View Full Version : Curse of the Crimson Throne: Seven Days to the Grave [IC]

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2021-03-13, 06:08 PM
"I couldn't tell you exactly. I think it happened during the fight, after the others left. They could have ended up moving out of range on their own for all I know. I'm still going to hold out hope for them, and once I'm rested up and in better condition, I'm going to gather some new allies to delve back in. I can hope that they'll evade the man that got my friends, and we may be able to find them. But there's no way I can do that today. I've been lectured about how suicidal it would be if I tried already."

2021-03-13, 07:13 PM
Anaximander's face grows more transparent, a form of emotional tell that the prana ghost is filled with a dark or worrisome thoughts. "What hope is there that they happened to move more than 150' away from you .... while underground? Yes, I will hold out hope ... for the children. But I fear the loss of Fathi, if none other."

2021-03-13, 07:17 PM
"I promise, I will do everything in my power to try and bring them back. If nothing else, for a proper burial. For now, I will take my leave. I'll return sometime tomorrow to see if they returned on their own overnight." Alpha respectfully takes his leave and returns to Shyamal's place.

2021-03-13, 07:44 PM
Anaximander looks puzzled. "You and Beta were staying here the past week. Are you moving out at this time? I ask that you stay just to be a solid presence for the children until the fate of the parents are known."

2021-03-13, 07:48 PM
"I wasn't even thinking about that. Yes, I'll stay. Shyamal won't worry too much if I don't come back, he knows where I went."

2021-04-26, 12:14 AM
PC Introductions to Current Event …

As a representative of the Church of Pharasma as one of their top in-house morticians, you dealt often with Dr. Plat (also, LT Plat) of the Korvosan Guard, who was the official coroner. You heard he was given a special mission by Field Marshal Cressida Kroft to act as a liaison to a mercenary group called the Epsilon Elite Mercenary Company (EEMC) regarding tracing the source of the blood veil and also to fight against many of the city’s opportunists as the plague rages.

Field Marshal Kroft made an appeal to your superior, and you are being sent to a meeting of one Master Shyamal Phan, a Vudrani-Tian man who is a purveyor of fine pottery and vases in town. Why you are being sent to see him, you are not told.
Your last assignment had you in Magnimar, the City of Monuments, working out of the lodge run by venture-captain Sheila Hleidmarch. She had asked you to go to Korvosa to talk to the Dean of Evocation at the prestigious Academae regarding “Lot 852” … to be allowed to view and write notes on it for an upcoming assignment. You got to Korvosa to find some sickness running rampant. By the time you got a room and went the next day to the Academae, the university had all but shut its doors completely as a form of its own quarantine.

Sheila mentioned a current “Pathfinder emeritus” in town by the name of Master Shyamal that you could find if you needed help, and you go to seek him out. He isn’t hard to find as a man of mixed Vudrani-Tian extraction running a quality pottery outlet named “Master Shyamal’s Ceramics Emporium.”

Master Shyamal is fine for you staying at his sumptuous home while you wait out …. the quarantine that has just dropped on the city, a day after you got there! Bad timing.

This plague running rampant, called the “blood veil” is also called the “seven-day sickness” because seven days after contracting it, you are likely to be dead. You have so far limited your time out of doors, having all you need for now at Master Shyamal’s home, and quite a nice library to read from. In addition, he has kept your combat skills sharp at his home’s dojo.
Vivino Dorso
One of your students in the art of vivisection made you proud. That would be Dr./LT Plat, the city coroner working in the Korvosan Guard under Field Marshal Kroft. You didn’t speak to him as much in the past weeks, but you get a message from a Master Shyamal Phan asking you to visit him at his home to find out “what happened” to Kaul Plat. With a plague running rampant in the city right now (“blood veil”) and Korvosa on lockdown, it was probably only a matter of time before someone in a public position of coroner would themselves contract the illness. At least, that’s what you first think. And yet, who is this Master Shyamal who has asked for you? You shrug and head out to at least get some answers to a question you haven’t yet asked.
Adelaide Breakwater

A city in pain. A city quarantined. And the poor suffer the most for it. So many dead from this blood veil, and worst of all? You were unlucky enough to contract the illness yourself. They call it the “seven-day sickness” because seven days after starting to show signs, you die. The city healers are maxed out, and the ones on the front line – the clerics of Abadar – are required as priests representing a deity of trade to demand coin for their service. This continues to support the rich over the poor. And one thing you’re not? Rich.

Out of desperation, you find a small enclave of Iomedaeans … more knights than religious clerics … and with the boils fully in their four-day flush and your weakness such that you could barely move, you threw yourself at their mercy. Yet it is not a cleric that heals you, for the house priest is not so strong as able to render so potent a miracle. Rather, you are saved by one who is almost a pariah among their own number … a tiefling that you recognized as being a “Motherless” (i.e., from the stock of qlippoths, ancient horrors of the Abyss) that somehow was a paladin of the Inheritor as well. He asked for nothing in return and healed you with a warm touch of his hand. True, you still needed bed rest to recover from what the disease had ravaged upon you, but by the power of his faith alone he chased out the disease itself. His name is Lucius Spriteborn.

So, when he asked if you would accompany him to a meeting about some “concerned citizens,” he in no way made it sound as a form of payment for his service, for he demanded none. Still, some nagging thing told you two things for sure. First, that you would regret if this stuffy paladin held this over you forever without you quitting him of the debt of honor. And second, that there was something ominous in all this that told you that you might be going from the frying pan of disease and into a greater fire, carried on the coat tails of a paladin doing some damned fool quest.

Well, you’re alive now, and you wouldn’t have been, so what’s the harm?
Lucius Spriteborn
In the past few months, your search for Aiden has borne no fruit. You foolishly allowed yourself an indulgent depression, and by the time you realized there was more suffering in the world than just your own, the city of Korvosa had already been quarantined and a disease called “blood veil” was ripping through the city, with the poor bearing the brunt of the pain.

The Inheritor gifted you with the ability to stave off disease, a gift you weren’t sure was useful. She is wise though, and you now see that wisdom as you are now sought out constantly for the ability to heal with a touch. Mind you, sometimes the disease is hard to root out. It is not so easily chased from the stricken, and you fail one out of four attempts. Yet you do as much as She allows you in the course of each and every day.

One day, a half-elven woman came to you, more than halfway through the progression of the disease. She was strong of body before the blood veil ravaged her, and she came bemoaning that her gifts in magic and archery would never reveal her destiny. You were able to heal her, and then the church’s healers were able to help her recover quickly.

As she recovered, you received a request from one Master Shyamal to come see him and a group of “concerned citizens” that may have the means to cut the blood veil at its source. You are shocked that someone thinks they know there is a source of so foul a disease, beyond however disease finds its way on this world, and you readily reply that you would attend.

The woman you healed, Adelaide Breakwater, just finishes her convalcescence, and your mind hazily remembers something about her claim and having skill in magic and …. Oh, she has a bow, so it must’ve been archery? You are sure not to levy an obligation, but ask her to come with you. In truth, she seems very intelligent, and with a friendly face there to understand things that might be beyond you, you hope you won’t be hopelessly lost or taken advantage of, so you and Adelaide set out….
Branwen L’Oubli
Ever since you and your last group managed to end the reign of crime lord Gaedran Lamm, it hasn’t been smooth sailing. You can have money and great equipment, and still the stink of the poor is somehow on you. You managed to easily fight off blood veil yourself …. but not Lurk!

With the priests of Abadar so difficult to reach with the massive throng outside the gates of their cathedral each day, you instead sought out one of your fellow adventurers: Paxre, an entobian street performer with stealth and dark magic that complemented your own when you took down Lamm with a handful of others. Paxre put you in touch with an enigmatic dwarf named “Gamma” (obviously a fake name) who cast [I]delay disease on Lurk. It didn’t cure the disease, but it gave Lurk the time she need to have her own magically-enhanced body recover from the disease.

Since that time, you learned that Paxre and his new friends had been killed. It seems they were on the front lines of fighting some of the problems that erupted since the blood veil began, though you aren’t sure of all the details. You were just happy for Lurk to be well again, and stayed as far from blood veil as being poor would allow … so, mainly on the roofs of the tenements in Bridgeton.

So, imagine your surprise when you awaken one day to find a songbird with a note tied to its leg singing its song to wake you up. It doesn’t shy from you when you approach, but does fly away once you take the note off of its leg. It is from Field Marshal Cressida Kroft, the kindly leader of the Korvosan Guard who gifted you with a medal called the “Pseudodragon’s Mark” for having taken down Lamm’s gang. She asks you to attend a meeting held by one Master Shyamal at his home (details given), listen to what he has to say, and then make up your own mind if you want to help.

You remember that the house of Master Shyamal Phan is actually where Paxre and Gamma were staying when they helped you. So, even if whatever is to be said is of no interest, you can bet that there will be delicious refreshments.

The house (and gardens) of Master Shyamal is pleasant and beautiful, capturing a blended essence of both Vudrani and Tian decoration. There is a wonderful spread of food, from simple Korvosan fare to exotic dishes you can neither identify nor pronounce, and running the gamut of tastes, from sweet to very spicy!

As far as your host, Master Shyamal Phan seems like a Vudrani, and yet there is something off about him. He is 5' 8" tall; slightly below average for someone from southern Avistan, but about average for most Vudrani. His eyes are brown, but a BROWN-brown, not the common brown one might think of, and yet there is the faintest bit of luminosity in them. He is quite slender, at only 126 lbs, and he is bald - not even an ounce of hair such as eyebrows or eyelashes - which is unsettling in its own right. His dark brown skin might easily be mistaken for a Vudrani from southern Vudra where the sun is hottest, but at second glance something is wrong there as well. Shyamal's skin is absolutely the same shade of dark brown everywhere - even on the palms of his hands or at the undernails or the auricles of his ears. Everything and everywhere on him is exactly the same shade, and not even veins appear near the surface to add any variance of color. He seems to be a man nigh constructed, though there is the slightest slowness of movement that may betray middle age.

He wears a simple robe, very light in form, that shows most of his right arm, and some of his left. Simple, soft shoes like slippers. He wears a simple copper headband set with a rectangular (tall setting) topaz with flat-facing facet in the center, and in a small recess below that is a less decorative but multi-faceted crystal that is semi-clear and occluded with platinum striations that is set vertically. Above this, on his upper forehead, is some manner of blue gem that is too dark to be a blue diamond, and too light to be a sapphire. It is oval (set tall) with a cabochon cut (smooth, rounded). About his neck is a type of metal collar that is open in the front (so as to be spread apart enough to put on and take off) that is banded with precious metals; it is a foreign wear from the northeast of Avistan, known as a torc. He wears a belt, and on that belt is a small, metal box that seems like it has seen better days.

When pleasantries have ended, your host begins to speak. "The blood veil is a designer phage ... a false disease unnatural in all ways, not because of some ignorant belief that all diseases are the displeasure of the gods, but very specifically that this plague was manufactured by cultists of Urgathoa. Doctor Davaulus and the Queen's Physicians, all hand-picked by him, were in on this. It is not known if Queen Ileosa knew of this or was duped by Dr. Davalualus."

He gestures to a man with fire-red hair (and eyes!) and very slight build sitting near him. "This is my son Allen, and he is the last surviving member of Korvosa's chapter of the Epsilon Elite Mercenary Company. His group followed clues leading him to this district - the Midlands - to the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. It only seemed like a hospice on the surface. But below? Below they have vats full of blood veil ready for Urgathoa-knows-what. They fought many cultists and Rolth Lamm - the undead son of recently deceased crimelord Gaedran Lamm..." and here he gives a nod of respect the only tengu in the room (Branwwen) ... "a darakhul that all but slaughtered the half of the party that didn't peel off to an unknown doom.

"I am sending Telgarana, a fellow Pathfinder from Magnimar and points beyond ... and my son Allen ... down to strike again at the cultists there. It has been three days. I do not know if they have had a chance to reinforce; or close up shop; or what. But we seek proof of the cult of Urgathoa's wrongdoing in having brought Korvosa to its knees. They will leave in the morning. If you have any desire to see your friends, family, and neighbors live a life in a city that prospers, I beg you to use the skills I have heard you each possess and end this threat to us all. I have no reward to offer you, no bargains to strike, and look only to your good will and conscience to succeed where others have failed.

"Will you take on this task?"

2021-04-26, 10:14 AM
Iluvar will try to recall if he knows anything about dullahans.
"The minions of Urgathoa and all that would help that being are an anthema to me and the Lady of Graves. I believe I can help."
Iluvar will use detect alignment at will to scan those present and will try to detect evil, then good, then law anfld finally chaos.
FA: lore check for dullahan [roll0]

2021-04-26, 11:16 AM
Master Shyamal gives a bow towards Iluvar and some type of dual-hand-pressed-together action that Iluvar recognizes as a Vudrani hand-sign for acceptance/ submission/ gratitude/ peaceful greeting.

2021-04-26, 02:14 PM
Adelaide is a half-elf who stands just a bit taller then Master Shyamal coming in at 6 feet (with her boots on). She has a muscular build, more human than elf, weighing in at around 170 lbs. She has brown hair and bright red eyes. Wearing a weighted scarf, what looks like a worn down soldier's jacket with no distinguishing features, and well worn blue boots. Underneath her jacket you occasionally catch a gleam of polished armor and on her back is an exquisite bow that's clearly been well cared for.

Adelaide has dark circles under her eyes, and a pale complexion, as if she herself has just recovered from a recent illness.

After Master Shyamal's news of the plague and the cult, Adelaide gets a dour look on her face.

"Experiencing firsthand how devastating this blood veil is, I can't even begin to comprehend what their goal is. I will do whatever I can to protect the protect the people of this city."

Turning to Allen.

"I'm terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your allies, I want to help. Is there any information you can share with us before we leave to give us an edge on these cultists? What kind of threat does a Darkhul pose?"

Turning back to Master Shaymal.

"Master Shaymal, do you have any more information about the cultists or the Darkhul?"

As conversation continues Adelaide hungrily eyes table that, no doubt, contains food far better than any she's ever had.

Adelaide will try to recall any information about Dr. Davaulus and the cult of Urgathoa, trying to see if she knows anything about them or how they're connected. She also will try to recall info about the Darakhul.

Edited: moved rp from spoiler to post.

2021-04-26, 04:27 PM
Vivino watches each of the other gathered people carefully and thinks deeply before answering. "Thank you Master Phan for your invitation to consult on this matter. I have seen the effects of this disease at my practice and wish to do what I can to help. In fact one of my past students, Dr. Plat, had been investigating this as well due to his position as well as his inquisitive nature. But unfortunately I have not heard from him in some time; do you have any information about his whereabouts and what his office has discovered? My long answer to your question is that yes I will help. I have many interests into helping and discovering the source."

Then Vivino turns to Allen. "I am sorry about your loss and I fully understand the survivors guilt that you must be feeling. But if we are to proceed, I must ask what else do you know of these cultists. We need to know as many details as possible before continuing down to deal with this riled up hornets nest."

Sensory and Lore check to notice what he can about all others gathered, especially the hosts. Such as if I can figure out what is odd about the hosts or if I can get a sense of what my fellows are capable of.

Lore check about the Blood Veil

2021-04-26, 07:00 PM
Turning back to Master Shaymal. "Master Shaymal, do you have any more information about the cultists or the Darkhul?"
Master Shyamal, an non-threateningly as possible, corrects her Korvosan butchery of his name with a smile, "It is 'Shya-mal,' my dear, not 'Shay-mal.' Allen is the best equipped to answer regarding cultists of Urgathoa, because until his contact with them in the belowground area of the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, the only hint that anything related to Urgathoa was involved, is that one of the bodies pulled off the wreck of the Direption by Allen's friends was a corpse in a Queens' Physician outfit with an unholy symbol of Urgathoa.

"As far as the 'dara-khul' .... not 'darkhul' .... I know it is a type of undead formed from one who has died of 'darakhul fever.' They have an aversion to sunlight, so 40' underground makes sense. Also, they are enhanced in all ways physically and mentally, especially in the areas of brute strength and that fiendish sense of arrogance and self that seems to come with being an intelligent undead."

Vivino watches each of the other gathered people carefully and thinks deeply before answering. "Thank you Master Phan for your invitation to consult on this matter. I have seen the effects of this disease at my practice and wish to do what I can to help. In fact one of my past students, Dr. Plat, had been investigating this as well due to his position as well as his inquisitive nature. But unfortunately I have not heard from him in some time; do you have any information about his whereabouts and what his office has discovered? My long answer to your question is that yes I will help. I have many interests into helping and discovering the source."

Then Vivino turns to Allen. "I am sorry about your loss and I fully understand the survivors guilt that you must be feeling. But if we are to proceed, I must ask what else do you know of these cultists. We need to know as many details as possible before continuing down to deal with this riled up hornets nest."
"I am sorry for the loss of your student, then, Dr. Dorso. For Kaul Plat was one of Allen's friends ... inserted into the group by Field Marshal Kroft herself to act as a liaison between Allen's group and the Kroft herself. That is why his peer took over his duties at the morgue the past two weeks. He was cut down right in front of Allen by Rolth Lamm."

2021-04-27, 01:36 PM
"With that bit of news about my student....if there was any doubt about my conviction before then know that all that reside in me will assist with this cult incursion and wherever this blood veil pursuit leads. This blood veil is not natural and there must be a root of the problem. Hopefully after taking revenge upon these cultists we will find a clue that points us in the right direction." Vivino's lip curls in a barely checked moment of rage.

Vivino nods in the direction of Iluvar. "One has already committed to help as well, what say the rest of you?"

Vivino turns to Allen, "What can you tell us of what you found the last time that you went down there? Where is the entrance and what did you encounter besides this strange undead?"

Lore check about this undead. If Allen or others provide any information, would like to do a lore check about the information

2021-04-27, 03:06 PM
Allen stands up to address the group finally, after some of the other discussion. "Rolth was the only real threat we faced there. He's the only one I know of that was left. Although if he hasn't fled yet, he will probably have reinforcements, all I can say to expect would be some more cultists or queens physicians that weren't much of a threat to our team. He himself however, on top of being a dangerous undead, he is also a powerful spellcaster with multiple defensive spells to protect him. Our team struggled to injure him much of the time, so we must be more prepared for him this time around." He turns to Vivino. "I'm sorry I let Kaul die. I messed up. If I had done things differently myself, he might have lived. It is my fault he's dead."

2021-04-27, 05:35 PM
Allen stands up to address the group finally, after some of the other discussion. "Rolth was the only real threat we faced there. He's the only one I know of that was left. Although if he hasn't fled yet, he will probably have reinforcements, all I can say to expect would be some more cultists or queens physicians that weren't much of a threat to our team. He himself however, on top of being a dangerous undead, he is also a powerful spellcaster with multiple defensive spells to protect him. Our team struggled to injure him much of the time, so we must be more prepared for him this time around." He turns to Vivino. "I'm sorry I let Kaul die. I messed up. If I had done things differently myself, he might have lived. It is my fault he's dead."

Iluvar expounds on some resistances of darkakhul, "Darkakhul are resistant to weapons, except for those which are given metaphysical power and radiate with a light equal to the sun. I might have some luck myself getting through some of it's resistances."

2021-04-27, 07:58 PM
Master Shyamal says "Thank you, Dr. Dorso," while giving the same gesture he gave to Iluvar, which Vivino recognizes as a means of greeting or gratitude. Master Shyamal looks expectantly at Branwen, Telgarana. and Lucius.

2021-04-27, 08:07 PM
"Thank you for those words Allen. And though it is disheartening I know all too well what survivors guilt can do to a person. Try not to give in to that; use it against the enemy.

You also mentioned fighting the Queen's physicians, are they are a part of this? Have you found any clues as to its source so far?"

To Iluvar, "I have some power but I am not sure what you mean by metaphysical. I don't think that I can harm with the power of the sun but...if I am not able to harm this beast then I will do my best to deal with his minions."

"Does anyone know of anything else that can harm this creature? And I am sorry to say that without light my abilities will be diminished. Is there light down there or some way for me to see in the dark?"

Lore check about the Drakakhul

2021-04-27, 08:31 PM
Lucius stands.
"I do not know how much aid I can lend, but if you'll have me I would join you."

2021-04-28, 12:29 AM
At this point the half-elven woman who had been introduced as Telgarana speaks up. On the slightly tall side of average, she wears long silver hair with a tinge of lavender which matches her lavender tinted eyes. Although her makeup and hair style are clearly Avistanian she appears to be dressed in a kimono of a style normally seen around Goka and at her side is a scabbarded blade that from the scabbard and handle style would be of Tien make.

"My presence here already implies my consent, although my lack of expertise in matters of plague gives me earnest desire that someone among us has knowledge, skills, or the blessing of the right gods to fill that lack. It would seem however that we have unfinished business at this misnamed hospice."

2021-04-28, 10:59 AM
"Lucius .... Telgarana ...," says Master Shyamal with the same gesture, "thank you, both."

His eyes now settle upon the tengu who has observed, but other than making strange, soft noises to his raven pet (and strangely, the raven has nodded and shaken its head as if it understood!), the tengu with the eastern weapons has said nothing.

"Branwen, you are a hero of Korvosa, and Allen here even adventured with one of your former companions - Paxre. Will you join them in stopping the Urgathoans?"

2021-04-28, 05:00 PM
Allen gives a sour look at Shyamal at the mention of Paxre. "I am again reminded of my failures." He sighs and sits back down, holding his head in his hands. After a brief moment, he looks up to address the others. "The Blood Plague appears to be manufactured. I'd be willing to bet that it is being spread around through any number of sources, and maybe even directly by the Physicians. I want to believe that if we can take out the Darakhul and those helping him, and destroy the plague they have brewed up down there, that this will be enough to kill out the spread of the disease.

2021-04-28, 05:19 PM
Master Shyamal adds, "First order ... stop the manufacture, distribution, and support of blood veil. Second ... rescue anyone on site needing rescue, but stopping the contagion is greater as it affects vastly more people. Third ... if after the carnage you can procure any proof, be sure to bring it."

2021-04-29, 06:59 AM
"So then" says Telgarana. "We should review our roles, make preparations and spend the day obtaining what we might need and engage them on the morrow? My talents will probably serve us mostly as offensive front line although I would prepare a dispel as one counter to his magic, if I had learned the spell, although perhaps the more effective one is at my side."

She concludes her hand touching the hilt of her sword.

2021-04-29, 03:50 PM
"I specialize in throwing fire at things. But I am trying to branch out much further. My single-minded devotion to fire is part of my failures. I am also pretty good at making magic items, a talent that I've painfully neglected." He stops to think for a moment, before speaking up again. "Also, one last thing. I think Rolth may raise my fallen comrades as some kind of undead. I believe he may be some kind of Necromancer, so I'd like to let you know a bit about them in case. Kaul was a strong warrior who carried a big weapon and hit hard. He was really smart and able to deflect attacks with his weapon like it was a shield. Beta preferred to fight without weapons, and used Psionic abilities to generate claws that he'd use for a flurry of strikes. I hope I'm wrong..."

In terms of daily preparations for the next day, Allen would actually like to make a Power Stone of Dispel Psionics, and will spend some of his money to get supplies.

2021-04-29, 04:01 PM
"Allen, try not to focus on that past if possible. But I know from first hand experience how difficult that climb out of the survivor's guilt hole can be. Use it to fuel your rage and devastate your enemies."

Vivino then turns to look at the rest of the gathering. "As for my role in this endeavor? I have learned to properly employ infiltration mixed with evisceration of the enemy. Over the years my studies have shown me where to properly utilize these...." At that his fingers elongate in claws and as the canines begin to extend outwards they are just as quickly disappear.

"My preparations...I do not have many to take. My habits are ready..." He absentmindedly fondles a bottle that has a mysterious liquid contained within. "Though I am ashamed to admit it, I could use help seeing in the dark if the situation calls for it."

"As you are all preparing I can roam the city and check on the current status of our targets and other happenings for the most up to date information."

If we do take the rest of the day to prepare, Vivino would like to use his skills (lore, guile and perhaps sensory) to listen for the most recent status of the city and seek information about our targets

2021-04-29, 05:43 PM
One thing of particular to note with Vivino. He didn't just "Wolverine casual" show you his claws. He gritted his teeth, veins were bulging at his forehead, and ALL of his fingers on both hands birthed forth claws, even as his jaw distended, grew, thickened, and his teeth lengthened and seemingly came to points at the four canines. In fact, it almost seemed that Vivino was bulkier than before, and that is when you notice his clothing and breastplate are worn such to allow for this, as it must be a common thing he does.

He only did this for a few seconds, and it was more "relaxing himself" than anything when his body returned to normal. Even though only a few seconds passed, he seemed demonstrably fatigued after doing so.

2021-04-29, 06:57 PM
"We are with you Allen, you must be strong and together we will avenge your comrades."

Adelaide gestures to her bow, "I specialize in infiltration and ranged combat. My arrows fly from the shadows to strike unsuspecting foes."

"I must prepare for the upcoming conflict, I'll return as soon as I am needed"

Spell prep
Level 0 - Swap Spark for Disrupt Undead
Level 1 - Same
Level 2 - Remove Bull's Strength, Add 2nd prep of Invisibility
Level 3 - Swap Fireball for Daylight (prepared using 1 Arcane pool point with Knowledge Pool(Su))

Adelaide wants to get a bottle of Oldlaw Whiskey to fill her flask and store any extra in the bag of holding.

2021-04-29, 07:50 PM
Lucius speaks slowly and softly as he looks around at his new companions

"I am a skilled swordsmen and my friends in the cloister have taught me divine magic, I can't bring someone back from the dead but I can heal most injuries. As well recently I have been attempting to cure as many people as possible of this disease."

Lucius speaks the last part with sadness in his voice.

2021-04-29, 09:53 PM
Iluvar dressed in blue and white clothing and slippers of a brilliant purple. He has a look of half-elf with his human heritage clearly Vudrani. His eyes are red tinted. His hair is dark and shaved at the sides. He stands just below 6 feet."I fight with my body and have some divine capabilites granted by Pharasma. I have training to fight against undead. I find myself as sort of a troubleshooter in a fight. I fight best with a team. I like to move around and pick out where I can put my abilities to best use." He bows and then does a back flip.

2021-04-30, 12:50 AM
"I specialize in throwing fire at things. But I am trying to branch out much further. My single-minded devotion to fire is part of my failures. I am also pretty good at making magic items, a talent that I've painfully neglected."

Telgarana takes in Allen's words and draws in a breath before she replies.

I knew a Fire Mage in Absalom. Many criticized her on her focus in fire. She always told them, "Everything burns, if you make the fire hot enough." Perhaps you need to delve deeper and find your inner fire. Recraft your grief into dedication and rage."

Spell prep changes 0, Remove Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, add Grasp and Detect Fiendish Presence. 1 Remove Mount, add second casting of Intensified Shocking Grap 3rd Remove Lighting Bolt, Add Haste changes already reflected in sheet.

2021-04-30, 11:56 PM
Lucius speaks slowly and softly as he looks around at his new companions

"I am a skilled swordsmen and my friends in the cloister have taught me divine magic, I can't bring someone back from the dead but I can heal most injuries. As well recently I have been attempting to cure as many people as possible of this disease."

Lucius speaks the last part with sadness in his voice.

Adelaide hesitates at the door on her way out. She looks towards Lucius while he says that last line as if she's about to say something. She lingers for a moment and not being sure what to say, turns to leave.

2021-05-01, 09:11 AM
"It's not that I want to give up Fire altogether. I could have dispelled his defenses, but I forgot I could do that, and by the time I remembered, I couldn't draw any more power. That is why I want to better myself. My power is good for much, and I've been too focused on throwing fire to use it to its full extent." After he finishes his sentence, he vanishes, appearing on the other side of the room from the others, just to make a demonstration of his abilities. "For example, I can do this, but I've never tried hard enough to use it well. I bet with enough practice, I can do this as easily as I move."

Use Nomad's Step to teleport.

For the next day, Alpha will shape Five River's Amulet to his Neck in place of Coward's Boots and Banelight Vortices in place of Stone Giant's Girdle to his hands, binding it.

Also, the next day, when they set out, he will manifest Inertial Armor for 5PP, gaining a +6 armor bonus.

2021-05-01, 12:14 PM
People already talk about leaving, but there is still one member (two, technically) that have not said anything for or against joining this ...

A crow-headed man and his corvid pet.Please no more posts until Branwen/Askamot posts.

2021-05-01, 07:23 PM
Branwyn stumbles forward, obviously mildly intoxicated, "apologies for my tardiness... I was held up because I'm... late. I guess you're all going on about specialties and how well you can all do things. Allow me to introduce myself," as he bows deeply, dropping buttons and trinkets out of his open pockets, "my name is Branwyn, and this is my faithful friend and companion and friend..." gesturing towards a raven sitting on the windowsill, "Lurk."

"We are specialists in information gathering and we are really really good at... gathering information. We are here to help."

Branwyn sits down immediately, obviously pleased with his performance.

2021-05-02, 03:26 PM
The next day, the party severally arrives at the intended insertion point ... the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden.

Renamed the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden and opened to the public as the Queen’s Physicians became established in Korvosa, the former Arkona warehouse now serves multiple purposes. On the outside, the hospice presents itself as a place of hope and respite for those in advanced stages of suffering from the disease, where sick folk from any walk of Korvosan life might come to find salvation under the care of the Queen’s Physicians. In truth, though, the place is a sanctum of Urgathoan research and corruption. The ibis-masked Queen’s Physicians, worshipers of Urgathoa in disguise, watch their plague take effect firsthand, endeavor to root out its weaknesses, and create ever more deadly strains in the secret depths below.

Okay, before going into the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, does anyone do anything, put anything in hand, or the like?

2021-05-02, 04:13 PM
Allen takes a deep breath, looking at this place with almost practiced disdain as he readies himself to enter.

2021-05-02, 04:54 PM
Lucius puts a hand on Sindri (His horse) and leans on him.

"Sindri, guard this entrance and if we are not back within the day flee."

Lucius looks around and his companions to determine who would be in the most danger if we entered a fight.

2021-05-02, 06:00 PM
Adelaide looks towards the entrance, examining the building up and down.

"So this is the place?"

She gets a sense of unease and instinctively draws her bow.

2021-05-02, 06:40 PM
Vivino sizes up the location and then cautiously moves forward.

2021-05-02, 08:22 PM
Iluvar will bring out a wand of Hide from Undead "This wand can keep you unseen for 10 minutes from undead. Strong willed ones, it will have no effect on. Still it might provide some advantage . It's best if we take advantage of it."
He then proceeds to use the wand on himself and any willing allies.
He then casts protection from energy (fire).
"Do you want me to take the lead? I am very capable of noticing things."

2021-05-02, 08:27 PM
Okay, before going into the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden, does anyone do anything, put anything in hand, or the like?

Before entering, Telgarana will activate her arcane armor training and cast Ablative Armor. While she gets no AC benefit from the spell, the first 5 points of damage she takes from any attack get converted into nonlethal damage. Each point converted is subtracted from a starting pool of 35 points.

If a light source is needed, unless provided by another source, she will also cast Light from her Wayfinder, refreshing it every 10 mins.

Both of my wands are in quick release sheathes.

The nice thing about Iajitsu is that I don't lose anything by leaving my sword sheathed and get to pull it out dramatically. :smallsmile:

Telgarana replies "I will walk alongside you as my senses have also been trained to be alert."

2021-05-02, 08:32 PM
Lucius places a hand on Iluvar and a warm light glows and he speaks in a quiet tone.

"Know that the Inheritor will be watching and go with her blessing."

Casting Status on Iluvar and my horse, than heroism on Iluvar. He than places a hand on the hilt of his sword and speaks.

"Requiem, today may be the first day you see battle. Though I pray that no one has to hear your song this day."

Casting bless weapon on his sword. His hand goes back to his side without drawing the sword. Lucius outlines a cross on himself using touch of glory.

2021-05-02, 09:33 PM
"Iluvar, I would not turn down any advantage against undead. Thank you"

2021-05-03, 09:34 PM
Branwyn shrugs and stands up, "Whatever. Let's go. Come on Lurk, we got stuff to do man."

2021-05-04, 02:03 AM
The group enters the warehouse-become-hospice. The stinging scent of alcohol and medicine floods this dingy reception room, an odor typical of hospices—and morgues. Across from the entrance sits a long wooden desk, beyond which a stained leather curtain covers an archway.When you came here, the curtain muffled the moans issuing from the rooms beyond, so now it is eerily silent.
The group doesn't even quite fully fit in reception, moving past the leather curtain to the vast room beyond. The warehouse’s vast interior has been converted into one gigantic convalescent ward. The stench of alcohol, sickness, and waste chokes the breath .... as does the cloying stench of death ... and tight rows of low, stained cots cram the stone-floored hall. Every bed is filled with a pitiful story—men and women of all walks lie still in various mid-to-advanced stages of blood veil. Now, it seems the blood veil has been halted, as those not killed by the blood veil stare upwards with wide eyes and wider gashes across their necks, blood long since stopped in its flow. It is eerily quiet in here, until everyone notices a single beak-headed figure with a floppy hat and a cane look up at the group and quizzically tilt his head ... the costume of one of the Queen's Physicians!When you first came here, the patients were groaning and wheezing as they were consumed by the blood veil, their sufferings multiplied by the echoing chamber. Now, the silence is even more deafening as the faces of the dead stare upwards all around you.
Begin Round One ...

R1T28: He was hard to notice as he was in dim lighting, and Lucius was more focused with spellcasting as he had come in. In a smooth, resonant upper baritone muted only by the effects of the creepy plague doctor's mask, he calls out, "Stop! By order of Queen ... ummm ... by order of Queen Iloosy ... (no) ... by order of the Queen! I am a lawful Queen's Physician and ........... refer to the handbills for the legal stuff! State your business!"

A crossbow is in his hand and trained on Adelaide. His actions were smooth, crisp, and efficient. His heavy crossbow is loaded and appears to be made of exceptional make, and his shoulders easily are broader than anyone else in the party. He also stands at an impressive 6-1/2 feet, and a fine battle axe that is notched and worn hangs from his side. But, most importantly, the Queen's Physician's crossbow appears "readied" to puncture Adelaide's lung, his grip with his ridiculous ham hocks for hands uncannily steady.

R1T27: Branwyn, what do you do?

2021-05-04, 04:49 PM
Arrows through the heart tend to make Branwyn nervous. And dead.
Branwyn starts looking at escape routes, and quietly slips back behind the wall that is beside him, blocking the view of the crazy person.

Perception check to spot any ledges up above that would make adequate perches - [roll0] and stealth to slip back unnoticed [roll1] just 5 feet around the corner

2021-05-04, 07:19 PM
R1T27: Arrows through the heart tend to make Branwyn nervous. And dead. Branwyn starts looking at escape routes, and quietly slips back behind the wall that is beside him, blocking the view of the crazy person. Branwyn's nervousness keeps him from noticing anything useful as far as perches ... hyperfocused as he is on the high-powered slugthrower in the Queen's Physican's hands.

As far as hiding, the Queen's Physician notices the subtle movement Branwyn attempted to hide behind the corner. The Queen's Physician jerks his head to the stimulus, but in doing so there is a ker-thwack sound. There is a streak of light from the crossbow that scores past Adelaide's upper left arm (the jerking of the head threw the shooter's aim off), but Adelaide still takes 8 + 4 fire. And to prove how steely-eyed this remorseless killer is, immediately following his shot comes the guttural cursing of a harsh language!

R1T26: Telgarana, Adelaide just got grazed by a heavy crossbow bolt, part of which flashed to fire on impact (actually, it made a lovely "tracer" effect from the time it was shot) from the Queen's Physician. What do you do?

2021-05-04, 11:29 PM
R1T26: Telgarana, Adelaide just got grazed by a heavy crossbow bolt, part of which flashed to fire on impact (actually, it made a lovely "tracer" effect from the time it was shot) from the Queen's Physician. What do you do?

Almost faster than anyone can see, Telgarana whips out her katana, revealing her blade in it's curbed ebon glory with it's glowing red characters on the blade. Just as suddenly, the blade elongates and lashes like a whip striking at the crossbow wielder. After the attack she closes.

Free Action Telgarana whips her Black Blade from it's sheath (Iaijutsu) Swift Action, she invokes her Arcane Armor Training; Standard Action, she casts Blade Lash Trip Attack CMB roll with the spell's additional +10 bonus Move action, she closes to the assailant and speaks as below if the attack succeeds.

Blade Lash CMB ​1d20+19 If the trip succeeds she will say. "Stay down and surrender if you wish to continue your existence beyond this moment."

2021-05-05, 12:12 AM
R1T26: Telgarana brushes past Adelaide and around to the northern main corridor, closing on the Queen's Physician. Almost faster than anyone can see, Telgarana whips out her katana, revealing her blade in it's curbed ebon glory with it's glowing red characters on the blade. Just as suddenly, the blade elongates and lashes like a whip striking at the crossbow wielder. She thought at first maybe she got his legs, but what she really got was something the Queen's Physician longcoat covered ... a stool the man was standing on. No matter leg or stool, the lash pulls the stool out from under him and he goes down with a thud! "Oooh! my spleen!"

"Stay down and surrender if you wish to continue your existence beyond this moment," she calls to the half-tall, full-size-width, "man."

R1T22: Adelaide, you have bow in hand. What do you do?

2021-05-05, 03:26 PM
Adelaide winces as the bolt sears her arm.

"Arggggghh, bastard!"

Adelaide will move to stand behind Telgarana and train her bow on the Queen's Physician.

MA: Adelaide moves north 3 squares to stand by the door
Standard: Adelaide will ready an attack and will shoot at the Physician if they stand up.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2021-05-05, 06:08 PM
R1T22: Adelaide winces as the bolt sears her arm. "Arggggghh, bastard!" She moves to stand behind Telgarana and trains her bow on the Queen's Physician.

Offhandedly, the Queen's Physician mutters, "Wow, nice recovery."

R1T21: Iluvar, you don't see the Queen's Physican very well anymore after he went prone (cots are in the way). What do you do?

2021-05-05, 06:26 PM
Iluvar moves directly North of the Queen's Physician moving North from his current position avoiding going through the beds and attempts to disarm its crossbow.
"You will not need that any longer."
MA: Move 50ft to North of QP
SA: Combat Maneuver- disarm[roll0]

2021-05-05, 06:35 PM
R1T21: Iluvar moves directly North of the Queen's Physician moving North from his current position avoiding going through the beds and attempts to disarm its crossbow, but the guy on the ground is really squirrelly, even using the stool he was standing on to put Iluvar out of position.

R1T20: Lucius, what do you do? The party bus is starting to leave you behind, and with the Queen's Position prone, you don't really have a good line on him yourself.

2021-05-05, 08:16 PM
Lucius looks around the room at the people suffering and the sound of gnashing teeth can be heard from beneath his helmet. As he steps forward he tries to gauge what could have lead to this. Lucius standing beside Allen raises his arm and points towards the Doctor with an open hand, he speaks in a loud and clear voice for all to hear.

"Yield now and you will fall under my protection, I can promise a fair judgement before the order of Iomedae. If you refuse than I will have to take you by force, know that I will only offer you this chance once!"

moving 15ft north than 5ft north east, and making a sense motive as he scans the room to get a clear idea of whats going on. He than prepares to cast hold person on the doctor if he tries to load his weapon or attack an ally.

2021-05-05, 11:20 PM
R1T20: Lucius looks around the room at the people suffering(*) and the sound of gnashing teeth can be heard from beneath his helmet. As he steps forward he tries to gauge what could have lead to this. Lucius standing beside Allen raises his arm and points towards the Doctor with an open hand, he speaks in a loud and clear voice for all to hear.

"Yield now and you will fall under my protection, I can promise a fair judgement before the order of Iomedae. If you refuse than I will have to take you by force, know that I will only offer you this chance once!"

Lucius' scan of the room reveals that the people in the cots are not, in fact, suffering. They are dead. Or, at least appear so. For those that might have been more whole than others and possibly alive, as described before, they had their throats cut long enough ago that blood no longer leaves the body. This is not a place of the suffering anymore; this is a place of death.

From a point that Lucius can't quite see (because the guy fell down and there are cots in the way), the gruff voice calls out from under the Queen's Physician's vulturine headgear, "Would ceasefire do?"

R1T13: Lurk does a hopping fly behind his master, well out of LOS of the Enemy.

R1T11: Allen, what do you do?

2021-05-06, 05:27 PM
Allen will move closer to the physician and speak out to the Physician himself. "I am Allen Phan, who previously stormed the Hospice and made his way to its deepest secrets only days ago. Surrender to us, and I will guarantee your safety. There is only one man I am here to kill, and you aren't him."

Move northeast till I'm between the two allies on the path to the Physician.

2021-05-06, 07:58 PM
R1T11: Allen moves closer to the physician and speaks out to the Physician himself. "I am Allen Phan, who previously stormed the Hospice and made his way to its deepest secrets only days ago. Surrender to us, and I will guarantee your safety. There is only one man I am here to kill, and you aren't him."

"You're Phan's kid?"

R1T10: The air around Adelaide feels strange. She mainly feels it in her open wound, as if a sudden shock of cold air hits the singed blood and skin with more effect than just her hair. She breathes out, sensing something off ... and in doing so she breathes out a mist as on a cold day. Even doing so again to be sure she isn't deceived by the sudden shift in her sense of the environment. But she hears the curtain behind her slowly pull aside. Not quickly like something jumping out. No, slow and measured to elicit terror. She even senses the intense gaze of the one behind her, knowing before she ever takes a slight nod in that direction that the gaze is from one much shorter than her. When Adelaide looks at the new player on the field, she now feels palpable dread. :eek:

Standing behind her, having moved the screen, is a four-and-a-half-foot-tall dwarf that is extremely burly and muscular, and yet there is something about him that is .... missing? Something drawn and no longer vital. His eyes bore into Adelaide's own. His hair seems ilke a leeched blond, and his eyes are sapphire blue but with white pupils, but his skin is pale and there is a bluish cast about them. He wears helm and armored kilt, but his upper body is bare and all brawn. In his left hand is a battleaxe of exceptional make. You are shaken (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Shaken) right now!If not for the otherworldly nature of the coloring of this new player, the battleaxe this dwarf wears is an exact match for the one at the side of the Queen's Physician! Paired weapons of some type, maybe?In a deep, grumbling, sepulchral voice (think Clancy Brown!), "Brother, she means you harm, her arrow poised. Shall I end her?"

"No, stand down," says the Queen's Physician much more relaxed than should be expected for him being on the ground and outnumbered.

R1T9: There is a loud shrieking noise, and a creature bursts forth from underneath a nearby cot to stand by the fallen Queen's Physician and then gives low, grumbling growl, attempting to warn away any that would hurt the Queen's Physician it is obviously protective of. It is right up at Iluvar, but given its ferocity it doesn't bite, yet. It is at once surprisingly cute and adorably vicious with its teeth showing for the Pharasmin monk's sake. But the rippling muscle of this creature's flanks shows that it has a lot of muscle.

The Queen's Physician barks something in a language - similar to the one he spat a little earlier - and the creature stops showing its teeth. It continues to growl, though .... like it is obedient not to be overtly hostile, but it's not happy about it.

R1T7: Vivino, we finally come to you. All of this is taking place and you don't really see the fallen Queen's Physican anymore (or whatever other creature is making noises). There is a creepy dwarf to the north of Adelaide (that curtain is now open), but it hasn't attacked yet. He seems dangerous, and the situation is tense, but it does seem that the out-of-view Queen's Physician is at least considering parley (though he mentioned "ceasefire" rather than "surrender"). What do you do?

Queen's Physican on deck, Brawnwyn in the hole .... (maybe, depending on if Vivino pushes hostility or this falls back to parley) ...

2021-05-06, 08:29 PM
Seeing how at the moment hostilities have ceased, Vivino will calmly walk up next to Adelaide in a show of solidarity in front of the dwarf. He will keep his weapons sheathed as he walks forward and eyes the dwarf cautiously.

"Physician, now that we are speaking I have a few questions to start: how do you know Allen and tell us what you know of this Blood Veil....and what in the name of Pharasma happened to all these people?"

Lore and sensory about the dwarf. Then if possible lore and interactions on whatever the physician says.

2021-05-06, 10:11 PM
R1T7: Seeing how at the moment hostilities have ceased, Vivino will calmly walk up next to Adelaide in a show of solidarity in front of the dwarf. He will keep his weapons sheathed as he walks forward and eyes the dwarf cautiously. "Physician, now that we are speaking I have a few questions to start: how do you know Allen and tell us what you know of this Blood Veil....and what in the name of Pharasma happened to all these people?"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28: A slight grunt of pain from the figure on the ground. "Okay, so, I'm going to do something. It's going to seem sudden. But the girl over there with that darkwood bow like she's going to murder me if I twitch, so..."

He is still and quiet for a second, and even the creature next to him seems to sense something and stops its growling to look at him. A misty vapor rises all around him. For that matter, it the vapor fills in thickly so that you can only see into about 5' of it. If you are inside of the area, you can only see at a maximum five foot range as the roiling mists are very thick now.None of you saw the casting for this ... because he didn't do anything to "cast" this effect, though it did appear there was a moment of stillness or concentration. That said, this seems to be similar to an obscuring mist effect.(Combat Ends, unless someone is too twitchy and forces it...)

"Alright, y'damn idgits, I'm slowly standing up now." lluvar actually sees him in the mist barely doing just that. Aware of each other, he has his crossbow held high and the other hand high, and slowly sets his crossbow on one of the empty cots). Also, this Queen's Physican is extremely broad, but only a little taller than 4-1/2 feet! None of the Queen's Physicians that you've seen could be mistaken for anything but human (a racist policy, if ever there were one).
"My crossbow is down, as that funny fella' in front a' me can attest, but I am still dangerous. I know none of you would want to completely surrender if you were in my case, so respect a ceasefire.

"Missy? If you can hear me out there? I'm sorry. Your feathered friend kinda spooked me when I saw he was looking to probably do a flank. If you want, I can heal that for you.

"Trust is hard to come by these days, so lemme start my peace and you can add yours. I thought you might be some damn-fool 'opportunists' cause you sure aren't Urgathoan, but I hadn't had a chance to look at you yet. Yer all probably smart enough to tell I ain't a Queen's Physician. I just borrowed the garb from a surprised, now-naked fella' a few blocks over so I could kinda look the part while also using the herbs and breather to protect myself.

"To the big man in the hat that is so big and round it looks like he's compensatin' for somethin', I don't know Allen. Never seen or met him before. But, I got the low-down from Field Marshal Krofft on who he is, so that is a good name to latch onto for me. I do know his old man, though, at least by reputation. Word was he retired in southern Varisia, but he wasn't anyone I ever needed or met in person, so I never tracked his whereabouts.

"Anyway, Marcus Endrin is an old drinking buddy and I stopped in town last week to see how he was, and it wasn't good. He recommended me to Kroft since I'm a 'free agent' and he vouched for me. So, she set me to find out what happened to the last guy to do the job of looking into this mess ... semi-quietly. Guy named 'Plat" disappeared a few days ago from his check-in, and there hasn't been any word on his pals, so hearing that one of you's is alright means that we can get some intel on this.

"Now, for some of the other questions. I am not a fancy 'doctor' but I do account myself a good healer, but I haven't had a chance to really look into the blood veil itself. Nasty business, though. But if I put two and two together, I'd go on a limb and say that Allen Phan out there tripped over what he shouldn't have, and what we see here is an attempt to get rid of the evidence. That, or one twisted sense of an act of 'mass mercy.'

"Anyway, unless she's a killer of Pathfinders and takes trophies, that black-bladed broad a few feet from here has light shining from a wayfinder - nicer one than most at that. So, either she's a Pathfinder-slayer; someone that came across a cool magical item that changed hands since the original owner but doesn't know its import; or she's a Pathfinder. So if she can tell me an answer to a question, I can know if she's the general article or not.

"Hey, Purple-Hair! Where did Marcos Farabellus 'contract crabs' the first time as a young man?"

2021-05-07, 08:51 AM
"Anyway, unless she's a killer of Pathfinders and takes trophies, that black-bladed broad a few feet from here has light shining from a wayfinder - nicer one than most at that. So, either she's a Pathfinder-slayer; someone that came across a cool magical item that changed hands since the original owner but doesn't know its import; or she's a Pathfinder. So if she can tell me an answer to a question, I can know if she's the general article or not.

"Hey, Purple-Hair! Where did Marcos Farabellus 'contract crabs' the first time as a young man?"

Telgarana starts at the question but a slight smile cracks her face. "from the tastiest reefclaw that he ever ate. That's not a story that circulates far outside of the Hall of Swords, most tend to believe it was at the Temple of Calistria in Riddleport but Marcos got nipped in the tender place while riverwading." You're either the best prepared Aspis that I've ever encountered or you're the real deal".

She indicates her decision by sheathing her blade.

2021-05-07, 09:23 AM
Iluvar stops being threatening and will stand there. He is judging this being to see if it is telling the truth and attempts to see if he knows more about these 3 beings.
Sense motive and assessment. Will let you roll

2021-05-07, 02:10 PM
The mist evaporates much sooner than expected, so it was probably dismissed.

Taking the beaked headpiece off of him, he blanches at the smell which until now, the headpiece had protected him from. He takes off the ridiculously long coat .... long, but ripping at the seams. The read-haired dwarf underneath sets up the stool again and stands on it so that those in the other aisle can see him better.

He points to his own unlit wayfinder at his belt. "Name's Harsk. The ... (ow, stop it) ... badger gnawing on my boots is my pal, Biter. And that friendly fellow over there is my late brother, Sigur. Don't worry, deathpriest," he seems to say to Iluvar, "he's not actually 'undead,' so don't go getting bent out of shape about him."

2021-05-07, 02:48 PM
Adelaide lowers her bow, still a little disturbed at the sudden appearance of the ghastly figure beside her. She'll move towards the group in the middle of the room.

"Harsk is it? I'd appreciate a spot of mending for my arm here; it was perfectly fine before you got to it." Adelaide keeps looking back and forth between Harsk and Sigur, still unsure of what to think of the almost hallow dwarf. "I'm Adelaide. You seem pretty well prepared. Have you seen any other signs of activity around here of have you just been hanging out with this lively bunch?" She gestures to the corpses around the room.

While they're chatting Adelaide will holster her bow in the magical quiver at her side and pull out her flask and take a swig to settle her nerves a bit. If Harsk comes over to mend her arm she'll offer him a drink.

Adelaide would like to do lore/knowledge checks to see if she can figure out what's going on with the 'Not Undead' dwarf.

2021-05-07, 03:18 PM
Harsk moves over towards Adelaide as he begins speaking. "It's all dead in here. I was studying the effect of the blood veil on the bodies so I can know what in the hells I'm working with and maybe know what happened to the last group. Hold on." He touches Adelaides arm and concentrates deeply, and in a single pass fully heals her.

He turns his nose at the flask when offered the flask, and then tries to post-faux pas Diplomacy. "Sorry. Never touch the stuff. Dulls the senses. I'm a tea-totaller, literally," he says, tapping his finger at the teakettle hanging from his backpack. "But I appreciate the gesture, miss."

He looks to Allen. "Okay, kid, start talking. You mentioned 'deepest secrets.' My instinct tells me that you meant that literally, not just figuratively. But I already did a walk-through of this place, including the offices upstairs."

2021-05-07, 03:47 PM
Allen breathes a sigh of relief, after having allowed the mans words to sink in. "First, on the subject of Kaul. I saw him die myself. Killed by a Darakhul by the name of Rolth Lamm. As for this place. That lift over there goes down too. Underground, most importantly of all, is a room where the Blood Plague appears to be either manufactured or stored, and it was in that room where we met him. And in that room where Kaul and Beta met their ends." Alpha gestures at the lift, heading over to it to see if he can't figure out how Zeta managed to start it the last time. "There's a button hidden and missing here, but one of our group was able to trigger it anyways. If I can figure out how she did it, we can head down."

2021-05-07, 03:52 PM
"So seeing as I'm asked as a representative of law here, just consider me a friendly observer. Me and mine will be at your back. I'll give you cover fire if I can, but there're a lotta you and I don't know if we'll have room. But, if things get hairy, my job is not to die with my boots on in a city I don't care about, but to get back to the Field Marshal so she can understand what's happened ... what is happening."

2021-05-07, 03:56 PM
Allen nods. "I understand. I don't want to see anyone else die here either. Well, except Rolth, of course. And I'll go with you to report to the Field Marshall, if you'd like. I never even thought to send word of what happened. I was too distracted with preparing for this trip."

2021-05-07, 04:21 PM
"Greetings Harsk. That is a neat trick to seem something you are not until you know who you are working with.

And though this city is not my original home I do now call it my residence for what its worth. I do understand what you are saying about not wanting to die for this city; I do not wish to die myself for it. Though at the same time I want revenge for the fallen and to stop this vile disease."

Vivino will still keep an eye on the ghost dwarf but at the same time move over to the lift that Allen was showing.

"Perhaps I will be able to help figure out how to make the lift work."

Will use sensory and guile to figure out how to make the lift work but not activate it yet.

2021-05-07, 05:03 PM
"That lift is pretty tight," says Harsk. "We couldn't all squeeze ... unless..."

He says something in the guttural language to Biter, and Biter takes up a guarding stance in this area.

"Sorry, Sigur, but I gotta put you back in the box for now." After some concentration, the spooky-dwarf evaporates, with mists of that seemingly to be swallowed by Harsk.

2021-05-07, 05:30 PM
"Darakhul? Telgarana asks.

"I must have skipped class that day, care to fill me in on what these are?"

2021-05-07, 06:00 PM
Harsk likewise looks at Allen for an answer on a darawhatsit.

2021-05-07, 06:44 PM
Allen gives a slight glare at Telgarana. "We spoke of it back with Shyamal. An Intelligent Undead that is physically stronger and adverse to light and resistant to some weaponry. This one in particular is likely a Necromancer, and a well defended one, as he took many precautions with defensive spells during our fight."

2021-05-08, 12:12 AM
"Yup, standing in back," says Harsk. "Give me giants or evil fey, but I'll let you get the glory for killing undead."

2021-05-08, 08:01 PM
Lucius who has been watching the undead intently walks to join his companions after it disappears, he speaks in a quiet voice.

"If its undead than they should prove no challenge for us."

2021-05-08, 10:11 PM
Iluvars nods at Harsk and the Phantom Sigur. "Well met, I am Iluvar." He then looks at Allen. "What is next? Are we taking the lift? Is there any other way down. Maybe we shouldn't take an obvious way down. And let's make sure we are all prepared. We should have more than one source of light prepared."

2021-05-08, 10:27 PM
Harsk takes his wayfinder from his belt and loops it around his neck, commanding the light to shine. "This should do us."

2021-05-08, 10:36 PM
Iluvars nods at Harsk and the Phantom Sigur. "Well met, I am Iluvar." He then looks at Allen. "What is next? Are we taking the lift? Is there any other way down. Maybe we shouldn't take an obvious way down. And let's make sure we are all prepared. We should have more than one source of light prepared."

Adelaide tags along after Harsk's amulet begins to glow

"I can also provide us light, both torchlight and a more potent light some undead are adverse to. However the stronger light takes more energy to prepare and I can only generate it in small quantities. It must wait until the right time."

Adelaide will offer to cast 'light' on another party member so Telgarana and Harsk aren't the only sources.

"I prefer not to glow in the darkness but I can provide another with Illumination."

2021-05-09, 06:36 AM
Iluvar responds to Adelaide, "You can cast light on the hilt of my dagger."

2021-05-09, 03:11 PM
"When need be I can reveal this light as well" Vivino pulls out a coin from under his shirt that immediately begins glowing as bright as a torch and then puts it back hidden under his shirt.

"It is good to see that I am not the only one that relies on light to see. I am working on a beverage that will allow all us to see in the dark; though the correct formula currently eludes me. I will get it in time though."

2021-05-09, 06:21 PM
Iluvar is now a third source of light, courtesy of Adelaide.

Branwyn, do you close with the group?

2021-05-11, 02:51 PM
Branwyn shrugs, "I have a busted Ioun Stone that only casts a dim light... I guess I could let it circle around Lurk's head. He's smart enough to use it. Myself, I prefer to keep to the shadows for obvious reasons."

2021-05-11, 03:14 PM
So, everyone is "squeezing" into this 10' square lift.A 10' square is (4) separate 5-foot squares. With (8) individuals (not counting Lurk, who is Tiny), that means there are two people "squeezing" into each 5-foot square.It is incredibly crowded in here. Normally, if there were more than one technically proficient person, Vivino might get assistance, but there's no room to maneuver so only Vivino can work.

Vivino, you may attempt to override the mechanism without the button-shaped key that obviously takes the lever to a position outside of 1st floor (what you're on) and 2nd floor (above) to try to go ..... down.You may attempt a Disable Device check. If you want to do anything special or take any kind of special action, state that here as well. A normal Disable Device check will assume 2d4 rounds of work to override an extremely complex device (DC unknown).

2021-05-11, 08:25 PM
Vivino closely examines the device carefully. After quietly utterly a word in halfling his bracers transform into tools that he uses to probe the lift operation. After looking around to make sure everyone is on, he sets in in motion.

After the motion starts, he asks with a smirk "Everyone ready?"


2021-05-11, 08:27 PM
Vivino works relatively casually for about 30 seconds .... before he realizes that this mutha' is going to take a lot more than a casual effort.

Vivino, it didn't work. More of same, or change tactic?

2021-05-11, 08:40 PM
"Just making sure your ready is all..."

Trying one more time [roll0]

If that doesn't work will use the once per day feature of the bracers to take a 10

2021-05-11, 08:46 PM
Maybe it is now beginning to smell like adventurer's swamp butt in the crowded, seemingly humid lift, but Vivino doesn't feel any better about his second attempt.

He concentrates, allowing the bracers to succ- .... fail. A "solid attempt" isn't good enough. It seems that he has now spent nearly two minutes at this .... and it doesn't even seem like he was close to success.

2021-05-11, 08:56 PM
If this doesn't work will see if anyone else wants to try [roll0]

2021-05-11, 08:59 PM
Vivino is far more focused the third time, and even Branwyn looking on might have to admit that Vivino might be a little better at it than himself. But it is still not enough.

The best chance at this point is to Take20 .... which will take minutes, not rounds.

2021-05-11, 09:04 PM
"How long did your friend take last time Allen?"

Settles in to take 20 and hope its worth the time

2021-05-11, 11:43 PM
Staring on as he works on the lock Lucius finds the cramped humid space uncomfortable and holds up his ring and speaks.

"Inheritor please make me presentable once more."

2021-05-11, 11:47 PM
(As the player may well have forgotten) .... Allen's previous group found the button in an important office upstairs on the second floor, with clues leading them to believe it was the office of none other than Dr. Reiner Davaulus himself! Agent Phi (real name: Fathi of House al-Din) had the button and disappeared below.

It takes Vivino a full eight minutes to finally engage the lift to fool it to go in the down direction. Once that engages, he doesn't have to "hold it place."

The lift seems to go for a lot longer than expected. Adelaide and Iluvar can chat together and determine you've gone at least forty feet! Once the lift stops, Iluvar is able to open the lift door to let in some much needed air .... and a couple of arrows!

Adelaide suffers a "light crit" in her left upper arm from an arrow for 12. Iluvar just barely smacks an arrow out of the way. Woman's helmed voices ring out, "The Temple is under attack! The Temple is under attack!" followed by the sound of bows clattering on the ground and longswords being drawn with very deft speed as armored boots clatter forward a little.

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Branwyn, you are currently in a box of death! Your hands are free, and Lurk is in the corner on the ground. You need to get out of this thing. Two women surprised the group, getting a good hit on one of your members. You are in the back, mashed together with Telgarana, and there is nowhere to go in this box that wouldn't be squeezing. Meanwhile, the female archers-turned-swordswoman have blocked the narrow exit out of the lift.Squeezing
In some cases, you may have to squeeze into or through an area that isn’t as wide as the space you take up. You can squeeze through or into a space that is at least half as wide as your normal space. Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Gamemastering/Combat/#TOC-Attack-Roll) and a –4 penalty to AC.

When a Large creature (which normally takes up 4 squares) squeezes into a space that’s 1 square wide, the creature’s miniature figure occupies 2 squares, centered on the line between the 2 squares. For a bigger creature, center the creature likewise in the area it squeezes into.

A creature can squeeze past a creature while moving but it can’t end its movement in an occupied square.

To squeeze through or into a space less than half your space’s width, you must use the Escape Artist (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/escape-artist) skill. You can’t attack while using Escape Artist (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/escape-artist) to squeeze through or into a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty to AC, and you lose any Dexterity (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Dexterity-Dex-) bonus to AC.

2021-05-12, 01:19 AM
Branwyn glances at Lurk, "Give me some recon, buddy... " motioning for Lurk to get above it all for some vision, while he makes a nimble attempt to slip out of the cage, sliding through everyone's legs, shoving Lurk along the way.

Escape artist [roll0] and if I'm rolling for Lurk... his Esc Art is [roll1]

2021-05-12, 04:26 AM
R1T23: Branwyn glances at Lurk, "Give me some recon, buddy... " motioning for Lurk to get above it all for some vision, while he makes a nimble attempt to slip out of the cage, sliding through everyone's legs, but unable to shove Lurk out of the way from his protected place in the corner. What was a function of wriggliness becomes springiness asthe most outstanding display of congested-area acrobatics has likely ever see in their life is conducted when he wriggles out the legs of his friends and then brilliant gets past the two, ironclad palookas.

R1T22: Telgarana, you are no longer squeezing in your current square (though Lurk is still in the corner). You will not be able to easily move through the other squares of the lift (no "allied movement" because it's too congested), and you can't end your turn there. And just outside the lift are two woman supposedly blocking exit but for the likes of the incredibly sinuous and agile tengu. What do you do?

2021-05-12, 12:18 PM
R1T22: Telgarana, you are no longer squeezing in your current square (though Lurk is still in the corner). You will not be able to easily move through the other squares of the lift (no "allied movement" because it's too congested), and you can't end your turn there. And just outside the lift are two woman supposedly blocking exit but for the likes of the incredibly sinuous and agile tengu. What do you do?

As a swift action Telgarana activates arcane armor training starts her spell combat round in a blur her sword is unsheathed, and she casts Bladed Dash In a cascade of rainbow images she dashes to a square diagnonally north east of the north swordswoman The spell gives her one attack at +15 and then her normal iteratives.

Bladed Dash Attack 1d20+15 damage 1d8+7

Iterative attacks 1d20+11 damage 1d8+7 1d20+6 damage 1d8+7

The attack bonuses do not include any I might get for a flank since it's not clear that I have one. but if I do get a flank that's another +2

The first time she gets attacked, she will make one parry and riposte response 1d20+11 damage 1d8+7

*shrug mode activated*

Note: with abalative barrier in effect the first 5 pts of damage I take from an attack are converted to non lethal until a pool of 35 points is exhausted.

With a cackling chuckle. Telgarana says "It seems that you ladies are trapped out here with me."

2021-05-12, 03:34 PM
R1T22: In a blur, Telgarana's sword is unsheathed. She casts a spell and ..... for some reason the spell fails! It looked like it was going to happen as rainbow colors swirled around her briefly, but then the spell shut down. She had something clever she was going to say, but swallows it when she realizes that it doesn't make sense now.

R1T21: Adelaide, your bow is in hand. What do you do?

2021-05-13, 07:43 AM
Adelaide sees Branwen nimbly slip out of the elevator

"Too Tight, gotta make some room"

Would like to try to get outside with Branwen, stopping just north of him.

Acrobatics to escape the elevator [roll0]

2021-05-13, 02:00 PM
R1T21: Adelaide sees Branwyn nimbly slip out of the elevator. "Too tight, gotta make some room."

Branwyn taught a Master Class on high-grade acrobatics and moving through threatened areas under the worst conditions.

Adelaide teaches a Master Class on what Not to Do in the same situation. It is a rough attempt. Red cuts Adelaide's left knee with a two-handed draw cut with her masterwork longsword for 8. Blue hits her with a heavy chop to the left shoulder for 18, nearly knocking her back, and only the press of bodies behind Adelaide keep her on her feet. Reeling from the failed attempt, Adelaide does little more than plant herself more carefully.

R1T20: Lucius, what do you do?

2021-05-13, 07:50 PM
Lucius holds out his hand and speaks in a loud authoritative voice.

"STOP! Stay your hands, we have come to deal with undead and the one who controls them, as you are neither than this battle is pointless. No more blood must be spilled between us. At current we can stop now and both sides can live, but should you choose to continue know the full force of a paladin to the Inheritor will bear down upon you!"

Lucius stands firm and keeps his gaze fixed on them to see their response.

Using touch of glory to enhance my diplomacy to talk them down, and will use his suicidal trait to take the damage for any of his companions if they are attacked.

2021-05-13, 08:27 PM
R1T20: Lucius holds out his hand and speaks in a loud authoritative voice (though his other hand glows briefly as he holds it to his chest. "STOP! Stay your hands, we have come to deal with undead and the one who controls them. As you are neither, than this battle is pointless. No more blood must be spilled between us. At current we can stop now and both sides can live, but should you choose to continue know the full force of a paladin to the Inheritor will bear down upon you!"

Lucius stands firm and keeps his gaze fixed on them to see their response.

R1T19: Harsk, delays to see the response of the armored women, though he does give this very uncomfortable grunt (claustrophobic dwarf?), respecting Lucius' attempt.

R1T18: Iluvar, what do you do? Do you respect Lucius' desire to parley? He seemed incredibly persuasive to you.

2021-05-13, 09:00 PM
Iluvar delays his action but will respond as soon as they take an offensive action.

2021-05-13, 09:49 PM
R1T18: Iluvar delays, but is readied in case they take offensive action ...

R1T17: A door opens to the north. There is a man standing that most in the elevator cannot quite see. But, for when/if you can .... it is a man in his earlies who may or may not be at or past the door of middle-age, and with care-worn lines around his eyes. He is of average height and slender build (5' 9", 155 lbs.), obviously Chelaxian in descent, with brown hair and brown eyes. "Everybody stand down. Ladies, pick up your bows and go back to your post. Yes, they shouldn't be down here, and plenty of things were in place so that the average citizen could not make their way down here. But this is a facility studying that which is wreaking havoc above. C'mon, ladies, the queen entrusted you to follow my orders as you would herself. Don't side-eye the tengu, take up your post. I take responsibility for them."

Combat Ends ...

"Now, if you will all please step out of that awfully small lift, I'm sure you'll breathe better."

Assuming the party clears the lift.

"There, that's better, isn't it? My name is Doctor Reiner Davaulus. You may have seen my name on the handbills posted about town. And remember that will you or no, I am entrusted with the full authority of the queen, which means an attack against me .... or, technically, any of her Gray Maidens" (and here he gestures at the two red-trimmed women in plate armor) "is an attack against the crown, and therefore treason.

"So, what brings you obviously technically proficient persons down to my facility?"

2021-05-13, 10:28 PM
Adelaide limps out of the elevator, puts away her bow, and begins checking her wounds.

*Cough* She puts her hand to her arm and pulls it away to check the amount of blood on it. "I can see why they have you two here."

Turning to Dr. Davaulus.

"We're investigating the Blood Phage. We have it on good authority it's being manufactured underneath this facility. Do you know anything about it?"

Adelaide will rifle through her bag for one of her cure light wounds potions and drink it.

Adelaide will attempt to recall knowledge on the Gray Maidens to see what she knows of their position and status, and try to get a read on the Dr.'s response with a sense motive check.

CLW: [roll0]

2021-05-13, 10:49 PM
Lucius relaxes slightly as he speaks in his usual quiet voice.

"Is anyone in need of healing? I have been blessed with many divine curatives, if needed I could heal you maidens as well. My ability to cure this disease is not perfect, but I can at least try."

His last sentence is much quieter.

2021-05-13, 10:59 PM
Adelaide drinks her potion, and it was a solid draught to help, but she is still really wounded. That shoulder wound really hurts.

Dr. Davaulus looks to the Gray Maidens and they shake their heads, showing that they are unharmed.

Lucius, it appears only Adelaide is harmed (significantly). What do you do?

Dr. Davaulus gestures to Lucius to do what he must.

2021-05-13, 11:26 PM
Lucius will approach Adelaid and place a hand one her should and the other on his holy symbol and he utters a short prayer.

"Inheritor please heal her wounds."

[roll0] expending my empty 1st level slot to cast cure wounds at level 1

2021-05-13, 11:45 PM
For some reason, the Inheritor's answer to Lucius' request is only wanly given as Adelaide heals 6, the very least amount possible. :smallfrown:

"Then you came to the right place, miss," he says to Adelaide as Lucius tends to her. "It is an interesting suspicion, and you did find a secret facility where we do study the blood veil .... oh, 'blood veil,' by the way, not 'blood phage,' though it does seem to be a designer variation of Vorel's Phage from the Hinterlands that was brought in.

"But my investigations lead me to believe that the source of this Blood Veil here in Korvosa is a cabal of wererats that dwells in Old Korvosa's sewers. I haven't yet managed to learn the location of these lycanthropes, mostly because I haven't had the resources to do so. But you have proven yourselves resourceful technically in getting down here ... you have amongst you those with a sense of command and verve ... that young lady there definitely knows how to take a hit like a champion without falling ... and you possess helpful magics, hmmm...

"I'm wondering if your group might be for hire in tracking down these wererats, whom scattered intel says worship the parasitic deity Ghlaunder."

2021-05-14, 03:38 AM
"I'm wondering if your group might be for hire in tracking down these wererats, whom scattered intel says worship the parasitic deity Ghlaunder."

"That depends. I assume that it was you who shut down my spell back there?" replies Telgarana, glancing towards the lift. "We came upon a sick ward above. I'm new to this area, but is a slit throat a common treatment in dealing with disease?"

2021-05-14, 04:57 AM
"I don't know what you mean about your spell. But when the entire sick ward was only getting worse, euthanasia was authorized," explains the doctor. "We shut everything down, and with places to put bodies at a premium, the best we could do is just keep the dead in place, and for us to work down here, well isolated from the above."

2021-05-14, 05:46 AM
Iluvar wonders aloud, "What is this Temple these warriors refer to? What has been going on here?"
He then gestures and speaks a few words.
casting discern lies from inquistor abilities at the doctor
He will do a lore check to provide clues about this temple and the people here

2021-05-14, 10:26 AM
Iluvar wonders aloud, "What is this Temple these warriors refer to? What has been going on here?"

"That is a good question. Before I continue with more of my own questions, I wanted to thank you for listening to reason to avoid further bloodshed.

What you did upstairs was very grim but possibly necessary as you say. What details can you tell us about this disease and why do you think that these wererats are the root cause?

One other thing...we came down here to deal with the blood veil but also to enact revenge upon a foul undead creature. Do you know where this creature is located?"

Would like to do any relevant interaction and lore checks upon the responses

2021-05-14, 11:33 AM
Telgarana holds up her wayfinder staring into it as if lost in thought.

Does the needle point towards the good doctor? She is using it's detect evil ability.

2021-05-14, 06:32 PM
Iluvar wonders aloud, "What is this Temple these warriors refer to? What has been going on here?"
He then gestures and speaks a few words concentrates, taking particular note of the doctor's words.You don't detect any lies from what the doctor said before (3 rounds of discern lies).
Speaking of your environment. The hostilities of the moment meant people were hyper-focused on hostiles, without really noticing their surroundings, until now.

The scuffed stone walls of this chamber have been plastered over and then decorated with lurid murals of skeletons cavorting among the dead of a Korvosa that has completely succumbed to blood veil. Simple wooden doors lead to the north, south, and west, each bearing a painting of a scythe-wielding skeleton. A sizable double door stands on the east wall, appearing in the mural as a massive set of double doors opening into the pyramid foundation of Castle Korvosa. Two more scythe-wielding skeletons decorate these large doors.

Here's what you know, looking around:
Ew, that's some creepy stuff.Adelaide, Allen, Branwyn, Harsk, Iluva,rLucius, Vivino: The undead, scythe-wielding motif is commonly associated with Urgathoa, the Varisian goddess of physical excess, disease and undeath. The scythe is a commonly associated weapon with Urgathoa.
Urgathoa, also called the "Pallid Princess" and "Lady Despair," is mostly worshiped by dark necromancers, the undead, and those wishing to become undead. Sometimes those who live gluttonous lifestyles make supplication to her, as do those suffering from a serious illness. Her areas of concern are gluttony, disease, and undeath.
There are stories that suggest that Urgathoa was once a hedonistic mortal woman. Upon her death, she fled Pharasma's Boneyard and returned to Golarion, making her the Great Beyond's first undead creature. Her return to the mortal world is said to be the origin of disease. She is more Pharasma's enemy than even Rovagug, the Destroyer of All Things.

"That is a good question. Before I continue with more of my own questions, I wanted to thank you for listening to reason to avoid further bloodshed.

What you did upstairs was very grim but possibly necessary as you say. What details can you tell us about this disease and why do you think that these wererats are the root cause?

One other thing...we came down here to deal with the blood veil but also to enact revenge upon a foul undead creature. Do you know where this creature is located?"
The doctor nods to the first compliment.

Regarding the root cause question he says, "I'm sorry, but I have to protect intelligence sources. State secrets."
Iluvar spends another round of discern lies, and he seems to be telling the truth. But it seems from classical "tells" that something is wrong here. It seems less of an evasion and more of an outright lie.
"I can neither confirm nor deny any of the specifics of that which exists in this facility."
Another round of discern lies says he is telling the truth. Obviously, grammatically this is a lie, but more of a "canned answer of evasion" more than a him trying to convince you that he is physically unable to conform or deny....

Telgarana holds up her wayfinder staring into it as if lost in thought.
Telgarana's needle points right to the good doctor.

2021-05-14, 07:55 PM
"Doctor, this is a temple of Urgathoa. Are you in league with the followers here or perhaps even one of them? And is the Queen aware that you are operating from their temple?", Iluvar queries accuingly.

Discern lies again
Sense motive
If i feel this is indeed a follower of Urgathoa I will attempt my domain ability gentle restnon the doctor
Acrobatics to move 1d20
Touch attack [[roll0]

2021-05-14, 08:45 PM
"Doctor, this is a temple of Urgathoa. Are you in league with the followers here or perhaps even one of them? And is the Queen aware that you are operating from their temple?", Iluvar queries accusingly.

"Me? Oh, no. I am definitely not an Urgathoan. However, our radiant Queen Ileosa Arabasti - a teenager who has no training in understanding the minutiae of what it takes to run a successful kingdom, has conferred upon me the authority necessary to do whatever it takes to stop the real scourge to this city."

Iluvar, doesn't sense a lie, but definitely senses a major evasion. It seems to be enough that the hair-footed monk's senese of righteousness (given his world-view) is tripped off. He steps forward and goes to touch Dr. Davaulus. For his part, the man seems surprised but it blessed by some damnable sixth sense that has him ducking just barely out of the way.

At the same time, a scythe-wielding skeleton on the door seems to come out just long enough to slash at Iluvar, who in turn just barely blocks it. The scythe-wielding skeleton returns to just being a part of the relief on the door again.

For his part, Iluvar may have gotten the jump on the doctor, but wasn't actually surprised. He calls to the Gray Maidens. "This group has just committed treason against your queen's loyal subject. Death to the traitors!"

He then shuts the door in Iluvar's face.

Begin Round One ...

R1T29: "Everyone get ready for a burst of speed!" Harsk warns. He concentrates, and all of the heroes EXCEPT Allen and Lurk feel the world allow them slow to a crawl. He then takes out his heavy crossbow and then zooms to the south.

2021-05-15, 01:31 AM
As Telgarana whips out her katana, the scarlet runes on the blade flare to life. She circles around the lower part of the room and closes to strike one of the swordswomen.

Swift action, she spends an arcane pool point to enchant her blade to +3 and Keen (crit range now 15-20)) she circle moves to the southeast corner of Blue Dot fighter and Vital Strikes Attack damage [roll1] crit damage (if any) [roll]d8+8]

2021-05-15, 01:37 AM
15 threathens a crit if the 31 hists crit damage [roll]1d8+8 the extra die from vital strike does not crit

2021-05-15, 02:14 AM
R1T26: As Telgarana whips out her katana, the scarlet runes on the blade flare to life. She circles around the lower part of the room and closes to strike one of the swordswomen. She does a picture-perfect draw cut to the back of the helmet where the head meets the neck, cutting the light muscles of the trap muscle's connection point for 24 + 2 STR, disabling her, though she barely stands.

R1T23: Vivino, what do you do?

2021-05-16, 01:59 PM
Vivino slides over. He begins to smile at the maidens, arteries pulse, and the smile grows. His jaw grows and new teeth fill in. As the cold anger spreads through his body, his fingers lengthen and pierce through his gloves revealing long and razor sharp claws.

He lets out a brief howl of rage and proceeded to claw and bite in a blur aiming for every vital area of the maiden.

Vivino slides 5' north in order to flank the blue maiden.

Then he does a full attack upon her. 4 claws and a bite. Please include add the rage bonus, haste, and flank bonuses.

Claw 1: To hit [roll0] damage [roll1] and sneak attack [roll2]
Claw 2: To hit [roll3] damage [roll4] and sneak attack [roll5]
Claw 3: To hit [roll6] damage [roll7] and sneak attack [roll8]
Claw 4: To Hit [roll9] damage [roll10] and sneak attack [roll11]
Bite: To hit [roll12] damage [roll13] and sneak attack [roll14]

2021-05-16, 06:40 PM
R1T23: Vivino slides over. He begins to smile at the maidens, arteries pulse, and the smile grows. His jaw grows and new teeth fill in. As the cold anger spreads through his body, his fingers lengthen and pierce through his gloves revealing long and razor sharp claws.

He lets out a brief howl of rage and proceeded to claw and bite in a blur aiming for every vital area of the maiden. By the time he is done, she is separated ins several places ... a now, metal-shelled series of meat blobs and blood slick on the floor. Blood spray goes *everywhere*. Some of it even gets into Adelaide's open, unbelieving mouth (it really is a bad day for her).

R1T21: Branwyn, what do you do?

2021-05-18, 06:48 PM
Branywyn looks for a way out of the fray immediately, and heads for it - dashing to the nearest hiding spot. Death by sword is very low on his list of things to do today.
Flicking his fingers in a walking gesture, he summons a darting duplicate to run in front of the nearest maiden, while he turns and runs to the nearest hiding spot, or at least a place of reasonable cover, where he can plan his next move to stay alive.

Darting Duplicate -> I can't post link to the spell because I'm <10 posts

stealth [roll0]

2021-05-19, 12:48 AM
R1T21: Branwyn looks for a way out of the fray immediately, and heads for it - dashing to the nearest hiding spot. Death by sword is very low on his list of things to do today.
Flicking his fingers in a walking gesture, he summons a darting duplicate to run in front of the nearest maiden, while he turns and runs to the nearest hiding spot, or at least a place of reasonable cover, where he can plan his next move to stay alive. He thought he saw .... something .... to the south, so he goes back and hides in the lift, the doors not nearly as wide as the cabin itself. Meanwhile, a brief duplicate of himself appears and the Gray Maiden .... doesn't slash at it. Branwyn is hiding, so he isn't looking at her (helmed face) to determine what or why, and even if she didn't strike at it, hopefully it was enough of a distraction.

R1T20: Adelaide, for all things great and small this has been a lousy day for you. In addition to hot, sticky blood sprayed all over, you feel something odd nestling in the bunch of your hair. You tilt your head enough and a finger wrapped in the remains of a gauntlet clatter to the floor. In addition, you think you see just the faintest edge of something moving in the room to the south, but you don't know what. What do you do?

2021-05-19, 10:49 AM
Wiping her bloody hand on her coat with a look of disgust on her face; Adelaide takes a 5 foot step to the east and draws her bow.

As she nocks an arrow and takes aim at the Gray Maiden she says,

"Somethings moving in the room to the south."

And lets the arrow fly.

SwA: Studied Target (+2 hit/dmg vs Gray Maiden)
MA: Drawing Bow
Std: Risky Strike (-2 hit/+4 dmg)
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak (if the Maiden is FF): [roll2]

2021-05-19, 06:52 PM
R1T20: Wiping her bloody hand on her coat with a look of disgust on her face, Adelaide takes a 5-foot step to the east and draws her bow. As she nocks an arrow and takes aim at the Gray Maiden she says, "Something's moving in the room to the south," and lets the arrow fly, only to have the arrow bounce off of the Maiden's armor.

R1T19: Lurk hops into the lift .... within reach of Branwyn, but at the opposite corner.

R1T18: Lucius, what do you do?

Iluvar on deck, Dr. Davaulus in the hole ...

2021-05-19, 07:08 PM
A disappointed sigh can be heard from Lucius as he points his hand towards the standing Gray Maiden. He speaks in a sincere tone.

"Please do not resist, if you surrender now than I can assure you will be given a proper trial."

His Hand glows as he casts his spell on the Maiden.

Casting hold person on the maiden, if it works he will approach her drawing out his silk rope.

2021-05-19, 09:36 PM
R1T18: A disappointed sigh can be heard from Lucius as he points his hand towards the standing Gray Maiden. He speaks in a sincere tone. "Please do not resist, if you surrender now I can assure you will be given a proper trial."

His Hand glows as he casts his spell on the Maiden. Her stance immediately becomes rigid and unmoving. Lucius steps over to her, and draws his silk rope out of his pack.

R1T16: Iluvar, what do you do? Dr. Davaulus had shut the door on you, and then you were attacked by the sculpture on the door. Mind you, the sculpture on the door seems to have immediately returned to being a sculpture on the door rather than a seemingly continued combatant.

2021-05-19, 10:37 PM
Iluvar takes note of the skeleton figure.

FA:spellcraft on the effect it had[roll0]
MA: if I believe the skeleton will not animate will interact with door by trying to open.
if opened SwA Judgement of Protection and
SA: Iluvar casts sift spell
if not opened Full round action with haste Reckless attack Flurry of blows against the door to knock it down
damagge [roll2]
damagge [roll4]
damage [roll6]
damage [roll8]

2021-05-20, 09:17 AM
R1T16: Iluvar takes note of the skeleton figure. He can't quite figure out the story with the skeleton, but it seems more of a function of a door, than a bizarre creature hiding in it, so probably either a spell effect or a magical trap of some sort. He has no way to know if he can safely interact with the door, but when it attacked it was a function of proximity - he hadn't tried the door. So, Iluvar figures that either he will get or not due to proximity, and opens the door to see the doctor there. Iluvar calls on Pharasma to protect him in his fane of the Enemy. He touches Dr. Davaulus' hip, staggering him, the touch of repose doing its work.

R1T12: Quick than Iluvar can react with a strike, the doctor - despite being staggered - moves away from Pharasma's living servant, heading to the east, and having drawn a rapier in doing so.

R1T6: Allen, what do you do? Iluvar opened the door to the north and the doctor was there before moving away. You remember the room to the north is the indoctrination room for the Queen's Physicians. Unlike everyone else, you are not hasted.

Gray Maiden on deck, Harsk in the hole ...

2021-05-20, 05:16 PM
Allen focuses for a moment, making sure his power is properly allocated, and then holds up his hand, launching a small precise beam of fire from his hand towards one of the standing enemies.

Swift action: Allocate 2E to Five Rivers Amulet, in addition to what is currently invested.
Standard action: Mai'yrs Band, targetting the Grey Maiden to Allen's Northeast (I assume that icon is one of the maidens, but I'm actually not sure)

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-05-21, 11:54 PM
R1T6: Allen focuses for a moment, making sure his power is properly allocated, and then holds up his hand, launching a small precise beam of fire from his hand towards one of the standing enemies. He looks past Iluvar to the NE to see Dr. Davaulus just left his LOS. He then looks to the front of the double doors. He doesn't register that the Gray Maiden is held. He doesn't even seem to be checked into what it is Iluvar was doing and what he was about to do, he just lets loose with a beam of fire that - "luckily" for the paladin's intention - misses the Gray Maiden to hit the wall behind her. Probably because Allen had to aim around Vivino's big, floppy capellano romano.

R1T5: The Gray Maiden is still held.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T29: "Creepy guys to the south!" Harsk calls. "Tie up that lass, and don't let the doctor escape!"

He then drops his crossbow while charging to the south as he gets out his battleaxe. His wordless dwarven warcry seems to be overpowered once he gets in the room by the sound of some type of animal roar! There is the sound of impact of axe hewing flesh twice and the sound of a dropping body, maybe some type of sizzling noise.

R2T26: Telgarana, what do you do?

Vivino on deck (raging) on deck, Branwyn (hiding) in the hole ...

2021-05-22, 03:25 AM
Telgarana runs up to where she can see Harsk and if something is attacking him she will engage while try to leave an opening for someone else to close.

Blade is currently +3 instead of +2 and Keen
Telgarana is hasted
Swift Action : Activate Arcane Strike for +2 damage
Move Action; Close to whoever is having Dwarf for a night snack if possible Charge to said attack
Standard Action: Atttack with Vital Strike [roll0] damage [roll1]

2021-05-22, 09:12 AM
Branwyn rushes up with rope in hand to tie up the "lass" and mumbling about nothing in particular while searching her for anything she can use.

Rope Use [roll0] to tie her up while using Sleight of Hand to loot her if possible [roll1]

2021-05-22, 08:28 PM
R2T26: Telgarana runs up to where she can see Harsk and notes that he is engaged by three Queen's Physicians, but their clothes are rotted and the skin that is visible is ruined. To leave room for others she has to move past Harsk ... and danger ... to get into the room. Three powerful fists hit against her armor, though one actually does punch hard enough to hurt Telly for 2 lethal + 5 NL. She steps past Harsk onto a curious, carbon-scored grease spot that has the odd bone here or there. In trying to keep Harsk from being flanked (like she was coming through the door, she cuts across the face, jaw, and head of one of these creepy guys (blue) for 23. Half of the head slides off at a diagonal, and yet the other half includes an eye that blinks in trying to figure whether or not to keep fighting .... it does not yet fall for a good two seconds. Once it does fall, the parts of its rotten body begin to char in some places, boil in others, and finally the body is reduced to a stinking mass of carbon.

Just like where Tely is currently standing.

R2T23: Vivino, you are currently raging. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck (action defined), Adelaide in the whole ...

2021-05-23, 02:38 PM
Vivino darts off through the north door. "Here Doctor, I just want ... to talk about surgical techniques," he growls as he moves into the room scanning for his prey.

Maintaining Rage this round

Once he in the room he looks for the doctor. Then if he can he uses his haste speed to move into position to block further retreat through any obvious exits. Acrobatics roll if needed to get into position: [roll0]. Then he will fight defensively (to up his DR with stalwart) and swipe with one claw (to hit [roll1] and damage if hits [roll2]

If he cannot locate the doctor, he will drink his extract of see invisibility and then close with him to block off any path of escape. If he is invisible he will say "The good doctor is trying to hide from us!"

2021-05-23, 09:01 PM
R2T23: Vivino darts off through the north door. "Here Doctor, I just want ... to talk about surgical techniques," he growls as he moves into the room scanning for his prey. He sees the doctor near a door to the east. Vivino tries to tumble past the doctor but the doctor - rapier in hand - holds his ground. However, in the physical confrontation, Dr. Davaulus pricks himself with his rapier. Vivino attacks with his claw, scratching at the man's clothes to reveal a layer of extremely fine mail links that stopped the attack.

R2T21: Branwyn rushes up, realizing he doesn't have any rope himself, and takes the rope out of Lucius' hand.Doesn't have any rope of his own. But Lucius had some. Still, movement and taking the rope takes up the turn.
R1T20: Adelaide, what do you do? Your bow is in hand, and the paralyzed Gray Maiden is studied. There seems to be a fight in the room to the south, and the doctor (with Vivino) following) ran into the room to the north.

Lurk on deck, Lucius in the hole ....

2021-05-23, 10:44 PM
Adelaide sees that the situation in the room is pretty well in hand and rushes to follow vivino after the doctor.

Adelaide shouts at the doctor.

"Stop! We want answers! We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

Move: Follows Vivino into the room after the doctor. She'll move 3 squares north of Illuvar leaving room for him to advance.

SwA: Slayers studied target on the doctor

Readied action, if the doctor makes to attack her allies, or flee. Adelaide will shoot at him.

To hit: Risky Strike [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Studied target: +2 to hit and damage
Hasted +1 to hit

2021-05-23, 11:33 PM
R2T20: Adelaide sees that the situation in the room is pretty well in hand and rushes to follow vivino after the doctor. Adelaide shouts at the doctor, "Stop! We want answers! We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."

Lurk delays, continuing to hide in the lift ...

R2T18: Lucius, what do you do? Branwyn took the rope from your hands, ostensibly for him to tie up the Gray Maiden, leaving you less tied up with drudgery.

Iluvar on deck, Dr. Davaulus in the hole ...

2021-05-23, 11:50 PM
Lucius takes Harsks words into account and dashes after the Doctor, when he enters the room he presents his holy symbol and shouts.

"Stand down now! That isn't a request, it's an order! If you resist than the Inheritors judgement will fall upon you!"

His holy symbol glows with the ready of divine magic.

If the doctor does anything other than surrender I cast the holy smite spell, dc 20 will save. [roll]3d8[roll] if an evil outsider [roll]7d6[roll] on a pass half damage and negate the blindness.

2021-05-24, 12:02 AM
R2T18: Lucius takes Harsks words into account and dashes after the Doctor, when he enters the room he presents his holy symbol and shouts, "Stand down now! That isn't a request, it's an order! If you resist than the Inheritors judgement will fall upon you!"

His holy symbol glows with the power of divine magic. Meanwhile, for those in that room, it appears that Dr. Davaulus gets over whatever Iluvar had done to him.

R2T16: Iluvar, what do you do?

Dr. Davaulus on deck, southern room occupants in the hole ...

2021-05-24, 07:54 AM
Iluvar steps into the room.

MA: Iluvar will 5 foot step into the room (North or North East)
FRA: If he can he will recklessly attack by launching a flying kick (activating stunning fist) with as part of a flurry of blows[roll0]
an uppercut [roll2]
damage [roll3]
haste attack trip attack[roll4]
a stomp [roll5]
Damage [roll6]

Else he will MA: move to the doctor and
SA: trip him

2021-05-25, 03:10 AM
R2T16: Iluvar steps into the room, and then up and around the north side of the table in this room and does a quick leg hook to trip Dr. Davaulus!

R2T12: Dr. Davaulus takes 2 bleed. He defensively casts a spell, one which Adelaide recognizes as an attack spell and she looses her arrow, hitting the doctor in the upper right arm for 19 and causing his spell to fizzle. Then, Lucius' spell goes off as he draws down holy power to smite his enemy for 18 + blinded! The blast of holy power consumes the entire room. Adelaide, of virtuous heart, is unharmed. Unfortunately, though each honorable in their own ways, Iluvar and Vivino are not so spared as Iluvar barely resists for 4, but Vivino is surprised by it and takes 9 (all soaked up by THP).

The Dr. then tries to stand. Iluvar tries to give an uppercut to him as he tries to stand but the blow is blocked by the man's armor. Vivino meets with more success, doing 13 to Dr. D's left hand. Dr. Davaulus finally makes it onto his feet, and then steps into the little alcove by the shut door. As he stumbles away from him, Iluvar does a straight jab right to the Dr. Davaulus' nose for 4.

R2T11-10: Meanwhile, in the room to the south .... brown swings wildly at Harsk. Purple's downward blow hits Harsk in his left knee for 7.

R2T6: Allen, what do you do?

Gray Maiden (paralyzed) on deck, Harsk in the hole ...

2021-05-25, 05:07 PM
Allen changes gears. He had blindly fired at one enemy who had all but been defeated, but now he's turning his attention towards the rest of the party. He moves to the northern door, and from just outside the room with the others, launches another blast of fire at the nearest enemy.

Move action: Move one square Northeast
Standard action: Mai'yrs Band into the nearest foe that he can see in this room

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-05-26, 04:00 AM
R2T6: Allen changes gears. He had blindly fired at one enemy who had all but been defeated, but now he's turning his attention towards the rest of the party. He moves to the northern door, and from just outside the room with the others, but seeing nothing because of an initial alcove, Allen has to check fire.

R2T5: The Gray Maiden is still paralyzed ...

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T29: Harsk recovers from his charge, but maintains full power in his swings. He hits Brown in the head for 11, but recovering his axe from the skull throws off the second attack. Then, Harsk instantaneously grows two incredibly large canines that he then uses to bite Brown in the head for another 9, but Brown still stands. The teeth retract, having the secondary effect of sort of clearing the gore off of his teeth. He looks to Telgarana. "Yuck."

R3T26: Telgarana, what do you do?

Vivino (raging, defensive stance) on deck, Branwyn (about to tie up the Gray Maiden) in the hole ...

2021-05-26, 08:29 AM
Telgarana charges up her blade. "Reporting in for surgery"

Blade is +3 over +2 and keen Telgarana is hasted +1 to attacks

Swift Action Arcane Strike to add 2 damage to each blow.
5 foot step: Telgarana moves 5 foot east to face Purple She will make three attacks if Purple goes down on one or two she will unload the rest on Brown.

First Attack : 1d20+14 damage 1d8+8

Second Attack : 1d20+14 damage 1d8+8

Third Attack : [roll]1d20+9]/roll] damage 1d8+8

Total add +1 to hit +3 damage from mechanics

2021-05-26, 11:37 AM
Blade is +3 over +2 and keen Telgarana is hasted +1 to attacks

Swift Action Arcane Strike to add 2 damage to each blow.
5 foot step: Telgarana moves 5 foot east to face Purple She will make three attacks if Purple goes down on one or two she will unload the rest on Brown.

First Attack : [roll0] damage [roll1]

Second Attack : [roll2] damage [roll3]

Third Attack : [roll4] damage [roll5]

2021-05-26, 11:44 AM
First roll is a crit on a natural 20

Severity roll [roll0]

2021-05-27, 10:20 AM
R3T26: Telgarana charges up her blade. "Reporting in for surgery!"

She steps up to the other person in a Queen's Physician outfit. The first shot should have had the man bleeding out as she deals 18. She knows she cut across the brachial artery and yet the man does not bleed. She slashes him again deep down on the right shoulder, and this time, the strange form of "death" occurs. The man sort of crumples down, bubbles, and becomes a black, greasy spot on the ground. But she's not done, enhanced as she is by the dwarf's magic, and she carefully aims her cut high so as not to catch Harsk ... and in doing so she cuts the head off the man's beakered face right at the nose and ears. The "skull cap" flies several feet behind Harsk as this one, too, seems to do a bubbling death. Nobody else is in this room.

Telgarana has the chance for a quick look at the room they're in...A number of crates fill this room. A particularly large one has been dragged into the chamber’s center, around which stand four mismatched chairs and stools.
R3T23: Vivino, you are raging, but also in a defensive stance. The doctor appears to be blinded, and stands at a door. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck (action declared), Iluvar in the hole ...

2021-05-27, 05:08 PM
Vivino eyes the blinded doctor...then he clumsily snaps he fingers off to the left as a distraction and tumbles through his square to pop up behind him. After a brief glance around swings with one claw at the doctor to let him know that his path is now cut off.

Continuing to rage and fight defensively to up his DR

Bluff as a distraction [roll0]

Acrobatics to tumble past the blind man and end up behind him opposite the doorway so someone could come up to flank him [roll1]

Claw attack [roll2] and damage if it hits [roll3]

If the acrobatics roll does not let me through his square then after recovering will try to start a grapple with the blind man with CMB [roll4]

2021-05-27, 05:18 PM
R3T23: Vivino eyes the blinded doctor...then he clumsily snaps he fingers off to the left as a distraction and tries to tumble past, but in getting around the corner and looking into the alcove he sees that the door is shut and nowhere to end up. After a brief glance he swings at the doctor with a claw, hoping to grab him but misses wildly.

R3T21: Though the Gray Maiden still has sword in hand and shield readied, Branwyn knows the spell that has her held in thrall, and it is better to tie her down now and take the weapon away later. He wraps the rope around the Gray Maiden quickly yet carefully, tying her arms to her sides.

R3T16: Iluvar, in trying to circle around the corner to get past the doctor (unaware at the time that he couldn't, Vivino has unwittingly cut you off from a line of physical attack to the blinded doctor. What do you do?

Adelaide on deck, Lucius in the hole ...

2021-05-27, 07:37 PM
Iluvar assesses the situation looking at the Doctor and surrounding area quickly.

Iluvar shouts, "The Doctor is cornered!"

If the doctor moves within his reach he will grapple the doctor.

2021-05-28, 04:22 AM
R3T16: Iluvar assesses the situation looking at the Doctor and surrounding area quickly. Iluvar shouts, "The Doctor is cornered!"

R3T14: Adelaide, what do you do? The doctor is currently studied.

Lucius on deck, Dr. Davaulus in the hole ...

2021-05-28, 11:05 AM
Adelaide steadies her footing, carefully watching how Vivino and Illuvar are moving around the doctor. When there's an opening, she looses an arrow at the doctor.

"Dr. Davaulus you MUST yield!"

MA: Bullseye shot (+4 to ranged attack)
Std attack: Risky Strike
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak: [roll2]

Additional +7 to hit (Haste +1, studied target+2, bullseye feat +4)

2021-05-29, 12:06 AM
R3T14: Adelaide steadies her footing, carefully watching how Vivino and Illuvar are moving around the doctor. When there's an opening, she looses an arrow at the doctor. "Dr. Davaulus you MUST yield!"

The arrow skips along the top of his head, cutting the scalp and parting his hair some for 21. The pain must have been something, because no sooner does he get hit than he seems to be able to have cleared his vision.

R3T13: Lucius, what do you do?

Dr. Davaulus on deck, Allen in the hole ....

2021-05-29, 05:33 PM
Noticing his companions around the doctor Lucius holds his holy symbol tightly.

"You will not escape this place easily, now HALT!"

He points his holy symbol at the doctor while channeling his spell, than he will move as close as he can towards the doctor.

Casting command, Specifically the halt one. DC 17 Will.

2021-05-29, 08:08 PM
R3T13: Noticing his companions around the doctor Lucius holds his holy symbol tightly, casting a spell and focusing on the doctor. "You will not escape this place easily, now HALT!"

Lucius than moves as close as he can towards the doctor.

R3T12: The doctor takes 2 bleed. He opens the door behind him. Then, using a brilliant acrobatic maneuver, he ducks away from Vivino and into the room to the east, where there are a lot of Queen's Physicians standing and waiting. He looks to them, pointing to the heroes to the west and shouts, "Kill them!"

R3T11-7: A Queen's Physican (blue) moves up to Vivino. But the QP moves strangely, as if wildly drugged or something. Another Queen's Physical (yellow) steps over behind that one.

R3T6: Allen, you already didn't see Dr. Davaulus, but now his voice sounds more distant than before. What do you do?

Gray Maiden on deck (paralyzed, tied up) ...

2021-05-31, 03:08 PM
Allen will head further into the room, looking for where the Dr is retreating to. If he can tell where he is, Allen will move in that direction, but he will not enter the next room where the enemy appears to have fled. Once he's got a good space, he'll ready himself to fire on any hostile that enters the room.

Move action:Move further into the room. Based on the other updates, I assume the Doctor has left this room into another room, so Allen will move to a free space that is at least two squares away from the door to the east.

Readied action: Fire Mai'yrs Band at the first hostile to enter our room, if any.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2021-06-01, 04:58 AM
R3T6: Allen will head further into the room, looking for where the Dr is retreating to. If he can tell where he is, Allen will move in that direction, but he will not enter the next room where the enemy appears to have fled. Once he's got a good space, he'll ready himself to fire on any hostile that enters the room. He finds he doesn't have to ready, though, as a Queen's Physician has already entered. Allen lets loose with another powerful gout of flame, but he is so nervous about hitting friendlies that he torches the ceiling instead.

R3T5-2: The Gray Maiden (tied) still seems to be paralyzed. There's a lot of commotion in the room to the east as more Queen's Physicans - all with something seemingly wrong with them in the way they move - pack behind the lead that is facing off against Vivino.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T29: Harsk nods to Telgarana, "Nice bladework," before heading out to the central chamber and picking up his crossbow.

R4T26: Telgarana, what do you do? You're all alone in this room now. And the sounds of battle have moved well away from the next room you were in previously (the central chamber leading to the lift).

Vivino on deck (raging), Branwyn in the hole, Lurk delaying ...

2021-06-02, 12:24 AM
Telgarana grimly acknowledges Harsk's praise. She wonders a bit about these strangely combusting foes but other things command her attention.

Since it sounds like there are sounds of battle still going on elsewhere....

Telgarana moves towards the sounds of ongoing battle, presumably this means a double move. Since I can't see anything that's going on. When she arrives she will make a quick assessement.

Mechanics: Swift action, maintain Arcane Strike. Blade remains at +3 and she is still hasted.

2021-06-02, 09:49 AM
R4T26: Telgarana grimly acknowledges Harsk's praise. She wonders a bit about these strangely combusting foes but other things command her attention. The strong smell of death that wafts up from the scorched areas of where those bodies are gives her a clue.

Since it sounds like there are sounds of battle still going on elsewhere, she darts forward into the northern room, taking a "long way" around a table to make sure that if Iluvar should fall - if the enemy causes a breach - he isn't alone on that side of the table. She sees several Queen's Physicians moving like those in the room to the south, so it is likely that they have the same "ailment" as the ones she just fought. She gets up close enough where she could feasibly attack, but around a corner it might be a little difficult.

R4T23: Vivino, you are in defensive stance, raging, and "holding the breach." Of course, that means that all allies have to deal with a big lummox (you) in the way of their attacks getting through as well. Still, if you are comfortable in a breach-fighting position it's tactically sound. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck, Lurk delaying ...

2021-06-03, 10:13 AM
"He is getting away! I will try to create some space for you all. But if you are able to get past these things quickly then do so and go slow down that Doctor," Vivino growls out to his companions.

Maintaining rage
dropping defensive stance (normal)

Please include haste bonus and rage to attacks
Claw 1 Reckless attack and damage [roll1]
Claw 2 Reckless attack [roll2] and damage [roll3]
Claw 3 from haste Reckless attack [roll4] and damage [roll5]
Bite Reckless attack [roll]1d201d20+12 and damage [roll6]

If the maiden in front of him goes down then he will step up to the next one

2021-06-03, 10:47 AM
R4T23: "He is getting away! I will try to create some space for you all. But if you are able to get past these things quickly then do so and go slow down that Doctor," Vivino growls out to his companions. He turns back to the Queen's Physician in his way and does a powerful slash across the chest for 13, and with the other claw tears off the man's right hand. The whole body seems to crumple and turn into a dust, leaving rumpled clothing behind! That is bizarre, but Vivino doesn't process it. In fact, it helps out, as a body makes footing difficult and now it is easy for him to simply step forward and slam the next Queen's Physician in the head for 14, and he finally bites the thing in the arm and worries it back and forth until it, too, does that weird crumpling to gory dust.

Meanwhile, Vivino gags and coughs, realizing that he was NOT biting into warm, blood-bearing flesh! He was biting into death!

R4T21: Branwyn, you are back in the first room. Harsk is to the south and heading north towards you, likely to go past to join with the others. You tied up the still-paralyzed Gray Maiden. She has her sword and shield in hand, but her arms are tied to her sides. The double doors to the east are closed, and everyone else headed into the room to the north. What do you do? Lurk is also still delaying, hiding in the lift.

Queen's Physician (brown) on deck, Iluvar in the hole, Lurk delaying ...

2021-06-06, 10:08 AM
Motioning for Lurk to follow him, Branwyn takes off towards the doctor, drawing a handful of shuriken from his belt.
Running at max speed to get into range to throw...

2021-06-06, 05:35 PM
R4T21-20: Motioning for Lurk to follow him (which includes an empathetic prod since they can't see each other), Branwyn takes off towards the doctor, drawing a handful of shuriken from his belt. He moves as quickly as he can to get into range to throw. He gets past everyone, Vivino as well even, right to a wall of Queen's Physicans, and he lets loose with a shuriken at the doctor on the other side of the room. As he does so, two of the Queen's Physican's slam Branwyn - left elbow for 7, and upside the head for 10. Meanwhile, the shuriken sails well off target. Lurk flies out of the lift, past everyone else, and is at Branwyn's back and shoulder.

R4T19: Queen's Physician (Brown) clambers on the bed, looking down at Branwyn and Lurk.

R4T16: Iluvar, your readied action did not go off. What do you do?

Pink on deck, Adelaide in the hole ...

2021-06-06, 09:59 PM
Iluvar heeds Vivino's advice and presses the attack. "Watch you heads, going in!", he announces.

If i can get my full movement for flying kick then
Swa: Judgement Protection if not already on
MA: 5' step to the East
FRA: initiate flying kick to be just east of purple QP
Risky Strike kick to Purple QP Flurry of Blows [roll0]
damage from kick [roll1]
only changing targets if to pink if purple falls
Back hand punch [roll2]
damage [roll3]
elbow to neck [roll4]
damage [roll5]
If not i will move to the doctor
SWA: Judement Protection if not already in use
if already in place with use defensive stance
MA 30' ish to doctor
SA: Combat maneuver improved trip
also remember my lenses let know if creatures are injured or undead

2021-06-07, 09:46 AM
R4T16: Iluvar heeds Vivino's advice and presses the attack. "Watch you heads, going in!", he announces while mentally calling on the Lady of Graves to protect her servant. He rushes into the room, sees a bed hops up on it, blocking attacks from all of the Queen's Physicians. He jumps from bed to bed, to the floor, and past a locker to then trip the Doctor yet again!All of the Queen's Physician's register as undead.
R4T15: Pink swings twice .. once when Iluvar was getting into position, and then after the trip.

R4T14: Adelaide, what do you do?

Lucius on deck, Dr. Davaulus in the hole ...

2021-06-07, 10:08 AM
Iluvar shouts, "They are undead!"

2021-06-07, 11:38 AM
Adelaide moves into position, focuses her aim, and begins chanting as she nocks two arrows and pulls back the string of her bow. The runes on the limbs of her bow glow as they're infused with magical energy. When she finishes the brief incantation she unleashes a volley of arrows at the Queen's Physicians.

Free: 5ft Step North
SwA: Arcane Accuracy (+5 to all attacks)
FrA: Spell Combat/Spell Strike - Casting Disrupt Undead (-2 to all attacks)
Many shot, Rapid Shot(-2), Risky Strike (-2)

She starts targeting purple and if they fall she switches to pink, if pink falls she'll stop firing.

1st Shot (free Spell Attack/manyshot): Hit [roll0] Dmg [roll1] Spell [roll2]
2nd Shot (Rapid Shot): Hit [roll3] Dmg [roll4]
3rd Shot(hasted): Hit [roll5] Dmg [roll6]
4th Shot: Hit [roll7] Dmg [roll8]
5th Shot: Hit [roll9] Dmg [roll10]

2021-06-07, 12:20 PM
Iluvar shouts, "They are undead!"

"That explains the taste!"

2021-06-07, 11:06 PM
"The ......taste? Never mind, I don't want to know!"

2021-06-08, 02:33 PM
R4T14: Iluvar shouts, "They are undead!"

Adelaide moves into position, focuses her aim, and begins chanting as she nocks two arrows and pulls back the string of her bow. The runes on the limbs of her bow glow as they're infused with magical energy. When she finishes the brief incantation she unleashes a volley of arrows at the Queen's Physicians. The first doubleshot hits Purple in the chest enough to destroy it! Definitely not what woul have been expected of a living creature as it combusts into embers and ash and becomes a grease spot on the floor.

"Explains the taste!" responds Vivino to Iluvar.

"The ......taste?" Adelaide asks disgustedly as she looses an arrow into Pink's chest for 12 mod, and having seen the effect of her first target being destroyed. "Never mind, I don't want to know!"

A final shot to Pink's neck for 11 mod is enough to destroy that one as well.

R4T13: Lucius, what do you do?

Dr. Davaulus on deck, Allen in the hole ...

2021-06-08, 03:12 PM
Hearing that the foes are undead Lucius walks in confidently.

"That makes this a whole lot simpler, these foes no longer pose a threat."

Holy symbol in one hand he holds out another pointed towards any remaining undead,

"Poor lost souls, come towards Iomedaes light so you may find rest."

Moving into the room as close as he can to the doctor, provoking as needed. Than channeling to harm undead. [roll0] DC 17 Will for half, they do not add channel resistance to this.

2021-06-08, 05:11 PM
R4T13: Hearing that the foes are undead Lucius walks in confidently. "That makes this a whole lot simpler; these foes no longer pose a threat."

Holy symbol in one hand he holds out another pointed towards any remaining undead, "Poor lost souls, come towards Iomedaes light so you may find rest."

All three of the remaining "Queen's Physicians" in here take 20 positive energy, though they are all still standing.

R4T12: Doctor Davaulus takes 2 bleed. The doctor defensively casts a spell, and then disappears from view.

R4T6: Allen, what do you do?

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

2021-06-08, 05:20 PM
The doctor defensively casts a spell, and then disappears from view.

"What was that?" Vivino growls in confusion.

2021-06-09, 11:35 AM
Allen follows after Lucius, stopping inside the door while he redirects his energy from one veil to another, before holding up his hands and launching two spheres of light towards two of the Queens Physicians, hoping to erase two of these undead creatures while the others continue to chase down the doctor.

Swift action: Reinvest 2E from Mai'yrs Band into Banelight Vortices
Move action: Move into the room following Lucius. I assume Allen will have to move to the side of the door, not wanting to go ahead of the warriors.

Standard action: Fire Banelight Vortices at two of the Queen's Physicians that I presume Allen can see once he's in the room.

Attack roll 1 [roll0]

Attack roll 2 [roll1]

I'm leaving it up to the DM to roll damage, so as to roll the correct dice the first time.

2021-06-09, 11:58 AM
"What was that?" Vivino growls in confusion.

R4T6: Allen follows after Lucius, stopping inside the door to find that he has to keep going to not jam up his allies. He jumps up on a bed that is next to him. The good news is that the QP-dolls had been focused on someone else and didn't attack Allen. The bad news is that to get to this point, Allen no longer has the breath to attack as well.

R4T3-2: Green swings a fist at Lucius, its knuckles barely being deflected by holy protection. Yellow swings at Branwyn and misses.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T29: Harsk - battleaxe in one hand, heavy crossbow (unloaded) in the other - zooms into the indoctrination room, and then keeps going into the room that had the mess of former QPs in it. Green and yellow both swing at him as he goes by, and he continues south to the doorway in this room that is more to the west.

R5T26: Telgarana, what do you do?

Vivino on deck, Branwyn in the hole ...

2021-06-10, 12:45 AM
"Into the breach" says Telgarana as wand pops from her off hand sheath a quick bit of casting and the momentary outlines of a shield flash into being as she shoves her way into the room.

Swift Action: Telgarana charges her blade with Arcane Strike
Free Action: Pops wand of Shield from the quick release sheath
Standard action Casts shield from wand
Move action, moves into the next room through the Doc Zombies placing the wand in a pouch as she moves. She will put herself in the most advantageous position possible even if she has to expose herself to AOOs to do so.

2021-06-10, 01:34 AM
R5T26: "Into the breach!" says Telgarana as wand pops from her off hand sheath a quick bit of casting and the momentary outlines of a shield flash into being as she shoves her way into the room, black katana in one hand and wand in the other. All of the zombified QPs were busy with a dwarf doing the same thing a second earlier to bother with her.

R5T23: Vivino, you are currently raging. Only one enemy is in reach right now, and that one is behind a corner that might make it more difficult to hit. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck, Lurk in the hole ...

2021-06-10, 02:11 PM
"Where did the doc go?" Vivino bellows in frustration. "What did he use to get away?"

Acrobatics to get behind yellow dot and flank the QP. Based on the map there is someone there to help flank (hard to see). Acrobatics and or just move to flank either one if I am not able to flank yellow.

Acrobatics [roll0]

Risking Strike Claw attack to hit [roll1] damage [roll2] and sneak [roll3]

Please add in flank bonus and haste and ? :) Thanks!

2021-06-10, 05:30 PM
R5T23: "Where did the doc go!?" Vivino bellows in frustration. "What did he use to get away?!?"

Vivino surprises everyone by performing brilliant, deft gymnastics .... it seems the wide brim of his capellano Romano catches air to keep him aloft a second longer than might be believed ... and gets into a position behind a Queen's Physician. Yellow spins around in response and even puts a hand up, but all it gets for its trouble is a powerful claw severing that hand and then smashing into its central palate. As Yellow starts to sizzle away, having been destroyed, Vivino stares at a bit of tongue and brain matter in his palm and dropping it before it sizzles as well.

R5T21: Branwyn, what do you do?

Lurk on deck, Brown in the hole ...

2021-06-10, 06:48 PM
Having seen the Doctor disappear by some unknown means Lucius racks his brain trying to think of what to do when he yells out.

"Block the doorways!"

2021-06-11, 08:07 PM
Branwyn scans the area for a possible escape route that the doctor may have taken, and pulls his wakizashi from its scabbard, a safe distance from the deadly maidens.

My options are very limited at this time, so I'm using what little ability I have to try to track/pursue the doctor.. perception I guess?

2021-06-11, 09:58 PM
Having seen the Doctor disappear by some unknown means Lucius racks his brain trying to think of what to do when he yells out: "Block the doorways!"

R5T21-2-: Branwyn scans the area for a possible escape route that the doctor may have taken, and pulls his wakizashi from its scabbard, a safe distance from the deadly maidens. Lurk follows him.

R5T19: Brown shuffles off of the bed, but that was difficult for it and it does nothing else.

R5T16: Iluvar, what do you do?

Adelaide on deck, Lucius in the hole ...

2021-06-11, 10:37 PM
Iluvar states, "I believe he is invisible, most likely in his last position."
Iluvar steps closer to the door. Then looks like he is beginning a kata.

MA: 5ft step to SE in front of door but not next to it.
FRA: Attacking square to the north of him
Flurry of Blows
[roll0] round house kick to find target
damage [roll1]
miss chance [roll2]
[roll3] round house kick to find target
damage [roll4]
miss chance [roll5]
[roll6] round house kick to find target
damage [roll7]
miss chance [roll8]

2021-06-11, 10:42 PM
Iluvar kicks wildly

[roll0] round house kick to find target
damage [roll1]
miss chance [roll2]

2021-06-13, 09:55 AM
R5T16: Iluvar states, "I believe he is invisible, most likely in his last position."

Iluvar tries to step closer to the door, but is rebuffed by something, telling Iluvar where to target .... the spot where he was heading. Iluvar then looks like he is beginning a kata, his final kick a little bit wild as he nearly lost his balance.

R5T14: Adelaide, Brown has just plopped down right into your target line. How kind of him. What do you do?

Lucius on deck ...

2021-06-13, 12:16 PM
Not one to brush off the kindness of strangers, Adelaide will shoot brown.

"I'll cover the door back here!"

Adelaide shouts into the next room.

Targeting brown, she'll stop firing if he poofs into dust.

Spell Combat/Spellstrike (Disrupt Undead), Risky Strike
1st (free spell attack): to hit [roll0] dmg [roll1] spell [roll2]
2nd(hasted): to hit [roll3] dmg [roll4]
3rd: to hit [roll5] dmg [roll6]
4th: to hit [roll7] dmg [roll8]

2021-06-13, 12:25 PM
R5T14: Not one to brush off the kindness of strangers, Adelaide will shoot brown in the shoulder. Brown scorches away, having already been softened up by Lucius's PE-bomb earlier.

"I'll cover the door back here!" Adelaide shouts into the next room.

R5T13: Lucius, what do you do?

Allen on deck ...

2021-06-13, 04:42 PM
Lucius will step back towards the door he entered, he than clasps his hands together.

"Iomedae I beseech thee, send us a warrior to aid in finding this concealed foe."

Taking a 5ft step South West, than using Summon Monster 4 to summon a hound archon.

2021-06-14, 10:47 PM
R5T13: Lucius will step back towards the door he entered, he than clasps his hands together. "Iomedae I beseech thee, send us a warrior to aid in finding this concealed foe."

R5T12: There are a couple drops of blood that appear on the ground SE of Iluvar.

R5T6: Allen, what do you do?

Green on deck, Yellow in the hole ...

2021-06-16, 03:07 PM
Allen has watched the combat unfold, and knowing now that the doctor is invisible, and having a good idea where he is, Allen will focus his psionic energy in hopes of removing the magic he cast to hide himself.

Standard action: Manifest Dispel Psionics, aiming to dispel the Invisibility spell upon the Dr., targetting where he should be in the square one square southeast from Iluvar, where the blood is dripping.

Manifester Level check [roll0]

2021-06-16, 10:28 PM
R5T6: Allen has watched the combat unfold, and knowing now that the doctor is invisible, and having a good idea where he is, Allen will focus his psionic energy in hopes of removing the magic he cast to hide himself. The air sparkles in multi-colored motes around Allen, but nothing happens.

R5T3: Green swings at Telgarana wildly as it spins around to face her.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T29: Everyone in the room sees a momentary shift in Harsk's pigmentation on his hair, beard, and skin, that shifted to a tawny-and-green before shifting back against to his natural coloration. He puts his battleaxe away and then shoots at Green. The shot only goes in the upper right arm, but hits powerfully enough and with fire as to destroy Green, the last zombie in the room. He reloads his crossbow.

R6T26: Telgarana, what do you do?

Vivino on deck, Branwyn in the hole ...

2021-06-17, 12:39 AM
Telgarana isn't going to ignore a possible sign from The Inheritor.

"Let us hope that the Crusader has you in her favor." she says to Illuvar as she moves to just north of where the spot of blood appears

Mechanics: Haste, Shield effects active Black Blade at +3 keen, Arcane Strike +2 damage not factored in rolls below

Swift Action: Telgarana renews Arcane Strike
Move Action: Telgarana moves to the square north of the one where the square appeared. I believe this puts her east of Illuvar
Standard Action: Telgarana executes a Vital Strike in the hope that she hits something

Attack [/roll1d20+14] Damage [/roll2d8+7]

2021-06-17, 12:53 AM
R6T26: Telgarana isn't going to ignore a possible sign from The Inheritor. "Let us hope that the Crusader has you in her favor." she says to Illuvar as she moves to just north of where the spot of blood appears. She swings with a vicious focus, but hits nothing but air.

R6T23: Vivino, you are currently raging. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck, Lurk in the hole ...

2021-06-17, 06:34 PM
"Here doctor, doctor, doctor . . . I just want to give you a big ol' hug of appreciation" Vivino calls out to the doctor with a toothy smile that doesn't reach his eyes. He searches the area looking for the doctor while also glancing to see if the door is open.

Continue raging

He will drink his See Invisibility extract (as a MA?)

If he can then see the doctor (and the extract was a standard action) then he will tumble to move in front of the doorway blocking his escape. Acrobatics [roll0]

If the extract was an MA (due to accelerated drinker trait) then he will move towards the doctor and grapple. ( CMB to grab [roll1] ) plus rage modifiers to CMB

Perception to hear or locate the doctor if the extract doesn't work [roll2]

If extract doesn't work then move east 3 squares looking to run into a form.

If he does not run into anyone than he will move to stand in front of the door that is currently southeast of his position.

Is the door open?

If he does run into something not seen and the extract didn't work, he will still attempt to grapple the opponent. CMB to grab [roll3]

If he runs into someone but is not able to grab then he will acrobatics to still be blocking the doorway. Acrobatics [roll4]

2021-06-18, 01:27 AM
R6T23: "Here doctor, doctor, doctor . . . I just want to give you a big ol' hug of appreciation" Vivino calls out to the doctor with a toothy smile that doesn't reach his eyes. He searches the area looking for the doctor while also glancing to see if the door is open, which it is not.

R6T21: Branwyn, wakizashi in hand. What do you do?

Lurk on deck, Iluvar in the hole ...

2021-06-18, 03:12 PM
"Doctor not invisible," Vivino says as he is finishing drinking a bottle.

2021-06-18, 09:04 PM
Branwyn doesn't think anyone could get away from a group that easily, using mundane methods... time to look for magic sources.

Branywyn starts a minor incantation and concentrates on as much of the room as he can see.

Just casting detect magic in a cone, to cover as much area as possible.

2021-06-19, 02:45 PM
"Doctor not invisible," Vivino says as he is finishing drinking a bottle.

R6T21: Branwyn doesn't think anyone could get away from a group that easily, using mundane methods... time to look for magic sources. Branywyn starts a minor incantation and concentrates on as much of the room as he can see. As expected, for right now, he is sensing magic in the area, and only time and concentration will bear out more information.

R6T20: Lurk lands on the corner of the bed by his master.

R6T16: Iluvar, what do you do?

Adelaide on deck, Lucius in the hole (summoning forth a hound archon) ...

2021-06-19, 08:29 PM
"Everyone quiet. We need to hear him!", Iluvar orders.
He begins moving stealthily in hopes of finding the unseen.

MA: Steps directly south the moves 5 feet to the east then 5 feet more to the east.
If he runs into something unseen he will make a grapple attempt. [roll0]
He will make a perception check if unimpeded.
Stealth roll to move quietly

2021-06-19, 08:35 PM
R6T16: "Everyone quiet. We need to hear him!" Iluvar orders. He begins moving stealthily in hopes of finding the unseen, but he discovers nothing.

R6T14: Adelaide, your bow is in hand. Your arcane accuracy ends. Dr. Davaulus is still a studied target, but he is nowhere to be seen. What do you do?

Lucius (summoning) on deck, Allen in the hole ...

2021-06-19, 08:55 PM
Adelaide tiptoes to the south and closes the door, blocking access to the elevator.

She'll listen to see if she can hear the doctors footsteps.

Adelaide moves south and closes the door. She stays on the north side of the door when she closes it.

2021-06-19, 09:10 PM
R6T14: Adelaide tiptoes to the south and closes the door, blocking access to the elevator. She'll listen to see if she can hear the doctors footsteps.

R6T13: Lucius finishes his spell! Lucius, where will your hound archon land? What do you ask it to do? What do you do yourself?

Allen in the hole ...

2021-06-20, 06:24 PM
A hound archon bearing Iomedaes symbol appears near the bottom right door, Lucius calls to him.
"My friend, I am in need of your extraordinary sense of smell to find a necromancer who has fled. Can you find him? I will be checking the lower rooms, as well I have exhausted all other means to stop him."
Lucius places a hand on his sword and draws it while moving towards the door Harsk is at, if allowed he will open the door to see if there are enemies in the room.

If I can i will attack any enemy I find, non-lethal vs any living enemies aside from the doctor.

2021-06-20, 07:47 PM
R6T13.1-.0: A creature bearing Iomedae's symbol appears near Harsk. It is a humanoid but for a canine head and polished greatsword in hand. He begins speaking, but it is in a language that most of you likely do not know. Regardless, overlayed over that voice is one which each person in the room hears as if it were their "most native/ familiar" language, even to the dialect! "Be not afraid, for I am Lahabiel, and freely serve the Inheritor's allies!"

Lucius calls to him. "My friend, I am in need of your extraordinary sense of smell to find a necromancer who has fled. Can you find him? I will be checking the lower rooms, as well I have exhausted all other means to stop him."

"There are many smells here, including the smells of death destoyed. Is there anything with which I may narrow my search?" he asks, and it seems he asks the entire room, not just the one that called him.

Lucius places a hand on his sword and draws it while moving towards the door Harsk is at, but he will not have time to get to get past Harsk and open the door.He would end his turn in the same square, so that won't work.Lahabiel looks out over the room. "I do sense evil in this area, though. Pray that it is not any of your own auras."

R6T12: No sooner does Lahabiel mention this dire news than the door to the west closes by itself, and there comes the sound of a key turning in a lock.

"Evil has fled," says Lahabiel.

R6T6: Allen, what do you do?

Harsk on deck, Telgarana in the hole ...

2021-06-22, 06:14 PM
Allen growls to himself. "Of course. He looks to the others to see if one of them takes the lead.

Allen will delay.

2021-06-22, 09:22 PM
R6T6: Allen growls to himself. "Of course." He looks to the others to see if one of them takes the lead.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T29: Harsk thinks aloud to himself, possibly quoting something. "I have become the mouth of the saber," and he steps out of the way to let Rithryn in, as he seemed to want to get where he was.

R7T26: Telgarana, what do you do? You have blade in one hand, wand in the other.

Vivino on deck, Branwyn (concentrating) in the hole, Allen delaying ...

2021-06-23, 01:10 AM
R6T6: Allen growls to himself. "Of course." He looks to the others to see if one of them takes the lead.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T29: Harsk thinks aloud to himself, possibly quoting something. "I have become the mouth of the saber," and he steps out of the way to let Rithryn in, as he seemed to want to get where he was.

R7T26: Telgarana, what do you do? You have blade in one hand, wand in the other.

Vivino on deck, Branwyn (concentrating) in the hole, Allen delaying ...

Swift action -Charge Arcane Strike
Move action - moves towards the West Door putting wand in pouch as she does so.
Standard Action Moves THROUGH the West Door Strength roll [/rolld20+2]

2021-06-23, 12:37 PM
R7T26: Telgarana puts some arcane energy on her sword on the hopes that her next tactic will bring her closer to her enemy. She moves up and tries to shoulder the door off its hinges enough to be opened, but slams against the door so horribly that she ends up battering herself more than the door. Her wand is also not back in her pouch.I guess it doesn't matter who rolls for you, because I rolled a fumble and a failed Fort save. You are "battered", which will have a penalty on skill checks and saves until a Healer can tend to you for 10 minutes, or some as-yet-unknown (to you) time passes).

Also, you cannot "sheathe" weapons and wands on the move, only draw. There are actually very few archetypes or feats out there that allow for quick-sheathing.
R7T23: Vivino, do you keep raging? What do you do?

Branwyn (concentrating) on deck, Lurk in the hole ...

2021-06-24, 03:39 PM
"The rooms might match up. I'll see if he went this way." Vivino moves through the door he is next to.

Wil continue rage this round but possible conditions below may drop him out of it.

Move into the room to the south.
If it is locked, he will try busting through quickly CMB [roll0]
If he doesnt bust through, then will come out of rage and prepare to pick the lock. If able Disable the lock: [roll1]

If it isn't locked he will open the door and move through.

If he gets through he will scan the room with his senses and See invisibility to look for the doctor.

If he sees the doctor he will move up to him. (Acrobatics if needed [roll2] ). Then he will attempt to grapple him CMB [roll3]. If he sees the doctor he will say "He is this way to the south!".

If the doctor is not seen and it looks like it meets up with the room to the west (with the double doors?), he will move to go through that door with haste movement etc. Acrobatics if needed to get paste any threats [roll4]. If he is moving past over threats he will warn to the party: "More threats this way, beware!"

Then he will try to open up the doors to the west in the new room. If locked, will drop out of rage and try to open the lock with Disable [roll5]. If he is out of actions will prepare to open the lock next round if there are no threats in the room.

If he is able to open the double doors he should be seeing the room with the lift? He will look for the doctor and if he now sees him: "Follow me to the south. I found him back in the lift room!"

If Vivino is able to open the double doors and doesn't see the doctor he will drop out of rage.

2021-06-24, 07:50 PM
R7T23: "The rooms might match up. I'll see if he went this way." Vivino opens the door in front of him, seeing four egresses from the creepy room he steps into, but having a sense of where he wants to go he continues to the double doors to the west, getting right up to them. Still, in getting to the double doors but not long seeing the doctor, he drops out of rage, feeling the normal flushed and fatigued from the exertion, even as his teeth and claws retract.

R7T21: Branwyn, you are concentrating on detect magic, having completed 1 round on the specific cone you are covering. Do you keep up concentration, given recent events, or do something else?

Lurk on deck, Iluvar in the hole ...

2021-06-27, 09:01 PM
R7T21-20: Branwyn realizes from a key in tumbler that Adelaide surely wasn't the one to shut and lock the door, so he continues to concentrate, but so heads out the open door. Lurk flies along with her master.

R7T16: Iluvar, what do you do?

Adelaide on deck, Lahabiel in the whole ...

2021-06-27, 10:17 PM
Iluvar concentrates for a moment. Then heads through the door nearest him to the south. Then will proceed to the west and will proceed through a western door.

SA:He will use detect alignment:Evil
MA: Then he will use his full movement to try to cutoff the doctor's escape.

2021-06-28, 02:26 AM
R7T16: Iluvar concentrates for a moment, looking in the direction he intends to move (west), and senses no evil emanations. Then heads through the door nearest him to the south. Then will proceed to the west and gets right up to the closed western double doors with Iluvar.

R7T14: Adelaide, you heard the door to the east close, and keys on your side of the door jingle to engage the lock. You are at the southern door to this room, after having closed it. What do you do?

Lahabiel on deck, Lucius in the hole ...

2021-06-28, 11:26 AM
Adelaide braces to defend the door. She fades from view and draws her knife, ready to guard the door.

Std: Cast Invisibility on self
MA: Stow Bow in efficient quiver's magic pocket, if this would take more than a move action, just over shoulder is fine.
Swift: Draw Switchblade from wrist sheath.
Free: Extend the spring loaded blade.

2021-06-28, 03:28 PM
R7T14: Adelaide braces to defend the door. She casts a spell (with the requisite strong voice echoing through the room) and fades from view and draws her knife, ready to guard the door.

R7T13.1: Lahabiel looks to Lucius and says simply, "Redirect me."

R7T13: Lucius, what do you tell Lahabiel to do (he doesn't know the layout like you vaguely do)? What do you do?

Gray Maiden on deck, Harsk in the hole, Lahabiel/ Allen delaying ...

2021-06-28, 09:56 PM
Stepping up to the door Lucius prepares his sword.
"Lahabiel, I need you to clear the room of evil once I open the door. The main foe we are looking for is a human, likely cloaked in evil necromancy magic."
Lucius strikes twice with great force against the door with his sword Requiem.

Using power attack and full attacking the door, Adamantine weapon ignores hardness less than 20. First strike [roll0] [roll1] Second strike [roll2] [roll3]

2021-06-28, 09:59 PM
Severity check [roll0] Haste attack [roll1] damage [roll2]

2021-06-29, 11:44 AM
R7T13: Stepping up to the door Lucius prepares his sword. "Lahabiel, I need you to clear the room of evil once I open the door. The main foe we are looking for is a human, likely cloaked in evil necromancy magic."

Lucius strikes twice with great force against the door with his sword Requiem, tearing the door to shreds. What Lucius sickens him. Behind thick panes of glass, fragments and even whole bodies of the living dead line the walls and floor of this chamber. Their rotting faces sneer and broken fingers claw at each other as the shattered forms twitch in vain, their splintered appendages grasping hopelessly. Yet rather than some massive, nightmarish grave, this horror show seems instead to be a stomach-churning attempt at art.

R7T12.9: Lahabiel darts past Lucius and into the next room (where Vivino, Iluvar, and Branwyn are) and then takes a few seconds to sniff the air. "The smell of death and sickness is strong to the south, but nearly overwhelming to the east!"

It should be noted that is the every direction there is a door except where Vivino and Iluvar are! :smalleek:
R7T12: Adelaide, you hear someone casting a spell somewhere on the eastern side of the room. It is a man's voice, and though you didn't see it cast, you recognize that it was cure moderate wounds.
End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

Everyone, the haste effect has now ended!

R8T29: Harsk appears to be momentarily struck by some type of spasm. He shakes it off and heads out the door to this apparent barracks to the room people are dumping towards, going right to the door to the east. "Thanks, Holy Pup! And we'll cut each of 'em down!" he roars. He opens one of the doors, and then much less enthusiastically says, "Oh, crap."

He turns his head to those in the lower room, "We got a lotta walkers over here!"

R8T26: Telgarana, the world around you returns to normal as you are now at "normal speed" and still feeling a little battered from her botched attempt to shoulder the door open. What do you do?

Vivino on deck, Branwyn on deck, Allen delaying ...

2021-06-29, 01:49 PM
Telgarana gets up, saying dazedly "More?"

She then moves towards Harsk

She puts her wand away and gets up and then moves toward Harsk.

Too busy at the moment to figure out what actions go where but she'll use her swift to renew Arcane Strike
Depending on what I see I suspect the next words that come out are something along the lines of "I really should have studied Fireball."

2021-06-29, 02:40 PM
R8T26: Telgarana steadies herself, dazedly saying, "More?"

Arcane courses along her blade as she follows Harsk. The haste effect is gone, and she's a little confused. Normally, dwarves are slower but steadier of foot than taller folk like herself. But she has to just barely hustle to be able to catch up behind him. As she sees what looks like a large room full of undead (and big vats, and horrible smells) beyond, she gives a low whistle, commenting "I really should have studied fireball."

R8T23: Vivino, the door opposite the one you're at now opened, and there are multiple enemies that way. And you are fatigued. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck, Lurk in the hole, Allen delaying ...

2021-06-29, 03:41 PM
"Keep that lot busy Harsk, we can't let the Doctor escape and I believe that he went this way. By the way, do you see the Doctor in that next room?"

Open the door to the west (the one that I am in front of).

If it is locked Disable device [roll0] and then open the door. If he sees the doctor with or without his See Invisibility, he will say "Found the Doc, he is through this door". Then I will move to block the door to the south. If the doctor is invisible and I will describe where I currently see him in the room.

If I don't see the Doctor, then I will move up to the doorway to the north and look inside for the doctor. If I see him in that room, I will say "Found him in the room north of the lift" Then I will also describe where I see him in the room if he is invisible.

If I don't see him in either room, I will look to see if the door to the south is open. If it is, I will say "He might have gone south past the lift through that open door."

2021-06-29, 04:21 PM
R8T23: "Keep that lot busy, Harsk! We can't let the Doctor escape, and I believe that he went this way. By the way, do you see the Doctor in that next room?"

"I see..."

He opens the door he's at, then goes through. No sooner does he step to the other side than something on the door pops out - one of the skeleton figures with a scythe - and slashes at Vivino. A scythe slashes his left shoulder for 8 mod. The southern door, which is still shut, does the same thing, slashing Vivino's lower back for 7 mod. Vivino makes it to the northern door. Meanwhile, both door traps expel a large amount of dust that fills all of this antechamber where the Gray Maiden and Vivino are.

Vivino had gasped from the pain of the double-scythe trap, and breathes in the dust fully. The dust is some type of psychotropic which attacks his sense of self.Your mind is weakened. You take a -2 penalty on all CHA-related ability and skill checks.
R8T21: Branwyn, you are currently concentrating on detect magic. What do you do?

Lurk on deck, Iluvar in the hole ...

2021-06-30, 03:44 PM
Allen follows after his allies into the southern room. After some thought, he heads towards the eastern door where the others are, and takes in what he can see from behind the others. "I could create a wall of flames inside there, that's the widest range I can manage, but I'm not sure how effective that might be."

Move action: Move south into the room directly south, and based on the maps Allen would head toward the East door there, right behind Harsk and Telgarana.

If he can manage the move in one Move action then;
Standard action: Ready action to fire a Banelight Vortices shot at the first enemy to get close to the door Harsk is at.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: Will be left to the DM, due to varying damage dice based on targets.

Note: If Allen can see well enough into the room, and can identify it as the room he previously encountered Rolth in, he'd like to declare that to his allies too.

2021-07-01, 02:30 PM
Concentrating past the doorway that he believes is the only exit, Branwyn concentrates on detecting any sort of illusion magics - specifically invisibility. which is in his own repertoire.

With the new enemies rushing the room, he braces himself and takes a defensive stance. (full defense)

2021-07-02, 03:33 AM
R8T22: Allen follows after his allies into the southern room. After some thought, he heads towards the eastern door where the others are, and takes in what he can see from behind the others. "I could create a wall of flames inside there, that's the widest range I can manage, but I'm not sure how effective that might be."

To his horror, he thinks he sees Kaul on the catwalk on there, just as Harsk finishes his statment. ".... dead people."

R8T21-20: Concentrating past the doorway that he believes is the only exit, Branwyn concentrates on detecting any sort of illusion magics - specifically invisibility. which is in his own repertoire. For now, though, the best he gets this second round is that there are seventeen magical auras in his current cone of effect, with at least one aura of moderate aura. He would have to continue for another round of concentration to get more information, including aura type, strength, and pinpointing. With the new enemies on the other side of the eastern doors, Branwyn braces himself, but doesn't have time just yet to set up a defensive kata, trusting that Harsk, Telgarana, and Allen will screen him from danger.

Lurk delays on her master's shoulder.

R8T16: Iluvar, detect evil is still running, but was reset on your move. Do you concentrate for a new round 1? What do you do?

Adelaide on deck, Lucius in the hole ...

2021-07-02, 08:18 PM
"Stay within sight of someone! Don't be alone!",Iluvar advise as he moves directly east to engage the undead.

Iluvar will try to tumble past the undead in the doorway
SWA: Defensive Stance Crane Style
MA: Acrobatics Double move to get past undead and get behind zombie(not sure when half movement speed begins)
If I didn't have to take a standard action to get where I want I will attack the zombie in the door.
Damage [roll2]

2021-07-02, 09:16 PM
R8T16: "Stay within sight of someone! Don't be alone!" Iluvar advise as he moves directly east to engage the undead, easily tumbling past the one - two! - at the double doors to then come up to flank with Harsk.

R8T14: Unfortunately, that advice goes unheard and unheeded by the one who might need it most. Adelaide, you are invisible at the door inside a room all alone ... well, except for someone you can't see (be they invisible, or around the corner from the alcove you're in). You also haven't given yourself a chance to really notice your surroundings yet, either. What do you do?

Lucius on deck, Lahabiel in the hole ...

2021-07-03, 08:00 PM
Adelaide slows her breathing doing the best she can to not make a sound and slowly starts to move forward. Bracing to prevent the doctor from making it to the elevator.

Free: 5ft step north to see more of the room
Std: Readies to stab at the doctor if he runs into her on the way to the door.

Readied attack:
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus sneak [roll2]
Miss chance [roll3]

2021-07-03, 08:10 PM
R8T14: Adelaide slows her breathing doing the best she can to not make a sound and slowly starts to move forward. Bracing to prevent the doctor from making it to the elevator.

R8T13: Lucius, what do you do? Do you respond to what Lahabiel last said to you? Do you retask him in any way?

Lahabiel on deck, Dr. Davaulus on deck (possibly) ...

2021-07-06, 09:51 PM
R8T13: Lucius looks to Lahabiel. "I go now to bring war upon undead and those making them," he says simply. "Lahabiel, open that door, and any that attack those you have seen as my allies, or that you know as undead, strike them down or aid as best you know."

Lucius then enters this central room, staying along the wall, getting to three of his companions. He calls upon Iomedae to aid himself and his allies in battle, touching Allen, Branwyn, Lurk, Telgarana, and himself.He cast communal protection from evil on all those that were touched.
R8T12.9: Lahabiel moves to the east and opens the other door so that the party may get a better look inside. There are two zombies - a male and a female - dressed in Urgathoan garb standing guard at the doorway.
R8T12: Just out of Adelaide's likely reach and to the north, she hears the same voice casting another round of cure moderate wounds.
R8T5: In the entry hallway, where Vivino is, the spell that locked the Gray Maiden in place has finally ended. She falls over, and struggles against having been tied up (and now poisoned).

End Round 8, Begin Round ...

R9T29: Harsk is about to nod to Iluvar when it is obvious that his entire body is secondarily wracked by pain, and he seems to gain some mass ... not a lot ... but definitely enough to notice. He no longer seems to be a focused, trained warrior but something like an animal, and his canines grow out and down some as he gives some type of animalistic roar. He bites the man in front of him in the belly for 9, and then his hands - now bearing claws - lets him swipe with the off-hand not wielding his crossbow. The claws aren't very long, but the strength behind it still is enough to do another 9. With a fit of pique he drops his crossbow and destroys that zombie with the other claw. He then steps forward to Iluvar.lluvar, you are looking - discouting height difference - almost directly into Harsk's eyes. His sapphire blue eyes have a pupil that are slitted like a feline's. Your sure his pupils were previously the large round type of a dwarf's.
R9T26: Telgarana, you recognize that Lucius gave you a warding against evil. Your sword is still amped. What do you do?

Vivino on deck (must make another save vs. poison), Allen in the hole ...

2021-07-08, 02:15 AM
Telgarana looks into the room east. She dismisses the zombie at the door seeing that it seems well covered. Trusting to her protections she moves to engage the more interesting target beyond. "Hi there" she says. "Let me make a pointed introduction"

move: Telgarana moves 4 squares east and then one diagonally south east swift: she renews her arcane strike

standard action She makes a Vital Strike against the target to her west.

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2021-07-08, 02:20 AM
Severity check [roll0]

2021-07-08, 02:47 AM
R9T26: Telgarana looks into the room east. She dismisses the zombie at the door seeing that it seems well covered. Trusting to her protections she moves to engage the more interesting target beyond. But that target a living human woman she sees as she gets closer, is quicker than the zombie that missed Telly as she passed, and a scythe catches the half-elven bladebound with a soft crit in her left upper arm for 6 mod.

Getting into position and seething from the pain, Telly says, "Hi there,let me make a pointed introduction."

Telly returns the favor with a soft crit to the woman's left foot for 26, easily severing something as the woman's mouth gapes open in a pain too concentrated to even be able to scream more than a panting gasp.

R9T23: Vivino, meanwhile, roll another Fort save vs. poison. You are fatigued. The door is just north of you. What do you do?

Allen on deck, Branwyn in the hole ...

2021-07-08, 10:10 AM
"For some reason they wanted to keep you alive. But you don't need this," says Vivino to the tied up gray maiden. He will then confiscate her weapons and then begin to drag her feet first towards the rest of the party.

Fort save [roll0]

Then use senses to detect any weapons or possible magic items and confiscate them from the maiden.

Then if time allows start to drag her back towards the party. Will drag her feet first through the north door to avoid the trapped door, aiming to rejoin the party.

2021-07-08, 09:33 PM
R9T23: Vivino's rage and instinctive knowledge helps him fight off any further ravages of the poison that was affecting him.

"For some reason they wanted to keep you alive. But you don't need this," says Vivino to the tied up gray maiden as he steps over to her. He then confiscates her longsword, ripping it from her tight grasp for she did not let it go easily and lets the sword clatter to the side. She had previously dropped her bow, but her heavy shield is in her grasp as well, despite her arms being tied to her sides. It took enough out of Vivino just to get the sword away from her, he doesn't have the time or energy in the split-second to either grab her shield from her. She is tied up and helpless, though, so he grabs her feet.FA: 5' step.
SA: Disarm check to remove her sword. Though in general she is "helpless" she does have a grip on the sword, so a SA was still required to grab it from her.
MA: To grab an unattended "object" (her). It isn't a SA/Grapple because she is tied up/ helpless right now.

It was a weird series of actions for me to adjudicate.
R9T22.1: There is a laughter heard in the eastern room. A wild, capricious cackling of a female. Allen feels a sense of dread, having heard this laughter before from when he was in Carowyn Manor, but the owner of that laughter escaped without ever being faced down. That laughter seems to segue into an extremely high-pitched screeching sound even as Telgarana gets hit in the side of the neck for 16 mod (+5 NL + 3 bleed) with a cheap shot that disorients Telly. Meanwhile, that terrible screeching sound is positively frightful, its loud noise giving Lahabiel pause. Appearing on the central catwalk is a woman in a harlequin suit with a hand crossbow. With incredible deftness she reloads the hand crossbow, vaults off the catwalk and somewhere behind the vat to the south.

R9T22: Allen, you remember the laughter, even if from your vantage you didn't see her in the next room. It is Jolistina Susperio, who was responsbile for the hideous displays of undead at Carowyn Manor. You do think you might be able to see .... Kaul? Standing on the catwalk? But you're not sure. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck, Lurk in the hole ...

2021-07-10, 06:45 AM
Allen takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm pretty sure I saw Kaul in there. Be careful guys." He moves closer to the door, hoping to get a better view in the room, and launches some shots from his veil at the foes he can see here.

Move action: Move towards the door, stopping directly behind Harsk, I believe.
Standard action: Fire Banelight Vortices at the two closest targets he can see, prioritizing the obviously undead over the living.

Attack roll 1: [roll0]
Damage: Left to DM to roll

Attack roll 2: [roll1]
Damage: Left to DM to roll

Also, Allen hates you. Just wanted that to be known.

2021-07-10, 06:46 AM
Crit roll for Attack 2

Damage [roll1]

2021-07-10, 11:13 PM
R9T22: Allen takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm pretty sure I saw Kaul in there. Be careful, guys."

He moves closer to the door, hoping to get a better view in the room, and launches some shots from his veil at the foes he can see here. Luckily, Telly had gotten the attention of Zombie Brown-Blue so she doesn't hit Allen as he makes his ranged attack. Which is also good, as she is undead and closest, she gets a face full. The first banelight misses as Allen is thrown off by the very short range, but on the second shot he adjusts brilliantly and blasts her head clear off with the blinding power of the sun!

R9T21: Branwyn, face it, any use your detect magic spell might have been good for has since been woefully made obsolete by the current situation. What do you do?

Lurk on deck, Iluvar in the hole ...

2021-07-12, 05:02 PM
Branwyn drops the detection and instead goes for the foe nearest one of his colleagues, taking a swing with his wakizashi, hoping to target one in a flanking position.

whack and attack [roll0] damage [roll1] sneak dmg if enemy flanked - add [roll2] stabby

2021-07-12, 07:59 PM
R9T21: Branwyn drops the detection and instead goes for the foe nearest one of his colleagues, dodging around the side to flank with Telly, and taking a swing with his wakizashi. His blade doesn't even hit armor, though, as it is rebuffed by a deflection field. Lurk flies in, but stays on the other side of her master's body from the creepy cultist woman.

R9T16: Zauberei, er, Iluvar, :smallbiggrin: what do you do?

Adelaide on deck, Lucius in the hole ...

2021-07-12, 08:26 PM
Iluvar warns his companions, "Going to the catwalk."

SWa: Activating slippers of the Lightest step.
MA:Moving to the catwalk between the foes.
SA: Touch attack on opponent to the South. Using domain power Gentle Rest

2021-07-12, 08:46 PM
R9T16: Iluvar warns his companions, "Going to the catwalk."

He then seems to launch up in to the air, practically running on it, and moves towards the catwalk. As he comes over the railing of the catwalk, the two men there (both undead) swing at him. He blocks the northern and dodges the southern. Iluvar then gathers his faith and ki and does a two-finger atemi strike to the ginger-zombie's lower left arm to stagger it.

R9T14: Adelaide, what do you do?

Lucius on deck, Lahabiel in the hole ...

2021-07-13, 03:31 PM
Adelaide holds her position trying decide what to do, she's not sure where everyone else went off to, but said she'd guard the door so the doctor couldn't get through.

Adelaide will delay

2021-07-13, 05:32 PM
R9T14: Adelaide holds her position trying decide what to do, she's not sure where everyone else went off to, but said she'd guard the door so the doctor couldn't get through.

R9T13: Lucius, what do you do?

Lahabiel on deck, Enemies in the hole, Adelaide delaying ...

2021-07-13, 08:16 PM
Lucius looks at Lahabiel.
"I am afraid that I may have been to naive, this is a foe that I can't hold back against. Lahabiel, you have free rein to slay at your discretion!"
Lucius moves as far into the room as he can to center himself as he presents his holy symbol.
"By the Inheritors light begone foul creatures."

Going as far as 1 movement can get me into the next room, using channel to harm undead. [roll0] DC 17 will, no channel resistance bonus. Readying immediate action to use suicidal tiefling trait to become the target of an attack aimed at an ally.

2021-07-13, 09:10 PM
R9T13: Lucius looks at Lahabiel. "I am afraid that I may have been to naive, this is a foe that I can't hold back against. Lahabiel, you have free rein to slay at your discretion!"

Lucius moves as far into the room as he can to center himself as he presents his holy symbol. "By the Inheritor's light, begone foul creatures!"

There is a WHOLE lot of sizzling going on, though none of the undead are destroyed outright. Five zombies get burned almost to destruction, and another three manage to resist a little, but still get whalloped.

R9T12.9: Lahabiel is still feeling a little off, but sees the great destruction wrought. He moves past Telly to face off against three burned zombies, and with his massive sword he wreaks the one least wounded to free the entrapped soul to its afterlife.
You hear the key engage in the lock in the door to the east and the tumbler release.
R9T10: The Zombies attack, move, or otherwise react! Telly feels her armor getting slammed by one. Branwyn gets hit in the gut for 9. One that looks like a white-haired half-elf goes to far and gets hit by Lahabiel's greatsword for 15, but it wasn't affected by Lucius' PE-bomb so isn't destroyed.

R9T5: The Gray Maiden, tied up and feet held, struggles futilely, possibly even hurting or messing herself up in the foolish attempt.

R9T4-1: Several female Urgathoan cultists now act. Red moves north and east, and then bangs on a door that is accessed from the catwalk area. Green jumps down to the floor 10' below, and amazingly lands on her feet unharmed. It is not amazing in itself, as several members of the party could do that easily ... but rather she is wearing breastplate, doesn't seem to be acrobatic at all, and not even particularly agile....the Pallid Princess protects her own in her fane, it would seem. She steps over to a door and opens it. Blue cultist double-moves to get off the catwalks. Brown cultist steps back, and casts CLW on herself for 6 healing.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T29: Harsk picks up his crossbow from under Allen's feet, and then shoots at Brown cultist (the one that just healed herself) in the chest for 15 + 1 fire, dropping her. He speed reloads his heavy crossbow. Nobody sees any vestiges of the natural weapons he had a few seconds earlier.

R10T26: Telgarana, what do you do?

Vivino on deck, Allen in the hole, Adelaide delaying ...

2021-07-15, 12:09 AM
Telgarana glances around her at the developing battle and she remarks "This seems to be the trendy part of Not Quite Dead EnoughVille." And in response the runes on her sword increase in their crimson brightness.

Freedom's Night on it's own decides to activate Black Blade Strike as a free action giving the blade an additional +2 to damage for one minute spending one of it's arcane pool points to do so.

Swift Action: Telgarana continues Arcane Strike on the Katana.
Attack actions: Telgarana makes two strikes starting on the wombie, if her first strike drops it the second will be on the zombie immediately east of her.

Active mechanics, Shield Spell, Blade at +3 keen, Arcane Strike adding +2 and Black Blade Strike adding another +2 to damage. Shield spell and Protection from Evil also active.

1st Attack: [roll0] damage [roll1]

2nd Attack: [roll2] damage [roll3]

If the wolf attacks at her She will parry [roll4] and then take her immediate action to riposte if succcessful. [roll5] damage [roll6]

2021-07-15, 12:15 AM
if the riposte attack occurs, that strike is within Telgarana's crit range

2021-07-15, 12:32 AM
R10T26: Telgarana, bleeding from the sniper (3 bleed) glances around her at the developing battle and she remarks, "This seems to be the trendy part of Not Quite Dead EnoughVille." In response, the runes on her sword increase in their crimson brightness. Two liquid strikes and the wombie (wolf-zombie) is destroyed.

R10T23: Vivino, you are fatigued, holding onto a tied up Gray Maiden's feet. What do you do?

Allen in the hole, Adelaide delaying ...

2021-07-15, 08:21 AM
"Does anyone still want this Gray Maiden alive? Do answer me or she will meet her maker" Vivino yells to make sure he is heard.

If no one responds to keep her alive by the next time someone posts, Vivino will plunge the maidens sword into her neck and leave it there.

Risky strike coup de grace. Damage [roll0]

Do I need a roll for the auto crit on the chart? If so, what I roll?

Then if the maiden is dead will move to meet up with the party.

If someone does say to keep her alive, will drag her by the feet double move if need be to catch up.

2021-07-15, 03:20 PM
R10T23: "Does anyone still want this Gray Maiden alive? Do answer me or she will meet her maker" Vivino yells to make sure he is heard, and picking up the sword he confiscated off the Gray Maiden.

R10T22.1: "How do you like my showcase in the last room?" calls a woman's voice, mockingly, from behind the southern vat. "My boo was kind enough to let me showcase my art!"

R10T22: Allen, from where you are, you see zombie versions of Kaul and Phi on the catwalk. What do you do?

Branwyn on deck, Lurk in the hole ...

2021-07-15, 07:47 PM
Lucius shouts back to Vivino.