View Full Version : Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

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2017-08-16, 04:37 PM
Absolutely not. If mee's PCs are feeling greedy, I'll pay them each 100 gp (but they will understand it is "greed pay" ... not cheerfully done). But, no. House Fathi will not accept such payment.

2017-08-18, 03:41 AM
Alpha, Beta, Kaul .... what are your feelings?
"The PCs?" You're half of them, bub.

2017-08-18, 04:47 PM
Beta speaks up for the rest of the group, agreeing that no payment is needed for him or Alpha. Kaul thinks for a moment, then shakes his head.

Translation: No pay needed. No Greed pay needed.

2017-08-19, 03:58 AM
A training session is held before people dinner and a debrief.

Zeta, a natural precog, will try to teach Beta what she can about precognitive meditation; Anni will join and quietly meditate on the side. Shyamal, who will come by for dinner and a debrief later, will likewise use this as excellent awareness meditation, as will Kaul, Phi, and Bur. Alpha will be doing personal research in the library. Eta meditates privately elsewhere.

Dinnertime and post-meal debrief ...

Carowyn Manor was a success in that you managed to destroy many undead, but that wasn't the mission, was it? Also, what was the deal with that?

What is going through the group's mind right now about anything long-term regarding the pandemic? Anything? or, take it as it comes? It's okay if you don't have any insights or plans, just trying to get a feel for things here.

2017-08-19, 05:18 PM
So, rich people had a big party while the city is falling down outside. And yet, they all turned to undead and were made to be in strange positions by the crazy harlequin woman. Okay, so they definitely had it worse. Harlequin woman didn't show again, so other than being in our report we can't do much about anything.

Do Alpha, Beta, or Kaul have anything they can think of?

2017-08-24, 02:33 PM
Can't think of anything more to add, unfortunately.

2017-12-12, 04:38 AM
Wealday, 23 Gozran 4708 AR

Alpha can't seem to cut a break as he has contracted blood veil .... again. He has taken 2 CON and 3 CHA damage. Everyone else is fine, though.

The next day, I need everyone to set up anything they need to set up for the day, and what is to be done for Alpha. Please let me know once you have made any adjustments you need to make and when your PCs are ready to progress.

2017-12-12, 09:40 AM
My PCs are all ready.
Eta will give care to Alpha.
Cast remove disease and lesser restoration twice, once for each affected ability score. Make the rolls for me, please.

2017-12-12, 04:32 PM
Prepared one False Life Extract in addition to the ones currently on the sheet.
Prepared Str Mutagen with Darkvision trait.

Others are all good

2017-12-24, 01:54 AM
Eta will give care to Alpha ... Cast remove disease and lesser restoration twice, once for each affected ability score. Make the rolls for me, please.I'm sure you meant Zeta, not Eta. Zeta casts remove disease on Alpha, and for lesser restoration, she fully restores him with both spells.

Some training is given before the day begins. Phi goes into private conference with the ancient teacher-ghost Anaximander for philosophy. Meantwhile, Shyamal will come by to run everybody through a morning kata to work on limbering muscles.

Afterwards ... does anyone have any kind of a plan?

2017-12-26, 09:25 AM
Zeta will cast diagnose disease to see if she was successful with Alpha, or if she is just taking away his current symptoms.

2017-12-28, 02:44 PM
Zeta learns that Alpha still is infected with blood veil!

2018-01-08, 07:46 PM
During the early afternoon (while Alpha is on bedrest), Deyanira Mirukova comes to call. That is when she is given the good news/ bad news situation to report. Though the manor was full of dead and undead, her brother was not among their horrors. Unsurprisingly, the news does little to relieve the young woman's concerns. She is still willing to pay, but no doubt Eta and the group were firm that this was a mission of mercy. Deyanira entreats the party to keep an eye out for her brother and to come to her with any rumor of him they might hear. Still distraught, she solemnly excuses herself from the PCs' company.

Assuming that since this is a down-day Zeta will give her all to continue to help Alpha and prays to the nature of the land to save her friend (i.e., re-allocate for another casting of remove disease and diagnose disease). This time, Zeta will be successful in healing Alpha! Alpha is no longer on bedrest.

For the afternoon, Phi will be running Beta and Burçin through all manner of soldierly training and exercises. Shyamal will run everyone else through a more well-rounded regimen of calisthenics and pliancy exercises.

This day ends ....

2018-01-09, 10:38 AM
No action from my PCs, but tomorrow we need to find a way to be proactive.

2018-01-13, 09:30 PM
Kaul and Beta agree that we need to be more proactive. This plague is getting to be out of hand.

2018-01-15, 05:03 PM
In the late afternoon, Kaul is sent for by Field Marshal Krofft.

Once Kaul gets there, she looks at him and says, "Well, word got to me about Carowyn Manor. What are your current thoughts about the blood veil?"

2018-01-20, 12:08 PM
"It's hard to say. The disease is certainly dangerous, and I have reason to believe that it may or may not have been connected with Carowyn Manor. It was the only notable thing one of our members did, but he still contracted it once again. Of course, that may just be conjecture without basis, but it's not the only weird event involving undead we've had lately, if you recall my report about the Vampires." Kaul sighs, unable to add anything else.

2018-01-20, 11:04 PM
"I am worried," says Field Marshal Kroft, "that the blood veil is not a portent from the gods as many might believe, but a portent of a more sinister and much more terrestrial source. I need to ask you an extremely pointed question, Lieutenant, and one which may make you feel uncomfortable."

She allows a pause. "When it comes to Korvosa, whom and or what do you ultimately serve?"

2018-01-27, 08:00 PM
"Uncomfortable indeed. When push comes to shove, my allegiance is to myself, and my own sense of right and wrong. Until its conflicted, I simply follow the chain of command."

2018-05-10, 08:10 AM
And with that, Field Marshal Krofft seemed to take LT Platt off the case. He was to work with her as her adjutant during these crisis times, and dispatches will simply be sent (still personally by Kaul) to the Epsilon Elite.

He returns to his friends' house to deliver the latest dispatch and explain his new promotion/ re-assignment. Phi reads that Field Marshal Krofft believes that the Queen's Physicians and the Royal Physician themselves need to be investigated further. She posits that the most logical place to begin these investigations, of course, is the building that yhe Queen's Physicians have claimed as their base of operations--the same building that Dr. Davaulus is reputed to be using as his headquarters for the field of operations of combating blood veil. This location is a building known as the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. As soon as Phi reads this message, Kaul makes sure he burns the message, for no formal connection can be made between the Field Marshal and the Epsilon Elite, especially if this investigation is to be conducted. Kaul leaves.

An hour later, official Epsilon Elite dispatch comes in that mentions a crisis in Magnimar. They have need of a combat expert and a sage with expertise in occult, psychic, and psionic phenomenon. At a meeting held by all members, Phi says that right now it is better if a whole squad of EE are not chasing down the current issue - it is one needing more discretion - so it is decided that two can be sent. The two sent to Magnimar (of course) are Alpha and Beta.

Zeta knows where the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden is located, over in West Dock, a former Arkona warehouse, right in the heart of Korvosa. What do you do?

2018-05-10, 09:55 AM
I say take this day to reconnoiter and seek help. Bur will be sent to quietly observe the Hospice - comings and goings and overall movement. Meanwhile, the rest of us will try to get help from any organization that might spare some assistance if called upon.

2018-05-10, 05:55 PM
Although the hospice is in the heart of Korvosa, the plague has tapped the city's resources almost completely. The group contacts Field Marshal Krofft to see if there are other specialists that may help, but the Korvosan Guard is unable to help further. Likewise, the Church of Abadar, the Sable Company, and perhaps a few other contacts - as long as the plague continues its rampage, though, none of these organizations can spare much aid to the PCs. If the PCs are to be the heroes of this story, it is up to them. Still, the desire for aid has been sent into the universe; yet, that call remains unanswered for now.

Burçin returns later. He hasn't seen anything obviously untoward. Nobody in the group is a disguise expert. Sure, Eta is naturally good at such things, but intrigue is still an overall issue for a group like you ... and it is hard for Phi and Eta to really "dumb down" their Charisma, so tangible and potent is its force. Sure, the hospice does seem to have a fair amount of people there.

So, what are your intentions?

2018-05-11, 02:39 PM
I say we do what we can the next day to disguise ourselves as all having blood veil and simply get in that way. It's not a ruse that will hold long, but at this point we have to do what we can and learn what we can while we can.

2018-05-12, 02:29 PM
For training, Shyamal will stop by to lead Zeta, the spirit Anaximander, Phi, and Bur in meditative awareness exercises. Meanwhile, Eta is in the dance studio with masters.

Oathday, 24 Gozran 4708 AR

What is the plan?

2018-05-14, 11:54 AM
Send Bur out to purchase supplies for diguises for blood veil for Phi and Eta. Zeta and Bur will be unaffected. Keep Ruor at home.

Make Phi and Eta seem like they have blood veil as best as possible, then go to the hospice and take it as it comes.

2018-05-19, 10:03 PM
Using a quality moulage kit (a disguise kit specifically designed to make wounds and the like), Eta has an effective 28, and Phi an effective 26. Fifty gold was removed from the treasury.
The four of you get to the entry lobby of the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. The stinging scent of alcohol and medicine floods this dingy reception room, an odor typical to hospices, morgues, and battlefields. Across from the entrance sits a long, wooden desk, beyond which a stained leather curtain covers an open archway, muffling moans from beyond.

Six poor citizens huddle in chairs and against walls here, some having waited hours to be seen by the Queen's Physicians in the hospice proper beyond. Each of these men and women exhibit symptoms of blood veil, some at advanced stages.

What do you do?

2018-05-20, 10:03 AM
Eta will go over to the desk, introduce herself, then the rest. She will claim that she and her husband suffer from blood veil, and the other two were exposed while fighting zombies at Carowyn Manor.

2018-05-20, 07:53 PM
The burly nurse behind that sits at the desk is blunt and rather bull-headed. She takes the names of those who come to the hospice and assure the patients that are admitted to the quarantined main hall of the old warehouse have everything are in order.

Do you give them your Epsilon Elite codenames, or your real names, or other names entirely?

2018-05-21, 09:46 AM
Give them our real and legal names, of course.

2018-05-21, 03:23 PM
This nurse has no real compassion for the sick, it seems, and she does all she can to avoid contracting the plague herself, including avoiding physical contact, wearing three scarves over her mouth and nose, and wearing heavy leather gloves. She looks the group over disinterestedly.

There is a leather curtain that seems to lead further into the hospice.

What now?

2018-05-22, 09:09 AM
Fathi (aiding) and Hulya (primary) will try and sweet talk the stone woman into letting the group past the leather curtain "for treatment."

2018-07-22, 08:47 PM
Though normally Fathi is a better diplomat (surprising?), sometimes these conversations require a woman's touch and Hülya does a great job in getting nurse Brunhilda Torthus (yes, you got her name) to help you out, and sees you all into the room beyond, the Sick Ward.

The warehouse's vast interior has been converted into one gigantic convalescent ward, the stench of alcohol, sickness, and waste choking each breath. Tight rows of low, stained cots cram the stone-floored hall. Every bed is filled with a pitiful story--men and women of all walks groaning and wheezing as they're cosumed by blood veil, their sufferings multiplied by the echoing chamber.

What was once home to a fortune of rare Vudran imports has become a vast sick ward for Korvosa's most hopelessly ill. Here, the Queen's Physicians mill about the cots, cooing at their victims in unsympathetic voices as they watch the sick wither and die. More than 60 cots fill the area, each holding a helpless citizen -- most of whom are too weak to even rise from their stinking sick beds. While most of the room is filled with beds and the dying, the northeast holds an improvised kitchen with room and supplies enough to make the patients their daily watery gruel.

The ceiling of this room is nearly 30 'high, though the catwalks above span the room at 20'.

Amid the sick hover four dark-robed Queen's Physicians, their avian masks giving them an unnerving resemblance to crows waiting to feed. Two Gray Maidens patrol the catwalks above, while another two stand guard on this floor - one at a curtained area to the center-west part of the north of the room, and another to the far eastern portion of the north where there are stairs leading above to the catwalks.

The party is a particularly noticeable bunch (sometimes super-CHA works against you, that and flashy costumes and armor), and the Gray Maiden watching the curtained area in front of you moves foward into Fathi's face and shouts out, "Oi! You lot!" she makes sure you see her, and her voice captures the attention of the other Gray Maidens and the Queen's Physicians. "Leave at once!"

The other Gray Maidens take out their bows.

What do you do?

2018-07-23, 09:45 AM
I guess the disguise wasn't working.

"I am Fathi Sharif, of House al-Din. This woman here," he points to Dušana, "is a brilliant healer and has magics that may help alleviate the suffering here."

2018-07-24, 08:42 PM
The Gray Maiden that challenged them holds up her hand to the others. "Gray Maidens ... Queen's Physicians. These people are here to help. They're here to help fight the disease. Target the healer at all costs, then the others," she says, taking out her weapon and readying her shield.

2018-07-24, 10:31 PM
"Defensive perimeter around Du. Bur, target those overwatches!"
I won't add anything else, because we are probably in initiative, and I know they aren't surprised.

2018-07-28, 11:15 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T41: With unbelievable awareness and inspiration, Burçin acts. He seems flooded with incredible vitality that he doesn't quite understand. He draws his bow at a speed unregistered by the eye and lets fly two arrows towards QP4, hitting him in the head for 24 and the left elbow for 28. The man is dropped.

R1T32: Fathi, what do you do?

2018-07-29, 01:17 PM
Fathi takes out Sofia-Korina and gives a powerful two-handed stroke against the Gray Maiden in front of him.
MA: Draw weapon.
SwA: Make GM1 the "designated foe" for the collective.
SA: PA, 2 hands [roll0] (PA, designated foe), damage [roll1] + [roll2] kinetic + [roll3] vs. evil.

2018-07-29, 01:19 PM
So, the weapon damage before kinetic and anti-evil is a flat 25. Severity roll [roll0], bonus damage [roll1]

2018-07-29, 04:19 PM
R1T32: Fathi takes out Sofia-Korina and gives a powerful two-handed stroke against the Gray Maiden in front of him, striking her in the brow and killing her instantly.
A falcata does 3d6 bonus damage on a crit, not just 2d6.
R1T25: With eerie silence, QP1 (Queen's Physician) comes from the far east of the room. With some hand gestures to the others, he gets on top of a bad straddling a patient, facing Fathi from the east. He wields an ornate and well-made cudgel.
R1T20: Dušana, what do you do?

Hülya on deck ...

2018-07-30, 02:40 PM
Du casts mage armor. "My lady, let us switch places that the archer cannot get me. She will ready an action to switch places with Hülya so as to be directly under the catwolk, getting cover from the one directly above.

Hülya and Du changes places, and Hülya takes out Evren-Tuktu. She casts spiritual weapon, and a spectral glaive appears on the catwalk above to attack the Gray Maiden above.

2018-07-30, 08:06 PM
R1T20-16: Du casts mage armor. "My lady, let us switch places that the archer cannot get me."

Hülya and Du changes places, and Hülya takes out Evren-Tuktu. The former casts spiritual weapon, and a spectral guisarme appears on the catwalk above to attack the Gray Maiden there. The holy apparition strikes the knight along the neck for 2 force.

R1T15: Brunhilde, the nurse at the front desk, comes in to see the disturbance. She hops up onto the bed by Du while drawing her club as well (after being quietly signed to by the other queen's physicians). She clocks Du for 6.

R1T14-7: GM4 relocates to the western part of the catwalk to get a bead on Du. GM3 calls down to coordinate friendly fire, then shoots at Du, and skims her head with an arrow for 4. QP3 rushes down the western side, trying to jump onto a bed but stumbles slightly but catches himself before coming into flank Du and smashes her right hand with a sneaky-crit for 22. QP2 jumps on beds and springs a little away to safely flank Fathi and hits the hero in the head for 13. GM2 closes some and listening to advice GM4 gave, and with her own skill with a bow, just manages to shoot Du in the arm despite being surrounded, and our witch suffers 6.

R1T41: Burçin draws his longsword and strikes QP3's right elbow for 19.

R1T32: Fathi, Du looks badly wounded. What do you do?
QP1 on deck, Hülya in the hole ...

2018-07-31, 03:52 PM
Fathi readies his tower shield.

"My family," he says, his voice given great boost. "The Gray Maiden has tipped her hand and made known their position: that this disease is not to be cured, and therefore - be they the architects or no - these ersatz 'physicians' yet seek some profit in this place of misery and death. Let us put to the sword those that would prey upon their own countrymen!"
MA: Ready shield.
SA: Stirring speech.
Stirring Speech (Su): 9/day [CHA], SA, inspire greatness (as bard) in all allies w/in 30' (including self). All must be able to see and hear him.
* Creatures inspired gain 2 bonus HD (d10s, incl. bonus from CON modifiers, but not other modifiers such as Toughness, Psionic Body, etc.).
** Also, +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fort saves.
** The bonus HD count as regular HD for the purpose of determining the effect of spells that are HD-dependent.
** As a bard, once begun it can be maintained as a free action.
I'll only roll my HD bonus [roll0]

2018-07-31, 11:11 PM
R2T32: Fathi readies his tower shield.

"My family," he says, his voice given great boost. "The Gray Maiden has tipped her hand and made known their position: that this disease is not to be cured, and therefore - be they the architects or no - these ersatz 'physicians' yet seek some profit in this place of misery and death. Let us put to the sword those that would prey upon their own countrymen!"

R2T25: QP1's attack is blocked by Fathi's massive shield.

R2T16: Hülya, the force glaive follows GM4 around the catwalk and hits her in her left elbow for 7 force. Dušana is badly wounded, and currently flanked. What do you do?

Dušana on deck, Brunhilde in the hole ...

2018-08-01, 10:47 AM
Hülya concentrates carefully and casts CLW on Du.
Concentration (auto), CLW [roll0]
Dušana furiously blocks what she can while retreating south.
Total defense. Move to the square with QP4.

2018-08-01, 11:32 PM
R2T16: Hülya concentrates carefully and casts CLW on Du for 13, bringing her up to green.

R2T15.5: Dušana furiously blocks what she can while retreating south. She blocks an attack from QP3, but then gets hit from QP2 for 5 temp. Dušana is able to step back 5' before she gets attacked again by QP3 (Brunhilde is blocked by the corner now), and Du is critted in the lower left arm for 14, ending her temporary buffer and knocking her back in the yellow. Still, she finally retreats to the south.

R2T15: Brunhilde, despite her bulk, acrobatically springs off of the bed and onto the space where Du was, and then up onto the bed with QP3 (these poor patients). The latter is less graceful, however, and she provokes attacks from Fathi and Burçin (Hülya doesn't threaten). Bur graves her right quad for 18. Fathi gives her a delayed wound on the neck for 23, which now bleeds. She continues to the next set of beds to the west, bleeding everywhere. She tends to her wounds, and as a good nurse (right) she is successful. Still, her wounds are grievous.

R2T14-7: GM4 repositions back to the southern side of the catwalk, shooting and missing Du. GM3 moves to the northwest corner of the catwalk and shoots at Fathi, who deflects the arrow with his shield. The heroes were so busy attacking Brunhilde, that QP3 comes around and all the way down to threaten Du, but she parries with her scythe. QP2 attacks Fathi but is blocked. GM2 takes up the head of hte "battle column" and shoots at Fathi.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T41: Though Du is once again in dire straits, Burçin is about dropping a threat now. He attacks Brunhilde's right hand with his longsword for 21. He severs the hand, and she and her hand fall off the bed and onto the floor. She bleeds out quickly, dying of shock. He takes a page out of these bastard's own books and tumbles safely into position to flank QP3 with Du.

R3T32: Fathi, Du is still badly wounded, but two friendlies are helping her now and she is no longer flanked. Meanwhile, you ARE flanked and an archer is a little north of you. What do you do? Do you still continue the stirring speech?
QP1 on deck, Hülya in the hole ...

2018-08-02, 10:57 AM
Fathi continues to exhort his friends, stepping back to protect his wife as his wounds knit.
FA: FH2, continue stirring speech, 5' step south to be one square north of Hulya.
SA: PA against QP1 [roll0] (didn't add anything), damage [roll1] + [roll2] vs. evil

2018-08-02, 02:21 PM
R3T32: Fathi heals 2, continues his speech and steps back while cutting at QP1's upper right arm for 33.
Remember the 1d4 for kinetic damage.
R3T25: QP1 springs a couple beds south to keep up with Fathi, gesturing to QP2 and Brunhilde.

R3T16: Hülya, your spiritual weapon follows GM4 back around to the south catwalk (roll). What do you do?
Du on deck, GM4 in the hole ...

2018-08-03, 12:29 PM
You didn't say the spiritual weapon attacked, so I am assuming you want me to roll ... and I agree.
The spiritual glaive cuts across at the enemy above. Meanwhile, below, Hülya issues a bolstering command to Dušana and Burçin.

Dušana is happy for her lady's leadership, and concentrates defensively to cast as much healing on herself as she can manage.
Spiritual weapon: [roll0], damage [roll1]

SA: Bolster the Troops (Su): SA, issue a bolstering command, affecting 2 allies [1/3CL] w/in 30' of you (Du and Bur).
* Affected allies gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, and combat maneuver defense for one round.
** In addition, they gain 7 temporary hps [CHA].
*** These thps last for one minute or until used up. Temporary hit points gained from this ability do not stack with each other, but rather overlap.

SA: Cast CMW defensively, concentration [roll2], CMW [roll3]

2018-08-03, 03:44 PM
R3T16: The spiritual glaive cuts across at the enemy above, bouncing off of her armor. Meanwhile, below, Hülya issues a bolstering command to Dušana and Burçin.

R3T15.5: Dušana is happy for her lady's leadership, and concentrates defensively to cast as much healing on herself as she can manage (11), putting her right at the top of yellow again.

R3T14-7: GM4 shoots at Du, but Hu warns her in time enough to duck. GM3 repositions much closer, and also misses Du. QP3 uses a dizzying effect with his club to fake out Du but still misses. QP2 hops south along the beds to flank Fathi. QP1 was waiting for this and also attacks, but Fathi goes low with his shield above him to attack both. GM2 repositions to the NW to get a better shot at Du, but misses.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T41: Burçin slashes QP3 in the chest for 20.

R4T32: Fathi, once again you are being flanked. What do you do? Do you continue stirring speech?
Hülya (and her spiritual weapon) on deck, Dušana in the hole ...

2018-08-04, 01:13 PM
Fathi continues his stirring speech while continuing to heal! Just to make sure his wife doesn't become a flank target, he goes to finish off QP1 with a measured stroke.
No PA this time. [roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] kinetic + [roll3] vs evil.

If QP1 drops, then step into the area between the other physicians one square W of his wife. If QP1 doesn't drop, maintain position to be a more attractive target by offering the flank.
The spiritual glaive continues to attack GM4. Meanwhile, Hülya tries to give her friend more healing.
Spiritual weapon [roll4], damage [roll5]

CLW defensively, concentration [roll6], heal [roll7]
Dušana attacks QP3 with her scythe.
Please remember my fey foundling trait for healing. I know I forgot it. She got two uses of magical healing, so I gave her +4 hit points.

Scythe [roll8], she's flanking, but you add that; damage [roll9]

2018-08-04, 09:26 PM
R4T32: Fathi continues his stirring speech while continuing to heal! Just to make sure his wife doesn't become a flank target, he goes to finish off QP1 with a measured stroke, cutting into the man's chest for 15 as he falls off the bed, unmoving on the floor. He then steps into the area just W of Hülya, realizing he has put himself into a flanking position (which might be the intention).

R4T16: The spiritual glaive continues to attack GM4, hitting armor. Meanwhile, Hülya tries to give her friend more healing (11 PE), putting Du well into the green.

R4T15.5: Dušana attacks the physician looming over her, cutting down into his right shoulder for 15, more than enough to drop him. The frightened occupant of the bed pushes him onto the floor.

R4T14-7: GM4 shoots at Du, the arrow barely skimming off of her force armor; GM3 shoots and misses. QP2 misses Fathi. GM2 steps forward a few feet, shoots at Du, but misses. Unfortunately, the arrow strikes the commoner in the bed where QP3 was standing for 7, enough to put that poor sick person unconscious!

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T41: Burçin drops his sword on the bed he's standing on next to the patient, and goes to do a quick-volley with full pull using broadheads. He hits GM2 in the right elbow for 14, then again in the neck for 17, dropping her.

R5T32: Fathi, you are no longer flanked. The only bad guys active on the field right now are QP2 (your opponent), and GM3 & GM4 (the Gray Maiden archers on the catwalk, above). What do you do? Conitnue stirring speech?
Hülya on deck, Dušana in the hole ...

2018-08-05, 02:14 PM
Fathi, while healing, ceases the stirring speech. Over his collective, he defines GM4 as the designated foe. He then puts full power into a swing against QP2. If QP2 falls, he then makes best possible speed towards the stairs to the north.
FA: Stop stirring speech.
SwA: Designated foe = GM4.
SA: PA, [roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] kinetic + [roll3] vs. evil.
* With stirring speech ended, I will let you adjust as needed.
Hülya calls out, "Mhuur-Hrugh-Shuur! I call you from the savannahs of Elysium to aid me now!"

Appearing to the right of GM4 is a cheetah more gold than tawny. In Celestial, she orders her soldier to attack GM4. She then follows her husband towards the stairs.
Spiritual weapon: Does this get designated foe? Is she controlling it or is it automatic?
Attack [roll4], damage [roll5]

SA: Summon celestial cheetah (SM3), Augment Summoning (+4 STR/ CON), Focused Divine Energy (Diehard feat and +1 luck bonus on attack rolls.
MA: I'll let you move her.
Dušana will cast stabilize on the innocent who was hit by the errant arrow. She will then follow the others.
SA: Stabilize the guy that got hit for 7 by the downed gray maiden.
MA: Best possible speed.

2018-08-05, 09:10 PM
R5T32: Fathi, while healing, ceases the stirring speech. Over his collective, he defines GM4 as the designated foe. He then puts full power into a swing against QP2, cutting deep into the man's left upper leg for 23.

R5T16: Her husband's mental urgings guiding her, it is just enough for Hülya's spiritual glaive to hit the Gray Maiden in the left shoulder for 8 force.

Staying in place since her husband's opponent is still standing, Hülya calls out, "Mhuur-Hrugh-Shuur! I call you from the savannahs of Elysium to aid me now!"

Appearing to the right of GM4 is a cheetah more gold than tawny (and very, very brawny!). In Celestial, she orders her soldier to attack GM4. Mhuur' bites the gray maiden in the right upper arm and drops her, and then kills her with its claws. The slight mental tracer that guides everyone against that opponent ceases.

R5T15.5: Dušana casts stabilize on the innocent who was hit by the errant arrow. She holds position.

R5T13: GM3 drops her bow, readies her shield, and steps up to the cheetah that dropped her sister in a quick stroke from the scabbard she attacks, dealing 20 on a crit.

R5T11: QP2 does an awful job of trying to fake out Fathi and misses.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T41: Burçin, seeing that missed ammo might come with collateral damage, takes careful aim and fires a broadhead arrow into the man's head for 26, dropping him. He then hustles to the north end of the room to get a better bead on GM3, who - no longer shooting downwards - is hard to shoot at from directly below.

R6T32: Fathi, one apparent bogey - GM3 on the catwalk above. What do you do/ command?
Girls on deck and in the hole ...

2018-08-06, 02:43 PM
"Ladies, behind me, please," says Fathi as he goes up (while healing) to the curtain that Bur is at. He'll look at Bur to get ready to move that curtain.

The ladies follow behind, Hülya confident that her cheetah will end the gray maiden. She takes just enough effort to refocus the spiritual weapon onto GM3. Dušana takes her place behind her Lady and awaits the signal.

2018-08-07, 11:55 PM
The two men rip down the curtain. Beyond, the scent of exotic wood and sawdust fills this maze of barrels and crates. A spider web of ropes and pulleys crisscrosses the ceiling, one thick cable suspending a net of barrels suspended nearly twenty feet from the splinter-scattered floor below. Three great wooden doors dominate the northern wall, while leather flaps lead to the south and east. This place - the Loading Bay - doesn't appear occupied.

Meanwhile ...

R6T15.8: MHS bites her opponent for 17, and claws for 15, and the woman falls. The spiritual weapon further splatters her.

What next?

2018-08-08, 02:04 PM
"Sweep and clear, not exploration," says Fathi.

Hu calls her cheetah over to her. Time to check out the backroom in the northeast corner.

2018-08-15, 02:11 AM
You next look at the area marked "F4" on the map, which is the Lift. Several cubbies and wooden lockers line the walls of this small workroom. Four rickety chairs surround a water-damaged table, and a well-used but solid-looking cargo lift rises up through the ceiling.

What do you do now?

2018-08-15, 02:24 PM
Let's move in, see if we can't understand how the lift operates, and then go up to the second floor. Also, see if there's any indications of any other "levels" ... is there a basement, for example?

2018-08-19, 11:18 PM
The group moves into the lift - which is now crowded. You can plainly see the controls that cause the contraption to operate.

What now?

2018-08-20, 11:50 AM
Detect magic ... search for booby traps ... try to figure out operation if it isn't obvious.

2018-09-01, 08:20 PM
The lever itself radiates moderate necromancy. A search of the lift reveals a third control set within the slot of the operating lever, a simple hole that's missing the button to operate it.

2018-09-02, 10:59 AM
We can worry about "secret level" later. Operate the lift as it is configured now.

2018-09-02, 01:52 PM
As soon as the Lift gets up to the second floor, Bur opens the lift and the celestial cheetah hops out of the wickedly crowded lift. She looks to the south, roars and bites at someone in metal armor.

Begin Round One ...

R1T34: The cheetah continues its assault against an armored opponent.

Everyone is going to have to delay at this point because nobody can get out and past the cheetah, let alone target the cheetah's opponent.

R1T17-6: The cheetah gets hit with an arrow for 9. It then dodges a sword.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T34: Even with his wife's summoned animal, it seems Fathi's inspiration reaches all as his presence helps the cheetah score a hit for 22 on its opponent.

R2T17-16: An arrow is deflected by the cheetah's meager fur, but a swordstroke dispels the cat. A woman's voice calls out, "Sisters! Help! We are being attacked."

R2T15: Fathi, what do you do?https://img00.deviantart.net/ea75/i/2018/245/2/8/hospice_of_the_blessed_maiden__second_floor_by_los tsole31-dcluc1w.png

2018-09-03, 08:04 AM
Fathi, tower shield readied and falcata in hand, steps out to cut down the (likely) Gray Maiden).
FA/ MA: Not sure distance, but engage first enemy.
SA: PA [roll0], damage [roll1] plus [roll2] kinetic + [roll3] vs evil

2018-09-03, 09:54 AM
R2T15: Fathi, tower shield readied and falcata in hand, steps out five feet to cut down the Gray Maiden, cutting into her belly and hitting the spine behind as she is killed instantly. Five feet behind her is the archer Gray Maiden.

R2T14: Burçin asks if there's room, and once Fathi says something Burçin comes out while drawing his longsword (his bow in his off hand). He passes Fathi to stand over the fallen knight and swings at the archer, hitting her deep in her right hand for 19. "Hold off!" he calls to any that would follow him.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

Assuming you listen to Bur's advice, Du and Hu continue to delay ...

R3T17: The archer drops her bow, takes out her longsword, and swings at Bur, but her injury makes for a lousy attack.

R3T16: The double doors to the south open, and three more Gray Maidens are standing beyond, shields readied. GM3 doesn't have a sword or shield in her hand, and ostensibly was the one to swing both doors open.

R3T15: Fathi, what do you do?
https://img00.deviantart.net/ee61/i/2018/246/d/5/hospice_of_the_blessed_maiden__second_floor_by_los tsole31-dclx5yc.png
Bur on deck, GM5 in the hole, Du and Hu delaying ...

2018-09-04, 11:14 AM
Moves around to get to the side of G2, provoking an AOO as he does. Once in place he comes down with a heavy blow against the Gray Maiden. "Start filling in," he calls out to those still in the lift.
MA: Move 1 square south (Bur's space), 1 west, and one south again to be one square west of G2. **Provokes AOO**
SA: PA [roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] kinetic + [roll3] vs evil

If G2 goes down, use Coordinated Strike on GM3.

2018-09-11, 05:13 AM
R3T15: Fathi moves around to get to the side of G2, provoking an AOO as he does. Once in place he comes down with a heavy blow against the Gray Maiden that drops her. "Start filling in," he calls out to those still in the lift.

Dušana and Hülya have been delaying. What do they do?
https://img00.deviantart.net/28fe/i/2018/254/b/b/hospice_of_the_blessed_maiden__second_floor_by_los tsole31-dcmkwzv.png

2018-09-11, 12:31 PM
Hülya comes out of delay to come into the room, and then uses acrobatics to get in front of GM4, concentrates on a spell, and touches GM4.
MA: Getting to the square in front of GM4, with one square doubled for acro = 25' movement. Acrobatics [roll0]
SA: Auto-Concentrate on touch of gracelessness, MTA [roll1]
Dušana then exits and moves to the area full of furniture in the NW and casts burning disarm on GM4.

2018-09-12, 09:16 PM
R3T14.5: Hülya comes out of delay to come into the room, and then uses acrobatics to get in front of GM4, concentrates on a spell and casts it successfully, then touches GM4. GM4 instantly begins to move much more unsteadily.

R3T14.5: Dušana then exits and moves to the area full of furniture in the NW and casts burning disarm on GM4's sword. GM4 quickly gets rid of her sword.

R3T14: Burçin drops his sword, takes out his bow, and aims to drop GM3 with a game arrow in the left foot for 26, dropping her.

R3T8: GM5 steps over her fallen sister and challenges the woman near her, but Hülya easily dodges.

R3T5: GM4 likewise challenges Hülya and fails to bash her with her shield.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T15: Fathi, your wife is being challenged by two armored knights. What do you do?
https://img00.deviantart.net/476f/i/2018/255/0/9/hospice_of_the_blessed_maiden__second_floor_by_los tsole31-dcmpt1o.png
Hülya on deck, Dušana in the hole ...

2018-09-13, 02:11 PM
Fathi steps into the gap to screen his archer. "Eta to the side, Zeta up. Hold the line!"
He then begins to fight defensively to begin invoking Hold the Line.
FA: 5' step.
SA: FD, PA, Great Cleave. [roll0], damage [roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3] vs. GM5.
* If successful, then [roll4], damage [roll5] + [roll6] + [roll7] vs. GM4.
SwA: Coordinated strike against GM5 (or GM4 if GM5 survives).

2018-09-13, 02:13 PM
Fumble Saving Throw = [roll0]

2018-10-08, 12:30 AM
R4T15: Fathi steps into the gap to screen his archer. "Eta to the side, Zeta up. Hold the line!"

Fathi bonks himself in the head on a wild attack, but keeps his focus on GM5.

R4T14.8: Hülya, Fathi started a "hold the line" maneuver, which is only useful if you are also fighting defensively. What do you do?
https://img00.deviantart.net/75fb/i/2018/280/3/d/hospice_of_the_blessed_maiden__second_floor_by_los tsole31-dcovu1m.png
Dušana on deck, Burçin in the hole ...

2018-10-08, 07:53 AM
Hülya concentrates on a very simple spell and lets loose with it defensively, then steps to the side to let Dušana in, motioning to her.
SA: Defensively cast acid splash at GM5 (auto-succeed concentrate) RTA [roll0], damage [roll1] acid
* I know I still provoke for ranged attack while threatened, but I am hoping that FD + Hold the Line will protect her.
FA: 5' step east into end of little hallway.
Dušana moves into place (provoking AOOs) from both. Now standing and facing two knights(?) she defensively attacks with her scythe.
MA: Move 1 sq E, then 1 sq south (Fathi's sq), then 1 sq E again to where Hülya was standing.
SA: FD [roll2], damage [roll3]

2018-10-08, 07:55 AM
Du gets a crit!
Severity roll [roll0], bonus damage [roll1]

2018-10-15, 02:09 AM
R4T14.8: Hülya concentrates on a very simple spell and lets loose with it defensively as GM5 misses her. The small mote of acid hits GM5 in the right shoulder for 13 acid. Hülya then steps to the side to let Dušana in, motioning to her.

R4T14.5: Dušana moves into place. Now standing and facing two knights she defensively attacks GM5 with her scythe, killing the sister knight outright.

R4T14: Bur shoots at GM4 with an armor-piercing arrow. It hits her in the chest and she drops.

Combat Ends ...

Looking at the room you're in, the rough functionality of the warehouse below gives way to beige tile and a white hall on this more officious-looking floor. A set of double doors engraved with images of rampant gazelles stands to the south, their once fine teak bearing obvious scores and gapping chips from rough use.

Since those double doors have been opened, you see the room beyond as well. Rows of white-sheeted beds line the walls of this room. Each is occupied, every bed bearing a patient restrained by leather straps that bind the figure to the sturdy metal frame. At the room’s center stretch simple wooden worktables, each covered in fluid-filled beakers, intricate glass tubes, small burners, and other alchemical instruments.

What do you do now?

2018-10-15, 12:32 PM
First, check the fallen enemies. Stabilize as necessary. Then search the first room, then the second.

2018-10-22, 12:47 AM
Three of the Gray Maidens were killed. One self-stabilized, and you saved the life of the last.

The first room after the lift was a private hall. It once served as the entryway to the clerks' and manager's offices beyond. Now it is little more than a guard room. There is nothing of interest in here.

After Bur collects his sword the group gets back in formation and moves forward into what seems to be an experimentation ward. Once the communal office of a number of Arkona clerks, any trace of such clerical efforts have been removed from this room. Currently, 15 of the beds in here are occupied by badly wounded people that seem to all be drugged into a state of oblivious bliss by the smoke emanating from the censer at the room's center.

Dušana happens to note that all 15 of the patients in here are of strong Varisian ethnicity, and not one of them seems to possess any sign of blood veil, unlike folks in the main ward on the first floor. What now?

2018-10-22, 10:28 AM
First things first. Du will use her waterskin to carefully put out the coals in the censer to stop that dizzy-smoke or whatever.

Then, take a general look at everyone to see how well any of them might be able to move. Are they ambulatory?

2018-10-22, 12:41 PM
Without healing, they cannot really move on their own power, no.

2018-10-23, 02:50 PM
Alright, back into formation and head to the door to the south.

2019-02-08, 03:46 PM
Burçin opens the door. Blood, bile, and other humors bubble away within oddly-formed beakers and twisted tubes in this sizable laboratory. Any wall space left unobscured by cabinets or over-laden bookshelves is covered by worn parchments depicting magnified aspects of human anatomy in grisly detail—many pierced with pins and flags like the war maps of a veteran campaigner. In the corner, a desk of elegantly carved white ash bears the image of a herd of antelope, but the stains of dark chemicals and gore disfigures the once-beautiful piece.

Not seeing anyone in here, Zeta is sent in and looks around with her spirit sense. After that, the others head in and begin a search. About 30 seconds after the group starts milling about this laboratory, they hear the lift operated on the north end. They get together and quickly go there. From the look of things, the lift was operated from this floor and went downwards. The group instead rushes down the stairs to find nobody new down there, and the lift apparently farther down a floor. Instead of doing more at this time, the party gathers together as many survivors as they can, and guide them out of the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden and to the Temple of Abadar to Ishani Vhatri. The best he can do is coordinate to have the sick taken elsewhere, but his temple, demanding payment even in these times, will do no good.

With Ruor back in tow, the four head back to their house while sending a message to Kaul Plat to meet them immediately.

Also when they return, Alpha and Beta have returned from their brief errand.

After all three of the "inactive" members of this group have gotten together, Alpha, Beta, and Dr. Plat are filled in on everything that has happened so far.

Any questions?

2019-02-20, 06:02 PM
Kaul is first to speak up. "So this confirms everything. Were you able to find any paperwork or anything else related to the disease? Now that we have our confirmation, I see only two options. Either we confront the Queen directly, or we raid their headquarters. Either way, this is a dangerous situation.

2019-02-21, 04:09 AM
Eta answers, "No, but I deduce that the blood veil is a manufactured phage - a designer disease whose purpose yet I do not understand; nor do I quite understand why there was a ward of Varisian people that seemed unaffected by blood veil, if not the abominable sedations they were put under."

Phi adds, "We cannot confront the Queen. No, we need to send a team back to the Hospice and find out where Doctor Davaulus went ... it seems the lift went to an underground location that we could not easily devise. We cannot allow Dr. Davaulus a chance to breathe. We left when we did to protect the innocent. Now that they have been cleared, we must immediately return.

"Dr. Plat, Alpha, Beta .... are you ready?"

2019-02-22, 06:32 PM
Kaul checks his bag and quickly creates a few extracts to prepare himself, Alpha and Beta manifest their armors, Beta manifests his claws, and then they all nod in agreement, ready to go.

Basically just making confirmation of prep since it's been so long.

Kaul would always have a Mutagen prepared at the beginning of the day, just in case. As our last trip out is still recorded on sheet, Kaul will have the extracts listed prepared. Similarly, he will retain the same Mutagen.

Alpha will manifest Inertial Armor for 5PP. Essence and Veils remain as listed.

Beta will manifest Inertial Armor for 5PP, and Claws of the Beast for 5PP.

2019-02-22, 11:54 PM
The full complement of Korvosa's fraternity house of the Epsilon Elite Mercenary Company (plus Dr. Plat) lets out to once again go to the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden.

There appear to be no reinforcements that were called to come to the Hospice, and Phi leads the group right to the lift in the back corner. Since there seems to be a missing button, the group packs tightly into the lift while Zeta tries to fiddle with the contraption. A casual pass doesn't seem to work, so she attacks with greater verve against the lift controls. She concentrates for a second, and then believing she has seen the future variables she makes her second attempt, and successfully bypasses the need for the missing button as the group descends into the unknown depth of the ersatz hospice.

The lift descends quite a bit more than you would have thought possible for something like a basement, meaning that where you are going would have been impossible to get through without getting the lift to work. Once the lift lands and he door opens (and the packed in group, Ruor the wolf included, pratically tumble out), it is dark where you are, and there is definitely a cool, humid air and the sounds of water dripping here or there ... not like running water, but like water seepage in tunnels of some sort.

Eta casts light on Evren-Tutku (her magical flute). Phi has merely to mentally command Sofia-Korina (his sword) to similarly glow, and the group now has two torchlight-quality sources of light. The scuffed stone walls of this chamber have been plastered over and then decorated with lurid murals of skeletons cavorting among the dead of a Korvosa completely succumbed to blood veil. Simple wooden doors lead to the north, south, and west, each bearing a painting of a scythe-wielding skeleton. A sizable double door stands on the east wall, appearing in the mural as a massive set of double doors opening into the pyramid foundation of Castle Korvosa. Two more scythe-wielding skeletons decorate these large doors.

2019-03-03, 01:02 AM
Phi looks to Zeta to begin her checks (once she checks the floor outside the lift is safe and then the crammed-in group disgorges itself from the lift box. Zeta begins going to the door to the south while carefully looking around and taking out a deck of Harrow cards. She makes the following notes as she constantly shuffles and redraws cards.

The door to the south represents both weal and woe.
The door to the north is a mystery.
The double doors to the east carries with it weal.
She senses no spirits hiding in this room.
She performs a reading for herself, stating that the spirits of the Harrow will protect her body if needed.

Phi considers the three courses, and chooses the door to the south since that has a known benefit. Eta explains to Alpha, Beta, and Kaul, that "weal and woe" usually represent a challenge that they should be able to overcome, with some benefit for meeting the challenge. That benefit may be wildly variable and hard to decipher, so it could be intelligence, loot, or even just a job well-done in driving back the enemy.

Eta then looks the door over properly. Sensing nothing, the group is put in a 10-wide format (despite it being a 5-wide door) so the party isn't snaking around in this room, and Phi asks Kaul (who carries a two-handed weapon), to open the door (it opens in) from the side while he holds the breach with his tower shield as needed. Once the door is opened, thanks to Zeta's divinations the party was expecting an attack, and there are four Queen's Phyisican's inside, who seem likewise ready to fight and not surprised (to be fair, the lift is noisy).https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bswupathfinder/images/c/c6/Queen%27s_Physician.png/revision/latest?cb=20120331173540

Begin Round One ...

R1T36: Beta, so amazingly does Phi inspire you, that your reflexes for battle are keener than you ever thought possible.

What do you do?

2019-03-11, 05:25 PM
Beta will slide into a proper battle stance and move quickly into the room, striking at one of physicians and then quickly vanishing back into the formation before any followup.

Swift action: Enter Pugilist Stance (+1d6 damage to attacks with unarmed strikes or discipline weapons, including claws)
Move action: Move past Phi inside the door to be between OP1 and OP3
Standard action: Initiate Fading Strike Manuever on OP1

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage (Claw) [roll1] + [roll2]

After the strike, he will then teleport backwards to be between Phi and Zeta

2019-03-18, 10:28 PM
R1T36: Beta slides into a proper battle stance and move quickly into the room, kneeing QP1 in the head for 25, before quickly vanishing back into the formation before any followup.

R1T27: Zeta takes out a potion and downs it, healing for 4.

R1T26: QP3 tries to strike at Phi from around the corner ..... ha!

R1T24: Ruor growls, waiting to be sent in.

R1T23: Alpha, what do you do?

2019-03-24, 04:58 PM
Alpha will move to the other side of Eta and focus, dropping a burst of fire between QP1 and 2, hoping to disable obth of them with the fire.

Move action to move to the other side of Eta
Standard action: Manifest Energy Stun centered between QP1 and 2 for 5PP

Damage roll [roll0] (+1 per die for being fire and +6 from Circlet of Brass...also for being fire)
Reflex Save DC 21 for half
If failed, Will Save DC 21 or Stunned

2019-05-18, 02:00 PM
R1T23: Alpha moves to the other side of Eta and focuses, dropping a burst of fire between two of the Queen's Physician's, hoping to disable both of them with the fire. Neither one is able to mitigate the burst that hits them for 15 fire, and destroying QP2's finely-fashioned billet as QP1 drops his.

R1T22: Burçin moves to where Alpha just was and concentrates. QP4 seems suddenlyi held in place. "I've held that back one, by the wall in the corner!"

R1T21-20: QP1 and QP2 are both stunned ...

R1T19: QP4 was only held for a second, though, before breaking out of it. He steps up to the door and tries a flourish of his club that doesn't faze Phi. The attack itself, however, is well-delivered and slams the great warrior in the chest in a sensitive area for 13.

R1T17: Eta takes out a wand and points it at QP4, but for no seeming effect.

R1T15: Kaul, what do you do?

2019-05-22, 06:44 PM
Kaul will draw out one of his extracts and down it with a quick gulp, and then lets out a stream of threats so violent that the very air seems to heat up.

Move action: Draw Extract of Blistering Invective
Standard action: Drink it

Intimidate check (Against all targets within 30 ft) [roll0], success by 10 or more causes the creature to be frightened for 1 round if they failed a DC 15 Will Save
Damage (To all creatures that are successfully demoralized) [roll1] Reflex DC 17 or catch fire

2019-05-25, 11:15 PM
R1T15: Kaul draws out one of his extracts and downs it with a quick gulp. He then lets out a stream of threats so violent that the very air seems to heat up. QP3 and QP4 both take 10 fire and catch fire.

R1T12: Phi's wounds begin to slowly knit (FH2). He lines up his shot, first against the badly weakened QP1, drawing back for extra power with his mithral shortspear, stabbing the man in the belly for 17 and dropping him. His ferocity carries his spear into QP4's upper left leg for 22, and then QP3's right shoulder for 20.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T36: Beta, inertial armor is active and you are in pugilist's stance. What do you do?

Zeta on deck, QP3 (on fire) in the hole ...

2019-06-01, 04:23 PM
Beta focuses inwardly, making careful steps to end up next to Phi as he centers his Ki and readies himself for another strike.

FRA: Recover Manuevers, gain +4 AC, move up to my speed, and allow my next attack to benefit from Deadly Strikes

2019-06-08, 10:08 PM
R2T36: Beta focuses inwardly, making careful steps to end up next to Phi as he centers his ki and readies himself for another strike.

R1T27: Zeta sees that things are well in hand, takes out a Harrow deck, and using that as a focus casts a spell on herself, and puts the Harrow deck away. She cast heightened awareness, and this was using divine magic, which normally requires a divine focus. You know that Zeta worships a sort of mix between Desna and the Green Faith, but the use of a Harrow deck also informs you of her magical tradition, which carries over regardless of whether she casts arcane spells as a witch, or divine spells as a druid .... and that is someone who is a skilled fortune teller. The use of a Harrow deck makes her divination spells more insightful and last longer.
R1T26: QP3 takes 5 fire from being on fire. He steps back and falls prone and tries to put out the flames, but is unsuccessful.

R1T23: Alpha, what do you do?

Bur on deck, QP2 in the hole ...

2019-07-01, 03:44 PM
Alpha considers carefully, and then calmly steps back and watches, content to know that the fight is as good as won.

Alpha delays.

2019-07-09, 05:05 PM
R1T23: Alpha considers carefully, and then calmly steps back and watches, content to know that the fight is as good as won.

R1T22: Burçin, no longer needing to prelight an incendiary, fires an incendiary arrow at QP4. He hits him in the left knee for 14 + 1 fire, putting the man - already on fire - down.

R1T20: QP2 is stunned ...

R1T17: Eta delays ...

R1T15: Kaul, what do you do?

2019-07-19, 05:42 PM
Kaul will move into the room and drive his sword into the stunned foe, hoping to finish it off.

Move action: Move to get in stabbing range of Q2
Standard: Attack

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + (If applicable) Sneak Attack [roll2]

2019-07-19, 10:59 PM
R1T15: Kaul moves into the room and drives his sword into the side of the stunned foe for 20.

R1T12: Phi passes Kaul in a tactical leapfrog-like maneuver. QP3, though prone, tries to get him with a wild swing. Phi ignores him to put down the stunned man, hitting him in the empty right hand and thrusting his mithral shortspear upwards through the length of his lower arm for 24, dropping him.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T36: Beta, what do you do? Your AC bonus has ended.

Zeta on deck, QP3 (prone, on fire, screaming in pain) in the hole ...

2019-07-28, 07:09 AM
Beta will move to see into the room, and then squeeze through to help finish off the remaining foe.

Move action: Move to the door to see inside, and then in around Kaul to be adjacent to the prone foe.
Standard action: Initiate Flurry Strike Manuever using unarmed strikes

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] Pugilists Stance

Attack 2 [roll3]
Damage [roll4] + [roll5] Pugilists Stance

2019-09-09, 10:26 AM
R2T36: Beta moves to see into the room, and then squeezes through to help finish off the remaining foe. His flurry strike definitely kills the man, but in so hitting the man that was on fire, Beta took a total of 3 fire to his fists.

Combat Ends ...

It takes another round to put out the remaining fires on the burning dead Queen's Physicians. Their masterwork clubs (4 of them) are removed and put to the side for later pickup, but their leather armor is not worth resale. They had nothing else of value on them.

Looking at this room itself, a number of crates fill this room. A particularly large one has been dragged into the chamber’s center, around which stand four mismatched chairs and stools. The crates in this room once held a number of exotic imports, but they have long since been emptied of their contents.

The walls are all searched and nothing else is found (treasure, secret doors, etc.).

Can you think of anything else to do in here before moving on?

2019-09-15, 05:29 AM
Nobody else can come up with something necessary, so we're ready to move on.

2019-09-27, 09:31 PM
Pulling back into that first room (the Entry Hall), the two other egresses are a single door to the north and a set of double-doors to the east.

While an NPC is the leader, this should be a player decision .... the single door to the north, or the double doors to the east?

2019-10-05, 11:35 AM
Single door to the north first.

2019-10-05, 06:55 PM
The door is checked/ cleared, then opened. Cabinets and low benches fill this chamber. From pegs on the opposite side of the room, the empty black eyes of several beaked plague masks glare with soulless, unblinking stares.

Dark leather robes, high boots, wide-brimmed hats, and solid canes fill most of the cabinets. The doors of one large cabinet against the west wall opens to reveal glass shelves covered in a variety of delicate doctors’ instruments—jars of unguents, syringes, magnifying glasses, and the like—and a medicine jar full of black onyx gems enclosed by another set of glass doors. A small brass lock keeps these doors firmly shut. There is a door on the east wall.

What now?

2019-11-03, 08:00 AM
Kaul especially is going to start looking carefully through the cabinet with the Black Onyx and others, breaking the glass if necessary (and possible) to get a better opportunity to investigate.

2019-11-13, 07:37 PM
There are enough Queen's Physician robes and other accoutrements to outfit 20 doctors in this room. The collected clothes, boots, canes, and other accessories are well-made and only slightly used, each set probably worth somewhere around 5 gp if resold (carefully).

Kaul does a loud breaking of the glass - much louder than anyone anticipated. After a few tense moments with everyone stopped, Kaul continues his investigation. The most valuable items in the room are definitely held in here, behind the now broken glass door to the west. With are four healer's kits and 23 black onyx gems worth around 50 gp each. That is when it dawns on the Zeta .... the onyx gems are likely material foci for animate dead spell (or something similar), as black onyx not only covers that spell in particular, but in general is tied in with similar occult rituals and the like regarding bring undeath from death.

In the back of the cabinet are four identical flasks.

What do you do?

2019-11-24, 05:00 PM
We will claim the Onyx, Healers kits, and the Flasks, which Kaul will attempt to identify any liquid within if there is any.

Beta will suggest we each claim one of the uniforms.

Once looting is done, the party will continue through the east door, returning to normal marching order.

As far as actual breakdown of loot goes, Kaul will take one of the Healers kits, but the rest of it can just go to party treasury unless an NPC wants any of it.

2019-12-15, 06:22 PM
The four flask seem similar, but with Kaul's expertise, he determines that one of them is different. There are three potions of cure moderate wounds and a single potion of poison.

What is recommended be done with the potion of poison?

2019-12-15, 08:23 PM
Kaul is kinda surprised to see such a potion. What kind of maniac would brew such a thing? Those thoughts will circle his mind for a bit before he suggests that he take it. It'll be a potent weapon if he can figure out how to use it as such, or maybe learn to make it on his own.

I know that Poison is not on his list and he wouldn't be able to learn it from the potion, but as the Alchemist, it feels right for him to take it.

2019-12-26, 09:04 PM
Phi will not wear the "livery of the enemy," and his influence is such that Eta, Zeta, and Burçin will likewise not wear it.

However, if Kaul wants to do so ... and Alpha and/or Beta ... to scout ahead and get information, he can.

How do you wish to proceed?

2019-12-28, 10:29 AM
Kaul doesn't want one, and Alpha doesn't particularly care. Beta does take a uniform though, because he thinks it may come in handy, and he has no real issues with the idea.

2020-01-02, 04:42 PM
Okay, but how do you wish to proceed?

2020-01-02, 06:17 PM
Heading through the east door next.

2020-01-03, 11:09 PM
Kaul opens the door and Phi goes through, Kaul falling in behind him towards the room beyond. Numerous black-sheeted cots fill this room, their satin coverings and overstuffed pillows seeming more akin to funerary trappings than the resting places of the living. Numerous skulls are set evenly within the room’s stone walls. Candles inside them cause them to glow like morbid jack-olanterns and cast dim light across the room.

Of course, that is also when Phi (primarily) and the rest of the Epsilon Elite walk into an ambush by prepared enemies!

2020-01-04, 12:03 AM
Surprise Round ...

S25: QP3's club hits Phi's shield.

S22-21: Two skeletons claw at Phi.

S15-10: Two Queen's Physicians hiding to the side of the entrance attack Phi with their clubs, one even standing on a hospital bed, but Phi wards away their blows as well.
S12-7: Meanwhile, four priests cast a spell on themselves.

Begin Round One ...

R1T34: Kaul, what do you do?

QP3 in the hole ...

2020-01-04, 04:46 PM
Kaul calls out to the others. "Get back. They have a fortified position and are ready to surround us the moment we enter!! Phi, you can retreat too, I'll cover you." After speaking, he draws out one of his Extracts and downs it, before readying himself for combat.

Standard action: Use Longarm Extract.

If Phi is attacked, I will attempt to use my Defensive Shell counter to protect him. I am not sure if I actually can (it specifies 5ft range, but seems to be tied to a shield bash), but it is worth it to try.

2020-04-06, 10:30 PM
R1T34: Kaul calls out to the others. "Get back. They have a fortified position and are ready to surround us the moment we enter!! Phi, you can retreat too, I'll cover you." After speaking, he draws out one of his extracts and downs it, before readying himself for combat.

R1T32: Phi withdraws safely back into the doctor's indoctrination room with the rest of the group.

R1T27: Burçin shoots a single blunt arrow into the room at a skeleton, destroying it.

R1T21: A skeleton closes on Kaul but because it has to go around a bed corner, Kaul gets an opening and destroys it with his sword.

R1T20: Beta, you currently are in pugilist's stance with inertial armor. What do you do?

2020-04-08, 05:30 PM
Beta will lunge in past Kaul and deliver a quick strike to one of the skeletons, looking around quickly before he vanishes and returns to his previous spot, almost as though he had never left it. Once he's returned, he'll call out anything unusual he noticed.

Move action: Move up to Skel4
Standard action: Initiate Fading Strike using Unarmed Strike

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Then use the teleport after the attack in order to return back to his exact spot he started in.

2020-04-08, 05:52 PM
R1T20: Beta lunges in past Kaul, instinctively dodging attacks from a pair of flanking Queen's physicians as he moves into the room. He tries to move up to punch a skeleton, but temporarily catches his foot against the side of a bed after one of the dodges and misses his target. Since he committed to the attack before the look around, he vanishes and returns to his previous spot, almost as though he had never left it. Other than dodging attacks from each side of the doorway, he didn't have time to notice anything else.

R1T19: Alpha, what do you do?

2020-04-12, 10:40 AM
Alpha will back up a bit and prepare himself to fire a shot of energy at the first thing to enter the room after Kaul backs up.

Move action: Move to be directly behind Phi
Standard action: Readied action to fire a 1PP Energy Ray at the first hostile to come to the door.

Energy Ray (Fire) for 1PP
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-04-15, 07:21 PM
R1T19: Alpha backs up a bit and prepares himself to fire a shot of energy at the first thing to enter the room after Kaul backs up.

R1T17: Zeta casts speak with animals, and then speaks in Wolf to Ruor.

R1T16: Skel4 advances, and likewise gets shattered by Kaul's sword.

R1T14-13.6: Eta moves to the far western end of the room to get direct sight line into the barracks beyond. She calls out, "Toyba, I call to you and your pack-mates to smite evil this time!"

A trio of shaggy dogs with a golden sheen appear in the barracks. Eta shouts out something that none your PCs can understand (but you have heard it enough to recognize it as Celestial). The dogs begin to cause havoc in that room, one of them biting one of the Queen's Physicians. The lead dog is torn apart by a skeleton, whine-barking before disappearing.

R1T12: One of the priests steps SW to flank a celestial dog, dispelling it with a single, powerful stroke.

R1T10: QP1 flanks the last dog and breaks its neck with a strike from its club, dispelling it. All of the celestial dogs are gone as quickly as they came, but it was a grand way to cause some mayhem, and one of the enemies did get nipped.

R1T9: Urg1 steps forward, advancing from a diagonal that provided him with cover, foiling Kaul's ability to get a free shot in with his longarm. The man is armored in a breastplate and carries a scythe, both are of high quality. Though Urg3 used a power strike, Urg1 looks at Kaul's heavy armor and takes a slightly more measured approach. Kaull deflects the strike easily.

R1T8-7: Urg2 moves up and cautiously casts a spell (resistance) on Urg1.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T34: Kaul, the battle is now joined at the breech. You recognize the symbol that the Urg-defined people wear (see Discord) as the unholy symbol of Urgathoa. This has just added a new wrinkle an layer to the things going on and who seems to be the patron of the Queen's Physicians! What do you do?

Phi on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2020-04-22, 03:26 PM
Kaul takes a powerful swing at the foe in front of him, with a dangerous growl among his movements to try and scare it away. After his attack, he steps backwards, hoping to funnel his foes in after him.

Standard action: Terrifying Blow

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Terrifying Blow: On a successful hit, target makes a Will Save DC 16 or be frightened for one round. There is no effect on a passed save.

2020-04-22, 10:52 PM
R2T34: Kaul takes a powerful swing at the foe in front of him, with a dangerous growl among his movements to try and scare it away. It hits the man in the knee for 20. After his attack, he steps backwards, hoping to funnel his foes in after him.

R2T27: Bur shoots an incendiary arrow at Urg2, but misses.

R2T25: QP3 moves forward, but crits him for 29 as he approaches. He still moves and stands up to Kaul, but then Phi - who was readied - stabs him in the groin for 14. The man still stands and attack Kaul, but the club bounces off the armor.

R2T20: Beta, you are currently pugilist's stance. What do you do?

Alpha on deck, Zeta in the hole ...

2020-04-28, 05:03 PM
Beta will move directly next to Kaul and launch a strike at QP3 if he can manage it.

Move action: Move to be one space north of Kaul
Standard action: Attack with 1 claw

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Alpha will delay.

2020-04-29, 01:50 AM
R2T20: Even despite the wall being somewhat in the way, Beta still strikes the Queen's Physician on the elbow for 17, cleaving through the arm which falls off, and then deep into his intercostals. The man falls.

R2T17: Zeta says to Kaul, "Urgathoans are known to use poison, so this is for you, Lieutenant!" She casts a spell, tapping into a ley line for greater power, and casts delay poison on Kaul.

R2T14: Eta moves up behind Zeta and casts reduce person on the menhir savant to protect her from any missile fire.

R2T13.95-13: Despite Kaul's power and training, a Queen's Physician manages to acrobatically close the distance. Then to add insult to injury he fakes the ironclad warder out. Unfortunately, that is not enough for him to get a mere club past the armor as it clangs off. The skeleton closes in a very little in the back.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T34: Kaul, what do you do?

Bur on deck, Phi in the hole, Alpha delaying ...

2020-05-02, 11:30 AM
Kaul responds to Zeta with a smile. "Thanks, that will make this even easier" He then turns his attention back at the doorway and strikes powerfully at the foe in front of him.

Standard action:Power Attack with Greatsword
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

I have applied the Power attack penalty, and power attack bonus to damage.

2020-05-02, 11:46 AM
R3T34: Kaul responds to Zeta with a smile. "Thanks, that will make this even easier" He then turns his attention back at the doorway and strikes powerfully at the foe in front of him, nailing him in the stomach with his greatsword for 27. To his credit, the man keeps standing.

R3T27: Bur puts his focus into a deadly strike against the Queen's Physician, hitting the man in the neck with a broadhead arrow for 26, dropping him.

R3T20: Phi seems to be waiting for something. Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Zeta in the hole...

2020-05-06, 06:04 PM
Beta will prepare himself to strike the next foe that manages to close in on Kaul

Readied action: Attack foe that makes it directly in front of Kaul with unarmed strike.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Alpha leans against the wall, watching the fight as it continues. He doesn't see a point in trying to blast through the fight when Kaul has it under control.

Alpha delays.

2020-05-07, 12:36 AM
R3T20: Beta prepares himself to strike the next foe that manages to close in on Kaul.

R3T19: Alpha leans against the wall, watching the fight as it continues. He doesn't see a point in trying to blast through the fight when Kaul has it under control.

R3T14: Eta seems to focus on the enemies' room and sings a piercing note. Kaul notes that "Urg2" seems bothered by something, but he can't tell what.

R3T13: The last skeleton is making its way towards the heroes, but Kaul demolishes it.

R3T9: Urg 1 tries to concentrate on a spell, but fouls it.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T34: Kaul, what do you do?

Bur on deck, Phi in the hole ...

2020-05-08, 05:31 PM
Kaul will use his extended reach to attempt to strike down his nearest foe, remaining in place.

Standard action: Attack Urg1. In case it was forgotten, he does have Long Arm extract active.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-05-08, 05:32 PM
Crit roll


2020-05-19, 11:23 PM
R4T34: Kaul uses his extended reach to attempt to strike down his nearest foe. He cleaves into and through sternum and mucle wall, as well as heart to kill the man instantly.

R4T27: Bur takes out his only thistle arrow, takes careful aim, and shoots it at Urg2, hitting him in the left shoulder for 15 + 1d6 bleed.

R4T18: Urg3 comes out of delay and closes, but not before Kaul hits him in the chest for 25. He is barely standing when he gets to Kaul, but just before he attacks, Beta jumps up to knee him in the head for 16 even as Phi skewers him in the lung, finishing him off.

R4T16: Urg4 then comes out of delay and closes and Kaul manages to slice him in the belly for 25. Urg4 tries to put power behind his blow, but his new wound throws the female priest off.

R4T7: Urg2 takes 3 bleed. She takes out a potion and downs it to heal for 10 (stopping the bleed). She then steps up a little closer.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T34: Kaul, what do you do?

Bur on deck, Phi in the hole ... Alpha/ Zeta/ Eta delaying ...

2020-05-21, 03:58 PM
Kaul strikes out again at the nearest foe, hoping to finish it with this strike.

Standard Action: Power Attack on Urg4

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-05-25, 04:49 PM
R5T34: Kaul strikes out again at the nearest foe, finishing her with his strike.

R5T27: Bur fires at the last priest, hitting him in the left thigh with a broad arrow for 16, dropping him.

R5T21: "I will take the blow," says Phi as he moves into the next room. He sees the Queen's Physician there, who attacks your leader, but Phi easily blocks the club with his shield. Phi counters by hitting the beaker-masked man in the head with his shortspear for 14.

R5T20: Beta, what do you do?

Kaul on deck, Bur in the hole, Alpha/ Eta/ Zeta delaying ...

2020-05-30, 05:03 PM
After Phi enters the room, Beta will rush in after him to provide support. Once he gets in, he will hone in on the nearest foe and strike this foe twice within a single breath, hoping to take it down and presumably end the fight.

Move action: Move into the room, past Phi, taking the AoO as needed, to make sure he can attack OP1.
Standard action: Rapid Strike, using his Unarmed Strike

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2020-05-30, 11:56 PM
R5T20: After Phi enters the room, Beta will rush in after him to provide support, with his psionic armor getting pounded by a club. Once he gets in, he will hone in on the nearest foe and strike this foe twice within a single breath, hoping to take it down and presumably end the fight. He mashes his left elbow into the queen's physician's upper left arm twice for 15 and 21, shattering the bone and causing significant bleeding internally at the brachial artery as the man falls.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T34: Kaul, no more enemies are standing. What do you do?

Bur on deck, Phi in the hole, Alpha/ Zeta/ Eta delaying ...

2020-06-06, 04:41 PM
Kaul will progress into the room, ready for any other attack until he is confident that the enemy has all fallen.

2020-06-11, 01:03 AM
R6T34: Kaul will progress into the room, ready for any other attack until he is confident that the enemy has all fallen. He moves to the center of the room to carefully look around, but sees no other enemies active.

R6T27: Bur moves up a little, and turns around to cover the door and most of the prep room to make sure nobody comes in around the back of the group.

R6T21: Phi performs a coup de grace on the Urgathoan priest.

R6T20: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha/ Zeta/ Eta delaying ...

2020-06-13, 01:40 PM
Beta will start into the room carefully. Looking around carefully, once he is content that the enemies are down, he relaxes and calls out to his allies. "All clear in here!!"

Alpha enters after Beta calls out, but waits and lets the others decide what next.

2020-06-13, 08:18 PM
Everyone will gather in this room, dragging in any bodies of enemies. If any are still alive, as they are those who live in misery of others as a false face (Queen's Physicians) or dedicated to evil (Urgathoan clerics), they are given coupes de graces.

Out of Initiative.

Now what?

2020-06-18, 03:41 PM
Investigate the room thoroughly. Also loot the bodies, paying special attention to any kind of paperwork.

2020-07-21, 02:53 AM
Black-sheeted cots fill this room; their satin coverings and overstuffed pillows seem more akin to funerary trappings than the resting places of the living. Numerous skulls are set evenly within the room’s stone walls. Candles inside them cause them to glow like morbid jack-o’-lanterns and cast dim light across the room. The three Queen's Physicians you fought were unmasked, not wearing the plague helmets as normal. This appears to be quarters for these people.

There is a platter bearing several goblets and a decanter of rich Nidalese midnight wine. Footlockers and shelves near each cot hold the sparse - and often disturbing - personal effects of the Urgathoan members. The party spends 10 minutes searching the room to find the following:

12 bottles of midnight wine (worth 14 gp each)
a robe of bones still bearing a human skeleton and a wolf skeleton
a rune-etched onyx sculpture of a skull (worth 35 gp)
as well as 6 pp, 20 gp, 39 sp, and 80 cp.

The priests/priestesses of Urgathoa have the following, total:

Masterwork scythe (4)
Masterwork breastplate (4)
Potions of CMW (3)
Identical sets of keys (4)

The queen's physicians have the following, total:

Masterwork club (3)
Leather armor (3)

2020-07-24, 04:19 PM
The party will take the coins, sculpture and all four sets of keys. Beta will take a potion of CMW, and Kaul will recommend Phi takes one too and the last one will be taken, if someone else wants it, they can have it, otherwise it'll be party treasury material

Kaul will take one of the bottles of wine and carefully put it in his backpack in the most padded way possible. The Robe of Bones is offered to Zeta.

Kaul will also make sure to put all the weapons and armor in a pile in the corner and make a note as to the location here. When he's finished, he'll report it to Field Marshall Kroft to allow her to send soldiers in to claim it for her men.

2020-07-26, 12:53 AM
All of Kaul's suggestions are good with the exception that Eta wants nothing to do with the robe of bones. Neither does Phi, Bur, or Eta, and they are of a mind to destroy it, not sell it.

2020-07-28, 03:10 PM
Not one to fight with his allies, Kaul agrees. While he wants to tear it up right then and there, Alpha stops and asks for it to burn when they are out.

After that, we can move forward.

2020-08-22, 12:18 PM
What exits are there for us to take? I know there's one on the south wall according to the map, so if that's the only one, we'll start by checking it.

2020-08-23, 01:20 AM
Two exits on the south wall. Each 5' from the west/east wall.

2020-08-24, 03:03 PM
Check the one closest to the west wall first.

2020-08-25, 11:28 PM
Beta checks and opens the door. Beyond, and behind thick panes of glass, fragments and even whole bodies of the living dead line the walls and floor of this chamber. Their rotting faces sneer and broken fingers claw at each other as the shattered forms twitch in vain, their splintered appendages grasping hopelessly. Yet rather than some massive, nightmarish grave, this horror show seems instead to be a stomach-churning attempt at art.

2020-08-26, 03:48 PM
Beta will close the door before anyone else can see in and immediately go to check the other door, while making a mental note that that entire room needs to be burned.

2020-08-30, 10:13 PM
Beta sees the same room, but from a different vantage from a different door.

2020-08-31, 03:55 PM
Beta closes the door again, just as he did before. He explains what he saw to the rest of the group, trying his hardest not to think about just how grotesque that room is.

Kaul is more willing to enter the room than Beta is, but waits to hear the opinions of Phi, Zeta, and Eta. Beta just wants to torch the room and try to find another way forward, and Alpha is quick to agree....because fire.

2020-09-01, 11:55 PM
Phi is willing to investigate with Kaul while the group splits in two to be ready to come out of either door if something pops up. How does that sound?

2020-09-04, 03:18 PM
That sounds good. Beta will make sure he's ready to join in, in case something happens, even though he finds it extremely disgusting.

Kaul will go in first, letting Phi cover his back.

2020-09-07, 01:28 PM
We will start by checking out the Eastern double doors.

2020-09-08, 03:53 AM
Neither Kaul nor Phi detect any traps, but both smell something hideous coming from the other side, and even hear the sound of bubbling liquid.

2020-09-18, 03:14 PM
Kaul will keep one hand on his weapon as he opens the door, trying his best not to smell too much of the stink.

2020-09-23, 12:27 PM
And with his spear stowed, Phi opens the other door.

The stinging scent of harsh chemicals chokes this high-ceiling chamber. Three huge metal vats bubble here, each more than six feet tall. A sturdy series of catwalks ten feet off the ground stretches over and around the vats, allowing those above to attend whatever slurry produces the foul green-brown mist emanating from each gigantic vessel. Circling the upper portion of the room is an elaborate mosaic of white, black, and green stone that depicts a giant half-skeletal woman in black veils dancing among fields of the dead, undead, and dying.

2020-09-29, 05:01 PM
"I'm starting to agree with Beta..." Kaul says as he steps in, drawing his weapon while studying what he sees. He then calls for Phi and the others to come join him, although Beta is hesitant to do so immediately and will likely be the last to come in.

2020-10-13, 02:02 AM
"I'm starting to agree with Beta..." Kaul says as he steps in, drawing his weapon while studying what he sees. He is just about to call Phi and the others when he sees a cultist on the main floor looking right at him. He never even saw the two Queen's Physicians to each side of him converging on his position.

Surprise Round ...

S21: A plague mask-wearing motha' charges Kaul from the south and slams a club against his armor.

S13: Another comes at him from the north, but again his armor holds true.

Begin Round One ...

R1T37: Beta, you hear the sounds of hardened wood against metal, and are pretty sure that Kaul just met the welcoming committee. What do you do?

2020-10-18, 08:02 AM
Beta will move in until he can see the combat, and if he can still strike at a foe, he will do so with his claw.

If needed, Beta attack rolls [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-10-18, 08:59 PM
R1T37: Beta moves in with his psi-enhanced speed, entering *pugilist's stance* as he does, and claws the lower abdomen of a Queen's Physican for 18.

R1T28: Alpha, what do you do?

2020-10-21, 04:50 PM
Alpha will move into the room behind the others and keep an eye on the action, waiting for an opportunity.

Move in and pass the rest of the turn, keeping behind Phi and Kaul, obviously.

2020-10-22, 07:28 AM
R1T28: Alpha moves down, with light from the room to the east helping his way. He stays behind the others, keeping an eye on the action, waiting for an opportunity.

R1T24: Burçin moves in and past Alpha, targeting the only Queen's Physican he can really see with a barbed arrow. It hits the villainous "doctor" in the chest for a pincushion heavy critical that does 26 + stunned, his club clattering to the floor.

R1T23: Kaul, what do you do?

2020-10-25, 03:27 PM
Kaul prepares a powerful strike towards the one in front of him, hoping to weaken and scare them.

Standard action: Terrifying Blow, targeting the foe Beta hit previously.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If successful, target must make a Will Save DC 16 or be Frightened for 1 round.

If he's attacked, use Iron Shell to counter it. If an ally is attacked, use Defensive Shell to counter it.

2020-10-25, 06:50 PM
R1T23: Kaul prepares a powerful strike towards the one in front of him, hoping to weaken and scare them, but he misses.

R1T22: Eta moves up next to her husband. She points to the northeast, somewhere into the room. "Cultist, I have him."

She casts spiritual weapon and a force-glaive appears near the man to strike him for 8 force.

R1T21: The blue Queen's Physician recovers from his charge. He tries to feint Kaul (miserably) and strikes his club against armor.

R1T20-19: Ruor can be heard barking, awaiting action. Inside the large room, it sounds like someone is hammering on a door, calling for help. Casting is heard deeper in the room. A cultist moves from north towards south on the catwalk, then dips her scythe into one of the vats, getting it coated nice and thick with what looks like blood. An artisan on the catwalks casts a spell on himself that Kaul recognizes as shield.

R1T15: Phi moves forward sideways next to Beta to stab the beleaguered Queen's Phyisican with his mithral shortspear for 22, dropping him.

R1T14-13.9: Zeta gives a command to Ruor, who follows out with her. Casting is heard deeper in the room. "Pink" cultist casts shield of faith on herself before stepping up and straddling the fallen Queen's Physician. More shouting farther in the room.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R2T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Burçin in the hole ...

2020-10-31, 10:41 AM
Beta will strike hard into the foe in front of him with both claws.

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2020-10-31, 10:41 AM

Crit away!!!!

2020-11-02, 05:04 AM
R2T37: Beta strikes hard into the foe in front of him with both claws. For a bloody, moderate crit and both claws digging into the woman for a total of 28 + 2d6 bleed!!! She goes down hard.

R2T28: Alpha, what do you do?

Bur on deck, Kaul in the hole ...

2020-11-06, 07:21 PM
R2T28: Really only having one target, but recognizing that Queen's Physicians - to the public at large, at least - are the true traitors since they are purposed to help assuage this disease, is enough for Alpha to bring forth his uncommon fiery wrath. For all of Phi's inspiration and tactical suggestions, the cover and combat is enough to throw off Alpha's aim.

R2T24: Bur runs in and due north. He calls out, "Multiple bogeys! I count six not in contact."

R2T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, QP-Blue in the hole ...

2020-11-07, 06:04 PM
Kaul will turn on the foe that Alpha tried to hit before readying himself to counter any followup attacks on him or his allies.

Standard action: Attack Blue QP with Greatsword.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If the foe falls, he will use his move action to start towards the southern stairs up to the catwalk.

Whether the foe lives or dies, Kaul will use Iron Shell on the first attack towards him. If the opportunity presents itself, he will use Defensive Shell to protect an ally (either if the foe lives, or an ally follows him to be within range.)

2020-11-08, 01:29 AM
R2T23: Kaul turns on the foe that Alpha tried to hit and cuts into the man's chest with his greatsword for 26 before readying himself to counter any followup attacks on him or his allies. The man does not go down, though wounded.

R2T22: Eta steps north to get a better view, and then adjusts her spiritual weapon against the Queen's Physician that Kaul just cut, and the spectral glaive hits him for 18 force.

R2T21-17: The Queen's Physician recovers from his charge, having been hurt badly by only two strikes from the heroes. He does a terrible job trying to fake Kaul out, a worse job of attacking, and then he just steps back. Meanwhile, a cultist (green) hustles from somewhere to the NNE, and down and across to a point where he is almost at a door to the south. (Brown) cultist moves from north catwalk to center, and dips his scythe into the big vat, pulling out a viscous red fluid as the other one did. A female cultist (red) moves to the southern catwalk and down the stairs. The man in the artisan's uniform keeps his position, casting a spell on himself.

R2T15: Phi steps out to assess the situation, effectively planting a metaphorical flag in the center of the western half of the room. As an afterthought after looking around, he tosses his mithral shortspear at green-cultist to hit him in the left lower leg for 20. He has no weapon in hand, but he seems unconcerned.

R2T14-13.9: Zeta moves up to Phi to get some of his protection while also making a focused assessment. "Those vats! I am pretty sure that is where they are manufacturing the blood veil, an obviously manufactured phage."

She calls to Ruor in her strange "other-tongue" and as Ruor bounds in she points to the doomed Queen's Physician. Ruor bites him in the upper arm for 16 and he goes down.

R2T12-1: More various activity in the room from cultists, many casting spells.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2020-11-11, 04:46 PM
Beta will move into the room and upon reaching the nearest foe, will leap backwards in a cartwheel, kicking the foe in the face as he leaps away from it.

Move action:Move around Kaul to the first square he can attack Blue.

Standard action: Initiate Cartwheel Axe Kick

Attack roll (Unarmed Strike) [roll0]
Damage [roll1] + [roll2]

Acrobatics Roll DC 15 [roll3] to move 10 feet away from this foe after hitting.

Alpha's turn will wait until next post

2020-11-12, 04:55 AM
R3T37: Beta moves into the room and upon reaching the nearest foe - a cultist, as he sees the Queen's Physician has been dropped - and he leaps backwards in a cartwheel, kicking the foe in the face (24) even as he leaps away from it.

R3T28: Alpha, what do you do?

Bur on deck, Kaul in the hole ...

2020-11-16, 05:03 PM
Alpha will move into the room to a relatively safe place, and then he will focus, dropping a small burst of fire on one of the foes, that with any luck disables his foe.

Move action: Move into the room to the closest space he can safely occupy without being threatened.

Standard action: Energy Stun for 5 PP targeting the square that Green is in.

Damage roll [roll0] (This damage gains a +6 bonus to the damage from Circlet of Brass)
Foes must make a Reflex Save DC 21 for half damage.
If a foe failed his Reflex Save, he must make a Will Save DC 21 or be Stunned for one round

2020-11-17, 03:36 AM
R3T28: Alpha moves into the room to a relatively safe place, and then he will focus, dropping a small burst of fire on one of the foes, that with any luck disables the foe. The man gets struck for 27 fire and drops his scythe from the pain, a sign that the power did its job.

R3T24: Bur shoots a cultist (brown, female) on the catwalk, hitting her in the chest with an incendiary arrow for 22 + 1 fire.

R3T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, Green cultist in the hole ...

2020-11-26, 10:27 AM
Kaul will move over to the next nearest foe and attempts to strike him down while extreme prejudice.

Move action: Move towards Red
Standard action: Attack with Greatsword

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Immediate action: After his turn ends, he will activate Intruder's End

2020-11-26, 11:33 AM
R3T23: Kaul will move over to the next nearest foe and attempts to strike him down while extreme prejudice, hitting him through the arm and into the chest for 23, dropping her. Then, he looks about the room from this corner, readied to pounce.

R3T22: The spiritual glaive slashes the fallen Queen's Physician for 10 force, likely making sure of his death. Eta moves in, directing the spiritual glaive to now attack green (who is currently stunned).

R3T18: Brown closes on Bur.

R3T16: The man in artisan's clothing on the walkway casts another spell on himself. He then moves farther away on the catwalk.

R3T15: Seeing the enemies quickly falling away, Phi steps up to Green, pulls out his falcata, and calls out. "This is the time. We are at the heart of the enemies' plans! I will finish this cultist. Half of you up the catwalk to chase down the magician, the others run down the cultist that opened the door at the end."

Phi's words stir everyone with a battle vigor that makes you think you can overcome any hardship, inspiring you for +11 THP!

R3T14-13.9: Seeing a person at each end at the stairs, Zeta will take the mid-point. She says something to Ruor before heading east and out the door. Ruor follows her.

R3T12: Purple (far east on catwalk) casts a spell on themselves.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2020-11-29, 07:58 AM
Alpha will turn his attention on Brown, and focus to drop another small burst of fire upon this one.

Standard action: Manifest Energy Stun (Fire) for 5 targeting Brown

Damage [roll0] (This damage gains a +6 bonus to the damage from Circlet of Brass)
Foes must make a Reflex Save DC 21 for half damage.
If a foe failed his Reflex Save, he must make a Will Save DC 21 or be Stunned for one round

2020-11-29, 08:02 AM
Beta will take a deep breath, focusing himself on his martial training in preparation for a followup strike.

Full-Round Action: Recover maneuvers. Beta will remain in place, gain +4 Insight bonus to AC, and his next attack will gain Deadly Strike damage.

2020-11-30, 12:33 AM
R4T37: Beta takes a deep breath, focusing himself on his martial training in preparation for a followup strike.

R4T28-24: Alpha turns his attention on the nearest cultist, focusing to drop another small burst of fire upon this one, doing 18 fire, and dropping him. Burçin performs a CDG on her by shooting her through the eye, he then steps over her, getting ready to go up the catwalk.

R4T23: Kaul, you had setup Intruder's End previously. What do you do now?

Eta on deck, green cultist in the hole ...

2020-12-02, 04:37 PM
Kaul will move up the stairs to the catwalk, closing the distance between him and the distant enemies.

Move action x2: Double Move up onto the Catwalk and towards the rear end of the room.

2020-12-07, 12:48 AM
R4T23: Kaul will move up the stairs to the catwalk, closing the distance between him and the distant enemies.

R4T22: Eta's spiritual glaive crits green with a sapping slash for 10 force, dropping him. Meanwhile she begins to follow in Kaul's wake, and once on the catwalk, she sends her spiritual glaive to threaten the last cultist.

R4T16: The man in the apron with the tools casts a spell at Kaul. Kaul feels a powerful force grip his mind, trying to override his mind in some way.

Kaul, roll a Will save vs. a compulsion effect (to which you get your bonus)! He failed to properly identify the spell.

2020-12-16, 02:25 AM
R4T16 (Cont'd): Kaul easily throws off the mind-affecting spell that was thrown his way. The man then shoots north along the crosswalk.

R4T15: Phi beheads the cultist at his feet.

R4T12: The cultist on the back catwalk comes down and gets ready for Kaul to approach.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2020-12-20, 03:44 PM
Beta will head up the southern catwalk and top behind Kaul, closing distance to the enemies.

Double Move, stopping directly behind Kaul.

2020-12-23, 12:41 AM
R5T37: Beta heads up the southern catwalk and top behind Kaul, closing distance to the enemies.

R5T28: Alpha?

Bur on deck, Kaul in the hole ...

2020-12-25, 12:07 PM
Alpha will move toward the northern catwalk, keeping behind Burcin.

2020-12-26, 03:30 AM
R5T28: Alpha will move toward the northern catwalk, keeping behind Burcin.

R5T24: Bur moves forward only a little bit, staring at the creepy man in the apron down the way (but nothing interesting seems to happen).

R5T23: Kaul, what do you do now that there is a cultist at the end of the catwalk seemingly ready for you?

Eta on deck, Aproned Man in the hole ...

2020-12-29, 05:06 AM
R5T23: Kaul shifts tactics. Instead of closing on the cultist, he leaves Beta and goes to the center of the crossing catwalk in the middle. There, in the middle of the room, glaring at the cultist and the aproned man, he gives a terrifying prowess of his strength and heft with his greatsword, drawing on the inspiration given him from Phi down on the floor. He ends his display by leveling his gaze at the cultist across the room in the corner, trying to fill him with a debilitating fear.

R5T22: Eta redirects her spiritual weapon to attack the cultist. It flies from its last position to then attack purple but misses.

R5T16: The aproned man drinks an elixir of something. He then moves up to the cultist.

R5T15: Phi double moves up to the catwalk.

R5T12: The cultist moves north in fear, and then spins his scythe about defensively.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2020-12-30, 04:35 PM
Beta will rush in on the foe directly in front, the one who had been prepared for an approach, but before he gets close enough, he vanishes, appearing behind the foe with a rapid strike to the back of the head.

Move action: Move forward 10 feet
Standard action: Initiate Fading Strike, teleporting to the square directly north of the southern foe, and striking it with his unarmed strike

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Alpha will continue to remain behind Burcin, this time preparing himself to unleash a burst of fire upon the foe the moment he tries to approach his ally.

Move action: Move directly behind Bur again.
Standard action: Ready an action to manifest Energy Stun for 3 upon Purple when Purple comes within 20 feet of Burcin

Damage [roll2] DC 20 Reflex Save for half, if failed, DC 20 Will Save or stunned for 1 round

2020-12-31, 01:56 AM
R6T37: Beta rushes in on the foe directly in front, the one who had been prepared for an approach, but before he gets close enough, he vanishes, appearing behind the foe with a rapid strike to the back of the head, but the man just manages to duck out of the way.

R6T28: Alpha continues to remain behind Burçin, this time preparing himself to unleash a burst of fire upon the foe the moment he tries to approach his ally.

R6T24: Bur only moves up 5', takes out an armor-piercing arrow and shoots it at the cultist. His first arrow strikes him in the left shoulder for 10. Another hits through the breastplate into the belly for 14.

R6T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, aproned man in the hole ...

2021-01-01, 02:34 PM
Kaul will head back towards the southern catwalk, blocking off the foes line of escape and flanking it with Beta.

Double Move to be adjacent to the southern enemy.

2021-01-02, 05:37 AM
R6T23: Kaul heads back towards the southern catwalk, blocking off the foe's line of escape and flanking it with Beta.

R6T22: Eta's ghostly glaive whooshes past the three combatants in the southeast to attack its prey (purple), cutting into his upper left arm for 4 force. Eta then moves onto the crossing portion of the catwalk, as if she is about to throw something ranged at the aproned man before she stops herself and calls out. "That man is undead! He is a darakhul! Like a ghoul, his touch can paralyze you!"

She casts a spell, and yet another spiritual weapon appears, but this time to attack the darakhul (missing).

R6T16: The aproned man chuckles as he easily ducked the clumsy force-glaive. "That's right. I am Rolth Lam. In death, my abilities as a necromancer and a vivisectionist will not falter from dementia or the weakness of the flesh."

He takes out a small glass rod from a pouch, and as he casts a spell (defensively) and rubs the glass rod against a velvet patch on his apron, he builds up a static charge with which he lets loose at Kaul. Kaul sees this coming from a mile away, but the bolt of lightning that he partiallly dodges still bloody hurts as it tears away his temporary hit points and does 6 electricity past that.

R6T15: Phi calls tactical suggestions for a coordinated strike against Rolth. He then moves up to Kaul and says, "Hold the Line!" to Kaul. Of course, that requires him to do his part as well, as he positions his tower shield over the catwalk railing as he fights defensively with Sofia-Korina in hand. The railing throws his aim off, though. The blade seems to solidly impact the undead caster, but doesn't have the force to press through.

R6T12: The cultist moves around to the north and then stops once safe to cast a healing spell on himself for 7. He still seems scared, but is a little more in control of himself than he was before.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T37: Beta, Phi has given coordinating information for better striking of the undead. You are flanking it with Kaul. What do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2021-01-04, 05:53 PM
Beta will strike out with both of his claws, attempting to tear this undead foe apart with sheer ferocity.

Full Attack Action: Attack with both claws

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2021-01-04, 06:10 PM
R7T37: Beta strikes out with both of his claws, attempting to tear this undead foe apart with sheer ferocity. One is a complete miss, while the other does 11 mod, and yet for some reason it is almost like the man wasn't really hurt at all.

R7T28: Alpha, what do you do?

Bur on deck, Kaul in the hole ...

2021-01-05, 06:02 PM
Alpha will pass up Bur and focus, firing a small ray of fire directly into the closer of his foes.

Move action: Move forward 15 feet
Standard action: Manifest Energy Ray (Fire) for 5PP

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Fire damage

2021-01-05, 06:03 PM
Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-01-06, 04:43 AM
R7T28: Alpha will pass up Bur and focus, firing a small ray of fire directly into the closer of his foes. The line of burning fire burns a whole clear through the man's abdomen and out the other side, so that Alpha can see through it clearly. The cultist is killed instantly.

R7T24: Bur runs down the catwalk, takes out an arrow with some type of line and fires at Rolth. It doesn't hit, as it seems that Rolth wasn't quite where Bur thought he would be.

R7T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, Rolth in the hole ...

2021-01-08, 04:54 PM
Kaul will strike hard at the last remaining for, aiming to strike him down with overwhelming strength.

Standard action: Attack with Greatsword, using Power Attack

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If attacked, he will counter with Iron Shell.

2021-01-08, 04:55 PM
Critical roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-01-09, 05:46 AM
R7T23: Kaul strikes hard at the last remaining foe, aiming to strike him down with overwhelming strength. He thought he had him dead to rights, but then the vision of the undead man shifts just at the last second so Kaul's strike misses!

R7T22: Eta's first spiritual weapon disappears even as the second misses the darakhul.

R7T16: The artisan-undead carefully casts a spell, and his hand is surrounded by glowing blue energy. He touches Beta's chest, and despite the oread musters a solid defense, and yet only Phi's inspiration protects Beta from being weakened as he still takes 4.

R7T15: As Kaul refused to hold the line with him, Phi drops that tactic. He misses the undead, nearly dinging his sword on the railing.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2021-01-11, 05:41 PM
Beta strikes out at the leader with both of his claws again, aiming to tear this foe down with raw strength.

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Alpha draws upon a burst of psionic energy to drop another burst of fire on top of the leader, hoping to immobilize him. He then takes a moment to focus, his Robe bursting into pure energy and dissipating, while a new veil forms around his wrists, a brown cloth that has a tint of red to it.

Standard action: Manifest Energy Stun (Fire) for 5 PP

Damage [roll4]
Reflex Save DC 21 for half, Will Save DC 21 or stunned for 1 round

Move action: Activate Veilshifting, to change out Robe of the Forgotten Deity for Mai'yrs Band (Fire) Alpha knows he's running out of steam

2021-01-11, 07:38 PM
R8T37: Beta strikes out at the leader with both of his claws again, aiming to tear this foe down with raw strength. The first claw skims off his apron, but the second actually penetrates through two layers of force protection, a deflection field, and very thick skin to do 12 mod.

R8T28: Alpha draws upon a burst of psionic energy to drop another burst of fire on top of the leader, hoping to immobilize him, but only does 10 fire as he is quite agile. Beta was a little shocked, but also ducks to minimize for 10 fire as well.

He then takes a moment to focus, his Robe bursting into pure energy and dissipating, while a new veil forms around his wrists, a brown cloth that has a tint of red to it.

R8T24: Bur fires an armor-piercing arrow, but it is noped by some visual distortion.

R8T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, Rolth Lam in the hole ...

2021-01-13, 05:32 PM
Kaul strikes out again at the enemy, this time taking a little more effort to be precise.

Standard action: Attack with Greatsword

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-01-14, 08:50 PM
R8T23: Kaul strikes out again at the enemy, this time taking a little more effort to be precise, but the greatsword scrapes along the edge of a force effect.

R8T22: Eta's spiritual weapon misses. She delays, not really able to get in there to do anything.

R8T16: Rolth attacks Beta with his chilled hand, but misses.

R8T15: Phi steps back, putting his falcata away, seemingly something on his mind.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2021-01-17, 08:01 AM
Beta strikes out again, striking out at him with both of his claws

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Alpha, from his vantage point, focuses his energies. He then holds his arm up and draws a blast of fire from the cloth around his wrists to launch it at the undead leader.

Swift action: Invest E into Mai'yrs band, which I never specified last turn, but I see you have already accounted for

Standard action: Fire Mai'yrs Band

Attack roll [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-01-17, 08:14 AM
R9T37: Beta strikes out again, striking out at him with both of his claws, both times as a complete miss.

R9T28: Alpha, from his vantage point, focuses his energies. He then holds his arm up and draws a blast of fire from the cloth around his wrists to launch it at the undead leader, wildly missing.

R9T24: Bur shoots a single armor-piercing arrow, but it shatters on the wall behind Rolth.

R9T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, Rolth in the hole ...

2021-01-19, 06:04 PM
Kaul strikes hard at Rolth with his greatsword.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-01-19, 06:05 PM
Another Crit

damage [roll1]

2021-01-20, 05:06 AM
R9T23: Kaul strikes hard at Rolth with his greatsword. It was a perfect strike .... that again was noped by Rolth's illusory defense.

R9T22: Followed by the nope against Eta's spiritual weapon. She calls out, "Zeta should be back by now, I am going to check on her!" She does an acrobatic hop-jump down to the ground below, landing deftly on her feet, and then she moves out of sight.

R9T16: Rolth caresses Beta's cheek with his chiled hand for 3 hp + 1 STR damage.

R9T15: Everyone in Phi's collective senses intuitive coordination for more efficient attacking. Phi attacks with his falcata, but misses.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T37: Beta, your strength just got sapped a little. What do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2021-01-23, 11:29 AM
Beta strikes again, and Alpha follows up with his beam of fire.

Beta: Full attack

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Alpha: Mai'yrs Band
Attack roll [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-01-24, 11:35 AM
R10T37-28: Beta strikes again, with Alpha following up with beams of fire, but both sets of attacks are noped.

R10T24: Bur shoots at Rolth with a green dye arrow, hoping to find way to mark his target, but the arrow goes through the illusion to hit the back wall.

R10T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, Rolth in the hole ...

2021-01-24, 07:07 PM
Kaul strikes again, this illusionary concealment starting to annoy him.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-01-25, 01:07 PM
R10T23: Kaul strikes again, this illusionary concealment starting to annoy him. That annoyance must matter, though, as his sword hits true against the dead man's left hand for 16 mod.

R10T22: Eta can no longer be perceived.

R10T16: The man ducks low and touches Beta's left foot to inflict 2 NE + 1 STR.

R10T15: Phi reels and shakes his head. "Zeta is dead, ripped from my collective. Beta, Alpha, Kaul - stay on this one. Burçin, come with to save my wife. I think she's going into a trap." He moves around the catfolk and then leaps over the banister below, surprisingly landing on his feet. He looks up at Rolth, and his mental energy still helps the heroes coordinate attacks against him.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Bur in the hole ...

2021-01-27, 05:38 PM
Beta strikes yet again, and Alpha follows up with his beam of fire. Both nod understandingly to Phi as they hold the fight against Rolth

Beta: Full attack

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Alpha: Mai'yrs Band
Attack roll [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-01-28, 02:29 AM
R11T37-28: Beta strikes yet again, and Alpha follows up with his beam of fire. Both nod understandingly to Phi as they hold the fight against Rolth (missing all times).

R11T24: Bur moves north on the catwalk, vaults over to the ground below, and then east through the exit.

R11T23: Kaul, what do you do?

Eta on deck, Rolth in the hole ...

2021-01-30, 05:34 PM
Continue the Assault...

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-01-31, 10:20 PM
R11T23: Kaul continues the assault, again being noped by Rolth's magic.
R12T22: Eta's force-glaive winks out of existence.
R12T16: Rolth attacks Beta with a touch but just barely misses.
R12T15: Phi moves over to his spear and picks it up.

Begin Round 13 ...
R13T37: With his strength slowly being sapped, Beta knows that he needs an advantage so he can better place his attacks, especially recognizing that the inspiring presence of Phi is about to leave.He keeps his position for Kaul's sake and concentrates, seeing bits and pieces of battle probability roll before him, seeing where - should he hit - how he might tweak the attack that did so to make for a more telling blow, even as his body glows a green hue that matches his skin.He concentrates on max-power offensive precognition.
R13T28: Alpha repositions for a better shot and uses his Mai'yr's band and sends forth a gout of fire that perfectly slams into Rolth for 38 fire! Rolth does not like that one bit.
R13T23: If Kaul was going to hit Rolth, it was noped.
R13T16: Something about Rolth visually changes. He seems to fight defensively now for some reason, and his hand touches Beta's hand for 5 damage + 1 STR damage.
R13T15: Phi nods to Alpha, acknowledging his excellent shot. He is then as he double moves out of the room. But with it, Phi's inspiration and the benefit of his tactical coordination.

Begin Round 14 ...
R14T37: Good timing on this power with Phi's departure as this battle is going to get a lot harder now. His first claw misses, but the second claw tears through almost all protections but Rolth's hardened skin before Beta snaps with his muzzle and misses. Something seems to have changed.
R14T28: Alpha misses.
R14T23: Kaul likewise cuts through Rolth's first magic field before being stopped by the second. That's why Rolth began to fight defensively .... his noping seems to have run out of juice!
R14T16: Rolth now gets Beta's left shin for 1 + 1 STR damage.

Begin Round 15 ...
R15T37: Beta gets hide with a claw and bite, but otherwise no effect.
R15T28: Alpha knows he got lucky last time. He concentrates, and his hands and the maiy'rs bands burst into a ghostly glowing white radiance.Now by seeing the forms of the future, Alpha sends out a burst of fire he hopes will incinerate Rolth. It doesn't, but it does strike him solidly in the chest for 21 fire.
R15T23: Tired of power failing him, Kaul goes for accuracy this time. His sword gets through most magical defenses, but not enough.
R15T16: Rolth continues to fight defensively, catching Beta in the belly for 1 (no STR damage).

Begin Round 16 ...
R16T37: Beta misses thrice.
R16T28: Alpha again concentrates as before, his hands glowing again, but only missed because the wily mage was defensive.
R16T23: Kaul sees that even without his "nope effect" that the necromancer is too wily. He continues to threaten Rolth, giving boon to Beta for doing so, but considers his actions moving forth.
R16T16: Rolth misses Beta.

Begin Round 17 ...
R17T37: Beta got so close with one claw, but missed.
R17T28: Rolth dodges Alpha's flame.
R17T23: Kaul again cuts down to Rolth's hide, but is stopped.
R17T16: Rolth touches Beta for 1.

Begin Round 18 ...
R18T37: Beta fails to connect.
R18T28: Alpha's attack is avoided again.
R18T23: Kaul clips one of Rolth's outer protections.
R18T16: Rolth, still fighting defensively touches Beta's forehead for 5 + 1 STR. In doing so, the chilly blue radiance around Rolth's hand is extinguished.

Begin Round 19 ...
R19T37: Beta finally scores with a claw strike against Rolth's belly, but now he is so weak that it is an ineffective strike.
R19T28: Alpha misses.
R19T23: Kaul's attack is stopped by magical protections.
R19T16: Rolth goes to take an extract. Beta fails to connect with claw and Kaul flatly misses, with Rolth being rewarded by drinking his extract. His visual position instantly seems to shift ... again.

Round 20 ...
R20T37-23: All heroes miss.
R20T16: Rolth begins to down another extract, avoiding AOOs. Once done, he movement is even more erratic and quick, his agility now preternatural.

Round 21 ...
R21T37-23: All heroes miss.
R21T16: Rolth takes yet another extract, despite AOOs. His arms grow incredibly long.

Round 22 ...
R22T37: Again, one of Beta's claws connect but fail to hurt him.
R22T28: Alpha misses.
R22T23: Kaul finally brings it home as he hits Rolth's hand with a crit that does 24 mod!
R22T16: Rolth concentrates on a very difficult-seeming spell and points his finger at Alpha. Neither Beta nor Kaul are able to stop the black beam shooting from Rolth's finger to hit Alpha in his right bicep for 3 temporary negative levels, as Alpha's life force is diminished and the elan's mind, body, and spirit are now reeling.

Round 23 ...
R23T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Kaul in the hole ...

2021-02-07, 05:08 PM
Beta tries again to strike down Rolth, a sense of worry on his face after seeing the clean strike that spell had on Alpha

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Alpha is clearly shaken from the strike he has received, and immediately poofs into the air, appearing back on the ground floor as he moves towards cover.

Standard action: Nomads Step to a space on the ground floor
Move action: Move to cover

Once Alpha has taken cover, Kaul turns his attention back to Rolth, putting aside power in favor of precision in hopes of striking him down.

Attack Roll [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-02-08, 03:56 AM
Round 23 ...

R23T37: Beta tries again to strike down Rolth, a sense of worry on his face after seeing the clean strike that spell had on Alpha, but misses completely twice, the second attack being noped.

R23T28: Alpha is clearly shaken from the strike he has received, and immediately poofs into the air, appearing back on the ground floor as he moves towards cover. His step is limited with his life force, but he moves down behind the vat he was standing above.

R23T23: Once Alpha has taken cover, Kaul turns his attention back to Rolth, putting aside power in favor of precision in hopes of striking him down. A beautiful strike ... that gets noped.

R23T16: Rolth casts a spell defensively.

Kaul, roll a Will save. It is a charm, not a compulsion, so you don't receive your sacred bonus vs. compulsions.

2021-02-08, 07:02 PM
Will Saving throw (Fingers crossed) [roll0]

2021-02-09, 01:26 AM
R23T16: Kaul brilliantly, almost casually, throws off the waves of enchantment energy coming from the necromancer!

End Round 23, Begin Round 24 ...

R24T37: Beta, what do you do?

Alpha on deck, Kaul in the hole....

2021-02-13, 05:18 PM
Beta strikes again at the necromancer.

Claw 1: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Alpha will remain behind cover, keeping an eye on the fight while also watching the way they came in.

Kaul will strike hard at the man, giving him a cold look
Attack roll [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-02-14, 01:47 AM
R24T37: Beta strikes again at the necromancer. The first time is a complete miss, and the second attempt some outer force field throws his claws (as compared to a force much closer to his skin).

R24T28: Alpha remains behind cover, keeping an eye on the fight while also watching the way they came in.

R24T23: Kaul strikes hard at the man, giving him a cold, hard look.

R24T16: Rolth casts a spell defensively, touching Kaul's left lower forearm and wrist. In doing so, he sucks out some of Kaul's life (21 hp) and gains the rest, seemingly healing some of his damage (21 THP).

End Round 24, Begin Round 25 ...

R25T37: Beta, what do you do?

Kaul on deck, Alpha delaying ...

2021-02-14, 06:15 PM
Second Verse same as the first.

Beta Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Kaul Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-02-14, 11:25 PM
R25T37: Beta's claws keep getting bounced by external force action.

R25T23: Kaul's attack is noped ... not even getting the dignity of bouncing off of protections.

R25T16: Rolth defensively casts the same spell again and touches Kaul's neck to again inflict 10 while regaining the same amount himself.

End Round 25, Begin Round 26 ...

R26T37: Beta, what do you do?

Kaul on deck, Rolth in the hole, Alpha delaying ...

2021-02-18, 04:32 PM
Beta strikes hard once again.

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Kaul groans after the spell strikes him a second time. "You can't possibly have many more spells left. The longer this fight continues, the more likely the two of us will strike you down before you take us both down. Especially with the collection of potions I have. Just give this up, come with us, and I can guarantee you fair treatment. Once the others return, you're dead." Rather than strike at him, Kaul prepares himself to strike his foe if he tries to cast a spell this time.

Standard action: Ready an attack against spellcasting

Attack roll [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

2021-02-19, 02:57 AM
R26T37: Beta strikes hard once again ... at air.

R26T23: Kaul groans after the spell strikes him a second time. "You can't possibly have many more spells left. The longer this fight continues, the more likely the two of us will strike you down before you take us both down. Especially with the collection of potions I have. Just give this up, come with us, and I can guarantee you fair treatment. Once the others return, you're dead." Rather than strike at him, Kaul prepares himself to strike his foe if he tries to cast a spell this time.

R26T16: "Such spirit," dryly cackles the man even as the nope-field seems to dissipate when there is a sudden shift in where he is. "I shall enjoy putting you on the slab!" He goes to defensively cast a spell as Kaul swings at him and misses while Rolth's spell transfers from his hand to Kaul's left knee.

Kaul, roll a Fort save vs. a ghoul touch (paralysis effect, not curse/ compulsion)!

Beta's turn, Kaul on deck, Alpha delaying ...

2021-02-20, 05:46 PM
Kaul Fort Save [roll0]

Beta growls at the man. "My friend offers you an out, even as your magic starts to wear down, and this is how you react?" He follows up his comments with two more attacks

Claw 1 [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Claw 2 [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

If Kaul is still standing, he will prepare a second strike to interrupt the man.

Standard action: Readied action against spellcasting

Attack roll [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

2021-02-21, 04:52 PM
R26T16 (Cont'd): Kaul feels himself seize up as his body goes into rigid paralysis! Not only that, but Kaul begins to exude a god awful stench that in turn sickens Beta!

End Round 26, Begin Round 27 ...

R27T37: Despite the queasy feeling from Kaul, Beta growls at the man. "My friend offers you an out, even as your magic starts to wear down, and this is how you react?" He follows up his comments with two more attacks, both of which are blocked by force effects.

R27T16: Rolth takes another extract as Beta desperately tries to stop him, but getting only to the second force effect in before Rolth drinks it. (Unknown effect.)

End Round 27, Begin Round 28 ...

R27T37: Beta, you are currently sickened from the stench coming off of the paralyzed Kaul. Alpha has fled and you don't know where he is. What do you do?

Kaul paralyzed, Rolth on deck, Alpha delaying ...

2021-02-24, 06:13 PM
Beta coughs and decides finally to change tactics. Where stabbing has failed him, he decides instead to try and get the man in a bear hug to limit his maneuverability.

Standard action: Attempt to Grapple. I'm running out of hope here.

Grapple roll [roll0]

2021-02-26, 01:55 PM
R27T37: Beta coughs and decides finally to change tactics. Where stabbing has failed him, he decides instead to try and get the man in a bear hug to limit his maneuverability. As he goes in to grab, he is harshly reminded that this isn't just a powerful alchemist-necromancer. He is also a powerful undead. Rolth juts lets him get close .... close enough to bite in the chest for 7, enough pain to keep his grapple from being consummated.

Beta, roll a Fort save vs. paralysis ...

2021-02-28, 09:50 AM
R27T37: Beta is able to resist the paralysis, but the force of the blow keeps him from even touching Rolth.

R27T16: Annoyed by the oread's persistence, Rolth momentarily turns to the paralyzed armsman. He looks for particularly vulnerable areas on the man's helpless but armored body. He bites an area of nerves and blood vessels for 33, then stabs Kaul in a critical area of the chest for 24. At this point Kaul's world goes black, but unconscious and paralyzed he stands there with eyes wide open, giving no sign as to his actual state. Finally, another claw carves open Kaul's left shin and calf for 29, at which point Kaul's body drops. That is the tell-tale sign to Beta (and Alpha) that Kaul isn't just unconscious .... but dead.

Rolth looks ruefully at the wide-eyed dead man, cursing to himself. "Too much. I thought he was tougher than that. So much for experimentating on a proper human." He then turns to Beta. "You won't tell much since you don't represent a major part of the population, but I guess experimenting on you will have to do."

End Round 27, Begin Round 28 ...

R28T37: Beta, what do you do? You are still sickened by the stench Kaul had given off (and now possibly by his death).

Rolth on deck, Alpha delaying ...

2021-03-01, 04:29 PM
Beta shudders, as though he could feel the pain of his fallen comrade. He turns tail and retreats, having now determined that he no longer stands a chance in this fight. He calls out as he moves. Alpha! If you're still here, retreat!"

Withdraw action. Beta is getting the **** out of here.

Alpha, from his hiding spot, will take Beta's words to heart and start retreating, trying to make sure he ends his movement behind cover so the Necromancer can't hit him with another Enervation...hopefully.

2021-03-02, 02:14 AM
R28T37: Beta shudders, as though he could feel the pain of his fallen comrade. He turns tail and retreats, having now determined that he no longer stands a chance in this fight. He calls out as he moves. "Alpha! If you're still here, retreat!"

R28T23: Alpha, from his hiding spot, will take Beta's words to heart and start retreating, trying to make sure he ends his movement behind cover so the Necromancer can't hit him with another Enervation...hopefully. He makes it as far as the room where they fought the cultists and undead.

R28T16: Beta sees Rolth leave at near impossible speed out the door, seemingly after Alpha ... which is the way Beta was going!

End Round 28, Turn 29 ....

R29T37: Beta, you have a terrible choice now. Rolth just left out the double doors to the west ... the way you came, the way you are going, and after Alpha. What do you do?

Alpha on deck ...

2021-03-03, 06:11 PM
Beta recoils in surprise after seeing Rolth following. "No. I'm not losing him again." He kneels down to get a better start, and draws upon all of his power to give himself a dangerous burst of speed.

Swift action: Expend 1 Ki to activate Alacrity, increasing my enhancement bonus to speed from 10ft to 30ft for the next minute.
Free? action: Expend Psionic Focus to increase the speed bonus from Speed of Thought from 10ft to 30ft (If this is a standard action, we'll skip this.

Double Move after Rolth.

2021-03-04, 02:44 AM
R29T37: Beta recoils in surprise after seeing Rolth following. "No. I'm not losing him again." He kneels down to get a better start, and draws upon all of his power to give himself a dangerous burst of speed. So blindingly fast is he that he has time to attempt a cartwheel axe kick. But Beta moves too fast for his own good, and tries too much at once. He fumbles and exhausts himself. He stands behind Rolth, gasping and heaving for breath.

R29T23: Alpha double moves and gets to to the elevator, but cannot do anything else.

R29T16: Rolth throws open the double doors, and Alpha sees a very out-of-breath Beta heaving next to Rolth. Rolth smiles at Beta, and then at Alpha. "I'll be back for you, panting pebble," he says mockingly as he steps away and then casts a spell. He fires two beams of heat. Alpha was moving as quickly as he could as well, and the first beam is wild. The second beam just barely manages to catch Alpha in the head which manages to burn Alpha completely. The sickened, exhausted Beta sees his failures as all that remains of what was once Alpha is a pile of ash and soot. :smallfrown:

End Round 29, Begin Round 30 ...

R30T37: Beta, what might be your oldest friend get completely torched makes your current affliction that much worse. What do you do?

2021-03-04, 03:58 PM
Beta has watched his entire team get killed at this point. Even his oldest friend, the man who cheated death the first time has been slain. His mistakes and failures keep piling up on him, and now he's only got one option left. "I'm going to kill you you worthless piece of trash!!" Beta yells out at Rolth, lunging back in on the spellcaster, drawing upon his rage to attempt to kill the man with all his strength.

Five foot step to once again be adjacent to Rolth

Full Attack with claws.

Claw 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Claw 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2021-03-04, 04:23 PM
R30T37: Beta has watched his entire team get killed at this point. Even his oldest friend, the man who cheated death the first time has been slain. His mistakes and failures keep piling up on him, and now he's only got one option left. "I'm going to kill you you worthless piece of trash!!" Beta yells out at Rolth, lunging back in on the spellcaster, drawing upon his rage to attempt to kill the man with all his strength, but completely misses with his enervation and desperation.

R30T23: Alpha, you are invisible, standing over your fake ashes. What do you do?

Rolth on deck, Beta in the hole ...

2021-03-05, 03:59 PM
Alpha triggers the elevator, and then repositions himself in the elevator to hopefully throw off a random spell thrown into the elevator before it closes completely.

2021-03-05, 08:35 PM
R30T23: Alpha opens the elevator door (because it was shut), steps in, and then triggers the elevator. The sounds of counterweights and chains moving begins, but the elevator does not yet move.

R30T16: Rolth looks to the elevator and gives out a hearty laugh. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A cloak of fiery vanishing. Well-played, but know that in your escape you have watch the doom of your last friend. And having discovered what is at stake here, it is so horrible, that nobody will believe your lone ranting!"

He steps away from Beta, in a way that he knows his own body won't screen the horror from the invisible Alpha. He bites Beta in the arm with a crit for 26. It also stops Beta cold in his tracks. Rolth doesn't even finish Beta, leaving Alpha to see what is a "before the death" death blow, but always wondering.

At this point, the elevator begins moving upwards. And though he doesn't look directly at Alpha, Rolth's evil grin in that direction and Beta's paralyzed, bleeding body next to him is a sight that will always fill him with dread. And then the elevator crosses the level boundary.

Alpha stumbles out of the elevator, bloodied and traumatized ...

Combat Ends ...

2021-03-06, 11:48 AM
Once Alpha stumbles out of the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, what would he do next? Return to House al-Din?

2021-03-06, 06:24 PM
Alpha will return to Shyamal, actually. Considering the time the fight took, he doesn't believe the others beat him back, and may well still be in there. Knowing this, Shyamal is the person most likely to believe what he has to say. He knows full well that time is limited, and he needs to bring help fast if he's going to stop the Necromancer that killed his friends.

2021-03-07, 01:04 PM
Shyamal opens his door, sees Alpha and immediately allows him to enter. "Stay here in the vestibule," he says, "I will get something to help you clean your wounds."

Shyamal returns with a large bowl and pitcher and towels. He fills the bowl from the pitcher. "Sit, and tell me what happened."

2021-03-09, 04:11 PM
Breathing heavily and clearly exhausted, Alpha starts off in an unusually excitable voice, showing more emotion now than he usually does in regards to anything but fire. "It's...my fault. Kaul, Beta, they were killed to let me escape. There's an undead spellcaster down beneath the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. He seems to be behind the Blood Veil. Phi and the others got sidetracked and are probably still down there, if he hasn't killed them already. I need to go back....but I need help. My power is completely gone. I failed them. I failed. But I won't fail again. We don't have much time though. He thinks that nobody will believe me. I was hoping that you would, and you could help me find people who could help."

2021-03-09, 10:50 PM
"Assume they are lost, then," Master Shyamal says dispassionately. "Because you seem to be in no position to go back down. And I won't find help soon. And your crisis is not my emergency. I might be able to find help, but it won't be to go down today. Now, why don't you drink some tea, and tell me everything."

2021-03-10, 05:02 PM
"But it's not just them. He'll be gone if we take too long." Alpha blurts out, but after seeing the look on Shyamal's face, finally relents, knowing that he can't convince his adopted father at this point. He starts to retell the story of what they had found since he had last spoken with Shyamal, going into more detail as to the adventure exploring the Hospice and the things they found there.

Once he's finished with his story, and generally calmed down, he does say he wants to go to House Al-Din to see if any of the others made it back on their own, or else to inform them there about the possibility that the others may have been killed in action.

2021-03-10, 10:42 PM
He nods, but has no intention of running off half-cracked.

Alpha will just about hobble and limp to House al-Din. He will ring the pull-cord, and a servant answers at the door. Seeing Alpha, who actually was a house guest of the al-Dins for the past few days, the servant opens the door and fetches Anaximander, who beckons Alpha to the meditation room.

"You look unwell, Alpha, and more than a bit crazed. Where are the masters of the house?" asks the prana-ghost.

2021-03-13, 08:44 AM
"They may be dead. We got in a little over our heads in a fight against the man responsible for the Blood Veil, and it cost us dearly. I saw Kaul and Beta die before my eyes, and Phi and the others separated from us when we thought he was locked down. I escaped, barely, but I had not time to search for them. I was hoping by coming here that they would have returned on their own, but I guess that is more wishful thinking. I'm sorry." Alpha is much more composed now than he had been talking to Shyamal, and after giving the spirit time to let it sink in, will recant the details of their trip.

2021-03-13, 05:56 PM
"When was the last time you remember being in Fatih's collective?" asks Anaximander. "Was it when you ran away, because you left range, or at sometime during your trials below?"

Alpha would have to think about it, because it wasn't foremost on his mind, but with his brilliant insight he can look backwards and realize it was at some point during his protracted battle with Rolth Lam.