View Full Version : Dawn of the New World

2015-02-19, 12:18 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?399165-Dawn-of-the-New-World-(OOC))

The city of Ysia is one of unique design. It had once been a rairly standard city of some size, supporting a vast number of citizens. However, the entire architecture had to change once the Sky Tower tore a hole in the very heart of its infrastructure. Yusia has since developed around this massive tower, using a formation of 5 rings. The most external ring, known as the Base Ring, is actually below the majority of the city. Yisa has been raised up and placed on tall structures in order to level off properly with the entrance to the Sky Tower, but those who did noit wish to abandon their homes, or simply lacked the coin to start over were left to the Base Ring. The slums of Ysia, a complete undercity, which exists below all of modern Ysia's promise. No natural light ever touches the Base Ring, and most Ysians pretend it doesn't exist.

Then there is the Entry Ring, which connects directly to the exterior walls, and is primarily used for lower class residents and city utilities. The Entry Ring is the thinnest of all the Rings, and serves primarily to grant low income housing to those within the city. Once one continues towards the center of the city, they will find a lift to advance them to the Commerce Ring, which is by far the largest of any of the sections.

The Commerce Ring not only serves as the mercantile district, but as housing for the vast majority of the city's people. It is the place most who visit Ysia come for, as it holds all the resources the city has to offer. Inns, taverns, libraries, and shops dot this area, and only the nobles of Lune can manage to live any higher than this.

Of course, such people do exist, which is why the Lord's Ring accommodates them. A small band of nobles lives in this area, and it is formed to protect such people from the usual ragtag thievery found in cities. Heavily patrolled and quite prestigious, most Ysians have no reason to see this place.

Finally, there is the Tower Ring. Which serves only to allow adventurers into the Sky Tower. As it leads to the entrance of the Sky Tower, it is quite popular, and heavily regulated.

Deep within the Commerce Ring is a tavern and inn known as the Winking Pig, Ysia's largest and most popular such establishment. run by a pair of rather burly brothers, it is a major attraction once one is in Ysia. It is hear the fresh adventurers will have been sent, and it is here that their target could be found. Sitting atop a stool near the currently empty stage, a man could be found, hugging a worn lute in one hand, as it rested in his lap, the other joyously drinking from his mug.

2015-02-19, 01:11 PM
A fair elf man walks into the bar, eyes immediately darting first to faces, then to pockets and belt pouches. He orders a two mugs of ale and sits down by the drinking musician, saying, "Hail, friend! Fancy a drink on me?"

He also stretches out with a mind, sending a mental missive, asking, Are you the one they call Gregori?

Perception check to find loose objects such as keys, coin purses, etc. to pickpocket

2015-02-19, 04:12 PM
A pale young half-elven woman enters the tavern, garbed almost entirely in black. Walking to the bar, she hands the barkeep a few silver coins, "For my horse in the stable, and some wine if you would as well." Smiling at the man, she accepts the drink as it is poured and makes her way to a table in the corner, carefully placing her pack over the back of her chair; checking to ensure the object inside is safe as she always does, though nothing has ever happened to it.

She leans back, surveying the room, watching most carefully the performer on his stool, and the boisterous elf as he joins him. The extinguished bard... I see no other's that could claim the title, I suppose its worth a try. She opens her mind to the power gifted to her by her Master, whispers in a billion unknown languages filling her mind until she silences them. Reaching out to touch each conscious mind in the room she speaks into the mind of the bard, her mental voice sounding like several individuals whispering the same message at once, still calmly sipping at her glass of wine.

**I was sent to find an extinguished bard. I wonder, might you be the one claiming that title?**

I'm not entirely sure of the costs for stabling a horse and a glass of wine in 5e, I can't imagine it being more than several silver though. Just let me know what to remove from Aria's sheet.

2015-02-19, 11:19 PM
Pushing away the door gently, some patrons are forced to wait as she crosses it in a painfully slow pace, her eyes sometimes seem as if they were completely closed, sometimes sharp as a knife, a tall human female enters the tavern, stopping a few steps ahead and scanning the room, looking each and every one inside up and down. Coming closer to the bar, she shifts in her dust-covered exotic-looking clothes as she get comfortable over a stool, looking for the nearest bar keeper and asking politely in a strong accent from a foreign land, "Please, your darkest ale, friend, it was a long journey.", she turns over to the side, raising one eyebrow at the elven pair to the side, she continues rather loudly "I was sent to find a man named Gregori. I was told he used to be high-regarded in these lands. Where could I find him, if he still draws breath?"

2015-02-20, 09:39 AM
It was a fairly active tavern, even in the early evening still. As Ileidr moved closer towards the man, he could see a few opportunities to his liking. Tossing a silver piece up for the ale, he'd approach the bard, who seemed a bit concerned with the sudden attention. His voice was a god bit ragged from the drink, and his eyes seemed to lack a lot of focus.

"I don-"

And in that instant, he'd fall out of his chair, gasping in surprise, as he flailed about some. Staring angrily as he looked around, swinging his lute back and forth a bit, his voice turned to a sharper snarl.

"Don know who you thinking you playing head games with, but I will find ye!"

Is antics brought forth a few awkward looks from those nearby, but nobody was paying him any mind.

2015-02-20, 11:37 AM
Ileidr sighed internally. Ok, plan 15, then. Catching the drunkard as he fell out of his chair, he let out a laugh, Whoa, mate, maybe take it a bit easy on the ale after all. I'm Ileidr, don 't think I caught your name? Setting the man aright, he extends his hand.

2015-02-20, 02:53 PM
Aria lets out a quiet sigh, taking another sip of her wine and looking away from the commotion, out a window into the street. Perhaps that wasn't the best course of action to take with a drunk... She glances back over at the bard as the elven man attempts to calm him, waiting to see what will happen. Maybe I will be able to approach him somewhat easier if he sobers up somewhat.

2015-02-21, 07:27 AM
Saki Reyvin, Human Paladin

As events proceeded with the human bard, Saki would make her entrance into the bar quietly. With a rapier on her hip with a worn, engraved hilt, a beautiful, silvery shield emblazoned with the holy green fire of the Three, a flowing armored dress designed as much for appearance and ease of movement as it was protection, and the easy, graceful movements that came with years of martial practice, it was clear that the young woman did not commonly frequent such establishments, but despite that, she did not seem entirely out of her comfort zone as she made her way to the bar. For a human girl, though, her very long, entirely white hair was rather unusual, and quite striking, even tied up as it was, though the blue eyes that sought out the barkeep were certainly not out of the ordinary.

Saki would take a seat at one of the stools of the bar, brushing it off with the back of a gloved hand with a smile. It had been quite a long time since she'd last entered a tavern like this, and in a way she was a bit excited about it, and amused at that somewhat childish excitement that brought a smile to her lips. Noticing the small commotion at the other end of the counter, the young woman would lean forward a bit as she spoke to the barkeep. "Could you get me one of whatever they're drinking? Looks like it's pretty good stuff."

2015-02-21, 08:11 AM
The bard glared as he was helped, steadying a bit, as he shuffled around, and looking too his hands. The one with the lute had a near death grip on it, but his mug had already shattered to the floor. Moaning a bit over it, the man turned to look at the elf whoo had started helping him, a disheveled glance about him, as he sighed. "I refuse... whatever you want to say to me, I absolutely refuse."

Saki, meanwhile, found the bartender to be much more approachable as he smiled, revealing a small bottle of a rather fine looking wine and presenting it to the girl. "This is probably the best stuff you'll get in the city."

2015-02-22, 03:08 PM
Aya entered the inn, one she may have performed at once upon a time. Her flute was visible in its case, and she had come prepared to perform in case it would help.

She looked around for the bard, and upon seeing a man holding a lute near the stage, she approached him.

Excuse me, but would you be Gregori? I'm sorry if you're having an argument, but I really must speak with you.

With that, Aya smiles at Gregori and the half-elf speaking with him, hoping to disarm them with her kindly smile.

OOC: Okay, this'll be the only rainbow post. Sorry, it's just too fun! I can't stop. It's a problem.

2015-02-22, 07:34 PM
Kyu got uncomfortable with all the commotion close to her, furrowing her brow and looking to the sides, eventually standing up and turning around as the other young woman approaches speaking of Gregori, "Gregori?" she looks at the other, raising one eyebrow, "Famous indeed, is he not?" and crosses her arms in a sort of smug way, waiting for the conversation to flow.

2015-02-23, 08:06 PM
ooc: assuming Kyu is there, next to Aya so she can respond?


Ayas eyebrows go up with curiosity. I didn't realize there was a line. I'm not trying to steal him from the tavern, if he's got a contract here or anything. It's just...

She turns to Gregori, and then decides to go on a leap of faith, and be up front. It's just I was told to speak to you... about the Sky Tower? I have to go there, and I was told to speak to you. Does that make sense? Can you help me?

2015-02-24, 04:47 PM
Hmm... it seems I'm not the only one looking for this bard. Gregori I assume? Aria leans back in her chair, watching the commotion, her eyes narrowing somewhat at mention of the Sky Tower. She strokes the head of a small bat as it crawls out of the hood of her cloak and onto her shoulder.

**Lets just see how this goes shall we?**

2015-03-03, 07:53 AM
As the barman would produce the fine drink for Saki, , as he'd smirk a bit to the commotion surrounding the bard. He'd sigh, as shaking his head a bit. "It is like this every day, you know. You get about a dozen or so people who think they can handle anything, and they go diving into the Sky Tower without a second thought. It is a shame, really. These people are all capable of doing this land a great service, but they get led into that place, and never come back. I don't think Gregori has the heart to take another group. That is why that man sits there and refuses all who come looking."

The bard, meanwhile, would scowl at the joining faces, shaking his head stubbornly. "Everyone always needs to speak with Gregori. Everyone always wants something from Gregori. But you won't get anything from me! If you are looking to get killed, you can stab yourself with one of the knives at the bar."

2015-03-03, 09:08 PM
Kyu only looks over at Aya as she asks, remaining silent as the woman seems to figure the situation out by herself.

Kyu scoffs as she looks at the bartender over her shoulder, "I don't think I can handle anything, I was trained to.", she crosses her arms in a proud pose, smiling slightly and turning her gaze towards Gregori once again "Tell me, old man. Has alcohol taken the best of your storytelling along with with your reasoning? Tell us a tale of the tower, let us decide for ourselves upon it." she continues smiling.

2015-03-04, 10:47 AM
The bard, meanwhile, would scowl at the joining faces, shaking his head stubbornly. "Everyone always needs to speak with Gregori. Everyone always wants something from Gregori. But you won't get anything from me! If you are looking to get killed, you can stab yourself with one of the knives at the bar."

I know about the Sky Tower, Gregori. I know that it's dangerous. But I was told in a dream to come speak to you. I've survived all kinds of dangerous things, and I can do things other people can't. Didn't you survive going in? What happens in the tower? Please tell me. Even if you won't take me inside, could you tell me about the Sky Tower itself?

the beautiful mystic looks at the bard with her bright eyes, that mysterious blue-purple, and gives him her nicest smile. She isn't manipulative, but simply the kind of person who is so nice that others have a difficult time refusing her.