View Full Version : Let's Watch: Death Note

2015-02-18, 11:52 PM
Going for the dubbed version, let's see how this goes. I'm two episodes in and enjoying it.

Episode 1

Nice theme. I could get used to it.

Oh my, the Joker.

Why do the Death Gods use skulls to play games, and never dice or things? Think it'd open more possibilities.

News report! Obviously not significant.

So two people died.

Man, that's a lot of people dying. I mean, day after day.

That doesn't look like a very heavy book. It wasn't blown away?


Good for him, putting it down again. Though this shan't last long.

Yep, he took it.

So they can specify how the person dies. Useful.

Hmm, who is he going to kill?

Seriously though, it's a creepy book.

At least he has moral compunctions.

Oh, I see, he starts out killing criminals. And I imagine he'll change and lose some of this morality.

Yes, of course it's a coincidence.

Hm, he's testing it with criminals. I'd imagine it's weighing on his mind.

"Where possible"? So he's planning to kill a lot of people?

Half this episode is monologue.

Good, the girl ran away. At least there's that.

Oh, I just accidentally dropped this Death Note too. Whoops.

Hereee comes the Death God to Human World.

Flying Joker is scary.

He's a good student. Is his name really Light?

What. has he written all those names already, or did the Death God write those before?

How did Ryok find him that fast?

Do all humans die via a Death Note, are are those special situations.

He's fast to accept Death Gods coming in his window.

Oh dear, it's happened before that Death Notes have appeared.

Who all is he killing?

Still just criminals, or what?

There's no trade-off for using it, which is why I would give it back right then.

Creepy Joker demon in my bedroom, I'd be scared.

Here are apples! The neighbors brought them, at night! Here, dig in, Joker demon.

Why you? Prooooobably because you picked it up.

Yes, it's definitely worth it that you are using the Death Note to kill everyone.

Heart attacks, but falling off of buildings?

And your judgement is perfect, right.

Okay, so end episode 1, he's just killing of criminals, but starting to get... kill-y.

And, desirous of power, but still with a bent on morality.

Hm. This is still the first episode? It seems like it could have been stretched over five. We'll see. And we have only met two real characters.

2015-02-19, 12:39 AM
Death Note has interesting pacing. I...highly enjoyed hearing your thoughts on what happened, though they seem a little rushed (same with this opening, though). A lot of these things you've said...I'd recommend quoting them.

That said, will continue to follow this! The only thing I an really say at the moment is to answer some questions you've brought up. Light is a name that makes sense in Japan, since they're say it like Hikaru. So he's Hikaru Yagami, if you're being extra Japanese. I think they kind of mention that Light's always gone by Light because his first name has the kanji for Light in it.

Not all deaths are from Death Notes (and I think it's perfectly okay to tell you this but) most Shinigami only kill people with their note when they're about to die anyway.

Lord Raziere
2015-02-19, 01:11 AM
Yeah, I like Death Note, I really only have two problems with it, one is very early, and is one much later. but overall I like it for its basically two masterminds trying to outwit each other. and L is totally one of my favorite characters. like, of all time.

2015-02-19, 02:05 AM
Following this. :)

2015-02-19, 09:23 AM
Death Note has interesting pacing. I...highly enjoyed hearing your thoughts on what happened, though they seem a little rushed (same with this opening, though). A lot of these things you've said...I'd recommend quoting them.

That said, will continue to follow this! The only thing I an really say at the moment is to answer some questions you've brought up. Light is a name that makes sense in Japan, since they're say it like Hikaru. So he's Hikaru Yagami, if you're being extra Japanese. I think they kind of mention that Light's always gone by Light because his first name has the kanji for Light in it.

Not all deaths are from Death Notes (and I think it's perfectly okay to tell you this but) most Shinigami only kill people with their note when they're about to die anyway.

Well, yes. I was in a bit of a hurry to post this. On the notes, I'm mostly just transcribing my thoughts, and there are less of them on Episode 2. Now that we've gone through the exposition, I think they'll be less wild. If they do, I'll try to prune them down.

Quoting them?

2015-02-19, 11:43 AM
What I mean is that some of the things you've said, later on you're gonna think on them and laugh your ass off. That's all I'll say :smallamused:

2015-02-19, 11:59 AM
If I were a Shinigami, I would totally use skulls to play games with. Because. It's the aesthetic of the thing.

Beyond your immediate reactions, it might be cool to see you do a bit of reflection and prediction at the end of an episode. See what sorts of deductions you come to. Especially once the mindgames start getting extreme.

2015-02-27, 08:12 PM
I absolutely loved the series, I think it's the best anime I've ever seen.

That said, will continue to follow this! The only thing I an really say at the moment is to answer some questions you've brought up. Light is a name that makes sense in Japan, since they're say it like Hikaru. So he's Hikaru Yagami, if you're being extra Japanese. I think they kind of mention that Light's always gone by Light because his first name has the kanji for Light in it.

Actually, Light's name in Japanese doesn't have 光 ("light") character in it, but rather 月 ("moon"). It might be used as a first name (usually female though), however it's usually pronounced "tsuki". In this case, it has unusual English pronunciation "light" ("raito" in Japanese).

2015-02-27, 08:32 PM
I absolutely loved the series, I think it's the best anime I've ever seen.

Actually, Light's name in Japanese doesn't have 光 ("light") character in it, but rather 月 ("moon"). It might be used as a first name (usually female though), however it's usually pronounced "tsuki". In this case, it has unusual English pronunciation "light" ("raito" in Japanese).

Ah, right. My mistake!

2015-02-27, 08:49 PM
I like the first half of Death Note. Episode 2 is where it's at. Perhaps my favorite episode of them all.

Lord Loss
2015-03-01, 11:14 PM
The first half of the manga/anime is fantastic. As is the manga's ending - the anime botches it, IMO. The second half, bar the ending, kind of drags on. I prefer the manga to the anime, but they're both pretty good. I'm eager to hear more of what you think; especially as various motifs and themes start working their way into the narrative. Maybe it's just me, but I've always found half of Death Note's brilliance to lie in the subtext.

I'll leave a little more in spoiler tags, none of this is very detailed or spoilerific, but I'll keep on the safe side.

Perhaps subtext isn't quite the right word, but... I've always found that Death Note works on a few levels - it is in my view composed of entertaining battles of will between the central geniuses, emotional and psychological and moral transformations and collapses on the parts of the characters, and perhaps more poignantly, an attack of sorts on the reader, as they're made to confront questions of mortality and morality, coupled with existential concerns. All this is slickly weaved into an enjoyable, commercial and unpretentious piece of media, with lots of humor heaped in. I've always found that it's what the authors don't say that hits the hardest in death note, heck, you could even say it's what the authors don't directly address.

2015-03-04, 01:55 PM
The first half of the manga/anime is fantastic. As is the manga's ending - the anime botches it, IMO. The second half, bar the ending, kind of drags on. I prefer the manga to the anime, but they're both pretty good. I'm eager to hear more of what you think; especially as various motifs and themes start working their way into the narrative. Maybe it's just me, but I've always found half of Death Note's brilliance to lie in the subtext.

Well to be fair apparently the anime had a few difficulties adapting the manga due to a few strange quirks the manga used. The manga apparently was really looking to play up the symbolism in its format and so the creators decided that it would have a symbolic number of chapters. Of course this meant that the anime, with its shorter running time, would have to work on condensing materials. Apparently several elements that occurred in the later part of the anime had been introduced earlier in the manga, but there significance only became clear around the end. So the anime decided to focus on giving more time to the "main event" of the series. Namely L.

However that does mean the second half has to drag on a bit so the important bits to the story are still there for the resolution.

Lord Raziere
2015-03-04, 06:58 PM
My two problems with Death Note is

1: How Light stupidly kills the guy talking as L in the first place, thus confirming for the real L where Light is.


2: Light's stupid byzantine memory gambit. there is just no way that could possibly work.

I mean in the first instance, its so obvious that Kira shouldn't make a move, but he does so because he is goaded into it, and in the second instance its too improbable to ever work, so how did it work? just....weird...

2015-03-04, 07:18 PM
Lord Razier, spoilers, holy ****.

Lord Raziere
2015-03-04, 07:26 PM
Lord Razier, spoilers, holy ****.

Argh, sorry, took care of it, pretty sure the OP won't see them now.

2015-03-04, 08:08 PM
Haven't seen any spoilers yet. :smallsmile:

Also realized I haven't posted the thing I wrote up over a week ago. Over two?

Episode 2

So all they do in school is have students recite lines? No wonder he's a top student.

It's a bit creepy that Ryuk is just following him around school. xD

Does Ryuk have an earring?

Why is it a big thing to keep the Death Note away?

What sort of meeting is this?

L seems to have respect.

And arrogant!

Tall creepy guy knows about L.

I like this guy.

Ryuk is cross-eyed.

Nooope, people aren't going to look in the diary.

What if the drawer falls out?

Setting the notebook on fire and exploding everyone.

You know, I'm impressed he learns this from reciting lines.

So he's killing armed robbers now? Ran out of murderers?

Hmm, this ain't the guy.

The L guy is actually really good.

I lllike him.

In summary, the plot is still running along at a nice fast rate, things are set up, L is cool, and this looks to be fun.

Ahhh this is more like it. L is chill.

Predictions, you say?

Here are three, let's say. Three's a nice number.

L is going to find the school soon?
Within the next ten episodes someone will either touch the Note or almost do so
Light will, within the next five episodes or so, kill someone he's met before.

And yeah. Not sure if there's much to say beyond this, but it's seeming very fun so far.

2015-03-04, 08:19 PM
Aaah so many things I could say but I don't remember the exact order and events so I can't even hint properly. Rest assured, questions you have will be answered :smallamused:

2015-03-04, 08:26 PM
Aaah so many things I could say but I don't remember the exact order and events so I can't even hint properly. Rest assured, questions you have will be answered :smallamused:

I mean quite of a number of these questions have been answered/are hypothetical/are not serious, but thanks for the assurance. :smalltongue:

Lord Loss
2015-03-04, 10:46 PM
My two problems with Death Note is

1: How Light stupidly kills the guy talking as L in the first place, thus confirming for the real L where Light is.


2: Light's stupid byzantine memory gambit. there is just no way that could possibly work.

I mean in the first instance, its so obvious that Kira shouldn't make a move, but he does so because he is goaded into it, and in the second instance its too improbable to ever work, so how did it work? just....weird...

In regards to your first concern, I've had the same issue with the manga/anime in the past, but ultimately I think it accurately reflects L's character. He's undoubtedly a genius, but his arrogance and pride take precedence over his intelligence whenever possible. His sense of immortality, superiority to others and disregard for those who he perceives as his inferiors (i.e everyone) is responsible for the majority of his failures throughout the series. They're foreshadowed by that early blunder, and ultimately lead to his demise.

I honestly don't remember the memory gambit well enough to have a valid opinion here, but from what I remember, I think Light banked on his ''innocent'' self being extremely determined to catch Kira, and extremely capable in that regard - capable enough to be confident that he would eventually come in contact with the Death Note. it was one hell of a risk, and it was probably somewhat improbable, but series loaded with Xanatos Gambits tend to venture into such territory sooner or later.

@Ravian That explains a lot. Yeah, the focus on symbolism is quite apparent in the manga, and is perhaps one of the strengths of the series. The symbolism feels subtle, yet pervasive - it's well executed in that it doesn't feel like it's exaggerated, doesn't come off as forced, but is present enough to greatly impact the reader. I feel like the anime didn't translate that part very well - perhaps because of the constraints of the medium.

2015-03-05, 12:21 PM
People overestimate their intelligence all the time; people who are just knowledgeable enough tend to do it even more! It takes either extremely little or one hell of a lot of knowledge to realize how little you actually know.