s) would be.

Hours later, each one makes it to the area at different points in time. Little do they know that only one person at most will be left standing at the end, as raiders are not known for their selflessness.

This is their tale.

(To be continued...)

Hello everyone:

Round 1 starts now

Please send your actions in a PM to me in the next 48 hours! (DEADLINE: 6PM GMT+1 time on Wednesday.)




Tanar Aerdoth

Wrecking Crew


Leather Jerks


Zar Peter

Legato Endless

Wrecking Crew

Leather Jerks


Lord Fullbladder
Wrecking Crew

Leather Jerks

Wrecking Crew

Fleeing Coward

2015-02-23, 03:55 PM
Hello everybody!

I just want to let everybody know I'm going to be shooting myself this round.

So obviously nobody should shoot me. :smallbiggrin:

Cyber Punk
2015-02-23, 03:56 PM
Don't be tempting fate now, reaverb!

Say, with that name... are you into music?

2015-02-23, 04:01 PM
I'm not really into music.

"reaver" is a reference to a game (Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) and I added the b to make it more distinctive/actually register it on most sites.

2015-02-23, 04:02 PM
Maybe you and Legato Endless should get together and like, I don't know, do something, ya know. *nods knowingly*
EDIT: Ninja'd!

Cyber Punk
2015-02-23, 04:03 PM
Ah. :smallfrown: I assumed it was re(a)verb i.e. reverberation. There's a VST plugin called reaverb.

So, Legato Endless is into music?


2015-02-23, 04:07 PM
I am not going to try to fake out anyone by saying I'm going to be shooting myself or otherwise.

I subscribe to the honorable gentleman's strategy of free-for-all death melees. It has won me precisely zero games, and I aim to keep it that way.

2015-02-23, 04:07 PM
Hello everybody!

I just want to let everybody know I'm going to be shooting myself this round.

So obviously nobody should shoot me. :smallbiggrin:

So we won't shoot you. But you know that, so you won't shoot yourself. But we know that, since I just said it and people may have also realized it on their own, so we will shoot you. But you see, you also know that, so you will shoot yourself.
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1n5CQe1krI)

Wait 'til I get going! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6TQ7ljcsjk)
But we know all of this, so we can not choose the shot at you. Now to divine from what I know of you: If flaming eagle was correct, you are into music. And a musician takes what is given to him, and we are going to give a bullet to you, so you will shoot yourself. But we know this, and you know that, and we know all of it, etc. Therefore, I suggest we pretend you aren't in this game.:smalltongue: Problem solved.

(It is hard to follow the script of a poisoned wine scene when you are talking about guns.)

Now where have I used those links before...:smallbiggrin:

Edit: I was quad ninja'd. That's what happens when I take a 3 minute break mid post.

Now, if you are not into music, but are into games, you would know to see a trap coming, so you will shoot yourself. But you have told us you were into games, so we will not shoot you, so you will not shoot yourself, etc.

2015-02-23, 04:13 PM
I have secretly built up an immunity to iocane powder, so your poisoned wine has no effect on me.

Legato Endless
2015-02-23, 04:13 PM
Well, there aren't a lot of people who aren't into some kind of music, cultural universal and all that. Although my best friend is one of them.

But yes, I am musician of no particular fame or skill and sometime choir director. Incidentally, along with our passion for analytic mafia, like reaverb my handle is also a reference to an rpg I participated in two years ago.

2015-02-23, 04:20 PM
I have secretly built up an immunity to iocane powder, so your poisoned wine has no effect on me.

I kind of figured. I did have a ton of fun with the WW in the forum endgame though. I got to reference princess bride multiple times and pokemon! Plus I got to say there was poison in both glasses if someone was a wolf. Now, there aren't wolves in this game, but there is clearly poison in reaverb and his enemies cup, therefore we cannot shoot him, nor can we not shoot him.

Pizza, if you have a resistance to iocane powder, you can target him for all I care.

I don't care if that isn't how it works, I just wanted to say it.

2015-02-23, 04:24 PM
The solution to reaverb is simple. Allow him to over-analyze the situation until he comes to the rational conclusion that his best option is to shoot himself in the head.

This will take care of reaverb. Me, on the other hand, I'm a tricksy hobbit.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-23, 04:26 PM
Well, there aren't a lot of people who aren't into some kind of music, cultural universal and all that. Although my best friend is one of them.

But yes, I am musician of no particular fame or skill and sometime choir director. Incidentally, along with our passion for analytic mafia, like reaverb my handle is also a reference to an rpg I participated in two years ago.

Drummer here, also music producer via PC DAWs... My handle has a symbolic meaning, though...

@Duck999 My head hurtz.

2015-02-23, 04:30 PM
I have secretly built up an immunity to iocane powder, so your poisoned wine has no effect on me.

I have secretly built up an immunity to bullets!

2015-02-23, 04:32 PM
I have secretly built up an immunity to bullets!

I believe you. I on the other hand, am entirely vulnerable to your bullets.

Pizza no like bullets. Nasty business, those.

Legato Endless
2015-02-23, 04:53 PM
Drummer here, also music producer via PC DAWs... My handle has a symbolic meaning, though...

@Duck999 My head hurtz.

Ah, nice.

I may shoot Duck this round simply for inflicting that on the rest of us.

2015-02-23, 04:58 PM
Ah, nice.

I may shoot Duck this round simply for inflicting that on the rest of us.

So... now we know what Legato isn't doing this round. :smalltongue:

2015-02-23, 05:02 PM
@Duck999 My head hurtz.
Mission accomplished

Ah, nice.

I may shoot Duck this round simply for inflicting that on the rest of us.
Pizza contributed!

The solution to reaverb is simple. Allow him to over-analyze the situation until he comes to the rational conclusion that his best option is to shoot himself in the head.

This will take care of reaverb. Me, on the other hand, I'm a tricksy hobbit.
Clearly reaverb will not shoot himself now, but we know that...

So... now we know what Legato isn't doing this round. :smalltongue:

Or do we. We think he isn't doing that, so I may shoot myself, but he knows that, so he won't shoot me. I know he knows that, so I won't shoot myself...

Pizza contributed twice!
Technically so did Legato for saying he would shoot me.

As I will quote myself on this: "

And this is where you discover that a look inside my brain would do nothing to help discern my thought process:

2015-02-23, 05:05 PM

2015-02-23, 05:06 PM

And I will now add this to my (nonexistent) folder of videos I link to when I use dizzying intellect.
Though maybe we should stop ninjaing and edit ninjaing each other, we will never stay on top of posts.

Can we just say I win for making people's heads hurt enough to threaten me in game and getting the narrators head to hurt. Just call it quits so I won't need to logic your brains into the abyss.

2015-02-23, 05:18 PM
I have secretly built up an immunity to white text, so your hidden words have no effect on me.

2015-02-23, 05:19 PM
I have secretly built up an immunity to white text, so your hidden words have no effect on me.

You aren't supposed to spoil it. Most people find it on their own anyway... At least when you leave some three-ish blank lines at the bottom of your post.

Legato Endless
2015-02-23, 05:24 PM
Technically so did Legato for saying he would shoot me.

I can't shoot myself over a technicality.

2015-02-23, 05:31 PM
I can't shoot myself over a technicality.

Technically, you can.

2015-02-23, 05:35 PM
I can't shoot myself over a technicality.

Technically, you can.

This is possibly better than my train of thought. However, I only technically messed with your mind. For all we know, I didn't at all. We could be in the matrix, or in the Truman show. It could all be planned, or we may be dreams or part of a video game with its own thoughts. Don't shoot me over something that isn't real for all we know.

Though technically if we were a video game with thoughts, it would be real anyway, but I find that one of the less likely possibilities.

2015-02-23, 05:38 PM
What are you talking about? We're not a game. No one is playing a game right now! This is serious business.

Legato Endless
2015-02-23, 05:42 PM
Technically, you can.

No I can't. Guns are scary. I would need a way better reason to aim it at myself.

2015-02-23, 05:46 PM
No I can't. Guns are scary. I would need a way better reason to aim it at myself.

Shooting yourself can somehow protect you from death.

Because magic.

Legato Endless
2015-02-23, 05:49 PM
Shooting yourself can somehow protect you from death.

Because magic.

There's magic in this game? That's not fair! I can't face that. I'm just a guy with some questions.

2015-02-23, 05:54 PM
Shooting yourself can somehow protect you from death.

Because magic.

Not magic. You are just so surprised that someone else would have the nerve to shoot at you that you shoot them.

2015-02-23, 05:57 PM
I'm not over analyzing anything.

I've already decided to shoot myself this round, like I said.

2015-02-23, 05:58 PM
Not magic. You are just so surprised that someone else would have the nerve to shoot at you that you shoot them.

I like to think of it as being really suicidal, but having extremely terrible aim.

Come on gun! Shoot me in the skull! Dang it, I keep missing and hitting my would-be murderers! Blast my incompetent sharpshooting!

2015-02-23, 07:17 PM
Basically, this game = WIFOM in its purest form

Cyber Punk
2015-02-24, 09:16 PM
Awaiting a PM from Cuthalion, Haruki-kun, Fleeing Coward and Lord Fullbladder.

2015-02-24, 09:27 PM
Have you sent reminders?

Cyber Punk
2015-02-25, 08:44 AM
Crap I didn't click send. Thanks.

If it's not too late, that is...


2015-02-25, 11:37 AM
Basically, this game = WIFOM in its purest formNot really, we can also create alliances.

I was thinking of starting something loose like a few players agreeing not to shoot each other but being allowed to do anything else, but I don't feel like setting it up until Day 2.

2015-02-25, 11:57 AM
Not really, we can also create alliances.

I was thinking of starting something loose like a few players agreeing not to shoot each other but being allowed to do anything else, but I don't feel like setting it up until Day 2.

And, what is the benefit of joining such an alliance?

2015-02-25, 12:01 PM
And, what is the benefit of joining such an alliance?

That's a super open-ended question. Depends on what your intention is, whether you're planning on backstabbing your allies, whether THEY are planning on backstabbing you, how well you can coordinate, whether other people figure out your plans...

2015-02-25, 01:16 PM
And, what is the benefit of joining such an alliance?The other people in the alliance won't shoot you? :smallconfused:

That seems like enough of an advantage to create such an alliance to me.

2015-02-25, 01:22 PM
It appears from older threads/games that any actions not sent are generally considered to be "shoot the air" actions, to not waste time waiting.

2015-02-25, 03:12 PM
Trust is earned, not given away.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-25, 04:38 PM
End of Round 1! Resulting Narration in 5, 4, 3, 2...:

Tanar, stoned out of his mind, sees a bush looking funny. "What you looking at, you stupid bush?" He says to the perfectly normal bush. Getting no reply, Tanar grits his teeth and yells out in a rage, filling the bush with bullets. The sounds of gunfire startles his good friend Z Pete, who almost jumps out of his skin, causing him to misfire the gun he's cleaning at the moment. "Crap, there must have been a bullet in the chamber!" Z Pete gasps out, wide-eyed. He turns to look over at Tanar, only to see him clutching his knee.

"You kneecapped me, man! You kneecapped me!" Tanar shouts in an anguished voice. At the sound of his voice, his teammates Duck999 and Cuthalion come running. After wondering what they were going to do now, Duck999 decides to guard Tanar while Cuthalion and Z Pete go out and recon the area.

Unfortunately for Tanar, the noise he and his teammates made alerts Calebrus, who was sneaking about nearby. Calebrus sneaks closer to their camp, and seeing Tanar and Duck999 just lying about, takes aim and fires his pulse rifle on target at Tanar's head, killing him instantly. In retaliation, Duck shoots at the direction of the shot and goes to check, only to find out that he only shot the air, as Calebrus is nowhere to be seen. In anger, Duck999 shoots at the air some more. goto124 sees Duck999 shooting at the air and decides to join him.

The ruckus attracts Cuthalion, who decides to run back to the camp. "Knew I couldn't trust Duck. It's probably him wasting those bullets." He thinks to himself. The sight he sees before him is almost comical: goto124 of the Wrecking Crew and Duck999 of the RSM are both armed (with a gatling laser and a SPAS-12 shotgun, respectively) and shooting. Only they aren't shooting at each other, but at the air. "If I were to kill the both of them, no one would know." Cuthalion is about to do just that when he immediately finds himself riddled with pistol bullets. He falls face down on the ground, seemingly dead, with Mordokai standing over him, silenced pistol in hand.

Mordokai looks over to the two idiots shooting in the air and turns away, leaving the two to their idiocy. Someone else was bound to kill them, but it wouldn't be him, he had bigger fish to fry. A particularly big fish called...

"Mordokai, as I live and breathe!" Exclaims a voice behind him, which serves to interrupt his thoughts. He turns around to find Ol' Pizzaface staring at him, cigarette in mouth, with a pistol in one hand and a jagged sheet of metal that seems to have been repurposed into a crude dagger in the other hand.

"If it isn't Ol' Pizzaface, come to die!" Mordokai grins wickedly as he points his pistol at him while unsheathing his proton sword.

"A bit too early to say who lives..." Ol' Pizzaface says, puffing out smoke from his cig. "... or who DIES!" With that last word said, Pizzaface and Mordokai lunge at each other! They seemed to be evenly matched until an outside gunshot interrupts them. Mordokai looks around wildly for the shooter, giving Ol' Pizzaface the chance to slit his neck with his jagged dagger. "Well Mordokai, I guess you lost. More correctly, I guess we're both dying." He falls down on one knee, clutching his chest where his heart used to be. He turns around and catches a brief glimpse of a particularly ruthless raider lord that called himself LEGATE FULLBLADDER before being decapitated!

After looting both bodies, Legate Fullbladder heads over to goto124 and Duck999's location. "What in tarnation is going on here?" His voice can't be heard over the ruckus, however. He also doesn't hear the dying Cuthalion shooting wildly in a last ditch effort to kill something, not that he needs to. His spine and lungs felt plenty of the bullet-shaped effects. Cuthalion passes away shortly after. The last thing LEGATE FULLBLADDER sees is Cuthalion's corpse, before he himself dies of blood loss.

Peebles and B. Reaver are walking around, scouting the area while they talk. Reaver looks especially agitated. "The boss ignored me. HE IGNORED ME! Do you know what this means, Peebles? I've outlived my usefulness!" Reaver screams wildly as he puts his shotgun to his head. "Reaver, no! He was just having a bad day! Calm down!" Peebles tries to calm him down, and starts singing to him. The singing is super-effective, since it causes Reaver to drop his shotgun and cry.

Raiders shouldn't make noise in hostile territory, however. Soon enough, a charming young man with a metallic throat comes in contact with them. He's called Legato Endless since his cybernetic implants make him sing whatever he says. To the tune of 'Old McDonald has a farm', he says to the two "It seems that you are suff-e-ring, ee yah ee yah oo! So there-fore I will ease-it-for-you, ee yah ee yah oo!" Peebles stares at the newcomer with a blank look on her face before pulling out a gun and firing at the singing cyborg. All her shots miss until she finishes all the bullets in her gun.

To the tune of Barney's theme song, he says "I don't like! Being shot at! Seems it's time for me to shoot! And I pro-mise you I am not a baaaad shot, as I will now show you both!" BaBaBanBang! Gatling laser to the chest. Bye bye, Peebles!

B. Reaver wails and cries out loud! His only friend is dead! Tearfully, he puts the barrel of the shotgun to his mouth and fires, converting his head into chunky salsa.

Over at the camp of the Children Of The New Citadel, Legato arrives and informs Fleeing Coward and Haruki-Kun of his kill. Haruki-kun, not wanting to kill anyone else, decides to end his misery. "We have become monsters for Matthias! All I wanted was to live forever, not to kill people!" He pulls the pin on a grenade. "You are all coming with me!"
"NO!" Shouts Fleeing Coward as he, well, flees. "I DUN WANNA DIE!" He shouts, shooting the air to make his point! The bullet narrowly misses Haruki-kun, but no worries, as Fleeing Coward and Legato Endless safely get out of range before Haruki-kun blows up.

Dallas-Dakota happens upon goto124 and Duck999. Two Wrecking Crew members against one Red Skorpion members, and what happens? They shoot each other, right? WRONG, for Dallas-Dakota decides what they're doing is fun and starts shooting the air as well.

Duck999 (RSM) - Shoot the air
Tanar Aerdoth (RSM) - Shoot at bush that looks at him funny (air)
ZarPeter (RSM) - Shoot Tanar by accident
Cuthalion (RSM) - Shoot Fullbladder

Legato Endless (CotNC) - Shoot Peebles
Haruki-kun (CotNC) - Shoot Self
Calebrus (CotNC) - shoot Tanar
Fleeing Coward (CotNC) - NONE (AutoShoot-air)

goto124 (WC) - Shoot the air
Askthepizzaguy (WC) - shoot Mordokai (blades and pistols)
Lord Fullbladder (WC) - Shoot Askthepizzaguy
Dallas-Dakota (WC) - Shoot Air

Peebles (LJ) - Shoot Air
-Mordokai (LJ) - Shoot cuthalion
reaverb (LJ) - Shoot self

Tanar - Dead
Cuthalion - Dead
Lord Fullbladder - Dead
Mordokai - Dead
Askthepizzaguy - Dead
reaverb - Dead
Peebles - Dead
Haruki-kun - Dead

ROUND 2 BEGINS! Send in your PMs before 6PM (GMT+1 Time) on Friday!!!

Remaining Players:


Wrecking Crew



Zar Peter

Legato Endless

Wrecking Crew

Fleeing Coward

2015-02-25, 04:50 PM
You didn't start your center tag...

Shooting the air. A failsafe strategy, especially when someone says they will shoot you. Now, would someone mind saying who they are shooting so I can break your minds more than last round?

2015-02-25, 07:06 PM
Killed by Lord Fullbladder. I didn't even see it comin'! :smalltongue:


Legato Endless
2015-02-25, 07:14 PM
Hello everybody!

I just want to let everybody know I'm going to be shooting myself this round.

So obviously nobody should shoot me. :smallbiggrin:

Well, he wasn't lying.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-25, 07:18 PM
He sure wasn't!

ATPG: Neither did I. I literally got his PM just before I started typing the narration. Literally. :smallbiggrin:

2015-02-25, 07:18 PM
The solution to reaverb is simple. Allow him to over-analyze the situation until he comes to the rational conclusion that his best option is to shoot himself in the head.

I believe I called it.

- - - Updated - - -

ATPG: Neither did I. I literally got his PM just before I started typing the narration. Literally. :smallbiggrin:

He killed me in the last one, too.

I was pretty sure he was going to kill me here, but I couldn't deny him.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-25, 07:23 PM
Only one who didn't send a PM was Fleeing Coward, and I sent reminders and everything.

2015-02-25, 07:42 PM
Eh, there's always somebody who'l forget to send in their action in the first round.
It's not your fault as narrator, it happens.

Now we're left with 7. Time to get personal.

Legato Endless
2015-02-25, 08:03 PM
Now we're left with 7. Time to get personal.

Brother Dallas-Dakato, let me say you look especially spiffy today. Real nice outfit. But sir, I have a pressing question.

Do you know of the Child of the Citadel? What I mean to say...

*in a cacophonic voice*

Have you heard of the Fully-Mechanized Prophet?
The chrome faced, steel-eyed voice of all?
He didn't come from the Desert Waste
Like those other raider-men.
No, everyone's favorite prophet was built not bred.

If you convert now, you're first robotic limb replacement is free.

2015-02-25, 08:17 PM
Brother Dallas-Dakato, let me say you look especially spiffy today. Real nice outfit. But sir, I have a pressing question.

Do you know of the Child of the Citadel? What I mean to say...

*in a cacophonic voice*

Have you heard of the Fully-Mechanized Prophet?
The chrome faced, steel-eyed voice of all?
He didn't come from the Desert Waste
Like those other raider-men.
No, everyone's favorite prophet was built not bred.

If you convert now, you're first robotic limb replacement is free.

That is beautiful.

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit has maggots on it's bodyyyyyyy.

I am the militia
And I have come to share with you the most amazing gun
I am also militia
It's a gun that can shoot you in the face.

Fleeing Coward
2015-02-25, 09:17 PM
You sent the reminder at midnight my time, I didn't see it until after the round finished.
Kind of fortunate since I'd probably have shot myself if I remembered :smalltongue:

2015-02-25, 09:39 PM
Well, I was expecting Fullbladder to shoot me again. But this works, I suppose. Fun fun.

2015-02-26, 02:27 AM
That could have gone better. Legato, how could you?! :smalltongue:

That's the last time I sing to you, reaver. Well, maybe just one more time:

But then I saw her face, now I'm a B. Reaver!

*doesn't know the rest of the words*

Legato Endless
2015-02-26, 10:51 AM
That could have gone better. Legato, how could you?! :smalltongue:

Sorry Peebles. *bows*

In my defense, I simply did what the dice told me to do.

First I rolled a *D12 to see what action I would take.

The dice told me to shoot myself. There wasn't very good odds though of my being shot in the first round, so I rerolled.

The dice told me to shoot the air. That's safe but kind of boring. So I rerolled.

The dice told me to shoot someone. Okay, who do I shoot?

The first roll told me to shoot reaverb. That...wasn't happening.

So after dismissing that obviously faulty roll, I had to narrow the pool.

Fleeing Coward and Fullbladder hadn't sent orders in, so they might just auto. Shooting them would be a cheap in this instance.

Haruki-kun is in the middle of doing an endorsement, and it seemed rude to interrupt that. Also I might hit the camera crew.

Tanar is a fluffy dog, so shooting her would be just evil.

Pizza and Calebrus are sorcerers, so even if I managed to hit them, what if they put a curse on me?

Mordokai is a pirate.

I haven't played with Cuthalion in a while, so shooting him first round would be a bit gauche.

Zar Peter looked quite distracted with his telescope. Too distracted. It was an obvious trap.

That left you, Duck, Zar Peter, goto124, and Dakota.

I would have eliminated you from the pool next, since your body being made of gum probably rendered it effectively bullet proof...but then I saw you'd transmogrified into a more humanoid form.
(Nice Avvie by the way)

So I rolled the adjusted D10 and you came up.

So really, it's mostly the die's fault.

*D3s are ugly so I just convert the numbers.

I am the militia
And I have come to share with you the most amazing gun

2015-02-26, 12:06 PM
When you put it that way, it really was fate, wasn't it? :smalltongue:

2015-02-26, 12:28 PM
Tanar is a fluffy dog cat, so shooting her him would be just evil.

FTFY. :smalltongue:
I understand why people think that's a dog, but I don't understand why so many people seem tothink I'm a sge especially now that I added my gender. :smallconfused:

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2015-02-26, 03:03 PM
Thank goodness, if I'd lived to the second round it'd just be silly.

But good job, Cuthalion, you went and got yourself killed, now I have no one to haunt. Bleaurgh.

2015-02-26, 04:20 PM
You could have narrowed down the pool further. You said you would shoot me, so you clearly couldn't because I would shoot myself. But because of my lengthy explanation, you should have known I wouldn't. But you see, I knew you knew this, so I would have shot myself. And you knew this, so you wouldn't shoot me. But I know you know I know you know, so I wouldn't shoot me. But you know I know you know I know you know, so you would shoot me then.

Some time in the near future, all my opponent's (and the narrators) heads would explode and I would win by default.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-27, 04:38 PM
Sorry guys, I ended up spending quite a long time on campus.

I'll finish the final FACE-OFF when I'm a lot less inebriated. (i.e. in about 6 hours).

Legato Endless
2015-02-27, 11:55 PM
Final? So apparently we all died this round?

2015-02-28, 02:41 AM
Spoiler alert:

I called in a favor, got rezzed, and laid waste to everyone.

2015-02-28, 08:11 AM
I blew up someone's mind. As to whether it is mine, one of yours, or the narrators (the air), you will have to guess.

Cyber Punk
2015-02-28, 10:07 AM
Sorry guys, had a bit of a hangover.


After having killed Tanar, Calebrus recons the area, actually doing what they were sent here to do. He happens upon an abandoned shack and scans it for supplies before sitting down.


Calebrus looks up to see Z Pete with a furious look on his face, shotgun at the ready. "You killed my friend you <badwords>er! Now, I kill you too."

Calebrus thinks to himself. He has only a bullet left in his gun, and he'd be dead before he reloads. "I'm sorry..." He points his sniper pistol to his head as he leans back, making the chair stand on two legs. "... but I'd rather die than be killed." Then the trigger is pulled.

The weapon doesn't fire.

Startled, Calebrus keeps pulling the trigger, tripping in the process. On his way down, the gun fires and costs Z Pete an eye and most of his head juice. Before Z Pete dies, he pulls the trigger, hitting where Calebrus would have been had he not tripped. "At least I didn't die." Calebrus says as he reloads his gun and stares at Z Pete's corpse, which is still standing up.

Meanwhile, Legato Endless and Fleeing Coward end up where the idiots shooting at the air are. They look at each other, shrug and point their weapons, Legato at Duck999 and Fleeing Coward at Dallas-Dakota. As goto124, Dallas-Dakota and Duck999 stop to reload, they spot Legato and F. Coward.

After reloading, goto124 decides to stop playing around and points her gatling laser at Duck999; Duck999 and Dallas-Dakota point their weapons at Legato Endless and Fleeing Coward respectively.

The air is tense for a few seconds. Fleeing Coward and Dallas-Dakota fire at each other, killing each other in the process. Two down, three to go.

"Children of the New Citadel! You are the ones that have been sabotaging our operations!" Duck999 raises his SPAS-12 shotgun at Legato Endless, who replies to the tune of No Air: "I have, in-deed, done such a thing--" "STOP SINGING, YOU PATOOT! Now, you die!"
goto124 says nothing, merely shaking her head before filling Duck999 with laser holes. As he falls, he pulls the trigger but fails to hit anything. As he lay dying, Legato Endless walks over to his corpse, grenade in hand. "WEEEEE DIEEEE TO-GE-THER!"

goto124 isn't having any of this, and runs off. (Un)fortunately, the grenade doesn't go off. Duck999 sighs in relief, but Legato Endless looks annoyed. He drops the grenade at Duck999's feet and walks over to Fleeing Coward's body in an attempt to look for more grenades. Finding none, he facepalms himself. Still in standard singsong voice: "I was the grenadier, not him! How could I--"

An explosion sends Legato Endless flying. Fortunately enough for him, he wasn't close enough to have been hurt by the blast. Not so for Duck999, who is, well... half a man he used to be, to put it kindly.

Zar Peter (RSM) - Shoot Calebrus for killing Tanar
Calebrus (CotNC) - Shoot self
goto124 (WC) - Shoot Duck999
Dallas-Dakota (WC) - Shoot Fleeing Coward
Fleeing Coward (CotNC) - Shoot Dallas-Dakota
Duck999 (RSM) - Blow Legato's head up
Legato Endless (CotNC) - Shoot self

goto124 - Alive
Calebrus - Alive, ZarPeter - Dead
Legato - Alive, Duck999 - Dead
Fleeing Coward and Dallas-Dakota - Killed each other

Remaining Players:
goto124 (Wrecking Crew)
Calebrus (Child of the New Citadel)
Legato Endless (Child of the New Citadel)

STANDOFF BEGINS! Deadline on Monday evening, 6PM (GMT+1 time)!

Cyber Punk
2015-03-05, 03:41 PM
So I was kinda waiting for at least one more post from someone else here... but I waited too long.


So, without further ado: ROUND 3 ENDS!

ROUND 3 Participants:
goto124 (WC) - shoot Legato
Calebrus (CotNC) - Shoot Air
Legato Endless (CotNC) - shoot the Calebrus

Legato Endless makes his way around, searching for Calebrus. They'd wasted too much time killing other members, and no one had actually attempted to achieve the mission. They eventually happen on each other, and after sharing experiences, they both decide to continue the mission.

They scope out the place, not catching sight of goto124, and put their report in writing. As Calebrus is putting the final touches on the report, Legato looks to him and says in a singsong voice: "We diii-iiid it, yeah!" Calebrus smiles. Together, they aim at the air and fire. At least, Calebrus thinks Legato is aiming at the air. His last thoughts before everything went black.

"MIII-IIINE!" Legato sings in a sustained falsetto, for he has the report to himself. No one's going to steal what belonges to Legato Endless!

Legato Endless is thinking of all the ways his life could be better as he lays down, preparing to sleep. Everyone's dead. Except... he gets up with a start and starts to load his gun when he gets riddled with gatling laser rounds. He falls to his knees and gasps. "So close..."

"Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, bro!" goto says in a singsong voice before turning Legato's head into Swiss cheese. After all is said and done, she grabs the report and makes her way back to the Wrecking Crew stronghold. As she walks, she comes across a few dead bodies, some belonging to her comrades and others belonging to her enemies. And Duck999. Stupid as it was, shooting the air with him was fun.

AND THE WINNER IS: goto124! Three cheers for her!

2015-03-05, 08:04 PM


*holds up trophy*

2015-03-05, 08:13 PM
I think shooting the air should be an olympic sport.

Maybe a hand gun section, gattling gun, laser gun...

Cyber Punk
2015-03-05, 08:24 PM
You know, I'd play that!

Zar Peter
2015-03-07, 05:22 AM
Congratulations to the winner and thank you for hosting, Flaming Eagle!

Cyber Punk
2015-03-07, 06:17 AM

I might be persuaded to host another one... but if anyone's hosting instead, add me to the auto-notify list!

Better yet, I'll add myself to the list...