View Full Version : Escape!

Purple Pheonix
2015-02-20, 01:05 AM
You awaken in darkness. The ground beneath you is dirt and sand, covered in bits of rock. You hear the sound of rushing water nearby.

[All actions should be placed in "For DM" spoilers until further notice. Die rolls should be kept in separate spoilers. I suggest using https://www.random.org]

2015-02-20, 07:44 AM
The first coherent thought occuring to Douglas was surprise, and panic followed quickly after. But he forced himself to calm down and started assessing the situation.
Someone had to have brought him wherever he is now. Brick might as well check if that someone was still around.
"Hello? Anyone here?"

While waiting for an answer, I check if I am restrained or injured in any way and I use my passive perception (hearing 2*3=6 without rolling if I'm not mistaken) to try to locate where the sound of water come from.

Purple Pheonix
2015-02-20, 12:29 PM
The first coherent thought occuring to Douglas was surprise, and panic followed quickly after. But he forced himself to calm down and started assessing the situation.
Someone had to have brought him wherever he is now. Brick might as well check if that someone was still around.
"Hello? Anyone here?"

While waiting for an answer, I check if I am restrained or injured in any way and I use my passive perception (hearing 2*3=6 without rolling if I'm not mistaken) to try to locate where the sound of water come from.

You are not restrained, and you have a few scratches and bruises. Standing up, the waters coming from about 20 feet behind you.

2015-02-20, 03:15 PM
Golia shakily rises to his feet, every part of his body speaks out in pain as he does so.. For a second he isn't sure where he is, then it dawns on him, he hadn't been quick enough to dodge the guard during his last little mission of learning. With a few head shakes the fog clears and his resolve returns, this was but a minor setback, as soon as he found a way out of whatever hole they had thrown him in he would be back... Besides, he thought with a smile, even if I don't get out, what I have learned is still mine, and mine alone. Golia waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

Do I hear Brick? (hear is 2*3=6), Also what do I see (see 3*3=9)

Purple Pheonix
2015-02-20, 03:29 PM
Golia shakily rises to his feet, every part of his body speaks out in pain as he does so.. For a second he isn't sure where he is, then it dawns on him, he hadn't been quick enough to dodge the guard during his last little mission of learning. With a few head shakes the fog clears and his resolve returns, this was but a minor setback, as soon as he found a way out of whatever hole they had thrown him in he would be back... Besides, he thought with a smile, even if I don't get out, what I have learned is still mine, and mine alone. Golia waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

Do I hear Brick? (hear is 2*3=6), Also what do I see (see 3*3=9)

Yes, you hear brick. I just told you what you see. You're going to have to look around more.

2015-02-20, 04:29 PM
Hearing another voice down here, a fortuitous sign, either the Gods above were not as harsh as their mortal servants or the prince of darkness wanted him to continue his work. Not being a religious man, Gollia wasn't too worried about the source of his luck, better to jump upon the opportunity before the voice decided it was alone and pressed on. Hello, I see that I am not without company in this dreary jail.. Perhaps our captors are not as intelligent as I had originally supposed.
Just wanted to check if I heard/saw anything else.

2015-02-25, 04:03 AM
Not alone, but apparently not someone who can be tricked into getting him out. Douglas was still relieved. After all, some honest help wouldn't hurt for once. And being alone in the dark would be a little too scary.
"We still don't have light. Or food. But there is water that way, I think we should check it."

Douglas carefully gets up and take a few cautious steps toward the water, waiting for an answer before moving further.

2015-02-25, 01:41 PM
Well then, why don't you go first? For some reason, Gollia didn't like the idea of simply exposing his back to some perhaps more violent criminal down here, without a visible guard to pull another man off him, the last thing he needed was a killer with an easy target in case they found something precious down here. By the way, what do they call you friend? He does however, take a few cautious steps towards the voice, ignoring the pain in his legs, it would go away in time.

2015-02-25, 04:39 PM
"My name is Douglas, but people call me Brick because I'm strong like a wall. And you, what is your name?"
Walking cautiously toward the water. I don't want to trip in the dark or fall in a hole.

2015-02-25, 06:02 PM
Well Brick, my name is Gollia, I can't say I have been caught before.. With a name like Brick, he must be a gang leader or something. Gollia made a mental note to not give his new acquaintance a chance to test out his strength on his person.

Purple Pheonix
2015-02-28, 05:48 PM
Walking cautiously toward the water. I don't want to trip in the dark or fall in a hole.

You splash your exposed toes into shallow water, approximately 8 feet away from the source.

You hear a light splash.

Wake up soon!

2015-03-01, 03:33 PM
Any luck finding the source of the sound? Golia continues to walk foreword slowly.. hopefully until he can finally see this Brick. As I do so, I check my person for any of my possessions By the way, you don't have anything we could use to carry some of this water do you? Never know when it might be useful, or how long we might be down here.

2015-03-01, 04:47 PM
Yes, I found the water, I'm stepping in it. And no, I don't have anything to carry some.
I try to find the exact source of water and to check if it is natural or man made by touch.

Purple Pheonix
2015-03-02, 12:50 AM
Any luck finding the source of the sound? Golia continues to walk foreword slowly.. hopefully until he can finally see this Brick. As I do so, I check my person for any of my possessions By the way, you don't have anything we could use to carry some of this water do you? Never know when it might be useful, or how long we might be down here.

Yes, I found the water, I'm stepping in it. And no, I don't have anything to carry some.
I try to find the exact source of water and to check if it is natural or man made by touch.

As the OOC thread indicates, you only have clothing. They do have pockets, though.

Roll agility. You may roll as many dice as you want, marking all dice rolls and adding up the total.

Wake up Goddamnit!!!

2015-03-02, 09:45 AM
Well, at least his new acquaintance was in the same situation as he was. Lets try to find some light so we can take stock of this situation. With that Golia began feeling out the floor searching for anything that may be lying there. Perhaps there might be something on the floor, left or ignored by whatever guards had abandoned them here.

[roll0] what type of skill test is this? I am not quite sure..

2015-03-02, 04:36 PM
Oh... your cryptic message a few days ago was about this?

Zane woke, but remained silent for some time. Listening to the darkness, Zane tried to get a feel for their plight. When they spoke of finding a light, Zane spoke up. Well, I seem to have woken in a bad place. Neither of you gents are Elizabeth, so it would seem the quality of my company has gone down significantly since I went to sleep. Though I seem to be wearing clothes again. That's odd, but welcomed, given the circumstances. Brick and Golia, huh? Well met, I am Zane.

Oh Elizabeth, did you turn me in? No, you wouldn't have. It must have been your father. Did he know I would come to visit you this night? How do I not remember being captured, either? Oh well, it is time to think of a way to get out of this.

I look for a good sized rock to carry as a weapon. And I keep my eyes shut.

2015-03-03, 02:54 PM
Rerolling here with the forum roller.
Agility, using 3 dice : [roll0]

Purple Pheonix
2015-03-03, 11:45 PM
Perception. Before this, you'd all been succeeding automatically.

IC: Alright, then.

I don't understand.

Perhaps you could transcribe (on the honor system,) the random.org dice roller?

Sorry for not responding

2015-03-04, 03:21 AM
As I said in the OOC thread, I tried to use random.org like you suggested, used the dice roller (https://www.random.org/dice/) tool there, got an 8 (4+2+2), and then could not link to that 8 because the link was making a new roll. Maybe I just don't know how to do it properly.
So I rerolled with the oots forum roller just in case my 8 claim seemed not legit. I guess you can use the original 8 instead of the 12 I got.

Purple Pheonix
2015-03-06, 12:13 PM
As I said in the OOC thread, I tried to use random.org like you suggested, used the dice roller (https://www.random.org/dice/) tool there, got an 8 (4+2+2), and then could not link to that 8 because the link was making a new roll. Maybe I just don't know how to do it properly.
So I rerolled with the oots forum roller just in case my 8 claim seemed not legit. I guess you can use the original 8 instead of the 12 I got.

Okay then. You find rocks.You may try again.

2015-03-08, 12:20 PM
"Well met. Any brilliant idea to get us all out of there?"
Loud splashes can be heard as Brick moves around in the water.
"Can't find the source of water. I was hoping we could follow a stream out or something."

2015-03-08, 04:19 PM
Hmm, that's a good plan, actually. Let me take a look.

I try to find the source of the water. I will use my passive results, and if that fails I will actively search.

[roll0] to find it by sight, which I think might be impossible.
But, [roll1] to find it by hearing.
On the off chance I can smell fresh air, [roll2]

Purple Pheonix
2015-03-18, 12:03 PM
Hmm, that's a good plan, actually. Let me take a look.

I try to find the source of the water. I will use my passive results, and if that fails I will actively search.

[roll0] to find it by sight, which I think might be impossible.
But, [roll1] to find it by hearing.
On the off chance I can smell fresh air, [roll2]

With that roll, yes.
No you can't.

2015-03-18, 06:16 PM
Finally reaching the others on all fours, Gollia straightened up again. I have not found anything useful around us. Are there any rocks in the water we can pry from the floor? We could use them to find out how large of a room we are in.. with a little effort.

2015-03-18, 07:01 PM
Whoops. [roll0]
There we go. Hearing check.

Purple Pheonix
2015-04-05, 06:52 PM
Whoops. [roll0]
There we go. Hearing check.

You don't know where north is, but you can barely make out the direction of the water.

Sorry for the delay but I was at GARYCON! ...Then I came down with something I caught there for a few days. Better now :smallwink: