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2015-02-18, 12:06 AM
You approach the Nobles' Quarter only to be stopped by a large wall completely enclosing the district. The wall itself is some 40 feet high but is built atop a rocky outcropping along the river that's another 20 feet or so high. The gatehouse is highly ornate and basically looks like this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Arc_Triomphe.jpg/553px-Arc_Triomphe.jpg) though smaller. From outside, you can see two large, metal portcullises on either end of the gatehouse and large, wooden doors in the middle that close against the outer portcullis

A road that doubles back on itself winds it's way up a steep path cut into the rock face leading to the gatehouse. There are no places to hide on approach to the gate, and this is the only known way into the district without flight.

2015-02-18, 12:20 AM
Even though Eve was fairly certain that the guards wouldnt do anything to a cat, she still did not want to be rudely picked up and thrown out. Most times, the humans only make sure that other humans cannot get into places. Luckily, she was not impeded by such things as bars on windows and the like. She decides to look around the wall, seeing if there are any bars of some sort she could squeeze through (such as those for water drainage), or if there is a crack just big enough for a cat to pass.

OOC: If I misunderstood something about how the wall/gate is, please correct me. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=1109687)

2015-02-18, 12:40 AM
You follow the wall along its length until you reach the outer wall of the city. With the exception of the occasional watch tower, the wall is unbroken and smooth.

2015-02-18, 01:26 PM
Disappointed, Eve returns to the main entrance. She decides to see just how well guarded is the entrance, as well as wait for any potential chance to sneak in. She saw plenty of kids hitching rides on trading carts while the owners were distracted. Perhaps some wealthy traders wouldn't notice a cat sneaking onboard?

Two things being done:
1) Checking out the amount of sentries.
2) Seeing if its possible to do the classic "hide in a cart to get past the guards" routine.

2015-02-18, 02:30 PM
You see no more than two guards standing at the entrance, but those two look like they could handle five times their number with ease. A small guard post inside the structure itself likely holds more guards just out of sight, and you can see a number of arrow slits in the gate as well as the nearby tower. Archers and a mage or two are stationed at regular intervals atop the wall. It seems they take security fairly seriously here but try not to be too overt about it.

Watching for awhile, you notice that virtually everyone entering and leaving the district comes and goes alone and largely unburdened. Whether entering or leaving, each person is required to show identification paperwork before being permitted through the gate. Two guards you did not notice at first within the gate structure are the ones checking papers while the two former guards maintain watch.

One younger kid, about 12, is leaving the district when there's suddenly a bright orange flash. A guard grabs him and searches his person. A small magical item he should not have had on him is confiscated, easily found due to the bright orange glow it emits. He is led off into the guard post, a look of terror in his eyes.

You start to feel that sneaking into, or out of, the district would be very, very difficult, even for a cat.

Just pure OOC knowledge you shouldn't really have, but I'm telling you so you don't get overly frustrated with the difficulty here.
The Nobles' Quarter is meant for more advanced PCs. There have been a few who made it inside successfully, but not very many. I'm not just arbitrarily blocking you here. The safeguards are meant as much to keep your character alive as they are to keep her out. Most nobles (and their guards) start off around level 15, though there are some both lower and higher...

I wouldn't have approved your character if I hadn't thought it was a good addition to the game and possible to accomplish your goals. They're just not going to be as easy as arbitrarily showing up at the palace and being cute for the princess. Due to the dangers of Aldhaven, things are locked down tight, particularly for the nobles who can afford the security.

2015-02-18, 02:49 PM
Deciding to acquire more information, Eve decides to follow one of the female nobles, as she leaves the district. Now, it would certainly be much easier to do this if she was friendly...

Following some distance behind, Eve decides to give it a shot.

Eve follows one of the noble women, and casts Charm, Psionic. She augments it so that it lasts for a day per level. If it succeds, see below. I think Eve would know if the spell succeds or fails.
DC would be 18.

Hello. the noble lady hears a voice in her head.

Would you be able to help a cat from out of town learn abit about this great place? she then notices a cat, which looks REALLY cute. The cat seems to be telepathic.

2015-02-18, 03:18 PM
Without knowing the appearance of any of the nobility, you take a chance on a particularly well dressed woman as she leaves the district.

Failing her save, she spins around, slightly panicked.

"Wha.. what are you?!"

2015-02-18, 03:35 PM
"I am a cat! I just so happen to be able to talk like so. I was hoping you could tell me more about the city. "
The cat looked at the woman with big sad eyes.
"You do like cats right?"


Bah. Hoped to make her even more friendly, but this shouldn't actually lower the friendliness factor.

2015-02-18, 03:51 PM
She squats down several feet away from you, careful to bunch up her dress so it doesn't drag into the dirt on the road. She picks up a small stick as if you poke you with it should you get too close.

"I've never met a talking cat... What would a cat need to know about the city? Can't you just run wherever you like and explore for yourself?"

2015-02-18, 04:08 PM
Eve sits down, licks her paw and uses it to smooth some hairs on her head.

"Not over there..." she gives a mental nod towards the nobles quarter.

"I have had some bad experiences with sticks. Usually they involved kids though... If a cat makes you that uncomfortable, I can make myself more human-like. But I'm afraid I dont have any clothes with me. And I was born a cat, so I do like looking like one when at all possible..."

2015-02-18, 04:13 PM
"It's not the cat part. It's the talking part.

Why do you need to know the Nobles' Quarter? Seems you'd have much more fun out here where you can roam freely and do whatever you want."

2015-02-18, 07:37 PM
"Oh the talking... Some wizard cast a spell on me a while back. Made me able to communicate, and smart enough to do so.
She yawns, like most cats do.

I hear the noble's quarter is a nice place. All the kids are educated and dont run around piking everything with sticks... the mice are fat from all the quality grain... Sounds like a place to be.

Would you tell me about it? I'll let you pet me. Im quite soft and cuddly. she blinks a few times, looking very cuddly indeed.

2015-02-18, 10:30 PM
"You are cute, but..."

She looks around nervously.

"Okay. You can come with me if you really want, but I've got some errands I have to finish, and I don't have much free time..."

2015-02-18, 10:37 PM
"Never did "errands" before. Should be fun!"

Eve decides to follow the lady, figuring that there's no rush to learn everything right away.

2015-02-20, 05:45 PM
The girl nervously looks over her shoulder from time to time to see if you're still following her.

"So, first, I need to drop off this order with the bakery for m'lady's birthday celebration. I don't know if they'll let you inside, so... I won't be long."

She scoots inside of a fancy bakery here in Old Town, only a couple of blocks away from Nobles' Quarter.

2015-02-20, 05:50 PM
Eve follows, trying her best not to be intimidating. Though how to do so she has little idea, as she already looks rather harmless.

Oh? Who's birthday is it? I know people celebrate them, but as you know cats dont exactly eat cakes once a year.

How old is the person anyways?

2015-02-20, 08:51 PM
This girl is about 14.
When she comes back out, she starts talking to you again.

"Oh, it's m'lady's birthday. She's turning 12 next week. It's a big year in the family. Her papa wanted an order of fresh sticky buns delivered for her as a surprise... Oops! I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that but the baker. Please don't rat me ou... er... report me.."

You start to wonder if her nervousness isn't due some much to a talking cat but just due to the fact that she's talking to someone at all...

2015-02-20, 09:02 PM
"Mmm... rats... They arent as tasty as mice though... Dont worry. Cats dont usually go around spoiling birthday surprises."

"So, what can you tell me about the noble's quarter? The place seems so well guarded, and I was really looking forward to seeing it.

2015-02-20, 10:24 PM
She looks around to make sure no one is listening before responding to you.

"Oh, um... it's nice. Really nice. It's just like Old Town, but bigger and prettier and nicer. I'm not really supposed to talk about it out here though... I could get in really big trouble if I tell someone something and then something bad happens."

2015-02-20, 10:45 PM
The cat cocked her head to the side.

"You don't have to be quite so cautious. Aren't you wondering how I am talking without actually, opening my mouth? Though I suppose you arent used to telepathic conversations. Quite useful. No one can overhear you. Eve licked at her side a few times, all the while talking. A feat that would not be possible to achieve if one was using their mouth to communicate.

"I really want to get into the noble's quarter. I don't suppose you could help a pretty cat out? I am sure I'll be able to repay the favor somehow?

2015-02-20, 10:51 PM
"Oh, um... that's really odd. You're an strange duckling, er, cat...ling. Kitten."

She blushes as she gets overly flustered.

"That's... um... I don't think I could sneak you in. They guards are really good. Look... I've got to get going..."

She starts to back away from you.

"M-Maybe I'll s-see you again sometime. Bye!"

She turns and almost jogs down the road. She seemed fearful when she fled, but not particularly of you.

2015-02-20, 11:03 PM
"A pity..." Eve calls out telepathically as the girl runs.

"I hear someone in there was offering a big reward for a lost cat... I hear money lets people do so many things...

Anyways, it's been very nice talking with you."

Eve sat on the street, curious if the girl will take the bait.

2015-02-21, 07:32 PM
The girl hesitates as she leaves, looking over her shoulder once while chewing her lip. Unfortunately for you, she shakes her head and keeps going. Perhaps you will see her again after all...

2015-02-21, 07:47 PM
People as so... Difficult...
Looking around, Eve decides to find someone else to take a poor lost cat to their owner.

Finding what looked to be a well off but not particularly bright merchant, she decides to help him along with the thought process.

Concentrating, she sends him an idea, that the cat sitting right in front of him is the lost cat of one of the nobles from the nobles quarter, for which a big reward is offered. And that this cat has to be treated very very well.

Suggestion Save DC 18. She boosts it by augmenting her INT for an hour via her meditation feats.
P.S I'm really liking the game so far.

2015-02-21, 08:27 PM
You spot a man you suppose to be a merchant and cast your suggestion. He continues to walk past you, stops, turns around, and peers at you for a moment.


He looks at you a little closer.

"Jasper! It is you. That noble brat will be so happy if I can bring you back."

He squats down and pulls a small bag off of his belt. Untying the knot around the mouth of the bag, the bag opens up larger than it seems it should be able to. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small piece of dried jerky.

"Here, Jasper Jasper Jasper. I've got your faaavoorrrite. Yummy, yummy dire beaver jerky. Here ya go, Jasper, just for you."

As he waves the piece of dried meat in front of you, you suddenly remember that there is indeed a posting with the town crier about a noble who is looking for a lost cat. Lucky that your suggestion was so believable...

2015-02-21, 08:37 PM
Eve smiles. On the inside ofcourse. Cats don't have quite the proper muscles for smiling. She knew that the story about the cat would come in handy.

She was not however wildly excited about going into the bag. She concentrated. It was not easy, but she has been doing some practice lately.

The man hears a soft voice in the back of his head, sounding just like his own. Not even a voice, but more like a fleeting thought.

It would be so cruel to carry him in a dark bag. Perhaps I could just carry him?

Eve slowly walks up to the man, hoping her suggestion works.

I am assuming it is possible to use telepathy to imitate the "voice of conscience" so to speak. A quiet whisper that is meant to look similar to ones own thought. This is also playing on the "treat cat nicely" command.

P.S. I am the master lurker. Delivering replies within minutes of your post.

2015-02-21, 08:54 PM
Seems reasonable to me. I'm going to need 3 d20 rolls from you and, depending on how those go, possibly a Reflex save.

2015-02-21, 09:00 PM
In the future don't hesitate to roll for me in similar circumstances. I would only specifically wish to roll in battle and such.


Potential reflex

Edit: Dammit dice gods!

If I do Dodge, Eve won't run. But she will try to show the man that she is willing to follow him, if he starts going somewhere.

2015-02-21, 09:09 PM
I usually roll most passive things, including spot/listen, saves outside of combat, and initiative if there are multiple players present. I probably would have rolled for you if I didn't suspect that you were still online with the two previous quick replies.As you approach the merchant, he quickly looks behind him.

"Who's there?!"

He looks around for a moment, apparently confused.

"Damn. I'm hearing things again. Gotta get another session... What was I doing again?"

He looks down and sees you, and his eyes light up with recollection.

"Oh. Right. Cat..."

He tries to grab you with the sack and curses when you dodge his clumsy attempt.

"Now, come on, Jasper. Don't make this harder than it needs to be. You seem like a smart cat, and I'm not fighting you all the way there. Just hop in the bag... pretty please..."

He holds the little bit of meat in front of the mouth of the bag and wiggles it tauntingly. It doesn't seem like he believes you'll come with him willingly...

2015-02-21, 09:17 PM
You thick headed... Fine!

Eve jumps into the bag. She knows full well that should anyone try anything fishy they definitely wouldn't expect a cat to resist as much as she can. And perhaps the bag will prevent anyone from expecting her too closely. Who knows...

Yeh. Ill disable my invisibility. So you can see if I'm online.

2015-02-21, 09:29 PM
The man honestly seems surprised that it worked and drops the dire beaver jerky into the bag with you. After he consciously realizes his plan 'worked,' he pull the bag shut tight. It appears that you are in an otherwise empty bag of holding. He doesn't tie the bag too tightly, allowing a thin stream of light into the bag from the opening above you. You're fairly sure that if you really wanted to, you could force the hole open wider and make your escape.

He carries you through the city, though you can't see quite where. The inside of the bag doesn't sway and move as the man walks, making a perfectly smooth and comfortable ride. Convenient things, those extradimensional spaces.

After about 10 minutes, which seem interminably longer, you hear the man telling someone he's found Jasper and wishes to return him for the reward. A few minutes later, the man enters a building and opens the bag enough to make sure you're still inside...

2015-02-21, 09:38 PM
Noting the exit, Eve climbs out of the bag, ready to enspell anyone who questions her identity. She also uses the opportunity to take in all the visual as well as mental surroundings (mindsight). She wonders if she is in the nobles quarter.

2015-02-21, 09:49 PM
You find yourself in a small sitting room. Though obviously well appointed, it's not as lavish as you might have imagined. There are two velvet upholstered couches and a couple of fine, leather chairs. A fair collection of books takes up the back wall. Above a small fireplace is a portrait of an older man and his daughter. In the daughter's lap sits a cat, presumably Jasper. You notice there is a slight similarity, but you are, quite obviously, not Jasper.

You sense only the man who brought you here in the room with you. Outside of the room, you notice three other people. Two are standing near the two doors in the room, neither of which is moving. A third, likely in the next room, seems to be moving about the room slowly, stopping for several minutes each in different locations.

After a few minutes, you sense three more people approaching...

2015-02-21, 10:18 PM
Eve checks the room for open windows, just in case. Or any windows in general. She is quite capable of opening them if she really wants to. Other than that she decides to stay put. The situation seems to pose no immediate and perilous danger, and she hopes that even if they realise the man's clear mistake, they would hardly blame the cat. She certainly doesn't look like a stray, they will probably think he kidnapped some poor cat to get the reward money.

2015-02-21, 10:26 PM
The window is indeed slightly ajar, letting in a slight breeze. From this position though, you're not sure if the room is just a bit higher off the ground of if this isn't the ground floor...

Seconds later, a smartly dressed man, likely the butler, opens the door. A girl of about twelve, who is fairly small for her age, rushes into the room.


Tunning towards you with arms outstretched, she jerks to a stop just before she grabs you.

"You're not Jasper! Where's my Jasper?!"

She gets quite mad and stomps her little foot repeatedly on the ground.

The man who brought you stutters and tries to stammer out a response but seems unable to form words. He keeps looking back and forth between you and the little girl as if he can't quite grasp why she says you're not her cat.

2015-02-21, 10:39 PM
Charm the girl. DC 19
Extended to last days, + the bonus from meditation feat drive it up by 3 to give DC 19.

Note, Eve never speaks aloud.

"But haven't you always wanted a talking cat?"
Asks Eve as she purrs and rubs her head on the girl's leg.

"I am MUCH more fun to play with. Imagine all the fun we can have...

2015-02-22, 10:08 PM
The girl looks at you as if she's interested, but the moment that you speak, she screeches.


She runs and hides behind the butler who immediately starts trying to calm her down.
At the same time, the merchant who brought you in, is startled and jumps up off the couch, dumping you on the floor.

Everyone but the girl seems completely confused as to what's happening. After all, none of them heard a word.

2015-02-22, 10:12 PM
"What? You never met a talking cat before? To be honest neither have I... But if you don't stop screaming they will all think you are bonkers. I am a special talking cat. Only nice little girls can hear me! You ARE nice right?"

Eve was really quite enjoying the situation. Though she figured that she probably should get the girl to like her, rather than waiting until someone more important came along.

Renen's insta-reply service does it again! :smallbiggrin:

2015-02-22, 10:42 PM
"No! I w-want m-my Jasp-J-Jasper!"

She sniffs loudly and begins to cry.

The butler quickly ushers the girl out of the room, looking over his shoulder at the merchant only long enough to spit, "Get that thing out of here, and don't you ever show your face around here again."

The door slams, and the merchant looks like his own tears are about to join the little girl's.

2015-02-22, 10:45 PM
Having caused this scene, Eve decides that she has done enough here. She heads for the open window, climbs out, and looks around. She wonders which part of the city this would be.

2015-02-24, 10:56 PM
She finds herself on the window ledge about 12 feet up off of the ground. Directly beneath the window are several large, thorny rose bushes.

Looking around, she believes herself to be somewhere in Old Town, though a K(local) or (architecture) check would be able to confirm it quite easily.

Behind you, the merchant begins to mutter and curse. You hear the words, "I'm going to kill that cat," and decide it's probably time to leave...

2015-02-25, 03:38 PM
Looking down, Eve tries to jump over the bushes, to land safely on the ground.

Eve would try to jump far enough as not to land in the bushes. She will have her unseen servant to help her (Collar of perpetual attendance). He is said to be strong enough to hold chairs, so he should be able to give a small cat enough of a boost to make a much further jump, and to land without taking damage. (If he isnt just strong enough to just lift her anyways).


2015-02-25, 08:06 PM
Jump Roll: [roll0]

You manage to only mostly clear the roses. You take 1 point of damage from the thorns as you scrape past them. Now that you're outside, you find out something most unfortunate... You may be outside, but you seem to be inside of a completely walled in courtyard.

This is the building you're in.

2015-02-26, 03:22 PM
Noting the tree in the courtyard, Eve decides to use it as a means of getting onto the roof, from which she can then get back to the streets.

Assuming its reasonable for me to have climb speed when faced with a tree.
Also assuming the courtyard has one of those brick walls and not a spiky fence. Like so: http://www.fynedesign.co.uk/Resources/perm1a.jpeg

2015-02-26, 03:30 PM
The courtyard is more like (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Getty_Villa_-_small_courtyard_tree.jpg) these (https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2582/3993123423_ca28c9381f.jpg) three (http://www.jamesfantaci.com/wp-content/themes/jfa/img/y440-villa-optim/giuncheto-courtyard.jpg). However, the tree should be tall enough for you to reach the roof.

I'll give you a circumstance bonus to climbing the tree, which is sufficient to overcome your Str penalties and allow you to make the climb by taking 10.You make it to the top of the tree and shimmy out along one of the longer branches and unto the roof. You now find yourself on a rather tall roof two stories up from street level below.

2015-02-26, 03:37 PM
Looking around, Eve takes this time to take in the surroundings, being above most smaller buildings gives her a nice view. She then starts looking for any way down including nearby buildings, trees on the street side of the roof, and conveniently placed haystacks.

Well... that was a minor setback...

Oh yeh... Climb is STR oriented. Thats one of those things that dont quite make sense to me. Same as how Wis governs listen >_<

2015-02-26, 04:10 PM
Aha! Much better image (http://koso.ucsd.edu/~martin/RomanVillaMuehlheimReconstruction.jpg). The building you're on top of is just taller.

For most purposes, Str makes perfect sense for Climb. You do need some Dex, but Str is definitely the primary statistic. They just don't account for size and weight differences of the climber in the SRD.
Wis makes sense to me for Listen as well, as you're not just trying to hear things, you trying to discern what noises are important and what is just extraneous background noise.

You seem to be in a mostly residential section of Old Town (http://www.mornproductions.com/aldhaven/AVB/maps/Map.html). You can clearly see the wall north of you.

2015-02-26, 04:50 PM
Looking around, Eve wonders what she can do next. She is still definitely interested in getting into the noble's quarter. The royal palace is there afterall. She figures that since her previous plans did not quite work out, she should try for a simpler solution.

Eve goes out to find a guard who would be one of the men assigned to guarding the entrance to the noble's quarter.

Once she finds a guard (any will do), she will establish her telepathy but say nothing. Then she will use suggestion to get him to do a mental checklist of all security measures and precautions. The checklist will be kind of like talking to yourself inside your head type, to allow Eve to hear as if he is saying it to her through telepathy, but since she doesnt reply, he will just think he is doing a review of how well he knows his job.

2015-02-26, 05:17 PM
Though she's come up with quite a good plan, short of approaching a guard on duty at the gate, she doesn't know how to readily identify such an individual. She's also somewhat suspicious that using such abilities that close to the gate, particularly against one of the guards, is likely to set of some sort of security response.

2015-02-26, 05:19 PM
She would follow the guard(s) once they leave their shift. It is highly unlikely to have a guard of a gate to live IN the noble's quarter. And certainly not every single one of them. Obama's bodyguards dont live in the white house afterall.

2015-02-26, 05:51 PM
She finds that, despite her beliefs, the guards do indeed live in the Nobles' Quarter, or at least they go inside after their shift ends and do not leave again afterward. Well, at least the guards on this shift seem to. If she's willing to wait a few hours, perhaps the guards from the next shift will leave the district or the ones she saw getting off work will leave.

2015-02-26, 06:08 PM
Then she simply lies down on some roof with enough sun, and good visibility to the gate, and waits to see if any of the guards leave. She also tries to note any distinguishing characteristics of guards she might be able to see, such as hair or visible scars. So that its easier to spot them if they leave.

2015-02-26, 06:09 PM
I seem to have gotten lost somewhere. Are you still on the roof of the house you 'escaped' from, or did you head over to the Nobles' Quarter gate? You definitely can't see the gate clearly from that house's roof. It's about a quarter mile away.

2015-02-26, 06:20 PM
No not that roof. One of the roofs closest to the gate, from which I can see said gate. If I understand right its the gate west of the city hall as marked on map. So I part myself on one of the closer houses and keep an eye out. Who would question a cat on a roof, in the sun? No one!
I figured that since your previous post indicated that she found stuff out, that she is near the gate, since thats the place the finding out happens.

2015-02-28, 01:22 AM
Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page, and that's fine, since there are definitely trees close to those buildings.Though on a roof, the street entering the gate is still ever so slightly above you, making it somewhat difficult to gain a clear view of all the guards, especially those who don't work out in front of the building itself.

After waiting another six hours, the sun is beginning to set. The guards once again change shifts. About 45 minutes after that, though now in plain clothes, you spot a man leaving whom you think is one of the guards you saw on occasion during the past shift.

2015-03-04, 09:08 PM
Nudge. Still here?

2015-03-08, 09:29 PM
Apologies I'll get a post up soon. I do like the game. Just been feeling so bad lately... I think I know why people jump off bridges when depressed. I am far far from that, but I get it now :smalleek::smallsigh:

2015-03-09, 09:36 AM
I've struggled with depression a lot myself in the past. Sometimes it still creeps up on me from time to time. I understand how you're feeling.

2015-04-20, 10:40 PM
And im back! Sorry for the absence. I can explain if you like, but I'm too lazy to without a prompt :smalltongue:


Seeing the guard leave, Eve decides to follow him. Not too closely, but much closer than a human would, as cats walking around are not a rare sight. She decided that first it would be a good idea to confirm his identity. Just about anything he says is likely to signal his involvement with guard duties. And doing anything right in front of the gate was a foolish move as far as Eve was concerned anyways.

2015-04-22, 10:13 PM
He is alone and walks silently to the Flint. Once there, he motions towards the bartender, who pours him a glass. Dropping some coins on the bar, he crosses the room and collapses into an empty booth. He sighs heavily and sips the drink while staring blankly out into the room.

2015-04-22, 11:23 PM
Following the man into the bar Eve watches him drink with a vacant expression on his face. He was clearly in a bad mood, and Eve was feeling nice at the moment. So she decided to approach the situation in a positive manner.

Using her power on the man, she opens the mind link, and starts humming a calming melody.

Charm to make the man more receptive to cats, and some normal humming. DC still 18. Though, if it's done mentally I don't think it would need a perform check, seeing as in one's head anyone can make music sound good.

2015-04-24, 07:07 PM
You feel your charm effect skitter off of some kind of protective ward without ever reaching the man, though he does come alert as he hears your telepathic humming.

2015-04-25, 09:34 PM
"Why so glum? Work not treating you well? whispered Eve softly.
"You are one of the guards at the nobles district are you not? I think you may be able to help me then. My name is Pan. I have dispatched a message to one of my friends in the district. Sadly my familiar is too stupid to enter, while I hesitate to use this only means of communication at the gate."

As Eve is talking, she checks the guards... guards. (Cast detect psionic, which I believe also detects magic)

Diplo check if relevant:
Edit: nwm...

2015-04-28, 05:41 PM
He's wearing a number of magical items, specifically the dagger in his belt, the clothes which you assume to likely be glamered armor, a pendant around his neck, a small crystal on his temple, and his boots. Unfortunately, some other ward seems to prevent you from identifying them more than that. In fact, you suspect that had you used a traditional detect magic spell that you would have detected nothing at all. Funny that.

2015-05-03, 12:23 PM
"A strong man like you, I am sure won't be afraid to talk to me. This message is quite important, won't you help a lady out?"

2015-05-04, 12:25 PM
He sneers and thinks back at you. 'Sure, I'll help a lady out, but she's gotta help me out first, if you catch my meaning. I don't do anything free.'

2015-05-04, 02:37 PM
"I am sure you don't. If it is within my ability, and within reason, I will help. Eve stretches, and wraps her tail around herself more comfortably, but does not move from her spot, or show herself as the speaker.

2015-06-01, 11:32 PM
'I'm less concerned with goods than with certain... services.'
The thought comes across rather lascivious.

2015-06-01, 11:55 PM
Eve blinks in confusion. Being a cat she does not always understand humans when they beat around the bush. Any time she encounters careful social maneuvering she usually finds herself at a disadvantage.

"My familiar will assist you to the best of her ability... Assuming the... Service requested is reasonably attainable. Next time any of my other friends move to such a fortified place, ill just ignore any plight for help. You and the other guardsmen definitely know your job...

2015-06-02, 05:02 PM
'The services that interest me can't be fulfilled by anyone but the very lady to whom I speak, the one with such a lovely... mind.'

2015-06-02, 07:37 PM
"Ho ho ho... Oh dear... I do not know if you are familiar with magic, but it depends squarely on the sharpness of the mind. I hope I have not led you on, but I doubt you will find a lady three times your age attractive, though feel free to say you do. I would appreciate a compliment. At any rate, there is a reason I have my familiar deliver the message. I am quite far away, and a long journey would not do well for me. A spell I developed allows me to communicate through my familiar, who is currently sitting not too far from you. Being so far away, I am limited in my ability to interact with the surroundings, but I can manage some simple magics. I was not even going to get involved until my familiar reported the inability to deliver the message."

Eve was now curious. Humans never made any such suggestions, though likely because they weren't interested in cats. At the very least she was flattered to have been called lovely.

I am assuming the guard is no more than forty (for the age comparison), as the persona of her "mistress" that Eve created is quite old.

2015-06-03, 11:04 PM
You sense a mental shrug as he takes a long swig of his ale.

'Age is but a number. I hear that it's also a wondrous spice unlike any other. Still, if it's that difficult for you, I wouldn't ask you to make the journey. Still, if you're ever in Aldhaven, you can reach me at 3e 7d 85 b6.'

You feel a strange ringing noise in your head more than hear it and have to make a Will save. Failing the save will indelibly burn the number into your memory along with the individual's identity such that, with the proper common, if expensive, magic item, merely having the direct intention of contacting him can establish mental communication with him anywhere in the city.

2015-06-03, 11:14 PM
"Oh, open minded are you... Though I don't even have your name. I don't suppose you will introduce yourself? You looked quite down when you came in, talking with others helps you know... It also let's people know if you are the kind of man whose word can be trusted.

Eve was now thoroughly intrigued by the man. Who was he? Even if just a common guard, he seemed like someone not only unfazed by her way of contact, but someone who's vices could allows to control him even if her powers could not get past the barriers around him.

If Eve knows what the will save is for, she will fail it on purpose if only to have the useful information on hand for potential future use.

P.S. *Lurk lurk*

2015-06-08, 02:14 PM
'Sven. The name is Sven.

Oh, I trust you, you trust me. That sort of thing? Nah, sounds good in theory, but that's the kind of thinking what gets you in trouble in my line of work.'

Eve doesn't explicitly know what the sensation is, at least not without an appropriate psicraft check, but it seems like a harmless effect to her.

2015-06-08, 04:42 PM
Running up, Eve hops onto the nearby bar stool.

"Hope you aren't allergic. And how WOULD you be able to help me get into the noble's district?"

Appropriate Psicraft check:

P.S: Did you set online status as invisible? It makes harder for me to lurk. You put it back! :smalleek:

2015-06-09, 01:33 AM
It's greater invisibility. I can attack and still remain unseen! Mwa ha ha! :smallamused:
The guard pets the 'familiar's' head gently, moving down to scratch its neck.
'Well now, that would be telling. Wouldn't it?'

His tone is playful, but it's very plain that he's not willing to just give that kind of information away.

2015-06-09, 12:03 PM
"Well then, I think you are indeed someone who likes to take risks. Just this conversation is dangerous if it were heard by the wrong people."

Eve looks straight at the man.

"Got anywhere we can go where there's less people?One of the rooms here? I want to show you something. "

Noooo! Plz dispel it. Plzzz...

P. S. You can take over my character's actions for the sake of expediting the narration, if the man rents a room at the Inn. No point in me having a separate post just saying " I follow the guy"

2015-06-09, 12:20 PM
He smiles and chuckles to himself. To anyone watching, it would appear he's just really enjoying petting the cat.

'What's so dangerous about it? I don't see anything criminal going on here. Besides, you're sooo far away, what difference would it make?

Eh, I could head back to my place, but... I don't think I quite trust you with that knowledge. You never quite know who is going to come knocking. I suppose a cheap room for an interesting show would be worthwhile. You've kept me entertained thus far. Can't hurt.'

He stands up, walks over to the bar, and reserves a room. Heading upstairs, he doesn't even look behind him to see if you're following. He pauses just long enough to unlock the door, looks both ways down the hall, and enters his room, leaving the door open just a crack for you to slip inside.

2015-06-09, 12:50 PM
As the man mentioned his place, Eve chuckled.
"And I wouldn't want to go somewhere without a load of witnesses, so it seems this place is suitable to the both of us."

Getting to their room, Eve jumps on the bed. Grabbing the blanket with one of her front paws (using the class of course), she jumps down on the ground, throwing the blanket around herself.


Now human, she speaks aloud.

"I so rarely do this... You can imagine how it messes with perception, suddenly being ten times taller."

2015-06-09, 01:05 PM
As you enter the room, he shuts the door behind you. When you transform, his eyebrows up go in surprise but remain there in appreciation, a small smile playing on his lips.

"That is quite the surprise, kitten."

2015-06-09, 01:17 PM
"No one ever suspects a cat. With good reason though, other cats are not nearly as interesting as me. As you can see though, cats don't wear clothes, and they don't exactly appear out of thin air."

Walking around him, dragging her blanket behind her Eve looks over the man again. He looks quite different when viewed from such height.

"So, can I hope for some more petting, or was that just a one time thing?"

Im around all day, but with your invisibility I don't know if you are online or not. Though I guess I can hope to do some catching up on the game since I was gone for so long before :D

2015-06-11, 08:11 PM
Sorry, I wasn't able to be around any. Been really hectic. I'm actually going to head out on the road for work for a couple of days next week. Being away from home means I'll probably have more time to be online though... *sigh*"Well, that depends on two things. First, could a cute kitten like you ever have interest in a humanoid? Second... er..."

2015-06-11, 08:44 PM
Eve bats her eyes at the man.

Yey! Your invisibility was dispelled. Im so happy! And I am totally loving this game, so I'm all for you being online more :D

2015-06-11, 08:45 PM
He shrugs and runs one hand briefly through your hair.

"I suppose the second depends on your answer to the first."

2015-06-11, 08:52 PM
"I wouldn't look like this if I was not interested. Dragons and humans get along quite well I hear, what with all the dragon bloods running around. So I don't see any harm in experimenting."
As he ran his hand through her hair, Eve raised her head slightly, like cats usually do when petted.

My... Quickest reply ever!

2015-06-11, 08:59 PM
He shrugs.

"Well, the second depends upon me revealing a secret to you. You see, I'm not exactly human either... You might say that I'm interested in you mostly for your mind. I have a... hereditary interest in such things."

2015-06-11, 09:07 PM
"Hmmm? I am a cat, but I am a smart cat..."
Eve sits down on the bed, still wrapped in her blanket.

"Some Illithid heritage I would guess? I do hope you aren't trying to do anything... indecent to a girl are you? "

Eve activates her throat energy center. +2 bonus to Int, Wis, and Cha. Just in case...
And I think this has no outward display either.

2015-06-11, 09:10 PM
"Precisely. You are, indeed, a smart kitten. But, no, I'm not planning to eat your brain. I just have somewhat of a predilection towards fine minds. I've yet to find a woman with sufficient mental abilities to pique my interest, and then one just comes waltzing in... and happens to be a cat. You can understand how that's thrown me a bit off here."

2015-06-11, 09:14 PM
"I can imagine... So, what exactly is your interest with me? I am happy to play along, though I hope to be repaid in kind."

2015-06-11, 09:16 PM
"My interest was in the familiar's master, but it seems you are your own master. I'm looking for a worthy partner in life, but I can't say I really know how to proceed with a cat. It's somewhat strange. I don't believe that cats mate for life either..."

2015-06-11, 09:23 PM
"Cats also cant speak, or see all the magic floating g around you... I suspect most mages won't see it either... I can honestly say I am much more than just a cat, though I can give no promises in terms of my suitability as a partner. You are the first who has ever made such a proposal, while I am interested to see how it might go I cannot predict the future. "

2015-06-11, 09:25 PM
He suddenly seems much less awkward now that things are more settled in his mind.

"Interesting. I suppose that's something I can accept if you can. So... date?"

2015-06-11, 09:31 PM
Eve looks down at herself.

"Sure I can go for a date, but of a... step back from where things were heading. I'll let you pick the venue as I have no experience in dating. And before all that, I'll need a dress.

2015-06-11, 09:35 PM
He looks a bit embarrassed again. It seems he momentarily forgot that you were naked but for the blanket.

"Why, yes, you would tend to draw awkward looks otherwise... Do you by chance know your size and favorite color? If so, I can procure one for you. If not, I suppose we'll have to find some way to take you shopping."

2015-06-11, 09:47 PM
"Well, I quite like pink... Or blue. As for my size, you are free to umm... inspect if you like. I dont have the faintest idea of what would fit."

2015-06-11, 09:53 PM
"As... tempting... as... that is, I'm really not a tailor and couldn't begin to tell you. I've got a good idea though, if you're willing to wait here for a little while."

2015-06-11, 09:57 PM
"Sure, I'll wait right here. Can take a little nap while I'm at it."

Lying down on the bed, Eve grabs the pillow, and wraps herself in a blanket. She seems to take up a surprisingly small amount of space until one notices that she is curled up into a ball.

I just remembered that there's this power called "Call Item (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040827e)" Think it would be possible for me to switch a power I have never used (Say, Synchronicity) for this one? With this she'll be able to pull dresses out of thin air for 10min per level :D

2015-06-11, 11:19 PM
Sven steps out, locking the door as he leaves. He's gone for nearly an hour before finally returning with a fairly rough spun tunic in stark gray, which he hands to you proudly. Fitted for a medium creature, the tunic easily reaches your knees.

2015-06-11, 11:32 PM
Waking up, Eve stretches. Eyeing the tunic she seems unimpressed.

"Well umm... I guess I wont stand out, which is good."

Crawling from under the blanket, she takes the clothes and starts figuring out which parts go where. Being a cat, she forgets that not being in clothes as the moment is actually not normal. After a few minutes on intense concentration she finally gets everything in it's proper place and proudly looks up.

"I knew I would remember how to dress! So, where are we going?"

See spoiler in last comment.

2015-06-12, 12:21 AM
I saw it after I posted. Wait a minute and see if you still want to do that before I answer.As soon as she starts to move out from under the blanket, Sven averts his eyes. She may not care, but he's an honorable sort. When she finishes dressing, he smiles at her, puts his hands on her shoulders, and pulls her in front of the mirror.

"Perfect. Now, this may take some practice, but imagine the dress you want to wear. When you have it pictured clearly, give the tunic a mental command to change, like you would with manifesting a psionic power."

2015-06-12, 12:32 AM
Eve closed her eyes, and the dress transformed into the exact duplicate of Sven's clothes.


Old travel cloak


Striped-animal fur coat

Good, but not what I was going for.

On the forth try it turned into a pretty blue dress.

"There we go! Im not good with clothes..." mumbled Eve before turning to the man.

"Its amazing! Too bad I lose all my clothes when I turn back. So I'll give it back to you at the end of the day. As you imagine it is quite difficult to carry things when you are a cat."

Walking up to the door, she fiddles with the dress, checking all the ribbons and touching the fabric.

"So, where are we going?"


Unless this is a cat-friendly dress, I think Eve will still need to have procure new clothes each time she transforms :-(

2015-06-12, 12:44 AM
Playing around with the tunic for awhile, she learns the tunic is the functional equivalent of a Hat of Disguise but takes up the torso slot. Unfortunately, it also only affects itself rather than the wearer. She'll have to do her hair herself. In addition, it seems the tunic has some physical changes rather than just illusory ones. It seems to actually transform into the clothing rather than merely providing an illusion. The new clothing also seems to fit purrfectly, despite Eve being a size smaller than its intended wearer. Perhaps if she donned it after becoming a cat, it would still function for her, if being a bit awkward before the magic resizing.

Sven smiles at the dress then frowns at his own somewhat plain clothes. He's still wearing most of his guard uniform, minus the identifying emblems and security measures that he picks up when clocking in and returns when clocking out. He self consciously dusts himself off, forces a smile, and looks at Eve happily.

"Well, I don't know anywhere too fancy still open this late in the day, but I do know a quaint little coffee shop that has some excellent baked goods and usually stocks fresh smoked salmon. It's not too far from here either."

2015-06-12, 12:46 AM
Eve's eyes widen.


She might not be like other normal cats, but she still likes most of the same things, even fish. Especially fish! She nods eagerly.

"Lead the way!"

She runs her fingers through her hair a few times, straightening them out abit, and shaking off any loose hairs that have decided to vacate the premises.

2015-06-12, 12:55 AM
Still want to swap out powers?Sven leads you out of the Sad Flint, the two of you catches quite a few glances as you walk out, some of them a bit jealous. After all, you're in a fancy blue dress and only slightly taller than the average halfling while Sven is a fairly homely guardsman of no real means, though comely enough in his own way. Fortunately, he's a bit short for a human(ish) person, so it isn't too odd.

Sven reaches out to offer his hand to you, hoping you'll take it as you walk.

"It's just this way, a few short blocks, near the university."

He walks northwest until you reach the university but turn south to walk outside the eastern side of the walls. Reaching another narrow street that turns left, little more than a wide alley, really, he turns and leads you down it. The last building on the left before the road curves back to the south, sits a small shop with a sign that reads "University East Coffee".

2015-06-12, 01:04 AM
"They aren't very... creative with names are they?" Eve nods towards the self-explanatory sign. She has walked to the cafe holding Sven's hand, which actually helped quite abit as she was still not used to the height, haven't taken human shape in quite a while.

Walking inside and taking a seat, she looks at Sven with curiosity.
"So, mind telling me about yourself? I'll likewise explain the origins of a intelligent cat. "

I guess there's no use switching yet. I can always research it later if need be, but currently it's would be mainly used for getting clothes. But since that problem is solved...

2015-06-12, 01:12 AM
He shrugs as he enters the door. "Sure. What do you want to know?"

He picks up a menu and leads Eve to a booth, where he offers her a seat and moves to sit across from her. There a bored looking university student sitting behind the counter. He looks up as you enter but goes back to staring at the floor when the two of you don't move to place an order.

2015-06-12, 01:19 AM
"Well... Your... family history must be an interesting topic. Your job, I'm actually quite impressed with just how diligently the district is protected."

Twiddling her thumbs for a bit she speaks up again.

"And I guess if you do anything fun on your time off aside from inviting girls out for coffee."

She starts flipping through the menu, paying the most attention to any seafood items.

I could get used to this posting speed :D

2015-06-12, 01:27 AM
The posting speed is only because I'm not able to go to sleep and am trying to not keep my wife awake. She has a 9 to 9 shift tomorrow... :smalleek:The menu is just one page, front and back. It seems that salmon is indeed on the menu, but the only dish that includes it is a type of toast with sliced smoked salmon topped with a poached egg. It's served with a small side of avocado.

"Oh, right... Well, it seems that there's an... interesting... ancestor somewhere in the line. I'm a few generations removed, but I still have some of the traits. My father's traits are a bit more overt, but he blends in without difficulty. I'm mostly human, just a touch of something else.

As to my job, well, I can't really tell you too much about it. Magical compulsions to silence and all that..."

2015-06-12, 01:40 AM
"My... Magical compulsions. They DO take security seriously. And meanwhile I really wanna get in there and play around with the nobles."

She sighs.

"I suppose I inherited my nosy nature from my "father". See a wizard had a grand idea to do practical experiments with a spell before it was ready. The thing was supposed to grant permanent increased intelligence to animals. Well, it definitely did THAT. As a bonus it also gave a certain kitten most memories of the Caster, some powers, and telepathy. It's a great spell, really! Too bad it kinda kills the one casting it."

Waving over the student, Eve orders.

"Can I have the salmon toast please. But without the avocado, or the egg, or the toast. And some milk which you put into the coffee please, just the milk, no coffee. "

Turning back to Sven.

"So you are unable to tell me about the security measures. But are you willing? Because these wizards,they cast one compulsion and think it's the be all end all."

Praise be to insomnia. And ouch, what job makes one do 12 hour shifts. I know some people that so them, but they work at the hospital.

2015-06-12, 01:48 AM
He laughs as he orders a cup of hot tea with milk and honey.

"If it were as simple as simply breaking an enchantment, it wouldn't be very secure, now would it? No, it's a magical contract, similar to the ones that most people use in the city for official business, but with much stronger... protections. The magic is completely contained within the contract itself and is tied to the signatory, but no magic cast on or removed from me affects it. About the only protection against it would be a potent antimagic field, but it would kick in as soon as I left the field. In my case, depending on the offense, it'd be somewhere between jail time and fines up to and including banishment from the city, to be enacted through Dockside Gate at sunset.

I have to admit, I was being somewhat dishonest with you at first by offering direct entry to Nobles'. It's part of my job to pretend to fall any offers made as part of attempts to gain entry to find more about the person so that they can be arrested... I've decided not to follow through with that though..."

He admits his original intentions sheepishly, obviously hoping it doesn't change your opinions of him.

2015-06-12, 02:00 AM
"Interesting... "

Eve looked absolutely fascinated with the explanation, it seems that her love for salmon is only matched by her love for puzzles.

"So the spell would trigger if you ever told anyone about the security measures. But as I said, the wizards aren't as smart as they think. Would it trigger if you were to sit in front of a mirror, and talk to your reflection? Even if so, the easiest, if the most cumbersome method to bypass any such measure, not only this one, would be me making assumptions aloud about the security. If I am wrong, you should be able to tell me as much. If I am right, then silence confirms that."

Eve sat back in her chair, looking proud of herself.

"You know what they say about curiosity and cats... I am quite happy though to have someone be so nice to me. Most times people just settle for throwing me some food and shooing me away..."

Ahe looked abit sad at the last part.

2015-06-12, 02:10 AM
"Nah, I can actually just tell you quite a bit. I just can't knowingly divulge information on how to bypass any of it.

Let's see... Where to start...
There's an invisibility purge effect that hits anyone walking within 10 feet of the gate and a teleport denial system that paints you bright, glowing orange if you try to teleport through. There are ethereal and shadow barriers that prevent planar bypasses and some other barrier effects I don't know all the details about."

2015-06-12, 02:15 AM
"Wow... They really went all out. And what are the requirements for Err... legal access? I saw some servants going through, so I doubt one has to be a noble."

2015-06-12, 02:19 AM
"You just need the proper paperwork signed by an authorized noble who can grant access and have its veracity notarized. Such permits aren't often given out and tend to be either one use or time limited to a short period."

2015-06-12, 02:25 AM
"So... I have to be invited. I do wonder how I'll manage that."

Eve looked thoughtful, though she cheered up slightly when her glass of milk finally arrived. It seemed preparing that particular order took no time at all.

2015-06-12, 02:27 AM
He shrugs. "Unfortunately, that seems true. Why do you want in anyway? There's not really anything interesting to do there, even for a cat, I'd guess."

2015-06-12, 02:34 AM
"Well... "

Eve hesitated.

"I want an owner. Now, don't laugh. It's much much more than what you might think. For cats having an owner is like for humans to have a best friend, that one person who you can count on for anything."

She looked into the distance with hopeful eyes.

"And I want my best friend to be the princess. I bet it must be quite interesting to be around someone like her. And I bet she could use a friend... "

2015-06-12, 02:40 AM
He lets out a long whistle.

"Phew. That is way above my pay grade. You're a sweet girl, but you're going to have to count me out on helping you with that one. There's no way I'm getting involved in royal shenanigans. The Archduke would have my animated head on a pike suffering for awhile if he caught me messing about with the princess in any way."

2015-06-12, 02:47 AM
The reaction earns a giggle.

"Yeh, one step at a time. First I have to get into a district that is probably more secure than most bank vaults. Perhaps you know of a noble that is looking for some sort of help and can pay via special permits? When I get in there, it'll be my turn to invite you for dinner. I'm a cat but I'm not so poor I can't invite my treat my boyfriend to dinner. "

2015-06-12, 02:51 AM
A slight shiver of excitement runs down his spine at the term 'boyfriend'.

"Well, the fastest way would be to buy your way in. There's a noble that has rumors circulating that he gives them out for the right price, but he has to be convinced it won't come back to bite him. I could get his contact info if you want to go that route, but it gets expensive fast if you want to be there for very long."

2015-06-12, 02:59 AM
She nods.

"It's a start. Might as well know about him. Perhaps he might even have friends who need a favor instead of money."

Her fish was delivered with a knife and fork. It seems the kitchen figured if they are saving on all those ingredients they could atleast provide cutlery. Sadly, the knife goes unused as Eve uses the fork to separate the fish into smaller pieces before eating them one by one.

2015-06-12, 07:10 PM
As per Aldhaven birthday announcement. :D I'll take over channel, because there's no such thing as too many ML.

2015-06-12, 08:55 PM
He sighs.

"Did you cast some sort of spell on me? I don't know why I'm doing this... Sure, I'll look into that information for you. I don't know how much I can do without violating my contracts, but that's not illegal information and should be safe to get for you."

2015-06-12, 09:16 PM
Eve grins.

"Thank you so much!"

She finishes the last bits of fish and milk, looking quite impressed with herself, as there is no way a her feline form could fit that much food.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

She didn't want to make this all about herself afterall.

So I am just curious, if the "spell" on Sven states he cant tell anyone about some things, could he just talk to his reflection, or some inanimate object within hearing distance of Eve? Just curious :D

2015-06-13, 05:17 PM
He replies rather reluctantly.

"Well, it's getting kind of late. I've got a long shift tomorrow at work and should really get some sleep at some point..."

2015-06-13, 06:20 PM
"Well then, let ME walk you home."

Eve blinked, remembering an earlier conversation.

"Or atleast as close as you want me to. "

2015-06-13, 07:24 PM
"Yeah, sure." He swigs the last bit of his, now cold, tea. "I'm ready when you are."

He stands up to leave and offers his hand to help you stand.

2015-06-13, 07:31 PM
Taking his hand, Eve pulls herself up. She weighs quite little. Holding on to Sven, she walks with him out of the coffee shop. Perhaps she stood up a little too quickly.

*Queue walking to house*

2015-06-13, 07:32 PM
I'll let you describe walking to his house. He'll walk northeast through Old Town and stop a few blocks away, reemphasizing that he trust you not to turn into a cat and follow him.

Also, Sven has now been completely statted out as a full character with background.

2015-06-13, 07:59 PM
Dammit. I'm a terrible storyteller. Say, will you provide a picture for Sven? I often go to deviant art for all manner of pictures just because they make things prettier.

As they keep walking to Sven's house, Eve kept looking around, still getting used to being about ten times taller. She found herself quite surprised with how the day turned out. Yet even having made a new... friend, she still wanted to get into the palace. She described having an owner as a best friend, but that was only how the interpersonal connection worked. To the outside, having a prestigious owner was like having a prestigious job.

As she walked, Eve found herself stepping on cracks in the street that in her cat form she would need to step over lest her paw gets caught. She still felt the dress, as where any human forgets about their clothes a few seconds after putting them on.

As Sven stopped and indicated his desire to continue alone, she nodded in understanding. She was already trying to figure out how to get some extra funds in case the noble asked for a steep price she couldn't afford.

Pecking Sven on the cheek, she headed behind a nearby house, changing herself back onto a cat. Her dress became leather bracers on her paws. Deciding to borrow some money from those who borrowed it themselves, she picked a windowstill in one of the "shadier" alleys and started waiting for some low level crook to pass by with some recently plundered goods.

Time to find out just how inconspicuous a cat on a windowstill looks when you are being attacked with magic. Eve waits for some thief to pass by so she can liberate some wealth.

2015-06-13, 08:56 PM
http://www.mornproductions.com/aldhaven/AVB/Portraits/NoblesGuardSven.pngOld Town, being one of the safest districts in the city, even at night, Eve spots no obvious thieves wandering the streets.

2015-06-13, 09:03 PM
Eve relocates to some shadier neighbourhood, not docks level shady, but abit shady.

2015-06-15, 08:30 PM
She finds a neighborhood with a large number of trees. Fortunately, this neighborhood is also slightly less upscale. Indeed, she only waits around for [roll0] hours before spotting someone shaded who also seems to be up to no good.

2015-06-15, 11:46 PM
Eve keep an eye on the man, following if needed via rooftops or window sills. She first needed to make sure the man had some stolen goods for her to steal back.

Being a cat, and it being night, I doubt I have to do any hide checks, since even if seen, there's no way anyone will suspect a cat of anything except mice hunting.

2015-06-16, 02:05 PM
Unless this is Aldhaven and everyone automagically expects every cat to be burglar. :smallbiggrin:He disappears into a narrow alley that cannot be clearly seen down into from the rooftops.

2015-06-16, 04:05 PM
Noooo! Cats are fluffy and innocent! They are above all suspicion.

Eve follows carefully, trying not to be seen, just in case.

She has mindsight, so she knows location of everyone within 100ft radius, including their creature type and INT score. Though she does buff up alittle.

She has:
Inertial Armor 5pp
Psychic Energy Center (Base): +2 to physical Stats
Psychic Energy Center (Crown): +3 Natural Armor

Also, question: Does she need to make move silent checks? Or perhaps she gets some circumstantial bonus, since she is a small light cat, that is wearing no equipment that might make a sound (as compared to a typical adventurer)

2015-06-16, 08:02 PM
If you want to be silent, you need a MS check, and size/form don't give bonuses. Stinks in this case, but them's the rules.Eve drops down to the entrance of the street and peers around the corner, provoking a need to roll Hide and MS checks.

2015-06-16, 08:34 PM
At times like this you can roll for me, to save time. I trust you :D
And I find it funny that the namesake of this thread does not allow me to move quieter :D



Keep in mind that she doesn't even need to be within viewing range. She just has to be within 100ft. God bless mindsight.

P. S. JUST as I posted I remembered my psicrystal can aid another me. So if I fail, and a +2 will make a difference, then feel free to roll psicrystal aid another check. It has +6 to move silently (stealth) and +2 to hide. But it only needs to hit a 10...

2015-06-16, 08:41 PM
Mindsight lets you know location, Int score, and creature type. It doesn't tell you what they're actually doing though. I thought you were getting closer to be able to see what was going on.
You see the man as he rounds a corner in the alleyway that you didn't see from your location. The area seems pretty suspicious. It's definitely a place you can't see from the street and doesn't even appear to be there. The alley just looks like a straight shot all the way through...

2015-06-16, 08:44 PM
Eve follows carefully, hiding behind any items in the alley, or under any said items. She kinda hopes the man is going to his illegal money stash. Cats can dream...

2015-06-16, 08:53 PM
You reach an even narrower alley, more of a gap between two buildings built too close together. Further on, it looks like the two buildings are actually leaning up against one another. It's near this point that you see the man throw the bag down a hole and crawl down behind it, looking behind him nervously but not seeing you. He reaches up to close a wooden cover on, what appears to be, the cellar entrance.

2015-06-16, 09:10 PM
Keep in mind Eve would know if the man for example waits behind the cover.

Running up to the cover, Eve paws it once, and makes it disappear, after which she sneaks into the space after the man. Once inside the looks for any small space in which she can hide to observe. (assuming it is not a

Time Hop on wooden door/cover. It gets no save.

2015-06-17, 05:21 PM
When she reaches the door, she senses the man about 30 feet in front of her and rapidly descending underground. She then suddenly loses him.

The door disappears, revealing a long, narrow staircase twisting straight down with an open shaft in the middle and distinctly lacking handrails.

2015-06-17, 05:56 PM
*pat pat pat* *lurk lurk lurk* *crawl crawl crawl*
Eve follows.

2015-06-20, 04:36 PM
You make your way down the stairs, small enough that the uneven stairs don't bother you much. Still, you feel an aura of malice in the air that you would swear is beckoning you to step off the edge and into oblivion... and it sounds quite appealing...

Resisting the urge to fling yourself to your death down the shaft, you make it to the bottom and see a narrow tunnel before you leading off into blackness just as the door above blinks back into existence, obscuring all light.

2015-06-20, 04:41 PM

Using her powers, Eve keeps on moving, having no problems with navigating using her super cat vision. She still keeps in mind that someone could see her, so she still does her best to not be caught in the open.

2015-06-20, 04:50 PM
The tunnel in front of you is a mere three feet wide and five feet tall. The man you were following definitely had to hunch over to fit through here. The tunnel goes forward with a slight downward slope for thirty feet before ending in a wooden door standing just slightly open. From beyond the door, you hear a whispered conversation but cannot quite make out the words.
Rolled a reactive Listen for you. Wasn't quite high enough to hear them clearly.

2015-06-20, 04:53 PM
Not wanting to risk it, Eve camps out outside the door, in some crevice or behind some random trash, to make sure she is not seen. She tries to overhear the conversation further, hoping they raise their voices. Though she figures it will be fine enough to just wait for them to leave.

2015-06-20, 05:17 PM
The stairs themselves are cut into the stone of the shaft, leaving no gaps beneath them under which to hide. The rest of the area seems completely free of debris of any kind. It would be very hard to hide anywhere around here without being seen...

The fact that you can hear their voices and hear shuffling around but cannot detect them with your mindsight is starting to really disturb you...

2015-06-20, 05:26 PM
Suddenly getting a bright idea, Eve claws off her psicrystal, which was clinging on to her, and tells it to peek into the room.

Valuing her own life much more, she runs back abit, and waits for the crystal to tell her the situation. She figures the small little crystal is much much less likely to be seen.

The crystal bravely crawls up to the door, and peeks in.

2015-06-20, 05:42 PM
As your psicrystal peers into the room, it relates a gruesome scene. The stone walls are adorned with skulls and seem to be painted red, though whether it's paint or blood, you can't be certain. A stone altar about four feet tall dominates the small room, the foul glyphs upon it glowing faintly. The red stains on the altar are most definitely blood, and your psicrystal spots a small channel carved into the altar through which blood is directed into a basin near the bottom. What little light exists in the room is crimson and seems to emanate from the altar itself, casting dark shadows on the wall, giving the two men inside a fiendish appearance.

The two men seem to be arguing about payment. The man you followed here grasps his small bag in front of him possessively, stating his goods are of above average quality and that they deserve double the normal payment
The other man in the room wears a cowled black robe with a sickly green sheen to it that obscures all features but for his prominent nose. Red runes woven into the fabric around the cowl glow faintly with an unearthly light. An ornate skull of the same corrupt red thread is worked into the fabric on the front of the robe, and your psicrystal would almost swear the skull itself is watching it. This man insists that they had an agreement, and breaking the agreement would be "quite unpleasant."

2015-06-20, 06:05 PM

Eve was both intrigued and scared at the same time. She decided to stick around for just abit longer, though she slinked even further back to the max range of contact with the crystal. Hopefully the two... whatever they were decide to fight each other, and hopefully she can then make something of the situation. As things stood now, she was uncomfortable with engaging since the inability to probe them with mindsight made her less than excited about using her powers within the room.

I am assuming the room likely blocks mind affecting stuff, at the very least.

2015-06-20, 06:23 PM
It seems that the evil priest has been convinced to pay 50% more than usual, provided that the offering is at least twice as good as normal.

The man you're following smiles and opens the small bag. Turning it inside out above the altar, there is a woosh of air as a young blonde girl of about 12 or 13 dressed in a plain white robe flops out of the magic container. She's bound hand and foot with a thick gag over her mouth. Her eyes are wide with terror as she takes in the sights around her, and she begins to struggle furiously.

The evil priest laughs maliciously as he grabs the young girl by the throat, agreeing that this offering is well worth the higher pay.

2015-06-20, 06:41 PM
Eve sighs mentally. She had a thing for girls, they always played nice with cats, unlike all the boys who threw rocks and dragged you by the tail. Figuring she really SHOULD do something, she decides to atleast try. Creeping up to the door, she peeks in just enough to get sigh of the two men.

Focusing, she whispers to the seller with her power.

"Look at all that money! But the girl, is definitely worth so much more... it would be so easy just to stab him through the heart while he is preparing the ritual and have the girl AND the gold! Then, the girl can even be sold again!"

She similarly tries to persuade the other.

"That guy is definitely going to try and do something! Killing him and keeping the gold would be the safest way to end the day."

Eve manifests an augmented Suggestion on both of them (DC 18). Now, if it works, you can guess what she hopes for.
If it doesnt, I think one feels that someone tried SOMETHING, which should hopefully make each suspicious of the other.

Sadly, Eve has no real offensive powers (yet), and cant help much more than that.

2015-06-20, 06:52 PM
Once Eve pokes her head through the door, her mindsight lights up again, and her touchsight fills the room. Her hunch was correct. The room is indeed warded.

Just as she is about to cast her suggestion, she realizes that there are two other entities in the room, both invisible. Outsider type, Intelligence 6 and 14. The more intelligent one seems to sport a pair of wings. She may with to rethink her actions and/or possibly try to suppress the auditory display related to her suggestion power...

2015-06-20, 07:00 PM
Eve's powers always have suppressed display. Her Concentration is 17, and the max concentration to suppress is 15+power level (in this case 2). Thus she passes even on a 1.

By the way, how do they outsiders look? Nice and "good" or totally evil? I think touchsight is exactly like normal sight except better in every way, so eve should be able to tell if they are celestial type or some abyssal monsters.

Eve quickly examines the two outsiders, better know what she is facing, though she was far from an expert. Until she figures out what they are, she decides to hold off on any rash actions.

Knowledge Arcana

Knowledge Planes (untrained)

2015-06-20, 07:24 PM
Touchsight allows you "to "feel" your surroundings," not actually see them. You can feel that they're there, but they are still invisible. You can't tell colors and certain other things that would be available only to actual sight. Think of it as essentially converting the world into Braille.The outsider with the lower Intelligence is cloaked in a heavy cloak which reaches from its shoulders to the floor and wrapped tightly around it. It is bald but wears a long beard which reaches down to the middle of its abdomen.
The more intelligent outsider is clearly female, seems to be wearing a tight fitting leather bodice with short skirt and nothing more. She has large, feathery wings and holds a sword casually in one hand, the tip of which digs slightly into the soft stone of the floor.

Eve's knowledge of such outsiders fails to be relevant.

2015-06-20, 07:30 PM
Eve decides to wait. If the outsiders are enemies, she stands no chance. If they are friends, then they will try to do something about the ritual... She hopes. Either way, eve's love for girls who sneak tuna out of the house does not sadly outweigh her sense of self preservation, as doing something now will likely end up in her death.

So basically it's like I can literally "touch" everything within the range of touchsight. So no reading (Unless the ink actually does feel slightly different, which it actually might), and definitely no color recognition.

2015-06-20, 07:39 PM
The evil priest grins maliciously as he draws a ceremonial knife from his belt then looks up at the other man and starts to speak.

"It's a shame, really, that one so young and useful need die so senselessly."

"Uh, yeah, I guess..." The man looks a bit uneasy as he waits for his payment.

"Tsk... If only the useful ones would honor their agreements better. He's all yours." The evil priest flicks the point of his dagger towards the man you followed here, and the two devils reveal themselves an attack as the man panics and tries to flee.

The bearded outsider somehow pulls a nasty looking pole arm from under his robes and swings at the man, planting the blade deep into his shoulder. The female angel-like outsider leaps forward, thrusting her longsword into the man's thigh.

2015-06-20, 07:45 PM
Eve doesn't feel the least bit bad about the man's death. But she has a feeling that she is about to feel really bad about the girl's. She decides to keep watching, but unless the Devils disappear before the man kills the girl, there's nothing she can do, and will as such leave the same way she came.

2015-06-20, 08:03 PM
Eve delays.

The man's wounds start to heal almost of their own accord. He spins around, a glowing blade flicking out from a hiding spot on his wrist, which he uses to slash across the bearded outsider's face. Trying to protect its precious beard, the creature only manages to get itself hurt worse as the man flicks a second blade out to catch him as he falls off guard. The devil coughs and sputters as it chokes on its own black blood.

The man, full of surprises, responds "You think Nerull will claim me this night? Ha! I shall send him the souls of his servants instead! Surrender now, devil woman, and I may spare you life!"

The evil priest screams, "Kill him! Kill him now!" then starts to try to cast a spell. The young girl starts to struggle and kicks him in the gut. Not enough to harm him, but enough to disrupt his casting. "Little wretch! Your suffering will be prolonged for that!"

The bearded devil swings its glaive at the man again, who deftly dodges, though he is dealt a glancing blow on the back swing.

The devil woman hesitates at the kidnapper's words and says, "Swear you will spare my life and slaughter this priest who imprisons me!"
"I so swear!"
"Then by fiendish pact I bind you!"
The kidnapper looks shocked as she chants in a dark speech and slashes open her own chest, causing an ephemeral chain of blood to fly through the air and link his heart to that of the devilish woman before disappearing from sight. Slightly perturbed, he continues his assault, glad to have so easily removed the more threatening of the two combatants from the fight.
"Curses upon you, witch!"

Eve's turn.

2015-06-20, 08:18 PM
Now that a full on brawl was going on, Eve was feeling much more confident that something could be done. Deciding that anyone who is trying to kill a priest who sacrifices young girls is good enough, she decides to side with the kidnapper.

Focusing on the bearded devil, she tries to remove him from the equation.

Failing at that, she sends her unseen servant (collar of perpetual attendance) to grab some preferably dangerous object and wave it in the wizards face. Perhaps harmless, but still annoying, threatening, and perhaps line-of-sight blocking.

Eve time-hops the devil. DC19 will save.
Damn thing has the SR, unless the bearded devil isnt actually a bearded devil...

Eve fails miserably.

2015-06-20, 08:46 PM
You're forgetting the magic/psionics are vaguely different rule. With SR17 and the -3 cross system penalty...

Unfortunately, that Will save...Eve causes silvery energy to dance across the bearded devil's skin, disorienting it for half of a second, but the devil quickly shakes off the effect.

The man's wounds don't seem to continue healing this round... Perhaps it was a one round effect? The kidnapper steps slightly closer to the priest and flicks the two blades towards the bearded devil again, though both blades fail to penetrate the devil's tough skin.
"Either surrender or die! Your compatriot has already surrendered!"
The bearded devil just growls in response, ignoring the man's words.

The evil priest hoists the girl onto his shoulders, takes a step back, and slides open a secret door you hadn't noticed before. "You will all suffer and die! This I swear!"
"Don't make promises you can't keep, old man!"

The devil woman hesitates where she is. In the absence of a direct order, she has been commanded to do nothing, the kidnapper is no longer a threat to her, and the one who bound her here is not in immediate danger...

Eve's turn.

2015-06-20, 08:50 PM
Well, that is nice thank you for reminding me about the rule. But WHY DICE GODS WHY!

2015-06-20, 08:53 PM
See edit..

2015-06-20, 09:04 PM
Oh no you dont!

Eve directs her power towards the girl.

She then telepathically contacts her.

"Unless you want to be taken by the guy who JUST tried to stab you, I'd let this magical effect through..."

The unseen servant goes to annoy the bearded devil. Hopefully just enough to give the man an edge.

Hoppidy hop:

Eve tries to make the girl disappear, she also tries to convince her to automatically fail the will save. Shouldn't be hard, her other option is being taken by a cultist to be sacrificed.

2015-06-20, 11:14 PM
The girl, bound and gagged while surrounded by kidnappers, crazy cultists, and demons devils, doesn't seem in the state of mind to be willing to allow random mental voices to have their way with her. [roll0]. It doesn't really matter though, because she blinks out of time.

The kidnapper doesn't notice the girl vanishing. He's too busy trying to finish off the bearded devil. Two quick slashes with his hidden knives catch the devil off guard, severing the beard from his face and dropping him into a pool of his own black blood. Apparently, the devil wasn't here from a typical summoning effect, as its body just lays there rather than vanishing back to its home plane... Perhaps this is why the eyrines chose not to fight.

The priest, shocked by the disappearance of the girl, stumbles over his own feet as he pushes through the secret door, closing it behind him. You can hear him shouting curses back at the others in the room but can't quite make out the words. Now that he has left the room, he has vanished to your mindsight once more. It seems the walls of this room are warded going both directions.

The erinyes continues to wait, shouting to the kidnapper. "Hurry! He's going to escape! Do you wish to break your pact so soon?!"

Eve's turn.

2015-06-20, 11:28 PM
"You want to go after him? He's alllll yours. Enjoy. Don't choke.

Eve looks at the "door" behind which the cultists disappeared, and time hops away the frame holding the faux wall in place, making the wall piece fall. She then waits for the pair to follow him through the newly created passageway.

That door might be disguised as a wall, but since Eve knows where it it, and just removes necessary part. Basically she just makes the evil cultist easier to follow.

2015-06-21, 12:48 AM
Behind the hidden door is another small room, apparently the living space of this particular evil priest. If there is another way out, he either hasn't chosen or been able to take it yet.

The kidnapper, not stopping to wonder about the source of his blessing, leaps over the altar to attack the priest. Approaching the door, however, triggers a scything blade trap that trips him where he stands.

The priest laughs as a fireball fills the altar room. [roll0]. Reflex save.
The kidnapper fails his save, taking the full brunt of the blast. He seems to lose consciousness briefly, but a magic talisman on his person flares with light, healing some of the burns and restoring him to consciousness.

"Get up, you filthy human! You swore an oath!" The erinyes moves towards the center of the room.

Eve's turn.

2015-06-21, 01:00 AM
Feeling like some extra help is needed, Eve supercharges her power, and chucks it at the cultist.

Cultist enjoys the warm fuzzy feeling of losing [roll0] charisma. (DC 20)
Eve feels abit dizzy from supercharging the power.

Eve then moves behind the door, just in case a fireball lands too close. The psicrystal is made to stand watch in the doorway.

2015-06-21, 01:23 AM
Dex save

Yeh, now Eve reallllly moves away from the door.

2015-06-21, 01:27 AM
The cultist's fragile ego takes a lashing. [roll0]

Eve steps back behind the door, and her mindsight promptly goes dark, blocked by the walls of the altar room once more.
Her psicrystal... is still in the room and took a blast from that last fireball... Good thing it's mobile at last action and has a Dex score...

2015-06-21, 01:34 AM
Err... Crystal...

RIP. Now I gotta wait for like a day for it to come back :-(
I am assuming we are just doing what pathfinder does, and having it come back in 24 hours, because otherwise I can never get another one without dark chaos shuffling the feat away.

2015-06-23, 02:42 AM
In the past, I've always ruled that you have to find a piece of crystal and "imbue" it with the personality fragment of your crystal. Generally speaking, I've always just allowed it to happen after 24 hours or whenever is reasonable.

Once, we had a psiforged whose psicrystal was destroyed, and I let him recreate it immediately by breaking a chunk of crystal off of his own body, taking damage in the process but immediately healed with psionic repair damage.

All that said, I'd prefer if you roleplay out regaining your crystal rather than just having it pop back into existence. If you just really don't want to do that though, we can skip it.You psicrystal shatters in the blast of the fireball, the sudden temperature change putting too much thermal stress on it to maintain its structure.

The sounds of battle continue in the next room for the next few moments before subsiding, replaced by the sounds of gurgling and thrashing about, which also quickly ceases.

After everything falls silent, you hear a girlish giggle. "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty. Where or where has the little tibbit psychic gone?"

2015-06-23, 08:57 AM
Not THAT interested in dying, Eve runs back up the stairs, towards the entrance.

If she feels the demon exit the protected room, she talks to her.

"Oh hello! Big fan! Love the feathers! Tried to help, but you know..."

Eve runs up the stairs to the door (I think the stairs are atleast somewhat long) and uses Vigor on herself. Her last unique power. This nets her 30 HP. I think the stairs are too long to time hop the door, and run out while starting at the bottom of stairs.

Yeh, ill definitely role play the psicrystal. She probably makes them from crystallized hairballs.

Also, if possible I'd like to fluff Eve as actually being a cat, as opposed to a tibbit (which is basically a were-cat). Should have no effect on mechanics, but I'd understand if you are against it :D

2015-06-23, 10:56 PM
Edited from "tibbit" to "psychic", saying that she recognized the effects rather than recognizing your race with her high skill check. She got a nat 20 on the roll, so applying it to Spellcraft rather than Knowledge (whatever) works out.

The tunnel is 30 feet from the door to the bottom of the stairs, and the spiral staircase is 40 feet straight up, which translates to about 70 feet running in circles. (Used a builders' stair calculator to get the actual distance!) Since it's not a straight line, you can't use the Run action. With a speed of 30, that's going to take you at least 3 turns to get out. 1) Double move. 2) Move+time hop door. 3) Actually leave.You run nearly panicked up the stairs. You look straight up as you sense the devil woman pop into view of your mindsight directly above you. She seems to be lying leisurely on the stairs, looking down at you, her arms are crossed on the edge of the stairs while she just smiles at you mischievously.

"Kitty, kitty, kitty... That's sooo nice of you to say. You know, you've been of great help to me. As I'm sure you're quite aware from your spying, I was bounds against my will to that priest, but with both of them quite dead, thanks in no small part to your interference, I find myself completely free to do as I will. Such a noble gesture on your part surely deserves some kind of reward."

2015-06-24, 05:13 PM
Still somewhat weary, Eve sits down. It seems she isn't getting past the stairs, but it also seems she isn't in any immediate danger.

"I'm guessing you... helped them get quite dead. I don't mind, I'm not one of those who hates devils and the such on principle. I am just content with some stuff to... borrow from the deceased. I guess in this situation I might owe you one, for making sure neither of them comes after me. I guess I can also grab the girl, I quite like girls, they never throw stones at me.

2015-06-24, 08:07 PM
She smirks. "Me? Ha. Not at all. That was your doing, little cat. The man you followed, who I had until now presumed your ally, had no chance of defeating my late master without your help. You stunned my master long enough for your friend to fatally poison him buuut.... not quite long enough to keep him from being killed by the next attack.

If you want to loot the bodies, feel free. Part of my former contract won't allow me to take their possessions.

As to the girl... Now, understand, she rightfully belongs to me." She grins a very wicked grin.

"Of course, if you wanted to bargain for her, I'm sure we could work something out..."

2015-06-24, 08:41 PM
Eve purrs.

"You are quite... accommodating. Add that to your looks, and you are starting to become one of my favorite... individuals in the city. And even though I am not in no way obligated to save that girl in any way, it would make me feel slightly better about myself. So, what would you consider taking instead of the girl? I don't grantee agreeing, but talking never hurt anyone... well, it hurt those two. Mind joining me? I wanna see the pretty feathers."

Totally want picture of the "demon". :D

Also, how'd i stun him? Did his CHA get too low for him to cast?

2015-06-24, 08:57 PM
You used ego whip, right?

She looks something like this (http://img13.deviantart.net/850a/i/2012/123/6/0/fallen_by_sakimichan-d4y571x.jpg).

2015-06-24, 09:03 PM
Yeh Ego whip. Ahhh it haz ze daze! Lol, the forgotten effect of ego whip...

2015-06-24, 09:07 PM
Fine. Dazed, not stunned. So he didn't drop the nothing in his hands and didn't take an AC penalty. She still said "stunned".

2015-06-24, 09:09 PM
Apologies. I wasnt nitpicking on the wording. I genuinely forgot ego whip dazes. I agree daze and stun are basically the same thing. Sorry if I sounded nitpicky, it was just me forgetting :-(
Im sooooory :smallfrown:

2015-06-24, 09:57 PM
She lifts her wings a bit to let you have a better view, flaps them once, and refolds them against her back.

"Join you? Thank you, no. I've had enough of serving others.

I'd be interested in working out a trade though. Goods or services in exchange for the girl sounds reasonable to me."

2015-06-24, 10:07 PM
As far as I understood, she was on the stairs, while Eve was around the base of the stairs. Eve's remark was in regards to her coming down physically, so Eve can use her eyes vs touchsight to see (the feathers) (which is what I assumed). But I guess I just imagined the scene slightly differently.

"Apologies, I meant to invite you to come down to the room, so we can chat while I transport their stuff out of here." Eve sends a mind image of a cat-burglar.

Eve carefully walks back into the room, looking over everything, keeping her eye out for the girl who should be popping back pretty soon.

"So, what would be the sufficient price for the girl? What types of goods or services did you have in mind? I can definitely consider various arrangements. You seem like someone to have as a friend, I could use some friends. You can call me Eve. What's your name?"

Eve looks at the stuff she can loot.

Also, I'm curious. From what I understand the cultist was going to sacrifice the girl to some god, so why is the eyrines claiming the girl belongs to her? Unless the cultist was making the sacrifice to her, and she hates him enough to still kill him (though i guess summoning her in a way that can lead to her perma-death is definitely a way to piss her off).

P.S. I dont know if you saw it on Skype yet, but I LOVE the link you sent me. Especially the stunts :D

P.P.S: I was lurking and say you got a thread named Pacific Rim. I just saw a Daily Show segment that is particularly relevant. Starts around 2:40 or so

2015-06-25, 06:16 PM
Upon a closer reading, mindsight is actually much weaker than I first thought and is generally believed.

Mindsight is functionally equivalent to blindsense (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#blindsense). Sure, it tells you Int score and creature type, but it's blocked by anything that blocks line of effect, including a pane of glass or paper wall.

Touchsight is functionally equivalent to blindsight in most regards.

That makes adjudicating them much easier and weaker than typically understood. I'm suddenly a lot happier with those two abilities."Hm. But how do you plan to carry it."

As you walk into the room, you find she's already there, sitting comfortably atop the altar, one leg crossed over the other, tapping her foot in the air to a tune only she can hear.

"Tss. Why don't you call me... Evelyn. Yes, Evelyn sounds nice."

2015-06-25, 06:37 PM
I'd argue against that assessment of mindsight, though I am quite open to just asking the forums what they think.

I read it as such:
1st sentence: A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy.
My take: Anything as long as its within range of telepathy.

2nd sentence: This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means.

My take: It works alot like, but not exactly like blindsense. It does NOT require line of effect, but it does not remove the 50% penalty to hit.

So I read it as 1st sentence being more "in charge" because it does not say "exactly like blindsense". So I think it just detects stuff within 100ft. Just to make sure no one sneaks up on Eve.

Your take on Touchsight is pretty much correct, except its not blocked by that rogue darkstalker feat or whatever its is.

P.S. Please note that this is simply my opinion, and I am just trying to defend my view. I love how you DM and dont mean to upset you with my rebuttal in any way. I have been feeling quite ill the past few days, so I hope I didn't say/do anything mean.

"Oh, I'll just use the sack that fit a whole girl in it. I suspect it's magical, or else the guy's arms would have gotten awfully tired carrying a girl around. Now, what favors were you looking for?"

Eve keeps looking and poking around to see what stuff is lying around.

What can she loot aside from what I suspect to be a haversack?

2015-06-26, 12:08 AM
A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense—the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means.

The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being’s type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being’s race and clothing would be to eyesight.To break it down.

"A creature that has this feat can detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher) within range of its telepathy."
- This explains what the feat does and specifies that it only works on creatures with Int 1+. It doesn't say how it does so though.

"This works much like blindsense—the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means."
- This sentence explains how the feat works mechanically. Except where it explicitly differs, it works as blindsense. You know the square but can't actually see it, the same as blindsense, and it still has total concealment, the same as blindsense.
- By extrapolation, you don't need to make Spot/Listen checks, and you need line of effect. You're also still denied Dex bonus when attacked if you can't actually see your opponent.

"The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being’s type and Intelligence score."
- Doesn't affect the previous sections, only adding new abilities.

"The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being’s race and clothing would be to eyesight."
- Simply says it takes no actions to use the feat and describes how relatively "easy" it is to get the information.
I'm tempted to allow Darkstalker to apply against touchsight due to feeling that feats should taken precedent over spells/powers/etc. and the power's effect being similar to the other senses listed; however, after looking at the two carefully, I'd say that Darkstalker does not provide protection against touchsight.

Touchsight ignores invisibility, darkness, and concealment, while Darkstalker requires that you still have one of those (or HIPS) to avoid detection.
I think that I'd likely allow a character with both Darkstalker and Hide in Plain Sight to evade touchsight, but I'm not sure. It isn't something that's actually come up.She smirks.

"Don't you think it's a little big for you to carry?"

Closer inspection of the bag reveals it to be a large sack about 2 foot wide when laid flat and 4 foot deep. Tugging on it reveals that it weighs nearly twice what you do!

Casually searching the kidnapper's body, you find the two wrist blade things that he used as well as his armor, though you aren't sure a cat could pull the armor off of a full grown human unassisted. He's also carrying a brightly glowing amulet, which he apparently kept tucked away under his shirt, a fancy belt with images of dragons worked into the leather, and a hip pouch (http://neaca.com/images/US_Military_Leather_Cartridge_Box_2_.JPG) containing a number of glass flasks of various colors.

The evil priest's corpse, laying in the open secret doorway, seems to possess only his ritual dagger, a holy symbol (probably of the unholy variety), and the robes he's wearing, ones now sliced open and blood-stained where he was wounded.

2015-06-26, 12:22 AM
I agree with all points,but one. What I am looking at (after having read a number of posts regarding this) is that it tells me location of anything within my 100 ft telepathic range. So I know they are in square x, but I'm flat-footed and all that because I don't actually "see" their hands or something moving to hit me. So I do hope you permit mindsight to just work "within range of [my] telepathy." And telepathy isn't limited by line of effect, so I should be able to "see" any creature I can talk to telepathically. So basically telepathy specifically calls out that it doesn't help detect stuff, and I can only talk to stuff within range that I know is there. Like me needing a phone number to dial to. Meanwhile mindsight gives me the phone book, allowing me to dial anyone within my range, as I now know the numbers.

P. S. Did you enjoy reading about how touchsight can be used by voyers? :D *lurk lurk* *wink wink*

Eve sits down, and thinks for a second. "Heavy indeed. If you dont mind, may I take your word that you will not attack, attempt to harm or inconvenience me in any way for as long as I do not act in a hostile manner towards you? If I may ask Evelyn, what are your plans now that you are free? If you like, you can come with me for a while, if you are looking for a place for the night. Unless you want to risk a paladin finding you while you sleep." She nods over in the direction where the bearded devil died, a testament to the fact that death is now permanent for her on the prime.

Eve starts locking off some soot (do fireballs produce soot?) off her fur. After a few seconds, she remembers something, walks over to her now shattered psicrystal, and eats the pieces (purely aesthetic, to be used when I RP her making a new one later.)

2015-06-26, 03:24 AM
Not sure what you're referring to on that last one. I assume there was something in a few threads I glanced at, but I didn't actually read through any of them beyond skimming to get general opinions. I'd already typed out my reply before even bothering to search and was just double checking to see that I wasn't missing something glaringly obvious.

As to the mindsight thing, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to start limiting it to line of effect. I'll probably allow a general sense that there's someone there but not give you direct information. E.g., you could detect that there's one or more people behind a door in the general vicinity of the room, but you wouldn't get exact Int scores or creature types without line of effect. I don't know. I hate doing a retcon on rules for existing characters, but the more I look at it, the more I'm convinced that Mindsight should be limited by LoE.

On another note, I came up with a theoretical build earlier today that has telepathy measured in miles...She nods thoughtfully then grins broadly.

"Why, yes, I could make that agreement. Do you think you can afford such assurances?

As to what I plan to do now..." She just shrugs.

2015-06-26, 07:23 AM
Yeh, in the thread there was a discussion about how since touchsight basically makes you "feel" everything in sight, you are basically feeling up everyone within range.

I guess I'm fine with just knowing there are people behind door and such. I asked in rules thread and was told that it's based on telepathy, and if the DM thinks that telepathy is blocked by loe then so is mindsight.

"I just want to make sure you won't hurt me. In exchange I want to be friends."

Eve starts looking around for a girl who should should be back soon.

Ok, so Eve is still waiting for the lady to tell her how she can barter for the girl, and she wants to make sure that the lady demon won't attack her or anything if she turns into a girl herself.

2015-06-26, 07:29 AM
My thought is that telepathy is not limited to LoE, but you have to know the creature is there to be able to communicate via telepathy, and telepathy doesn't automatically give you that ability.
Mindsight lets you "see" the creature through your telepathy but "works much like blindsense," thus being limited to LoE.

Telepathy isn't limited to LoE, but Mindsight is. It's like shouting at someone through a wall. Telepathy can let you communicate with someone you can't see, but being able to see doesn't let you see through the wall.
"I suppose we could make such an agreement. Are you willing to make it a formal oath?"

Speaking is a free action. So... the girl will come back when Plot! deems it appropriate. :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-26, 07:36 AM
Here's what I got from answers thread:
And in other threads people were basically saying same thing, that telepathy isn't defined. Though I'd understand if you want to rule the way you did.

A 122 Ask your DM.

Mindsight is dependent on Telepathy. How Telepathy works in D&D is not defined. The range could be a straight line independent of materials, though that would be inconsistent with other telepathic effects like Detect Thoughts (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectThoughts.htm), which is blocked by a thin sheet of lead. The range could also encompass all concatenations of lines of effect where the total path doesn't exceed the range; in that case a shielded character would be out of range of Telepathy (and consequently Mindsight) regardless of actual distance, because no line of effect would be in range of the target mind. Your individual DM will have to make a judgment.

P. S. That mile telepathy, is it one where you transform into that monster that gives you like 50miles telepathy?

P. P. S. Man, that lurking skill.

"I do not wish to make any oath that will adversely affect me in any way. If it it a simple oath that ensures we speak the truth, then I would. But not anything like you did with that man over there, I'm sure you understand. Your word would be enough really. I on my end promise not to do anything that I think might result in harm or inconvenience to you, unless provoked. "
Eve rolled her eyes internally, it seems her wizard was quite interested in contracts.

2015-06-26, 08:11 AM
It's a template with 100 mile telepathy.She seems offended and quickly leans forward, uncrossing her legs and crossing her arms to rest on her knees in one smooth motion.

"Now you listen here, cat. You don't even know what he and I did, so you have no idea what you're talking about. Don't go insulting me out of ignorance. I do not forgive easily, and you do NOT want to get on my bad side."

2015-06-26, 08:20 AM
Eve looks apologetic.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I saw the blood, and assumed it was powerful magic. My only intent is not to get into any situation without knowing all the facts, and the best way is by keeping things simple. You are much stronger than me, and all I really hope for is that you don't try to hurt me. I only known you for a short time, and don't know what to expect from you, though you do seem nice."

There's a template with whaaaaaa? Which one? :D

2015-06-26, 08:47 AM
Well, you've convinced me to make an official ruling on this and add it to the rules thread. I'll get something official done shortly.She sits up straight and thumps her chest with one fist.

"That right it was powerful magic!"

She seems to calm down and regain her composure, returning to her more comfortable lounging position on the altar, distracted momentarily by licking blood off of one of her fingers.

"Now, I've been patient with you. So, here's the deal. You agree to undertake a task of my choosing, and I'll give the girl to you."

At that moment, the girl reappears in midair. The devil quickly reaches out and snatches her before she can hit the ground. Yanking her back to the altar, she sits her down and taps her once on the forehead, causing the girl's eyes to glaze over.

"Now you just sit right there and be good. Mommy's talking."
"Yes, ma'am."

2015-06-26, 08:59 AM
Eve looks at Evelyn with wonder.

"I wish I was as strong as you! So, what is it you want done?"

Eve is really starting to like the winged lady.

2015-06-26, 09:10 AM
"Do you now? Well, perhaps I can grant that wish... I'll tell you what. You hop on up here for a moment, and I'll see what I can do for you."

She pats the altar next to her.

"Don't worry. I won't bite. Show a little faith, and we'll discuss some things."

2015-06-26, 09:21 AM
"Hmm..." Eve isn't too thrilled about potential unknown magic, but refusal would mean being disrespectful.


She hops on the altar. Hopefully she made it clear that she does not concent to having any harmful magic cast on her

2015-06-26, 09:24 AM
She reaches down and taps your forehead much as she did with the girl. Suddenly, new insights and knowledge flow through your mind.

"Just a sample of the benefits I can offer you."

Eve gains a +3 untyped bonus to Intelligence.

2015-06-26, 09:34 AM
Purring, Eve rubs her now smarter head on Evelyn's thigh (assuming Eve is standing on an altar the devil is sitting on, thus being near her thighs).

"Oh thank you! So, what it is you need help with. I am not the strongest, but I'll try to help out."

2015-06-26, 09:47 AM
"I need you to recover a particular amulet for me. It's currently in the hands of the Sisters of Salvation, indeed, the very organization to which this lovely young thing belongs."

She motions to the girl sitting beside her in a stupor.

2015-06-26, 10:13 AM
"Sure, I can do that. What does the amulet do? Should I take any precautions while handling it? And what can you tell me about the sisters? If you can, show me their clothes." Eve shows off random church outfits telepathically to demonstrate her intent.

This whole thing turned out better than expected... Hopefully this want me selling my should or anything, that's would be bad.

2015-06-26, 06:36 PM
"It's mostly a protective talisman stolen from me a number of years ago before I was bound. It's got sharp edges, so don't cut yourself, I suppose...

Um..." She points to the girl sitting next to her. The one she just mentioned was a member of the Sisters of Salvation and who is wearing their standard white robes. Evelyn looks at Eve as if she's wondering whether or not the Int boost was enough to get this job done...

2015-06-26, 06:48 PM
Eve looks at the girl.
"Just checking. Maybe she was in her other clothes when she got kidnapped..."
Jumping down on the floor, she transforms into her human form. Naked for only a few seconds, she turns her new present into a white dress, an exact copy of the girl's.

"When in a church, wear appropriate clothes, and loudly profess your faith, and no one will question you. " She said, spinning around, showing her dress.

" This should fool them, don't you think? Mind using your powers to make the girl think I'm one of the sisters, and the one who saved her from sacrifice? The latter is technically true. It will help me get in to retrieve your talisman."

2015-06-26, 06:50 PM
She seems completely unfazed by your transformation, what with constant true seeing and all...

"Now, honey, I'm sure you understand the term 'collateral'. Don't you? The girl remains here until I have my talisman. If you can't recover it, then I keep her to use however I see fit. Simple as that."

2015-06-26, 07:05 PM
"Ofcourse. That's perfectly reasonable. It might take me a day or two to get the talisman though, I'm not exactly in the best shape as of this second. What are you planning to do with her anyways?"
Eve asks as she ruffles through the bag on the floor.

You said bag was heavy so I assume there's stuff.

2015-06-26, 07:14 PM
Hefting the bag, Eve finds it's about 15 lbs in weight and completely empty.

"That's not really your concern, though I suppose we could bargain for that information." She smiles maliciously at you.

2015-06-26, 07:35 PM
Before when you referred to the girl "flopping out of magic container" did you mean the bag, or something else? I totally thought it was a bag of holding :(

"Nah, just a cats curiosity. Knowledge of your actions isn't necessary for me. "
Eve takes some time to collect the items in the room. She takes all the items from the dead kidnapper, after all he doesn't need his armor anymore, she takes care to wipe off any blood, as not to make a mess. She also collects his weapon, amuler and vials. She then grabs the cultists dagger for good measure, and takes another look around to make sure she got everything. She turns her clothes to a less conspicuous cloak.

She also checks for any gold the cultists might have had lying around incase he couldn't kill the man and had to pay.

2015-06-26, 07:41 PM
Putting all the items into the bag, Eve finds the bag still seems to weigh the exact same amount.

Looking around, Eve finds an unsigned bank check made out to the kidnapper, whose name was apparently Kelmer Duffin, for a total of 1,000 gold. Being made out to a different individual and being unsigned makes it somewhat difficult to cash...

There seems to be very little else of note in the room with the altar.

The entire time you're digging around with stuff, the fiendish woman just watches you, never blinking.

2015-06-26, 07:53 PM
Eve also checks the other room, one behind the false door.

As she turns to leave, Eve directs a last question at the lady.
"How do I contact you once I have the item?"

2015-06-28, 02:40 AM
The room appears to be a small living area. There's a fairly comfortable looking bed, a wooden chest, and a table and chair with a lantern. There's also a small bookshelf with a number of tomes on it that appear very well read.

2015-06-28, 02:32 PM
Grabbing the tomes for good measure, and checking the chest by time-hopping the lid away, Eve waves at Evelyn and walks out of the place.

After leaving, she heads on over to the flint, and rents a room, to rest for the night.

Eve leaves and goes to rest up. She has some funds to pay for room if that cost isn't just hand waived.

So... Do I get any xp for not becoming a cat-kebab?


2015-06-28, 11:37 PM
XP is awarded for completing things, not starting them. You still have an amulet to find, a girl to save, and the devil to pay. :smalltongue:You dump the 12 tomes into the bag.
The chest contains a collection of blood-stained clothing, almost all of which seem to be leftover from former victims.

You are informed that the Sad Flint charges 5 gold per night for a room.

2015-06-28, 11:49 PM
Booo!!! Next time im helping the devil sacrifice the girl. I get little horns on my head for that, but its faster than a "fetch x item quest". Atleast its better than escort NPC quest :smalltongue::smalltongue:

Eve heads on over to the flint and gets a room, to stash her stuff.
In the morning, she heads on out, to gather some information on the sisters, as well as keep an eye on their church (Its a church right?).

Gather Info
(Feel free to roll a few more for me, if there IS any information to be gained by spending an extra hour or two looking around. Dont want to make a whole new post with rolls.)

Does Eve know of any way to receive free healing in town? Magical healing fountains, healing churches that sort of thing? She wouldnt want to pay if there's a church that offers free healing to all in need. :D

2015-06-29, 12:13 AM
Don't care how upset you get. Being able to use "the devil to pay" in a directly game related sense is so totally worth it. :smallbiggrin:Eve knows that the Almathean Hospital in the Temple District offers free healing, but only to those who have critical injuries and those too poor to offer anything. All others are expected to bring offerings to the temple. As far as Eve knows, there are no other sources of free healing in the city.

The only thing Eve learns in [roll0] hours is that the Sisters of Salvation are not located in Temple.

2015-06-29, 12:25 AM
Eeeeeeevil! And all I wanted was some schmuck to beat up *cry*

Deciding to approach the day differently, Eve goes to drag all her newly acquired junk to an appraiser, to see if its worth anything. Any money acquired will go toward some "offerings" and fish.

2015-06-29, 12:56 AM
Eve goes to the same junk appraiser she used last time...? Not sure where she's actually going...

2015-06-29, 07:04 AM
Probably :D
As a cat she managed to get the WBL we start with, so she probably went around taking stuff no one would miss and selling them off. But if knowing an appraiser is a stretch (and not common knowledge) then I guess I can roll knowledge again.
Say, did that INT increase give me bonus skill points?

2015-06-29, 09:18 AM
the only bonus type that grants skill points is Inherent, and they are not retroactive. This was an untyped bonus, so it's effectively no different than wearing a magic item.

I figured most of her wealth came from looting the dead wizard's lair as she fled. One or two small items from a near epic wizard had to have been worth WBL at 6th.

2015-06-29, 10:29 AM
Yeh, that was another option for how she got the money. So I guess ill roll again for gather info.

She uses read thoughts to help gather info, as needed.

2015-06-30, 02:04 AM
[roll0] hours later, you learn that Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos in the Plaza identifies items for 50 gp each and "buys" items (for store credit) at 70% market value. You also learn that Ezekiel's Outfitters, also in the Plaza, will buy quality magic items at 60% market price, paying cash.
These are pretty well known, what with being in the Plaza and all.

Another [roll1] hours later, you learn of a shady merchant and pawn broker in Guildsman that will buy anything he perceives to be of value. He's also fairly well known in the city. He's certain to rip you off and is known to have ties to the City Watch, but none of the people who know about him know of anyone who has been arrested from dumping items with him.

Assuming you stop asking around there, you also learn that most general shops will buy magic items at 50% market price and mundane items at 25% market price.

Assuming Eve started out about 7 AM this morning, it's now 6 in the evening, and most shops are closing down for the night. If she's going to do something today, she'll need to get moving!

2015-06-30, 10:50 AM
Eve decides to visit the man in Guildsman. The stuff she got might be better sold to a more discreet source.

"Hello! I'd like to have some stuff I found to be identified, and then I'll sell most of it." She smiles and waves at the shopkeep.

2015-06-30, 10:54 AM
He briefly looks over the items you've brought in, pausing only to check the edges on the three weapons and flip through two of the tomes.

"Eh. I'll give you five hun' for the lot of it."

2015-06-30, 11:01 AM
Eve looks unimpressed.

"Can you tell me what they are?" She asks while activating her read thoughts power again.

I am hoping to use read thoughts to detect the persons thoughts about the stuff I bring up. So if I ask him about the items, he will think about what they are but might embellish an explanation. For example:
"If I don't tell her this is a vorpal sword, she might agree to give it away for pennies. "
That sort of thing.

2015-06-30, 11:09 AM
His thoughts seem completely blocked to you. He definitely has mental shielding.

"Look kid, I don't have all day to waste identifying junk people bring in. It's an hour per item and a minimum of one ten gold per casting, and that's if I find a caster down on his luck willing to spend an hour for a mere ten gold. If I find a priest willing to burn a day, that's still costing me sixty per casting and wasting an entire day and none too likely either. Nothing here seems particularly interesting, but you seem like a good kid. I'll up it to five ten if it'll make you happy."

2015-06-30, 11:14 AM
"I'll find someone to identify them, and come back later, that way we both know what we are getting. " She gives him a pretty smile.

" Before I go, I was hoping you could help a girl out. I am looking for the sisters of salvation. Anything you can tell me would be a great help."

2015-06-30, 11:21 AM
He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever kid.

Yeah, they're in Midtown. They ain't gonna help you dump your murder loot though. They frown on that kind of thing."

He waves you off dismissively and turns to walk through the nearby door into the back.

"Don't steal anything on your way out."

2015-06-30, 11:25 AM
Shaking her head, Eve heads for midtown. She barely resists the urge to steal something just because she was told not to.

Arriving in midtown she starts asking around about the sisters.

2015-06-30, 11:36 AM
Walking all the way to Guildsman and back has eaten up another hour of time, and the sun is setting. You find the place around 7:30.

The Sisters of Salvation Center is a small two story plaster building with several open windows on the corner of Porter's Road and Steinbacher Hohl in West Midtown. The Sisters are going about business as usual, shutting down for the night. Two of the sisters you can see outside are giving away the last few scraps of food from their charity work to an old man who has seen better days. Another seems to be going to each window on the ground floor closing and securing the shutters for the night while the last one in view is dragging a table inside.

2015-06-30, 11:42 AM
Walking up to one of the sisters, Eve stops pretending to be allright. She is still hurt from the fire, and she just spent a whole day walking around. She definitely needs some rest.

"Hello sister. Would you be able to spare a place for a young girl to spend the night? I have heard the sisters are kind, and help out those in need. I just need somewhere to stay, but I'd love to hear more about your order."

If I am allowed in, you are allowed to describe Eve coming in, chatting with a sister, and stuff like that. Unlike some people I have no problem with a good DM doing some character controlling. Then there are some who I seen blow up when someone says "I hand them an envelope", thinking they tried to control their character by implying they took the envelope.

2015-07-01, 11:42 AM
She looks terribly saddened by your plight.

"I'm so sorry, ma'am, but we just don't have the room left. If you had but arrived an hour or so earlier...
Sister Tara should be able to heal your injuries though. If you'd be willing to come with me, we can tend to those and get you a little something to eat."

She leads you inside. You enter into a smallish gathering room, no more than 20ft x 30ft. Most of the floor is covered by pallets for the women and children who will be staying the night.

"So, care to tell me how you came by those burns?"

What's your current hp total?

2015-07-01, 12:34 PM
I think im at 16/30 HP.
Though Eve will manifest Vigor on herself to make herself feel better, if only superficially.

"Some sorcerer cast a spell. He wasn't targeting me, but I was unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast. I was actually lucky, as I managed to turn away from the worst of it. " Eve says sadly.

"I ran into this other nice girl though who turned out to belong to your order. About this big, pretty hair, younger than me even. So I came here to look for you, figuring you can help."

2015-07-01, 02:34 PM
She nods as you tell her about the sorcerer. "Well that's good to hear."

When you start talking about the girl, she stops dead in her tracks, spins towards you and grabs you by the shoulders.

Speaking frantically, she asks, "What did she look like? Did you talk to her? Did you get her name? Is she okay? Where is she?"

2015-07-01, 03:02 PM
Eve pursed her lips.
"Well, she's in some trouble. I did my best to help her, actually how I got these..." She gestures to the burns.

"Tell me, what would you give to get her back? She is safe for now, but I was unable to get her back here, without... being told to provide a rather specific forms of payment for her freedom." She looks quite annoyed at her inability to save the girl.

2015-07-01, 03:14 PM
She squeezes your upper arms hard and narrows her eyes, peering angrily into yours.

"You dare walk into our home, request healing, and then demand ransom for one of our Daughters! How dare you?! How. Dare. You."

2015-07-01, 03:31 PM
Eve looks blankly at the sister.

"You misunderstand. I saved her life once, but she is held by a third party. I had three options, try and fight, but I am not nearly strong enough for that. To leave the girl, to a fate I am quite certain to be quite unpleasant. Or to agree to bring a ransom. Believe you me, I am QUOTE unhappy with the thought of meeting the one who holds her. But I do believe she is safe for now, as she was referred to as collateral, meaning she would be returned in her current state if I manage to procure the payment. "

Eve looks abit angry at this point.
"I nearly died trying to protect her once, and now I am here actually TELLING you that she is alive. I don't demands anything of you. I am telling you that I can bring her back for good. If I could do so without asking you for anything, I would."

2015-07-01, 03:40 PM
She doesn't look convinced.

"Fine. Watch your words more carefully when you speak to Sister Tara then. She's not very forgiving."

She lets go of one of your arms and half guides/half pushes you by the other to a door set in the back wall. She bangs on the door twice and says in a loud voice, "Sister Tara, a girl here says she knows where Daughter Sarah is and who holds her."

The door opens to reveal a tall, stern looking woman in her late 30s with blonde hair already going grey. She is dressed in the same simple robes of her order; however, where theirs are white, hers is a silvery color with azure blue embroidery worked into the ends of the sleeves and the bottom near her feet. She looks you over once, and you feel as if her eyes are looking deep into your mind, but you don't feel anything. Some people just have that kind of gaze.

She steps back and motions to the Sister who brought you this far.

"Come in."

Assuming you don't resist, you are pushed into the room by the other Sister and directed to a short stool.

Sister Tara walks over to you, stares at you for a moment, then says, "Start with your name, then tell me everything you know about Daughter Sarah."

2015-07-01, 03:53 PM
Eve speaks very slowly. Not trusting the sisters, she is playing a catchy tune in her head on a loop, just in case they try listening to her surface thoughts. She also does not lie, to stay on their good side.

I'd rather not disclose my name. But the story is as follows. I was following a shady man in an alley. He looked like he was up to no good. He went to a secret layer, where he tried to sell Sarah to a cultist. The cultist was going to sacrifice her right there, but decided to double cross the shady man, and kill him. He had two devils to help him, but one was quite unhappy with serving him. During the scuffle, I stopped the cultists from escaping with the girl and managed to turn the fight into a draw. In the end the body count was one dead cultist, one dead kidnapper, and one dead devil." She looks quite proud at this particular part.

"Sadly the second devil, the one unhappy with the cultist lived. She claimed ownership of the girl, and I was in no shape to say no. I did manage to convince her to give the girl in exchange for something else. She asked for a talisman supposedly in your possession. So you see, I'm not demanding anything for myself. I am just trying to help someone who seemed like a rather nice girl."

2015-07-01, 04:03 PM
The moment you try to mention the she devil for the first time, you feel a strong tension building at the base of your skull. It has no effects on what you can or can't say, but it does give you pause to more carefully consider your words.

Do you wish to continue as written?

2015-07-01, 04:06 PM
Eve decides to refer to the devils as allies of the cultist, to avoid disclosing too much. If that still gives a warning, she will rephrase even more.

2015-07-01, 04:11 PM
You refer to the devils as "allies"; however, the pressure doesn't lessen. The moment you mention the lady ally, the tension pops like a rope stretched too tight. Beyond that, you feel no other effects.

The two Sisters look at each other for a moment before Sister Tara nods and turns back to you, the other Sister leaving the room briskly.

"I'll heal your wounds, but you'll lead us to where she is being held. If it's only a single individual, we should be able to recover her safely enough. If this is some kind of setup, you'll be number one on our list.

Give me your hand."

She extends her hand to you palm up.

2015-07-01, 04:16 PM
If pressure doesn't lessen, Eve would try to be even more vague. She also wouldn't refer to the devil as "ally lady".

Since there was no problem referring to her as a third party, Eve would do the following:
She describes the whole fight while omitting the devils entirely, but in the end she explains it as such:
After the cultist and the kidnapper were dead, the girl was taken by a third party, as I said before.
This third party claimed ownership of the girl, and I was in no shape to say no. I did manage to convince said individual to give up the girl in exchange for something else. I was asked for a talisman supposedly in your possession. So you see, I'm not demanding anything for myself. I am just trying to help someone who seemed like a rather nice girl.

Eve doesn't actually hate the devil, and doesn't want to get on her bad side either. So if she feels the "pressure not lessen" then she gets as vague as possible. Though she was never told not to reveal the devils existence.

Eve accepts the healing, but shakes her head at the request.
"I'm sorry. I am not willing to risk it. If you like, you can have me swear in a zone of truth that I will use the talisman to rescue the girl. But I am unwilling to lead you there. I want the girl safe, and I do not want to get on the bad side of this third party. I already went way out of my comfort zone on multiple occasions these past two days. If you do not trust me, or do not want to trade the amulet for the girl, then that is your choice. I have done more than most would by helping her thus far and then telling you she is in trouble. Please don't force me to do something I don't want to." Eve's eyes tear up.

2015-07-01, 04:46 PM
That description is vague enough that the pressure lessens somewhat, but it seems to talking about her existence as individual at all causes some kind of tension.

She waits for your agreement before offering the healing. When you refuse, she frowns deeply.

"Then you will tell us the location, and we will recover her ourselves. If you must absolve yourself, we will find means to protect your anonymity."

She continues to hold onto your hand.

2015-07-01, 05:01 PM
"No." Eve seems quite adamant. The pressure told her that the lady seemed to prefer anonymity even though she failed to actually mention that fact before. So she decided to oblige.

"I am the only one who knows of the... Situation. If you fail, I will be in trouble. And unless you are actually an avatar of pelor in disguise, I just don't know you enough to trust you, I'm sure you understand. I have done nothing illegal, I have not lied, and I have no actual obligation to reveal anything. Though I HAVE made a promise to deliver the amulet in exchange for the girl. I do not want to break that promise, nor will I break this one." She pauses for a second to take a deep breath.

"If you give me the talisman I promise to go and exchange it for Sarah, after which I will bring her straight here. I believe that with the talisman I will have the best chance to retrieve her, and that she will not encounter the same predicament in the future."
She breathes in, after having said all that in one breath.

"If you do not trust me, I am willing to testify in a zone of truth as I said before. If you do not value Sarah's life as much as the amulet, and I do not mean to imply that you do, only the possibility. Then I will understand any unwillingness. I do hope that you do not try to do anything to me solely for disagreeing with your methods, after I came to tell you how I helped one of your order. I am sure you value a life of one girl more than some trinket."

She hopes that she explained the situation well enough, as not to appear to imply any wrongdoing on the part of the sisters for their unwillingness to immediately relinquish the talisman.

2015-07-01, 05:09 PM
"What amulet?"

2015-07-01, 05:18 PM
Eve actually looks confused.

"You know... I haven't actually quite thought that through...

She now looked like she just accidentally kicked a chihuahua and felt reeeeeally bad about it.

She then remembers the few details she was told and looks slightly more cheerful, just slightly.
"It's some protective amulet, got sharp edges. I don't know any more about it than that. I kinda hoped you don't have many amulets lying around."

Ahe still looked really sad that she didn't clarify further.

2015-07-02, 12:40 PM
"Stay here."

She steps out of the room and closes the door behind her. You get a brief mental glimpse of the girl who brought you in, another human with Int 20, and an outsider with Int 10.

2015-07-02, 12:51 PM
Eve stays, taking the time to buff herself up, just in case as she doesn't like trusting anyone just in case.

Using feats to boost all ability scores by 2, and natural armor of 3 for an hour.
Also gets herself the inertial armor, and double checks she still got vigor.

I keep waiting for "You died" to appear in big red letters, and I will keep expecting that until this storyline is done.

Say, can you just give me your personal feedback on how I'm doing? I mean, am I being too reckless, and I making the game interesting? Stuff like that. I'm just curious for an evaluation of my performance so I can maybe adjust abit, if it would make for a better experience for all.

2015-07-02, 01:02 PM
You're doing pretty well. You could have handled this situation a lot better though.

You're one of the better players, but Eve, as a character, is a bit frustrating at times for various reasons. I'm not trying to kill her off, as I do with some characters, and you're actually in a pretty good position. You've got four paths open to you with this storyline, half of which earn you a strong ally and the other half earn you a strong enemy. There may or may not be some overlap there...You continue to wait. You hear some amount of arguing outside of the room, but you can't quite make out the words. You do get the idea that they're arguing about you though.