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2015-02-18, 01:52 PM
Thundercracker and DM ONLY please. These are meant to be private, after all.

You wander a bit until you enter Belelen Plaza in the Mage's Quarter. There is a magic shop selling various items of power on one side, while the rest of it appears to be residential, or at least as residential as a large collection of spellcasters gets. A small sign above a narrow alley reads "Home of the Arcane Order".

2015-02-18, 08:58 PM
Katoerian wastes no time and steps right up to the magical shop.

Assuming there is someone to greet him, he will engage in a little bit of banter with the shop clerk or owner first before moving onto his true purpose:
"On another note," the young human said, "I wonder if you might help me with something. I am in need of magical services, spells to imbue into custom made items, do you offer these services or know of anyone who might? A friend of yours, perhaps?"

improve attitude: Diplomacy take 10 if possible for 36, otherwise [roll0]

2015-02-19, 08:32 AM
You enter Lloyd's Laudable Lavishments, the premier magic item shop in the city. A quick glance around at the small selection of items under glass displays, the golden scroll work and embellishments on the white marble walls, and the deep, plush red carpet as you enter all indicate that the items here are likely well outside of your price range.

A mighty looking warforged covered with arcane runes guards the door. The shopkeeper is a wizened old man with thick spectacles and a wispy beard that looks like it was never more than patchy.

"We, of course, offer the best custom goods on the market. Only the best for our customers."

2015-02-19, 08:34 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Excellent," Katoerian replied, a smile breaking out across his face, "that's just what I'm looking for. I am Katoerian Shun, of House Shun. I may have a rather large order coming in soon, from one of my... contemporaries in the noble quarter. Do you have spare enchanting capacity, if I'm unable to meet the demand? What are your standard rates? Or is there someone else I should speak with?"

Katoerian fully expected the shop owner to try to gouge him, as this was an upscale shop and he'd introduced himself as a noble, with demand he could not meet, but it would set a good upper limit for what _he_ could charge others.

basically what I'm looking for here are enchanting rates for the entire enchanting process, or just to supply the spells. I don't know if we should get bogged down in all the dirty numbers just yet, so maybe a percentage of the standard rates would be best at this point? After this my character plans head to a place that is a little more low-scale, a little more desperate for business, and get a low number. That will give him a price range for production. The next step is to head to the noble's quarter and make a deal...

2015-02-20, 08:19 PM
"I don't believe I've ever heard of House Shun..."

He reaches into the glass case in front of him and pulls out a small, wooden case. He opens it to reveal a velvet lined box with an ornate wand inside. Gingerly removing the wand, he continues.

"Look upon this, the pristine ivory shaped so delicately, the intricate gold filigree, the inlaid mithral and darkwood, the radiant gleam of pure dragonshard. This, sir, is a work of art. See how it balanced it is in the hand, how well it moves... back... and forth..."

He delicately waves the wand in front of you. Make a Will save. Regardless of if you fail, he carefully returns the wand to the box and continues.

"This is not merely a magical tool. This is not the work of some novice, some hack, or some mere craftsman. This is the work of a true artisan! Sir, if you have to ask how much it costs, then you simply cannot afford it."

He snaps the box shut and returns it to its place in the case.

2015-02-20, 09:17 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian's face darkened as the elderly shopkeep did...something with the wand.

will: [roll0]
detect magic, any idea what was going on with the wand?

"Sir, I do not usually appreciate wands being utilized upon my person without my express prior permission," he said, "will you do me the courtesy of telling me which spell that was?"

2015-02-20, 10:45 PM
Katoerian Shun has been charmed by the shopkeeper, but the failed Will save leaves him unaware that the spell was even cast. As far as your character realizes, the guy showed him the wand and is very likeable.

2015-02-20, 11:36 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian smiled as an idea struck him and he leaned forward slightly and spoke softer, almost conspiratorially.

"Hey, perhaps we could help each other out," Katoerian said, "with your craftsmanship and my way with words, we could stand to make a lot of gold. I'm going to be in the Noble's Quarter later today, perhaps I could put in a good word for you."

2015-02-21, 07:35 PM
The man smiles.

"But, of course. That sounds like a wonderful arrangement. Now, if you buy had an example of my work to display to your friends, well, wouldn't that be perfect? Please, take your time in selecting something for purchase. You can't be too careful or spend too much on something you're showing off you know."

He grins and winks conspiratorially at you.

2015-02-21, 09:01 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian spends some time, browsing the wares, examining different items. He's looking for something with utility, but also elegant and not too showy... something he himself would like.

What items are available? Can I pick anything? OOC I'm not so well versed on magical items, any suggestions? Katoerian would look for something that would entice a noble to purchase more for friends and family.

Finally he settles on one he deems a good sample. Unfortunately, he knows there is no way he can afford it with his current funds. Perhaps his new friend Lloyd will cut him a deal.

"Lloyd, my friend," Katoerian said, "this is perfect for our arrangement, don't you think? Only I wasn't expecting to make a purchase today; I don't have the funds on me right now. Why don't you let me show it to a few people, and when I find a buyer for more than you're selling it here, you can have the full price tag here plus half of the extra I bring in. We both win."

Katoerian is telling the truth here, so I'm not sure it would be bluff. Diplomacy for negotiation? I'll roll both.
diplomacy take 10 if possible for 36 otherwise: [roll0]
bluff take 10 if possible for 30 otherwise: [roll1]

2015-02-21, 09:15 PM
He'll carry anything in that except for artifacts, Relics, Magic Item Sets, magic masks, and anything exclusively psionic in nature. Magic Item Compendium is a good place to start. If you want me to just roll randomly, I can do that too...

I hope the charm person isn't too much of a problem for you, but I figured you'd be a good sport about it. A lot of players get mad and fuss that "only NPCs" can be affected by those kinds of things...
"I'll tell you what I'll do for you. You make a down payment now, and we'll draw up a finance contract. You make regular payments until it's paid off, and we'll call it good. Seem fair to you?"

2015-02-21, 09:54 PM
Katoerian Shun

Compulsions are a tricky thing. PCs really have only one real power in the game, and that is control over their own character's choices. The key to any good game is the players need to trust the GM not to screw them over arbitrarily. That meaning, not to punish the characters if the player had no choice in the matter. Taking away the ability to make choices for their own character risks ruining the game for some players. I don't particularly _enjoy_ compulsions, but I try to play within them when they happen. Like this case, charm person works both ways, I didn't simply have Katoerian turn into a moron and go 'okay' when Lloyd suggested buying something, I tried to figure out a way within the charm person compulsion (Lloyd's my good friend) to come up with something that would turn things to Katoerian's advantage, in this case, he's going to get a magic item for very little gold outlay, which he can (should) be able to sell to someone later for a tidy profit. Or use himself. Either way, it should be an interesting story, and that's what we're really after, right?

The only thing is, me as a player, I want gloves of eldritch admixture, but my character, charmed though he is, is shopping for something he can easily sell for profit to a noble. I'm thinking ring of invisibility? Who wouldn't want a ring of invisibility? :)
The greater version is so very tempting though. It depends on the terms of the contract, which one I would want to go for. What would be the monthly gold installment for each? And will Lloyd be willing to accept magical items in lieu of gold?

"Oh Lloyd, I'm insulted," Katoerian said with mock indignation, "of course I shall pay you back. Why don't we just shake on it?"
assuming Lloyd disagrees, Katoerian will still attempt to negotiate as favourable terms as possible; letting money go freely is against his character's nature and his overall goal of proving to his father he can build up a fortune and influence of his own, and manage it better than his elder brother.

2015-02-21, 10:08 PM
I'm not usually going to throw dominates and such at players, but I feel that charm person and certain other effects should be fair game. They essentially just force you to treat someone as if they're your friend. It can be a bit chaffing, I understand, but that's kind of the point of the spell. I also only try to throw them at players who I think can handle them. You seemed like you could roll with it without much of a problem. I promise I won't be sending stuff like that your way very often.

Unfortunately, Lloyd is notorious for selling absolutely nothing below market price. With a finance contract and monthly interest charges, there's almost no chance of being able to sell something for more than you paid for it, unless you just skip the payments entirely... which will have its own set of issues for you to deal with.
"I'm afraid I really can't do that. Truly, I am sorry. My backers simply don't allow me to let goods walk out the door without full payment or a legally binding contract. Indeed, I'm quite compelled to follow those guidelines and see no way around them...

Of course, our finance plans are more than generous."

You catch the hint that he's conveying that he is under a magical compulsion to follow those rules.

Also note that you're not compelled to sign, even if it's a favorable contract. You just see him as a friend and can't be charmed into doing something potentially harmful to your character, such as signing a usurious finance contract.

2015-02-21, 11:16 PM
Katoerian Shun

Well thanks for the vote of confidence :)

"Let's take a look at the contract then, shall we?" Katoerian said.

Katoerian reviewed the contract step by step, assessing the terms of the deal as objectively as he could. Lloyd was his friend, but business was business, and he did try to avoid mixing business and personal relationships...

2015-02-22, 10:12 PM
The contract is fairly standard, at least for Aldhaven. There is a blank left on the form contract for the name of the item to be written down as well as a blank for the down payment, which is clarified to be no less than 10% of the market price. The annual interest rate is at 12%, payments due monthly, the exact amounts to be negotiated prior to signing. Failure to make timely payments will result in immediate repossession of said magic item, any outstanding payments already accrued will be collected from any bank where you have savings or otherwise assessed from your estate. Gross violations, attempts to circumvent the contract, and inability to pay will result in legal action, the penalties of which shall include forfeiture of property or up to and including but not to exceed 2 weeks hard labor in the local needle mines.

2015-02-22, 10:33 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian grimaced as he read through the terms.

"Lloyd, I'd really love to give you the business, but I just don't have the cash flow right now," the young man said, "if I meet an interested buyer later today, I'll be sure send him your way."

Katoerian extended his hand to shake Lloyd's, and assuming he does not try to stop him, will exit the shop and head towards the sign he saw earlier, for the Arcane Order.

2015-02-24, 10:45 PM
Loyd grasps your hand firmly and warmly.

"I understand. Really I do. Not all nobles can lives up to the high standards of society. But, please, do come back, my friend. I would most certainly like to do business with you soon!"

The large warforged standing guard by the door watches you as you leave but does not move to stop you.

Back in Belelen Plaza, you walk through the narrow alley and into a large entry hall. Weird. This place is quite obviously magical.

You are greeted by a tiny humanoid-like woman, exquisitely crafted of some expensive metal and no larger than a large house cat. She gives you a tiny bow.

"Greetings and welcome to the Arcane Order. How might I be of assistance, sir?"

2015-02-25, 12:01 AM
Katoerian Shun

"What in the world is _that_?" Katoerian thought, but quickly pushed it from his mind; he had business to attend to.

"Greetings," Katoerian said, "I need to know the standard rates for magical services, specifically assisting in the enchanting aspect of magical item creation."

2015-02-25, 02:53 AM
"Thank you for your interest in magical item creation. You can find the information you seek just ahead. Try the room on your left with the picture of the blue owl"

Yes, the phrase "magical item creation" was repeated in your own voice.

After speaking to you, the tiny construct moves back out of the way and takes up a position in a little alcove in the right hand wall.

Proceeding further into the building, you find that there is one massive, round room built of three floors, each filled with numerous identical doors. A spiral staircase in the very middle links up to paths that look like nothing more than spokes in a wheel leading to the walkways around which the upper floors are built. The only differences you can spot are the artfully painted pictures of various animals, one on each door. There appears to be no other signage whatsoever.

The 5th door on the left is indeed a blue owl.

2015-02-25, 06:36 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian makes his way up the stairs and knocks firmly on the door with the blue owl. If nobody answers, he will open the door and enter the room.

2015-02-25, 07:53 PM
Inside the room, you find a magical construction workshop. The noise was suppressed entirely by the door when it was closed. Now, the noise is quite loud, just shy of painful. Looking around the room, you see a number of people hard at work over various devices. You are approached by a man wearing a leather apron, much like that of a blacksmith, stained not with coal but some strange blue liquid with a pulsating glow. He wipes his hands on a shop rag.

"Ev'ning. What can I do ya for?"

2015-02-25, 10:41 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Hello!" Katoerian shouted over the din, "I'm looking for enchanting services for magical item creation, or perhaps even to make an order for full construction, if the price is right. Is there somewhere we can talk?"

2015-02-26, 01:51 AM
"Oh, aye, aye. That's good news. Please, step into my office."

He opens a door in the wall you didn't notice but is completely obvious and plain to see. How you missed it, you have no idea.

"Right'o. What was it you be needing?"

2015-02-26, 09:59 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian takes a seat if there is one available.

"Right, I'm in need of magical services, specifically spells in aid of creating magical items. I can craft them myself, but I don't have knowledge of the requisite spells. Is this a service you offer?" Katoerian asked.

If the answer is yes, Katoerian will inquire about their going rates for low level spells, using 'resistance' as an example.

2015-02-26, 03:06 PM
"So... you be lookin' to hire a spellcaster to cast for you on a daily basis so you can craft magic items?"

2015-02-26, 06:48 PM
Katoerian Shun

"That is the gist of it, yes," Katoerian replied, "is this a service you offer?"

2015-02-28, 01:23 AM
"Son, if that's what you're wantin' then you don' need to be hiring a craftsman. We've got our own work to see to. You just need to find any ol' caster down on his luck and in need of some coin."

2015-02-28, 03:43 AM
"Ahh, I see," Katoerian replied, " and if I were to outsource the entire job, could I commission a cloak of resistance or ring of invisibility?"

2015-02-28, 07:04 PM
"Yes, of course. That's what we're here for."

At this, he smiles broadly.

2015-02-28, 08:13 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Excellent, I know you're very busy and I don't want to take up a lot of your time. I have a potential order coming in and I may not be able to meet it all myself. What is the cost for a cloak, or a ring of invisibility? Are there any bulk discounts available? ..." Katoerian said.

My character will start negotiating here. He feels he is likely to get a good price from a builder of magic items, a better price than he would from a retail shop. Unfortunately, I am not exactly the greatest salesperson in the world, but my character should be good at building a rapport and negotiating, hopefully.
Diplomacy to change attitude and negotiate better prices for magical items, take 10 if possible for DC 36, otherwise:
Also, what's this guy's name?

2015-03-01, 12:13 AM
He hasn't told you his name. :smalltongue:
"Well, if it's just the one, that's going to be standard market price.
If you buy at least 5, then you're going to be getting a 7% discount.
If you go with at least 10, then you'll be around 15%.
More than that, and we'll work something out."

2015-03-01, 07:16 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Excellent," Katoerian replied, "I will be in touch. Whom should I ask for, if I wish to speak again?"

2015-03-02, 10:52 AM
Name's Awlan. Awl, like the tool, not like the, uh, door...

2015-03-02, 07:13 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian extended his hand.

"Katoerian Shun, pleasure," he said, "I will return in a few days if this opportunity pans out. Thank you."

The young human exited the building and turned north, intending to pass through both guildsman districts on his way to the noble's quarter. He hoped to get a good idea of exactly what types of crafts the guilds had to offer as he passed through.

2015-03-04, 09:30 PM
Awl grasps your hand firmly and slaps you on the back as you leave.

"Hurry up and get to me, eh? We'll need to get to work quick like if we're going to fill an order timely."

2015-03-04, 11:58 PM
The young human exited the building and turned north, intending to pass through both guildsman districts on his way to the noble's quarter. He hoped to get a good idea of exactly what types of crafts the guilds had to offer as he passed through.

Katoerian kept his eyes open for strong magical signatures, and on the sun; he wanted to be in the noble's quarter well before dark.

2015-03-05, 05:31 AM
Despite the numerous obviously magical objects in the building, you detect no magical auras whatsoever. Weird.
Near the door on the way out, you detect a faint aura of some kind, but it vanishes a split second later before you can identify it.

Perhaps he would benefit from the use of a map. Heading north in Guildsman places him near the city wall on the opposite side of the city from the Nobles' Quarter. After asking directions, he heads west.

You travel down a number of streets passing numerous buildings with all manner of crafts and trades, from scriveners to rope walks to smiths to florists.

After an hour of navigating the various streets and asking directions, you pass through Guildsman and Old Town, reaching the wall surrounding Nobles Quarter. The wall itself is some 40 feet high but is built atop a rocky outcropping along the river that's another 20 feet or so high. The gatehouse is highly ornate and basically looks like this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Arc_Triomphe.jpg/553px-Arc_Triomphe.jpg) though smaller. From outside, you can see two large, metal portcullises on either end of the gatehouse and large, wooden doors in the middle that close against the outer portcullis

A road that doubles back on itself winds it's way up a steep path cut into the rock face leading to the gatehouse. There are no places to hide on approach to the gate, and this is the only known way into the district without flight.

2015-03-05, 06:01 AM
Katoerian made mental notes of the various artisans in the guildsman districts, especially ones which looked they might be a bit down on their luck. If he wanted to purchase items later, he would return to the ones he thought were a bit more desperate.

Upon reaching the noble's quarter, he looked at the winding path, perhaps contemplating something, then trudged up towards the gatehouse.

detect magic in the area, gatehouse, walls, floor, guards.

2015-03-05, 09:00 PM
The entire area is permeated with an absolutely overwhelming aura, like staring into the sun. He looks at it just a little too long and is stunned for 1 round, and the spell-like ability shuts down.

Though not normally part of the detect magic spell, it's an effect similar to using detect thoughts in someone with ridiculously high Int.

2015-03-05, 09:42 PM
Katoerian Shun

mental note, very powerful magicks protecting the noble's quarter

Katoerian eschews the easy route and walks the winding path up to the guardhouse. As he approaches, his back straightens further, his chin tilts upwards slightly, and he adopts the air of one who considers himself better than those below his station.

If the guards do not stop him, he will continue on into the Noble's quarter.

2015-03-05, 10:04 PM
A very imposing guard in a dark crimson uniform approaches you, leveling his pike to the side to bar your advance.

"Halt. I have not seen you before. Please present your papers."

2015-03-08, 07:15 PM
Katoerian Shun

I don't know if this is something legitimate noble born players are assumed to have? If so, then my character should have papers. Also, apologies for the delay, I didn't see the update.

If Kateorian has papers:

Katoerian produces his identification from within his haversack, confidently handing them over to the guard for inspection

If Katoerian does not have papers:

"My identification has been lost on the journey," he said, "this is the signet ring of house Shun, let me pass."

2015-03-09, 09:34 AM
Katoerian provides what identification papers he has to the guard, who looks at them only briefly before shoving them back in his hands.

"The hell is this? You aren't authorized to be here. Run along now."[/QUOTE]

2015-03-09, 06:50 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian pursed his lips.

"What's your name sir?" he asked politely.

Whether or not the guard answers, Katoerian's face will darken.

"Who do you think you are talking to," he asked, bringing every ounce of noble haughtiness to his voice he could muster, "I am Katoerian Shun of House Shun, noble by birth, and therefore, entry to the noble's quarter is my right. Perhaps you should re-evaluate and let me pass, or perhaps you can retrieve your supervisor, so I might have a few words with him."

intimidate take 10 for DC 28 if possible or [roll0]

2015-03-09, 08:58 PM
"Your papers don't have the royal seal. You're not getting in. Simple as that. Don't push your luck, boy. Don't matter who your papa is, we'll clap you in irons same as any peasant."

2015-03-09, 09:30 PM
"It's a procedural issue then?" Katoerian replied, "paperwork, a neverending headache."

"Where can I go to have the correct seal affixed?" He asked.

2015-03-09, 09:37 PM
"Go home and talk to your family. If you're going to get help, that's your only real option."

2015-03-14, 05:00 PM
Katoerian turned his back on the guards and proceeded towards the center of town, and the sad flint. It was going to be dark soon, and he wanted to have a place to rest his head for at least a few hours. Part of his plan involved getting legitimate access to the nobles quarter, so on his way back, he racked his brain for anything he could remember about the seal the guard had mentioned.

knowledge nobility take 10 for dc 22

2015-03-18, 05:18 PM
Sorry for the delay. Work has just kept me extremely busy lately.
The seal is composed of elements both magical and mundane, created by a superb artist and finished by one of a very limited set of mages. Only specially approved people are permitted into the Nobles' Quarter, generally requiring one to be a direct member of a ducal family or the royal family to be granted easy, unrestricted access. Members of their households and staff receive limited entrance as granted by their patrons. Heads of houses for the lesser nobles are also granted limited access, though members of their family generally are not, save for specific, short term access for certain special events, such as balls and other ceremonies. The Nobles' Quarter wasn't always quite so strict, but the increased unrest and presence of foreign hostiles has caused the district to be significantly locked down in the past two years.

2015-03-18, 06:54 PM
If he, second in line for noble title, was not allowed access, then there must be others who are also not allowed access. In the past two years, they probably had formed their own dens elsewhere in the city to avoid mingling with the common rabble. Katoerian pondered if he knew of or had heard of any of these locales.

another knowledge nobility check at dc 22

2015-03-18, 07:12 PM
There are a few clubs and such for the well to do to hobnob, rub elbows, or whatever it is they do; however, all such groups outside the Nobles' Quarter tend to have been founded by commoners, though the occasional noble is known to join from time to time.

As to what you've mentioned, such cabals simply do not exist, or, if they do, they are secretive. Being a member of such a group would largely be political suicide. Everyone works towards being one of the noble crowd, and flaunting the established order to form your own external group would forever mark you as an outsider.

2015-03-20, 08:35 AM
Katoerian Shun

With the day fast slipping away to dusk, Katoerian turned his steps back towards the Sad Flint, to get a few hours of shuteye before night fell. On the way, he racked his brains for any places he knew of where people like himself, recently denied access to the noble's quarter, had been known to frequent.

2015-03-20, 02:17 PM
Hey Rizban,

Basically katoerian is pondering about people like himself... They used to have access to the nobles quarter, but then 2 years ago, suddenly they lost it. Now where do they go to hang out, is basically what I'm asking?

The idea is he could meet potential buyers and people of influence at the club or whatever the place is. If nothing like that exists in the city, he will head back to the sad flint.

It's not that you used to have access then suddenly lost it. It's that the ability to gain access has been seriously restricted. In general, young nobles will hang out either at someone's home or will be busy working with their family to grow their prestige, hoping to increase their own positions. As far as you know, there are no 'clubs' that nobles frequent outside of the nobles quarter, save for one place that disgraced and mentally defeated nobles are known to go to, each trying to drink away his sorrows while ignoring the others, a rather depressing place called the Chestnut Tree Café.

2015-03-20, 06:45 PM
Katoerian Shun

What he needed was someone with gold and the need to spend it on gifts for relatives or party favors.. As his steps traced the streets of the city, he cast back his memory to see if he knows any nobles with estates or residences outside of the noble's quarter, so he might stop by and try his luck.

knowledge nobility rolls:
House Rosen :[roll0]
House Rocholl:[roll1]
House Deitrich: [roll2]
House Licorta:[roll3]
House Roestel :[roll4]
Minor Houses: [roll5]

2015-03-20, 07:16 PM
He recalls that the royal family lives within the places, and the ducal estates are all within the Nobles' Quarter, as are the estates of some of the more well to do nobles of lesser rank. House Rosen has been the ruling family in Aldhaven for the past 12 generations. They have always rules nobly and justly, if turning a bit of a blind eye towards corruption and crime outside of the Nobles' Quarter. See the blurb in the recruiting thread for information about the current crisis and lower spoilers for some other details.

House Rosen has always had close allies within all the noble families, but they've always made it a point to ally themselves only with worthy individuals rather than the noble families themselves. This served the dual purpose of fracturing loyalty within the competing houses and bringing the best and brightest into their service. In the past few generations, the family has even welcomed common people into their service in the form of empowering the city council and other similar organizations.

Archduke:House Rocholl is not only the oldest of the noble houses but also the most decadent and corrupt. It is suspected that the family funds a number of criminal organizations, profiting from theft, extortion, smuggling, illegal gambling, assassination, and trade in slaves, drugs, and evil magic items; however, nothing has ever been conclusively proven, and the family denies all accusations. Many people believe these accusations to be mere slander and hold House Rocholl in fairly high regard due to their frequent charitable activities.

Isolde Rosen, only child of King Alben Rosen, is betrothed to Archduke Wolfram Rocholl, the head of House Rocholl and heir designate, the next in line to the throne in absence of a male heir of House Rosen.
Ducal families:
A mercantile family, House Dietrich commands great wealth. Dietrich is the largest house as well as the wealthiest, although probably not the most powerful or influential. People often say, “wealth breeds contempt,” and that’s true of the merchants of Dietrich. The members of the house have a poor reputation. Most people think of them as greedy, usurious cheats and liars who use their power, position, and wealth to gain greater power, position, and wealth.

Dietrich is unique among the noble houses, due to the fact that one can quite literally buy one’s way into it. For approximately 10,000 gp, almost anyone can buy a minor title and position within the house hierarchy. This enables the titled individual to attend house functions and participate in house business (from making investments to actual employment in a house-owned business at a managerial level), though seldom do such buy ins receive admittance to the Nobles' Quarter. This is what makes the house so large. The house has as many as one hundred titled members, with an extended association of another two hundred individuals. (Most houses have five to twelve titled members and an extended association of perhaps forty to eighty.)

House Dietrich keeps many adventurers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters busy by offering a sizable reward (500 to 1,000 gp, or sometimes as high as 5,000 gp) for the head of anyone who steals from them or one of their businesses. This serves as a fairly good deterrent, though not a perfect one. Thus, with holdings as vast as theirs, Dietrich always has one or two recent outstanding bounty offers and far more old ones (some thieves are just never caught). The City Guard has stopped objecting to this kind of mercenary justice, if for no other reason than that it occasionally works.

To the people, House Licorta is “House Dragon,” although no member of this noble house would ever use that name. In fact,
while it is fairly common knowledge that the lineage of Licorta extends back to dragonkind, the members of the house make no such claims. In fact, they would look upon an outsider doing so (or even asking whether it were true) as an insult of the highest degree. The house’s official position is that “Licorta is a friend to dragonkind.” This hardly needs stating, however, since as often as not there is an actual dragon roaming, sleeping, or even romping about the grounds of this noble house’s estate. Indeed, it is rumored that an elderly dragon known only as Grandmother has taken up permanent residence on the estate. Any dragons flying overhead around Aldhaven are assumed to be visiting the estate.

House Licorta is run by Duke Arlin Licorta, a human in his late 30s. Arlin's son, and heir to his title, is Horus Licorta, though he is kept busy with affairs of the family and is seldom seen. Other prominent members of the family are Arlin's nephew Neville and Uncle Farradon. There are also a number of cousins and a few children related to the family on the estate. A few half-dragons said to be the descendents of Grandmother are known to guard the estate. Among all the noble houses, only House Licorta is known to abstain from the political games. They hold loyalty to House Rosen and will support the Rosens, but they largely keep to themselves and their own affairs. When a representative attends court, he usually remains silent, merely taking note of the goings on of the day.

The rumors you have heard about the Roestels frighten you greatly. It seems a though the rumors about the Roestel family center less on activities like theft and manipulation and more on murder and mutilation and other such atrocities. It's also rumored that those who ask too many questions about them are never heard from again. You secretly wonder if you already know too much...

The family consists only of Duke Rudolph Roestel and his wife, Duchess Justine Roestel, having no children of their own. They are only in their late 20s, so they claim that there's plenty of time before they need heirs... You recall that the Duke has never been adverse to using any means necessary to advance his own personal power or political agendas. Once portrayed as a hero of the people, he has become widely hated when he reneged on his promises and betrayed those who supported him. You have heard even darker murmurs about the duchess, but details have escaped you, lips sealed by fear.

The following is an incomplete list of families.
The other Ducal families are Feierabend and Widmayer

Notable Marquis families: Eichel, Heyne, and Lothian.

Notable Count/Earl families: Busch, Eibrich, and Thelen.

Notable Viscount families: D'Everet, Hahn, and Meister.

Notable Baron families: Jordung and Tebren.

Notable Baronets: Dorrholtz and Vail.

2015-03-20, 08:24 PM
Hi Rizban,

What I'm trying to do with my character is get him involved in the politics at a higher level (and make some gold at the same time). The first step is to make contact with someone (anyone) who is an NPC and an influential member of society. The logical choice (given knowledge nobility) would be to know of someone. It seems like I'm having difficulty making any headway there, first by being denied access to the noble's quarter and then by not knowing of any family residences outside of the Quarter. Are these obstacles to be overcome or roadblocks to steer me in away from dealing directly with the power players in the city?

Any advice? What am I doing wrong?

I'm seriously considering simply returning to the town crier and taking one of the jobs from him, or waiting around until dark and ambushing someone walking around the city alone at night, just to get things moving.

--TCI understand that, and I'm not trying to stymie you any more than what the setting demands. The Nobles' Quarter is the equivalent of 'epic' encounters for Aldhaven, and almost all NPCs there are at least level 12 or more. The obstacles are there as much for your character's protection as they are for anything in setting.

Just getting into the Nobles' Quarter is an accomplishment that in and of itself awards XP due to the difficulty of doing it. It's something that you have to quest to accomplish, not just make rolls a handful of rolls to get or gain by virtue of background. The rolls can definitely put you on the right track, but it's still something that must be role played out.

You're already on the right track, and I fairly strongly alluded to the families who would have residences outside of the Nobles' Quarter in my last post. Some knowledge checks or GI checks or just asking around through role play or just walking up and down the streets reading name plates on the various manses would give you the information you're looking for.

2015-03-20, 08:35 PM
Okay, excellent, thanks for the feedback. Just want to make sure I'm not being stubborn and trying to bulldoze through roadblocks which are put there to try and get me to go somewhere else.

Katoerian decided to change tack slightly and gather a bit more intelligence. He returned to the guild districts and looked around for a tourism shop offering guided tours of the city. Ideally, they would highlight some of the estates outside of the noble's quarter. Failing that, he supposed he could always simply walk up to one and see if he recognized the name.

2015-03-20, 08:41 PM
You can't bulldoze through the roadblocks, but you can definitely beat them into submission enough to point you to the detour. Actually taking the detour is still up to you though. A GPS might help.Unfortunately, the very concept of tourism has not come to exist in this mostly sedentary pseudo-medieval populace...

2015-03-20, 08:50 PM
Best bet is to make do with walking... no tourism... perhaps there's a business opportunity there...

Katoerian, legs weary, resisted the urge to take flight. He didn't want to draw undue attention to himself. Without knowing exactly where the lesser houses made their residences, he had to rely on chance to an estate with a name he recognized. He tried to stick to the more well-to-do areas, assuming that anyone of a noble house would not wander the slums, unless they wanted to wander the slums without anyone's knowledge. He kept his eyes open for name plates or street names of any of the minor houses he knew of, hoping by chance he would come across something...

2015-03-20, 08:55 PM
Let's see what he finds...
[roll0]Wandering about, you find a rather nice manse marked with the name Feierabend... one of the Ducal families. You didn't even know that any of the ducal families had manors in the city outside of the Nobles' Quarter. You wonder if it's the same family or not...

2015-03-21, 02:21 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian stopped for a moment to take in the view of the property, then stepped up to the front entrance. If nobody is there to greet him, he will ring the bell or use the knocker, whichever is available.

not sure if there is a gate or guards or if it's simply a house with a garden, either way, going right up the front.

2015-03-22, 03:47 PM
There is indeed a rather fancy wrought iron gate on a gatehouse built directly into the outer wall of the mansion, through which you can see a small inner courtyard. An armed guard steps out of the adjacent guardhouse and greets you, asking your intentions.

The house in Old Town.

The exterior of the mansion looks similar to this.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Pittock_Mansion_%28north_side%29.jpg

2015-03-23, 08:05 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Ah, is the master of the house around?" Katoerian asked.

2015-03-23, 11:59 AM
"Perhaps. May I know as to who is inquiring and to what purpose you have come?"

2015-03-23, 05:52 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Please inform lord Feierabend that Katoerian Shun of House Shun is at the front gate, and do convey my apologies for arriving unannounced, for a social call," he replied.

He gave a smile and a slight inclination of his head, as a show of respect to the guard.

diplomacy, get the guard to like me more so he puts a pleasant spin on his message, take 10 for DC 36

what is house Feierabend known for? knowledge nobility DC 22

2015-03-24, 04:32 PM
"I do apologize, but the Duke is currently on duty at the Fortress."

2015-03-24, 06:35 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Are any of the family in?" Katoerian asked, "there is a matter of which I would speak to them. While it is not an emergency, I would rather not have to make the trip to return if I do not need to. Plus, it is tea time."

Katoerian will drop a name of a family member or two of house Feierabend if I he remembers any.
Knowledge nobility DC22

2015-03-24, 06:55 PM
You are aware that the only other member of the Feierabend family is his daughter, Walda.
"Yes, there is, however, she is quite distraught over the loss of her cat, Jasper. She's not currently available, unless you have news concerning the feline."

2015-03-24, 07:11 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Her cat, truly?" Katoerian asked, "I don't currently, but do you know where it was last seen? Perhaps I could ask around. It might help to refresh my memory of what it looks like, and whether it was wearing anything which would make it stand out."

Katoerian paused for a moment.

2015-03-24, 07:34 PM
"It was last seen heading north into the Docks when Lady Walda was visiting her father at the Fortress late last week. He's black and white with a distinctive star pattern on his face and wears a silver bell on his collar. I'm told his favorite food is dire beaver, which is impossible to find in stores. I know, I've been sent to look before." He shakes his head in frustration at the memory.

2015-03-25, 07:01 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian nodded in feign empathy with the guard.

"I'm sure you did your best," he said, "I will return if my business takes me back this way, or if I hear any word of... Japser."

The young noble nodded, and continued on the way he had been walking. Internally, he was torn. He knew by rescuing Walda's cat he would likely endear himself to duke Feierabend, but it could be an incredible waste of time. All the same, he found his path taking him back towards the guildsman districts, and a taxidermist or butcher, while keeping an eye open for other lesser noble house name plates he might recognize.

2015-03-30, 01:45 PM
Being only a short distance from Guildsman, Katorian does not come across any other manses belonging to the nobility, lesser or otherwise, before crossing over into the more mean areas of the city.

You do come across a small taxidermist, easily recognizable due to the large mountain lion in the window and deer head above the door. The building lacks any sign apart from the bold "OPEN" on the front door.

2015-03-30, 11:44 PM
Katoerian entered the small shop. He makes small talk with the owner for a few minutes, then inquires whether how much he would be willing to pay for a dire beaver corpse, (unless of course, by chance he already has one). Regardless of his answer, katoerian will the proceed to his true purpose, asking where he might find a live one, or if the taxedermist could point him to one of his regulars, who brings him carcasses fairly frequently.

improve attitude diplomacy take 10 for 36

2015-03-31, 01:08 AM
You're informed that there isn't much call for them. They're seen as pests and vermin, not worth stuffing anymore than an exceptionally large cockroach would be. Their flesh is unpalatable and tough, and their fur tends to shed from the hide shortly after death unless specially treated, unlike normal beavers. They're generally just not worth the trouble and would be completely ignored if not for the utter infestation of beavers in the river. Hell, even normal beaver pelts are becoming worth next to nothing due to the overabundance of them.

2015-03-31, 04:07 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian thanked the taxidermist and left the shop. He found a general store and purchased a small chest, a waterproof pouch, a baster for sucking up liquids, and a meat cleaver. Then he found an apothacary and purchased a vial of something to induce drowsiness. Stuffing his new belongings into his haversack, he took to the air, figuring the best way to find a dire beaver would be from above. All the while he kept an eye out for the damn cat. He had half a mind to kill the thing if he saw it, but he figured that bringing it back alive would better get him into the Duke's graces than bringing back its mangled carcass.

Let me know how much gold the above items cost, take 10 on the spot checks.

2015-04-01, 03:16 AM
Was my character able to find everything he was looking for?

2015-04-02, 01:02 AM
How would a baster work without a rubber bulb? Pretty sure vulcanized rubber hasn't been invented yet...

2015-04-02, 01:12 AM
How would a baster work without a rubber bulb? Pretty sure vulcanized rubber hasn't been invented yet...

That's a good point. A wooden spoon, a sponge, or even a rag or handkerchief will do. The idea is to be able to scoop up dire beaver blood and put it into the waterskin.

2015-04-02, 01:18 AM
Small chest 1gp.
Waterproof pouch 2gp.
Handkerchief 0.5gp
Knife 2gp

Drowsiness stuff, not sure what you're looking for there.

2015-04-02, 01:25 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian attempted to explain his needs to the apothecary shopkeeper.

"I need something I can place into food to put an animal to sleep," Katoerian explained, "or at least slow it down a little bit, something the size of an average cat."

Katoerian doesn't want to spend his time chasing after a damn cat if he doesn't have to. The plan is to kill a dire beaver, hack off a limb or two, scoop up some of the blood, spread it around, drug the dire beaver bait, then when the cat comes to eat it and falls asleep, he'll just pick it up and bring it back to the Duke's residence.

Edit: Maybe I'm overcomplicating things, but that's the way my character thinks.

2015-04-03, 03:14 PM
The generic provisions shop you're visiting doesn't carry anything like that. The also generic shopkeeper informs you that it sounds like you're describing some kind of poison. If so, you won't be able to purchase it anywhere, as selling poisons is illegal in the city. If you're looking for animal control, you'll probably need to hire someone who has a permit to produce and utilize such materials, or just contact your local vermin catcher.

2015-04-03, 07:56 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Too much effort, time is wasting." Katoerian thought.

Katoerian thanked the shopkeeper and headed to the river by air, scanning for the supposed dire beaver infestation.

2015-04-03, 11:50 PM
You spot a group of some 20 members of the City Watch setting out in boats to head upriver. By the looks of the group, two of them are not members of the Watch but hired mercenaries or adventurers of some kind. One is only very lightly armed and armored and stands out for being female while the rest are male. The other wears extremely heavy interlocking plate armor wrought of some dark metal. After watching for a moment, you realize that this one is also a woman.

You assume they're heading out to hunt beavers, as there are a number of dead beavers piled up around where the boats were docked on the island Fortress with others working to haul away the carcasses.

As you watch, one of the two distinct individuals, the one wearing heavy armor, turns and walks into the water, not stopping even after it covers her head. A moment later, she bobs to the surface to swim next to the boats. She seems faster in the water than the boats are, despite the armor that should be dragging her to the bottom.

2015-04-04, 02:32 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian observes for a moment to try and determine what the workers are doing with the carcasses (burning them, burying them, etc) as well as how large they are, then hastens to catch up to the river party. He descends to be near enough to the lightly armored woman to speak.

"Hail," he said, "beaver hunting? Room for one more? I can spot from above."

2015-04-04, 03:15 AM
They seem to be loading them in carts and hauling them away. Beyond that, you'd have to follow the carts to find out.

You don't know enough about beavers to make a determination without a Know(nature) check. They do look a bit large, but you don't think they're outside the normal range...

2015-04-04, 03:22 AM
Katoerian Shun

It'd be ironic if the Duke is doing all this to try and find the cat as well.

Although he had initially wanted to follow the boats, Katoerian descended to near the carts. After all, here were at least a dozen of exactly the thing he was looking for, already dead. From this close, he should be able to tell how large the beavers were, and whether he could stuff a whole one inside his magical sack or not.

"Hail," he said to whomever was driving the lead cart, "what's to be come of these... things?"

2015-04-04, 03:28 AM
If you follow the boats, you'll end up in a 3 player team up...
"You can't have 'em. We've got a standing agreement to sell the furs to a particular merchant, and the flesh goes to a charity group to feed the poor. The offal is burned."

2015-04-04, 07:42 AM
Katoerian Shun

"I just have two questions for you then my good man," Katoerian said, "how much do you pay per carcass, in case I come across any, and how can I find this charity?"

"With that much dire beaver meat out in the open, the cat is sure to be nearby, if it's still alive," Katoerian thought.

2015-04-04, 02:27 PM
"Oh, the Watch don't buy 'em. You'll have to talk to Sargent Smithers. He's in charge of the beaver clearing. I think he just shoved off for today's expedition."

I swear I'm not trying to railroad you here. It's just how things lined up...

2015-04-04, 08:28 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Right," Katoerian said, "and the charity?"

Once Katoerian has the name and/or location of the charity, he will head in that direction, by air, to save time, and to make it easier to spot the cat.

2015-04-05, 07:54 PM
He looks at you a bit more closely.

"I'm not sure I should be giving out information... I don't know who you are. Maybe ask with the office."

2015-04-05, 08:29 PM
Katoerian Shun

"I think it's a great thing, what you're doing, solving two problems at once," Katoerian said, "removing the vermin from the city and feeding the poor at the same time, it's very noble."

"I only wish to know where the charity is so I might spread the word of your good deeds, and ensure it helps as many of the poor as possible," Katoerian said.

"I thank you in advance for your help. I will most likely speak with Sergeant Smithers later to see what part I can play. I will be sure to inform him how your agreeableness saved both our valuable time, mr..." Katoerian said.

improve attitude: diplomacy take 10 DC 36
bluff DC 30 if necessary

2015-04-05, 08:44 PM

2015-04-05, 11:00 PM
Katoerian nodded, understanding he would not get any more useful information from this doraan, if that was even his real name. He took off in the direction of the fortress, but almost immediately circled back after gaining some altitude. He fully intended to speak with sergeant Smithers, but he didn't want to lose the carts in case Smithers was not at his post.

Katoerian followed the carts from several hundred feet up until they started offloading and made note of where it was.

2015-04-05, 11:49 PM
The carts offloaded at one of the first warehouses in the Docks where a stern looking man oversees the workers unloading the carts and begrudgingly gives the Watchman a scrip in exchange.

2015-04-06, 12:00 AM
Katoerian waited for the cart driver to depart, then circled about the warehouse a few times, searching for Japser the cat. If he is unsuccessful, he will land on the roof of the warehouse and watch for either the carcasses departing or for the cat appearing, and listening for the silver bell the cat is supposedly wearing on his collar.

2015-04-07, 12:16 AM
You see nothing of the cat.

While flying in circles, you are, however, spotted by one of the workers. They quickly spread an alarm, and you find a number of men with crossbows spread around the property watching you closely. It seems that no work is being done so long as you're hovering around.

2015-04-07, 12:19 AM
Katoerian Shun

sigh. let's hope this dogged determination pays off at some point.

Katoerian waves good naturedly to the guards and then returns to the Fortress to ask to speak with Sgt. Smithers.

2015-04-07, 10:04 AM
You are informed that he left over two hours ago with the group headed upriver. He is, after all, the one in charge of overseeing beaver eradication... It's expected he'll be returning shortly. They're usually cleaning up by this point in time and readying the boats to return to base.

2015-04-07, 06:51 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian takes the opportunity to observe the Fortress, the river, and the interactions between the people. If anyone approaches him, he informs them he is awaiting the return of the beaver expedition and Sgt. Smithers, and proceeds to build rapport with them, learn about their life and difficulties.

Same as usually diplomacy take 10, but really what Katoerian is after here is getting an idea of how things work at the Fortress and what day-to-day activities are like, at least until Smithers returns.

2015-04-08, 08:56 PM
From where is it you're planning to do this observation?

2015-04-08, 09:02 PM
From wherever I was when I asked about Smithers. I don't want to have to wait OOC for other players if they're doing some combat stuff now. Do you think it's feasible at this point to catch up with them, or should I go do something else and interact with the NPC at a later time?

2015-04-08, 09:16 PM
You're told by a passing Watchman that you're not permitted to loiter on the Fortress grounds. You're going to have to vacate to King's Causeway, but you should be able to see the returning boats on the river if you move north or south just a bit.

2015-04-08, 09:49 PM
Katoerian nodded and thanked the Watchman for informing him.

The young man took off, following the river until he found the boats he saw previously.

railroad or not, it looks like my path is going to cross with these two players...

2015-04-08, 09:56 PM
You've barely left the Fortress when you spot a single boat returning with a makeshift raft of logs behind it loaded up with beaver corpses, including several very large specimen. The two adventurers are nowhere to be seen.

2015-04-08, 10:31 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Hail," Katoerian said as he drifted down towards the boats, "I'm looking for Sgt. Smithers."

Assuming the Sergeant is among them:
"I heard of a dire beaver problem and thought I might lend my skills, but it appears you've already returned from a successful hunt," Katoerian said, gesturing to the beaver carcasses.
"Do you have a moment where we might speak in private?" he asked.

2015-04-08, 11:21 PM
Sergeant Smithers looks up at you inquisitively.

"You're a bit late. You should have come by earlier.

Why do you need to meet in private?"

He seems a bit nervous at your request. It's obvious he doesn't trust easily.

2015-04-08, 11:36 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Ah, that's too bad, perhaps next time," Katoerian replied, "will you be sailing again tomorrow?"

"As for meeting in private, it's not so important, I just don't want to bore your men with my questions," Katoerian said.

diplomacy take 10 for 36 to help put Smithers at ease.

2015-04-09, 12:00 AM
They bring the boat in and start securing everything before others come in to start unloading the corpses from the raft.

Smither's seems more at ease, but, if that's a Bluff, you're going to need to roll for it.

"Then you should have no problem talking while we work. There's no reason to waste my time just to make my men more comfortable."

2015-04-09, 12:30 AM
Katoerian Shun

"As you wish, but let me know if you change your mind," Katoerian said, "I'm still interested in offering my services, will there be another expedition tomorrow?"

"What's done with the beaver corpses, are they burned?" Katoerian asked.

2015-04-09, 12:33 AM
"There's a standing contract with a merchant. I don't really keep track of it.

Yeah, we send a group out every day. Not everyone always comes back though. Those are bad days."

2015-04-09, 03:33 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Well sir, if that's an invititation, perhaps I'll return tomorrow morning," Katoerian said with a smirk.

"Could you let me know the name of the merchant or where I could find him? I have some other things I might need to sell," Katoerian asked.

2015-04-09, 04:55 AM
"Frankly, I don't handle that part and don't know. I've had issues with the merchants in the past, so I let others handle that aspect of the venture. Once they're offloaded, they're out of my hands."

2015-04-09, 05:23 AM
Katoerian nodded.

"Alright then. About tomorrow's expedition, I can spot from above, which could prove useful. What is the pay?"

2015-04-09, 02:13 PM
"If you can see through the water to the bottom, then that's more valuable. The things can swim and lurk unseen. Still, I suppose it'll keep you from drowning and let you scout ahead...

Pay is entirely contingent on the size of the catch and how many you kill yourself."

2015-04-09, 06:54 PM
Katoerian Shun

"The merchant is entirely hands-off, the whole operation acts without his input, and nobody even knows who he is," Katoerian thought, "this is definitely something to aspire to."

"Don't they build dams?" Katoerian asked, "they should come out to defend them if we destroy the dams, right?"

"To whom should I speak to if I wanted to make contact with this... merchant?" Katoerian asked.

2015-04-09, 10:41 PM
"Of course they build dams, and of course they defend them. The trick is killing enough of them to make a difference. They breed faster than cockroaches.

I don't know about the merchant. Just... follow the carts, I guess. I don't deal with them anymore."

2015-04-09, 11:55 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Thank you Sergeant, see you tomorrow morning," Katoerian said.

He made his way back to the carts.
If Doraan is manning them still, Katoerian greet him by name. If not, he will simply smile.

"Sgt. Smithers has suggested I travel with you to meet the merchant," Katoerian said, "if that's alright with you."

2015-04-10, 10:38 PM
Doraan is not there.

You are allowed to follow the carts, which take you right back to the warehouse you visited earlier.

One of the guards recognizes you and calls out an alert to the others. They seem ready for trouble.

2015-04-10, 10:40 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Alright, alright, everyone calm down," Katoetian said, mustering as much of an air of bored authority as he could, "who is in charge here?"

2015-04-11, 08:40 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Come come now, don't be shy," he adds when nobody responds, "I'm here on business."

2015-04-11, 09:25 PM
One of hte men steps forward, hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Back to snoop around more, eh?"

2015-04-11, 09:50 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian smiles.

"If you were going to spend considerable time and effort on a business venture, wouldn't you want to know everything is on the level?" Katoerian asked.

"I was not snooping, I was inspecting," he continued, "I want to make sure anything I send to this warehouse is protected. From what I can see you and your men are doing an excellent job and should be commended for your vigilance."

flattery will get you everywhere diplomacy take 10 for DC 36
bluff is necessary take 10 for DC30.

"Now, I'm looking to arrange a meeting with the merchant to whom these belong to," he said, gesturing to the beaver carcasses, "are you able to direct me, sir?"

2015-04-11, 11:08 PM
He looks at you funny.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

2015-04-11, 11:35 PM
Katoerian Shun

"It was a compliment. I'm working with the city watch and if it's alright with you, I'd like to meet the man in charge if this operation," Katoerian said, pointing to the beaver carcasses.

2015-04-11, 11:52 PM
The Watchman whom you accompanied saw where things where going when you started talking and made himself scarce before you could drag him into things.

The man talking to you doesn't look impressed.
"Funny. I don't see a Watch uniform."

2015-04-12, 01:00 AM
"What do you mean?" Katoerian asked, "I'm not a member of the watch, I'm working with them. You don't think is be foolish enough to try and impersonate a watch member, do you?"

2015-04-12, 01:04 AM
"Then what is it you want here? Just because you do business with the Watch doesn't mean that you're doing business here. You're talking in circles, boy. Just spit it out already. I don't have all day."

2015-04-12, 01:19 AM
Katoerian Shun

"I want to speak with the owner of these beaver carcasses to find out where they're going, and to propose another, separate business. If you can help me find that information, I will get out of your way," Katoerian replied.

2015-04-13, 08:00 PM
"They're sent here, cleaned and skinned, and shipped out. What kind of offer you going to make?"

2015-04-13, 08:22 PM
Katoerian Shun

"I'm helping to get rid of the vermin, and now I'd like to know what happens to them afterwards," Katoerian replied, "do you know where they're shipped out?"

"As for my other offer, it has to do with trade in enchanted items. Why, are you interested in joining?" Katoerian asked.

2015-04-13, 09:02 PM
"Yes, I do. The hides are shipped downriver to buyers elsewhere. The rest is disposed of."

2015-04-13, 09:17 PM
Katoerian Shun

"I'm not interested in the bodies, more in what they might attract. I am interested to know they're being disposed of properly. I don't suppose you'd be willing to give me a tour of the disposal site?" Katoerian asked.

The young man smiled as reassuringly as he knew how.

diplomacy take 10 again, 36.
Also, FINALLY getting somewhere. :)

2015-04-13, 11:38 PM
"Normally, I'd have no problem with it. But... it's not my job. They're turned over to another organization that specializes in that kind of thing."

2015-04-13, 11:47 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Not your job," Katoerian said, "how much would you reckon a guide would charge to provide such a service?"

2015-04-14, 12:17 AM
He smirks.

"I'm sure 100 gold would grant you a mighty fine guide."

2015-04-14, 01:17 AM
Katoerian Shun

"But I'm sure he would consider doing the job for fifty," Katoerian replied, also smirking.

In order to save time, Katoerian thinks the job is worth 50, and he will go up to the original request of 100. Diplomacy/bluff take 10 DC 36 and 30 respectively to haggle.

2015-04-14, 01:42 AM
You haggle the price down to 65. The man indicates one of the other guards to be your guide. That man approaches.

2015-04-14, 03:15 AM
Katoerian Shun

Will update my sheet when I get home.

"Thank you for your assistance, captain," Katoerian said.

Katoerian nodded to the approaching man.
"Ready when you are," he said.

2015-04-15, 05:23 AM
He starts to head off towards the north. You notice a strange bundle of paper protruding from his back pocket that seems to be marked all over with multicolored chalks. Once you notice it, you find your eyes drifting back to it again and again.

2015-04-15, 06:18 AM
Follow the guard. Detect magic at will, what's the guard have?

2015-04-15, 10:19 PM
His armor and weapon seem magical, as does his necklace. Looking at the book in his back pocket, you see nothing. Not a lack of magical aura but rather what can only be described as almost a blank spot in your magical vision. It's almost as if you're looking at a painting with a small hole in the canvas with nothing behind it. You feel a slight pain behind your eyes as your mind tries to process the input it's receiving and fails completely.

2015-04-15, 11:33 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian steps up and falls in next to the guard, hoping that removing the item, whatever it was, from his field of vision will help him avoid looking at it and focus on where they're going. It would also help him get a glance at what the guard is wearing about his neck.

"Has anyone else taken this tour recently?" he asked.

2015-04-17, 11:46 PM
He looks at you with a slight look of disgust.

"Tour? Boy, you're wrong in the head. It's just skinned, rotting carcasses."

Around his neck is an amulet of some kind.

2015-04-18, 01:18 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Just take me there then," he replied, keeping an eye on his surroundings.

2015-04-22, 04:44 AM
You pass through the Slums north of the Docks. Though heavily patrolled by heavily armed hobgoblins, each sporting a tattooed blue hand on his face, the man escorting you is familiar to them, and you are waved through unmolested. Eventually, you reach a large shack on the north edge of town with a rather pungent odor.

"It's here. We dump the beavers here, and the hobs takeover from there."

2015-04-22, 05:39 AM
Katoerian put a hand up to his nose, as if he could ward off the stench of rotting meat.

"What do they do with them, leave them there?" Katoerian asked.
At the same time, he glanced about for Jasper and listened for the tinkling of the silver bell which the cat should be wearing.

take 10 on spot and listen

Edit: also wtf don't you sleep?

2015-04-24, 02:37 AM
Sleep is for the weak!

Seriously though, sleep and I don't really get along. I usually only sleep about 4 hours a day."Hell if I know. I just do the deliveries."

You neither see nor hear the cat anywhere around here.

2015-04-24, 07:30 AM
Katoerian nodded.

"Alright, let's go inside then," he said, tour's not over yet.

2015-04-24, 07:40 PM
"Do what you want. I ain't going in there. Stinks enough out here."

He points you to the door before he leans up against the wall, pulls out the strange book thing, and starts flipping through it.

2015-04-24, 07:54 PM
Katoerian Shun

"I'm going to go in in a second, but now I'm curious," Katoerian said, "what do you have there?"
A look of genuine interest and curiosity crossed the young man's face as he motioned to the map-thing.

2015-04-24, 08:02 PM
"I don't really know. Honestly, I just kind of found it in the middle of the road this morning. It looks like some kid made it and lost it, but it's real strange, full of these creepy little rhymes. The kid who made this is kinda messed up, you know? And the pictures... man. It's got these weird looking creatures that just put a shiver down your spine. I was going to try to return it, but the wife loves creepy stuff like this. So, I was gonna take it home to her to check out."

2015-04-24, 09:25 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian looked around.
"It's not your problem, don't get involved,"
"That thing is almost definitely an item of some darkness. House Roestel would probably be interested in it, you might be able to win favour with them, or even trade it, if you delivered it to them,"
"At least find out what it is, you can always run the hell away if it summons something,"

"It could be dangerous, you know, it's almost certainly not mundane," Katoerian said, retrieving his artificer's monocle, "do you want me to try and find out what it does before you bring it home to your wife?"

Diplomacy, Persuasion. Also, I have a very bad feeling about this.

2015-04-24, 10:17 PM
He scoffs at you.

"It's some kid's book. I've been carrying it around, reading it all day. It's harmless. I mean, the stuff doesn't even make much sense. Seriously, just listen to this garbage. Creathers creeping..."

The moment he starts to read aloud, his expression goes slack and his eyes turn vacant. His voice begins to echo and reverberate through the air, the words bouncing off of themselves in a jumble of horrific sounds. Despite the cacophony of noise, the sound of his voice is quiet and hard to discern. His eyes stare blankly at the pages, body stiff and unresponsive to the world around him.

Creathers creeping, through the bars,
Arise they now, near and far.
Slither out from chains of ink,
From their written prison slink.

As he speaks, the drawings on the pages take on a life of their own, moving and dancing on the pages.

Bonds are broken for a time,
Power woven through the rhyme.
Creathers back to worlds less binding!
Creathers free from darkness blinding!

A claw reaches up from the page of the book as the creature hurls itself off of the page and into the world. The grotesque beast is the size of a very large dog and has the general shape of a hunting cat. Completely hairless, large spikes sprout in random places across its body. Opening its mouth to snarl, you see impossibly long, sharp teeth stretching from its slavering jaws.

It turns its baleful gaze upon you.

You stand transfixed for a moment, spellbound by the sounds you hear, regaining your senses almost too late...


2015-04-24, 10:32 PM
Katoerian Shun

Idiot, idiot!
Referring to himself or the guard, he wasn't sure, all he saw was that ridiculous monstrosity in front of him, and he did what came naturally. He backpedaled and took off for the air to put some distance between himself and the creature.

move to back away and gain some altitude, move is 40'. I don't know if Katoerian is within melee range of that thing, but if he is, he will withdraw first, then fly upwards. If not, he will use a run action and fly straight up.

2015-04-24, 10:38 PM
The creature growls at you and looks as if it is going to try to follow you but instead settles into a defensive posture in front of the guard.

The guard turns the page, continuing to mindlessly read the text, but you are too far away to hear the words. A second creature claws its way from the pages. It makes eye contact with the first, then turns and bounds across the street, smashing through the front door to the sounds of screams.

2015-04-24, 10:49 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Holy crap," Katoerian thought, "well, at least your assumption about the map was right, definitely dark."

"Wonder how many are going to come out?" Katoerian thought, "do I really want to know?"

Katoerian made up his mind, and decided the map was a problem. He didn't want to be held responsible for killing a guard in broad daylight on a city street if he could help it. Where the hell were the hobgoblins? He extended his arm, palm facing downward, fingers together, thumb folded across, and took aim as carefully as he could.

eldritch spear, attack the map, ranged touch: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
It's been a long time for me in 3.5, realistically, what would I need to hit a held object the size of the map?
Edit: never mind, I found the relevant rules.

2015-04-25, 01:50 AM
You strike the book, but the eldritch energies just arc across it harmlessly. No, wait... the book is absorbing the energies! Another creature is practically hurled off of the pages of the little book when it absorbs your attack. It tumbles through the air off balance before crashing onto the ground, taking a moment to stand and regain its senses.

The first creature continues to stand on guard.

Screams emanate from the building the second entered and are cut short.

The third creature seems stunned at first but shakes it off and looks around for a target.

The man continues to read the book, turning the page, which summons a fourth creature! This creature tears its way into another adjacent building.

2015-04-25, 01:56 AM
Katoerian Shun

"That could have gone better,"

Katoerian adjusted his aim slightly, now aiming for the guard before things got severely out of hand.

attack the guard, ranged touch: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2015-04-25, 10:33 PM
The first creature leaps into the air as your blast heads towards the man, taking the brunt of the blast in his place.

People run from the two buildings, followed by the second and fourth creatures, each one dragging an unconscious victim in their mouths, one is human in his teens, the other a young hobgoblin girl.

The first and third creature pounce on the others herding them towards the man reading the book as a fifth creature crawls from the pages as the man continues reading... As the people are pulled towards the book, they scream in agony as their bodies break down into mist and are absorbed into the book.

The man turns the page...

2015-04-25, 11:16 PM
Katoerian Shun

"I wonder what'll happen if I just keep hitting the book?" Katoerian thought "Maybe I should just let this thing play out.
"Better chance of a reward if I stop it."
He shoved the conflicting thoughts from his mind and redoubled his efforts against the guard. That thing, whatever it was, couldn't stand in the way forever.

maximized eldtritch blast ranged touch, attack the guard again: [roll0]
18 damage on hit

2015-04-28, 06:01 PM
Your blast goes wide. Perhaps your nerves are getting to you...

The first creature glares at you hatefully.

The second and fourth creatures disappear back into the book, each one dragging their victims in with them.

Creature 3 turns to attack a hobgoblin guardsman who has come running in response to the sounds. The two exchange blows, the creature taking a brutal gash to its side. Unfortunately, the guard collapses into unconsciousness when the creature's fangs pierce his flesh.

A fifth creature leaps from the pages, this one is somehow different from the others. Looking at it, it seems somehow fuzzy and out of focus.

The man turns the page...

2015-04-28, 07:52 PM
Katoerian moved laterally until he was directly over the guard reading the book, though still a safe distance above, far enough he could not make out his words. Hopefully the creature would not be able to time it's leap as well to intercept this attack....

Ooc traveling all day today, no internet until evening edt after this post.
attack the guard again: [roll0]
Damage maximized for 18

2015-04-28, 08:10 PM
The creature attempts to defend the guard but fails to intercept your blast! The guard rocks under you blow and show some minor burns but continues to read.

The fifth creature breaks into a swarm of tiny creatures and starts to flow up the walls of the building trying to reach you. Unfortunately for it, you're out of its reach.

The man turns the final page, closing the book. He lets out an inhuman cry as blood runs from his mouth and nose. He collapses to the ground on top of the book, where he is quickly absorbed.

The remaining creatures disperse into a mist and are gone...

2015-04-29, 03:53 PM
Katoerian Shun

The warlock, hoping the danger had passed, swept down as quickly as he could before a crowd gathered. All he would need was some other fool to come along and start reading the damned thing.

"No magical aura, but it fed on my eldritch flames, a relic perhaps? I don't know anything about this, best not to touch it" he thought.

Using his dagger, swept the map-book thing into his handy haversack to avoid touching it. He then took off with all haste, his thoughts racing as to where he could go with this dangerous thing. He thought for perhaps a few seconds, then took off straight up, traveling until the air chilled and his breath became visible (if there is low hanging cloud cover, he will put the cloud between himself and the city). There, using a piece of cloth as a barrier between himself and the map/book, he studied it with his artificer's monocle.

As a side note, how does dropping a stone from a great height work for dealing damage? How about dropping myself via cancelling a spell/invocation? I was trying to take your advice to build myself up a bit before getting involved in anything heavy; 3d6 damage is just not going to cut it. Honestly I was contemplating positioning my character over the guard and dropping fell flight, and thus using myself as a human missile. But, NE. :p

2015-04-29, 05:06 PM
You swoop down to snatch up the book, but you find yourself unable to do so. A rather fancy walking cane seems to be holding it down to the ground. Looking up, you see a smartly dressed man who seems entirely out of place in this part of town.

"I say, what do you think you're doing? That was quite cowardly of you to run and hide like that. Poor show."

He clicks his tongue at you to show his disapproval.


2015-04-29, 06:17 PM
Katoerian Shun

"I didn't see you helping, though apparently you were watching," Katoerian replied, "would you kindly remove your cane so I might collect this book off the road?"

"It's dangerous," he added.

2015-04-30, 09:53 AM
He slides the book back towards himself, catches the edge with the end of his cane, and deftly flicks it up into the air before catching it.

"And why, pray tell, should I give you the book? It doesn't think you're worthy."

2015-04-30, 10:23 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Not worthy??" Katoerian thought, anger bubbling up from within, but then the calculating part of his brain took over before he did or said something really stupid.

"That cane pulled it right out from under my hand," he thought, "I couldn't even hold on to it."
Feeling completely outclassed, Katoerian decided to switch tactics.

"Have it or not, as long as its not lying around," Katoerian replied, standing up slowly and looking the strange man over, "I don't particularly fancy the idea of one of those beasts attacking me while I'm sleeping."
"You say it doesn't think I'm worthy?" Katoerian said, "Let me prove my worth to you instead, then."
He nodded politely to the man.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Detect magic, what's he got?

2015-04-30, 11:39 PM
To be fair, you did say you were trying to pick it up with your knife so you wouldn't touch it. I doubt the point of your knife gives you a very good grip on something...

"No one of consequence."

Using detect magic on the man gives you the same trouble and same headache as looking at the book itself.

2015-05-01, 01:28 AM
Katoerian Shun

I'm not complaining, this is Katoerian's thought process and why he's now considering this guy to be considerably more powerful than he is, hence the transition from treating him as an equal to a superior.

"Of course," Katoerian said with a smirk, "no one of consequence. I must protest, however. I did not run away; if I had, we would not be having this conversation. I admit, my talents are not exactly fit for excelling in battle, but I can be quite persuasive. Will you allow me to work with you?"

diplomacy take 10 for DC36 to improve his attitude and convince him I'm worth keeping as a resource/ally.

2015-05-01, 03:25 AM
And I was just explaining how it was done so easily.He smirks at you and waves the book in your general direction.

"You willing to take this into the middle of the Plaza at noon and start reading from it aloud?"

2015-05-01, 10:13 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian suppressed a snort.

"Are you?" he asked, rhetorically.
"It seems reading the book didn't work out too well for the guard, but I could convince someone else to read it," Katoerian added, now speaking much more quietly, "why the Plaza though? Whoever starts reading it there would almost certainly be cut down before he could finish."

He glanced around.
"Shall we take this conversation somewhere a bit more private?" he asked.

2015-05-01, 04:33 PM
He just smiles gently as he would at a small child.

"See? It knew you were unworthy."

You blink, and the man is gone.

2015-05-01, 08:29 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Idiot, should have told him I'd read the damn thing in the Plaza, then once he gave it to me I could have done whatever I wanted with it," Katoerian thought.

"Should I stay or should I make myself scarce? If I leave now, people might assume I was responsible, could be a problem. I'm sure there are witnesses after that commotion..." he thought.

The young noble glanced around, then walked over to the dire beaver shack. He figured he could inspect this thing while waiting to see if anyone from the City Watch showed up.

Somehow I feel I've missed a major opportunity to get involved in this plot.

2015-05-01, 08:58 PM
Seems possible... I guess it depends on how the dice roll in the future.The building is completely empty of people but piled high with rotting beaver corpses. The one guard on duty was drawn into the book as he took to the streets just moments ago.

2015-05-02, 02:25 AM
Katoerian Shun

any advice as to what I could have done differently or clues I missed?

"So much for sending the meat to the poor. They just leave them here to rot? That doesn't make any kind of sense," Katoerian thought.

He checked the floor for bloody cat paw prints or evidence the carcasses have been eaten by scavengers.

2015-05-02, 04:35 AM
As you poke around, two creatures that look like nothing more than greatly oversized caterpillars with numerous tentacles coming from their heads crawl over the corpses towards you.


2015-05-02, 11:48 AM
Katoerian Shun

Yeah, this could be bad...
initiative: [roll0]

Katoerian's eyes widened as the creatures slithered out from the carcasses. He tried to create some distance by backing out the way he came in.

The idea is to get out of melee range

2015-05-02, 04:02 PM
You're taking your whole turn to just back away?

2015-05-02, 04:09 PM
You're taking your whole turn to just back away?

Yes, otherwise they can move and charge my character. If he can get outside and into the air, they won't be able to hit him and he can blast away at his leisure or simply close the door if they don't exit the shack. Standing around and allowing himself to be attacked or grappled is suicide.

2015-05-03, 04:11 PM
You run back to the door and open it.

The two creatures trundle towards you, tentacles flailing wildly.

You manage to escape and close the door before they reach you.

You spot a squadron of heavily armed hobgoblins charging down the street in your direction.

2015-05-03, 04:29 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Help!" Katoerian shouted, "there's two monsters inside and they're trying to eat me!"

He waved frantically at the hobgoblins and pointed at the door of the shack.

2015-05-03, 04:49 PM
The one nearest you shouts in your direction as he pulls a fist sized canister from his belt.

"Down on the ground! Now!"

2015-05-03, 04:54 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian releases his hold on the door, letting it swing open again, as he dives to the side and does as instructed, laying on the ground.

"Help, don't let them get me!" Katoerian said loudly.

let me know if I should roll anything to play up the helpless victim act.

2015-05-03, 04:59 PM
The door, having neither a spring nor counterweight, remains closed. Misinterpreting your dive to the side as an attempt to flee, the hobgoblin hurls the canister your direction. When it impacts the ground in front of you, a sticky purple goo bursts forth followed by the canister spraying a thick, green mist into the air.

Ref and Fort saves.

2015-05-03, 05:04 PM
reflex: [roll0]
fortitude: [roll1]

2015-05-03, 05:43 PM
The purple goo glues you firmly to the ground and entangles you, much like a tanglefoot bag would, and the pale green mist nauseates you to the point that you dry heave a few times but manage to keep from vomiting. You are now prone, entangled, immobilized, and nauseated.

The hobgoblins wait a few seconds for the fog to clear as they secure the area before moving in to slap manacles on your wrists before you can recover.

2015-05-03, 07:56 PM
Katoerian Shun

"What are you doing? The monsters are in the shack!" Katoerian said, "I thought you were here to save me!"

ham it up, bluff DC 30, with a bit of truth mixed in for good measure.

2015-05-03, 10:47 PM
"Quiet! You're under arrest." The hobgoblin kicks you in the ribs then stabs his sword into the ground inches from your nose to make sure you get the point.

The other hobgoblins finish securing the area, locking the door to the warehouse. They search the damaged buildings for signs of what's transpired but can't seem to figure out what happened. Finally, the leader comes back and motions to the one guarding you, who grabs you by the shoulders and hauls you up to your knees.

"Alright, punk, what the hell did you do?"

2015-05-04, 03:25 AM
Katoerian Shun

The young man struggled to his knees despite his manacled hands.

"I want to help. He started reading this book, and these creatures jumped out of it," Katoerian said, "I tried to stop them, but there were too many. At least four or five people vanished right here; I think they might be dead. I'll speak under a discern lies spell. I could have departed, but I stayed here and waited for you to arrive. Let me help you."

diplomacy to improve his attitude.

2015-05-04, 03:36 AM
He glares at you.

"And what were you doing in the warehouse?"

2015-05-04, 05:20 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Looking for a bloody nobleman's daughter's bloody cat," Katoerian replied, "that's why I was originally here in the first place."

2015-05-04, 06:04 AM
He stares at you, blinks a few times, and then shakes his head.

"That is quite probably the only explanation I would have believed." He laughs tersely.

"Still, we're going to have to take you in for further questioning concerning all of this," he says as he motions to the destruction surrounding you. "Get him on his feet."

The hobgoblin behind you hauls you up to your feet and makes sure you're steady before letting go of you.

2015-05-04, 11:46 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Thank you captain," Katoerian said, "I'll go with you gladly, there's no need for these."

The young noble jingled his manacled wrists.

"I understand if we need to keep them on for now for security, but they're extremely uncomfortable and a bit embarrassing," he said, "I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but I think we should speak with someone who is in charge of magical security in the city, someone who keeps outsiders where they belong. The things that did this were definitely summoned."

I'm in the air today, won't be able to post for 24-36 hours after this. Thanks for keeping up with my character's plotline despite the busy schedule.

2015-06-02, 10:43 PM
He shakes his head.

"Those are for your protection as much as for ours."

They take about 10 minutes trying to get everything organized before leading you away. No one seems to really be watching you too closely in the interim, expecting you to just stand there obediently.

2015-06-02, 11:51 PM
Katoerian Shun

Welcome back Rizban. I trust everything went well on the wedding day itself except for the million things that went wrong that nobody else noticed. Congrats on 5 years of aldhaven and on the resumption of your weekends' open time slots. Best of luck to you both.

Katoerian weighed his options. In retrospect, he probably should have agreed to that odd person's request and taken the book, then he could have ran and done anything he wanted with it. Ah well, hindsight and all that. At this point, he hadn't actually done anything wrong, and he might be able to curry some favor with someone in law enforcement with his cooperation. At any rate, fleeing now would only raise suspicion, so he attempted to make some talk.

"Has this ever happened before?" he asked quietly, and as innocently as he could.

2015-06-04, 02:28 PM
The one nearest to you glances in your direction before going back to writing something on a sheaf of paper, apparently unsure whether he actually heard you speak. The others continue to ignore you for the time being.

2015-06-04, 07:17 PM
Katoerian decides not to press his luck, and stays quiet until he is addressed.

2015-06-08, 02:32 PM
Once they wrap up searching the area and taking note of the individuals who seem to have gone missing, the one who shackled you returns.

"Alright, I want a full run down of what happened here. Give me all the details, starting from when you arrived on the scene."

2015-06-08, 10:15 PM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian sighed.
"Well, I was following a guard to that shack," he gestured with his manacled hands, "when I noticed something he was carrying, it looked like a book of maps, drawn in colored chalk, or at least with colored chalk on it. Odd thing about it was it had a complete lack of magical aura. When we arrived at the shack, I asked him about it, and he said it was something a kid had dropped, that it was filled with crazy twisted ramblings. He wanted to bring it home to his wife, said she liked that kind of stuff. I knew it might be dangerous, so I offered to cast 'identify' on it for him, free of charge, but in an effort to dispel my fears, he started reading from it, something about creathers being freed. It was definitely creathers, and not creatures."

Katoerian sighed again.

"That's when things went crazy, some kind of monster jumped out from the pages of the book. It looked like a giant dog, about this tall," Katoerian continued, gesturing with both hands as they were bound together, "but definitely not a dog. It had huge fangs and claws, and looked like something out of a nightmare. I could try to draw a picture of it later if you like."

"I backed away, and the guard kept reading, it looked like the dog-thing was guarding him, but then another one jumped out from the pages, and charged right through that door. I couldn't see inside the building to see what was happening, but people were screaming. I attacked the book, thinking to destroy it, but it didn't help. In fact, another one of those dog-things jumped out. They started dragging people out of buildings, and when they got close to the book, they and the people turned into mist and vanished into the book. One of the hobgoblins was nearby and tried to help, but it was knocked out by one of the dog creatures. I attacked the guard to try and get him to stop reading, but he just ignored me. After about two or three people, children, really, were sucked into the book, the guard finished reading, screamed, his nose bled, and then he turned into mist too and vanished into the book."

"When I went to pick up the book, a fopish looking man with a top hat and a cane appeared out of nowhere and claimed it," Katoerian said, "he had a funny accent, and asked me to take the book to the Plaza and read it there at noon, but I refused. Then he vanished with the book."

"Odd thing about him, he had the same lack of magical aura that the book had," Katoerian said.

"Then there were some giant caterpillars inside the shack that tried to eat me, and then you showed up and saved me from them," Katoerian said.

"That's about it," Katoerian said, "I think this is a very serious situation, so I'll repeat anything I just said under 'detect lie'. Is the hobgoblin who was attacked okay?"

Diplomacy, make him like me more and believe my story (can't use bluff since I'm telling the truth), take 10

2015-06-08, 10:31 PM
Hey, planswalker has requested being able to DM a few characters again and is interested by your plot so far. If it's okay, would you mind letting him take over DMing Shun for me? I'm finding it hard to run as many characters as I have been now that I'm married, so I'd like to cut down without dropping anyone from the game.

2015-06-08, 11:04 PM
if you're cool with that, here's the next reply

The hobgoblin listens to your story blankly. His eyes seem to glaze over as soon as you said "magical aura", though his attention returns when you start the fight, though it's clear he doesn't 100% believe it's possible. When you mention the fellow who appeared and took the book, though, he snaps to attention. "Okay, son. You've earned yourself a talk with the boss. He made it pretty clear the Extracity Watch is supposed to leave the really weird magical mumbo-jumbo to him. Your story lines up a little too conveniently to take at face value, but this is serious. Last time something like this happened, the Shadow Spider sent his top goon in to slaughter people left and right.''

He unlocks the manacles but motions for you to follow him inside a large tent on the other side of the charnel house. Assuming you don't try to run at this point, he points to a rough log bench and says, "He'll be back soon."

2015-06-08, 11:10 PM
Katoerian rubbed his wrists as the manacles came off. He glanced at the log bench.

"You're not going to leave me here alone, are you?" he asked.

[spoiler]im ok with it, let's do this :)
Thanks for picking up a co-GM role and expanding the game.[/roll]

2015-06-08, 11:16 PM

A pair of rotting beaver corpses shamble in and take positions by the entrance.

"The zombies are for your protection and to keep you from just walking off. The boss will probably wake up within the hour." He turns back to you as he steps out of the tent. "That work for you?"

2015-06-08, 11:23 PM
Katoerian Shun

"If I said I would feel safer if you left one of your patrol here with me, would you?" Katoerian asked.

2015-06-08, 11:27 PM
"Sorry, we're stretched thin dealing with the repercussions from the gang war in the Docks. These two normally are used as extra muscle to help patrol the more dangerous parts of the Slums."

2015-06-08, 11:55 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Alright then, I don't have much of a choice, I suppose," Katoerian said, putting on a show of looking around warily before sitting on the bench.

"What does your boss look like?" he asked.

Gang war in the docks, could be a way to make some money there. Magical items in gang colors, don't forget.

2015-06-09, 12:00 AM
"Trust me, you'll know him when you see him." He says vaguely.

Assuming you stay put, a half-orc will stride silently into the tent about half an hour later. By his musculature and weaponry, he is clearly a grizzled veteran. As he approaches, the zombie beavers shamble off.

He stares at you blankly.

2015-06-09, 12:21 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Hi," Katoerian said, standing up, "am I waiting for you?"

Detect magic at will.

2015-06-09, 12:35 AM
The half-orc says nothing.

In fact, there is a faint aura over this being. And also another aura located next to it. This second aura doesn't appear to have any visible manifestation and is of moderate strength.

Just before you'd get to identifying the auras, the invisible aura says, "Don't you know it's rude to stare, you undisappearing cat-chasing people-disappearer?"

A hobgoblin with a very messy blue hand-shaped tattoo inked across his face reveals himself at this point. He tilts his head towards the half-orc as if he said something, then seems to respond to it. "I don't care if those words were made up! Stop throwing off my game! Can't you see I'm trying to intimidate the suspect, Bennet?"

2015-06-09, 12:45 AM
Katoerian Shun

My character has see the unseen and casts it twice a day, so if the hobgoblin was invisible, Katoerian would have detected him all along.

"Umm," Katoerian said, "you don't have to intimidate me, I actually want to help, believe it or not."

2015-06-09, 12:52 AM
didn't know that. Might be useful to pm me your character sheet so I avoid that kind of mistake. Sorry

"Then why don't we all sit down and you give us some story time?" The hobgoblin says as he then promptly sits cross-legged on the ground. The half-orc stiffly follows suit.

2015-06-09, 01:04 AM
Katoerian recounted his story pretty much the same way he did for the other hobgoblin.

2015-06-09, 01:10 AM
The mad mage sits surprisingly still and listens carefully to your recounting.

"That sounds like some right-weird oogedly-boogedy"

An awkward pause.

"Stop criticizing my choice of words! If Draglance could make up words, why can't I?"

Another awkward pause, and he returns to addressing you. "Right, Bennet. Yeah, you were at ground zero of some really weird stuff there. Troubling stuff. I'll have my watch pull back their patrols for now. You're free to go if you want."

2015-06-09, 01:31 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Wait, that's it?" Katoerian asked, "is there anything else you're planning to do about this?"

Mention the guard's wife? Nah.

Whatever the hobgoblin says:

Katoerian nodded slowly.

"Well, are there any other matters I might be able to assist with?" Katoerian asked.

maybe for a nominal fee?

2015-06-09, 01:49 AM
"Well, what else do you expect me to do? Abandon my part in an all-out war against an omnicidal mega-horror from beyond our universe to chase a bad book?"

Another awkward pause. "Okay, yeah, Bennet. Fine. I'll have our secretary make some fliers as a public service to tell folks to not read any strange children's books."

"As a matter of fact, there is. How good are you at hunting down some folks who are hiding in North Market? They paid for some custom magic goods with cursed coins, and Khan-tiki wants revenge. He bankrolls my operations so I owe him a favor. Help me bring these two in for some slummy justice and I'll owe you one."

"Oh, and coins. Golden, non-cursed coins.]"

2015-06-09, 02:13 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Perhaps have the town crier get the word out?" Katoerian suggested.

This is my attempt at involving the rest of the players.

"Do you want me to simply find these two, or bring them in myself?" the young warlock asked.
"What are their names, what do they look like?" he asked, "what goods did they buy, and what did the cursed coins do?"
"Most importantly, how dangerous are they, what are their skills?" he asked.

"Oh, and one more thing, what's this about an omnicidal mega-horror from beyond our universe?"

2015-06-09, 11:55 AM
"It's not exactly like this deal is "legal". Those bigots in the city think that just because I like to reanimate the dead that I'm a monster. Oh, but when the Shadow Spider's thugs prove too much skulking for the city to handle, they'll "allow" my boys in blue to do what they have been doing all along. They thank us very kindly for our "service" and even pay us to dispose of beaver carcasses, but try to buy a house in the town with orange skin, and no-" He pauses as if interrupted.

"Right, Bennet. Back to business. Yes, bring them back please. Alive is nice though not necessary. It'll earn you double what them dead would. Bracht and Muma bought two pair of boots to put a spring in their step and fall slower when that fell. They were small-time thugs looking to make a quick buck in my Arena only to lose to some beaver zombies. Still, I pay the losers for their time and then they try to pay for custom services with cursed coins. Last time I ever deal with a dwarf/goliath pair. I don't know what Muma sees in the little midget."

"Oh, as for the omnicidal horror, don't worry about it. I've been dreaming up a coalition to kill the bad kitty in this dimension and the other."

2015-06-09, 06:54 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Right, I'll see if I can find these Bracht and Muma Dwarf and Goliath pair," Katoerian said, "and incidentally, I know about injust treatment. If you want to buy a property, you might need a partner with the right skin tone, like me."

"Err, who is the Shadow Spider? That's the second time one of you have mentioned him?" Katoerian asked.

2015-06-10, 12:06 PM
He doesn't comment on your "right skin tone" remark.

"He's the reason you don't go into the docks at night. He leads the local clan of skulks."

2015-06-10, 06:34 PM
Katoerian Shun

"Why don't you get a garrison together and clear them all out?" Katoerian asked.

"Also, what's your name and title, and how can I contact you? To let you know where Braht the Dwarf and Muma the Goliath are?" Katoerian asked.

This guy is either completely nuts or into some really advanced planar magic. Or both...

2015-06-11, 12:23 AM
"We've tried. At one point, we gave them all a hot oil bath and set them on fire. While their warriors were away, apparently. The Shadow Spider and his clan have been a problem in the Docks for generations. It's just become more overt in the last five years or so."

"I am Wilstaff, and my assistant here is Bennet." He digs around in his pockets for a minute and pulls out a dirty loincloth that has been painted blue. "Give this to anyone in the Extracity Watch and they'll bring you right to me. No handcuffs this time. Unless you ask for them but even then, know that I am not into that kind of thing and..."

*awkward pause*

"Yeah, right Bennet. Anything else? Then I've got to get going." The hobgoblin and half-orc stand up to depart. Unless you ask them something else, they will walk off and leave you by your lonesome.

2015-06-11, 12:40 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian gingerly accepted the loincloth and stuck it into an unused pouch of his haversack. He then bade farewell to the hobgoblin mage.

The human stepped out of the tent and glanced around to see if he was more or less alone. If nobody is about, he will sit on top of the beaver shack and wait for Jasper the cat to show up, lured by the smell of dire beaver meat.

Edit: Katoerian will wait until he feels the need to sleep, or until the first hint of dawn the next day (ring of sustenance should keep him going iirc), at which point he will return to the Sad Flint to get some rest.

2015-06-12, 12:27 AM
Apparently rotting dire beaver carcass doesn't overly attract cats, even ones that happen to enjoy fresh dire beaver. However, as luck would have it, apparently there are all sorts of cats that like eating the things which do enjoy rotting meat. You spot about a half-dozen such creatures stalking about.

spot check please

2015-06-12, 01:49 AM
Take 20 for 19 if possible, otherwise [roll0]

2015-06-12, 01:54 AM
Taking 10 would have been possible, 20 is not. Not unless you plan to spend the next 20 hours sitting there looking at cats hoping to find the one you're looking for and there doesn't happen to be anyone who decides you're being suspicious again. However, that roll was sufficient

You spot a cat that matches Jasper's general description that is acting... oddly. Unlike the other cats around, he doesn't seem interested in prey. Instead, he's wandering around the area as if searching for something. It notices you looking at it and darts down an alleyway.

2015-06-12, 02:01 AM
Katoerian Shun

Katoerian launched himself off the top of the shack and made a beeline for the alleyway, moving in a straight line through the air to cut distance. If he can get above the cat he will drop down lower and attempt to grab it.

use the run action. Katoerian has a 40' base speed instead of 30'.

2015-06-12, 02:13 AM
Despite your increased speed, this cat seems to match your pace as it heads through a twisted labyrinth of narrow alleyways and cluttered back streets. It is heading in the general direction of the Docks. You've spent several hours in the Slums since you first entered it and the sun is beginning to get lower in the sky. You probably still have an hour or two until sunset.

This is a friendly reminder of the time of day should you choose to follow this cat into the Docks. I promise that I won't spring nighttime on you without warning, but be careful about letting the time slip away unless you don't mind going against the warnings about the Docks at night.

2015-06-12, 02:20 AM
Katoerian keeps after the cat, attempting to get close enough to activate his chronocharm and make a grab for him.

An hour or two, best be careful about time. Spider-whats-his-face and his gang of skulks, not friendly.

2015-06-12, 02:25 AM
Please explain what the chronocharm does. It's really late at night my time and I'd have to wait until morning to look it up. It would end our session tonight on a cliffhanger if we had to stop.

When the cat crosses into the Docks, it suddenly puts on a slight burst of speed and is even faster than before. The gap between you two begins to slightly widen.

2015-06-12, 02:49 AM
Chronocharm of the horizon walker allows the weaer to move half his speed as a swift action 1/day.
Edit: Also, if you're dog tired, just go to sleep. It's only 4pm here so I can keep going longer than you can anyway :p

2015-06-12, 02:55 AM

While twisting through an alleyway crammed with housing on either side, the cat dashes in through an open window in the middle of the block.

2015-06-12, 03:02 AM
Katoerian flies in through the window as well. If he doesn't immediately see the cat, he stops and hovers in the room to get his bearings. If he sees the cat, he tries to grab it.

See the Unseen: Katoerian can see through darkness and invisibility.

Does the cat seem to be running unnaturally fast?

2015-06-12, 03:05 AM
faster than a cat naturally can, yes

As you come barreling in through the window you hear a shriek as you realize you have just entered the bedroom of a middle-aged woman and her two children. You do not immediately see the cat.

2015-06-12, 03:13 AM
Katoerian Shun

"Be silent," katoerian snarled.
intimidate take 10 for dc 28.

"A small cat with a silver bell came through this window, nod if you saw it," katoerian said.

If the woman saw it:

"Which way did it go?" He asked.

2015-06-12, 09:16 AM
She nods and points under her bed.

2015-06-12, 09:32 AM
Katoerian Shun

"The cat is not really a cat; it is very dangerous," Katoerian said, "I will try to capture it, keep the children away."

bluff: take 10 for 30

Katoerian floats down, his body horizontal, and peeks under the bed.

2015-06-12, 11:04 AM
Dumbstruck, she nods her head and holds her children close.

As you look under the bed, give me a spot check.

and no, taking 10 isn't an option. Neither is taking 20

2015-06-12, 07:05 PM
spot: [roll0]

2015-06-13, 07:54 AM
You spot a furry paw disappear upwards from the other side of the bed as you look.

2015-06-13, 08:09 AM
You spot a furry paw disappear upwards from the other side of the bed as you look.

I don't understand, it appears as if the cat climbed up on top of the bed? If so Katoerian will move to alter his point of view and draw his light crossbow.

...I'm getting an image of tom-and-jerry chasing each other around a tree...

2015-06-13, 08:18 AM
yeah, that's an accurate picture on both accounts.

As you look up with crossbow drawn, a furry streak runs past you out the window.

2015-06-13, 10:53 AM
Katoerian Shun

Attack of opportunity? :)

"My apologies ma'am," Katoerian said as he took off after the cat again. If he gets a clear shot, he will attempt to shoot it with the crossbow.

The idea is to hit the cat with an arrow, knock it out, stuff it into the haversack, heal it using a healing belt before it has a chance to die, then make tracks to the duke's manse.

This way we get to avoid a grapple scene. Let me know if it's doable.

2015-06-13, 04:55 PM
You have to be armed with a melee weapon to make an AoO.

2015-06-14, 01:15 AM
you can't make AoO's with a crossbow. You have to have a melee weapon and/or have the improved unarmed combat feat.

Completely bewildered by these events, the woman says nothing as her children begins to cry and that darn cat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=444GmmZoV1g) is out the window and back in the alley again.

2015-06-14, 06:25 AM
Katoerian gave chase back into the alley.

"Jasper, stop!" He yelled.

2015-06-14, 07:48 PM
apologies for forgetting to ask in the last post:

Spot roll please

The mother runs over and slams the window shut behind you.

2015-06-14, 07:57 PM
I can see how this is going to go. With a -1 spot modifer, eventually I'm going to lose this cat... but my character doesn't know that so I guess we'll keep chasing and looking.
spot: [roll0]
Also, feel free to roll things like spot/listen/sense motive for me if it'll save a post.

Edit: and the lucky streak continues :p

2015-06-14, 10:41 PM
This may come into play later.
knowledge nature/dungeoneering, what is a skulk?