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View Full Version : Pathfinder Path of war subconscious psionis?

2015-02-19, 10:20 AM
So today I was playing a Pathfinder game as a SteelFist Commando and I had switched into phantom sun stance and used on of the phantom weaponry to try and trigger an item that reacts to magic for a puzzle. My DM curious as to whether or not my attacks would trigger the item read the stance and made a comment about it being almost psionic in nature.
This made me realize when you look at the path of war classes and abilities they can be attributed to being minorly (or better termed subconscious Psions) which would explain things like the Warlords Gambits, The Warders Deathless defense and some of the stalker arts (such as mind bending). But anyway what do you guys think I'm over thinking this or are they just subconscious psions?

2015-02-19, 12:23 PM
You're over thinking this. Initiators may be extraordinary and supernatural, but that's only because most of the world is extraordinary and supernatural. I reason it out as "magic is literally everywhere and in everything," so the only difference is how creatures access and use it. Some do so from within their bodies subconsciously (most EX and Su abilities...and spontaneous casters), some receive help from others (divine casting), and some research it and create formulas to manipulate it (prepared casting, alchemy, ect).

Of course that's just one interpretation, and there are plenty of other interpretations out there. The main point I'm trying to get at is that just because a new subsystem might feel similar to another, it doesn't actually make them equivalent or make one a subset of the other unless it is explicitly stated to be so.

2015-02-19, 01:19 PM
I agree with DarkSonic - in a magical world, sufficiently skilled non-spellcasting individuals should be able to eventually access that magic on an instinctive or even conscious level after a time, without learning the precise/discrete forms of traditional magic - or psionics. That does not make them "subconscious psions" any more than it makes them "subconscious wizards" - those terms are reserved for the folks who do follow the formal/regimented means of access to those energy sources.