View Full Version : Pathfinder A Short Trip to Madness (IC)

2015-02-17, 09:37 PM
Darkcourt was a small village really. Its people were mostly salt of the earth people and it tended to be very quiet there. The only thing that was odd was the old library that had long since been abandoned for reasons unknown.

For years no one had even thought of going to the library. It was almost forgotten. However, one day, a few children snuck into the forbidden library. They thought it was just a place of fun and never though anything could happen when they found the old dusty book.

That was when it or was it they came. No one was quite sure. But it brought change to the village. Dark changes filled just about everybody. Now it was a whole new place and the children were in charge. One desperate individual had managed to escape and found some brave adventurers to try and help. Now it is up to you to see if you can save the village before the corruption and the madness fill you as well.

Cosmic Traveler
2015-02-17, 11:02 PM
There Jhoachim sat, listening to the older man's tale. His new-found comrades sitting as well at the table at one of the sides of the inn in the town neighbor to the man's home town, now rampant in corruption. The party sat at near the wall opposite to the main entrance, not quite in the corner since there seemed to be a rather brooding group of leather-clad individuals seemingly wielding eastern weapons.

At any rate, Jhoachim closed his eyes to take a moment to think about the situation.
"A corruption of sorts? What are we dealing with here, old man? You're saying that the children have overtaken the town and rule it? Either the parents seem to have missed a few parenting and discipline lessons or there's something magic going on." The halfling said, his voice deeper than one would expect of a halfling. Jhoachim rubbed his temple and opened his deep blue eyes "You mentioned something about an old and abandoned library, things like these tend to have stories about them, legends, folk tales. Can you share any information, as seemingly implausible and far fetched as it could be, if we're to go in there, might as well know have a few ideas of what we could or could not expect to run into"

2015-02-18, 12:56 PM
"This is a very curious situation." A gaunt Elf sat listening to the proceedings, fidgeting with the items on the table. "Magic, especially something this powerful, is not something that a child could simply stumble upon and use by accident. Perhaps the children became possessed by some manner of Outsider. Perhaps there's some more mundane explanation for all this, but it still bears investigation."

The Dark Child
2015-02-18, 08:27 PM
Mudane seems quite out of the possible if only one person came to seek help wouldn't you agree?The young human woman said.Still, as it has been said, more information on that library would help understand the cause, but I'm personaly interested in knowing more about the kid themselves. How have their attitude changed, have they shown any unusual abilities, how do they treat the adults? I mean we do need to get into that library first and I'd rather not kill children with a good reason and I also have this... as she was saying those words she closed her eyes before transforming in a child version of her former self... which might help avoid some trouble.

2015-02-19, 09:47 AM
Artanis Raises an eyebrow and begins to question what he has heard.

"Yes knowledge is power but this sounds a bit out of the ordinary. In my travels i have heard of some books imbued with evil, the possess or release horribly entities. I would like to investigate this Library more, as i see most others here do also. but we seek should be in there. as for getting around the children, let us be careful. You might look like a child, but if there is a power in place that can let children take over a town, it might be able to see threw your guise. the best course of action might be to sneak into the source itself. Such chaos should be dealt with carefully. we do not know yet what they are capable of."

Cosmic Traveler
2015-02-20, 10:50 PM
Jhoachim cleared his throat to speak again.
"I suggest we start heading out tomorrow morning by sunrise. I suggest we all take some rest and head out to sleep early, we'll need all the strengh we can to begin this quest" he said, his mind set.

"I suggest you find relatives for you to reside at until the situation is resolved, we'll come back soon, but if we are not finished within seven days, I urge you to send for more help, this may be bigger than what a handful of adventurers can do"

2015-02-23, 04:41 PM
The tale is now over, the group is able to do as they wish. The people are starting to lock up for when it is night, things get strange and crazy. Rumors of bizarre creatures moving around mean people stay inside until the sun drives them away for a short time. "Be careful if you go looking for things. They're not normal. You wouldn't be the first to try and find them. Some ran away raving, others seemed changed, and the rest never came back at all."

Cosmic Traveler
2015-02-24, 04:13 PM
"Well, I'm going to go to sleep, I want to start investigating tomorrow morning, unless the lot of you feel like starting now. I've had a tiresome day and I'd like to hit the hay as soon as possible" Jhoachim said, dropping down from the chair. "I'm going to have a quick look around the building once we're decided on our plans for the night"

2015-02-27, 09:25 AM
No use stumbling around in the dark. We'll be off early in the morning, and see just what's going on with this village."

The Dark Child
2015-02-27, 01:58 PM
Exactly, we'll meet tomorrow and get there as fast as we can. There is little we can do until we're there, and from what I get, appearance isn't gonna be enough to pass as one of them...

Cosmic Traveler
2015-02-27, 04:57 PM
"Then it's settled, I'm going to get some shut eye, but before I do, I'm going to have some measure of security for those of us that are going to sleep here tonight" Jhoachim said as he closed his eyes and then snapped his fingers.

From where he stood, a small white ring grew in size until it reached it maximum size of 60 feet diameter that disapeared once it reached its maximum size only leaving a barely visible white glimmering light in the area.

"This alarm spell should be audible by everyone if a creature decides to enter this place without saying the password. The password to enter and leave the warded area is Vulpes"

Jhoachim then wished everyone goodnight and went to his room he had previously rented

2015-02-28, 02:04 PM
The night itself is quiet but your sleep is fitful. Strange alien things keep filling your dreams. Your minds can not comprehend what they are, all you know is that things are not quite right. At some point each of you wakes up screaming though when asked, you can't quite remember why. Your minds are trying to block what they saw it seems.

roll sanity checks please

The sun has now risen and you are able to proceed as necessary.

2015-03-05, 06:11 AM
Everyone takes one sanity loss from the disturbing dreams, but they have no lasting effect at the moment.

As you awaken and are able to explore, the hotel seems rather ordinary if underpopulated. No one can provide any new information but you are told that if you wish to explore, you may. They do give you the same warning that people who have gone there have never returned quite the same. If you wish to go, they will pray to the gods that you are the first to return as normal.

2015-03-05, 08:48 PM
"From the screaming, I'd say we all had a fitful sleep." The Elf grimaced at the thought. "Steel your minds against Illusion and Enchantment spells especially, and let's get going."

Cosmic Traveler
2015-03-06, 11:51 PM
Agreed, my eidolon had to wake me from this night terror. It's a good thing though that no one or thing tried to get in here while we were vulnerable, it could have been a much more disastrous outcome.

Alright, as convened, we will start investigating today. I suggest we stay grouped, strength in numbers and all. Keep your senses peeled.

2015-03-09, 12:04 PM
"I this Saying grouped is a good idea, something is quite a mist here in this place, and it would seem that being apart will only make it come faster. Let us find what information we can. maybe there is a clue somewhere among the books in this place."

The Dark Child
2015-03-09, 03:57 PM
Well said... The young woman arrived to the meeting with what might only be described as a menagerie following her Sorry for the wait. Want to be introduced or... ? Judy , She pointed the gorilla will comes with us wherever we go.

at this point you see all the animals in my 1st ooc post

2015-03-09, 05:24 PM
"I wonder how the animals will react to that we have been threw. I fear they might be more afraid of what we are walking into then we are. Please be careful."

Cosmic Traveler
2015-03-10, 06:40 PM
Jhoachim sighed audibly in disbelief. "What a mess what a mess" He said, his hand over his face, his head shaking left and right. "I feel like im in a traveling circus. We are going to look completely out of the background and whatever we're having to deal with will immediately spot us as probable enemy. This is going to turn into a mess quicker than an elf takes offense when we cant make out if they're man or woman"

2015-03-11, 07:01 AM
As you all converse, a young woman drops off a note to Jhoachim and just as suddenly as she appeared, she has vanished. A cold breeze blows by but otherwise the only sounds you can hear currently are your own voices.

2015-03-11, 08:01 AM
"that was strange, it would appear that someone or something already knows we are here. What dose the note say?"

2015-03-12, 04:55 PM
"Hold on a moment, don't read it yet." Kallis worked a small spell and examined the note for any sign that a spell was laid upon it.

2015-03-13, 09:10 AM
The note itself is nonmagical.

2015-03-13, 09:42 AM
"No spells on it, that I can see. What does it say?"

Cosmic Traveler
2015-03-13, 03:57 PM
Jhoachim opens up the note and holds it at eye level to read the content

2015-03-15, 07:54 AM
roll a sanity check

Scrawled in blood, the note reads. "Whatever you do, stay out of the library. There are forces beyond your control who use that building to take over the town. This is your final warning." It is not signed.