View Full Version : Help with transmutation spell?

2015-02-18, 11:45 AM
I'm running an upcoming game where two of the villains are a transmuter and a skeleton fighter. I had the idea that the transmuter could use her abilities to turn the skeleton's bones into steel or stone or something else really strong. What spell specifically should this utilize, or should I come up with something homebrew to make it fit better?

2015-02-18, 12:40 PM
Option 1.) It's a monster, so you don't really need to follow the rules of magic quite the same way that your characters do. (In 5e, PCs and NPCs follow similar but different rules).

Give the skeletons in the fight better AC, another HD and a natural attack which mirrors what I recall is a weapon attack. Pay attention to the rules in the DMG for adjusting CR for monsters you tinker with. There are your beefier skeletons.

If asked, post hoc tell your players that the caster animated them with a special component or cast a rare spell on them. It's not like your players are necromancers, right?

If they are, it's only fair to let them use the spell if they can find it and copy it into their spellbook. Make sure that the CR you calculate falls in line with the animate dead spell.

Option 2.) Stoneskin gives the caster 16 AC. Call the spell "Stone Bones," make it apply to undead only, and have the effect be the same. You now have beefier skeletons.

2015-02-18, 01:09 PM
Option 2.) Stoneskin gives the caster 16 AC. Call the spell "Stone Bones," make it apply to undead only, and have the effect be the same. You now have beefier skeletons.

This feels like the better option, suits a transmuter better than a necromancy spell would. Maybe rule it as a permanent duration since its basically inferior to plate armor anyway (nice flavor for a transmuter backed skeleton though, especially if used in ADDITION to plate armor.

2015-02-18, 03:14 PM
this is basically just a skeleton wearing armour. doesn't seem like it would be a problem... make up a custom spell that has a consumed material component of a suit of armour, and binds that suit onto the skeleton as part of animating it.

2015-02-18, 03:17 PM
This feels like the better option, suits a transmuter better than a necromancy spell would. Maybe rule it as a permanent duration since its basically inferior to plate armor anyway (nice flavor for a transmuter backed skeleton though, especially if used in ADDITION to plate armor.

- I would rather keep it undead only and move it to part of the animation process for the undead. Truthfully, I prefer the first option, since it's generally

- Provider a permanent 16 AC with nothing but your knickers on is HUGE. The spell level would need to be pretty high to justify the permanent power granted.

2015-02-18, 04:35 PM
- I would rather keep it undead only and move it to part of the animation process for the undead. Truthfully, I prefer the first option, since it's generally

- Provider a permanent 16 AC with nothing but your knickers on is HUGE. The spell level would need to be pretty high to justify the permanent power granted.

- it pretty much *is* undead-only. most other creatures will not enjoy the experience of having armour grafted to their bones, particularly since i never said the shape of the armour changes. as a rule, expect pesky little details like "my liver was not designed to function while being split in half by a steel plate" to cause problems for anyone attempting to do this with something that is *not* undead. or, if it conforms to the shape of the bones, well, have fun not being able to replace your blood cells and slowly dying from blood loss. on the plus side, when your skeleton is reanimated, it'll make a great undead minion (plus for obvious reasons it won't do much to protect many of your vital organs, which is kinda the point of armour in the first place).

- no, it really isn't a powerful effect. it is the *exact* same effect as taking a suit of armour (or barding, depending on shape) and strapping it onto the skeleton, which will never need to take it off for any reason. it is precisely as powerful as wearing armour, because the effect is identical.

2015-02-18, 06:29 PM
The first rule of creating enemies for the PCs, don't try to make a PC.

Give them whatever AC you want, but perhaps slow them down a bit.

Also I wanted to share my favorite transmutor trap (from ages ago).

Transmute Rock to Mud traps.

If a creature ends a turn on a TRtM trap then they must take a Dex Save (DC whatever you want) or sink ankle (or further) deep. It is a DC (whatever you want) Str check to break free (get 1/round for free, may use action to gain another check). Any turn your break out of the trap you count your movements as difficult terrain.

Have your monsters move in weird shapes to give the players a clue on where not to step.